IJPCR, Vol 8, Issue 11, Article 11
IJPCR, Vol 8, Issue 11, Article 11
IJPCR, Vol 8, Issue 11, Article 11
International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2016; 8(11): 1516-1521
Mercury (Hg) is one of the dangerous heavy metal. Exposure to Hg can cause several health problems, including liver cells
damaged. However, the mechanism of liver cells damages by Hg still not clear. In this present study, we proposed that Hg
could induce liver cells damaged via inflammation pathway, and in this present study we have a different approach to
measure the inflammation, i.e with myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity measurement. To determine that, we correlated the
MPO activity with AOPPs level which has been known as a marker of inflammation. Also, we correlated Hg and hydrogen
peroxide (H2O2) level, Hg level and MPO activity, H2O2 level and MPO activity, and thiocyanate (SCN) level and MPO
activity for investigated the mechanism of inflammation by Hg. The results revealed that MPO is positively correlated with
AOPPs level, Hg concentrations is positively correlate with H2O2 level and MPO activity, H2O2 and SCN level is positively
correlated with MPO activity. From the results, it can be concluded that Hg-induced liver cell inflammation through
influencing the MPO activity. It seems Hg increase H2O2 and SCN level which can be utilized by MPO to form HOSCN
and promote an inflammation.
altered inflammatory cytokine expression during respectively, with the addition of 160 μL PBS pH 7.4, 160
endotoxin treatment9. It is widely accepted that μL FeCl3 (251.5 mg FeCl3 dissolved in 250 ml distilled
inflammation can be seen from several markers, such as water) and 160 μL o-phenanthroline (120 mg o-
pro-inflammatory cytokines level. Recently, inflammation phenanthroline dissolved in 100 ml distilled water) for
can be seen from Myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and or both solutions. The composition of the blank solution was
Advanced Oxidation Protein Products (AOPPs). MPO is identical to that of the test solution, except for an absence
an enzyme linked to both inflammation and oxidative of FeCl3 in the blank. Subsequent to preparation, all
stress10. MPO is a heterodimeric, cationic and glycosylated solutions were incubated for 30 minutes at room
haem enzyme. MPO use H2O2 to catalyzes the oxidation temperature, then centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 10
several substrates including pseudohalide (thiocyanate ion, minutes, and the absorbance of the standard (As), test (Au)
SCN) to form HOSCN11-13. MPO can use as a marker of and blank (Ab) solutions measured at λ=505 nm, using the
lung inflammation, inflammation in infection, supernatant of each solution18,19.
cardiovascular inflammation, and other inflammation14,15. MPO activity analysis
AOPPs are dityrosine-containing and cross-linking protein MPO activity was measured spectrophotometrically using
products formed mainly by exposure of the protein to o-dianisidine (Sigma-Aldrich) and H2O2. In the presence
HOCl. AOPPs has known related to markers of monocyte of H2O2 as an oxidizing agent, MPO catalyzes the
activation, and may serve as mediators of inflammation12. oxidation of o-dianisidine yielding a brown colored
Previous study shows that AOPPs related to the chronic product, oxidized o-dianisidine, with a maximum
inflammation in early-stage alcoholic-cirrhosis16. Also, in absorbance at 470 nm. One unit (U) of MPO activity was
another study AOPPs may represent a novel class of defined as that degrading 1 µmol of H2O2 per minute at
proinflammatory mediators acting as a mediator of 25oC20.
oxidative stress and monocyte respiratory burst17. Since AOPPs concentration analysis
Hg can induced liver cells damage via inflammation AOPPs concentration analysis was calculated by
pathway, and inflammation can be seen from MPO spectrophotometric methods which were first performed
activity. Thus, our present study aimed to investigate the by Witko-Sarsat et al15., with slight modification. 200 µl
liver cells inflammation by Hg with the measurement of of supernatant from the liver homogenate were diluted
correlation between MPO activity and AOPPs level with with phosphate buffer solution. Then, placed on 96-test
the presence of Hg in different concentrations. Also, in this wells. Add 20 ml of acetic acid in each test well. For the
present study we investigated the correlation between Hg standard, add 10 ml of 1.16 mol potassium iodide, 200 ml
exposure and H2O2 level and MPO activity to determine of chloramine-T solution (0–100 mmol/l) , and 20 ml of
the impact of Hg exposure to those two parameters. Since acetic acid. Placed the standard mixture into standard
MPO use H2O2 as a substrate and SCN as a co-substrate, wells. Then, read the absorbance of the mixture at 340 nm.
we also measure the correlation between H2O2 and SCN The absorbance was read against a blank solution. A blank
level with MPO activity with the presence of Hg in solution is a mixture of 200 ml of phosphate buffer
different concentrations. solution, 10 ml of potassium iodide, and 20 ml of acetic
acid. AOPPs concentrations were expressed as mol/l of
MATERIAL AND METHODS chloramine-T equivalents11.
