W40K-RPG Library Tables

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Sheet Index version: v8.

References Shops Armoury

Main Reference Shop|Weapons Weapons
Bestiary Shop|Upgr. Armour
Places Shop|Armour Qualities (with RSA)
RT-Chars Shop|Gear WeaponUpgrades
Tbl-Phenomena ArmourUpgrades
carry lift push Gear
Rndm Psychic pwrs Ship-Weapons



DH Availability
RT Availability
RT Acquisition
Ammo Weight
Void Travel
Sheet Index version: v8.4.6

Abilities Vehicle Fear & Insanity Crits

Skills RT-SS-Complications Tbl-Fear Result DH-Crits
Talents RT-Ship-WarpEncounters Tbl-Mental Traumas
Traits RT-Ship-Moral & Pop. Fear Diff RT-VH-Crits
Powers RT-Ship-Crits
Faith Powers OW-VH-Diff Terrain Insanity Track
Mental disorders DW-CH-TITAN
ASC-Skill Package
ASC-Talent Pack Corruption Track OW-VH-Crits
RT-Talents Malignacies
DW-Skills Mutations check
DW-Talent Traits Pack
Tool refs
Avail DH
Avail RT
v8.4.6 DH-RT-DW Library Tables
CR ALL Core Rulebook Availability:
IH DH Inquisitor Handbook Population:
DotDG DH Disciples of the Dark Gods Inquiry %
CA DH Creatures Anethema
PtU DH Purge the Unclean 1d100
DHu DH Deamon Hunter Roll result:
RH DH Radicals Handbook
BoM DH Blood of Martyrs TIME:
TF DH Tattered Fates (Haarlock Heresy I)
BoJ DH Book of Judgement (not yet added)
LW DH Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
LD DH Lost Dataslate (not yet added) AVAILABILITY TOOL RT
Asc DH Ascension Availability:
HBR Asc Heresy Begets Retribution (Web) Amount:
ItS RT Into the Storm Modifier
BFK RT Battle Fleet Koronus Population:
FB RT Forsaken Bounty Commerce or
Inquiry %
LotE RT Lure of the Expanse
HA RT Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only) 1d100
ItS RT Into the Storm Roll result:
SR RT Soul Reaver
RoB DW Rites of Battle TIME:
UM DW Ultramarines Movies (FFG supplement)
MoX DW Mark of the Xenos
TEP DW The Emperor Protects
HtC DW Honour the Chapter Availability:
TOR DW The Outer Reaches Amount:
xLE DW Limited Errata 1.1 (the x is for sorting purposes) Craftmans.:
ToF BC Tome of Fate OR
HoC BC Hand of Corruption Component:
HoE OW Hammer of the Emperor
CR DH2 Profit Factor:

Required References for reference sheets (but not used in e.g. wpns) 1d100
DHRB DH DH Core Rulebook Roll result:
RTRB RT RT Core Rulebook
BCRB BC BC Core Rulebook
OWRB OW OW Core Rulebook
DHGMS DH DH GM Screen Commerce: opposed check. +2PF per DoS
HH3DS DH Haarlock Heresy III: Dead Stars
AG1BS DH Apostasy Gambit I: The Black Sepulchre
HH2DC DH Haarlock Heresy II: Damned Cities

Tyranid DW
Tau DW
Kroot DW
Kroot RT
Ork RT
Ork DW
Other Xenos DW
Radicals and Chaos DW

Entries (Unique / Total ) Properties Key/Value Pairs
Weapons NAME (1016/1330) 26 34,580
Armour NAME (248/253) 15 3,795
Qualities NAME (66/66) 4 264
WeaponUpgrades NAME (248/316) 25 7,900
ArmourUpgrades NAME (24/28) 14 392
Gear NAME (329/353) 9 3,177
Skills NAME (57/66) 9 594
Talents NAME (322/428) 7 2,996
Traits NAME (199/245) 9 2,205
Powers NAME (481/536) 18 9,648
Faith Powers NAME (34/34) 6 204

Ship Weapons NAME (101/103) 24 2,472

Ship Components NAME (257/272) 14 3,808
TOTAL 3382/4030 180 65,755

Bestiary NAME (1665/1799) 7 12,593

Average Bullets Shells Las Bolt Plasma
Below 1,000 Num dice 1 1 1 1 1
50 (40) Sides die 10 10 10 10 10
Manual Entry Auto Modifier 3 4 3 5 6
0 92 Penetration 0 0 0 4 6
92 Average Dam. 8.5 9.5 8.5 12.5 14.5
Range 30 30 30 90 30
1 Month(s) Clip size 30 2 30 60 20
Single round(kg) 0.013 0.038 0.007 0.063 0.036
All rounds(kg) 0.39 0.08 0.20 3.75 0.73
Magazine(kg) 0.16 - - 1.50 0.15
Very Rare FULL WEIGHT(KG) 0.55 0.08 0.20 5.25 0.87
1 0
0 Based on Kaihlik's 'Ammo Weight' topic
10 million or more
92 (82)
Manual Entry Auto Ammo # Availability
27 82 Flame 60 Scarce
100 Melta 80 Very Rare
Plasma 80 Rare / Very Rare (Heavy)
2 weeks 3 days 1 Las 80 Common / Rare (Heavy)
Bolt 100 Rare
Bullets 200 Plentifull
Shells 200 Common
Rare -10 Full acquisition = 3000 amount of ammo
100 0
Common 0
OR TRAVEL TIME IN THE VOID (before and after the Warp)
0 Leaving from Stellar size: Huge (R=60 AU)
Position: Habital Planet (Cold) (D=2AU)
48 (38)
Manual Entry Auto Travelling to Stellar size: Tiny (R=20 AU)
0 78 Position: Habital Planet (Cold) (D=2AU)
Travel: Most optimal (shortest) travel time
Failed Accelleration speed of ship (g): 4.7

Travel time:
ommerce: opposed check. +2PF per DoS The entire voyage takes: 11D 14H
You enter the warp after: 7D 3H
You start decelerating 1D 8H before you enter the warp



e Warp)
(Cold) (D=2AU)

(Cold) (D=2AU)

shortest) travel time

Turn off autocalculations first and use F9: Menu > Options > formula > manual

WEAPONS TAB Shop Modifier: 400% In Stock:
NAME (890/1116) Num#Poor #Normal #Good #Best In Store:
Disposable Handgun 1 40 80 32 36 Disposable Handgun
Club 2 16 80 60 24 Club
Knife 2 32 16 12 8 Knife
Armsman-10 3 36 60 16 Armsman-10
Blunderbuss 3 12 12 8 Blunderbuss
Brass Knuckles 3 12 24 24 4 Brass Knuckles
Fire Bomb Grenade 3 60 48 8 8 Fire Bomb Grenade
Javelin 3 24 24 8 4 Javelin
Melee Attachment 3 60 60 32 8 Melee Attachment
Punch Dagger 3 48 24 8 12 Punch Dagger
Staff 3 24 24 24 Staff
Throwing Star-Knife 3 24 48 32 4 Throwing Star-Knife
Truncheon 3 48 48 32 Truncheon
Laslock 3 24 12 32 4 Laslock
Mercy Killer 3 24 24 8 8 Mercy Killer
Phobos Stubber 3 12 12 24 Phobos Stubber
Scalptaker 3 48 36 16 Scalptaker
Sling 3 24 48 24 Sling
Steadholder 3 48 24 8 8 Steadholder
Stub Automatic 3 48 36 8 8 Stub Automatic
Stub Revolver 3 60 12 32 8 Stub Revolver
Stub Revolver 3 48 36 16 8 Stub Revolver
.54 Tranter 4 32 8 8 8 .54 Tranter
Autopistol 4 32 8 12 8 Autopistol
Bow 4 32 24 8 8 Bow
Civitas 4 8 32 12 4 Civitas
Deuce Pistol 4 8 8 12 8 Deuce Pistol
Drive Nailer 4 8 16 12 4 Drive Nailer
Drusus Prime 4 8 32 4 8 Drusus Prime
Armoured Gauntlets 4 32 16 12 4 Armoured Gauntlets
Exterminator 4 16 24 12 Exterminator
Boarding Pike 4 24 32 12 Boarding Pike
Buckler 4 8 24 4 4 Buckler
Civilian Firearm 4 8 16 8 8 Civilian Firearm
Hack Shotgun 4 8 8 8 8 Hack Shotgun
Cleaver 4 8 32 4 Cleaver
Combat Shield 4 24 32 12 8 Combat Shield
Crossbow 4 24 24 4 Crossbow
Cutlass 4 32 32 12 Cutlass
Daggered Vambraces 4 8 32 12 8 Daggered Vambraces
Lascarbine 4 32 32 4 8 Lascarbine
Exterminator Cartridge 4 32 8 8 Exterminator Cartridge
Flintlock Pistol 4 8 8 4 4 Flintlock Pistol
Frag Grenade 4 32 32 8 8 Frag Grenade
Great Hammer 4 32 8 12 8 Great Hammer
Laspistol 4 16 8 12 4 Laspistol
Hammer 4 24 32 4 4 Hammer
Hunting Quoit 4 32 16 12 Hunting Quoit
Javelin 4 16 8 4 Javelin
Lasgun 4 8 32 8 4 Lasgun
Musket 4 32 32 8 4 Musket
Sabre 4 24 32 4 Sabre
Salvation 4 24 16 8 8 Salvation
Short Sword 4 16 24 4 4 Short Sword
Shotgun-RT 4 8 32 12 4 Shotgun-RT
Smoke Grenade 4 16 8 4 Smoke Grenade
Sting Blunt 4 8 32 4 Sting Blunt
Shotgun 4 16 16 4 Shotgun
Talon Mark III 4 32 24 4 Talon Mark III
Spear 4 16 8 4 8 Spear
Sword 4 8 24 12 Sword
Assault Stubber 5 12 4 Assault Stubber
Encarmine 5 4 12 Encarmine
Gorge GL 5 12 Gorge GL
Hand Cannon 5 4 8 Hand Cannon
Heavy Stubber-Orthlack 5 12 4 Heavy Stubber-Orthlack
Long Bow 5 12 4 Long Bow
Ork Stikkbomb Grenade 5 4 8 8 Ork Stikkbomb Grenade
Alcher Mark IV 5 12 8 Alcher Mark IV
Armageddon 5 4 8 4 Armageddon
Assault Lasgun 5 8 8 Assault Lasgun
Autogun 5 8 8 Autogun
Autogun 5 12 8 4 4 Autogun
Axe 5 12 12 4 Axe
Bastard Sword 5 8 Bastard Sword
Bola 5 12 4 4 4 Bola
Bulkhead Cutters 5 12 4 Bulkhead Cutters
Chainsword (Hecate) 5 4 8 Chainsword (Hecate)
Choppa 5 4 4 8 Choppa
Combat Knife 5 8 4 4 Combat Knife
Composite Bow 5 8 12 4 Composite Bow
Creed-9 5 12 8 4 Creed-9
Double-edged Chainsword 5 4 12 Double-edged Chainswo
Drusian Chainsword 5 12 12 8 Drusian Chainsword
Falchion 5 8 8 Falchion
Fedrid Razor Disk 5 4 12 Fedrid Razor Disk
Slugga 5 8 8 4 Slugga
Hecuter 5 12 4 Hecuter
Lacusta Hammer 5 12 8 Lacusta Hammer
Mark III Short Lasgun-Mars 5 8 4 4 Mark III Short Lasgun-Ma
Nail Bomb Grenade 5 12 8 Nail Bomb Grenade
Naval Shield 5 8 8 Naval Shield
Palantine 5 4 4 4 4 Palantine
Parrying Dagger 5 8 8 4 Parrying Dagger
Pump-action Shotgun 5 4 8 4 Pump-action Shotgun
Punisher Baton 5 4 12 4 Punisher Baton
Scythe 5 4 8 8 Scythe
Shield 5 8 12 4 Shield
Shock-Staff 5 4 8 4 Shock-Staff
Shoota 5 12 8 4 Shoota
Shotgun Pistol 5 4 8 Shotgun Pistol
Slayer 5 12 8 Slayer
Stiletto 5 8 4 Stiletto
Stingray 5 8 4 Stingray
Stormchild 5 4 8 8 Stormchild
Tower Shield (Wood) 5 4 12 8 4 Tower Shield (Wood)
Vanaheim 5 4 4 4 Vanaheim
VI Crank Cannon 5 12 4 VI Crank Cannon
Vibe Spear 5 8 12 Vibe Spear
Void Speargun 5 12 4 Void Speargun
Bola Launcher 6 8 8 Bola Launcher
Siskan Musket 6 8 Siskan Musket
Ork Grabba Stikt 6 Ork Grabba Stikt
Ork Grotwhip 6 4 Ork Grotwhip
Assault Flamer 6 8 4 Assault Flamer
Autocannon 6
Baptismal Hammer - Flame 6 4 Baptismal Hammer - Fla
Baptismal Hammer - Toxic 6 Baptismal Hammer - Toxi
Blind Grenade 6 Blind Grenade
Breacher 6 4 4 4 Breacher
Burst 6 8 4 Burst
Carnodon 6 4 8 Carnodon
Chain Knife 6 4 Chain Knife
Chain Stick 6 4 Chain Stick
Chimera Pistol Sword 6 Chimera Pistol Sword
Choke Gas Grenade 6 4 Choke Gas Grenade
Combat Shotgun 6 8 Combat Shotgun
Concussion Mace 6 8 4 Concussion Mace
Double Flail 6 4 Double Flail
Eviscerator 6 Eviscerator
Flail 6 4 Flail
Flamer 6 Flamer
Flamer-Mezoa 6 Flamer-Mezoa
Flick Bow 6 8 Flick Bow
Fury-Triplex 6 4 Fury-Triplex
Gas Torch 6 8 4 4 Gas Torch
Great Weapon 6 Great Weapon
Grenade Launcher 6 8 4 Grenade Launcher
Grenade Launcher-Mezoa 6 8 Grenade Launcher-Mezo
Grenade Launcher-Voss 6 8 4 Grenade Launcher-Voss
Groxwhip 6
Guard Shield 6 4 Guard Shield
Heavy Stubber 6 4 Heavy Stubber
Heavy Stubber-Ursid 6 8 4 Heavy Stubber-Ursid
Hellgun-Dlaku 6 4 Hellgun-Dlaku
Howler Grenade 6 8 4 Howler Grenade
Hunting Rifle 6 8 Hunting Rifle
Hypo Pistol 6 8 4 Hypo Pistol
Impaler 6 4 8 Impaler
Ironclaw 6 4 4 Ironclaw
Lascarbine-Locke 6 8 Lascarbine-Locke
Lightning Gauntlet 6 4 Lightning Gauntlet
Long Las 6 Long Las
Man-Catcher 6 Man-Catcher
Mark III FG Grenade 6 4 Mark III FG Grenade
Mark IV - Dervish 6
Meat Hammer 6 4 Meat Hammer
Melta-Cutter 6 Melta-Cutter
Minerva-Aegis 6
Missile Launcher 6 8 Missile Launcher
Missile Launcher-Locke 6 4 Missile Launcher-Locke
Mono Knife 6 8 4 Mono Knife
Mono Sword 6 8 Mono Sword
Morgauth Burn Caster 6 4 Morgauth Burn Caster
Multi-Laser 6
Naval Pistol-Mars 6 Naval Pistol-Mars
Naval Shotcannon 6 8 Naval Shotcannon
Officers Cutlass 6 Officers Cutlass
Ork Big Choppa 6 4 Ork Big Choppa
Ork Choppa 6 4 Ork Choppa
Ork Shoota 6 4 8 Ork Shoota
Ork Slugga 6 Ork Slugga
Ork Stinkbomb Grenade 6 Ork Stinkbomb Grenade
Orthlak Mark IV Thollos 6 8 8 Orthlak Mark IV Thollos
Photon Flash Grenade 6 8 4 Photon Flash Grenade
Puritan-14 6 Puritan-14
Puritan-14 as shotgun 6
Ripper Clip 6 4 Ripper Clip
Scoriada 6 Scoriada
Series-S Venom 6 4 Series-S Venom
Shock Knuckles 6 4 Shock Knuckles
Shock Maul 6 4 Shock Maul
Shock Staff 6 4 4 Shock Staff
Shotcannon 6 4 Shotcannon
Snazzgun-Energy 6 Snazzgun-Energy
Snazzgun-Shell 6 Snazzgun-Shell
Spitfire 6 4 Spitfire
Stun Grenade 6 8 Stun Grenade
Swordstick Cane 6 4 4 Swordstick Cane
Warhammer 6 4 Warhammer
Aegis-Redback 7 Aegis-Redback
Aux GL 7
Baraspian Palm Gun 7 Baraspian Palm Gun
Blackhammer 7
Blackwing Halberd 7
Bloodfire Grenade 7
Bolo Knife 7 4 Bolo Knife
Bolt Pistol 7 4 Bolt Pistol
Bolt Pistol-Garm 7
Chainsword 7 Chainsword
Choke Grenade 7 Choke Grenade
Daemon Pike 7
Dartcaster 7
Devils Kiss 7 Devils Kiss
Disposable Launcher 7 4 Disposable Launcher
Disposable ML 7 Disposable ML
Electro-Flail 7 4 Electro-Flail
Fate Bringer 7 Fate Bringer
Fire Lance (Empty) 7 Fire Lance (Empty)
Fire Lance (Full) 7
Flame Hammer (Empty) 7 4 Flame Hammer (Empty)
Flame Hammer (Full) 7
Flametongue 7 4 4 Flametongue
Hallucinogen Grenade 7
Hand Bow 7
Hand Flamer 7
Heavy Crossbow 7 Heavy Crossbow
Heavy Flamer 7
Heavy Webber 7
Hellgun-Cadian 7 4 Hellgun-Cadian
Hellgun-Lucius 7
Hellgun-Voss 7
Hellpistol-Cadian 7 4 Hellpistol-Cadian
Hellpistol-Lucius 7 4 Hellpistol-Lucius
Hellpistol-Voss 7 Hellpistol-Voss
Inferno Grenade 7
Inferno-Thermal Grenade 7
Iocanthos Blunderbuss 7 4 Iocanthos Blunderbuss
Irontalon 7 4 Irontalon
Krak Grenade 7
Kraken Tooth Dagger 7
Lasburst Twin Lasgun 7
Lightning Lasgun-Roth 7
Mancatcher 7 4 Mancatcher
Mariette 7
Mark IV Command Laspistol-Mars 7
Meltagun 7
Meltagun-Mars 7
Meltagun-Mezoa 7
Memory Wire 7
Mezoa Lascutter 7
Mirror Shield 7 4 Mirror Shield
Missile Launcher-Retobi 7 Missile Launcher-Retobi
Moon Blade 7
Mortar-Locke 7
Mortar-Voss 7
Neural Whip 7
Neural Whip 7
Panoptic 7
Psykotroke Grenade 7 Psykotroke Grenade
Quicksilver Blade 7
Rad Grenade 7
Render 7 4 Render
RPG Launcher 7 RPG Launcher
Sacristan Bolt Pistol 7
Shock Blaster 7
Shock Glove 7
Shock Stars 7
Shock-Staff (RT) 7
Sigilite 7
Sniper Rifle 7
Soft Sword 7
Sonic Rifle 7
Spectre 7
Spectre as shotgun 7
Spetum 7
Stake-Crossbow-Catechist 7
Stub Automatic-Dorcas 7
Stunner Grenade 7
Suppression Shield 7 Suppression Shield
Suppression Shield 7 Suppression Shield
Thermal Lance 7
Thermal Lance-Mars 7
Tower Shield (Metal) 7
Tox Spray 7
Toxin Grenade 7
Tyranicus Pattern Heavy Webber 7
Ultima Power Maul (High) 7 4 Ultima Power Maul (High
Ultima Power Maul (Low) 7
Vivisector 7 4 Vivisector
Volonx Bone Bola 7
Web Gun 7
Web Pistol 7 4 Web Pistol
Web Pistol 7 4 Web Pistol
Webber 7
Widower 7
Ork Bomb Squig Grenade 8
Aether Lance 8
Agonizer 8
Angelus 8
Anti-Plant Grenade 8
Apostasic Matrix 8
Assault Cannon 8
Assault Gauntlet 8
Auto-Launcher 8
Avenger Shuriken Catapult 8
Beamer Meltagun 8
Belasco Dueling Pistol 8
Bolter Cane 8
Boltgun 8
Boltgun-Locke 8 Boltgun-Locke
Chain Axe 8
Crimson Crown 8 4 Crimson Crown
Death Light 8
Destroyer 8
Destructor 8
Draethri Pain Gauntlet 8
Duelling Las 8
Emperors Whisper 8
Empyrean Brain Grenade 8 Empyrean Brain Grenad
Empyric Conduit Blade 8
Energy Blade 8
Excruciating Whip 8
Force Axe 8
Force Staff 8
Force Sword 8
Forearm Powerblade 8
Galvian Needler 8
Godwyn-Deaz Pattern Bolter 8
Graviton Gun 8
Heavy Bolter 8
Heavy Bolter-Solar 8
Hellaxe 8
Hellblade 8
Hellpistol-Archeotech 8
Hunter-Killer Missile 8
Inferno Pistol 8
Inferno Pistol-Mars 8
Kineblades 8
Kronos 8
Las Gauntlets 8
Lightning Chain 8
Long-Saber 8
Man Portable Lascannon 8 Man Portable Lascannon
Mark II Scourge Boltgun-Mars 8 Mark II Scourge Boltgun
Mark III Sunfury-Mars 8
Mark III Ultimo Meltagun-Voss 8
Mark VI Power Longsword (Waller)8
Mauler 8
MP Lascannon 8
Multi-Melta 8 Multi-Melta
Multi-Melta-Mars 8
Needle Pistol 8
Needle Rifle 8
Nightfire Flamer-Voss 8
Nomad 8
Null Rod 8
Ork Power Klaw 8
Ork Sploding Squig Grenade 8
Plaguesword 8
Plasma Blaster 8
Plasma Cannon 8
Plasma Cannon-Ryza 8
Plasma Grenade 8
Plasma Gun 8 Plasma Gun
Plasma Gun-Mezoa 8
Plasma Gun-Ryza 8
Plasma Pistol 8
Plasma Pistol-Ryza 8
Power Axe (Mezoa) 8
Power Blade 8
Power Fist 8
Power Fist (Mezoa) 8
Power Maul (High) 8
Power Maul (Low) 8
Power Stake 8
Power Sword 8
Power Sword (Mordian) 8
Psyk-Out Grenade 8
Pulse Carbine 8
Pulse Pistol 8
Pulse Rifle 8
Purgatus Crossbow 8
Rad-Cleanser 8
Ranger Long Rifle 8
Reliquary Blade 8
Rocketfire Gun 8 Rocketfire Gun
Sacred Incense 8
Scrap Cannon 8
Scythian Fury Talon 8
Serpentine 8
Shard Pistol 8
Shard Rifle 8 4 Shard Rifle
Shuriken Catapult 8
Shuriken Pistol 8 4 Shuriken Pistol
Solo Boltgun 8
Steam Drill 8
Steel Burner 8
Stormfront Lasgun 8
Synapse Disrupter 8
Terrorfex Grenade 8
Thunder Hammer 8
Thunder Hammer 8 4 Thunder Hammer
Trophy Knife 8
Truename Staff 8
Volonx Thunderclap 8 4 Volonx Thunderclap
Warp Staff 8
Whisper Line 8 Whisper Line
Witch Lance 8 Witch Lance
Xenarch Death-Arc 8
Xenos Flechette Blaster 8
Burning Blade 9
Clovis Plasma Gun 9
Daemonhammer 9
Digi-flamer 9
Digi-Las 9
Digi-laser 9
Digi-melta 9
Digi-needler 9
Digital Explosive 9
Egerian Shard Glaive 9
Filament Grenade 9
Fractal Blade 9
Geode Grenade 9
Ghost Sword 9
Godwyn-Deaz Storm Bolter 9
Harlequins Kiss 9
Kinetic Grenade 9
Kroot Hunting Rifle 9
Kroot Rifle 9
Loi Pattern Power Axe 9
Macro Hammer 9
Malleus Psycannon 9
Mole Mortar 9
Neuro-Gauntlet 9
Omnissian Axe (Sollex) 9
Power Discus 9
Razorweb Launcher 9 Razorweb Launcher
Ripper Pistol 9
Seraphim Hand Flamer 9
Seraphim Hand Flamer - Dual Shot9
Seraphim Inferno Pistol 9
Seraphim Inferno Pistol - Dual Shot9
Splinter Pistol 9
Splinter Rifle 9
Storm Bolter-Mars 9
Storm Bolter-Ryza 9
Tanglefoot Grenade 9
Virus Grenade 9
Wrath Plasma Pistol 9
ptions > formula > manual A plenty Average Scarce Rare Very RareExtr. Rare

5628 - (2208 / 2040 / 992 / 388)

Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 RoF Damage Impact 7 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/2/0 1d10+2 P0 Impact 8 2 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Melee/Thrown Prim Melee 1d5+0 P0 Rending
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1/3/0 1d10+3 P0 Impact 13 1 Full
Ranged Prim Basic 30 1/0/0 1d10+2 P0 Impact 1 2 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+-1 P0 Impact
Grenade Grenade Thrown 1d10+3 P2 Energy
Thrown Prim Thrown 1d10+3 P1 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+1 P2 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Thrown Prim Thrown 1d5+3 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Ranged Las Basic 70 1/0/0 1d10+4 P0 Energy 1 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1/0/0 1d10+2 P0 Impact 1 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/3/0 1d10+3 P0 Impact 9 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/0/0 1d10+3 P0 Impact 6 2 Full
Ranged Prim Basic 15 1/0/0 1d10+2 P0 Impact 1 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 100 1/0/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 6 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/3/0 1d10+3 P0 Impact 9 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/0/0 1d10+3 P0 Impact 6 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/0/0 1d10+3 P0 Impact 6 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/2/0 1d10+5 P2 Impact 7 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/0/6 1d10+2 P0 Impact 18 1 Full
Ranged Prim Basic 30 1/0/0 1d10+0 P0 Rending 1 Half
Ranged Las Pistol 25 1/2/0 1d10+1 P0 Energy 25 1 Full
Ranged Prim Pistol 15 1/2/0 1d10+2 P0 Impact 2 3 Full
Ranged Prim Basic 5 0/3/0 1d10+1 P4 Rending 15 3 Full
Ranged Las Basic 100 1/2/0 1d10+3 P0 Energy 50 1 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+0 P0 Impact
Ranged Flame Basic 20 1/0/0 1d10+4 P3 Energy 1 Replace
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+3 P2 Xplosive
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+-2 P0 Impact
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 60 1/2/0 1d10+3 P0 Impact 6 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 10 1/0/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 1 2 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+2 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+0 P0 Impact
Ranged Prim Basic 30 1/0/0 1d10+0 P0 Rending 1 2 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Rending
Ranged Las Basic 60 1/2/0 1d10+2 P0 Energy 40 1 Full
Ranged Flame Pistol 10 1/0/0 1d10+4 P2 Energy 2 2 Full
Ranged Prim Pistol 15 1/0/0 1d10+2 P0 Impact 1 3 Full
Grenade Grenade Thrown 2d10+0 P0 Xplosive
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+4 P2 Rending
Ranged Las Pistol 30 1/0/0 1d10+2 P0 Energy 30 1 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+1 P0 Impact
Thrown Prim Thrown 1d10+0 P0 Rending
Thrown Prim Thrown 1d10+3 P1 Rending
Ranged Las Basic 100 1/3/0 1d10+3 P0 Energy 60 1 Full
Ranged Prim Basic 30 1/0/0 1d10+2 P0 Impact 1 5 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Rending
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 10 1/3/0 1d10+0 P0 Impact 7 Replace
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+-1 P0 Rending
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1/0/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 2 2 Full
Grenade Grenade Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/2/0 1d10+0 P0 Rending 5 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1/0/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 2 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/2/6 1d10+2 P0 Impact 18 1 Full
Melee/Thrown Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Rending
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 100 0/0/6 1d10+4 P3 Impact 200 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1/3/8 1d10+0 P0 Impact 24 1 Full
Ranged Launch Basic 60 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 1 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1/0/0 1d10+4 P2 Impact 5 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 120 0/0/10 1d10+5 P3 Impact 200 2 Full
Ranged Prim Basic 50 1/0/0 1d10+2 P2 Rending 1 Half
Grenade Grenade Thrown 2d10+5 P2 Xplosive
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 60 1/0/10 1d10+3 P0 Impact 40 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 100 1/2/6 1d10+4 P0 Impact 15 1 Full
Ranged Las Basic 50 1/0/5 1d10+3 P0 Energy 120 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 90 1/3/10 1d10+3 P0 Impact 30 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 90 1/3/10 1d10+3 P0 Impact 30 1 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+1 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+1 P1 Rending
Thrown Prim Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -
Melee Exotic Melee 1d10+3 P6 Rending
Melee Chain Melee 1d10+2 P2 Rending
Melee Exotic Melee 1d10+1 P2 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+3 P0 Rending
Ranged Prim Basic 40 1/0/0 1d10+2 P1 Rending 1 Half
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 50 1/3/10 1d10+3 P0 Impact 35 1 Full
Melee Chain Melee 1d10+5 P2 Rending
Melee Chain Melee 1d10+2 P2 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+3 P0 Rending
Thrown Exotic Thrown 1d10+3 P2 Rending
Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1/3/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 18 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/3/6 1d10+3 P0 Impact 15 1 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+2 P0 Impact
Ranged Las Basic 100 1/3/0 1d10+3 P0 Energy 60 1 Full
Grenade Grenade Thrown 1d10+1 P0 Xplosive
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+2 P0 Impact
Ranged Las Pistol 20 1/3/0 1d10+2 P0 Energy 20 1 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+0 P0 Rending
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1/0/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 8 2 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+2 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+0 P0 Impact
Melee Shock Melee 1d5+1 P2 Impact
Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1/3/10 1d10+4 P0 Impact 30 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 10 1/0/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 1 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1/0/0 1d10+4 P1 Impact 6 3 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+-1 P2 Rending
Ranged Flame Basic 15 1/0/0 1d10+3 P2 Energy 4 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1/0/0 1d10+4 P2 Impact 5 2 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+1 P0 Impact
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 40 1/3/6 1d10+4 P0 Impact 15 1 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 70 0/0/5 1d10+5 P0 Impact 100 3 Full
Thrown Prim Thrown 1d10+5 P1 Rending
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 10 1/0/0 1d10+2 P2 Rending 1 1 Full
Launch Basic 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Ranged Prim Basic 40 1/0/0 1d10+3 P0 Impact 1 5 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d5+0 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+3 P0 Rending
Ranged Flame Basic 10 1/0/0 1d10+4 P1 Energy 12 3 Full

Melee Prim Melee 1d10+1 P0 Impact

Melee Prim Melee 1d10+1 P0 Impact
Grenade Grenade Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -
Melee Exotic Melee 1d10+5 P4 Rending
Ranged Flame Basic 5 1/0/0 1d5+0 P0 Energy 1 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1/3/0 1d10+4 P2 Impact 6 1 Full
Melee Chain Melee 1d5+3 P2 Rending
Melee Exotic Melee 1d10+1 P0 Impact
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+1 P2 Rending
Grenade Grenade Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1/3/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 18 1 Full
Melee Shock Melee 1d10+3 P4 Impact
Melee Exotic Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Melee Chain Melee 1d10+10 P5 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+1 P0 Impact
Ranged Flame Basic 1/0/0 1d10+4 P3 Energy 2 Full
Ranged Flame Basic 1/0/0 1d10+4 P2 Energy 2 Full
Ranged Prim Pistol 15 1/0/0 1d10+0 P0 Rending 1 1 Full
Ranged Las Pistol 20 1/2/5 1d10+2 P0 Energy 30 1 Full
Ranged Flame Basic 5 1/0/0 1d10+1 P2 Energy 5 2 Full
Melee Prim Melee 2d10+0 P2 Rending
Ranged Launch Basic 60 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 6 1 Full
Ranged Launch Basic 80 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 1 Half
Ranged Launch Basic 60 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 6 1 Full

Melee Prim Melee 1d5+0 P0 Impact

Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 120 0/0/10 1d10+4 P3 Impact 200 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 120 0/0/10 1d10+5 P3 Impact 40 1 Full
Ranged Las Basic 100 1/3/5 1d10+3 P4 Energy 40 2 Full
Grenade Grenade Thrown 3d10+0 P1 Xplosive
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 150 1/0/0 1d10+3 P0 Impact 5 1 Full
Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1/0/0 1d5+2 P2 Rending 3 2 Full
Ranged Prim Heavy 30 1/0/0 1d10+5 P2 Impact 1 2 Full
Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1/2/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 12 1 Full
Ranged Las Basic 60 1/2/0 1d10+3 P0 Energy 40 2 Full
Melee Exotic Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Ranged Las Basic 1/0/0 1d10+3 P1 Energy 1 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Grenade Grenade Thrown 2d10+0 P0 Xplosive

Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1/0/0 2d5+6 P0 Impact 1 3 Full

Ranged Melta Basic 1/0/0 2d10+4 P10 Energy 3 Full

Ranged Launch Heavy 250 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 1 1 Full

Ranged Launch Heavy 250 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 1 1 Full
Melee/Thrown Prim Melee 1d5+0 P2 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P2 Rending
Ranged Exotic Basic 20 1/3/0 1d10+4 P9 Energy 12 3 Full

Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 1/3/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 1 Full

Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 40 1/3/0 2d10+4 P0 Impact 24 2 Full
Melee Shock Melee 1d10+0 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 2d10+0 P2 Rending
Melee Exotic Melee 1d10+1 P2 Rending
Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1/3/10 1d10+4 P0 Impact 30 1 Full
Ranged Exotic Pistol 1/3/0 1d10+4 P0 Impact 1 Full
Grenade Grenade Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1/0/6 1d10+4 P0 Impact 12 1 Full
Grenade Grenade Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 1/3/6 1d10+2 P0 Impact 1 Full

Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 0/0/6 1d10+2 P0 Impact 12 1 Full

Melee Prim Melee 0d0+0 P0 Impact
Ranged Las Pistol 10 1/0/0 1d10+1 P0 Energy 15 Recharge
Melee Shock Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Melee Shock Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Melee Shock Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact
Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 40 1/3/0 2d10+0 P0 Impact 24 2 Full
Ranged Exotic Basic 1/2/0 2d10+0 P"1d10"Energy 2 Full
Ranged Exotic Basic 1/2/0 2d10+0 P"1d10"Impact 2 Full
Ranged Bolt Pistol 20 1/0/0 1d10+3 P0 Xplosive 3 1 Full
Grenade Grenade Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Rending
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+2 P1 Impact
Ranged Exotic Heavy 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 3 Full

Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 1/0/0 1d10+0 P0 Rending 1 Full

Melee Prim Melee 2d5+0 P2 Rending

Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1/2/0 1d10+5 P4 Xplosive 8 1 Full

Melee Chain Melee 1d10+2 P2 Rending

Grenade Grenade Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -

Melee Prim Melee 1d5+0 P3 Rending

Ranged Launch Heavy 200 1/0/0 3d10+3 P4 Xplosive 1 Replace
Ranged Launch Heavy 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - Replace
Melee Shock Melee 1d10+1 P0 Impact
Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 1/0/0 1d10+3 P2 Impact 2 Full
Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Rending

Melee Prim Melee 2d10+0 P2 Impact

Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1/0/0 1d10+6 P0 Impact 2 2 Full

Ranged Prim Basic 1/0/0 1d10+4 P2 Rending 4 Full

Ranged Las Basic 50 1/3/0 1d10+4 P7 Energy 30 2 Full

Ranged Las Pistol 20 1/2/0 1d10+4 P7 Energy 40 2 Full

Ranged Las Pistol 35 1/2/0 1d10+4 P7 Energy 40 2 Full
Ranged Las Pistol 1/2/0 1d10+3 P5 Energy 2 Full

Ranged Prim Basic 10 1/0/0 1d10+1 P0 Impact 1 5 Full

Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1/2/5 1d10+2 P0 Impact 15 1 Full

Melee Prim Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact

Melee Prim Melee 1d5+-1 P0 Impact

Ranged Launch Heavy 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 2 Full

Grenade Grenade Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -

Melee Prim Melee 1d5+1 P0 Rending

Ranged Launch Heavy 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 1 Full

Melee Shock Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact

Melee Shock Melee 1d10+0 P0 Impact

Melee Power Melee 1d10+5 P5 Impact

Melee Exotic Melee 1d5+5 P0 Rending

Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 1 1 Full

Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1/0/0 0d0+0 P0 - 1 1 Full
Ranged Bolt Basic 1/2/4 1d10+5 P4 Xplosive 1 Full

Thrown Chain Thrown 1d10+2 P2 Rending

Grenade Grenade Thrown 0d0+0 P0 -

Ranged Las Heavy 1/0/0 5d10+10 P10 Energy 2 Full

Ranged Bolt Basic 1/2/0 1d10+5 P4 Xplosive 1 Full

Ranged Melta Heavy 1/0/0 4d10+12 P12 Energy 2 Full

Ranged Plasma Basic 1/2/0 1d10+6 P6 Energy 8 Full

Ranged Exotic Basic 1/0/0 1d10+5 P4 Impact 1 Full

Ranged Exotic Basic 70 1/3/0 1d10+2 P0 Rending 40 2 Full

Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1/3/5 1d10+2 P4 Rending 40 2 Full

Melee Power Melee 2d10+4 P10 Energy

Ranged Exotic Thrown 9 1/0/0 1d5+3 P0 Xplosive 1 Retrieve

Melee Exotic Melee 1d10+1 P4 Rending

Melee Power Melee 1d10+4 P6 Energy
Ranged Exotic Heavy 1/0/0 2d10+4 P5 Rending 1 Full
#Hands Unreliable 3.5 95 Common 114 DH-IH
1 Inaccurate, Unreliable 2 - Ubiquitous 113 RT-ItS
1 Primitive 2 5 Abundant 138 DH-CR
1 Primitive, Thrown, SFW 0.5 5 Abundant 139 DH-CR
1 - 1.5 50 Plentiful 114 DH-IH
2 Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate4 - Plentiful 113 RT-ItS
1 Primitive, Grapple, SFW 0.5 5 Plentiful 138 DH-CR
1 Blast (3), Need to light it first1 5 Plentiful 137 DH-CR
1 Primitive 1 8 Plentiful 93 DH-IH
1 Primitive, SFW 2 25 Plentiful 142 DH-CR
1 Primitive, SFW 0.5 4 Plentiful 98 DH-IH
2 Primitive, Balanced 3 10 Plentiful 140 DH-CR
1 Primitive 0.5 5 Plentiful 139 DH-CR
1 Primitive, SFW 2 - Plentiful 131 RT
2 Unreliable 4 40 Plentiful 172 DH-IH
1 Inaccurate, Unreliable 1 10 Plentiful 116 DH-IH
1 - 1.3 50 Plentiful 116 DH-IH
1 Reliable 2 40 Plentiful 118 DH-IH
2 Primitive 0.5 10 Plentiful 135 DH-CR
2 - 5 60 Plentiful 118 DH-IH
1 - 1.5 50 Plentiful 132 DH-CR
1 Reliable 1 40 Plentiful 132 DH-CR
1 Reliable 1 40 Plentiful 132 DH-CR
1 Unreliable 3.5 95 Common 114 DH-IH
1 - 2.5 75 Common 132 DH-CR
2 Primitive, Reliable 2 10 Common 135 DH-CR
1 Reliable 2 40 Common 112 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Unreliable 2 10 Common 93 DH-IH
2 Primitive 7 50 Common 113 DH-IH
2 - 7 50 Common 112 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Grapple, SFW 0.5 20 Common 162 DH-IH
2 Flame, Spray 1 35 Common 141 DH-CR
2 Primitive 4 30 Common 163 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Balanced, SFW 1 30 Common 96 DH-IH
2 - 3 - Common 113 RT-ItS
1 Inaccurate, Scatter, Tearing3 60 Common 115 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Unbalanced, SFW4 15 Common 391 DH-CR
1 Primitive, Defensive 1 - Common 123 RT-ItS
2 Primitive 3 10 Common 135 DH-CR
1 Primitive, Unbalanced 3 10 Common 96 DH-IH
1 Unwieldy, hands free, SFW1 100 Common 70 DH-Dhu
2 Reliable 3 75 Common 131 DH-CR
1 Flame, Spray 1 - Common 127 RT-ItS
1 Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate4 10 Common 135 DH-CR
1 Blast (4) 0.5 10 Common 136 DH-CR
2 +10 WS to Stun opponent 8 70 Common 70 DH-Dhu
1 Reliable 1.5 50 Common 131 DH-CR
1 Primitive, Unbalanced 4 10 Common 139 DH-CR
1 Primitive 0.5 - Common 113 RT-ItS
1 Primitive 1 8 Plentiful 93 DH-IH
2 Reliable 4 75 Common 131 DH-CR
2 Primitive, Inaccurate, Unreliable7 30 Common 135 DH-CR
1 Primitive, Balanced 2 15 Common 98 DH-IH
1 - 0.7 80 Common 118 DH-IH
1 Primitive 1.5 12 Common 163 DH-IH
2 Scatter 5 - Common 118 RT
1 Smoke (3) 0.5 - Common 127 RT
1 Shocking 1.5 350 Common 67 DH-Dhu
2 Reliable, Scatter 5 60 Common 133 DH-CR
1 - 2.3 70 Common 120 DH-IH
2 Primitive, Thrown 3 15 Common 140 DH-CR
1 Primitive, Balanced 3 15 Common 140 DH-CR
2 Storm 21 - Average 113 RT-ItS
1 - 2 90 Average 115 DH-IH
2 Reliable, Grenade 8 300 Average 113 DH-IH
2 - 3 65 Average 132 DH-CR
2 - 35 - Average 118 RT
2 Primitive 3 20 Average 93 DH-IH
1 Blast (1) 1 - Scarce/Common 143 RT-ItS
2 - 3.5 95 Average 175 DH-IH
2 Reliable 8.5 100 Average 114 DH-IH
2 Reliable 4.5 - Average 113 RT-ItS
2 - 3.5 100 Average 132 DH-CR
2 - 3.5 100 Average 132 DH-CR
1 Primitive, Unbalanced 4 20 Average 138 DH-CR
1 Primitive 5 13 Average 96 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Snare (0), Inaccurate
1.5 10 Average 135 DH-CR
2 Tearing, Unwieldy 6 75 Average 162 DH-IH
1 Tearing, Balanced 6 - Average 131 RT
1 Tearing, Unbalanced 5 600 Scarce/Common 102 DH-CA
1 Primitive, SFW 3 40 Average 180 DH-IH
2 Primitive, Accurate 3 50 Uncommon 93 DH-IH
2 - 3.6 115 Average 115 DH-IH
1 Tearing 12 - Average 123 RT-ItS
1 Tearing, Balanced 7 - Average 123 RT-ItS
1 Primitive 2 - Average 123 RT-ItS
1 Primitive 0.5 50 Average 93 DH-IH
1 Inaccurate, Unreliable 2 100 Scarce/Common 102 DH-CA
1 Reliable 2 175 Average 115 DH-IH
1 Primitive 5 - Average 123 RT-ItS
2 Reliable 4 75 Average 173 DH-IH
2 Blast (2), Unreliable 1 20 Average 122 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Defensive 9 75 Average 162 DH-IH
1 Reliable 1.1 100 Average 112 DH-IH
1 Defensive, Primitive, SFW0.5 - Average 123 RT-ItS
2 Scatter 5 75 Average 133 DH-CR
1 - 3 50 Average 123 DH-IH
2 Primitive, Unwieldy 5 12 Uncommon 98 DH-IH
1 Primitive 3 25 Average 140 DH-CR
2 Shocking 2 100 Average 163 DH-IH
2 Inaccurate, Unreliable 4 200 Scarce/Common 102 DH-CA
1 Reliable, Scatter 1 60 Average 161 DH-IH
2 Scatter 3.5 70 Average 118 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Fast, SFW 0.2 25 Uncommon 99 DH-IH
2 Flame, Spray 3 100 Average 161 DH-IH
1 - 3 65 Average 118 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Defensive 5 40 Uncommon 99 DH-IH
2 Scatter 8 300 Average 134 DH-IH
2 Unreliable 38 500 Average 121 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Snare (0), Special2 14 Uncommon 94 DH-IH
2 - 1.5 - Average 113 RT-ItS
2 Primitive, Snare (0) 8.75 - Scarce 113 RT-ItS
2 Primitive 8 60 Scarce 94 DH-IH
Snare (0) - Rare/Average RT-ItS
1 Flexible, Tearing, Primitive 5 - Rare/Average 144 RT-ItS
2 Flame, Spray 6 - Scarce 113 RT-ItS

1 Unbalanced, Flame, Spray4.5 500 Scarce 116 DH-BoM

Unbalanced, Toxic (1) 4.5 Scarce DH-BoM
Smoke (3) 0.5 Scarce DH-CR
1earing, Unwieldy, SB 5 or -1018 WS 750 Scarce 135 DH-IH
2 Primitive, Flame, Spray 3 50 Scarce 160 DH-IH
1 Accurate 2.5 200 Scarce 115 DH-IH
1 Tearing, SFW 2.5 80 Scarce 123 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Fast, Toxic (1) 4 30 Scarce 96 DH-IH
- 3.5 Scarce DH-IH
1 Blast (1d10+3) 0.5 40 Scarce 122 DH-IH
2 Scatter 6.5 150 Scarce 133 DH-CR
1 Unwieldy, Volatile, Blast (1)15 200 Scarce 70 DH-Dhu
2 Primitive, Flexible 4 28 Scarce 96 DH-IH
Special, Tearing, Unwieldy Scarce DH-IH
2 Primitive, Flexible 4 20 Scarce 138 DH-CR
Flame, Spray Scarce DH-CR
Flame, Spray - Scarce RT
1 Primitive, Special 1 30 Scarce 93 DH-IH
1 Reliable 1.5 100 Scarce 172 DH-IH
2 Flame, Spray 20 150 Scarce 111 DH-IH
Primitive, Unwieldy Scarce DH-CR
2 Grenade 9 500 Scarce 136 DH-CR
2 Grenade 10 - Scarce 119 RT
2 Inaccurate, Grenade 12.5 - Scarce 119 RT

1 Primitive, Defensive 1.5 100 Scarce 180 DH-IH

2 - 35 750 Scarce 133 DH-CR
2 - 35 - Scarce 118 RT
2 - 10 500 Scarce 133 DH-IH
1 Blast (3), Shocking 0.5 - Scarce 117 RT-ItS
2 Accurate 5 100 Scarce 133 DH-CR
1 - 1 1000 Scarce 110 DH-IH
2 Primitive, Unreliable 22 100 Scarce 113 DH-IH
2 Reliable, Scatter 6.5 80 Scarce 161 DH-IH
2 Reliable 2.5 - Scarce 118 RT
1 Primitive, Shocking, SFW 2 80 Scarce 97 DH-IH
Accurate, Reliable 4.5 Scarce DH-CR
Primitive, Snare (0), Unwieldy Scarce DH-IH
1 Blast (5) 0.8 10 Scarce 176 DH-IH

2 Scatter, Tearing 5 80 Scarce 116 DH-IH

Melta Scarce DH-IH

2 Missile 35 3000 Scarce 174 DH-IH

2 Missile 12 - Scarce 119 RT
1 Thrown, SFW 3 45 Scarce 141 DH-CR
1 Balanced 5 55 Scarce 141 DH-CR
2 Unstable 4 2750 Scarce 201 DH-RH

Tearing - Scarce RT
2 Scatter, Unreliable 7 - Scarce 118 RT
Shocking Scarce DH-IH
1 Tearing, Unbalanced 10 - Rare/Average 144 RT-ItS
1 Unbalanced 8 - Scarce 131 RT
2 Inaccurate 4 - Scarce 128 RT
Inaccurate - Scarce RT
Smoke (10) 1.5 - Rare/Average RT-ItS
1 - 2.5 75 Scarce 175 DH-IH
1 Flash (10) 0.5 60 Scarce 137 DH-CR
- 1.7 Scarce DH-IH

1 Inaccurate, Unreliable 3 40 Scarce 118 DH-IH

Primitive, Flexibile Scarce DH-BoM
1 - 0.5 120 Scarce 113 DH-IH
1 Shocking, Grapple, SFW 1 - Scarce 123 RT-ItS
1 Shocking 2.5 150 Scarce 141 DH-CR
1 Shocking 4 250 Scarce 70 DH-Dhu
2 Scatter, Unreliable 12 700 Scarce 161 DH-IH
Inaccurate, Overheats, Unreliable Rare/Scarce DH-CA
Inaccurate, Overheats, Unreliable Rare/Scarce DH-CA
1 Tearing, Unreliable 3 75 Scarce 109 DH-IH
1 Blast (3) 0.2 40 Scarce 176 DH-IH
1 Balanced, Primitive 2 - Scarce 123 RT-ItS
1 Primitive 4.5 - Scarce 131 RT
Blast (6), Snare (0) Rare DH-IH

- 0.5 Rare DH-Dhu

1 SFW 2 50 Rare 123 DH-IH

1 Tearing 3.5 250 Rare 133 DH-CR

Balanced, Tearing Rare DH-CR

Gas (10) 0.5 - Rare RT-ItS

Primitive, Fast 0.3 Rare DH-IH

2 - 10 - Rare 113 RT-ItS
Missile Rare DH-IH
2 Flexible, Shocking 4.5 375 Rare 141 DH-CR
Accurate, Reliable 1.6 Rare DH-IH
- Rare Asc-HBR

2 Unwieldy 8 800 Rare 10 Asc-HBR

1 Primitive, Reliable 2 140 Rare 115 DH-IH

Primitive Rare DH-IH

2 Includes 10kg Backpack 16 - Rare 137 Asc

1 Includes 10kg Backpack 14 - Rare 137 Asc

1 - 4 - Rare 118 RT
Weight not including backpack Rare DH-IH

2 Inaccurate, Scatter, Unreliable
4 35 Rare 93 DH-IH
1 Primitive, Reliable, Tearing2 150 Rare 161 DH-IH

2 Unwieldy 4 200 Rare 116 DH-BoM

1 Primitive 3 60 Rare 97 DH-IH

Missile - Rare RT

Blast (3) Rare DH-Dhu

1 Primitive, Tearing 1.2 50 Rare 124 DH-IH

Grenade Rare DH-CR

Defensive, Recharge, Shocking - Rare Asc

Defensive, Recharge, Shocking - Rare Asc

1 Power Field 3 - Rare 141 Asc

1 Tearing, Unwieldy 1.5 650 Rare 136 DH-IH

1 Snare (0) 3.5 1200 Rare 138 DH-CR

1 Snare (0) 3.5 1200 Rare 138 DH-CR
Tearing - Very Rare RT

1 Tearing 0.5 - Very Rare 123 RT-ItS

- Very Rare DH-Dhu

- - Very Rare RT
Reliable, Tearing Very Rare DH-IH

Blast (1), Melta Very Rare DH-IH

Overheats, Recharge, Maximal Very Rare DH-CR

Tearing - Very Rare RT-ItS

2 Tearing 2 5500 Very Rare 87 DH-CA

1 Reliable 1.2 5000 Very Rare 85 DH-CA

2 Power Field, Unwieldy 18 5000 Very Rare 70 DH-Dhu

2 Blast (2), Inaccurate, Unstable
1 45 Very Rare 94 DH-IH

Flexible, Tearing 0.5 Very Rare DH-CA

Power Field, Special Very Rare DH-IH
Blast (1), Tearing - Extremely Rare RT-ItS
STOCK: normal Turn off autocalculations first and use F9: Men

UPGRADE TAB #N/A Shop Modifier:
NAME (248/316) #Normal
NumAva In Store: Category Type
# on a bipod 5
# on a tripod 5
# With Acid Shells 8
# With Airtorch Canister 9
# with Anti-Plant Grenade 8
# with Blazer Shells ammo 4 2 # with Blazer Shells am Ranged Ammo
# with Bleeder Rounds 7
# with Blessed Ammunition ammo 8
# with Blind Grenade 6
# With Bloodfire Grenade 7
# With Calamity Vent 8
# with Choke Gas Grenade 6
# With Choke Grenade 7
# with Cryptus Shells 7
# with dumdum ammo 6
# with duplus ammo clip 6
# with Expander Rounds 6
# with Explosive Arrows/Quarrels 6
# with extra grip 3 2 # with extra grip Ranged Upgrade
# with Filament Grenade 9
# with Fire Bomb Grenade 3 3 # with Fire Bomb Grenad Ranged Grenade
# with fire selector 6
# with Frag Grenade 4 1 # with Frag Grenade Ranged Grenade
# with Frag Missile 5 # with Frag Missile Ranged Missile
# with Geode Grenade 9
# with Hallucinogen Grenade 7
# With Haywire Grenade 10
# with Hot-Shot ammo\charge pack6
# With Howler Grenade 6
# with Hyper-Density Penetrators 7
# with Inferno ammo #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
# With Inferno Grenade 7
# with Inferno/Thermal Grenade 7
# With Kinetic Grenade 9
# with Krak Grenade 7
# with Krak Missile 5
# with Man-Stopper ammo 6
# with Mark III FG Grenade 6
# With Microburst Flask 9
# With Minefield missile 7
# with Nail Bomb Grenade 5 1 # with Nail Bomb Grenad Ranged Grenade
# With Nephium Fuel Tank 8
# with Omni-scope 10
# With Organgrinder Rounds 9
# with overcharge pack 4 1 # with overcharge pack Ranged Ammo
# with Photo sight 8
# with Photon Flash Grenade 6 0 # with Photon Flash Gre Ranged Grenade
# with Preysense-scope 8
# with Psybolt Ammunition 8
# with Psycannon Bolts ammo 8
# with Psyflame Ammunition 8
# with red-dot laser sight 6
# With Scatter missile 8
# with silencer 3 1 # with silencer Ranged Upgrade
# with Smoke Grenade 4 2 # with Smoke Grenade Ranged Grenade
# With Snare Shells 7
# with Soubirous Power Pack 8
# With Starflare grenade 6
# With Starflare missile 6
# with Stun Grenade 6
# With Stunner Grenade 7
# with Suspensors 9
# With Tanglefoot Grenade 9
# with targeter 7
# with telescopic sight 5 0 # with telescopic sight Ranged Upgrade
# with Tempest Bolt Shells 10
# with Tempest Shells ammo 8
# with Terrorfex Grenade 8
# With Tox Dispenser 7
# With Toxic Shot 6
# With Toxin Grenade 7
# With Tracer Shells 5 0 # With Tracer Shells Ranged Ammo
# with Virus Grenade 9
# With Void Rounds 7
Compact # 5 Compact # Ranged Upgrade
forearm mounted # 6
Lathe Blade # 8
Mono # 6
Sanctified # 8
ulations first and use F9: Menu > Options > formula > manual A plenty

25% In Stock:
Group Class DamType Range SingleShot SemiBurst

Solid Projectile Basic Any =15 0 0

Any Basic Any *0.5 0 0

Launch Any Any 0 0 0

Launch Any Any 0 0 0

Launch Any Any

#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

Launch Any Any 0 0 0

Las Pistol, Basic Energy 0 0 0

Launch Any Any 0 0 0

Solid Projectile Pistol Any 0 0 0

Launch Any Any 0 0 0

Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasma

Basic Any 0 0 0

Solid Projectile, Bolt Any Any 0 0 0

Las, Solid Projectile, Flame, Bolt, Plasma

Pistol, Basic Any *0.5
Average Scarce Rare Very Rare Extr. Rare Near Unique

FullBurst numdice dice Dam Bonus Type Pen Clip Size Att Bonus

0 0 0 0 =Energy 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 =1 =10 =3 =Energy =2 0 0

0 =2 =10 0 =Xplosive 0 0 0
=2 =10 =Xplosive =4

#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

0 =1 =10 =1 =Xplosive 0 0 0

0 0 0 +1 0 0 *0.5 0

0 0 ='special' 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 =1 =1 =-1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

numHands Special Wt Cost Renown Availability Page Source

0 15m max, Flame, Spray0 4 0 Common 164 DH-IH

=1 0 *1.3 +25 0 Plentiful 141 DH-CR

0 Blast (3), Need to light it first

+1 5 0 Plentiful 137 DH-CR

0 Blast (4) +0.5 10 0 Common 136 DH-CR

Blast (6) +5 Average DH-IH

#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

0 Blast (2), Unreliable +1 20 0 Average 122 DH-IH

0 0 0 15 0 Common 142 DH-CR

0 0 +0.5 60 0 Scarce 137 DH-CR

reness to hear the0 shot. Moreover detection can

+10be attempted
0 at Plentiful
half the normal
Smoke, Unlike blind
0 grenades, this only interferes
+0.5 with
- visual
0 sight Common 127 RT

No long or extreme
0 range penalty when 1+1full round
+35 aiming
0 Average 142 DH-CR

0 +5 BS on full auto 0 - 0 Average 129 RT-ItS

*0.5 +50 Average DH-CR

Turn off autocalculations first and use F9: Menu > Options > formula > manual

ARMOUR TAB Shop Modifier: 200% In Stock: 280 - (102 / 120 / 40 / 1
NAME (245/248) NumA #Poor #Normal #Good #Best In Store: #N/A
Bracers 3 18 30 4 Bracers Primitive
Grox Hide 4 12 8 2 2 Grox Hide Primitive
Heavy Leathers 4 16 16 4 4 Heavy Leathers Primitive
Quilted Vest 4 4 8 4 4 Quilted Vest Primitive
Iron Collar 4 8 12 2 Iron Collar Primitive
Skrag Furs 4 8 16 4 Skrag Furs Primitive
Beast Furs 5 Beast Furs Primitive
Chain Coat 5 4 4 2 Chain Coat Primitive
Flak Gauntlets 5 4 2 4 Flak Gauntlets Flak
Flak Helmet 5 2 Flak Helmet Flak
Flak Jacket 5 Flak Jacket Flak
Flak Vest 5 2 6 2 Flak Vest Flak
Gang Leathers 5 6 4 4 Gang Leathers Primitive
Bone 5 Bone Primitive
Flak Greatcoat 5 6 6 Flak Greatcoat Flak
Mirkers Greaves 5 6 2 Mirkers Greaves Primitive
Volcanis Shroud 5 4 4 4 Volcanis Shroud Advanced
Flak Coat 5 Flak Coat Flak
Feudal Plate 6
Flak Cloak 6 2 Flak Cloak Flak
Guard Armor 6 2 Guard Armor Flak
Light Flak Coat 6 2 Light Flak Coat Flak
Heavy Plate 6 2 Heavy Plate Primitive
Windrider Carapace 6
Blessed Sackcloth Tunic 7
Sanctified Chain Coat 7
Carapace Chest Plate 7
Carapace Greaves 7
Carapace Helm 7
Carapace Vambraces 7
Enforcer Light Carapace 7
Mesh Cowl 7
Mesh Gloves 7 2 2 Mesh Gloves Mesh
Mesh Vest 7
Xeno Mesh 7
Banded Armour 7
Boarding Armour 7
Environmental Body Glove 7
Hardened Body Glove 7
Magistratum Carapace 7
Rosarius 7
Silkmail 7
Slither Boots 7
Wind Armour 7
Scourge Carapace 7
Armoured Bodyglove 7
Telekinetic Armour 7
Xeno Mesh (RT) 7 2 Xeno Mesh (RT) Mesh
Thermal Armour-Frost 7
Hospitaller Carapace 8
Sanctified Carapace 8
Shield Robes 8
Sororitas Power Armour 8
Sororitas Power Armour Helmet 8
Light Power Armour 8
Mesh Combat Cloak 8
Power Armour 8
Storm Trooper Carapace 8
Xeno Hides 8
Refraction Field (Brontian Pattern) 8
Refraction Field (Brontian Pattern 8
Refraction Field (Brontian Pattern) 8
Refraction Field (Brontian Pattern) 8
Amulet of Warding 8
Hardened Body Hood 8
Lidhl Power Armour 8 2 Lidhl Power Armour Power
Refractor Field 8
Scale Armour 8
Mecronid Armour 8
Burnscour Beast Hide 8
Subskin Armour 8
Flexsteel 8
Refractor Field (Mars) 8
Judges Carapace 8
Kasrkin Carapce 8
Lathe Refractor Field 8
Synskin 9
Conversion Field (Locke) 9
Heavy Power Armour 9
Power Field (Vehicle/Emplacement9
Ignatus-pattern Power Armour 9
Maccabien Rosarius 9
Null-Blocker 9
Cloak of St. Aspira 9
mula > manual A plenty Average Scarce Rare Very Rare

280 - (102 / 120 / 40 / 18)

H/A/B/L #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A
0/1/0/0 0 0.5 10 0 Plentiful
0/3/3/3 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 14 60 0 Common
0/2/2/2 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 7 100 0 Common
0/0/2/0 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 2 10 0 Common
3/0/0/0 -10 to dodge, critical damage to head reduced by 2 3 20 0 Common
0/0/2/0 -10 Fel 7 5 0 Common
0/0/2/0 1/2 vs. non-Primitive Average
0/3/3/3 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 18 50 0 Average
0/2/0/0 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 1 50 0 Average
2/0/0/0 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 2 25 0 Average
0/3/3/3 Provides AP5 vs. Blast Average
0/0/3/0 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 5 50 0 Average
0/1/1/1 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 5 25 0 Average
0/2/2/2 Average
0/4/4/0 0 9 150 0 Average
0/0/0/4 Kick like punch with Knuckle Duster 8 50 0 Average
3/3/3/3 x2 vs Fire, Acid, Corrisives, -10 Ag 20 350 0 Average
0/3/3/3 Provides AP5 vs. Blast RT Average

0/3/3/3 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 8 80 0 Scarce

4/4/4/4 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 11 300 0 Scarce
0/2/2/2 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 4 80 0 Scarce
6/6/6/6 0 28 300 0 Scarce

0/3/0/0 0 0.5 120 0 Rare

0/3/3/3 0 2 RT 0 Rare
6/6/6/6 0 40 8000 0 Very Rare
Extr. Rare

#N/A #N/A
100 DH-IH
144 DH-CR
144 DH-CR
144 DH-CR
71 DH-Dhu
101 DH-IH
145 DH-CR
144 DH-CR
144 DH-CR
144 DH-CR
144 DH-CR
181 DH-IH
125 DH-IH
125 DH-IH
144 DH-CR
144 DH-CR
144 DH-CR
100 DH-IH
145 DH-CR
138 RT
181 DH-IH
Turn off autocalculations first and use F9: Menu > Options > formula > manual

FROM GEAR TAB Shop Modifier: 200% In Stock:
NAME (329/353) #Poor
NumA #Normal #Good #Best In Store:
Ploin Juice 1 30 10 24 Ploin Juice
Chronometer 2 32 40 24 4 Chronometer
Common Clothing and Adorn 2 40 40 24 16Common Clothing and Adornment
Glow-globe 2 32 32 30 12 Glow-globe
Injector 2 8 40 30 Injector
Recaf 2 8 8 18 Recaf
Rotgut Booze 2 16 32 Rotgut Booze
Glow-rod 2 40 40 24 16 Glow-rod
Tranq 2 32 8 12 4 Tranq
Promethium 2 32 16 12 Promethium
Backpack 3 18 12 Backpack
Data slate 3 12 24 4 Data slate
Manacles 3 30 6 12 Manacles
Ration Packs 3 18 12 Ration Packs
Void Suit 3 6 18 4 Void Suit
Backpack / Bergen 3 12 12 16 Backpack / Bergen
Binders 3 6 12 Binders
Data printer 3 30 12 12 Data printer
Utility Case 3 12 24 8 Utility Case
Manacles 3 18 18 4 4 Manacles
Survival Suit 3 18 30 Survival Suit
Void Suit 3 30 30 8 4 Void Suit
Wideawake 3 24 30 8 Wideawake
Clip Harness/Drop Harness 4 4 4 Clip Harness/Drop Harness
Filtration Plugs 4 Filtration Plugs
Grapnel 4 16 16 Grapnel
Lho-sticks 4 8 8 6 4 Lho-sticks
Medikit 4 4 8 Medikit
Recoil Glove 4 4 8 Recoil Glove
Writing Kit 4 8 16 4 Writing Kit
Counterseptic Drugs 4 12 Counterseptic Drugs
Halo 4 16 16 Halo
Aqua Suit 4 4 Aqua Suit
Babelfish Translator Device 4 12 8 Babelfish Translator Device
Cryo Suit 4 16 2 2 Cryo Suit
Data terminal ('Think Machine4 16 4 Data terminal ('Think Machine')
Drop Harness 4 4 12 Drop Harness
Ghillie Suit / Camouflage 4 12 12 Ghillie Suit / Camouflage
High-Tensile Rope 4 4 12 High-Tensile Rope
Holster 4 8 4 Holster
Incendiary Suit 4 4 4 4 Incendiary Suit
Liquid Canister 4 16 Liquid Canister
Personal Load Carrying Equi 4 12 Personal Load Carrying Equipment (PLCE)
Personal Tent 4 8 2 Personal Tent
Power generator 4 8 12 Power generator
Toxin Suit 4 8 8 Toxin Suit
Vox-link 4 16 Vox-link
Backpack Ammo / Power Pack 4 8 Backpack Ammo / Power Pack
Cerebral Plug 4 8 8 Cerebral Plug
Shipboard Emergency Kit 4 16 8 Shipboard Emergency Kit
Blast Goggles 4 Blast Goggles
Det-cord/Det-tape 4 8 16 Det-cord/Det-tape
Physik Kit 4 8 Physik Kit
Charm 5 4 Charm
Lascutter 5 4 2 Lascutter
Magnoculars 5 2 Magnoculars
Micro-bead Vox 5 2 Micro-bead Vox
Pict Recorder 5 2 Pict Recorder
Respirator/Gas Mask 5 4 Respirator/Gas Mask
Screamers 5
Stimm 5 6 Stimm
Stummers 5 6 Stummers
Kick 5
Synth-Skin 5
Nightside Visor 5 4 Nightside Visor
Recorder 5 2 Recorder
Sirenium 5 4 Sirenium
Arms Coffer 5 6 Arms Coffer
Merchant Guilder Clothing a 5 Merchant Guilder Clothing and Adornment
Night Cloak 5 2 Night Cloak
Respirator/Gas Mask 5 2 Respirator/Gas Mask
Consecrated Scrolls 6
Dreamjuice 6
Imperium's Fervour 6 2 Imperium's Fervour
Litany Micro-beads 6 Litany Micro-beads
Amasec 6
Auspex Scanner 6
Auspex/Scanner 6 Auspex/Scanner
Auto Quill 6 2 Auto Quill
Auto-quill 6 Auto-quill
Demolition Charge 6 2 Demolition Charge
Multikey 6 Multikey
Photo Goggles/Visors/Contac6 Photo Goggles/Visors/Contacts
Re-breather 6 2 Re-breather
Slaught 6 4 2 Slaught
Vox-caster 6 Vox-caster
Cast Spray 6
Toxin Wands 6 Toxin Wands
Demolition Charge 6
Ether Net 6 2 Ether Net
Muffler 6 4 Muffler
Re-breather Airtank 6 2 Re-breather Airtank
Somnadic Cranial Net 6 Somnadic Cranial Net
Tracker 6 2 Tracker
Tracker Detector 6 2 Tracker Detector
Grav chute (Asc) 6
Calculance Array 6 Calculance Array
Mefonte's Orthodoxy 6 Mefonte's Orthodoxy
Noble Clothing and Adornmen6 2 Noble Clothing and Adornment
Servitor (Simple Labor Monot 6
Servo-Skull 6 2 Servo-Skull
Void Suit (Selenite-pattern) 6 Void Suit (Selenite-pattern)
Concealed Holster 6
Emergency Hab 6 2 4 2 Emergency Hab
Flex Tent 6 2 Flex Tent
Raenka 6 Raenka
Rockhound Voidware Suit 6
Skinplant 6
Spur 6 2 Spur
Strait-Cape 6 2 4 Strait-Cape
Concealed holster 6
Neural Scourge 7 2 Neural Scourge
Psyocculum 7
Sacred Incences Burner 7 Sacred Incences Burner
Cameleoline Cloak 7
Combi-tool 7
De-tox 7
Explosive Collar 7
Infra Red (IR) Goggles 7 2 Infra Red (IR) Goggles
Obscura 7
Psy-focus 7 2 Psy-focus
Spook 7
Rainbow 7 Rainbow
Auto Sense Mask 7
Bug 7 Bug
Bug Detector Device 7
Flight Pack 7
High Altitude Low Opening D 7
Para Wings 7
Re-breather Large Airtank 7
Grav Chute (RT) 7
Jump Pack 7
Magboots 7
Medikit (Advanced) 7
Preysense Goggles 7 2 Preysense Goggles
Servitor (Combat) 7
Servitor (Complex Multitask) 7 Servitor (Complex Multitask)
Blush 7 2 Blush
Cold Fire 7 2 Cold Fire
Disguise Kit 7
Firewater 7 Firewater
Plaguewort Venom 7
Travel Survival Kit 7
White Void 7
Kroot-Fetish Pouch 7
Grimoire of True Names 8
Excruciator Kit 8
Frenzon 8
Sacred Machine Oil 8
Ghostfire Extract 8
Aether Goggles 8
Porta-rack 8
Spoor Targeter 8
Advanced Helmet Systems 8
Data-loom (Hadd-pattern) 8
Diagnostor 8
Grapplehawk 8
High Provender 8
Lord-Captain's Baton 8
Melta-bomb 8
Navis Prima 8
Renumeration Engine 8
Sacred Unguents 8
Shifting Fabric 8
Theosophist's Philtre 8
Venom Ring 8
Aquila Magnificus 8
Attention Spanner 8
Bomb Spray 8
Flak Spray 8
Gravity Generator 8 Gravity Generator
Lingua-Vox Servitor 8
Long-Range Auspex (Locke) 8
Nephitic Acid 8
Perimeter System 8
Screaming Tourniquet 8
Slip Suit 8
Targeting Monocle - Motion Pr8 Targeting Monocle - Motion Predictor
Targeting Monocle - PhotoSig8
Targeting Monocle - Preysens8
Targeting Monocle - Telescopi8
Ork-Boss Pole 8
Synskin Suit 9
Almanac Astrae Divinitus 9
Blacklight Projector 9
Bloodlock Bolt 9
Caged Songbird 9
Carnelian Sievestone 9
Flip-Belt 9
Glidewing 9
Hab Base 9
Holo-Suit 9
Stasis Pod (Locke) 9
Stryxian Compact 9
Kroot-Totem 9
ptions > formula > manual A plenty Average Scarce

1880 - (732 / 772 / 294 / 82)

Type Description Weight Cost Renown
Drugs & ConsumablesRequires -10 Carouse Test to avoid extreme drunkenness0(fatigue) RT 0
held or wrist Clothing
worn timepieces,
& Carriers chronometers will display Imperial time, including date,0.2and can 20 be set to also 0 show local time.
, practical hive
world & clothes,
Carriers military uniforms and dress weapons, scholarly robes,0tattoos, variesor religious garb 0 from any one of a thousan
dy devices can Tools
illuminate an area a dozen or more metres in diameter. A typical glow-globe 0.5 or15 lamp pack lasts
0 1d5 hours before it need
ble syringes Drugs
up to sophisticated
& Consumables hypo-sprays and even bio-attuned skin patches. An 0injector can 5 hold a single
0 dose of any drug, which a
rom crushedDrugs and brewed
& Consumables
leaves. The composition can vary from planet to planet, but 0 most blends 5 have a 0stimulant such as caffeine as
the Imperium,Drugsand&mostConsumables
cultures are noted for at least one kind of fermented liquid.0The catch-all 10 term for0these more basic brews espe
lumination rod,Personal
out to 24 meters in a 30 degr. directional cone. Its rechargeable 0.5 power15 pack will last0 for 6 hours continuous use.
ried throughout
Drugs the&Calixis
Sector by crew-scum, criminals, and Guardsmen. Drinking 0 tranq numbs RT the body 0 and mind, a very different
ToolsFuel. Explosion does 1d10E per , with 4m blast per . Agility Test of1catch fire RT if caught in blast.
can take many Clothing
forms,&but Carriers
is usually some kind of bag with attached straps for ease of 1 carrying.10 A backpack0 can usually carry approxima
hours of holoTools/ visual recordings, 12 hours of audio recordings, 10,000 static picts or 0.5
100,000 pages25 of text.0 Data slates have input/outpu
nacles are mechanically
Tools key-locked and will restrain most humans. It takes 4 full actions 1 to put35 manacles in0 a restrained or compliant ind
able as anything
& Consumables
The quality of ration packs varies widely, from simple and poor 0 fare such10 as corpse 0 starch (CS) rations and cul
damage from Clothing
a vacuum. & Carriers
It contains and integral re-breather mask. While in the suit,8the wearer 100suffers -100 Agility and -10 Perception. T
s back mounted Clothing
& Carriers
can be rigid or flexible polymer and is mounted on a load-frame. 3 A typical
20 backpack 0 will store (internally and ex
and will restrain
most Technology
humans. It takes a full action to put manacles in a restrained or 0.1compliant5individual. 0Breaking free from manacles
t. Its inkwellPersonal
will print 100Technology
pages before needing a refill (cost 5). 100 pages of paper1cost 2 and20weighs 1kg. 0 Data printers have a rechar
lymer carry-case
& Carriers capable of containing up to 20kg of assorted gear. The 5 case itself 40 is hardened 0 (2AP), and has an integr
nacles are mechanically
Tools key-locked and will restrain most humans. It takes 4 full actions 1 to put35 manacles in0 a restrained or compliant ind
perature to drive
power & Carriers
cells, its reclamation systems produce drinking water for the 0wearer. Most RT suits come 0 complete with a hood and
damage from Clothing
a vacuum. & Carriers
It contains and integral re-breather mask. While in the suit,8the wearer 100suffers -100 Agility and -10 Perception. T
ue for 1d5 hours.
& Consumables doses prolong effect, but don't counteract anymore fatigue. 0 After RT drug wears off,0 gain an additional level of
with a magnetic Clothing
or hooked
& Carriers
clasp. A character using a clip harness to descend a vertical 2 surface25gains a +30 0 bonus to Climb Tests and c
to screen out Clothing
most pollutants
& Carriersand harmful gases. A character wearing filtration plugs gains a +20 bonus to any Toughness Test made t
00m). Once the Toolsgrapnel attaches to the desired spot, such as a rooftop, the user can2manually30 climb the line0 or activate a powered winch
menial workers.Drugs Each
& Consumables
rolled paper tube contains a scented, mildly narcotic (and addictive) 0 plant-derived
10 substance,
0 which is then lit and
ntraseptics andDrugs synth-skin.
& Consumables
A character that has a medikit at hand when using the Medicae 2 skill
150gains a +20 0 bonus to their test. Medikits
or a pistol requiring
Clothingtwo & Carriers
hands) one-handed without the usual -20 penalty. Recoil gloves 0.5 are relatively
85 inflexible
0 and any attempt at fine
Tools A writing kit contains papers, inks and quills. 2 20 0
Drugs & Consumables +20 to resist disease or infections for 6 hours 0 25 0
Drugs & Consumables +10 to resist Fear and Pinning, -10 Perception, lasts 1d10 0 hours 100 0
ts drowning.Clothing
It contains & Carriers
and integral re-breather mask, as well as flippers to aid swimming.18 While
100 in the suit,0 the wearer suffers -30 Agilit
Babelfish Translator
Clothing allows
& Carriersthe character to speak High and Low Gothic automatically. 1 In addition,
140 he can 0speak and understand any ot
It contains
& Carriers
and integral rebreather mask. While in the suit, the wearer 18suffers -30 100Agility and 0 -30 Perception. The suit can
olds 8 hours Personal
of holo / visual
recordings, 12 hours of audio recordings, 10,000 static 25 picts or 100,000
450 pages0of text. Data terminal have in
per second underClothing pressure
& Carriers
and can be locked off at any point. It auto-reels back in as 2 5 meters 25per second. 0 The control box can also sh
ate, desert, etc.).
Clothing A character
& Carriers wearing a ghillie suit in the right environment and remaining
12 perfectly
70 still gains 0 +30 to any Concealment t
GeneralPrice Gearand Weight are per 50 meters. Can support up to 102kg before 1 breaking.
10 0
arried about Clothing
a person.&ItCarriers
incorporated a bandolier that can hold individual shots or magazines.
2 35
The pistol can 0 be retrieved with a Ready a
The suit itself
cannot&catchCarriersfire. It contains and integral re-breather mask. While in 18the suit, the100 wearer suffers
0 -30 Agility and -30 Perce
spense liquids, Clothing
from simple
& Carriers
water, to promethium. Typically made of high density polymer 3 or stainless
30 steel,
0 an average canister will hol
rings. The PLCE
Clothing webbing
& Carriers
incorporates is a series of other load carrying equipment 4and strapping. 40 The purpose 0 of PLCE is to hold ever
t, storm resistant
General coverGear
and guy ropes. Most have and expandable, self-constructing4 frame and 40can be put0 up in about 1 minute. Typica
rge power cells,
etc. Other equipment and technology can also be plugged 45directly1450into the generator
0 to run without draining t
sive toxins (excluding
Clothing &acids).
Carriers It contains and integral rebreather mask. While in the 10suit, the wearer
90 suffers0-30 Agility and -30 Perceptio
an only link Clothing
to one other & Carriers
vox-link at a time. Range and reception will depend entirely1 on local Ethernet 40 transmission
0 capacity and weath
anged weapon's Throne standard
Agent ammo capacity. Most pistols, basic weapons, and man-portable 15 heavy
Inq weapons 0 can use backpack ammo/po
ug,' which can Throne
be attached
Agent to any number of devices. The cerebral plug allows an individual 0 to
Inqlink with devices
0 that require a direct min
ce for roughly Tools
1 day, because if rescue doesn't come by then it probably won't come6at all. Emergency RT Vox:0 Usually pre-tuned to the shi
May be Personal
a kind of Technology
sight (details on pg 133). -30 Scrutiny to determine true purpose. 0.5 CountsRT as weapon's sight.
Tools Inflicts 1d5X per KG, with 5 meters blast per kg. Best does1 1d5+1. RT 0
Tools Grants +10 to first-aid medicae. Best grants +20.2 RT 0
hough discerning
Clothing true&relics
Carriersfrom the false is an almost impossible task (thus the cost 0 of a charm
variesis entirely0 up to the GM and how well t
capable of slicing
Tools through 5cm thick plate steel or welding metal at a rate to 10cm per 4 turn. A 65
las cutter has0 a rechargeable power cell t
an ordinary (+10)
ToolsTech Use test the magnoculars will also provide accurate ranging0.5 detail, and55will take and
0 store up to 50 static pict ima
o any or all Tools
other micro-bead vox units in the network at a time. Range and reception 0 will depend
20 entirely 0 on local terrain and weather c
ost also allowTools
for playback as well as recording, and some are even built into special1 servitors100so they can 0capture important archaeolog
Clothing & Carriers
Gain +30 to T tests to resist gas effects, you may reroll failed
0.5 results 25 0

ounds. During
this &
a character ignores any negative effects to their Characteristics
0 from Damage
20 or Critical
0 Damage and cannot be
personnel inTools
a small area. A character carrying an active srummer gains a +30 bonus 2 to Silent
25Move Tests.
0 A stummer typically has en

ow light enhancement
Clothing &with
passive sonar technology. The wearer can see in even 1.5 complete darkness
65 as if0in daylight. Nightside Visors
s of holo / visual
12 hours of audio recordings, 10,000 static picts or 100,000
1.5 pages 100of text. This
0 data can be viewed, deleted
es by +10 and Drugs
(s)he& gains
Air of Authority and Charm. This chemical has no effect 0.1on Chem Gelded
30 characters.
0 A routine (+10) toughn
enough room Tools
for two Basic weapons or four Pistol weapons (or one Basic weapon 6and up to RT two Pistol weapons).
0 In addition, there is e
, practical hive
world &
military uniforms and dress weapons, scholarly robes, tattoos, orRT religious garb from any one of a thousan
dark, hiddenClothing
even from& Carriers
infrared sensors. It gets very hot inside the cloak from the internalised
2 RT
heat, and a0wearer must pass a Challeng
Clothing & Carriers
Gain +30 to T tests to resist gas effects, you may reroll failed
0.5 results 25 0

duced by 1,Drugs
& Consumables
reduced by 2 (min 1), Per tests -10, -20 Int test to recall anything
0 that happened
20 whil 0under drug, lasts 24 hours.
Tools Provide a variety of benefits depending on the chant.

make a Tech-Use
Tools Test to spot things not normally detectable to human senses alone,0.5 such as invisible gases, nearby bio-signs, or amb
w the user toTools
copy text at an impressive rate with great accuracy. A character with the
0 Trade (Copyist)
55 skill0can use an auto quill to gain
the user to Tools
copy text at an impressive rate with great accuracy. A character with the Trade (Rememberancer) skill can use an auto quil
us increasingTools
their destructive potential. When a demolition charge explodes, anyone 1 (or anything)
250 caught 0within its blast radius takes 3d
sidered illegal
by the Adeptus Arbites and many local provost forces, possession of 0.2
a multikey can have legal consequences. The user
e in the darkClothing
almost as& Carriers
well as in daylight with them. Characters wearing these gain0.5
the Dark Sight trait. Good Craftsmanship visors als
atmospheres. Clothing
The wearer
& Carriers
is immune to toxic inhaled gas and can breathe underwater 1 or in airless
50 environments.
0 A typical re-breather in
al damage withDrugs
& Consumables
use. Taking a dose increases the user's Agility Bonus and0Perception 75Bonus by 03 for 2d10 minutes. When the
owband, closed,
Toolsor even coded frequencies to prevent interception. Range and reception will depend entirely on local and weather cond

Drugs & Consumables
if someone is poisoned with perception test, 2 degrees of success
0.2 identifies antidote

Ether Net can Security

record Technology
intercepted transmissions. It stores 10 'slots' of data, each slot4.5
holds 8 hours
650 of holo /0visual recordings or 12 hours
ox transmissions,
signalling, bug or recorder functions, auspex scanning, magnocular
1.5 250
sensing, etc.0within 20 meters. All such tec
re-breather Clothing
airtank lasts
& Carriers
for one hour. A larger air tank (containing 6 hours air) is available.
1.5 It costs
15 45, and 0 weighs 6kg.
ht's sleep inClothing
two hours& Carriers
and awake at the completion of the SCN cycle fully refreshed. 0.5 If the SCN is removed prematurely, the user can b
acker emits Security
its signalTechnology
over a 3km range. Trackers are typically attached to vehicles0.5 or concealed100within object
0 to allow them to be tracke
m. is a small Security
or sticky device that transmits its location to a frequency-keyed 4 tracker detector.
300 This0 ether-signal is encrypted bu

n-sized stack Tools

of chugging, promethium-fueled rod-cogitators, often mounted upon a tracked platform.
RT Its machine spirit accepts reams o
n verses of the
Calixian Ministorum, and the work itself-ornamented, gilded, and set with flowing
RT pennons of scripture-is a sign that he w
, practical hive
world &
military uniforms and dress weapons, scholarly robes,0tattoos, orRT
religious garb
0 from any one of a thousan

or their masters.
ToolsThe servo-skull is synonymous with the Adeptus Mechanicus, whom 0 these creations
RT serve
0 faithfully. Servo-skulls can
ust be replaced
even be done without removing the suit). A fully functioning suit in RT
good order also contains an internal vox-l

Tent for
3 people. Stiffens when exposed to water. Good and Best can hold 410and 6 people,
RT respectively.
person tent, erected with a small electrical charge. Good and best hold2 3 and 4, RT
Drugs & Consumables Space Brandy RT

akes no Fatigue.
& Consumables
take a -20 penalty to Toughness and Agility for one hour, as 0well as one
RTlevel of Fatigue
0 for every 2 that would h
Strait Jacket.
Tools Can be used with thrown weapon but gives inaccurate and snare. 4 -10 on RTall tests to escape.

se test or 0 Medicae
Tools Test to get a +20 on opposed Interrogation tests. Failing a roll,2or losing1700
the test caues
0 1d5 direct damage to subje
Tools ??

rom machinery,
from lasweapon fire etc. It also allows effective night vision,
0.5 even in
275complete darkness.
0 In an environment w

s could be sacred
Tools bones, carved wytch staves, blessed icons or crystals. When a Psyker
0 with100
a Psy-focus0makes an invocation Test (se

reroll any Drugs

failed test
& Consumables
to resist disease or toxin, stops blood loss, toughness or take 1d5 damage, ignore ap and TB

ound sound Security

or motionTechnology
within 10 meters and continues recording until the sound and
motion ceases. The recorded data must be transfe

ges from warm

revealing hiding enemies at night. A character wearing Preysense
0.5 goggles
RT suffers no
0 penalties due to darkness

A Tools
servitor is an automaton whose controlling components are organic and mostly human
RT in origin.
Drugs & Consumables
Red space wine. Causes drinker to glow faintly when drunk.
0 RT 0
Drugs & Consumables Gain Battle Rage Talent for 3d10 rounds per dose.0 RT 0

act with oxygen.

ToolsExplodes for 1d10E per , blast radius of 2m per . Those caught in blast mustRT
make Agility Test or catch fire. No chang
Area of effect
Tools version of grav-plating. Turn an area into a certain value of gravity, usually Holy
RT Terra standard.

