Eil Spec For Instrumentation Works
Eil Spec For Instrumentation Works
Eil Spec For Instrumentation Works
They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agreement that they will not be reproduced, copied, exhibited
or used, except in the limited way permitted by a written consent given by the lender to the borrower for the intended use. EIL-1641-1251 Revision 2. A4 210x297.
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The drawing, design and details given on this format are the property of ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED. They are merely loaned on the borrower's express agreement that they will not be reproduced, copied, exhibited
1.1.4 Contractor shall be fully responsible for design, material selection, sizing and proper
selection of aa the instruments and systems being supplied by them. Any approval or
comment on any document or guideline issued to contractor before or after placement
of contract or during execution of the contract shall not absolve the contractor of their
contractual obligations and responsibility with regards to completeness, proper
selection, satisfactory operation and easy maintenance of the unit.
1.1.5 All equipments supplied shall be of field proven quality both with respect to design and
materials. Prototype instruments or instruments of an experimental nature shall not
be offered or supplied.
In general, all instruments and instrument control systems, like Programmable Logic
Controller (PLC), Distributed Control System (DCS), Analyser Systems, Gas Detection
Systems, etc. offered by contractor shall have a well proven performance record of
operating satisfactorily in the hydrocarbon industry like refinery, petrochemical, gas
processing etc. for a minimum of 4000 running hours.
No instrument requiring special maintenance or operating facilities shall be offered or
supplied as far as possible.
1.1.6 In the event of any conflict between this specifications, data sheets, related standards,
codes etc., the contractor shall refer the matter to the purchase/purchaser’s
representative for clarification and only after obtaining the same should proceed with
the manufacture/engineering of the item in question.
1.2 Bids
1.2.1 Bidder shall clearly define the operational philosophy suggested by them, in line with
requirements specified in the tender specifications. Bidder shall also clearly indicate
the provision of control panels, and control systems required for their sub packages
offered by them.
1.2.2 Bidder shall provide the following information alongwith their offer as a minimum:
1.2.4 In addition to mandatory spares and consumable spares indicated elsewhere in the
tender document, bidder shall also quote for two years operational spares for all the
instruments and control systems including those required for sub packages being
offered by them.
1.3 Applicable national/international standards.
1.3.1 Design and terminology shall comply, as a minimum, with the latest edition prior to the
date of purchaser's enquiry of following codes, standard practices and publications:
AGA American Gas Association, Gas Measurement Committee
-Report No.3 - National Gas Fluid Measurement- Orifice Metering of Natural Gas.
-Report No.7 - Measurement of Gas by Turbine Meters.
ANSI/ASME:American National Standards Institute/ American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
B 1.20.1 Pipe Threads.
B 16.47 Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.
B 16.20 Ring Joint Gaskets and Grooves for Steel Pipe Flanges.
ANSI/FCI American National Standards Institute/Fluid Controls Institute
70.2 Control valve seat leakage classification.
API American Petroleum Institute
RP 520:Sizing, selection and installation of pressure relieving system in refineries.
Part-I - Sizing and selection
Part-II - Installation
RP 521 Guide for pressure relieving and depressurising systems.
RP 526 Flanged steel safety relief valves.
RP 527 Seat tightness of pressure relief valves .
MPMS Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards.
RP 551 Process Measurement Instrumentation.
Part 1 - Process Control and Instrumentation.
BS British Standards
BS-1042 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits.
BS-4368 Compression coupling for tubes.
BS-4800 Colours for ready mixed paint.
BS-5308Part-2 Specification for PVC insulated cables.
BS-6364 Specification for valves for cryogenic service.
BS-7244 Flame Arrestors for general use
DIN-43760 Temperature vs Resistance curves for RTDs.
DIN-19234 Electrical Distance Sensors; DC interface for Distance Sensor and
Signal Convertor.
IBR Indian Boiler Regulations.
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission.
IEC 79 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas atmosphere.
IEC 85 Thermal Evaluation and Classification of Electrical
IEC-332 Test on bunched wires or cables.
Part 3 Cat.A
IEC 529 Classification of degree of protection provided by
IEC 534-2 Industrial Process Control Valves-Flow capacity.
IEC 584-2 Thermocouples - Tolerances
IEC 60584-3 Thermocouples extension and compensating cables,
tolerences and identification system.
IEC 751 Industrial Platinum Resistance Thermometer Sensors.
IEC 801 Electromagnetic compatibility for Industrial Process measurement
and Control equipment.
effect table shown on the P&ID or in a separate write-up. The schematic shall be
prepared based on ISA S5.2 - “Binary Logic Diagrams for Process Operations” and
shall show the physical location of Input/Output devices, their interconnection with
functional blocks, bench status of all electrical devices etc. The schematic shall also
be supplemented with operational requirements like startup and process bypasses,
reset and shut down push buttons, selector switches, status lamp etc. Instrument Loop drawings
Each loop shall have a separate Instrument Loop drawing which shall show each
component from field device to final receiver including physical location, initiating
device, its terminal number, junction box with its terminal number, cable number with
pair number/polarity, receiver instrument terminals/cabinet terminals, system functional
blocks of loop in simplified manner (without configuration details). Control Room Layout
Control room layout drawing shall show the location of control panels, system cabinets,
marshalling racks and other auxiliary cabinets, consoles with monitors, hard wired
consoles, printers, non-system panels/cabinets including panels/cabinets for packages,
LEL panel, fire alarms panels or any other equipment required to be installed in control
room. The layout shall be prepared on control room architectural drawing and shall
also show layout of equipment in engineering room/computer room etc. CCTV layout
shall also be shown. In case of satellite rack room, a separate drawing shall be
prepared. Analyser Room / Shelter Layout
Analyser Room / Shelter drawing shall show the location of all analysers, sample
handling systems, junction boxes, HVAC system warning panel, CRTs / analyser
consoles, if any and any auxiliary rack / panel / cabinet to be located in the analyser
room / shelter alongwith complete dimensions. The drawing shall also show location
like BASEEFA, FM, PTB, CMRI etc. and shall be certified by CCE.
b) Certified Intrinsically Safe (IS) equipment as per IEC-79-11 shall be used, in
general, in hazardous area. In case intrinsically safe equipment is not
available, flameproof enclosures as per IEC-79.01 may be considered.
c) Junction boxes and accessories required for flameproof instruments shall also
be certified flameproof.
d) All non flameproof panels and cabinets installed in classified area shall be
purged as per requirements specified in NFPA-496, as a minimum.
e) Other type of protection as specified in IEC-79 shall not be used.
2.4.2 Statutory Approvals
a) Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining all statutory approvals, as applicable for
all instruments and control systems.
b) In addition, equipments/instruments/systems located in the hazardous area shall be
certified by the local statutory authorities for their use in the area of their installation.
In general following certification shall be given:
- For all intrinsically safe/explosion proof/flameproof equipments/
instruments/systems or equipments with any other type of protection
allowable as per this package which are manufactured abroad and
certified by any statutory authority like BASEEFA, FM, UL, PTB, LCIE
etc. should also have the approval of Chief Controller of Explosives
(CCE), Nagpur.
