IELTS Pre-Intermediate WB Transcript

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Recording scripts Unit 1 Track 02 Narrator: One Woman: Have you moved into your new house yet? Mar Notyet But we've got.a date, W: Whersina Mz Two weeks today, on Fiday the 13th, N: Two W: Have you come fer today? No. just from Crawford Dorford? Where's thar? No, Crawford. Thats C-R-A-W-F-O-R-D. Three ‘What's your phone rumber? Do you warit my home number or my mobile? You'd beter giva me your mobile. Mz OK, iS 0870 292720, N: Four Mi: D0 you know Sue's eccress? | wantto send hera birthday card Wi: Sure, is 70 Sidney Avenue, Lowestot M: 17, Seney Avenue, thanks Ws No, 70. And that's Sidney wth an, nota Y-S-I-0-N-E-Y. Track 03 Narrator: One Man: ‘What's your name? Woman: Julienne Bailey. ME: Did you say Juliet? W: No, Julienne, J-U-L-E-N-N-E. Mz And Bailey wih an i? W: That's ight, BALE. N: Iwo M: | tied caling you lst night, but | couldnt get through, WE Oh, sorry, | was out, Nexttime, try my mebil. M: Whats the rumber? W: Got apeny OK, t's 0865 701158, Ns Three Wi Could you give me your address, please? IM: Sure, it’s 119 Evenlode Road, Fenton, W: 113 Evenlode Road. Er could you spell the name of the road forme? Complete Ls We Thanks Ns Four IM: How long have yeu been here? We Letmesee, | arived an the 1st, no, sory, | arived on the a Df April so ve been here for rine days. Track 04 Man: Hell. Good Moves Accommodation Agency: Een speaking. How can | help? Woman: Good morning. fm galling about an apartment an Your website, and was wondering if could hae Some more information. Mz Certainly Can | Lske your details before we got started” W: Sure. Mz Right, what's your name, please? Ws OK, my name is Ciarice Wilard, Clarice is -L-A-R-I-C-E ‘And Wiletd, W-I-L-L-A-R-D, Mi: And have you got a contact number? Yes, Ill giva you my mobile, whichis 0182 8734566, ‘That’ great thanks. And can | ask how you found us? Of course, A family member used you lest year and facommended you. So, had a lack at our website end, wel that's why fm caling now, ME OK, s0, which property are you interested in? W: The apartment on Stathiam Street, the ane on the 2rd foo M: Letme see. Ah, mara that fat's no longer avaliable. W: No? IM: No. it went this morning. I's in a realy popular part of town, ‘We do have a house on the same street, f you're interested, k's £950 a month, Er ne. [think that's much tao expensive. think en apertmantis all we can afford, Oh, 30 Its nat just for you? No, meand a friend, Wee both starting work nthe tawn next ‘month M: Oh sight, sait’s te of you, So, let's see. Do you have any jreferences in terms of location? Bath our jobs ate in the town centre, sot would he goed-a be ‘within walking distance of that, or periaps a short bus journey ‘vay. Nether of us nave a gar, 80 wed be relying 1 pubic ‘rensport, And whats your budget? ‘m sony? Haw much can you pay a month? Let me see, e £700 2 month is probably our it. Mz Eaoh? LW: ‘io, that would be for the both of us. We wouldn't be able to ay more than £250 each. Oh, and that would have to include bifs. Not onone bils, obviously, but things lke elacricity, gas ‘and water M: Hin, OK, well, we do have a place in the Bampton cistret, ‘which is about ton minutes by bus forntown. I's a ‘wo-bedroom apartment, and’ less than your budget, 2t £600 a month. Sils would be extra, unfortunately, but that ‘should still work out at less than £700, Although remember that elecvioity and gas prices are going up all the time, so | ‘cant guarantee that W: Do you have an adress? M: Ido. The apartment number is 3, and its at 67 Thernay Leys Rosa Ws Hang on, fet me justmake a nate of thal 57 M: Thomey Leys Road. Thorney is T-H-D-R-N-E-Y and Leys is L-E-Y-S. And the district is valled Bempton, Da you have an emia adcress? W: Yes, TMi Inthat case. can send you the details, and then you cap think ‘about And ifyou're interested, | could arrange fora vist so Yyou can see the place for yourselt Have does thet sound? WE: Oh, thet would be really helpful Ws larice_wilard@... fade) Unit 2 Track 05 Narrator: A, Speaker: 2B Hwy fer do you travel to work? Gi How do you get to werk? D Have you gat any hobbies or intoreste? 2 2 What do you da? F Can Ihave your second name, please? 6 When were you bom? iH Whore do yau lve? Dayou have s contact number? Track 06 Interviewer: Can have your second name, pleese? Toby: Sure, its Walliams. That's W-A-L-L1-A-M-S I: Where do you fve? Tr 47 Beech Street, Wokingham, Beech is B-E-E-C-H 1: When were you bom? Tz Onthe sth of Apri, 1984 ff Doyou hava.a contact number? Te Sure. ts 0529 865 241) 1: What's your job? 7: _mashopmaneger | How far do you travel from your house to your place of work? T: 12kiomeves. 