May be Personal
a kind of Technology
sight (details on pg 133). -30 Scrutiny to determine true purpose.
0.02 CountsRT
as weapon's sight.
Rare Very RarExtr. Rare

Availability Page Source

Ubiquitous 134 RT-ItS
Abundant 147 DH-CR
Abundant 147 DH-CR
Abundant 150 DH-CR
Abundant 148 DH-CR
Abundant 148 DH-CR
Abundant 148 DH-CR
Abundant - DH-Web
Abundant 143 RT
Abundant 137 RT-ItS
Plentiful 146 DH-CR
Plentiful 150 DH-CR
Plentiful 151 DH-CR
Plentiful 148 DH-CR
Plentiful 147 DH-CR
Plentiful - DH-Web
Plentiful - DH-Web
Plentiful - DH-Web
Plentiful - DH-Web
Plentiful 151 DH-CR
Plentiful 141 RT
Plentiful 147 DH-CR
Plentiful 134 RT-ItS
Common 147 DH-CR
Common DH-CR
Common 150 DH-CR
Common 148 DH-CR
Common 148 DH-CR
Common 147 DH-CR
Common 151 DH-CR
Common 184 DH-IH
Common 184 DH-IH
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common - DH-Web
Common 145 Asc
Common 146 Asc
Common 146 RT
Common RT-ItS
Common 135 RT-ItS
Common 137 RT-ItS
Average 146 DH-CR
Average 150 DH-CR
Average 150 DH-CR
Average 151 DH-CR
Average 151 DH-CR
Average 147 DH-CR

Average 148 DH-CR

Average 151 DH-CR

Average - DH-Web
Average - DH-Web
Average - DH-Web
Average 143 RT
Average RT
Average 140 RT
Average 147 DH-CR

Scarce 74 DH-Dhu
Scarce DH-Dhu

Scarce DH-CR
Scarce 150 DH-CR
Scarce DH-CR
Scarce 150 DH-CR
Scarce DH-CR
Scarce DH-CR
Scarce 147 DH-CR
Scarce 148 DH-CR
Scarce DH-CR

Scarce DH-IH

Scarce - DH-Web
Scarce - DH-Web
Scarce - DH-Web
Scarce - DH-Web
Scarce - DH-Web
Scarce - DH-Web

Scarce RT
Scarce RT
Scarce 140 RT

Scarce 147 RT
Scarce RT

Scarce 135 RT-ItS

Scarce 136 RT-ItS
Scarce RT-ItS

Scarce 134 RT-ItS

Scarce 138 RT-ItS

Rare 74 DH-Dhu
Rare DH-Dhu

Rare 147 DH-CR

Rare 151 DH-CR

Rare DH-IH

Rare - DH-Web

Rare 140 RT

Rare RT
Rare 133 RT-ItS
Rare 134 RT-ItS

Rare RT-ItS
Very Rare RT-ItS

Very Rare RT-ItS

26 [h:newWeaponName =" "][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","
", "Group"," ", "Class"," ", "Range", , "SingleShot",
SORT NAME (1016/1330) Category Group Class Range Single
1 .54 Tranter Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Aegis-Redback Ranged Exotic Heavy 80 1
1 Aether Lance Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Alcher Mark IV Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 60 1
1 Angelus Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
1 Apostasic Matrix Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Armageddon Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 100 1
1 Armoured Gauntlets Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Armsman-10 Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1
1 Assault Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 120 0
1 Astartes Incinerator Ranged Flame Basic 30 1
1 Astartes Psilencer Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 0
1 Astartes Psycannon Ranged Bolt Heavy 120 0
1 Astartes Storm Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
1 Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 300 1
1 Autogun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 90 1
1 Autopistol Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Auxillary Grenade Launcher Ranged Launch Basic 45 1
1 Avenger Shuriken Catapult Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
1 Axe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Baptismal Hammer - Flame Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Baptismal Hammer - Toxic Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Baraspian Palm Gun Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 5 1
1 Barbed Tongue Melee Prim Natural 0 0
1 Bastard Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Bite Melee Prim Natural 0 0
1 Blackhammer Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 20 1
1 Blackwing Halberd Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Blind Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Boarding Pike Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Bola Thrown Prim Thrown 10 1
1 Bolo Knife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
1 Bolt Pistol-Garm Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
1 Boltgun Ranged Bolt Basic 90 1
1 Bow Ranged Prim Basic 30 1
1 Brass Knuckles Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Breacher Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Brute Strength Melee Prim Natural 0 0
1 Buckler Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Bulkhead Cutters Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Burst Ranged Flame Basic 5 1
1 Carnodon Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1
1 Chain Axe Melee Chain Melee 0 0
1 Chain Knife Melee Chain Melee 0 0
1 Chain Stick Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Chainsword Melee Chain Melee 0 0
1 Chimera Pistol Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Choke Gas Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Choppa Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Civitas Ranged Las Pistol 25 1
1 Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
1 Claw (Warp) Melee Prim Natural 0 0
1 Cleaver Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Club Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Combat Knife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Combat Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
1 Composite Bow Ranged Prim Basic 40 1
1 Concussion Mace Melee Shock Melee 0 0
1 Conversion Beamer - Long Range Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 1
1 Conversion Beamer - Point Blank Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 1
1 Conversion Beamer - Short Range Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 1
1 Creed-9 Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 50 1
1 Crossbow Ranged Prim Basic 30 1
1 Cutlass Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Daemon Pike Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Daggered Vambraces Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Death Light Ranged Las Basic 80 1
1 Destroyer Ranged Flame Pistol 15 1
1 Destructor Ranged Exotic Pistol 10 1
1 Deuce Pistol Ranged Prim Pistol 15 1
1 Devils Kiss Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Digital Laser Ranged Las Pistol 4 1
1 Disposable ML Ranged Launch Heavy 175 1
1 Double Flail Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Draethri Pain Gauntlet Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Drive Nailer Ranged Prim Basic 5 0
1 Drusus Prime Ranged Las Basic 100 1
1 Duelling Las Ranged Las Pistol 30 1
1 Ecclesiarchy Corsesque Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Electro-Flail Melee Shock Melee 0 0
1 Emperors Whisper Melee/Thr Prim Melee 5 1
1 Empyrean Brain Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Empyric Conduit Blade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Encarmine Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1
1 Energy Blade Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Eviscerator Melee Chain Melee 0 0
1 Excruciating Whip Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Exterminator Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
1 Fate Bringer Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 40 1
1 Fedrid Razor Disk Thrown Exotic Thrown 10 1
1 Fire Bomb Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Flail Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Flamer Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
1 Flametongue Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1
1 Flick Bow Ranged Prim Pistol 15 1
1 Flintlock Pistol Ranged Prim Pistol 15 1
1 Force Axe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Force Staff Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Force Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Frag Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Fury-Triplex Ranged Las Pistol 20 1
1 Galvian Needler Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
1 Gas Torch Ranged Flame Basic 5 1
1 Gatling Psilencer Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 0
1 Godwyn-Deaz Pattern Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 90 1
1 Godwyn-Deaz Storm Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 90 1
1 Gorge GL Ranged Launch Basic 60 1
1 Graviton Gun Ranged Exotic Basic 30 1
1 Great Hammer Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Great Weapon Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Grenade Launcher Ranged Launch Basic 60 1
1 Guard Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Hack Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 10 1
1 Hallucinogen Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Hammer Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Hand Bow Ranged Prim Pistol 15 1
1 Hand Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1
1 Hand Flamer Ranged Flame Pistol 10 1
1 Heavy Bolter Ranged Bolt Heavy 120 0
1 Heavy Crossbow Ranged Prim Basic 80 1
1 Heavy Flamer Ranged Flame Heavy 30 1
1 Heavy Incinerator Ranged Flame Heavy 60 1
1 Heavy Psycannon Ranged Bolt Heavy 120 1
1 Heavy Stubber Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 120 0
1 Hecuter Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Hell Rifle Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 300 1
1 Hellaxe Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Hellblade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Hellgun-Dlaku Ranged Las Basic 100 1
1 Hellgun-Voss Ranged Las Basic 110 1
1 Hellpistol-Voss Ranged Las Pistol 35 1
1 Hunting Rifle Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 150 1
1 Hypo Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1
1 Impaler Ranged Prim Heavy 30 1
1 Improvised Weapon Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Inferno Pistol Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
1 Inferno-Thermal Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Iocanthos Blunderbuss Ranged Prim Basic 10 1
1 Ironclaw Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
1 Irontalon Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1
1 Javelin Thrown Prim Thrown "SB*6" 1
1 Knife Melee/Thr Prim Melee 3 1
1 Krak Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Kraken Tooth Dagger Melee/Thr Prim Melee 5 1
1 Kronos Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
1 Lasburst Twin Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 100 1
1 Lascarbine Ranged Las Basic 60 1
1 Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 100 1
1 Laslock Ranged Las Basic 70 1
1 Laspistol Ranged Las Pistol 30 1
1 Lightning Chain Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Lightning Gauntlet Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Lightning Lasgun-Roth Ranged Las Basic 120 1
1 Long Bow Ranged Prim Basic 50 1
1 Long Las Ranged Las Basic 150 1
1 Long-Saber Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Luminen Blast Ranged Luminen Natural 10 0
1 Luminen Shock Melee Luminen Natural 0 0
1 Mancatcher Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Man-Catcher Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Mariette Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1
1 Mark II Scourge Boltgun-Mars Ranged Bolt Basic 90 1
1 Mark III FG Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Mark III Short Lasgun-Mars Ranged Las Basic 100 1
1 Mark III Sunfury-Mars Ranged Plasma Basic 80 1
1 Mark III Ultimo Meltagun-Voss Ranged Melta Basic 40 1
1 Mark IV Command Laspistol-Mars Ranged Las Pistol 70 1
1 Mark VI Power Longsword (Waller) Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Mauler Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
1 Meat Hammer Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
1 Melee Attachment Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Melta-Cutter Ranged Melta Basic 10 1
1 Meltagun Ranged Melta Basic 20 1
1 Mercy Killer Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1
1 Minerva-Aegis Ranged Las Basic 60 1
1 Mirror Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Missile Launcher Ranged Launch Heavy 250 1
1 Mono Knife Melee/Thr Prim Melee 0 1
1 Mono Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Moon Blade Melee/Thr Prim Melee 5 1
1 Morgauth Burn Caster Ranged Exotic Basic 20 1
1 MP Lascannon Ranged Las Heavy 500 1
1 Multi-Laser Ranged Las Heavy 250 0
1 Multi-Melta Ranged Melta Heavy 60 1
1 Musket Ranged Prim Basic 30 1
1 Nail Bomb Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Naval Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Necrotic Sceptre - Melee Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Necrotic Sceptre - Ranged Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
1 Needle Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
1 Needle Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 180 1
1 Nemesis Daemon Hammer Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Nemesis Doomfist Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Nemesis Falchion Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Nemesis Force Halberd One-handed grip Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Nemesis Force Halberd Two-handed grip Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Nemesis Force Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Nemesis Greatsword Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Nemesis Warding Stave Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Neural Whip Melee Shock Melee 3 0
1 Nightfire Flamer-Voss Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
1 Nomad Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 250 1
1 Null Rod Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Officers Cutlass Melee Shock Melee 0 0
1 Omnisian Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Orthlak Mark IV Thollos Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Palantine Ranged Las Pistol 20 1
1 Panoptic Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1
1 Phobos Stubber Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Photon Flash Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Plaguesword Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Plasma Blaster Ranged Plasma Basic 60 1
1 Plasma Cannon Ranged Plasma Heavy 120 1
1 Plasma Gun Ranged Plasma Basic 90 1
1 Plasma Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
1 Power Blade Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Power Fist Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Power Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Psykotroke Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Psyk-Out Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Pump-action Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
1 Punch Dagger Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Punisher Baton Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Puritan-14 Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1
1 Puritan-14 as shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 15 1
1 Quicksilver Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Rad Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Rad-Cleanser Ranged Exotic Basic 30 1
1 Ranger Long Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 200 1
1 Reliquary Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Render Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Ripper Clip Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 0
1 RPG Launcher Ranged Launch Heavy 120 1
1 Sabre Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Sacred Incense Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Sacristan Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
1 Salvation Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 10 1
1 Scalptaker Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Scoriada Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Scrap Cannon Ranged Prim Heavy 15 1
1 Scythe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Scythian Fury Talon Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Seraphim Hand Flamer Ranged Flame Pistol 10 1
1 Seraphim Hand Flamer - Dual Shot Ranged Flame Pistol 10 1
1 Seraphim Inferno Pistol Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
1 Seraphim Inferno Pistol - Dual Shot Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
1 Series-S Venom Ranged Las Pistol 10 1
1 Serpentine Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Shard Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1
1 Shard Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 70 1
1 Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Shock Blaster Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1
1 Shock Maul Melee Shock Melee 0 0
1 Shock Staff Melee Shock Melee 0 0
1 Shock-Staff Melee Shock Melee 0 0
1 Shoota Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1
1 Short Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Shotcannon Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 40 1
1 Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
1 Shotgun Pistol Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 10 1
1 Shreading Beaks Melee Prim Natural 0 0
1 Shuriken Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1
1 Sigilite Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Siskan Musket Ranged Prim Basic 40 1
1 Slayer Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
1 Sling Ranged Prim Basic 15 1
1 Slugga Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1
1 Snazzgun-Energy Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
1 Snazzgun-Shell Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
1 Spear Melee/Thr Prim Melee 10 1
1 Spectre Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 80 1
1 Spectre as shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
1 Spetum Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Spitfire Ranged Bolt Pistol 20 1
1 Splinter Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 50 1
1 Splinter Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
1 Staff Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Stake-Crossbow-Catechist Ranged Prim Basic 40 1
1 Steadholder Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 100 1
1 Steam Drill Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Steel Burner Ranged Las Pistol 30 1
1 Stiletto Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Sting Blunt Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Stingray Ranged Flame Basic 15 1
1 Stormchild Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1
1 Stormfront Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 100 1
1 Stub Automatic Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Stub Automatic-Dorcas Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Stub Revolver Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Stun Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Synapse Disrupter Ranged Las Basic 40 1
1 Talon Mark III Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
1 Terrorfex Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
1 Thermal Lance Ranged Melta Heavy 10 1
1 Throwing Star-Knife Thrown Prim Thrown 5 1
1 Thunder Hammer Melee Power Melee 0 0
1 Tower Shield (Metal) Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Tower Shield (Wood) Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Tox Spray Ranged Flame Basic 10 1
1 Trophy Knife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Truename Staff Melee Prim Melee 0 0
1 Tyranicus Pattern Heavy Webber Ranged Exotic Heavy 75 1
1 Unarmed Melee Prim Natural 0 0
1 Vanaheim Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 40 1
1 VI Crank Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 70 0
1 Vibe Spear Thrown Prim Thrown 10 1
1 Vivisector Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Volonx Bone Bola Thrown Prim Thrown 8 1
1 Volonx Thunderclap Ranged Exotic Thrown 9 1
1 Warp Staff Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
1 Web Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
1 Webber Ranged Exotic Basic 50 1
1 Whisper Line Melee Exotic Melee 1 0
1 Widower Ranged Exotic Pistol 35 1
1 Witch Lance Melee Power Melee 10 1
1 Xenarch Death-Arc Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
2 Axe of Retribution Melee Prim Melee 0 0
2 Blade of Admonition Melee Prim Melee 0 0
2 Daemonhammer Melee Power Melee 0 0
2 Digi-Las Ranged Exotic Pistol 3 1
2 Digital Explosive Thrown Exotic Thrown 9 1
2 Executor Pistol-Bolt Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
2 Executor Pistol-Needle Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
2 Exitus Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
2 Exitus Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 200 1
2 Fire Lance (Empty) Melee Prim Melee 0 0
2 Fire Lance (Full) Melee Prim Melee 0 0
2 Flame Hammer (Empty) Melee Prim Melee 0 0
2 Flame Hammer (Full) Melee Prim Melee 0 0
2 Hellax Infernus Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
2 Hellgun-Cadian Ranged Las Basic 50 1
2 Hellpistol-Cadian Ranged Las Pistol 20 1
2 Kineblades Melee/Thr Prim Melee "WB*5" 1
2 Malleus Psycannon Ranged Bolt Heavy 120 1
2 Neuro-Gauntlet Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
2 Plasma Gun-Ryza Ranged Plasma Basic 90 1
2 Plasma Pistol-Ryza Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
2 Power Stake Melee Power Melee 0 0
2 Purgatus Crossbow Ranged Exotic Basic 50 1
2 Storm Bolter-Ryza Ranged Bolt Basic 90 1
2 Suppression Shield Melee Shock Melee 0 0
2 Ultima Power Maul (High) Melee Power Melee 0 0
2 Ultima Power Maul (Low) Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Agoniser Lash Melee Exotic Melee 3 0
3 Agoniser Talon Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Agonizer Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Anti-Plant Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Archeotech Laspistol Ranged Las Pistol 90 1
3 Argonite Whistler Ranged Exotic Pistol 40 1
3 Assault Flamer Ranged Flame Basic 10 1
3 Assault Gauntlet Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1
3 Assault Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 50 1
3 Assault Stubber Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 100 0
3 Auto Grenade Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 60 1
3 Autogun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 90 1
3 Auto-Launcher Ranged Launch Heavy 15 1
3 Beamer Meltagun Ranged Melta Basic 40 1
3 Belasco Dueling Pistol Ranged Las Pistol 45 1
3 Blast Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1
3 Blaster Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1
3 Bloodfire Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Blunderbuss Ranged Prim Basic 30 1
3 Bola Launcher Ranged Launch Basic 20 1
3 Bolt Pistol-Ceres Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
3 Bolter Cane Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
3 Boltgun-Locke Ranged Bolt Basic 90 1
3 Burning Blade Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Chainsword (Hecate) Melee Chain Melee 0 0
3 Choke Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Civilian Firearm Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 60 1
3 Clovis Plasma Gun Ranged Plasma Basic 60 1
3 Combat Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Crimson Crown Thrown Chain Thrown "SB*4" 1
3 Crux Beam Gun Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
3 Dakkagun Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 75 0
3 Dark Lance Ranged Exotic Heavy 140 1
3 Dartcaster Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
3 Destructor Psy Power Melee Flame Melee 10 1
3 Digging Arm Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Digi-flamer Ranged Exotic Pistol 3 1
3 Digi-laser Ranged Exotic Pistol 3 1
3 Digi-melta Ranged Exotic Pistol 3 1
3 Digi-needler Ranged Exotic Pistol 3 1
3 Disintegrator Cannon Ranged Exotic Heavy 140 0
3 Disposable Handgun Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
3 Disposable Launcher Ranged Launch Heavy 200 1
3 Double-edged Chainsword Melee Chain Melee 0 0
3 Dragons Breath Ranged Exotic Basic 30 1
3 Drusian Chainsword Melee Chain Melee 0 0
3 Egerian Shard Glaive Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Eldar Blaster Ranged Exotic Basic 30 1
3 Eldar Deathspinner Ranged Exotic Basic 40 1
3 Eldar Lasblaster Ranged Exotic Basic 120 1
3 Eldar Plasma Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Eldar Powersword Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Eldar Sunrifle Ranged Exotic Basic 90 1
3 Electrocorrosive Whip Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Entropie Accelerator Ranged Exotic Basic 40 1
3 Exterminator Cartridge Ranged Flame Pistol 10 1
3 Falchion Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Filament Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Flamer-Mezoa Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
3 Flesh Gauntlet Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Force Axe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Force Staff Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Force Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Forearm Powerblade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Fractal Blade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Galthite Lacerator Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Geode Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Ghost Sword Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Grenade Launcher-Mezoa Ranged Launch Basic 80 1
3 Grenade Launcher-Voss Ranged Launch Basic 60 1
3 Groxwhip Melee Prim Melee 3 0
3 Gunner Harpoon Gun Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 120 1
3 Gunner Tranq Gun Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 130 1
3 Harlequins Kiss Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Haywire Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Heat Lance Ranged Exotic Basic 50 1
3 Heavy Bolter-Solar Ranged Bolt Heavy 120 0
3 Heavy Mining Drill Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Heavy Stubber-Orthlack Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 120 0
3 Heavy Stubber-Ursid Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 120 0
3 Heavy Webber Ranged Exotic Heavy 70 1
3 Hellglaive Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Hellgun-Lucius Ranged Las Basic 110 1
3 Hellpistol-Archeotech Ranged Las Pistol 35 1
3 Hellpistol-Lucius Ranged Las Pistol 35 1
3 Hexrifle Ranged Exotic Basic 190 1
3 Howler Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Hunter-Killer Missile Ranged Launch Mounted 350 1
3 Hunting Quoit Thrown Prim Thrown 10 1
3 Husk Blade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Hydra Gauntlets Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Impaler Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Inertial Hammer Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Inferno Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Inferno Pistol-Mars Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
3 Javelin Thrown Prim Thrown 10 1
3 Kinetic Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Kroot Hunting Rifle Ranged Las Basic 150 1
3 Kroot Krootbow Ranged Prim Basic 40 1
3 Kroot Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 110 1
3 Kroot Rifle (Melee) Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Lacusta Hammer Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Larn Cutters Ranged Exotic Basic 20 1
3 Las Gauntlets Ranged Las Pistol 50 1
3 Lascarbine-Locke Ranged Las Basic 60 1
3 Lightning Cannon Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1
3 Loi Pattern Power Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Long-Barrelled Lascannon Bank Ranged Las Mounted 600 1
3 Macro Hammer Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Man Portable Lascannon Ranged Las Heavy 300 1
3 Mark IV - Dervish Ranged Las Pistol 25 1
3 Meltagun-Mars Ranged Melta Basic 20 1
3 Meltagun-Mezoa Ranged Melta Basic 20 1
3 Memory Wire Melee Prim Melee 2 0
3 Meritech cannon Ranged Exotic Pistol 15 1
3 Mezoa Lascutter Ranged Las Heavy 5 1
3 Mining Laser Ranged Las Mounted 100 1
3 Missile Launcher-Locke Ranged Launch Heavy 250 1
3 Missile Launcher-Retobi Ranged Launch Heavy 200 1
3 Mole Mortar Ranged Launch Heavy 50 1
3 Mortar-Locke Ranged Launch Heavy 50 1
3 Mortar-Voss Ranged Launch Heavy 50 1
3 Multi-Laser Ranged Las Mounted 250 0
3 Multi-Melta-Mars Ranged Melta Heavy 60 1
3 Naval Pistol-Mars Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1
3 Naval Shotcannon Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 40 1
3 Neural Whip Melee Shock Melee 3 0
3 Null Rod Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Omnissian Axe (Sollex) Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Ork Big Choppa Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Ork Big Shoota Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 80 1
3 Ork Bomb Squig Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "3d10" 1
3 Ork Burna Ranged Flame Basic 15 1
3 Ork Choppa Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Ork Deffgun Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 90 1
3 Ork Grabba Stikt Melee Prim Melee 2 0
3 Ork Grotwhip Melee Prim Melee 3 0
3 Ork Power Klaw Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Ork Rokkit Launcha Ranged Launch Basic 120 1
3 Ork Shoota Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1
3 Ork Slugga Ranged Exotic Pistol 20 1
3 Ork Sploding Squig Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Ork Stikkbomb Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Ork Stinkbomb Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Parrying Dagger Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Plasma Cannon-Ryza Ranged Plasma Heavy 120 1
3 Plasma Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Plasma Gun-Mezoa Ranged Plasma Basic 90 1
3 Power Axe (Mezoa) Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Power Discus Thrown Power Thrown "SB*4" 1
3 Power Fist (Mezoa) Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Power Maul (High) Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Power Maul (Low) Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Power Sword (Mordian) Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Powerlifter Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Pulse Carbine Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1
3 Pulse Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 40 1
3 Pulse Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 150 1
3 Quill Blaster Ranged Exotic Basic 50 1
3 Razorflail Melee Exotic Melee 3 0
3 Razorweb Launcher Ranged Exotic Heavy 10 1
3 Reaver's Fang Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Ripper Pistol Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
3 Rocketfire Gun Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
3 Shardcarbine Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1
3 Shardnet Melee Exotic Melee 5 0
3 Shock Glove Melee Shock Melee 0 0
3 Shock Knuckles Melee Shock Melee 0 0
3 Shock Stars Thrown Shock Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Shock-Staff (RT) Melee Shock Melee 0 0
3 Shotgun-RT Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
3 Shredder Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1
3 Shuriken Catapult Ranged Exotic Basic 60 1
3 Smoke Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Sniper Rifle Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 220 1
3 Soft Sword Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Solo Boltgun Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
3 Sonic Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 30 1
3 Splinter Cannon Ranged Exotic Heavy 110 0
3 Splinter Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 50 1
3 Splinter Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
3 Stinger Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
3 Storm Bolter-Mars Ranged Bolt Basic 90 1
3 Stub Revolver Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
3 Stunner Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Suppression Shield Melee Shock Melee 0 0
3 Swordstick Cane Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Tanglefoot Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Telekinetic Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Thermal Lance-Mars Ranged Melta Heavy 10 1
3 Thunder Hammer Melee Power Melee 0 0
3 Toxin Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Tracker Net Launcher Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 90 1
3 Truncheon Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Twin-Linked Boltguns Ranged Bolt Mounted 90 1
3 Twin-linked Long Barrelled Lascannon Ranged Las Mounted 600 1
3 Venomblade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Virus Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
3 Void Speargun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 10 1
3 Void-capable Missiles Ranged Launch Mounted 75000 1
3 Warhammer Melee Prim Melee 0 0
3 Web Gun Ranged Exotic Basic 50 1
3 Web Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
3 Witch Blade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Wrath Plasma Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 40 1
3 Wych Knife Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
3 Xenos Flechette Blaster Ranged Exotic Basic 20 1
4 Angelus Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 50 1
4 Argrax Clawed Hooves Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Armour of the Remorseless Crusader (Forearm Sword) Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Artificer Omnissian Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Assault Cannon-Samech Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 120 0
4 Astartes Anti-Plant Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Armoursbane Missile Launcher Ranged Launch Heavy 200 1
4 Astartes Assault Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 150 0
4 Astartes Assault Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
4 Astartes Blind Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
4 Astartes Bolter-Godwyn Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
4 Astartes Boltgun-Stalker Ranged Bolt Basic 200 1
4 Astartes Chainfist Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Chainsword Melee Chain Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Combat Knife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Combat Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Combi-Weapon Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
4 Astartes Conversion Beamer Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 1
4 Astartes Cyclone Missile Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 300 1
4 Astartes Digital Flamer Ranged Exotic Pistol 4 1
4 Astartes Digital Laser Ranged Exotic Pistol 4 1
4 Astartes Digital Melta Ranged Exotic Pistol 4 1
4 Astartes Executioner Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Flamer Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
4 Astartes Force Staff Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Force Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Frag Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Hand Flamer Ranged Flame Pistol 10 1
4 Astartes Heavy Flamer Ranged Flame Heavy 30 1
4 Astartes Heavy-Bolter Ranged Bolt Heavy 150 0
4 Astartes Incendiary Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Infernus Pistol Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
4 Astartes Krak Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Lascannon Ranged Las Heavy 300 1
4 Astartes Lightning Claw Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Meltagun-Vulkan Ranged Melta Basic 20 1
4 Astartes Missile Launcher-Soundstrike Ranged Launch Heavy 250 1
4 Astartes Multi-Melta - Maxima Ranged Melta Heavy 60 1
4 Astartes Nova Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Photon Flash Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Plasma Cannon Ranged Plasma Heavy 150 1
4 Astartes Plasma Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Plasma Gun -Ragefire Ranged Plasma Basic 100 1
4 Astartes Plasma Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
4 Astartes Power Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Power Claymore Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Power Falchion Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Power Fist Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Power Spear Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Power Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Servo-Arm Melee Prim Mounted 0 0
4 Astartes Servo-Arm Exceptional Melee Prim Mounted 0 0
4 Astartes Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
4 Astartes Sniper Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 200 1
4 Astartes Stasis Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Storm Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
4 Astartes Storm Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Stun Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Astartes Thunder Hammer Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Astartes Unarmed Master Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Astartes Unarmed Warrior Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Astartes Webber Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
4 Atomizer Cannon Ranged Exotic Heavy 50 1
4 Augmented Las-Weapon-Samech Ranged Las Basic 75 1
4 Auran Ancient Serrated Talon Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Auran Bone Dagger Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Auran Bow Ranged Prim Basic 50 1
4 Auran Fang-Tipped Spear Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Auran Gyrblade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Auran Sky Reaver Talons Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Auran Talon Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Auran Two-handed Talon Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Auto Grenade Launcher-Samech Ranged Launch Heavy 60 1
4 Auxiliary Grenade Launcher Ranged Launch Basic 45 1
4 Balefire Gun Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
4 Barrage Plasma Gun Ranged Plasma Basic 120 1
4 Barrage Plasma Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 40 1
4 Bloodstrike Missile Ranged Launch Mounted 750 1
4 Bolter-Hesh Ranged Bolt Basic 50 1
4 Bomb Rack Ranged Launch Mounted 30 1
4 Breaching Augur Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Bulkhead Shears Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Cerberus Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 30 0
4 Ceremonial Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Chaos Forged Sword-Energy Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Chaos Forged Sword-Impact Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Chaos Forged Sword-Rending Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Chogoris Lightning Blade Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 CM Berzerker Axe Melee Chain Melee 0 0
4 CM Blastmaster - Explosive Crescendo Ranged Exotic Heavy 250 1
4 CM Blastmaster - Hail of Noise Ranged Exotic Heavy 150 1
4 CM Blight Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 CM Corruptis Melee Chain Melee 0 0
4 CM Doom Siren Ranged Exotic Basic 30 1
4 CM Hateblazer Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
4 CM Pincer Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 CM Plague Knife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 CM Rending Weapons Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 CM Sonic Blaster Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
4 CM Stinger Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 CM Warp Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Combat Serivtor Servo-Fist Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Concussion Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Conflagration Infernus Pistol Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
4 Conflagration Meltagun Ranged Melta Basic 20 1
4 Croatalid Jaws Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Crozius Arcanum Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Cruciform of the Crusade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Cryo Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Deathroar Ranged Plasma Pistol 40 1
4 Deathwatch Graviton Cannon Ranged Exotic Heavy 45 1
4 Deathwatch Relic Blade Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Decapitator Blades (Samech) Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Defiler Battle Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 300 1
4 Defiler Crushing Claw Melee Prim Mounted 0 0
4 Demolisher Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 50 1
4 Diablodon Bloodied Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Diablodon Massive Jaws Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Dmn Plaguesword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Dmn Axe of Khorne Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Dmn Bloodsong Axe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Dmn Daemonic Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Dmn Etherblade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Dmn Great Unclean One-Tooth and Nail Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Dmn Hellblade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Dmn Lord of Change Beak Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Dmn Lord of Change Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Dmn Plague Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Dmn Plaguebearer Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Dmn Staff of Tzeentch Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Dmn Warpfire Ranged Flame Natural 30 1
4 Dmn Whip of Khorne Melee Prim Melee 10 0
4 Dorsal Chimneys Ranged Tyranid Natural 60 0
4 Double-Barrelled Turbo-laser Destructor Ranged Las Mounted 1000 1
4 Dreadnaught Chainfist Melee Chain Mounted 0 0
4 Dreadnaught Close Combat Weapon Melee Power Mounted 0 0
4 Dreadnaught Combat Walker Melee Prim Mounted 0 0
4 Dreadnaught Frag Assault Launchers Ranged Launch Mounted 10 1
4 Duelling Tulwar Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 EMP Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Energy Prod Melee Shock Melee 0 0
4 Firestorm Multi-Melta Ranged Melta Heavy 100 1
4 Flamer-Samech Ranged Flame Basic 15 1
4 Flamestorm Cannon Ranged Flame Mounted 40 1
4 Force Halberd Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Frag Assault Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 50 0
4 Frost Blade Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Gilded Boltgun Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
4 Glaive Encarmine Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Guardian Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
4 Hammer of Macragge Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Havoc Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 100 1
4 Heat Lance-Samech Ranged Las Basic 30 1
4 Heavy Bolter-Samech Ranged Bolt Heavy 120 0
4 Helfire Flamer Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
4 Hellstrike Missile Ranged Launch Mounted 1000 1
4 Honour Blades Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Hurricane Bolter Ranged Bolt Mounted 50 0
4 Immolation Rifle Ranged Flame Basic 25 1
4 Improvised Weapons Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Industrial Chainblade (Samech) Melee Chain Melee 0 0
4 Inhalation Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Kroot Beak Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Kroot Bolt Thrower Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 150 1
4 Kroot Gun Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 150 1
4 Kroot Hunting Rifle Ranged Las Basic 150 1
4 Kroot Rifle Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 110 1
4 Kroot Rifle Melee Melee Solid Projectile Melee 0 0
4 Kroot Twin-linked Gun Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 150 1
4 Kroot Xenos-crafted Hunting Knife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Krootbow Ranged Prim Basic 40 1
4 Krootox Fists Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Lacrymole Mandibles Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Lascannon-Samech Ranged Las Heavy 300 1
4 Levin Shield Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Loxatl Jaws Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Loxatl Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Loxatl Flechette Blaster Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 40 1
4 Missile Launcher-Samech Ranged Launch Heavy 250 1
4 Mk IX Ultra-Pattern Sharpshooters Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 250 1
4 Monoball Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Mounted Assault Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 150 0
4 Mounted Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 300 1
4 Mounted Heavy Bolter Ranged Bolt Mounted 150 0
4 Nec Abyssal Staff Ranged Exotic Basic 35 1
4 Nec Aeonstave Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Bladed Claws Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Nec Claw Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Dispersion Shield Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Doomsday Cannon - Moving Ranged Exotic Mounted150 1
4 Nec Doomsday Cannon - Stationary Ranged Exotic Mounted300 1
4 Nec Eldritch Lance - Melee Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Nec Eldritch Lance - Ranged Ranged Power Basic 200 0
4 Nec Ether Crystal Overcharged Lightning Ranged Exotic Basic 500 1
4 Nec Fabricator Claw Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Flayer Blades Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Flayer Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 200 1
4 Nec Gauntlet of Fire - Melee Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Gauntlet of Fire - Ranged Ranged Exotic Pistol 15 1
4 Nec Gauss Blaster Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
4 Nec Gauss Canon Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 1
4 Nec Gauss Flayer Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
4 Nec Harp of Dissonance Ranged Exotic Basic 700 1
4 Nec Heavy Gauss Canon Ranged Exotic Mounted200 1
4 Nec Hyperphase Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Nec Master-Crafted Warscythe Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Particle Emitter Ranged Exotic Basic 45 1
4 Nec Particle Slicers Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Phase Bladed Claws Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Nec Staff of Light Ranged Exotic Basic 25 1
4 Nec Staff of Light - Melee Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Synaptic Disintegrator Ranged Exotic Basic 120 1
4 Nec Tesla Cannon Ranged Exotic Heavy 90 1
4 Nec Tesla Carbine Ranged Exotic Basic 75 1
4 Nec Tremorstave Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Nec Tremorstave Seismic Blast Ranged Power Basic 300 1
4 Nec Twin-linked Particle Beamer Ranged Exotic Heavy 70 1
4 Nec Twin-linked Tesla Destructor Ranged Exotic Mounted100 1
4 Nec Two Gauss Flayer Array Ranged Exotic Mounted100 1
4 Nec Void Blade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Voltaic Staff - Melee Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Voltaic Staff - Ranged Ranged Exotic Basic 30 1
4 Nec Warscythe Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Weapon Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Nec Whip Coil Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
4 Nec Wraithblade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Obl Eviscerator Chainblade Melee Chain Melee 0 0
4 Obl Twin-Linked Flamer Ranged Flame Mounted 20 1
4 Obl Twin-linked Melta Gun Ranged Melta Mounted 20 1
4 Obl Twin-linked Plasma Gun Ranged Plasma Mounted 100 1
4 Omnissian Axe (Astartes) Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Ork Choppa Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Ork Kustom Mega-Blasta Ranged Plasma Basic 40 1
4 Ork Power Claw Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Ork Shoota Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 60 1
4 Ork Slugga Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1
4 Ork Twin-linked Shoota Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 60 1
4 Ork Uge Orky Wrench Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter Ranged Bolt Mounted 100 1
4 Power Glaive (Samech) Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Power Lance Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Power Scythes (Samech) Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Precision Bolter-Samech Ranged Bolt Basic 120 1
4 Primitive Weapons Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Rad Archeotech Rad-Cleanser Ranged Exotic Basic 30 1
4 Rad Black Engine Crush Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Rad Black Engine Ramming Blades and Spikes Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Rad Ceremonial Maul with Concealed Shock Generator Melee Shock Melee 0 0
4 Rad Chainblade Mechadendrites Melee Chain Melee 0 0
4 Rad Climbing Spindles Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Rad Empyrean-forged Pinions Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Rad Energized Talons Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Rad Fiery Breath Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
4 Rad Improvized Reductor Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Rad Massive Chainblade Melee Chain Melee 0 0
4 Rad Plasma Cutters Ranged Plasma Basic 10 1
4 Rad Power Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Rad Scourge Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Rad Servitor Razorhands Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Rad Slinnar Integrated Plasma Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 80 1
4 Rad Slinnar Plasma Scythe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Rad Storm Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Rad Techxocism Cannon Ranged Plasma Heavy 60 1
4 Rad Wickedly Clawed Servo-Arm Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Raven Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
4 Reaper Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 300 1
4 Rotary Cannon-Samech Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 40 0
4 Rune Staff Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Sacris Claymore Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Seismic Hammer Melee Power Mounted 0 0
4 Servitor Scopion Tail (Samech) Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Shard of Bekrin Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Skapulan Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 120 1
4 Surturs Breath Ranged Flame Heavy 40 1
4 Tau Airbursting Fragmentation Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 60 1
4 Tau Broadside Railgun Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 500 1
4 Tau Burst Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 60 0
4 Tau Honour Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Tau Ion Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 200 1
4 Tau Ion Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 500 0
4 Tau Marker Light Ranged Las Heavy 150 1
4 Tau Marker Light Ranged Las Heavy 200 1
4 Tau Missile Pod Ranged Launch Mounted 90 1
4 Tau Plasma Rifle Ranged Plasma Mounted 90 1
4 Tau Pulse Carbine Ranged Plasma Basic 60 1
4 Tau Pulse Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
4 Tau Pulse Rifle Ranged Plasma Basic 150 1
4 Tau Rail Rifle Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 150 1
4 Tau Railgun-Armour Piercing Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 500 1
4 Tau Railgun-Submunition Round Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 500 1
4 Tau Seeker Missile Ranged Launch Mounted 500 1
4 Tau Seeker Missile-Armour Piercing Ranged Launch Mounted 2000 1
4 Tau Seeker Missile-Blast Ranged Launch Mounted 25000 1
4 Tau Smart Missile System Ranged Launch Mounted 90 0
4 Tau Staff of Office Melee Prim Melee 0 0
4 Tau Twin-Linked Broadside Railgun Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 500 1
4 Tau Twin-Linked Burst Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 60 0
4 Tau Twin-linked Ion Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 200 1
4 Tau Twin-Linked Ion Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 500 0
4 Tau Twin-linked Long-Barrelled Burst Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 120 0
4 Tau Twin-Linked Missile Pod Ranged Launch Mounted 200 0
4 Tau Twin-linked Plasma Rifle Ranged Plasma Mounted 90 1
4 Tau Twin-Linked Pulse Rifle Ranged Plasma Mounted 150 1
4 Techxorcism Gun Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
4 The Needle of Truth Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 The Righteous Fist Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 The Shadow in the Sky Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Titanic Inferno Gun Ranged Flame Mounted 50 1
4 Titanic Plasma Blastgun Ranged Plasma Mounted 600 1
4 Titanic Vulcan Mega-bolter Ranged Bolt Mounted 400 0
4 Turbo-Laser Ranged Las Mounted 750 1
4 Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 150 0
4 Twin-linked Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 300 1
4 Twin-Linked Bolters Ranged Bolt Mounted 100 1
4 Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters Ranged Bolt Mounted 150 0
4 Twin-Linked Lascannon Ranged Las Mounted 300 1
4 Twin-Linked Missile Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 250 1
4 Tyr Barbed Strangler Ranged Tyranid Natural 80 1
4 Tyr Bio Plasma Ball Ranged Tyranid Natural 100 1
4 Tyr Bio Plasma Vomit Ranged Tyranid Natural 30 1
4 Tyr Bio-Electric Pulse Ranged Tyranid Natural 30 0
4 Tyr Bonesword Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
4 Tyr BroodLord Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Deathspitter Ranged Tyranid Natural 40 1
4 Tyr Devourer Ranged Tyranid Natural 30 0
4 Tyr Fleshborer Ranged Tyranid Natural 20 1
4 Tyr Genestealer's Kiss Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Heavy Venom Cannon Ranged Tyranid Natural 100 1
4 Tyr Heavy Venom Cannon Ranged Tyranid Natural 100 1
4 Tyr Large Bonesword Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Large Lash Whip Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Large Scything Talons Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Lash Whip Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Mandibles Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Prehensile Tongue Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Rending Claw Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Scything Talons Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Spike Rifle Ranged Tyranid Natural 80 1
4 Tyr Spine Fist Ranged Tyranid Natural 25 1
4 Tyr Spinespitter Ranged Tyranid Natural 20 0
4 Tyr Spore Cysts Grenade Grenade Tyranid Natural 0 1
4 Tyr Strangle Web Ranged Tyranid Natural 30 1
4 Tyr Stranglethorn Cannon Ranged Tyranid Natural 80 1
4 Tyr Teeth Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Tyr Thornback Stranglethorn Cannon Ranged Tyranid Natural 80 1
4 Tyr Twin-Linked Deathspitter Ranged Tyranid Natural 40 1
4 Tyr Twin-Linked Devourer Ranged Tyranid Natural 30 0
4 Tyr Venom Cannon Ranged Tyranid Natural 100 1
4 Vespid Claw Melee Prim Natural 0 0
4 Vespid Neutron Blaster Ranged Plasma Basic 30 1
4 Vortex Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
4 Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Castellan Ranged Launch Mounted 300 1
4 Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Hyperios Ranged Launch Mounted 500 1
4 Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Vengence Ranged Launch Mounted 300 1
4 Xenocrafted Power Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
4 Xeno-Filament Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Anti-Plant Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Armoursbane Missile Launcher Ranged Launch Heavy 200 1
5 Astartes Assault Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 150 0
5 Astartes Assault Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
5 Astartes Blind Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
5 Astartes Bolter-Godwyn Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
5 Astartes Boltgun-Stalker Ranged Bolt Basic 200 1
5 Astartes Chainfist Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Chainsword Melee Chain Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Combat Knife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Combat Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Combi-Weapon Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
5 Astartes Conversion Beamer Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 1
5 Astartes Cyclone Missile Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 300 1
5 Astartes Digital Flamer Ranged Exotic Pistol 4 1
5 Astartes Digital Laser Ranged Exotic Pistol 4 1
5 Astartes Digital Melta Ranged Exotic Pistol 4 1
5 Astartes Executioner Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Flamer Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
5 Astartes Force Staff Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Force Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Frag Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Hand Flamer Ranged Flame Pistol 10 1
5 Astartes Heavy Flamer Ranged Flame Heavy 30 1
5 Astartes Heavy-Bolter Ranged Bolt Heavy 150 0
5 Astartes Incendiary Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Infernus Pistol Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
5 Astartes Krak Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Lascannon Ranged Las Heavy 300 1
5 Astartes Lightning Claw Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Meltagun-Vulkan Ranged Melta Basic 30 1
5 Astartes Missile Launcher-Soundstrike Ranged Launch Heavy 250 1
5 Astartes Multi-Melta - Maxima Ranged Melta Heavy 60 1
5 Astartes Nova Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Photon Flash Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Plasma Cannon Ranged Plasma Heavy 150 1
5 Astartes Plasma Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Plasma Gun -Ragefire Ranged Plasma Basic 100 1
5 Astartes Plasma Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
5 Astartes Power Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Power Claymore Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Power Falchion Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Power Fist Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Power Spear Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Power Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Servo-Arm Melee Prim Mounted 0 0
5 Astartes Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
5 Astartes Sniper Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 200 1
5 Astartes Stasis Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Storm Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
5 Astartes Storm Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Stun Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Astartes Thunder Hammer Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Astartes Webber Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
5 Atomizer Cannon Ranged Exotic Heavy 50 1
5 Auxiliary Grenade Launcher Ranged Launch Basic 45 1
5 Balefire Gun Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
5 Barrage Plasma Gun Ranged Plasma Basic 120 1
5 Barrage Plasma Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 40 1
5 Bloodstrike Missile Ranged Launch Mounted 750 1
5 Bolter-Hesh Ranged Bolt Basic 50 1
5 Bomb Rack Ranged Launch Mounted 30 1
5 Breaching Augur Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Bulkhead Shears Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Cerberus Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 30 0
5 Ceremonial Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Concussion Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Conflagration Infernus Pistol Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
5 Conflagration Meltagun Ranged Melta Basic 20 1
5 Crozius Arcanum Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Cryo Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Deathroar Ranged Plasma Pistol 40 1
5 Deathwatch Graviton Cannon Ranged Exotic Heavy 45 1
5 Deathwatch Relic Blade Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Defiler Battle Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 300 1
5 Defiler Crushing Claw Melee Prim Mounted 0 0
5 Demolisher Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 50 1
5 Double-Barrelled Turbo-laser Destructor Ranged Las Mounted 1000 1
5 Dreadnaught Chainfist Melee Chain Mounted 0 0
5 Dreadnaught Close Combat Weapon Melee Power Mounted 0 0
5 Dreadnaught Combat Walker Melee Prim Mounted 0 0
5 Dreadnaught Frag Assault Launchers Ranged Launch Mounted 10 1
5 EMP Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Firestorm Multi-Melta Ranged Melta Heavy 100 1
5 Flamestorm Cannon Ranged Flame Mounted 40 1
5 Frag Assault Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 50 0
5 Frost Blade Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Guardian Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
5 Havoc Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 100 1
5 Hellstrike Missile Ranged Launch Mounted 1000 1
5 Hurricane Bolter Ranged Bolt Mounted 50 0
5 Immolation Rifle Ranged Flame Basic 25 1
5 Improvised Weapons Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Inhalation Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Levin Shield Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Mk IX Ultra-Pattern Sharpshooters Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 250 1
5 Monoball Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Mounted Assault Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 150 0
5 Mounted Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 300 1
5 Mounted Heavy Bolter Ranged Bolt Mounted 150 0
5 Omnissian Axe (Astartes) Melee Power Melee 0 0
5 Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter Ranged Bolt Mounted 100 1
5 Primitive Weapons Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Reaper Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 300 1
5 Sacris Claymore Melee Prim Melee 0 0
5 Seismic Hammer Melee Power Mounted 0 0
5 Skapulan Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 120 1
5 Tau Burst Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 60 0
5 Tau Ion Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 500 0
5 Tau Marker Light Ranged Las Mounted 200 1
5 Tau Missile Pod Ranged Launch Mounted 90 1
5 Tau Plasma Rifle Ranged Plasma Mounted 90 1
5 Tau Pulse Carbine Ranged Plasma Basic 60 1
5 Tau Pulse Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
5 Tau Pulse Rifle Ranged Plasma Basic 150 1
5 Tau Railgun-Armour Piercing Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 500 1
5 Tau Railgun-Submunition Round Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 500 1
5 Tau Seeker Missile-Armour Piercing Ranged Launch Mounted 2000 1
5 Tau Seeker Missile-Blast Ranged Launch Mounted 25000 1
5 Tau Twin-Linked Burst Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 60 0
5 Tau Twin-Linked Ion Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 500 0
5 Tau Twin-linked Long-Barrelled Burst Cannon Ranged Plasma Mounted 120 0
5 Tau Twin-Linked Missile Pod Ranged Launch Mounted 200 0
5 Tau Twin-Linked Pulse Rifle Ranged Plasma Mounted 150 1
5 Techxorcism Gun Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
5 Titanic Inferno Gun Ranged Flame Mounted 50 1
5 Titanic Plasma Blastgun Ranged Plasma Mounted 600 1
5 Titanic Vulcan Mega-bolter Ranged Bolt Mounted 400 0
5 Turbo-Laser Ranged Las Mounted 750 1
5 Twin-Linked Assault Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 150 0
5 Twin-linked Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 300 1
5 Twin-Linked Bolters Ranged Bolt Mounted 100 1
5 Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters Ranged Bolt Mounted 150 0
5 Twin-Linked Lascannon Ranged Las Mounted 300 1
5 Twin-Linked Missile Launcher Ranged Launch Mounted 250 1
5 Tyr Barbed Strangler Ranged Tyranid Natural 80 1
5 Tyr Bonesword Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
5 Tyr Deathspitter Ranged Tyranid Natural 40 1
5 Tyr Devourer Ranged Tyranid Natural 30 0
5 Tyr Fleshborer Ranged Tyranid Natural 20 1
5 Tyr Heavy Venom Cannon Ranged Tyranid Natural 100 1
5 Tyr Lash Whip Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
5 Tyr Rending Claw Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
5 Tyr Scything Talons Melee Tyranid Natural 0 0
5 Tyr Stranglethorn Cannon Ranged Tyranid Natural 80 1
5 Tyr Venom Cannon Ranged Tyranid Natural 100 1
5 Vortex Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
5 Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Castellan Ranged Launch Mounted 300 1
5 Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Hyperios Ranged Launch Mounted 500 1
5 Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Vengence Ranged Launch Mounted 300 1
6 Angarrach Melee Chain Melee 0 0
6 Arm-mounted Chainblade Melee Chain Melee 0 0
6 Armoured Gauntlets Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Assault Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
6 Autogun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 100 1
6 Axe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Axon Razor Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Blight Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
6 Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
6 Bone Maul Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Bow Ranged Prim Basic 40 1
6 Chain Dagger Melee Chain Melee 0 0
6 Chain Greatsword Melee Chain Melee 0 0
6 Chain Halberd Melee Chain Melee 0 0
6 Combi-Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 80 1
6 Crossbow Ranged Prim Basic 30 1
6 Electro-Flail Melee Shock Melee 0 0
6 Fallen Magos Power Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Fang Dagger Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Flamer Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
6 Flensing Blade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Flintlock Musket Ranged Prim Basic 30 1
6 Flintlock Pistol Ranged Prim Pistol 15 1
6 Force Rod Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Force Scythe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Force Staff Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Force Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Frag Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Frozen Shard Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Goreseeker Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Great Weapon Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Grenade Launcher Ranged Launch Basic 60 1
6 Hallucinogen Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Hammer Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Hand Flamer Ranged Flame Pistol 10 1
6 Harpoon Gun Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 40 1
6 Haywire Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Heavy Bolter Ranged Bolt Heavy 150 0
6 Heavy Flamer Ranged Flame Heavy 30 1
6 Heavy Stubber Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 100 0
6 Hell Hammer Lascannon Ranged Las Heavy 300 1
6 Hellbade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Improvised weapon Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Inferno Pistol-Mars Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
6 Knife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Krak Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Krzattchal the Soulburner Ranged Flame Basic 30 1
6 Lascarbine Ranged Las Basic 75 1
6 Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 300 1
6 Laspistol Ranged Las Pistol 30 1
6 Legion Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
6 Legion Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
6 Legion Chainaxe Melee Chain Melee 0 0
6 Legion Chainfist Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Legion Chainsword Melee Chain Melee 0 0
6 Legion Combat Knife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Legion Combi-Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 80 1
6 Legion Flamer Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
6 Legion Frag Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Legion Heavy Bolter Ranged Bolt Heavy 150 0
6 Legion Heavy Flamer Ranged Flame Heavy 30 1
6 Legion Krak Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Legion Meltagun Ranged Melta Basic 20 1
6 Legion NM Blastmaster - Explosive Crescendo Ranged Exotic Heavy 250 1
6 Legion NM Blastmaster - Hail of Noise Ranged Exotic Heavy 150 1
6 Legion NM Doom Siren Ranged Exotic Basic 30 1
6 Legion NM Sonic Blaster Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
6 Legion Plasma Gun Ranged Plasma Basic 100 1
6 Legion Plasma Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
6 Legion Power Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Legion Power Fist Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Legion Power Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Legion Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
6 Lightening Claw Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Long Las Ranged Las Basic 150 1
6 M34 Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 300 1
6 M41 Multilaser Ranged Las Heavy 150 0
6 Meltagun Ranged Melta Basic 20 1
6 Missile Launcher Ranged Launch Heavy 300 1
6 Multi-Melta Ranged Melta Heavy 60 1
6 Nachraael the Hungering Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Nec Brutal Blades Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Nec Claw Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Nec Crushing Legs Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Nec Ctan Fists Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Nec Ctan Transdimensional Thunderbolt Ranged Exotic Heavy 75 1
6 Nec Dispersion Shield Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Nec Disruptor Field Melee Power Melee 00
6 Nec Gauntlet of Fire - Melee Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Nec Gauntlet of Fire - Ranged Ranged Exotic Pistol 15 1
6 Nec Gauss Blaster Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
6 Nec Gauss Canon Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 1
6 Nec Gauss Flayer Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
6 Nec Harp of Dissonance Ranged Exotic Basic 700 1
6 Nec Heavy Gauss Cannon Ranged Exotic Heavy 200 1
6 Nec Hyperphase Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Nec Particle Beamer Ranged Exotic Heavy 70 1
6 Nec Particle Caster Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
6 Nec Rod of Covenant - Ranged Ranged Power Basic 15 1
6 Nec Rod of Covenant - Melee Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Nec Rod of Night - Ranged Ranged Exotic Basic 50 1
6 Nec Rod of Night - Tesla Blast Ranged Exotic Basic 50 1
6 Nec Staff of Light - Melee Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Nec Staff of Light - Ranged Ranged Exotic Basic 25 1
6 Nec Tachyon Arrow Ranged Exotic Basic 300 1
6 Nec Tesla Carbine Ranged Exotic Basic 75 1
6 Nec Tremorstave Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Nec Tremorstave Seismic Blast Ranged Power Basic 300 1
6 Nec Void Blade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Nec Warscythe Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Nec Weapon Blade Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Neural Whip Melee Shock Melee 0 0
6 Null Rod Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Photon Flash Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Plague Sword Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Plasma Cannon Ranged Plasma Heavy 150 1
6 Plasma Gun Ranged Plasma Basic 90 1
6 Plasma Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 40 1
6 Power Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Power Blade Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Power Fist Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Power Mace Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Power Scythe Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Power Sword Melee Power Melee 0 0
6 Q'sal Glass Dagger Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Razor Web Ranged Exotic Basic 50 1
6 Reaper Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 300 1
6 Reaver Long Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 150 1
6 Scythe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Searing Blade Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
6 Smoke Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Spear Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Splinter Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 100 1
6 Spore Caster Ranged Exotic Basic 10 1
6 Staff of Change Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Static Repeater Ranged Exotic Basic 80 1
6 Stub Rifle Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 120 1
6 Stun Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
6 Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
6 Unarmed Master Melee Prim Natural 0 0
6 Unarmed Warrior Melee Prim Natural 0 0
6 Velklir Rapier Melee Exotic Melee 0 0
6 Vilemaw Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
6 Warp Cannon Ranged Exotic Heavy 100 1
6 Web Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Accatran Automatic Mortar Ranged Launch Heavy 200 1
7 Accatran-pattern MkII Heavy Laspistol Ranged Las Pistol 40 1
7 Accatran-pattern MkIV Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 80 1
7 Anti-Plant Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 300 1
7 Autogun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 100 1
7 Auxillary Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
7 Axe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Battle Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 750 1
7 Blind Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Blowgun Ranged Prim Basic 10 1
7 Bola Ranged Prim Thrown 10 1
7 Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 30 1
7 Boltgun Ranged Bolt Basic 100 1
7 Bow Ranged Prim Basic 30 1
7 Bullpup Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 90 1
7 Cavalry Sabre Melee Power Melee 0 0
7 Cavalry Spear Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Cavalry Spear - Mounted Charge Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Chain Glaive Melee Chain Melee 0 0
7 Chain Knife Melee Chain Melee 0 0
7 Chainaxe Melee Chain Melee 0 0
7 Chainaxe - Two handed Melee Chain Melee 0 0
7 Chainflail Melee Chain Melee 0 0
7 Chainsword Melee Chain Melee 0 0
7 Command Baton Melee Shock Melee 0 0
7 Crossbow Ranged Prim Basic 30 1
7 Demolisher Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 50 1
7 Earthshaker Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 3500 1
7 Eviscerator Melee Chain Melee 0 0
7 Fire Bomb Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Flail Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Flamer Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
7 Flintlock Musket Ranged Prim Basic 30 1
7 Flintlock Pistol Ranged Prim Pistol 15 1
7 Force Axe Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Force Dagger Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Force Staff Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Force Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Frag Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Great Weapon Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Grenade Launcher Ranged Launch Basic 60 1
7 Groxwhip Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Hades Assault Flamer Ranged Flame Basic 20 1
7 Hallucinogen Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Hand Bow Ranged Prim Basic 15 1
7 Hand Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 35 1
7 Heavy Bolter Ranged Bolt Heavy 150 0
7 Heavy Flamer Ranged Flame Heavy 30 1
7 Heavy Stubber Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 100 0
7 Hellstrike Missile Ranged Launch Mounted 300 1
7 Hesh-pattern M38 MkII Bolt Pistol Ranged Bolt Pistol 25 1
7 Hot-Shot Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 60 1
7 Hot-Shot Laspistol Ranged Las Pistol 20 1
7 Hunter-Killer Missile Ranged Launch Mounted 350 1
7 Hunting Lance Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Improvised Weapon Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Inferno Cannon Ranged Flame Mounted 50 1
7 Inferno Pistol Ranged Melta Pistol 10 1
7 Iron-Eater Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Javelin Ranged Prim Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Knife Melee/Thr Prim Melee 5 1
7 Krak Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Krak Grenade vs Vehicle Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Las Carbine Ranged Las Basic 75 1
7 Laslock Ranged Las Basic 70 1
7 Laspistol Ranged Las Pistol 30 1
7 Long Las Ranged Las Basic 150 1
7 Lucius-pattern Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 100 1
7 M34 Autocannon Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 300 1
7 M36 Lasgun Ranged Las Basic 100 1
7 M41 Multilaser Ranged Las Heavy 150 0
7 Maccabian Frag Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Man Portable Lascannon Ranged Las Heavy 300 1
7 Meltagun Ranged Melta Basic 20 1
7 Missile Launcher Ranged Launch Heavy 300 1
7 Mole Mortar Ranged Exotic Heavy 200 1
7 Mortar Ranged Launch Heavy 300 1
7 Multi-Melta Ranged Melta Heavy 60 1
7 Naval Pistol Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 20 1
7 Needle Pistol Ranged Exotic Pistol 30 1
7 Needle Rifle Ranged Exotic Basic 180 1
7 Omnissian Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
7 Photon Flash Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Plasma Cannon Ranged Plasma Heavy 120 1
7 Plasma Gun Ranged Plasma Basic 90 1
7 Plasma Pistol Ranged Plasma Pistol 30 1
7 Power Axe Melee Power Melee 0 0
7 Power Fist Melee Power Melee 0 0
7 Power Flail Melee Power Melee 0 0
7 Power Maul - High Melee Power Melee 0 0
7 Power Maul - Low Melee Power Melee 0 0
7 Power Spear Melee Power Melee 0 0
7 Ripper Gun Ranged Solid Projectile Heavy 30 1
7 Ripper Pistol Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 30 1
7 Shield Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Shock Glove Melee Shock Melee 0 0
7 Shotgun Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
7 Shotgun-pump Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 30 1
7 Signaling Device Ranged Solid Projectile Pistol 15 1
7 Sling Ranged Prim Basic 15 1
7 Smoke Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Sniper Rifle Ranged Solid Projectile Basic 200 1
7 Spear Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Storm Bolter Ranged Bolt Basic 90 1
7 Stun Grenade Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Suppression Shield Melee Shock Melee 0 0
7 Sword Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Throwing Knife Ranged Prim Thrown "SB*2" 1
7 Tread Fether Ranged Launch Heavy 250 1
7 Triplex Pattern Lasgun - Burst Mode Ranged Las Basic 50 1
7 Triplex Pattern Lasgun - Precision Mode Ranged Las Basic 150 1
7 Triplex Pattern Lasgun - Standard Mode Ranged Las Basic 100 1
7 Truncheon Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Tube Charge Grenade Grenade Thrown "SB*3" 1
7 Unarmed Master Melee Prim Natural 0 0
7 Unarmed Warrior Melee Prim Natural 0 0
7 Vanquisher Battle Cannon Ranged Solid Projectile Mounted 900 1
7 Voss Automatic Grenade Launcher Ranged Launch Basic 40 1
7 Warhammer Melee Prim Melee 0 0
7 Warknife Melee Prim Melee 0 0
, "SemiBurst", , "FullBurst", , "WpnDamDice", , "WpnDamDiceType", , "WpnDamMod", , "DamType"," ", "Penetration", ,"Clip", ,"ClipSize",
Semi Full DamageMultiDamageDicDamageBoType Pen Clip ClipSize
2 0 1 10 5 Impact 2 0 7
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 4
0 0 2 5 0 Energy 2 0 0
0 10 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 40
0 0 2 10 0 Xplosive 5 0 3
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
2 6 1 10 4 Impact 0 0 15
0 0 1 5 0 Impact 0 0 0
3 0 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 13
0 10 3 10 5 Impact 5 0 200
0 0 2 10 6 Energy 6 0 10
0 4 1 10 10 Energy 0 999 999
2 5 2 10 15 Xplosive 5 0 200
2 4 1 10 9 Xplosive 5 0 60
2 5 4 10 5 Impact 4 0 20
3 10 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 30
0 6 1 10 2 Impact 0 0 18
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1
3 10 1 10 4 Rending 6 0 100
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 2
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 1 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 4 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 3 Xplosive 2 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 2 5 0 Rending 2 0 0
2 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 8
2 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 8
2 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 24
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 1
0 0 1 5 -1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 5 Rending 4 0 0
0 0 1 5 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 5 -2 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 6 0 0
0 0 1 5 0 Energy 0 0 1
3 0 1 10 4 Impact 2 0 6
0 0 1 10 4 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 5 3 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 2 0 0
2 0 1 10 1 Energy 0 0 25
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 5 3 Rending 0 0 0
3 0 1 10 4 Impact 0 0 18
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 1 0 1
0 0 1 10 3 Impact 4 0 0
0 0 6 10 12 Energy 14 0 4
0 0 1 10 9 Energy 2 0 4
0 0 3 10 9 Energy 8 0 4
3 10 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 35
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
3 0 1 10 5 Energy 2 0 18
0 0 1 10 5 Energy 2 0 5
0 0 1 10 4 Energy "1d10" 0 1
2 0 1 10 2 Impact 0 0 2
0 0 1 5 0 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 7 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 2 0 0
3 0 1 10 1 Rending 4 0 15
2 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 50
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 4 0 1
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 5 1 Rending 2 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 2 0 0
3 8 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 24
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 7 0 0
0 0 1 10 10 Rending 5 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 3 0 1
0 0 1 10 3 Impact 2 0 5
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 2 1 1
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 2 1 1
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 3 0 3
0 0 1 10 6 Impact 0 0 2
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 2 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 3 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Rending')] 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Impact')] 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Rending')] 2 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Xplosive 0 1 1
2 5 1 10 2 Energy 0 0 30
3 0 1 10 -1 Rending 0 0 7
0 0 1 10 1 Energy 2 0 5
0 8 1 10 8 Energy 0 999 999
2 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 30
2 4 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 60
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 3
0 0 1 10 4 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 6
0 0 1 5 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 4 Impact 2 0 5
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 2 0 2
0 10 2 10 0 Xplosive 5 0 60
0 0 1 10 4 Rending 2 0 1
0 0 2 10 4 Energy 4 0 10
0 0 2 10 6 Energy 6 0 20
0 0 2 10 15 Xplosive 5 0 40
0 10 1 10 4 Impact 3 0 200
3 6 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 15
0 0 2 10 4 Rending 7 999 999
0 0 2 10 4 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 0 0 0
3 5 1 10 3 Energy 4 0 40
3 0 1 10 4 Energy 3 0 40
2 0 1 10 3 Energy 5 0 20
0 0 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 5
0 0 1 5 2 Rending 2 0 3
0 0 1 10 5 Impact 2 0 1
0 0 1 10 -2 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 2 10 4 Energy 12 0 3
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 6 1 1
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 1
2 0 1 10 4 Impact 0 0 12
2 5 1 10 2 Impact 0 0 15
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 1 1 1
0 0 1 5 0 Rending 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 4 Xplosive 6 1 1
0 0 1 5 1 Rending 1 1 1
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 6 0 10
2 0 1 10 4 Energy 0 0 18
2 0 1 10 2 Energy 0 0 40
3 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 60
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 2 Energy 0 0 30
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
2 0 1 10 2 Energy 0 0 60
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 2 0 1
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 1 0 40
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 "WB" Energy 0 0 -1
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
2 0 2 5 3 Impact 0 0 1
2 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 24
0 0 2 10 0 Xplosive 0 1 1
3 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 60
2 0 1 10 10 Energy 6 0 10
0 0 2 10 2 Energy 8 0 5
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 15
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 6 0 0
3 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 6
0 0 2 5 6 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 2 10 4 Energy 10 0 5
0 0 2 10 4 Energy 12 0 5
0 0 1 10 2 Impact 0 0 1
4 8 1 10 2 Energy 0 0 40
0 0 1 5 -1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1
0 0 1 5 0 Rending 2 1 1
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 1 1
3 0 1 10 4 Energy 9 0 12
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"ceil( PR/4 )" "ceil( PR/2 ) 1 5 "WB" Rending 2 "ceil(PR/2)" "ceil(PR/2)"
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0 0 3 10 10 Energy 9 999 999
0 12 2 10 2 Energy 4 999 999
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 6 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Rending 9 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 3 0 0
3 0 1 10 6 Energy 4 999 999
0 6 1 10 6 Rending 0 999 999
0 0 1 10 5 Rending 3 999 999
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 6 0 0
0 0 4 10 10 Impact 6 999 999
0 0 4 10 10 Impact 6 999 999
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 6 0 0
0 0 1 10 5 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 5 1 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 5 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Rending 0 999 999
2 4 1 10 0 Rending 4 999 999
3 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 999 999
0 0 3 10 0 Impact 0 999 999
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 999 999
0 0 1 10 5 Impact 3 999 999
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 2 10 10 Impact 3 999 999
3 0 1 10 6 Energy 4 999 999
0 6 1 10 6 Rending 0 999 999
0 0 3 10 5 Impact 6 999 999
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 4 0 0
0 0 1 10 12 Xplosive 8 999 999
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 10
0 0 4 10 15 Xplosive 8 0 10
0 0 3 10 5 Xplosive 6 0 10
0 0 1 10 6 Rending 6 0 0
0 0 4 10 4 Rending 6 1 1
0 0 3 10 0 Energy 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1
0 10 2 10 12 Impact 6 0 200
3 5 1 10 10 Impact 4 0 20
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
2 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 14
3 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 28
0 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 24
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 10 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 5 1 Impact 0 0 0
4 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 28
0 0 0 0 0 Energy 0 0 4
2 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 12
0 0 1 10 9 Energy 4 0 1
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 7 0 1
0 0 2 10 12 Energy 10 0 1
0 0 1 10 13 Energy 8 0 0
0 0 1 10 9 Energy 4 0 6
0 0 1 10 1 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Impact')] 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Rending')] 2 0 0
0 0 2 10 2 Xplosive 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 7 Energy 4 0 4
0 0 1 10 12 Energy 6 0 10
0 6 1 10 12 Xplosive 5 0 60
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 12 Energy 12 0 4
0 0 3 10 4 Xplosive 6 1 1
0 0 5 10 10 Energy 10 0 6
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 8 0 0
0 0 2 10 14 Energy 12 0 6
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 8
0 0 2 10 16 Energy 12 0 12
0 0 1 10 0 Energy 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 12 Energy 10 0 16
0 0 1 10 12 Energy 8 1 1
2 0 1 10 12 Energy 10 0 24
2 0 1 10 10 Energy 8 0 12
0 0 1 10 8 Energy 7 0 0
0 0 1 10 11 Energy 8 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 6 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 9 0 0
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 7 0 0
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 6 0 0
0 0 2 10 14 Impact 10 0 0
2 0 1 10 9 Impact 4 0 18
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 6
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
4 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 60
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 5 Energy 9 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 5
0 0 2 10 14 Energy 8 0 25
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 4
0 0 1 10 9 Energy 4 0 6
3 5 1 10 9 Energy 10 0 30
3 0 1 10 8 Energy 8 0 9
0 0 4 10 6 Xplosive 14 1 1
3 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 28
3 0 3 10 10 Xplosive 6 1 100
0 0 2 10 11 Rending 7 0 0
0 0 2 10 13 Rending 6 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 30
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 4 10 0 Impact 3 1 1
0 0 2 10 14 Energy 14 0 2
0 0 2 10 14 Energy 14 0 4
0 0 1 10 7 Energy 7 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 3 1 1
0 0 1 10 13 Energy 10 0 10
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 5
0 0 1 10 12 Energy 9 0 0
0 0 3 10 5 Xplosive 8 0 50
0 0 2 10 6 Rending 8 0 0
0 0 4 10 20 Xplosive 10 0 200
0 0 4 10 30 Energy 20 0 0
0 0 2 10 8 Rending 8 0 0
0 0 2 10 10 Energy 6 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Xplosive 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
2 0 2 10 20 Energy 14 0 6
0 0 3 10 6 Energy 9 0 200
3 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 12
0 0 1 10 11 Energy 9 0 0
2 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 14
2 0 2 10 0 Xplosive 2 1 8
0 0 4 10 6 Xplosive 10 1 1
6 12 2 10 5 Xplosive 5 0 300
0 0 1 10 12 Energy 2 0 5
0 0 1 10 -2 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Rending 2 0 5
0 0 4 10 8 Rending 8 1 1
0 10 3 10 6 Impact 6 0 300
2 5 4 10 5 Impact 4 0 200
0 10 2 10 10 Xplosive 6 0 100
0 0 1 10 11 Energy 6 0 0
2 4 2 10 5 Xplosive 5 0 100
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
3 6 4 10 5 Impact 4 0 500
0 0 2 10 2 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 2 10 11 Impact 5 0 0
2 4 1 10 9 Xplosive 7 0 28
0 10 1 10 12 Energy 4 0 0
3 0 4 10 5 Energy 7 0 200
0 0 0 0 0 Energy 0 999 999
2 0 3 10 8 Xplosive 6 1 1
2 0 2 10 9 Energy 10 999 999
0 0 1 10 12 Energy 4 0 24
2 0 1 10 12 Energy 4 0 16
3 0 1 10 12 Energy 4 0 36
0 0 3 10 30 Impact 15 0 30
0 0 2 10 5 Impact 5 0 30
0 0 3 10 6 Xplosive 10 1 1
0 0 4 10 6 Xplosive 8 1 1
0 10 1 10 12 Energy 4 0 500
3 0 4 10 5 Energy 7 0 200
0 10 1 10 12 Energy 4 0 500
2 0 3 10 10 Xplosive 6 1 20
2 4 2 10 9 Energy 4 0 100
3 0 1 10 4 Energy 4 0 30
0 0 2 10 15 Energy 8 0 200
2 0 2 10 20 Energy 8 0 0
0 15 2 10 13 Xplosive 7 0 14000
0 0 4 10 30 Energy 20 0 5
0 10 3 10 6 Impact 6 0 300
2 5 4 10 5 Impact 4 0 200
2 4 2 10 5 Xplosive 5 0 40
0 10 2 10 10 Xplosive 6 0 400
0 0 6 10 10 Energy 10 0 30
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 30
0 0 1 10 5 Impact 3 999 999
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 6 0 0
3 0 1 10 12 Energy 4 999 999
0 6 1 10 9 Rending 0 999 999
0 0 1 10 9 Rending 3 999 999
0 0 4 10 10 Impact 6 999 999
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 5 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 2 10 10 Impact 3 999 999
0 0 4 10 10 Impact 6 999 999
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 10
0 0 4 10 15 Xplosive 8 0 10
0 0 3 10 5 Xplosive 6 0 10
0 0 1 10 5 Rending 6 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 5 1 Impact 0 0 0
3 0 1 10 4 Impact 0 0 12
3 10 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 30
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 5 0 Rending 4 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 0 1 1
2 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 8
3 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 24
0 0 2 10 0 Impact 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 2 10 2 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 3 0 0
3 4 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 32
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 2 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 2 10 4 Energy 6 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 2 0 6
0 0 1 10 5 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 2 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 1 5 0 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Impact')] 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Rending')] 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Impact')] 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Rending')] 2 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Xplosive 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 6 Rending 8 0 0
0 0 1 10 6 Rending 4 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 6
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 2 0 2
0 0 2 10 2 Rending 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 1 1 1
0 6 1 10 8 Xplosive 5 0 60
0 0 1 10 8 Energy 5 0 10
0 8 1 10 5 Impact 3 0 75
0 0 5 10 10 Energy 10 0 5
0 0 1 10 6 Rending 10 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 2 10 10 Energy 12 0 3
0 0 1 5 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 2 10 4 Xplosive 6 1 1
0 0 1 10 8 Energy 8 0 6
2 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 60
3 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 60
2 0 1 10 2 Energy 0 0 30
2 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 8
3 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 24
0 0 1 10 5 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 10 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 2 0 0
4 0 1 10 9 Xplosive 4 0 32
0 0 1 10 9 Energy 4 0 6
0 0 2 10 2 Xplosive 0 1 1
0 6 1 10 12 Xplosive 5 0 60
0 0 1 10 12 Energy 6 0 15
0 0 2 10 8 Xplosive 6 1 1
0 0 2 10 13 Energy 12 0 6
0 0 3 10 10 Energy 8 999 999
2 0 1 10 12 Energy 6 999 999
0 0 1 10 12 Energy 9 999 999
2 4 1 10 9 Energy 4 999 999
2 0 1 10 12 Energy 10 0 24
2 0 1 10 10 Energy 8 0 12
0 0 1 10 8 Energy 7 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 9 0 0
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 6 0 0
2 0 1 10 6 Impact 0 0 10
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 8 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 1 0 40
3 0 3 10 8 Impact 6 0 40
0 5 2 10 10 Energy 2 0 100
0 0 2 10 10 Energy 12 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1
0 0 2 10 16 Energy 12 0 12
0 0 2 10 7 Rending 7 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 12 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 4 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 6 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Impact 6 0 0
0 0 3 10 10 Energy 8 0 999
0 0 1 10 25 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Rending "1d5" 0 0
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 5 0 0
0 0 1 10 9 Energy 5 0 999
4 0 2 10 0 Energy 5 0 999
4 6 1 10 12 Energy 5 0 999
2 0 1 10 8 Energy 3 0 999
0 0 2 10 3 Impact 0 0 999
0 0 4 10 10 Energy 10 0 999
0 0 1 10 17 Energy 6 0 0
0 0 3 10 8 Xplosive 5 0 999
3 0 2 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 999
0 0 1 10 12 Energy 10 0 999
0 0 1 10 17 Energy 8 0 0
3 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 999
3 0 2 10 3 Energy 3 0 999
0 0 1 10 2 Impact 4 0 0
4 0 1 10 8 Energy 7 0 999
0 0 10 10 0 Impact 20 0 999
0 0 2 10 3 Energy 3 0 999
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 5 Impact 5 0 999
0 0 1 10 11 Rending 5 0 0
0 0 1 10 17 Energy 9 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 5 Energy 5 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 4 0 0
0 0 2 10 12 Energy 10 0 16
2 0 1 10 8 Energy 10 0 20
2 0 1 10 7 Energy 8 0 10
0 0 1 10 7 Energy 6 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 5 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 8 0 0
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 4 0 0
0 0 1 10 7 Energy 7 0 0
0 0 1 10 5 Energy 5 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 6 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 3 0 6
4 0 3 10 8 Impact 6 0 40
0 0 1 10 4 Rending 2 0 4
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 7 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Impact 0 0 8
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
3 5 1 10 2 Rending 3 0 200
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 5 Impact 5 0 0
4 0 1 10 1 Energy 0 0 4
0 0 1 10 3 Impact 1 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 7 Energy 7 0 0
3 0 1 10 11 Xplosive 6 0 24
0 0 3 10 0 Energy 0 0 8
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 5 0 0 0 - 0 1 5
2 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 60
3 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 60
0 0 3 10 0 Energy 0 1 1
3 0 3 10 8 Impact 6 0 20
3 10 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 30
0 0 1 10 4 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 3 10 10 Xplosive 8 1 12
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 0 1 1
0 0 1 5 2 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 1 5 0 Impact 0 0 1
2 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 8
3 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 24
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 1
2 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 60
0 0 1 10 6 Energy 4 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 4 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 2 Rending 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Energy 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 2 0 1
0 0 4 10 20 Xplosive 10 1 2
0 0 4 10 10 Xplosive 8 1 1
0 0 2 10 0 Rending 9 0 0
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 6 1 1
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 2 0 6
0 0 1 10 3 Impact 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 2 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 3 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Rending')] 2 0 0
0 0 1 5 2 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Rending')] 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Impact')] 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 [r:if(PR,'Energy', 'Rending')] 2 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Xplosive 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 6
0 0 1 10 3 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 2 0 10
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 4 Impact 2 0 5
0 6 1 10 8 Xplosive 5 0 60
0 0 1 10 5 Energy 4 0 10
0 8 1 10 4 Impact 3 0 75
0 0 3 10 7 Xplosive 7 1 1
3 0 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 12
3 0 1 10 4 Energy 7 0 30
2 0 1 10 4 Energy 7 0 40
0 0 3 10 6 Xplosive 6 1 1
0 0 2 10 3 Xplosive 7 0 0
0 0 1 10 -2 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 2 10 15 Energy 8 0 50
0 0 2 10 10 Energy 12 0 3
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 1
0 0 1 5 0 Rending 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 4 Xplosive 6 1 1
0 0 2 10 4 Xplosive 6 1 1
2 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 60
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 0 0 1
2 0 1 10 2 Energy 0 0 30
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 1 0 40
0 0 1 10 5 Energy 0 0 35
3 0 3 10 8 Impact 6 0 20
3 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 60
0 5 2 10 10 Energy 2 0 100
0 0 2 10 1 Xplosive 0 1 1
0 0 5 10 10 Energy 10 0 5
0 0 2 10 10 Energy 12 0 5
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 1
0 0 2 10 2 Xplosive 2 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 16 Energy 12 0 12
3 0 1 10 4 Impact 0 0 6
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 6
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 6
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 6 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 2 10 10 Energy 8 0 16
2 0 1 10 7 Energy 6 0 40
2 0 1 10 6 Energy 6 0 10
0 0 1 10 7 Energy 7 0 0
0 0 2 10 0 Energy 9 0 0
0 0 1 10 8 Energy 3 0 0
0 0 1 10 5 Energy 4 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Energy 2 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Energy 8 0 0
0 6 1 10 8 Impact 0 0 48
2 0 1 10 3 Impact 5 0 8
0 0 1 5 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 4 Impact 0 0 8
0 0 1 10 3 Impact 0 0 12
0 0 1 10 1 Energy 0 0 1
0 0 1 10 -2 Impact 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 4 Impact 3 0 20
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
2 4 1 10 5 Xplosive 4 0 60
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 1 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Rending 0 0 0
2 0 1 5 3 Rending 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 30
0 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 30
3 0 1 10 3 Energy 0 0 30
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 3 10 0 Xplosive 0 1 1
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 1 10 0 Impact 0 0 0
0 0 3 10 10 Xplosive 16 1 6
3 0 0 0 0 - 0 1 6
0 0 1 10 2 Impact 1 0 0
0 0 1 5 3 Rending 0 0 0
, "WpnAttMod", ,"NumClips",0, "ClipType","-","RldTime"," ", "numHands",
, "Special","
WpnAttRld numHSpecial
0 1 Full 1 Unreliable
0 3 Full 2 Blast (6), Snare (0)
0 - 1 Unwieldy
0 1 Full 2 -
0 3 Full 2 Accurate, Tearing
0 - 1 Shocking, Balanced
0 1 Full 2 Reliable
0 - 1 Primitive, Grapple, SFW
0 1 Full 1 -
0 2 Full 2 Tearing, Unreliable
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Sanctified, Spray
0 Free 2 Psychic, Requires PR 1 or higher to wield
0 2 Full 2 Proven (4), Auto-Stabalised Quality, Psybolt Ammo only
0 2 Full 1 Storm, Tearing
0 2 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 1 -
0 1 Full 2 Grenade
0 2 Full 2 Reliable, Tearing
0 - 1 Primitive, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Unbalanced, Flame, Spray
0 - 1 Unbalanced, Toxic (1)
0 1 Full 1 -
0 - 1 Primitive, Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Primitive
0 - 1 Primitive, Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 2 Full 2 Inaccurate, Scatter
0 - 1 Balanced
0 Replace 1 Smoke (3)
0 - 2 Primitive
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive, Snare (0), Inaccurate
0 - 1 SFW
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 Half 2 Primitive, Reliable
0 - 1 Primitive, Grapple, SFW
0 - 1 Tearing, Unwieldy, SB 5 or -10 WS
0 - 1 Primitive, Grapple, Unwieldy
0 - 1 Primitive, Balanced, SFW
0 - 2 Tearing, Unwieldy
0 2 Full 2 Primitive, Flame, Spray
0 1 Full 1 Accurate
0 - 1 Tearing
0 - 1 Tearing, SFW
0 - 1 Primitive, Fast, Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Balanced, Tearing
0 - 1 -
0 Replace 1 Blast (1d10+3)
0 - 1 Tearing, Unbalanced
0 1 Full 1 Reliable
0 - 1 Primitive, Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Primitive, Warp, Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Primitive, Unbalanced, SFW
0 - 1 Primitive
0 - 1 Primitive, SFW
0 1 Full 2 Scatter
0 Half 2 Primitive, Accurate
0 - 1 Unwieldy, Volatile, Blast (1)
0 2 Full 2 Felling (x2), Blast (2)
0 2 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 2 Felling (x1)
0 1 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 2 Primitive
0 - 1 Primitive, Unbalanced
0 - 2 Holy
0 - 1 Unwieldy, hands free, SFW
0 1 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 1 Flame, Spray
0 3 Full 1 Flame, Spray, Toxic (1)
0 3 Full 1 Primitive, Unreliable
0 - 1 Primitive, Fast
0 Replace 1 Reliable
0 Replace 2 Missile
0 - 2 Primitive, Flexible
0 - 1 Shocking, SFW
0 3 Full 2 Primitive
0 1 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 1 Accurate, Tearing
0 - 2 Unbalanced, Holy
0 - 2 Flexible, Shocking
0 Retrieve 1 Balanced, Thrown
0 Replace 1 -
0 - 1 Balanced
0 1 Full 1 -
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field
0 - 2 Special, Tearing, Unwieldy
0 - 1 Snaring, Excruciating
0 Replace 2 Flame, Spray
0 2 Full 1 Accurate, Reliable
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Need to light it first
0 - 2 Primitive, Flexible
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 2 Full 1 Primitive, Reliable
0 1 Full 1 Primitive, Special
0 3 Full 1 Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate
0 - 1 Special, Unbalanced, Force
0 - 2 Balanced, Special, Force
0 - 1 Balanced, Force, Special
0 Replace 1 Blast (4)
0 1 Full 1 Reliable
0 1 Full 1 Toxic (1)
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 Free 2 Psychic, Storm, Useable by Dreadknight Only, Requires PR 1 or higher to wield
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Reliable, Grenade
0 2 Full 2 Blast (5), See IH for details
0 - 2 Unwieldy, +10 WS to Stun opponent
0 - 2 Primitive, Unwieldy
0 1 Full 2 Grenade
0 - 1 Primitive, Defensive
0 2 Full 1 Inaccurate, Scatter, Tearing
0 Replace 1 Gas (10)
0 - 1 Primitive, Unbalanced
0 1 Full 1 Primitive
0 2 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 1 Flame, Spray
0 2 Full 2 Tearing
0 4 Full 2 Primitive
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Sanctified, Useable by Dreadknight Only
0 2 Full 2 Proven (4), Blast (6), Useable by Dreadknight Only, Auto-Stabalised Quality, Psybolt Ammo only
0 2 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 1 Reliable
0 - 2 Felling (x2)
0 - 1 Unwieldy
0 - 1 Balanced
0 2 Full 2 -
0 3 Full 2 Weight not including backpack
0 2 Full 1 Weight not including backpack
0 1 Full 2 Accurate
0 2 Full 1 -
0 2 Full 2 Primitive, Unreliable
0 - 1 Primitive, Unbalanced
0 1 Full 1 Melta
0 Replace 2 Blast (2)
0 5 Full 2 Primitive, Inaccurate, Scatter, Unreliable
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Scatter
0 1 Full 1 Primitive, Reliable, Tearing
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive, Thrown, SFW
0 Replace 1 -
0 Retrieve 1 Thrown, SFW
0 4 Full 1 Overheats, Recharge, Maximal
0 1 Full 2 Tearing, Unreliable
0 1 Full 2 Reliable
0 1 Full 2 Reliable
0 1 Full 2 Unreliable
0 1 Full 1 Reliable
0 - 2 Primitive, Flexible, Shocking
0 - 1 Primitive, Shocking, SFW
0 1 Full 2 Reliable
0 Half 2 Primitive
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Reliable
0 - 2 Primitive, Balanced
0 Re-Invoke 1 You need the appropriate talent, No SB
0 - 1 You need the appropriate talent, Grapple, Unwieldy, Shock, Natural Weapon
0 - 2 Unwieldy
0 - 2 Primitive, Snare (0), Unwieldy
0 2 Full 1 -
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Tearing
0 Replace 1 Blast (5)
0 1 Full 2 Reliable
0 2 Full 2 Overheats, Recharge, Maximal
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 1 Full 1 Accurate, Reliable
0 - 1 Power Field
0 1 Full 1 Reliable, Tearing
0 3 Full 2 Scatter, Tearing
0 - 1 Primitive, SFW
0 3 Full 2 Melta
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 2 Full 1 Inaccurate, Unreliable
0 1 Full 2 Reliable
0 - 1 Primitive
0 1 Full 2 Missile
0 Retrieve 1 Thrown, SFW
0 - 1 Balanced
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive, Fast, Unwieldy, Thrown
0 3 Full 2 Unstable
0 2 Full 2 -
0 3 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 2 Blast (1), Melta
0 5 Full 2 Primitive, Inaccurate, Unreliable
0 Replace 2 Blast (2), Unreliable
0 - 1 Primitive, Defensive
0 - 2 Necrotic
0 Free 2 Necrotic
0 1 Full 1 Accurate, Toxic (1)
0 2 Full 2 Accurate, Toxic (1)
0 - 2 Power Field, Sanctified, Unwieldy
0 - 0 Power Field, Sanctified, Unwieldy, +1 to users Unnatural STR modifier for Damage, Useable by Dreadknig
0 - 1 Power Field, Sanctified, -10 on opponents Dodge or Parry
0 - 1 Power Field, Sanctified, Force
0 - 2 Power Field, Sanctified,Tearing, Force
0 - 1 Power Field, Sanctified, Balanced.+10 to Force Field, Force
0 - 1 Power Field, Sanctified, Balanced, Useable by Dreadknight Only
0 - 2 Power Field, Sanctified, Defensive
0 - 1 Flexible, Shocking
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Toxic (1)
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Reliable
0 - 1 Power Field
0 - 1 Shocking
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy
0 1 Full 1 -
0 1 Full 1 Reliable
0 2 Full 1 Reliable
0 1 Full 1 -
0 Replace 1 Flash (10)
0 - 1 Balanced, Toxic (1)
0 2 Full 2 Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable, Maximal
0 5 Full 2 Overheats, Recharge, Unreliable, Maximal, Blast (3)
0 8 Full 2 Overheats, Recharge, Maximal
0 4 Full 1 Overheats, Recharge, Maximal
0 - 1 Power Field
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 2 Full 2 Scatter
0 - 1 Primitive, SFW
0 - 1 -
0 1 Full 1 -
0 1 Full 1 Scatter
0 - 1 Balanced
0 Replace 1 Blast (2)
0 Recharge 2 Blast (2), Recharge, Toxic (1)
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Reliable
10 - 1 Balanced, Sanctified
0 - 1 Primitive, Tearing
0 1 Full 1 Inaccurate, Unreliable
0 1 Full 2 Grenade
0 - 1 Primitive, Balanced
0 - 1 Flexible, Sanctified
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 Replace 1 -
0 2 Full 1 Reliable
0 - 1 Primitive, Flexibile
0 3 Full 2 Scatter, Unreliable
0 - 2 Primitive, Unwieldy
0 - 1 Toxic
0 1 Full 1 Flame, Spray
0 1 Full 1 Flame, Spray
0 1 Full 1 Reliable, Melta
0 1 Full 1 Reliable, Melta
0 Recharge 1 -
0 - 1 Fast, Power Field
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Tearing
0 - 1 Primitive
0 1 Full 1 Shocking
0 - 1 Shocking
0 - 1 Shocking
0 - 2 Shocking
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate, Unreliable
0 - 1 Primitive
0 2 Full 2 Scatter, Unreliable
0 2 Full 2 Reliable, Scatter
0 1 Full 1 Reliable, Scatter
0 - 1 Primitive, Tearing, Natural Weapon
0 2 Full 1 Reliable
0 - 1 Defensive
0 5 Full 2 Primitive
0 3 Full 2 Scatter
0 1 Full 2 Primitive
0 1 Full 1 Inaccurate, Unreliable
0 2 Full 2 Inaccurate, Overheats, Unreliable
0 2 Full 2 Inaccurate, Overheats, Unreliable
0 Retrieve 2 Primitive, Thrown
0 1 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 2 Scatter
0 - 2 Primitive, Unbalanced
0 1 Full 1 Tearing, Unreliable
0 2 Full 1 Hail of Splinters
0 2 Full 2 Hail of Splinters
0 - 2 Primitive, Balanced
0 2 Full 2 Primitive, Special
0 1 Full 2 -
0 - 2 Primitive, Unbalanced, Unwieldy
0 1 Full 1 -
0 - 1 Primitive, Fast, SFW
0 1 Full 1 Shocking
0 1 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 2 Full 1 -
0 1 Full 2 Reliable
0 1 Full 1 -
0 Half 1 -
0 2 Full 1 Reliable
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 - 1 Primitive, Balanced
0 2 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 1 -
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Fear
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive
0 - 2 Power Field, Unwieldy
0 - 1 Primitive, Defensive
0 - 1 Primitive, Defensive
0 3 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Primitive, Balanced, SFW
10 - 1 Balanced, Sanctified
0 2 Full 2 Blast (4), Snare (0)
0 - 1 Primitive (7), Grapple, Natural Weapon, SFW
0 1 Full 2 Scatter
0 3 Full 2 Unreliable
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive, Snare (0), Special
0 - 1 Tearing, Unwieldy
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive, Snare (1), Toxic (1)
0 Retrieve 2 Primitive, Blast (2), Inaccurate, Unstable
0 - 1 Balanced
0 1 Full 1 Snare (0)
0 1 Full 2 Blast (5), Snare (0)
0 - 1 Flexible, Tearing
0 1 Full 1 Accurate
0 - 1 Power Field, Special
0 Full 2 Inaccurate, Shocking
0 - 2 Sanctified
0 - 2 Balanced, Sanctified
0 - 2 Power Field, Holy, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2)
0 1d5 hours 1 -
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 1 Full 1 Tearing, Twin-linked
0 1 Full 1 Toxic (1), Twin-linked
0 1 Full 1 Accurate
0 1 Full 2 Accurate
0 - 2 -
0 - 2 -
0 - 2 Unwieldy
0 - 2 Unwieldy
0 2 Full 1 Holy, Melta
0 2 Full 2 Includes 10kg Backpack
0 2 Full 1 Includes 10kg Backpack
0 Retrieve 1 No SB, SFW
0 3 Full 2 Tearing, Reliable, Holy
0 - 1 Tearing, Toxic (1), Grapple, SFW
0 5 Full 2 Overheats, Maximal
0 3 Full 1 Overheats, Maximal
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced, Holy
0 2 Full 2 Reliable, Holy
0 1 Full 2 Storm, Tearing
0 - 1 Defensive, Recharge, Shocking
0 - 1 Power Field
0 - 1 Shocking
0 - 1 Flexible, Power Field, Tearing, Shocking
0 - 1 Power FIeld, Tearing, Shocking
0 - 1 Tearing, Shocking
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 1 Full 1 Accurate, Reliable
0 2 Full 1 Recharge
0 3 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 4 Full 1 -
0 2 Full 2 Reliable
0 2 Full 2 Storm
0 2 Full 0 Grenade, Inaccurate
0 2 Full 2 -
0 3 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 1 Full 1 Accurate
0 3 Full 2 Felling (1), Proven (2)
0 3 Full 2 Felling (1), Proven (3)
0 Replace 1 Gas (10)
0 2 Full 2 Primitive, Unreliable, Inaccurate
0 1 Full 2 Primitive, Snare (0)
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 2 Full 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 - 1 Power Field, Balanced
0 - 1 Tearing, Balanced
0 Replace 1 Gas (10)
0 1 Full 2 -
0 5 Full 2 Overheat, Maximal
0 - 1 Primitive, Defensive
0 Retrieve 1 Tearing
0 4 Full 2 Scatter
0 3 Full 0 -
0 4 Full 2 Felling (1), Proven (4)
0 1 Full 1 Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Spray
0 - 0 Unwieldy
0 1 Full 1 Flame, Spray
0 1 Full 1 Reliable
0 1 Full 1 -
0 1 Full 1 Toxic (1)
0 4 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 1 Inaccurate, Unreliable
0 Replace 2 -
0 - 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 - 1 Tearing, Balanced
0 - 1 Tearing, Toxic (1)
0 1 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 2 Reliable, Blast (2), Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Reliable
0 Replace 1 Blast (4), Shocking
0 - 1 Power Field, Balanced
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Storm
0 - 1 Flexible, Shocking
0 Free 2 Recharge, Toxic (1)
0 2 Full 1 Flame, Spray
0 - 1 Primitive
0 Replace 1 Blast (1), Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 - 1 Unbalanced, Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Force, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Force
0 - 1 Balanced, Force
0 - 1 Power Field, Balanced, Defensive
0 - 1 Power Field, Balanced
0 - 1 Tearing
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 - 1 Power Field, Balanced
0 Half 2 Grenade
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate, Grenade
0 - 1 Flexible, Tearing, Primitive
0 2 Full 0 Snare (0), Tearing
0 1 Full 0 Accurate
0 - 1 Tearing, No SB
0 Replace 1 Blast (2)
0 2 Full 2 Accurate, Melta
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 - 0 Tearing, Unwieldy
0 2 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 2 Snare (0), Blast (5)
0 - 2 Razor-Sharp
0 2 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 1 Accurate
0 2 Full 1 -
0 3 Full 2 Accurate, Felling (1)
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Shocking
20 Replace 0 -
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field, Felling (1)
0 - 2 Tearing
0 - 1 Razor-Sharp
0 - 1 Unwieldy
0 Replace 1 Blast (2), Flame, Spray
0 1 Full 1 Melta
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive
0 Replace 1 Blast (2)
0 1 Full 2 Accurate
0 2 Full 2 Tearing, Toxic (1)
0 2 Full 2 -
0 - 2 Balanced
0 - 1 Primitive
0 3 Full 2 Tearing
0 1 Full 1 Reliable
0 2 Full 2 Reliable
0 1 Full 2 Overheats, Shocking
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 Replace 0 Inaccurate, Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 - 1 Power Field
0 2 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 1 Reliable
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 3 Full 2 Melta
0 - 1 Primitive
0 3 Full 1 Blast (1)
0 2 Full 2 -
0 Free 0 Inaccurate, overheats, Recharge
0 1 Full 2 Missile
0 2 Full 2 Missile
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate, Shocking, Blast (4)
0 2 Full 2 Inaccurate, Blast (5)
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate, Blast (5)
0 3 Full 0 -
0 2 Full 2 Blast (1), Melta
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Scatter, Unreliable
0 - 1 Flexible, Shocking
0 - 1 Power Field
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Tearing, Unbalanced
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate
0 Replace 1 Accurate, Blast (1d5)
0 2 Full 2 Inaccurate, Flame, Spray
0 - 1 Unbalanced
0 2 Full 2 Inaccurate, Unwieldy, Storm
0 - 1 Snare (0)
0 - 1 Flexible, Tearing, Primitive
0 - 1 Power Field, Tearing, Unwieldy, Raises Unnatural S with 1 degree
0 Half 2 Inaccurate
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate
0 1 Full 1 Inaccurate
0 Replace 1 Blast (2)
0 Replace 1 Blast (1)
0 Replace 1 Smoke (10)
0 - 1 Defensive, Primitive, SFW
0 5 Full 2 Blast (1), Overheat, Unreliable, Maximal
0 Replace 1 Blast (1)
0 5 Full 2 Overheat, Maximal
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 Retrieve 1 Power Field
0 - 2 Power Field, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 1 Power Field, Shocking
0 - 1 Shocking
0 - 1 Power Field, Balanced
0 - 0 Unwieldy
0 1 Full 2 Gyro-Stabilised
0 Half 1 Gyro-Stabilised
0 Half 2 Gyro-Stabilised
0 2 Full 2 Tearing, Overheats
0 - 1 Flexible, Razor-Sharp
0 1 Full 2 Blast (1), Tearing
0 - 1 Tearing, Toxic (1), Felling (1)
0 1 Full 1 Tearing, Toxic (1)
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Storm, Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Flexible, Snare, Crippling (1d5), Shocking
0 - 1 Shocking, Grapple, Unwieldy, SFW
0 - 1 Shocking, Grapple, SFW
0 Retrieve 1 Shocking
0 - 1 Shocking
0 2 Full 2 Scatter
0 2 Fill 2 Reliable, Blast (3), Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Reliable
0 Replace 1 Smoke (3)
0 1 Full 2 Accurate
0 - 1 Balanced
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Tearing, Reliable
0 1 Full 2 Tearing, Shocking
0 3 Full 2 Tearing, Toxic (1)
0 2 Full 1 Toxic (1)
0 2 Full 2 Toxic (1)
0 2 Full 2 Felling (1), Toxic
0 1 Full 2 Storm, Tearing
0 2 Full 1 Reliable
0 Replace 1 Blast (10)
0 - 1 Defensive, Recharge, Shocking
0 - 1 Balanced, Primitive
0 Replace 1 Blast (2) Snare (0)
0 - 1 No SB
0 2 Full 2 Accurate, Melta
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy
0 Replace 1 Toxin (10)
0 2 Full 0 Snare (0), Flexible
0 - 1 Primitive, SFW
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 Replace 0 Twin-Linked, Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 - 1 Balanced, Felling (1), Toxic (1)
0 Replace 1 Toxic (1) Viral (2)
0 1 Full 2 -
0 Replace 0 Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 - 1 Primitive
0 1 Full 2 Snare (0), Blast (2)
0 1 Full 1 Snare (0)
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field, SB Multiplier (3), In the hands of a non-eldar it becomes a regular blade
0 3 Full 1 Overheat, Accurate, Maximal
0 - 1 Razo-Sharp
0 2 Full 2 Tearing, Blast (2)
0 2 Full 0 Tearing, arm mounted
0 - 1 Natural Weapon
10 - 1 Sanctified
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced, +10 to FEL tests with Machine Cult, counts as a combi-tool
0 2 Full 0 Tearing
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 2 Full 2 Missile
0 3 Full 0 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Scatter
0 Replace 1 Smoke (10)
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Accurate,Tearing, Special
0 - 1 Power Field, Tearing, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 1 Balanced, Tearing
0 - 1 SFW
0 - 1 Balanced
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Techmarine Only
0 3 Full 0 Missile
0 1d5 hours 1 Flame, Spray, Infallible
0 1d5 hours 1 Reliable
0 1d5 hours 1 -
0 - 2 Power Field, Unwieldy, Felling (x1)
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Infallible
0 - 1 Balanced, Special, Force
0 - 1 Balanced, Special, Force
0 Replace 1 Blast (5)
0 2 Full 1 Flame, Spray, Infallible
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Infallible
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 1 Full 1 Melta
0 Replace 1 -
0 2 Full 2 -
0 - 1 Power Field, Special, Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 1 Full 2 Missile
0 2 Full 2 Blast (1), Melta
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Flash (20)
0 Replace 1 Flash (15)
0 5 Full 2 Blast (1), Volatile, Maximal
0 Replace 1 Blast (1), Special, Volatile
0 4 Full 2 Volatile, Maximal
0 3 Full 1 Volatile, Maximal
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 2 Power Field, Unwieldy, Devastating (1)
0 - 2 Power Field, Razor Sharp
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 2 Power Field
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field
0 - 0 Use as reaction or standard attack for 1 attack per round, S 75, SB 14, 1.5m
0 - 0 Use as reaction or standard attack for 1 attack per round, S 85, SB 16, 1.5m, +10 grapple
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Scatter
0 2 Full 2 Accurate, Felling (x1), Toxic (1)
0 Replace 1 Stasis (2)
0 2 Full 2 Storm, Tearing
-20 - 1 Defensive
0 Replace 1 Blast (5)
0 - 2 Power Field, Concussive (1), Unwieldy
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon, SFW
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon, Primitive (7), SFW
0 1 Full 2 Blast (5), Snare (0)
0 3 Full 2 Blast (5), Devastating (4), Volatile
0 2 Full 2 -
0 - 1 Balanced, Tearing
0 - 1 SFW
0 - 2 -
0 - 1 -
0 - 1 Special
0 - 1 Grapple
0 - 1 -
0 - 2 Unbalanced
0 3 Full 2 Grenade
0 2 Full 0 Grenade
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Toxic (1)
0 4 Full 2 Overheat, Volatile, Maximal
0 3 Full 1 Overheat, Volatile, Maximal
0 Replace 0 Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 1 Full 2 Tearing, Accurate, Reliable
0 Replace 0 Blast (15)
0 - 2 Tearing, Unwieldy, Power Field, double Righteous Fury
0 - 2 Tearing, Unwieldy
0 Replace 0 Grenade
0 - 1 Balanced
0 - 1 Felling (x1), Unwieldy
0 - 1 Felling (x1), Unwieldy
0 - 1 Felling (x1), Unwieldy
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field
0 - 1 Tearing
0 Free 1 Blast (5), Devastating (2)
0 Free 1 Devastating (1), Storm
0 Replace 1 Blast (5), Devastating (3), Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Tearing, Warp Weapon
0 Free 1 Flame, Spray
0 Free 1 Overheat, Maximal
0 - 1 Tearing, Natural Weapon, Grapple
0 - 1 Toxic (1), SFW
0 - 1 Razor Sharp, Natural Weapon
0 Free 1 Storm, Tearing
0 - 1 Felling (x1), Toxic (1), Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Warp Weapon, Natural Weapon, Grapple
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon, Grapple
0 Replace 1 Concussive (1), Blast (3)
0 1 Full 1 Melta
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 - 1 Tearing, Natural Weapon
0 - 2 Balanced, Power Field
0 - 2 Concussive (1), Unwieldy, Squad Mode abilities cost 1 less to activate
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 3 Full 1 Blast (1), Felling (x1), Volatile, Maximal
0 3 Full 2 Blast (5), Focused Beam, Broad Beam, Pinned by Gravity
0 - 2 Power Field, Special
0 - 1 Razor Sharp, Tearing, Unwieldy
0 2 Full 0 Blast (8), Devastating (4)
0 - 0 Tearing, Unwieldy
0 4 Full 0 Blast (10)
0 - 1 Toxic (1), Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Tearing, Unwieldy, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Felling (x1), Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Felling (x2), Devastating (3), Razor Sharp, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Balanced, Felling (x1), Tearing
0 - 1 Warp Weapon, Natural Weapon, Grapple
0 - 1 Unwieldy, Warp Weapon
0 - 1 Felling (x2), Toxic (1), Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Balanced, Warp Weapon
0 - 0 Tearing, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Tearing, Natural Weapon, Grapple
0 - 1 Felling (x2), Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Toxic (1), Natural Weapon, Grapple
0 - 1 Tearing, Warp Weapon
0 Free 1 -
0 - 1 Snare (0), Tearing, Range 10m
0 - 1 15m Cloud, Fatigue
0 Free 0 Blast (8), Felling (x2), Twin-Linked
0 - 0 Tearing
0 - 0 Power Field
0 - 0 Unwieldy
0 Replace 0 Spray, 45 Degree Cone Suppression Check
0 - 1 Balanced, Primitive (7), make a Standard Attack as a Free Action when using Defensive Stance
0 Replace 1 Haywire (3)
0 - 1 Shocking, Stun the Black Engine for 1 Round, do not add SB to weapon damage
0 2 Full 2 Blast (2), Recharge, Volatile, Melta
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 3 Full 0 Flame, Spray
0 - 2 Unbalanced, Force
0 2 Full 0 Grenade
0 - 2 Balanced, Power Field, Tearing
0 Full 2 Tearing, +10 to FEL tests and Fel based Skill Tests, Reduce cost of Ultramarine Squad Mode cost by 1
0 - 2 Balanced, Power Field
0 1 Full 1 Tearing, Accurate, Reliable
0 - 2 Power Field, Concussive (1), Unwieldy, Sanctified
0 Replace 0 Blast (4), Devastating (2)
0 2 Full 2 Recharge
0 2 Full 2 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Spray, Flame, Tearing, Vengeful (9)
0 Replace 0 Blast (1), Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 - 2 Balanced, Power Field, grants Wall of Steel talent, +20 to Parry tests (stacks with Balanced)
0 3 Full 0 Tearing, Twin-Linked
0 1 Full 2 Spray
0 - 1 Primitive, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Rending
0 Replace 1 Blast (5)
0 - 1 Natural Weapon
0 1 Full 0 Blast (3)
0 Full 2 -
0 1 Full 2 Accurate
0 2 Full 2 -
0 - 2 Balanced
0 Full 2 Twin-linked
0 - 1 Balanced, SFW
0 2 Full 2 Tearing, Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Concussive (1), Natural Weapon, Grapple
0 - 1 Razor Sharp, Tearing, Natural Weapon
0 2 Full 2 -
0 - 1 -
0 - 1 Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Natural Weapon
0 2 Full 1 Scatter, Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Missile
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Felling (x1), Toxic (1)
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Tearing
0 3 Full 0 Tearing
0 3 Full 0 -
0 2 Full 0 Tearing
0 - 2 Spray, 1d5 Insanity Points reduced by WP to a minimum of 1
0 - 2 Balanced
0 - 1 SFW
0 - 1 Grapple, Razor Sharp, SFW
0 - 0 Defensive, Provides a Deflector Shield
0 - 2 Blast (5)
0 - 2 Blast (8), Concussive (1)
0 - 2 Felling (1), Power Field
0 - 2 Accurate, Felling (1), Volatile
0 - 2 Shocking, Haywire (1)
0 - 1 Grapple, Tearing
0 - 1 Grapple, Razor Sharp
0 Free 2 Recharge, Volatile
10 - 1 Flame, Tearing, SFW
0 - 1 Flame, Spray
0 - 2 Gauss (9)
0 - 2 Gauss (9)
0 - 2 Gauss (9)
0 - 2 Concussive (1), Dissonance
0 - 2 Gauss (9), Proven (4)
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field
0 - 2 Felling (2), Power Field, Unwieldy
0 Free 1 Recharge, Tearing
0 - 1 Razor Sharp, Tearing
0 - 1 Tearing, Phase Strike
0 - 2 Volatile
0 - 2 Balanced, Shocking, Power Field
0 - 2 Accurate, Synapse Disruption
0 - 2 Tesla, Shocking
0 - 2 Shocking, Tesla
0 - 2 Balanced, Power Field
0 - 2 Blast (10), Quake
0 - 2 Blast (4), Concussive (3), Reliable, Twin-linked
0 - 2 Tesla, Shocking, Twin-linked
0 - 2 Gauss (9), Storm
0 - 1 Felling (1), Razor Shapr, Tearing, Unbalanced
0 - 2 Felling (1), Power Field
0 - 2 Haywire (1), Power Field
0 - 2 Felling (2), Power Field, Unwieldy
0 - 1 Unwieldy
0 - 1 Grapple, Flexible, Snare
0 - 1 Warp Weapon, Tearing
0 - 1 Tearing, Unbalanced
0 Free 0 Flame, Spray, twin-Linked
0 Free 0 Twin-Linked, Melta
0 Free 0 Volatile, Twin-linked, Maximal
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Tearing, Unbalanced
0 1 Full 1 Overheat, Inaccurate, Recharge
0 - 1 Unbalanced
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate
0 1 Full 1 Inaccurate
0 1 Full 2 Twin-linked, Inaccurate
0 - 1 Concussive (1), Unbalanced
0 2 Full 0 Tearing, Storm
0 - 1 Power Field
0 - 1 Power Field, Can strike foes up to 2m away and does not count as being engaged in melee
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Reliable, Tearing
0 - 1 Primitive
0 Free 2 Blast (2), Recharge, Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Concussive (1), Devastating (1), Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Concussive (1), Tearing, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Shock
0 - 1 Tearing
0 - 1 Unbalanced
0 - 0 Warp Weapon
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy
0 Free 1 Flame, Spray, Recharge
0 - 1 -
0 - 2 Tearing, Unbalanced
0 Free 1 Volatile
0 - 1 Power Field, Balanced
0 - 1 Tearing, Flexible, Grapple
0 - 1 Tearing, Grapple
0 Free 0 Devastating (5), Reactive
0 - 0 Defensive, Felling (x1), Power Field
-20 - 1 Defensive
0 Free 1 Haywire (1), Recharge, Shocking, Ignore AP, -20 vs Shock if target has cybernetics
0 - 1 Grapple, +10 on Grapple
0 Full 2 Reliable, Scatter, Silenced
0 2 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 2 Storm
0 - 1 Balanced, Restricted to Space Wolves Librarian
0 - 2 Unbalanced
0 - 0 Unwieldy
0 - 1 Toxic (1), Unwieldy, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy, +10 Fell when dealing with Adeptus Astartes
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Tearing, Infallible, Integrated Components (add via Weapon Upgrages): Fire Selector and a Ta
0 2 Full 2 Spray, Flame
0 Free 0 Arm Weapon Mounting, Blast (5), Devastating (2), Ignore Cover, Self-guided Projectiles
0 Free 0 -
0 - 0 -
0 - 2 Balanced
0 Free 0 -
0 3 Full 0 -
0 Free 0 -
0 Free 0 +10 to BS tests, Seeker Missiles BS 80
0 Replace 0 -
0 - 0 Tearing
0 Half 2 Gyro-stabilized
0 Half 1 -
0 Half 2 Gyro-stabilized
0 Full 2 Devastating (1), Overheats
0 5 Full 0 -
0 5 Full 0 Blast (6)
0 Free 0 Self-guided Projectiles (no -30 for targets that cannot be seen)
20 Replace 0 -
20 Replace 0 Blast (1)
0 Free 0 Arm Weapon Mounting
0 - 2 Balanced
0 Free 0 Twin-linked
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 Free 0 Twin-linked
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 Replace 0 Twin-Linked
0 Free 0 Tearing, Twin-linked, Arm Weapon Mounting
0 1 Full 0 Gyro-Stabilised, Twin-Linked
0 1 Full 2 Shocking
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field, Daemons and followers of the Dark Gods suffer -20 to WP tests if they are in LoS
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2), +8 to Damage vs Hulking or larger targets
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field, gain Precise Blow talent, +10 on all Parry Tests (stacks with Balanced)
0 1d5 hours 0 Flame, Spray, Reliable, Titanic Flame Weapon
0 Free 0 Blast (12), Volatile, Maximal
0 1d5 hours 0 Inaccurate, Storm, Tearing, Area Saturation
0 1d5 minute0 Blast (8), Felling (x2), Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 3 Full 0 Tearing, Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 1 Full 0 Tearing, Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 0 Tearing, Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 Replace 0 Twin-Linked, Missile
0 Free 2 Blast (10), Deadly Snare (0), Tearing, Living Ammunition
0 Free 1 Blast (5)
0 Free 1 Flame, Spray
0 Free 1 Storm, Living Ammunition
0 - 1 Drain Life, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Razor Sharp, Tearing, Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Blinding Venom, Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 Free 2 Living Ammunition, Tearing
0 Free 2 Living Ammunition, Storm, Tearing
0 Free 2 Living Ammunition, Tearing
0 - 1 Natural Weapon
0 Free 2 Blast (6), Living Ammunition, Toxic (1)
0 Free 2 Blast (6), Living Ammunition, Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Drain Life, Natural Weapon, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Flexible, Snare (0), Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Flexible, Snare (0), Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Flexible, Snare (0), Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Razor Sharp, Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 Free 2 -
0 Free 1 Swift Attack to use Semi mode, Lightning Attack to use Full Auto mode
0 Free 1 Living Ammunition
0 Free 1 Blast (2), Toxic (1)
0 Free 2 Deadly Snare (0), Devastating (1)
0 Free 2 Blast (10), Deadly Snare (0), Tearing, Living Ammunition
0 - 0 Blinding Venom, Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 Free 2 Blast (10), Deadly Snare (0), Tearing, Living Ammunition, Devastating (2)
0 Free 2 Living Ammunition, Tearing, twin-linked
0 Free 2 Twin-Linked, Living Ammunition, Storm, Tearing
0 Free 2 Blast (6), Living Ammunition, Toxic (1)
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 Free 2 Toxic (1), Vespid Only
0 Replace 1 Vortex (3)
0 2 Full 0 Blast (10), Tearing, Flame, Spray
0 2 Full 0 Blast (10), +20 vs Airborne Targets
0 2 Full 0 Blast (10)
0 - 1 Balanced, power Field
0 Replace 1 Blast (1), Tearing
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 2 Full 2 Missile
0 3 Full 0 Tearing, Devastating (1)
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Scatter
0 Replace 1 Smoke (10)
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Accurate,Tearing, Special
0 - 0 Power Field, Tearing, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 1 Balanced, Tearing
0 - 1 SFW
0 - 1 Balanced
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Techmarine Only
0 3 Full 0 Missile
0 1d5 hours 1 Flame, Spray, Infallible
0 1d5 hours 1 Reliable
0 1d5 hours 1 -
0 - 2 Power Field, Unwieldy, Felling (x1)
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Infallible
0 - 1 Balanced, Special, Force
0 - 1 Balanced, Special, Force
0 Replace 1 Blast (4)
0 2 Full 1 Flame, Spray, Infallible
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Infallible
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 1 Full 1 Melta
0 Replace 1 -
0 2 Full 2 Proven (3)
0 - 1 Power Field, Special, Proven (4)
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 1 Full 2 Missile
0 2 Full 2 Blast (1), Melta
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Flash (20)
0 Replace 1 Flash (15)
0 5 Full 2 Blast (3), Volatile, Maximal
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Special, Volatile
0 4 Full 1 Volatile, Maximal
0 3 Full 1 Volatile, Maximal
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 2 Power Field, Unwieldy, Devastating (1)
0 - 2 Power Field, Razor Sharp
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 2 Power Field
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field
0 - 0 Use as reaction, S 75, SB 14, 1.5m, +10 grapple
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Scatter
0 2 Full 2 Accurate, Felling (x1), Toxic (1)
0 Replace 1 Stasis (2)
0 2 Full 2 Storm, Tearing
-20 - 1 Defensive
0 Replace 1 Blast (5)
0 - 2 Power Field, Concussive (1), Unwieldy
0 1 Full 2 Blast (5), Snare (0)
0 3 Full 2 Blast (5), Devastating (4), Volatile
0 2 Full 0 Grenade
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Toxic (1)
0 4 Full 2 Overheat, Volatile, Maximal
0 3 Full 1 Overheat, Volatile, Maximal
0 Replace 0 Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 1 Full 2 Tearing, Accurate, Reliable
0 Replace 0 Blast (15)
0 - 2 Tearing, Unwieldy, Power Field
0 - 2 Tearing, Unwieldy
0 Replace 0 Grenade
0 - 1 Balanced
0 Replace 1 Concussive (1), Blast (3)
0 1 Full 1 Melta
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 - 2 Balanced, Power Field
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 3 Full 1 Blast (1), Felling (x1), Volatile, Maximal
0 3 Full 2 Blast (5), Focused Beam, Broad Beam, Pinned by Gravity
0 - 2 Power Field, Special
0 2 Full 0 Blast (8), Devastating (4)
0 - 0 Tearing, Unwieldy
0 4 Full 0 Blast (10)
0 Free 0 Blast (8), Felling (x2), Twin-Linked
0 - 0 Tearing
0 - 0 Power Field
0 - 0 Unwieldy
0 Replace 0 45 Degree Cone Suppression Check
0 Replace 1 Haywire (3)
0 2 Full 2 Blast (2), Recharge, Volatile, Melta
0 3 Full 0 Flame, Spray
0 2 Full 0 Grenade
0 - 2 Balanced, Power Field, Tearing
0 1 Full 1 Tearing, Accurate, Reliable
0 Replace 0 Blast (4), Devastating (2)
0 Replace 0 Blast (1), Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 3 Full 0 Tearing, Twin-Linked
0 1 Full 2 Spray
0 - 1 Primitive, Unbalanced
0 Replace 1 Blast (5)
0 - 1 -
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Felling (x1), Toxic (1)
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Tearing
0 3 Full 0 Tearing
0 3 Full 0 -
0 2 Full 0 Tearing
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 2 Full 0 Tearing, Storm
0 - 1 Primitive
0 2 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 - 2 Unbalanced
0 - 0 Unwieldy, +2d10 to Structures
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Tearing, Special
0 - 0 Arm Weapon Mounting
0 3 Full 0 -
0 Free 0 +10 to BS tests, Seeker Missiles BS 80, Dodged at -20
0 Replace 0 Arm Weapon Mounting
0 - 0 Tearing, Arm Weapon Mounting
0 Half 2 Gyro-stabilized
0 Half 1 -
0 Half 2 Gyro-stabilized
0 5 Full 0 -
0 5 Full 0 Blast (6)
20 Replace 0 -
20 Replace 0 Blast (1)
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 Replace 0 Twin-Linked
0 1 Full 0 Gyro-Stabilised, Twin-Linked
0 1 Full 2 Shocking
0 1d5 hours 0 Flame, Spray, Reliable, Titanic Flame Weapon
0 Free 0 Blast (12), Volatile, Maximal
0 1d5 hours 0 Inaccurate, Storm, Tearing, Area Saturation
0 1d5 minute0 Blast (8), Felling (x2), Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 3 Full 0 Tearing, Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 1 Full 0 Tearing, Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 0 Tearing, Twin-Linked
0 3 Full 0 Twin-Linked
0 Replace 0 Twin-Linked, Missile
0 Free 2 Blast (10), Deadly Snare (0), Tearing, Living Ammunition
0 - 1 Drain Life, Natural Weapon
0 Free 2 Living Ammunition, Tearing
0 Free 2 Living Ammunition, Storm, Tearing
0 Free 2 Living Ammunition, Tearing
0 Free 2 Blast (5), Living Ammunition, Toxic (1), Proven (3)
0 - 1 Flexible, Snare (0), Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Razor Sharp, Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon
0 Free 2 Blast (10), Deadly Snare (0), Tearing, Living Ammunition, Devastating (2)
0 Free 2 Blast (5), Living Ammunition, Toxic (1), Proven (3)
0 Replace 1 Vortex (3)
0 2 Full 0 Blast (10), Tearing, Set Targets on Fire
0 2 Full 0 Blast (10), +20 vs Airborne Targets
0 2 Full 0 Blast (10)
0 - 1 Balanced, Tearing, WP 28, Binding STR 3
0 - 1 Tearing, SFW
0 - 1 Primitive (6), Grapple, SFW
0 2 Full 2 Scatter
0 1 Full 2 -
0 - 1 Primitive (10), Unwieldy
0 - 1 Crippling (5), Razor Sharp
0 Replace 1 Toxic (2), Blast (6)
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 - 1 Unbalanced, Tainted
0 Half 2 Primitive (6), Reliable
0 - 1 Tearing, SFW
0 - 1 Tearing, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Tearing, Twin-linked
0 2 Full 2 Primitive (7)
0 - 2 Flexible, Shocking
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Warp Weapon, SFW
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 - 1 Razor Sharp, Balanced
0 5 Full 2 Primitive (8), Unreliable, Inaccurate
0 3 Full 1 Primitive (8), Unreliable, Inaccurate
0 - 1 Force
0 - 1 Unbalanced, Force
0 - 2 Balanced, Force
0 - 1 Balanced, Force
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 - 1 Balanced, Felling (3)
0 - 1 Unbalanced, WP 40, Binding STR 2, grant the wielder Unnatural Senses (40) trait and imposes -20 penalty
0 - 1 Primitive (10), Unbalanced
0 2 Full 2 Grenade
0 Replace 1 Hallucinogenic (2), Blast (6)
0 - 1 Primitive (9), Unbalanced
0 Full 1 Flame, Spray
0 4 Full 2 Crippling (4), Primitive (9), Snare (1)
0 Replace 1 Haywire (3)
0 Full 2 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 2 Full 2 -
0 2 Full 2 Proven (3), Overcharge
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field, Special
0 - 1 Primitive (7), Unbalanced
0 1 Full 1 Melta
0 - 1 Primitive (5), SFW
0 Replace 1 Concussive (0)
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Reliable, Warp Weapon, WP 40, Binding STR 2
0 Half 2 Reliable, Overcharge
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Overcharge
0 Half 1 Reliable, Overcharge
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 - 1 Tearing
0 - 1 Power Field, Tearing, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 1 Tearing, Balanced
0 - 1 SFW
0 2 Full 2 Tearing, Twin-linked
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 Replace 1 Blast (4)
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 Replace 1 Concussive (1)
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 Free 1 Blast (4), Devastating (2)
0 Free 1 Devastating (1), Storm
0 Free 1 Spray
0 Free 1 Storm, Tearing
0 5 Full 1 Maximal, Overheats
0 3 Full 1 Maximal, Overheats
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 1 Power Field, Balanced
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Scatter
0 - 1 Power Field, Proven (4), Special
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Reliable, Felling (4), Overcharge
0 2 Full 2 Reliable
0 2 Full 2 Reliable, Overcharge
0 2 Full 2 Melta
0 1 Full 2 Missile
0 2 Full 2 Blast (1), Melta
0 - 1 Balanced, Felling (4), Tearing, Warp Weapon, WP 75, Binding STR 4
0 - 1 Grapple, Razor Sharp, SFW
0 - 1 Grapple, Razor Sharp, SFW
0 - 1 -
0 - 1 Deadly Natural Weapons, Power Field
0 - 1 Concussive (3), Haywire (4), Recharge
0 - 0 Defensive, Provides a Deflector Shield
0 - 0 Gauss (9)
0 - 1 Flame, Tearing, SFW
0 - 1 Flame, Spray
0 - 2 Gauss (9)
0 - 2 Gauss (9)
0 - 2 Gauss (9)
0 - 2 Concussive (1), Dissonance
0 - 2 Gauss (9), Proven (4)
0 - 1 Balanced, Power Field
0 - 2 Blast (4), Concussive (3), Reliable
0 - 1 Concussive (1), Reliable
0 - 2 Proven (5), Reliable
0 - 2 Concussive (1), Power Field
0 - 2 Haywire (1)
0 - 2 Shocking, Tesla
0 - 2 Balanced, Shocking, Power Field
0 - 2 Volatile
0 - 2 Concussive (6), Proven (3)
0 - 2 Shocking, Tesla
0 - 2 Power Field, Seismic Blast
0 - 2 Blast (10), Quake
0 - 1 Crippling (5), Felling (2)
0 - 2 Felling (3), Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Unwieldy
0 - 1 Flexible, Shocking
0 - 1 Power Field
0 Replace 1 Blast (10)
0 - 1 Balanced, Toxic (2)
0 5 Full 2 Blast (3), Maximal, Overheats
0 5 Full 2 Maximal, Overheats
0 3 Full 1 Maximal, Overheats
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Power Field
0 - 1 Power Field, Unwieldy, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 1 Power Field
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Power Field, Balanced
0 - 1 Toxic (1)
0 2 Full 2 Blast (2), Crippling (3), Snare (1)
0 2 Full 2 Reliable, Twin-linked
0 1 Full 2 Accurate, Felling (3), toxic (1)
0 - 1 Primitive (10), Unbalanced, Felling (1)
0 - 1 Balanced
0 - 1 Primitive (6), Defensive
0 2 Full 2 Scatter
0 Replace 1 Smoke (3)
0 - 1 Primitive (8)
0 2 Full 2 Toxic (4)
0 2 Full 2 Devastating (5), Hallucinogenic (3), Spray
0 - 1 Force, Warp Weapon
0 1 Full 2 Haywire (1), Storm
0 1 Full 2 Accurate
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Concussive (2)
0 - 1 Primitive (10)
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon, SFW
0 - 1 Grapple, Primitive (7), Natural Weapon, SFW
0 - 1 Balanced, Flexible, Razor Sharp, Special
0 1 Full 2 Tearing, Razor-sharp, WP 28, Binding Str 2, Vicious
0 4 Full 2 Blast (3), Recharge, Warp Weapon
0 Replace 1 Snare (2)
0 4 Full 2 Inaccurate, Indirect (2), Minimum range of 25 meters
0 1 Full 1 Reliable, Overcharge
0 1 Full 2 Reliable, Overcharge
0 Replace 1 Blast (3)
0 2 Full 2 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 -
0 Half 2 Scatter
0 - 1 Unbalanced
0 3 Full 2 Blast (10), Concussive (3), Reliable
0 Replace 1 Smoke (3)
0 Half 1 Toxic (0)
0 - 1 Primitive (1), Snare (1), Inaccurate
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 Half 2 Primitive (6), Reliable
0 Full 2 Reliable, Overcharge
0 - 1 Power Field, Razor Sharp
0 - 1 Proven (2), Unbalanced
0 - 1 Proven (4), Unbalanced
0 - 2 Razor-Sharp, Tearing, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Tearing, SFW
0 - 1 Tearing, Unbalanced
0 - 2 Tearing, Unwieldy
0 - 2 Flexible, Tearing, Unwieldy, Vengeful (9)
0 - 1 Balanced, Tearing
0 - 1 Shocking
0 2 Full 2 Primitive (7)
0 Full 2 Blast (10), Concussive (3)
0 1 Full 2 Blast (15), Concussive (5), Indirect (5)
0 - 2 Razor Sharp, Tearing, Unwieldy
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Flame
0 - 2 Flexible, Ogryn-Proof, Primitive (7)
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 5 Full 2 Primitive (8), Inaccurate, Unreliable
0 3 Full 1 Primitive (8), Inaccurate, Unreliable
0 - 1 Force, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Force, SFW
0 - 2 Force
0 - 1 Balanced, Force
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Ogryn-Proof
0 - 2 Ogryn-Proof, Unbalanced
0 2 Full 2 Grenade
0 - 1 Flexible, Tearing, Primitive (6)
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray, Reliable
0 Replace 1 Hallucinogenic (2), Blast (6)
0 Full 1 Primitive (5)
0 2 Full 1 -
0 1 Full 2 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Flame, Spray
0 2 Full 2 Ogryn-Proof
0 Replace 0 Blast (5), Cannot be Loaded in Flight
0 2 Full 1 Tearing
0 2 Full 2 Overcharge
0 2 Full 1 Overcharge
20 Replace 0 -
0 - 1 Concussive (3)
0 - 1 Primitive (7), Unbalanced, Ogryn-Proof
0 - 2 Flame, Spray
0 1 Full 1 Melta
0 Replace 1 Blast (2), Corrosive
0 Retrieve 1 Primitive (8)
0 Retrieve 1 Thrown, SFW
0 Replace 1 Concussive (0)
0 Replace 1 Concussive (0), Vengeful (9)
0 Half 2 Reliable, Overcharge
0 Half 2 Unreliable, Overcharge
0 Half 1 Reliable, Overcharge
0 Full 2 Accurate, Reliable, Felling (4), Overcharge
0 1 Full 2 Overcharge
0 2 Full 2 Reliable, Ogryn-Proof
0 Full 2 Reliable, Overcharge
0 2 Full 2 Reliable, Overcharge
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Sanctified
0 2 Full 2 Overcharge, Proven (3)
0 1 Full 2 Melta
0 1 Full 2 Missile
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate, Indirect (2), Shocking, Minimum Range of 50 meters, Can only use tunneling torpedos
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate, Indirect (2), Minimum range of 50 meters
0 1 Full 2 Blast (1), Melta
0 1 Full 1 Tearing
0 1 Full 1 Accurate, Toxic (1), Felling (1)
0 2 Full 2 Accurate, Toxic (1), Felling (1)
0 - 2 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 Replace 1 Blast (10)
0 5 Full 2 Blast (1), Maximal, Overheats
0 5 Full 2 Maximal, Overheats
0 3 Full 1 Maximal, Overheats
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced
0 - 1 Power Field, Unbalanced, SB Multiplier (2)
0 - 2 Flexible, Power Field, Unwieldy
0 - 1 Power Field, Shocking
0 - 1 Shocking
0 - 1 Power Field, Proven (2)
0 2 Full 2 Ogryn-Proof, Scatter
0 1 Full 1 Tearing, Toxic (2)
0 - 1 Primitive (6)
0 - 1 Shocking, SFW
0 2 Full 2 Scatter
0 2 Full 2 Scatter
0 1 Full 1 Flame, Inaccurate, Reliable
0 Full 1 Primitive (5)
0 Replace 1 Smoke (6)
0 Full 2 Accurate, Reliable
0 - 2 Primitive (8)
0 1 Full 2 Tearing, Storm
0 Replace 1 Blast (3), Concussive (2)
0 - 1 Defensive, Recharge, Shocking, can wield a basic weapon in other hand one-handed
0 - 1 Primitive (8)
0 Retrieve 1 Accurate
0 1 Full 2 Inaccurate, Missile
0 Full 2 Overcharge, Proven (5), Felling (4)
0 Full 2 Overcharge, Accurate
0 Full 2 Overcharge
0 - 1 Primitive (7), Ogryn-Proof, SFW
0 Replace 1 Blast (4)
0 - 1 Grapple, Natural Weapon, SFW
0 - 1 Grapple, Primitive (7), Natural Weapon, SFW
0 2 Full 2 Accurate
0 2 Full 2 Inaccurate, Grenade
0 - 2 Primitive (8), Ogryn-Proof
0 - 1 SFW
","SpecialText"," ", "Weight", , "Cost"," ","Renown"," ", "Availability"," ", "Page", , "Source"," ")][h:addSpecialText()][h: WeaponsTmp = json.set( WeaponsTmp,newWeaponName,newWeaponObject)]