- For all flame proof equipments manufactured locally (indegenously),
the testing shall be carried out by any of the approved test house like
CMRI/ERTL etc. The equipment shall in addition bear the valid
approval from Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur and a valid BIS
preferably in the middle 30% of full adjustable range i.e. the set point shall fall between
35% and 65% of adjustable range.
2.11 All controllers shall have facility for bumpless auto-manual and manual-auto transfer
and set point adjustment. Flow, pressure and level controller shall be provided with
proportional plus integral action, while temperature controller with proportional plus
integral plus derivative action.
2.12 Field mounted direct actuated flow and temperature switches shall not be used.
Instead, receiver switch/trip amplifier shall be used alongwith flow element/temperature
element. Whenever specified in job specification, flow and temperature transmitters
may be directly connected to control system to achieve switch action.
2.13 Intrinsically Safe System Requirements
Following points must be considered while designing an intrinsically safe system:-
a) All intrinsic safety barriers shall be active isolating type only and shall have
isolation between input, output and power supply.
b) Barriers must be selected based on entity concept. Cable parameters shall
also be considered while matching entity parameters.
c) The signal transfer accuracy of barrier shall be at least equal to or better than
the transmitter selected.
d) Each instrument in the hazardous area and the intrinsic barrier shall be
certified for intrinsic safety by a statutory authority.
e) Each input and output in a loop shall have separate barrier. No barrier shall
be shared between two loops or input/outputs.
f) Any intrinsically safe loop requiring any device to be connected in the
hazardous side permanently or temporarily, shall also be intrinsically safe.
g) Configuration tools whenever required for any intrinsically safe item which
forms part of the intrinsically safe item shall also be certified intrinsically safe.
powering any subsystem, input interrogation, relays and lamps etc same shall
be generated by the bidder using dual redundant power packs (110 V AC to 24
V DC convertor).
b) All instruments, control systems (PLC and DCS) and analyser system shall be able to
operate at the following power supply specification :
Voltage level : 110 V AC ± 10%
Frequency : 50 Hz ±3 Hz
Switch over time : 5 mili seconds.
c) Power feeders if specifically indicated, shall be supplied to the bidder at only one
location. All further distribution within the package shall be taken care of by the bidder.
d) Instrument power circuits shall be individually protected from fault with the help of
fuses. Power supply to the individual instrument shall be disconnected with the help
of Double Pole Single Throw (DPST) switch and protected with the help of fuses.
Miniature circuit breakers (MCB's) may be selected in place of switch fuse unit in case
protection is provided for overload protection.
2.14.1 110 V AC UPS Power from UPS shall be distributed to individual consumer with the switch -
Fuse/Miniature Circuit Breaker(MCB) of appropriate ratings. Completely isolated
feeders with isolating transformer shall be provided for DCS, free issue control room
mounted panels/equipments, package items in the field etc. 20% feeder or minimum of one number of each feeder shall be provided as spare. UPS
shall be sized accordingly. The main isolator shall be DPST type to isolate AC line and neutral. Likewise
individual distribution feeders to have isolators of DPST type to isolate line and neutral. In order to obtain proper fuse coordination following point must be taken into
2.21.1 Instrument junction boxes shall be provided as an interface with control room(s).
Marshalling details for tubing and cabling shall be shown with corresponding junction
box termination number allocated against appropriate instrument tag number. A
separate drawing shall be furnished for interface wiring and tubing showing all
instrument interface details between purchaser-vendor, wherever applicable. In
general, the philosophy outlined in para shall be followed.
2.21.2 Signal Interface Philosophy Direct signals from field to control room
a) All signals from field to main control room/Satellite Rack Room (SRR) shall be
terminated in the junctions boxes located at appropriate locations in the field.
Separate junction boxes shall be used for the following type of signals:
- Intrinsically Safe Analog Inputs/Outputs (4-20 mA)
- Non Intrinsically Safe Analog Inputs/Outputs (4-20 mA)
- Intrinsically Safe Thermocouple Inputs
- Intrinsically Safe RTD Inputs
- Intrinsically Safe contact Inputs
- Non Intrinsically Safe contact Inputs.
- Non Intrinsically Safe contact Outputs.
b) All pulsed signals or serial signals shall be routed directly to control room(s)
without the use of intermediate junction boxes, in general. In case, where
single cable length is a problem, intermediate junction boxes can be used,
however in all such case, same junction box shall not share signals from two
or more device.
c) Whenever multidrop serial communication is adopted, intermediate junction
boxes may be used for multidropping purpose only. Signals from contractor’s scope to purchaser
a) Generally separate JBs shall be used for interfacing signals from sub-package
to control room.
b) Where signals as indicated in clause above is less in number and do not justify
separate junction boxes, all such signals may be routed via local control panel
if supplied by contractor.
b) All such signals shall be terminated on separate terminal strips in the local
control panel. The terminal strips shall be segregated as per para
The non-intrinsically safe signals shall be provided in certified flame proof
junction boxes in local panels.
c) Intrinsically safe barriers for all intrinsically safe signals, wherever required,
shall be provided.
2.27 Requirement for instrument in steam service
2.27.1 All in-line instruments such as control valve, thermowell, orifice flanges, pressure relief
valves, all types of level instruments and any other in-line instrument shall be provided
with IBR form III C certificate.
2.27.2 All pressure relieving devices shall be designed in accordance with ASME code for
‘Boilers and Pressure Vessels', API-521 and Indian Boiler Regulations. In case of
valves as per IBR, the same shall be to regulation no. 294 with 5% over pressure and
regulation no. 295 with 5% blow down and shall be provided with the following
i) IBR form-IIIC certificate of manufacture and test of boiler mountings and
ii) Type test certificate from IBR authority as per regulation no. 293 and
Appendix-L of IBR for the valve series supplied.
iii) Radiography of all castings shall be as per piping material specification.
switch-fuse unit and shall have a lamp for indicating power healthy status.
2.35 Each shutdown circuit and solenoid valve shall be provided with a switch-fuse unit
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) whenever used for interlock and shutdown, shall
be located in environmentally controlled remote control room or satellite rack room.
This shall meet the following minimum requirements:
a) PLC shall have dual redundant or triple redundant as specified in job
specification. Redundancy for I/O's/Power Supply/Communication network
shall be provided as per selected configuration.
b) The software shall include the operating system and application program. The
application program shall include software for performing functions like
interlock and shutdown logic, programming/program modification,
documentation etc. Two copies of application program and two set of licensed
system software shall be supplied.
c) The system shall be supplied with programming tools and related accessories.
d) No two shutdown circuits shall be shared by same I/O module, unless
specified otherwise.
e) For detailed PLC specifications refer standard specification for PLC 6-52-
0040/standard specification for DCS 6-52-0055.
f) TUV approval, wherever required shall be specified in the job specification.
2.36 All electronics/microprocessor based instruments/systems shall be provided with Y2K
compliance certificate as per requirement of BSI DISC PD2000.