1: How de you get there? Te lusualy take the bus, I: Have you got any hobbies or interests? Te Ohyes like cooking, cycing and travel Track 07 Bridget: Hello, Eddie? I's Bridger Eddies Ohi Bridget B: Listen, Eddie are you sl free to-do an article forthe college magazine? E: Sure, sthere anything in particular you'd ke me ta write about? Bz Wol, the next issue is about people's ives, you know, people ‘who have done something interesting or exctting, Aiywey. lve got someone ined up, and |wes wondering if you could interview them and then write the ancl, E: Allright, that's fine with me B: Great Have you gota pon? E: Yes B: OK take this down. Hes name is Tom Coogan Es Tom..2 B: Coogan. That's C-0-0-G-A-N Got that? E: Sure, and what dnes he dae B: He's travel witer, E: [don't think|'ve heard of him. What else can you tell me about im? Hr old is he? What'she wnitten? Thai sar. af thng, Bz OK. he's 42 years od, er and he's writien ten or wwelve books, LLetime just check tht. Un huh, twelve books, including his latest. On, and he also presents a travel progiamme on TV Allright Now, his est book is about ajaurney he made aoross the Gobi desert on horseback. It took ir six manths, apparently Anywey. [think he'd Ike to tak about thal, so make sure you asklots of questions. Fine, I'd better ook ata copy. What's it called? I's called Has Anyone Sean My Horse? Ive gat a copy here ‘which I car lend you. (OK. and why does he want to talk about that book in partiour? Is just won him an award, Feally? What kind? B: Travel Book of the Year ‘Oh, wow, thats prety impressive. Recording scripts Br Exactly, so tke I say, ask ots af questions about it. Now, [ve atfanged for you 10 meet him ori 21st October. That's two ‘wo2ks on Friday, is that OK? Et should be Have you got e time for that? Not yet, he wants youto cal fim beforehand to arrange thet give you his contact number's £722, no, heng on, i's 0772 9214490. E: 0772 9214490. And where am supposed to meet him? B: He's suggested ius place, which ie good as isnot far fromthe college. I's 188 Lonsdale Avenue, Summertown. Lonsdale is L-O-N-S-D-A-L-E Ez Yech, thik know where Lorsilale Avenues. You did say 108, dicert you? ‘Br Right. Oh, and! suggest that you take look at his website as, wel. Its gotloads of information so you might want to ask him aout some offs other Lips. I's at wivw;tomioaoganbeaks. E: Allright Thanks for that fillet you know how I get on. 1B: Great, Thanks, Eddi. Good luck. Unit 3 Track 03, Hello, everyone, and welcome aboard the Sunshine Express.on ‘our journey from London to Naples.t'm lene Sharpe, the train ‘manager, ond ! hope you'll enjoy the tip. Before we depart, dike to tell you a bit about the train andits fealities. Now, we're here on the abservation deck, which is where yeu'l probably spend most of your trip, asi affera che best views, ‘and directly Below us ts a, well wo call tour leisure centre. There ‘fe some games machines, «television, a smal ibrary and s0 on Ifyou've brought laptop or computer with you, you ean alsa get ‘onto the Intemet here, a9 thas full wi-fi capably. There’ also a, small ba where you can got toa, coffee an igh meals. For kinch ‘and dinner, you'l use the restaurant car, which js at the front ofthe train, You'll have breakfast in your cabins, by the way, which willbe brought to you ty your steward, The twa cats behind the restaurant are where youl ind the ‘second-class cabins. Each cabin has seats which ere changed anta beds at night. You'l also find a simple basin for washing, and «a smal fld-down table, Fist-class passengers, your cabins are et tho beck of the train. To get to them, youll need to pass through the lounge, This can be used by everyone during the dey, but ls exclusive to first-class passengers after 6 pm. Right atthe back of tho tan, basicaly es far as you can go, is my ‘office, I eryone needs to see me, though, please use the phone in.your cabin rather than coming tothe office Just press one and youll get me. I'm not there, tell your steward you need ta see the ‘manager, end he or she wil lank for me. Track 09 Right, let me gle you @ bit mora information ebout the trp. The fist part of cur journey i from London to Pars, gang through ‘the Channel Tunnel itil take us just over en hour to get to tho ‘Tunnel, including shortstop before we get there wo pick up ‘some more passengers. From tor, ibe another three hours zo Paris, so we're looking at four hours akagether, giva or take few mmiutes. Complete IELTS ‘A quick bitof advice about passports. You won't need these unti ‘we get to the italian border, so | suggest you keep them inthe ‘safe which you'l ind in your cabin, Ask your steward - thats the person in charge of you'r carriage —for a key, That way, you won't ead to cary them with you all the time, Now, meals. As | sid earir breakfost tomorrow morning wil be in your cabins, and this will bo sorved at about 720, 7.45, 90 Youll be able to enjoy itas we travel along the southern French ‘coast. Lunch ft 1 o'clock in tho restaurant car, endl ineris at 6 ‘'lock, although wa'd ike you alto be at your table about fifteen minutes earlier, ata quarter to, f you could, ‘Wher swe get tothe italian border tomorrow moming, our train wil. ‘change engines, and weil also be gettng 2 now crew. Wo'llbe taking advantage ofthe stop to have a lack around. I've arranged ‘visit to the local market, 3 museum and a cntle, This wil ake ‘about four hours, with a break for coffee ina lncal cate, and well bbe back an the trainin time for lunh: ‘A few quick rues, Some