Special Text Wt Cost Renown Availability Page Source . BUILD WEAPON .

- 3.5 95 Common 114 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = ".54 Tranter"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 17 2,000 Rare 110 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Aegis-Redback"][h:newWeaponObje
<b>Special:</b> Blade3.5 50000 Very Rare 201 DH-RH [h:newWeaponName = "Aether Lance"][h:newWeaponObject
- 3.5 95 Average 175 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Alcher Mark IV"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 11 2,000 Very Rare 109 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Angelus"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
<b>Special:</b> On tou
4 30000 Very Rare 190 DH-RH [h:newWeaponName = "Apostasic Matrix"][h:newWeaponObj
- 8.5 100 Average 114 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Armageddon"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 20 Common 162 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Armoured Gauntlets"][h:newWeapon
- 1.5 50 Plentiful 114 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Armsman-10"][h:newWeaponObject
- 60 7000 Very Rare 175 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Assault Cannon"][h:newWeaponObje
<b>Special:</b> Target
65 - Rank 3 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Incinerator"][h:newWeaponO
<b>Special:</b> You g60 - Rank 7 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Psilencer"][h:newWeaponO
- 50 - Rank 5 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Psycannon"][h:newWeapon
- 26 - Rank 1 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Storm Bolter"][h:newWeapo
- 55 1000 Scarce 175 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3.5 100 Average 132 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Autogun"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 2.5 75 Common 132 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Autopistol"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 2.5 250 Rare 174 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Auxillary Grenade Launcher"][h:newW
- 2.5 9500 Very Rare 85 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Avenger Shuriken Catapult"][h:newW
- 4 20 Average 138 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 4.5 500 Scarce 116 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Baptismal Hammer - Flame"][h:newW
- 4.5 500 Scarce 116 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Baptismal Hammer - Toxic"][h:newW
- 0.5 150 Rare 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Baraspian Palm Gun"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - - 391 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Barbed Tongue"][h:newWeaponObje
- 5 13 Average 96 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Bastard Sword"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - - 391 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bite"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 4.7 250 Rare 114 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Blackhammer"][h:newWeaponObject
- 5 500 Rare 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Blackwing Halberd"][h:newWeaponO
- 0.5 25 Scarce 136 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Blind Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 4 30 Common 163 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Boarding Pike"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 1.5 10 Average 135 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bola"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 2 50 Rare 123 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Bolo Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 3.5 250 Rare 133 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 4.5 350 Rare 171 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Bolt Pistol-Garm"][h:newWeaponObj
- 7 500 Very Rare 133 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Boltgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 2 10 Common 135 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 0.5 5 Plentiful 138 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Brass Knuckles"][h:newWeaponObje
<b>Special:</b> If a b 18 750 Scarce 135 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Breacher"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 0 - - 391 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Brute Strength"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 1 30 Common 96 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Buckler"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 6 75 Average 162 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Bulkhead Cutters"][h:newWeaponOb
- 3 50 Scarce 160 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Burst"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
- 2.5 200 Scarce 115 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Carnodon"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 13 450 Very Rare 140 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Chain Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 2.5 80 Scarce 123 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Chain Knife"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 30 Scarce 96 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Chain Stick"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 6 275 Rare 140 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Chainsword"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3.5 130 Scarce 162 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Chimera Pistol Sword"][h:newWeapo
- 0.5 40 Scarce 122 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Choke Gas Grenade"][h:newWeapon
- 5 600 Scarce/Commo 102 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Choppa"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 2 40 Common 112 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Civitas"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 0 - - 0 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
- 0 - - 0 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Claw (Warp)"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 15 Common 391 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Cleaver"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 2 5 Abundant 138 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Club"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 3 40 Average 180 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Combat Knife"][h:newWeaponObject
- 6.5 150 Scarce 133 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Combat Shotgun"][h:newWeaponOb
- 3 50 Uncommon 93 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Composite Bow"][h:newWeaponObje
- 15 200 Scarce 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Concussion Mace"][h:newWeaponOb
- 85 - Unique 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Conversion Beamer - Long Range"][
- 85 - Unique 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Conversion Beamer - Point Blank"][h
- 85 - Unique 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Conversion Beamer - Short Range"][
- 3.6 115 Average 115 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Creed-9"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 3 10 Common 135 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Crossbow"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 3 10 Common 96 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Cutlass"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 4 1000 Rare 116 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Daemon Pike"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1 100 Common 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Daggered Vambraces"][h:newWeapo
- 7.2 250 Very Rare 112 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Death Light"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2.1 750 Very Rare 111 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Destroyer"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 3 5000 Very Rare 89 DH-PtU [h:newWeaponName = "Destructor"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 2 10 Common 93 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Deuce Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.3 55 Rare 123 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Devils Kiss"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0.1 9000 Unique 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Digital Laser"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 30 800 Rare 174 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Disposable ML"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 4 28 Scarce 96 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Double Flail"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 1500 Very Rare 201 DH-RH [h:newWeaponName = "Draethri Pain Gauntlet"][h:newWeap
- 7 50 Common 113 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Drive Nailer"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 7 50 Common 112 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Drusus Prime"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1.7 220 Very Rare 112 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Duelling Las"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 6 - Issued Only 116 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Ecclesiarchy Corsesque"][h:newWea
- 4.5 375 Rare 141 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Electro-Flail"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0.5 150 Very Rare 123 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Emperors Whisper"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 500 Very Rare 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Empyrean Brain Grenade"][h:newWe
<b>Special:</b> Allow3 45000 Very Rare 191 DH-RH [h:newWeaponName = "Empyric Conduit Blade"][h:newWeap
- 2 90 Average 115 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Encarmine"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1 5000 Very Rare 135 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Energy Blade"][h:newWeaponObject
- 12 750 Scarce 187 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Eviscerator"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5 - Very Rare 102 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Excruciating Whip"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 35 Common 141 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Exterminator"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1.6 200 Rare 115 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Fate Bringer"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0.5 50 Average 93 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Fedrid Razor Disk"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 5 Plentiful 137 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Fire Bomb Grenade"][h:newWeapon
- 4 20 Scarce 138 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flail"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 6 300 Scarce 135 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 2 140 Rare 115 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Flametongue"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1 30 Scarce 93 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Flick Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 4 10 Common 135 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flintlock Pistol"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 4.5 4000 Very Rare 187 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Force Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 3 3500 Very Rare 187 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Force Staff"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3.5 3500 Very Rare 187 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Force Sword"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 10 Common 136 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 1.5 100 Scarce 172 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Fury-Triplex"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1 950 Very Rare 110 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Galvian Needler"][h:newWeaponObje
- 20 150 Scarce 111 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Gas Torch"][h:newWeaponObject = j
<b>Special:</b> You g240 - Rank 8 Unavailable 134 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Gatling Psilencer"][h:newWeaponOb
- 6 1000 Very Rare 114 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Godwyn-Deaz Pattern Bolter"][h:new
- 12 9000 Extremely Rare 114 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Godwyn-Deaz Storm Bolter"][h:newW
- 8 300 Average 113 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Gorge GL"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 5 3500 Very Rare 132 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Graviton Gun"][h:newWeaponObject
<b>Special:</b> You g8 70 Common 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Great Hammer"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 7 70 Scarce 138 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Great Weapon"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 9 500 Scarce 136 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Grenade Launcher"][h:newWeaponO
- 1.5 100 Scarce 180 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Guard Shield"][h:newWeaponObject
- 3 60 Common 115 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Hack Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0.5 40 Rare 136 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hallucinogen Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 4 10 Common 139 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 1 200 Rare 135 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hand Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = j
<b>Note:</b> -10 WS 3 65 Average 132 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hand Cannon"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3.5 200 Rare 134 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hand Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject
- 40 1800 Very Rare 134 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject
- 5 75 Rare 93 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Crossbow"][h:newWeaponOb
- 45 1000 Rare 171 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Flamer"][h:newWeaponObjec
<b>Special:</b> Target
200 - Rank 8 Unavailable 134 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Incinerator"][h:newWeaponOb
- 190 - Rank 8 Unavailable 134 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Psycannon"][h:newWeaponO
- 35 750 Scarce 133 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Stubber"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2 175 Average 115 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Hecuter"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 10 - Unique 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Hell Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 9 - Very Rare 102 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Hellaxe"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 4 - Very Rare 102 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Hellblade"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 10 500 Scarce 133 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Hellgun-Dlaku"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 6 180 Rare 172 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Hellgun-Voss"][h:newWeaponObject
- 4 140 Rare 172 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Hellpistol-Voss"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 5 100 Scarce 133 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hunting Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject
<b>Special:</b> Any d1 1000 Scarce 110 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Hypo Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 22 100 Scarce 113 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Impaler"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 0 - - 139 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Improvised Weapon"][h:newWeapon
- 2.5 7500 Very Rare 134 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Inferno Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.6 60 Rare 176 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Inferno-Thermal Grenade"][h:newWe
- 4 35 Rare 93 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Iocanthos Blunderbuss"][h:newWeap
- 6.5 80 Scarce 161 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Ironclaw"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 2 150 Rare 161 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Irontalon"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 1 8 Plentiful 93 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Javelin"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 0.5 5 Abundant 139 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
- 0.5 50 Rare 136 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Krak Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0.4 200 Rare 162 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Kraken Tooth Dagger"][h:newWeapo
- 4 5000 Very Rare 134 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Kronos"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 7 220 Rare 173 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Lasburst Twin Lasgun"][h:newWeapo
- 3 75 Common 131 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Lascarbine"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 75 Common 131 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 4 40 Plentiful 172 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Laslock"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 1.5 50 Common 131 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Laspistol"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 4 100 Very Rare 97 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Lightning Chain"][h:newWeaponObje
- 2 80 Scarce 97 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Lightning Gauntlet"][h:newWeaponO
- 4 175 Rare 173 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Lightning Lasgun-Roth"][h:newWeap
- 3 20 Average 93 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Long Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 4.5 100 Scarce 132 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Long Las"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 3 70 Very Rare 97 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Long-Saber"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - - 117 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Luminen Blast"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - - 118 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Luminen Shock"][h:newWeaponObje
- 4 200 Rare 116 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Mancatcher"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 8 60 Scarce 162 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Man-Catcher"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 400 Rare 116 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mariette"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 10 650 Very Rare 171 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mark II Scourge Boltgun-Mars"][h:ne
- 0.8 10 Scarce 176 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mark III FG Grenade"][h:newWeapon
- 4 75 Average 173 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mark III Short Lasgun-Mars"][h:newW
- 12 3000 Very Rare 174 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mark III Sunfury-Mars"][h:newWeapo
- 10 2500 Very Rare 174 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mark III Ultimo Meltagun-Voss"][h:ne
- 1.75 150 Rare 173 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mark IV Command Laspistol-Mars"][
- 4.5 3500 Very Rare 180 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mark VI Power Longsword (Waller)"]
- 2.75 375 Very Rare 109 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mauler"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 5 80 Scarce 116 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Meat Hammer"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2 25 Plentiful 142 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Melee Attachment"][h:newWeaponO
<b>Notes:</b> Max ran
30 600 Scarce 113 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Melta-Cutter"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 8 4000 Rare 134 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Meltagun"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 1 10 Plentiful 116 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mercy Killer"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4.1 150 Scarce 112 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Minerva-Aegis"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3 60 Rare 97 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Mirror Shield"][h:newWeaponObject
- 35 3000 Scarce 174 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Missile Launcher"][h:newWeaponOb
- 3 45 Scarce 141 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Mono Knife"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5 55 Scarce 141 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Mono Sword"][h:newWeaponObject
- 3 25 Rare 97 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Moon Blade"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 2750 Scarce 201 DH-RH [h:newWeaponName = "Morgauth Burn Caster"][h:newWeapo
- 55 5000 Very Rare 132 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "MP Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 50 2,000 Scarce 173 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Multi-Laser"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 55 8500 Very Rare 174 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Multi-Melta"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 7 30 Common 135 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Musket"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 1 20 Average 122 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Nail Bomb Grenade"][h:newWeapon
- 9 75 Average 162 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Naval Shield"][h:newWeaponObject
- 5 - Unique 78 DH-DotDG [h:newWeaponName = "Necrotic Sceptre - Melee"][h:newWe
- 5 - Unique 78 DH-DotDG [h:newWeaponName = "Necrotic Sceptre - Ranged"][h:newW
- 1.5 1250 Very Rare 138 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Needle Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 2 1000 Very Rare 138 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Needle Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 20 - Rank 5 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Nemesis Daemon Hammer"][h:newW
- 1500 - Rank 8 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Nemesis Doomfist"][h:newWeaponO
- 5 - Rank 6 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Nemesis Falchion"][h:newWeaponOb
- 9 - Rank 3 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Nemesis Force Halberd One-handed
- 9 - Rank 3 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Nemesis Force Halberd Two-handed
- 6 - Rank 1 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Nemesis Force Sword"][h:newWeapo
- 1500 - Rank 8 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Nemesis Greatsword"][h:newWeapo
Ignore Warp Type Weapo
5 - Rank 6 Unavailable 131 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Nemesis Warding Stave"][h:newWea
- 4 500 Rare 162 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Neural Whip"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 6 500 Very Rare 172 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Nightfire Flamer-Voss"][h:newWeapo
- 10 2000 Very Rare 116 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Nomad"][h:newWeaponObject = json
<b>Special:</b> all ps3 9000 Very Rare 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Null Rod"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 3 200 Scarce 162 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Officers Cutlass"][h:newWeaponObje
- 7 - - 136 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Omnisian Axe"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2.5 75 Scarce 175 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Orthlak Mark IV Thollos"][h:newWea
- 1.1 100 Average 112 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Palantine"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 2 225 Rare 134 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Panoptic"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 1.3 50 Plentiful 116 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Phobos Stubber"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0.5 60 Scarce 137 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Photon Flash Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 4 - Very Rare 102 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Plaguesword"][h:newWeaponObject
- 20 7500 Very Rare 174 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Blaster"][h:newWeaponObje
- 38 8500 Very Rare 174 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Cannon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 11 3000 Very Rare 134 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 4000 Very Rare 134 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1.5 1750 Very Rare 140 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Blade"][h:newWeaponObject
- 12 3100 Very Rare 180 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Power Fist"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3.5 2500 Very Rare 140 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Sword"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1 500 Rare 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Psykotroke Grenade"][h:newWeapon
- 1 5000 Very Rare 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Psyk-Out Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 5 75 Average 133 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Pump-action Shotgun"][h:newWeapo
- 0.5 4 Plentiful 98 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Punch Dagger"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3 50 Average 123 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Punisher Baton"][h:newWeaponObje
- 1.7 100 Scarce 117 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Puritan-14"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 1.7 101 Scarce 117 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Puritan-14 as shotgun"][h:newWeapo
<b>Special:</b> Target
2 1000 Rare 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Quicksilver Blade"][h:newWeaponOb
- 1 500 Rare 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject
- 26 7000 Very Rare 133 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Rad-Cleanser"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2 8500 Very Rare 85 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Ranger Long Rifle"][h:newWeaponO
- 3 3000 Very Rare 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Reliquary Blade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 1.2 50 Rare 124 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Render"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 3 40 Scarce 118 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Ripper Clip"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 15 1200 Rare 136 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "RPG Launcher"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2 15 Common 98 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Sabre"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 5 3000 Very Rare 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Sacred Incense"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3.3 380 Rare 187 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Sacristan Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeapon
- 0.7 80 Common 118 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Salvation"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 2 40 Plentiful 118 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Scalptaker"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 1 5 Scarce 116 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Scoriada"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 40 150 Very Rare 113 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Scrap Cannon"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 5 12 Uncommon 98 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Scythe"][h:newWeaponObject = json
<b>Special:</b> Weapo
1 1500 Very Rare 201 DH-RH [h:newWeaponName = "Scythian Fury Talon"][h:newWeapon
- 2 1000 Extremely Rare 114 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Seraphim Hand Flamer"][h:newWeap
<b>Special:</b> The ta
2 1000 Extremely Rare 114 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Seraphim Hand Flamer - Dual Shot"]
- 2 9000 Extremely Rare 114 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Seraphim Inferno Pistol"][h:newWeap
- 2 9000 Extremely Rare 114 DH-BoM [h:newWeaponName = "Seraphim Inferno Pistol - Dual Shot"]
- 0.5 120 Scarce 113 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Series-S Venom"][h:newWeaponObj
- 1.5 2500 Very Rare 124 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Serpentine"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1 2000 Very Rare 87 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Shard Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2 5500 Very Rare 87 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Shard Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 25 Average 140 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 3 650 Rare 133 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Shock Blaster"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2.5 150 Scarce 141 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Shock Maul"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 250 Scarce 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Shock Staff"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2 100 Average 163 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Shock-Staff"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 200 Scarce/Commo 102 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Shoota"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 1.5 12 Common 163 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Short Sword"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 12 700 Scarce 161 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Shotcannon"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5 60 Common 133 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 1 60 Average 161 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Shotgun Pistol"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - - 391 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Shreading Beaks"][h:newWeaponOb
- 1.2 5000 Very Rare 85 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Shuriken Pistol"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0.7 85 Rare 124 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Sigilite"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 8 60 Scarce 94 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Siskan Musket"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3.5 70 Average 118 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Slayer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 0.5 10 Plentiful 135 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Sling"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
- 2 100 Scarce/Commo 102 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Slugga"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 7 1500 Rare/Scarce 102 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Snazzgun-Energy"][h:newWeaponOb
- 7 1500 Rare/Scarce 102 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Snazzgun-Shell"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3 15 Common 140 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Spear"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 6.5 375 Rare 118 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Spectre"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 6.5 375 Rare 118 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Spectre as shotgun"][h:newWeaponO
- 6 45 Rare 98 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Spetum"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 3 75 Scarce 109 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Spitfire"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 1 2000 - 89 DH-PtU [h:newWeaponName = "Splinter Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 2.5 3000 - 89 DH-PtU [h:newWeaponName = "Splinter Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject
- 3 10 Plentiful 140 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 4 750 Rare 187 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Stake-Crossbow-Catechist"][h:newW
- 5 60 Plentiful 118 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Steadholder"][h:newWeaponObject =
<b>Notes:</b> if your 18 100 Very Rare 98 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Steam Drill"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2.5 100 Very Rare 113 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Steel Burner"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0.2 25 Uncommon 99 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Stiletto"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 1.5 350 Common 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Sting Blunt"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 100 Average 161 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Stingray"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 3 65 Average 118 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Stormchild"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5 85 Very Rare 173 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Stormfront Lasgun"][h:newWeaponO
- 1.5 50 Plentiful 132 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Stub Automatic"][h:newWeaponObje
- 1.5 150 Rare 175 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Stub Automatic-Dorcas"][h:newWeap
- 1 40 Plentiful 132 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Stub Revolver"][h:newWeaponObjec
<b>Special:</b> Target
0.2 40 Scarce 176 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Stun Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3 15 Common 140 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 5 3500 Very Rare 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Synapse Disrupter"][h:newWeaponO
- 2.3 70 Common 120 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Talon Mark III"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 50 Very Rare 89 DH-PtU [h:newWeaponName = "Terrorfex Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 14 3000 Rare 174 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Thermal Lance"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0.5 5 Plentiful 139 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Throwing Star-Knife"][h:newWeapon
- 18 5000 Very Rare 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Thunder Hammer"][h:newWeaponOb
- 7 60 Rare 99 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Tower Shield (Metal)"][h:newWeapon
- 5 40 Uncommon 99 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Tower Shield (Wood)"][h:newWeapo
- 8 200 Rare 111 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Tox Spray"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 0.5 775 Very Rare 180 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Trophy Knife"][h:newWeaponObject
- 4 2000 Very Rare 70 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Truename Staff"][h:newWeaponObje
- 12 2500 Rare 67 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Tyranicus Pattern Heavy Webber"][h
- 0 - - 197 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Unarmed"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 8 300 Average 134 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Vanaheim"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 38 500 Average 121 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "VI Crank Cannon"][h:newWeaponOb
- 2 14 Uncommon 94 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Vibe Spear"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1.5 650 Rare 136 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Vivisector"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 2 12 Rare 94 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Volonx Bone Bola"][h:newWeaponOb
- 1 45 Very Rare 94 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Volonx Thunderclap"][h:newWeapon
- 3 - Very Rare 102 DH-Dhu [h:newWeaponName = "Warp Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 3.5 1200 Rare 138 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Web Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 8 1800 Rare 138 DH-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Webber"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 0.5 4500 Very Rare 87 DH-CA [h:newWeaponName = "Whisper Line"][h:newWeaponObject
- 2 1000 Rare 111 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Widower"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 5 2800 Very Rare 188 DH-IH [h:newWeaponName = "Witch Lance"][h:newWeaponObject =
<b>Special:</b> Damage
10 2750 Very Rare 201 DH-RH [h:newWeaponName = "Xenarch Death-Arc"][h:newWeaponO
- 8 - Near Unique 10 Asc-HBR [h:newWeaponName = "Axe of Retribution"][h:newWeaponOb
<b>Special:</b> Palat8 - Near Unique 10 Asc-HBR [h:newWeaponName = "Blade of Admonition"][h:newWeapon
- 5 - Extremely Rare 141 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Daemonhammer"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0.1 - Extremely Rare 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Digi-Las"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 0.1 - Extremely Rare 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Digital Explosive"][h:newWeaponObj
- 5.5 - Near Unique 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Executor Pistol-Bolt"][h:newWeaponO
- 5.5 - Near Unique 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Executor Pistol-Needle"][h:newWeap
- 5 - Near Unique 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Exitus Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 9 - Near Unique 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Exitus Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 8 550 Rare 10 Asc-HBR [h:newWeaponName = "Fire Lance (Empty)"][h:newWeaponO
Refuelling is required 8 550 Rare 10 Asc-HBR [h:newWeaponName = "Fire Lance (Full)"][h:newWeaponObj
- 8 800 Rare 10 Asc-HBR [h:newWeaponName = "Flame Hammer (Empty)"][h:newWea
Refuelling is required 8 800 Rare 10 Asc-HBR [h:newWeaponName = "Flame Hammer (Full)"][h:newWeapo
- 2 - Unique 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Hellax Infernus"][h:newWeaponObje
- 16 - Rare 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Hellgun-Cadian"][h:newWeaponObje
- 14 - Rare 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Hellpistol-Cadian"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0.5 - Very Rare 141 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Kineblades"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 20 - Extremely Rare 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Malleus Psycannon"][h:newWeaponO
- 2.5 - Extremely Rare 141 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Neuro-Gauntlet"][h:newWeaponObje
- 9 - Very Rare 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Gun-Ryza"][h:newWeaponO
- 4 - Very Rare 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Pistol-Ryza"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 - Very Rare 141 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Power Stake"][h:newWeaponObject
- 6.5 - Very Rare 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Purgatus Crossbow"][h:newWeaponO
- 9 - Extremely Rare 137 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Storm Bolter-Ryza"][h:newWeaponO
- 5 - Rare 141 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Suppression Shield"][h:newWeaponO
- 3 - Rare 141 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Ultima Power Maul (High)"][h:newWe
- 3 - Rare 141 Asc [h:newWeaponName = "Ultima Power Maul (Low)"][h:newWe
- 2 - Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Agoniser Lash"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2 - Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Agoniser Talon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 8 - Very Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Agonizer"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
<b>Note:</b> This weap
0.5 - Very Rare 127 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Anti-Plant Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 4 - Near Unique 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Archeotech Laspistol"][h:newWeapon
- 2 - Near Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Argonite Whistler"][h:newWeaponOb
- 6 - Scarce 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Assault Flamer"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3 - Very Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Assault Gauntlet"][h:newWeaponObj
- 4.5 - Average 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Assault Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObje
- 21 - Average 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Assault Stubber"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 185 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Auto Grenade Launcher"][h:newWea
- 3.5 - Average 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Autogun"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 30 - Very Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Auto-Launcher"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 9 - Very Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Beamer Meltagun"][h:newWeaponOb
- 1.5 - Very Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Belasco Dueling Pistol"][h:newWeap
- 2 - Rare 111 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Blast Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 - Rare 111 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 0.5 - Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Bloodfire Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 4 - Plentiful 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Blunderbuss"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 8.75 - Scarce 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Bola Launcher"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3.5 - Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Bolt Pistol-Garm"][h:newWeaponObj
- 3 - Very Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Bolter Cane"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 7 - Very Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Boltgun-Locke"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3 - Extremely Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Burning Blade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 6 - Average 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Chainsword (Hecate)"][h:newWeapo
- 0.5 - Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Choke Grenade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3 - Common 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Civilian Firearm"][h:newWeaponObje
- 20 - Extremely Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Clovis Plasma Gun"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 - Common 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Combat Shield"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0.5 - Very Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Crimson Crown"][h:newWeaponObje
- 4 - Near Unique 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Crux Beam Gun"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 186 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Dakkagun"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 2 - Rare 111 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Dark Lance"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2.5 - Rare 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Dartcaster"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 0 - - 134 RT-LotE [h:newWeaponName = "Destructor Psy Power"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 184 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Digging Arm"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0.5 - Extremely Rare 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Digi-flamer"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0.5 - Extremely Rare 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Digi-laser"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 0.5 - Extremely Rare 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Digi-melta"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 0.5 - Extremely Rare 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Digi-needler"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 30 - Very Rare 111 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Disintegrator Cannon"][h:newWeapo
- 2 - Ubiquitous 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Disposable Handgun"][h:newWeapon
- 10 - Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Disposable Launcher"][h:newWeapo
- 12 - Average 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Double-edged Chainsword"][h:newW
- 4 - Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Dragons Breath"][h:newWeaponObje
- 7 - Average 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Drusian Chainsword"][h:newWeapon
- 4 - Extremely Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Egerian Shard Glaive"][h:newWeapo
- 1.2 - Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Eldar Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject
- 4 - Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Eldar Deathspinner"][h:newWeaponO
- 3.5 - Near Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Eldar Lasblaster"][h:newWeaponObj
- 0.5 - Common 110 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Eldar Plasma Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 2 - Near Unique 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Eldar Powersword"][h:newWeaponO
- 4 - Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Eldar Sunrifle"][h:newWeaponObject
- 2 - Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Electrocorrosive Whip"][h:newWeapo
- 5 - Near Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Entropie Accelerator"][h:newWeapon
- 1 - Common 127 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Exterminator Cartridge"][h:newWeap
- 2 - Average 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Falchion"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 0.5 - Extremely Rare 127 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Filament Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 6 - Scarce 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Flamer-Mezoa"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2 - Extremely Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Flesh Gauntlet"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 8 - Near Unique 126 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Force Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 2 - Near Unique 126 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Force Staff"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5 - Near Unique 126 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Force Sword"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1.5 - Very Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Forearm Powerblade"][h:newWeapo
- 1 - Extremely Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Fractal Blade"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1 - Near Unique 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Galthite Lacerator"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0.5 - Extremely Rare 127 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Geode Grenade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 1 - Extremely Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Ghost Sword"][h:newWeaponObject
- 10 - Scarce 119 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Grenade Launcher-Mezoa"][h:newW
- 12.5 - Scarce 119 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Grenade Launcher-Voss"][h:newWea
- 4 - Scarce 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Groxwhip"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 0 - Unavailable 186 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Gunner Harpoon Gun"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 186 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Gunner Tranq Gun"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 - Extremely Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Harlequins Kiss"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0.5 - Near Unique 117 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Haywire Grenade"][h:newWeaponOb
- 6 - Very Rare 111 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Heat Lance"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 40 - Very Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Bolter-Solar"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 184 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Mining Drill"][h:newWeaponO
- 35 - Average 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Stubber-Orthlack"][h:newWea
- 35 - Scarce 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Stubber-Ursid"][h:newWeapon
- 14 - Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Webber"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 4 - Scarce 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Hellglaive"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 6 - Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Hellgun-Lucius"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 4 - Very Rare 5 RT-FB [h:newWeaponName = "Hellpistol-Archeotech"][h:newWeapo
- 4 - Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Hellpistol-Lucius"][h:newWeaponObj
- 5 - Unique 111 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Hexrifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 0.5 - Scarce 117 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Howler Grenade"][h:newWeaponObj
- 64 - Very Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Hunter-Killer Missile"][h:newWeapon
- 0.5 - Common 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Hunting Quoit"][h:newWeaponObject
- 3 - Unique 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Husk Blade"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1.5 - Very Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Hydra Gauntlets"][h:newWeaponObj
- 2 - Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Impaler"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 4 - Near Unique 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Inertial Hammer"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0.5 - Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Inferno Grenade"][h:newWeaponObj
- 2.5 - Very Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Inferno Pistol-Mars"][h:newWeaponO
- 0.5 - Common 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Javelin"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 0.5 - Extremely Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Kinetic Grenade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 4 - Extremely Rare 146 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Hunting Rifle"][h:newWeaponO
- 6 - Near Unique 146 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Krootbow"][h:newWeaponObje
- 6 - Extremely Rare 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 6 - - 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Rifle (Melee)"][h:newWeaponO
- 5 - Average 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Lacusta Hammer"][h:newWeaponOb
- 10 - Near Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Larn Cutters"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 - Very Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Las Gauntlets"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2.5 - Scarce 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Lascarbine-Locke"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0.5 - Near Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Lightning Cannon"][h:newWeaponOb
- 9 - Extremely Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Loi Pattern Power Axe"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 181 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Long-Barrelled Lascannon Bank"][h:n
- 8 - Extremely Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Macro Hammer"][h:newWeaponObje
- 55 - Very Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Man Portable Lascannon"][h:newWe
- 1.5 - Scarce 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Mark IV - Dervish"][h:newWeaponOb
- 7.5 - Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Meltagun-Mars"][h:newWeaponObje
- 8.5 - Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Meltagun-Mezoa"][h:newWeaponOb
- 1 - Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Memory Wire"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 - Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Meritech cannon"][h:newWeaponObj
- 8 - Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Mezoa Lascutter"][h:newWeaponObj
- 0 - Unavailable 184 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Mining Laser"][h:newWeaponObject
- 12 - Scarce 119 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Missile Launcher-Locke"][h:newWea
- 35 - Rare 119 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Missile Launcher-Retobi"][h:newWea
- 50 - Extremely Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Mole Mortar"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 48 - Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Mortar-Locke"][h:newWeaponObject
- 41 - Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Mortar-Voss"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 186 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Multi-Laser"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 40 - Very Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Multi-Melta-Mars"][h:newWeaponOb
- 3 - Scarce 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Naval Pistol-Mars"][h:newWeaponOb
- 7 - Scarce 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Naval Shotcannon"][h:newWeaponO
- 4 - Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Neural Whip"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 - Near Unique 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Null Rod"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 8 - Extremely Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Omnissian Axe (Sollex)"][h:newWeap
- 10 - Rare/Average 144 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Big Choppa"][h:newWeaponObje
- 6 - - 143 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Big Shoota"][h:newWeaponObje
- 5 - Extremely Rare 143 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Bomb Squig Grenade"][h:newWe
- 8 - - 143 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Burna"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 8 - Scarce 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Choppa"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 45 - - 143 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Deffgun"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5 - Rare/Average 144 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Grabba Stikt"][h:newWeaponOb
- 5 - Rare/Average 144 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Grotwhip"][h:newWeaponObject
- 17 - Near Unique/Ve144 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Power Klaw"][h:newWeaponObje
- 15 - - 143 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Rokkit Launcha"][h:newWeapon
- 4 - Scarce 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Shoota"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2 - Scarce 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Slugga"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1 - Extremely Rare 143 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Sploding Squig Grenade"][h:new
- 1 - Scarce/Commo 143 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Stikkbomb Grenade"][h:newWea
- 1.5 - Rare/Average 143 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Stinkbomb Grenade"][h:newWea
- 0.5 - Average 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Parrying Dagger"][h:newWeaponObj
- 40 - Very Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Cannon-Ryza"][h:newWeapo
- 2 - Very Rare 126 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Grenade"][h:newWeaponOb
- 18 - Very Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Gun-Mezoa"][h:newWeapon
- 6 - Very Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Power Axe (Mezoa)"][h:newWeapon
- 0.2 - Extremely Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Power Discus"][h:newWeaponObject
- 13 - Very Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Power Fist (Mezoa)"][h:newWeaponO
- 3.5 - Very Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Power Maul (High)"][h:newWeaponO
- 3.5 - Very Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Power Maul (Low)"][h:newWeaponO
- 3 - Very Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Power Sword (Mordian)"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 186 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Powerlifter"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 6 - Very Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Pulse Carbine"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3 - Very Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Pulse Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 8 - Very Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Pulse Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5 - Near Unique 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Quill Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 - Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Razorflail"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 3 - Extremely Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Razorweb Launcher"][h:newWeapon
- 1 - Extremely Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Reaver's Fang"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 4 - Extremely Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Ripper Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 4 - Very Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Rocketfire Gun"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3 - Scarce 110 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Shardcarbine"][h:newWeaponObject
- 3 - Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Shardnet"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 1.5 - Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Shock Glove"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1 - Scarce 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Shock Knuckles"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0.2 - Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Shock Stars"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2 - Rare 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Shock-Staff (RT)"][h:newWeaponOb
- 5 - Common 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Shotgun-RT"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2 - Rare 111 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Shredder"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 2.5 - Very Rare 128 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Shuriken Catapult"][h:newWeaponOb
<b>Note:</b> Unlike bli
0.5 - Common 127 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Smoke Grenade"][h:newWeaponObj
- 4 - Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Sniper Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1.5 - Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Soft Sword"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 7 - Very Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Solo Boltgun"][h:newWeaponObject
- 3.5 - Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Sonic Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 15 - Rare 110 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Splinter Cannon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 1 - Extremely Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Splinter Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 2.5 - Extremely Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Splinter Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1 - Rare 111 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Stinger Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 9 - Extremely Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Storm Bolter-Mars"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 - Plentiful 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Stub Revolver"][h:newWeaponObjec
<b>Special:</b> Target
0.5 - Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Stunner Grenade"][h:newWeaponOb
- 5 - Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Suppression Shield"][h:newWeaponO
- 2 - Scarce 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Swordstick Cane"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0.5 - Extremely Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Tanglefoot Grenade"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 171 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Telekinetic Blade"][h:newWeaponOb
- 40 - Rare 118 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Thermal Lance-Mars"][h:newWeapon
- 15 - Very Rare 123 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Thunder Hammer"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0.5 - Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Toxin Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 186 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Tracker Net Launcher"][h:newWeapo
- 2 - Plentiful 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Truncheon"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 185 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Boltguns"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 181 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-linked Long Barrelled Lascanno
- 2 - Extremely Rare 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Venomblade"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 - Extremely Rare 127 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Virus Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 1.5 - Average 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Void Speargun"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 181 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Void-capable Missiles"][h:newWeapo
- 4.5 - Scarce 131 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Warhammer"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 6 - Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Web Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 3.5 - Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Web Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 40 - Unavailable 132 RT-LotE [h:newWeaponName = "Witch Blade"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5 - Extremely Rare 113 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Wrath Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeapon
- 0.3 - Scarce 112 RT-SR [h:newWeaponName = "Wych Knife"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2 - Very Rare 120 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Xenos Flechette Blaster"][h:newWea
- 17 25 RespectedUnavailable 97 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Angelus Bolter"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 46 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Argrax Clawed Hooves"][h:newWeap
- 0 70 Hero Unavailable 167 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Armour of the Remorseless Crusade
- 10 25 Distinguis Unavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Artificer Omnissian Axe"][h:newWeap
- 70 - Unavailable 120 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Assault Cannon-Samech"][h:newWe
- 0.5 18 Unavailable 136 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Anti-Plant Grenade"][h:newW
- 12 15 Unavailable 137 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Armoursbane Missile Launc
- 80 30 Famed Unavailable 149 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Assault Cannon"][h:newWe
- 10 7 Unavailable 136 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Assault Shotgun"][h:newWe
- 0.8 10 Unavailable 150 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Blind Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 5.5 5 Unavailable 146 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponO
- 18 5 Unavailable 146 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Bolter-Godwyn"][h:newWea
- 17 15 RespectedUnavailable 146 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Boltgun-Stalker"][h:newWea
- 48 40 Famed Unavailable 154 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Chainfist"][h:newWeaponOb
- 10 5 Unavailable 153 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Chainsword"][h:newWeapon
- 2 3 Unavailable 155 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Combat Knife"][h:newWeap
- 3 20 Distinguis Unavailable 166 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Combat Shield"][h:newWea
- 25 15 RespectedUnavailable 146 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Combi-Weapon"][h:newWea
- 85 40 Hero Unavailable 152 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Conversion Beamer"][h:new
- 95 25 Famed Unavailable 152 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Cyclone Missile Launcher"][
- 0.1 35 Famed Unavailable 153 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Digital Flamer"][h:newWeap
- 0.1 35 Famed Unavailable 153 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Digital Laser"][h:newWeapo
- 0.1 35 Famed Unavailable 153 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Digital Melta"][h:newWeapo
- 22 25 Famed Unavailable 139 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Executioner Axe"][h:newWe
- 15 10 Unavailable 148 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Flamer"][h:newWeaponObje
- 5 25 RespectedUnavailable 155 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Force Staff"][h:newWeapon
- 5 25 RespectedUnavailable 156 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Force Sword"][h:newWeapo
- 0.8 1 Unavailable 150 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Frag Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 6.5 10 Unavailable 149 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Hand Flamer"][h:newWeapo
- 65 15 Unavailable 149 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Heavy Flamer"][h:newWeap
- 68 20 Unavailable 147 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Heavy-Bolter"][h:newWeapo
- 1 15 Unavailable 150 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Incendiary Grenade"][h:new
- 5 35 Famed Unavailable 148 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Infernus Pistol"][h:newWeap
- 0.8 1 Unavailable 150 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Krak Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 75 30 RespectedUnavailable 149 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Lascannon"][h:newWeapon
- 30 30/45 Distinguis Unavailable 154 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Lightning Claw"][h:newWea
- 14 20 RespectedUnavailable 148 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Meltagun-Vulkan"][h:newWe
- 50 10 Unavailable 152 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Missile Launcher-Soundstrik
- 72 25 RespectedUnavailable 148 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Multi-Melta - Maxima"][h:ne
- 0.8 15 Unavailable 151 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Nova Grenade"][h:newWea
- 0.5 5 Unavailable 151 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Photon Flash Grenade"][h:n
- 70 30 Distinguis Unavailable 147 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Plasma Cannon"][h:newWe
- 2 20 Distinguis Unavailable 151 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Plasma Grenade"][h:newWe
- 27 20 RespectedUnavailable 148 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Plasma Gun -Ragefire"][h:n
- 6.5 25 RespectedUnavailable 148 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeap
- 10 20 RespectedUnavailable 155 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Axe"][h:newWeapon
- 18 15 Distinguis Unavailable 139 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Claymore"][h:newWe
- 7 25 Distinguis Unavailable 139 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Falchion"][h:newWea
- 25 30 Distinguis Unavailable 155 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Fist"][h:newWeaponO
- 8 15 Distinguis Unavailable 139 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Spear"][h:newWeapo
- 5.5 20 RespectedUnavailable 155 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Sword"][h:newWeap
- 0 30 Unavailable 177 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Servo-Arm"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 30 Unavailable 177 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Servo-Arm Exceptional"][h:n
- 10 5 Unavailable 149 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Shotgun"][h:newWeaponOb
- 4.1 20 Unavailable 153 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Sniper Rifle"][h:newWeapon
- 1 - Unavailable 151 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Stasis Grenade"][h:newWea
- 26 20 RespectedUnavailable 147 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Storm Bolter"][h:newWeapo
- "-" - Distinguis Unavailable 166 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Storm Shield"][h:newWeapo
- 0.8 10 Unavailable 151 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Stun Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 18 30 Distinguis Unavailable 155 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Thunder Hammer"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 129 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Unarmed Master"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 129 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Unarmed Warrior"][h:newW
- 8 10 Distinguis Unavailable 137 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Webber"][h:newWeaponOb
- 80 50 Famed Unavailable 137 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Atomizer Cannon"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Augmented Las-Weapon-Samech"][h
- 0 - Unavailable 48 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Auran Ancient Serrated Talon Blade"
- 0 - Unavailable 48 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Auran Bone Dagger"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 47 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Auran Bow"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 47 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Auran Fang-Tipped Spear"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 47 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Auran Gyrblade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 50 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Auran Sky Reaver Talons"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 47 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Auran Talon Blade"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 - Unavailable 46 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Auran Two-handed Talon Blade"][h:n
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Auto Grenade Launcher-Samech"][h
- 3 15 RespectedUnavailable 152 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Auxiliary Grenade Launcher"][h:newW
- 7 16 Renown Unavailable 135 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Balefire Gun"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 30 28 Distinguis Unavailable 135 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Barrage Plasma Gun"][h:newWeapo
- 7 32 Famed Unavailable 135 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Barrage Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 183 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Bloodstrike Missile"][h:newWeaponO
- 15 - Unavailable 134 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Bolter-Hesh"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 189 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Bomb Rack"][h:newWeaponObject =
<b>Special:</b> Any at28 18 Unavailable 139 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Breaching Augur"][h:newWeaponOb
- 10 17 Unavailable 139 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Bulkhead Shears"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 175 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Cerberus Launcher"][h:newWeaponO
- 5 3 Unavailable 170 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Ceremonial Sword"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 362 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Chaos Forged Sword-Energy"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 362 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Chaos Forged Sword-Impact"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 362 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Chaos Forged Sword-Rending"][h:ne
- 3 20 Famed Unavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Chogoris Lightning Blade"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 115 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Berzerker Axe"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 126 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Blastmaster - Explosive Crescen
- 0 - Unavailable 126 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Blastmaster - Hail of Noise"][h:ne
- 0 - Unavailable 126 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Blight Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 108 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Corruptis"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0 - Unavailable 126 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Doom Siren"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 108 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Hateblazer"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 124 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Pincer Claw"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 126 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Plague Knife"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 124 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Rending Weapons"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 118 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Sonic Blaster"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 124 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Stinger"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 124 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "CM Warp Claw"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Combat Serivtor Servo-Fist"][h:newW
- 0.5 18 Unavailable 136 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Concussion Grenade"][h:newWeapo
- 5 35 Distinguis Unavailable 135 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Conflagration Infernus Pistol"][h:new
- 14 35 Distinguis Unavailable 135 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Conflagration Meltagun"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 63 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Croatalid Jaws"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 10 - Unavailable 140 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Crozius Arcanum"][h:newWeaponOb
- 30 30 RespectedUnavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Cruciform of the Crusade"][h:newWe
- 0.5 18 Unavailable 136 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Cryo Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 7 70 Hero Unavailable 168 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Deathroar"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 65 45 Distinguis Unavailable 137 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Deathwatch Graviton Cannon"][h:new
- 25 50 Hero Unavailable 169 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Deathwatch Relic Blade"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Decapitator Blades (Samech)"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 192 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Defiler Battle Cannon"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 191 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Defiler Crushing Claw"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 184 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Demolisher Cannon"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 65 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Diablodon Bloodied Claw"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 65 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Diablodon Massive Jaws"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 112 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Plaguesword"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 101 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Axe of Khorne"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 136 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Bloodsong Axe"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 105 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Daemonic Claw"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 105 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Etherblade"][h:newWeaponObj
- 0 - Unavailable 103 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Great Unclean One-Tooth and
- 0 - Unavailable 109 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Hellblade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 107 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Lord of Change Beak"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 107 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Lord of Change Claw"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 103 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Plague Blade"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 112 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Plaguebearer Claw"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 107 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Staff of Tzeentch"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 111 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Warpfire"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 101 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dmn Whip of Khorne"][h:newWeapon
<b>Special:</b> Non-Ty
0 - Unavailable 37 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Dorsal Chimneys"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 186 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Double-Barrelled Turbo-laser Destru
- 0 - Unavailable 182 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Dreadnaught Chainfist"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 181 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Dreadnaught Close Combat Weapon
- 0 - Unavailable 182 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Dreadnaught Combat Walker"][h:new
<b>Special:</b> May be
0 - Unavailable 182 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Dreadnaught Frag Assault Launcher
- 2 5 Unavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Duelling Tulwar"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0.5 30 RespectedUnavailable 151 DW [h:newWeaponName = "EMP Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 4 - Unavailable 114 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Energy Prod"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 70 65 Distinguis Unavailable 135 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Firestorm Multi-Melta"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Flamer-Samech"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 174 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Flamestorm Cannon"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 91 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Force Halberd"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 173 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Frag Assault Launcher"][h:newWeap
<b>Special:</b> inflic 10 60 Hero Unavailable 168 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Frost Blade"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 20 20 Distinguis Unavailable 97 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Gilded Boltgun"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 7 25 Famed Unavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Glaive Encarmine"][h:newWeaponOb
- 5.5 - Distinguis Unavailable 134 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Guardian Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeapon
- 18 40 Hero Unavailable 3 DW-UM [h:newWeaponName = "Hammer of Macragge"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 191 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Havoc Launcher"][h:newWeaponObj
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Heat Lance-Samech"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 135 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Bolter-Samech"][h:newWeapo
<b>Special:</b> Ignor15 25 Unavailable 97 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Helfire Flamer"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 183 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Hellstrike Missile"][h:newWeaponOb
- 8 20 RespectedUnavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Honour Blades"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 173 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Hurricane Bolter"][h:newWeaponObj
- 5 15 Unavailable 135 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Immolation Rifle"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 156 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Improvised Weapons"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 135 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Industrial Chainblade (Samech)"][h:n
- 2 - Unavailable 136 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Inhalation Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 15 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Beak"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 5 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Bolt Thrower"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 5 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 4 - Unavailable 5 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Hunting Rifle"][h:newWeaponO
- 6 - Unavailable 5 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 6 - Unavailable 5 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Rifle Melee"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 22 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Twin-linked Gun"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 15 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Kroot Xenos-crafted Hunting Knife"][
- 6 - Unavailable 5 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Krootbow"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 0 - Unavailable 19 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Krootox Fists"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0 - Unavailable 66 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Lacrymole Mandibles"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 135 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Lascannon-Samech"][h:newWeapon
<b>Special:</b> Automa
"-" - Hero Unavailable 167 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Levin Shield"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 68 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Loxatl Jaws"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 68 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Loxatl Claw"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 68 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Loxatl Flechette Blaster"][h:newWea
- 40 - Unavailable 120 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Missile Launcher-Samech"][h:newWe
- 4 25 Unavailable 138 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Mk IX Ultra-Pattern Sharpshooters R
- 0.5 50 Distinguis Unavailable 137 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Monoball Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 174 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Mounted Assault Cannon"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 177 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Mounted Autocannon"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 174 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Mounted Heavy Bolter"][h:newWeap
<b>Shadow Field</b>:10
i - Near Unique 124 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Abyssal Staff"][h:newWeaponOb
<b>Slow-Time</b>: Anyo
10 - Near Unique 124 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Aeonstave"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 94 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Bladed Claws"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Near Unique 133 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 20 - Near Unique 131 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Dispersion Shield"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Near Unique 140 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Doomsday Cannon - Moving"][h
- 0 - Near Unique 140 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Doomsday Cannon - Stationary"
- 10 - Near Unique 124 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Eldritch Lance - Melee"][h:newW
- 10 - Near Unique 124 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Eldritch Lance - Ranged"][h:new
<b>Overcharged Storm</
10 - Near Unique 124 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Ether Crystal Overcharged Ligh
- 0 - Near Unique 132 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Fabricator Claw"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Near Unique 137 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Flayer Blades"][h:newWeaponO
<b>Special:</b> Targe0 - Unavailable 90 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Flayer Rifle"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3 - Near Unique 136 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauntlet of Fire - Melee"][h:new
- 3 - Near Unique 136 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauntlet of Fire - Ranged"][h:ne
- 0 - Near Unique 129 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauss Blaster"][h:newWeaponO
- 35 - Near Unique 135 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauss Canon"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Near Unique 128 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauss Flayer"][h:newWeaponO
<b>Dissonance</b>: If5 - Near Unique 124 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Harp of Dissonance"][h:newWea
- 50 - Near Unique 135 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Heavy Gauss Canon"][h:newWe
- 10 - Near Unique 131 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Hyperphase Sword"][h:newWea
- 12 - Near Unique 113 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Master-Crafted Warscythe"][h:ne
- 0 - Unavailable 94 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Particle Emitter"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Near Unique 134 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Particle Slicers"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 94 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Phase Bladed Claws"][h:newWe
- 10 - Near Unique 110 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Staff of Light"][h:newWeaponOb
- 10 - Near Unique 110 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Staff of Light - Melee"][h:newWe
<b>Synapse Disruption<
10 - Near Unique 129 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Synaptic Disintegrator"][h:newW
- 0 - Near Unique 138 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Tesla Cannon"][h:newWeaponO
- 20 - Near Unique 129 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Tesla Carbine"][h:newWeaponO
- 10 - Near Unique 116 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Tremorstave "][h:newWeaponOb
<b>Quake</b>: Anyone
0 h - Near Unique 116 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Tremorstave Seismic Blast"][h:n
- 25 - Near Unique 132 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Twin-linked Particle Beamer"][h:
- 0 - Near Unique 138 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Twin-linked Tesla Destructor"][h
- 0 - Near Unique 140 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Two Gauss Flayer Array"][h:new
- 5 - Near Unique 136 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Void Blade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 10 - Near Unique 124 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Voltaic Staff - Melee"][h:newWe
- 10 - Near Unique 124 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Voltaic Staff - Ranged"][h:newW
- 12 - Near Unique 131 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Warscythe"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Near Unique 128 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Weapon Blade"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Near Unique 133 DW-TOR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Whip Coil"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 90 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Wraithblade"][h:newWeaponObj
- 0 - Unavailable 120 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Obl Eviscerator Chainblade"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 120 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Obl Twin-Linked Flamer"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 120 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Obl Twin-linked Melta Gun"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 120 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Obl Twin-linked Plasma Gun"][h:new
- 14 30 Distinguis Unavailable 155 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Omnissian Axe (Astartes)"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 57 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Choppa"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 59 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Kustom Mega-Blasta"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 57 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Power Claw"][h:newWeaponObj
- 0 - Unavailable 57 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Shoota"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 57 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Slugga"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 57 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Twin-linked Shoota"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 59 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Ork Uge Orky Wrench"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 170 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 135 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Power Glaive (Samech)"][h:newWea
- 9 10 Unavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Power Lance"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Power Scythes (Samech)"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Precision Bolter-Samech"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 156 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Primitive Weapons"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 139 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Archeotech Rad-Cleanser"][h:ne
- 0 - Unavailable 136 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Black Engine Crush"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 136 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Black Engine Ramming Blades
- 0 - Unavailable 81 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Ceremonial Maul with Conceale
- 0 - Unavailable 139 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Chainblade Mechadendrites"][h:
- 0 - Unavailable 91 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Climbing Spindles"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 95 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Empyrean-forged Pinions"][h:ne
- 0 - Unavailable 86 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Energized Talons"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 135 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Fiery Breath"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 86 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Improvized Reductor"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 135 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Massive Chainblade"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 91 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Plasma Cutters"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 84 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Power Sword"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 135 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Scourge"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0 - Unavailable 48 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Servitor Razorhands"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 92 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Slinnar Integrated Plasma Cann
- 0 - Unavailable 92 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Slinnar Plasma Scythe"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 84 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Storm Shield"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 91 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Techxocism Cannon"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 91 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rad Wickedly Clawed Servo-Arm"][h
- 10 10 Unavailable 97 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Raven Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 191 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Reaper Autocannon"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Rotary Cannon-Samech"][h:newWea
<b>Special:</b> Can be
5 25 RespectedUnavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Rune Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 10 3 Unavailable 170 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Sacris Claymore"][h:newWeaponObj
<b>Special:</b> This we
0 - Unavailable 182 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Seismic Hammer"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 134 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Servitor Scopion Tail (Samech)"][h:n
<b>Special:</b> Felling
4 20 Distinguis Unavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Shard of Bekrin"][h:newWeaponObje
<b>Special:</b> reroll 16 75 Hero Unavailable 169 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Skapulan Bolter"][h:newWeaponObje
<b>Special:</b> Target
15 25 RespectedUnavailable 97 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "Surturs Breath"][h:newWeaponObjec
<b>Special:</b> Attacks
0 - Unavailable 10 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Airbursting Fragmentation Launc
- 0 - Unavailable 10 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Broadside Railgun"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 366 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Burst Cannon"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 17 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Honour Blade"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 10 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Ion Cannon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 193 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Ion Cannon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 10 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Marker Light"][h:newWeaponOb
<b>Special:</b> Dodgin
0 - Unavailable 196 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Marker Light"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 366 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Missile Pod"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 366 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Plasma Rifle"][h:newWeaponOb
- 3 - Unavailable 366 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Pulse Carbine"][h:newWeaponO
- 1.5 - Unavailable 366 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Pulse Pistol"][h:newWeaponObj
- 4 - Unavailable 366 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Pulse Rifle"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 10 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Rail Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0 - Unavailable 194 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Railgun-Armour Piercing"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 194 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Railgun-Submunition Round"][h:
<b>Special:</b> The wea
0 - Unavailable 10 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Seeker Missile"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 195 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Seeker Missile-Armour Piercing"
- 0 - Unavailable 195 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Seeker Missile-Blast"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 10 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Smart Missile System"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 17 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Staff of Office"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 10 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-Linked Broadside Railgun"
- 0 - Unavailable 193 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-Linked Burst Cannon"][h:n
- 0 - Unavailable 11 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-linked Ion Cannon"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 197 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-Linked Ion Cannon"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 195 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-linked Long-Barrelled Burs
- 0 - Unavailable 193 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-Linked Missile Pod"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 11 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-linked Plasma Rifle"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 196 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-Linked Pulse Rifle"][h:newW
- 20 30 RespectedUnavailable 138 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Techxorcism Gun"][h:newWeaponOb
- 5 30 Distinguis Unavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "The Needle of Truth"][h:newWeapon
- 35 35 Famed Unavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "The Righteous Fist"][h:newWeaponO
- 6 20 RespectedUnavailable 99 DW-FF [h:newWeaponName = "The Shadow in the Sky"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 186 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Titanic Inferno Gun"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 186 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Titanic Plasma Blastgun"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 186 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Titanic Vulcan Mega-bolter"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 183 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Turbo-Laser"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 172 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Assault Cannon"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 177 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-linked Autocannon"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 176 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Bolters"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 172 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 172 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Lascannon"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 175 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Missile Launcher"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Barbed Strangler"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 31 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Bio Plasma Ball"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 31 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Bio Plasma Vomit"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 46 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Bio-Electric Pulse"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 373 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Bonesword"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 46 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr BroodLord Claw"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 36 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Deathspitter"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Devourer"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Fleshborer"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 46 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Genestealer's Kiss"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Heavy Venom Cannon"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 32 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Heavy Venom Cannon"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 34 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Large Bonesword"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 49 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Large Lash Whip"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 34 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Large Scything Talons"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 373 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Lash Whip"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 43 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Mandibles"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 32 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Prehensile Tongue"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 373 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Rending Claw"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 373 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Scything Talons"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 29 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Spike Rifle"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 29 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Spine Fist"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 44 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Spinespitter"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 32 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Spore Cysts Grenade"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 31 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Strangle Web"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Stranglethorn Cannon"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 36 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Teeth"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 0 - Unavailable 32 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Thornback Stranglethorn Cannon
- 0 - Unavailable 32 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Twin-Linked Deathspitter"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 32 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Twin-Linked Devourer"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Venom Cannon"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 26 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Vespid Claw"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 5 DW-MoX [h:newWeaponName = "Vespid Neutron Blaster"][h:newWeap
- 1 - Unavailable 152 DW [h:newWeaponName = "Vortex Grenade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 185 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Castella
- 0 - Unavailable 185 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Hyperios
- 0 - Unavailable 185 DW-RoB [h:newWeaponName = "Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Vengenc
- 0 - Unavailable 88 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Xenocrafted Power Sword"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 88 DW-TEP [h:newWeaponName = "Xeno-Filament Grenade"][h:newWea
- 0.5 18 Unavailable 136 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Anti-Plant Grenade"][h:newW
- 12 15 Unavailable 137 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Armoursbane Missile Launc
- 80 30 Famed Unavailable 149 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Assault Cannon"][h:newWe
- 10 7 Unavailable 136 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Assault Shotgun"][h:newWe
- 0.8 10 Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Blind Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 5.5 5 Unavailable 146 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponO
- 18 5 Unavailable 146 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Bolter-Godwyn"][h:newWea
<b>Special:</b> Awaren
17 15 RespectedUnavailable 146 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Boltgun-Stalker"][h:newWea
- 48 40 Famed Unavailable 154 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Chainfist"][h:newWeaponOb
- 10 5 Unavailable 153 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Chainsword"][h:newWeapon
- 2 3 Unavailable 155 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Combat Knife"][h:newWeap
- 3 20 Distinguis Unavailable 166 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Combat Shield"][h:newWea
- 25 15 RespectedUnavailable 146 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Combi-Weapon"][h:newWea
- 85 40 Hero Unavailable 152 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Conversion Beamer"][h:new
- 95 25 Famed Unavailable 152 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Cyclone Missile Launcher"][
- 0.1 35 Famed Unavailable 153 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Digital Flamer"][h:newWeap
- 0.1 35 Famed Unavailable 153 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Digital Laser"][h:newWeapo
- 0.1 35 Famed Unavailable 153 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Digital Melta"][h:newWeapo
- 22 25 Famed Unavailable 139 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Executioner Axe"][h:newWe
- 15 10 Unavailable 148 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Flamer"][h:newWeaponObje
- 5 25 RespectedUnavailable 155 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Force Staff"][h:newWeapon
- 5 25 RespectedUnavailable 156 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Force Sword"][h:newWeapo
- 0.8 1 Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Frag Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 6 10 Unavailable 149 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Hand Flamer"][h:newWeapo
- 65 15 Unavailable 149 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Heavy Flamer"][h:newWeap
- 68 20 Unavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Heavy-Bolter"][h:newWeapo
- 1 15 Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Incendiary Grenade"][h:new
- 5 35 Famed Unavailable 148 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Infernus Pistol"][h:newWeap
- 0.8 1 Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Krak Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 75 30 RespectedUnavailable 149 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Lascannon"][h:newWeapon
- 30 30/45 Distinguis Unavailable 154 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Lightning Claw"][h:newWea
- 14 20 RespectedUnavailable 148 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Meltagun-Vulkan"][h:newWe
- 50 10 Unavailable 152 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Missile Launcher-Soundstrik
- 72 35 RespectedUnavailable 148 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Multi-Melta - Maxima"][h:ne
- 0.8 15 Unavailable 151 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Nova Grenade"][h:newWea
- 0.5 5 Unavailable 151 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Photon Flash Grenade"][h:n
- 70 30 Distinguis Unavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Plasma Cannon"][h:newWe
- 2 20 Distinguis Unavailable 151 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Plasma Grenade"][h:newWe
- 27 20 RespectedUnavailable 148 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Plasma Gun -Ragefire"][h:n
- 6 25 RespectedUnavailable 148 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeap
- 10 20 RespectedUnavailable 155 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Axe"][h:newWeapon
- 18 15 Distinguis Unavailable 139 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Claymore"][h:newWe
- 7 25 Distinguis Unavailable 139 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Falchion"][h:newWea
- 25 30 Distinguis Unavailable 155 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Fist"][h:newWeaponO
- 8 15 Distinguis Unavailable 139 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Spear"][h:newWeapo
- 5 20 RespectedUnavailable 155 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Power Sword"][h:newWeap
- 0 30 Unavailable 177 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Servo-Arm"][h:newWeaponO
- 10 5 Unavailable 149 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Shotgun"][h:newWeaponOb
- 4.1 20 Unavailable 153 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Sniper Rifle"][h:newWeapon
- 1 - Unavailable 151 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Stasis Grenade"][h:newWea
- 26 20 RespectedUnavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Storm Bolter"][h:newWeapo
- "-" - Distinguis Unavailable 166 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Storm Shield"][h:newWeapo
- 0.8 10 Unavailable 151 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Stun Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 18 30 Distinguis Unavailable 155 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Thunder Hammer"][h:newW
- 8 10 Distinguis Unavailable 137 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Astartes Webber"][h:newWeaponOb
- 80 50 Famed Unavailable 137 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Atomizer Cannon"][h:newWeaponOb
- 3 15 RespectedUnavailable 152 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Auxiliary Grenade Launcher"][h:newW
- 7 16 Renown Unavailable 135 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Balefire Gun"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 30 28 Distinguis Unavailable 135 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Barrage Plasma Gun"][h:newWeapo
- 7 32 Famed Unavailable 135 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Barrage Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 183 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Bloodstrike Missile"][h:newWeaponO
- 15 - Unavailable 134 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Bolter-Hesh"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 189 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Bomb Rack"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 28 18 Unavailable 139 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Breaching Augur"][h:newWeaponOb
- 10 17 Unavailable 139 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Bulkhead Shears"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 175 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Cerberus Launcher"][h:newWeaponO
- 5 3 Unavailable 170 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Ceremonial Sword"][h:newWeaponO
- 0.5 18 Unavailable 136 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Concussion Grenade"][h:newWeapo
- 5 35 Distinguis Unavailable 135 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Conflagration Infernus Pistol"][h:new
- 14 35 Distinguis Unavailable 135 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Conflagration Meltagun"][h:newWeap
- 10 - Unavailable 140 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Crozius Arcanum"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0.5 18 Unavailable 136 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Cryo Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 7 70 Hero Unavailable 168 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Deathroar"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 65 45 Distinguis Unavailable 137 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Deathwatch Graviton Cannon"][h:new
- 25 50 Hero Unavailable 169 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Deathwatch Relic Blade"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 192 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Defiler Battle Cannon"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 191 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Defiler Crushing Claw"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 184 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Demolisher Cannon"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 186 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Double-Barrelled Turbo-laser Destru
- 0 - Unavailable 182 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Dreadnaught Chainfist"][h:newWeap
- 0 - Unavailable 181 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Dreadnaught Close Combat Weapon
- 0 - Unavailable 182 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Dreadnaught Combat Walker"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 182 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Dreadnaught Frag Assault Launcher
- 0.5 30 RespectedUnavailable 151 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "EMP Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 70 65 Distinguis Unavailable 135 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Firestorm Multi-Melta"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 174 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Flamestorm Cannon"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 173 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Frag Assault Launcher"][h:newWeap
<b>Special:</b> Weapon
10 60 Hero Unavailable 168 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Frost Blade"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5.5 - Distinguis Unavailable 134 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Guardian Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 191 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Havoc Launcher"][h:newWeaponObj
- 0 - Unavailable 183 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Hellstrike Missile"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 173 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Hurricane Bolter"][h:newWeaponObj
- 5 15 Unavailable 135 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Immolation Rifle"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 156 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Improvised Weapons"][h:newWeapo
- 2 - Unavailable 136 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Inhalation Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
<b>Special:</b> Automa
"-" - Hero Unavailable 167 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Levin Shield"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 25 Unavailable 138 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Mk IX Ultra-Pattern Sharpshooters R
- 0.5 50 Distinguis Unavailable 137 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Monoball Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 174 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Mounted Assault Cannon"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 177 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Mounted Autocannon"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Unavailable 174 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Mounted Heavy Bolter"][h:newWeap
- 14 30 Distinguis Unavailable 155 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Omnissian Axe (Astartes)"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 170 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Pintle-mounted Storm Bolter"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 156 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Primitive Weapons"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 191 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Reaper Autocannon"][h:newWeapon
- 10 3 Unavailable 170 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Sacris Claymore"][h:newWeaponObj
- 0 - Unavailable 182 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Seismic Hammer"][h:newWeaponOb
- 16 75 Hero Unavailable 169 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Skapulan Bolter"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 366 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Burst Cannon"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 193 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Ion Cannon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 196 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Marker Light"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 366 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Missile Pod"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 366 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Plasma Rifle"][h:newWeaponOb
- 3 - Unavailable 366 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Pulse Carbine"][h:newWeaponO
- 1.5 - Unavailable 366 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Pulse Pistol"][h:newWeaponObj
- 4 - Unavailable 366 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Pulse Rifle"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 194 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Railgun-Armour Piercing"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 194 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Railgun-Submunition Round"][h:
- 0 - Unavailable 195 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Seeker Missile-Armour Piercing"
- 0 - Unavailable 195 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Seeker Missile-Blast"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 193 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-Linked Burst Cannon"][h:n
- 0 - Unavailable 197 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-Linked Ion Cannon"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 195 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-linked Long-Barrelled Burs
- 0 - Unavailable 193 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-Linked Missile Pod"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 196 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tau Twin-Linked Pulse Rifle"][h:newW
- 20 30 RespectedUnavailable 138 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Techxorcism Gun"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 186 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Titanic Inferno Gun"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unavailable 186 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Titanic Plasma Blastgun"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 186 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Titanic Vulcan Mega-bolter"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 183 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Turbo-Laser"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0 - Unavailable 172 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Assault Cannon"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 177 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-linked Autocannon"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 176 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Bolters"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 172 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Heavy Bolters"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 172 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Lascannon"][h:newWea
- 0 - Unavailable 175 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Twin-Linked Missile Launcher"][h:new
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Barbed Strangler"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 373 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Bonesword"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Deathspitter"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Devourer"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Fleshborer"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Heavy Venom Cannon"][h:newW
- 0 - Unavailable 373 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Lash Whip"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unavailable 373 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Rending Claw"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 373 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Scything Talons"][h:newWeapon
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Stranglethorn Cannon"][h:newWe
- 0 - Unavailable 372 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Tyr Venom Cannon"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 - Unavailable 152 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Vortex Grenade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Unavailable 185 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Castella
- 0 - Unavailable 185 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Hyperios
- 0 - Unavailable 185 DW-xLE [h:newWeaponName = "Whirlwind Missile Launcher-Vengenc
<b>Special: Degenerati
10 BC Unique 202 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Angarrach"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 5 BC Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Arm-mounted Chainblade"][h:newWe
- 1 BC Average 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Armoured Gauntlets"][h:newWeapon
- 5.5 BC Scarce 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Assault Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObj
- 5 BC Average 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Autogun"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 4 BC Average 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 1 BC Near Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Axon Razor"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0.5 BC Scarce 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Blight Grenade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3.5 BC Very Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 7 BC Very Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
- 7 BC Near Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bone Maul"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2 BC Plentiful 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 2 BC Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Chain Dagger"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 16 BC Scarce 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Chain Greatsword"][h:newWeaponO
- 8 BC Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Chain Halberd"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 12 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Combi-Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject
- 3 BC Average 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Crossbow"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 5 BC Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Electro-Flail"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 9 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Fallen Magos Power Axe"][h:newWe
- 2 BC Near Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Fang Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject
- 6 BC Common 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 2 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flensing Blade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 7 BC Common 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flintlock Musket"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3 BC Common 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flintlock Pistol"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 1 BC Near Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Force Rod"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 10 BC Near Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Force Scythe"][h:newWeaponObject
- 4 BC Near Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Force Staff"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 8 BC Near Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Force Sword"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 BC Common 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Frozen Shard"][h:newWeaponObject
- 4 BC Unique 202 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Goreseeker"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 7 BC Scarce 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Great Weapon"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 12 BC Average 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Grenade Launcher"][h:newWeaponO
- 0.5 BC Scarce 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hallucinogen Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 4 BC Common 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 3.5 BC Scarce 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hand Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject
- 18 BC Scarce 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Harpoon Gun"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 BC Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Haywire Grenade"][h:newWeaponOb
- 40 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject
- 20 BC Rare 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Flamer"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 35 BC Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Stubber"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 75 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hell Hammer Lascannon"][h:newWe
- 3 BC Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hellbade"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 4 BC Plentiful 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Improvised weapon"][h:newWeaponO
- 3 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Inferno Pistol-Mars"][h:newWeaponO
- 1 BC Plentiful 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
- 0.5 BC Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Krak Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
<b>Special: Mutating a6 BC Unique 202 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Krzattchal the Soulburner"][h:newWe
- 3 BC Common 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Lascarbine"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 BC Common 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Long Las"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 1.5 BC Common 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Laspistol"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 5.5 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponOb
- 10 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject
- 14 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Chainaxe"][h:newWeaponOb
- 48 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Chainfist"][h:newWeaponObje
- 10 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Chainsword"][h:newWeaponO
- 2 BC Very Rare 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Combat Knife"][h:newWeapo
- 15 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Combi-Bolter"][h:newWeapon
- 10 BC Scarce 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Flamer"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0.7 BC Scarce 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Frag Grenade"][h:newWeapo
- 45 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Heavy Bolter"][h:newWeapon
- 25 BC Very Rare 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Heavy Flamer"][h:newWeapo
- 0.7 BC Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Krak Grenade"][h:newWeapo
- 17 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Meltagun"][h:newWeaponObj
- 41 BC Extremely Rare 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion NM Blastmaster - Explosive C
- 41 BC Extremely Rare 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion NM Blastmaster - Hail of Nois
- 28 BC Extremely Rare 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion NM Doom Siren"][h:newWeap
- 21 BC Extremely Rare 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion NM Sonic Blaster"][h:newWe
- 18 BC Very Rare 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Plasma Gun"][h:newWeapon
- 4 BC Very Rare 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeapo
- 10 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Power Axe"][h:newWeaponO
- 25 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Power Fist"][h:newWeaponO
- 3 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Power Sword"][h:newWeapon
- 10 BC Very Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Legion Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObje
- 30 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Lightening Claw"][h:newWeaponObje
- 4.5 BC Scarce 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Long Las"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 40 BC Very Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "M34 Autocannon"][h:newWeaponOb
- 35 BC Very Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "M41 Multilaser"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 15 BC Very Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Meltagun"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 35 BC Rare 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Missile Launcher"][h:newWeaponOb
- 40 BC Very Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Multi-Melta"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 BC Unique 202 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Nachraael the Hungering"][h:newWe
- 0 - Near Unique 371 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Brutal Blades"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Near Unique 369 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 0 - Near Unique 371 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Crushing Legs"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Unique 136 BC-HoC [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Ctan Fists"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Unique 136 BC-HoC [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Ctan Transdimensional Thunder
- 20 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Dispersion Shield"][h:newWeapo
- 0 - Near Unique 368 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Disruptor Field"][h:newWeaponO
- 3 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauntlet of Fire - Melee"][h:new
- 3 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauntlet of Fire - Ranged"][h:ne
- 0 - Near Unique 369 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauss Blaster"][h:newWeaponO
- 35 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauss Canon"][h:newWeaponO
- 0 - Near Unique 369 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Gauss Flayer"][h:newWeaponO
<b>Dissonance</b>: If5 - Near Unique 137 BC-HoC [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Harp of Dissonance"][h:newWea
- 50 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Heavy Gauss Cannon"][h:newW
- 10 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Hyperphase Sword"][h:newWea
- 25 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Particle Beamer"][h:newWeapon
- 4 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Particle Caster"][h:newWeaponO
- 6 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Rod of Covenant - Ranged"][h:n
- 6 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Rod of Covenant - Melee"][h:new
<b>Haywire Specia
7 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Rod of Night - Ranged"][h:newW
- 20 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Rod of Night - Tesla Blast"][h:ne
- 10 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Staff of Light - Melee"][h:newWe
- 10 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Staff of Light - Ranged"][h:newW
- 5 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Tachyon Arrow"][h:newWeapon
- 20 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Tesla Carbine"][h:newWeaponO
- 10 - Near Unique 137 BC-HoC [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Tremorstave "][h:newWeaponOb
<b>Quake</b>: Anyone
0 h - Near Unique 137 BC-HoC [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Tremorstave Seismic Blast"][h:n
- 15 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Void Blade"][h:newWeaponObje
- 12 - Near Unique 121 BC-ToF [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Warscythe"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0 - Near Unique 369 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Nec Weapon Blade"][h:newWeaponO
- 4 BC Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Neural Whip"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1 BC Near Unique 186 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Null Rod"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 0.5 BC Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Photon Flash Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 2 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Plague Sword"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 40 BC Very Rare 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Cannon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 18 BC Very Rare 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 BC Very Rare 155 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 8 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Axe"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 BC Very Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Blade"][h:newWeaponObject
- 13 BC Very Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Fist"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 8 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Mace"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 9 BC Very Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Scythe"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3 BC Very Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Sword"][h:newWeaponObject
- 1 BC Extremely Rare 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Q'sal Glass Dagger"][h:newWeaponO
- 12 BC Extremely Rare 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Razor Web"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 60 BC Extremely Rare 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Reaper Autocannon"][h:newWeapon
- 3 BC Scarce 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Reaver Long Rifle"][h:newWeaponO
- 6 BC Common 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Scythe"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 3 BC Near Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Searing Blade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3 BC Common 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 5 BC Plentiful 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 0.5 BC Common 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Smoke Grenade"][h:newWeaponObj
- 3 BC Common 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Spear"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 2.5 BC Extremely Rare 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Splinter Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject
- 5 BC Extremely Rare 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Spore Caster"][h:newWeaponObject
- 4 BC Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Staff of Change"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3 BC Near Unique 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Static Repeater"][h:newWeaponObje
- 5.5 BC Average 154 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Stub Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 0.5 BC Common 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Stun Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3 BC Common 165 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 0 - Unavailable 133 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Unarmed Master"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 1333 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Unarmed Warrior"][h:newWeaponOb
- 1 BC Unique 164 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Velklir Rapier"][h:newWeaponObject
- 18 BC Unique 202 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Vilemaw"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 30 BC Near Unique 161 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Warp Cannon"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0.5 BC Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Web Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
Minimum Range of 25 50 - Very Rare 114 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Accatran Automatic Mortar"][h:newW
- 2 - Average 111 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Accatran-pattern MkII Heavy Laspist
- 4 - Average 111 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Accatran-pattern MkIV Lasgun"][h:ne
- 0.5 - Scarce 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 40 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 5 - Average 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Autogun"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 2 - Scarce 121 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Auxillary Shotgun"][h:newWeaponOb
- 4 - Common 119 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 350 - Average 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Battle Cannon"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0.5 - Scarce 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0.5 - Common 113 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Blowgun"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 1.5 - Average 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bola"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 3.5 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 7 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Boltgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 2 - Common 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 3.5 - Average 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Bullpup Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObje
- 4 - Very Rare 117 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Cavalry Sabre"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 7 - Scarce 119 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Cavalry Spear"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 7 - Scarce 119 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Cavalry Spear - Mounted Charge"][h
- 12 - Very Rare 116 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Chain Glaive"][h:newWeaponObject
- 4 - Rare 116 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Chain Knife"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 11 - Rare 116 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Chainaxe"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 11 - Rare 116 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Chainaxe - Two handed"][h:newWea
- 14 - Very Rare 116 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Chainflail"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 6 - Average 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Chainsword"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 - Very Rare 118 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Command Baton"][h:newWeaponOb
- 3 - common 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Crossbow"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 400 - Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Demolisher Cannon"][h:newWeapon
- 800 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Earthshaker Cannon"][h:newWeapon
- 15 - Very Rare 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Eviscerator"][h:newWeaponObject =
0.5 - Plentiful 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 8.5 - Scarce 119 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Flail"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
- 6 - Scarce 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 7 - Common 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flintlock Musket"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3 - Common 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Flintlock Pistol"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 6.5 - Near Unique 117 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Force Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = j
- 1.5 - Extremely Rare 117 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Force Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject
- 2 - Extremely Rare 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Force Staff"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3.5 3500 Near Unique 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Force Sword"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 - Common 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 7 - Scarce 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Great Weapon"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 12 - Average 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Grenade Launcher"][h:newWeaponO
Range of 3 meters 4 - Scarce 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Groxwhip"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 12 - Scarce 112 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Hades Assault Flamer"][h:newWeapo
Must succeed on a Dif0.5 - Scarce 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hallucinogen Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 1 - Rare 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hand Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = j
-10 on attack tests if 3 - Scarce 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hand Cannon"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 40 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject
- 20 - Rare 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Flamer"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 30 - Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Heavy Stubber"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - Very Rare 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hellstrike Missile"][h:newWeaponOb
- 4 - Very Rare 112 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Hesh-pattern M38 MkII Bolt Pistol"][h
- 6 - Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hot-Shot Lasgun"][h:newWeaponOb
- 4 - Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hot-Shot Laspistol"][h:newWeaponO
- 64 - Very Rare 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hunter-Killer Missile"][h:newWeapon
Single use weapon 4 - Scarce 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Hunting Lance"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0 - - 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Improvised Weapon"][h:newWeapon
- 600 - Rare 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Inferno Cannon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 3 - Near Unique 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Inferno Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0.5 - Very Rare 115 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Iron-Eater Grenade"][h:newWeaponO
- 0.5 - Common 113 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Javelin"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 0.5 5 Abundant 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
- 0.5 - Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Krak Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0.5 - Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Krak Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 3 - Common 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Las Carbine"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 - Plentiful 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Laslock"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 1.5 - Common 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Laspistol"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 4.5 - Scarce 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Long Las"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 5 - Average 111 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Lucius-pattern Lasgun"][h:newWeap
- 40 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "M34 Autocannon"][h:newWeaponOb
- 4 - Common 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "M36 Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 35 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "M41 Multilaser"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 0.5 - Rare 115 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Maccabian Frag Grenade"][h:newWe
- 55 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Man Portable Lascannon"][h:newWe
- 15 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Meltagun"][h:newWeaponObject = js
- 35 - Rare 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Missile Launcher"][h:newWeaponOb
Minimum Range of 50 50 - Very Rare 184 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Mole Mortar"][h:newWeaponObject =
Minimum Range of 50 41 - Rare 176 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Mortar"][h:newWeaponObject = json
- 40 - Extremely Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Multi-Melta"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 - Rare 111 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Naval Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1.5 - Very Rare 184 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Needle Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 2 - Very Rare 184 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Needle Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 8 - extremely Rare 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Omnissian Axe"][h:newWeaponObje
- 0.5 - Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Photon Flash Grenade"][h:newWeap
- 40 - Extremely Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Cannon"][h:newWeaponObje
- 18 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
- 6 - Very Rare 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Axe"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 13 - Very Rare 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Fist"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 7 - Extremely Rare 117 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Power Flail"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3.5 - Very Rare 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Maul - High"][h:newWeaponO
- 3.5 - Very Rare 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Power Maul - Low"][h:newWeaponO
- 7 - Extremely Rare 117 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Power Spear"][h:newWeaponObject
- 35 - Common 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Ripper Gun"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 4 - Extremely Rare 111 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Ripper Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject
Provides AP 2 to Body3 - Common 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 1 - Extremely Rare 118 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Shock Glove"][h:newWeaponObject
- 5 - Average 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
- 5 - Average 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Shotgun-pump"][h:newWeaponObjec
- 2 - Common 113 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Signaling Device"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0.5 - Plentiful 175 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Sling"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
- 0.5 - Common 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Smoke Grenade"][h:newWeaponObj
- 5 - Scarce 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Sniper Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 3 - Common 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Spear"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 9 - Extremely Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Storm Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 0.5 - Common 183 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Stun Grenade"][h:newWeaponObjec
Gain +4 to AP to the 7 - Extremely Rare 118 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Suppression Shield"][h:newWeaponO
- 3 - Common 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
- 0.5 - Common 113 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Throwing Knife"][h:newWeaponObje
- 20 - Scarce 114 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Tread Fether"][h:newWeaponObject
- 4.5 - Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Triplex Pattern Lasgun - Burst Mode