2.37 Contractor shall provide four sets of back up configuration in floppy media. The
drawings should be in AutoCAD (latest version) and all documents in electronic media
in addition to hard copy/reproducibles as a part of project requirement.
4.2.2 Panel board instruments shall have the following graduations, in general;
Differential pressure : 0 to 10 square root
flow meters
Variable area : 1 to 10 linear
flow meters
Pressure : Direct Reading
Level : 0 to 100 Linear
Temperature : Direct Reading.
Multiplying factors for flow scales shall be specified on manufacturer's name plate.
Recorder charts shall be dual graduated, in general, in 0 to 10 square root and in 0 to
100 linear.
4.2.3 Subminiature recorders shall have 100 mm strip chart with chart speed of 25 mm/h.
Microprocessor based recorders shall have strip chart of 250 mm approx. and chart
speed of 50 mm/h with a provision to change speed at site.
4.2.4 Annunciators, in general, shall be solid state type with plug in modules, in a cabinet
with back lighted engraved windows and integral power supply. Alarm logic module
shall be single channel type. In case multi-input alarm module are selected, only one
channel shall be used.
Intrinsically safe annunciator circuit, when used, shall have power supply unit in a safe
area. Annunciator alarm sequence shall be as per F3A of ISA.
The design of the alarm annunciator system shall be such that transient alarms of less
than 330 milliseconds duration shall be automatically rejected.
4.3 Control Panel
4.3.1 All control panels shall be supplied in pre-tubed/pre-wired conditioned and shall be
completely tested at manufacturer's works prior to despatch.
cream to IS-5 ISC No.- 352 or Beige to IS-5 ISC No.-388. A final coat of paint shall be
given at site. Equivalent colour shade according to BS/RAL are also acceptable.
4.3.3 Control panel shall be open back with each section of typically 2100 mm high, 1200
mm wide and 800 mm deep, when mounted inside the control room on 100 mm
channel base covering wall to wall, else these shall be totally enclosed cubicle type.
The panel width may be increased if necessary.
4.3.4 Enclosed cubicle panels shall have removable hinged doors, generally at the side or
back for easy maintenance and accessibility of the instruments. Doors shall be double
leaved type with handle and shall be provided with lock and key. Adequate illumination
shall be provided inside the panel. All light fittings shall be suitable for 230 V, 50 Hz
4.3.5 No process fluid of any kind, except instrument air shall enter the control panel. Also
power supply greater than 230 V shall not enter the local panel.
4.3.6 All cable entries to the local panel shall be from panel bottom only using cable glands
of adequate size. Cable gland plate thickness shall be a minimum of 3 mm cold rolled
cold annealed (CRCA) as a minimum. All unused cable entries must be plugged.
4.3.7 Space heater shall be provided where condensation is expected.
4.3.8 The design of control panel shall incorporate provision for expansion by installing
adequate spare capacity. Each panel shall be designed to accommodate the following
additional equipment, as a minimum;
a) 20% of panel front/inside mounted instruments including lamps, push buttons,
switches, relays etc.
b) 20% additional power feeders each provided with switch fuse assembly.
c) 20% additional spare windows in alarm annunciators.
d) 20% spare cable entry points.
An alarm shall be provided on local panel and a contact shall be provided for remote
annunciation, whenever the panel pressurisation falls below 2.5 mm of H2O. A
protective device to protect the panel from over pressure must be provided.
4.4.4 Panel pressurisation with start-up panel purging scheme shall be fully automatic
however it shall be started manually from a push button. Solenoid valves and
differential pressure switch required for panel purging shall be flameproof, however
other items like relays, switches/pushbuttons, timers etc. shall be located in a
flameproof housing. Other items like valves, restriction orifice plates, dual filter
regulators, pressure gauges, variable area flowmeters etc required for pressurisation,
shall also be located in the non-pressurised section of the panel
4.4.5 It shall be possible to switch off incoming power to panel from panel front. All such
power on/off switches shall be flameproof type.
In addition, all those devices and terminals which can not be powered off from on/off
switches shall also be located inside flameproof enclosures.
4.4.6 All hinges, screws and other non-painted metallic parts shall be of stainless steel
4.4.7 All other requirements as specified in clause 4.3 of this specification shall also be
applicable for local control panels.
4.5 Local Gauge Board
4.5.1 Local gauge board shall be used to install skid mounted instruments like pressure
gauges, temperature gauges, process switch and transmitters.
4.5.2 Location of local gauge boards, when provided, shall be decided to allow easy access
at the rear and front for all instruments and accessories for maintenance and
Pressure switch design with Reed type switches shall not be selected.
b) Pressure switches shall be blind type with 1/2 NPTF process connection and
shall be operative in full specified range. The switch differential shall be
selected as per operating conditions, it shall be less than 60% of difference
between set value and operating value.
c) Pressure switches shall have repeatability of ±0.5% of URV, as a minimum.
d) Receiver pressure switches shall have SS316 bellows as measuring element
with 1/4" NPTF connection.
e) Over range protection and pulsation damper requirements and design shall be
as per above clause.
f) Requirements, design and selection of diaphragm seal (chemical seal) for
pressure switches shall be as per clause 4.7.1(i).
4.8 Level Instruments
4.8.1 Level gauges
a) All gauge glasses shall be steel armoured reflex or transparent type with body
and cover material of forged carbon steel as a minimum and shall have
tempered borosilicate glass with asbestos or other suitable gasket.
Transparent type of gauges shall be provided with integral illuminators
operating at 230 V 50 Hz supply and suitable for electrical area classification
specified. All gauge glasses must have a rating equal to or more than the
vessel design pressure and temperature.
b) Reflex type shall be used for clean and colourless liquids, for liquid level
interface. For low temperature, low boiling point service, large chamber type
will be used. Transparent type will be used on acid, caustic, dirty or viscous,
coloured liquids and liquid interface. Transparent type with Mica or Kel-F
shields shall be used for treated water, boiler and condensate services, and
Separate cable entries shall be provided for signal and power in the gauge head/tank
side indicator/ON-OFF switch as applicable. Other Special type of level instruments like radar, ultrasonic, hydrostatic, nucleonic,
capacitance, conductivity type shall be used as necessitated by application
requirements. For high pressure steam drum application conductivity type (hydrostatic or equivalent)
level instrument shall be preferred.
4.8.7 For solid level measurement, type of instrument shall be ultrasonic/radio frequency/
electromechanical/capacitance/nucleonic. The actual type selection shall be carried
out based on the provenness of the selected type for the similar type of application.
4.9 Flow Instruments
4.9.1 Orifice Plates
a) Flow measurement shall normally be carried out using thin square edged
concentric orifice plate mounted between a pair of weld neck flanges of
minimum 300 # ANSI rating for line size 2" and above. Flange taps shall be
used for line sizes upto 14" while D-D/2 taps shall be used for line sizes 16"
and above. For line sizes 1-1/2" and below for conical entrance orifices corner
taps shall be used. Contractor to check fouling of tapping point with respect to
welding of flange. In case of fouling, flange tap shall only be used. The material
of the orifice plates shall be normally SS316, as a minimum.
