Comparing LCD, Plasma, and Projector Display Technologies.: Updated March 2008
Comparing LCD, Plasma, and Projector Display Technologies.: Updated March 2008
Comparing LCD, Plasma, and Projector Display Technologies.: Updated March 2008
Updated March 2008
Plasma and LCD TVs have finally hit their stride. Major electronics stores have all but phased
out the old CRT televisions, relegating them to the unseen corners. Meanwhile, hordes of
consumers are forced to make choices between two new technologies that they know little of. Of
course you have the helpful sales associates giving out their advice. But without background
information they may be able to take you for a ride. They may sell you something not quite right
for you, or may forget to mention possible alternatives if they don't carry them.
So, below we have created an LCD TV versus plasma comparison guide to help navigate the
differences between the two technologies. We have also included a column for front projectors,
which are an option frequently ignored by major electronics retailers.
Power Consumption is another comparison of interst to consumers. LCD TVs typically spec
lower for power consumption than an equivalent size plasma. Projector power consumption
varies more from unit to unit, with brighter conference room projectors requiring more power
than smaller portable projectors. In November of 2008, new Energy Star ratings will be upgraded
from 1998 standards. Many people are not aware that TVs go into a "stand by mode" rather than
turning off completely. In this mode, energy is still being drawn. New standards will include
power consumption in stand-by modes for a more accurate measure of energy efficiency.
We hope this information has been helpful in your search for the perfect display technology. Go
now and shop!