- 4.5 - Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Triplex Pattern Lasgun - Precision M
- 4.5 - Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Triplex Pattern Lasgun - Standard M
- 2 - Plentiful 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Truncheon"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 1 - Scarce 115 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Tube Charge"][h:newWeaponObject
- 0 - Unavailable 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Unarmed Master"][h:newWeaponOb
- 0 - Unavailable 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Unarmed Warrior"][h:newWeaponOb
- 400 - Very Rare 174 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Vanquisher Battle Cannon"][h:newW
- 12.5 - Scarce 114 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Voss Automatic Grenade Launcher"]
- 4 - Scarce 185 OW-CR [h:newWeaponName = "Warhammer"][h:newWeaponObject =
- 2 - Average 119 OW-HoE [h:newWeaponName = "Warknife"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
[h:allWeaponsTmp = json.set( allWeaponsTmp,newWeaponName,newWeaponObject)]
Shop sort Cost CalculatClip Weight Calculator
. . Shop sorter NumAvaiCost CLIP(kg) to update
Tranter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 6 95 0.19
is-Redback"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 9 2000
her Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 50000
her Mark IV"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 7 95 0.91
elus"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 10 2000 0.31
stasic Matrix"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
1 10 30000
ageddon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 7 100 0.50
oured Gauntlets"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 6 20
sman-10"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 5 50 0.25
ault Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca1 10 7000 21.56
artes Incinerator"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"1 #N/A -
artes Psilencer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 #N/A -
artes Psycannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 #N/A - 49.88
artes Storm Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 #N/A - 7.74
ocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 8 1000 4.91
ogun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 7 100 0.82
opistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 6 75 0.28
illary Grenade Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
1 9 250
nger Shuriken Catapult"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
1 10 9500 (ammo 2000 per clip)
"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","Me
1 7 20
tismal Hammer - Flame"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
1 8 500
tismal Hammer - Toxic"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
1 8 500
aspian Palm Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 9 150 0.01
bed Tongue"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 #N/A -
tard Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 7 13
"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","Me
1 #N/A -
ckhammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 9 250 0.02
ckwing Halberd"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 9 500 Cost calculato
d Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 8 25 Q&D
rding Pike"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat1 6 30 Ubiquitous
a"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","T1 7 10 Abundant
o Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego1 9 50 Plentiful
Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego1 9 250 0.35 Common
Pistol-Garm"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
1 9 350 0.35 Average
gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"1 10 500 2.10 Scarce
w"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","Ra
1 6 10 Rare
ss Knuckles"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 5 5 Very Rare
acher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 8 750 Extremely Ra
e Strength"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 #N/A - Near Unique
kler"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"1 6 30 Unique
khead Cutters"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "1 7 75
st"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","1 8 50
nodon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 8 200 0.15
in Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 10 450
in Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 8 80
in Stick"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 8 30
insword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 9 275
mera Pistol Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 8 130
ke Gas Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 8 40
ppa"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 #N/A 600
tas"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"1 6 40 0.10
w"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","Me
1 #N/A -
w (Warp)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 #N/A -
aver"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 6 15
b"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","M
1 4 5
mbat Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 7 40
mbat Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 8 150 0.68
mposite Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 #N/A 50
cussion Mace"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1"C 8 200
version Beamer - Long Range"][h:newWeaponObject
1 = js #N/A -
version Beamer - Point Blank"][h:newWeaponObject1= j #N/A -
version Beamer - Short Range"][h:newWeaponObject
1 =j #N/A -
ed-9"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 7 115 0.74
ssbow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 6 10
ass"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"1 6 10
mon Pike"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 9 1000
gered Vambraces"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
1 6 100
th Light"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 10 250 0.24
troyer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 10 750
tructor"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 10 5000
ce Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 6 10
ils Kiss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 9 55
tal Laser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 #N/A 9000 0.01
posable ML"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 9 800
ble Flail"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 8 28
ethri Pain Gauntlet"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("1 10 1500
e Nailer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 6 50
sus Prime"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 6 50 0.50
lling Las"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 220 0.01
lesiarchy Corsesque"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(" 1 #N/A -
ctro-Flail"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat 1 9 375
perors Whisper"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 " 10 150
pyrean Brain Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
1 10 500
pyric Conduit Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 10 45000
armine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 7 90 0.22
rgy Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 10 5000
scerator"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 8 750
ruciating Whip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 10 -
erminator"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 6 35
e Bringer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 9 200 0.11
rid Razor Disk"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 7 50
Bomb Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1 5 5
"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"," 1 8 20
mer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",1 8 300
metongue"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 9 140 0.05
k Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 8 30
tlock Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C 1 6 10
ce Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 10 4000 1
ce Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 10 3500 1
ce Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 10 3500 1
g Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 6 10
y-Triplex"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 8 100 0.15
vian Needler"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 10 950
Torch"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 8 150
ing Psilencer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1 #N/A -
dwyn-Deaz Pattern Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
1 10 1000 2.63
dwyn-Deaz Storm Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
1 11 9000 5.25
ge GL"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 7 300
viton Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 3500
at Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 6 70
at Weapon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 8 70
nade Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 " 8 500
ard Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 8 100
k Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 6 60 0.03
ucinogen Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 9 40
mmer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 6 10
d Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 9 200
d Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 7 65 0.12
d Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 9 200
vy Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 10 1800 7.09
vy Crossbow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 9 75
vy Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 9 1000
vy Incinerator"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1" #N/A -
vy Psycannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1"C #N/A - 9.98
vy Stubber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 8 750 8.82
uter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 7 175 0.27
Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor1 #N/A - 150.00
axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"1 10 -
blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor1 10 -
gun-Dlaku"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat1 8 500 0.53
gun-Voss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 9 180 0.60
pistol-Voss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 9 140 0.19
ting Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 8 100 0.18
o Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 8 1000
aler"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"1 8 100
rovised Weapon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 #N/A -
rno Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat1 10 7500 0.64
rno-Thermal Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
1 9 60
anthos Blunderbuss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 9 35
claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 8 80 0.25
talon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 9 150 0.21
elin"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"1 5 8
e"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"," 1 4 5
k Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 9 50
ken Tooth Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
1 9 200
nos"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",1 10 5000 0.44
burst Twin Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 9 220 0.21
carbine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 6 75 0.27
gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 6 75 0.60
ock"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 5 40 0.01
pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor1 6 50 0.16
htning Chain"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 10 100
htning Gauntlet"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 8 80
htning Lasgun-Roth"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 9 175 0.55
g Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 7 20
g Las"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 8 100 0.54
g-Saber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 10 70
minen Blast"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 #N/A - 1
minen Shock"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 #N/A -
ncatcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 9 200
n-Catcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 8 60
iette"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 9 400 0.02
k II Scourge Boltgun-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json
1 10 650 2.10
k III FG Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
1 8 10
k III Short Lasgun-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
1 7 75 0.60
k III Sunfury-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 10 3000 1.02
k III Ultimo Meltagun-Voss"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
1 10 2500 1.10
k IV Command Laspistol-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject
1 = js 9 150 0.13
k VI Power Longsword (Waller)"][h:newWeaponObject
1 = 10 3500
uler"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","
1 10 375 0.26
at Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 8 80 0.03
ee Attachment"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" 5 25
ta-Cutter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 8 600 1.02
tagun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 9 4000 1.17
cy Killer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 5 10 0.01
erva-Aegis"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat1 8 150 0.27
or Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat 1 9 60
sile Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "1 8 3000
no Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 8 45
no Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 8 55
on Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 9 25
gauth Burn Caster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 8 2750
Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 10 5000 1.00
ti-Laser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 8 2000 3.33
ti-Melta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 10 8500 2.37
sket"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 6 30
Bomb Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 7 20
al Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 7 75
rotic Sceptre - Melee"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
1 #N/A -
rotic Sceptre - Ranged"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
1 #N/A -
dle Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 10 1250
dle Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 10 1000
mesis Daemon Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 #N/A -
mesis Doomfist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" #N/A -
mesis Falchion"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" #N/A -
mesis Force Halberd One-handed grip"][h:newWeaponObjec
1 #N/A - 1
mesis Force Halberd Two-handed grip"][h:newWeaponObjec
1 #N/A - 1
mesis Force Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 #N/A - 1
mesis Greatsword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 #N/A -
mesis Warding Stave"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 #N/A -
ral Whip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 9 500
htfire Flamer-Voss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 10 500
mad"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","
1 10 2000 0.32
Rod"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 10 9000
cers Cutlass"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 1 8 200
nisian Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 #N/A -
hlak Mark IV Thollos"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
1 8 75 0.25
antine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 7 100 0.10
optic"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 9 225 0.09
bos Stubber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 5 50 0.16
ton Flash Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 8 60
guesword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 -
sma Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 10 7500 1.08
sma Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 10 8500 4.50
sma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 10 3000 1.74
sma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat1 10 4000 0.44
wer Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 1750
wer Fist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 10 3100 1
wer Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 2500
kotroke Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 9 500
k-Out Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" 10 5000
mp-action Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
1 7 75 0.30
ch Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 5 4
isher Baton"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 7 50
tan-14"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 8 100 0.20
tan-14 as shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 8 101 0.03
cksilver Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1 9 1000
Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 9 500
-Cleanser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 10 7000
ger Long Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 10 8500
quary Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C1 10 3000
der"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 9 50
per Clip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 8 40 0.17
G Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 9 1200
re"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","1 6 15
red Incense"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca1 10 3000
ristan Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}1 9 380 0.28
vation"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 6 80 0.06
lptaker"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 5 40 0.11
riada"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 8 5
ap Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 10 150
the"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",1 #N/A 12
thian Fury Talon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
1 10 1500
aphim Hand Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 11 1000
aphim Hand Flamer - Dual Shot"][h:newWeaponObject
1 =j 11 1000
aphim Inferno Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
1 11 9000 1.10
aphim Inferno Pistol - Dual Shot"][h:newWeaponObject
1 11 9000 1.74
es-S Venom"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 8 120 0.06
pentine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 10 2500
rd Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 2000
rd Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 10 5500
eld"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",1 7 25
ck Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 9 650
ck Maul"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 8 150
ck Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 8 250
ck-Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 7 100
ota"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",1 #N/A 200
rt Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 6 12
tcannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 8 700 0.66
tgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 6 60 0.08
tgun Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 7 60 0.03
eading Beaks"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
1 #N/A -
riken Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 10 5000
lite"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category 1 9 85
kan Musket"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat 1 8 60
yer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","
1 7 70 0.13
g"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","R
1 5 10
gga"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",1 #N/A 100
zzgun-Energy"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1"C #N/A 1500 1
zzgun-Shell"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 #N/A 1500 1
ar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","1 6 15
ctre"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 9 375 0.52
ctre as shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 9 375 0.15
tum"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 9 45
fire"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"1 8 75 0.07
nter Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca1 #N/A 2000
nter Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat 1 #N/A 3000
f"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"," 1 5 10
ke-Crossbow-Catechist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
1 9 750
adholder"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 5 60 0.20
am Drill"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 10 100
el Burner"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 100 0.09
etto"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category 1 #N/A 25
g Blunt"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 6 350 0.05
gray"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category1 7 100
mchild"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 7 65 0.12
mfront Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 10 85 0.60
b Automatic"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 5 50 0.16
b Automatic-Dorcas"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 9 150 0.16
b Revolver"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 5 40 0.11
n Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 8 40
ord"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","
1 6 15
apse Disrupter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 10 3500
on Mark III"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat1 6 70 0.28
orfex Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 10 50
rmal Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 9 3000 0.41
owing Star-Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
1 5 5
nder Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1"Ca 10 5000
wer Shield (Metal)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 9 60
wer Shield (Wood)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
1 #N/A 40
Spray"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 9 200
phy Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 10 775
ename Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 10 2000
anicus Pattern Heavy Webber"][h:newWeaponObject1= js 9 2500
rmed"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 #N/A -
aheim"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 7 300 0.34
Crank Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
1 7 500 3.17
e Spear"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 #N/A 14
sector"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego1 9 650
onx Bone Bola"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1" 9 12
onx Thunderclap"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 10 45
p Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 10 -
b Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 9 1200
bber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
1 9 1800
sper Line"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 10 4500
ower"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 9 1000
ch Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 2800
arch Death-Arc"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 10 2750
of Retribution"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 3
de of Admonition"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
monhammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
3 11 1
-Las"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
3 11
tal Explosive"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 3 11
cutor Pistol-Bolt"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"3
cutor Pistol-Needle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
us Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate3
us Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ3
Lance (Empty)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
3 9
Lance (Full)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
3 9
me Hammer (Empty)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
3 9
me Hammer (Full)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
3 9
ax Infernus"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
3 #N/A 1.22
gun-Cadian"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
3 9 0.39
pistol-Cadian"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "3 9 0.42
eblades"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego 3 10 1
eus Psycannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
3 11 6.48
ro-Gauntlet"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
3 11
sma Gun-Ryza"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",3"C 10 3.84
sma Pistol-Ryza"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
3 10 0.44
wer Stake"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
3 10
gatus Crossbow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
3 10
m Bolter-Ryza"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",3 11 2.63
pression Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
3 9
ma Power Maul (High)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
3 9
ma Power Maul (Low)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
3 9
niser Lash"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 9
niser Talon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 9
nizer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
2 10
-Plant Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 10
heotech Laspistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
2 0.78
onite Whistler"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "2
ault Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 8
ault Gauntlet"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
2 10
ault Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 7 0.90
ault Stubber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 7 7.98
o Grenade Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
2 #N/A
ogun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
2 7 0.82
o-Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 10
mer Meltagun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2"C 10 1.79
asco Dueling Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
2 10 0.01
st Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ2 9
ster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",2 9
odfire Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2 9
nderbuss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 5
a Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 8
Pistol-Garm"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
1 7 350
er Cane"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 10 0.04
gun-Locke"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 10 2.10
ning Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat2 11
insword (Hecate)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
2 7
ke Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 9
lian Firearm"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C2 6 0.14
vis Plasma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 11 2.43
mbat Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 6
mson Crown"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 10
x Beam Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 35000
kagun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
2 #N/A 4.04
k Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 9
tcaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
2 9
tructor Psy Power"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
2 #N/A 1
ging Arm"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 #N/A
-flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 11
-laser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor2 11
-melta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
2 11
-needler"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 11
ntegrator Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
2 10
posable Handgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 3 0.12
posable Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
2 9
ble-edged Chainsword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
2 7
gons Breath"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 #N/A
sian Chainsword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 7
rian Shard Glaive"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
2 11
ar Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate2 #N/A
ar Deathspinner"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 #N/A
ar Lasblaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
ar Plasma Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
2 6
ar Powersword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2"
ar Sunrifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat2 #N/A
ctrocorrosive Whip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
2 9
opie Accelerator"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}2
erminator Cartridge"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("2 6
chion"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category2 7
ment Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2" 11
mer-Mezoa"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 8
sh Gauntlet"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca2 11
ce Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
2 1
ce Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 1
ce Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 1
earm Powerblade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 10
ctal Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat2 11
hite Lacerator"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2
ode Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 11
ost Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 11
nade Launcher-Mezoa"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
2 8
nade Launcher-Voss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
2 8
xwhip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
2 8
nner Harpoon Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 #N/A 0.06
nner Tranq Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2 " #N/A
equins Kiss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C2 11 1
wire Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2"C
t Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 10
vy Bolter-Solar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2 10 8.14
vy Mining Drill"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2 #N/A
vy Stubber-Orthlack"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
2 7 9.80
vy Stubber-Ursid"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
2 8 1.96
vy Webber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 9
glaive"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego2 8
gun-Lucius"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 9 0.55
pistol-Archeotech"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
2 10 0.26
pistol-Lucius"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 2 9 0.47
rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"2 #N/A
wler Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 8
ter-Killer Missile"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{2 10
ting Quoit"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat2 6
k Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 #N/A
ra Gauntlets"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
2 10
aler"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"2 9
tial Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
rno Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
2 9
rno Pistol-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2 10 0.78
elin"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"2 6
etic Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
2 11
ot Hunting Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2 11 0.16
ot Krootbow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
ot Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 11
ot Rifle (Melee)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"2 #N/A
usta Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 7
n Cutters"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate2
Gauntlets"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 10 0.19
carbine-Locke"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2" 8 0.32
htning Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2"
Pattern Power Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
2 11
g-Barrelled Lascannon Bank"][h:newWeaponObject =
2 jso #N/A 58.33
cro Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 11
n Portable Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
2 10 0.67
k IV - Dervish"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2
" 8 0.13
tagun-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 9 1.42
tagun-Mezoa"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 9 2.83
mory Wire"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 9
itech cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 #N/A
zoa Lascutter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
2 9 0.13
ng Laser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate2 #N/A 49.12
sile Launcher-Locke"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("2 8
sile Launcher-Retobi"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
2 9
e Mortar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 11
tar-Locke"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 9
tar-Voss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 9
ti-Laser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ2 #N/A 5.54
ti-Melta-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "2 10 4.96
al Pistol-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2" 8 0.12
al Shotcannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2" 8 0.95
ral Whip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 9
Rod"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
nissian Axe (Sollex)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
2 11
Big Choppa"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 #N/A
Big Shoota"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 #N/A 1.59
Bomb Squig Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
2 #N/A
Burna"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
2 #N/A
Choppa"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 8
Deffgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 #N/A 3.05
Grabba Stikt"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "2 #N/A
Grotwhip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 #N/A
Power Klaw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 #N/A
Rokkit Launcha"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 #N/A
Shoota"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 8
Slugga"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
2 8
Sploding Squig Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
2 #N/A
Stikkbomb Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
2 #N/A
Stinkbomb Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
2 #N/A
rying Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
2 7
sma Cannon-Ryza"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 10 3.00
sma Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 10
sma Gun-Mezoa"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 " 10 3.72
wer Axe (Mezoa)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 10
wer Discus"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 11
wer Fist (Mezoa)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 10 1
wer Maul (High)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2 10
wer Maul (Low)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2" 10
wer Sword (Mordian)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
2 10
werlifter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ2 #N/A
se Carbine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 10
se Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 10
se Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 10
l Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate2
orflail"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego2 9
orweb Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 11
ver's Fang"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 11
per Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate2 11 0.22
ketfire Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 10
rdcarbine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 8
rdnet"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
2 9
ck Glove"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 9
ck Knuckles"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
2 8
ck Stars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 9
ck-Staff (RT)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "2 9
tgun-RT"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 6 0.08
edder"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
2 9
riken Catapult"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2 10
oke Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 6
per Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ2 9 0.33
Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 9
o Boltgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
2 10 0.76
ic Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 9
nter Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
2 9
nter Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca2 11
nter Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat 2 11
ger Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat2 9
m Bolter-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",2 11 5.25
b Revolver"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 5 0.11
nner Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
2 9
pression Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 9
ordstick Cane"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
2 8
glefoot Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 11
ekinetic Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2 #N/A 1
rmal Lance-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 9 0.55
nder Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 2"Ca 10
in Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 9
cker Net Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
2 #N/A
ncheon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
2 5
n-Linked Boltguns"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
2 #N/A 4.20
n-linked Long Barrelled Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObjec
2 #N/A 58.33
omblade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 11
s Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
2 11
d Speargun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
2 7 0.02
d-capable Missiles"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
2 #N/A
hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
2 8
b Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
2 9
b Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
2 9
ch Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 #N/A 1
th Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
2 11 0.46
ch Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
2 8
os Flechette Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
2 10
elus Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca9 #N/A 2.94
rax Clawed Hooves"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
our of the Remorseless Crusader (Forearm Sword)"][h:
9 #N/A
icer Omnissian Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
ault Cannon-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 22.54
artes Anti-Plant Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A
artes Armoursbane Missile Launcher"][h:newWeaponObje
9 #N/A
artes Assault Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A 26.32
artes Assault Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A 1.20
artes Blind Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
artes Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A 0.91
artes Bolter-Godwyn"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 3.93
artes Boltgun-Stalker"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A 5.96
artes Chainfist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9 #N/A 1
artes Chainsword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
artes Combat Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Combat Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
artes Combi-Weapon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 3.93
artes Conversion Beamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A
artes Cyclone Missile Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject
9 = #N/A
artes Digital Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
artes Digital Laser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Digital Melta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Executioner Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
artes Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C9 #N/A
artes Force Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A 1
artes Force Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A 1
artes Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Hand Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
artes Heavy Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Heavy-Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 15.12
artes Incendiary Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A
artes Infernus Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A 1.04
artes Krak Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 0.91
artes Lightning Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Meltagun-Vulkan"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A 1.70
artes Missile Launcher-Soundstrike"][h:newWeaponObje
9 #N/A
artes Multi-Melta - Maxima"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
9 #N/A 6.13
artes Nova Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Photon Flash Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject =9jso #N/A
artes Plasma Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 3.89
artes Plasma Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Plasma Gun -Ragefire"][h:newWeaponObject =9jso #N/A 4.81
artes Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 0.63
artes Power Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
artes Power Claymore"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Power Falchion"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Power Fist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A 1
artes Power Spear"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
artes Power Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
artes Servo-Arm"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
artes Servo-Arm Exceptional"][h:newWeaponObject =9 jso #N/A
artes Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A 1.01
artes Sniper Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
artes Stasis Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Storm Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 8.42
artes Storm Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Stun Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Thunder Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Unarmed Master"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Unarmed Warrior"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
artes Webber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
mizer Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9
"C #N/A
mented Las-Weapon-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject9 = json. #N/A 1.09
an Ancient Serrated Talon Blade"][h:newWeaponObject
9 #N/A
an Bone Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
an Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
9 #N/A
an Fang-Tipped Spear"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
an Gyrblade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
an Sky Reaver Talons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
an Talon Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A
an Two-handed Talon Blade"][h:newWeaponObject =9 json #N/A
o Grenade Launcher-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject9= json #N/A
iliary Grenade Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A
efire Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate9 #N/A
rage Plasma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 3.71
rage Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{9 #N/A 0.49
odstrike Missile"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A
er-Hesh"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
9 #N/A 2.42
mb Rack"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
9 #N/A
aching Augur"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
khead Shears"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
berus Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
emonial Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A
os Forged Sword-Energy"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A
os Forged Sword-Impact"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A
os Forged Sword-Rending"][h:newWeaponObject = 9json.s #N/A
goris Lightning Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
Berzerker Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A
Blastmaster - Explosive Crescendo"][h:newWeaponObjec
9 #N/A
Blastmaster - Hail of Noise"][h:newWeaponObject =9js #N/A
Blight Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
Corruptis"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
Doom Siren"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
9 #N/A
Hateblazer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
9 #N/A 68.93
Pincer Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
Plague Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
Rending Weapons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
Sonic Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9
" #N/A
Stinger"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
9 #N/A
Warp Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
mbat Serivtor Servo-Fist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A
cussion Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
flagration Infernus Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json
9 #N/A 0.58
flagration Meltagun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 1.27
atalid Jaws"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca9 #N/A
zius Arcanum"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
ciform of the Crusade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
o Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
throar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
9 #N/A 1.02
thwatch Graviton Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A
thwatch Relic Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
apitator Blades (Samech)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A
ler Battle Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A 10.69
ler Crushing Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
molisher Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 29.40
blodon Bloodied Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
blodon Massive Jaws"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
n Plaguesword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 " #N/A
n Axe of Khorne"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
n Bloodsong Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
n Daemonic Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
n Etherblade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
n Great Unclean One-Tooth and Nail"][h:newWeaponObjec
9 #N/A
n Hellblade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
9 #N/A
n Lord of Change Beak"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
n Lord of Change Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
n Plague Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 " #N/A
n Plaguebearer Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
n Staff of Tzeentch"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
n Warpfire"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
n Whip of Khorne"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
sal Chimneys"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
ble-Barrelled Turbo-laser Destructor"][h:newWeaponOb
9 #N/A -
adnaught Chainfist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
adnaught Close Combat Weapon"][h:newWeaponObject
9 = #N/A
adnaught Combat Walker"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A
adnaught Frag Assault Launchers"][h:newWeaponObject
9 = #N/A
lling Tulwar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C9 #N/A
P Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A
rgy Prod"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A
storm Multi-Melta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{9 #N/A 4.44
mer-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
9 #N/A
mestorm Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
ce Halberd"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
9 #N/A 1
g Assault Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
st Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ9 #N/A
ed Boltgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
9 #N/A 3.75
ve Encarmine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9" #N/A
ardian Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A 0.91
mmer of Macragge"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
oc Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
t Lance-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 0.19
vy Bolter-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A 21.26
ire Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca9 #N/A
strike Missile"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9 #N/A
our Blades"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
ricane Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 9 #N/A 32.90
molation Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 9 #N/A
rovised Weapons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
ustrial Chainblade (Samech)"][h:newWeaponObject =9js #N/A
alation Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A
ot Beak"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
9 #N/A
ot Bolt Thrower"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A 2.24
ot Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
9 #N/A 1.43
ot Hunting Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A 0.16
ot Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
9 #N/A 0.25
ot Rifle Melee"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9 #N/A -
ot Twin-linked Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 1.43
ot Xenos-crafted Hunting Knife"][h:newWeaponObject
9= #N/A
otbow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
9 #N/A
otox Fists"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat9 #N/A
rymole Mandibles"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
cannon-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 " #N/A 2.00
n Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A
atl Jaws"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate9 #N/A
atl Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ9 #N/A
atl Flechette Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A 1.00
sile Launcher-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
IX Ultra-Pattern Sharpshooters Rifle"][h:newWeaponObj
9 #N/A
noball Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A
unted Assault Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 39.48
unted Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 49.14
unted Heavy Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A 25.20
Abyssal Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1 - -
Aeonstave"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 - -
Bladed Claws"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A
Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 - -
Dispersion Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 - -
Doomsday Cannon - Moving"][h:newWeaponObject1= json - -
Doomsday Cannon - Stationary"][h:newWeaponObject
1 = - -
Eldritch Lance - Melee"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
1 - -
Eldritch Lance - Ranged"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
1 - -
Ether Crystal Overcharged Lightning"][h:newWeaponObj
1 - -
Fabricator Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
1 - -
Flayer Blades"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 - -
Flayer Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 9 #N/A
Gauntlet of Fire - Melee"][h:newWeaponObject = json
1 - -
Gauntlet of Fire - Ranged"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
1 - -
Gauss Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 - -
Gauss Canon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" - -
Gauss Flayer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" - -
Harp of Dissonance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 - -
Heavy Gauss Canon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
1 - -
Hyperphase Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 - -
Master-Crafted Warscythe"][h:newWeaponObject =1json - -
Particle Emitter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}9 #N/A
Particle Slicers"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}1 - -
Phase Bladed Claws"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
Staff of Light"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1 - -
Staff of Light - Melee"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s1 - -
Synaptic Disintegrator"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
1 - -
Tesla Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" - -
Tesla Carbine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 - -
Tremorstave "][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" - -
Tremorstave Seismic Blast"][h:newWeaponObject =1jso - -
Twin-linked Particle Beamer"][h:newWeaponObject 1= j - -
Twin-linked Tesla Destructor"][h:newWeaponObject1= - -
Two Gauss Flayer Array"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
1 - -
Void Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 - -
Voltaic Staff - Melee"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
1 - -
Voltaic Staff - Ranged"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
1 - -
Warscythe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 - -
Weapon Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1" - -
Whip Coil"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 - -
Wraithblade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
Eviscerator Chainblade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A
Twin-Linked Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
Twin-linked Melta Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A 305.25
Twin-linked Plasma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A 133.12
nissian Axe (Astartes)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
Choppa"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
9 #N/A
Kustom Mega-Blasta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 0.98
Power Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
Shoota"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
9 #N/A 1.31
Slugga"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
9 #N/A 0.62
Twin-linked Shoota"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 1.31
Uge Orky Wrench"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
le-mounted Storm Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A 14.03
wer Glaive (Samech)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
wer Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A
wer Scythes (Samech)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
cision Bolter-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A 3.28
mitive Weapons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A
Archeotech Rad-Cleanser"][h:newWeaponObject = 9json. #N/A
Black Engine Crush"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
Black Engine Ramming Blades and Spikes"][h:newWeapo
9 #N/A
Ceremonial Maul with Concealed Shock Generator"][h:
9 #N/A
Chainblade Mechadendrites"][h:newWeaponObject9= jso #N/A
Climbing Spindles"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
Empyrean-forged Pinions"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A
Energized Talons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
Fiery Breath"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "9 #N/A
Improvized Reductor"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
Massive Chainblade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
Plasma Cutters"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 34.97
Power Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9"C #N/A
Scourge"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A
Servitor Razorhands"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
Slinnar Integrated Plasma Cannon"][h:newWeaponObjec
9 #N/A 151.10
Slinnar Plasma Scythe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A
Storm Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9" #N/A
Techxocism Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 76.42
Wickedly Clawed Servo-Arm"][h:newWeaponObject9= jso #N/A
en Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A 0.83
per Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 122.85
ary Cannon-Samech"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A 7.28
e Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
9 #N/A
ris Claymore"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
smic Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
vitor Scopion Tail (Samech)"][h:newWeaponObject =9 js #N/A
rd of Bekrin"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
pulan Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A 5.76
urs Breath"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
9 #N/A
Airbursting Fragmentation Launcher"][h:newWeaponObjec
9 #N/A
Broadside Railgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 715.15
Burst Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A 67.43
Honour Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A
Ion Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A 356.14
Ion Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A 161.65
Marker Light"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "9 #N/A
Marker Light"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "9 #N/A
Missile Pod"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C9 #N/A
Plasma Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "9 #N/A 143.86
Pulse Carbine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A 1.62
Pulse Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A 0.72
Pulse Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C9 #N/A 4.86
Rail Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca 9 #N/A 2.11
Railgun-Armour Piercing"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A 21.48
Railgun-Submunition Round"][h:newWeaponObject 9= jso #N/A 6.81
Seeker Missile"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9" #N/A
Seeker Missile-Armour Piercing"][h:newWeaponObject
9 #N/A
Seeker Missile-Blast"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
Smart Missile System"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A
Staff of Office"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}" 9 #N/A
Twin-Linked Broadside Railgun"][h:newWeaponObject
9 = #N/A 715.15
Twin-Linked Burst Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject =9json #N/A 33.75
Twin-linked Ion Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A 356.14
Twin-Linked Ion Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A 161.65
Twin-linked Long-Barrelled Burst Cannon"][h:newWeap
9 #N/A 56.25
Twin-Linked Missile Pod"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A
Twin-linked Plasma Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json
9 #N/A 149.85
Twin-Linked Pulse Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A 13.50
hxorcism Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9"C #N/A
Needle of Truth"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
Righteous Fist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A 1
Shadow in the Sky"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
nic Inferno Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A
nic Plasma Blastgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A -
nic Vulcan Mega-bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A 9,657.08
bo-Laser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A 2.11
n-Linked Assault Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A 39.48
n-linked Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 49.14
n-Linked Bolters"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A 5.61
n-Linked Heavy Bolters"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A 100.80
n-Linked Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 4.55
n-Linked Missile Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json
9 #N/A
Barbed Strangler"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
Bio Plasma Ball"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A
Bio Plasma Vomit"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
Bio-Electric Pulse"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("9 #N/A
Bonesword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
9 #N/A
BroodLord Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
9 #N/A
Deathspitter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 9 #N/A
Devourer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
Fleshborer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca9 #N/A
Genestealer's Kiss"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
Heavy Venom Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
Heavy Venom Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
Large Bonesword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
Large Lash Whip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
Large Scything Talons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A
Lash Whip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
Mandibles"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat9 #N/A
Prehensile Tongue"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
Rending Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A
Scything Talons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
Spike Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C 9 #N/A
Spine Fist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat9 #N/A
Spinespitter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 9 #N/A
Spore Cysts Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set( 9 #N/A
Strangle Web"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9" #N/A
Stranglethorn Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
Teeth"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor9 #N/A
Thornback Stranglethorn Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject
9 = #N/A
Twin-Linked Deathspitter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A
Twin-Linked Devourer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
Venom Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 " #N/A
pid Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A
pid Neutron Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 64.44
ex Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
rlwind Missile Launcher-Castellan"][h:newWeaponObjec
9 #N/A
rlwind Missile Launcher-Hyperios"][h:newWeaponObject
9 #N/A
rlwind Missile Launcher-Vengence"][h:newWeaponObject
9 #N/A
ocrafted Power Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
o-Filament Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Anti-Plant Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A
artes Armoursbane Missile Launcher"][h:newWeaponObje
9 #N/A
artes Assault Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A 26.88
artes Assault Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A 1.40
artes Blind Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
artes Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A 0.81
artes Bolter-Godwyn"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 3.50
artes Boltgun-Stalker"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 5.31
artes Chainfist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9 #N/A 1
artes Chainsword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
artes Combat Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Combat Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
artes Combi-Weapon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 3.50
artes Conversion Beamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A
artes Cyclone Missile Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject
9 = #N/A
artes Digital Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
artes Digital Laser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Digital Melta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Executioner Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
artes Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C9 #N/A
artes Force Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A 1
artes Force Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A 1
artes Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Hand Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
artes Heavy Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Heavy-Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 12.60
artes Incendiary Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A
artes Infernus Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A 1.18
artes Krak Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 0.80
artes Lightning Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Meltagun-Vulkan"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A 2.24
artes Missile Launcher-Soundstrike"][h:newWeaponObje
9 #N/A
artes Multi-Melta - Maxima"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
9 #N/A 5.87
artes Nova Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Photon Flash Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject =9jso #N/A
artes Plasma Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 4.03
artes Plasma Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Plasma Gun -Ragefire"][h:newWeaponObject =9jso #N/A 3.51
artes Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 0.70
artes Power Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
artes Power Claymore"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Power Falchion"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Power Fist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A 1
artes Power Spear"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
artes Power Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
artes Servo-Arm"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
artes Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A 1.19
artes Sniper Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A
artes Stasis Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Storm Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 7.51
artes Storm Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Stun Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
artes Thunder Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
artes Webber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
mizer Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9
"C #N/A
iliary Grenade Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A
efire Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate9 #N/A
rage Plasma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 4.39
rage Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 0.55
odstrike Missile"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A
er-Hesh"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
9 #N/A 2.16
mb Rack"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
9 #N/A
aching Augur"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
khead Shears"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
berus Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
emonial Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A
cussion Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
flagration Infernus Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json
9 #N/A 0.65
flagration Meltagun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 1.42
zius Arcanum"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
o Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
throar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
9 #N/A 0.82
thwatch Graviton Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A
thwatch Relic Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
ler Battle Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A 10.69
ler Crushing Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
molisher Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 29.40
ble-Barrelled Turbo-laser Destructor"][h:newWeaponOb
9 #N/A -
adnaught Chainfist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
adnaught Close Combat Weapon"][h:newWeaponObject
9 =j #N/A
adnaught Combat Walker"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A
adnaught Frag Assault Launchers"][h:newWeaponObject
9 #N/A
P Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A
storm Multi-Melta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{9 #N/A 4.22
mestorm Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
g Assault Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A
st Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ9 #N/A
ardian Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A 0.81
oc Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
strike Missile"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9 #N/A
ricane Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 9 #N/A 25.90
molation Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 9 #N/A
rovised Weapons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A
alation Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A
n Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A
IX Ultra-Pattern Sharpshooters Rifle"][h:newWeaponObj
9 #N/A
noball Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A
unted Assault Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 39.48
unted Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 49.14
unted Heavy Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
9 #N/A 25.20
nissian Axe (Astartes)"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
le-mounted Storm Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A 14.03
mitive Weapons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A
per Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 #N/A 122.85
ris Claymore"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A
smic Hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
pulan Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C9 #N/A 4.41
Burst Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A -
Ion Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A 161.65
Marker Light"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "9 #N/A
Missile Pod"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C9 #N/A
Plasma Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "9 #N/A 149.85
Pulse Carbine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9 #N/A 2.11
Pulse Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
9 #N/A 0.94
Pulse Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C9 #N/A 6.32
Railgun-Armour Piercing"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A 21.48
Railgun-Submunition Round"][h:newWeaponObject 9= jso #N/A 6.81
Seeker Missile-Armour Piercing"][h:newWeaponObject
9 #N/A
Seeker Missile-Blast"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
9 #N/A
Twin-Linked Burst Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject =9json #N/A 43.88
Twin-Linked Ion Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A 161.65
Twin-linked Long-Barrelled Burst Cannon"][h:newWeap
9 #N/A 73.13
Twin-Linked Missile Pod"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A
Twin-Linked Pulse Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
9 #N/A 19.80
hxorcism Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9"C #N/A
nic Inferno Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"9 #N/A
nic Plasma Blastgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A -
nic Vulcan Mega-bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A 9,657.08
bo-Laser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
9 #N/A 2.11
n-Linked Assault Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
9 #N/A 39.48
n-linked Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A 49.14
n-Linked Bolters"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A 5.61
n-Linked Heavy Bolters"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
9 #N/A 100.80
n-Linked Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
9 #N/A 4.55
n-Linked Missile Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json
9 #N/A
Barbed Strangler"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
Bonesword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
9 #N/A
Deathspitter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 9 #N/A
Devourer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
Fleshborer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca9 #N/A
Heavy Venom Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
9 #N/A
Lash Whip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
9 #N/A
Rending Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",9" #N/A
Scything Talons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
9 #N/A
Stranglethorn Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
9 #N/A
Venom Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
9 " #N/A
ex Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
9 #N/A
rlwind Missile Launcher-Castellan"][h:newWeaponObjec
9 #N/A
rlwind Missile Launcher-Hyperios"][h:newWeaponObject
9 #N/A
rlwind Missile Launcher-Vengence"][h:newWeaponObject
9 #N/A
arrach"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
10 #N/A
-mounted Chainblade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
10 9
oured Gauntlets"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
10 7
ault Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
10 8 0.46
ogun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
10 7 0.86
"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","Me
10 7
n Razor"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
ht Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 8
Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego1 7 250
er"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category", 10 10 2.28
e Maul"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
w"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","Ra
10 5
in Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 9
in Greatsword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",10
" 8
in Halberd"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
10 9
mbi-Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 11 2.57
ssbow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
10 7
ctro-Flail"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat 10 9
en Magos Power Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(" 10 11
g Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
mer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",10 6
nsing Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 11
tlock Musket"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 10 6
tlock Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C 10 6
ce Rod"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
10 1
ce Scythe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 1
ce Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 1
ce Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 1
g Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat10 6
zen Shard"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 11
eseeker"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
10 #N/A
at Weapon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 8
nade Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",10" 7
ucinogen Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
10 8
mmer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
10 6
d Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 8
poon Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 8 0.03
wire Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 10
"C 9
vy Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate10 11 10.08
vy Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 9
vy Stubber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
10 9 3.33
Hammer Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
10 11 0.67
bade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
10 #N/A
rovised weapon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
10 5
rno Pistol-Mars"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",10 11 0.83
e"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"," 10 5
k Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 9
attchal the Soulburner"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
10 #N/A
carbine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 6 0.53
g Las"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
10 6 0.54
pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor10 6 0.16
on Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 10 11 0.46
on Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat10 11 3.00
on Chainaxe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
10 11
on Chainfist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", " 10 11 1
on Chainsword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
10 11
on Combat Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
10 10
on Combi-Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
10 11 3.39
on Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
10 8
on Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
10 8
on Heavy Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
10 11 12.60
on Heavy Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
10 10
on Krak Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
10 9
on Meltagun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
10 11 2.00
on NM Blastmaster - Explosive Crescendo"][h:newWeap
10 11
on NM Blastmaster - Hail of Noise"][h:newWeaponObje
10 11
on NM Doom Siren"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
10 11
on NM Sonic Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
10 11
on Plasma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
10 10 3.51
on Plasma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
10 10 0.70
on Power Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",10
" 11
on Power Fist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",10 11 1
on Power Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
10 11
on Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 10 0.46
htening Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C10 11
g Las"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
10 8 0.54
4 Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 10 9.28
1 Multilaser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca10 10 4.06
tagun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
10 10 1.50
sile Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "10 9
ti-Melta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ10 10 5.87
hraael the Hungering"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
10 #N/A
Brutal Blades"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 - -
Claw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 - -
Crushing Legs"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 - -
Ctan Fists"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 #N/A - -
Ctan Transdimensional Thunderbolt"][h:newWeaponObje
1 #N/A - -
Dispersion Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 - -
Disruptor Field"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"1 - -
Gauntlet of Fire - Melee"][h:newWeaponObject = json
1 - -
Gauntlet of Fire - Ranged"][h:newWeaponObject = json
1 - -
Gauss Blaster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 - -
Gauss Canon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1"C - -
Gauss Flayer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" - -
Harp of Dissonance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 - -
Heavy Gauss Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
1 - -
Hyperphase Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 - -
Particle Beamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
1 - -
Particle Caster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 - -
Rod of Covenant - Ranged"][h:newWeaponObject =
1 jso - -
Rod of Covenant - Melee"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
1 - -
Rod of Night - Ranged"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
1 - -
Rod of Night - Tesla Blast"][h:newWeaponObject = 1
js - -
Staff of Light - Melee"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s1 - -
Staff of Light - Ranged"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
1 - -
Tachyon Arrow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 - -
Tesla Carbine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 - -
Tremorstave "][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" - -
Tremorstave Seismic Blast"][h:newWeaponObject =1json - -
Void Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 - -
Warscythe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 - -
Weapon Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1" - -
ral Whip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 9
Rod"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
ton Flash Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
10 9
gue Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 11
sma Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
10 10 4.03
sma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 10 2.22
sma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat10 10 0.58
wer Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
10 11
wer Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 10
wer Fist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 10 1
wer Mace"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 11
wer Scythe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 10
wer Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 10
al Glass Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
10 11
or Web"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
10 11
per Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
10 11 9.28
ver Long Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",10
" 8
the"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",10 6
ring Blade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat10
eld"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",10 6
tgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",
10 5 0.30
oke Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 6
ar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","10 6
nter Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca 10 11
re Caster"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 11
f of Change"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C10 #N/A
ic Repeater"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C10
b Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego10 7 0.17
n Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 6
ord"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","
10 6
rmed Master"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 #N/A
rmed Warrior"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
10 #N/A
klir Rapier"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca 10 #N/A
maw"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
10 #N/A 3.55
p Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
b Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 9
atran Automatic Mortar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
1 10 - -
atran-pattern MkII Heavy Laspistol"][h:newWeaponObjec
1 7 - -
atran-pattern MkIV Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject = 1json 7 - -
g Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat9 8 -
ocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 10 1.67
ogun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
10 7 0.30
illary Shotgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 1" 0 8 0.01
"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","Me
1 6 - -
le Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
10 7 2.38
g Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat9 8 -
wgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
1 6 - -
a"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","R10 7 -
Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego1 7 250 -
gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"10 10 2.28
w"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","Ra
10 6 -
pup Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 7 0.57
alry Sabre"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 10 - -
alry Spear"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 8 - -
alry Spear - Mounted Charge"][h:newWeaponObject1= js 8 - -
in Glaive"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 10 - -
in Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 9 - -
inaxe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 9 - -
inaxe - Two handed"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 9 - -
inflail"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego1 10 - -
insword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 7 - -
mmand Baton"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 10 - -
ssbow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
10 6 -
molisher Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
10 9 0.11
hshaker Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
10 10 1.01
scerator"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 10 - -
g Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat9 5 -
"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","M1 8 - -
mer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",10 8 -
tlock Musket"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
10 6 -
tlock Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C 10 6 -
ce Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 - -
ce Dagger"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 11 - -
ce Staff"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 11 - -
ce Sword"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 3500 -
g Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat10 4 -
at Weapon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 8 - -
nade Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",10" 7 -
xwhip"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 8 - -
es Assault Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
1 8 - -
ucinogen Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
10 6 -
d Bow"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
10 9 -
d Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 8 0.05
vy Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate10 10 10.08
vy Flamer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 9 -
vy Stubber"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
10 9 1.06
strike Missile"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", 9 10 -
h-pattern M38 MkII Bolt Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject1 = 10 - -
-Shot Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
10 9 0.42
-Shot Laspistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",10 9 0.42
ter-Killer Missile"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{2 8 -
ting Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 8 - -
rovised Weapon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 #N/A - -
rno Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 9 -
rno Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat10 0.83
-Eater Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 10 - -
elin"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"1 6 - -
e"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"," 1 4 5 -
k Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 7 -
k Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 7 -
Carbine"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 6 0.53
ock"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"10 5 0.01
pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor10 4 -
g Las"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
10 8 0.54
us-pattern Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
1 7 - -
4 Autocannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 10 1.67
6 Lasgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 6 0.60
1 Multilaser"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca10 10 4.06
ccabian Frag Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
1 9 - -
n Portable Lascannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
10 10 0.67
tagun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
10 10 1.50
sile Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "10 9 -
e Mortar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
10 10 -
tar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",10 9 -
ti-Melta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ10 11 5.87
al Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 9 - -
dle Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 10 - -
dle Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 10 - -
nissian Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
1 11 - -
ton Flash Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}
10 7 -
sma Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat
10 11 3.00
sma Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 10 3.72
sma Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cat10 10 0.44
wer Axe"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 10 - -
wer Fist"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
1 10 - -
wer Flail"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ1 11 - -
wer Maul - High"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1 10 - -
wer Maul - Low"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",1" 10 - -
wer Spear"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 11 - -
per Gun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Catego
10 6 0.57
per Pistol"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate1 11 - -
eld"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category",1 6 - -
ck Glove"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 11 - -
tgun"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category"
10 7 0.06
tgun-pump"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 7 0.08
naling Device"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
1 6 - -
g"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","R
10 5 -
oke Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 4 -
per Rifle"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ10 8 0.43
ar"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","1 6 - -
m Bolter"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate10 11 5.25
n Grenade"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
10 4 -
pression Shield"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
1 11 - -
ord"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category","
1 6 - -
owing Knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
1 6 - -
ad Fether"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Cate
1 8 - -
lex Pattern Lasgun - Burst Mode"][h:newWeaponObject
10 9 0.23
lex Pattern Lasgun - Precision Mode"][h:newWeaponOb
10 9 0.38
lex Pattern Lasgun - Standard Mode"][h:newWeaponObj
10 9 0.30
ncheon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 5 - -
e Charge"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categ
1 8 - -
rmed Master"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Ca
10 #N/A
rmed Warrior"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "C
10 #N/A
quisher Battle Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
10 10 1.60
s Automatic Grenade Launcher"][h:newWeaponObject
1 =j 8 - -
hammer"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Categor
1 8 - -
knife"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Category
1 7 - -
numAvail Direct Random Random Rounded
1 1 1 1
2 3 1+1d4 1+1d4
3 9 3+3d4 3+3d4
4 27 9+9d4 10+4d10
5 81 27+27d4 30+30*1d4
6 243 81+81d4 100+100*1d4
7 729 243+243d4 250+250*1d4
8 2187 729+729d4 1000+1000*1d4
9 6561 2187+2187d42000+2000*1d4
10 19683 6561+6561d47000+7000*1d4
11 59049 19683+1968320000+20000*1d4
15 [h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "Type","
", "Head", , "ArmP", , "ArmS", , "Body", , "LegP",
SORNAME (248/253) Type Head ArmP ArmS Body LegP
1 Amulet of Warding Deflector "3d10" "3d10" "3d10" "3d10" "3d10"
1 Armour plating trait Natural 2 2 2 2 2
1 Banded Armour Primitive 0 3 3 3 3
1 Beast Furs Primitive 0 0 0 2 0
1 Blessed Sackcloth Tunic Primitive 0 0 0 2 0
1 Boarding Armour Flak 5 3 3 5 3
1 Bone Primitive 0 2 2 2 2
1 Bracers Primitive 0 1 1 0 0
1 Braid Cloak Primitive 0 0 0 1 0
1 Carapace Chest Plate Carapace 0 0 0 6 0
1 Carapace Greaves Carapace 0 0 0 0 5
1 Carapace Helm Carapace 4 0 0 0 0
1 Carapace Vambraces Carapace 0 5 5 0 0
1 Chain Coat Primitive 0 3 3 3 3
1 Crux Terminatus Ward Deflector "35-00" "35-00" "35-00" "35-00" "35-00"
1 Dragon Scale Advanced 8 8 8 8 8
1 Enforcer Light Carapace Carapace 0 5 5 5 5
1 Environmental Body Glove Advanced 1 1 1 1 1
1 Feudal Plate Primitive 5 5 5 5 5
1 Flak Cloak Flak 0 3 3 3 3
1 Flak Gauntlets Flak 0 2 2 0 0
1 Flak Greatcoat Flak 0 4 4 4 0
1 Flak Helmet Flak 2 0 0 0 0
1 Flak Jacket Flak 0 3 3 3 3
1 Flak Vest Flak 0 0 0 3 0
1 Gang Leathers Primitive 0 1 1 1 1
1 Grey Knight Power Armour Power 0 8 8 10 8
1 Grey Knight Power Armour Helm Power 8 0 0 0 0
1 Grey Knight Terminator Armour Power 0 14 14 14 14
1 Grey Knight Terminator Armour Helm Power 14 0 0 0 0
1 Grox Hide Primitive 0 3 3 3 3
1 Guard Armor Flak 4 4 4 4 4
1 Hardened Body Glove Advanced 0 3 3 3 3
1 Hardened Body Hood Advanced 3 0 0 0 0
1 Heavy Leathers Primitive 0 2 2 2 2
1 Heavy Plate Primitive 6 6 6 6 6
1 Holo-Armour Advanced 4 4 4 4 4
1 Hospitaller Carapace Carapace 4 5 5 5 5
1 Iron Collar Primitive 3 0 0 0 0
1 Lidhl Power Armour Power 6 6 6 6 6
1 Light Flak Coat Flak 0 2 2 2 2
1 Light Power Armour Power 7 7 7 7 7
1 Machine Trait AP 1 Natural 1 1 1 1 1
1 Machine Trait AP 2 Natural 2 2 2 2 2
1 Machine Trait AP 3 Natural 3 3 3 3 3
1 Machine Trait AP 4 Natural 4 4 4 4 4
1 Machine Trait AP 5 Natural 5 5 5 5 5
1 Magistratum Carapace Carapace 5 5 5 5 5
1 Malleus Power Armour Power 9 9 9 9 9
1 Malleus Terminator Armour Power 12 12 12 12 12
1 Malleus Terminator Refractor Field Deflector "35-00" "35-00" "35-00" "35-00" "35-00"
1 Mecronid Armour Advanced 7 7 7 7 7
1 Mesh Combat Cloak Mesh 0 4 4 4 4
1 Mesh Cowl Mesh 3 0 0 0 0
1 Mesh Gloves Mesh 0 3 3 0 0
1 Mesh Vest Mesh 0 0 0 4 0
1 Mirkers Greaves Primitive 0 0 0 0 4
1 Natural Armour AP 1 Natural 1 1 1 1 1
1 Natural Armour AP 10 Natural 10 10 10 10 10
1 Natural Armour AP 11 Natural 11 11 11 11 11
1 Natural Armour AP 12 Natural 12 12 12 12 12
1 Natural Armour AP 2 Natural 2 2 2 2 2
1 Natural Armour AP 3 Natural 3 3 3 3 3
1 Natural Armour AP 4 Natural 4 4 4 4 4
1 Natural Armour AP 5 Natural 5 5 5 5 5
1 Natural Armour AP 6 Natural 6 6 6 6 6
1 Natural Armour AP 7 Natural 7 7 7 7 7
1 Natural Armour AP 8 Natural 8 8 8 8 8
1 Natural Armour AP 9 Natural 9 9 9 9 9
1 Nemesis Dreadknight Power 15 15 15 15 15
1 Power Armour Power 8 8 8 8 8
1 Quilted Vest Primitive 0 0 0 2 0
1 Refraction Field (Brontian Pattern) - Best Deflector "30-1" "30-1" "30-1" "30-1" "30-1"
1 Refraction Field (Brontian Pattern) - Common Deflector "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10"
1 Refraction Field (Brontian Pattern) - Good Deflector "30-05" "30-05" "30-05" "30-05" "30-05"
1 Refraction Field (Brontian Pattern) - Poor Deflector "30-15" "30-15" "30-15" "30-15" "30-15"
1 Refractor Field Deflector "2d10" "2d10" "2d10" "2d10" "2d10"
1 Rosarius Deflector "2d10" "2d10" "2d10" "2d10" "2d10"
1 Sanctified Carapace Carapace 6 6 6 6 6
1 Sanctified Chain Coat Primitive 0 4 4 4 0
1 Scale Armour Primitive 0 3 3 3 3
1 Scourge Carapace Carapace 0 3 3 4 3
1 Shield Robes Mesh 0 3 3 3 3
1 Silkmail Primitive 0 3 3 3 3
1 Skrag Furs Primitive 0 0 0 2 0
1 Slither Boots Advanced 0 0 0 0 3
1 Sororitas Power Armour Power 0 7 7 8 7
1 Sororitas Power Armour Helmet Power 7 0 0 0 0
1 Steel Skin Mutation Natural 6 6 6 6 6
1 Storm Trooper Carapace Carapace 6 6 6 6 6
1 Volcanis Shroud Advanced 3 3 3 3 3
1 Wind Armour Advanced 3 3 3 3 3
1 Windrider Carapace Carapace 0 0 0 6 0
1 Xeno Hides Primitive 0 0 0 6 0
1 Xeno Mesh Mesh 0 4 4 4 4
2 Cloak of St. Aspira Other 3 3 3 3 3
2 Icon of the Just Deflector "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10"
2 Ignatus-pattern Power Armour Power 8 8 8 8 8
2 Judges Carapace Carapace 5 5 5 5 5
2 Kasrkin Carapce Carapace 6 6 6 6 6
2 Lathe Refractor Field Deflector "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10"
2 Maccabien Rosarius Deflector "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10"
2 Null-Blocker Deflector "60-10" "60-10" "60-10" "60-10" "60-10"
2 Vindicare Stealth Suit Advanced 3 3 3 3 3
3 Archeotech Mirror Shield Deflector 0 "60-10" "60-10" "60-10" 0
3 Armoured Bodyglove Other 0 3 3 3 3
3 Burnscour Beast Hide Primitive 0 0 0 6 0
3 Clone Field Dark Eldar 0 0 0 0 0
3 Conversion Field (Locke) Deflector "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10"
3 Displacer Field (Mars) Deflector "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10"
3 Eldar Forceshield Deflector "75-10" "75-10" "75-10" "75-10" "75-10"
3 Eldar Raider Armour Eldar 5 5 5 5 5
3 Flak Coat Flak 0 3 3 3 3
3 Flexsteel Other 0 4 4 4 4
3 Ghostplate Armour Dark Eldar 6 6 6 6 6
3 Heavy Power Armour Power 9 9 9 9 9
3 Kabalite Armour Dark Eldar 4 4 4 4 4
3 Kroot Leathers Kroot 2 2 2 2 2
3 Ork-Ard Hat Ork 2 0 0 0 0
3 Ork-Eavy Armor Ork 0 0 0 4 4
3 Ork-Iron Gob Ork 2 0 0 0 0
3 Ork-Squighide Ork 0 3 3 3 3
3 Power Field (Personal) (Ryza) Deflector "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10"
3 Power Field (Vehicle/Emplacement) (Ryza) Deflector "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10"
3 Refractor Field (Mars) Deflector "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10"
3 Salvation Shield Deflector 0 0 0 "70-10" 0
3 Shadow Field Dark Eldar 0 0 0 0 0
3 Subskin Armour Carapace 2 2 2 2 2
3 Synskin Other 2 2 2 2 3
3 Telekinetic Armour Other "[PR]" "[PR]" "[PR]" "[PR]" "[PR]"
3 Thermal Armour-Frost Other 3 3 3 3 3
3 Wychsuit Dark Eldar 2 2 2 2 2
3 Xeno Mesh (RT) Mesh 0 3 3 3 3
3 Xenohide Cloak Dark Eldar 2 2 2 2 2
3 Xenohide Tunic Dark Eldar 0 0 0 3 0
4 Armour of the Remorseless Crusader Power 12 12 12 12 12
4 Astartes Artificer Armour Power 12 12 12 12 12
4 Astartes Combat Shield Deflector "25-10" "25-10" "25-10" "25-10" "25-10"
4 Astartes Mk 1 Thunder Power Armour Power 0 6 6 8 4
4 Astartes Mk 2 Crusade Power Armour Power 0 7 7 9 7
4 Astartes Mk 3 Iron Power Armour Power 0 9 9 10 9
4 Astartes Mk 4 Maximus Power Armour Power 0 7 7 9 7
4 Astartes Mk 5 Heresy Power Armour Power 0 8 8 9 8
4 Astartes Mk 6 Corvus Power Armour Power 0 8 8 9 8
4 Astartes Mk 7 Aquilla Power Armour Power 0 8 8 10 8
4 Astartes Mk 8 Errant Power Armour Power 0 8 8 11 8
4 Astartes Mk1 Power Armour Helm Power 6 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Mk2 Power Armour Helm Power 7 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Mk3 Power Armour Helm Power 9 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Mk4 Power Armour Helm Power 7 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Mk5 Power Armour Helm Power 8 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Mk6 Power Armour Helm Power 8 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Mk7 Power Armour Helm Power 8 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Mk8 Power Armour Helm Power 8 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Power Armour Power 0 8 8 10 8
4 Astartes Power Armour Helm Power 8 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Rosarius Deflector "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10"
4 Astartes Scout Armour Carapace 0 6 6 6 0
4 Astartes Storm Shield - Deflector Deflector "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10"
4 Astartes Storm Shield - Protective Shield 0 0 4 4 0
4 Astartes Tactical Dreadnaught-Terminator Armo Power 0 14 14 14 14
4 Astartes Tactical Dreadnaught-Terminator Armo Power 14 0 0 0 0
4 Astartes Terminator Armour Power 14 14 14 14 14
4 Auran Golden Saurian Scale Armour Primitive 6 6 6 6 6
4 Auran Saurian Scale Armour Primitive 4 4 4 4 4
4 Chaos Armour Plating Other 6 6 6 6 6
4 Chaos Blessing of Deflector "33-00" "33-00" "33-00" "33-00" "33-00"
4 Chaos Bones of Subersion Other 9 9 9 9 9
4 Chaos Flak Robes and Brazen Carapace Carapace 5 5 5 6 4
4 Chaos Protection of Deflector "35-00" "35-00" "35-00" "35-00" "35-00"
4 Chaos Samech Force Shield Deflector "40-15" "40-15" "40-15" "40-15" "40-15"
4 Chaos Slinnar Obsidian Shell Other 8 8 8 8 8
4 Chaos Spire Slayer Force Field Deflector "35-10" "35-10" "35-10" "35-10" "35-10"
4 Chaos Warded Adamantine Shell Other 9 9 9 9 9
4 CM Power Armour Power 8 8 8 10 8
4 Crux Terminatus Ward Deflector "35-00" "35-00" "35-00" "35-00" "35-00"
4 Daemon Blessing of Tzeentch Deflector "20-00" "20-00" "20-00" "20-00" "20-00"
4 Daemon Iron Hide Other 13 13 13 13 13
4 Deathwatch Scout Armor Carapace 0 6 6 6 6
4 Diagnostor Helmet Power 8 0 0 0 0
4 Dmn Armour of Chaos Power 12 12 12 12 12
4 Dmn Brazen Chaos Armour Other 12 12 12 12 12
4 Fenris Pattern Wolf Helm Power 8 0 0 0 0
4 Iron Halo Deflector "50-1" "50-1" "50-1" "50-1" "50-1"
4 Levin Shield Deflector "55-1" "55-1" "55-1" "55-1" "55-1"
4 Nec Dispersion Shield Power Field Deflector "65-05" "65-05" "65-05" "65-05" "65-05"
4 Nec Metallic Exoskeleton Necron 8 8 8 8 8
4 Nec Metallic Shell Necron 10 10 10 10 10
4 Nec Seismic Crucible Deflector "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01"
4 Nec Timesplinter Cloak Deflector "70-01" "70-01" "70-01" "70-01" "70-01"
4 Obliterator Warped Mechnical Flesh Other 12 12 12 12 12
4 Ork Eavy Armour Ork 6 4 4 6 4
4 Ork Flak Armour Ork 0 0 0 2 0
4 Ork Mega Armour Ork 6 10 10 14 10
4 Ork Speshul Force Field Deflector "35-05" "35-05" "35-05" "35-05" "35-05"
4 Rad Corrupted Mechnical Flesh Other 7 7 7 7 7
4 Scales Primitive 2 2 2 2 2
4 Scaly Hide Primitive 4 4 4 4 4
4 Skull Helm Power 9 0 0 0 0
4 Tau Experimental Battlesuit Shield Generator Deflector "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10"
4 Tau Fire Warrior Armour Carapace 6 6 6 6 6
4 Tau Gun Drone Armour Natural 5 5 5 5 5
4 Tau Pathfinder Armour Carapace 7 0 0 7 0
4 Tau Shield Projector Deflector "45-10" "45-10" "45-10" "45-10" "45-10"
4 Tau XV15 Stealth Suit (Limbs) Power 0 7 7 0 7
4 Tau XV15 Stealth Suit (Top) Power 8 0 0 8 0
4 Tau XV-8 Crisis Battlesuit Power 9 9 9 9 9
4 Tau XV8 Crisis Suit Power 9 9 9 9 9
4 Tau XV-88 Broadside Battlesuit Power 12 12 12 12 12
4 Tyr Bonded Exoskeleton Natural 10 10 10 10 10
4 Tyr Chitinous Carapace Natural 3 3 3 3 3
4 Tyr Exoskeleton Natural 2 2 2 2 2
4 Tyr Hardened Carapace Natural 6 6 6 6 6
4 Tyr Light Reinforced Chitin Natural 4 4 4 4 4
4 Tyr Medium Reinforced Chitin Natural 6 6 6 6 6
4 Tyr Reinforced Chitin Natural 8 8 8 8 8
4 Tyr Thickened Scales Natural 10 10 10 10 10
4 Tyr Warp Field Deflector "65-05" "65-05" "65-05" "65-05" "65-05"
4 Vespid Chitin Natural 3 3 3 3 3
4 Xenos Hardened Hide Natural 6 6 6 6 6
4 Xenos Scaly Hide Natural 3 3 3 3 3
4 Xenos Slimey Hide Natural 2 2 2 2 2
4 Xenos Thick Scales Natural 5 5 5 5 5
5 Chainmail Coat Primitive 0 3 3 3 3
5 Chaos Light Power Armour Power 0 7 7 7 7
5 Chaos Light Power Armour Helmet Power 7 0 0 0 0
5 Chest Carapace Plate Carapace 0 0 0 6 0
5 Conversion Field - Best Deflector "50-01" "50-01" "50-01" "50-01" "50-01"
5 Conversion Field - Common Deflector "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10"
5 Conversion Field - Good Deflector "50-05" "50-05" "50-05" "50-05" "50-05"
5 Conversion Field - Poor Deflector "50-15" "50-15" "50-15" "50-15" "50-15"
5 Displacer Field - Best Deflector "55-01" "55-01" "55-01" "55-01" "55-01"
5 Displacer Field - Common Deflector "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10"
5 Displacer Field - Good Deflector "55-05" "55-05" "55-05" "55-05" "55-05"
5 Displacer Field - Poor Deflector "55-15" "55-15" "55-15" "55-15" "55-15"
5 Guard Flak Armour Flak 0 4 4 4 4
5 Guard Flak Armour Helm Flak 4 0 0 0 0
5 Heavy Carapace Carapace 0 6 6 6 6
5 Heavy Carapace Helm Carapace 6 0 0 0 0
5 Legion Power Armour Power 0 8 8 10 8
5 Legion Power Armour Power 0 8 8 8 8
5 Legion Power Armour Helmet Power 8 0 0 0 0
5 Legion Power Armour Helmet Power 8 0 0 0 0
5 Legion Terminator Armour Power 0 14 14 14 14
5 Legion Terminator Armour Helmet Power 14 0 0 0 0
5 Light Carapace Carapace 0 5 5 5 5
5 Nec Ctan Necrodermis Deflector "55-00" "55-00" "55-00" "55-00" "55-00"
5 Nec Dispersion Shield Power Field Deflector "65-05" "65-05" "65-05" "65-05" "65-05"
5 Nec Seismic Crucible Deflector "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01"
5 Nec Shadow Ankh Deflector "50-05" "50-05" "50-05" "50-05" "50-05"
5 Obsidian Armour Other 0 7 7 7 7
5 Personal Power Field - Best Deflector "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01"
5 Personal Power Field - Common Deflector "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10"
5 Personal Power Field - Good Deflector "80-05" "80-05" "80-05" "80-05" "80-05"
5 Personal Power Field - Poor Deflector "80-15" "80-15" "80-15" "80-15" "80-15"
5 Power Field - Best Deflector "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01"
5 Power Field - Common Deflector "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10"
5 Power Field - Good Deflector "80-05" "80-05" "80-05" "80-05" "80-05"
5 Power Field - Poor Deflector "80-15" "80-15" "80-15" "80-15" "80-15"
5 Refractor Field - Best Deflector "30-01" "30-01" "30-01" "30-01" "30-01"
5 Refractor Field - common Deflector "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10"
5 Refractor Field - Good Deflector "30-05" "30-05" "30-05" "30-05" "30-05"
5 Refractor Field - Poor Deflector "30-15" "30-15" "30-15" "30-15" "30-15"
5 Terminator Armour Power 0 14 14 14 14
5 Terminator Armour Helmet Power 14 0 0 0 0
5 Underhive Leathers Primitive 0 1 1 1 0
5 Xenos Hides Mesh 0 6 6 6 0
6 Carapace Gauntlets Carapace 0 5 5 0 0
6 Chainmail Suit Primitive 0 3 3 3 3
6 Conversion Field - Best Deflector "50-01" "50-01" "50-01" "50-01" "50-01"
6 Conversion Field - Common Deflector "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10" "50-10"
6 Conversion Field - Good Deflector "50-05" "50-05" "50-05" "50-05" "50-05"
6 Conversion Field - Poor Deflector "50-15" "50-15" "50-15" "50-15" "50-15"
6 Death World Beast Hide Vest Primitive 0 0 0 6 0
6 Displacer Field - Best Deflector "55-01" "55-01" "55-01" "55-01" "55-01"
6 Displacer Field - Common Deflector "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10" "55-10"
6 Displacer Field - Good Deflector "55-05" "55-05" "55-05" "55-05" "55-05"
6 Displacer Field - Poor Deflector "55-15" "55-15" "55-15" "55-15" "55-15"
6 Feudal World Plate Primitive 5 5 5 5 5
6 Flak Coat Flak 0 3 3 3 0
6 Heavy Leathers Primitive 0 1 1 1 0
6 Imperial Guard Flak Armour Flak 4 4 4 4 4
6 Light Carapace Carapace 5 5 5 5 5
6 Light Flak Cloak Flak 0 2 2 2 2
6 Machine AP 1 Natural 1 1 1 1 1
6 Machine AP 10 Natural 10 10 10 10 10
6 Machine AP 11 Natural 11 11 11 11 11
6 Machine AP 12 Natural 12 12 12 12 12
6 Machine AP 2 Natural 2 2 2 2 2
6 Machine AP 3 Natural 3 3 3 3 3
6 Machine AP 4 Natural 4 4 4 4 4
6 Machine AP 5 Natural 5 5 5 5 5
6 Machine AP 6 Natural 6 6 6 6 6
6 Machine AP 7 Natural 7 7 7 7 7
6 Machine AP 8 Natural 8 8 8 8 8
6 Machine AP 9 Natural 9 9 9 9 9
6 Power Field Personal - Best Deflector "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01"
6 Power Field Personal - Common Deflector "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10"
6 Power Field Personal - Good Deflector "80-05" "80-05" "80-05" "80-05" "80-05"
6 Power Field Personal - Poor Deflector "80-15" "80-15" "80-15" "80-15" "80-15"
6 Power Field Vehicle - Best Deflector "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01" "80-01"
6 Power Field Vehicle - Common Deflector "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10" "80-10"
6 Power Field Vehicle - Good Deflector "80-05" "80-05" "80-05" "80-05" "80-05"
6 Power Field Vehicle - Poor Deflector "80-15" "80-15" "80-15" "80-15" "80-15"
6 Refractor Field, Best Deflector "30-15" "30-15" "30-15" "30-15" "30-15"
6 Refractor Field, Common Deflector "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10" "30-10"
6 Refractor Field, Good Deflector "30-05" "30-05" "30-05" "30-05" "30-05"
6 Refractor Field, Poor Deflector "30-01" "30-01" "30-01" "30-01" "30-01"
6 Shield Primitive 0 2 0 2 0
6 Suppression Shield Power 0 4 0 4 0
, "LegS", ,"Special"," ","Weight", , "Cost"," ", "Renown"," ", "Availability"," ", "Page", , "Source","
LegS Special Wt Cost Renown Availability Pg Src
"3d10" 1-1 bypass field, 0-0 overload, Half Action, All A 1 30000 Very Rare 137 DH-IH
2 Stacking 0 0 - 329 DH-CR
3 12 50 Rare 100 DH-IH
0 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 10 5 Average 144 DH-CR
0 Warp protection, +10 to resist psychic attacks, i 4 500 Rare 118 DH-BoM
3 Provides AP5 vs. Blast, Photo-visor, Void Suit 5 225 Rare 164 DH-IH
2 12 20 Average 100 DH-IH
0 0.5 10 Plentiful 100 DH-IH
0 +10 Concealment 2 80 Uncommon 102 DH-IH
0 7 600 Rare 145 DH-CR
5 3 375 Rare 145 DH-CR
0 2 250 Rare 145 DH-CR
0 2 300 Rare 145 DH-CR
3 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 18 50 Average 145 DH-CR
"35-00" Best Quality Force Field for Terminator and Dre 0 0 Unavailable 134 DH-Dhu
8 Respirator, Photo-visor, +10 S 20 7500 Tech-Priest 137 DH-IH
5 15 575 Rare 145 DH-CR
1 Re-breather, comm-bead, photo-contacts, +10 Su 5 625 Rare 150 DH-IH
5 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 30 120 Scarce 144 DH-CR
3 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 8 80 Scarce 144 DH-CR
0 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 1 50 Average 144 DH-CR
0 9 150 Average 181 DH-IH
0 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 2 25 Average 144 DH-CR
3 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 6 100 Average 144 DH-CR
0 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 5 50 Average 144 DH-CR
1 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 5 25 Average 144 DH-CR
8 +20 Enhanced Strength, Osmotic Gill Life Sustai 175 0 Rank 1 Unavailable 134 DH-Dhu
0 +10 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 5 0 Rank 1 Unavailable 134 DH-Dhu
14 Auto-Stabilised, Enhanced Strength (+30), Senso 390 100 Rank 3 Unavailable 134 DH-Dhu
0 +10 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 10 100 Rank 3 Unavailable 134 DH-Dhu
3 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 14 60 Common 144 DH-CR
4 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 11 300 Scarce 144 DH-CR
3 5 300 Rare 125 DH-IH
0 -20 to notice wearer 0.5 600 Very Rare 125 DH-IH
2 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 7 100 Common 144 DH-CR
6 28 300 Scarce 100 DH-IH
4 -30 to attack the wielder or Perception based tests 4 GM Near Unique 202 DH-IH
5 +20 to resist toxins or diseases that do not pene 20 10000 Very Rare 118 DH-BoM
0 -10 to dodge, critical damage to head reduced b 3 20 Common 71 DH-Dhu
6 40 8000 Very Rare 181 DH-IH
2 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 4 80 Scarce 144 DH-CR
7 +20 S, +1 Size 40 8500 Very Rare 145 DH-CR
1 Machine Trait AP 1 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
2 Machine Trait AP 2 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
3 Machine Trait AP 3 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
4 Machine Trait AP 4 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
5 Machine Trait AP 5 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
5 Respirator, Comm-bead, Photo-visor 16 1100 Rare 126 DH-IH
9 +20 to Strength, Hulking, 1 week power supply 180 25000 Near Unique 71 DH-Dhu
12 +30 Strength, Hulking, Auto-Stabilized, 1week po 400 Unique 71 DH-Dhu
"35-00" 0 Unique 71 DH-Dhu
7 When wielder becomes unconscious he needs to 2 15000 Very Rare 201 DH-IH
4 1.5 350 Very Rare 145 DH-CR
0 0.5 100 Rare 145 DH-CR
0 0.5 120 Rare 145 DH-CR
0 1 150 Rare 145 DH-CR
4 Kick like punch with Knuckle Duster 8 50 Average 125 DH-IH
1 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 1 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
10 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 10 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
11 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 11 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
12 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 12 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
2 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 2 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
3 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 3 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
4 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 4 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
5 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 5 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
6 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 6 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
7 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 7 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
8 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 8 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
9 Stacking, Natural Armour Trait AP 9 0 0 - 330 DH-CR
15 Full benefits of Grey Knight power armour, size 2000 0 Rank 8 Unavailable 134 DH-Dhu
8 +20 S, +1 Size 65 15000 Very Rare 145 DH-CR
0 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 2 10 Common 144 DH-CR
"30-1" 0.4 15000 Very Rare 72 DH-Dhu
"30-10" 0.4 15000 Very Rare 72 DH-Dhu
"30-05" 0.4 15000 Very Rare 72 DH-Dhu
"30-15" 0.4 15000 Very Rare 72 DH-Dhu
"2d10" 1-1 bypass field, 0-0 overload, Half Action, Only 1.5 20000 Very Rare 181 DH-IH
"2d10" 1-1 bypass field, 0-0 overload, Half Action, Only 2 25000 Rare 189 DH-IH
6 Warp protection, +10 to resist psychic attacks, 18 6000 Very Rare 118 DH-BoM
0 Warp protection 15 750 Rare 118 DH-BoM
3 +10 Ag to avoid catching fire 15 1000 Very Rare 101 DH-IH
3 15 300 Rare 129 DH-PtU
3 3 5000 Very Rare 118 DH-BoM
3 5 150 Rare 101 DH-IH
0 -10 Fel 7 5 Common 101 DH-IH
3 x2 vs Corrisives, +10 to maintain footing 6 500 Rare 151 DH-IH
7 +10 Strength, Heavy weapons are braced. 30 20000 Very Rare 118 DH-BoM
0 +5 BS, rebreather, comm-link 5 0 Very Rare 118 DH-BoM
6 Due to the steel skin mutation 0 0 - 130 DH-PtU
6 17 3750 Very Rare 145 DH-CR
3 x2 vs Fire, Acid, Corrisives, -10 Ag 20 350 Average 125 DH-IH
3 Re-breather, vox-system, photo-visor, wind & s 18 2200 Rare 151 DH-IH
0 6 800 Scarce 181 DH-IH
0 1/2 vs. non-Primitive 22 5000 Very Rare 144 DH-CR
4 2 375 Rare 145 DH-CR
3 4 Inq Extremely Rare 10 Asc-HBR
"55-10" Protection Rating, Overload 0.5 Inq Near Unique 144 Asc
8 See Asc p. 143 65 Inq Extremely Rare 143 Asc
5 Micro-bead, Photo-visor, Vox-Amplifier 15.5 Inq Very Rare 143 Asc
6 Auspex, rebreather, photo-visor, micro-bead 15 Inq Very Rare 143 Asc
"30-10" Protection Rating, Overload 0.5 Inq Very Rare 144 Asc
"50-10" Protection Rating, Overload 0.5 Inq Extremely Rare 144 Asc
"60-10" Protection Rating (Psy Only), Overload 0.5 Inq Extremely Rare 144 Asc
3 See Asc p. 147 5 Inq Near Unique 146 Asc
0 Side, When struck by ranged energy weapon, chec 1.5 RT Near Unique 130 RT-ItS
3 5 RT Rare 138 RT
0 20 RT Very Rare 138 RT
0 Reroll one failed dodge test per round. May make 0.5 RT Near Unique 115 RT-SR
"50-10" Photon flash when struck for >12 damage 1 RT Extremely Rare 131 RT-ItS
"55-10" When attacked, roll 3 die, one direction and 2d1 2 RT Near Unique 131 RT-ItS
"75-10" 0.2 RT Unique 131 RT-ItS
5 Counts as carrying a mono knife 4 RT Near Unique 130 RT-ItS
3 Provides AP5 vs. Blast 5 RT Average 138 RT
4 7 RT Very Rare 130 RT-ItS
6 Force field, protection rating 20. Overloads on s 2 RT Rare 115 RT-SR
9 -20 Agility, +20 Strength, size +1, No dodge, Acr 150 RT Extremely Rare 129 RT-ItS
4 Challenging Toughness or Willpower test if not u 5 RT Average 115 RT-SR
2 4 RT Very Rare/Rare 146 RT-ItS
0 3 RT Scarce/Common 145 RT-ItS
4 8 RT Very Rare/Scarc 145 RT-ItS
0 +10 Intimidation 5 RT Very Rare/Scarc 145 RT-ItS
3 4 RT Common/Plentifu 145 RT-ItS
"80-10" Encumbers wearer, lasts 4 hours, -40 stealth 50 RT Near Unique 131 RT-ItS
"80-10" 500 RT Extremely Rare 131 RT-ItS
"30-10" 2 RT Very Rare 131 RT-ItS
0 Works as 0.5 m2 shield in front of user. Can be u0.05 RT Near Unique 131 RT-ItS
0 Protection Rating of 80, should it fail to deflect 0.5 RT Near Unique 115 RT-SR
2 Stacking 2 RT Very Rare 151 RT
3 +10 concealment and silent move, invisible to p 12 RT Extremely Rare 141 RT-CR
"[PR]" Normal and Warp protection 172 RT Rare 130 RT
3 Protection versus flame attack 12 RT Rare 130 RT-ItS
2 0.5 RT Common 115 RT-SR
3 2 RT Rare 138 RT
2 3 RT Common 115 RT-SR
0 1 RT Plentiful 115 RT-SR
12 In addition to the effects of Artificer Armour, + 110 70 Unavailable 167 DW
12 Enhanced Strength, Auto-senses, Osmotic Gill Lif 100 60 Hero Unavailable 163 DW
"25-10" Protection Rating, Overload, Side 3 20 Distinguished Unavailable 166 DW
4 +15 to +25 Enhanced Strength, -15 to Agility te 250 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
7 +25 Enhanced Strength, +5 Auto-senses (audio on280 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
9 AP 6 to all rear attacks. +25 Enhanced Strength 300 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
7 +20 Enhanced Strength,Osmotic Gill Life Sustaine 220 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
8 +20 Enhanced Strength, Osmotic Gill Life Sustain 200 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
8 AP 9 on Body. +20 Enhanced Strength, Osmotic Gil170 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
8 +20 Enhanced Strength, Osmotic Gill Life Sustain 180 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
8 +20 Enhanced Strength,Osmotic Gill Life Sustaine 190 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
0 4 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
0 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 4 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
0 +5 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 4 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
0 +10 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 4 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
0 +5 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 4 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
0 +15 Auto-senses, and full Vox Link. 4 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
0 +10 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 4 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
0 +10 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 4 0 Unavailable 151 DW-RoB
8 Enhanced Strength, Auto-senses (audio only), Osm180 0 Unavailable 160 DW
0 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 4 0 Unavailable 160 DW
"50-10" Protection Rating, Overload, Does not give off a 2 0 Unavailable 189 DW-RoB
0 +10 bonus to Concealment Skill Tests. 30 0 Unavailable 163 DW
"55-10" Protection Rating, Overload, Guarded Attack bec 10 35 Distinguished Unavailable 166 DW
0 Side, Stacking 0 35 Distinguished Unavailable 166 DW
14 Auto-Stabilised, Enhanced Strength (+30), Senso 390 100 Famed Unavailable 164 DW
0 +10 Auto-senses and full Vox Link. 10 100 Famed Unavailable 164 DW
14 Auto-Stabilised, Enhanced Strength (+30), Senso 400 100 Famed Unavailable 164 DW
6 0 0 Unavailable 48 DW-TEP
4 0 0 Unavailable 46 DW-TEP
6 Redemption Servitor Armour 0 0 Unavailable 91 DW-MoX
"33-00" Kyrus the Chantleader Armour 0 0 Unavailable 108 DW-MoX
9 Magos Phayzaruss Armour 0 0 Unavailable 86 DW-MoX
4 15 0 Unavailable 364 DW
"35-00" 0 0 Unavailable 120 DW-MoX
"40-15" Redemption Servitor Armour 0 0 Unavailable 91 DW-MoX
8 Slinnar War Machine 0 0 Unavailable 92 DW-MoX
"35-10" Spire Slayer 0 0 Unavailable 95 DW-MoX
9 Spire Slayer 0 0 Unavailable 95 DW-MoX
8 Chaos Marine 0 0 Unavailable 114 DW-MoX
"35-00" Best Quality Force Field for Terminator 0 0 Unavailable 164 DW
"20-00" Pink and Blue Horror Blessing 0 0 Unavailable 111 DW-MoX
13 Bloodthirster 0 0 Unavailable 101 DW-MoX
6 Body Glove, Anointment of Obfuscation, Scouts V 30 0 Unavailable 142 DW-RoB
0 Preysense, +10 to all Medicae Tests 30 15 Unavailable 165 DW
12 Daemon Only 0 0 Unavailable 362 DW
12 Paragelle's armour 0 0 Unavailable 136 DW-TEP
0 Space Wolf may use Wolf Senses Solo Mode 4 0 Respected Unavailable 143 DW-RoB
"50-1" Protection Rating, Overload 0.5 40 Hero Unavailable 167 DW
"55-1" Protection Rating, Overload, Guarded Attack bec 10 50 Hero Unavailable 168 DW
"65-05" A ranged attack may be redirected at an enemy w 0 DW near unique 131 DW-TOR
8 0 0 Unavailable 94 DW-TEP
10 0 0 Unavailable 94 DW-TEP
"80-01" Applicable to melee attacks only 0 DW near unique 116 DW-TOR
"70-01" Melee weapons stopped must make an AG test or b 0 DW near unique 124 DW-TOR
12 Obliterator 0 0 Unavailable 120 DW-MoX
4 0 0 Unavailable 57 DW-MoX
0 0 0 Unavailable 57 DW-MoX
10 0 0 Unavailable 57 DW-MoX
"35-05" Does not work against melee, range 15 meters 0 0 Unavailable 59 DW-MoX
7 0 0 Unavailable 91 DW-TEP
2 0 0 Unavailable 50 DW-TEP
4 0 0 Unavailable 46 DW-TEP
0 +10 Intimidate and acts as a normal Power Armo 4 0 Unavailable 143 DW-RoB
"50-10" Melee attackers suffer 2d10+3 E automatically on 0 0 Unavailable 9 DW-MoX
6 0 0 Unavailable 368 DW
5 From Machine Trait 0 0 Unavailable 367 DW
0 Micro-bead, photo-visor, and magnoculars 0 0 Unavailable 25 DW-MoX
"45-10" 2 meter radius 0 0 Unavailable 9 DW-MoX
7 0 0 Unavailable 367 DW
0 Stealth Field Generator 0 0 Unavailable 367 DW
9 MultiTracker, Command and Control node, Experi 0 0 Unavailable 9 DW-MoX
9 Integrated Systems 0 0 Unavailable 366 DW
12 micro-bead and xenos crafted auspex 0 0 Unavailable 6 DW-MoX
10 Hive Tyrant, Carnifex, Warrior Prime, Tyrant G 0 0 Unavailable 370 DW
3 Hormagaunt, Termagaunt, Gargoyles Natural Ar 0 0 Unavailable 371 DW
2 Rippers Natural Armour 0 0 Unavailable 43 DW-MoX
6 Purestrain Broodlord, Zoanthropes Natural Armo 0 0 Unavailable 40 DW-MoX
4 Purestrain Genestealer, Venomthropes Natural 0 0 Unavailable 39 DW-MoX
6 Chameleonic Scales, Lictor 0 0 Unavailable 37 DW-MoX
8 Tyranid Warriors Natural Armour 0 0 Unavailable 371 DW
10 Trygons Natural Armour 0 0 Unavailable 46 DW-MoX
"65-05" Full Action to restore 0 0 Unavailable 53 DW-MoX
3 0 0 Unavailable 26 DW-MoX
6 Lacrymoles natural Armour 0 0 Unavailable 66 DW-MoX
3 Crotalids Natural Armour 0 0 Unavailable 63 DW-MoX
2 Loxatl Natural Armour, +10 Concealment, AP 4 0 0 Unavailable 68 DW-MoX
5 Diablodons Natural Armour 0 0 Unavailable 65 DW-MoX
3 28 BC average 174 BC-CR
7 +10 to Strength Characteristic, Hulking, Standard 35 BC very rare 174 BC-CR
0 5 BC very rare 174 BC-CR
0 7 BC rare 174 BC-CR
"50-01" >12 points of Damage, release light equal to a P 1 BC extremely rare 179 BC-CR
"50-10" >12 points of Damage, release light equal to a P 1 BC extremely rare 179 BC-CR
"50-05" >12 points of Damage, release light equal to a P 1 BC extremely rare 179 BC-CR
"50-15" >12 points of Damage, release light equal to a P 1 BC extremely rare 179 BC-CR
"55-01" roll 3d10 for distance travelled. If all 3 dice ar 2 BC near unique 179 BC-CR
"55-10" roll 3d10 for distance travelled. If all 3 dice ar 2 BC near unique 179 BC-CR
"55-05" roll 3d10 for distance travelled. If all 3 dice ar 2 BC near unique 179 BC-CR
"55-15" roll 3d10 for distance travelled. If all 3 dice ar 2 BC near unique 179 BC-CR
4 9 BC scarce 174 BC-CR
0 2 BC scarce 174 BC-CR
6 14 BC very rare 174 BC-CR
0 3 BC very rare 174 BC-CR
8 +20 to Strength Characteristic, Hulking, Standar 90 BC extremely rare 174 BC-CR
8 +20 to Strength Characteristic, Hulking, Standard 60 BC extremely rare 174 BC-CR
0 10 BC extremely rare 174 BC-CR
0 5 BC extremely rare 174 BC-CR
14 425 BC near unique 174 BC-CR
0 +30 to Strength Characteristic, Hulking, Standar 25 BC near unique 174 BC-CR
5 15 BC rare 174 BC-CR
"55-00" 0 BC Unique 136 BC-HoC
"65-05" A ranged attack may be redirected at an enemy w 0 BC near unique 121 BC-ToF
"80-01" Applicable to melee attacks only 0 BC Unique 137 BC-HoC
"65-05" protects only against creatures with Daemonic, 0 BC near unique 121 BC-ToF
7 4 BC Unique 174 BC-CR
"80-01" 1 hour of activity, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 50 BC near unique 179 BC-CR
"80-10" 1 hour of activity, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 50 BC near unique 179 BC-CR
"80-05" 1 hour of activity, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 50 BC near unique 179 BC-CR
"80-15" 1 hour of activity, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 50 BC near unique 179 BC-CR
"80-01" cannot be carried, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 500 BC very rare 179 BC-CR
"80-10" cannot be carried, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 500 BC very rare 179 BC-CR
"80-05" cannot be carried, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 500 BC very rare 179 BC-CR
"80-15" cannot be carried, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 500 BC very rare 179 BC-CR
"30-01" Soft Haze of Light imposes -10 to Stealth tests 2 BC very rare 179 BC-CR
"30-10" Soft Haze of Light imposes -10 to Stealth tests 2 BC very rare 179 BC-CR
"30-05" Soft Haze of Light imposes -10 to Stealth tests 2 BC very rare 179 BC-CR
"30-15" Soft Haze of Light imposes -10 to Stealth tests 2 BC very rare 179 BC-CR
14 +30 to Strength Characteristic, Hulking, Standar 380 BC near unique 174 BC-CR
0 20 BC near unique 174 BC-CR
0 5 BC common 174 BC-CR
0 9.5 BC Rare 174 BC-CR
0 2 OW rare 195 BC-CR
3 15 OW Common 195 BC-CR
"50-01" >12 points of Damage, release light equal to a P 1 OW extremely rare 196 BC-CR
"50-10" >12 points of Damage, release light equal to a P 1 OW extremely rare 196 BC-CR
"50-05" >12 points of Damage, release light equal to a P 1 OW extremely rare 196 BC-CR
"50-15" >12 points of Damage, release light equal to a P 1 OW extremely rare 196 BC-CR
0 20 OW Very rare 195 BC-CR
"55-01" roll 3d10 for distance travelled. If all 3 dice ar 2 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"55-10" roll 3d10 for distance travelled. If all 3 dice ar 2 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"55-05" roll 3d10 for distance travelled. If all 3 dice ar 2 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"55-15" roll 3d10 for distance travelled. If all 3 dice ar 2 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
5 30 OW Scarce 195 BC-CR
0 5 OW scarce 195 BC-CR
0 5 OW common 118 BC-CR
4 11 OW average 195 BC-CR
5 15 OW rare 195 BC-CR
2 4 OW scarce 195 BC-CR
1 Machine Trait (1), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
10 Machine Trait (10), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
11 Machine Trait (11), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
12 Machine Trait (12), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
2 Machine Trait (2), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
3 Machine Trait (3), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
4 Machine Trait (4), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
5 Machine Trait (5), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
6 Machine Trait (6), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
7 Machine Trait (7), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
8 Machine Trait (8), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
9 Machine Trait (9), Stacking 0 0 - 156 OW-CR
"80-01" Apply -20 to stealth tests, cannot protect against 50 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"80-10" Apply -20 to stealth tests, cannot protect against 50 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"80-05" Apply -20 to stealth tests, cannot protect against 50 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"80-15" Apply -20 to stealth tests, cannot protect against 50 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"80-01" cannot be carried, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 50 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"80-10" cannot be carried, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 50 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"80-05" cannot be carried, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 50 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"80-15" cannot be carried, -20 to stealth tests, cannot pr 50 OW near unique 196 BC-CR
"30-15" Soft Haze of Light imposes -10 to Stealth tests 2 OW Very rare 196 BC-CR
"30-10" Soft Haze of Light imposes -10 to Stealth tests 2 OW Very rare 196 BC-CR
"30-05" Soft Haze of Light imposes -10 to Stealth tests 2 OW Very rare 196 BC-CR
"30-01" Soft Haze of Light imposes -10 to Stealth tests 2 OW Very rare 196 BC-CR
0 Can be used to bash with. 3 OW Common 185 OW-CR
0 Stacking, Defensive, Recharge, Shocking 7 OW Extremely Rare 118 BC-HoE
", "Equipped", 0)][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)] Shop sort
. . Shop sorter NumAvail Cost Primitive Loc
[h:newThingName = "Amulet of Warding"][h
. 1 8 30000 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Armour plating trait". 1 #N/A 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Banded Armour"][h:new
. 1 7 50 2 27
[h:newThingName = "Beast Furs"][h:newThi
. 1 5 5 2 8
[h:newThingName = "Blessed Sackcloth .Tun1 7 500 2 8
[h:newThingName = "Boarding Armour"][h:n
. 1 7 225 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Bone"][h:newThingObje
. 1 5 20 2 18
[h:newThingName = "Bracers"][h:newThingO
. 1 3 10 2 2
[h:newThingName = "Braid Cloak"][h:newT. 1 #N/A 80 2 4
[h:newThingName = "Carapace Chest Plate. 1 7 600 1 24
[h:newThingName = "Carapace Greaves"][h. 1 7 375 1 15
[h:newThingName = "Carapace Helm"][h:ne. 1 7 250 1 4
[h:newThingName = "Carapace Vambraces"]. 1 7 300 1 10
[h:newThingName = "Chain Coat"][h:newThi
. 1 5 50 2 27
[h:newThingName = "Crux Terminatus Ward"
. 1 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Dragon Scale"][h:new. 1 #N/A 7500 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Enforcer Light Carap. 1 7 575 1 45
[h:newThingName = "Environmental Body . G1 7 625 1 10
[h:newThingName = "Feudal Plate"][h:newT
. 1 6 120 2 50
[h:newThingName = "Flak Cloak"][h:newThi
. 1 6 80 1 27
[h:newThingName = "Flak Gauntlets"][h:ne
. 1 5 50 1 4
[h:newThingName = "Flak Greatcoat"][h:ne
. 1 5 150 1 24
[h:newThingName = "Flak Helmet"][h:newTh
. 1 5 25 1 2
[h:newThingName = "Flak Jacket"][h:newTh
. 1 5 100 1 27
[h:newThingName = "Flak Vest"][h:newThin
. 1 5 50 1 12
[h:newThingName = "Gang Leathers"][h:new
. 1 5 25 2 9
[h:newThingName = "Grey Knight Power.Ar 1 #N/A 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Grey Knight Power.Ar 1 #N/A 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Grey Knight Terminat. 1 #N/A 1 126
[h:newThingName = "Grey Knight Terminat. 1 #N/A 1 14
[h:newThingName = "Grox Hide"][h:newThin
. 1 4 60 2 27
[h:newThingName = "Guard Armor"][h:newT. 1 6 300 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Hardened Body Glove". 1 7 300 1 27
[h:newThingName = "Hardened Body Hood"]. 1 8 600 1 3
[h:newThingName = "Heavy Leathers"][h:n. 1 4 100 2 18
[h:newThingName = "Heavy Plate"][h:newTh
. 1 6 300 2 60
[h:newThingName = "Holo-Armour"][h:newTh
. 1 10 GM 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Hospitaller Carapace"
. 1 8 10000 1 49
[h:newThingName = "Iron Collar"][h:newTh
. 1 4 2 3
[h:newThingName = "Lidhl Power Armour"]. 1 8 8000 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Light Flak Coat"][h:n
. 1 6 80 1 18
[h:newThingName = "Light Power Armour"]. 1 8 8500 1 70
[h:newThingName = "Machine Trait AP 1"][
. 1 #N/A 1 10
[h:newThingName = "Machine Trait AP 2"][
. 1 #N/A 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Machine Trait AP 3"][
. 1 #N/A 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Machine Trait AP 4"][
. 1 #N/A 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Machine Trait AP 5"][
. 1 #N/A 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Magistratum Carapace. 1 7 1100 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Malleus Power Armour. 1 10 1 90
[h:newThingName = "Malleus Terminator. Ar1 11 1 120
[h:newThingName = "Malleus Terminator. Re1 11 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Mecronid Armour"][h:. 1 8 15000 1 70
[h:newThingName = "Mesh Combat Cloak"][. 1 8 350 1 36
[h:newThingName = "Mesh Cowl"][h:newThi. 1 7 100 1 3
[h:newThingName = "Mesh Gloves"][h:newT. 1 7 120 1 6
[h:newThingName = "Mesh Vest"][h:newThi. 1 7 150 1 16
[h:newThingName = "Mirkers Greaves"][h:n
. 1 5 50 2 12
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 1"]1 #N/A 1 10
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 101 #N/A 1 100
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 111 #N/A 1 110
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 121 #N/A 1 120
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 2"]1 #N/A 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 3"]1 #N/A 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 4"]1 #N/A 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 5"]1 #N/A 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 6"]1 #N/A 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 7"]1 #N/A 1 70
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 8"]1 #N/A 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Natural Armour AP. 9"]1 #N/A 1 90
[h:newThingName = "Nemesis Dreadknight" . 1 #N/A 1 150
[h:newThingName = "Power Armour"][h:new . 1 8 15000 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Quilted Vest"][h:newT. 1 4 10 2 8
[h:newThingName = "Refraction Field (Bro. 1 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refraction Field (Bro. 1 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refraction Field (Bro. 1 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refraction Field (Bro. 1 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field"][h:n. 1 8 20000 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Rosarius"][h:newThing. 1 7 25000 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Sanctified Carapace"]. 1 8 6000 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Sanctified Chain Coat. 1 7 750 2 24
[h:newThingName = "Scale Armour"][h:newT. 1 8 1000 2 27
[h:newThingName = "Scourge Carapace"][h . 1 7 300 1 31
[h:newThingName = "Shield Robes"][h:new . 1 8 5000 1 27
[h:newThingName = "Silkmail"][h:newThing. 1 7 150 2 27
[h:newThingName = "Skrag Furs"][h:newThi. 1 4 5 2 8
[h:newThingName = "Slither Boots"][h:new. 1 7 500 1 9
[h:newThingName = "Sororitas Power Armo . 1 8 20000 1 67
[h:newThingName = "Sororitas Power Armo . 1 8 1 7
[h:newThingName = "Steel Skin Mutation"]. 1 #N/A 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Storm Trooper Carapa . 1 8 3750 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Volcanis Shroud"][h:n. 1 5 350 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Wind Armour"][h:newT . 1 7 2200 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Windrider Carapace"] . 1 6 800 1 24
[h:newThingName = "Xeno Hides"][h:newThi. 1 8 5000 2 24
[h:newThingName = "Xeno Mesh"][h:newThi . 1 7 375 1 36
[h:newThingName = "Cloak of St. Aspira"]. 3 9 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Icon of the Just"][h:. 3 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Ignatus-pattern Powe . 3 9 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Judges Carapace"][h: . 3 8 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Kasrkin Carapce"][h:n. 3 8 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Lathe Refractor Field. 3 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Maccabien Rosarius"][. 3 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Null-Blocker"][h:newT. 3 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Vindicare Stealth Sui. 3 10 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Archeotech Mirror Shi. 2 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Armoured Bodyglove"] . 2 7 1 27
[h:newThingName = "Burnscour Beast Hide". 2 8 1 24
[h:newThingName = "Clone Field"][h:newTh. 2 10 1 0
[h:newThingName = "Conversion Field (Loc. 2 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Displacer Field (Mars. 2 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Eldar Forceshield"][h. 2 11 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Eldar Raider Armour"]. 2 10 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Flak Coat"][h:newThin. 2 5 1 27
[h:newThingName = "Flexsteel"][h:newThin. 2 8 1 36
[h:newThingName = "Ghostplate Armour"][h. 2 7 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Heavy Power Armour"][. 2 9 1 90
[h:newThingName = "Kabalite Armour"][h:n. 2 5 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Kroot Leathers"][h:ne. 2 #N/A 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Ork-Ard Hat"][h:newT . 2 #N/A 1 2
[h:newThingName = "Ork-Eavy Armor"][h:ne. 2 #N/A 1 28
[h:newThingName = "Ork-Iron Gob"][h:newT. 2 #N/A 1 2
[h:newThingName = "Ork-Squighide"][h:new. 2 #N/A 1 27
[h:newThingName = "Power Field (Personal. 2 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field (Vehicle/. 2 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field (Mars. 2 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Salvation Shield"][h:. 2 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Shadow Field"][h:newT. 2 10 1 0
[h:newThingName = "Subskin Armour"][h:n . 2 8 2000 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Synskin"][h:newThing . 2 9 1 23
[h:newThingName = "Telekinetic Armour"][. 2 7 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Thermal Armour-Frost". 2 7 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Wychsuit"][h:newThin . 2 4 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Xeno Mesh (RT)"][h:n . 2 7 1 27
[h:newThingName = "Xenohide Cloak"][h:n . 2 4 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Xenohide Tunic"][h:ne. 2 3 1 12
[h:newThingName = "Armour of the Remorse. 9 #N/A 1 120
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Artificer Ar. 9 #N/A 1 120
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Combat Shiel. 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk 1 Thunde . 9 #N/A 1 56
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk 2 Crusad . 9 #N/A 1 71
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk 3 Iron .Po 9 #N/A 1 85
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk 4 Maximu . 9 #N/A 1 71
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk 5 Heresy . 9 #N/A 1 76
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk 6 Corvus . 9 #N/A 1 76
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk 7 Aquilla. 9 #N/A 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk 8 Errant . 9 #N/A 1 84
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk1 Power . A9 #N/A 1 6
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk2 Power . A9 #N/A 1 7
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk3 Power . A9 #N/A 1 9
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk4 Power . A9 #N/A 1 7
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk5 Power . A9 #N/A 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk6 Power . A9 #N/A 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk7 Power . A9 #N/A 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Mk8 Power . A9 #N/A 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Power Armour. 9 #N/A 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Power Armou . 9 #N/A 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Rosarius"][h. 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Scout Armou . 9 #N/A 1 36
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Storm Shield. 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Storm Shield. 9 #N/A 1 16
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Tactical Dr. 9 #N/A 1 126
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Tactical Dr. 9 #N/A 1 14
[h:newThingName = "Astartes Terminator. 9 #N/A 1 140
[h:newThingName = "Auran Golden Saurian . 9 #N/A 2 60
[h:newThingName = "Auran Saurian Scale . A9 #N/A 2 40
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Armour Plating . 9 #N/A 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Blessing of"][ . 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Bones of Suber . 9 #N/A 1 90
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Flak Robes .and9 #N/A 1 51
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Protection of"]. 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Samech Force . 9S #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Slinnar Obsidi . 9 #N/A 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Spire Slayer. Fo9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Warded Adamant . 9 #N/A 1 90
[h:newThingName = "CM Power Armour"][h: . 9 #N/A 1 88
[h:newThingName = "Crux Terminatus Ward". 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Daemon Blessing of . T9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Daemon Iron Hide"][h . 9 #N/A 1 130
[h:newThingName = "Deathwatch Scout .Arm9 #N/A 1 54
[h:newThingName = "Diagnostor Helmet"][ . 9 #N/A 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Dmn Armour of Chaos" . 9 #N/A 1 120
[h:newThingName = "Dmn Brazen Chaos. Arm 9 #N/A 1 120
[h:newThingName = "Fenris Pattern Wolf. 9 #N/A 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Iron Halo"][h:newThin. 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Levin Shield"][h:newT. 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Nec Dispersion Shiel . 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Nec Metallic Exoskele. 9 #N/A 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Nec Metallic Shell"][. 9 #N/A 1 100
[h:newThingName = "Nec Seismic Crucible . 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Nec Timesplinter Clo . 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Obliterator Warped. M 9 #N/A 1 120
[h:newThingName = "Ork Eavy Armour"][h: . 9 #N/A 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Ork Flak Armour"][h: . 9 #N/A 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Ork Mega Armour"][h: . 9 #N/A 1 112
[h:newThingName = "Ork Speshul Force.Fi 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Rad Corrupted Mechni . 9 #N/A 1 70
[h:newThingName = "Scales"][h:newThingOb
. 9 #N/A 2 20
[h:newThingName = "Scaly Hide"][h:newThi
. 9 #N/A 2 40
[h:newThingName = "Skull Helm"][h:newTh. 9 #N/A 1 9
[h:newThingName = "Tau Experimental Batt
. 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Tau Fire Warrior Armo
. 9 #N/A 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Tau Gun Drone Armour. 9 #N/A 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Tau Pathfinder Armou. 9 #N/A 1 35
[h:newThingName = "Tau Shield Projector"
. 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Tau XV15 Stealth Suit
. 9 #N/A 1 35
[h:newThingName = "Tau XV15 Stealth Suit
. 9 #N/A 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Tau XV-8 Crisis Batt. 9 #N/A 1 90
[h:newThingName = "Tau XV8 Crisis Suit"]
. 9 #N/A 1 90
[h:newThingName = "Tau XV-88 Broadside . 9 #N/A 1 120
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Bonded Exoskelet. 9 #N/A 1 100
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Chitinous Carapa. 9 #N/A 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Exoskeleton"][h:. 9 #N/A 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Hardened Carapac. 9 #N/A 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Light Reinforced. 9 #N/A 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Medium Reinforce. 9 #N/A 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Reinforced Chitin
. 9 #N/A 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Thickened Scales. 9 #N/A 1 100
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Warp Field"][h:ne
. 9 #N/A 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Vespid Chitin"][h:new
. 9 #N/A 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Hardened Hide". 9 #N/A 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Scaly Hide"][h. 9 #N/A 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Slimey Hide"][. 9 #N/A 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Thick Scales"]. 9 #N/A 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Chainmail Coat"][h:ne
. 10 5 2 27
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Light Power. Arm 10 8 1 63
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Light Power. Ar 10 8 1 7
[h:newThingName = "Chest Carapace Plate. 10 7 1 24
[h:newThingName = "Conversion Field - .Be 10 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Conversion Field - .Co 10 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Conversion Field - .Go10 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Conversion Field - .Po 10 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Displacer Field - Bes
. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Displacer Field - Com
. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Displacer Field - Goo
. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Displacer Field - Poo
. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Guard Flak Armour"][. 10 6 1 36
[h:newThingName = "Guard Flak Armour. He10 6 1 4
[h:newThingName = "Heavy Carapace"][h:n. 10 8 1 54
[h:newThingName = "Heavy Carapace Helm". 10 8 1 6
[h:newThingName = "Legion Power Armour"]
. 10 9 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Legion Power Armour"]
. 10 9 1 72
[h:newThingName = "Legion Power Armour . 10 9 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Legion Power Armour . 10 9 1 8
[h:newThingName = "Legion Terminator .Ar 10 10 1 126
[h:newThingName = "Legion Terminator .Arm10 10 1 14
[h:newThingName = "Light Carapace"][h:n. 10 7 1 45
[h:newThingName = "Nec Ctan Necrodermis. 10 11 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Nec Dispersion Shield
. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Nec Seismic Crucible"
. 10 11 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Nec Shadow Ankh"][h:. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Obsidian Armour"][h:. 10 11 1 63
[h:newThingName = "Personal Power Field. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Personal Power Field. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Personal Power Field. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Personal Power Field. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field - Best"][
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field - Common"
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field - Good"][
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field - Poor"][
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field - Bes
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field - com
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field - Goo
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field - Poo
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Terminator Armour"][h
. 10 10 1 126
[h:newThingName = "Terminator Armour. He10 10 1 14
[h:newThingName = "Underhive Leathers"]. 10 4 2 6
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Hides"][h:newT. 10 7 1 36
[h:newThingName = "Carapace Gauntlets"]. 10 7 1 10
[h:newThingName = "Chainmail Suit"][h:n. 10 4 2 27
[h:newThingName = "Conversion Field - .Be 10 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Conversion Field - .C 10 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Conversion Field - .Go10 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Conversion Field - .Po 10 9 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Death World Beast.Hid10 8 2 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Displacer Field - Bes
. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Displacer Field - Com
. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Displacer Field - Goo
. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Displacer Field - Poo
. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Feudal World Plate"][
. 10 6 2 50
[h:newThingName = "Flak Coat"][h:newThin
. 10 6 1 18
[h:newThingName = "Heavy Leathers"][h:n. 10 4 2 6
[h:newThingName = "Imperial Guard Flak. 10 5 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Light Carapace"][h:n. 10 7 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Light Flak Cloak"][h:
. 10 6 1 #REF!
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 1"][h:newT
. 10 #N/A 1 10
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 10"][h:ne. 10 #N/A 1 100
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 11"][h:ne. 10 #N/A 1 110
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 12"][h:ne. 10 #N/A 1 120
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 2"][h:newT
. 10 #N/A 1 20
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 3"][h:newT
. 10 #N/A 1 30
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 4"][h:newT
. 10 #N/A 1 40
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 5"][h:newT
. 10 #N/A 1 50
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 6"][h:newT
. 10 #N/A 1 60
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 7"][h:newT
. 10 #N/A 1 70
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 8"][h:newT
. 10 #N/A 1 80
[h:newThingName = "Machine AP 9"][h:newT
. 10 #N/A 1 90
[h:newThingName = "Power Field Personal. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field Personal. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field Personal. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field Personal. 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field Vehicle. - 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field Vehicle. - 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field Vehicle. - 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Power Field Vehicle. - 10 10 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field, Best
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field, Comm
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field, Good
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Refractor Field, Poor
. 10 8 1 #VALUE!
[h:newThingName = "Shield"][h:newThingO. 10 4 2 12
[h:newThingName = "Suppression Shield"]. 10 9 1 24
Q&D Applies for 'normal' armour, not DTA
Ubiquitous 1 1 1 1
Abundant 2 3 1+1d4 1+1d4
Plentiful 3 9 3+3d4 3+3d4
Common 4 27 9+9d4 10+4d10
Average 5 81 27+27d4 30+30*1d4