Quadrant edge or quarter circle orifice plates shall be used when lower
Reynolds number does not permit the use of squared edge orifices as per
Conical entrance type of orifice plates shall preferably be used for very highly
viscous liquids upto throat Reynolds number of 250. These shall be fabricated
as per BS 1042 Part 1.
requirement, the actual d/D ratio can be considered for reducing the straight
length as permitted by the codes. The recommended practice shall be as per
API-MPMS, Recommended Practices and AGA Report No.3. Flow
straighteners should be considered, where straight runs are difficult to achieve
g) Meter taps shall be horizontal for liquids, condensible vapours and steam. The
taps shall be on top for gas, non-condensible vapour, or liquids which boil at
or below the maximum design ambient temperature at operating pressure.
Where piping clearances are a factor, taps may be located upto 45 above the
horizontal centre line for condensible vapour, liquid and steam. The taps may
be located upto 60 from vertical for gas and non condensible vapour. For 45
installation both the tapping point nipples are 4" long. For horizontal tappings
on liquid condensible vapour and steam service they shall be 4" long for one
tapping and 6" long for the other.
h) Atleast one pair of tapping shall be provided for each orifice flange. Where
more than one transmitters are used, separate pair of tappings shall be
provided for each orifice flange for each instrument for installation of each
instrument separately.
4.9.2 Variable area flow meters shall be as per ISA-RP 16.1, 16.2,16.3,16.4,16.5 and 16.6
and shall be used for viscous or corrosive services or where rangeability in flow
precludes the use of an orifice. Metal tube variable area flow meters shall be used for
all process fluids. External devices for indicating or transmitting shall be magnetically
coupled to the float or extension.
Glass tube variable area flow meters shall be used for low pressure utility services for
local indication and where line size is 1-1/2" or less. Glass tube variable area flow meters
shall not be used if outlet line is connected to a line or vessel containing hazardous or
PTFE on liquid and gas service upto 200C. PTFE impregnated asbestos shall be
used upto 260C. Graphited asbestos with lubricator, shall be used on steam service
and temperature above 260C. Alternate suitable material is also acceptable.
4.11.10 Bellows seal shall be used where it is required to isolate the packing from the process
fluid or where no leakage to atmosphere can be tolerated like toxic, explosive and
precious fluids.
4.11.11 Material used for trim shall be minimum SS316, with guide bushing of hardened
stainless steel like 440 C, 17-4 PH, upto a pressure drop of 10 kg/cm². For higher
pressure drops or erosive and slurry services and in general for all steam services,
flashing services, hard-surfacing of plug seat rings and seating area of inner valve with
stellite shall be used.
Special cases may require 17-4 PH seat ring and 440 C solid plugs or other materials
like Hastelloy, Durimet, Monel etc.
For temperature above 300C stellite facing shall be used for guide posts. Guide
bushing shall always be harder by a minimum of 125 Brinnel than the guide post.
4.11.12 Contractor shall carryout cavitation and flashing checks for valves in liquid service and
select the valve body and trim accordingly. Whenever the data provided is not
adequate to carry out such checks, it shall be contractor’s responsibility to evolve such
a data and ascertain the correctness of the valve sizing/selection.
4.11.13 Unless otherwise specified in P&ID, block and bypass valves shall be installed for all
control valves upto and including 2" size except for butterfly valves, 3 way valves and
control valves in slurry and freezing service. Hand wheel shall be provided for all other
sizes and services. No by-pass valve or hand wheel shall be used for shutdown valves.
4.11.14 Valve actuator shall be pneumatic spring opposed diaphragm type, in general. Piston
type actuators may be used for very high shut off pressure requirements. Additional
equipment necessary to meet fail safe condition shall also be included in case double
otherwise. Separate air filter regulator shall be used for each valve positioner. Smart
positioner shall be used where specified in job specification.
4.11.17 The I/P convertor shall be intrinsically safe certified and shall be of electronic feedback
type. It shall have an integral junction box with 1/2" NPTF cable entry and be suitable
for 2" pipe mounting.
4.11.18 The air filter regulator mesh size shall be suitable for I/P convertor.
4.11.19 Whenever limit switches are specified as inductive proximity type, these shall meet
NAMUR (DIN-19234) requirements.
4.11.20 Separate limit switches shall be provided for open and close position, where required.
4.11.21 Solenoid valves, wherever used, shall be universal type and shall be continuous rated
type with class F coil insulation as per IEC 85/IS 1271. These shall be of brass body
with SS316 trim, as a minimum.
4.11.22 Self actuating regulators for flow, pressure and temperature shall be used as indicated
in P&ID.
4.11.23 Whenever fire safe requirement is specified for a shutdown valve, the valve body as
well as the actuator shall meet the testing requirements as per API 617 latest revision.
In addition to above, air volume tank shall also be provided for a storage of air volume
with minimum two full strokes of valves. All valve accessories like solenoid valve, limit
switches and volume tank etc shall also be enclosed in a certified fireproof enclosure.
The cable used for the actuation of the valve shall also be fire resistant (Fire Survival
to IEC 331).
4.11.24 All valves in cryogenic service (i.e. the valves installed in piping classes used for
temperature below -29C) shall be designed and tested as per BS-6364.
4.11.25 Control valves/shutdown valves requiring certain specified operating timings, shall be
tested before despatch for the specified operational time verification. Hook-up drawings
alongwith the timing calculation shall be submitted by contractor for review.
as follows :
a) Steam Service
- IBR (Before steam let-down station) 5%
- IBR (Distribution & utilities) and 10%
b) Gas, Vapour or liquid except in (c) & (d) 10%
c) Liquid for thermal Relief 25%
d) Fire exposure on unfired vessels 21% 3/4" x 1" threaded (NPT) modified nozzle type valves with typically 0.38 cm² orifice size
shall be specified for thermal relief. The body material shall, as a minimum, be as per piping specifications. Nozzle and
disc material shall be SS316 as a minimum with machined stainless steel guide and
spindle. Whenever semi nozzle designs are unavoidable, body material shall be atleast
same as nozzle material. The spring material of pressure relief valves shall be as follows unless otherwise
necessary because of process conditions ;
- 29C to 250C : Zinc/nickel plated carbon steel.
above 250C : Tungsten alloy steel.
below - 29C : Stainless steel 316 Flanged connection shall be for standard sizes 1" or larger. Minimum flange rating shall
be 150 # ANSI. Where permissible, threaded connections shall be used on sizes 3/4" and below. Following shall be taken care when rupture disc is used upstream of the pressure relief
(a) Derating factor of 0.9 shall be used for capacity sizing.
(b) A tell-tale assembly consisting of pressure switch, pressure gauge and excess flow
check valve shall be provided to indicate leakage/rupture downstream of the rupture
disc. Manufacturing tolerance of the rupture disc shall be decided by contractor based on
operating pressures. However when rupture disc is used in combination with pressure
relief valve, zero manufacturing range shall be selected. For each rupture disc four(1+3spare) discs shall be provided.
