Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
as Art
•The Platonic solids and polyhedral
•The golden ratio and its applications:
a. Architecture
b. Painting
c. Book Design
• Applications of geometry like :
a. Kaleidoscopes
b. Mazes and labyrinths
c. The fourth dimension and
d. Optical illusions
• Music
The Platonic solids and Polyhedra
The Golden Ratio Then we have the golden ratio.
Looking at the rectangle we just drew,
you can see that there is a simple
formula for it. When one side is 1, the
other side will be:
• Near-contemporary sources
like Vitruvius exclusively discuss
proportions that can be expressed in
whole numbers, i.e. commensurate as
opposed to irrational proportions.
• The drawing of a man's
body in a pentagram
suggests relationships to
the golden ratio.
• The 16th-century
philosopher Heinrich
Agrippa drew a man over
a pentagram inside a circle,
implying a relationship to
the golden ratio.[2]
Leonardo da Vinci's illustrations
of polyhedra in De divina
proportione (On the Divine
Proportion) and his views that
some bodily proportions exhibit
the golden ratio have led some
scholars to speculate that he
incorporated the golden ratio in
his paintings. But the suggestion
that his Mona Lisa, for
example, employs golden ratio
proportions, is not supported by
anything in Leonardo's own
writings. Similarly, although
the Vitruvian Man is often
shown in connection with the
golden ratio, the proportions of
the figure do not actually match
it, and the text only mentions
whole number ratios.
Salvador Dalí, influenced by
the works of Matila
Ghyka, explicitly used the
golden ratio in his
masterpiece, The Sacrament
of the Last Supper. The
dimensions of the canvas are
a golden rectangle. A huge
dodecahedron, in
perspective so that edges
appear in golden ratio to one
another, is suspended above
and behind Jesus and
dominates the composition.
c. Book design
•Depiction of the proportions in a medieval
manuscript. According to Jan Tschichold:
"Page proportion 2:3. Margin proportions
1:1:2:3. Text area proportioned in the Golden
•According to Jan Tschichold, there was a time
when deviations from the truly beautiful page
proportions 2:3, 1:√3, and the Golden Section
were rare. Many books produced between
1550 and 1770 show these proportions
exactly, to within half a millimeter.
Mazes and Labyrinths
• Many ornamental patterns
are related to topology, for
example mazes. Is there a
difference between a maze and a
labyrinth? Traditionally, the
terms have been considered to be
synonymous, but around 1990
people interested in the spiritual
aspects of labyrinths devised a
terminology where a labyrinth is
unicursal and a maze
multicursal. This means that a
labyrinth has only one path with
no branches and no dead ends, in
other words, no choice, while a
maze is a logical puzzle with
branches and possibly dead ends.
This maze appears in several medieval Hebrew manuscripts.
Although this maze has a superficial resemblance to the Cretan
maze, a close comparison shows they are quite different. The
Jericho maze has 7 levels, whereas the Cretan maze has 8, and
the sequence in which the levels are reached differs from one
maze to the other.
The best known of these mazes is the Cretan maze:
Jericho Maze:
Geometrical-optical illusions are visual illusions, also optical
illusions, in which the geometrical properties of what is seen
differ from those of the corresponding objects in the visual
Explanations of geometrical-optical illusion are based on one
of two modes of attack:
• the physiological or bottom-up, seeking the cause of the
deformation in the eye's optical imaging or in signal
misrouting during neural processing in the retina or the first
stages of the brain, the primary visual cortex, or
• the cognitive or perceptual, which regards the deviation from
true size, shape or position as caused by the assignment of a
percept to a meaningful but false or inappropriate object
Three mirrors, generally from four or five to ten or twelve
inches long, and with a width of about an inch when the
length is 6 inches, and increasing in proportion as the
length increases, are put together at an angle of 60
Subtraction in Early Egypt
Subtraction goes with the same but opposite process , For example:
Subtract 17 from 35.
in Early Egypt
In multiplying two numbers, all you needed to understand was the
double of the number.
For example:
multiply 35 by 11.
1 35
2 70
4 140
8 280
1 +2+8=11 35+70+280=385
in Early Egypt
Division in
Early Egypt
In Division, just do the reversal process of multiplication.
For example: divide 1075 by 25
1 25
2 50
4 100
8 200
16 400
32 800
1+2+8+32= 43 25+50+200+800= 1075
Division in
Early Egypt
•Mathematics in Ancient Egypt is
composed of four main operation.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division which is also used
nowadays. The only difference is
instead of numbers they use
symbols called
hieroglyphics/counting glyphs.
Patterns in
Real Life
To cite examples of some
applications of mathematics in our
everyday lives.
To define the meanings of the
different mathematical patterns
applied to our daily lives.
To prove that mathematics has
importance not only in science but in
our surroundings as well.
Topics to be Covered:
Number Patterns
o Arithmetic Sequence
o Geometric Sequence
oFibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci in Nature
o Fibonacci in Plants
oFibonacci in Animals
oFibonacci in Humans
Number Patterns
o Arithmetic Sequence
Explicit Formula:
an = a1 + (n – 1)d
o Geometric Sequence
A geometric sequence has a constant ratio between
terms. The first term is a1, the common ratio is r,
and the number of terms is n.
Explicit Formula:
an = a1rn-1
o Fibonacci Sequence
The banana has three (3) The apple has five (5)
sections sections
Fibonacci in Animals
The shell of the chambered Nautilus
has Golden proportions. It is a
logarithmic spiral.
A starfish has 5 arms. The eyes, fins and tail of the dolphin
fall at golden sections along the
Fibonacci in Humans
Aliens and those below 18 years are
not eligible to vote,
but I should be allowed to vote
because while I am an alien I am of
voting age.
Fallacy of Division – is the opposite
of fallacy of composition and results
from taking ideas or things
separately when they should be
taken collectively.
All his merchandise cost P500,
but his ballpoint pen is part of his merchandise
therefore, his ballpoint pen costs P500
•Material Fallacies – have to
do with errors which have to
do with errors which spring
from inattention or abuse of
the subject matter or
content of an argument.
Types of Material Fallacies
Fallacy of Accident – consists in
arguing that what is affirmed or denied
of a thing under accidental condition
can also be affirmed or denied of its
essential nature.
A person who is drunk is irrational,
but this person is drunk,
therefore this person is irrational.
Fallacy of Confusing the Absolute and
Qualified Statement – is the result of
concluding that a qualified statement is
true because the absolute statement is
true, or that the absolute statement is true
because the qualified statement is true.
Filipinos are hospitable,
this person is a Filipino,
hence, this person is hospitable