Scarce 6 243 81+81d4 100+100*1d4

Rare 7 729 243+243d4 250+250*1d4
More expensive: 2187 729+729d4 1000+1000*1d4
Very Rare 8 6561 2187+2187d42000+2000*1d4
Extremely Ra 9 19683 6561+6561d47000+7000*1d4
Near Unique 10 59049 19683+1968320000+20000*1d4
Unique 11

[h:newThing = json.set(newThing, "", "
[h, if(" "!=""):specText = json.set(specText, "
NAME (66/66) Descr
Accurate When Aiming gain the following: +10BS, +1d10 damage per 2D
Balanced Grant +10 Parry. This is granted only once when wielding
Blast (x) more
Affectthan one balanced
all targets within x weapon. radius in meters.
Broad Beam Framework specific quality for dealing with gravitational
Concussive (x) weapons.
Struck targets must make a Toughness Test at a Difficulty of
Crippling (x) -10 peratdegree
Suffer least one of success
wound and by which treated theasattack
crippled succeeded
for the or
Deadly Snare be
encounter. 1 Round.
envelops than theaAuditory
half action
target inprotection
is taken,
snares confers
which not a
suffer +10
constrict to but
equal Test.
to the toAdditionally,
(x), not reduced
strangle and any flay target taking
by Toughness
their This or AP.
Defensive +15 Parry, -10 Attack
Note that
weapon thanthehis Strength in
implementation Bonus of samefrom
the a Concussive
framework includes weapon only
Devastating 1
is Point ofquality
automatically Cohesion functions
knocked Damage down.
the to Squad.
If using
way VsasHordes
the Snaredoesrules X
weaponsetting of the(see
quality crippledWeapon state, damage
Special basedCrusade
Qualities on page
on actions 142 is
Fast additional
x*10 is the Magnitude
penalty a -20% to Damage.
the penalty
Toughness Note
to their that
text the
vs -10automation
DoS, in
not implemented.
in Chapter V: Armoury), except that any character
Felling (x) the FW
If using the
Reduce only
theby covers
target's weapon.the
is Unnatural
stunned additional
add suffers
1d5forto damage
Toughness per to Hordes.
(only) onon
by antheagain
Cohesion damage the weapon is(#).
not automated. the weapons damage
Flame Zealous
in theirto turnHatred\Righteous
see test. to the
catch on fire.
round Fury;
Do not doinflict
not Righteous
listed (x#)Fury
for avoiding
break the on
such asX
or higher;
attack (x2)
that auto
is now confirm
it is RF\ZH
covered by if using
the target's
Spray DW rules;of
quality. and if using
Flexible Attacks from this weapon cannot be parried
BC Settings for
Toughness. This Gaussis theweapons,
format used the for GaussDarkwill allow Rogue
Heresy, an
Focused Beam Framework
NPC to inflict specific
RF even quality
if RF foris offdealingfor with gravitational
NPC's. Note
Trader, and DeathWatch weapons with Felling thatthis reduceis a by
Force weapons.
Add PRFor
blending value
of both to DWthe bonus
and BC damage
rules is and
with thepenetration
variation value
in BC(#) of
levels. Black Crusade Felling formatted as Felling
Gauss (x) the
rules managed
as Felling When by
(4) the an use
which opponent of BC is
reduces wounded
the Unnatural a psykerToughness may
Grapple make
by a can
You an Grapple
numeric opposed amount. WP test
while Note
holding asthat athis
in the action
weapon. and
framework, This addisthese
a can E
be DoS difference,
Framework and matched
specific ignoring
qualityas the Armour
added code to and Toughness.
allow an switching
attacker to
Gyro-Stabilised Targets are never counted as being farther than Long Range.
execute Force
athe two
grapple weapons
attack will
inwith bypass
some allowed cases Daemonic
weapons. toughness.
you have a
Hallucinogenic (x) Heavy taking
When weapons a hitwith
the the
target Qualitymust reduce
make the penalty forTest
weapon damage using component
BC format of this
against quality
a target isanot Toughness
with implemented
levels, it (x) but
Haywire (x) Bracing
with a
Generates to
penalty -20.
a fieldequal to
that disrupts10 x the number
electronics. in parenthesis
Roll on the
A hitbypassing
be exact.
from an of Daemonic
indirect weapon toughness
strikes theis ground
automated. 1d10 less
Holy suffer a warp
Resists temporary
table for effects delusion. (location varies in book). The
attackers BSBweapons of the target. like itsIf ait normal
misses weapon the attack vs hits
a normal
armour. Aofholy
this weapon
effect is ignores equal toDaemonic (#) in meters.
Inaccurate No aim away
metres possible from the target in the directionToughness. rolled on the
Indirect (x) Scatter Diagram. Fire from an Indirect weapon is also at -10.
Infallible Weapon cannot jam. This is a Framework specific quality for
Lance (x) managing
Add 1/2 Infamy weapons
Pen byBonus
base that ordo
value Fate not jam.
perPoints DoS. to Damage and
Legacy Penetration.
Living Ammunition The ranged weapons of the Tyranids use ammunition that is
Maximal grown,
Allows agestated,
weapon or to excreted
be charged by for themaximum
creature or weapon.
effect. On As
Melta such,
Doubles ranged Tyranid1d10
+10 range,
Penetration atweapons
Shorton Damage, do not have
Range. and +2 a clipPen. valueIf the(it is
weapon toblast,
hasused be infinite), and do not need tox3beammo reloaded.
Natural Weapon Cannot be to +2 Parry.to blast.This On is amaximal
Framework specificand
In weapon
gains the also
mode, never +1Jams.Damage but at two shots of ammo
Necrotic quality
Instant forRecharge
managing quality.
natural toweapons. Which aallows athat
GM to
per shotkill
Framework on
fired. critical
May be hit.
quality (Target
changed is overload
to reduced
melee to
mode, cloud+2 of ash)
No SB permit
not gain certain
from Natural
the SB Weapons to be used to Parry by
Damage and +2 PEN but use four shots of ammo per shot,
removing this quality.
Overcharge loses Reliable, and gains Unreliable.
Overheats On an attack roll of >90, wielder suffers energy attack equal
Phase Strike to the weapon
Weapon has the 's damage
ability to (pen=0) phase through on wielding armour. armWith (random 3 or if
Pinned two
more handed)
FrameworkDoS, the attackquality
specific cannot forbe parriedwith
dealing andgravitational
the attack
Power Field ignoresyou
When AP.succesfull parry: 75% chance of destroying
Primitive (x) attackers armour
Primitive weapon. Exceptions
counts only half are:ofNatural,
AP against Power Nonand Warp
Proven quality
Weapons weapons When
with using BC
a Proven ratingrules, treat anyany damage
damage dicedierollroll lower
Psychic greater
Weapon thethanProven the number
is treated rating as aas inif parenthesis
psychic it were attack. (x)
the ProvenNote counts rating
this as instead.
Thusly awarpFor
Proven example3 weapon a weapon would with
any die roll(7) would
Psycho-Active Daemonic
Resists Toughness.
weapons like its a normal weapon vs of 1 or 2
a normal
as a 3allfordamage
the purposes rolls ofof8,calculating
9, or 10 asdamage. 7. If a weapon does
Razor Sharp armour.
If anhave
attack with this Quality resultsitindefaults two or more
not a Primitive value defined to 7. Degrees of
Recharge Success,needs
Weapon doubleone theround weapon's to cool Penetration.
off: can only fire every
Reliable other
If weaponround jams, roll 1d10, weapon only jams on 10. If using
Sanctified BC rules,inflicted
Damage a reliable byweapona sanctified only weapon jams on counts a natural as roll
Holy of 100.
SB Multiplier (x) Also a reliable
Weapons This
suchallows spray
as ChainFistsweapon
the weapon will to
and neverignore
Power jam.
multiply SB.
Scatter toughness.
At pointis treated
blank All range,
in the same extra with this
hit special
for every as an quality
2DoS,extraDouble mustofbe
level of
Unnatural Good Craftsmanship
Strength or Best Craftsmanship.
Shocking points
If targetatreceives
long at so
or extreme least the1range.
point of If using adds
damage, BCan additional
make aatTPoint
base SB
+10/AP, Range to the
on thisdamage
weapon per multiplier
gains a +10Dark to hitHeresy,
and inflicts an
Smoke (x) Generates afail
smokehe is screen.
stunned If(Suffered
using Damage)/2. If using
BC rules,
Trader, and +3DeathWatch
the Damage.
target is Atrules
instead Short Range
a smoke itscreen
for gains
a number an Additional
will beof
Snare (x) Target makes Ag test on succesfull hit if fail he is immobilised
+10 to hit.
rounds equal At tolong
athe orDoF
Extreme Range, it suffers -3 Damage
Spray generated
Cone shaped with
rollweapon 3d10
either athatSon
Ag test Toughness
not to lasts
needget a fortest.
BS 2d10 rounds.
If using
Test. the If
usinga minBlack of 0).Crusade rules, abe smoke screen will be with
Street Fighting Weapon rules,
path on
make a hit
an the
Identifies a weapon that can target Test mustor make struck an byAgility
used with the Street Fighting Test
attack. a
with a diameter
penalty equal toequal 10 x the to (x) numbermeters in that will last for
parenthesis (x) 1d10+10
or be
Storm Talent.
A weapon with the Storm Quality doubles the amount of hits
immobalized. To escape make a Strength Test or Agility
Tainted inflicted
This on the target. Every degreeadds of success (for Full Auto)
Test is at antheUPGRADE:
same penalty. Wielder Corruption Point bonus
Tearing or
for damage of tosuccess
discard (fordealt. Semi-Auto)
lowest roll up to the weapons
listed rate of fire results in two hits instead of one (including
Tesla lightning arc hits an additional target.
when firing a single shot). A weapon with the Storm quality
Toxic (x) If target
uses up suffers
ammunition at least twice oneaspoint fast of asdamage,
usual (meaning make T that test if a
Twin-Linked -5*(suffered
Stormis weapon
an UPGRADE:damage)
fires onifTwin-linked
fail 1d10 impact
semi-auto weapons
with a (irr.
oforfire AP).
a equal
+20% If to 2,
Unbalanced using
it BC
-10% rules,
4 rounds when the
offired target andmust
ammunition). usesmake twiceaas Toughness
much ammunition. Test with
a penalty
In addition, equal
the roll to 10 x the
weapon number in parenthesis (x) or take
Unreliable Jam on Attack >90 may score one additional hit if the
an additional
attack roll succeeds 1d10 points by two of ordamatemore degrees of the same type as the
of success.
Unstable On hit
weapon, roll not1d10. Result
reducedreload 1:
by armour half damage, or doubled.
toughness.. 2-9: normal
Lastly, the weapons time is If using BC
Unwieldy damage,
Cannot 10: double damage.
rules, when firing a twin-linked weapon the wielder can
choose to either gain a +10 to-hit or an additional hit if they
score at least one successful hit. Twin-linked weapons
expend twice their RoF in ammunition with each shot.
Inflicts Righteous Fury or Zealous Hatred on a damage roll of
X or greater. Note that this was created as a Framework
specific quality under a different name but is a weapon quality
Vengeful (x) in the DH2.
Viral The weapon causes viral damage and spreads to other
Volatile targets
If a 10 iswithin
for meters
1d10 rounds.Fury occurs
Warp automatically.
Ignores all cover and armour except if created of psycho-
active material, if it has the holy quality or if it has a force field
(like power armour)
", "
Will be used as var so no funky chars
", "SpecialText","
Special Text

[h:blast = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Blast', 1) ]<b>Blast ([r:blast]):</b> This weapon has a blast radius of [r: blast] meters. All wit
<b>Broad Beam:</b> Everything caught in the area of effect is subject to extreme gravitational forces for [r: replaceStatAcronyms
[h:concussiveVal = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Concussive', 1)] <b>Concussive ([r:concussiveVal]):</b> On hit, Target must Test vs T
[h:cripple = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Crippling', 1)]<b>Crippling ([r:cripple]):</b> When a target suffers at least one wound from t
<b>Deadly Snare</b>: Entangles on succesfull hit. Target must make an Ag test or be immobilised. Immobilised targets can try noth

[h:devastating = max(listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Devastating', 1), 1)]<b>Devastating ([r:devastating]):</b> If the weapon hits it

<b>Fast:</b> Opponent has <u>-20%</u> chance to parry this weapon
[h:fellingVal = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Felling', 1)]<b>Felling ([r:fellingVal ]):</b> Reduces unnatural toughness. Automated in
<b>Flame:</b> Hit by a flame attack. Roll an Ag test (+0) even if you take no damage from the original attack. If this is failed, you
<b>Flexible:</b> This weapon <u>cannot be parried.</u>
<b>Continuous Focused Beam:</b> When fired on a continuous focused beam, pin one target up to Enormous size. Target must make
[r,if(PsyRating) :strformat('Force weapon: If you damage the victim, you may make a Focus Power Action (Opposed Willpower) as
[h:gaussVal = max(listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Gauss', 1), 1)]<b>Gauss ([r:gaussVal ]):</b> This weapon auto confirms RF for NPCs an

[h:hallucinogenic = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Hallucinogenic', 1)]<b>Hallucinogenic ([r:hallucinogenic]):</b> When a creature takes

[h:haywireVal = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Haywire', 1)]<b>Haywire ([r:haywireVal]):</b> Generates a field with radius [r:haywire =

[h:IndirectVal = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Indirect', 1)]<b>Indirect ([r:IndirectVal]):</b> A hit strikes within 1d10 - BSB meters of

[h:LanceVal= listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Lance', 1)]<b>Lance ([r:LanceVal]):</b> Variable Penetration equal to X plus the DoS tim

[h:blast = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Blast', 1) + 2 ] [r,if(listContains(wpnSpec,'Maximal') && listNewContains(wpnSpec, 'Blast', 1))

<b>Necrotic:</b> Any victim suffering Critical Damage from this weapon is blasted into a cloud of ash and vapour and is completel

<b>Phase Strike:</b> If the WS Test succeeds by 3 or more Degrees of Success, the attack may not be parried and the Damage i
<b>Pinned:</b> Moving or attempting any physical action while pinned by one of these weapons requires an Opposed Strength Test v
<b>Power Field</b>: When you succesfull parry: 75% [r:replaceStatAcronyms('1d100')] chance of destroying attackers weapon.
Exceptions are: Natural, Power and Warp quality weapons

[h:sbMultiplierVal = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'SB Multiplier', 1)]<b>SB Multiplier (x[r:sbMultiplierVal ]):</b> This weapon multiplie

<b>Shocking:</b> [r:if(bcShockingRule, 'If target takes a hit make a <b>Challenging (0)</b> Toughness test. If the test fails, targe
[h:smoke = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Smoke', 1)]<b>Smoke ([r:smoke]):</b> Create a smoke screen [r: replaceStatAcronyms('3d10')] m
[r:strformat('<b>Snare:</b> On a hit the target must make an Agility Test with a penalty equal to %d or be immobalized. To escap

<tr><b>Tesla Weapon:</b> On a damage die of 9+ or when a target is killed or incapacitated, lightning arcs to an additional, randomly
[h:toxicVal = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Toxic', 1)][h:penalty = toxicVal * 10] <b>Toxic ([r:toxicVal]):</b> If target suffers at least 1 p
[h:vengefulVal = listNewContains(wpnSpec,'Vengeful', 1)]<b>Vengeful ([r:vengefulVal]):</b> Inflicts Righteous Fury or Zealous Hat
<b>Viral:</b> If the weapon causes any damage, then each round after the first, check for another target at random (friend or foe)
<b>Volatile:</b> If a 10 is rolled for Damage, Righteous Fury occurs automatically.

copy paste EMBEDDED

[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.se 3
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.se 3
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.set 3
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.s 3
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 3
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.se 3
[h:newThing = json.set 1
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.s 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.set 1
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.set 1
[h:newThing = json.set 1
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.se 0
[h:newThing = json.set 2
[h:newThing = json.se 2
[h:newThing = json.se 1
[h:newThing = json.set 3
[h:newThing = json.set 2
25 [h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "Category","
", "Type"," ", "Group"," ", "Class"," ", "Range"," ", "SingleShot"," ", "SemiBurst"," ", "FullBurst","
", "chkDamType"," ", "WpnDamDiceType","
", "WpnDamDice"," ", "WpnDamMod"," ", "DamType"," ", "Penetration"," ","ClipSize"," ", "WpnAttMod","

SORNAME (248/316) Category Type Group Class DamTypeRange SingleSSemiBuFullBurnumdicdice Dam BonusType Pen Clip Size Att Bonus
1 # on a bipod Ranged Upgrade Any Basic, Heavy Any
1 # on a tripod Ranged Upgrade Any Basic, Heavy Any
1 # used single handed Ranged Upgrade Any Basic Any -20
1 # with Blazer Shells ammo Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Basic Any =15 =Energy
1 # with Blessed Ammunition ammo Ranged Ammo Bolt, Solid Projectile, Flame Any Any
1 # with Blind Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
1 # with Choke Gas Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
1 # with Cryptus Shells Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Any Any
1 # with dumdum ammo Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol Impact +2 *.5
1 # with duplus ammo clip Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any
1 # with extra grip Ranged Upgrade Any Basic Any *0.5
1 # with Fire Bomb Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =10 =3 =Energy =2
1 # with fire selector Ranged Upgrade Bolt, Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any *3
1 # with Frag Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =Xplosive
1 # with Frag Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =2 =10 =Xplosive =4
1 # with Hallucinogen Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any ='special'
1 # with Hot-Shot ammo\charge pack Ranged Ammo Las Pistol, Basic Any +1 =4 =1
1 # with Hyper-Density Penetrators ammo Ranged Ammo Bolt, Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any *0.5 +2
1 # with Inferno shell Ranged Ammo Bolt, Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any
1 # with Inferno/Thermal Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =10 =3 =Energy =6
1 # with Krak Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =4 =Xplosive =6
1 # with Krak Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =3 =10 =10 =Xplosive =10
1 # with Man-Stopper ammo Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any +3
1 # with Mark III FG Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =Xplosive
1 # with Nail Bomb Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =10 =1 =Xplosive
1 # with overcharge pack Ranged Ammo Las Pistol, Basic Energy +1 *0.5
1 # with Photon Flash Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any ='special'
1 # with Psybolt Ammunition Ranged Ammo Bolt Pistol, Basic, Heavy Xplosive +PR
1 # with Psycannon Bolts ammo Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any
1 # with Psyflame Ammunition Ranged Ammo Flame Pistol, Basic, Heavy Energy +PR
1 # with recoil suppresion Ranged Upgrade Any Basic Any
1 # with red-dot laser sight Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Pistol, Basic Any
1 # with silencer Ranged Upgrade Solid Projectile Pistol Any
1 # with Soubirous Power Pack Ranged Ammo Las Any Any
1 # with Stun Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any ='special'
1 # with targeter Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Heavy Any Any +10
1 # with telescopic sight Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any
1 # with Tempest Shells ammo Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any =Energy
1 # with Terrorfex Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any ='special'
1 Best # Melee Upgrade Any Any Any +1 +10
1 Best # Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any +1 +10
1 Compact # Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Flame, Bolt, Pla Pistol, Basic Any *0.5 -1 *0.5
1 forearm mounted # Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Melta Pistol, Basic, Heavy Any *0.7
1 Good # Melee Upgrade Any Any Any +5
1 Good # Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any +5
1 Lathe Blade # Melee Upgrade Prim Melee Rending +2 +3 +10
1 Mono # Melee Upgrade Prim Melee Rending +2
1 Mounted # Any Upgrade Any Any Any
1 Poor # Melee Upgrade Any Any Any -10
1 Poor # Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any -10
1 Sanctified # Melee Upgrade Prim, Chain, Mono Melee Any
1 Second # Melee Second Any Any Any
1 Second # Ranged Second Any Any Any
2 # with Executioner Shotgun Shells Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Basic Impact +4 +1
2 # with Exitus Hellfire Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Basic Impact +1
2 # with Exitus Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Basic Impact
2 # with Exitus Shield-Breaker Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Basic Impact
2 # with Exitus Turbo-Penetrator Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Basic Impact +2 +5
3 # with Acid Shells Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile, Bolt Pistol, Basic, Heavy Any =2 =10 =Energy =0
3 # with Airtorch Canister Ranged Ammo Melta Pistol, Basic Any *0.5
3 # with Anti-Plant Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =10 =Energy
3 # with Bigga Barrel Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any +10
3 # with Bigga Klip Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any *2
3 # with Bleeder Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Impact +3
3 # with Bloodfire Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
3 # with Calamity Vent Ranged Upgrade Plasma, Exotic Any Any
3 # with Choke Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
3 # with Expander Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Impact +1 +1
3 # with Explosive Arrows/Quarrels Ranged Ammo Prim Basic Any =Xplosive -10
3 # with Filament Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =4 =10 =4 =Rending =6
3 # with Geode Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =3 =Rending =4
3 # with Haywire Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1
3 # with Howler Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =1 =Xplosive =1
3 # with Incendiary Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Basic, Pistol Any =Energy
3 # with Inferno Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =1 =3 =Energy =6
3 # with Kinetic Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
3 # with Kustom Job Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any
3 # with Loudener Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any
3 # with Melee Attachment Ranged Upgrade Any Basic Any
3 # with Microburst Flask Ranged Ammo Plasma Pistol, Basic Any +10 -2 +2
3 # with Minefield missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any
3 # with Mono Sight Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any
3 # with Motion Predictor Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any +10
3 # with Nephium Fuel Tank Ranged Ammo Flame Any Any +2
3 # with Omni-scope Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any +10
3 # with Organgrinder Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile, Bolt Any Any
3 # with Ork-Bomb Squig Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =4 =1 =5
3 # with Ork-Sploding Squig Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =1 =Rending
3 # with Ork-Stikkbomb Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =1 =5 =Xplosive =2
3 # with Ork-Stinkbomb Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
3 # with Photo sight Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any
3 # with Pistol Grip Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim Basic Any
3 # with Preysense-scope Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any
3 # with red-dot laser sight Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any +10
3 # with Scatter missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any
3 # with Smoke Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =1 =-1
3 # with Snare Shells Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any -2
3 # with Solid Slugs Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Basic Any +1 +2
3 # with Sparky Knobz Melee Upgrade Any Any Any
3 # with Spikey Bitz Any Upgrade Any Any Any +1
3 # with Stabiliser Harness Ranged Upgrade Any Heavy Any
3 # with Starflare grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
3 # with Starflare missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any
3 # with Stun Shells Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Basic Any
3 # with Stunner Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
3 # with Suspensors Ranged Upgrade Any Heavy Any
3 # with Tanglefoot Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
3 # with Tempest Bolt Shells Ranged Ammo Bolt Pistol, Basic, Heavy Any +3
3 # with Tox Dispenser Melee Upgrade Prim, Chain Melee Any
3 # with Toxic Shot Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile, Flame Any Any
3 # with Toxin Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
3 # with Tracer Shells Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile, Bolt Any Any
3 # with Virus Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =10 =Impact
3 # with Void Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Any Any
3 # with Whisper-Bolt Discharger Ranged Upgrade Las Basic, Pistol Any -1
3 More Shooty # Ranged Upgrade Any Basic, Heavy Any +1
3 Vox Operated # Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Pistol, Basic, Grenade, Heavy Any
4 # on a tripod Ranged Upgrade Any Heavy Any
4 # with a Telescopic Sight Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any
4 # with Astartes Anti-Plant Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =10 =Energy 0
4 # with Astartes Anti-Plant Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =5 =10 =Energy 0
4 # with Astartes Backpack Ammo Supply Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile, Bolt Any Any =250
4 # with Astartes Backpack Charge Unit Ranged Ammo Melta, Las Any Any =100
4 # with Astartes Backpack Fuel Supply Ranged Ammo Flame Any Any =75
4 # with Astartes Backpack Volatile Fuel Supply Ranged Ammo Plasma Any Any =100
4 # with Astartes Blind Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
4 # with Astartes Frag Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =Xplosive
4 # with Astartes Frag Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =2 =10 =Xplosive =4
4 # with Astartes Incendiary Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =10 =4 =Energy
4 # with Astartes Incendiary Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =1 =10 =3 =Energy
4 # with Astartes Krak Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =10 =4 =Xplosive =6
4 # with Astartes Krak Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =4 =10 =6 =Xplosive =10
4 # with Astartes Nova Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =10 =Energy
4 # with Astartes Photon Flash Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
4 # with Astartes Plasma Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =10 =12 =Energy =8
4 # with Astartes Plasma Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =2 =10 =12 =Energy =12
4 # with Astartes Stasis Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
4 # with Astartes Stun Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
4 # with Breaching Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any *0.5 =Xplosive
4 # with Chainblade Attachment Ranged Upgrade Any Basic Any
4 # with Concussion Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =4 =10 =Impact 3
4 # with Concussion Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =6 =10 =Impact 5
4 # with Cryo Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =Energy 3
4 # with Deathwatch Suspensor Ranged Upgrade Any Heavy Any
4 # with Dipole Mag-lock Any Upgrade Any Pistol, Basic, Melee Any
4 # with Dragonfire Shells Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any -2
4 # with EMP Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
4 # with Fire Selector-Ast Ranged Upgrade Bolt, Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any *3
4 # with Hellfire Rounds Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any =1 =0 =0
4 # with Ignis Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any =Energy
4 # with Implosion Shells Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any
4 # with Inferno Bolts Ranged Amo Bolt Pistol, Basic, Heavy Xplosive 10
4 # with Inhalation Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
4 # with Kraken Rounds Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any *1.5 =8
4 # with Markerlight Ranged Upgrade Any Basic, Heavy, Mounted Any +10
4 # with Metal Storm Rounds Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any -2 -2
4 # with Monoball Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =5 =10 =Rending 6
4 # with Monoblade Attachment Ranged Upgrade Any Basic Any
4 # with Motion Predictor Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any +10
4 # with Penetrator Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any +5
4 # with Photon Grenade Launcher Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
4 # with Preysense Sight Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any
4 # with RazorWeb Ammo Ranged Ammo Exotic Any Any
4 # with Shredder Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any +1
4 # with Silencer-Ast Ranged Upgrade Solid Projectile, Exotic Any Any
4 # with Slug Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Any
4 # with Stalker Rounds Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any -2
4 # with Stalker Rounds in Stalker bolt weapon Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any
4 # with Vengeance Rounds Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any =9
4 # with Vortex Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
4 # with Witch Bolts Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any
4 A Forearm Mounted # Ranged Upgrade Any Basic Any *0.7
4 Shoulder Mounted # Ranged Upgrade Any Basic Any *0.7
4 Vox Operated # Ranged Upgrade Any Pistol, Basic, Grenade, Heavy Any
5 # with Astartes Anti-Plant Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =10 =Energy 0
5 # with Astartes Anti-Plant Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =5 =10 =Energy 0
5 # with Astartes Blind Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
5 # with Astartes Frag Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 2 =Xplosive
5 # with Astartes Frag Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =2 =10 =Xplosive =4
5 # with Astartes Incendiary Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =10 =4 =Energy
5 # with Astartes Incendiary Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =1 =10 =3 =Energy
5 # with Astartes Krak Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =10 =4 =Xplosive =6
5 # with Astartes Krak Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =3 =10 =10 =Xplosive =8
5 # with Astartes Nova Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =10 =Energy
5 # with Astartes Photon Flash Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
5 # with Astartes Plasma Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =1 =10 =12 =Energy =8
5 # with Astartes Plasma Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =2 =10 =12 =Energy =12
5 # with Astartes Stasis Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
5 # with Astartes Stun Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
5 # with Concussion Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =4 =10 =Impact 3
5 # with Concussion Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =6 =10 =Impact 5
5 # with Cryo Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
5 # with EMP Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
5 # with Inhalation Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
5 # with Monoball Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =4 =10 =8 =Rending 8
5 # with Vortex Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
6 # with Amputator Shells Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Any Any +2
6 # with Barbed Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Any Any
6 # with Belt Feed Ranged upgrade Any Any Any +2
6 # with Blight Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =Energy
6 # with Censer Attachment Melee upgrade Any Any Any
6 # with Duellists Grip Melee upgrade Any Any Any
6 # with Dumdum Bullets wpn has Pen >0 Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol Impact +2 -2
6 # with Dumdum Bullets wpn has Pen 0 Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol Impact +3
6 # with Explosive Arrows Ranged Ammo Prim Basic Any =Xplosive -10
6 # with Extended Magazine Ranged upgrade Any Basic, Pistol Any *1.25
6 # with Frag Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =Xplosive
6 # with Frag Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =2 =10 =Xplosive =4
6 # with Hallucinogen Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
6 # with Haywire Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
6 # with Hellfire Bolt Rounds with Heavy Ranged Ammo Bolt Heavy Any =1 =0 =0
6 # with Hellfire Bolt Rounds with non-Heavy Ranged Ammo Bolt Pistol, Basic Any
6 # with High-grade Promethium Ranged Ammo Flame Any Any +20
6 # with Hot-Shot ammo\charge pack Ranged Ammo Las Pistol, Basic Any +3 =4 =1
6 # with Krak Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =4 =Xplosive =6
6 # with Krak Missile Ranged Missile Launch Any Any =3 =10 =10 =Xplosive =10
6 # with Legion Frag Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =2 =Xplosive
6 # with Legion Krak Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =10 =8 =Xplosive =6
6 # with Mag-lock Any upgrade any any any
6 # with Melee Attachment Ranged upgrade Any Basic Any
6 # with Metal Storm Rounds Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any -2 -2
6 # with Photon Flash Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
6 # with Pistol Grip Ranged upgrade Any Basic Any *.5
6 # with Purified Plasma Ranged Ammo Plasma Any Any
6 # with Recoil Baffling Ranged upgrade Any Any Any
6 # with Smoke Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
6 # with spread limiter Ranged upgrade Any Any Any
6 # with Stalker Bolt Rounds with non-stalker bolter Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any -2
6 # with Stalker Bolt Rounds with Stalker Bolter Ranged Ammo Bolt Any Any
6 # with Storm field Melee upgrade any Power Any +2 +2
6 # with Stun Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
6 # with Tox Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile, Flame Any Any
6 # with Venom Drip Melee upgrade Any Prim, Chain Any
6 # with Web Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any
6 Ammo Glutton # Ranged Downgrade Any Any Any *0.5
6 Cursed Metal # Any Downgrade Any Any Any
6 Feral Manufacture # Any Downgrade Any Any Any
6 Fiendish Recoil # Ranged Downgrade Any Any Any -10
6 Homemade Rounds # Ranged Downgrade Bolt, Solid Projectile Any Any -1
6 Noxious Discharge # Ranged Downgrade Any Any Any
6 Overloaded Frame # Ranged Downgrade Any Basic Any
6 Scavenged melee # Melee Downgrade Any Any Any
6 Scavenged ranged # Ranged Downgrade Any Any Any
6 Single Shot # Ranged Downgrade Any Any Any =1 =0 =0 =1
6 Slow Recharge # Ranged Downgrade Las, Melta Any Any
6 Tainted # Any Any Any Any Any
7 # with Amputator Shells Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Any Any +2
7 # with Anti-Plant Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =10 =Energy =0
7 # with Anti-Plant Round Ranged Round Launch Mounted, Heavy Any =3 =10 =0 =Energy =0
7 # with Anti-Tank Shell Ranged Artillary Solid Projectile Mounted Any =12
7 # with Bleeder Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Impact +3
7 # with Blind Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =0 =Energy =0
7 # with Blind Round Ranged Round Launch Mounted, Heavy Any =2 =10 =0 =Energy =0
7 # with Custom Grip Any Upgrade Any Any Any +5
7 # with Envenomed Ammo Ranged Ammo Prim Any Any
7 # with Expander Rounds Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile Pistol, Basic Impact +1 +1
7 # with Explosive Arrows Ranged Ammo Prim Basic Any =Xplosive -10
7 # with Explosive Quarrels Ranged Ammo Prim Basic Any =Xplosive -10
7 # with Extended Barrel Ranged upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt Basic Any *1.5
7 # with Extended Magazine Ranged upgrade Any Basic, Pistol Any *1.25
7 # with Exterminator Cartridge Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Plasma, ExoAny Any =10 =1 =0 =0 =1 =10 =5 =Energy =4
7 # with Fluid Action Ranged upgrade Any Any Any
7 # with Frag Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =0 =Xplosive =1
7 # with Frag Missile Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =2 =Xplosive =2
7 # with Frag Round Ranged Round Launch Mounted, Heavy Any =2 =10 =0 =Xplosive =3
7 # with Grapnel Mounting Ranged Upgrade Any Basic, Pistol Any
7 # with Gun Carriage Ranged upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Melta, Laun Heavy Any
7 # with Gun Carriage with Shield Ranged upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Melta, Laun Heavy Any
7 # with Hallucinogen Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =0 =0 =0 =- =0
7 # with High Explosive Shell Ranged Artillary Solid Projectile Mounted Any =3 =10 =10 =Xplosive =8
7 # with Home Materials Any Upgrade Any Any Any
7 # with Illumination Shell Ranged Artillary Solid Projectile Mounted Any =0 =0 =0 =- =0
7 # with Inferno Tip Any upgrade Prim Any Any =2 =10 =4 =Energy =5
7 # with Infernus Shell Ranged Artillary Solid Projectile Mounted Any =2 =10 =10 =Energy =6
7 # with Iron-Eater Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =0 =Energy =5
7 # with Krak Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =4 =Xplosive =6
7 # with Krak Missile Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =3 =10 =8 =Xplosive =8
7 # with Krak Tip Any upgrade Prim Any Any =2 =10 =5 =Xplosive =8
7 # with Maccabian Frag Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =1 =Xplosive =0
7 # with Manual Operation Ranged upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt Any Any =1 =0 =0
7 # with Melta Tip Any upgrade Prim Any Any =2 =10 =10 =Energy =24
7 # with Minefield Missile Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =0 =Xplosive =1
7 # with Minefield Round Ranged Round Launch Mounted, Heavy Any =2 =10 =0 =Xplosive =1
7 # with Modified Stock Ranged upgrade Any Any Any
7 # with Motion Predictor Ranged Upgrade Any Any Any +10
7 # with Omni-Scope Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any +10
7 # with Photo Sight Scope Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any
7 # with Photon Flash Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =0 =0 =0 =- =0
7 # with Photon Flash Round Ranged Round Launch Mounted, Heavy Any =0 =0 =0 =- =0
7 # with Plasma Tip Any upgrade Prim Any Any =3 =10 =3 =Energy =8
7 # with Poison Tip Any upgrade Prim Any Any =1 =10 =6 =Rending =4
7 # with Preysense Sight Scope Ranged Upgrade Las, Solid Projectile, Bolt, Prim, Plasm Basic Any
7 # with Sacred Inscription Any Upgrade Any Any Any
7 # with Scatter Missile Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =2 =10 =0 =Xplosive =0
7 # with Scatter Round Ranged Round Launch Mounted, Heavy Any =2 =10 =0 =Xplosive =0
7 # with Shock Tip Any upgrade Prim Any Any =1 =10 =2 =Impact =2
7 # with Smoke Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =0 =0 =0 =- =0
7 # with Smoke Round Ranged Round Launch Mounted, Heavy Any =0 =0 =0 =- =0
7 # with Smoke Shell Ranged Artillary Solid Projectile Mounted Any =0 =0 =0 =- =0
7 # with Solid Slugs Ranged Ammo Solid Projective Any Any +1 +2
7 # with Spoor Targeter Ranged upgrade Any Any Any
7 # with Starflare Round Ranged Round Launch Mounted, Heavy Any =0 =0 =0 =- =0
7 # with Stun Grenade Ranged Grenade Launch Any Any =0 =0 =0 =- =0
7 # with Suspensors Ranged Upgrade Any Heavy Any
7 # with Symbol of Sanctity Ranged upgrade Any Any Any
7 # with Tempest Bolt Shells Ranged Ammo Bolt Pistol, Basic, Heavy Any +3
7 # with Tox Dispenser Melee Upgrade Prim, Chain Melee Any
7 # with Tracer Shells Ranged Ammo Solid Projectile, Bolt Any Any
7 # with Trigger Adjustment Ranged upgrade Any Any Any
7 # with Tunneling Torpedo Round Ranged Round Launch Mounted, Heavy Any =2 =10 =2 =Xplosive =2
7 Carbine # Ranged upgrade Any Pistol Any *1.5
7 Quick Release # Ranged upgrade Any Any Any
7 Reduced Weight # Any Upgrade Any Any Any
7 Reinforced # Melee Upgrade Any Any Any +1
7 Sawn Off # Ranged upgrade Any Basic Any *.75
7 Vox Operated # Ranged Upgrade Any Pistol, Basic, Grenade, Heavy Any
", "Special","
", "numHands"," ", "Weight"," ", "Cost","
numHandSpecial Wt Cost
When Braced 90 degree angle +2 +25
When Braced 180 degree angle +3 +25
=1 Option to wield a Basic weapon single handedly at -20 penalty -
15m max, Flame, Spray 4
Holy 50
Smoke +0.5 25
Blast (1d10+3) +0.5 40
Sanctified, Daemons must make +0 T test or be blinded 1d5 rounds. 50
Every other reload takes only half the normal time +10
=1 *1.3 +25
Blast (3), Need to light it first +1 5
Up to three clips can be attached, at the start of the shooters turn he can choose one+0.5 +25
Blast (4) +0.5 10
Blast (6) +5 75
Hallucinogenic (2) +0.5 40
Tearing 15/1
Tearing, Knockdown 100
Flame 18/1
Blast (2) +0.6 60
+0.5 50
Blast (1) +1.5 150
Blast (5) +0.8 10
Blast (2), Unreliable +1 20
+0.5 60
Sanctified, Ignore Psychic and Sorcery protective benefits 0 100
Holy, +5 Critical, x2 Damage 250
Sanctified, Ignore Psychic and Sorcery protective benefits, -5 modifer to the Agility tes
0 100
=1 No penalty when wielding a Basic weapon single handedly -
+0.5 +50
Enemy has -20 on Awareness to hear the shot. Moreover detection can only be attemp +0.5 +10
Sanctified, Warp creatures taking damage must make a warp instability test. 150
Blast (3) +0.2 40
+1.5 +2250
No long or extreme range penalty when 1 full round aiming +1 +35
Shock 250
Blast (3), Fear +0.5 50
*0.5 +50
=0 No hands needed to wield +1 +300
Lathe, @Primitive (remove) +2500
Mono, @Primitive (remove) +40
=0 This is the general version of Mounted, to mount ANY weapon. Youll need to check the rules consis-
Holy +500
Weapon loses Scatter. Can reroll misses at short or standard range. Ignores cover. Can be used -
-20 to Dodge attempts. Ammo can self-destruct. Weapon gains Tearing. Righteous Fury on 9 and 10. -
-20 to Dodge attempts. Ammo can self-destruct. Only usable on Exitus rifle and Exitus pistol. -
-20 to Dodge attempts. Ammo can self-destruct. Hit ignores Daemonic trait, protection from Psychic-
-20 to Dodge attempts. Ammo can self-destruct. Ignores T Bonus granted by Unnatural Toughness -trai
Target is set on fire, AP are reduced by 1 per hit -
Scatter, Overheat -
Blast (3), Rounds will only effect flora and have no other effect +0.5 -
+2.5 -
*1.5 -
Bonus Damage against living biological targets. Only usable on stub revolvers, stub automatics, h -
Gas (10) 0.5 -
On overheat roll 1d10 on 4+ it keeps functioning, on 3- bearer is hit as if hit from +0.5 -
Gas (10) 0.5 -
Only usable on stub revolvers, stub automatics, autopistols, and autoguns -
Mono, @Primitive (remove), Only usable on bows, crossbows, and hand bows. -
Blast (1), Tearing +0.5 -
Blast (3) +0.5 -
Blast (2) 0.5 -
Blast (3), Shocking 0.5 -
Stub Revolvers, styb automatics, hand cannons, autopistols and autoguns. -
Blast (2), Flame 0.5 -
Blast (2) 0.5 -
Customized -
-10 penalty on suppression +2 -
Weapon counts as spear in close combat +2 -
No overheat -
A character using a mono-sight may aim and fire at a target that he cannot directly see
1 -
Bonus to hit only when firing in automatic mode. Can be applied to any non-primitive +0.5 -
Ag-10, -
Combines Preysense Sight, Red-Dot-Laser Sight, and Telescopic Sight (No long or ext +2 -
When hit, target makes T test -10 per wound taken. Failure results in 2d10 R damage (no armour or-
Accurate, Blast (1d5) 5 -
Blast (2) 1 -
Blast (1) 1 -
Smoke (10) 1.5 -
No Darkness penalties +0.5 -
Weapon may be wielded one handed without the usual -20 penalty. However, when be 0.5 -
No Darkness penalties, +20 Percpetion tests in darkness +0.5 -
+1 -
Smoke, Unlike blind grenades, this only interferes with visual sight +0.5 -
Snare -
Shotguns loaded with this ammo lose the Scatter quality and increase Damage by 1 a 0 -
Shocking +2 -
Unbalanced +4 -
Operator counts as having Bulging Biceps talent, regardless of whether they meet th 5 -
Shotguns loaded with this ammo lose the Scatter quality but gain the Shockijng qualit0 -
Blast (10), Test vs T, stunned for DoF rounds (Visors and Sealed Armour +20) 0.5 -
Bearer gains Auto-stabilized trait. Counts as braced, may fire burst as half action *0.5 -
Blast (2) Snare 0.5 -
Bonus damage against targets with Machine trait. Weapon gains Shock quality. Damage type bec -
+0.75 -
Toxic (1) -
Toxin (10) 0.5 -
+5 BS on full auto -
Toxic (1), Special RT p.127 +0.5 -
-1 Dam when in atmosphere -
Perception tests to notice a las weapon with this upgrade suffer an additional -20 p 0.5 -
+3 -
Trigger and fire selector are voice-controlled, Can be used on any non primitive wea +0.5 -
When Braced 180 degree angle +3 +3
No long or extreme range penalty when 1 full round aiming +1 +6
Blast (3), will only effect flora and have no other effect +.5 +18
Blast (5), will only effect flora and have no other effect +1 +20
+40 -
+40 -
+40 -
+40 -
Smoke +0.8 +10
Blast (5) +0.8 +1
Blast (8), Devastating (1) +2 +5
Blast (3) +1 +15
Blast (5) +2 +15
+0.8 +1
Blast (1) +2 +5
Blast (3) +0.8 +15
Anyone within 15 meters of detonation must succeed on a Toughness Test or be bli +0.5 +5
Blast (1), Special, Volatile +2 +20
Blast (3), Special, Volatile +3 +25
+1 -
Blast (5) +0.8 +10
Weapon counts as Astares Chainsword in close combat, Unbalanced +8 +9
Concussive, Blast (3) +.5 +18
Concussive, Blast (5) +1 +20
Blast (3), Toughness (-40) test or suffer 2d10 Toughness Damage for 1d5 rounds (P +.5 +18
Bearer gains Auto-stabilized trait. Counts as braced, may fire on semi- or full-auto as*0.5 +25
Grants the Quick Draw Talent for the upgraded weapon. If the character already has Quick Draw, h +5
Flame, Flame affects all within 2m of impact point +28
Haywire (3) +0.5 +30
Up to three clips can be attached, at the start of the shooters turn he can choose one+1 +25
Tearing, Ignores Natural Armor and may inflict Righteous Fury on a 9 or 10, Blast (3), adds one M +25
Target makes Agility Test or set ablaze +10
A target who takes one or more points of Damage (after Armor and Toughness) from and implosion+27 s
Volatile 0 0
Blast (5), can be filled with chemical of choice, +10 on Resistance tests +2 +0
+10 to BS tests, Seeker Missiles BS 80, Dodged at -20 0 -
Blast (2) +15
Blast (3), Tearing +.5 +50
Weapon counts as Astartes Combat Knife in close combat +2 +7
Bonus to hit only when firing in automatic mode. Can be applied to any non-primitive +0.5 +20
Shotguns lose Scatter Quality +6
Anyone within 15 meters of detonation must succeed on a Toughness Test or be bli 0 -
No Darkness penalties, +20 Percpetion tests in darkness +0.5 +10
additional -20 to escape and inflicts 2d10 rending damage with Pen 8 on each attempt +6
Tearing +7
Enemy has -20 on Awareness to hear the shot. Moreover detection can only be attemp +0.5 +3
Tearing, Felling (1), Shotguns lose Scatter Quality +4
Awareness Tests to hear shots with stalker rounds suffer an additional -30 penalty and can only be +5
Cannot detect origin of the shot. +5
Felling (1), rolls of 91-100 indicate the round prematurely and jams the gun. +25
+1 -
Any creature with a Psy Rating who takes damage from a witch bolt reduces its Psy Rating by 1 for +12
=0 No hands needed to wield +1.5 +10
=0 No hands needed to wield +1.5 +10
trigger weapon mechanisms by voice such as shot selector or fire mode +5
Blast (3), will only effect flora and have no other effect +.5 +18
Blast (5), will only effect flora and have no other effect +1 +20
Smoke (1) +0.8 +10
Blast (4) +0.8 +1
Blast (5), Devastating (1) +2 +5
Blast (3) +1 +15
Blast (5) +2 +15
+0.8 +1
Blast (1) +2 +5
Blast (3) +0.8 +15
Anyone within 15 meters of detonation must succeed on a Toughness Test or be bli +0.5 +5
Blast (1), Special, Volatile +2 +20
Blast (3), Special, Volatile +3 +25
+1 -
Blast (5) +0.8 +10
Concussive, Blast (3) +.5 +18
Concussive, Blast (5) +1 +20
Blast (3), Toughness (-40) test or suffer 2d10 Toughness Damage for 1d5 rounds +.5 +18
Haywire (3) +0.5 +30
Blast (5), can be filled with chemical of choice, +10 on Resistance tests +2 +0
Blast (3), Tearing +.5 +50
+1 -
Lose Scatter Quality -
Crippling (1) -
Clip = 100 or weapon which ever is greater, +2 to Full Auto RoF, Unreliable and loses Reliable -
Toxic (2), Blast (6) +0.5 -
emit smoke, vapours, or other gases. -
+5 on Parry tests with the weapon -
Mono, @Primitive (remove), Only usable on bows, crossbows, and hand bows. -
increase clip size by 25% -
Blast (3) +0.5 -
Blast (5), Devastating (1) +0.5 -
Hallucinogenic (2), Blast (6) +0.5 -
Haywire (3) +0.5 -
Toxic (3), inflict Zealous Hatrid on a 9 or 10 vs living targets, Blast (3) -
Toxic (3), inflict Zealous Hatrid on a 9 or 10 vs living targets, and +1 Magnitude Dmg to Horde -
Tearing -
Concussive (0) +0.5 -
Concussive (3), Proven (2) +0.5 -
Blast (4) +0.7 -
Concussive (1) +0.7 -
Ready a weapon with this upgrade as a free action. -
Counts as a spear in close combat -
Blast (2) -
Blast (10) +0.5 -
=1 Can be wielded one-handed but range is halved. If wielded two-handed no range penalty. -
Weapon loses Overheating Quality -
Suffer no penalty from Full-Auto fire. -
Smoke (3) +0.5 -
A location is hit twice before moving to the next hit location on semi or auto fire and Scatter suffer -
Awareness Tests to hear shots with stalker rounds suffer an additional -30 penalty and can only be -
No Awareness test is possible to identify shot. -
Any weapon without Power Field, Force, Natural Weapon, or Warp weapon is automatically destroyed - o
Blast (3), Concussive (2) +0.5 -
Toxic (2) -
Bladed weapon gains Toxic (0) -
Snare (2) +0.5 -
Uses an extra 1 round for every shot fired -
At the end of combat make T test or suffer 1 wound -
Primitive (7) -
-20 if character moved -
Unreliable or loses Reliable -
Smoke (1) -
Must brace to fire the weapon -
Unbalanced, lose Balanced, on a roll of 100 weapon falls apart. -
Unreliable, lose reliable, on a roll of 100 weapon falls apart. -
Recharge -
Tainted -
Lose Scatter Quality -
Blast (3), will only effect flora and have no other effect +.5 -
Blast (5), only affects Flora +1 -
May not be fired Indirectly -
Bonus Damage against living biological targets. Only usable on stub revolvers, stub automatics, h -
Smoke (6) +.5 -
Smoke (6) +1 -
Any one other than the owner who uses this weapon is at -5 -
Toxic (2) -
Only usable on stub revolvers, stub automatics, autopistols, and autoguns -
Mono, @Primitive (remove), Only usable on bows, crossbows, and hand bows. -
Mono, @Primitive (remove), Only usable on bows, crossbows, and hand bows. -
*1.5 -
increase clip size by 25% 3 -
Flame, Spray +1 -
Increase Reload by +half, +1 DoS for semi-auto fire -
Blast (3) +.5 -
Blast (5) +.5 -
Blast (5) +1 -
Counts as being a grapnel and line. +2 -
Lock as a Half action for 45 degree firing arc and count as being braced +25 -
Grants AP 4 to Wielder and one other, lock as a Half action for 45 degree firing arc +40 -
Hallucinogenic (2), Blast (6) +.5 -
Blast (10), Concussive (3) -
Gain +5 to all Fear Tests -
Illuminate a square kilometer area for 10 minutes. -
Flame, 1 time use 4 -
Flame, @Concussive(remove) -
Blast (2), Corrosive +0.5 -
Concussive (0) +.5 -
Concussive (3), Proven (2) +.5 -
Concussive (3), Proven (2), Unbalanced, 1 time use 5 -
Blast (3), Sanctified +0.5 -
Reliable, @Unreliable (remove) -
Inaccurate, Unwieldy, -10 vs mobile opponents, 1 time use 8 -
Blast (1) +.5 -
Blast (1) +1 -
On an Aim gain +2 bonus for Half action or +4 for Full action -
Bonus to hit only when firing in semi-auto or automatic mode. Can be applied to any +0.5 -
Combines Preysense Sight, Red-Dot-Laser Sight, and Telescopic Sight (No long or ext +2 -
No Darkness penalties +0.5 -
Blast (10) +.5 -
Blast (12) +1 -
Overheats, Unwieldy, 1 time use 6 -
Razor Sharp, Toxic (3), 1 time use 4 -
No Darkness penalties, +20 Percpetion tests in darkness +0.5 -
Gain +10 bonus to Pinning Tests -
Blast (10) +.5 -
Blast (7) +1 -
Shocking, Recharge 4 -
Smoke (6) +.5 -
Smoke (9), Only affects visual sight +1 -
Smoke (20) -
@Scatter (remove) -
Can shoot into melee without penalty with anyone whose bio profile is programmed in+0.5 -
Fully Illuminate the underlying area for a minute +1 -
Blast (3), Concussive (2) +0.5 -
Bearer gains Auto-stabilized trait. Counts as braced, may fire burst as half action *0.5 -
Can immediately attempt to clear a jam as a free action. +0.2 -
Bonus damage against targets with Machine trait. Weapon gains Shock quality. Damage type bec -
Toxic (2) +0.75 -
With auto fire +1/2 additional DoS rounded up, with Ranged Volley gain +5 to BS, at Point Blank ga-
Gain +1 to Initiative but any other individual uses the weapon they suffer -5 -
Blast (4), can only be used by the Mole Mortar +1 -
Change weapon type to Basic. *1.5 -
Reduce reload time by half an action -
If used in melee a roll of 90+ results in the weapon shattering *0.8 -
Only 60% chance of being destroyed if parried by a power field weapon *1.2 -
+2 to Damage when fired at short range or closer *.75 -
trigger weapon mechanisms by voice such as shot selector or fire mode +0.5 -
", "Renown","












", "Availability"," ", "Page", , "Source"," ")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
Availability Page Source . . . . NumAvail costs
Average 179 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# on a bipod"][h:newThi 5
Average 179 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# on a tripod"][h:newTh 5
127 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# used single handed"][ #N/A Ubiquitous 1 1 1 1
Common 164 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Blazer Shells am 4
Very Rare 190 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Blessed Ammuniti 8
Scarce 136 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Blind Grenade"][ 6
Scarce 122 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Choke Gas Grenad 6
Rare 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingName = "# with Cryptus Shells"] 7
Scarce 143 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with dumdum ammo"][h: 6 Cost calculator based on availability
Scarce 179 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with duplus ammo clip" 6 Q&D numAvail Direct Random Random Rounded
Plentiful 141 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with extra grip"][h:ne 3 Ubiquitous 1 1 1 1
Plentiful 137 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Fire Bomb Grenad 3 Abundant 2 3 1+1d4 1+1d4
Scarce 142 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with fire selector"][h 6 Plentiful 3 9 3+3d4 3+3d4
Common 136 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Frag Grenade"][h 4 Common 4 27 9+9d4 10+4d10
Average 176 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Frag Missile"][h 5 Average 5 81 27+27d4 30+30*1d4
Rare 136 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Hallucinogen Gre 7 Scarce 6 243 81+81d4 100+100*1d4
Scarce 143 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Hot-Shot ammo\ch 6 Rare 7 729 243+243d4 250+250*1d4
Rare 147 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Hyper-Density Pe 7 Very Rare 8 2187 729+729d4 1000+1000*1d4
Rare 143 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Inferno shell"][h 7 Extremely Rar9 6561 2187+2187d4 2000+2000*1d4
Rare 176 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Inferno/Thermal 7 Near Unique 10 19683 6561+6561d4 7000+7000*1d4
Rare 136 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Krak Grenade"][h 7 Unique 11 59049 19683+19683 20000+20000*1d4
Average 176 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Krak Missile"][h 5
Scarce 143 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Man-Stopper ammo 6
Scarce 176 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Mark III FG Gren 6
Average 122 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Nail Bomb Grenad 5
Common 142 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with overcharge pack" 4
Scarce 137 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Photon Flash Gre 6
Very Rare 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingName = "# with Psybolt Ammuniti 8
Very Rare 191 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Psycannon Bolts 8
Very Rare 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingName = "# with Psyflame Ammuniti 8
127 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with recoil suppresio #N/A Ubiquitous 1 1 1 1
Scarce 142 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with red-dot laser sig 6
Plentiful 142 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with silencer"][h:newT 3
Very Rare 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingName = "# with Soubirous Power 8
Scarce 176 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Stun Grenade"][h 6
Rare 179 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with targeter"][h:newT 7
Average 142 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "# with telescopic sight" 5
Very Rare 148 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "# with Tempest Shells a 8
Very Rare 89 DH-PtU [h:newThingName = "# with Terrorfex Grenad 8
-2 steps 126 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Best #"][h:newThingObje #N/A
-2 steps 126 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Best #"][h:newThingObje #N/A
Average 141 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Compact #"][h:newThingO 5
Scarce 178 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "forearm mounted #"][h:n 6
-1 step 126 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Good #"][h:newThingObje#N/A
-1 step 126 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Good #"][h:newThingObje#N/A
Very Rare 147 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "Lathe Blade #"][h:newTh 8
Scarce 142 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Mono #"][h:newThingObje 6 .
0 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Mounted #"][h:newThingO#N/A
+1 step 126 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Poor #"][h:newThingObje #N/A
+1 step 126 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Poor #"][h:newThingObje #N/A
Very Rare 190 DH-IH [h:newThingName = "Sanctified #"][h:newThi 8
0 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Second #"][h:newThingOb#N/A
0 DH-CR [h:newThingName = "Second #"][h:newThingOb#N/A
Very Rare 147 Asc [h:newThingName = "# with Executioner Shot 8
Near Unique 147 Asc [h:newThingName = "# with Exitus Hellfire R 10
Near Unique 147 Asc [h:newThingName = "# with Exitus Rounds"][h 10
Unique 147 Asc [h:newThingName = "# with Exitus Shield-Bre 11
Unique 147 Asc [h:newThingName = "# with Exitus Turbo-Pene 11
Very Rare 128 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Acid Shells"][h:n 8
Extremely Rare 128 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Airtorch Canister 9
Very Rare 127 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Anti-Plant Grena 8
Common 144 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Bigga Barrel"][h 4
Abundant 144 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Bigga Klip"][h:ne 2
Rare 136 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Bleeder Rounds"][ 7
Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Bloodfire Grenad 7
Very Rare 127 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Calamity Vent"][h 8
Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Choke Grenade"][ 7
Scarce 136 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Expander Rounds"] 6
Scarce 136 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Explosive Arrows 6
Extremely Rare 127 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Filament Grenade 9
Extremely Rare 127 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Geode Grenade"][ 9
Near Unique 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Haywire Grenade" 10
Scarce 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Howler Grenade"] 6
Rare 61 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "# with Incendiary Round 7
Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Inferno Grenade" 7
Extremely Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Kinetic Grenade" 9
Very Rare 144 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Kustom Job"][h:n 8 1000
Average 145 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Loudener"][h:new 5
Plentiful 133 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Melee Attachment 3
Extremely Rare 128 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Microburst Flask 9
Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Minefield missile 7
Scarce 58 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "# with Mono Sight"][h:ne 6
Very Rare 134 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Motion Predictor" 8 450
Very Rare 128 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Nephium Fuel Tan 8
Near Unique 134 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Omni-scope"][h:n 10
Extremely Rare 128 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Organgrinder Roun 9
Extremely Rare/Ra143 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Ork-Bomb Squig G #N/A
Extremely Rare/Ra143 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Ork-Sploding Squ #N/A
Scarce/Common 143 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Ork-Stikkbomb Gr #N/A
Rare/Average 143 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Ork-Stinkbomb Gr #N/A
Very Rare 134 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Photo sight"][h:n 8
Scarce 58 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "# with Pistol Grip"][h: 6
Very Rare 134 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Preysense-scope"] 8
Rare 145 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with red-dot laser sig 7
Very Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Scatter missile"] 8
Common 127 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Smoke Grenade"][ 4
Rare 128 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Snare Shells"][h: 7
Common 61 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "# with Solid Slugs"][h: 4
Scarce 145 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Sparky Knobz"][h 6
Abundant 145 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Spikey Bitz"][h: 2
Scarce 58 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "# with Stabiliser Harne 6
Scarce 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Starflare grenade 6
Scarce 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Starflare missile 6
Common 61 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "# with Stun Shells"][h:n 4
Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Stunner Grenade" 7
Extremely Rare 134 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Suspensors"][h:ne 9
Extremely Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Tanglefoot Grena 9
Near Unique 137 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Tempest Bolt She 10
Rare 127 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Tox Dispenser"][ 7
Scarce 128 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Toxic Shot"][h:ne 6
Rare 117 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Toxin Grenade"][ 7
Average 129 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Tracer Shells"][h 5
Extremely Rare 127 RT [h:newThingName = "# with Virus Grenade"][ 9
Rare 129 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "# with Void Rounds"][h: 7
Rare 59 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "# with Whisper-Bolt Disc 7
Common 145 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "More Shooty #"][h:newTh 4
Rare 135 RT [h:newThingName = "Vox Operated #"][h:newTh 7
Unavailable 145 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# on a tripod"][h:newTh #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "# with a Telescopic Sigh #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Anti-Pl #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Anti-Pla #N/A
Unavailable 159 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Backpac #N/A
Unavailable 159 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Backpac #N/A
Unavailable 159 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Backpac #N/A
Unavailable 159 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Backpac #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Blind G #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Frag Gr #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Frag Mi #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Incendi #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Incendi #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Krak Gr #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Krak Mi #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Nova Gr #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Photon #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Plasma #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Plasma #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Stasis #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Stun Gr #N/A
Unavailable 140 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Breaching Rounds #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Chainblade Attac #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Concussion Grena #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Concussion Missi #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Cryo Grenade"][h #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Deathwatch Suspen#N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Dipole Mag-lock" #N/A
Unavailable 159 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Dragonfire Shell #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with EMP Grenade"][h: #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Fire Selector-Ast #N/A
Unavailable 159 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Hellfire Rounds" #N/A
Unavailable 140 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Ignis Rounds"][h #N/A
Unavailable 159 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Implosion Shells #N/A
Unavailable 136 DW-TEP [h:newThingName = "# with Inferno Bolts"][h #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Inhalation Grena #N/A
Unavailable 159 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Kraken Rounds"][ #N/A
Unavailable 25 DW-MoX [h:newThingName = "# with Markerlight"][h: #N/A
Unavailable 159 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Metal Storm Roun #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Monoball Grenade #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Monoblade Attach #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Motion Predictor #N/A
Unavailable 140 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Penetrator Round #N/A
Unavailable 25 DW-MoX [h:newThingName = "# with Photon Grenade L #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Preysense Sight"] #N/A
Unavailable 140 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with RazorWeb Ammo"][#N/A
Unavailable 140 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Shredder Rounds" #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Silencer-Ast"][h #N/A
Unavailable 140 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "# with Slug Rounds"][h:n #N/A
Unavailable 160 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Stalker Rounds"][ #N/A
Unavailable 160 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Stalker Rounds in #N/A
Unavailable 160 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Vengeance Rounds#N/A
Unavailable 150 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Vortex Grenade"] #N/A
Unavailable 160 DW [h:newThingName = "# with Witch Bolts"][h: #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "A Forearm Mounted #"][h #N/A
Unavailable 157 DW [h:newThingName = "Shoulder Mounted #"][h: #N/A
Unavailable 145 DW-RoB [h:newThingName = "Vox Operated #"][h:newT #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Anti-Pl #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Anti-Pla #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Blind G #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Frag Gr #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Frag Mi #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Incendi #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Incendi #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Krak Gr #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Krak Mi #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Nova Gr #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Photon #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Plasma #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Plasma #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Stasis #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Astartes Stun Gr #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Concussion Grena #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Concussion Missi #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Cryo Grenade"][h #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with EMP Grenade"][h: #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Inhalation Grena #N/A
Unavailable 147 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Monoball Grenade #N/A
Unavailable 150 DW-xLE [h:newThingName = "# with Vortex Grenade"] #N/A
Scarce 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Amputator Shells 6
Scarce 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Barbed Rounds"][ 6
+1 step 169 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Belt Feed"][h:new #N/A
Scarce 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Blight Grenade"] 6
+1 step 169 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Censer Attachmen #N/A
+1 step 169 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Duellists Grip"][ #N/A
Average 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Dumdum Bullets w 5
Average 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Dumdum Bullets w 5
Scarce 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Explosive Arrows 6
+1 step 169 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Extended Magazin #N/A
Common 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Frag Grenade"][h 4
Average 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Frag Missile"][h 5
Scarce 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Hallucinogen Gre 6
Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Haywire Grenade" 7
Very rare 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Hellfire Bolt Rou 8
Very rare 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Hellfire Bolt Rou 8
Scarce 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with High-grade Prome 6
Average 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Hot-Shot ammo\ch 5
Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Krak Grenade"][h 7
Scarce 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Krak Missile"][h 6
Scarce 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Legion Frag Gren 6
Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Legion Krak Gren 7
+1 step 169 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Mag-lock"][h:newT #N/A
+1 step 169 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Melee Attachment #N/A
Very rare 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Metal Storm Roun 8
Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Photon Flash Gre 7
+1 step 170 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Pistol Grip"][h: #N/A
Very rare 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Purified Plasma" 8
+1 step 170 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Recoil Baffling"] #N/A
Common 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Smoke Grenade"][ 4
+1 step 170 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with spread limiter"][ #N/A
Very rare 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Stalker Bolt Roun 8
Very rare 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Stalker Bolt Roun 8
+1 step 170 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Storm field"][h:n #N/A
Common 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Stun Grenade"][h 4
Average 172 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Tox Rounds"][h:n 5
+1 step 170 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Venom Drip"][h:n #N/A
Rare 159 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Web Grenade"][h: 7
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Ammo Glutton #"][h:newT #N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Cursed Metal #"][h:newT #N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Feral Manufacture #"][h: #N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Fiendish Recoil #"][h:n #N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Homemade Rounds #"][h:n#N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Noxious Discharge #"][h #N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Overloaded Frame #"][h: #N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Scavenged melee #"][h:n #N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Scavenged ranged #"][h:n#N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Single Shot #"][h:newTh #N/A
-1 step 171 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Slow Recharge #"][h:new #N/A
-1 step 152 BC-CR [h:newThingName = "Tainted #"][h:newThingOb#N/A
Extremely Rare 193 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Amputator Shells 9
scarce 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Anti-Plant Grena 6
Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Anti-Plant Round 7
Very rare 194 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Anti-Tank Shell"] 8
Rare 193 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Bleeder Rounds"] 7
scarce 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Blind Grenade"][ 6
Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Blind Round"][h: 7
Average 190 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Custom Grip"][h: 5
Scarce 123 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Envenomed Ammo"] 6
Scarce 193 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Expander Rounds" 6
Scarce 193 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Explosive Arrows 6
Scarce 193 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Explosive Quarre 6
Average 122 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Extended Barrel"] 5
scarce 121 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Extended Magazin 6
Common 188 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Exterminator Car 4
Average 188 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Fluid Action"][h 5
Common 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Frag Grenade"][h 4
Average 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Frag Missile"][h 5
Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Frag Round"][h:n 7
scarce 121 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Grapnel Mounting 6
Common 121 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Gun Carriage"][h 4
Common 121 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Gun Carriage with 4
scarce 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Hallucinogen Gre 6
Very rare 194 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with High Explosive Sh 8
Average 191 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Home Materials"] 5
Very rare 194 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Illumination Shel 8
scarce 120 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Inferno Tip"][h: 6
Very rare 194 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Infernus Shell"] 8
Very rare 115 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Iron-Eater Grena 8
scarce 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Krak Grenade"][h 6
scarce 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Krak Missile"][h 6
rare 120 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Krak Tip"][h:new 7
rare 115 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Maccabian Frag G 7
Average 123 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Manual Operation 5
Very rare 120 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Melta Tip"][h:ne 8
rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Minefield Missil 7
Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Minefield Round" 7
Average 191 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Modified Stock"][ 5
Very rare 188 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Motion Predictor 8
Near Unique 188 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Omni-Scope"][h:n 10
Very rare 188 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Photo Sight Scop 8
rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Photon Flash Gre 7
Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Photon Flash Rou 7
extremely Rare 120 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Plasma Tip"][h:n 9
rare 120 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Poison Tip"][h:n 7
Very rare 188 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Preysense Sight 8
Average 191 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Sacred Inscripti 5
rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Scatter Missile" 7
Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Scatter Round"][ 7
scarce 120 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Shock Tip"][h:ne 6
Common 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Smoke Grenade"][ 4
Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Smoke Round"][h: 7
Very rare 194 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Smoke Shell"][h: 8
Common 123 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Solid Slugs"][h: 4
Very rare 122 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Spoor Targeter"] 8
Rare 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Starflare Round" 7
Common 183 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Stun Grenade"][h 4
Extremely Rare 188 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Suspensors"][h:ne 9
scarce 122 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Symbol of Sancti 6
Near Unique 193 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Tempest Bolt She 10
Rare 188 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Tox Dispenser"][ 7
Common 123 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "# with Tracer Shells"][ 4
Average 191 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Trigger Adjustmen 5
Rare 184 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "# with Tunneling Torped 7
Average 122 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "Carbine #"][h:newThingO 5
Average 191 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Quick Release #"][h:new 5
Average 191 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Reduced Weight #"][h:ne 5
Average 191 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Reinforced #"][h:newThi 5
Average 122 OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "Sawn Off #"][h:newThing 5
Rare 188 OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Vox Operated #"][h:newT 7
14 [h:newThingName = " ", "Type","
"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "Group"," ", "Head"," ", "ArmP"," ", "ArmS"," ", "Body"," ", "LegP"," ", "LegS"," ", "Special","
SORNAME (24/28) Group Type Head ArmP ArmS Body LegP LegS Special
1 # with Unguents of Warding Advanced, Carapace, Flak, Mesh, Na upgrade +20 to resist Fear from daemons, +10 to WP tests to rest psychic powers
1 Best # Any upgrade +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +5 to a specified Social test
1 Ecclesiarchy Overlayed # Advanced, Carapace, Flak, Mesh, Na upgrade Grants +10 to Command and Fellowship Tests when attempting to inspire, lead, or ral
1 Good # Any upgrade +1 vs the first attack in any round.
1 Hexagramatically warded # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak,Me upgrade Warp protection, +20 to resist Psychic attacks, double AP against psychic or sorcery
1 Pentagramatically warded # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak,Me upgrade Daemons must pass a WP test to attack, three or more degrees of success destroys
1 Poor # Any upgrade -10 to all Agility tests
1 Sanctified # Advanced, Carapace, Flak, Mesh, Na upgrade Warp protection, +10 to resist Psychic attacks, fist melee attacks are Holy, Daemon
2 Carefully Maintenaned # Power upgrade Choose two additional functioning sub-systems
2 # with Chain Bandoliers Power, Carapace, Eldar, Ork upgrade Any non-Power Field melee attack that hits the body must test to see if it was dam
2 # with Chain Loinguard Power, Carapace, Eldar, Ork upgrade Any Critical Effect to the legs is reduced by 2
2 # with Devotional Iconography Power, Carapace upgrade Select a Chaos god. Gain +10 to Command tests against Daemons and targets devo
2 # with Horns Carapace, Natural, Ork, Power upgrade The wearer may not be parried when making a charge.
2 # with Remnants of Mutation Power upgrade Select a mutation. When the Wearer rolls on the Gifts of the Gods he automatically
2 # with Spikes Eldar, Flak, Carapace,Kroot, Ork,N upgrade Any Melee hits against the wearer result in the attacker suffering 1d5+1 R damage (
2 # with Spikes Carapace, Eldar, Natural, Ork, Pow upgrade Anyone attempting to make an unarmed attack who fails their WS test suffers 1d5
2 # with Tampered Power Supply Power upgrade Can attach any Pistol or Basic Las weapon or any Pistol Melta, Plasma, or Flame
2 Ablative # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Krupgrade +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5 Each hit reduces bonus by 1 till bonus is reduced to 0.
2 Best # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Krupgrade +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +5 to a specified Social test
2 Ceramite # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Krupgrade +3 AP vs Flame or Melta Weapons
2 Good # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Krupgrade +5 to a specified Social test
2 Insulated # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Krupgrade Do not need to take T tests due to extreme hot temperatures.
2 Poor # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Krupgrade -10 to all Agility tests
2 Reflective # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Krupgrade +3 AP vs Las weapons
2 Scavenged and reconstructed # Power upgrade Gain +10 to all Infamy, Intimidate, or Command tests.
2 The Black Legions # Power upgrade +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Gain +1 AP to all locations if he is not aligned to a Chaos God.
2 Thermal # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Flak, Krupgrade Do not need to take T tests due to extreme cold temperatures.
2 Vac-Sealed # Advanced, Carapace, Eldar, Kroot, upgrade Can survive in vacuum or other enviroments for 6 hours without suffering adverse af
","Weight"," ", "Cost"," ", "Page", , "Source"," ")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

Wt Cost Pg Source . .
0 50 76 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
/2 - 144 DH [h:newThingNam
2 1000 118 DH-BoM [h:newThingNam
0 - 144 DH [h:newThingNam
0 2500 190 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 - 120 DH - DotDG [h:newThingNam
0 - 144 DH [h:newThingNam
0 - 118 DH-BoM [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
+1.5 - 178 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
+2 - 177 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
/2 - 147 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
+2 - 177 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 147 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
+1 - 178 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 147 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
+2 - 178 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 - 176 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
+1 - 178 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
+2 - 178 BC-CR [h:newThingNam

9 [h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "Type","

SORNAME (329/353) Type

1 Aether Goggles Clothing & Carriers
1 Amasec Drugs & Consumables
1 Aqua Suit Clothing & Carriers
1 Auspex Scanner Tools
1 Auspex/Scanner Tools
1 Auto Quill Tools
1 Auto Sense Mask Clothing & Carriers
1 Auto-quill Tools
1 Babelfish Translator Device Clothing & Carriers
1 Backpack Clothing & Carriers
1 Backpack / Bergen Clothing & Carriers
1 Binders Security Technology
1 Bone Flute Occult Artefact
1 Brotherhood Banner wargear
1 Bug Security Technology
1 Bug Detector Device Security Technology
1 Callophean Psy-Engine Dark Tech - Weapon
1 Cameleoline Cloak Clothing & Carriers
1 Cast Spray Drugs & Consumables
1 Charm Clothing & Carriers
1 Chronometer Clothing & Carriers
1 Clip Harness/Drop Harness Clothing & Carriers
1 Combi-tool Tools
1 Common Clothing and Adornment Clothing & Carriers
1 Concealed holster Clothing & Carriers
1 Consecrated Scrolls Drugs & Consumables
1 Counterseptic Drugs Drugs & Consumables
1 Cryo Suit Clothing & Carriers
1 Data printer Personal Technology
1 Data slate Tools
1 Data terminal ('Think Machine') Personal Technology
1 Data-Conduit Cable Tools
1 Demolition Charge Tools
1 Demolition Charge Personal Technology
1 De-tox Drugs & Consumables
1 Dreamjuice Drugs & Consumables
1 Drop Harness Clothing & Carriers
1 Ether Net Security Technology
1 Excruciator Kit Tools
1 Explosive Collar Clothing & Carriers
1 Filtration Plugs Clothing & Carriers
1 Flight Pack Clothing & Carriers
1 Forge of Nightmares, The Occult Artefact
1 Fragment of the Tome of Ammicus Tole Dark Tech
1 Frenzon Drugs & Consumables
1 Ghillie Suit / Camouflage Clothing & Carriers
1 Ghostfire Extract Drugs & Consumables
1 Glory of the Emperer in the light of dawn Occult Artefact
1 Glow-globe Tools
1 Glow-rod Personal Technology
1 Grapnel Tools
1 Grimoire of True Names Tools
1 Halo Drugs & Consumables
1 High Altitude Low Opening Drop Pack (HALOClothing & Carriers
1 High-Tensile Rope General Gear
1 Holster Clothing & Carriers
1 Immateria Ward Dark Tech
1 Imperium's Fervour Drugs & Consumables
1 Incendiary Suit Clothing & Carriers
1 Infra Red (IR) Goggles Clothing & Carriers
1 Injector Drugs & Consumables
1 Kick Drugs & Consumables
1 Lascutter Tools
1 Lens of Seeing, The Occult Artefact
1 Lho-sticks Drugs & Consumables
1 Libellus Appello (Book of Names) Occult Artefact
1 Liquid Canister Clothing & Carriers
1 Litany Micro-beads Tools
1 Magnoculars Tools
1 Malygrisian Bioforging Dark Tech
1 Manacles Tools
1 Mech Spider Occult Artefact
1 Medikit Drugs & Consumables
1 Micro-bead Vox Tools
1 Muffler Security Technology
1 Multikey Tools
1 Murder-Cogitator Dark Tech
1 Nephium Dark Tech
1 Neural Scourge Tools
1 Nightside Visor Clothing & Carriers
1 Obscura Drugs & Consumables
1 Ork Pulsa-Mine Xeno Tech - Weapon
1 Para Wings Clothing & Carriers
1 Personal Load Carrying Equipment (PLCE) Clothing & Carriers
1 Personal Teleporter-Dreadknight Teleportation Device
1 Personal Teleporter-Power Armour Teleportation Device
1 Personal Tent General Gear
1 Photo Goggles/Visors/Contacts Clothing & Carriers
1 Pict Recorder Tools
1 Porta-rack Security Technology
1 Power Board General Gear
1 Power generator Personal Technology
1 Prognosticaon Dark Tech
1 Psy-focus Tools
1 Psyocculum Tools
1 Q Orl Mind Grub Xeno Tech
1 Rainbow Drugs & Consumables
1 Ration Packs Drugs & Consumables
1 Re-breather Clothing & Carriers
1 Re-breather Airtank Clothing & Carriers
1 Re-breather Large Airtank Clothing & Carriers
1 Recaf Drugs & Consumables
1 Recoil Glove Clothing & Carriers
1 Recorder Personal Technology
1 Respirator/Gas Mask Clothing & Carriers
1 Rotgut Booze Drugs & Consumables
1 Sacred Incences Burner Tools
1 Sacred Machine Oil Drugs & Consumables
1 Screamers Tools
1 Sirenium Drugs & Consumables
1 Slaught Drugs & Consumables
1 Somnadic Cranial Net Clothing & Carriers
1 Speculum Umbrae Dark Tech
1 Spook Drugs & Consumables
1 Stimm Drugs & Consumables
1 Stummers Tools
1 Synskin Suit Clothing & Carriers
1 Synth-Skin Drugs & Consumables
1 Toxin Suit Clothing & Carriers
1 Toxin Wands Drugs & Consumables
1 Tracker Security Technology
1 Tracker Detector Security Technology
1 Transgenic Grafting Xeno Tech
1 Ulumeathi Plasma Siphon Tools
1 Utility Case Clothing & Carriers
1 Void Suit Clothing & Carriers
1 Vox-caster Tools
1 Vox-link Clothing & Carriers
1 Writing Kit Tools
2 Backpack Ammo / Power Pack Throne Agent
2 Badge of Office Throne Agent
2 Cerebral Plug Throne Agent
2 Grav chute (Asc) Throne Agent
2 Mantle of Ophelia Throne Agent
2 Sentinel Array Throne Agent
2 Spoor Targeter Throne Agent
2 Vindicare Spy Mask Throne Agent
2 Vindicare Stealth Suit Throne Agent
3 Advanced Helmet Systems Clothing & Carriers
3 Almanac Astrae Divinitus Tools
3 Aquila Magnificus Tools
3 Arms Coffer Tools
3 Attention Spanner Drugs & Consumables
3 Blacklight Projector Archeotech
3 Blast Goggles Personal Technology
3 Bloodlock Bolt Tools
3 Blurshield Archeotech
3 Blush Drugs & Consumables
3 Bomb Spray Tools
3 Caged Songbird Archeotech
3 Calculance Array Tools
3 Carnelian Sievestone Archeotech
3 Chronal Energizer Archeotech
3 Cold Fire Drugs & Consumables
3 Concealed Holster Tools
3 Data-loom (Hadd-pattern) Tools
3 Det-cord/Det-tape Tools
3 Diagnostor Tools
3 Disguise Kit Tools
3 Emergency Hab Tools
3 Firewater Tools
3 Flak Spray Tools
3 Flex Tent Tools
3 Flip-Belt Tools
3 Glidewing Tools
3 Grapplehawk Tools
3 Grav Chute (RT) Tools
3 Gravity Generator Tools
3 Hab Base Tools
3 High Provender Drugs & Consumables
3 Holo-Suit Archeotech
3 Jump Pack Tools
3 Kroot-Fetish Pouch Clothing & Carriers
3 Kroot-Totem General Gear
3 Lingua-Vox Servitor Tools
3 Long-Range Auspex (Locke) Tools
3 Lord-Captain's Baton Tools
3 Magboots Tools
3 Manacles Tools
3 Medikit (Advanced) Drugs & Consumables
3 Mefonte's Orthodoxy Tools
3 Melta-bomb Tools
3 Merchant Guilder Clothing and Adornment Clothing & Carriers
3 Multicompass Tools
3 Navis Prima Tools
3 Nephitic Acid Tools
3 Night Cloak Clothing & Carriers
3 Noble Clothing and Adornment Clothing & Carriers
3 Ork-Boss Pole Ork
3 Perimeter System Tools
3 Physik Kit Tools
3 Plaguewort Venom Tools
3 Ploin Juice Drugs & Consumables
3 Power Board Tools
3 Preysense Goggles Personal Technology
3 Promethium Tools
3 Psycrystal Tools
3 Raenka Drugs & Consumables
3 Renumeration Engine Tools
3 Respirator/Gas Mask Personal Technology
3 Rockhound Voidware Suit Clothing & Carriers
3 Sacred Unguents Drugs & Consumables
3 Screaming Tourniquet Tools
3 Servitor (Combat) Tools
3 Servitor (Complex Multitask) Tools
3 Servitor (Simple Labor Monotask) Tools
3 Servo-Skull Tools
3 Shifting Fabric Clothing & Carriers
3 Shipboard Emergency Kit Tools
3 Skinplant Tools
3 Slip Suit Clothing & Carriers
3 Spur Drugs & Consumables
3 Stasis Pod (Locke) Tools
3 Strait-Cape Tools
3 Stryxian Compact Archeotech
3 Survival Suit Clothing & Carriers
3 Targeting Monocle - Motion Predictor Personal Technology
3 Targeting Monocle - PhotoSight Personal Technology
3 Targeting Monocle - Preysense Sight Personal Technology
3 Targeting Monocle - Telescopic Sight Personal Technology
3 Theosophist's Philtre Drugs & Consumables
3 Tranq Drugs & Consumables
3 Travel Survival Kit Tools
3 Venom Ring Tools
3 Void Abacus Archeotech
3 Void Suit Clothing & Carriers
3 Void Suit (Selenite-pattern) Clothing & Carriers
3 Warp Jump Pack Archeotech
3 White Void Drugs & Consumables
3 Wideawake Drugs & Consumables
4 Astartes Cluster Mines Tools
4 Astartes Harness Wargear
4 Astartes Jump Pack Wargear
4 Astartes Magboots Wargear
4 Astartes Melta Bomb Tools
4 Astartes Psychic Hood Wargear
4 Astartes Signum Tools
4 Astartes Signum Link Tools
4 Astartes Targeter Tools
4 Augury Malifica Relic
4 Auspex Tools
4 Auto-Sense Goggles Tools
4 Back Banner Wargear
4 Blacksnow Charm Relic
4 Blood Drop Pendant (Blood Angels) Chapter Trapping
4 Cameleoline Tarpaulin Tools
4 Camo-Cloak Tools
4 Cartograph Tools
4 Chain of Zeal Relic
4 Chapter Heraldry Tabard (Black Templars) Chapter Trapping
4 Charm Wargear
4 Chrono Wargear
4 Cingulum with Adamantine Inlays (UltramarinChapter Trapping
4 Cingulum with Honour Bells (Ultramarines) Chapter Trapping
4 Cingulum with Marks of Leadership (UltramarChapter Trapping
4 Clavis Tools
4 Codex Astartes Tools
4 Combat Webbing Tools
4 Combi Tool Tools
4 Data slate Tools
4 Deadlock (Toxin) Drugs & Consumables
4 Deathwatch/Squad Heraldry Tabard (Black TChapter Trapping
4 Delay Agent (Toxin) Drugs & Consumables
4 Demolition Charge Tools
4 De-tox Drugs & Consumables
4 Devotion Chain (Black Templars) Chapter Trapping
4 Diagnosticator Tools
4 Dilation Field Wargear
4 Elucidator Tools
4 Genophage (Toxin) Drugs & Consumables
4 Golden Icon of Inspiration (Blood Angels) Chapter Trapping
4 Golden Purity Focus (Blood Angels) Chapter Trapping
4 Golden Wings of Wrath (Blood Angels) Chapter Trapping
4 Grapnel Tools
4 Grav-Chute Tools
4 Grav-Flares Tools
4 Heraldry Scroll (Ultramarines) Chapter Trapping
4 Infiltriol Enamel Tools
4 Injector Tools
4 Lamp/Glow-globe Tools
4 Leaper Mine Tools
4 Locus Seeker Tools
4 Luminator Signal Flare Capsules Tools
4 Magnoculars Tools
4 Masking Screen Upgrade
4 Melta Bomb Tools
4 Multikey Tools
4 Narthecium Tools
4 Nec Temporal Distorter Xenotech
4 Ornamental Tabard (Black Templars) Chapter Trapping
4 Pain Suppressant Drugs & Consumables
4 Pict Recorder Tools
4 Psy-focus Tools
4 Reductor Tools
4 Repair Cement Drugs & Consumables
4 Restraints Tools
4 Resuscitex Drugs & Consumables
4 Robe of Secrets (Dark Angels) Chapter Trapping
4 Runic Totem of the Bloodied Hunter (Space Chapter Trapping
4 Runic Totem of the Sea Wolf (Space WolvesChapter Trapping
4 Runic Totem of the Sun Wolf (Space WolvesChapter Trapping
4 Sacred Unguents Drugs & Consumables
4 Scholar's Robe (Dark Angels) Chapter Trapping
4 Screamer Tools
4 Seeker's Robe (Dark Angels) Chapter Trapping
4 Siege Auspex Tools
4 Stalker Flares Tools
4 Stummer Tools
4 Teleport Homer Tools
4 Tempest Amulet of Might (Storm Wardens) Chapter Trapping
4 Tempest Guardian Amulet (Storm Wardens) Chapter Trapping
4 Tempest Victory Scripture (Storm Wardens) Chapter Trapping
4 The Plecian Tome Relic
4 Vivisection Cage Tools
4 Vox-caster Tools
4 Wings of Saronath Relic
4 Wolf Pelt (Space Wolves) Chapter Trapping
5 Alcohol Drugs & Consumables
5 Barbed Ring-Venom Nail Clothing & Carriers
5 Blue Fire Drugs & Consumables
5 Cartograph Tools
5 Combat Webbing Harness Wargear
5 Comm Leach Tools
5 D-dust Drugs & Consumables
5 Deadspace Earpiece Clothing & Carriers
5 Demolition Kit Tools
5 Disguise Kit Tools
5 Forgery Kit Tools
5 Graffitio Paints Tools
5 Grav Chute (BC) Wargear
5 Helmet Augmentation Wargear
5 Jump Pack (BC) Wargear
5 Laud Hailer Tools
5 Ligature Oils Drugs & Consumables
5 Melta-bomb (BC) Wargear
5 Mortis Drugs & Consumables
5 Null Rod Tools
5 Plas Drugs & Consumables
5 Preysense Goggles Personal Technology
5 Promethium Tools
5 Psychic Hood Wargear
5 Rendering Apothecarium Tools
5 Rez Drugs & Consumables
5 Rose Drugs & Consumables
5 Scab Drugs & Consumables
5 Scrap Code Generator Tools
5 Signal Jammer Tools
5 Spur Drugs & Consumables
5 Static Generator Tools
5 Survival Suit Clothing & Carriers
5 Torture Tools Tools
5 Trophy Rack Clothing & Carriers
5 Unholy Icon Toos