4.13 Pressure reducing stations & Desuperheaters
4.13.1 The design of the desuperheater shall be based on the capacity and rangeability
requirements to meet heat & mass transfer equation. Contractor shall also ensure the
following while sizing & designing the system apart from other considerations:
(a) turndown of desuperheaters and coolant
(b) minimum velocity requirements
(c) allowable pressure drop
(d) minimum pipe straight run required, upstream & downstream.
(e) location of temperature sensor at downstream
(f) design of control scheme
4.13.2 The desuperheaters shall be of insertion type design, in general, and shall consists of
a coolant injection assembly with sleeve and atomising nozzles inserted perpendicular
to the process line. Other types including in line mounted desuperheaters like variable
orifice, nozzle etc. shall be used based on process conditions.
is not feasible. The selected valve design shall ensure that seating surface is shielded
from direct liquid/condensate flow to prevent tendency of pallet sticking. A test
connection below pallet shall be provided for breather valve testing. The breather valve
selected shall have certified flow capacity as per API-2000.
4.14.5 The emergency vent shall be hinged cover type with weighed pallet and shall open to
atmosphere. Services where vapours can not be discharged freely to atmosphere,
spring loaded design shall also be acceptable. The selected vent shall have certified
flow capacity as per API-2000.
4.14.6 The type of flame arrestor i.e. detonation/deflagration shall be selected as per actual
installations requirements and shall meet the requirements of BS-7244. The flanged
type of flame arrestor shall be selected in general. Whenever end of line flame
arrestors are selected it shall always be provided with a free vent having SS316
mesh.The sizing of the flame arrestor shall be carried out considering maximum delta
pressure drop allowable across the flame arrestor/flame arrestor-vent combined. The
flame arrestor shall be certified for the capacity as per API-2000 as well as the gas
group classified as per BS-7244.
4.14.7 Where no free vent is provided for the valves/flame arrestors installed at the end of the
line, goose neck vent shall be installed to prevent entry of rain water/birds. Mesh shall
be provided at the end of the goose neck.
4.15 Compressor Instrumentation
4.15.1 Contractor/compressor vendor shall be completely responsible for providing adequate
instrumentation for safe and efficient operation of the machine. The commonly used
instruments are being detailed out in the following clauses, however this does not
absolve the contractor of providing additional instrumentation, if required.
4.15.2 Anti-surge Control System (ASC)
the compressor. This shall include but not be limited to the following :
a) Design and operation of surge control loop scheme based on offered
compressor performance.
b) Supply of all hardware in antisurge control loop including dedicated controller,
transmitters, measuring elements, final control element etc.
c) Fast response transmitter and control valve etc. as required.
d) Algorithm required for Anti Surge Controller. Dual redundant link shall be provided to interface ASC system with DCS for all
operational data required at DCS.
4.16 Vibration and Axial Displacement Monitoring
4.16.1 Vibration and axial displacement monitoring system shall be based on non-contacting
type sensing probe, unless otherwise specified.
4.16.2 Vibration and displacement monitoring system shall be as per API-670 . The extent and
type of monitoring shall be as defined elsewhere. However, contractor shall furnish any
additional requirements for monitoring deemed essential by them with reasons. Two
probes at 90 degrees apart for each location shall be provided and connected to same
dual channel monitor for vibration monitoring.
4.16.3 The sensing probe shall be accessible for adjustment, repair and replacement without
dismantling the machine.
4.16.4 Vibration and displacement monitoring system shall be Bently Nevada 3500 series or
equivalent. Monitoring instruments shall be located in control room unless otherwise
4.16.5 System shall provide continuous 4-20 mA DC isolated output for each channel of
measurement for remote indication and potential free contacts for alarm/shutdown
4.28 The time lapse Video recorder shall be as below unless mentioned otherwise:
e) The Video recorder shall record the activities at all entrances and at locations
where alarms have been alerted. The time lapse video recorder(s) shall be able
to record up to 72 hours without reloading.
f) It shall be possible to view pictures of four cameras or three cameras and VCR
simultaneously on the screen. Suitable quad unit shall be provided.
4.33 Wiring and connection shall be as below unless specified otherwise:-
a) All the cables (indoor/outdoor), connectors and plugs shall be supplied. The
connectors shall be BNC type.
b) Flexible cables shall only be used for flexible connections.
c) Video signals from cameras to the control unit shall be transmitted via coaxial
d) Camera control signals may be transmitted either via twisted pair or via multicore
e) All interconnection cabling between field mounted cameras to control equipment
shall be shielded and armoured. Outdoor cabling between control equipment/
monitor / key board and optical fibre cable shall also be shielded and armoured.
f) Materials shall be of proven design for similar application.
4.34 All the outdoor items shall be tropicalized and epoxy painted. All carbon steel bolting
shall be hot dip galvanized or Cadmium plated and bi-chromated. Screws, rivets,
brackets and stiffeners shall be stainless steel. Colour of the top coat of panels shall
be manufacturer standard.
5.1 The control room required for housing control system and other instrument items shall
be designed, constructed totally by contractor. The following shall be considered as
minimum for control room.
in this specifications and special requirement given under job specification. The
standard specification for PLC 6-52-0040 shall also supplement the PLC requirement
as applicable. Plant operational requirements shall be as per P&IDs, Process
description and any other requirement as defined in Process package.
6.2 The offered control system shall have complete infrastructure base available in India
for the purpose of maintanence, spare parts supply, engineering support, expansion
6.3 If at any point of time during execution of job, DCS/PLC system as being supplied is
found inadequate, additions/modifications required in software or hardware to meet the
requirements, shall be carried out by contractor without any time/cost implications.
6.4 Functionally, the plant monitoring, control etc. shall be done through DCS and the
interlock/ shut down is executed through PLC, in general. Inter mixing and
interchanging of functionalities are not allowed.
6.5 For the overall plant operational philosophy, number of control systems, their locations,
the Process units under each system, the connectivity between other control systems
etc. the system configuration and other requirements given in Job Specifications
attached elsewhere shall be referred and met with.
6.6 Process unitwise segregation shall be provided for controller/data acquision sub-
system, PLC, Marshalling/barrier and termination cabinet, relay rack, electrical
instrument interface cabinet, power distribution.
6.7 In case of bulk power supply used for powering 2 wire transmitters, barriers etc. the
dual redundant power supply shall be provided.
6.8 Control room ergonomics shall be considered while deciding the various operator/
engineering interfaces. Unless otherwise specified all operator/engineering interfaces
shall be console type. Only single tier shall be considered unless specifically indicated
otherwise in the job specifications.
The log formats shall be user definable and shall be finalised during deatail
6.11.3 Operator interface sub system shall be an independent function sub-system and shall
not depend on any other node/sub-system including engineering interface sub-system
under normal operating condition.
6.11.4 Number of graphic pages per console shall be 300 as a minimum.
6.11.5 Minimum two cursor control devices shall be provided on each CRT one keyboard
other touch screen or track ball or any other as specified in job/particular specifications.
