English 9 2nd Quarter LAS 2 REYES A.

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Schools Division of Olongapo City

Region III
Keith Street, Gordon Heights, Olongapo City, Zambales
[email protected]


NAME: ________________________________ DATE: _____________________________
GRADE LEVEL: _______________________ SECTION: __________________________

Most Essential Learning Competency: Analyze literature as a means of understanding unchanging values in a volatile,
uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world
Unchanging Values in the VUCA World
Lesson 1: Working with Others
Task 1: Random Thoughts
“If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction.” – Martin Kornfeld
Do you agree with this quotation? Share your thoughts.
Read the story “Thank You, Ma ‘am” by Langston Hughes on pages 219-223.
Task 3: Delve Deeper
Write your common response to each question.
1. How did Mrs. Jones react when Roger try to steal her purse?
2. Was her reaction believable? Why or why not?
3. When they arrived at the boarding house, what do you think Roger was planning to do?
4. Did Mrs. Jones like the boy? Why? Why not?
5. Do you think Roger‘s encounter with Mrs. Jones altered his life? In what way?
6. Why did Hughes title the story, Thank You, Ma’am?
7. In what way did the characters show what they had accomplished at the end of the story?
What is character development?
Character development is the collection of features that bring the people (or animals) to life on the pages that they read. It’s
not just their physical features, but it’s their personalities. It’s the internal characteristics that make them who they are. It is
something a reader can figure out by paying attention to what characters do, what they say, what they think, how they feel,
how they interact, and what others say about them in the story.
Source: https://youngteacherlove.com/inferring-character-traits-through-dialogue-plus-a-free-graphic-organizer/

Character traits are words that help us understand and describe a character’s personality. Usually, character traits are
evident by the words characters say (dialogue) or things they do (actions).

Character traits are the behaviors and beliefs that make fictional characters come to life. Character traits are often
expressed through actions, dialogue, or internal feelings, requiring students to use their inferencing skills to draw
conclusions about specific traits for each character.
Dialogue is when characters in a story Actions can be seen by the verbs in the
talk to each other. Dialogue is placed in sentences to show what the character
between quotation marks. does.
For example: For example:
“Little Red Riding Hood, don’t talk to Maria ran towards the man who had
strangers along the way! Be careful!” been hit by the car and helped him up.
said her mother. She called an ambulance and stayed
with him until it came.
Source: https://www.education.com/worksheet/article/dialogue-and-actions-to-show-character-traits/

Task 4: Making Inferences with Dialogue

Character: Mrs. Jones
What She Said What I Can Infer (at least one inference)

“Pick up my pocketbook, boy, and give it here.” 1. She is a tough woman.

2. She is not afraid of criminals.
3. She is used to giving orders.
“Least I can do right now is wash your face. Are you

“Well, you didn’t have to snatch my pocketbook you get

some suede shoes. You could’ve asked me.”

“ I have done things too, which I would not tell you, son-
neither tell God, if He already didn’t know.”

Character: Roger
What he Said What I Can Infer (at least one inference)
When Mrs. Jones asked if he was ashamed of himself, he 1. He shows respect to adults.
replied, “Yes ma’am.” 2. He is not a violent person.
When asked if he would run if she turned him loose, he
replied, “Yes ma’am.”

“There’s nobody home at my house.”

“Do you need somebody to go to the store, maybe to get
some milk or something?”

Lesson 2: Speak Up your Mind
Tone, Mood and Purpose of the Author
In a written composition, the tone is the attitude of a writer toward a subject or an audience. Tone is generally
conveyed through the choice of words, or the viewpoint of a writer on a particular subject. Tone is not an action but an
attitude. Tone can be serious, light, board, inspired, sarcastic, cheerful, sad, worried, satisfied, wishful, optimistic, envious,
confused, afraid, mocking, inspiring, anxious, cynical, defiant, triumphant, critical, persuasive, mysterious, etc. Tone is the
author’s own attitude toward the subject. A reader must “read between the lines” to feel the author’s attitude and identify the

MOOD is the emotion the author wants the readers to feel while reading about the subject. It is the prevailing
emotion that sets the overall tone for speech or writing and are an important element in literature as well as in everyday life.

Author’s purpose refers to the why behind their words. What motivated the author to produce their work? What is
their intent and what do they hope to achieve? There are three general purposes that speeches fall: to inform, to persuade,
and to entertain.
1. To Persuade is an attempt to get listeners to embrace a point of view or to adopt a behavior that they would not have
done otherwise. A persuasive speech can be distinguished from an informative speech by the fact that it includes a call for
action for the audience to make some change in their behavior or thinking. It can be pure or manipulative in nature.
2. To Inform, the goal is to enlighten the reader about real-world topics, inform or describe something by providing facts and
reasons to get point across. Simply put, this is about helping audience members acquire information that they do not
already possess, and u use this information to understand something or to perform a new task or improve their skills.
3. To Entertain focused on the theme and occasion of the speech. Its primary goal is to capture the interest of the reader or
appeal to their emotion. It functions as a way to divert an audience from their day-to-day lives for a short period of time.
Source: https://www.slideshare.net/thalialongoria/tone-and-mood-ppt

TASK 1: Silent Reading

Read Martin Luther King Jr.‘s speech entitled “I Have A Dream” on pages 186 to 190 of Learner‘s Material in English.