Aether goggles are ancient and extremely rare technology that allows the wearer to see Warp intrusions into Realspace. While wearing these goggles, the
Amasec is a popular alcoholic drink distilled from wine. It can range from lesser brews barely fit for firebombs, to well-aged brands suitable for only the f
This full body sealed suit is designed for use under water, or similar non-corrosive liquids. The suit protects the wearer from the cold and pressure of bei
The auspex scanner is a highly versatile device able to perform a wide variety of activities, scanning out to 50 meters. An auspex scanner has a recharge
These devices are used to detect energy emissions, motion, and biological life signs. A character using an auspex gains a +20 bonus to Awareness Test
These arcane-looking scribing devices allow the user to copy text at an impressive rate with great accuracy. A character with the Trade (Copyist) skill can
This face mask covers the wearer's eyes, ears and nose and plugs directly into the nervous system via a Mind Impulse Unit link. The mask completely blo
These scribing devices of arcane appearance allow the user to copy text at an impressive rate with great accuracy. A character with the Trade (Remember
This device is a belt-mounted control box with wire connectors to the wearer's ear and mouth. The translator device allows the character to converse in
A personal carrying device can take many forms, but is usually some kind of bag with attached straps for ease of carrying. A backpack can usually carry
Also called snapsack, knapsack, or packsack, this back mounted carryall can be rigid or flexible polymer and is mounted on a load-frame. A typical backpa
Used by law enforcers, slavers and bounty hunters throughout the Imperium as temporary manacles, binders are made of toughened polymer and are able
Requires Perfomer Musician (-10) Invocation (-10). Similar to Weapon Jinx. All mechanical devices within 50m cease to function
Grey Knights within 20m may re-roll any failed Weapon Skill test. Requires two hands to carry.
Bugs are micro recording devices able to capture audio, visual, and holographic data up to 20 meters away. They are very small and designed to be conce
This device, about the size of a briefcase contains dedicated scanners that detect and visually locate all bugs within 40 meters. With a routine (+20) Tech
See table 189 of Radicals Handbook for its use. Requires the brains of 4 psykers.
Cameleoline material is made up of mimic fibres that blend the colouration of the wearer into their surroundings. A character wearing a cameleoline c
Spray on cast, reduces difficulty of medicae test to stop blood loss by one step
A charm is a keepsake, holy relic or good luck token that is intended to draw the benevolent eye of the Emperor to the wearer. They take myriad forms incl
Hand held or wrist worn timepieces, chronometers will display Imperial time, including date, and can be set to also show local time.
A compact spool-stored safety line, with a magnetic or hooked clasp. A character using a clip harness to descend a vertical surface gains a +30 bonus to C
Commonly found in the hands of member of the Adeptus Mechanicus, combi-tools are versatile if somewhat bizarre mechanical devices. A character using
The citizens of the Imperium wear a staggering range of clothing, jewellery, and other forms of adornment. All manner of styles imaginable exist to illust
This holster allows a pistol with the 'Compact' quality to be concealed about a person, so that only a close body search will uncover it. The pistol can be
Consume to reroll on Psychic Phenomena table
+20 to resist disease or infections for 6 hours
This full body sealed suit is designed for use in arctic or hyper cold environments. The suit gives complete protection from extreme cold, ice, frost, and e
Data printers are common in the Imperium and are used in conjunction with data slates or terminals to print paper copies of static data. The printer will pr
Data slates are common in the Imperium and aside from books and paper are the primary method of storing data and other media such as picts, holo, visu
Data terminals are common in the Imperium and aside from books and paper are the primary method of storing data and other media such as picts, holo, v
Cable to connect to a data interface unit
A demolition charge is a simple explosive device, commonly used for blowing open doors, breaching bulkheads, and destroying infrastructure. The listed w
A demolition charge is a simple explosive device, common used for blowing open doors, breaching wails and destroying bridges. The cost and weight for a
This drug can negate the effects of most dangerous gases and toxins if administered fast enough. A dose of de-tox immediately ends the ongoing effects, b
Adds +10 to all Int test, -20 to WP tests, -10 to Per tests, Lasts 30m
The drop harness is a device containing a compact spool-stored, high tensile safety line with a magnetic/hook clasp. The harness will support 102kg before
This device is able to detect and monitor vox-transmissions, tele-communications, radio waves, and similar ether- transmitted data, displaying it through a
These devices are used in the questioning of captured enemies of the Imperium, or in revealing to those who have turned away from the Emperor the natu
These unpleasant devices are often attached to prisoners, indentured servants, slaves or sanctioned psykers. A batch of collars will come with a control
These are simple plugs worn in each nostril to screen out most pollutants and harmful gases. A character wearing filtration plugs gains a +20 bonus to a
This large pack is worn on the back and incorporates a stacked sub-atomic chain, cold-fusion micro-reactor that utilises Helium-3 (He-3) non-radioactive is
Requires 8 cultists, fueled with human souls, Forbidden Lore Demonology (-30). Result: Mayhem.
Needed to operate the Prognosticaon
A generic name for a variety of combat drugs most often within penal legion units. Once administered, the subject becomes fearless and fanatical in comb
This all over suit allows the wearer to blend into a rural environment. The environment relevant to the ghillie suit must be specified at purchase (arctic, t
gives Fearless and frenzy talents and unnatural agility(x2). Lasts 2d10minutes. Take one point of damage
Requires fresh human blood. You can ask it questions.
A common source of light at night or in darkened areas, these handy devices can illuminate an area a dozen or more metres in diameter. A typical glow-g
This is a simple illumination rod, lighting out to 24 meters in a 30 degr. directional cone. Its rechargeable power pack will last for 6 hours continuous use.
Grapnels use a small launcher or gun to fire a hooked or magnetic grapnel, connected to the launcher with a thin but strong wire (100m). Once the grapne
Gain knowledge on a Daemon by making two -20 Forbidden Lore (Daemonology) tests. Allows automatic confirmation of righteous fury when fighting s
+10 to resist Fear and Pinning, -10 Perception, lasts 1d10 hours
The HALO-DP is worn on the back in place of a backpack and incorporates directional anti-gravity thrusters. Once activated, and if worn by a falling cha
Price and Weight are per 50 meters. Can support up to 102kg before breaking.
This holster allows a pistol to be carried about a person. It incorporated a bandolier that can hold individual shots or magazines. The pistol can be retrie
Blocks upto: 6CP gained from Exposure to Warp Material, 6 psy power induced damage, 6AP vs demonic attacks, force weapons, warp weapons
All Fear tests reduced by 1, Insanity reduced by 2 (min 1), Per tests -10, -20 Int test to recall anything that happened whil under drug, lasts 24 hours.
This full body sealed suit is designed for use by fire suppression teams and other workers expected to enter extremely hot or fire-wreathed environments. T
IR goggles allow the wearer to see thermal images. Heat differences will be apparent through up to 1 meter of typical building structural material and w
Injectors can take many forms from cheap low-tech disposable syringes up to sophisticated hypo-sprays and even bio-attuned skin patches. An injector ca
removes fatigue and immune to fatigue for 2d10 rounds, afterwards 1d5 levels of fatigue
The lascutter focuses a 6cm long cutting and welding beam capable of slicing through 5cm thick plate steel or welding metal at a rate to 10cm per turn. A
Requires Invocation (+10) to activate, allows to read any text. Has consequences: see text
Lho-sticks arc common with Imperial Guard troopers and many menial workers. Each rolled paper tube contains a scented, mildly narcotic (and addictive)
Requires Scholastic Lore Astromancy (-10) to determine true name of a deamon.
This simple container is designed to hold, transport and dispense liquids, from simple water, to promethium. Typically made of high density polymer or stai
Provide a variety of benefits depending on the chant.
These hand-held powered visual imagers allow the user to extend vision over great distances. A typical magnocular set will bring clear focus to a scene u
Unn. Toughness (x2). Natural Armour 2. Mutant. Void Resistant (still requires to breath). Requires (painfull) treatment 1 per month or loose 1d5: Ag, In
Used by law enforcers, slavers and bounty hunters throughout the Imperium, manacles are typically iron or steel wrist or ankle cuffs connected by 50-100c
Requires Invocation (-10) and a fresh corpse. Has the same effect as a servo skull
This is vital bit of equipment for any medic. A typical medikit contains various cataplasm patches, contraseptics and synth-skin. A character that has a
A micro-bead vox is an ear mounted communications transceiver, capable of transmitting on a local close, with up to 30 other networked micro-bead vox u
A muffler is an anti surveillance device. When activated, it emits dampening fields that block all vox transmissions, remote signalling, bug or recorder fu
A multikey is able to open most standard imperial mechanical or simple electronic locks. Considered illegal by the Adeptus Arbites and many local provo
Requires Tech-Use (0) and a Data-Conduit Cable. Some kind of virus that kills of cogitators
Source material for Bioforging
Make a -10 Tech-Use test or 0 Medicae Test to get a +20 on opposed Interrogation tests. Failing a roll, or losing the test caues 1d5 direct damage to sub
This visor is worn over the eyes and provides the wearer with 'night vision' by combining low light enhancement with passive sonar technology. The weare
While prohibited and the subject of widespread crackdowns obscura remains a widely used narcotic among many Imperial subjects. Smugglers can often m
1d10 E damage each pulse. 1st pulse on trigger, other pulses every 1d10 rounds. Unreliable check is rolled for every pulse (91-00). If a 1 is rolled for d
These large, light polymer wings are a non-powered frame that allows the wearer to perform a glider descent through the air. The flight pack confers the '
The PLCE is tactical webbing system work across the body, and allowing a comfortable distribution of readily available equipment. It consists of a belt,
Backpack sized device that allows safe, guided Warp-jump to any visiable location using Pilot (Personal) skill. Works only with Dreadknight armour. Dou
Backpack sized device that allows safe, guided Warp-jump to any visiable location using Pilot (Personal) skill. Works only with Power Armour, does not
Personal survival tents provide comfort and shelter while in the wilderness. A tent includes integral inflatable groundsheet, storm resistant cover and
Advanced lenses designed to enhance the low-level light available on even the darkest nights. Users can see in the dark almost as well as in daylight w
Pict recorders are relatively simple live-media recording devices, and some have holographic capabilities. Most also allow for playback as well as record
This is a small device from which protrudes dozens of fine-filament wires. If placed against a creature's skin and activated, these wires burrow into the c
A power board is an item of sporting equipment and personal transport for the rich thrill-seeker. Power boarding is used in the popular and highly dangerou
This is a simple power generator unit that runs off a micro-plasma engine that runs foe 20,000 hours continuous use before burning out. The generator co
Requires: 8 human sacrifices, Fragment of the Tome of Ammicus Tole, Scholastic Lore (Occult) (+0). When succesfull (or unsuccesfull) you can ask 8 clos
Psyskers often use devices to help them focus their powers. A psy-focus could be sacred bones, carved wytch staves, blessed icons or crystals. When a
Make a +10 Awareness test to gain vs psychic or warp creatures: Dark sight, +10 to BS. -20 Awareness otherwise, causes 1 level of fatigue if worn for
Takes control of a Psyker by crawling in her ear and latching to the brain. The psyker is then susceptible for vocal commands
reroll any failed test to resist disease or toxin, stops blood loss, toughness or take 1d5 damage, ignore ap and TB
Most food in the Imperium is packaged, processed and usually completely unrecognisable as anything edible. The quality of ration packs varies widely, fro
Consisting of a mask, full helmet, or being incorporated into a full suit, re-breathers contain a sealed air supply to keep the user alive in toxic or airless
A re-breather airtank lasts for one hour. A larger air tank (containing 6 hours air) is available. It costs 45, and weighs 6kg.
The larger brother of the re-breather airtank, it lasts for 6 hours.
Recaf is a popular hot beverage, made from crushed and brewed leaves. The composition can vary from planet to planet, but most blends have a stimulan
An interlocking plate glove, this allows the wearer to use a basic weapon (or a pistol requiring two hands) one-handed without the usual -20 penalty. Recoi
Recorders are hand held recording devices able to capture audio, visual, scanned text, pict or holographic data up to 30 meters away. A typical recorder ca
Gain +30 to T tests to resist gas effects, you may reroll failed results
Alcohol comes in many shapes and sizes throughout the Imperium, and most cultures are noted for at least one kind of fermented liquid. The catch-all term
Machine oil blessed by the Omnissiah is much sought after for its mystical properties when applied to machines. If applied to a weapon (a Full Action) it
A screamer is a security device designed as a perimeter proximity alarm. Setting a screamer requires a challenging (+0) Tech Use test (the GM should rol
Ingesting this chemical boosts the character's pheromone levels immensely. For 1d6 hours when dealing with the opposite sex, the character's Fellowship
also know as onslaught, this drug heightens awareness and improves reaction time, literally speeding up the user but causing Fatigue and neural damage
This small device places an electrode net over the wearer's skull. It transmits a neural induction field that induces deep, quality sleep. Users get a ful
Requires: lots of energy (e.g. output of a factory plasma generator) Tech-Use(-30) OR Forbidden Lore Warp (-10) OR Forbidden Lore Archeotech (+10).
This drug can augment and even produce short-term psychic abilities in the user. If a character without any Psy Rating takes a dose of spook he must su
Stimm is a powerful drug that works to mask pain and drive fighters on when their bodies would otherwise give up. A dose of stimm lasts 3d10 Rounds. D
The reverse of a screamer, stummers generate sound waves to cancel out ambient sounds and noises made by moving personnel in a small area. A chara
Synskin is an inert, non-reflective, bio-reactive body glove that moulds itself to the wearer's naked form. Synskin provides 2AP to all locations. The suit
full action, stops blood loss
This full body sealed suit is designed for use in toxic nuclear, biologically, or chemically polluted environments. The suit gives +60 Toughness bonus to res
determine if someone is poisoned with perception test, 2 degrees of success identifies antidote
A tracker is a small magnetic or sticky device that transmits its location to a frequency-keyed tracker detector. This ethersignal is encrypted but can be
A tracker detector is a device that is able to frequency-key trackers to its own encrypted detection frequency. The detector will identify and holo-graphica
Allows for gaining traits by transplanting Xeno biology onto a human. Requires Forbidden Lore Xenos (-30) and Medicae Test (-30). For failure read book
Reduces the BS of anyone firing plasma weapons at a target within 10 meters or firing from within 10m by -30. Plasma weapons also lose Volatile trait.
The utility is a high density polymer carry-case (70x50x25cm) capable of containing up to 20kg of assorted gear. The case itself is hardened (2AP), and h
This full body sealed suit is designed for use in the void of space, or on airless worlds. The suit protects the wearer from the hazards, radiation and ext
A vox-caster is a bulky communications transceiver, often strapped for hip or back carrying, capable of transmitting over great distances to any other vox-
A vox-link is a hand-held communications transceiver, capable of transmitting through an orbital Ethernet system. Each vox-link will have a unique connec
A writing kit contains papers, inks and quills.
The backpack ammo/power pack is designed to supply the user with additional ammunition for his personal weapon when on extended missions (or in si
Though only Inquisitors can carry the Inquisitorial Rosette, the Calixian Conclave has made a habit of issuing trusted Inquisitorial Agents with a badge of
Cerebral plugs and similar devices are a common sight in the Imperium, where the use of technology to augment (or repair) the human form is commonpla
Grav-chutes are the Imperial Guard's preferred method of deploying elite troops during airborne assaults. Each 'chute' is actually a device worn in the
Only Palantines may wear this cloak. Wearing it will grant unnatural toughness (x2)
The Sentinel Array is a highly advanced sensor pack, combining motion trackers, heat sensors, and target acquisition systems. Through the miracles of an
Highly rare and reserved for the Imperium's elite forces, Spoor Targeters are gun-scopes that contain highly spore-sniffers and miniaturised cogitators lin
Issued to Imperial Assassins of the Vindicare Temple, this wargear's systems are incredibly advanced and sophisticated. It is said that the design for t
This item of wargear appears as a matte-black bodyglove, specially fitted for the individual Assassin. The Vindicare Temple has a long-standing pact with
Most personal armour includes a helmet of some sort, and some provide sensory capabilities linked into them as well as standard cranial protection. The
A tech-device of the Divine Astrometricum, a Calixian faction of tech-priests concerned with cataloguing stars, nebulae, and distant events in the voids. I
10 Meter Tall beacon that summons calls local Minostorum vessels to come and bring the planet into the fold. Common versions operate 5 years, good an
A long protective case of many quick-release compartments and sockets for power packs designed to be slung over the back. It is intended to protect th
Take -10 WP test to focus. If they pass, all Intelligence tests are at +30 for 3d10 Rounds. If they fail, -20 for 3d10 rounds as you focus on something irrel
Bathes area in human visible spectrum in complete blackness. -40 to all vision based perception tests in area.
May be a kind of sight (details on pg 133). -30 Scrutiny to determine true purpose. Counts as weapon's sight.
Complicated chest that uses a combination of the owner's blood with the right dosages of drugs to unlock. If the lock is blown open, stasis field collapses,
Imposes -20 penalty on all BS tests made to attack the wearer.
Red space wine. Causes drinker to glow faintly when drunk.
Spray on explosives. Does 1d5+3X per kilogram used and a blast radius of 2 meters per .
Warns of Gellar Field Failure 1d10 rounds prior to it happening. May also warn of a Daemon in 10 meters, though this is up to the GM
Grand mercantile initiatives are attended by a swarm of scribes and ledgers, and the greatest can only thrive when supported by machines such as the ca
Filters a liquid into its purest form.
Speeds up time around itself. When used, user may take two full actions per round (including two attacks). During the subsequent round, he may take no a
Gain Battle Rage Talent for 3d10 rounds per dose.
Conceals gun. Common and good impose -20 to tests to discover, while best also allows the weapon to be drawn as a free action.
A limited data-engine and geometric display that has proven useful to those faced with challenging problems of logic or fragmentary information. It gives a
Inflicts 1d5X per KG, with 5 meters blast per kg. Best does 1d5+1.
The diagnostor is a sophisticated medical device used among high ranking planetary officials and other powerful individuals. It can detect and diagnos
Grants +20 to use disguise, Best grants +30 instead.
Tent for 3 people. Stiffens when exposed to water. Good and Best can hold 4 and 6 people, respectively.
Spontaneously ignites on contact with oxygen. Explodes for 1d10E per , blast radius of 2m per . Those caught in blast must make Agility Test or catch fir
Makes any clothing act as guard flak for 3d10 rounds.
2 person tent, erected with a small electrical charge. Good and best hold 3 and 4, respectively.
Grants Hover (6), and +20 on Agility Tests. Requires Pilot (Personal) to use. All are good craftsmanship or better.
Grant Flyer (12), but require Pilot (Personal) and launch from 15 meters or higher. Best grants +10 to use.
Aerial machines fashioned in the shape of avian predators, Grapplehawks are an unusual form of cyber-familiar used by some Adeptus Arbites squads and
A smaller version of a jump pack, these rely on suspensor fields to counter gravity to slow descent. Two small jets on either side above the shoulders offer
Area of effect version of grav-plating. Turn an area into a certain value of gravity, usually Holy Terra standard.
Designed for speed of deployment and ease of assembly, these pre-fabricated units can be set into place by landing craft or even drop pods.
The nobility of the Imperium dine upon such delicacies as real, unprocessed meat from strange beasts, fruits won from death worlds at the cost of many liv
Impose -20 to all BS and WS tests targeting user. Grants +30 to concealment if stationary, and forces a further -20 to all ranged attacks.
This large pack is worn on the back and incorporates a stacked sub-atomic chain, cold-fusion micro-reactor that utilises Helium-3 (He-3) non-radioactive is
Kroot Shapers often carry totems, medallions, circlets, or other adornments that possess great sacred significance to his Kindred
The kroothawk is a revered creature for the Kroot of Pech, and its image is often worked into items of great cultural or spiritual significance.
Servo-Skull that translates. Counts as having all Speak Language skills as Basic Skills. Best quality can decipher Secret Tongues.
Counts as a regular auspex except it can scan up to 5km and through 1m thick walls. Good craftsmanship has 10km range, Best grants +30 to awareness
Many officers of the Imperial Navy carry one of these short rods as an insignia of rank and station. Most are highly engraved and ornamented with the her
Heavy and bulky, these oversized boots contain electromagnets that allow the wearer to adhere to metallic surfaces such as exterior hull plating and a
These are solid restraints often used by bounty hunters and enforcers-and can also be found in the hands of more nefarious individuals or used for darke
A practical item for vessels with no properly trained medicae support, these kits can be used by almost anyone. Each contains essential items such as syth
A tome or data-slate containing a thrice-blessed collection of catechisms, castigations, and psalms first assembled by Pius Mefonte in the 4th century M4
Melta bombs are affixed to their target with mag-adhesives designed to quickly adhere to metallic surfaces. They detonate with a powerful shaped charge
The citizens of the Imperium wear a staggering range of clothing, jewellery, and other forms of adornment. All manner of styles imaginable exist to illust
When exploring new worlds, a device of this ancient tech-pattern is indispensable- but few have the means or influence to acquire one. After a few seco
These are perhaps some of the most valuable items an Explorer can possess, as they outline safe routes through the warp, or at least as safe as warp t
Grey-green paste that eats up to 5cm of 1 square meter of adamantium in a single round, deals 2d10+10E damage. Becomes inert after this. Must be cont
Normally fashioned into a large cloak, or more rarely a stormcoat complete with hood, a night cloak will absorb almost all ambient light and emit almost
The citizens of the Imperium wear a staggering range of clothing, jewellery, and other forms of adornment. All manner of styles imaginable exist to illust
+10 Command
Creates a field that does 2d10+6E with Shocking to anyone who passes through it. Must have other pylons. Good and Best craftsmanship versions do a
Grants +10 to first-aid medicae. Best grants +20.
Weapon coated with this gains Toxic for 1d5 rounds. In addition, if target fails Toughness Test, suffers 1d10 Agility damage. No craftsmanship level.
Requires -10 Carouse Test to avoid extreme drunkenness (fatigue)
Fancy hoverboard. Grants Flyer (15), requires Pilot (Personal)
Relatively simple devices, Preysense goggles allow the wearer to see thermal images from warm bodies, revealing hiding enemies at night. A character
Common Fuel. Explosion does 1d10E per , with 4m blast per . Agility Test of catch fire if caught in blast.
Glows when psychic powers are used or someone is being targeted by psychic powers within 5 meters.
Space Brandy
A tool and symbol of status for wealthy factors and brokers, the optics and prongs of this heavy device rapidly stack, count, and assay the worth of dive
This is a breathing mask that covers the nose and mouth or entire face, and offers much better protection than filtration plugs. A character wearing a res
Contains enough air for 15 hours of operations, includes vox-link, suit-patch kit, helmet, photovisor, and clip harness with 10m of line. Applies -5 to user's A
Sacred unguents blessed by the Omnissiah are much sought after for their mystical properties when applied to machines. If applied to a weapon (a Full A
High-Tech tourniquet. Grants +10 to medicae to stop blood loss. Good and best grant +20 instead.
A servitor is an automaton whose controlling components are organic and mostly human in origin.
A servitor is an automaton whose controlling components are organic and mostly human in origin.
A servitor is an automaton whose controlling components are organic and mostly human in origin.
A human skull-often that of a favoured servant or lowly techadept- that has been fitted with a rudimentary machinespirit, support systems, and a suspensor
This exotic material is fashionable in the pleasure zones of the Drusus Marches-the more so for its great expense and rarity. The raw fibres are imported f
Even the most secure and reliable ship possesses emergency kits on most decks-though often decks can measure in the kilometres. Some work crews wi
Like an electroo, but just under the skin. Can be a chrono, lamplight, etc. Anything non-mechanical.
Grants +10 to escape Grapple, and opponents take -10 to Grapple.
Dose lasts 2d10 minutes, during which user cannot be stunned and takes no Fatigue. After, take a -20 penalty to Toughness and Agility for one hour, as w
Will preserve one humanoid sized item as long as power is maintained.
Strait Jacket. Can be used with thrown weapon but gives inaccurate and snare. -10 on all tests to escape.
Contract in alien script signifying owner as a trusted trading partner of the Stryxis. Grants +20 to all Interaction tests with Stryxis. Though technically for
When working in harsh, extreme conditions, survival suits are a must. No matter whether it is too hot or too cold, the suit can maintain proper body tempe
May be a kind of sight (details on pg 133). -30 Scrutiny to determine true purpose. Counts as weapon's sight.
May be a kind of sight (details on pg 133). -30 Scrutiny to determine true purpose. Counts as weapon's sight.
May be a kind of sight (details on pg 133). -30 Scrutiny to determine true purpose. Counts as weapon's sight.
May be a kind of sight (details on pg 133). -30 Scrutiny to determine true purpose. Counts as weapon's sight.
A heady, thick liquor of Archaos, forbidden by ancient law upon that world. It is said to give a drinker depth and clarity of thought, and though this is like
The term 'tranq' covers an array of artificial, alcoholic chemdistillates made by the low-hive masses of the Golgenna Reach. The techniques for producing
Grants +10 to Survival tests. Good and best craftsmanship provide +20 instead.
A tool of assassins and dangerous nobility, the ring contains a small reservoir compartment that discretely opens with the right muscle movements of the fi
Heavily proscribed by Navigator's Guilds. They will seek and sabotage any found, along with the owners and ships. Can integrate with ship's auspex and
These sealed suits are intended to preserve the wearer in the most hostile environments. A void suit incorporates a rebreather and allows the wearer to s
A truly ancient design and a relic of the sacred STC, the Selenite-pattern is perhaps the most common heavy void suit used in the Imperium. Intended for u
Allows user to move up to 4d10 meters. If 3 dice come up with the same number the user does not re-appear for 1d5 rounds and gains 1 Corruption point.
Gain +20 WP for 1d10 minutes per dose. If used more than twice a week, take -20 WP test or become addicted, requiring daily use.
Nullifies one level of Fatigue for 1d5 hours. Additional doses prolong effect, but don't counteract anymore fatigue. After drug wears off, gain an additional
Cluster mines are designed not just for explosive power, but to avoid the enemy's notice until he is blown into tiny bits. Cluster mines achieve this aim
Offering more safety than a grapnel but less noise and bulk than a jump pack, this Battle-Brother-sized harness can be used to aid in safely descending fr
These large rocket thrusters typically attack to the backpack power unit on Astartes power armour. The user triggers a jump pack to lift high into the air
Astartes power armour can be upgraded to contain strong electromagnets built into the boot soles, allowing the wearer to adhere to metallic surfaces su
Melta bombs affix to their target with mag-adhesives designed to quickly adhere to metallic surfaces. They detonate with a powerful shaped charge of int
The arcane devices known as psychic hoods are lined with psi-enhancing crystals that amplify the wearer's psychic powers. Some would say more importa
A signum is a sensorium and transmitter array that can be mounted on a Battle-Brother's armour. It broadcasts enhanced tactical readings to all members
A signum is a useful tool alone, but by equipping the targeting systems of one or more squad members with a signum link, they can make optimal use of t
The Space Marine version of a Targeter encompasses several sights connected to a guidance cogitator array that improves overall accuracy. Rather than
Deathwatch Relic. Acts like a regular auspex, but grants +30 to awareness tests to detect Daemons, but only +5 to detect others. Further abilities at GM's
These devices are used to detect energy emissions, motion, and biological life signs. A character using an auspex gains a +20 bonus to Awareness Test
Combines the effects of a photo-visor, preysense, has a pict-corder, 5x optical zoom, 5x micro-magnification, and color filters. Also has a laser range-find
A Battle-Brother is asked to leave his home Chapter allegiances and the majority of its heraldry behind when he joins the Deathwatch. However, that does
Space Wolf Relic. Grants +5 strength when fighting Orkz, counts as a charm.
These ornaments are representations of the Blood Angel's Chapter symbol and the blood of Sanguinius that runs through their collective veins. Some are l
A 5x5 meter sheet of cameleoline. May be hooked together to hide anything. Grants +30 to concealment checks.
Grants +20 to all Concealment checks. When stationary, count as one range bracket further.
This specialised data-slate accepts geographical and navigational information on a planet, either from existing data-banks or gathered by a ship's Augur A
Black Templar Relic. Must requisition with a 20 req or less weapon. Grants +10 to Fear and Pinning tests, and +1 to effective rank for BT Solo Ability.
A tabard bearing Chapter heraldry. Black Templars in the Deathwatch typically wear tabards only from the waist to avoid marring the uniform intent of t
A charm is a keepsake, holy relic, or good luck token that is intended to draw the benevolent eye of the Emperor, a Primarch, or other patron to the be
Chronos are timepieces, which are dependable and simple to use. General models are usually hand-held or worn on the wrist, while Space Marines typica
The cingulum is a belt formed from several studded straps of leather or a similar strong and flexible material, which serves as a place for the hanging o
The cingulum is a belt formed from several studded straps of leather or a similar strong and flexible material, which serves as a place for the hanging o
The cingulum is a belt formed from several studded straps of leather or a similar strong and flexible material, which serves as a place for the hanging
Special vambrace worn by Deathwatch Keepers. Allows wearer to unseal, open, override, and generally pass through any lock and automated defense sys
The entirety of the Codex Astartes fills immense librariums, but many Space Marines carry the heart of this sacred test into battle. Of course, interpre
A load bearing web vest. Page 144 has a list of suggestions that could be attached.
Commonly found in the hands of Techmarrines, combi-tools are versatile, if somewhat bizarre, mechanical devices. They are spindled with small implemen
Data-slates are commonplace in the Imperium-the primary means of storing and reading printed text, schematics, and other media such as video (pict) or
This paralytic chemical causes the target's muscles to seize, immobilising him for easy elimination or capture without rendering him unconscious. This t
An ornamental tabard without symbols of any kind. Black Templars in the Deathwatch typically wear tabards only from the waist to avoid marring the uni
Not a toxin in and of itself, a delay agent encapsulates the molecules of drugs and poisons with a slowly decaying non-reactive microshell that allows the p
A demolition charge is a simple explosive device, common used for blowing open doors, breaching wails and destroying bridges. The cost and weight for a
A more powerful form of the anti-toxins found in Astartes power armour, this drug can negate the effects of most dangerous gases and toxins in administe
The Black Templars frequently wrap sections of their armour with chains, or bind their weapons to themselves to symbolize that they are unendingly bo
A handheld cogitator device. Grants +20 to all Tech-Use tests to diagnose or repair malfunctioning equipment.
Remnants of largely abandoned experiments with inverting stasis field technology, a few of these devices linger in the armouries of the Jericho Reach. The
The Jericho Reach is rife with planets out of contact with the Imperium for thousands of years, pockets of humanity lost during the Age of Shadow or even
Lethally effective, every dose of genophage is tailored to attack the weaknesses in the molecular structure of a particular individual. As such, it may n
Blood Angels frequently hang sacred gilded icons on their armour or from their belts. The exact form of these items varies, but they are considered a dis
Blood Angels frequently hang sacred gilded icons on their armour or from their belts. The exact form of these items varies, but they are considered a displ
Blood Angels frequently hang sacred gilded icons on their armour or from their belts. The exact form of these items varies, but they are considered a displ
Fires a hooked or magnetic grapnel from a bolt pistol. It is connected to the launcher with a thin but strong 100m wire. May climb manually, or using a
May be utilized by Space Marine Scouts if a more subtle entry is needed. Allows a safe fall from any height.
Small flares that hover at high altitude and illuminate an area 10km in diameter for 2d10 minutes. They come in red, white, green, gold, and blue.
Scrolls worked into a Battle-Brother's armour, either as metalwork or a placard are popular in many chapters, and the Ultramarines are no exception. This
Masks smell with gaunt pheromones of Hive Fleet Dagon. More details on page 145.
Injectors carried by the Adeptus Astartes are usually hypo-sprays that require helmets to be removed so that skin contact can be made. An injector can h
These common devices can illuminate an area a dozen or more meters in diameter. A typical lamp lasts 1d5 hours before it needs to be recharged.
When proximity sensors detect bio-signs within 5 meters, these mines leap up roughly two meters and spray an area ten meters across with clouds of sh
A locus seeker is actually a pair of devices. The smaller component, the locus caller, is a dull metal sphere only millimeters in diameter. The larger com
A small beacon that can either provide steady illumination or flash rapidly.
These are powerful vision aids that magnify distant objects. More advanced, high-quality magnoculars can also give range read-outs, detect heat sources,
When active, +30 to Concealment, Shadowing, and Silent Move Tests, -10 to all Perception-based Tests, attacks against the user suffer a -10 penalty, -
Melta bombs affix to their target with mag-adhesives designed to quickly adhere to metallic surfaces. They detonate with a powerful shaped charge of int
As it can open most standard Imperial locks, a multikey is reason for suspicion in the hands of a common citizen. For organisations like the Deathwatch the
The tool of an Apothecary's trade, a narthecium contains implements specially designed for Space Marine physiology and for performing first aid withou
Manipulate the passage of time. As a free action make a Challenging Tech use test. If successful gain an additional full action during the turn.
A tabard bearing Deathwatch or Squad-specific heraldry. Black Templars in the Deathwatch typically wear tabards only from the waist to avoid marring t
The same chemical is found in most Astartes power armour injectors and allows a character to ignore Critical Effects for 1d10 Rounds. Additional doses
Pict recorders (or simply picters) are relatively simple live-media recording devices, and some have holographic capabilities. Most also allow for playbac
Psykers and Librarians often use these items to help them focus their powers. A psy-focus could be a book of meditations, a blessed icon, or a carved w
Retrieval and storage of a fallen Battle-Brother's gene-seed is so critical that Apothecaries carry a special tool for this operation. While a reductor i
Repair Cement is a spray-gel composed of dual tubes of polyplas allomers that bond instantly with each other to seal power armour damage. It is typicall
Despite their designation, Kill-teams' Mission objectives are far more varied than simple target elimination. Live capture may be the means to an end or
This stimm is intended to revive an unconscious character. If the character has taken Fatigue levels in excess of his Toughness Bonus, it reverts the level
Hooded robes are a common sight amongst Dark Angels. While they are most often worn by veterans and other high ranking warriors, Battle-Brothers of
The Sons of Russ have many traditions that are unique to their Chapter, and at the heard of Fenrisian mysticism stand the Rune Priests. Using their arca
The Sons of Russ have many traditions that are unique to their Chapter, and at the heard of Fenrisian mysticism stand the Rune Priests. Using their arcan
The Sons of Russ have many traditions that are unique to their Chapter, and at the heard of Fenrisian mysticism stand the Rune Priests. Using their arca
Sacred unguents blessed by the Omnissiah are much sought after for their mystical properties when applied to machines. If applied to a weapon (a Full Ac
Hooded robes are a common sight amongst Dark Angels. While they are most often worn by veterans and other high ranking warriors, Battle-Brothers of
Screamers are proximity alarms that detect motion or sound-depending on the model-and alert their users to incoming dangers by making a horrendous no
Hooded robes are a common sight amongst Dark Angels. While they are most often worn by veterans and other high ranking warriors, Battle-Brothers of
A powerful auspex that can scan through materials to find weak points. Generally only scans through 20m of solid material.
Invisible markers, only viewable through preysense and photo-sights, or through auto-senses.
The reverse of a screamer, stummers generate sound waves to cancel out ambient sounds and noises made by moving personnel in a small area. A chara
These powerful signal transmitters allow ships equipped with a Teleportarium or similar technology to zero in on a person, object, or area. Teleport hom
The native traditions of Sacris place a strong emphasis on the ability of an individual to affect change in the world through strength of arm and force of w
The native traditions of Sacris place a strong emphasis on the ability of an individual to affect change in the world through strength of arm and force of
The native traditions of Sacris place a strong emphasis on the ability of an individual to affect change in the world through strength of arm and force o
Deathwatch Relic. May only be requisitioned by Techmarines. Grants +10 to F. Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), and +2d10 to Tech-Use (roll each time).
A clawed arm mount. Grants +10 to Medicae, Intimidate, and Intimidate checks. May be used as a weapon that deals 1d5+5R with Tearing and Toxic.
Short-range voxes (like those in power armour) lack the range to coordinate across an entire planet or reach spacecraft in orbit. A vox-caster can be used
Blood Angel Relic. Functions as jump pack, except it triples move rate. Grant +20 to Command and fellowship in dealings with Blood Angels.
Fenrisian wolves are renowned across the galaxy for their viciousness. They are respected creatures, and greatly entwined with Space Wolf beliefs. Unarm
Grants +10 to Toughness tests and may be used in first aid situations. Suffer from dunkeness suffering -10 to Agilityk, Perception, Intelligence, and Will
Inject poison with a scratch or cut to the flesh. Targets must pass a Very Hard (-30) Toughness test or take 2d10 wounds ignoring Amour or Toughness.
Vapors lasting for 1d10 rounds. Allows reroll of any Focus Power test attempts. Fettered powers can trigger Psychic phenomena as if Unfettered. Make a
This specialised data-slate accepts geographical and navigational information on a planet, either from existing data-banks or gathered by a ship's Augur A
Allow ready access to combat gear.
Allows a Heretic to tap into vox signals or data transmissions.
Also known as Daemon Dust or bone lasts for 2d5 rounds. Make a Hard (-20) Willpower test to keep the drug uncer control. If successful gain Daemonic
User may take Toughness tests against any sonic effects or against the auditory effects of a Concussive weapon with a +20 bonus.
Filled with all manner of supplies and materials for crafting explosives.
Grants +20 to use disguise. Best grants +30 instead.
Help a Heretic through the most oppressive of Imperial security checks.
Paints for making Graffiti.
A smaller version of a jump pack, these rely on suspensor fields to counter gravity to slow descent. Two small jets on either side above the shoulders offer
Advanced vox links, targeting feeds, visual augmentations, combat data readouts, and more. Can include: preysense goggles, rebreather, photo-visor, vo
This large pack is worn on the back and incorporates a stacked sub-atomic chain, cold-fusion micro-reactor that utilises Helium-3 (He-3) non-radioactive is
Amplifies normal speech to levels such that many hundreds can easily hear despite the best efforts of their minders.
If applied to a weapon (Full Action), it will become immune to jamming for one game session.
Melta bombs affix to their target with mag-adhesives designed to quickly adhere to metallic surfaces. They detonate with a powerful shaped charge of int
Places user so near death for 4d10 minutes that any tests to determine status are at -30 with failure indicating the user is dead.
Can negate the powers of any psyker within 2d10 meters causing them to take all tests to use psychic powers with a -30 penalty. Grants +30 to resist a
softens skin to the consistency of soft wax for five minutes allowing reshaping of flesh into new forms. Wears off in 1d5 days.
Relatively simple devices, Preysense goggles allow the wearer to see thermal images from warm bodies, revealing hiding enemies at night. A character
Common Fuel. Explosion does 1d10E per , with 4m blast per . Agility Test of catch fire if caught in blast.
May spend a Reaction to attempt to nullify psychic powers being used by another psyker or directly affecting the wearer. All grants +5 to Focus Power te
Can break apart a body into useful substances such as tallow fat, sanctification oils, bonemeal, marrowjoisce, and many other detlights. Once corpse
Requires an Easy (+30) Willpower test to activate and lasts for a number of minutes equal to DoS * 10. During this time subtract 2d10 from Psychic Phe
Heightens all sensory imput to a thrilling degree. Lasts for three hours. Gain Dark Sight trait and +20 to Perception tests. If user ever passes a Tes
Grants +1 Toughness bonus for an hour. Multiple doses do not stack. Every use past the first in a 24 hour period inflicts 1d10+10 Agility damage.
Inflicts electronic virus-patterns into the data currents of a sanctified Imperial machine spirit. Requires a Hard (-20) Tech-Use test but if successful a
Overpowers local vox, data, or other transmissions so that otusiders cannot receive them.
Lasts for 2d10 minutes during which user cannot be Stunned and takes no Fatigue. Afterness takes -20 to Toughness and Agility tests for one hour as we
Emits a sphere of white noise. Comm devices will not function.
When working in harsh, extreme conditions, survival suits are a must. No matter whether it is too hot or too cold, the suit can maintain proper body tempe
Grants +20 to all Interrogation Tests.
Mounted to the armour or backpack this elaborate rack causes opponents to suffer -5 to WS tests due to terror on seeing the trophies. The user also gains
Add +20 to Charm tests to fellow Heretics. If found, it immediately triggers Hatred and Frenzy in any Imperial servant.
","Weight"," ", "Cost"," ", "Renown"," ", "Availability"," ","Page"," ","Source"," ")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

Weight Cost Renown Availability Page Source . . .

2.5 35000 Very Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 50 Scarce 148 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
18 100 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1.5 145 Scarce 150 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 145 Scarce 150 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 55 Scarce 150 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 2800 Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 55 Scarce 150 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 140 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 10 Plentiful 146 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
3 20 Plentiful - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.1 5 Plentiful - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.3 DH-RH Unique 176 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
20 GK Unavailable 135 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.1 150 Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
3 650 Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
15 41000 Very Rare 189 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 500 Rare 139 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 55 Scarce 184 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 varies Average 146 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.2 20 Abundant 147 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 25 Common 147 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 200 Rare 150 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 varies Abundant 147 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 55 Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 100 Scarce 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 25 Common 184 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
18 100 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 20 Plentiful - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
0.5 25 Plentiful 150 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
25 450 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 20 Scarce 193 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 250 Scarce 150 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 250 Scarce - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 65 Rare 148 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 75 Scarce 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 25 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
4.5 650 Scarce - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
1 375 Very Rare 150 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 55 Rare 147 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 15 Common 147 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
35 2500 Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
- DH-RH Unique 176 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 8000 Very Rare 193 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 95 Very Rare 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
12 70 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
0 300 Very Rare 184 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 DH-RH Unique 178 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 15 Abundant 150 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 15 Abundant - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 30 Common 150 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
10 5000 Very Rare 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 100 Common 184 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
204 850 Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 10 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 35 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 17000 Very Rare 192 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 20 Scarce 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
18 100 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
0.5 275 Rare 147 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 5 Abundant 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 75 Average 184 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
4 65 Average 150 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.3 DH-RH Unique 175 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 10 Common 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 DH-RH Unique 177 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
3 30 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 100 Scarce 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 55 Average 150 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 20000 Very Rare 192 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 35 Plentiful 151 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 DH-RH Very Rare 178 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 150 Common 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 20 Average 151 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1.5 250 Scarce - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.2 150 Scarce 151 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1.5 9000 Rare 193 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 200 Scarce 192 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 1700 Rare 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1.5 65 Average - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 285 Rare 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
20 2000 Very Rare 203 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
20 300 Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
4 40 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
120 GK Unavailable 135 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
60 GK Unavailable 135 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
4 40 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 100 Scarce 147 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 100 Average 151 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 25 Very Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
8 750 Scarce - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
45 1450 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
3 5000 Rare 193 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 100 Rare 151 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1.5 1200 Rare 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 GM Very Rare 203 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 75 Rare 184 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 10 Plentiful 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 50 Scarce 147 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
1.5 15 Scarce - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
6 45 Rare - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 5 Abundant 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 85 Common 147 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1.5 100 Average - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 25 Average 147 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 10 Abundant 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
3 800 Rare 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 150 Very Rare 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1.5 140 Average 151 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.1 30 Average - DH-Web [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 75 Scarce 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 85 Scarce - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
10 60000 Very Rare 194 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 395 Rare 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 20 Average 148 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 25 Average 151 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 2500 Extremely Rare 147 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 50 Average 184 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
10 90 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
0.2 100 Scarce 184 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 100 Scarce - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
4 300 Scarce - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
0 20000 Very Rare 203 DH-RH [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
10 8000 Near Unique 74 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 40 Plentiful - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
8 100 Plentiful 147 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
4 300 Scarce 151 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 40 Common - DH-Web [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 20 Common 151 DH-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
15 Inq Common 145 Asc [h:newThingNam
","Source","A [h:newThingNam
0 Inq Near Unique 145 Asc [h:newThingName
","Source","A [h:newThingName
0 Inq Common 146 Asc [h:newThingNam
","Source","A [h:newThingNam
20 Inq Scarce 146 Asc [h:newThingNam
","Source","A [h:newThingNam
4 Inq Near Unique 10 Asc-HBR [h:newThingNam
","Source","A [h:newThingNam
12 Inq Near Unique 146 Asc [h:newThingNam
","Source","A [h:newThingNam
0 Inq Very Rare 146 Asc [h:newThingName
","Source","A [h:newThingName
2 Inq Near Unique 147 Asc [h:newThingNam
","Source","A [h:newThingNam
5 Inq Near Unique 147 Asc [h:newThingNam
","Source","A [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 138 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
4 RT Extremely Rare 143 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
25 RT Very Rare 135 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
6 RT Average 143 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 133 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
12 RT Extremely Rare 139 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.5 RT Common 133 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
125 RT Extremely Rare 135 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
3 RT Near Unique 138 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Rare 133 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.02 RT Very Rare 135 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.5 RT Extremely Rare 139 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
120 RT Scarce 144 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
Varies RT Extremely Rare 139 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
8 RT Unique 139 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Rare 134 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2 RT Scarce 135 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
13 RT Very Rare 144 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
1 RT Common 135 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
4 RT Very Rare 144 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
5 RT Rare 135 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
10 RT Scarce 135 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
1 RT Rare 135 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 135 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2 RT Scarce 136 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2 RT Extremely Rare 136 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
25 RT Extremely Rare 136 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 144 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
15 RT Rare 144 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingName
500 RT Very Rare 136 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Extremely Rare 136 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 142 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2 RT Extremely Rare 140 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
25 1500 Rare 144 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingName
2 RT Extremely Rare/Very Rare146 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
1 RT Near Unique/ Extremely R146 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2.5 RT Very Rare 136 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
175 RT Very Rare 136 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
1 RT Very Rare 145 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2 RT Rare 145 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
1 RT Plentiful 145 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
5 RT Rare 142 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2 RT Scarce 145 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
12 RT Very Rare 145 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Average 140 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
4 RT Near Unique 146 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
1 RT Very Rare 146 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 137 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2 RT Average 140 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Scarce 140 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
5 RT Very Rare/Rare 145 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
175/pylon RT Very Rare 137 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2 RT Common 137 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Rare 137 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Ubiquitous 134 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
15 RT Near Unique 137 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.5 RT Rare 140 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
1 RT Abundant 137 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.3 RT Near Unique 137 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Scarce 134 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
7 RT Very Rare 146 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.5 RT Average 140 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
30 RT Scarce 133 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 142 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
2 RT Very Rare 138 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Rare 146 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Rare 146 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Scarce 146 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Scarce 147 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 141 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
6 RT Common 146 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Scarce 138 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
7.5 RT Very Rare 133 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Scarce 134 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
250 RT Extremely Rare 137 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
4 RT Scarce 138 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.1 RT Extremely Rare 140 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Plentiful 141 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingName
0.02 RT Very Rare 133 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.02 RT Very Rare 133 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.02 RT Very Rare 133 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0.02 RT Very Rare 133 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 143 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Abundant 143 RT [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
15 RT Rare 138 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Very Rare 147 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
65 RT Near Unique 140 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
8 RT Plentiful 141 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
25 RT Scarce 141 RT [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
25 RT Unique 140 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Rare 134 RT-ItS [h:newThingNam
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
0 RT Plentiful 134 RT-ItS [h:newThingName
","Source","R [h:newThingNam
4 5 Unavailable 173 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
8 4 Unavailable 171 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
50 15 Unavailable 171 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 3 Unavailable 171 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
3 12 Unavailable 147 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
15 25 DistinguishUnavailable 171 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 35 DistinguishUnavailable 173 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 20 Unavailable 173 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
4 25 DistinguishUnavailable 174 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 20 Hero Unavailable 159 DW-RoB [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 12 Unavailable 174 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.2 10 Unavailable 144 DW-RoB [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 15 Unavailable 171 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.1 10 DistinguishUnavailable 157 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 169 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
3 5 Unavailable 145 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
.0.5 20 Unavailable 145 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 5 Unavailable 174 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
3 20 DistinguishUnavailable 156 DW-RoB [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 169 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 6 Unavailable 171 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 1 Unavailable 172 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 DW KeeperUnavailable 145 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 DW Unavailable 174 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
10 3 Unavailable 144 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 15 Unavailable 174 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 5 Unavailable 174 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 10 Unavailable 172 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 169 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 6 Unavailable 172 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 10 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 10 Unavailable 172 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 169 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 25 Distinguis Unavailable 145 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 45 Famed Unavailable 172 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingName
1 25 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 172 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
10 3 Unavailable 144 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
15 5 Unavailable 144 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 7 Unavailable 146 DW-RoB [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.1 10 DistinguishUnavailable 145 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 3 Unavailable 173 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 1 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 5 Unavailable 147 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 30 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 5 Unavailable 146 DW-RoB [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 3 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 25 DistinguishUnavailable 165 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
12 25 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 15 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 10 Unavailable 173 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 Unavailable 135 DW-TEP [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 169 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 10 Unavailable 173 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1 5 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 15 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
4 8 Unavailable 175 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 1 Unavailable 173 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
4 10 Unavailable 176 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 5 Unavailable 173 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 20 Unavailable 173 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
1.5 5 Unavailable 176 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
3 13 Unavailable 146 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 8 Unavailable 146 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
2 5 Unavailable 176 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 10 Unavailable 176 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
5 30 Hero Unavailable 160 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
50 35 Distinguis Unavailable 146 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0.5 10 Unavailable 176 DW [h:newThingName
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
45 45 Hero Unavailable 157 DW-RoB [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 DW Unavailable 170 DW [h:newThingNam
","Source","D [h:newThingNam
0 BC Common 183 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Extremely rare 181 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Extremely Rare 183 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
1 BC Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
1 BC Scarce 188 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
1 BC Very Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Unique 183 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Very Rare 181 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
8 BC Very Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
5 BC Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
1 BC Very Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
1 BC Plentiful 186 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
15 BC Rare 188 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
1 BC Rare 188 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
25 BC Rare 188 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingName
2 BC Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC rare 183 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
12 BC Very Rare 188 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Very Rare 183 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
1 BC Near Unique 186 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Very Rare 183 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0.5 BC Very Rare 181 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
1 BC Average 186 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
2 BC Extremely Rare 188 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
20 BC Extremely Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Extremely Rare 183 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Rare 183 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Extremely Rare 183 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
3 BC Extremely Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
2 BC rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Average 183 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
2 BC Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0 BC Very Rare 181 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
2 BC Rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
2 BC Very Rare 181 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
0.5 BC Extremely rare 186 BC-CR [h:newThingName
","Source","B [h:newThingNam
Shop sort Unofficial
. Shop sorter Costs AvailNr Cost
. 1 8 35000
. 1 6 50
. 1 4 100
. 1 6 145
. 1 6 145
. 1 6 55
. 1 7 2800
. 1 6 55
. 1 4 140
. 1 3 10
. 1 3 20
. 1 3 5
. 11 11
. 1 #N/A
. 1 7 150
. 1 7 650
. 11 8
. 1 7 500
. 1 6 55
. 1 5 varies
. 1 2 20
. 1 4 25
. 1 7 200
. 1 2 varies
. 1 7 55
. 1 6
. 1 4 25
. 1 4 100
. 1 3 20
. 1 3 25
. 1 4 450
. 11 6
. 1 6 250 Q&D
. 1 6 250 Ubiquitous 1 6
. 1 7 65 Abundant 2 12
. 1 6 Plentiful 3 24
. 1 4 25 Common 4 48
. 1 6 650 Average 5 96
. 1 8 375 Scarce 6 192
. 1 7 55 Rare 7 384
. 1 4 15 Very Rare 8 768
. 1 7 2500 Extremely Rar9 2304
. 11 11 Near Unique 10 9216
. 11 8 Unique 11 46080
. 1 8 95
. 1 4 70
. 1 8 300
. 11 11
. 1 2 15
. 1 2 15
. 1 4 30
. 1 8
. 1 4 100
. 1 7 850
. 1 4 10
. 1 4 35
. 11 8
. 1 6
. 1 4 100
. 1 7 275
. 1 2 5
. 1 5 75
. 1 5 65
. 11 11
. 1 4 10
. 11 11
. 1 4 30
. 1 6
. 1 5 55
. 11 8
. 1 3 35
. 11 8
. 1 4 150
. 1 5 20
. 1 6 250
. 1 6 150
. 11 7
. 11 6
. 1 7
. 1 5 65
. 1 7 285
. 11 8
. 1 7 300
. 1 4 40
. 1 #N/A
. 1 #N/A
. 1 4 40
. 1 6 100
. 1 5 100
. 1 8 25
. 1 6 750
. 1 4 1450
. 11 7
. 1 7 100
. 1 7
. 11 8
. 1 7 75
. 1 3 10
. 1 6 50
. 1 6 15
. 1 7 45
. 1 2 5
. 1 RT: 400 4 85
. 1 5 100
. 1 5 25
. 1 2 10
. 1 7
. 1 8 150
. 1 5 140
. 1 5 30
. 1 6 75
. 1 6 85
. 11 8
. 1 7 395
. 1 5 20
. 1 5 25
. 1 9 2500
. 1 5 50
. 1 4 90
. 1 6 100
. 1 6 100
. 1 6 300
. 11 8
. 1 10
. 1 3 40
. 1 3 100
. 1 6 300
. 1 4 40
. 1 4 20
. 2 4
. 2 10
. 2 4
. 2 6
. 2 10
. 2 10
. 2 8
. 2 10
. 2 10
. 0 8
. 0 9
. 0 8
. 0 5
. 0 8
. 0 9
. 0 4
. 0 9
. 0 10
. 0 7
. 0 8
. 0 9
. 0 6
. 0 9
. 0 11
. 0 7
. 0 6
. 0 8
. 0 4
. 0 8
. 0 7
. 0 6
. 0 7
. 0 8
. 0 6
. 0 9
. 0 9
. 0 8
. 0 7
. 0 8
. 0 9
. 0 8
. 0 9
. 0 7
. 0 #N/A
. 0 #N/A
. 0 8
. 0 8
. 0 8
. 0 7
. 0 3
. 0 7
. 0 6
. 0 8
. 0 5
. 0 10
. 0 8
. 0 8
. 0 5
. 0 6
. 0 #N/A
. 0 8
. 0 4
. 0 7
. 0 1
. 0 10
. 0 7
. 0 2
. 0 10
. 0 6
. 0 8
. 0 5
. 0 6
. 0 8
. 0 8
. 0 7
. 0 7
. 0 6
. 0 6
. 0 8
. 0 4
. 0 6
. 0 8
. 0 6
. 0 9
. 0 6
. 0 9
. 0 3
. 0 8
. 0 8
. 0 8
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. 0 2
. 0 7
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. 10 4
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. 10 8
. 10 11
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. 10 8
. 10 7
. 10 8
. 10 3
. 10 7
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3+3D4 3+3D4
6+6d4 6+6d4
12+12d4 12+12d4
24+24d4 25+25*d4
48+48d4 50+50*1d4
96+96d4 100+100*1d4
192+192d4 200+200*1d4
384+384d4 400+400*1d4
768+768d4 800+800*1d4
2304+2304d4 2500+2500*1d4
9216+9216d4 10000+10000*1d4
9 [h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "basic",
, "descriptor"," ", "char","

SORNAME (57/66) Basic Descriptor Char

1 Acrobatics 0 Movement Ag
1 Awareness 1- Per
1 Barter 1- Fel
1 Blather 0 Interaction Fel
1 Carouse 1- T
1 Charm 1 Interaction Fel
1 Chem-Use 0 Crafting Int
1 Climb 1 Movement S
1 Command 1 Interaction Fel
1 Common Lore 0 Investigation Int
1 Concealment 1- Ag
1 Contortionist 1 Movement Ag
1 Deceive 1 Interaction Fel
1 Demolition 0 Crafting Int
1 Disguise 1- Fel
1 Dodge 1- Ag
1 Drive 0 Operator Ag
1 Evaluate 1 Investigation Int
1 Forbidden Lore 0 Investigation Int
1 Gamble 1- Int
1 Inquiry 1 Investigation Fel
1 Interrogation 0 Investigation WP
1 Intimidate 1 Interaction S
1 Invocation 0- WP
1 Lip Reading 0- Per
1 Literacy 0- Int
1 Logic 1 Investigation Int
1 Medicae 0- Int
1 Navigation 0- Int
1 Performer 0- Fel
1 Pilot 0 Operator Ag
1 Psyniscience 0- Per
1 Scholastic Lore 0 Investigation Int
1 Scrutiny 1- Per
1 Search 1- Per
1 Secret Tongue 0- Int
1 Security 0- Ag
1 Shadowing 0- Ag
1 Silent Move 1- Ag
1 Sleight of Hand 0- Ag
1 Speak Language 0- Int
1 Survival 0- Int
1 Swim 1 Movement S
1 Tech-Use 0- Int
1 Tracking 0- Int
1 Trade 0 Crafting Varies
1 Wrangling 0- Int
2 Ciphers 0- Int
2 Common Lore 0 Investigation Int
2 Forbidden Lore 0 Investigation Int
2 Pilot 0 Operator Ag
2 Scholastic Lore 0 Investigation Int
2 Speak Language 0- Int
2 Trade 0 Crafting Varies
2 Commerce 0- Fel
4 Tactics 0- Int
2 Athletics 1 Movement S
2 Linguistics 0 Interaction, Investigation Int
2 Navigation 0- Int
2 Operate-Aeronautica 0- Ag
2 Operate-Surface 0- Ag
2 Operate-Voidship 0- Int
2 Parry 1 Combat WS
2 Security 0- Int
2 Stealth 1 Movement Ag
2 Survival 1- Per
", "description","

The Acrobatics skill encompasses a variety of movement techniques unavailable to less flexible Acolytes. From performing somersaults to tumbling, from flipping through the air to daring leaps and jumps, this Skill expands your movement options.

The Awareness skill reflects your ability to perceive hidden dangers and to notice small details about your physical surroundings. You use the Awareness skill to notice ambushes, spot traps and discern other threats to you and your allies. Awareness is not tied to any one sense, it encompasses them all.

You can use the Barter skill to negotiate deals and get better prices on goods and services.
When you make a Blather Test, you stall for time by running off at the mouth, spewing a stream of words and nonsense in an attempt to confuse and distract others. A Blather Test is always Opposed by your target's WP (or Scrutiny).

Whether consuming the finest amasec brandy or the cheapest stomach-stripping hive juices, you use the Carouse skill to resist the effects of alcohol and narcotics Experienced carousers can build up quite a tolerance and remain clear-headed and lucid while those around them succumb to the effects of their amusements. Use this Skill whenever you must resist the effects of alcohol or similar intoxicants.

The Charm skill is used to befriend others. You make Charm Tests whenever you want to change the minds of individuals or small groups, to beg, or seduce

You can use the Chem-Use skill ot handle and prepare chemicals safely, especially toxins, poisons and drugs Chem-Use covers the use and manufacture of toxins and it can also be used to identify a variety of chemicals investigation use).

Use the Climb skill to ascend or descend surfaces described as sheer.

Command is used to make subordinates follow your orders. You may only use this Skill on those who are under your authority.

Use the Common Lore skill to recall the habits, institutions, traditions, public figures and superstitions of a particular world, cultural group, organisation or race.

Concealment is used whenever you want to hide from sight.

The Contortionist skill is used to wriggle free from bonds, squeeze through a narrow opening, or slip out of chains.

The Deceive skill is used to lie and con others.

You use the Demolition skill to blow things up without blowing yourself up at the same time!
The Disguise skill is used to mask your true appearance.
You may use the Dodge skill once per Round to negate a successful hand-to-hand or ranged attack.
The Drive skill is used to control autos, trucks, landspeeders and other land-based or hover vehicles. Driving under normal conditions does not require a Test.

You can use Evaluate to determine the approximate value of everyday objects, as well as valuables such as archeotech and other objects d'art.

Forbidden Lore skills represent dangerous and often heretical knowledge gleaned from the myriad of unconventional sources an Acolyte often finds in his possession.

The Gamble skill is used to participate in games of chance, such as card games or crude (and often violent) dice games popular amongst the lower classes

The Inquiry skill is your ability to pick up rumours, secrets and guarded information by asking questions, buying drinks and generally watching and listening for anything of interest that might bubble up.

The key tool in an Inquisitor's arsenal is interrogation-the ability to extract quality information from an unwilling subject.

You make Intimidate Tests whenever you want to coerce or frighten individuals or a small group.
An Invocation Test allows you to boost your Power Roll when using Psychic Powers by an amount equal to your WP Bonus.
Use the Lip Reading skill to 'listen in' on conversations that take place out of earshot. To use this Skill, you must have an unobstructed view of the speaker's mouth and you must also be able to understand the language spoken.

The Literacy skill enables you to read any language you can speak.
Logic represents your proficiency at mathematics and your ability at problem solving.
The Medicae skill is used to treat and repair injuries by closing wounds and restoring the balance of the body's humors.
You employ the Navigation skill whenever you want to use maps, technical readouts, innate knowledge and landmarks to chart a proper course and avoid becoming lost

Use the Performer skill to entertain and enthrall crowds of spectators

The Pilot skill is used to fly anything from small atmospheric craft such as ornithopters and landers, all the way up to spaceship-sized vessels.

You can use the Psyniscience skill to become attuned with the ebb and flow of the warp and the immaterium

The Scholastic Lore skill grants you knowledge of a particular scholarly subject.
Use the Scrutiny skill to make assessments about people you encounter, to determine if someone is lying to you, to sense ulterior motives and generally appraise the worth of another being.

Use the Search skill whenever you want to examine an area for concealed objects, clues and anything else that might be hidden.

Secret Tongue is used to speak and comprehend a particularly obscure and arcane language known to only those of a specific profession, organisation or class.

You can use the Security skill to bypas locks and other security systems.
The Shadowing skill allows you to follow another creature or vehicle without being seen.
Use the Silent Move skill whenever you want to creep about without making a noise.
The Sleight of Hand skill is used to palm objects, pick pockets or perform tricks with small items like coins and cards.

The Speak Language skill is used to communicate with others using a common tongue.
You use the Survival skill to subsist in the wild.
The Swim skill is used to swim and dive.
A character may use Tech-Use to repair mechanical items and to work out how unusual technical artefacts work.

The Tracking skill is used to follow prey, be it animal or otherwise.

Having a Trade skill indicates that you know how to practice a trade or craft. With this Skill, you can make a living or create items suited to your trade.

This Skill may be used in order to ride domesticated animals of appropriate size.
The Ciphers skill reflects an understanding of shorthand codes employed by certain groups to confer basic ideas, warnings, and information about a given area.

Use the Common Lore skill to recall the habits, institutions, traditions, public figures and superstitions of a particular world, cultural group, organisation or race.

Forbidden Lore skills represent dangerous and often heretical knowledge gleaned from the myriad of unconventional sources an Acolyte often finds in his possession.

The Pilot skill is used to fly anything from small atmospheric craft such as ornithopters and landers, all the way up to spaceship-sized vessels.
The Scholastic Lore skill grants you knowledge of a particular scholarly subject.
The Speak Language skill is used to communicate with others using a common tongue.
Having a Trade skill indicates that you know how to practice a trade or craft. With this Skill, you can make a living or create items suited to your trade.

The explorer use the Commerce skill to build business ventures, negotiate contracts and form trade network.
A character can use Tactics at any time when he wants to determine the best military course of action in a combat. This could be anything from the best position to suppress an entrenched enemy before an assault to picking a good landing zone when coming in under fire.

This encompasses all manner of strength and brawn based tasks that a character may undertake.
Covers all kinds of spoken and written languages, including codes, ciphers, and secret tongues.
You employ the Navigation skill whenever you want to use maps, technical readouts, innate knowledge and landmarks to chart a proper course and avoid becoming lost

Covers the abilit to pilot any vehicle that operates in three dimentions. This primarily covers atmospherec fliers but also includes small manoeuvrable voidcraft such as landers, shuttles, starfighters, and bombers. Jump packs are also used with this ability.

Covers the ability to pilot any vehicle tha primarily operates on the surfac eof a planet. Groundcars, walkers, treaded vehilces, boats, and skimmers can all be operated.

Covers the ability to pilot large voidfaring vessels often kilometers long. Any space-going vessel that requires a captain and large crew that cannot be piloted bya single individual is operated by Voidships.

Ability to avoid blows in melee by deflecting them using one's hands or weapons. This is a reaction.

You can use the Security skill to bypas locks and other security systems.
A character with the Stealth skill can move silently or conceal themselves from others. It also allows a character to follow opponents while moving through crowds, following them while not appearing to do so. Finally it can be used to move quietly.

You use the Survival skill to subsist in the wild.

Adedeptus Arbites, Adedeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Deathwatch, Dusk Folklore, Ecclesiarchy, Imper
Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Archeotech, Cults, Daemonology, Heresy, Inquisition, Mutants, Ordos Adeptus Mechanicus, Navigators, Pirates, P
Civilian Craft, Flyers, Military Craft, Personal, Spacecraft
Archaic, Astromancy, Beasts, Bureaucracy, Chymistry, Codex Astartes, Cryptology, Heraldry, Imperial Creed, Imperial Warrants, Judgement, Legend, Nav
Eldar, Explorator Binary, High Gothic, Hive Dialect, Kroot, Low Gothic, Ork, Ship Dialect, Tau, Techna-Lingua, Traders Cant, Tribal Dialect
Agri (S), Apothecary (Int), Archaeologist (Int), Armourer (Ag), Armourer (S), Artist (Ag), Astrographer (Ag), Cartographer (Ag), Chymist (Int), Cook (Int), Co
", "groups"," ", "time"," ", "page"," ", "source","

Groups Time Page Source

- 1 Full 98 DH
- Free Action 98 DH
- 98 DH
- 1 Full 98 DH
- Free Action 98 DH
- One Minute 98 DH
- 1 Full 99 DH
- Half Action 99 DH
Half Action for simple commands, Full Action for more involved instructions

99 DH
Adeptus Arbites, Machine Cult, Administratum, Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed, Imperial Guard, Imperium, Tech, Underworld, War, Dusk Folklore
99 DH
- Half Action 100 DH
- 100 DH
- 1 minute 101 DH
- 101 DH
- 1+ minute 101 DH
- Reaction 101 DH
Common Vehicle, Ground Vehicle, Hover, Walker 102 DH
- 1+ minute 102 DH
The Black Library, Cults, Daemonology, Heresy, Inquisition, Archeotech, Mutants, Ordos Adeptus Mechanicus, Psykers, Warp, Xenos
102 DH
- 103 DH
- 1 hour 103 DH
- 1d5 hours 103 DH
- 1 Full 103 DH
- 1 Full 103 DH
- 1 Full 104 DH
- 1 page (750 words)/minute
104 DH
- 1+ minute 104 DH
- First Aid: 1 Full 104 DH
Surface, Stellar Hours 104 DH
Dancer, Musician, Singer, Storyteller 105 DH
Civilian Craft, Military Craft, Spacecraft Half action 105 DH
- 1 Full 105 DH
Archaic, Astromancy, Beasts, Bureaucracy, Chymistry, Cryp-tology, Heraldry, Imperial Creed, Judgement, Legend, Numerology, Occult, Philosophy, Tactica Imperialis
105 DH
- 106 DH
- 5+ minutes 106 DH
Acolyte, Administratum, Ecclesiarchy, Gutter, Military, Tech, Throne Agent, Rogue Trader Free Action 106 DH
- (1 minute) - (10s*DoS)
106 DH
- 106 DH
- Free Action 107 DH
- Half action, Free Action (-10 Ag)
107 DH
High Gothic, Hive Dialect, Low Gothic, Ship Dialect, Tribal Dialect 107 DH
- (1 hour) - (10min*DoS)
107 DH
- Free Action 107 DH
How it works: 1 minute, Repair: (1 hour) - (10min*DoS)

108 DH
- Free Action 108 DH
Agri (S), Apothecary (Int), Armourer (S), Artist (Ag), Cartographer (Ag), Cook (Int), Copyist (Int), Embalmer (Int), Mason (Ag), Merchant (Fel), Miner (S), Prospector (S), Scrimshawer (Ag), Smith (S), Soothsayer (Fel), Tanner (S), Technomat (Int), Valet (Fel), Wright (Int)

108 DH
- 1 Full 108 DH
Acolyte, Chapter Runes, DeathWatch, Inquisition, Xenos Markings, War
Full Action to incsribe, Free Action to comprehend
99-103 DH-RT-DW
Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administ99-79-100-98-120 DH-RT-DW-BC-OW
Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Archeotech, Cults, Daemonology, General, Heresy, Th102-81-100-100-121 DH-RT-DW-BC-OW
Civilian Craft, Military Craft, Spacecraft, Flyer, Personal Half action 105-84-103 DH-RT-DW
Archaic, Astromancy, Beasts, Bureaucracy, Chymistry, Codex Astartes, Cryptology, General, H 105-84-101-108-130 DH-RT-DW-BC
Eldar, Explorator Binary, High Gothic, Hive Dialect,Binary, Kroot, Low Gothic, Ork, Ship Diale 107-87-104 DH-RT-DW
Agri (S), Apothecary (Int), Archaeologist (Int), Armourer (Ag), Armourer (S), Artist (Ag), Astro 108-88-106-111-134 DH-RT-DW-BC-OW
- 79-97-119 RT-BC-OW
Air Combat, Armoured Tactics, Assault Doctrine, Defensive Doctrine, O Free Action 105 DW
- Full Action 95-117 BC-OW
Low Gothic, High Gothic, Chapter Runes, Chaos Marks, Eldar, General, Free
I Action 102 BC-OW
Surface, Stellar, Warp 1 minute, 1d5 hours for plotting courses 105-127 BC-OW
- Half Action 106-128 BC-OW
- Half Action 106-128 BC-OW
- Half Action 106-128 BC-OW
- Reaction 107-129 BC-OW
- (1 minute) - (10s*DoS) 109-131 BC-OW
- Free Action 110-132 BC-OW
- (1 hour) - (10min*DoS) 110-132 BC-OW
us Mechanicus, Administratum, Deathwatch, Dusk Folklore, Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed, Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, Imperium, Jericho Reach, Machine Cult, Rogue T
Heresy, Inquisition, Mutants, Ordos Adeptus Mechanicus, Navigators, Pirates, Psykers, The Black Library, The Inquisition, The Traitor Legions, The Warp, Xenos

yptology, Heraldry, Imperial Creed, Imperial Warrants, Judgement, Legend, Navis Nobilite, Numerology, Occult, Philosophy, Tactica Imperialis
Ship Dialect, Tau, Techna-Lingua, Traders Cant, Tribal Dialect
, Artist (Ag), Astrographer (Ag), Cartographer (Ag), Chymist (Int), Cook (Int), Copyist (Int), Cryptographer (Int), Embalmer (Int), Explorator (Int), Linguist (Int), Mason (Ag), M

Acrobatics Ag Movement Awareness Perception -

Awareness Per Exploration Carouse Toughness -
Barter Fel Interaction Charm Fellowship Interaction
Blather Fel Interaction Climb Strength Movement
Carouse T — Command Fellowship Interaction
Charm Fel Interaction Concealment Agility -
Chem-Use Int Crafting, Investigation Contortionist Agility Movement
Ciphers Int — Deceive Fellowship Interaction
Climb S Movement Dodge Agility -
Commerce Fel — Evaluate Intelligence Investigation
Command Fel Interaction Gamble Perception -
Common Lore Int Investigation Inquiry Fellowship Investigation
Concealment Ag — Intimidate Strength Interaction
Contortionist Ag Movement Logic Intelligence Investigation
Deceive Fel Interaction Scrutiny Perception -
Demolition Int Crafting Search Perception -
Disguise Fel — Silent Move Agility Movement
Dodge Ag — Swim Strength Movement
Drive Ag Operator Acrobatics Agility Movement
Evaluate Int Investigation Chem-Use Intelligence Crafting, Investigation
Forbidden Lore Int Investigation Ciphers Intelligence -
Gamble Int — Demolition Intelligence Crafting
Inquiry Fel Investigation Drive Agility Operator
Interrogation WP Investigation Interrogation Willpower Investigation
Intimidate S Interaction Invocation Willpower -
Invocation WP — Lip Reading Perception -
Literacy Int — Literacy Intelligence -
Logic Int Investigation Lore: Common Intelligence Investigation
Medicae Int — Lore: Forbidden Intelligence Investigation
Navigation Int Exploration Lore: Scholastic Intelligence Investigation
Performer Fel — Medicae Intelligence -
Pilot Ag Operator Navigation Intelligence -
Psyniscience Per — Performer Fellowship -
Scholastic Lore Int Investigation Pilot Agility Operator
Scrutiny Per — Psyniscience Perception -
Search Per Exploration Security Agility -
Secret Tongue Int — Shadowing Agility -
Security Ag Exploration Sleight of Hand Agility -
Shadowing Ag — Speak Language Intelligence -
Silent Move Ag Movement Survival Intelligence -
Sleight of Hand Ag — Tactics Intelligence -
Speak Language Int — Tech-Use Intelligence -
Survival Int Exploration Tracking Intelligence -
Swim S Movement Trade Intelligence Crafting
Tech-Use Int Exploration Wrangling Intelligence -
Tracking Int Exploration
Trade Varies Crafting, Exploration
Wrangling Int —
Jericho Reach, Machine Cult, Rogue Traders, Tech, Underworld, War
or Legions, The Warp, Xenos

rator (Int), Linguist (Int), Mason (Ag), Merchant (Fel), Miner (S), Prospector (S), Remembrancer (Ag or Int), Scrimshawer (Ag), Shipwright (Int), Smith (S), Soothsayer (Fel)

Acrobatics Agility Slaanesh Movement

Athletics Strength Khorne Movement
Awareness Perception unaligned -
Charm Fellowship Slaanesh Interaction, Investigation
Command Fellowship Khorne Interaction
Commerce Intelligence unaligned Interaction, Investigation
Common Lore Intelligence unaligned Interaction, Investigation
Deceive Fellowship Slaanesh Interaction, Investigation
Dodge Agility Slaanesh Movement, Combat
Forbidden Lore, Intelligence Tzeentch Interaction, Investigation
Inquiry Intelligence unaligned Interaction, Investigation
Interrogation Willpower unaligned Interaction, Investigation
Intimidate Willpower Nurgle Interaction, Investigation
Linguistics Intelligence unaligned Interaction, Investigation
Logic Intelligence Tzeentch Investigation
Medicae Intelligence Nurgle -
Navigation Intelligence unaligned -
Operate (Surface) Agility unaligned -
Operate (Aeronautica) Agility unaligned -
Operate (Voidship) Intelligence unaligned -
Parry Weapon Skill Khorne Combat
Psyniscience Perception Tzeentch -
Scholastic Lore Intelligence unaligned Interaction, Investigation
Scrutiny Perception Tzeentch Interaction, Investigation
Security Intelligence unaligned -
Slight of Hand Agility unaligned -
Stealth Agility unaligned Movement
Survival Perception Nurgle Crafting, Movement
Tech-Use Intelligence unaligned Crafting, Investigation
Trade Intelligence unaligned Crafting, Interaction
t (Int), Smith (S), Soothsayer (Fel), Tanner (S), Technomat (Int), Trader (Fel), Valet (Fel), Voidfarer (Ag), Wright (Int)

Acrobatics Agility General Movement Acrobatics Agility

Athletics Strength General Movement Athletics Strength
Awareness Perception Fieldcraft - Awareness Perception
Charm Fellowship Social Investigation, Interaction Charm Fellowship
Command Fellowship Leadership Interaction Command Fellowship
Commerce Intelligence Knowledge Investigation, Interaction Commerce Intelligence
Common Lore Intelligence General Investigation, Interaction Common Lore Intelligence
Deceive Fellowship Social Investigation, Interaction Deceive Fellowship
Dodge Agility Defence Movement, Combat Dodge Agility
Forbidden Lore Intelligence Knowledge Investigation, Interaction Forbidden Lore Intelligence
Inquiry Fellowship Social Investigation, Interaction Inquiry Fellowship
Interrogation Willpower Social Investigation, Interaction Interrogation Willpower
Intimidate Strength Social Investigation, Interaction Intimidate Strength
Linguistics Intelligence General - Linguistics Intelligence
Logic Intelligence Knowledge Investigation Logic Intelligence
Medicae Intelligence Fieldcraft - Medicae Intelligence
Navigate Intelligence Fieldcraft - Navigate Intelligence
Operate Agility Fieldcraft - Operate Agility
Parry Weapon Skill Defence Combat Parry Weapon Skill
Psyniscience Perception Psyker - Psyniscience Perception
Scholastic Lore Intelligence Knowledge Investigation, Interaction Scholastic Lore Intelligence
Scrutiny Perception General Investigation, Interaction Scrutiny Perception
Security Intelligence Tech - Security Intelligence
Sleight of Hand Agility Knowledge - Sleight of Hand Agility
Stealth Agility Fieldcraft Movement Stealth Agility
Survival Perception Fieldcraft Crafting, Movement Survival Perception
Tech-Use Intelligence Tech Crafting, Investigation Tech-Use Intelligence
Trade Intelligence General Crafting, Interaction Trade Intelligence
General Movement Strength
General Movement Toughness
Fieldcraft - Fellowship, Intelligence
Social Interaction, Investigation Influence
Leadership Interaction Intelligence, Strength, Willpower
Knowledge Interaction, Investigation Fellowship
General Interaction, Investigation Fellowship
Social Interaction, Investigation Intelligence, Tech-Use
Defence Combat, Movement -
Knowledge Interaction, Investigation Fellowship
Social Interaction, Investigation Intelligence, Perception
Social Interaction, Investigation Fellowship
Social Interaction, Investigation Willpower
General - Fellowship
Knowledge Investigation Agility
Fieldcraft Crafting Agility, Perception
Fieldcraft - Perception
Fieldcraft - Intelligence
Defence Combat -
Psyker - Willpower
Knowledge Interaction, Investigation Fellowship
General Interaction, Investigation Fellowship
Tech - Agility
Knowledge - Intelligence
Fieldcraft Movement Perception
Fieldcraft Crafting, Movement Agility, Intelligence
Tech Crafting, Investigation Agility
General Crafting, Interaction Agility, Fellowship
")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

. .
7 [h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","