The touch screen provided shall operate only when the finger (or any other device)
touching the screen target is withdrawn. It shall not operate on mere touching.
6.11.6 Window operation
a) The operator interface sub system shall have facility to open multi-corridors on
the operator console for the wider look of the plant. It shall be possible to operate
the plant through any of these windows.
b) The system shall have capability to provide multi-window display without erasing
the current display panel by opening up multiple drag and drop rectangle window
on the screen. The following type of window display and function shall be
- Alarm Window
- Face plate window
- Trend window
- Process window
- Graphic window
- Menu window
c) The system software shall restrict operator to open more than four windows at
a time.
6.14.5 Rack layout shall ensure clear and adequate segregation between termination panels,
I/O modules and cables in the following:
- Analog (intrinsically safe)
- Analog (non-intrinsically safe)
- Discrete (intrinsically safe)
- Discrete (non-intrinsically safe)
- Power supply cables (voltage wise split)
- mV signals
- Pulse signals
- RTD signals
6.14.6 Not more that four cabinets shall be combined for wiring. For consoles and cabinets,
side cover shall be provided individually.
6.14.7 All wiring shall conform to API-RP-550 Part I section 7 and 12. Different signals level
cables shall be routed under false flooring with separation distance as recommended
by API-RP-550 section-7.
6.14.8 All wiring inside racks, cabinets and back of the panels shall be housed in covered, non
flammable plastic raceways arranged to permit easy accessibility to various
instruments for maintenance, repair and removal.
All wiring in the race ways shall be properly clamped. Total wiring cross-sectional area
including air gap shall not exceed 50% of the raceway cross-sectional area.
Rubber/Plastic grommets shall be used for wire entry into individual instruments and
entry/exit of wires through raceways. The exposed length of wiring shall be kept
6.14.9 Separate wiring raceways shall be used for power supply wiring DC and low level
signal wiring, and intrinsically safe wiring, Parallel runs and AC and DC wiring closer
than 300 mm shall be avoided.
Safe wiring
DC wiring Red (positive)
Black (negative)
100 metre length of wires shall be supplied as loose spares for each cabinet
column/ row used.
6.15 Identification and Marking
a) All electrical termination’s and equipment on the cabinet and other accessories
shall be identified with appropriate tag, cable marker, etc.
b) All terminals in a terminal strip shall be identified by their individual numbers
located integral with the terminal itself.
c) Interconnecting multicables shall be identified by metal tags as indicated in cable
d) Wiring at terminals shall be identified by the terminal number and termination
service at the other end of the wire. Wiring at instruments and accessories like
alarm relays, push buttons etc. shall have ferrules indicating tag number,
terminal number and the termination service at the other end of the wire.
e) Looping connections shall be identified by termination services at both ends of
the wire.
f) Identification markets as mentioned above shall be repeated in contractor
g) Sample identification methods shall be discussed with Owner before finalisation.
6.16 Printers and hard copy unit
6.16.1 Logging/Alarm and Event/Configuration and maintenance Printer
a) Type of Printer shall be Line for logging printers and serial for others.
b) Number of character shall be approx. 96 and type shall be ASCII.
m) Noise level while printing at 1 meter distance shall be less than 45 dBA.
n) Identification os alarms and events is required by dual colour for alarm and event
6.16.2 Hard Copy Unit
a) The hard-copier unit shall be electrostatic type or thermal type and shall be able
to take coloured copies of any CRT screen either from operator console or from
engineering console.
b) No CRT screen shall be locked out while taking copy. In case this is available it
should not be more than five seconds maximum.
c) The number of channels shall be selected by contractor as per number of CRTs
of operator console and engineering console of the system.
d) The hard copier shall be installed on a self contained integral stand.
e) Where there is a possibility of transfer of high voltage to communication sub-
system from video copier, high voltage protection barriers shall be provided.
7.1 This clause specifies the general requirements of process and flue gas
analysers.Application related specific requirements shall be described in job
7.1.1 Process Analysers System Design
The principle of operation shall be simple in design and shall avoid analytical
complexity associated with development of information which is extraneous to the
application. In general, system shall consists of probe, sample tube, pressure
reduction, sample conditioning, fast loop operation, analyser and vent connection to
with the process package. The analysers shall be installed in the analyser shelter/room
in general. In case where no analyser shelter exists, the analyser shall be installed in
a free standing analyser cabinet. The analyser cabinet shall be provided with a vortex
cooler or air conditioning unit suitable for the area classification.
Process stream analysers shall be microprocessor based and their sample handling
system shall be designed and fabricated by the analyser vendor only. The analyser
vents and drain shall be routed to process or flare as applicable. Enclosure: All the analyser shall be individually certified for area classification and
required gas grouping. All electrical component of the analyser system and air
conditioner shall be certified for use in IEC Zone-1 area of required gas grouping. Calibration gas cylinder/consumables
All calibration cylinders and other necessary items for analyser calibration shall be
supplied by the contractor, considering the requirement of start up / commissioning,
warranty period plus two years normal operation. The cylinders shall be located outside
the shelter/cabinets and contractor shall provide suitable mounting accessories for the
same. Cylinders shall be supplied in two sets, one shall be used and the other for
storage and filling.
Analysers like pH, Conductivity shall be two wire type and shall be installed outdore.
7.1.2 Flue Gas Analysers Flue gas monitoring system shall be used for continuous emission of stack and
heaters. Typically SOx, NOx, O2, CO and CO2 analysers are required for stack and
heater analysers.
O2 Analysers :Zirconia type (unless paramagnetic type required for process
condition) Analysers: Analysers shall be electronic microprocessor based with full diognoestic
facility. The analysers shall be located in prefabricated shelter. Analyser shelter
i) The flue gas analysers shall be located in a prefabricated analyser shelter.
Minimum width of the analyser shall be 3 m. The design and construction of the
shelter shall be self supporting type and it shall be capable of housing required
analysers, sample handling system and other accessories. All the air conditioner,
all electrical component shall be certified flame proof Ex‘d’ of required gas
ii) The structure of shelter shall be constructed by suitable size ‘ISMC
(150/125)/ISMB(100)’ welded properly and adequately sized to ensure structural
rigidity and to prevent deformation during loading / unloading of the shelter. The
floor shall be constructed from anti slip sheet plates strong enough to withstand
load of all the equipments and atleast three maintenance personnel.
iii) External side walls and internal side walls shall be adequately strong and
galvanized sheet of thickness 18 gauge with 45 mm x 60 mm x 45 mm x 3 mm
thick MS U profile.
iv) The shelter roof shall be adequately strong and sealed to prevent entry of rain
and jet water.
v) The shelter shall be provided with main door and an emergency door opposite
to main door. Both doors shall be opening outwards, provided with safety glass
window and automatic spring door closer.
vi) Extension roof provided along the two longer sides shall be hanged atleast 1000
mm outside the analyser shelter.
warranty period plus two years normal operation. The cylinders shall be located outside
the cabinets and contractor shall provide suitable mounting accessories for the same.