of you might hava brought your own food ‘or drink on Board. Thats fine, but could we ask that you consume itin your eabins and notin the restaurant or lounge? Could we also ask you fo make sure your cabin windows are closed when Yyou'e natin your cabin? And whatever you do, dont get otf the {raio unt we reach the ltaian border: Apert from the border ‘and one or two other places, whch I'itellyou about, any stops we make will enly be fora few minutes. '¢ hate to leave anyone behind Allright, $9, moving on from the italian border, well bs heading. faded Unit 4 Track 10 Hesearener: Helo, Joe, qaod to see you again Joe: Hi, you too. Rr Sohow dd you get on with the cevioas we asked you to test forus? J: Oh; ine. Well, mostly. RE OK, well welll come beck to those ina minute Fst ofl, ‘eas wondering i cauio ask you afew questions about your altitude io new electrical products, This wil help us with future merketing,Isthat OK? Sule Rz OK. First ofall how much do you spend on electri items 2 month? Jt Hmm, let me see. don't earn aot, so dori have much left after ve pad for things lke rent, bils, food and so on, Anything else isa hixuy. So, '¢ guess about St, maybe 10% cof my monthly salary R:_ Allright, and whet influences you in your choice of product? ‘Say you wanted = new mobile phone, how would you decide ‘hich one to buy? ‘Well ist look at reviews on the Internet, you know, what ‘other customers think about them. Then Iifask my fds ‘what they think. Infact, ther opinions are probaly mare. important then anything Ri How much does advertising help you choose a praduct? J: think that depends on how the products edverised. and Whois advertising it R: Forexample? Jt Well ifs someone | respect, you knows tke @ femous sportsman of actor that can certainly make aeifference. | know it shouldn'realy, butit does. Re And where do yau buy most of these products? The High Siraet? The Internet? J: Most people seem to avoid shops, these days, don't they, for things lke that? They think they can get things cheaper on the Inter. Right, ‘ut fine that you say to shop assistant thot you can get a ne er, cetera for example, for £100 on the Internet, they'l often match the price, So, that's whera | go, Any other advantages? Wel you get personal service and you don't have to wait for the product 10 be celvered. Orcerng aniine means you have to just bought. ‘Wate, sometimes for ages, o get the tings you' Fate that, | guess Im just very impatient, ROK one final question, Do yau ever see a product and think ‘Tye absolutely otto get one of those"? Oh, all the time, especialy ifm vatking pasta shop and | se a new electronic Rem n the windaw, especally i's unusual ‘you kiow, something I've never seen before rakes a lott willpower Track 11 Researcher: Right, Jos, let’s move on, Now, we gave youthree items to test forus. Let's start with the mabile phone, Joe: OK, wel ithas ts good pats and its bad points, ‘The purple and siver tmoke it quite eye-catching, you know, mader, exciting. Right, Anything ole? J: Wel, i's very small tent? | Know peaple say small is good. but in this case | think you might have gone toa fr, Inwhat way? J: It-can be a bit difficult to use, especial if you've got big hands like mine, You press one key, and you end up pressing enother atthe same time, On the other hand, thanks tothe oval design, it does ft comfortably in yourhand. Mabies are usualy sort of Tectenguler, aren't hey? |thirk ths is much better e OK. What else? When! wes sending text messages, | had rea problems seeing what | was writing. I's nat thatthe soreen. ‘was too small, ust that wos abit dark, f you're outs, you ‘cer hetaly see anything oni IR: Wedded a few things that you dont get on other mobiles. What di you thin about those? Ab, right, wel, that noise it makes you move away from it? ‘Thats teally annoying. I's basicaly 2 good idea, but | think that after a hile itwould drive me mad, RR: So, you probably would buy? & Probably not. When I buy a motile phone, | dont want one. thats going to be dificult to operate. There's no point having 1 phone that looks good ifyau have to spend ages tying 10 ‘ake a oa or sendlz text message, W's funny, Hut nd that ‘more expensive mobi phones are more dificul to use than ‘cheaper ones. It should ke the other way round So keep tsimple, ight? Right. And | want a phone that doesnt have problems picking up signal, or doesnt cut you off hatwey through 2 eall. And allthose games and ather things you get on a mobile? really can't see the pointin those Fair point. Nex. the inital radia. What cd you think? The audio qualty was crisp and leer, even if you tured is up really oud. Some sound systems can sound a bit distorted at higher volumes, but not on this one, So 10 aut af 10 for that Great The things, tm not sure it’s the area ive in, but the choice ‘of radio stations seemed very sited. It dit make any difference wiet | tid withthe aerial or where | put the radio, high up ona shelf, wv down on the far. And there seemed 10 be adelay when you turned up the volume, What do you mean? ‘Wel, when you pross the volume contro, far example, nothing seams to