Chemoreceptor Function in Shrimp (Macrobrachium SP.)
Chemoreceptor Function in Shrimp (Macrobrachium SP.)
Chemoreceptor Function in Shrimp (Macrobrachium SP.)
(Macrobrachium sp.)
A. Background
A. Material
B. Methods
A. Result
Explanation :
‘ : Minute
“ : Second
Flicking : Forward antennula stripping movement.
Withdraw : Back / down antennula stripping movement.
Wipping : Antennula cleansing movement.
Rotation : Rotating movement of the antennula.
Feeding : Movement approaching the feed
B. Discussion
Based on the result that is done in laboratory activity by entourage VIII using
Macrobrachium sp. with antenulla ablation and feed with Tubifex worm at first
10 minutes is done withdraw 7 times, wipping 23 times, rotation 10 times, feeding
2 times, and didn’t do flicking. The second 10 minute shrimp is done flicking 4
times, withdraw 19 times, wipping 6 times, rotation 3 times and feeding 3 times.
In eyes ablation treatment at first 10 minutes with Tubifex worm feed is obtained
flicking 4 times , withdraw 4 times, wipping 2 times, feeding 4 times, and didn’t
do rotation. The second 10 minute with Tubifex worm feed is obtained flicking 5
times, withdraw 4 times, wipping 1 time, rotation 5 times, and didn’t do feeding.
In total ablation at first 10 minutes with Tubifex worm only wipping 2 times. In
second 10 minutes freshwater shrimp only wipping 15 times. In control treatment,
the first 10 minutes shrimp is done flicking 2 times, withdraw 4 times, wipping 5
times, rotate 2 times, and feeding 9 times. At second 10 minutes the shrimp is
done flicking 7 times, withdraw 6 times, wipping 4 times, rotate 3 times, and
feeding 2 times. When shrimp with total ablation and feed with pellets do more
movement than shrimp that feed with Tubifex worm. This is not appropriate with
Idawati et al. (2018) that fish response to feed is influenced by the aroma of the
feed. Silk worms has a distinctive aroma, besides that silk worms are natural
foods giant prawns (Macrobrachium sp.).
The effect of antennal ablation on shrimp causes the weak ability to detect
food. Shrimp is depend on antenulla chemoreception for behaviors as diverse as
food detection and social interaction. Their main olfactory organ is the antenula,
lateral flagellum which may contain a special unimodal sensilla in olfaction,
aesthetically, innervated only by olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). Antennula
flagella also contain bimodal cencilla, innervated by mechanoreceptors and neuro
chemoreceptors (Machon et al., 2016).
Antenna movements according to Richard & Gordon (1989), like flicking,
withdraw, wipping, and rotation. Flicking is a forward whipping movement, this
movement occurs when there is feed in the front. This response is done to capture
the ions. Withdraw is the movement of the antenula to the back. This movement
happened if feed located in the behind and to avoid enemies. Wipping is
movement of cleaning. Cleaning of the antenula usually occurs when there is
stimulation mechanics from aestheric. Rotation is the rotating motion of the
antenula. This movement is frequent happens if there is feed on top. This
movement serves to confuse the ions in the feed so that the feed can easily and
quickly diffuse into the cells chemoreceptors. As for according to Kurniawan et
al. (2018) feeding is fish that have intent looking for eat.
Based on the result and discussion, it can be concluded that chemoreceptor
functions in freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium sp) are to detect the presence of
feed, find until found the feed and give responses to that feed.
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