Cylinders shall be supplied in two sets, one shall be used and the other for storage and
Flue gas analysers for emission monitoring ( i.e SOx, NOx, CO2, COx, O2 ) shall meet
the requirements of EPA, USA regulations.
9.0 Gas Detection System
9.1 LEL Detectors
LEL detectors shall either be infrared type or catalytic combustion type as specified in
job specifications. Material of construction shall be SS304. Accuracy shall be +/- 2%
URV. LEL detectors shall be 3 wire type. Detectors shall be weather proof to IP 55 and
flameproof Ex‘d’ suitable for indicated area classification. Necessary rain guard and
dust shield shall be provided. Cable distance limitation between LEL detectors and
control room shall be reviwed for various vendors based on detectors voltage drop and
current consumption. Necessary Calibration kit with gases for minimum 2 years
operation after warranty period shall be provided. Portable LEL gas detectors ( 1 no.)
Shall be provided. Seperate gases shall be provided for warranty period.
The LEL monitors shall be installed on a panel to be installed in control room. LEL
group alarms shall be provided in DCS.
9.2 H2S Detectors
H2S detectors shall be electrochemical type. Material of construction shall be SS304.
Accuracy shall be +/- 3% URV. H2S detectors shall be 3 wire type. Detectors shall be
weather proof to IP 55 and flame proof Ex‘d’ suitable for indicated area classification.
Necessary rain guard and dust shield shall be provided. Cable distance limitation
between H2S detectors and control room shall be reviwed for various vendors based
on voltage drop and current consumption of detectors. Necessary calibration kit with
i) For all instruments in sour service, all materials of construction shall meet the
requirements specified in NACE MR 01-75 latest edition. In addition, any other
requirements if specified in respective piping class, shall also be complied.
ii) Impulse pipe material shall be as per the corresponding piping class. However,
for Impulse tubing, material shall be SS 316, as a minimum. Better material shall
be selected wherever required as per PMS and if SS 316 is not suitable.
iii) Valve body material of PMS to be considered for body material of control valve,
self actuated pressure control valve, field instrument, body/bonnet of pressure
relief valve, cage / chamber of all level instrument, chamber of senior orifice
assembly and body of all other instruments.
iv) Trim material of valves as per PMS shall be considered for the wetted parts of
all instruments apart from body / bonnet / cage / chamber and flange shall be as
per trim material. The thermowell material shall be as per trim material.
For piping class A1A, A6A, A8A, A10A, A14A, A19A, B1A, B6A, B9A, B13A, D1A, E1A,
F1A, A5A, B5A, D5A, A3A, A2A, B2A and D2A, SS 316 shall be used as trim material
instead of trim material specified in the PMS. However stelliting shall be provided in
steam cases and where dictated by specification. For piping classes A4F, A3F, B4F,
A4G, B4G and D4G, monel shall be used for field transmitters, pressure / differential
pressure gauges for body / socket / sensor / diaphragm upto the maximum specified
temperature of 200C. All flanges shall be as per PMS. The torque tube material of
displacer instrument shall be inconel as minimum.
valves/desuperheaters not covered in ANSI B16.34 shall be in line with ANSI B16.34.
100 % radiography shall be done on the following areas of each item requiring
- inlet flange neck
- outlet flange neck
- cast nozzle (in case of safety valves)
- all weld joints
Two shots shall be taken for each area to be radiographed, as a minimum.
11.3 Following test shall be carried out by contractor at his vendor’s works and test
certificate shall be furnished.
i) Material test certificate including NACE requirements for all instruments.
ii)* Calibration/ test certificates for all instruments including control valves, safety
iii)* Seat leakage test for control valves and safety valves.
iv)* Helium leakage test for control valves and pressure relief valves in H2 service.
v)* Test certificate for safety valve set pressure and reseat pressure.
vi)* Hydrotest certificate for all inline instruments, pipes, tubes, fittings etc.
vii)* Radiography of control valve and pressure relief valves of rating ANSI 600# or
viii) Conformity certificate from sub-vendor.
ix) Capacity certificate duly approved by third party.
x) NACE compliance certificate.
All tests prefixed by (*) shall be witnessed by owner/owner representative /third
12.4.1 All cables shall have PVC insulated primary insulation of 85C PVC as per IS-5831
Type C/ IEC 502. Inner and outer jacket shall be made of extruded flame retardant
90C PVC to IS-5831 Type ST-2 / IEC 502. Oxygen index of PVC shall be over 30%
and temperature index shall be over 250C.
12.4.2 All cables shall be fire retardant as per standard IEC 332-3 Part 3 Cat.A. Fire
resistance cables whenever specified shall be as per IEC 331 Cat. A.
12.4.3 The insulation grade shall be 600 V/1100 V as a minimum and shall meet insulation
resistance, voltage and spark test requirements as per BS-5308 Part-2.
12.4.4 All cables shall be armoured. Armour over inner jacket shall be of galvanised steel
wire/flat as per IS-1554 part I / IEC 502.All the cores of single pair or multipair shall be
twisted and numbers of twist shall not be less than 10 per metre.
12.4.5 For signal and control cables, inner jacket colour shall be black. Outer jacket colour
shall be light blue for intrinsically safe application and black for others. For
thermocouple extension cables the inner and outer jacket colour shall be as per IS-
12.4.6 Maximum DC resistance of the conductor of the completed cable shall not exceed the
a) 12.3 $/km at 20C for cables with 1.5 mm2 conductor.
b) 39.7 $/km at 20C for cables with 0.5 mm2 conductor.
12.4.7 The mutual capacitance of the pair or adjacent cores shall not exceed 250 pF/m at a
frequency of 1 kHz. The capacitance between any core and screen shall not exceed
400 pF/ m at a frequency of 1 kHz.
12.4.8 L/R ratio of adjacent cores shall not exceed 40 µH / $ for cables with 1.5 mm2
conductor and 25 µH / $ for cables with 0.5 mm2 conductor.
12.4.9 The drain wire resistance including shield shall not exceed 30 $/km. Electrostatic noise
rejection ratio shall be over 76 dB.
d) The cable shall have 16 AWG and 20 AWG solid conductors for single and
multipairs respectively.
e) All thermocouple extension cable shall be matched and calibrated in accordance
with IEC-584-2.
f) Shield shall be aluminium backed by mylar/polyester tape bonded together
helically applied with the metallic side down with either side having 25% overlap
and 100% coverage. Minimum shield thickness shall be 0.05 mm for single pair
and 0.075 mm for multipair cable. Drain wire shall be 0.5 mm2 multistrand bare
tinned annealed copper conductor. The drain wire shall be in continuous contact
with the aluminium side of the shield.
g) Core inductance shall not exceed 4 mH/km. However for J-type thermocouple
inductance could be 8 mH/km.
h) All multi-pair cables shall have 6 pairs/12 pairs only.
i) For units with IEC Gr.IIC hazardous area classification of gas grouping,
polyethylene insulated cables with 70C Polyethylene (PE) as per IS 6474 or
equivalent international standard shall be used in general with all other
specification same as (a) to (h).