happen fora few seconds. And the same thing happens whon you want to change cadia stations, OK, the thd item was the laptop computer Whats your ‘opinion on that? (Oh, | realy tked it It's so small so compact. but easy ta use atthe same time, | don't think yau cauld make it sno if you {ied But at £900, fm not sure you'd got many customers, Thats alot of money for 8 laptop, Bring that downto, ay, £400 and things might be different. ‘Any ather changes you'd make? Like adding more mernory for example? Ithink thet fine as itis. Three hundred gigabytes af memory ‘is probably more than enough for most people, Oh, and incidental, the way the keyboarc folds aut so that its Ike {ul-size one? That's really clever. Bul the eomputer doesn’t have anywhere you can play CO-ROMS, And Id ineluide a ight in the keyboard so you can use it whan i's dark. Wel, therks, Joe for your comments. {think we face) Recording scripts Unit 5 Track 12 Holle. everyone, and vielcome to our college Natural History day, ‘You've all got your programme forthe day, but et me just. give you. ‘ito information about your options for this morning's sessions, which begin et ha past pine. Remember, you need to attend one ofthese sessions, Allright, your frst choice is called ‘Doge might fly: which wil take place in Feom 27. Professor Keenan, who you may remember ran workshop lest year ov how dinaseurs became extinct, wl be ‘giving a fecture onthe evolution of animals. In particular, stieth ‘be looking at how they may evolve in the future, and this wile ‘ollawed bya group discussion whare you'll peta chance 10 ask fer questions and offer your own thoughts and opinions on this. So, ifthe evolution of animals is something youire interested in, head for Roam 27 ‘We all know that animals cammunicete with each othen but what bout flawvers? Your second choice isa video presentation called lowers tak” This considers the possibility that plants end flowers {do actualy communicate with eech ether. The video is presented by Petick Bel, who has just written @ book on how plents adapt to therrnetural environment. soit should be vary interesting, That wit take place in the lecture room. no sorry, correct that, hee in the tin hall We've had to move t because the lecture roam is being Fonoveted, ‘The third choioa is ideal for those of you whe want to get abit of fresh air. We've called it'A world in your gerden, which we thought ‘28 appropriate es ocks a the sort of things you can nd Justby stepping out of your front dagr. Arywy, for those of you interested in getting eway from the classraom, Doctor Watkins wit bbe taking you on a nature walk throuch the focal pars and willbe. Telng you about some o: the fascinating animals and plants that live an grow nearby, Andis a lovely day fora waikt The fine option. well you might want 70 avoid this one you're ‘tightened of things ike shakes, as this is @ hands-on workshop ‘where youl sctuelly get a chance ta handle these exatio creatures. It von! just be snakes, howevar | beleve Tom Howard ‘ur resident repule expert, as brought some other repsies along ‘or you ta meet, including his pet tricise, Raggje, who is over 100, ‘yeats old, and a pet fzard he cals Arthur So you want to meet Reggie and his other repie iencs, head on aver tothe Biology lab at 9.90. 1m sure youll Nave lat of fun. For those of you who ‘don't usualy use the Biology lab, could | remind you that you need to put on one of the White coats by the door before you go in. OK, now, we've got some students hore from Bardwell Calege who. fade} Compote ES Track 12 OK, now, we've got some students here from Bardwell College -wha have joined us fartoday's events, Helo to you al. and ‘welcome, ‘Now, before our day begins, youll need ra get @ quest badge. ‘which youl have to wear while you'r on the college premises, ‘You can yet these from the administration office, To get there irom the main hall, leave the hall bythe door apposite reception, turn left, and just follow the corridor to the end. The administation ‘office is on your right. Dnt go any further, or you't be in the sports hal tyou show your quest badge inthe café, bythe way, Yyou'l get a 200i discount on dinks and sandwiches, Ta get there from the mar ral, walk alcag the corridor between the main hal ‘nid reeption and turn right. The café ig tarough the frst door an your left. Directly opposite the cafe, on the same corridor, isthe ‘Student common roam, where you can go to relax end perhaps ‘meet soma of our awn stucemts, {you have any valuables thal you don't wantto carry around with you. suggest you put these in a locker Thase are next Tolthe sports hal, opposite the administration office. You can {et a key fora Incker when you gat your quest badge from the ‘administration office. And if you want to use our library, eave the man hall bythe door opposite the ane you came in thats the dor by the bieyele parking area - andl wa to the end of te ‘Porrdor The library is through the door straight ahead of yu, Unit 6 Track 14 Amy: Hey, Matt, are you coming out tonight? Mai 1d love to, Any, thanks, but ve got too much werk. [need to get this psyeholoay essianmentin by: Thursday. Oh, whats on? 