Human Factors in Digitization Selection of Archival Collection

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International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.

7) (2018) 220-223

International Journal of Engineering & Technology


Research paper

Human Factors in Digitization Selection of Archival

*Nur Nadiah Athirah Abdul Rajah1, Azree Ahmad2, AP Azli Bunawan1, Nik Nurul Emyliana Nik Ram-
lee(1), Nurul Hanis Kamarudin1, Saiful Farik Mat Yatin1, Wan Abdul Malek Wan Abdullah1
Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM Selangor) Puncak Perdana Campus, Shah Alam,
Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM Kedah), Malaysia.
*Corresponding author: *Nur Nadiah Athirah Abdul Rajah: Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA
(UiTM Selangor) Puncak Perdana Campus, Shah Alam, Malaysia.
Email: [email protected]


Some records will be kept for a year as it has enduring value that shows evidence from previous business transaction or evidence from
the pass event. It will select for permanent preservation called archival collection. In order to preserve the archival collection for future
use that might be precious to some organization, digitization is the best solution that can be taken. As to digitize archival collection for
public access, some sort of criteria need to be considered. This article discussed on human factors that may affect the selection of archiv-
al collection for digitization project.

Keywords: Records, Archival collection, Digitization, Human Selection, Public access.

many issues revealed involved in the digitizing archival material

such as lack of historical expertise, donor restriction, insufficient
1. Introduction funding and more. In some cases, digitizing archival material can-
not be done due to lack of time, insufficient general funding, not
Digitization is a process of converting hard-copy or non-digital having necessary technological infrastructure and so on. In the
records into a digital format in order to provide greater access other hand, digitizing archival collection also raise legal issue
besides as a part of preservation for the archival collection [1]. In such as copyright of archival collection through an agreement with
converting records into digital object, commonly it will represent- the creator of the work.
ed by pixels and processed by technology which then convert into
digital representations that enable to be searchable and editable.
Lack of policy for digitization in organization
Archival collection or known as digital surrogates helps communi-
Policy become a best practices as it was written, approved, and
ties in defining their collective memory as archival collection
researched by responsible administration before been applied
provide public access to primary and secondary source materials
within institutions. Research in cultural institution stated that,
[2]..In the order hand, archivist becomes the gatekeepers of the
even though a comprehensive policy in digitization of the archival
collection and material that can be considered as experts on the
collection is existed, but it is insufficient to serve as a guideline
historical contexts face some problem regarding the digitization of
for cultural institution used [4]. Selection criteria, the principles
archival collection where archivists need to decide of what to
guidelines, and the most important elements, the standard and
digitize and what to make available for public access [3]. Decision
protocol which are crucial in digitization project are not included
to make archival collection to be digitized must be follow by ar-
in the policy. In some institution, there is no formal written policy
chivist’s skills and rationality where lack of historical expertise
and basically based on habitual practices [2]. But in some cases,
may affect digitization selection of archival collection besides
institution does have written policy but the institution’s admin-
effects on culture of the community at large. Moreover, any ap-
istration never reviewed or approved to use it. Regarding the crite-
proach to digitization process should be documented including
ria of selecting materials for what to digitize, some information
quality control processes for continuing compliance with the legal
professional simply determine it by themselves without thinking
about capabilities of the staff, time-consuming to implement digit-
ization project, technical capabilities, and most important part,
2. Problem Statement about intellectual rights [5]..

In implementing digitization process, there must be a number of Lack of expertise among archivists
risks associated. For example, cost in maintaining the digital im- Stated in a previous research that lack of expertise among archi-
ages over time, technology, and technical standard used for the vist in handling digitization process make a reason why human
images in the future. Based on the previous research, there were factor is become priority in selecting archival collection for public