Animals and Homogenate Preparation SCN level analysis
Male rats (Rattus novergicus) weighing 200–250 gram SCN concentration was measured spectrophotometrically
with 2-3 months old were obtained from the Abadi Jaya as described by Aune and Thomas. In brief, 50 l of the
farm at Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in healthy condition. The sample was added to a mixture of 400 l of 0.1 M HCl and
experiment was approved by the Ethical Committee of the 100 l of 0.1 M ferric chloride. After centrifugation at
Lambung Mangkurat University, South Kalimantan, 1000 g for 1 min, the absorbance of the supernatant due to
Indonesia. Animals were fed under standard conditions FeSCN2+ was measured at 450 nm11.
and acclimatized with a 12 hours light/dark cycle. The Statistical analysis
animals were sacrificed by surgical procedure and the The results were expressed as mean±SE for six replicates.
livers were removed. Then, the organs homogenized in The data was analysed between each parameter level and
phosphate buffer saline (pH 7.0) and were ready to use for cyanide concentration. For analyzing the data, microsoft
in vitro experimental models. excell 2010 was used and was examined by simple
Experimental Models correlation regression.
Liver cells will be exposed to different concentration of
HgCl. The HgCl concentrations were 0 mg/l, 0.1 mg/l, 1 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
mg/l, 10 mg/l, and 100 mg/l. Each solution then incubated The present investigation has been carried out to
at 37°C for 3 hours. After incubation, The H2O2, HOSCN, demonstrated that inflammation involves in liver toxicity
and AOOPs level, and MPO activity were estimated. induced by Hg. In this study, we used MPO as a marker of
H2O2 level analysis liver inflammation. Since AOPPs is also a marker of
The H2O2 level was calculated by the FOX2 method with inflammation, we determine the correlation between MPO
slight modification. Solutions measured activity and AOPPs lever in liver cells homogenate with
spectrophotometrically at λ = 505 nm. Standard and test the presence of Hg in several concentrations. The result
solutions consisted of 1 M H2O2 200 μL and 200 μL serum, shows in figure 1. From figure 1, we can see that MPO
MPO activity (U/l)
40 60 0 80 20 100 120
Hg concentrations (mg/l)
Figure 2: The correlation between Hg concentrations and MPO activity in liver cells homogenate. Hg: mercury; MPO:
y = 0.0328x - 0.3077
R² = 0.9859
MPO activity (U/l)
9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12
H2O2 level (mM)
Figure 3: The correlation between H2O2 level and MPO activity with the presence of Hg in different concentrations in
liver cells homogenate. H2O2: hydrogen peroxide; MPO: myeloperoxidase; Hg: mercury.
activity is strong positively correlated with AOPPs level. It is based on several studies that suggested that the
It means, with the presence of Hg, both MPO activity and increasing of MPO activity might be related to
AOPPs level are increase. It is widely accepted that MPO inflammation and infection conditions 23,24. The
activity and AOPPs can use as biomarkers of inflammatory mechanism how the Hg can increase the MPO activity is
oxidative pathology21. This results indicated that MPO still unclear. It is well known that the basic work
activity is strongly correlated with AOPPs level. It means mechanism of an enzyme is the availability of substrate. In
Hg-induced liver inflammation which can be seen from the this case, the MPO can be active when there is its substrate,
result in figure 1. To determine whether Hg can trigger ie H2O2. To know that, in this present study, we correlated
liver cell inflammation through the activities in influencing the MPO activity with the level of H2O2 with the presence
the activity of MPO, in this present study, we correlated of Hg. The results are presented in figure 3. From figure 3
the different concentrations of Hg with MPO activity. The we can see that the MPO activity is increased with the
result is presented in figure 2. From figure 2 we can see increasing of H2O2 concentrations with the presence of Hg
that the MPO activity is increased with the increasing of in different concentrations in liver cells homogenate. It
Hg concentrations in liver cells homogenate. It is also means MPO is active by the increasing oh H2O2 level in
consistent with another result study by Sener et al.22 who liver cells homogenate. It is well known that MPO is a
found the increasing MPO activity after Hg treatment in human peroxidase enzyme, an inflammatory enzyme, and
several rats organs. These results reinforce previous results a lysosomal protein stored in azurophilic granules of the
in figure 1 that Hg exposure can cause liver inflammation neutrophil and utilize H2O2 as a substrate21,25. In
through the activities in influencing the activity of MPO. inflammatory conditions, MPO is released from the
neutrophils in the extracellular environment where, in the
y = 0.0146x + 9.9971
11.5 R² = 0.8921
H2O2 level (mM)
040 20 60 80 100 120
Hg concentrations (mg/l)
Figure 4: The correlation between Hg concentrations and H2O2 level in liver cells homogenate. Hg: mercury; H2O2:
hydrogen peroxide.
y = 0.9628x - 0.1799
MPO activity (U/l)
R² = 0.8601
0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
SCN level (mmol)
Figure 5: The correlation between SCN level and MPO activity with the presence of Hg in different concentrations in
liver cells homogenate. SCN: Thiocyanate; MPO: myeloperoxidase; Hg: mercury.
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