12.4.16 Power Supply And Other Cables
a) All power supply cables shall be as per IS-1554 Part I and shall have
copper/aluminium conductors depending on conductor size. Minimum conductor
size shall be 2.5 mm² of copper conductor. For higher sizes, aluminium
conductor can be considered. All these cables shall be PVC insulated and
b) Any other special cable required for instruments shall also be supplied as per
requirements. Vendor shall ensure that these cables are armoured type and shall
f) Cable glands shall be NPT for all field items and junction boxes where as ET
thread with check nuts for control room end.
12.6 Junction Boxes
a) Contractor shall supply junction boxes as per the cables selected, wherever
required. These shall be of die cast aluminium alloy (LM-6) body and shall be
weather proof to IP 55, as a minimum.
b) These boxes shall have terminals suitable for minimum or 4 mm² or less cable
termination mounted on rails. 20% spare terminals shall be supplied in each
junction box.
c) Telephone sockets and plugs shall be provided in junction boxes.
d) Flame proof junction boxes wherever required shall be supplied with Ex‘d’
certification. All such boxes shall be weatherproof to IP 55 also.
e) Each junction box shall have a minimum of 2 Nos. for 6P/12C and 4 numbers for
12P/24C spare entries. All spare entries shall be provided with plugs certified
Ex‘d’ for flameproof junction boxes.
12.7 Instrument Valves and Manifolds
a) Contractor shall supply instrument valves (miniature type) and valve manifolds
wherever required.
b) Body rating shall be as per piping class or better. All valves and manifolds shall
be forged type only.
c) Valve body and trim material shall be SS 316 unless otherwise specified.
Superior trim material shall be selected as required by process conditions.
Packing material in general shall be of PTFE.
d) For instrument air isolation valves, body material shall be Nickel or cadmium
plated corbon steel.
grade copper with wall thickness of 1 mm as per ASTM B 68M copper no. C
e) Instrument air distribution shall be with 6 mm soft annealed copper, 1 mm thick
PVC coated as per ASTM B 68M copper no. C 12200
f) Vendor shall supply a minimum of 20% of pipe/tubes as spare.
12.8.2 Piping
a) All piping shall be 1/2" NB with material and class as per piping class of the pipe
on which the instrument is connected. The piping shall also be 3/4" NB, 1½" NB
as the case may be. In case of vessel / equipment / reactor piping shall be
corresponding equivalent piping class.
12.9 Pipes and Tube Fittings
12.9.1 Tube Fittings
a) Contractor shall supply flareless compression type of tube fitting and of three
piece construction with design similar to Swagelok/Parker Hannifen/Ermeto etc.
b) The fitting/ferrule hardness shall be in the range of RB 85-90 so as to ensure a
minimum hardness difference of 5 to 10 between tube and fittings. The ferrule
shall be of stainless steel material, in general.
c) Socket-weld type forged pipe fittings of suitable material and rating shall be
supplied for pipe fittings. The minimum rating shall be 3000 #. Weld neck fittings
shall be used where socket weld type are not allowed by piping class.
d) Instrument air brass fittings shall be suitable for use on copper tubes conforming
to ASTM B 68/B 68 M hardness not exceeding RB 50. All fitting parts shall be
manufactured from Brass as per IS-319 bar stock or equivalent and shall be
nickel plated.
e) All threaded fittings shall have NPT threads as per ANSI/ASME B16.11 only.
instruments, analyser system, gas detector systems, control system equipments i.e
DCS, PLC, Hart maintenance system in main control room / satellite rack room / local
control room etc, local and remote panels including supply / fabrication / erection /
installation of all erection material i.e cables, cable glands, junction boxes, cable ducts,
trays, conduits, instrument supports, trenches, instrument road crossing as required
to complete the job in all respect.
13.2 Contractor’s scope shall include installation of CCTV system, whereever required
including cameras along with accessories and mounting pole, cabling and control room
mounted items including supply and installation of all erection material.
13.3 Supply / fabrication and installation of instrument mounting posts, support stands /
frames, fittings, brackets and other consumables for mounting and supporting all
instruments, instrument system components and fixing the same.
13.4 Whenever installation is beyond the scope of contractor, purchaser or its authorised
representative shall install the instruments as per the drawing / document / details
provided by the contractor. However, in such a case it must be ensured that complete
installation materials shall be supplied.
13.5 Any panel or instrument which has been disconnected or removed for transportation
shall be replaced or reconnected where necessary.
13.6 Installation of any underground cables shall include excavation, cable segregation,
support, back filling with grades of sands, tiling, trench makers etc. In case of
underground cables are required to be in RCC trenches, all installation shall be carried
out except excavation. Suitable cable markers made of aluminium shall be provided
for all underground cabling.
13.7 Installation of aboveground cables includes identification, suitable supports, angle /
perforated / ladder tray duct fixing and fire proofing (if required as per job specification).
standard, all pipes shall be 1/2" NB unless higher sizes required to meet the
requirements, with all fittings suitable for the piping. All the joints shall be welded or
flanged as required. For instrument end connection i.e root valve of orifices and other
items, level gauges vent and drain connection, seal welding shall be provided. For non
diaphragm seal instruments and instruments where provided with threaded connection,
no welding is required at instrument end.
14.3 Tubing standard shall be used upto 600 # only where the same is required as per job
specification. For rating above 600 # and hydrogen/lethal service, only piping standard
shall be used. The tubing shall be 1/2" OD tube with all fittings suitable for the same.
Valves used shall be threaded. At the first isolation / root valve end suitable pipe tag
to tubing conversion fittings shall be used. For remote installation suitable unions /
couplings shall be used.
14.4 Based on above guideline, contractor shall prepare, develope installation standards
and indicate bill of material for each installation.
14.5 Steam, tracing of all instruments shall be considered on steam traced Process lines
as per P&ID and other documents. For steam tracing of instruments copper tube &
brass fittings shall be used. Tube fittings shall be double ferrule type. For each
instruments steam trace bore shall be provided with steam trap duly connected to
14.6 Use of standpipe for level instruments shall be as per job specifications.The
representation on the P&IDs for level instrument connections is schematic only.
14.7 Standpipe shall always be taken from the side.
14.8 Installation of Systems (DCS, PLC, Analysers etc.)
14.8.1 The system shall be installed by the system vendor who would be responsible for
installation and termination of interconnecting cables in the system racks / cabinets.
Refer to standard specification of DCS 6-52-0055 for detailed requirements. All
have earthling lugs which shall be secured to the 'AC mains earthing bus'.
b) All circuit grounds, shields and drain wires shall be connected to the 'system
ground' bus which is isolated from 'AC mains earth'. This bus shall typically be
25 mm wide and 6 mm thick of copper.
The total resistance of system ground shall be less than 5 $ unless otherwise
recommended by system manufacturer.
c) Safety barriers, if used, shall be secured to 'Safety ground' which shall have
typically ground resistance of less than 1 $. The bus shall be designed
considering a fault level of 0.5 A at 250 V r.m.s. per barrier.
14.8.5 All other installation guidelines as recommended by system manufacturer shall be