Copyright © 2018 Authors. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
221 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

access2. Besides that, archival collection for public access raised digitizing archival collection for public access as there is lack in
some legal issue such as copyright. Although archivists are an policy in organization.
expert to the collection and materials under their purview, they
also need to gain some knowledge especially in historical context. Policy for Digitization in Organization
This is because where lack of historical expertise may affect digit- Policy is a principle of action that was adopted or proposed by a
ization selection of archival collection besides effects on culture of government, party, business or individual (http://
the community at large. Policy is important
for organization personnel at any level in making decision as it
Legal issue raised in digitization of archival collection works as guidance to ensure staffs carry out their tasks correctly
Legal issues such as copyrighting arise when archivists have to and responsibly. In order to have a good policy that good for all,
collect and preserve materials that are copyrighted. Any reproduc- there are features to be followed.
tion through digitization, need to license besides get an authoriza- For example, matters of principle, action on what to be done and
tion from the creator of the work. To make its contents can be by whom besides authoritative statement for a person with power
search, used, and available online, cultural institutions have to get to do so ( for Malaysi-
approval from the owner to make that happen [6].Furthermore, an context, National Library of Malaysia (Department Digitization
moral right also become an issue when the digitized of archival Policy) in the year 2000 had developed a policy while in the year
collection been modified. 2012, standard been produced by Malaysian Standard. Generally,
It is because moral right is the subject matter that held by the crea- this standard provide the best practice guidelines starting from
tor of the original work as it cannot be transferred as long as the planning processes, digitization process management, manage-
length of copyright. Moreover, rights management and protection ment systems, and records disposition. It discussed more on tech-
technologies require licensing to end-user in order to have a little nical parts such as file formats, resolution, color resolution or bit
protection for the goods that retain their value over a long period. depth, compression and color management1.
Watermarks, signature and fingerprints have value to misuse and
copyright infringement while encryption can achieve high level of Expertise among Archivists
security. Digitization project needs information professionals in handling
activities related to the project. In this study, archivist was respon-
3. Research Objectives sible in managing archival collection for digitization project. In
Malaysian Standard, recommended that staff skills sets was pro-
duced for staff training to support digitization according to their
This paper attempts:
skill area. For example, for management skill area, staffs need to
 To find out the best practices in digitizing archival material for assess the business case for digitization besides negotiating in
public access. purchasing, ongoing service, maintenance of equipment and sup-
 To study the levels of skills needed for archivist in doing plies1. As for systems analysis skill area, they need to select of
digitization. scanner hardware, defining storage requirements, testing of con-
 To mitigate any legal issues that relates with digitization of figurations and many more. These recommended skills set help
archival collection. archivist in preparing themselves for the right skills that should be
equip in order to serve the best for organization through this digit-
4. Research Questions ization project. Archivists should know what kind of archival
material that brings connection or interaction between the public
and collective memory as it is ways where people construct a
This research questions will help to address the problems or issues sense of the past [9]. Other than that, utilizing the availability of
raised in National Archive of Malaysia : technology through the digitization project is dependent on staff
 Is there any best practice in digitizing archival collection for expertise [10].
public access?
 What level of skills do archivists need in order to enable him/her Legal issue raised in digitization of archival collection
in doing digitization? The biggest challenge in digitization of archival collection is the
 What kind of legal issues faced by organization? question of copyright. Copyright is where owner or author who
has the right to reproduce, publish, perform, communicate and
5. Literature Review adapt his work besides enable the owner to control the commercial
exploitation of his work ( It protects
works like novels, paintings, sheet music, plays, and computer
There are links provides by the culture, between the past, present,
programmes. In order to digitize archival collection, it depended
and the future [7]. Cultures is also defined as knowledge, belief,
on funding and collaboration opportunities [11]. Through the dig-
art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits ac-
itization of archival materials, it become advantageous to the ar-
quired by man as a member of society [8]. It may be forms in
chive as there is content that attract their interest and can be access
everyday lives of the people regardless in the form of published
by online. While library is more concern on providing digital sub-
and unpublished texts, images of many types, works of art, arti-
stitutes to frail materials besides online dissemination of content
facts, collectables, historical treasures or similar items kept in the
minimize risk of third-party misappropriation and misuse of a
cultural institutions. All of these things enhance understanding
particular institution’s content over the internet. According to
between culture, society, and communities besides promote unity.
Trevar D. Riley-Reid, he said that there is a gap between the rules
As for human development, cultural and heritage diversity play as
and laws when they do not match with the needs and demands of
an essential aspect that need to be protected. The cultural institu-
users. Besides that, the laws do not fulfill the expectation and
tion refers to National Archives, National Library, National Art
requirement of the user when recent updates and amendments
Gallery and Department of Museum that were responsible in hold-
created even more question. For example, in sixteenth century
ing valuable, unique and rare artifact or resources that represent
Britain, a group of printers in London were allowed to print publi-
cultural heritage of member of society. These institutions normally
cations that only approved exclusively by the monarchy. It is be-
managed by information professionals who are a group of people
cause the exclusive rights belonged to the first to print a particular
who involve in handling cultural information within this cultural
work is to promote learning and prevent monopoly [12]. In this
institution. In this study, human selection becomes an issue in
222 International Journal of Engineering & Technology