'M: Happiness, or specifically the things that make people happy, ‘Az Wow that's a big area, Howare you approaching it? Mi: Wel ve been looking an the Internet ta see what verious experts have to say on the subject. Did you find anything interesting? Me Wel, yes, dd uke? Miz Like, for exariple there's professor et Nottingham Uiwversty, ' guy called Richard Tunney. and he suggests thatthe more close friends we have, the happier we are. And if you see these friends regularly, go out with them and so an, wel that's even better, Id have thoughe that was fairy obvious, Mi: | cuess so. The next one ia bit more interesting, though, ‘Martin Seligiran. a professor af psychology at an American tuniversity, conducted a happiness experiment with his students ‘Az What did he do? Give everyars huge emaunts of cash and then see how much they sniled? That would help, wouldn't 2 Wel, perhaps it would. Fora short while, anyway. No, whathe id was tel half his students ta teke part in fun actives. ike playing video games or going tothe cinema, and the other hall tado good things Good things? You know, ike visiting elderly penple ata care home, or some other kind of voluntary work, And itwas those students who reported a more lasting feeling of happiness. That's interesting |: Then there's George Vaillant, a paychialist and professor at Harvard Medical School He's spent the past 60 years studying people So, | guess he probebly knows a bit abou them. He cartainly does. According to hin, the thing that realy ‘makes people hapgy i having something to aim for, you know, a goal inthe future Right, 0 | can say ‘By the time im 30,m going ta be a milhonaire! and that willmake me happy. Ab, but Vailant has a warning here, You need to be realistic Ie’sna goad setting yourself impossibie goal becouse, vill Because you'll oly make yourself unhappy trying to achieve them. 2 Exactly, a, coes anyone mention eryshing that people normally assume brings happiness? Like a healthy bank account, or an expensive house, something more, er, material? J: Funnly enough, these things aren't mentioned much. Here's another interesting one, though, Melanie Hadgson, shes professor at Westbrook University, caims that peaple are happier when they'e getting ready to goon haley Oh. | ave that. Siting on. beach, relaxing sightseeing No, not the actual holiday itself which professor Hodgson says ‘can sometimes be quite stressful ‘Thets true, they ean, but the things you do leading up tot Decising what youre gong ic take with you, what youre going to ses and do, pecking your case, Uiet kind of thing Igetit. Yes, | can see how that would work Track 15 Matt: Amy: Ive also found one ofthose personality tests on the Intemet. You know, answer these questions to find ‘out how happy you are. Dh, those. Theyre abitof a waste of time, aren't they? did one on ‘Haw healthy are you" and the recults were completely wrong. Butthey' quite good fun though, aren't they? ‘Well yes, especially you do them with friends! thinki's impo“tant that you shouldn't take them seriously though. Thats true Anyivay, hy should | doa test that tells me how happy ‘or healthy or cuccessful lam? | mean, | already know the ‘answers, don't? So, m not ikely to get any surprises, ike, oh according to this test Fm happy ~ I did Lexpect that! OK. | take your point. So what makes youheppy? Ot, don't know. Spending me with people know snd ike. ‘guess. | need people sraund me. Me too, But | need tine on my aw, as well ‘Az That daesrt relly batner me, grew up in abig family, Vin used to someone always being in the oom. Il wanted to be alone. to get away rom people, | had to go out fora walk or ‘somettung, {stil da thet occasionally. In fect, that’s one thing thet makes me happy. Alona walkin the countryside. And the ‘advantage i thal youre getting some exercise too, which is someting | dan't usualy do, But you go running. don’ you? ‘Az Sometimes, but only because | feel | have to. Anyway, back 10 ‘your assinient, Youve got allthe information you need. Not quite need todo bit more research fist. OK, so youll be off to the library, then? ‘would knew | could find something useful, but you know: how disorganised itis there I's imoossible ta find what you want, especially when it comes to psychology backs, Oh, | know. i: No, giv me-2 computer and the Internat ary day. ‘A Well good luck with that. Ifyou get bored and wanta break, you know where to fnid me. ‘Mz Thanks, but Fl don't get this dane, Ibe in trouble, ‘Az Why dorit you email Tory? He di a similar assignment ast year, so he might have afew suggestions That's @ good ides. Have you gat his eval address? ‘A: Sure, give me a moment while Hlook itu. ‘M: Thanks, Unit 7 Track 16 Advisor: Good morning Intemational Boos Far ticket office How can |help? Caller; Oh, helo, Tad fae to book some tickets for the fa, please. And! have ¢ few questions about the event aswel, that’s OK ‘As Certainly. Well let's deal with the lickels fist Et, can just ake your detais first? Sure, Lov start with your name end address. + OK, its Wallace. Angus Walle Could you spell your eurname for me, please? Of course, I's WA-L-L-A-C-E, Sorry, was that one Lor two? Two, er ule L Thanks, and your address? 