Task 2: Digging Deeper

Direction: Read carefully each item. Write the letter of your answer in the blank provided before the number.
____1. Based on the text, what is the situation of the Negro in America during that time?
a. fugitive b. mistreated c. powerful
____2. In the statement “Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial
justice”, what is the tone of the speaker?
a. optimistic b. courageous c. disgust
____3. What do they experience after almost one hundred years later?
a. The Negro are still not free, discriminated and live in poverty.
b. The Negro are finally able to mingle with fellow American freely.
c. The Negro still suffers abuse from the White American.
____4. How would you feel if you have been mistakenly judged because of your physical appearance?
a. frantic b. shame c. mournful
____5. In which of the three speech purposes does “I have A Dream” fall?
a. to entertain b. to persuade c. to inform
Task 3: Turning Back
At this point, you may read again the texts provided in your learning activity to recall important points about tone,
mood and purpose on presenting prose speech. You may refer to it to help you answer the following items.
Direction: Read each items carefully, write the letter of your answer in the blank provided before the number.

_____1. Which of the following is not a purpose of presenting prose speech?

a. to entertain b. to persuade c. to inform d. to trade

_____2. How will you determine if the purpose of the speech is informative?
a. When the topic deals with the general disposition toward something
which is good or bad.
b. When the topic deals with one’s achievement in show business.
c. When the topic deals with ceremonial speech.
d. When the topic focus on objects, people, events, concepts, processes, or issues.

____3. The fundamental goal of ___________ speech is audience enjoyment from funny to serious topics.
a. entertainment b. informative c. persuasive d. demonstrate

____4. Which of the following topics aims to persuade the audience?

a. A teacher telling students about earthquakes b. How to create a Vlog account
c. Improve your health through better eating d. Excuses for any occasion.

____5. Tone and mood is almost similar, the only difference is ______.
a. Tone refers to action while mood refers to feeling
b. Tone refers to action while mood refers to the attitude.
c. Tone refers to the feeling of audience while mood is their mindset
d. Tone is the attitude of the speaker toward the subject while mood is the emotion of the audience created by
the speaker.

Lesson 3: The VUCA World

When we press forward in this world full of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity), it is important
to try to find sources of direction and motivation.
VUCA is an acronym that stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, a combination of qualities that,
taken together, characterize the nature of some difficult conditions and situations. The term is also sometimes said to stand
for the adjectives: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous.
Volatility is the quality of being subject to frequent, rapid and significant change. In a Volatile market, for example,
the prices of commodities can rise or fall considerably in a short period of time, and the direction of a trend may reverse
suddenly. Uncertainty is a component of that situation, in which events and outcomes are unpredictable. Complexity
involves a multiplicity of issues and factors, some of which may be intricately interconnected. (Some models also include
chaotic, making the acronym VUCCA.) Ambiguity is manifested in a lack of clarity and the difficulty of understanding exactly
what the situation is.
The world of VUCA encourages you to find your own way. You will need to understand the psychological to
improve empathic actions – in short, to be more concerned with one another and their needs.
VUCA depicts a variety of tasks that must be faced by a person or a group of people in the affected community.
These difficulties can be either meaningful or intimidating when combined. It depends on the person how he/she handles
the situation.
They also show how the Filipinos continue to maintain their traditional values in this changing world. They are
capable of dealing with and making the best of the situation they face.
Source: https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/VUCA-volatility-uncertainty-complexity-and-ambiguity

Task 1: Respond and React

Let us RESPOND and REACT the truth of life stipulated. In this activity, you will need to present the underlying
issues and concerns of society and categorize every social issue as part of the VUCA world.
Direction: Describe each picture and complete the given grid as guide in accomplishing this task.

https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F %2Functad.org%2Fnews%2Fenvironmental-impacts-
%2Fwww.devdiscourse.com%2Farticle%2Fagency-wire%2F3227-unlocking- coronavirus-crisis-challenges-
mindanaos-potential-is-key-to-reducing-extreme-poverty-in-the-philippines- ahead&psig=AOvVaw1dv0VHw0YCDNjeiA9usBnr&ust=1611410
world-bank&psig=AOvVaw17rZWD06kry- 689572000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCKiU
PugvvXm4WE&ust=1611409906575000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAI pPHar-4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAR


PICTURE What social issue is
%2Fbusiness.blogthinkbig.com%2Fsocial-issues-iot Is it related to the What lasting values
problems- Make a short
implied in the picture?
14759000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCJiAr9b VUCA world? Explain you may consider reflection about the
br-4CFQAAAAAdAAAAABAY your answer. using to win over this
topic given.


Look back to the pictures you have analyzed earlier. You were asked what kind of changes you would want for the
country. This time make a representation of your dreams for the country in a poster.


CRITERIA 50pts 40pts 30pts 20pts

Relevance All graphics are All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not
related to the topic related to the relate to the relate to the
and make it easier to topic and most topic. Most topic OR several
understand. All make it easier to borrowed borrowed
borrowed graphics understand. All graphics have a graphics do not
have a source borrowed source citation. have a source
citation. graphics have a citation.
source citation.
Originality Several of the One or two of The graphics are No graphics
graphics used on the graphics made by the made by the
the poster reflect used on the student, but are student are
a exceptional poster reflect based on the included.
degree of student creativity designs or ideas
student creativity in their creation of others.
in their creation and/or display.
and/or display.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of design, attractive messy or very
terms of design, layout and though it may be poorly designed.
layout, and neatness. a bit messy. It is not
neatness. attractive.
Source: http://rubistar.4teachers.org/index.php?screen=ShowRubric&rubric_id=1357669&

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