twentieth century, many digital resources in many institutions Data collection

where they do not own these assets but license them instead. They From the research instrument, data will be collect through inter-
still cannot do necessarily on the digital resources even they have view and literature review where interview allows researcher to
permission to digitally copy and electronically distribute the con- generate ideas and interact with the informants where this session
tents. can be structured or semi structured interview. In structured inter-
view, the interviewer follows a set pattern of questions on the
6. Methodology interview questionnaire while semi structured interview is a series
of open ended questions that allow the researcher to prompt or
encourage the informants if the researcher are looking for more
Sampling technique information or find what the informants are saying is interesting.
Sampling technique involved population and sampling where This method gives the researcher freedom to discuss some topics
both give direction to researcher about the focus group of the re- in more detail.
search. Population refers to an entire group or elements with
common characteristics while sampling is the process whereby a Data analysis technique
small proportion or subgroup of a population is selected for analy- Information gathered after the interview session must be analyzed
sis. Population in this study is information professionals in Na- by using a powerful analytical tool, named ATLAS.ti Version 7
tional Archive of Malaysia that consist of 54 staffs (including that suitable for maximum efficiency and accuracy result in con-
states branch). As for sampling, 10 informants will be interview ducting this study and using the thematic analysis for data analy-
as they are under Digital Archive Section. The positions held are sis.
Head of Section, Archivists, Archives Assistant, Information
Technology Officers, Information Technology Assistant Officer
and Office General Assistant.
7. Conclusion

Table 1: Sampling for this study. As a conclusion, this study provides skills and
POSITIONS NO OF PERSONNEL knowledge in digitization of archival collection for public access.
Head of Section 1 Through this study, some aspects should be emphasized, for ex-
Archivist 2 ample policy for digitization in organization. In order to have a
Archives Assistant 3 better digitization project, policy or standard need to be address as
Information Technology Officer 1 it becomes a best practice in this study. Besides that, skills and
Information Technology Assistant 2 knowledge among archivist need to be improved from time to
Officer time as well as their general knowledge regarding the current is-
Office General Assistant 1
sues of digitization. In the other hand, issue related to copyright of
archival collection need to give more attention to avoid problem in
Research instrument the future.
Research instrument is a tool for data collection where researcher
needs to ensure that the research instrument is valid and reliable.
They include interview, observation, reading, and questionnaire Acknowledgement
[13]. In order to conduct this study, instrument that will be used in
getting information from the interview session is by using inter- This paper was partially funded by:
view’s question. Questions develop according to the topic where1. Conference Support Fund, Institute of Graduate
the interview can be structured or semi structured. Questions will
Studies (IPSis, UiTM).
be divided into 3 parts namely Part (A) Personal Details, Part (B)
Digitization Issues - skills, lack in policy or standard, and Part (C)2. Academic Development Trust Fund (TAPA), Faculty
Awareness in Legal Issue such as Copyright. The answers will be of Information Management, UiTM.
analyzed to bring finding towards this study.
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