Chemoreceptor Function in Shrimp (Macrobrachium SP.)

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(Macrobrachium sp.)

Name : Anang Yanuar Ramadhan

Student ID : B1B015015
Entourage : VIII
Group :3
Assistant : Utami Sari Dewi




A. Background

Receptors are neurons or specialized epithelium cells, composed of the cell

itself or in groups with other types of cells in organs, such as sensory organs (eyes
and ears). The receptors detect changes in some of the animal's internal
environmental variables within each control homeostasis. Receptor cells convert
the stimulus energy into a change in membrane potential, then transmit the signal
to the nervous system (Villee et al., 1988).
The chemoreceptors in lobsters are found in the antennas. The most important
function of the antenulla is to detect the presence or absence of feed or to respond
to the presence of food that has a distinctive aroma. These organs function to find
protection, find food, find a partner and to avoid predators. Antenulla is located on
the middle which between antennae and scaphocerit, its form like antennae but
shorter than antennae and has 2 pairs. While antennae has only a pair and has
longer size from antenulla. Antennae has a function to detect any external
influences (Storer, 1975).
Chemoreceptor mechanism on fish described by (Brown & Hara, 1982), that
signal chemicals that come will be received by a special organ, such as antennae
in shrimp and outer nostrils in fish, furthermore that information get into the
central nervous system, and experience a process transduction, amplification, and
modulation. Based on the signal that, the central nerve will command the organs
to take an action or respond positively or negative.
Chemoreceptors are a type of receptor that can respond stimulation in the
form of chemicals. Crustacean chemoreceptor neurons that are carnivorous are
very sensitive to small nitrogen-containing compounds, such as amino acids,
amines, nucleotides and peptides, which are indicators of good quality food
because they are abundant in their prey, while they are relatively insensitive to
carbohydrates and sugars. Another function to show mature genital behavior.
Meanwhile, according to Tartila et al. (2018) stated that chemoreceptors in shrimp
are used to detect food.
Chemosensation, or the perception of chemical cues (e.g. smell and taste)
from biotic and abiotic sources, is fundamental to many aspects of insect
lifecycles such as host-seeking (e.g. for blood-feeding mosquitoes), mating
choice, and searching for oviposition sites. In social insects, where multiple
individuals live as a group and cooperate on tasks like brood care and colony
defense, chemosensation serves a particularly important role in mediating the
recognition and communication between members of the same society (Zhou et
al., 2015).
Stimulus mechanism (feed) until the shrimp chemoreceptor organ which is
feed that inserted into aquarium will be diffused into water in the form of ions,
then the ions will be received by the chemoreceptor cells in the antenulla.
Impulses from the antenulla will be transferred to the brain by afferent neurons.
These impulses are processed by the brain into responses and passed on to
receptor organs through efferent neurons. The receptor organs then move
according to information from the brain (Ville et al., 1988).
B. Purpose

The objectives of this laboratory activity is to know the chemoreceptor

functions in freshwater shrimp.

A. Material

Materials that used in this laboratory activity are freshwater shrimp

(Macrobrachium sp.), feed in the form of pellet, Tubifex sp. worm and clean
Tools that used in this laboratory activity are 4 aquarium, stopwatch,
flashlight, and scissor.

B. Methods

1. 4 Aquarium is filled with clean freshwater.

2. Each freshwater shrimp is inserted into each aquarium.
3. Antenulla ablation is done on shrimp1, eyes ablation is done on shrimp 2, total
ablation is done on shrimp 3 and control is done on shrimp 4.
4. Feed is given into each aquarium, stopwatch button is pressed along with it.
5. Every shrimp antenulla movement is observed.
6. Every shrimp antenulla movement that oberserved is recorded by time
(minutes and second).
7. Observation is done as long as 10 minutes with 2 repetitions with 1 times

A. Result

Table 3.1 Result of Observation of Chemoreceptor Function on Fresh Water

Shrimp (Macrobrachium sp.) That Gave pellets.

Treatment Time Flicking Withdraw Wipping Rotation Feeding

- 56” 01’16” 02’02” 01’43”
Antenula 10` (I) - 36x 6x 6x 4x
10` 02’11” 10” 16” 09’12” 01’06”
(II) 7x 49x 8x 1x 2x
- 1’6” 19” - -
Eyes 10` (I) - 22x 9x - -
10` 9’ 55” 39” 5’55” 33” -
(II) 1x 5x 2x 3x -
8” 4” 20” 28” 3’
Total 10` (I) 3x 5x 9x 4x 4x
10` 7’44” 14” 2” 9’5” 5”
(II) 2x 9x 2x 1x 3x
9’57” 5’47” 1’26” 3’45” 7’26”
10` (I) 1x 30x 4x 1x 1x
10` 9’47” 18” 27” 1’1” 4’04”
(II) 2x 35x 26x 1x 3x
Table 3.2. The observations result of chemoreceptor function in freshwater
shrimp fed by Tubifex sp.