2 OK, tats 14 Rose Hil 14, Rose Hil. Is that Tose, tke the lower? Thats right, ane! i’s in Watlington. (Oh, | know Wellington t's just outside Oxford, isn't ke Thats right. And the postoode is OX13 3NJ. As 0X30, 3M : No, OX13, andi’s N for November, Not M for Mike, Recording seoto @) ‘Sorry, X13 3N1, Thank you. Bo you have a contact pumber? Io. ts 0872 944 9162. A: 0372348 9162, G: Right. That's my home number ifm net in. Lean be contacted ‘at work, on 0372 298 110). im usually there fram 9 in the morning undl 8.30 in tne evening ‘A: And how many tickers would you ike? G:_ Two, please For the Saturday. ‘Az Two for Saturday May 7th, : That's ght How willyou send the tickets? {ean give you a couple of options. The firsts by ‘email, but of course you'll need to print them out yourself. Aliemetvely, there's 24 Hour Speed C: Whats ther? ‘Az Wall we send trem to you by mail and yotl get thom the next fay. Well also send yeu @ text message to your mobile to let you know they‘e on their way Gt [think 99 for that option. ‘A; Fine. Now. you hae some questions? :_Yes. | inderstand thal there are some talks being given by autho's, Thetes one in particular ike to goto bythe novelist Sanita Harington. Do you know whet shel be teking about? |A: Wel. she's got a new novel which ust came out, so shel be talking about that. and will probably read a few bits from it She't aso be answering some questions about the bokcshe ote lst year, eI oat remember what it was called i Fie and Eacies? ‘Az That's the one, Youllprobebly remember she got into abt of Uiouble because somo people aid she hed copied anctar wet’ ideas, So, should be quite interesting And do need 0 book apiece in advance i want to go to one ofthe talks? ‘Az You clo, yes. You necd tickets and you can only get them ia advance, by filing inform on our website. You then pick them Up from the ticket office when you arrive at the fa We'll son you more infomation about the talks when we send you your {ikets for he farsa. How muct are they? Oh, rathing, theyre ree + Great thanks. And what’ the best way of geting to the far from the city entra? AL Are you dring? C+ Probably not, nhatwith the way the trafic ie these days ‘A Well. Dukes Court underground stetion is only @ minutes walk away. Doos that help? fm oniya short walk froma station at my end, so that’s probably my bost option. OK, one last question. ls there njuwhre to eat atthe fair? Advisor: ® compro ars ‘Oh, there ate lots of cafés and restaurants there, They're goneraly OK, butuniess you'e prepared to spend a fortune on 4 sercwich and a cold drink el somnewtere else Such as? ‘Wel, youl be much beter off going to one af the cafés oF Festaurants in the streets nearby, Don't tell anyone | seid that, though, J won't Thanks. So, how should {2ay for Units. Track 18 Hello, everyone. In s few minutes well be setting off on our tip ta the Palace of Kom Ombane. There area few things | should mention before we go, 30 please pay careful attenvion, ‘Now, there ate three groups of us onthis rip, and well be using three coaches to get to and fram the aslace. Tey each have humbers on the front, and curs is coach 2 Please check that you Dard the ight ore, both at this end end when we come back, ‘atherwise Fibs running around looking for yau. $o, coach 2 The palace is probably going to be voty busy, so please stay close tome when we got there, Ifyou lase me, head forthe ‘uain.aate which is opposite the ticketoffice, and you'l find me there: Aitematvely call me on my motif The number's in your Information peck. Your pack alsa contains a card called « Freecom. ‘Key. Keep hold of this, as you can use tto get money offin the ‘cafés and restaurant at the police. Now, these days, the peloao is # museum, but yo be surprised), tahear that people sil ive there, No, aye not kings or queens but jocal people who work at the palace, and their families. Many ‘of them wear traditional clothes, so they niake a qreat subject for = ‘photograph. But olease ask them if 's OK before doing this. These people may also offerto sll you small wooden and stone Statues: that they've made, They make lovely scuvenirs. They’? probably ack you for about $20 ar so for these, butts perfectly acoeplaBle indeed. t's usually expected - to offer them less. 49 peioen below the asking price would be an acceptable figure, but please sion‘ctty © go lower than that. The statues, by the way, are @ Gopy ofthe large statue of King Hupugarta whichis just inside the main Cate. A quick word of warning, Thi ie of great Significance to the locals, ane'while nobody wal object to you phatagrapyina i, they on tke people ouching i. So, hands frmiy in pockets when you walk past him, please OK. so that’s the boring sturt out othe way. Does anyone have any questions about Track 19 Id ike to briefly tell you abou a few ofthe main attractions at the place. YouTl find these on the map in yeur information pack, ‘Nov. ane of te fist things youl see isthe statue of King Hupugarte which just