Suboxone Brochure LKD
Suboxone Brochure LKD
Suboxone Brochure LKD
could help use disorder, Suboxone
may help you. Ask us
and you
you—today if it’s right for you.
Help for your opioid use disorder
How is
Once on a stable dose, some Short-acting opioids: 12+ hours after taking
• nausea
• Dilaudid
people can stop taking other
• vomiting • Statex
opioids altogether.
• cramps • Fentanyl
• diarrhea • Percocet
Suboxone • anxiety
• irritation
• Tylenol #1,2,3,4 Suboxone is placed under
your tongue and dissolves.
Long-lasting opioids: 24+ hours after taking Your first dose is a small
• cravings • Hydromorph Contin
• M-Eslon test dose to make sure the
• muscle aches
• Kadian medication is started at the right
Suboxone is used to treat people • OxyNeo time. After the test dose, you
with opioid use disorder. A simple will be given other doses and
Longer-lasting opioids: 72+ hours after taking
way of describing addiction • Methadone will start to feel better.
is the presence of the 4 Cs:
The amount of time it takes
• Craving Ask your doctor if you are not sure if you to feel better is different for
• Loss of control of the amount are using short- or long-lasting opioids.
If you crush or inject your pills, this will
everyone. We will work with you
or how often you use shorten the time they last. to increase your dose as quickly
• Compulsion to use as possible.
• Use despite consequences