name prereqs
1 Aetheric Resonator Heretek Savant, Tech-Priest, P
1 Air of Authority Fel 30
1 Ambidextrous Ag 30
1 And They Shall Know No Fear Grey Knight
1 Anima Aura Heretek Savant, Tech-Priest, P
1 Armour of Contempt WP 40
1 Arms Master BS 30, Basic Weapon Training
1 Assassin Strike Ag 40, Acrobatic
1 Aura of Faith
1 Autosanguine -
1 Basic Weapon Training -
1 Battle Rage Frenzy
1 Beast Hunter Feral Warrior
1 Berserk Charge -
1 Binary Chatter -
1 Blade Dancer WS 40, Two-Weapon Wielder (
1 Blademaster WS 30, Melee Weapon Training
1 Blessed Flame
1 Blessed Radiance Purge the Unclean, Divine Mini
1 Blind Fighting Per 30
1 Brotherhood of Psykers Grey Knight
1 Bulging Biceps S 45
1 Catfall Ag 30
1 Chain Weapon Expert Melee Weapon Training (Chain
1 Chem Geld -
1 Cleanse and Purify Basic Weapon Training (Flame
1 Combat Master WS 30
1 Concealed Cavity -
1 Consumed by Spite Pilgrim of Hayte
1 Corpus Conversion Psy Rating 2
1 Counter attack WS 40
1 Crack Shot BS 40
1 Crippling Strike WS 50
1 Crushing Blow S 40
1 Cult Briefing
1 Daemon Hunter Grey Knight
1 Daemonic Essence -
1 Daemonym: Greater
1 Daemonym: Lesser
1 Daemonym: Minor
1 Dark Soul -
1 Deadeye Shot BS 30
1 Decadence T 30
1 Deflect Shot Ag 50
1 Die Hard WP 40
1 Disarm Ag 30
1 Discipline Focus Psy Rating 3
1 Disturbing Voice -
1 Divine Ministration Pure Faith
1 Double Team -
1 Drill Instruction
1 Dual Shot Ag 40, Two-Weapon Wielder
1 Dual Strike Ag 40, Two-Weapon Wielder
1 Duty Unto Death Sister Oblatia, WP 45, Pure Fa
1 Duty Unto Death (Grey Knight) Grey Knight
1 Electrical Succour Tech-Priest
1 Electro Graft Use -
1 Emperor's Tarot
1 Enemy -
1 Energy Cache Tech-Priest
1 Exotic Weapon Training Group:
1 Favoured by the Warp WP 35
1 Feared by the Warp Grey Knight
1 Fearless -
1 Feedback Screech Tech-Priest
1 Ferric Lure Tech-Priest
1 Ferric Summons Tech-Priest, Ferric Lure
1 Flagellant -
1 Flame Weapon Expert Basic Weapon Training (Flame
1 Flames of Faith
1 Focus of the Justicar Grey Knight
1 Foresight Int 30
1 Frenzy -
1 Fuelled by Flesh Sorcerer
1 Furious Assault WS 35
1 Good Reputation Fel 50, Peer
1 Gun Blessing Tech-Priest
1 Gunslinger BS 40, Two-Weapon Wielder
1 Hammer Blow Grey Knight
1 Hard Target Ag 40
1 Hardy T 40
1 Hatred -
1 Heavy Weapon Training -
1 Heightened Senses -
1 Hip Shooting BS 40, Ag 40
1 Hit and Run
1 Holy Hatred
1 Independent Targeting BS 40
1 Insanely Faithful -
1 Intellectualization
1 Into the Jaws of Hell Iron Discipline
1 Iron Discipline WP 30, Command
1 Iron Jaw T 40
1 Jaded WP 30
1 Labyrinth Conditioning Tyrantine Shadow Agent
1 Last Killer Standing Mortiurge, Nerves of Steel
1 Leap Up Ag 30
1 Light Sleeper Per 30
1 Lightning Attack Swift Attack
1 Lightning Reflexes -
1 Litany of Battle
1 Litany of Hate Hatred (any)
1 Logis Implant -
1 Luminen Blast Tech-Priest
1 Luminen Charge Tech-Priest
1 Luminen Shock Tech-Priest
1 Machinator Array Mechanicus Secutor
1 Maglev Grace Tech-Priest
1 Maglev Transcendence Tech-Priest, Maglev Grace
1 Major Arcana WP 45, Sorcerer
1 Maletek Warp Coil Maletek Stalker, Tech-Priest (P
1 Malleus Conditioning
1 Marksman BS 35
1 Master Chirurgeon Medicae +10
1 Master Orator Fel 30
1 Master Sorcerer Int 40, WP 50, Sorcerer
1 Mechadendrite Use Tech-Priest, Cyber Mantle, Cran
1 Mechadendrite Use: Techsorcist
1 Meditation -
1 Melee Weapon Training -
1 Mental Fortress WP 50, Strong-Minded
1 Mental Rage Frenzy
1 Mighty Shot BS 40
1 Mimic -
1 Minor Arcana Sorcerer
1 Minor Psychic Power see Psychic Powers Character
1 Miraculous Survival
1 Monster Beneath the Skin Daemonic Essence
1 Nerves of Steel -
1 Nightmare Field Heretek Savant, Tech-Priest, Po
1 Only in Death
1 Orthoproxy -
1 Paranoia -
1 Peer -
1 Pistol Weapon Training -
1 Power of the Warp Daemonic Essence
1 Power Well Psy Rating 2
1 Precise Blow WS 40, Sure Strike
1 Prosanguine -
1 Psy Rating 1 -
1 Psy Rating 2 Psy Rating 1
1 Psy Rating 3 Psy Rating 2
1 Psy Rating 4 Psy Rating 3
1 Psy Rating 5 Psy Rating 4
1 Psy Rating 6 Psy Rating 5
1 Psychic Power Group: see Psychic Powers Ch
1 Psychic Spite Psy Rating 4, Corpus Convers
1 Psychic Supremacy Psi Rating 5, Discipline Focus
1 Psychic Vampire Psy Rating 4, 30+ Corruption Po
1 Psy-Weapon Attunement Grey Knight
1 Pure Faith -
1 Purge the Unclean Pure Faith
1 Quick Draw -
1 Rapid Reaction Ag 40
1 Rapid Reload -
1 Resistance -
1 Rite of Awe Tech-Priest
1 Rite of Banishment
1 Rite of Fear Tech-Priest
1 Rite of Pure Thought Tech-Priest
1 Rival -
1 Ruin Incarnate Daemonic Essence, 91 Corrupt
1 Sharpshooter BS 40, Deadeye Shot
1 Sicarius Tutoring
1 Sidearm WS 40, BS 40, Two-Weapon Wiel
1 Sorcerer Int 35, WP 35, Forbidden Lore
1 Sound Constitution Multiple purchase: Enter numbe
1 Speed Reading
1 Spider Climb -
1 Sprint -
1 Step Aside Ag 40, Dodge
1 Storm Bolter Specialization Grey Knight
1 Street Fighting -
1 Strong Minded WP 30, Resistance (Psychic P
1 Sublime Arts Per 40, Int 45, Sorcerer
1 Suffer not the Unclean -
1 Sure Strike WS 30
1 Swift Attack WS 35
1 Takedown -
1 Talented Mark corresponding Skills with
1 Technical Knock Int 30
1 Test of Faith
1 The Reaping Moritat Reaper
1 Thrown Weapon Training -
1 Total Recall Int 30
1 Touched by the Fates NPC Only, Free Will
1 True Grit T 40
1 Two-Weapon Wielder Ag 35, WS/BS 35
1 Unremarkable -
1 Unshakeable Faith -
1 Wall of Steel Ag 35
1 Warp Bane Grey Knight
1 Warped Psyker Psy Rating 2, corruption points
2 Acolyte Network Career: Inquisitor
2 Ally of the Departmento Munitorum Career: Hierophant, Magos, Pr
2 Ascended Psychic Power Psy Rating 1+
2 Combat Formation Int 40
2 Combat Sense Per 40
2 Committed Xanthite Exclusive, Career: Inquisitor
2 Conciliator Career: Hierophant, Inquisitor
2 Crimelord Career: Desperado or Death Cu
2 Denouncer Career: Inquisitor
2 Enhanced Bionic Frame Machinator Array
2 Favoured by Fate -
2 Guardian Ag 40
2 Hidden Cultist Career: Death Cultist, Desperad
2 Infused Knowledge Int 40
2 Lord of Domains Career: Hierophant, Inquisitor,
2 Machinator Array Mechanicus Implants
2 Member of the Tyrantine Cabal Exclusive, Career: All
2 Mnemonic Purging Int 45, WP 45
2 Oath Bonded to the Angels of Death Career: Inquisitor, Magos
2 Outspoken Monodominant Exclusive, Career: Inquisitor,
2 Perfect Shot Vindicare Assassin, BS 60
2 Pious Observation Career: Hierophant, Inquisitor,
2 Polyglot Int 40, Fel 30
2 Power of Faith Career: Palatine
2 Renowned Warrior Career: Inquisitor, Interrogato
2 Revolutionary Exclusive, Career: Hierophant,
2 Rite of Protection WP 40
2 Shadow Lord Career: Desperado, Inquisitor,
2 Sleeper Agent Career: Desperado, Inquisitor,
2 Target Selection BS 50
2 The Ear of the Lord Career: Sector Hierophant, Inq
2 The Emperor Protects Pure Faith
2 The Flesh is Weak Mechanicus Implants
2 Unarmed Master WS 45, Ag 40, Unarmed Warri
2 Unarmed Warrior WS 35, Ag 35
2 Voice of the Masses Career: Hierophant, Desperad
2 Warmonger Career: Hierophant, Inquisitor
2 Watched From On High Career: All
2 Wide Correspondence Career: Hierophant, Inquisitor
2 Worthy of the Calixian Elite Career: Death Cult Assassin, Hi
3 Agony From Afar Dark Eldar, Deadeye Shot, Pe
3 Basic Weapon Training -
3 Bastion of Iron Will Psy Rating, Strong Minded, W
3 Bloodtracker -
3 Combat Formation Int 40
3 Combat Sense Per 40
3 Cruelty Dark Eldar, Pity the Weak, WS
3 Disciple of Shiamesh Chem Use +20, Scholastic Lor
3 Duty Unto Death <b>DH:</b> Sister Oblatia, W
3 Enemy -
3 Enhanced Bionic Frame Machinator Array
3 Flame Weapon Training -
3 Guardian Ag 40
3 Hard Bargain -
3 Hotshot Pilot Any Pilot Skill, Ag 40
3 Improved Warp Sense Warp Sense
3 Infused Knowledge Int 40
3 Inspire Wrath Fel 30
3 Last Man Standing Nerves of Steel
3 Luminen Blast <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest. <b>R
3 Luminen Charge <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest. <b>R
3 Luminen Shock <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest. <b>R
3 Machinator Array <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest, Magl
3 Maglev Grace <b>DH:</b> Mechanicus Secuto
3 Maglev Transcendence <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest. <b>R
3 Master and Commander Int 35, Fel 35
3 Master Enginseer Tech Use +20, Mechanicus or E
3 Melee Weapon Training -
3 Navigator Gene -
3 Navigator Power Navigator
3 Peer Fel 30
3 Pistol Weapon Training -
3 Pity the Weak S 35, WP 35
3 Polyglot Int 40, Fel 30
3 Psy Rating 10 Psy Rating 9
3 Psy Rating 7 Psy Rating 6
3 Psy Rating 8 Psy Rating 7
3 Psy Rating 9 Psy Rating 8
3 Psychic Discipline -
3 Psychic Technique -
3 Pure Faith -
3 Renowned Warrant -
3 Rite of Sanctioning Psy Rating, Special
3 Rival -
3 Siphon Pain Power Through Pain, Corrupti
3 Sugical Precision Medicae, Intelligence 30
3 The Emporer Protects Pure Faith
3 The Flesh is Weak Mechanicus Implants
3 Thrown Weapon Training -
3 Tormentor's Fury Dark Eldar, Power Through Pa
3 Tormentor's Majesty Dark Eldar, Power Through Pa
3 Tormentor's Might Dark Eldar, Power Through Pa
3 Tormentor's Supremacy Dark Eldar, Power Through Pai
3 Tormentor's Vigour Dark Eldar, Power Through Pa
3 Tormentor's Will Dark Eldar, Power Through Pa
3 Trueborn Dark Eldar
3 Unarmed Master WS 45, Ag 40, Unarmed Warri
3 Unarmed Warrior WS 35, Ag 35
3 Void Tactition Int 35
3 Warp Affinity Psy Rating
3 Warp Conduit Psy Rating, Strong Minded, W
3 Warp Sense Navigator or Psy rating, Psynis
3 Whispers Int 45, Fel 35
3 Wrath of the Righteous Pure Faith
4 Abhor the Witch Adeptus Astartes, no Psy Rati
4 Armour-Monger Techmarine
4 Astartes Basic Weapon Specialization Adeptus Astartes
4 Astartes Heavy Weapon Specialization Adeptus Astartes
4 Astartes Melee Weapon Specialization Adeptus Astartes
4 Astartes Pistol Weapon Specialization Adeptus Astartes
4 Astartes Thrown Weapon Specialization Adeptus Astartes
4 Astartes Weapon Training Adeptus Astartes
4 Basic Weapon Training -
4 Bastion of Iron Will Psy Rating, Strong Minded, W
4 Bolter Drill Astartes Weapon Training
4 Call to Vengeance Adeptus Astartes, Fel 40
4 Combat Formation Int 40
4 Combat Sense Per 40
4 Death From Above Adeptus Astartes, Pilot (Person
4 Deathwatch Training Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch
4 Duty Unto Death <b>DH:</b> Sister Oblatia, W
4 Enemy -
4 Enhanced Bionic Frame Machinator Array
4 Exemplar of Honour Adeptus Astartes
4 Eye of Vengeance Astartes Weapon Training, BS
4 Flame Weapon Training -
4 Flesh Render Adeptus Astartes
4 Hammer Blow Adeptus Astartes
4 Hotshot Pilot Any Pilot Skill, Ag 40
4 Hunter of Aliens
4 Improved Warp Sense Warp Sense
4 Infused Knowledge Int 40
4 Inspire Wrath Fel 30
4 Killing Strike Adeptus Astartes
4 Last Man Standing Nerves of Steel
4 Luminen Blast <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest. <b>R
4 Luminen Charge <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest. <b>R
4 Luminen Shock <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest. <b>R
4 Machinator Array <b>DH:</b> Mechanicus Secuto
4 Maglev Grace <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest. <b>R
4 Maglev Transcendence <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest, Magl
4 Master Enginseer Tech Use +10, Mechanicus or
4 Mechadendrite Use <b>DH:</b> Tech-Priest, Cyber
4 Melee Weapon Training -
4 Peer <b>RT:</b> Fel 30. <b>DW:</b
4 Pistol Weapon Training -
4 Polyglot Int 30, Fel 30
4 Preternatural Speed WS 40, Ag 50
4 Psy Rating 10 Psy Rating 9
4 Psy Rating 7 Psy Rating 6
4 Psy Rating 8 Psy Rating 7
4 Psy Rating 9 Psy Rating 8
4 Psychic Technique -
4 Rite of Awe Techmarine, or Mechanicus Im
4 Rite of Fear Techmarine, or Mechanicus Im
4 Rite of Pure Thought Techmarine, or Mechanicus Im
4 Rite of Sanctioning Psy Rating, Special
4 Rival -
4 Scourge of Heretics
4 Servo-Harness Integration Techmarine Implants, Mechade
4 Signature Wargear
4 Signature Wargear (Hero)
4 Signature Wargear (Master) Signature Wargear
4 Slayer of Demons
4 Stalwart Defense Adeptus Astartes
4 Storm of Iron Adeptus Astartes
4 Target Selection BS 50
4 The Flesh is Weak Mechanicus Implants
4 Thrown Weapon Training -
4 Thunder Charge Adeptus Astartes
4 Unarmed Master WS 45, Ag 40, Unarmed Warri
4 Unarmed Warrior WS 35, Ag 35
4 Unbowed and Unbroken Adeptus Astartes, Fel 40
4 Warp Affinity Psy Rating
4 Warp Conduit Psy Rating, Strong Minded, W
4 Warp Sense Psy rating, Psyniscience skill,
4 Weapon-Tech Techmarine
4 Whirlwind of Death Adeptus Astartes
4 Wisdom of Ancients Adeptus Astartes, Int 40
5 Ancient Warrior Fel 35, WP 35
5 Armour-Monger Int 35, Tech Use, Trade (Armo
5 Baleful Dirge Disturbing Voice, Intimidate +1
5 Bastion of Iron Will PR, Strong Minded, WP 40
5 Berserk Charge -
5 Betrayer Cold Hearted, Intimidate
5 Blade Dancer WS 40, Two-Weapon Wielder (
5 Blasphemous Incantation PR
5 Blood God's Contempt Frenzy, WP 40
5 Bolter Drill Weapon Training (Bolt), BS 40
5 Child of the Warp PR
5 Cold Hearted -
5 Combat Formation Int 40
5 Combat Sense Per 40
5 Crack Shot BS 50
5 Crippling Strike WS 50
5 Crushing Blow WS 40
5 Cursed Heirloom -
5 Deadeye Shot BS 30
5 Demagogue Inspire Wrath
5 Enemy -
5 Excessive Wealth Inf 40
5 Eye of Vengeance BS 50
5 Flesh Render Weapon Training (Chain)
5 Greater Minion of Chaos Fel 55, Infamy 50
5 Hammer Blow Crushing Blow
5 Hatred -
5 Hotshot Pilot Ag 40, Operate (any)
5 Infused Knowledge Int 40, Lore (any one)
5 Inspire Wrath Air of Authority
5 Killing Strike WS 50
5 Legion Weapon Training Chaos Space Marine
5 Lesser Minion of Chaos Fel 35, WP 35
5 Lightning Attack Swift Attack
5 Lightning Reflexes -
5 Master Enginseer Tech Use +20, Mechanicus Imp
5 Mastery Rank 4 in Selected Skill
5 Mighty Shot BS 40
5 Minion of Chaos Fel 45, Infamy 30
5 Never Die Wp 50, T 50
5 Pity the Weak Str 35, WP 35
5 Polyglot Int 40, Fel 30
5 Precise Blow WS 40, Sure Strike
5 Preternatural Speed WS 40, Ag 50
5 Radiant Presence Fel 30
5 Raptor Operate (Aeronautica)
5 Sacrifice PR
5 Sharpshooter BS 40, Deadeye Shot
5 Sidearm WS 40, BS 40, Two-Weapon Wiel
5 Step Aside Ag 40, Dodge, Parry
5 Storm of Iron BS 45, Weapon Training (any
5 Street Fighting -
5 Sure Strike WS 30
5 Swift Attack WS 30
5 Target Selection BS 50
5 Thunder Charge S 50
5 True Grit T 40
5 Unarmed Master WS 45, Ag 40, Unarmed Warri
5 Unarmed Warrior WS 35, Ag 35
5 Unholy Devotion Minion of Chaos
5 Unshakeable Will WP 35
5 War Cry S 50, WP 50, Disturbing Voice
5 Warp Conduit PR, Stong Minded, WP 50
5 Warp Lock PR, Strong Minded, WP 50
5 Warp Sense PR, Psyniscience, Per 30
5 Weapon Training -
5 Weapon-Tech Tech-Use +10, Int 40
5 Whirlwind of Death WS 40
5 Wisdom of Ancients Int 40
6 Abiding Resiliance T 40
6 Ace Operator Operate (Any) +10
6 Ambush Stealth
6 Armour-Monger Int 35, Tech Use, Trade (Armo
6 Bastion of Iron Will PR, Strong Minded, WP 40
6 Berserk Charge -
6 Blade Dancer WS 40, Two-Weapon Wielder (
6 Bombardier BS 40, Tech-Use, Weapon Trai
6 Bulging Biceps S 45
6 Calculated Barrage Int 35
6 Chain Weapon Expertise WS 40, Weapon Training (Chai
6 Cleanse and Purify WP 35, Basic Weapon Training
6 Cold Hearted -
6 Cold Hearted -
6 Combat Formation Int 40
6 Combat Sense Per 40
6 Crack Shot BS 50
6 Creative Killer Street Fighting
6 Crippling Strike WS 50
6 Crushing Blow WS 40
6 Cybernetic Boost One or more Cybernetic Limbs
6 Cybernetic Calibrations Two or more Cybernetics, Tec
6 Deadeye Shot BS 30
6 Death Serves the Righteous BS 50, Deadeye Shot, Sharpsh
6 Deflect Shot Ag 50
6 Dont You Die on Me Master Chirurgeon, Methodical
6 Drop Trooper Operate (Aeronautica)
6 Duelist WS 35, Sure Strike
6 Enemy -
6 Excellent Cook Trade (Cook) +10
6 Eye of Vengeance BS 50
6 Feat of Strength S 45, Bulging Biceps
6 Final Judgement Fel 45, Air of Authority, Deade
6 Guardian Ag 40
6 Hammer Blow Crushing Blow
6 Hatred -
6 Heroic Inspiration Fel 35, Command
6 Hotshot Pilot Ag 40, Operate (any)
6 Infused Knowledge Int 40, Lore (any one)
6 Inspire Wrath Air of Authority
6 Into the Jaws of Hell Iron Discipline, FEL 50
6 Iron Discipline Fel 30
6 Killing Strike WS 50
6 Las Weapon Expertise BS 35, Lasgun Volley
6 Las Weapon Mastery BS 45, Las Weapon Expertise
6 Lasgun Barrage Weapon Training (Las), BS 40
6 Lasgun Volley BS 30, Weapon Training (Las)
6 Lightning Attack Swift Attack
6 Lock On Per 40, Vigilant
6 Master Enginseer Tech Use +20, Mechanicus Imp
6 Mastery Rank 4 in Selected Skill
6 Mastery Rank 4 in Selected Skill
6 Mechadendrite Use Mechanicus Implants
6 Melta Weapon Expertise BS 40, Weapon Training (Melt
6 Melta Weapon Mastery BBS 50, Melta Weapon Expert
6 Mental Maxe Int 35, Strong Minded
6 Methodical Care Int 40, Swift Suture
6 Mighty Shot BS 40
6 Modify Payload Tech-Use
6 Munitorum Influence -
6 Never Die Wp 50, T 50
6 Overkill Per 45, Bulging Biceps
6 Peer -
6 Persuasive Charm Fel 35, Charm
6 Plasma Weapon Expertise BS 40, Weapon Training (Plas
6 Plasma Weapon Mastery BS 50, Plasma Weapon Expert
6 Polyglot Int 40, Fel 30
6 Precise Blow WS 40, Sure Strike
6 Preternatural Speed WS 40, Ag 50
6 Pugilist STR 30
6 Push the Limit Operate (any), Technical Knoc
6 Radiant Presence Fel 40
6 Ranged Weapon Expert BS 50, Weapon Training (Cho
6 Resistance -
6 Righteous Blow BS 45 or WS 45 or WP 45
6 Rite of Static Overload One or more Cybernetic Limbs
6 Sacred Flame WP 40, Cleanse and Purify
6 Sharpshooter BS 40, Deadeye Shot
6 Sidearm WS 40, BS 40, Two-Weapon Wiel
6 Skilled Rider Survival +10
6 Solid Projectile Weapon Expertise BS 35, Weapon Training (Solid
6 Solid Weapon Mastery BS 45, Solid Projectile Weapon
6 Stealth Sniper Stealth +10
6 Step Aside Ag 40, Dodge, Parry
6 Stirring Rhetoric Fel 45, Heroic Inspiration
6 Storm of Iron BS 45, Weapon Training (any
6 Street Fighting -
6 Sure Strike WS 30
6 Swift Attack WS 30
6 Swift Suture Medicae +10
6 Tank Hunter BS 40
6 Target Selection BS 50
6 The Flesh is Weak Two or more Cybernetics, Tec
6 Thunder Charge S 50
6 Tireless T 40, WP 35
6 Trademark Item Fel 40, Command +10
6 True Grit T 40
6 Unarmed Master WS 45, Ag 40, Unarmed Warri
6 Unarmed Warrior WS 35, Ag 35
6 Unshakeable Faith WP 35
6 Unstoppable Charge WS 40, Survival +10
6 Versatile Shooter Sharpshooter, Target Selectio
6 Veteran Comrade Character Speciality that inlc
6 Vigilant Per 35
6 Warp Conduit PR, Stong Minded, WP 50
6 Warp Lock PR, Strong Minded, WP 50
6 Warp Sense PR, Psyniscience, Per 30
6 Weapon Training -
6 Weapon-Tech Tech-Use +10, Int 40
6 Whirlwind of Death WS 40
6 Wrestler STR 30, Athletics
", "benefit","
To activate test T (-10), lasts num rounds = TB, if test failed gain 1 level of Fatigue, grants
On a successfulWarding.
Command Each round
Test, mayroll 1d10,
affect if 9, takeof1d5
a number corruption
targets points
equal to 1d10 plus his fellowship
bonus. No effect
Do not suffer -20 on hostile
penalty fortargets,
actionsand only
using hisaffects NPCs.
off hand. Special: When combined with the Two-
Weapon Wielder Talent, the penalty to attack with both weapons in the same turn drops to -10.
Immune to to
Half action fear. Whenlasts
activate, facing Fear
num causing
rounds foe,
= TB take -10
+ 1d10, to WP
grants tests
Stuff for each degree
of Nightmares, 1d5 of
and 1
level of Fatigue
When gaining corruption points, reduce the total by 1 to a minimum of 0. With a successful
willpower test (fee action) may ignore accumulated corruption points for 1 round.
Afternon-proficient weapons
a melee attack, at -10 penalty
an acrobatics test allows the Explorer to move as a free action (once per
Any daemon within radius equal to WPB in meters takes 1d5 direct damage if it fails Warp
Instability test, +1d5 direct damage per DoF
Always considered Lightly Wounded, heals 2 damage/day.
Use a weapon group without a -20 penalty.
+3 dmg tocan Parry while
creatures Frenzied.
of Hulking size or larger, except artificial constructs or daemons, or things with
unknowable anatomy
Gain +20 to to
+ 10 bonus WS instead of +10
communicate withwhen Charging.
servitors. Any vessel he serves receives +1 bonus to Crew
due toa fate point toservitor
increased activate Pure Faith, extend the immunity to daemonic presence to a
number of targets equal to their WP bonus. As a free action, give a single Fate point to an ally.
When armed
Returned with
the two
end ofsingle
theper handed melee
encounter. weapons
Burning with the Balanced
a fate point, +quality, the character redu
Re-roll one attack round (When attacking with athe explorer
bladed weapon (WPx2) allies
including become
the effects of daemonic presence, Fear Tests, and Corruption Points. All affected
targets gain +10 bonuses on resisting psychic attacks, or other forms of psychic manipulation.
Treat all Flame
Affected targetsweapons
only takeas Sanctified.
half damage fromCanpsychic
use Astartes Incinerator
and warp without
sources. Thesepenalty.
last until the end of
the encounter.
Half penalties to fight in fog, smoke, or darkness.
Combine psychicrequirement
Remove bracing powers withforothers.
certain weapons. May fire heavy weapons using Semi-Auto or
Full-Auto without bracing.
When you fall, take an agility test as a Free action. Success and each degree of success reduces
the distance
If wielder fallen by
is struck by his
a number of meters
own weapon equal to the
(eviscerator charactershe
for example), agility
take only his unmodified
SB in damage instead of the full damage.
Immune to seduction. Charm tests increase their difficulty by one level. Taking this talent causes
one Insanity Point.
Targets of his flamer take a -20 penalty to their agility test to escape the flame.
May concealgain no bonuses
1 small item, nofor outnumbering
larger the fist
than a closed character in melee.
within cavity. Tests to discover the
compartment get -10. If using a medicae scanner, or auspex, difficulty is reduced to +10.
+10 to fear tests, +30 WP vs interrogation and intimidation, Ignore stun WP -10 test
Take Damage toparry,
After successful improve
mayPower Roll
immediately make an attack using the parry weapon, on the parried
opponent as a free action at a -20 penalty.
Deal +2 critical damage with ranged weapons.
Deal +4 critical damage with melee weapons.
Deal +2 damage with melee weapons.
Daemon FPiswhen
boundmaking an
to you, onAll Out Attack
activation to make
effects attack
last 10 impossible
rounds or to Dodge
1 action
minute: or Parry
Read True Name from Liber Daemonic and banish daemon. Full to grants Daemonic,
Literacy Dark
Test opposed
Sight, From Beyond, Warp Instability, Daemonic Presence
by daemons WP or T (players choice) dealing 1d10 Sanctified damage per DoS that bypasses
Gain +10 WS on melee attacks against daemon or minions. All melee weapons count as
Gain +10 to Interaction Tests against servants of daemon.
Half the normal penalty on malignancy tests.
Called shots are
When drinking -10 penalty
alcohol instead
or similar of -20 with
beverages, ranged
he does notattacks.
pass out until he has failed a number of
Toughness Tests equal to twice his Toughness Bonus. +10 bonus to resist the effects of addiction.
You can Parry Primitive ranged attacks
Re-roll death
Full action, chance WS
Opposed incurred tobydisarm
blood loss.
Testing medicae, spend atest
fate point andhis foe. Success
restore an amount drops his weapon
of damage toto
equal hishis
instead success
higher toThis
then addedweapon.
to and multiplied in the normal way depending on
Gaintype of care.
+2 on PowerLightly
Rolls wounded
to manifest characters
powers. hit points equal to WP bonus + Int bonus. May
spend a Fate point to remove all fatigue from a number of people equal to his WP bonus. May burn
+ 10 to Intimate and Interrogate, -10 to Fel tests in non-threatening
a fate point to allow a character who has just died to have become critically manners.wounded instead
Additional +10 bonus to WS when granted a flanking bonus. If both lost.
to GM's approval). If it is ruled against, the fate point is not characters have this talent,
they each gain an additional +10.
Choose a single Basic, Pistol, or Melee and make a +0 Command test to share that talent with everyo
One BS test to fire two pistols simultaneously as a full action. (Aim adds +10 or +20 to this test.
One bonus
WS testfrom red-dot
to swing twolaser.
meleeDoes not suffer
weapons -20 for two weapons.)
simultaneously Armor(Aim
as a full action. applied
or shot,
+20 toT
bonus once.
this test. DoesSingle Dodge
not suffer forfor
-20 both
weapons.) Armor applied to each shot, T bonus counts only
Spendagainst the to
fate point combined damage.
ignore effects Single(including
of injury Dodge ornon-lethal
Parry for criticals),
both blows. fatigue, stunning during
encounter. Injury and death still occurs.
Must be in contact with a functioning, powered machine, or fully charged batter or power cell, make
an the effects
ordinary of injury, fatigue,
(+10) Toughness test to and stunning
remove during
one level of combat. Death
fatigue plus still affectsfatigue
an additional him normally.
for each
level of success. Ritual incantation and meditation takes 1 minute.
Grants andof additional
Good Reuptation, -20 to alllore,
to common Fel inquiry,
tests involving
orOn group whilst
Tech-Use (replaces rivalry).toGroups:
connected a data port.
Make psychic
Academics, powerSororitas,
Adepta roll 12 toArbites,
Adeptus read Tarot.
Adeptus success makeAdministratum,
Mechanicus, a single Common, Astropaths,
Scholastic, or Forbidden Lore Test as Trained. If already trained, may reroll
Ecclesiarchy, Feral Worlders, Government, Hivers, Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, Inquisition, if failed.
Middle Class, Military, Nobility, Underworld, Void Born, Workers.
No longer
Talent gainsAll
Groups: fatigue
Exoticfrom using Luminen
Weapons. Charge,
Has training in a Luminen Shock,
single exotic and Luminen
weapon, and canBlast.
use it without
Roll twice for Psychic Phenomena and take the favorable result.
Immune useto
the power
effectsdice to determine
of fear Psychic
and pinning, Phenomenon.
but disengaging from combat or backing down from a
fight requires a successful WP test.
Unprotected creatures within a 30-metre radius who have the ability to hear must make a WP test
Fulllose a half
action andaction on their
successful WPnext turn.
test to call 1 kg/WP bonus unsecured metal object. Must be in field
of view
Full andand
action must lie within WP
successful 20 meters.
test to call 2kg/WP bonus unsecured metal object. Must be in field
of view and must lie within 40 meters.
Injure self to gain mental fortitude
All flame weapons become Reliable.
Spend oneas having PRfueling
full round 3 whenanger.
Psyflame ammo.to WS, S, T, and WP tests, but suffer -20
+10 bonus
May rollto BS,
half PRand Int.toMust
dice attack
support nearest
another enemy
player andinstill
takecombat if ornext
Full Action move towards that target
and engage if possible. Will not take suicidal actions. Immune to Fear, Pinning, Stun, Fatigue, and
Spending 10 minutes
may not parry, retreat,studying or analyzing
or flee. Use a problem,
all-out attacks in melee he gains a +10
combat. bonus
Lasts the to his next
duration of Int test.
May not use psychic techniques whilst in Frenzy unless a talent allows them.
Reroll failed use of arcana, does 1d5 damage to wounds, -20 to resist poison and disease, extra
1d10 dmg tohitwounds
Successful if struck
on an All by Toxic
out attack weapon.
allows the explorer to spend his reaction to make an additional
attack using the same bonuses or penalties as the original attack.
+ 10 bonus to fellowship. Cumulative with Peer for a total bonus of +20.
Full action and an int test to un-jam int bonus number of guns within a 10-metre radius.
Reduce the penalty for Two-Weapon fighting by -10. Cumulative with ambidextrous, to reduce to 0.
When making All Out Attack add half SB to Penetration, and add Shocking quality.
Opponents suffer -20 to BS when the explorer charges or runs, until his next turn.
Explorer always heals as if lightly wounded.
+ 10 to all WS tests made against opponents of that group in close combat.
Use a heavy weapon from the group for which this talent has selected without a -20 penalty.
+ 10
As bonus
a full to any
action, the tests involving
character maythis
move up to his full move and make a single attack with a
ranged weapon, single shot only.
You may disengage as a Half Action, or as a Full Action you may disengage and then move your
Gain Jump Pack
Hatred speed
talent (rather
against than half
anyone whospeed).
is not a true servant of Imperium. If you already have
Hatred against them, gain an additional
When firing two weapons as part of a single+5. action,
Cannottheshare usingneed
targets Litany
less than 10 meters
Reroll the failed
any effectstest
of Shock
against Fear, Insanity,
Minions gain immunity from pinning and fearorwhilst
Corruption as a result
in personal combat of and
reading or hearing
visible to them. While
the characterIntisfor WP to be on board a ship in which he serves, the ship has a +5 bonus to it's
Minions may reroll failed WP tests to resist Fear and pinning whilst in the Explorer's presence.
Affects WP bonus number of minions under his command. PCs may benefit if the character with
the talent is the official leader. + 10 to command tests when leading a boarding action.
Test toughness to overcome stunning.
+10 to gain IP from
deceive ordinary
when horrors.
questioned +10Only supernatural
to resist Terrors
Intimidate, stilltoapply.
+10 WP resist Interrogate and Mind
reading effects
Immune to pinning from pistol and basic weapons, +1 AP to cover
Always assumed awake when asleep, for the purpose of awareness tests or surprise.
Stand as a Free
Unfortunately, Action
the character's
Three melee attacks with a fullsleep is not
action. deeptwo
If using andweapons
can be frequently awakened,
with two weapon resulting
fighting, only in
weapon gets threedisposition when
attacks, the awake.
other gets one. If using a melee weapon and a gun, the melee
Add twicegets one
your shot,bonus
agility the melee weapon
to initiative. If gets three.
he has unnatural agility add +1 to the multiplier before
factoring the bonus into the initiative roll (Three times agility bonus rather than two times).
Spend a Fate
Full action, Point to allow
A successful an ally
charm testthat can hear
confers you toofreroll
the effects a failed
Hatred WS
Talent or BS
(+10 test.
to Weapon skill) to a
number (fellowship bonus) of allies in the immediate vicinity
Loose Reaction, gain +10 bonus to WS and BS on a successful Tech-use. Must pass a toughness
Half or gain attack,
action 1 fatigue.
10m 1d10+WP Bonus energy damage, with successful BS test. Must pass a
toughness test
Tougness test to orpower/charge
gain 1 fatigue.tech. Difficulty based on size. Must pass an additional toughness
test or gain 1 fatigue.
Half action attack, 10m 1d10+3 energy damage, with successful WS test or grapple. Has the
S +10, quality.
T+10, Must
Ag float
-5, Felpassweight
a toughness test orno
gain 1 fatigue.
Half action, may 20-5, 3x as much,
to 30 centimeters more
off the ground,swimming, -10 minutes.
for 1d10+TB to Move Silently,
Must be Ballistic
maintained. can now mount pistols and melee weapons
Half action, may float 20 to 30 centimeters off the ground, for 2d10+TB minutes. Mustuntil
May slow fall, always reducing damage 1d10+3 impact. Cannot be used be the coil
Moveper day). move up to running speed. May slow fall, taking no fall damage. 50% coil
drain, cannot be used until the coil recharges (twice per day).
Heal as if made of flesh, on striking a fatal blow restore 1d5-2 (min 1) wounds, critical wounds heal
Gain an extra
normally Major
(but not Arcana
severed Power.
limbs), holy wounds do not heal, when critical damage occurs roll
Psychic Phenomenon -20
Immune to Daemonic Presence, Immune to Warp Shock, does not gain corruption from Warp
+ 10penalties
bonus on toall
at long or extended
tests. range.
Treating heavy or critical wounded patients heals 2 damage
instead of 1. Provides a +20 bonus to patients toughness test to prevent limb loss.
Fellowship tests, and
Gain an effective Psy fellowship-based
Rating of 4, a +10skill
toaffect 10 times
Daemonic the normal
Mastery Tests, number of targets.
and immunity to the
effects of Daemonic Presence
+10 can use a typeLore
to Forbidden of mechadendrite.
(Tech Heresy) and +10 Tech-Use to interface with corrupted machine
Successful willpower test and ten minutes removes one level of fatigue.
Use a melee weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty.
Gain protection against psychic attacks
May may
You copyuse
voices, mustPowers
Psychic study the voice
while patterns
in the throesfor
of at least an hour for proper imitation, and speak
the same language. Cannot accurately copy Xeno voices. Listeners must succeed on a Difficult (-
+2 ranged damage.
10) Scrutiny Test to penetrate the deception. If copied from recordings, reduce difficulty to
Challenging (+0) Scrutany Test. Fails if the listener can clearly see he is not the imitated individual.
Gain an extra Minor Arcana Power.
When gain
a FPa Minor Psychic
is burnt Power
avoid death, stand up unharmed
Monster inside you is to all, on activation effects (all
lastwounds restored,
10 rounds no fatigue,
or 1 minute: no Fear(2),
grants critical
Improved Natural Weapons (Tearing, Pen 3), Unnatural Strength (x2), Random Unholy Change (pg
356 DH)
May re-roll to
Half action failed Willpower
activate, Testseffect
produces to avoid
like or recover
Terrify from pinning.
Psychich Power without power roll or psychich
phenomena or overbleed, not psychic efect, gain 1d5
Once per encounter add 1d10 damage to next melee attack, IP and a level
and of Fatigue take 1d5 direct
+20 to WPon
+2 bonus tests made GM
initiative. to resist
may mind control
secretly test or
perception to notice hidden threats. The price of
his eternal vigilance is a twitchy disposition and the inability to relax.
Gain +10 bonus on Fel Tests to interact with organisation.
Warp flows through you, on activation lasts 10 rounds or 1 minute: grants psy rating 4, powers
Use a pistol
and/or arcanaweapon of chosen
= to WPB, immunegroup without aPhenomena/Perils
to Psychich -20 penalty. of the Warp, suffer a wound for
every 9 rolled on power dice, critical damage is Energy to Head
Gain +1 bonus to Psychic Power rolls
No penalty10
Spending forminutes
using called shots with
in meditation anda ritual
strike. successful tech-use removes 1d5
damage. On a roll of 96-100 lose autosanguine and prosanguine for a week.
Gain powers, roll 1d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 2d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 3d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 4d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 5d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 6d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain an extra Psychic Power
When using
using direct
half ordamage powerDice,
less of Power and corpus
ignore conversion, damage
the first 9. Also gainsor
detecting Tearing
tracing powers used in
this action,
way are spend
at a a
-10. fate point,
Groups: opposed
Biomancy, willpower
Divination,test against
Pyromancy, the warp entity.
Telekinetics, If you succeed the
Each time
creature is you kill an2xWP
repelled intelligent,
meters. Itcreature not of warp,
cannot approach youthan
closer regain
this1d5-1 lost for
distance wounds
2d5 if
you pass
rounds. toWP
Full the effects
action, ForofPC's
spend daemonic
a fate is presence,
this point,
opposed including
and grants
willpower the negative
test modifiers
against toentity.
the weapon,
warp his willpower.
If you
Spend firing
a fate weaponw
pointentity ith Psybolt
to notistake Fearor Psyflame
Tests, ammo, or a Nemesis Force treat as
Proven(PR) the warp driven from out not acquire
of the thing insanity points, andand
it was possessing notmanifests
gain any corruption
in an
adjacent forspace
the duration of the encounter.
to it's former host. May not Burn a fate point
possess to resist
the host for 2xthe
any single
Full action,
daemonic or psychic attack.
burn fate point, willpower test. WP bonus + each degree of success damage to confronted demon.
If failed,asWP
Ready bonus
a free damage.
action when Armour and atoughness
armed with have
pistol, basic no ranged
class effect. weapon, or one handed
melee weapon.
All humans agility
within test to negate
50 meters takesurprise.
a -10 penalty to their next skill test. May ignore with a successful
Half test.
all Cannot
reload speak
times, or communicate
rounding down (Halfduring theFull
toofFree, litany.
toGMThe etc.).
Half rite takes two minutes, and is
+ 10 to resistance
considered bad formtests against
to break offthe
recitation this group.
before may wish
completion. to approve
Humans withoutchoices,
auditory or have
them justified.
implants cannotTalent
hear Groups: Cold,
infrasonic Fear,
sound, andHeat,
will Poisons,
not know Psychic
what the Techniques.
exploratory is speaking (though
All humans single Daemon
within and spend
50 meters three
Treat the rounds to
character asinscribe
though he an had
up toRating
10m radius. Chosen
1. Cannot speak or
are still affected).
daemon may not enter or leave area without -30 WP test. Daemon does not have to be present
communicate during the dirge. The rite takes two minutes, and most would not consider halting the
when inscribing.
incantations prior to their completion. Humans without auditory implants cannot hear infrasonic
sound, and will not know what the exploratory is speaking (though are still affected).
Opposite of Peer, -10 penalty to all Fel tests involving group. Groups: Academics, Adepta
No longer Adeptus
Sororitas, feel emotion, immune
Arbites, to fear,
Adeptus pinning, and
Mechanicus, any other effects
Administratum, that stems
Astropaths, from emotional
Ecclesiarchy, Feral
disturbance. GM may remove
Worlders, Government, Hivers,mental disorders,
Imperial possibly Navy,
Guard, Imperial granting new onesMiddle
Inquisition, of equal severity.
Class, Military,
Nobility, Underworld,
Once activated Void
lasts 10 Born,orWorkers.
rounds 1 minute: grants Fear(4), Stuff of Nightmares, random Unholy
Change (pg 356 DH)
No penalty for using called shots with a ranged shot. Replaces Deadeye Shot.
When armed with a pistol and melee weapon in either hand, the character reduces the penalty fo
Gain sorcery powers, and a Psy Rating of 2.
Makean+0additional wound.
Literacy Test to read at 20ppm plus 5ppm per degree of success. Automatically pass any
Total Recall tests on content.
When sheer
using surfaces
full move at half move,
action, no further
gain Agility penalties
bonus meters. When using run action, double his
movement for one round. Gain one level of fatigue if talents is used two turns in a row.
May make an additional dodge per round. Cannot dodge the same attack twice.
Maximum penalty is -30
Deal +2 Critical
May re-roll failedDamage with
WP tests knivesany
to resist or unarmed attacks that affect his mind. Psychic
psychic techniques
techniques with a physical effect are unaffected.
Use arcana mentally, with no visible or audible incantation. Increases threshold by +2.
You may not use Faith Talents having 10 or more Corruption points
Gain +10 bonus
Two melee to corresponding
attacks Skill
with a full action. Test. Groups:
If using two weaponsAwareness,
with twoBarter,
only oneClimb,
weapon determining
Command, hit location,
attacks, the may gets
other use the
Contortionist, one.dice
Deceive, as
If usinghea rolled
melee them.
weapon Evaluate,
and Gamble,
a gun, the Inquiry,
Half action,
Intimidate, may
Logic, a takedown before testing WS. If he hits, and would deal 1 point of
damage, gets oneit,Scrutiny,
shot, Search,weapon
the melee Silent Move,
gets Swim, Acrobatics, Blather, Chem-Use, Ciphers,
Common ignore and opponent
Lore, Demolition, Drive,must make
Forbidden a toughness
Lore, test or be
Interrogation, stunned Lip
Invocation, for 1Reading,
round. When
performing stun action, no penalty to WS.
Medicae, Navigation, Performer, Pilot, Psyniscience, Scholastic Lore, Secret Tongue, Security,
Shadowing, Sleight of Hand, Speak LanguAgie, Survival, Tech-Use, Tracking, Trade, Wrangling
Un-jam any gun as a Half-action once per round. Must be touching the weapon.
Take full combat action to use an edged weapon to make a single attack against all opponents in
meleeper game
range. session
Blows activate
occur Emperor's
in clockwise Wrath Faith Power
or counterclockwise without
order, spending aIf FP.
sequentially. one is parried
the Reaping attack stops.
Use a throwing weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty. Groups: Chain, Power, Prim,
AutomaticallyPower, Prim,
remember Shock
trivial facts or pieces of information that might feasibly have picked up in
the past. For more detailed, complex,
Grants num of fate points = to 1/2 WPB or(round
obscure facts,
up), themay
points GM be
may require
used andPC's.
as with Int test.
Also grants
Righteous Fury!
May spend a full action to attack with both weapons. Tests made in this way suffer a -20 penalty.
possess damage taken.and ballistic if he wishes to use a gun and hand weapon with this talent.
both melee
Groups: Ballistic, Melee
Attempts to notice the character among other people, describing him, or recalling details incur a
-20 penalty.
You may re-roll failed Fear Tests
May make an additional parry per round. Cannot parry the same attack twice.
Only trigger one Psychic Phenomena regardless of number of 9s.
Immune to the effects of Daemonic Presence
Reduce influence by 5 to create acolyte network. Send acolytes on missions by rolling influence -20
Reroll influence tests with this group
The character gains an Ascended Psychic Power.
Use Intelligence Bonus for Initiative.
Use Per Bonus instead of Ag Bonus for Initiative.
Requisition forbidden items. Reroll influence tests with this group. All influence on puritans fails.
Reroll influence tests when trying to requisition equipment or services from the Administratum, Im
Reroll influence tests with this group
Denounced a fellow inquisitor. Various effects follow.
The character gains the Auto-Stabilised Trait.
The character gains a Fate Point.
Switch location with an ally.
Secret member of a specific cult, may roll influence to affect cult.
Treat Common and Scholastic Lore as Basic Skills.
Gain landholdings, various effects follow.
The character has advanced Mechanicus augmetics.
Gain access to Bastion Serpentis, reroll influence tests with the Cabal.
The character can remove memories.
May reroll influence test with specific chapter.
Take -50 to roll when trying to use influence subtly. Reroll succesfull tests with Astropaths, psyker
The Vindicare Assassin may Aim after slaying a target.
Reroll failed influence test with Ecclesiarchy
The character has an innate ability with languages.
May activate a Faith Power as if a fatepoint is spend, but only after all fatepoints are spend. Talent
Reroll failed influence tests with Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, or PDF
Various effects follow.
The character can protect themselves from corrupting and mentally damaging experiences.
Penalty for subtle influence reduced to -10, never lose influence for failing Influence Test subtly.
Spend 5 influene to create a sleeper agent. Various effects follow.
The character can shoot into melee without penalty.
Can test influence -20 to manipulate Lord Sector Hax. Various effects follow.
Spend a Fate Point to inspire fearlessness and heroism.
The character gains the Machine Trait.
Attacks do 1d10+SB damage and lack the Primitive quality.
Deal 1d10-3+SB with unarmed attacks.
When using influence with any non-Adeptus Terra organization, may reroll failed influence tests.
Reroll influence tests when requisitioning weaposn and military forces. -20 to ALL other influence te
Bonus +1 influence per influence award.
Use subtle influence to gather information on any topic from any source. Various effects follow.
Reroll failed inluence tests with Nobility or high born elite. Various effects follow.
Gain a pain token whenever a Ranged Attack that originated within Per Bonus in metres inflicts Critica
Use a weapon group without a -20 penalty. Groups: Bolt, Las, Launch, Prim, Solid Projectile, Univer
Double defensive Psy Rating for Opposed Test involving the Psyniscience skill or Psychic Techniqu
+ 100 Objective points towards Military or Criminal objectives when turning in a fugitive for bounty.
Party may use intelligence bonus in place of their agility bonus when rolling for initiative.
May use perception bonus in place of his agility bonus when rolling for initiative.
When making a Melee or Ranged attack at point blank range against an enemy that is Stunned or pro
May spend a fate point to automatically pass a Chem-Use test, succeeding by a number of degrees equ
Ignores the effects of injury, fatigue, and stunning during combat. Death still affects him normally.
-10 to fellowship tests, cumulative with the rival talent for a total -20 penalty. May be granted
Gain the Auto-Stabilised Trait (Always count as braced when firing heavy weapons and may fire on semi
Trained in all non-exotic weapons with the Flame special quality.
Sacrifice all actions for the next round to switch places with an unobstructed ally within 2 meters.
Gain an additional profit factor when profit factor is awarded for completing and endeavour.
Treats all other pilot skills as a basic skill, and receives + 10 bonus to the Pilot skill he possesses.
May use the Psyniscience skill as a free action.
Treat all common and scholastic lore skills as untrained basic skills. Provides a +10 bonus to any t
+20 to interaction tests when inspiring hatred or anger, and double the number of individuals affec
Immune to pinning by pistols and basic weapons, and adds +1 AP to the value of any cover protecti
Half action attack, 10m 1d10+WP Bonus energy damage, with successful BS test. Must pass a toughn
Tougness test to power/charge tech. Difficulty based on size. Must pass an additional toughness test
Half action attack, 10m 1 d 10+3 energy damage, with successful WS test or grapple. Has the shockin
+ 10 S and T, -5 Ag and Fel. Increases the explorers mass x3. May not stay afloat or swim in water
Half action, may float 20 to 30 centimeters off the ground, for 1 d 10+TB minutes. Must be maintain
Half action, may float 20 to 30 centimeters off the ground, for 2d10+TB minutes. Must be maintained.
Half action, no penalties for being ganged up until his next turn. Half action grants +10 combat bonu
May spend a fate point for automatic success on a Tech-Use Test for enhancement, repair, or upgra
Use a melee weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty. Groups: Prim, Universal
The explorer possesses the Navigator gene (Chapter 7).
Gain the ability to use a talent within one of the Navigator's group. May be chosen multiple times.
+ 10 bonus to fellowship tests to interact with group. Groups: Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus
Use a pistol weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty. Groups: Prim, Universal
+10 on Command, Commerce, Deception and Intimidation, -10 Charm when opposed by someone with ei
Treat all languages as a basic skill. Tests using this talent suffer a -10 penalty.
Gain powers, roll 10d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 7d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 8d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 9d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Talent Groups: Psy Rating Gain access to a new psychic discipline to a maximum of three.
Gain an extra psychic technique equal to the cost of this talent in a discipline he possesses. Grou
Immune to Daemonic Presence
+ 10 to interaction skill tests with those who understand the importance of the warrant.
Choose one result on the psychic phenomena chart (other than perils of the warp). May substitute his ro
-10 to all fellowship tests to interact with the group. Groups: Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptu
Add first digit of Corruption points in metres to range at which you can gain Pain Tokens..
Challenging Intelligence test, if successful reduce Damage by an amount up to his Intelligence bonu
Spend a fate point, player and WP bonus number of allies become immune to fear and pinning. All range
Gain the machine trait with armor points equal to the number of times the talent is taken.
Use a weapon group without a -20 penalty. Groups: Universal
After gaining at least one Pain Token in an encounter, the character may spend a Fate Point to gain
After gaining at least 3 Pain tokens in an encounter, the character may spend a Fate Point to gain the
After gaining at least 3 Pain Tokens in an encounter, the character may spend a Fate Point to gain th
After gaining at least 4 Pain tokens in an encounter, the character may spend a Fate Point to gain th
After spending a Fate Point to regain lost Wounds the character regains 1d5 lost Wounds every time
After gaining at least 2 Pain tokens in an encounter, the character may spend a Fate Point to gain t
Only purchaseable at character creation. The character may purchase Fellowship characteristic at t
1d10+SB impact damage with unarmed attacks. Unarmed attacks no longer have the primitive qualit
1d10-3+SB impact damage. Does not count as Unarmed (no penalty for attacking armed opponents). Att
+ 10 bonus to BS made to fire starship weapons.
May not select this talent if undergone the Rite of sanctioning. When rolling psychic phenomenon, disca
May add a +1 bonus to psy rating when pushing. -10 on any resultant psychic phenomenon rolls.
Psyniscience skill requires a half action instead of a full action.
+ 10 bonus to skill tests for investigation, or the interview special use of the inquiry skill.
Spend a fate point to deal an additional 1d5 damage. Burn a fate point to trigger righteous fury on
Spend Fate Point before a mission to gain resistance to Psychic Powers.
Increase the efficacy of physical armour.
Penalties with one weapon group cannot exceed -30. Groups: Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasm
Penalties with one weapon group cannot exceed -30. Groups: Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasm
Penalties with one weapon group cannot exceed -30. Groups: Chain, Power, Prim, Shock
Penalties with one weapon group cannot exceed -30. Groups: Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasm
Penalties with one weapon group cannot exceed -30. Groups: Chain, Power, Prim, Shock
Use all non-Exotic weapons without a -20 penalty.
Use a weapon group without a -20 penalty. Groups: Bolt, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Pr
Double defensive Psy Rating for Opposed Test involving the Psyniscience skill or Psychic Techniqu
Get an extra shot when firing a bolt weapon on full or semi-auto.
Spend Full Action when a Battle-Brother is taken out of action to regain full Cohesion.
Party may use intelligence bonus in place of their agility bonus when rolling for initiative.
May use perception bonus in place of his agility bonus when rolling for initiative.
Cause greater damage when charging or dropping into combat using a jump pack.
The Space Marine gains bonuses when fighting aliens.
Ignores the effects of injury, fatigue, and stunning during combat. Death still affects him normally.
-10 to fellowship tests, cumulative with the rival talent for a total -20 penalty. May be granted
Gain the Auto-Stabilised Trait (Always count as braced when firing heavy weapons and may fire on semi
Exchange a Fate Point for a point of Cohesion.
Fire a single shot to penetrate armour and increase the chance of Righteous Fury.
Trained in all non-exotic weapons with the Flame special quality.
Cause additional damage with chain weapons.
Make a thunderous single strike with a melee weapon.
Treats all other pilot skills as a basic skill, and receives + 10 bonus to the Pilot skill he possesses.
Gain an advantage in combating aliens.
May use the Psyniscience skill as a free action.
Treat all common and scholastic lore skills as untrained basic skills. Provides a +10 bonus to any t
+20 to interaction tests when inspiring hatred or anger, and double the number of individuals affec
Spend a Fate Point to make your melee attack impossible to parry or dodge.
Immune to pinning by pistols and basic weapons, and adds +1 AP to the value of any cover protecti
Half action attack, 10m 1d10+WP Bonus energy damage, with successful BS test. Must pass a toughn
Tougness test to power/charge tech. Difficulty based on size. Must pass an additional toughness test
Half action attack, 10m 1d10+3 energy damage, with successful WS test or grapple. Has the shocking
+ 10 S and T, -5 Ag and Fel. Increases the explorers mass x3. May not stay afloat or swim in water
Half action, may float 20 to 30 centimeters off the ground, for 1d10+TB minutes. Must be maintaine
Half action, may float 20 to 30 centimeters off the ground, for 2d10+TB minutes. Must be maintained.
May spend a fate point for automatic success on a Tech-Use Test for enhancement, repair, or upgra
You can use a type of mechadendrite. Groups: Gun Rite, Manipulator Rite, Medicae Rite, Optical Rite,
Use a pistol weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty. Groups: Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta,
Gain +10 bonus on Fel Tests to interact with organisation. Groups: Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Ad
Use a pistol weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty. Groups: Bolt, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma
Treat all languages as a basic skill. Tests using this talent suffer a -10 penalty.
Use Swift and Lightning Attack as a Half Action and when charging.
Gain powers, roll 10d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 7d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 8d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 9d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain an extra Psychic Technique.
All humans within 50 meters take a -10 penalty to their next skill test. May ignore with a successful
All humans within 50 meters Treat the character as though he had Fear Rating 1. Cannot speak or comm
No longer feel emotion, immune to fear, pinning, and any other effects that stems from emotional d
Choose one result on the psychic phenomena chart (other than perils of the warp). May substitute his ro
-10 to all fellowship tests to interact with the group. Groups: Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptu
Gain an advantage when battling traitors and heretics.
Gain the ability to use a Servo-harness.
One item up to 20 Requisition becomes standard issue.
One item up to 70 Requisition becomes standard issue.
One item up to 40 Requisition becomes standard issue and gain an additional benefit.
Gain an advantage when fighting warp entities.
Hold a chosen point with indomitable determination and a storm of fire.
Cause additional Damage against Hordes with ranged weapons.
The character can shoot into melee without penalty.
Gain the machine trait with armor points equal to the number of times the talent is taken.
Use a pistol weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty. Groups: Universal
Break enemies with the momentum of an armoured charge.
1d10+SB impact damage with unarmed attacks. Unarmed attacks no longer have the primitive qualit
1d10-3+SB impact damage. Does not count as Unarmed (no penalty for attacking armed opponents). Att
Perform an act of defiance to remove Cohesion Damage suffered in previous turn.
May not select this talent if undergone the Rite of sanctioning. When rolling psychic phenomenon, disca
May add a +1 bonus to psy rating when pushing. -10 on any resultant psychic phenomenon rolls.
Psyniscience skill requires a half action instead of a full action.
Increase the efficacy of weapons wielded by the Techmarine or Mechanicus Implants.
Cause additional Damage against hordes in melee.
Spend a Fate Point to get insight on a situation.
Veteran of the long war: +10 on Fel Tests with other veterans of the long war, +10 to loyalty, one s
Increase AP of armour by 2 on all locations.
Takes a half action to maintain, all creatures within 30 meters and hearing range must make a WP test
Double defensive Psy Rating for Opposed Test involving the Psyniscience skill or Psychic Techniqu
gain an additional +10 to WS when charging for a total of +30 on a Beserk Charge with a Standard A
Once per game kill an allied NPC or one of his minions to gain +10 for ally or +20 for minion on his n
When armed with two single handed melee weapons with the Balanced quality, the character reduce
Apply +1 to PR after determining whether a power is being used at Unfettered, Fettered, or Push.
Take 1 hour and spend an Infamy Point to perform a ritual to enable the character to make a WP Test
When firing a bolt weapon on full or semi-auto and he does not take a Move Action in the turn, add 1
Gain +1 to PR when Pushing. At the start of each game session roll for persistent game effects.
Immune to seduction, +20 on opposed checks against an opponent using the Charm skill.
All members of the group add +1 to Initiative rolls. Any group member may use IB on Initiative vs A
Use PB for Initiative instead of AB.
Add +2 to ranged critical damage.
Add +2 to melee critical damage.
Add half WS Bonus to damage inflicted in melee.
Character begins with a Very Rare item but with a curse.
Apply -10 to Called Shot ranged attack; this stacks with Sharpshooter to reduce Called Shots to 0.
May use Charm or Intimidate to affect up to 100 times FB. Adds +10 to the loyalty of his minions.
-10 to fellowship tests, cumulative with the rival talent for a total -20 penalty. May be granted
Gain +10 bonus to Infamy when making an Acquisition Test.
Before making a Standard Attack ranged attack action, spend an Infamy Point and gain +x Damange
When inflicting Damage with a melee weapon that has Tearing, roll 2 additional dice (for a total of t
A minion almost as powerful as the character.
Make a thunderous single strike with a melee weapon when making an All Out Attack add 1/2 SB t o
+ 10 to all WS tests made against opponents of that group in close combat.
Treat character as if he had all Operate skills, Skill being used is one rank higher (ie +10 is treate
Character is treated as if he had all Common Lore and Scholastic Lore skills at Rank 1 (Known).
Make a charm test to grant the effects of the Hatred Talent to any people in his immediate vicinity.
Spend an Infamy Point to make an All Out Attack impossible to parry or dodge.
Use all non-Exotic weapons without a -20 penalty.
The character has a lesser Minion. This may taken more than once.
When the character makes a melee attack, score one hit plus one for each DoS. If Dual wielding, o
Roll initiative twice and add the highest of the two to AB.
Gain +20 on Tech-Use Skill tests. May spend an Infamy point to automatically succeed on a Tech-Use
Spend an Infamy Point to automatically pass a Skill test provided the final modifier is a 0 or greater.
Add 1/2 BS Bonus to ranged combat damage.
Less powerful minion than the character but more powerful than a lesser minion.
Spend an Infamy Point to ignore the effects of injury, Fatigue, and Stuffing for a single combat.
Gain +10 on Command, Commerce, Deception, and Intimidation when opposed by someone with eithe
Can make untrained skill tests with the Linguistics skill even though it is a Specialist skill.
Apply -10 to Called Shot melee attack; this stacks with Sure Strike to reduce Called Shots to 0.
Double normal charge movement when making a Charge Move.
Everyone within 20m that can see the character gain +10 to WP tests to resist Fear or Intimidation. T
When making a Charge Action using a Jump Pack, deal an extra d10 damage for every 2 DoS on W
Sacrifice a victim to gain a +5 bonus to his Focus Power Test in the subsequent turn for every DoS s
Apply -10 to Called Shot ranged attack; this stacks with Deadeye to reduce Called Shots to 0.
When armed with a pistol and melee weapon in either hand, the character reduces the penalty for t
Character may make additional Evastion attempt, either dodge or parry, once per round. Note that Wal
When dealing damage to a horde with semi-auto, auto, spray, or blast deal additional damage to the
Deal +1/2 WSB Critical Damage with knives or unarmed attacks
Apply -10 to Called Shot melee attack; this stacks with Precise blow to reduce Called Shots to 0.
When the character makes a melee attack, score one hit plus one for every two DoS. If Dual wieldi
May shoot into melee without penalty. If the attack was aimed, there is no chance of hitting a friendly
When making a Charge Action make an Opposed Strength test for each foe in his way. Those that fai
Reduce Critical Damage by TB (to a minimum of 1) after reduction by AP and TB.
Treated as if he had Deadly Natural Weapons trait.
Character treated as if he has gained Natural Weapon Trait, improving all unarmed attacks to 1d10 Pr
Any minion within AB meters of the character can make an Agility Test to take a ranged hit that woul
May reroll any failed Willpower test to avoid the effects of Fear.
Declare as thte start of his turn he is making a war cry . Allc reatures within 50m radius treat the c
When pushing the character may spend one Infamy Point to add d5 to his Psy Rating, add +30 to an
Once per game session, ignore a Psychic Phenomenon result that has been rolled, however the ch
Use of Psyniscience is a free action and can detect psychic effects and entities without actively see
Character can use all weapons with Class Pistol, Basic, Heavy, Throwing, and Melee within the grou
Once per combat for one round a weapon wielded by the character gains Melta, Plasma, Power, or
Cause additional Damage against hordes in melee equal to 1/2 WP Bonus.
Spend an Infamy Point to get insight on a situation and ask the GM a question.
Spend a Fate Point to regain wounds equal to 1d5+TB and remove 1 level of Fatigue.
Spend a Fate Point to reduce DoF on an Operate test equal to AB
Add 1 Damage for every 2 DoS on a WS or BS beyond the first when attacking an unaware target.
Increase AP of armour by 2 on all locations.
Double defensive Psy Rating for Opposed Test involving the Psyniscience skill or Psychic Techniqu
gain an additional +10 to WS when charging for a total of +30 on a Beserk Charge with a Standard A
When armed with two single handed melee weapons with the Balanced quality, the character reduce
Make attacks with an Indirect weapon as a Half Action. When an indirect weapon or grendage
misses, roll twice on scatter and choose either result.
Remove bracing requirement for certain weapons. May fire heavy weapons using Semi-Auto or
Full-Auto without bracing. When using Atheletics Heft, add +20 to Skill test.
When firing a weapon with Indirect quality, if at least one hit lands within IB meters of an enemy,
target must make a Routine (+20) Pinning test.
Roll two dice for Tearing with a chain weapon.
Targets of his flamer take a -20 penalty to their agility test to escape the flame. When RF is
inflicted with a weapon with the Flame quality, the target is automatically set on fire.
Immune to mundate temptations. Seduction automatical fail and Charm tests increase difficulty by one
Immune to seduction, +20 on opposed checks against an opponent using the Charm skill.
All members of the group add +1 to Initiative rolls. Any group member may use IB on Initiative vs A
Use PB for Initiative instead of AB.
Add +2 to ranged critical damage.
Improved weapon becomes: 1d10-1, Pen 0, Ogryn-Proof, Unbalanced.
Add +2 to melee critical damage.
Add half WS Bonus to damage inflicted in melee.
As a half action spend a Fate Point and make a Challenging (+0) Tech-Use test. If successful,
gain Unnatural Agility (X) or Unnatural Strength (X). X is equal to 1+ 1 for every two additional
All cybernetics count as being one level of craftsmanship or higher.
DoS on the test. This persists for IB Rounds. At the end of each round gain 1 level of fatigue.
Apply -10 to Called Shot ranged attack; this stacks with Sharpshooter to reduce Called Shots to 0.
Once per combat encounter, spend a Fate Point to change the result of a single Damage result to
a result of 10. This can inflict Righteous Fury.
You can Parry Primitive ranged or thrown attacks
When an ally dies from Blood Loss or due to a failed characteristic test, he can revive them as long
as it is within IB rounds after death by spending a Fate Point and making a Very Hard (-30)
Treat the use of a grav chute as a simple (+40) test instead of Routine. In addition, on a failed test,
Medicae test.
count as falling 1 meter per DoF.
When in one-on-one combat with an opponent, count as having scored an addition 2 DoS on a
successful WS test.
-10 to fellowship tests, cumulative with the rival talent for a total -20 penalty. May be granted
Once per game session, make a Trade (Cook) Test.If successful all members of the suqad gain +5
bonus to resist Fear and Pinning till the end of the next encounter. If test is 5 or more DoS, the first
Before making a Standard Attack ranged attack action, spend a Fate Point and gain +x Damange and
time each member uses a Fate Point before the end of the next encoutner that character regains
the fateapoint
Spend Fate on a roll
Point to of 10Unnatural
gain on a 1d10.Strength (X) or increase Unnatural Strength by X until the
end of his turn. X is a number up to his SB. At the end of his turn, he gains a number of points of
Once per Combat Encounter after killing a target with a Ranged Attack, sped a Fate Point and
Fatigue equal to X.
make a Command Test. If successful, each ally within 10 meters gains a bonus = to 5x DoS to the
As a reaction, spend a Fate Point and expend all Actions for the next Round to switch places with
next BS or WS test and each foe within 10 meters suffers an equivalent penalty to their next BS or
an ally within 2 meters, so long as there is no physical obstruction. The character becomes the
WS test.
target of any attacks previosly targeting the ally.
Make a thunderous single strike with a melee weapon when making an All Out Attack add 1/2 SB t o
+ 10 to all WS tests made against opponents of that group in close combat.
Once per Turn the character can use the Inspire Special Use of the command action as a Half
Treat character as if he had all Operate skills, Skill being used is one rank higher (ie +10 is treate
Character is treated as if he had all Common Lore and Scholastic Lore skills at Rank 1 (Known).
Make a charm test to grant the effects of the Hatred Talent to any people in his immediate vicinity.
Comrades become immuned to the effects of Fear and Pinning as long as they are within 10
meters of him.
If the character fails a Fear or Pinning Test, his comrade only fails if the roll was a double.
Spend a Fate Point to make all melee attacks for that round impossible to parry or dodge. This appli
Impose -5 penalty on Dodge Tests to avoid a Las weapona ttack for every DoS scored beyond the
first (max of -30).
Deal an additional +1 Damage for every 2 DoS scored on the BS test beyond the first.
When firing any class of Las weapon on full or semi-auto gain +1 extra DoS if the character does
not take a Move Action.
For each Comrade who is part of any Ranged Volley Order this character issues, this character
deals +1 Damage (max +3) with any Las attack.
When the character makes a melee attack, score one hit plus one for each DoS. If Dual wielding, o
Character may Dodge while maintaining an AIM or Overwatch without losing the benefits of the
Gain +20 on Tech-Use Skill tests. May spend an Infamy point to automatically succeed on a Tech-Use
Spend a Fate Point to automatically pass a Skill test provided the final modifier is a 0 or greater. I
Spend an Infamy Point to automatically pass a Skill test provided the final modifier is a 0 or greater.
You can use a mechadendrite.
When firing any melta weapon, increase Range by number of meters equal to 2x BSB.
Deal +2 additional Penetration for every 2 DoS scored on a BS test beyond the first. This applies
after the doubling of Pen for Melta Quality.
When succeeding on a WP test made as part of an Opposed test for a Psychic Power, spend a
Fate Point to gain IB DoS.
Reduce damage on a failed extended Care Special Use of the Medicae skill by IB.
Add 1/2 BS Bonus to ranged combat damage.
Make a Tech Use Test to increase Damage and Blast or Smoke Quality of a grenade, missile or
round by 1 plus 1 per 3 DoS beyond the first. If he fails greater than IB the device is triggered.
Increase Squads Logistics Rating by +5.
Spend a Fate Point to ignore the effects of injury, Fatigue, and Stuffing for a single combat.
When a hit is scored with a ranged attack, make a PER test as a reaction to add the PER tests
DoS to the DoS scored on the BS test for the attack.
Gain +10 bonus on Fel Tests to interact with organisation.
Once per game session, before making a Logistics test, make a Difficult (-10) Charm test to gain
+5 x DoS (max of +30) to the Logistics test.
Plasma weapon only overheats on a roll of 96 or higher or on a Jam.
Add +2 Bonus to Damage, Pen, and Blast when using a plasma weapon on Maximal.
Can make untrained skill tests with the Linguistics skill even though it is a Specialist skill.
Apply -10 to Called Shot melee attack; this stacks with Sure Strike to reduce Called Shots to 0.
Double normal charge movement when making a Charge Move.
Make a Feint Action as a Free Action on an unarmed All-Out-Attack or Standard Attack Action.
May make a Called Shot sa a Half Action when making unarmed attacks.
Once per round as part of Vehicle Movement Action, add +10 to the assocated test. If the test
fails, the vehicle loses 1 point of SI, ignoring AP, per DoF.
Everyone within 20m that can see the character gain +10 to WP tests to resist Fear or Intimidation. T
Once per combat encounter take an Aim Action as a Free action before making an attack.
+ 10 to resistance tests against the effects of this group. GM may wish to approve choices, or have
them justified. Talent Groups: Cold, Fear, Heat, Poisons, Psychic Techniques.
When Righteous Fury is inflicted with an attack or Psychic Power for which 3 or more DoS were
achieved, roll twice to determine the amoutn of Critical Damage and take the higher result.
Make a Tech-Use test as a half action to gain the Shocking Quality with the cybernetic limb or
implants for IB rounds. If the test fails by 4 or more DoF or after IB rounds, the cybernetic
Inflict Righteous Fury on a roll of 9 or 10 from weapons with the Flame Quality. Note for FW, add
appendatge shuts down till it is repaired with a Routine (+20) tech-Use test.
Vengeful (9) to the weapon.
Apply -10 to Called Shot ranged attack; this stacks with Deadeye to reduce Called Shots to 0.
When armed with a pistol and melee weapon in either hand, the character reduces the penalty for t
Make an Ordinary (+10) Survival test when thrown from a mount to eitehr remain on the mount or
safely fall to the ground. Additionally perform mount/dismount as a half action.
When clearing a jam from an SP weapon, reload the weapon as a free action. Additionaly only one
round from the weapon is lost.
Add Proven (x) quality to a SP weapon. X is equal to 1/2 BS (round up).
When making an attack against an enemy while he is in cover or concealed, make an opposed
stealth test against the awareness of the enemy to remain hiddne.
Character may make additional Evastion attempt, either dodge or parry, once per round. Note that Wal
Once per game session when using the Inspire special use of Command, spend a Fate Point to
grant +5x DoS (max +30) to each character affected by the Command test to their next Skill or
Characteristic test.
When dealing damage to a horde with semi-auto, auto, spray, or blast deal additional damage to the
Deal +1/2 WSB Critical Damage with knives, similar small weapons, or unarmed attacks
Apply -10 to Called Shot melee attack; this stacks with Precise blow to reduce Called Shots to 0.
When the character makes a melee attack, score one hit plus one for every two DoS. If Dual wieldi
End Blood Loss condition when succeeding on a First Aid use of the Medicae skill.
Add BSB to the Penetration value of a weapon when making a ranged attack against a vehicle.
May shoot into melee without penalty. If the attack was aimed, there is no chance of hitting a friendly
Gain Machine (X), x is equal to half the number of cybernetics (rounded up) to a max of TB. Traits
and Talents do not count as cybernetics.
When making a Charge Action make an Opposed Strength test for each foe in his way. Those that fai
Ignore -10 penalty to all tests from Fatigue.
Gain +1 DoS on all Interaction Tests with members of the regiment and possibly other Imperial
Forces. May make a Difficult (-10) Command Test to issue one additional Sweeping order during
Reduce Critical Damage by TB (to a minimum of 1) after reduction by AP and TB.
the turn of the first sweeping order.
Treated as if he had Deadly Natural Weapons trait.
Character treated as if he has gained Natural Weapon Trait, improving all unarmed attacks to 1d10 Pr
May reroll any failed Willpower test to avoid the effects of Fear.
Gain Felling (X) when making a melee attack as part of a Charge or Crushing Charge Mounted
action. X is equal
When making to 1/2
a single WSB.
shot withAs part ofHeavy,
a Pistol, a mounted charge,
or Vehicle add Damage
weapon that hasequal to mount's
Accurate SB.
and using
AIM action,
Select treat thatThat
a Comrade. weapon the same
comrade gransas
thea character
Basic Weapon for inflicting
an additional additional
+5 bonus to BSDamage.
tests when he
particpates in the Ranged Volley Order and an additional +5 bonus to WS when
Use Percpection instead of Agility when using Overwatch Actions to determine whether he particpates in
he or his
Close Quarters
triggering Order.
takes This comrade
an action can also particpate in Veteran Orders.
When pushing character mayfirst.
spend one Infamy Point to add d5 to his Psy Rating, add +30 to an
Once per game session, ignore a Psychic Phenomenon result that has been rolled, however the ch
Use of Psyniscience is a free action and can detect psychic effects and entities without actively see
Character can use all weapons with Class Pistol, Basic, Heavy, Throwing, and Melee within the grou
Once per combat for one round a weapon wielded by the character gains Melta, Plasma, Power, or
Cause additional Damage against hordes in melee equal to 1/2 WP Bonus.
Use Atheletics skill in place of STR for any STR test being made as part of a Grapple. When
inflicting damage, add the number of DoS by which he won the opposed test.
", "groups"," ", "embedded", , "page",
groups embedded page
Group embedded Page
- 0 46
- 0 113
- 1 113
- 0 113
- 0 46
- 0 113
- 1 113
- 1 113
- 0 49
- 0 113
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Projectile, Exotic 1 113
- 1 113
- 0 63
- 1 113
- 0 113
- 1 119
- 0 113
- 0 57
- 0 51
- 1 113
- 0 120
- 1 113
- 0 113
- 0 65
- 0 113
- 0 113
- 0 114
- 0 114
- 0 59
- 0 114
- 1 114
- 1 114
- 1 114
- 1 114
- 0 51
- 0 113
- 0 68
- 0 53
- 0 53
- 0 53
- 0 114
- 1 114
- 0 114
- 0 114
- 0 114
- 0 114
Biomancy, Divination, Pyromancy, Telekinetics, Telepathy 0 114
- 0 114
- 0 51
- 1 114
- 0 69
- 1 114
- 1 115
- 0 79
- 0 116
- 1 115
- 0 115
- 0 61
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesi 0 146
- 1 115
- 1 115
- 1 115
- 1 120
- 1 115
- 0 115
- 0 116
- 0 116
- 0 116
- 0 65
- 0 57
- 0 120
- 0 116
- 1 116
- 0 169
- 1 116
- 1 116
- 1 116
- 1 116
- 0 113
- 1 116
- 0 116
Criminal, Cult (-), Deamons, Xeno (-), Psykers, Heretics, Mutants 1 117
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Projectile, Exotic 1 117
Sight, Smell, Sound, Taste, Touch 1 117
- 0 117
- 0 87
- 0 89
- 0 117
- 1 117
- 0 49
- 0 117
- 0 117
- 1 117
- 0 117
- 0 83
- 0 55
- 0 117
- 0 117
- 1 117
- 1 117
- 0 82
- 1 117
- 1 117
- 1 117
- 1 118
- 1 118
- 0 70
- 0 118
- 0 118
- 0 169
- 0 53
- 0 43
- 1 118
- 1 118
- 1 118
- 0 169
Gun Rite, Manipulator Rite, Medicae Rite, Optical Rite, Utility Rite 0 118
- 0 59
- 1 118
Chain, Power, Prim, Shock 1 118
- 0 118
- 0 119
- 1 119
- 0 119
- 0 169
- 0 119
- 0 84
- 0 69
- 0 119
- 0 46
- 0 91
- 0 119
- 1 119
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Eccles 0 120
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Projectile, Exotic 1 120
- 0 69
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 1 120
- 1 120
- 1 120
- 0 120
- 0 120
- 0 120
- 0 120
- 0 121
- 0 121
- 0 121
- 0 26
Biomancy, Divination, Pyromancy, Telekinetics, Telepathy 0 26
- 0 26
- 0 120
- 0 50
- 1 51
- 1 121
- 0 121
- 1 121
Cold, Fear, Heat, Poisons, Psychic Powers 1 121
- 0 121
- 0 49
- 0 121
- 0 121
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesi 0 146
- 0 69
- 1 121
- 0 55
- 0 131
- 0 168
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 0 121
- 0 49
- 0 121
- 0 121
- 1 122
- 0 116
- 1 122
- 0 122
- 0 169
- 0 50
- 1 122
- 1 122
- 1 122
Awareness, Barter, Carouse, Charm, Climb, Command, Concealment, Contortionist, Deceive, Disguise, D 1 122
- 1 122
- 0 83
- 0 75
Chain, Power, Prim, Shock 1 122
- 0 122
- 0 230
- 1 122
Ballistic, Melee 1 122
- 0 122
- 1 122
- 1 122
- 0 120
- 0 60
- 0 114
- 0 115
- 0 120
- 1 121
- 1 121
- 0 115
- 0 115
- 0 115
- 0 115
- 0 121
- 0 121
- 0 121
- 0 116
- 0 121
- 0 116
- 0 121
- 0 117
- 0 121
- 0 117
- 0 117
- 0 122
- 0 117
- 0 122
1,2,3 0 9
- 0 118
- 0 118
- 0 122
- 0 118
- 0 118
- 0 122
- 0 118
- 0 122
- 0 122
- 1 122
- 1 122
- 0 118
- 0 119
- 0 119
- 0 119
- 0 119
- 0 100
Bolt, Las, Launch, Prim, Solid Projectile, Universal 1 94
- 0 94
- 0 95
- 1 95
- 1 96
- 0 100
- 0 100
- -1 97
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus 0 97
- -1 98
- -1 98
- 0 99
- 0 99
- -1 100
- 0 100
- -1 100
- 0 100
- 0 101
- 0 101
- 0 101
- 0 101
- -1 102
- 0 102
- 0 102
- 0 102
- 0 102
Prim, Universal 1 103
- 0 103
Navigator Power 0 103
Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesiarchy, Feral Word 0 103
Prim, Universal 1 104
- 0 100
- -1 104
- 0 104
- 0 104
- 0 104
- 0 104
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 0 104
Divination - Emperors Tarot, Telekinetics - Force, Telepathy - Basic, Telepathy - Communication, Tel 0 104
0 104
- 0 105
- 1 105
Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesiarchy, Feral Word 0 106
- 0 100
- 0 101
- 0 107
- 0 107
Universal 0 98
- 0 100
- 0 100
- 0 100
- 0 100
- 0 100
- 0 100
- 0 100
- -1 107
- -1 107
- 0 108
- 1 108
- 1 108
- 0 108
- 0 108
- 0 108
- 0 113
- 0 113
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Projectile 1 113
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Projectile 1 113
Chain, Power, Prim, Shock 1 113
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Projectile 1 113
Chain, Power, Prim, Shock 1 113
- 1 113
Bolt, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Projectile, Universal 0 113
- 0 114
- 0 114
- 0 114
- 1 115
- 1 115
- 1 115
- 0 115
- 0 116
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus 0 116
- 0 117
- 0 118
- 0 117
- 1 118
- 0 118
- 0 119
- 0 120
- 0 120
- 0 120
- 0 120
- 0 120
- 0 121
- 0 121
- 1 121
- 0 122
- 1 122
- 0 122
- 0 122
- 0 122
- 0 123
Gun Rite, Manipulator Rite, Medicae Rite, Optical Rite, Utility Rite 0 123
Chain, Power, Prim, Shock 1 123
Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesiarchy, Feral Word 1 124
Bolt, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Projectile, Universal 1 124
- 0 124
- 0 124
- 0 124
- 0 124
- 0 124
- 0 124
- 0 124
- 0 125
- 0 125
- 0 125
- 1 125
Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Astropaths, Ecclesiarchy, Feral Word 0 125
- 0 125
- 0 125
- 0 126
- 0 126
- 0 126
- 0 126
- 0 126
- 0 127
- 0 127
- 0 128
Universal 1 128
- 0 128
- 1 128
- 1 129
- 0 129
- 1 129
- 1 129
- 0 129
- 1 129
- 0 129
- 0 129
- 0 118
- 0 118
- 0 119
- 0 119
- 1 119
- 0 119
- 0 119
- 1 120
- 0 120
- 0 120
- 1 120
- 0 120
- 1 121
- 1 121
- 1 122
- 1 122
- 1 122
- 0 122
- 1 122
- 1 122
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus 0 123
- 0 124
- 0 124
- 1 124
- 0 125
- 0 125
Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adepta Sorroritas, Chaos Space Marines, Dae 1 125
- 0 126
- 0 126
- 0 126
- 0 126
- 1 127
- 0 127
- 1 127
- 1 127
- 0 128
Athletics, Awareness, Barter, Carouse, Charm, Climb, Command, Common Lore, Concealment, Contortionis 0 128
- 1 128
- 0 128
- 0 128
- 0 129
- 0 129
- 1 129
- 0 129
- 0 130
- 1 130
- 1 131
- 1 131
- 0 131
- 1 131
- 0 131
- 1 131
- 1 132
- 1 132
- 0 132
- 0 132
- 1 132
- 1 133
- 1 133
- 0 133
- 1 133
- 0 133
- 1 133
- 1 133
- 0 134
Bolt, Chain, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Power, Prim, Shock, Solid Projectile 1 134
- 1 134
- 0 134
- 0 134
- 0 96
- 0 96
- 0 96
- 0 140
- 0 140
- 1 141
- 0 141
- 0 97
- 1 141
- 0 97
- 1 97
- 0 97
- 0 141
- 0 141
- 1 141
- 1 142
- 1 142
- 0 97
- 1 142
- 1 142
- 0 97
- 0 97
- 1 142
- 0 98
- 0 141
- 0 98
- 0 98
- 0 98
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus 0 143
- 0 98
- 0 144
- 0 98
- 0 99
- 0 99
- 0 145
Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adepta Sorroritas, Chaos Space Marines, Dae 1 145
- 0 99
- 0 146
- 0 146
- 0 146
- 0 146
- 0 146
- 0 146
- 0 100
- 0 100
- 0 147
- 0 100
- 1 100
- 0 100
- 0 148
Athletics, Awareness, Barter, Carouse, Charm, Climb, Command, Common Lore, Concealment, Contortionis 0 148
Athletics, Awareness, Barter, Carouse, Charm, Climb, Command, Common Lore, Concealment, Contortionis 0 148
Weapon, Utility 0 149
- 0 100
- 0 100
- 0 100
- 0 100
- 1 148
- 0 101
- 0 149
- 0 128
- 0 101
Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adepta Sororitas, 0 149
- 0 101
- 0 101
- 0 102
- 0 150
- 1 150
- 0 150
- 0 102
- 0 102
- 0 150
Bolt, Flame, Heavy, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Prim, Solid Projectile 0 102
Cold, Fear, Heat, Poisons, Psychic Powers, Other 1 150
- 0 102
- 0 103
- 0 103
- 1 151
- 0 151
- 0 103
- 0 103
- 0 103
- 0 103
- 1 151
- 0 104
- 0 151
- 1 151
- 1 151
- 1 151
- 0 104
- 0 104
- 0 152
- 0 104
- 0 152
- 0 104
- 0 104
- 1 152
- 1 152
- 1 153
- 1 153
- 0 105
- 0 105
- 0 105
- 0 105
- 1 153
- 1 153
- 0 153
Bolt, Chain, Flame, Heavy, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Power, Prim, Shock, Solid Projectile 1 153
- 1 153
- 0 153
- 0 105
, "source"," ")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

source DH RT DW BC OW DH2
Source . .
DH-RH 46 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 113 Air of AuthoritAir of Authorit 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 113 AmbidextrousAmbidextrous 1 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 113 [h:newThingNa
DH-RH 46 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 113 Armour of Co [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 113 3 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 113 Assassin Stri Assassin Stri 3 3 [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 49 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 113 AutosanguineAutosanguine [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 113 Basic WeaponBasic Weapon [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 113 Battle Rage Battle Rage 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-IH 63 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 113 Berserk Char Berserk Char 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 113 Binary ChatteBinary Chatte [h:newThingNam
DH-(BC-CR) 119 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 113 Blademaster Blademaster 3 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 57 [h:newThingNa
DH-IH 51 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 113 Blind FightingBlind Fighting 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 120 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 113 Bulging BicepBulging Bicep 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 113 Catfall Catfall 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-BoM 65 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 113 Chem Geld Chem Geld [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 113 Cleanse and PCleanse and P [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 114 Combat MasteCombat Maste 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Concealed Cav
Concealed Cav [h:newThingNam
DH-TF 59 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 114 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Counter AttacCounter Attac 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Crack Shot Crack Shot 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Crippling Stri Crippling Stri 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Crushing Blo Crushing Blo 3 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 51 [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 113 [h:newThingNa
DH-RH 68 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 53 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 53 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 53 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Dark Soul [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Deadeye ShotDeadeye Shot 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Decadence [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 114 Deflect Shot 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Die Hard Die Hard 1 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Disarm Disarm 1 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 114 Disturbing Vo Disturbing Vo 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-IH 51 Divine Ministr [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 114 Double Team Double Team 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-BoM 69 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 114 Dual Shot Dual Shot [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 115 Dual Strike Dual Strike [h:newThingNa
DH-IH 79 Duty Unto De Duty Unto De [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 116 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 115 Electrical SucElectrical Suc [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 115 Electro Graft Electro Graft [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 61 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 146 Enemy Enemy 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 115 Energy CacheEnergy Cache [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 115 Exotic Weapon
Exotic Weapon 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 115 Favoured by Favoured by 3 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 120 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 115 Fearless Fearless 3 3 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 115 Feedback ScrFeedback Scr [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 116 Ferric Lure Ferric Lure [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 116 Ferric SummoFerric Summo 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 116 [h:newThingNam
DH-BoM 65 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 57 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 120 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 116 Foresight Foresight 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 116 Frenzy Frenzy 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 169 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 116 Furious AssauFurious Assau 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 116 Good ReputatGood Reputat [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 116 Gun Blessing Gun Blessing [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 116 Gunslinger Gunslinger 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 113 Hammer Blow 3 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 116 Hard Target Hard Target 2 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 116 Hardy Hardy 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 117 Hatred Hatred 2 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Heavy Weapon
Heavy Weapon [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Heightened S Heightened S 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 117 Hip Shooting Hip Shooting 2 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-BoM 87 [h:newThingNa
DH-BoM 89 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Independent TIndependent T 2 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 49 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Into the Jaws Into the Jaws 3 3 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Iron DisciplineIron Discipline 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Iron Jaw Iron Jaw 1 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 117 Jaded Jaded 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-IH 83 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 55 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 117 Leap Up Leap Up 1 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 117 Light Sleeper Light Sleeper 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Lightning AttaLightning Atta 3 3 3 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Lightning Ref Lightning Ref 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-BoM 82 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Litany of HateLitany of Hate [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 117 Logis Implant Logis Implant [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 117 Luminen BlastLuminen Blast 3 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 118 Luminen CharLuminen Char [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 118 Luminen ShocLuminen Shoc 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-IH 70 Machinator ArMachinator Ar [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 118 Maglev GraceMaglev Grace [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 118 Maglev TransMaglev Trans 2 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 169 [h:newThingNa
DH-RH 53 [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 43 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 118 Marksman Marksman 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 118 Master ChirurMaster Chirur 3 3 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 118 Master OratorMaster Orator 3 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 169 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 118 MechadendritMechadendrit 2 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 59 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 118 Meditation Meditation 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 118 Melee Weapon
Melee Weapon [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 118 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 119 Mental Rage [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 119 Mighty Shot Mighty Shot 3 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 119 Mimic Mimic 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 169 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 119 [h:newThingNa
DH-BoM 84 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 69 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 119 Nerves of SteNerves of Ste 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 46 [h:newThingNam
DH-BoM 91 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 119 Orthoproxy Orthoproxy 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 119 Paranoia Paranoia 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 120 Peer Peer 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 120 Pistol WeaponPistol Weapon [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 69 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 120 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 120 Precise Blow Precise Blow 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 120 Prosanguine Prosanguine 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 120 Psy Rating 1 Psy Rating 1 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 120 Psy Rating 2 Psy Rating 2 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 120 Psy Rating 3 Psy Rating 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 120 Psy Rating 4 Psy Rating 4 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 121 Psy Rating 5 Psy Rating 5 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 121 Psy Rating 6 Psy Rating 6 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 121 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-DODG 26 [h:newThingNa
DH-DODG 26 [h:newThingNam
DH-DODG 26 [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 120 [h:newThingNa
DH-IH 50 Pure Faith [h:newThingNam
DH-IH 51 Purge the Unc [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 121 Quick Draw Quick Draw 1 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 121 Rapid ReactioRapid Reactio 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 121 Rapid ReloadRapid Reload 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 121 Resistance Resistance 1 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 121 Rite of Awe Rite of Awe [h:newThingNam
DH-Dhu 49 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 121 Rite of Fear Rite of Fear [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 121 Rite of Pure Rite of Pure [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 146 Rival Rival [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 69 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 121 Sharpshooter Sharpshooter 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 55 [h:newThingNa
DH-(BC-CR) 131 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-RH 168 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 121 Sound ConstitSound Constit 1 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 49 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 121 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 121 Sprint Sprint 3 3 3 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 122 Step Aside Step Aside 3 3 3 [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 116 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 122 Street Fightin 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 122 Strong Minde Strong Minde 2 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 169 [h:newThingNam
DH-IH 50 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 122 Sure Strike Sure Strike 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 122 Swift Attack Swift Attack 2 2 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 122 Takedown Takedown 1 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 122 Talented Talented [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 122 Technical KnoTechnical Kno 1 1 1 [h:newThingNa
DH-BoM 83 [h:newThingNa
DH-IH 75 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 122 Thrown Weapo
Thrown Weapo [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 122 Total Recall Total Recall 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-RH 230 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 122 True Grit True Grit 3 3 3 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 122 Two-Weapon T
Wwo-Weapon W 2 2 2 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 122 Unremarkable 1 1 [h:newThingNam
DH-CR 122 Unshakeable F
Unshakeable F 2 [h:newThingNa
DH-CR 122 Wall of Steel Wall of Steel [h:newThingNa
DH-Dhu 120 [h:newThingNa
DH-RH 60 [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc-HBR [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNa
Asc [h:newThingNam
Asc [h:newThingNam
RT-SR 100 [h:newThingNam
RT 94 [h:newThingNam
RT 94 [h:newThingNam
RT 95 [h:newThingNam
RT 95 [h:newThingNam
RT 96 [h:newThingNam
RT-SR 100 [h:newThingNa
RT-SR 100 [h:newThingNam
RT 97 [h:newThingNam
RT 97 [h:newThingNam
RT 98 [h:newThingNam
RT 98 [h:newThingNam
RT 99 [h:newThingNam
RT 99 [h:newThingNam
RT 100 [h:newThingNam
RT 100 [h:newThingNa
RT 100 [h:newThingNam
RT 100 [h:newThingNam
RT 101 [h:newThingNa
RT 101 [h:newThingNa
RT 101 [h:newThingNa
RT 101 [h:newThingNa
RT 102 [h:newThingNa
RT 102 [h:newThingNa
RT 102 [h:newThingNa
RT 102 [h:newThingNam
RT 102 [h:newThingNa
RT 103 [h:newThingNa
RT 103 [h:newThingNa
RT 103 [h:newThingNam
RT 103 [h:newThingNam
RT 104 [h:newThingNa
RT-SR 100 [h:newThingNa
RT 104 [h:newThingNam
RT 104 [h:newThingNa
RT 104 [h:newThingNa
RT 104 [h:newThingNa
RT 104 [h:newThingNa
RT 104 [h:newThingNam
RT 104 [h:newThingNam
RT 104 [h:newThingNa
RT 105 [h:newThingNam
RT 105 [h:newThingNam
RT 106 [h:newThingNam
RT-SR 100 [h:newThingNam
RT-SR 101 [h:newThingNam
RT 107 [h:newThingNam
RT 107 [h:newThingNam
RT 98 [h:newThingNa
RT-SR 100 [h:newThingNam
RT-SR 100 [h:newThingNam
RT-SR [h:newThingNam
RT-SR [h:newThingNam
RT-SR [h:newThingNa
RT-SR [h:newThingNam
RT-SR [h:newThingNam
RT [h:newThingNa
RT [h:newThingNa
RT [h:newThingNam
RT [h:newThingNam
RT [h:newThingNa
RT [h:newThingNam
RT [h:newThingNam
RT [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW 3 [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW [h:newThingNa
DW 3 [h:newThingNa
DW 2 [h:newThingNa
DW 1 [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
DW 2 [h:newThingNa
DW 1 [h:newThingNam
DW 1 [h:newThingNa
DW 2 [h:newThingNa
DW [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 1 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 2 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNam
BC-CR 3 [h:newThingNa
BC-CR [h:newThingNa
BC-CR [h:newThingNa
BC-CR [h:newThingNa
BC-CR [h:newThingNam
BC-CR [h:newThingNam
BC-CR [h:newThingNam
BC-CR [h:newThingNa
BC-CR [h:newThingNa
BC-CR [h:newThingNam
BC-CR [h:newThingNa
BC-CR [h:newThingNa
BC-CR [h:newThingNa
BC-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-HoE [h:newThingNam
OW-HoE [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingNa
OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Unarmed Warrior"][h
OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Unshakeable Faith"][
OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "Unstoppable Charge
OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "Versatile Shooter"][h
OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "Veteran Comrade"][h
OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "Vigilant"][h:newThing
OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Warp Conduit"][h:new
OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Warp Lock"][h:newTh
OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Warp Sense"][h:new
OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Weapon Training"][h
OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Weapon-Tech"][h:ne
OW-CR [h:newThingName = "Whirlwind of Death"][
OW-HoE [h:newThingName = "Wrestler"][h:newThin
straight from the books
. Air of Authority Abhor the Witch Air of Authority 1
. Ambidextrous Air of Authority Ambidextrous 1
. Armour of Contempt Ambidextrous Ancient Warrior 1
. Assassin Strike Armour-Monger Berserk Charge 1
. Autosanguine Assassin Strike Blind Fighting 1
. Basic Weapon Training Astartes Weapon Training Catfall 1
. Bastion of Iron Will Autosanguine Cold Hearted 1
. Battle Rage Basic Weapon Training Combat Formation 1
. Berserk Charge Bastion of Iron Will Combat Sense 1
. Binary Chatter Battle Rage Cursed Heirloom 1
. Blademaster Berserk Charge Deadeye Shot 1
. Blind Fighting Binary Chatter Die Hard 1
. Bloodtracker Blademaster Disarm 1
. Bulging Biceps Blind Fighting Disturbing Voice 1
. Catfall Bolter Drill Double Team 1
. Chem Geld Bulging Biceps Enemy 1
. Cleanse and Purify Call to Vengeance Excessive Wealth 1
. Combat Formation Catfall Ferric Summons 1
. Combat Master Chem Geld Flesh Render 1
. Combat Sense Cleanse and Purify Frenzy 1
. Concealed Cavity Combat Formation Heightened Senses 1
. Counter Attack Combat Master Iron Jaw 1
. Crack Shot Combat Sense Jaded 1
. Crippling Strike Concealed Cavity Leap Up 1
. Crushing Blow Counter Attack Legion Weapon Training 1
. Dark Soul Crack Shot Lesser Minion of Chaos 1
. Deadeye Shot Crippling Strike Light Sleeper 1
. Decadence Crushing Blow Lightning Reflexes 1
. Die Hard Deadeye Shot Meditation 1
. Disarm Death From Above Mimic 1
. Disturbing Voice Deathwatch Training Orthoproxy 1
. Divine Ministration Deflect Shot Peer 1
. Double Team Die Hard Pity the Weak 1
. Dual Shot Disarm Polyglot 1
. Dual Strike Disturbing Voice Psychic Power 1
. Duty Unto Death Double Team Quick Draw 1
. Electrical Succour Dual Shot Radiant Presence 1
. Electro Graft Use Dual Strike Rapid Reload 1
. Enemy Duty Unto Death Raptor 1
. Energy Cache Electrical Succour Resistance 1
. Enhanced Bionic Frame Electro Graft Use Sound Constitution 1
. Exotic Weapon Training Enemy Street Fighting 1
. Favoured by the Warp Energy Cache Sure Strike 1
. Fearless Enhanced Bionic Frame Takedown 1
. Feedback Screech Exemplar of Honour Technical Knock 1
. Ferric Lure Exotic Weapon Training Total Recall 1
. Ferric Summons Eye of Vengeance Unarmed Warrior 1
. Flame Weapon Training Eye of Vengeance Unremarkable 1
. Foresight Favoured by the Warp Warp Sense 1
. Frenzy Fearless Weapon Training 1
. Furious Assault Feedback Screech Weapon-Tech 1
. Good Reputation Ferric Lure Armour-Monger 2
. Guardian Ferric Summons Baleful Dirge 2
. Gun Blessing Flame Weapon Training Battle Rage 2
. Gunslinger Flesh Render Betrayer 2
. Hard Bargain Foresight Bulging Biceps 2
. Hard Target Frenzy Child of the Warp 2
. Hardy Furious Assault Combat Master 2
. Hatred Good Reputation Corpus Conversion 2
. Heavy Weapon Training Gun Blessing Counter Attack 2
. Heightened Senses Gunslinger Crack Shot 2
. Hip Shooting Hammer Blow Crippling Strike 2
. Hotshot Pilot Hard Target Deflect Shot 2
. Improved Warp Sense Hardy Exotic Weapon Training 2
. Independent Targeting Hatred Foresight 2
. Infused Knowledge Heavy Weapon Training Furious Assault 2
. Inspire Wrath Heightened Senses Hard Target 2
. Into the Jaws of Hell Hip Shooting Hardy 2
. Iron Discipline Hotshot Pilot Hatred 2
. Iron Jaw Hunter of Aliens Hip Shooting 2
. Jaded Improved Warp Sense Hotshot Pilot 2
. Last Man Standing Independent Targeting Independent Targeting 2
. Leap Up Infused Knowledge Inspire Wrath 2
. Light Sleeper Inspire Wrath Iron Discipline 2
. Lightning Attack Into the Jaws of Hell Killing Strike 2
. Lightning Reflexes Iron Discipline Luminen Shock 2
. Litany of Hate Iron Jaw Maglev Transcendence 2
. Logis Implant Jaded Marksman 2
. Luminen Blast Killing Strike Mechadendrite Use 2
. Luminen Charge Last Man Standing Minion of Chaos 2
. Luminen Shock Leap Up Nerves of Steel 2
. Machinator Array Light Sleeper Paranoia 2
. Maglev Grace Lightning Attack Precise Blow 2
. Maglev Transcendence Lightning Reflexes Prosanguine 2
. Marksman Litany of Hate Rapid Reaction 2
. Master and Commander Logis Implant Sacrifice 2
. Master Chirurgeon Luminen Blast Sharpshooter 2
. Master Enginseer Luminen Charge Storm of Iron 2
. Master Orator Luminen Shock Strong Minded 2
. Mechadendrite Use Machinator Array Swift Attack 2
. Meditation Maglev Grace Two-Weapon Wielder 2
. Melee Weapon Training Maglev Transcendence Unarmed Master 2
. Mighty Shot Marksman Unshakeable Will 2
. Mimic Master Chirurgeon Warp Conduit 2
. Navigator Gene Master Enginseer Whirlwind of Death 2
. Navigator Power Master Orator Wisdom of the Ancients 2
. Nerves of Steel Mechadendrite Use Arms Master 3
. Orthoproxy Meditation Assassin Strike 3
. Paranoia Melee Weapon Training Bastion of Iron Will 3
. Peer Mental Rage Blade Dancer 3
. Pistol Weapon Training Mighty Shot Blademaster 3
. Polyglot Mimic Blasphemous Incantation 3
. Precise Blow Nerves of Steel Blood God's Contempt 3
. Prosanguine Orthoproxy Bolter Drill 3
. Psy Rating 1 Paranoia Crushing Blow 3
. Psy Rating 2 Peer Demagogue 3
. Psy Rating 3 Pistol Weapon Training Eye of Vengeance 3
. Psy Rating 4 Polyglot Favoured by the Warp 3
. Psy Rating 5 Precise Blow Fearless 3
. Psy Rating 6 Preternatural Speed Greater Minion of Chaos 3
. Psy Rating 7 Prosanguine Gunslinger 3
. Psy Rating 8 Psy Rating 1 Hammer Blow 3
. Psy Rating 9 Psy Rating 10 Infused Knowledge 3
. Psy Rating 10 Psy Rating 2 Into the Jaws of Hell 3
. Psychic Discipline Psy Rating 3 Lightning Attack 3
. Psychic Technique Psy Rating 4 Luminen Blast 3
. Pure Faith Psy Rating 5 Master Chirurgeon 3
. Purge the Unclean Psy Rating 6 Master Enginseer 3
. Quick Draw Psy Rating 7 Mastery 3
. Rapid Reaction Psy Rating 8 Mighty Shot 3
. Rapid Reload Psy Rating 9 Never Die 3
. Renowned Warrant Psychic Technique Preternatural Speed 3
. Resistance Quick Draw Psy Rating 1 3
. Rite of Awe Rapid Reaction Psy Rating 10 3
. Rite of Fear Rapid Reload Psy Rating 2 3
. Rite of Pure Thought Resistance Psy Rating 3 3
. Rite of Sanctioning Rite of Awe Psy Rating 4 3
. Rival Rite of Fear Psy Rating 5 3
. Sharpshooter Rite of Pure Thought Psy Rating 6 3
. Sound Constitution Rite of Sanctioning Psy Rating 7 3
. Sprint Rival Psy Rating 8 3
. Step Aside Scourge of Heretics Psy Rating 9 3
. Strong Minded Servo-harness Integration Sidearm 3
. Sure Strike Sharpshooter Sprint 3
. Swift Attack Signature Wargear Step Aside 3
. Takedown Signature Wargear (Hero) Target Selection 3
. Talented Signature Wargear (Master) Thunder Charge 3
. Technical Knock Slayer of Daemons True Grit 3
. The Emperor Protects Sound Constitution Unholy Devotion 3
. The Flesh is Weak Sprint War Cry 3
. Thrown Weapon Training Stalwart Defence Warp Lock 3
. Total Recall Step Aside
. True Grit Storm of Iron
. Two-Weapon Wielder Street Fighting
. Unarmed Master Strong Minded
. Unarmed Warrior Sure Strike
. Unremarkable Swift Attack
. Unshakeable Faith Takedown
. Void Tactician Talented
. Wall of Steel Target Selection
. Warp Affinity Technical Knock
. Warp Conduit The Flesh is Weak
. Warp Sense Thrown Weapon Training
. Whispers Thunder Charge
. Wrath of the Righteous Total Recall
. True Grit
. Two-Weapon Wielder
. Unarmed Master
. Unarmed Warrior
. Unbowed and Unbroken
. Unshakeable Faith
. Wall of Steel
. Warp Affinity
. Warp Conduit
. Warp Sense
. Weapon-Tech
. Whirlwind of Death
. Wisdom of the Ancients
[h:newThingName = "Unarmed Warrior"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","WS 35, Ag 35", "benefit","Character treated as if he has gained Natural Weapon Tr
[h:newThingName = "Unshakeable Faith"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","WP 35", "benefit","May reroll any failed Willpower test to avoid the effects of Fear
[h:newThingName = "Unstoppable Charge"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","WS 40, Survival +10", "benefit","Gain Felling (X) when making a melee attack a
[h:newThingName = "Versatile Shooter"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","Sharpshooter, Target Selection", "benefit","When making a single shot with a Pisto
[h:newThingName = "Veteran Comrade"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","Character Speciality that inlcudes a Comrade", "benefit","Select a Comrade. That
[h:newThingName = "Vigilant"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","Per 35", "benefit","Use Percpection instead of Agility when using Overwatch Actions to determ
[h:newThingName = "Warp Conduit"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","PR, Stong Minded, WP 50", "benefit","When pushing the character may spend one Inf
[h:newThingName = "Warp Lock"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","PR, Strong Minded, WP 50", "benefit","Once per game session, ignore a Psychic Phenom
[h:newThingName = "Warp Sense"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","PR, Psyniscience, Per 30", "benefit","Use of Psyniscience is a free action and can detec
[h:newThingName = "Weapon Training"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","-", "benefit","Character can use all weapons with Class Pistol, Basic, Heavy, Throw
[h:newThingName = "Weapon-Tech"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","Tech-Use +10, Int 40", "benefit","Once per combat for one round a weapon wielded by
[h:newThingName = "Whirlwind of Death"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","WS 40", "benefit","Cause additional Damage against hordes in melee equal to 1/2
[h:newThingName = "Wrestler"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","STR 30, Athletics", "benefit","Use Atheletics skill in place of STR for any STR test being ma
OW T DH2 T New
Air of Authority 1 Ambidextrous 1
Ambidextrous 1 Blind Fighting 1
Berserk Charge 1 Catfall 1
Blind Fighting 1 Clues from the Crowds 1 1
Catfall 1 Die Hard 1
Cold Hearted 1 Disarm 1
Combat Formation 1 Double Team 1
Combat Sense 1 Enemy 1
Deadeye Shot 1 Ferric Summons 1
Die Hard 1 Frenzy 1
Disarm 1 Iron Jaw 1
Disturbing Voice 1 Jaded 1
Double Team 1 Keen Intuition 1 1
Enemy 1 Leap Up 1
Ferric Summons 1 Nowhere to Hide 1 1
Frenzy 1 Peer 1
Heightened Senses 1 Quick Draw 1
Iron Jaw 1 Rapid Reload 1
Jaded 1 Resistance 1
Leap Up 1 Sound Constitution 1
Light Sleeper 1 Takedown 1
Lightning Reflexes 1 Technical Knock 1
Meditation 1 Warp Sense 1
Mimic 1 Weapon Training 1
Orthoproxy 1 Weapon-Tech 1
Peer 1 Armour-Monger 2
Polyglot 1 Battle Rage 2
Psychic Power 1 Bulging Biceps 2
Quick Draw 1 Combat Master 2
Radiant Presence 1 Constant Vigilance 2 1
Rapid Reload 1 Contact Network 2 1
Resistance 1 Coordinated Interrogation 2 1
Sound Constitution 1 Counter Attack 2
Street Fighting 1 Cover-Up 2 1
Sure Strike 1 Deny the Witch 2 1
Takedown 1 Devastating Assault 2 1
Technical Knock 1 Double Tap 2 1
Total Recall 1 Exotic Weapon Training 2
Unarmed Warrior 1 Face in a Crowd 2 1
Unremarkable 1 Hard Target 2
Warp Sense 1 Hardy 2
Weapon Training 1 Hatred 2
Weapon-Tech 1 Hip Shooting 2
Armour-Monger 2 Independent Targeting 2
Arms Master 2 Inescapable Attack 2 1
Battle Rage 2 Killing Strike 2
Bulging Biceps 2 Luminen Shock 2
Combat Master 2 Maglev Transcendence 2
Counter Attack 2 Marksman 2
Crack Shot 2 Mechadendrite Use 2
Crippling Strike 2 Precision Killer 2 1
Deflect Shot 2 Prosanguine 2
Exotic Weapon Training 2 Strong Minded 2
Foresight 2 Swift Attack 2
Furious Assault 2 Two-Weapon Wielder 2
Hard Target 2 Unarmed Specialist 2 1
Hardy 2 Warp Conduit 2
Hatred 2 Whirlwind of Death 2
Hip Shooting 2 Adamantium Faith 3 1
Hotshot Pilot 2 Assassin Strike 3
Independent Targeting 2 Bastion of Iron Will 3
Iron Discipline 2 Blademaster 3
Killing Strike 2 Crushing Blow 3
Luminen Shock 2 Deathdealer 3 1
Maglev Transcendence 2 Delicate Interrogation 3 1
Marksman 2 Eye of Vengeance 3
Mechadendrite Use 2 Favoured by the Warp 3
Munitorum Influence 2 Flash of Insight 3 1
Nerves of Steel 2 Halo of Command 3 1
Paranoia 2 Hammer Blow 3
Precise Blow 2 Infused Knowledge 3
Prosanguine 2 Lightning Attack 3
Rapid Reaction 2 Luminen Blast 3
Sharpshooter 2 Mastery 3
Storm of Iron 2 Mighty Shot 3
Strong Minded 2 Never Die 3
Swift Attack 2 Preternatural Speed 3
Two-Weapon Wielder 2 Sprint 3
Unarmed Master 2 Step Aside 3
Unshakeable Faith 2 Superior Chirurgeon 3 1
Warp Conduit 2 Target Selection 3
Whirlwind of Death 2 Thunder Charge 3
2 True Grit 3
Bastion of Iron Will 3 Two-Weapon Master 3 1
Blade Dancer 3 Warp Lock 3
Blademaster 3
Crushing Blow 3
Eye of Vengeance 3
Favoured by the Warp 3
Fearless 3
Gunslinger 3
Hammer Blow 3
Infused Knowledge 3
Into the Jaws of Hell 3
Lasgun Barrage 3
Lightning Attack 3
Luminen Blast 3
Master Chirurgeon 3
Master Enginseer 3
Master Orator 3
Mastery 3
Mighty Shot 3
Never Die 3
Preternatural Speed 3
Sidearm 3
Sprint 3
Step Aside 3
Target Selection 3
Thunder Charge 3
True Grit 3
Warp Lock 3
Assassin Strike

,"Character treated as if he has gained Natural Weapon Trait, improving all unarmed attacks to 1d10 Primitive (7).", "groups","-", "embedded",1, "page",153, "source","OW-
reroll any failed Willpower test to avoid the effects of Fear.", "groups","-", "embedded",1, "page",153, "source","OW-CR")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingNam
, "benefit","Gain Felling (X) when making a melee attack as part of a Charge or Crushing Charge Mounted action. X is equal to 1/2 WSB. As part of a mounted charge, ad
lection", "benefit","When making a single shot with a Pistol, Heavy, or Vehicle weapon that has Accurate and using AIM action, treat that weapon the same as a Basic Wea
t inlcudes a Comrade", "benefit","Select a Comrade. That comrade grans the character an additional +5 bonus to BS tests when he particpates in the Ranged Volley Orde
n instead of Agility when using Overwatch Actions to determine whether he or his triggering target takes an action first.", "groups","-", "embedded",0, "page",105, "source","O
"benefit","When pushing the character may spend one Infamy Point to add d5 to his Psy Rating, add +30 to any resultant Psychic Phenomenon rolls.", "groups","-", "embe
enefit","Once per game session, ignore a Psychic Phenomenon result that has been rolled, however the character suffers 1d5 damage (not reduced by Armour or Toughn
enefit","Use of Psyniscience is a free action and can detect psychic effects and entities without actively seeking them out.", "groups","-", "embedded",0, "page",153, "sourc
an use all weapons with Class Pistol, Basic, Heavy, Throwing, and Melee within the group selected.", "groups","Bolt, Chain, Flame, Heavy, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Po
efit","Once per combat for one round a weapon wielded by the character gains Melta, Plasma, Power, or Exotic category and increases Damage and Pen equal to IB.", "gr
se additional Damage against hordes in melee equal to 1/2 WP Bonus.", "groups","-", "embedded",0, "page",153, "source","OW-CR")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,ne
Atheletics skill in place of STR for any STR test being made as part of a Grapple. When inflicting damage, add the number of DoS by which he won the opposed test.", "g
ded",1, "page",153, "source","OW-CR")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
. As part of a mounted charge, add Damage equal to mount's SB.", "groups","-", "embedded",0, "page",105, "source","OW-HoE")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newT
weapon the same as a Basic Weapon for inflicting additional Damage.", "groups","-", "embedded",0, "page",105, "source","OW-HoE")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,n
cpates in the Ranged Volley Order and an additional +5 bonus to WS when he particpates in Close Quarters Order. This comrade can also particpate in Veteran Orders."
bedded",0, "page",105, "source","OW-HoE")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
menon rolls.", "groups","-", "embedded",1, "page",153, "source","OW-CR")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
not reduced by Armour or Toughness) and may not make any Focus Power Tests or sustain other Psychic Powers.", "groups","-", "embedded",1, "page",153, "source","OW
"embedded",0, "page",153, "source","OW-CR")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
y, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Power, Prim, Shock, Solid Projectile", "embedded",1, "page",153, "source","OW-CR")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,n
Damage and Pen equal to IB.", "groups","-", "embedded",1, "page",153, "source","OW-CR")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
mpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
hich he won the opposed test.", "groups","-", "embedded",0, "page",105, "source","OW-HoE")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
oE")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
W-HoE")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
mrade can also particpate in Veteran Orders.", "groups","-", "embedded",0, "page",105, "source","OW-HoE")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingO

,"-", "embedded",1, "page",153, "source","OW-CR")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

hings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

9 [h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "Human",
, "Prerequisite","