Treatment Time Flicking Withdra Wipping Rotation Feeding

Antenula 10` (I) - 27” 14” 2’14” 5’14”
Ablation - 7x 23x 10× 2x
10` 25” 13” 2’33” 35” 1’58”
(II) 4x 19× 6x 3x 3x
Eyes 10` (I) 4’35” 3’27” 1’18” - 1’27”
Ablation 4x 4x 2x - 4x
10` 40” 4’50” 8’ 5’10” -
(II) 5x 4x 1x 1x -
Total 10` (I) - - 28” - -
Ablation - - 2x - -
10` - - 30” - -
(II) - - 15x - -
Control 10` (I) 4’54” 26” 1’28” 4’20” 12’
2x 4x 5x 2x 9x
10` 9’ 20’ 4’ 14” 48’ 2’43”
(II) 7x 6x 4x 3x 2x

Explanation :
‘ : Minute
“ : Second
Flicking : Forward antennula stripping movement.
Withdraw : Back / down antennula stripping movement.
Wipping : Antennula cleansing movement.
Rotation : Rotating movement of the antennula.
Feeding : Movement approaching the feed

B. Discussion

Based on the result that is done in laboratory activity by entourage VIII using
Macrobrachium sp. with antenulla ablation and feed with Tubifex worm at first
10 minutes is done withdraw 7 times, wipping 23 times, rotation 10 times, feeding
2 times, and didn’t do flicking. The second 10 minute shrimp is done flicking 4
times, withdraw 19 times, wipping 6 times, rotation 3 times and feeding 3 times.
In eyes ablation treatment at first 10 minutes with Tubifex worm feed is obtained
flicking 4 times , withdraw 4 times, wipping 2 times, feeding 4 times, and didn’t
do rotation. The second 10 minute with Tubifex worm feed is obtained flicking 5
times, withdraw 4 times, wipping 1 time, rotation 5 times, and didn’t do feeding.
In total ablation at first 10 minutes with Tubifex worm only wipping 2 times. In
second 10 minutes freshwater shrimp only wipping 15 times. In control treatment,
the first 10 minutes shrimp is done flicking 2 times, withdraw 4 times, wipping 5
times, rotate 2 times, and feeding 9 times. At second 10 minutes the shrimp is
done flicking 7 times, withdraw 6 times, wipping 4 times, rotate 3 times, and
feeding 2 times. When shrimp with total ablation and feed with pellets do more
movement than shrimp that feed with Tubifex worm. This is not appropriate with
Idawati et al. (2018) that fish response to feed is influenced by the aroma of the
feed. Silk worms has a distinctive aroma, besides that silk worms are natural
foods giant prawns (Macrobrachium sp.).
The effect of antennal ablation on shrimp causes the weak ability to detect
food. Shrimp is depend on antenulla chemoreception for behaviors as diverse as
food detection and social interaction. Their main olfactory organ is the antenula,
lateral flagellum which may contain a special unimodal sensilla in olfaction,
aesthetically, innervated only by olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs). Antennula
flagella also contain bimodal cencilla, innervated by mechanoreceptors and neuro
chemoreceptors (Machon et al., 2016).
Antenna movements according to Richard & Gordon (1989), like flicking,
withdraw, wipping, and rotation. Flicking is a forward whipping movement, this
movement occurs when there is feed in the front. This response is done to capture
the ions. Withdraw is the movement of the antenula to the back. This movement
happened if feed located in the behind and to avoid enemies. Wipping is
movement of cleaning. Cleaning of the antenula usually occurs when there is
stimulation mechanics from aestheric. Rotation is the rotating motion of the
antenula. This movement is frequent happens if there is feed on top. This
movement serves to confuse the ions in the feed so that the feed can easily and
quickly diffuse into the cells chemoreceptors. As for according to Kurniawan et
al. (2018) feeding is fish that have intent looking for eat.

Based on the result and discussion, it can be concluded that chemoreceptor
functions in freshwater shrimp (Macrobrachium sp) are to detect the presence of
feed, find until found the feed and give responses to that feed.

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