mentioned. This ison the right-hand side of ‘Monument Court the main square inside the palace grounes, et, ‘Monument Court so called because ofthe many statues of kings, {queens and other historical figures there Dating beck to 129 BCE. the kings statue is 8 metres high, made of stone witha layer of ‘old. and dotted wath jewels, That's genuine gold, by the wey. Not ust paint. Unfortunately, the jewels ee made of glass. The ‘originels were stolen mery centuries ago Just beyond the courts the Temple ofthe Sun, Ths isthe oldest ppartof the palace, and is estimated to be about 2.700 years old It originally had a roof, but now there are just te columns that Supported it There are 130 af them altogether, each one rising foetween 20 and 25 metres from te groune to support a frame of, iron bars an which the roof ariginaly rested. Tothe leftef the Temple of the Sunis the New Palace, adi’ nere {Hat youl id the Royal Chambers. E, 1's called the New Palace because isthe newest pert ofthe palace complex. although i ‘was actually completed in 1886, which makes it quite ol, realy. ‘Anyway, the Royal Chambers were where kings and queens (rom the mide ofthe bth century had their private rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, things like that. twas also where they waulc have kept ll their valuables, although these have now been moved {0 the palace museum, which is elso worth a visit This was opened in March 2010, no sorry, 2011. As wall as valiables like jewellery and. ‘ther histories objects the museum also houses an impressive Collection of weapons, inclucing a sword! thats said to have belonged to King Hupugarta hinsel, Unit 9 Track 20 Tutor: Hello, Jo. Come in and take a seat. | wanted to talk to you aboutyour essay on weather contol Stuclont: Right, What did you think? T: Wel, lat’ startby looking at your ntroduction, You say that ‘global worming is causing extreme weather concltions around the wort. S: That's right, isnt it? Tz Woll,you need ta be careful here, Yes, there is alot of evidence ‘that this isthe case, but the issue i stil controversial. You ‘eed to specif that many experts believe thsi the case, rather than saying, This is how itis 8: 0K = Then you aok atthe issues surrounding extreme weather, et. and how ittas a negative effect in some countries. 'S: | was worried that that section was a bit disorganised, Tr No, notatall I's very good, but was sighty synced when, inthe same paragraph, you mentioned an advantage at extreme weather St Not the right place forit? T: Not really. ra. Infact. |avould question the need to put there stall, AL one point youra taking about droughts, hurricanes. floods, ete and then suddenly youre talking about people being able ta sunbathe on the beach in January. An, [see whet you mean think was gemng Io elaborate en ‘that, acd more information, but | gues I forgot ta do sa, ‘TOK, then there's the section on weather-control programmes. ‘This made interesting reacing, bur your ideas cnt really lead fon from each ather. Dia you write a plan before you did this? Ena Wel you really ought to. Here's an exernple. You ta about experiments fa contra hurricanes, then you-write about rain-making experiments, and then for no apparem reason, you {pobback to talking about hurricane control S: So, btmessy? Te Abit, yes. Next, ou go on to talk about something called ‘cloud seeding” Great, you gave a good, cleat explanation about what cloud seeding s. that t's 8 way of using science and chemistry to make ciouds produce rain, and you give some examples of where its been used. S: So, that sections allright? A, wel fsten to this, The chemical siver nitrate is intvoduced inte claus fo encourage themto produce rain: Siver atiate? 8; Oh, that was careless. | meant siver die Exactly, would hate to think what might happen if you started fing siver nate into clouss. OK finaly, te conclusion. 'S:_|alweys have problems withthe conclusion. I never really know what to say. ‘Wal, you summarise your main points and give a few opinions, which ie great, but you thea start taking about environmental systems. This was not ony in the weong place, but | coulda't ‘see where i fitted in wit the rest ofthe essay generally 3; Right. So, there's abit of room for imprevement, then. Track 21 Tutor: Allright. let's go back the section in your essay on ‘loud seeding. Apart fram your siver nitrate / siver locide mistake, you've missed a few bits out Student: Have |? Tz fimofraid go, What'd ika you to do i talk me through the process of cloud seeding, what it involves and so on, and I ‘stop you if you've forgotten something, OK? Si Fine. Wel, irstof al siver nity er, odie fired into the cloud from the ground using a rocket TE Good, and you could mantion that saretinies i's dropped from above by sitcraft. ‘Si Right, end thisis the frst stage, the primary stage, which is called static eeading, The siveriodide causes a chemical Feaction with the tiny water draps in the cloud, and they freeze Tz OK, soyou've got milions of tiny ice particles because the Water croplets inthe cloud freeze. What happers next? 'S: Next, er there's a process called rimng, R-M-I-N-G-That's ‘whan the ice particles, wel they jon up to form bigger pieces ‘fice, and when they're heavy enough, they fall rom the sky. T= Good, and thon? S: Well s they fll they um to rain or snow. And, e, well, that’s isa 12 Tz Well usualy, yes, bulyoulve mentioned thar there's a frst stage, ‘a primary stage, 0 surely you should have mentioned? Si Oh, the secondary siege Te Which isknawmi 2s? S: Dynamic seeding of course, how could Ihave lft that bit out? Let me think. OK, so the water droplets tur (0 oe, end, er ‘Te Wht happens when water freezes? When anything freezes, for that matter, Something tat may seem Surprising S: Oh, of course it releases heat. T= Exactly treleasas heat, And what can happen to cloud when freezing water inside does this? Recording scripts (72) 'S: The cloud yets bigger, and coniains even more moisture TE Gxacty, and not only do they become bipger out ney alaa 7 ‘St They er. produce storms. No, hang on that's not rgb. They lastlonger, that’s. T:_ Right. Thoy last longer, which mens they can be seeded again to produce even mare rain, Unit 10 Track 22 Good moming, everyone, Today, as pert of our 21st century architecture series, Im gong to tell you abit about a remarkable structure which m sure you're all familiar with, the stu that ‘wa butt forthe 2008 Olympics in Being OK lev’s start with 2 few backoround details The stadum was designed by Herzag and de Meuron, 2 fin of architects from Switzerland They studied Chinese ceramics e.plales cups and bowls, to getinsairation, The stadium actually wa structures, ‘which are completely separate from each ather. In he middle there's the seating area, which was crigialy designed for 100,000 Sspectstars, but tisha tobe reduced to 80.000, Around this area isthe frame, which is made of 10,000 tons of steel in horizontal beams and verdvel colummis, The architects wanted the toa to ‘pen end close, but they changed it because it could Fave been dangerous i ere was an earthquake, The big advantage of ccherging it was that reduced the cost by several milion daliars, though the building stil came to an inerecible $273 rion, So, what mekes this stadium such an amazing building? Ler's start with the general mypression it creates, Fortis. the best place to look itis from a dsience, Why froma distanse? Wel, ‘that's where you'l relly get an impression of what i loaks Uke ‘and how bia tis. Youll also notice tow it ealy stands aut in its surroundings. Ths is not just hecause ofits size - and ts big = bbutalso because it stands on alow hil which nelps mace it higher ‘than any other buildings m the ea, Then there's fs un. ssa) shane wich has hejped to give i its nlokname ofthe fira’s Nest, ‘The unusual shape ofthe stacium also does somethingelse. You $e, ifyau stare at it or long enough, you also get the impression that this stucture sit stancing sil, that's mowing i sifferent ireatons. almost tke isa ving, breathing creature, Tiss especially I1Ue at night, when the stacium is it up fram rsd with lights that continually change colour, In the stadium, everything changes. There are visitor ertrances all round the outside, and as you enter, you get the impression that youre walking into a forest, end not just any forest, but something magical from a children's story. As you crass towards the spectator eta, coloured ight comes through the clear rao! Parels. creating strange pool of ight and shadow. Now you're ‘nolonger ina forest. but ona set thet's bean ut for aancasy ‘im. Ltealy i a Femarkable experience. and t's only onse you're inside the spectator area that you finally resise youitair 0 gports stadium, Complete 1ELTS, Track 23 Sam: Hi Chris, | didnt see you at Teresa's party on Saturday. (Oh hi, Sem No, [had to0 much te de. had an essay ta finish for Professor Kearney, and ten | started work on my assignment. ‘Oh, what's it on? Modernist architecture. And fv anly got until this Friday to Anish By Fridey? That doesnt leave you much time, ‘Well actully its due in noxt Monday, but 'm going awey for ‘he weekenc! with Pat, Where are you going? Wol, we're not sure et the moment. We've thinking of diving ‘down to Chichester ta sae Merk and Henny, ‘havght your Gar was off the road. ‘Well one ofthe tyres srtin very good eandtion, so thst reeds replacing, but otherwise t's fine OK, s0 how are you getting on with the assignment? Not grest. realy { went to the library to look far some books, but there was nothing useful there. Most of the books on the subject had already beeen borrawed. What clout the Internet? Have you tried looking there? ‘Gfeourse | didn’t heve any choice. I was that ar nothing ‘And any luck? ! ound some good stuf on thet online eneyclopedia, you know, Unipert, Bon'tbelieve anything you road on Unipecia Why not? ‘Wel e's tll ot mistakes, 's there anything alse you suggest Lfook at? Tiy looking at the Urban Environment webske instead. I's much better. There'sloads of good material there, end i's accurate Thanks, Iltry that. Does the website ask youto sign up oF entey@ passviord ta get onto the site? ‘No, nothing ike tht.

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