SORNAME (199/245) Human Prerequisite

1 Accustomed to Crowds 1 Hive Worlder
1 Amorphous 0-
1 Angel of Death 1 Grey Knight
1 Armour Plating 0-
1 Auto-stabilised 0-
1 Bad Blood 1 Homeworld Dusk
1 Barren World 1 Homeworld Maccabeus Quintu
1 Beloved of the God Emeror 1 Homeworld Maccabeus Quintu
1 Bestial 0-
1 Blessed Ignorance 1 Imperial World Citizen
1 Blighted Origins 1 Homeworld Sinophia
1 Blind 0-
1 Born Survivour 1 Homeworld Volg Hive - Fenksw
1 Brittle Psyche 1
1 Brutal Charge 0-
1 Burrower 0-
1 Caves of Steel 1 Hive Worlder
1 Charmed 1 Void Born
1 Cleansing Flame 1 Grey Knight
1 Consume Memories 0 Slaught
1 Crawler 0-
1 Credo Omnissiah 1 Forge Worlder
1 Daemonic 0-
1 Dark Sight 0-
1 Dark Tales 1 Homeworld Dusk
1 Decayed Society 1 Homeworld Sinophia
1 Elasticity 0 Slaught
1 Engram Implantation 1 Mind Cleansed
1 Etiquette 1 Famulous Prot.
1 Etiquette 1 Noble Born
1 Failsafe Control 1 Mind Cleansed
1 Famulous Network 1 Famulous Prot.
1 Fear 0-
1 Fear the Unhallowed 1 Shrine Worlder
1 First to Fight 1 Grey Knight
1 Fit For Purpose 1 Forge Worlder
1 Flyer 0-
1 From Beyond 0-
1 Goaded 1-
1 Grim 1 Homeworld Volg Hive - Fenksw
1 Hagiography 1 Imperial World Citizen
1 Hivebound 1 Hive Worlder
1 Hoverer 0-
1 Ill-Omened 1 Void Born
1 Imperial Conditioning 1 Mind Cleansed
1 Improved Natural Weapons 0-
1 Incorporeal 0-
1 Iron Stomach 1 Feral Worlder
1 Know Your Place 1 Monastic Upbringing
1 Little Left to Fear 1 Homeworld Dusk
1 Liturgical Familiarity 1 Imperial World Citizen
1 Machine 0-
1 Mech. Implant - Cranial Circuitry 0-
1 Mech. Implant - Cyber-Mantle 0-
1 Mech. Implant - Electro-Graft 0-
1 Mech. Implant - Electro-Graft 0-
1 Mech. Implant - Potentia Coil 0-
1 Mech. Implant - Respirator Unit 0-
1 Multiple Arms 0-
1 Mysterious Lineage 1 Famulous Prot.
1 Natural Armour 0-
1 Natural Weapons 0-
1 Necrotic 0 Slaught
1 Nowhere to Hide 1 Grey Knight
1 Packing Iron 1 Homeworld Gunmetal
1 Phase 0-
1 Possession 0-
1 Primitive 1 Feral Worlder
1 Psybolt Attunement 1 Grey Knight
1 Pure Soul 1 Grey Knight
1 Purgative Master 1 Grey Knight
1 Quadruped 0-
1 Rapid Assault 1 Grey Knight
1 Regeneration 0-
1 Rite of Passage 1 Feral Worlder
1 Schola Education 1 Schola Progenium
1 Sheltered Upbringing 1 Schola Progenium
1 Shipwise 1 Void Born
1 Sign of the Aquila 1 Monastic Upbringing
1 Size 0-
1 Skill at Arms 1 Schola Progenium
1 Sonar Sense 0-
1 Soul-bound 0-
1 Stampede 0-
1 Strange Physiology 0-
1 Stranger to the Cult 1 Forge Worlder
1 Stuff of Nightmares 0-
1 Sturdy 0-
1 Superior Origins 1 Imperial World Citizen
1 Supplicant 1 Shrine Worlder
1 Supremely Connected 1 Noble Born
1 Tempered Will 1 Schola Progenium
1 The Power of Hate 1 Shrine Worlder
1 Through a Mirror Darkly 1 Mind Cleansed
1 Too Many Secrets 1 Grey Knight
1 Toxic 0-
1 Unnatural Agility 0-
1 Unnatural Fellowship 0-
1 Unnatural Intelligence 0-
1 Unnatural Perception 0-
1 Unnatural Senses 0-
1 Unnatural Speed 0-
1 Unnatural Strength 0-
1 Unnatural Toughness 0-
1 Unnatural Will Power 0-
1 Untouchable 1
1 Vendetta 1 Noble Born
1 Void Accustomed 1 Void Born
1 Warp Instability 0-
1 Warp Weapons 0-
1 Wary 1 Hive Worlder
1 Way of the Gun 1 Homeworld Gunmetal
1 Wealth 1 Famulous Prot.
1 Wealth 1 Noble Born
1 Wilderness Savvy 1 Feral Worlder
2 A Ghost In The Warp 1 Primaris Psyker
2 Armour-Monger 1 Magos
2 Conditioning 1 Vindicare Assassin
2 Conviction Is Strength 1 Inquisitor
2 Criminal Mastermind 1 Desperado
2 Cult Of Blood 1 Death Cult Assassin
2 Cult Of Death 1 Death Cult Assassin
2 Cult Of Pain 1 Death Cult Assassin
2 Cyclopaedic Learning 1 Sage
2 Favoured Of The Emperor 1 Hierophant
2 Favoured of the Emperor 1 Palatine
2 Hammer Of Heretics 1 Judge
2 Heroine of the Order 1 Palatine
2 His Right Hand 1 Interrogator
2 Hunter Of Aliens 1 Crusader
2 Imperial Authority 1 Judge
2 Indomitable Will Of The Inquisiti 1 Inquisitor
2 Inquisitorial Student 1 Interrogator
2 Killing Sprint 1 Vindicare Assassin
2 Knowledge Is Power 1 Sage
2 Master Of Coin 1 Desperado
2 Master Of Locks And Tricks 1 Desperado
2 Master Of Mutants 1 Judge
2 Master Questioner 1 Interrogator
2 Mercy Of The Emperor 1 Hierophant
2 Miracle Worker 1 Palatine
2 Preternatural Speed 1 Death Cult Assassin
2 Psychic Soldier 1 Primaris Psyker
2 Purity Is The Only Defense 1 Inquisitor
2 Sacrificial Past 1 Vindicare Assassin
2 Scholastica Psykana Failsafes 1 Primaris Psyker
2 Scourge Of Heretics 1 Crusader
2 Shady Reputation 1 Desperado
2 Shield Against Harm 1 Crusader
2 Slayer Of Daemons 1 Crusader
2 Soul Of Iron 1 Magos
2 Special Operations Training 1 Storm Trooper
2 Specialist: Drop Trooper 1 Storm Trooper
2 Specialist: Field Command 1 Storm Trooper
2 Specialist: Recon 1 Storm Trooper
2 Tech-Tinker 1 Magos
2 Temple Assassin 1 Vindicare Assassin
2 The Psyker'S Gift 1 Inquisitor
2 The Psyker'S Gift 1 Interrogator
2 Unfazeable 1 Sage
2 Unknown And Unnamed 1 Sage
2 Untainted Core 1 Primaris Psyker
2 Voice Of The Emperor 1 Hierophant
2 Weapon-Tech 1 Magos
2 Wild Skills And Talents 1 Interrogator
2 Wrath Of The Emperor 1 Hierophant
3 Mastery of Augurs 1 Void-master
3 Mastery of Gunnery 1 Void-master
3 Mastery of Small Craft 1 Void-master
3 Mastery of Space 1 Void-master
3 Seeker of Lore 1 Seneschal
3 Soul Bound To The Emporer 1 Astropath
3 Touched By The Fates 1-
4 Blood Soaked Tide 1 Horde
4 Dirty Fighters 1 Horde
4 Disciplined 1 Horde
4 Fanatical Devotion 1 Horde
4 Fighting Withdrawal 1 Horde
4 Fire Drill 1 Horde
4 Focused Fire 1 Horde
4 Group Mind 1 Horde
4 Instinctive Behavior 0 Tyranid
4 Mass Assault 1 Horde
4 Overwhelming 1 Horde
4 Psychic Shadow 1 Horde
4 Rally 1 Horde
4 Rampage 1 Horde
4 Reckless Charge 1 Horde
4 Reform 1 Horde
4 Relentless 1 Horde
4 Shadow In The Warp 0 Tyranid
4 Spawn 1 Horde
4 Synapse Creature 0 Tyranid
4 Tactical Formation 1 Horde
4 Touched By The Fates 1-
4 Tyranid 0 Tyranid
4 Undying 0-
4 Volley Fire 1 Horde
4 Wild Fire 1 Horde
5 Amphibious 0-
5 Brutal Charge 0-
5 Daemonic 0-
5 Deadly Natural Weapons 0-
5 Multiple Arms 0-
5 Psyker 0-
5 Quadruped 0-
5 Size 0-
5 Swarm 0-
5 Touched by the Fates 0-
5 Toxic 0-
5 Undying 0-
5 Unnatural Agility 0-
5 Unnatural Ballistic Skill 0-
5 Unnatural Fellowship 0-
5 Unnatural Intelligence 0-
5 Unnatural Perception 0-
5 Unnatural Senses 0-
5 Unnatural Strength 0-
5 Unnatural Toughness 0-
5 Unnatural Weapon Skill 0-
5 Unnatural Will Power 0-
6 Amphibious 0-
6 Brutal Charge 0-
6 Burrower 0
6 Daemonic 0-
6 Deadly Natural Weapons 0-
6 Machine 0-
6 Multiple Arms 0-
6 Psyker 0-
6 Quadruped 0-
6 Size 0-
6 Stampede 0-
6 Touched by the Fates 0-
6 Toxic 0-
6 Undying 0-
6 Unnatural Agility 0-
6 Unnatural Ballistic Skill 0-
6 Unnatural Fellowship 0-
6 Unnatural Intelligence 0-
6 Unnatural Perception 0-
6 Unnatural Senses 0-
6 Unnatural Strength 0-
6 Unnatural Toughness 0-
6 Unnatural Weapon Skill 0-
6 Unnatural Will Power 0-
", "Description"," ", "groups"," ", "parsed","
DO NOT USE ' or " IN THE TEXT groups parsed
Description Group parsed
Crowds do not count as Difficult Terrain. No penalty to Ag Tests - -
Creature is a blob and slow - -
Gain swift Attack and Command Skill - -
Increase Armor Points by 2 - 0
Always counts as braced - -
Start with 1D5 IP and 1D5 CP. Increase starting Per and WP by +3 - 0
You take a -5 penalty to Perception tests involving sight, reduce your- 0
Increase your starting Fate points by +1 - 0
No Survival Tests in natural habitat needed, Test WP to avoid flight - -
Imposes a -5 penalty on Forbidden Lore Tests - -
Increase Perception by +5, reduce starting WP and Fel by -3 - -
Cannot see. BS Tests auto-fail, WP and sight-based Tests are at -3 - -
Begin play with the Jaded, light sleeper and Melee Weapon (Primitive - 0
The mental conditioning and mimetic programming that make these vess - -
+3 Damage on a Charge - -
Moves by digging - -
Tech-Use Skill ist treated as a Basic Skill - 0
On a 9 (1d10), you do not lose a spended (not burned) Fate Point - -
Gain Cleansing Flame power. - -
By devouring the cranial matter of an intelligent creature, the Slaug - -
M=AB/2, no penalties for difficult terrain - 0
You gain the Technical Knock talent - 0
TB x2 against normal weapons, immune to disease and poison x2,x3,x4,x5 0
Can see normally in darkness - -
Start the game with Common Lore (Dusk Folklore) (Int). Treat Forbidd - 0
Begin play with the Decieve (Fel) skill. Also treat Common Lore (Unde - 0
The Slaugth can flatten their bodies down or stretch them out to ove - -
Gain Deceive & Intimidate skill, Jaded & Pistol Weap. Train. (SP/Las- 0
+10 on Charm, Deceive and Scrutiny when dealing with high authorit- -
+10 to Charm, Deceive and Scrutiny (high authority/formal situations- -
Using a trigger you must carry out an order or set of instructions - -
Gain Peer (Ecclesiarchy) and Peer (Administratum, Military, or Noble- -
Cause fear in sentient beings, level 1-4 gives penalties on WP test to(1) Disturbing +0, (2) Frightening -10, (3) Horri-
-10 Forbidden Lore Tests - -
Roll 2d10+AB to determine initative. If you attack a target that has - -
+3: Adept (Int), Assassin (Ag), Guardsman (BS), Scum (Per), Tech- Adept (Int), Assassin (Ag), Guardsman (BS), 0
Can fly and enter any altitude 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, -
Immune to Fear, Pinning, Insanity and mind-affecting powers - -
+30 WP when testing vs fear, startled or injured - -
Swap your starting Fellowship and Toughness so that you have star - -
Basic Skills: Common Lore (Imperial Creed)/(Imperium)/(War) - 0
-10 penalty to all Survival Tests. -5 penalty to &#39;wilderness&#39;- -
Can fly and enter the hover altitude - -
-5 penalty to all Fel Tests interacting with non-voidborn humans - -
+10 bonus to resist Fear, mind control or possession (WP) - -
Natural weapons no longer primitive - -
Insubstantial and weightless. Cannot be affected by mundane weap - -
+10 bonus to Carouse Skill Tests - -
Gain Hardy - -
Reduce the effects of fear for your character by 1 degree (e.g reduci- -
Basic Skills: Literacy and Speak Language (High Gothic) - 0
Gains immunities and resistances. Enter AP rating (all, 1-5) in box 1 AP, 2 AP, 3 AP, 4 AP, 5 AP 0
Allows augmentation of your mental capacities. - -
Sub-dermal achorage point to allow for further implants - -
Allows you to interface with machine data ports and certain types of - -
Can be used to emit or siphon power - -
Part of the Cyber Mantle, energy storage which can produce various-t -
+20% bonus to resist airborn toxins and gas weapons - -
Extra attack with Multiple Attack Action, +10 T, +10 climb/swim tests4 Arms, 6 Arms, 8 Arms -
Various - -
Gains 1 or more AP to all locations (please enter in box) 1 AP, 2 AP, 3 AP, 4 AP, 5 AP, 6 AP, 7 AP, 8 0
Unarmed attacks deal 1d10+SB damage - 0
At will, Slaugth are able to exude a necrotic fluid from their body t - -
Ignore an amount of enemy cover equal to perception Bonus. - -
If you are ever without a working gun you take a -5 penalty to all test- -
Can switch between incorporeal and corporeal as a Half Action - -
Can take control of another creature - -
-10 penalty to Tech-Use Tests and to Fel Tests (formal/civilised) - -
May fire all Psybolt weapons in single shot mode. Whenever firing in- -
Not affected by Perils of Warp. - -
Gain Astral Aim power. Treat Rank requirement of Heavy Weapons - -
Movement equals twice the creatures Agility Bonus. When selecting x2,x3,x4,x5,
Gro x6,x7,x8,x9,x10 0
Spend Reaction to use Personal Teleporter to move up to 20m. Can- -
Can test Toughness to remove 1 damage 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15 -
Full Action Intelligence Test to staunch Blood Loss (CR p.211) - -
Basic Skills: IHB p. 18 listed Common Lore & Scholastic Lore talents- 0
-10 on Charm, Command, Deceive and Scrutiny Tests (IHB page 19- -
Basic Skills: Navigation (Stellar) and Pilot (Spacecraft) - 0
-10 penalty on any action that would damage or harm the Ecclesiarc- -
Minuscule, Puny, Scrawny, Average, Hulking, Enormous, Massive Minuscule, Puny, Scrawny, Average, Hulking -
Gain Basic Weap. & Pistol Train. (Las or SP), Melee Weap. Train. (P- 0
Perceives surrounding flawlessly within 30 meters - -
Bound to a group or creature in exchange for certain benefits - -
Failed WP Test causes creature&#39;s flight, trampling anything in i - -
All hits count as body hits, death when damage equals wounds - -
-10 Common Lore (Imperial Creed), -5 Fel Tests with Ecclesiarchy - -
Immune to all but Psychic Powers, force weapons and holy attacks - -
+20 bonus to resist Grapple and Takedown - -
Increase your WP by +3 - 0
React violently to challenges to Imperial faith. Make WP test to supr- -
You gain Peer (Nobility) and one IHB page 16 listed Peer talent - 0
Very Hard (-30) WP Tests are instead only a -20 penalty - -
Gain Hatred (Heretics) or Insanely Faithful - -
Start with 1d5+2 Insanity Points - 0
Treat all Common, Forbidden, and Scholastic Lore skills as Basic. - -
Gains poisonous attack - 0
AB*2 (Max 10) (does not effect movement) x2,x3,x4,x5 0
FB*2 (Max 10) x2,x3,x4,x5 0
IB*2 (Max 10) x2,x3,x4,x5 0
PB*2 (Max 10) x2,x3,x4,x5 0
Perceives surrounding by uncanny means - 0
M=2*AB (not effected by unnatural agility) x2,x3,x4,x5 0
SB*2 (Max 10) x2,x3,x4,x5 0
TB*2 (Max 10) x2,x3,x4,x5 0
WB*2 (Max 10) x2,x3,x4,x5 0
Anyone close will feel uncomfortable. Full immunity to Psy effects. - -
You have powerful enemies aiming to inconvenience, harm or kill yo- -
Immunity to space travel sickness. No gravity-related Diff. Terrain - -
Creature must deal damage if it is damaged or be cast back into war- -
Creature&#39;s attacks ignore Armour - -
Gain +1 bonus to Initiative rolls - -
Increase starting BS by +5, you also begin with the Pistol training (S - -
You are Nobility for purposes of determining monthly income. - -
You begin play with starting Thrones x2. Noble income (CR page 12- -
Navigation (Surface), Survival and Tracking count as Basic Skill - 0
It is useful to the Imperium, especially the Inquisition, to have Ps - -
The finest armours and most powerful shields are all products of th - -
An Assassin&#39;s mind is his fortress, shielded against those that w- -
By the time an Inquisitor receives his rosette, he has usually alread - -
In a world of thieves, muggers, confidence tricksters, rakehells, ga - -
There are countless death cults within the Imperium, all of which pr - -
Whilst some cults worship the means and execution of killing, other - -
While most death cults are highly skilled at inflicting both pain and - -
Sages accumulate a vast store of knowledge over their lives and lear- -
Those that live in the light of the Emperor live knowing that His di - -
The palatine does not suffer any effects of accumulated CP&#39;s. - -
Many judges specialise against a particular menace, learning everythi - -
Weapon act as Sanctified, Proven (3) and Fury is automatically confi- -
An Interrogator&#39;s role is to enact the will of his master, when an- -
Aliens are a foul and constant threat to the Imperium, and the Crus - -
For most of those who live on Imperial worlds, obedience is not a vir - -
To become an Inquisitor is to have strength of will beyond that of no - -
An Interrogator is a student of his Inquisitor and has learned the se - -
Assassins are taught to kill swiftly and without mercy. Unlike Death - -
A Sage&#39;s mind is an incredible thing, always working, always in- -
It is a Desperado&#39;s business to understand the way thrones move - -
While those that reach the heights of Desperado seldom do their own- d -
Mutants form a large proportion of the population of many Imperial wo - -
It is not without reason that Interrogators&#39; bear their title, and - -
A skilled Hierophant can use his connection to the Lord of Mankind t- -
Once per session spend one fatepoint to activate a Faith Power as if- -
The life of a Death Cult Assassin is one of constant training and sac - -
Many Primaris Psykers end up in the ranks of the Imperial Guard, ser- -
To be an Inquisitor is to have a rare insight into the very - -
It is common for an Assassin&#39;s past to be purged when he is indu - -
Wards and psy-active micro-circuitry have been surgically grafted in - -
The Crusader has taken a vow to purge heretics wherever he finds the - -
Many criminals draw a web of respect, fear, and awe around themselv - 0
Part of a Crusader&#39;s role is to protect his Inquisitor-with his l - -
Vowing to battle the beyond, the Crusader has marked the warp-spawn - -
True servants of the Omnissiah inevitably give up humanity in order - -
Storm Troopers train to proficiency with almost every weapon and pi- -
Storm Trooper regiments use a variety of vehicles to both carry them- -
All Storm Troopers are trained to use their initiative and be aggressi - -
Storm Troopers are frequently used as recon and covert assault troop - -
Not all Magos focus on war. Some favour the workings of other more- mi -
Imperial Assassins are trained and augmented to be ultimate killing - -
Many Inquisitors are also psychically gifted, their powerful - -
As with their masters, many Interrogators are psykers and develop t - -
In his studies, a Sage often comes across things that can break the - -
Such is the vast amount of data a Sage gathers during his studies that - -
Some Primaris Psykers can create a calm around them within the warp, - -
The cult of the God-Emperor grows on the strength of His teachings -an -
All Magos become masters of machine spirits and the sacred working - -
The first two Ranks of the Interrogator Career Path contain a number- -
The Emperor is vengeful, and Hierophants can channel his anger throu - -
re-roll all failed Tests involving Detection aboard a starship. - -
re-roll all failed Tests with Shooting Actions (see page 215) aboard a- -
re-roll all failed Pilot Tests with small craft (shuttles, heavy lifters, - -
re-roll all failed Tests with Manoeuvre Actions (see page 212) aboar - -
Spend a fate point to auto succeed on Ciphers, Lore or Logic test. - -
+20 WP vs possession, Extra 3d10 for Perils of the Warp drop one o- -
The being has Fate Points and may benefit from Righteous Fury. - -
Wild: A horde becomes Frenzied and Fearless rather than breaking. - -
Wild: Use the target&#39;s lowest AP regardless of location hit. - -
Trained: A horde is resistant to breaking. - -
Unnatural: Counts as having the Fearless talent and for every 10 Ma- -
Trained: A horde that breaks moves back in good order. - -
Trained: A horde gains an extra ranged attack. - -
Trained: Add Magnitude to BS up to +30; this is an increase to BS an- -
Unnatural: Add 1 to PR. A commander within WB meters from the H- -
Creature has a set of reactions to stimuli. - -
Wild: Add Magnitude to WS up to +30 when making melee attacks again - -
Wild: A Horde does extra damage in melee. - -
Unnatural: All within 20xWB suffer a penalty to WP tests equal to t - -
Trained: A Horde can ignore its first failed break test. Commander - -
Wild: When a Horde hits, immediately make an additional melee attack - a -
Wild: Double move but the Horde loses 1 Magnitude and ranged atta- -
Trained: Regenerate [1d10] Magnitude at the start of each turn as - -
Unnatural: Counts as having the Fearless talent. The horde may neve - -
Non-Tyranid psykers within a range equal to the creature&#39;s Will- -
Unnatural: When the horde takes damage, the Horde makes a Challenging - -
This creature grants the Fearless Talent to nearby Tyranids. - -
Trained: Reduce additional hits from Blast or Flame by 1 to a minimu- -
The being has Fate Points and may benefit from Righteous Fury. - -
This creature possesses many immunities. - -
The creature does not need to breathe and cannot be harmed by disea - -
Trained:Make one more ranged attack than normal; this may make use - -
Wild: Gain an additional DoS when scoring a hit with semi or full a - -
Creature can breathe water as well as air and can stay underwater ind- -
Inflict (x) damage on an attack. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, -
Increase TB by (x). This is negated by force weapons, psychic power 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Natural weapons are no longer primitive. - -
Exact number of arms is determined by (x). If Two-weapon wielder is1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, -
Allows the purchase of Psyniscience Skill, Psy Rating talent, and Ps - -
Double the movement normally indicated by AB. For every set of limb 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 0
X indicates size. When calculating movement apply size modifier firs1-Miniscule, 2-Puny, 3-Weedy, 4-Average, 5 -
Often a mass of Miniscule or Puny creatures. Any attack against th - -
Has a number of Fate Points\nfamy points equal to X. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, -
Deal damage to anyone who successfully attacks the creature, and t1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, -
Creature cannot be harmed by diseases, poisons, or toxic effects. - -
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Perceives surrounding by uncanny means up to x meters. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Creature can breathe water as well as air and can stay underwater ind- -
Inflict (x) damage on an attack. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, -
Creature can burrown at speed x. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 -
Increase TB by (x). This is negated by force weapons, psychic power 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Natural weapons are no longer primitive. - -
Do not breathe, immune to vaccuum, extrems of cold, mind-influenci1 AP, 2 AP, 3 AP, 4 AP, 5 AP, 6 AP, 7 AP, 8 0
Exact number of arms is determined by (x). If Two-weapon wielder is1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, -
Allows the purchase of Psyniscience Skill, Psy Rating talent, and Ps - -
Double the movement normally indicated by AB. For every set of limb 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 0
X indicates size. When calculating movement apply size modifier firs1-Miniscule, 2-Puny, 3-Weedy, 4-Average, 5 -
When a creature fails a WP test it stampedes in a straight line ov -
Has a number of Fate Points\nfamy points equal to X. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, -
Deal damage to anyone who successfully attacks the creature, and t1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, -
Creature cannot be harmed by diseases, poisons, or toxic effects. - -
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Perceives surrounding by uncanny means up to x meters. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
Add x directly to the creature&#39;s characteristic bonus. Whenever1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18, 0
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1 329 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 329 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 17 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
1 21 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 126 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNa
0 80 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 329 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 10 DH-IH [h:newThingNa
1 329 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 329 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 22 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 25 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 80 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 12 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 53 DH-BoM [h:newThingNam
0 15 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 12 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 53 DH-BoM [h:newThingNa
0 329 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 51 DH-BoM [h:newThingNa
0 122 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
0 10 DH-IH [h:newThingNa
0 330 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 330 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 64 DH-TF [h:newThingNam
0 25 DH-IH [h:newThingNa
0 19 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 17 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 330 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 22 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
1 13 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
1 4 DH-CA [h:newThingNa
0 329 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 15 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 54 DH-BoM [h:newThingNa
0 22 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 19 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 330 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 27 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 27 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 27 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 27 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 27 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 27 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 330 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 53 DH-BoM [h:newThingNa
0 330 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 330 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 80 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 124 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNa
0 23 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 331 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 331 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 15 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 124 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
0 126 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNam
0 124 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNa
1 331 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 122 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNa
1 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 15 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 18 DH-IH [h:newThingNa
0 19 DH-IH [h:newThingNa
0 22 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 54 DH-BoM [h:newThingNam
0 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 18 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 10 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 19 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 51 DH-BoM [h:newThingNam
0 16 DH-IH [h:newThingNa
0 19 DH-IH [h:newThingNa
0 51 DH-BoM [h:newThingNa
0 13 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 126 DH-Dhu [h:newThingNa
0 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 333 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 333 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 332 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 28 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 16 DH-IH [h:newThingNa
0 22 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 333 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 333 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
1 17 DH-CR [h:newThingNam
0 23 DH-IH [h:newThingNam
0 53 DH-BoM [h:newThingNa
0 16 DH-IH [h:newThingNa
0 15 DH-CR [h:newThingNa
0 83 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 79 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 95 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 67 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 59 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 55 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 55 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 55 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 87 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 63 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 7 Asc-HBR [h:newThingNa
0 75 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 7 Asc-HBR [h:newThingNam
0 71 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 51 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 75 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 67 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 71 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 95 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 87 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 59 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 59 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 75 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 71 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 63 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 7 Asc-HBR [h:newThingNam
0 55 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 83 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 67 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 95 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 83 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 51 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 59 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 51 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 51 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 79 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 91 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 91 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 91 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 91 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 79 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 95 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 67 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 71 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 87 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 87 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 83 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 63 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 79 Asc [h:newThingNa
0 71 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 63 Asc [h:newThingNam
0 72 RT [h:newThingNam
0 72 RT [h:newThingNam
0 72 RT [h:newThingNam
0 72 RT [h:newThingNam
0 72 RT [h:newThingNam
1 72 RT [h:newThingNa
0 123 RT-LotE [h:newThingNa
1 130 DW [h:newThingNa
0 135 DW-MoX [h:newThingNam
1 130 DW [h:newThingNam
1 136 DW-MoX [h:newThingNa
1 132 DW [h:newThingNa
0 132 DW [h:newThingNam
0 134 DW-MoX [h:newThingNa
0 136 DW-MoX [h:newThingNa
0 132 DW [h:newThingNam
0 135 DW-MoX [h:newThingNa
0 133 DW [h:newThingNa
0 136 DW-MoX [h:newThingNa
1 134 DW-MoX [h:newThingNam
0 135 DW-MoX [h:newThingNam
0 135 DW-MoX [h:newThingNa
0 134 DW-MoX [h:newThingNa
1 136 DW-MoX [h:newThingNam
0 134 DW [h:newThingNa
0 136 DW-MoX [h:newThingNam
0 135 DW [h:newThingNam
0 134 DW-MoX [h:newThingNam
0 135 DW [h:newThingNa
0 136 DW [h:newThingNa
0 136 DW [h:newThingNam
0 134 DW-MoX [h:newThingNa
0 135 DW-MoX [h:newThingNa
0 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNa
0 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNa
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNa
0 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNa
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNa
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
1 140 BC-CR [h:newThingNam
0 154 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 155 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
0 155 OW-CR [h:newThingNa
1 155 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 155 OW-CR [h:newThingNa
0 156 OW-CR [h:newThingNa
0 156 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
0 157 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 157 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 157 OW-CR [h:newThingNa
0 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNa
0 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNa
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
0 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
0 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNa
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
1 158 OW-CR [h:newThingNam
18 [h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type"," ", "discipline"," ", "threshold", , "focusTime"," ", "subType"," ", "sustained","

NAME (481/536) type discipline threshold focusTime subType sustained

1 Agony Psyker Biomancy 13 Full Action None 1
1 Astral Aim Astartes Grey Knights 15 Half Action None 1
1 Beastmaster Psyker Telepathy 13 Half Action None 1
1 Bio-Lightning Psyker Biomancy 14 Half Action Attack 0
1 Black Channelling Arcana Major Arcana 25 Full Action None 1
1 Blinding Flash Psyker Pyromancy 11 Half Action None 0
1 Blood Boil Psyker Biomancy 19 Half Action None 1
1 Bolt of Tzeentch Daemon Sorcery of Tzeentc27 Full Action Attack 0
1 Boon of Mutation Daemon Sorcery of Tzeentc18 Full Action Attack 0
1 Burning Fist Psyker Pyromancy 10 Half Action Attack 1
1 Call Creatures Psyker Minor 9 Full Action None 0
1 Call Flame Psyker Pyromancy 8 Half Action None 1
1 Call Item Psyker Minor 5 Half Action None 0
1 Catch Projectiles Psyker Telekinesis 16 Reaction None 0
1 Cellular Control Psyker Biomancy 16 Half Action None 1
1 Chameleon Psyker Minor 7 Half Action None 1
1 Cipher Seed Psyker Minor 9 Full Action None 0
1 Cleansing Flame Astartes Grey Knights 11 Half Action Attack 0
1 Compel Psyker Telepathy 17 Half Action Attack 0
1 Constrict Psyker Biomancy 13 Half Action None 0
1 Create Door Arcana Major Arcana 28 Full Action None 0
1 Daemon Wrack Arcana Major Arcana 23 Full Action None 0
1 Deaths Messenger Arcana Minor Arcana 15 Half Action None 0
1 Deja Vu Psyker Minor 8 Half Action None 0
1 Disease Arcana Major Arcana 20 Half Action Attack 0
1 Disintegrating Directive Psyker Minor 6 Full Action None 0
1 Distort Vision Psyker Minor 8 Free Action None 0
1 Distortion Psyker Minor 6 Full Action None 1
1 Divine Shot Psyker Divination 15 Free Action None 0
1 Dominate Psyker Telepathy 24 Half Action None 1
1 Douse Flames Psyker Pyromancy 16 Half Action None 1
1 Dowsing Psyker Divination 11 Full Action None 1
1 Drain Vigour Psyker Biomancy 20 Half Action None 1
1 Dull Pain Psyker Minor 8 Half Action None 0
1 Endure Flames Psyker Minor 8 Half Action None 1
1 Enhance Senses Psyker Biomancy 10 Half Action None 1
1 Exsanguine Arcana Major Arcana 18 Half Action Attack 0
1 Familial Bond Psyker Minor 10 Full Action None 0
1 Far Sight Psyker Divination 17 Full Action None 1
1 Fearful Aura Psyker Minor 7 Full Action None 1
1 Fire Bolt Psyker Pyromancy 11 Half Action Attack 0
1 Fire Storm Psyker Pyromancy 16 Half Action Attack 0
1 Flail of Skulls Arcana Major Arcana 14 Half Action Attack 1
1 Flaming Word Arcana Major Arcana 18 Half Action Attack 0
1 Flash Bang Psyker Minor 6 Half Action None 0
1 Flesh Like Iron Psyker Biomancy 18 Half Action None 1
1 Fling Psyker Telekinesis 14 Half Action None 0
1 Float Psyker Minor 8 Half Action None 1
1 Force Barrage Psyker Telekinesis 21 Full Action Attack 0
1 Force Bolt Psyker Telekinesis 13 Half Action Attack 0
1 Forget Me Psyker Minor 6 Half Action None 0
1 Glimpse Psyker Divination 18 Half Action None 0
1 Hammerhand Psyker Biomancy 15 Full Action None 1
1 Haywire Psyker Minor 10 Full Action None 0
1 Healer Psyker Minor 7 Full Action None 0
1 Hellish Blast Arcana Major Arcana 22 Half Action Attack 0
1 Holocaust Psyker Pyromancy 23 Full Action Attack 1
1 Immunity Arcana Major Arcana 24 Half Action None 0
1 Incinerate Psyker Pyromancy 19 Full Action Attack 1
1 Inflict Pain Psyker Minor 8 Half Action None 1
1 Inspire Psyker Telepathy 9 Half Action None 1
1 Inspiring Aura Psyker Minor 6 Full Action None 1
1 Knack Psyker Minor 7 Half Action None 0
1 Leach Life Arcana Major Arcana 21 Full Action Attack 0
1 Living Weapon Arcana Major Arcana 24 Full Action None 1
1 Lucky Psyker Minor 6 Half Action None 0
1 Malefic Curse: Blindness Arcana Major Arcana 20 Full Action Attack 0
1 Malefic Curse: Death Arcana Major Arcana 23 Full Action Attack 0
1 Malefic Curse: Hex Arcana Major Arcana 16 Full Action Attack 0
1 Mask of Flesh Arcana Minor Arcana 13 Full Action None 1
1 Might of Titan Astartes Grey Knights 18 Half Action None 1
1 Mind Blades Astartes Grey Knights 19 Half Action None 1
1 Mind Scan Psyker Telepathy 23 Special None 0
1 Molten Man Psyker Pyromancy 27 Full Action None 1
1 Mutable Features Psyker Minor 8 Full Action None 1
1 Nemesis Hammerhand Astartes Grey Knights 20 Free Action None 0
1 Open Arcana Major Arcana 14 Half Action None 0
1 Open Wounds Psyker Minor 9 Half Action None 0
1 Personal Augury Psyker Divination 14 Full Action None 0
1 Precision Telekinesis Psyker Telekinesis 23 Half Action None 1
1 Precognition Psyker Minor 6 Half Action None 1
1 Precognitive Dodge Psyker Divination 11 Free Action None 0
1 Precognitive Strike Psyker Divination 17 Free Action None 0
1 Preternatural Awareness Psyker Divination 9 Half Action None 1
1 Projection Psyker Telepathy 21 Full Action None 1
1 Psy Barrier Arcana Major Arcana 19 Half Action None 0
1 Psychic Blade Psyker Telekinesis 19 Half Action Attack 1
1 Psychic Crush Psyker Telekinesis 17 Half Action Attack 0
1 Psychic Shriek Psyker Telepathy 18 Half Action Attack 0
1 Psychic Stench Psyker Minor 5 Half Action None 0
1 Psychokinetic Storm Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action None 1
1 Psychometry Psyker Divination 16 Full Action None 1
1 Push Psyker Telekinesis 13 Half Action Attack 0
1 Quicksilver Astartes Grey Knights 18 Half Action None 1
1 Regenerate Psyker Biomancy 23 Full Action None 1
1 Resist Possession Psyker Minor 6 Reaction None 0
1 Sanctuary Astartes Grey Knights 17 Full Action None 1
1 Sculpt Flame Psyker Pyromancy 13 Half Action None 1
1 Seal Wounds Psyker Biomancy 20 Half Action None 0
1 See Me Not Psyker Telepathy 14 Half Action None 1
1 Seed Mind Psyker Telepathy 26 Special None 0
1 Sense Mechanism Psyker Minor 7 Half Action None 1
1 Sense Presence Psyker Minor 7 Half Action None 1
1 Shape Flesh Psyker Biomancy 19 Full Action None 1
1 Soul Killer Psyker Telepathy 25 Full Action Attack 0
1 Soul Sight Psyker Divination 23 Full Action None 1
1 Space Slip Psyker Minor 11 Half Action None 0
1 Spasm Psyker Minor 7 Half Action None 0
1 Spectral Hands Psyker Minor 10 Full Action None 0
1 Staunch Bleeding Psyker Minor 8 Half Action None 0
1 Storm of Malignancy Arcana Major Arcana 18 Full Action None 1
1 Suggestion Psyker Minor 9 Half Action None 0
1 Summon Object Arcana Major Arcana 24 Full Action None 1
1 Telekinesis Psyker Telekinesis 11 Half Action None 1
1 Telekinetic Shield Psyker Telekinesis 21 Half Action None 1
1 Telepathy Psyker Telepathy 11 Free Action None 1
1 Terrify (DH) Psyker Telepathy 13 Half Action None 0
1 The Shrouding Astartes Grey Knights 15 Full Action None 1
1 The Summoning Astartes Grey Knights 24 Full Action None 0
1 Time Fade Psyker Minor 13 Full Action None 0
1 Torch Psyker Minor 5 Half Action None 1
1 Touch of Madness Psyker Minor 11 Full Action None 0
1 Toxic Siphon Psyker Biomancy 11 Half Action None 0
1 Transfix Arcana Major Arcana 19 Half Action None 0
1 Trick Psyker Minor 5 Half Action None 1
1 Trusting Aura Psyker Minor 7 Full Action None 1
1 Truth-Seeker Psyker Minor 6 Full Action None 1
1 Twitch Psyker Minor 5 Half Action None 0
1 Unnatural Aim Psyker Minor 8 Half Action None 0
1 Wall of Fire Psyker Pyromancy 17 Full Action None 1
1 Wall of Souls Arcana Major Arcana 24 Full Action None 1
1 Wall Walk Psyker Minor 8 Half Action None 1
1 Warp Corruption Arcana Major Arcana 27 Full Action None 0
1 Warp Fire Daemon Sorcery of Tzeentc9 Half Action Attack 0
1 Warp Howl Psyker Minor 8 Full Action None 0
1 Warp Lightning Arcana Major Arcana 21 Half Action Attack 0
1 Warp Quake Astartes Grey Knights 15 Half Action None 1
1 Warp Rift Astartes Grey Knights 26 Half Action Attack 0
1 Warp Tongue Arcana Major Arcana 16 Half Action None 0
1 Warp Vigour Arcana Major Arcana 14 Half Action None 0
1 Weaken Veil Psyker Minor 9 Full Action None 1
1 Weapon Jinx Psyker Minor 8 Full Action None 0
1 Whispers of the Warp Arcana Minor Arcana 11 Half Action None 1
1 White Noise Psyker Minor 8 Full Action None 1
1 Wither Psyker Minor 6 Full Action None 0
1 Without a Trace Psyker Minor 6 Half Action None 1
1 Zone of Compulsion Psyker Telepathy 19 Half Action None 0
2 Banishment Ascended Daemonsbane 18 Full Action Attack 0
2 Barrier Ascended Psychokinesis 22 Full Action None 1
2 Bloodboil Ascended Malestrom of Destr27 Full Action Attack 0
2 Conflagration Ascended Burning Apocalyps24 Full Action Attack 0
2 Enrage Ascended Malestrom of Destr19 Free Action None 0
2 Flameshroud Ascended Burning Apocalyps16 Half Action None 1
2 Hammer of Witches Ascended Witchesbane 22 Half Action None 0
2 His Will Be Done Ascended Witchesbane 20 Full Action None 0
2 Inferno Ascended Burning Apocalyps32 Full Action Attack 1
2 Lift:Hurl Ascended Psychokinesis 14 Half Action Attack 0
2 Lift:Levitate Ascended Psychokinesis 14 Half Action None 1
2 Lift:Move Ascended Psychokinesis 14 Half Action None 1
2 Lightning Arc Ascended Stormwroth 16 Half Action Attack 0
2 Lightning Field Ascended Stormwroth 21 Full Action None 1
2 Lightning Storm Ascended Stormwroth 30 Full Action Attack 0
2 Malleus Hammerhand Ascended Malestrom of Destr17 Half Action None 1
2 My Will - Known Ascended Will Unleashed 20 Full Action None 1
2 My Will - Manifest Ascended Will Unleashed 30 Extended (2) None 1
2 My Will - Obeyed Ascended Will Unleashed 22 Half Action None 1
2 Precognition Ascended Temporal Manipula18 Free Action None 0
2 Purgatus Ascended Witchesbane 24 Full Action Attack 0
2 Sanctuary Ascended Daemonsbane 21 Half Action None 1
2 Stasis Shell Ascended Temporal Manipula24 Free Action None 0
2 Tempest Ascended Psychokinesis 30 Full Action Attack 1
2 Warp Time Ascended Temporal Manipula36 Free Action None 0
2 Word of the Emperor Ascended Daemonsbane 25 Full Action Attack 0
3 A Cloud in the Warp Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Action Again Psyker Divination 12 Free Action None 0
3 Aether Doldrums Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Astral Telepathy - Distant Solar Psyker Astral Telepathy 12 1d5 hours None 0
3 Astral Telepathy - Nearby Solar Psyker Astral Telepathy 7 1d5 hours None 0
3 Astral Telepathy - Nearby System Psyker Astral Telepathy 18 1d5 hours None 0
3 Astral Telepathy - Orbit Psyker Astral Telepathy 6 1d5 hours None 0
3 Astral Telepathy - Sector Psyker Astral Telepathy 30 1d5 hours None 0
3 Astral Telepathy - Segmentum Psyker Astral Telepathy 30 1d5 hours None 0
3 Astral Telepathy - Sub Sector Psyker Astral Telepathy 24 1d5 hours None 0
3 Augury Psyker Divination 12 Half Action None 1
3 Aura Reading Psyker Divination 12 Full Action None 1
3 Auto-Seance Psyker Divination 12 Two Full Actions None 1
3 Baleful Watcher Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Banishment Psyker Warp Manipulation12 Full Action Attack 0
3 Bastion of the Imperium Psyker SoulWard 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Beacon Psyker Telepathy 12 Full Action None 1
3 Beastmaster Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
3 Black Sleep Psyker Voidfrost 12 Full Action Attack 0
3 Blessed by the Emperor Psyker Divination 12 Free Action None 1
3 Breathstealing Barrage Psyker Voidfrost 12 Full Action Attack 0
3 Call of Faith Psyker SoulWard 12 Half Action No 1
3 Chaos Mind Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action Attack 0
3 Chorus of the RIghteous Psyker SoulWard 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Compel Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action Attack 0
3 Corrupting the Flesh Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Death Grip Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack 0
3 Delude Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
3 Detect Taint Psyker Divination 12 Half Action None 0
3 Disrupting the Empyrean Navigator Navigator 24 Half Action None 1
3 Divining the Future Psyker Divination 12 Full Action None 1
3 Dominate Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
3 Doom Psyker Eldar 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Ebb and Flow Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Embrace of Emptiness Psyker Voidfrost 12 Half Action None 0
3 Enduring Faith Psyker SoulWard 12 Full Action No 1
3 Evil Eye Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Eye of Oblivion Navigator Navigator 12 Full Action None 1
3 Force Bolt Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack 0
3 Force Shards Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Foreshadow Psyker Divination 12 Half Action None 0
3 Foreshadowing Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Freeze the Soul Psyker Voidfrost 12 Full Action Attack 0
3 Gaze into the Abyss Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Glory of the Just Psyker SoulWard 12 Full Action No 1
3 Guide Psyker Eldar 12 Half Action None 1
3 Held in my Gaze Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Heresy's Price Psyker SoulWard 12 Full Action Attack 0
3 Immolate the Soul Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 In Harms way Psyker Divination 12 Free Action None 0
3 Inspire Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
3 Inward View Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Know Thy Place Psyker SoulWard 12 Full Action Attack 0
3 Levitation Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action None 1
3 Mental Alacrity Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
3 Mental Bond Psyker Telepathy 12 Special None 0
3 Mind Link Psyker Telepathy 12 Full Action None 1
3 Mind Over Matter - Move Object Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Mind Over Matter - Shove Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Mind Probe Psyker Telepathy 12 Full Action None 1
3 Mind Scan Psyker Telepathy 12 Full Action None 1
3 Mind War Psyker Eldar 12 Half Action Attack 0
3 Mind Ward Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
3 Minds Eye Psyker Telepathy 12 Special None 0
3 Obliterating the Immaterial Wake Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Pass Unscathed Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Precision Telekinesis Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Psychic Scream Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action Attack 0
3 Psycho-Kinetic Mist Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action None 0
3 Psycho-Kinetic Shield Psyker Telekinesis 12 Full Action None 1
3 Psycholocation Psyker Divination 12 Half Action None 1
3 Psychometry Psyker Divination 12 Half Action None 1
3 Puppet Master Psyker Telepathy 12 Full Action None 1
3 Quest for Warmth Psyker Voidfrost 12 Half Action None 0
3 Rebuke the Mutant Psyker Warp Manipulation12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Refresh and Revitalise Navigator Navigator 18 Half Action None 1
3 Reprogram Psyker Telepathy 12 Full Action None 1
3 Reward of the Renegade Psyker SoulWard 12 Reaction No 1
3 Sanctuary Psyker Warp Manipulation12 Half/Full Action None 1
3 Scourge of the Red Tide Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Seal the Breach Psyker Warp Manipulation12 Half Action Attack 0
3 Seek the Path Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Sensory Deprivation Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
3 Short Range Telepathy Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
3 Soul of Adamantium Psyker Warp Manipulation12 Half Action None 1
3 Stacking the Deck Navigator Navigator 18 Half Action None 1
3 Storm of Force Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Strength of Truth Psyker SoulWard 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Stripping the Husk Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Stupefy the Soul Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Telekinetic Crush Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack 0
3 Telekinetic Shield Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action None 1
3 Telekinetic Weapon Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Terrify (RT) Psyker Telepathy 12 Full Action None 1
3 The Course Untravelled Navigator Navigator 18 Half Action None 1
3 The Emperor's Guidance Psyker SoulWard 12 Full Action Attack 1
3 The Lidless Stare Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 The Void's Touch Psyker Voidfrost 12 Half Action Attack 0
3 Thought Sending Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
3 Tides of Time and Space Navigator Navigator 12 Free Action None 1
3 Tracks in the Stars Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Vision of Hell Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action Gaze 1
3 Void Substantiation Psyker Voidfrost 12 Half Action Attack 1
3 Void Watcher Navigator Navigator 12 Half Action None 1
3 Walking the Path Psyker Divination 12 Free Action None 1
3 Ward the Chill Psyker Voidfrost 12 Full Action None 0
3 Warp Vigil Navigator Navigator 12 Full Action None 1
3 Warp Weapon Psyker Warp Manipulation12 Full Action None 1
4 Alien Minds Astartes Deathwatch 12 Half Action None 0
4 Ancestors Rage Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Ancestral Strength Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Astrotelepathy Astartes Telepathy 12 Full Action None 0
4 Augury Astartes Divination 12 Extended (10) None 0
4 Avenger Astartes Codex 12 Full Action Attack 0
4 Battle Sight Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 0
4 Betrayal of Flesh Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Blood Boil Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Blood Lance Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Blood Oath Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 0
4 Bloody Fist Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Bond of Brotherhood Astartes Deathwatch 12 Half Action None 1
4 Bone Breaker Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Call to Arms Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Extended (2) None 1
4 Compel Astartes Telepathy 12 Full Action Attack 0
4 Corax's Ingenuity Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 0
4 Crown of Lightning Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 1
4 Curse of the Raven Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Darkness Gate Astartes Chapter Specific 12 3 Full Actions None 0
4 Depths of Rage Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Divination Astartes Divination 12 Extended (3) None 0
4 Dominate Astartes Telepathy 12 Full Action Attack 1
4 Dues Ex Ferrum Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Special None 1
4 Enduring Duty Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Free Action None 1
4 Fear the Darkness Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Flensing Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Force Barrier Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Force Dome Astartes Codex 12 Full Action None 1
4 From the Depths Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 0
4 Fury of the Ancients Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action Attack 0
4 Fury of the Salamander Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Fury of the Wolf Spirits Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Glory of the Emperor Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 0
4 Griffons Howl Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 0
4 Hammer of Man Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action Attack 1
4 Hammer of the Emperor Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Extended (5) Attack 0
4 Heart of the Khan Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Heat of the Furnace Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Hellfire Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Inspire Astartes Telepathy 12 Half Action None 1
4 Inspiring Word Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Into the Crucible Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Iron Arm Astartes Codex 12 Half or Reaction None 1
4 Librarians Farsight Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Lifting the Veil Astartes Divination 12 Extended (5) None 0
4 Living Lightning Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action Attack 1
4 Long-range Telepathy Astartes Telepathy 12 Free Action None 1
4 Machine Curse Astartes Codex 12 Full Action None 0
4 Mark of Scorn Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Mask of Shadows Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half or Reaction None 1
4 Might of Heroes Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Might of the Ancients Astartes Codex 12 Half Action None 1
4 Mind Probe Astartes Telepathy 12 Extended (5) None 1
4 Mind Scan Astartes Telepathy 12 Half Action None 0
4 Mind Worm Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Noble Praetorian Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Nocturnes's Fire Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action Attack 1
4 Null Zone Astartes Codex 12 Half Action None 1
4 Paragon Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Periclitors Bane Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Possibility Shield Astartes Divination 12 Half Action None 1
4 Psychometry Astartes Divination 12 Extended (10) None 0
4 Punish the Weak Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action Attack 1
4 Raptors Wings Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Razor Blades Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Reading Astartes Divination 12 Full Action None 1
4 Rending Maw Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action Attack 0
4 Screaming Eagles Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Shackle Soul Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Shadows in the Stars Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Short-range Telepathy Astartes Telepathy 12 Free Action None 1
4 Sky-sight Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Smite Astartes Codex 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Spirits of the Steppes Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action Attack 1
4 Stonebane Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Storm Caller Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Storm of the Emperors Wrath Astartes Codex 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Stormlance Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Tempests Wrath Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 The Gate of Infinity Astartes Codex 12 Extended (3) None 0
4 The Golden Son Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 The Howling Wind Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Free Action Attack 0
4 The Quickening Astartes Codex 12 Half Action None 1
4 The Unkindness of Deliverance Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Thunderclap Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action Attack 0
4 Thunders Shell Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half or Reaction None 1
4 Tormented Flesh Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 True Strike Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 0
4 Truth Seeker Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Tyr Catalyst Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action None 0
4 Tyr Dominion Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action None 1
4 Tyr Hypnotic Gaze Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action None 1
4 Tyr Leech Essence Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Tyr Onslaught Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action None 1
4 Tyr Paroxysm Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action Attack 1
4 Tyr Psychic Scream Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Tyr The Horror Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action None 0
4 Tyr Warp Blast Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Tyr Warp Lance Xenos Tyranid 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Ultimate Sacrifice Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Special None 1
4 Veil of Time Astartes Codex 12 Half Action None 1
4 Void Hammer Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Vortex of Doom Astartes Codex 12 Full Action Attack 0
4 Vulkan's Anvil Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Vulnerability Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 War Cry Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 0
4 Warp Whispers Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 0
4 Wave of Penance Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action Attack 0
4 Weaken Resolve Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Half Action None 1
4 Wings of Sanguinius Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 1
4 Word of the Codex Astartes Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action None 0
4 Word of the Emperor Astartes Chapter Specific 12 Full Action Attack 0
5 Abhorrent Ward Chaos Unaligned 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Acidium Vitae Chaos Nurgle 24 Half Action Concentration0
5 Acquiesence Chaos Slaanesh 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Aegis of Euphedros Chaos Exalted 30 Full Action Concentration0
5 Aether Worm Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Concentration0
5 Befuddling Curse Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Blade of Baleful Might Chaos Unaligned 18 Free Action Concentration1
5 Blasphemy Made Flesh Chaos Exalted 18 Half Action Concentration1
5 Blessing of Magnus Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Blood Boil Psyker Biomancy 12 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 Bolt of Change Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Boon of Tzeentch Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Brain Fever Chaos Nurgle 18 Half Action Concentration0
5 Butchers Offering Chaos Unaligned 12 Free Action Concentration0
5 Cedrons Twin Chaos Slaanesh 18 Full Action Concentration1
5 Celeritous Sense Chaos Slaanesh 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Cellular Control Psyker Biomancy 12 Full Action Concentration1
5 Chitin Shell Psyker Biomancy 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Choir of Poxes Chaos Nurgle 18 Full Action Attack and Co0
5 Compel Chaos Telepathy 18 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Corpse Burst Chaos Nurgle 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Delude Chaos Telepathy 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Dirge of Decay Chaos Nurgle 18 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 Doombolt Chaos Unaligned 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Echoes of Malice Chaos Unaligned 24 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Ecstatic Oblivion Chaos Slaanesh 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Fate Loom Chaos Tzeentch 24 Half Action Concentration0
5 Field of Pestilence Chaos Nurgle 24 Full Action Concentration1
5 Fire Barrage Psyker Pyromancy 12 Free Action Attack 0
5 Fire Bolt Psyker Pyromancy 7 Free Action Attack 0
5 Fire Storm Psyker Pyromancy 18 Free Action Attack 0
5 Flaming Gauntlets Psyker Pyromancy 7 Free Action Concentration0
5 Flesh Mould Psyker Biomancy 24 Free Action Concentration1
5 Flicker Chaos Tzeentch 18 Half Action Concentration1
5 Force Bolt Chaos Telekinesis 7 Half Action Attack 0
5 Force Storm Chaos Telekinesis 18 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Foul Cage Chaos Unaligned 12 Full Action Attack and Co1
5 Gholam Curse Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Gift of Chaos Chaos Unaligned 24 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Glimpse Chaos Divination 12 Half Action None 0
5 Harrier Imps Chaos Unaligned 7 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 Hate Storm Chaos Unaligned 18 Half Action Attack 1
5 Hellish Blast Chaos Exalted 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Hellshriek Chaos Slaanesh 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Hex of Decrepitude Chaos Unaligned 18 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Host of Fiends Chaos Unaligned 12 Full Action Attack and Co1
5 Incendiary of Tzeentch Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Concentration0
5 Incinerate Psyker Pyromancy 24 Full Action Attack and Co1
5 Inspire Chaos Telepathy 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Inviolable Flesh Chaos Nurgle 24 Half Action Concentration1
5 Labyrinthine Conundrum Chaos Tzeentch 24 Half Action Concentration0
5 Lash of Submission Chaos Slaanesh 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Last Breath Psyker Biomancy 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Leper's Curse Chaos Nurgle 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Maelstrom of Rage Chaos Exalted 12 Half Action Attack 1
5 Manifest Flame Psyker Pyromancy 6 Half Action Concentration1
5 Mantle of Lies Chaos Tzeentch 18 Half Action Concentration1
5 Mantle of the Daemon Prince Chaos Exalted 24 Full Action Concentration0
5 Mask of Deceit Chaos Tzeentch 12 Full Action Concentration0
5 Mind Link Chaos Telepathy 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Mind over Matter Chaos Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 Mind Probe Chaos Telepathy 12 Extended (5) Attack and Co1
5 Mindscourge Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Molten Man Psyker Pyromancy 24 Half Action Concentration0
5 Neural Storm Psyker Biomancy 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Nurgle's Rot Chaos Nurgle 12 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 One with the Flame Psyker Pyromancy 18 Full Action Attack and Co1
5 Pangs of Misery Chaos Slaanesh 18 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 Personal Augury Chaos Divination 12 Special Concentration0
5 Phantom Parry Chaos Unaligned 12 Reaction Attack and Co0
5 Precision Telekinesis Chaos Telekinesis 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Precognition Chaos Divination 7 Half Action Concentration1
5 Precognitive Dodge Chaos Divination 18 Reaction Concentration0
5 Precognitive Strike Chaos Divination 18 Free Action None 0
5 Preternatural Awareness Chaos Divination 12 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 Primordial Annihilation Chaos Exalted 24 Full Action Attack and Co0
5 Protean Form Chaos Tzeentch 12 Full Action Attack and Co1
5 Psychic Scream Chaos Telepathy 24 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Psyphon Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 Putrefying Embrace Chaos Nurgle 30 Half Action Concentration1
5 Rain of Foulness Chaos Nurgle 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Regeneration Psyker Biomancy 18 Full Action Concentration1
5 Serpent's Ward Chaos Slaanesh 18 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Sharpened Senses Psyker Biomancy 12 Half Action Concentration0
5 Shattertime Chaos Exalted 24 Half Action Concentration1
5 Soul's Secrets Unleashed Chaos Slaanesh 30 Full Action Attack and Co0
5 Storm of Change Chaos Tzeentch 12 Full Action Concentration0
5 Sunder the Veil Chaos Exalted 36 Full Action Attack and Co1
5 Symphony of Pain Chaos Slaanesh 24 Full Action Attack and Co1
5 Telekinetic Shield Chaos Telekinesis 7 Half Action Concentration1
5 Telekinetic Weapon Chaos Telekinesis 18 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 Tendrils of Corrosion Chaos Nurgle 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 The Six Blades of Prosepheron Chaos Slaanesh 24 Half Action Concentration0
5 Thought Sending Chaos Telepathy 5 Free Action None 0
5 Toxic Siphon Psyker Biomancy 12 Half Action Concentration0
5 Umbral Halo Chaos Unaligned 12 Half Action Attack and Co1
5 Unbalanced Mind Chaos Exalted 12 Reaction Attack and Co0
5 Unnatural Healing Psyker Biomancy 12 Half Action Concentration0
5 Unnatural Obsession Chaos Slaanesh 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Vile Contagion Chaos Nurgle 18 Half Action Concentration1
5 Vile Revelation Chaos Tzeentch 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Ward of Worms Chaos Nurgle 18 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Warp Vortex Chaos Unaligned 12 Half Action Concentration1
5 Warp-Flame Ward Chaos Tzeentch 18 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Warptime Chaos Unaligned 18 Half Action Concentration1
5 Wind of Chaos Chaos Unaligned 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
5 Wither Hex Chaos Exalted 12 Half Action Attack and Co1
6 Assail Psyker Telekinesis 7 Half Action Attack and Co0
6 Crush Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
6 Dominate Psyker Telepathy 12 Full Action Concentration0
6 Endurance Psyker Biomancy 18 Half Action Concentration0
6 Enfeeble Psyker Biomancy 12 Half Action Attack and Co1
6 Fiery Form Psyker Pyromancy 18 Half Action Concentration1
6 Fire Shield Psyker Pyromancy 12 Half Action Concentration1
6 Flame Breath Psyker Pyromancy 12 Half Action Attack 0
6 Foreboding Psyker Divination 18 Reaction Concentration0
6 Forewarning Psyker Divination 12 Half Action Concentration1
6 Gate of Infinity Psyker Telekinesis 24 Extended Action (3Concentration0
6 Haemorrhage Psyker Biomancy 18 Half Action Attack and Co0
6 Hallucination Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action Concentration0
6 Inferno Psyker Pyromancy 18 Half Action Attack and Co0
6 Invisibility Psyker Telepathy 18 Half Action Concentration1
6 Iron Arm Psyker Biomancy 24 Half Action Concentration1
6 Life Leech Psyker Biomancy 18 Full Action Attack and Co1
6 Mental Fortitude Psyker Telepathy 18 Half Action Concentration1
6 Misfortune Psyker Divination 18 Half Action Attack and Co1
6 Molten Beam Psyker Pyromancy 12 Half Action Attack 0
6 Objuration Mechanicum Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Concentration0
6 Perfect Timing Psyker Divination 18 Half Action Concentration1
6 Precognition Psyker Divination 24 Full Action Concentration0
6 Prescience Psyker Divination 12 Half Action Concentration1
6 Psychic Shriek Psyker Telepathy 12 Half Action Attack 0
6 Puppet Master Psyker Telepathy 18 Full Action Concentration1
6 Scriers Gaze Psyker Divination 12 Special Concentration0
6 Shockwave Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
6 Smite Psyker Biomancy 12 Half Action Attack and Co0
6 Spontaneous Combustion Psyker Pyromancy 7 Half Action Attack 0
6 Sunburst Psyker Pyromancy 12 Half Action Attack 0
6 Telekine Dome Psyker Telekinesis 12 Half Action Concentration1
6 Terrify Psyker Telepathy 18 Half Action Concentration0
6 Vortex of Doom Psyker Telekinesis 18 Half Action Attack and Co1
6 Warp Speed Psyker Biomancy 18 Half Action Concentration1
", "range", ,"effect","
Target makes T test each round, on failure it may only take half action. IF fail > 3 ", "obIncrement", , "obEffect"," ","special","

range effect target takes no action and takes 1 level of fatigue. Grants +10 to
degrees, obIncremenobEffect special
10 Interrogation test. 5 affect extra target
"You" Ignore penalties to hit from cover or concealment. 5 Affect one other ally.
8 Stretch out your thoughts to animals and dominate them 0 -
10 Living energy attacks single target 1d10+WB 5 Extend range 10m, for ever
20 All demons within range gain Regeneration, +1 Inititiative, +10 to Warp Instability re 10 Extend range 10m
12 Blind by blazing mental energy, releasing it as searing bright light 10 Extend range 4m
10 Increase enemy's blood preassure to lethal level (Fatigue losses) 5 +10 to opposed WP
45 Target suffers
Target suffers 1d10
T damage. E Unstable
If targetdamage
is slainwith
theyPen [r:4+EPR].
become a Lesser Chaos 9 Increase damage by 1d10.
5 Spawn. 9 Increase damage by 1d10
"You" Unarmed attacks at 1d10+SB damage (Primitive quality) 0 -
1000 Summon 1d10 vermin (Rats, slugs, etc.) appear after 2d10 minutes. No control 5 Extend range 1km
"You" Set things alight or use it as fuel for other Pyrokinetic powers 0 -
"Unlimited" Summon object instantly to hand. Object must be prepared: takes one hour 0
"[WB]" Discount [r:WB] (WP Bonus) hits from incoming missiles 0
"You" Immunity to poison, temperature, Fatigue, vacuum or increase characteristic 0 -
"You" Distort you image, blend into background. +30 concealment, -20 BS for opponents 0 -
"Touch" Pass secure
Inflict 2d10+5message via intermediary.
E on all enemies within a radius of 1mxPR. Affected suffer Photon 0
"You" Flash grenade effect. 10 Affect one other ally.
8 WP vs. WP test: command a sentient being 10 +10 WP on opposed test
10 Target begins suffocating (CR p. 210) 10 T test difficulty increases
5 Open doorway to another location. Roll Hard (-20) WP test, or take Perils of the War 0
50 Makesuccesful
Next opposed attack
WP test to inflict
gainst Malediction
Tearing quality, on daemon.
or gains If daemondie
an additional WP < 50, can con5
if already +10 to opposed willpower
"You" Tearing
Target must redo last action again, may not be life threatening (auto negate) save vs 10 an additional succesful str
30 WP 0
5 Plague object
Cause target to
[r: ceiling(1,1d10-TB)]
under certain rounds . Each round,
circumstances reduce all
(self destruct characteristi
after reading 5 +1 to duration of disease
"Touch" for example)
Effectively invisible. You can 'reappear' upto 10m from start location. Attack is only 0
"You" possible after succesfull Psyniscience test and even then with -30 Attack penalty 0
"Touch" Distort targets face and voice to make it unrecognizable. 0 -
"You" Unavoidable automatically hit at near impossible range (sight!) 0
8 WP vs. WP test: seize controll of another's body 10 +10 WP on opposed test
10 Instantly extiguish all fires within range 5 Extend range 5m
"You" Find single
Target makes specific
-10 WP object
test or
or person
S, T, and by Ag
are allmind
reduced by 1d10. Target must test 0 -
20 again next round. Effects last duration + 1d10 rounds. 0 -
10 Target
to damage 1 fatigue (canand
from fire target
weaponry, take 1/2 damage from plasma or 5 one extra fatigue removed
"You" melta (before armour + toughness). 0 -
"You" Choose one sense and gain +30 bonus on all related tests 5 enhance additional sense
10 Cause target
Create mentaltobond
(WP vsalso T) oracts
Psy-Focus.damage + Blood
Familiar actsLoss.
on same turn 0
"Touch" as master. Death causes -10 to all tests for 1d5 hours. Only one at a time. 0
2000 See events at a place far away (range!) 10 double the range
"You" You gain fear (2) 10 1 extra fear rating
"[5*WB]" Hurl a 1d10+5 Energy damage bolt at your foes (WP test +0) 5 Extra bolt.
50 Create 6m radius Fire Storm: 1d10+5 Energy damage. 5 Extra 1d10 damage
"You" Creates Flail out of skulls. Warp weapon, damage causes 1d10 insanity + 1 pt per sku0 -
"You" Belch flame for 1d10+4 E dmg, Pen 3, Range 20m, Flame, all targets set on fire) 0
20 All in range must make WP +20 test or be stunned for 1 round 10 increase difficulty with on
"You" TB+2,up
Fling AB-1
to 10kg at a target at 6m range (WP test to inflict 5kg or less 1d10+1 I dmg 5 TB+1, up to a maximum of
10 or more than 5kg inflict 1d10+2 I dmg). 0
"You" You can rise up to 5m (not move). If used when falling: -10 WP test 0 -
20 Like Force Bolt, but create WB bolts 5 additional bolt
20 Hurl
Saveavs burst of mental
WP+10, force1d10
duration at your
Opponent (WP test,
can't 1d10+WB
remember I dmg)
previous 5 additional 1 point Impact
10 encounter(s) 5 Extend power to an extra
"You" By peering into the future, you gain +30 bonus to a single Skill Test 0
"You" SB is multplied by 4 and you gain the Natural Weapon trait 0 -
25 Disrupt electronic device, stuns target 1 round. Can make WP test to negate. 10 affect extra target
10 Heal 1d5. Repeated use within 6 hours: target must make T test, 1d5 damage on fail 0
"[5*WB]" Hurl energy (BS test, 1d10+WB E dmg, Warp Weapon) 10 +1d10 damage
6 Deal [r:WB]d10 and gain 1d10+1 Energy damage each round sustained 0 -
"You" Gain
Create immunity
heat andtoflames
stationary (T test, 1d5(1d10
targets rounds)E damage; +1 for each round 0
10 sustained) 0 -
100 Save vs WP. On fail -10 to all tests 10 affect extra target
6 Subtly implant an image of great courage to overcome negative emotions 0 -
"You" Allies gain +20 to tests related to fear or pinning (you must be in line of sight) 0 -
"You" +10 to all non-combat tests until end of next turn 0
"Touch" Transfer wounds from stunned target. If target wounds =0, target dies. 5 Target loses 1 wound, you
"You" Gain +20 WS, +20 S, +10 T, +10 Ag, +3 Initiative, Natural Weapons Trait, melee attac0 -
"You" Until the end of you next turn you may reroll one die roll 0
"Line of Sight" Blind target (target makes WP test, blinds 1d5 hours. Fail by 3 or more degrees, ey 5 -10 to target WP roll (max
"Line of Sight" Kill target (target makes WP test, 3d10+10 T damage, T=0 target dies, can burn FP t 5 -10 to target WP roll (max
"Line of Sight" Hex target (target makes WP test, +10 to all char and skill tests for next 1d5 hours, if 5 -10 to target WP roll (max
"You" All weapons
Alter and equip
your physical permanently destroyed. Gain immunity to all fire and flame 5
appearance. greater alteration of appe
and 1/2 damage from Plasma, Las, and Melta (before armour & TB). Gain Stuff of
50 Increase SB
Add [r:EPR] trait.(after Unnatural
to Penetration of Strength)
Melee by [r:EPR]
attacks. Attackspoints (eff count
do 1d5E
not PR = [r:EPR]) and 5 Affect one other ally.
Nightmares TB+3. Anything within 5 meters takes dmgas perPrimitive
round and
20 cause -10 to Parry.
will ignite if flammable. Unarmed attacks do 1d10+SB E dmg Pen 5, Power Field. 5 Affect one other ally.
"Touch" Read
Weapons a targets
touching it for fiveofrounds
75% chance (WP vs. WPAfter
being destroyed. tests)
power ends, take 0
"You" 1d5 levels
Mask of fatigue.
yourself with appearance of another well known individual. Observers negate 0 -
"You" with a WP test. 5 increase difficulty with on
100 Add
Target1 (+[r:bcUnnConversion]
must make -10 T test or if using
take 1d5 BC R ordamage
OW rules) to Unnatural
bypassing armourStrength.
and 5 Affect one other ally.
"Touch" Open portaltoormost
toughness unseal object wounded
reccently (take 1d5 location.
dmg small, 1d10 dmg
If target medium
is heavily or 2d10 dmg lar0
10 immediately suffers Blood Loss. Does not work against unwounded or unliving. 0
"Touch" Peer into the fait of a single willing target 0
10 Pull grenade pins, push buttons, jog triggers, direct small projectiles 0 -
"You" +10 to dodge and parry 0 -
"You" Seeing the future threads, all BS Tests made to hit you are at -30 penalty 0
"You" By sensing future disturbances, gain +20 bonus to all WS and BS Tests 0
"You" Unnatural awareness: +20 to Awareness Tests, +[r:WB] (WP Bonus) to Initiative 10 add WB to initiative again
"You" Send your disembodied self to contact a well known being in the same solar system 0 -
5 Create a rune that is difficult to approach (approachers must test WP (-10) or lose turn0
"You" Psychic Blade: WP to hit, no Parry, 1d10+4 R, Pen. 4, needs no free hand 0 -
10 Warp your enemy in bands of telekinetic force (WP vs. T test 1d10+WB I dmg) 0
10 Launch a blast of screaming mental energy to knock enemies unconscious 10 Extend range 10m
"Touch" Imbue item with psychic stench for 1d10 days, range is 5 meters 0
10 Everything within radius except you takes -10 to all physical actions. 10 double radius
"You" Sense psychic impression on area (Range=WB) or object. 10 Cut required time in half.
10 Knock opponent to the ground: WP vs. S test 0
20 Add [r:EPR] (eff PR) to Initiative and gain Swift Attack. 5 Affect one other ally.
"You" Each round remove 1d5 points of damage (regrow lost organs, limbs,...) 0 -
"You" Duration 1 hour. Reroll failed test to resist deamon 0
"You" Create barrier 5m radius around you. Enemies crossing it treat it as Rubble. 5 Increase radius by 5m
"[5*WB]" Manipulate existing fires by different ways 5 make the flames more lif
10 1d10+WB
Every roundpoints
makeofOpp targets
test withare removed
target. Whoever is first to 5 cummulative 5 extend range 10m OR rem
20 Erase
successesyour wins.
presence from
If you others'
win, target's mind
mind is seeded and is automatically affected by 5 Add another target OR im
"Touch" Compel,
Sense Dominate,
machinery & Suggestion, and Zone
constructs within range.of Compulsion.
Living beings block sense in line of 10 +10 WP on opposed test
50 sight. 10 Extend range 10m
50 Detect all living creatures in range. Walls >1m thick, block this power 5 Extend range 10m
Short range teleport to somewhere 1d5 or 1d10+2 meters away (cannot pass wards,
"You" Gain an1d10+2*WB
Inflicts alien trait, theX appearance
dmg. Bypasses of aarmour.
or natural
apply to both body & 0 -
void shields, or gellar fields). If space is occupied, make T test. Success: Thrown
"[5*WB]" head.
backwards 1d5 meters & stunned for 1d5 rounds. Failure: As success + 1d10 X 10 additional attack
"You" The deviner
dmg to Bodymay try to read
bypassing the and
armour auratoughness.
of any person he can see
If occupied space is a living being it 0 -
"You" must make
Target goesTintotestspasm
or be stunned.
for one round, drops to the ground, if carrying Ballistic 0
50 weapon, shoot nearest target (normal BS test) 5 affect extra target OR incr
30 Manipulate any object within range. S = WP 0
10 Halt blood loss of target (you can be the target) 5 affect extra target
50 All creatures
Make opposed within
WP radius must
test with make
target. WP test each
Success: round
Introduce or attempt
subtle to kill into
suggestion anyone near
10 Double radius
6 targets mind. +20 to Interaction Skill. 0
10 Summon object out of thin air (WP test to summon) 10 +10 to WP test to create o
10 Move physical objects to a maximum of [r:WB*5]kg (WP Bonus x 5kg) around 0 -
"You" Create a field of telekinetic energy (+1AP to all locations) 10 +1 AP
2000 Send your thoughts in the minds of others 0 -
Phase out of existence for 1d5 rounds. Make WP test to act in round you return. If
8 Project 20m
Create a person's
radius worst
hazy nightmare
bubble in itsyou.
around mindEnemy
to roll on the shock
ranged attackstable
take -30 5 +10 on roll on shock table
failed by >3 degrees, take Shock as if failed fear test. If space is now occupied,
"You" penalty.
make T test.GainSuccess:
+30 to Silent Movebackwards
Thrown & Concealment Tests.& stunned for 1d5 rounds.
1d5 meters 5 Expand or shrink radius b
"[1000*PR]" SummonAs
Failure: [r:EPR]
success (eff+PR) allies
1d10 X dmg fromtoaBodydistance. See description
bypassing armour andfortoughness.
details. If 5 Increase distance by 1km a
"You" occupied space is a living being it must make T test or be stunned. 0
"You" Effect is the same as a glow lamp, color can change as wished, no heat, size palm. 10 double or half size of ligh
100 Save vs WP. On fail consult table 8-6 (p. 235) mental traumas 10 affect extra target
"Touch" Draw poisons from the flesh (de-tox effect CR p. 148) 5 draw poison from an additi
5 Transfix target with hallucinations (target makes (-30) WP test, or paralyzed for 1 hou 0
"You" Gain two levels of mastery in the Gamble skill with a max of +20 on the skill test 0 -
"You" Gain +10 bonus to interaction skills 10 Bonus is +20 instead of +
"Touch" Target must make WP test to lie to you. Target may be silent instead. 5 -
20 Target takes -20 to Perception tests 10 Distraction lasts 1 extra tu
"You" Until end of next turn: BS+30 0
60 Place a barrier of flame (3m high, 1m thick, 2m long, 1d10+5 E dmg) 0
15 Create
Ignore all15x15 wall ofincurred
penalties souls (touch
by lowwall and gravity
or high take 2d10 insanity
worlds. points
Be able to +walk
make onTwalls
(+10)ort 10 Add 1m to height
"You" ceiling at 1/2 normal rate. Make Ag test to step from wall<-->ceilling 0 -
"Earshot" Corrupt those around you (all make a WP test or gain Corruption points = amount of fa0
30 Do 1d10+EPR (eff PR:[r:EPR]) E damage to a single target with Flame. 9 Increase damage by 1d10
50 Drown all sound in range for 1 round 5 Extend range 10m
10 Project Lightning ([r:EPR] bolts, targets must be within 5m of each other, BS roll to hi 0
"[PR]*5" In [r:5*EPR]m
Tear around
open reality and doyouAoE nothing
damage may inenter
radius tothrough the warp.
all targets. Does 2d10 E 5 Increase radius by PRx5m
20 damage bypassing armour. Daemons cannot reduce with Toughness either. 5 Increase damage by 1d10
"Earshot" Fool daemons (daemons must make WP vs WP or +10 charm, intimidate, deceive. If 10 dae +10 bonus to Charm, Decei
"Touch" Mark rune of fortitude (marked may re-roll any S or T opposed test, gains +5 wounds, 0
30 +2 tomechanical
ALL Power rolls,devices
phenomena occur onfor8,9
stop working oneor round.
10 In addition a WP test may be 5 Extend range 10m
50 made to Jam one weapon in range. (Tech-Priests loath the use of this) 5 Extend range 10m
"Earshot" Amplify persuasive
Opponent abilities:
get -20 penalty (WP vs WP: or
to mechanically +10 to Charm,detect
psychically Intimidate,
you. IfDeceive).
no detection 10 +10 to Skill Test
10 roll is required, +10 WP test (psychic) or +10 Int mechanical 5 Extend range 10m
"[3d10]" All normal plant life within range withers and dies 5 Extend range 10m
"You" Leave no tracks
Everyone within detectable
range mustby people
make OpporWPmachines.
test. You roll once against all. All losers 0 -
"[5+WB]" are Compelled as per power. 1 Command per zone. 10 +10 WP on opposed test
5 Only usable against targets with Daemonic or Warp Instability Traits. Make Oppose 5 Extend range by 5m or imp
"You" Immune to Primitive, SP or other solid projectile weapons (needlers, webbers, etc). 0 -
4 Make WP test to deal 1d10 wounds to all targets in range. Dmg ignores armour and tou 5 Gain 1 additional degree
20 Set everything in area on fire, and then either a) deal 2d10 E Pen 4 Flame damage 5 Affect 1 additional target
10 Make opposed willpower test with target. If target fails, on next turn he drops range 7 Affect 1 additional target
"You" Immune to flame, half damage from las/plasma/melta/psyker powers involving flame (exc 0 -
24 Select one target with Psy Rating. Target may not use psyker powers during next turn2 Add 10 to roll on phenomen
20 Select [r:WB] (WP Bonus) allies without Machine or Bestial traits. Each ally must im 4 Affect 1 additional ally
20 Everything incinerated, [r:WB]d10 E dmg sets targets on fire. For every round maitnin0 -
30 Throw object weighing up to [r:WB*10]kg (WP Bonus x 10). Make BS test to hit, 2d102 Increase damage by 1. For
30 Psyker gains Fly(WB) trait, where x is WP Bonus. 4 Increase Fly by 1
30 Lift and move any object less than [r:WB*50]kg (WP Bonus x 50). Move object up to 5 Increase weight moved by
30 Fire [r:WB] (WP Bonus) lightning bolts; BS test per bolt to deal 1d10+10 E Pen 3 with 5 Launch 1 extra bolt or inc
"You" When psyker is struck in melee, opponent takes 1d10+WB E Shocking. Psyker also 0 -
20 Make BS attack at every opponent of choice in range to deal 2d10+10 E Pen 5 with Sh2 Extend range 1m
"You" Psykers hands become melee weapons doing 2d10+2*SB I damage; hands are treated 5a Increase dmg by 1 or pen
10 All unshielded creatures are revealed to psyker, along with surface thoughts. Grants 5 Extend range 5m or affect
"You" Psyker leaves physical body behind and becomes ethereal being, invisible to non-psy 0 -
20 Possess target, manipulating target body and assuming target combat skills. 1 level 2 Increase range by 20m
"You" Re-roll any failed BS, WS, Dodge and Parry. Out of combat, see six seconds into fut 8 Extend precog for 1 additi
36 Select one target, make opposed WP test. For each degree of success target loses 14 Increase difficulty of WP t
"You" Anyone attempting ranged or approach within 3 meters of psyker must make WP test 4 Extend benefit to 1 ally wi
20 Freeze time within a sphere. Targets cannot interact or be interacted with. Sphere is 4i Increase duration by 1 rou
100 Summon storm, flings around objects weighing 5kg or less, reduces visibility to 1d10 m 5 Do additional 1d10 dmg pe
15 Slow time: [r:WB] (WP Bonus) targets lose half action next turn. Hasten Time: [r: 4 Extend powers range by 5m.
30 Select [r:WB] (WP Bonus) targets, each makes WP -20 test. If failed they lose turn, if 10 Increase difficulty of tests
"[Self]" <br><b>Novice</b>: By making a Willpower test, the navigator become hidden from psych 0 - Novice
"[Self]" On a successful Focus Power Test, the psyker is able to re-roll any single Test with 0 -
"[PB*5]" Novice: On a successful Difficult (-10) WP test the Navigator causes a radius of his 0 -
"Distant Solar" Send message. Time to reach target: 1d10 Rounds 0 -
"Nearby Solar" Send message. Time to reach target: 1d5 Rounds 0 -
"Nearby Syste Send message. Time to reach target: 1d10 Minutes 0 -
"Orbit" Send message. Time to reach target: Instant 0 -
"Sector" Make a Focus Power
Send message. Time Test.
to reach Should the1d5
target: Focus Power Test succeed, another psyker 0
Weeks -
the psyker is able to determine he how far away he is from thatpower
beacon as if it were
thenathat 0
"Segmentum" can Send
have any
Time to power
in space. reach knows
target: 1d5enhanced.
Months If that succeeds, -
psyker gains a bonusThe maximum
to his Psy Ratingrange that
equal he<b>[r:celing(EPR/2)]</b>
to can perceive the beacon(eff is equal
"Sub Sector" to Send message. Time Navigators
<b>[r:EPR*5]</b>. to reach target: 1d5 Hoursthe location of the beacon. Should
be given 0 -
divided by 2) of the psyker using the power. In addition, up to half of any
"You" Read
damage Emperor's
the Navigator
suffered Tarot
gainbyatthe for
least individual.
other Spend
degreefrom 30
of success
either minute
the and make
a Difficult
of other-10 Psyniscience
divination test to0
powers -
Test, psyker
then makes
he isaura.
able antoOpposed
locate theWillpower
beacon Test against
within aofnumbertheof target.
light For every
years Degree
"You" Read
Success any Psychic
on the
degreesof the
target takes
1d10 events Each
points mayofof beequal
round to
0 + -
"[Special]" <b>[r:EPR]</b>
to the psyker (the psyker's
maintaining effective
the auto-seance PR). By
power. knowing the location the beacon 0 -
ignoring armour and Toughness. Should the psyker win the
(and being able to sense it) a Navigator who is unable to locate the Astronomican Test by 5 or more
"[Per]" Novice:
Degrees As a Half Action, the Navigator applies hisback supernatural levelsand of perception
utterly t 0 -
can makeofaSuccess,
Very Hardthe entity
(-30) is flung screaming
Navigation (Warp) Test instead into the warp,
of the normal is test
"[PRx5]" destroyed!
required to chart a successful course. The beacon can become obscured by warp 0 -
"Touch" To activate
storms this Technique,
or eddies, the psykerper
or even destroyed, must
Gamea Master's
target (other than himself
discretion. ) and m0
This power -
"[PRx5]" may not be used at the Fettered Psychic Strength. 0 -
"[PR*5]" Control a number of animals equal to [r:EPR] (eff PR). Make Opposed WP test to com0 -
"[PR*10]" The psyker activates this Technique with a Focus Power Test, choosing a target point 0f -
Should the psyker succeed, the target suffers 1d10+EPR damage. This damage
"[PR*5]" Gain +20 to WS, BS test against you are at a -30 penalty. May warn allies verbally, a 0 -
cannot be reduced due to armour (unless the armour is warded) or Toughness.
"[PR*10]" The psykerand
Daemons focuses
other his will as of
creatures a cluster
the warpof energy
are immunebolts.toThese bolts are
this ability, a physical
as are 0 -
"[PR*2]" The psyker activates
Untouchables and other thissimilar
Technique types.byShould
makingthe a Focus
fail theTest
Focus andPower
Test,one0ally -
"[PR]" he suffers 1d5 Insanity Points as he is witness to the awful visions of Chaos. 0 -
The psyker makes an Opposed Willpower Test against the target. If successful, he
"[PR*2]" The psyker chooses a number of allies (excluding himself ) up to his Psy Rating withi 0 -
inflicts 1d10+EPR (eff EPR) R Damage with the Shocking Quality to the target. This
"[PR*5]" Make
damage Opposed WP Testfortoarmour
is not reduced force target (unless to obey
warded) command for 1 round.
or Toughness Bonus. Target gets +20 0t -
15 <br><b>Novice</b>:
Additionally, this power Navigator
will onlymakes work on anliving
beings and WPanimals.
Test</b>. Should
It will not work he achieve 0 more - Novice
"[PR]" against
The psyker daemons,
a Focus Power or other Test denizens
and theof the warp.
degrees of success on that Test 0 -
"[PR]" Make Opposed
determines howWP wellTesthe can to gain discerna +30 thebonus
touchto ofInteraction
the Empyrean testson vsthings
a single (see target.
Table 0 -
"[PR]" 6-2: Detect Taint). 0 -
"[WB]" <br><b>Novice</b>: Apply -10 penalty to any Pilot (Space Craft) Skill Test per degree0 - Novice
Choose a target within a range of [r:5*EPR]m (5m x Psy Rating).<br>Both the target
"You" Spend
and the1Farseer
minute and make a Psyniscience
immediately make an opposed test toWillpower
answer atest.<br>If
single question. the target Psychic
fails, 0 -
"[PR*5]" Make
then allOpposed WP Testagainst
attacks directed to control thetarget
targetlike andaany puppet. Divide
additional actions within
enemies between a self 0 -
"[PR]" [r:EPR] (eff PR) metres gain [r:1d10+EPR] (1d10 + EPR) damage. 0 -
"[Per]" Novice: The Navigator makes an Opposed Willpower Test against a single target within 0 h -
"[PR]" The psyker activates this Technique with a Focus Power Test. If he succeeds and his 0ta -
"Touch" The psyker activates this Technique by touching a willing target (other than himself 0 -
"[PB]" Novice: The Navigator chooses a target that is no further away than his Perception B 0 -
"[Per]" Novice: As a Full Action, the Navigator may activate this power by choosing one oppon 0 -
"[PR*10]" Deal 1d10+2*EPR (eff PR = [r:EPR]) I damage 0 -
"[PR*5]" Create <b>[r:EPR]</b> (eff PR) force shards. Shards hover around pysker. Any oppon 0 -
"You" Gain +30 to 1 skill roll until end of next turn. Must be used at unfettered. 0 -
"[Self]" <br><b>Novice</b>: You draw three secrets from the future. You may spend a secret 0on - Novice
"[PR*10]" The psyker begins by nominating a single point within range and line of sight. If he 0 -
Guide affects the Farseer plus a [r:EPR] (EPR) allies in a radius of [r:50*EPR]m
"[Self]" <br><b>Novice</b>:
(50m x EPR). May be cast on self or ally within line of sight.<br>All affected may re- 0
You detect if the person or object has a Psy Rating or is tainted - Novice
"[PR*2]" The psyker
roll failed chooses
Weapon a number
Skill and Ballistic of alliesSkill(excluding
Tests [r:EPR] himself (EPR)) uprounds.
to his Psy This Rating
powerwithi 0 -
"[PRx5]" does not stack with re-rolls from other effects. 0 -
"[PB*5]" <br><b>Novice</b>: Target within [r:PB*5] meters must make an Opposed Willpower 0Test - Novice
"[PR*5]" The psyker activates the Technique with an Opposed Willpower Test and chooses a target 0 -
10 Make a Focus Power aTest,
<br><b>Novice</b>: 30 degreethe psyker coneisfrom ablethe to levitate
Navigator himself
out toup to [r:EPR]
a range of 10 metres.0 - Novice
"You" meters.
Gain +20This to WSpower andisBS, notand flight, -20but to merely
incoming a vertical
BS tests movement.
until end of Thenext psyker
round. can alsob0
Must -
use this power to lift objects or others into the air as well. To determine how much
"[PR*2]" Remove pinning and grant +10 bonus to WP tests to a number of targets equal to [r:E0 -
weight the psyker can levitate with this power, consult Table 9-33: Carrying, Lifting &
"[Self]" Novice:
Pushing, The Navigator
ona page makes a Challenging (+0) Willpowerusing Test. [r:IB+WB]
If successful, (IB +he remov 0 -
By making Focus268 Powerof the Rogue
Test, the Trader
psyker Core gainsRulebook
a bonus to his Perception
"[PR*10]" The psyker
WB). activates
The maximum
characteristic. this
Shouldlifting the power
Test with
is the
succeed, an total
Opposed amount
the psyker Willpower
of weight
gains Test
psyker acan
a <b>[r:EPR+WB]</b> living creat0 -
"[Self]" levitate
bonus to- anything
his perception over that test.limit and the he
In addition, psyker
mayisalso unable
bestow to lift it. bonus onto any ally 0
this -
"[PR]" who is within range. This bonus lasts for 1 round. 0 -
"[PR*1000]" Roll -10 Focus Power Test to create a permanent fettered strength telepathic connecti0 -
"[PR*1000]" Create a fettered strength telepathic link up to [r:WB] willing individuals. Does not req0 -
"[PR*5]" Move or lift any object in range up to [r:10*EPR]kg. Does not work on living beings 0 -
"[PR*5]" Move or lift any object in range up to [r:10*EPR]kg. Does not work on living beings 0 -
Target within line of sight up [r:10*EPR]m (10m x EPR).<br>Both the target and the
"[PR]" Spend
Farseer 5immediately
rounds making make an an Opposed
opposed WP test eachtest. round. Each theround test
failsistheywon, addition
0 -
The psyker makes a Focus Power Test Willpower
and the degrees<br>If of success target
determine how will
"[PR*250]" Extended
much senses
suffer protection
1d10 istogained
+ DoSd10. detect
Ignore minds
by armour
use within
of thisandrange. Any Table
power (see creature
WBMind orrange
Ward). Resist 0
This -
"[PRx5]" effects may
power are located
not be made on theatHead. the Fettered Psychic Strength. The benefits on the table 0 -
"[Self]" stack. 0 -
"[PR*100]" Increase
The barrier telepathy
only protectsrange aby9010X degree arc around a character (the psyker may move 0 -
"[Ship]" All
the attempts
barrier asmade
<br><b>Novice</b>: a Half toAction),
Forcesthose but
anymust within
other be the area attempting
Navigator of effect
in a way suffertouse
to a -10
protect penalty
Tracks the inPsykerto Stars,
the or 0 - Novice
a nearby Skill
ally Tests 2m.
within and The a -20psyker penalty to Ballistic
makes a Focus SkillPower
Tests.Test Those to whothis
call areshield
"[PB*3]" Novice: The Navigator must choose a target within his Perception Bonus x 3 metres and 0 -
the area
into being. of The
effect are also
shield providesaffected by these
a number of APpenalties
equal as well.
to the The mist
psyker's Psyfollows
Rating. theThe
"[PR*5]" Can
telekinesesgoes, to performonly anylaststaskathat can be of done with baretohands. Use WP of inste
0 -
barrier is not onlyhe effective but against physical number
and ranged rounds
attacks,equal but alsothe against
"[PR*5]" Deal
psychic and daemonic attacks. It takes a Half Action to move the shield from either 0
success [r:EPR]d10
achieved I damage
on the with
Focus the
Power Shocking
Test. quality
Once theto the
power target.
expires,Targetthe has
mist -5 penalt -
"[PR]" evaporates.
the psyker to an ally, or vice versa. Once the power expires, the shield evaporates 0 -
"[See Descripti completely. 0 -
"[PR*1000]" ThisLocate technique
By succeeding single only
a Focus or individuals
person in
with mutations
Test andIttaking vicinity, (including
must have minor
some ones)
degree and of
to A 0
familia -
Navigators - who themselves does a notHalf Action
affect anyone and
abhumans wishing aliens.
"[PR]" Make
target athe Psyniscience
psyker test to gain information from residual psychic presence on object0 -
successful Focus with Power a ranged
Test grants attack or psyker
the approach thewithin
Fear (1) three meters
Trait against of the
those psyker
"[PR*1000]" mustMake
affected -10byOpposed
pass athe
Challenging WP Test
technique. (+0)
Each toWillpower
turn control
theyTest ofor
begin target
within their Psykers
10 metres asofthe body
the falls asleep,
psyker, of
they 0e -
"[PR*2]" the
must warp
A psykermake hold
who them
a Hard at bay.
(-20) this In
Willpower addition,
power Testwhile
extends this
or take technique
1d10 deeply
R damage is
the anytainted
as their attacks
searching body for0 -
"[See Descripti against
rebels. Thisthe psyker
damage with the reduced
is not Warp Weapon by armour Traitorthat hit the psyker do not ignore
Toughness. 0 -
armour, and deal only half damage. Should the psyker make any type of ranged
"[Self]" <br><b>Novice</b>: for every degree of success the Navigator is able to remove 1 leve 0 - Novice
The psykerwhile this technique
makes a single is active, Willpower
Opposed it ends immediately.
Test against Byall spending
daemonic a Full Action
1 Spend
instead 2d5
of a rounds
Half for
Action, simple
the or 2d10
psyker can hours
extend for this
major and make
protection to Opposed
any ally WP
they Test to 0repo
can -
within a number of meters equal to the range of this technique. Should the psyker
"[PR*5]" The (have
see psykerLOS) may within
make 5 a meters.
Focus Power The same Test restrictions
to manifest and this Technique
conditions as aapplied
that Reaction to agai
0 -
achieve more successes, the daemonic take damage equal to the psyker's Psy
"[See Descripti Rating
the psyker apply degree
for every to the targetof success instead. on Thethis psyker
test. This candamage
maintain this technique.
cannot be reduced by 0 -
15 <br><b>Novice</b>:
armour. Psykers, andShould the Navigator
warp-sorcerers, sufferachieve more degrees
a -10 penalty on theirof success,
Tests the oppone
to manifest 0 - Novice
"[See Descripti psychic powers and techniques for every Degree of Success instead of damage. 0 -
"[Self]" Novice: As a Half Action, the Navigator can activate this power by making a Challengi0 -
"[PR*10]" Make
While Opposed
this powerWP Test, on
is active, thesucess
psykertarget is immuneloses to allany
that touch
penalize for hisduration o0 -
"[PR*10]" Create unfettered
Willpower, he cannot strength link with one
gain Corruption target,
Points, anddoesanynot causeagainst
attacks psychichim phenomena
that 0 -
"[Self]" possess the Warp Weapon Trait treats the psyker as if he possessed the Holy Trait. 0 -
"[Self]" <br><b>Novice</b>: If the Test succeeds, he may add [r:5*IB] (5 x IB) to any Maneuver 0 - Novice
"[PR*5]" Rain of force bolts. Choose num targets equal to [r:EPR] each round, make a WP tes0 -
"[PR*2]" The psyker chooses a number of allies (excluding himself ) up to his Psy Rating withi 0 -
15 <br><b>Novice</b>: Should he achieve more degrees of success, he does 1d10 R Damag 0 - Novice
15 <br><b>Novice</b>: The Navigator makes a single Test and compares the result to each 0 - Novice
"[PR*10]" Make Opposed WP vs T test to inflict 1d10+EPR (eff PR: [r:EPR]) I damage. May also0 -
"You" Create [r:EPR] points of AP; stacks with other armour. Works against Warp weapons.0 -
"You" Create telekinetic blade. Does not require Weapon Training. Make WS test to do 1d 0 -
"[PR*5]" Target perceives you as if you had a fear rating [r:1 + floor(EPR/3)] or lower. 0 -
"[Self]" <br><b>Novice</b>: You may move up to [r:Per] (Per) metres, as long as you could hav 0 - Novice
"[PR*10]" Psykers who learn the Soul Ward Discipline expect to rally their allies so that they ca 0 -
15 <br><b>Novice</b>: Anyone within 15m Friend or Foe must make an opposed Will Power 0 - Novice
"[PR*5]" The psyker chooses an enemy within range and line of sight and then makes a Focus 0Pow -
"[PR*1000]" Send your thoughts into the minds of either specific individuals or as a general broadc0 -
"[Self]" <br><b>Novice</b>: Add [r:2*AB] (2xAB) to initiative and may take an additional Half 0 - Novice
"[Self]" <br><b>Novice</b>: You track a ship through Real Space that has passed by within [ 0 - Novice
"[15]" Novice:
A Librarian Thismay is ause gaze this power,
psychic as power
described in two on different
page 180ways, of thechoosing ROGUEits TRADER Core 0 Rulebo -
When this power is manifested, the Librarian gains a pool of points equal to
"[PR]" psykerHe
The Librarian
[r:EPR*4]. enters
can he a brief
then ause
number these it.state
of The xenos
points and toin
first makes
increase a Focus
any of of to
his orpowerless Test; is toif his
Characteristics he succeeds,
gain PR,
(with to 0 -
"[Self]" be
exception byof
tactical this
edge power.
Weapon in combat
Detect Each
Skill objects
and is space
Ballistic most alien up
useful to then
a onemake
on[r:PB] facing
for one VUan Opposed
immediate (i.e.battlefield
or [r:1000*PB]
basis if four(1, 0 - Novice
"[PR]" Willpower
Gain +10
times hisUsed TestRating
Psy inwith
to all the
was Librarian
24and BS
points, totests
Sight hide
could thoughts
the position
distribute BS from
uptests tohim.
of all
24are Those
points at a among that
-20.within fail range 0
his -
that a - [r:EPR*5]
Characteristics). hostile the While penalty
intentions to Dodge
this toward
power the
is and
being Parry
Librarian sustained,Tests
(i.e. intend against
the to do
Librarian thethe Librarian
counts asin having
"[PR*10]" As
The a Full
technique Action, only psyker
affects is
melee able to
weapons, focus his
and energy,
only those to drawbeing powerheldlimited from
by the the Warp 0
psyker -
the doesTurn.
increased not track In addition,
the movements
Characteristic the for GM can
all intentsof these provideand the
purposes, playeror their with
including some
actions, but
increasing insight
simply his Test.0
"[Self]" Novice:
into he As
the affected a Full
relinquishes Action,
aliens' it the
of actions Navigator
his grip,
on the following it may
loses make
this Turn a Challenging
and such with the (+0)
Warp Perception
Weapon -
Characteristic the Librarian Bonuses their presence,
if applicable.When direction,
the power ends,asthere
distance where
from is a they
his intendeffect
draining to
"[Special]" Trait (see
move, InRogue Trader Core areRulebook, page 368 for aredetails). 0 -
on the which
location. Librarian weapons
addition andto any they
Characteristic going
foes, to this use
which powerorwasif allows
increased the planningsuffersonatoattacking
Librarian ignore equal
penalty or
"[PR*5]" retreating.
to thepoweramount formust
it wasbe targeted
increased when at byamaking
for onecreature. attacks
hour (i.e. against
if the enemies
However, it mayrevealed
Librarian affect others
increased byhis Battle 0 -
"[1*PR]" Sight
Strength until
upon bythe
his of his
Strength next
deadis Turn.<br>The
reduced The by the second
Librarian for an does use
hour instils ofneed
notafter this
the power
to powerhimself
make is aends).
Test a to 0 -
"[Self]" broad
hit the strategic
During target.
this time, overview
the Librarian hisof Focus
anmay areaPower anduse
not information
Testthisispower. on how
modified asbetterif he was to complete
making aa 0 -
rangedthis orpower
attack overcome
(using istheir a foe. Asthe
bonuses andpart of the preparation
penalties may
for enter Squad
range, for a mission
lighting, Mode and at a no
so Librarian
forth). This whoand the
"See DescriptioLibrarians
If the Librarian can use
successfully gifts to
uses send this psychic messages and communications across 0 -
is acting
power as Squad
deals 1d10*EPR a Leader
Cohesion (eff can choose
PR: Thepower,
[r:EPR]) to use
Kill-team he regains
and the1other
a PenSight [r:EPR] rather
point and
the Felling
of the
selecting (1)an
per Kill-
"[Special]" By
With reading
Oath. The gain
the Bloodythe
Librarian Emperor's
Fist to a pool
can Tarot
then ofthe for
choose a specific
one Fate
infuses individual,
Points his equal
melee the topsyker
attack [r:EPR]. can
with grant
extra insight
force 0 -
Quality of
to success
the targeted on the Focus
creature, Power
as well asofany
Test the Mission
if itcreatures
had suffered Objectives
within any and meters.
[r:EPR] add damage, If
"[30m]" lasts
The until
Librarian theto end ofMarkers
the Mission. Spent temporary Fate Points in this pool do not
used the him
against asummons
Hordemay some
at up
thethe Damage
Push ancestors
other Level,even
its members of
if his
this power Chapter
of his does
Used and
inflicts innotathis shapes
numberasway, if theythem
Battle were
hits into
equal a flaming
part toof 0 v -
"[PR*10]" replenish
does at
notorrequire the While
hide. beginning
a Focus this of Abilities.
Power successiveis active,
test and gaming
any melee sessions. attack These
from Fate
the Points
Librarian may
this a 0
his Chapter
1d10+EPR for
(effSquadPR: Mode
[r:EPR]) instead itscannot
normal incur the
effects. Perils
This of power
themay Warp. also
has nouse effect -
not be to
power burnt
of subtly butsupport
causing can a otherwise
the effect
weight be even used
of his asarguments
if it normal
does not bypenetrate
inany councilBattleor his Brother
when who took
influencing or
"[PR*10]" against a target with the Daemonic or Machine Traits. 0 -
part inAdeptus
other the Oath-taking.
On a successful This benefit
hit with comes
a melee with a risk,
attack, however.
ofinthisaddition Should
to any other the the Kill-team
"[10*PR]" With
fail to blast of Astartes
aaccomplish psychicover
half, roundedthe A successful
up, of their
thePrimarytarget's increases
blood, flash-boili
Objectives, then 0 -
While target
Librarian's must
this power Fellowshipmake
is active, a Routine
by +5 the (+20)
every degree Toughness
adds of success
[r:EPR] Test. This
to any test
on Critical
his Focus is modified
Damage Powerhe byTest.a
"[10*PR]" The
penalty Librarian
Battle Brothers
of the throws
-[r:EPR*5] who out his
. If ability
it fails,arm
part and
it fails hurls
suffers a blazing
a critical burns crimson
effect one as Fate lance
if with Point
it hasaMarine that from
suffered impales their
1d5 anyth0 -
Darkness with melee
Gate use has of this
effects If he
similar does to notahisto function
teleportarium, any against
allowing a Space melee fromwith attack the (i.e.
"[Self]" personal
points pool,
Critical permanently
Damage from reducing Fate NoPoints by one. objects one point 0 -
to opponent's
transferred armourTalent,
to anotherand and athe
Toughness rapid weapon.
instance actual
via the Damage
conduit negate of isthe
against inflicted,
the psykers
Warp. and
It only the
"[Self]" effects
as the
works of
a small a singlelast only
group may
point asof
of individualslong
find the
Impact asuse the
and power
of thisacross
only is maintained.
(not as airless
an an insultby armourspace rather orthan
like thean void, 0 -
"[PR*5]" attempt
but it canatbe
Toughness) diplomacy.
on his enemy
effective for stagingas the hit concussive
and run attacks. force ofThe his blow Librarian is transferred
and [r:EPR] through 0 -
"[Self]" Either
their the Librarian
individuals can be affected or a single by this ally power.within range can be the
The Librarian picks target a point of enduring
in spaceduty. which 0 -
"[10*PR]" While
he canthe
Plunging power
his will is maintained,
into as Immaterium,
the a distant theship. target the can
Provided fightthere
Librarian on
calls forare [r:EPR]
forth no ancestral
obstaclesturns spirits after
or he to 0 -
All Battle-Brothers
suffers a critical resultin rangewhich maywill take
kill him an and immediate
ignores half-action
any levels for which allgained
of their
Fatigue enemies
"[5*PR]" atmosphere
This power
count as
surprised. the the
The psyker point
Librarian tohe force can
see and
only to the
use briefly
point acthe
is standing,
once per
a momentary
combat This
at poas 0
the -
a result
gate willofopen CriticalallowingDamage. him and At the hisend of this time
companions to he step dies as normal
through. The (though range between he may
"[PR*5]" fettered
still burn level,
a can
Fate toPoint
use this power again he must cast it at the the push level.of any 0 -
Librarian be up
can usetoto this survive
[r:EPR*500]km.Perils grant theHe of still
the retains
Frenzy Warp
Talent can to be effects
himself and [r:EPR]
"[5*PR]" The
Damage Librarian
dangerouspower only
accrued encases
from one
on a
Critical of his
singleDamagefoestarget. in a
(such crackling
While as the cage
missing ofis
limbs lightning,
or lost searing
eyes) attacks
andhis fl 0 -
allies. Whilewhen under using this power.
the effects of Depths If the of Librarian
Rage, the triggers
FleshPerils Tearer of Librarian
the Warp,counts roll
"[PR*10]" against
as he
possessingthekm cursed
suffer tothe targetCritical
Mental gaindistance
Rage additional
Talent. rather Penetration
Inrollsthan a 1d10
addition, using equal
whilehisthe toappropriate
using [r:EPR].
thePsy Depths critical
Rating. If he 0
of Rage, -
effects Librarian
table to andseea number isofpower,
Battle-Brothers equal to [r:EPR] within a number of
"[Self]" was
When Pushing
the then
Librarian 1ifuses
distance suffers
thisPsy further
Rating heand crippling
choosescan choose injuries ignoring
[r:max(1,floor(EPR/2))] an attackany result using
targetsofadeath 0 -
or levels ofofthe Librarian
Fatigue. Even equal with tothe[r:EPR] psychic gain willa of
+10 the bonus
Librarian to both Strengthhim,
sustaining andthe
"[PR*5]" psychic
within powerHe
range. rather
then than makes make melee
a single attacks as (+0)
Challenging required Opposed by theWillpower Frenzy Talent. Test 0 -
Toughness. This
Battle-Brother canbonus still be is destroyed
increased (and by +5killed) for every if hethat cybernetic
suffers twice possessed
his by the
total starting
"[Special]" versus
The the Toughness
psyker use thisof
can Marine each of
power to the locate targets.andTalent Those
track down afail suffer
single 1d10+EPR
object or person R in his 0 -
number of Spacewounds (The
(after reduction Flesh Is Weak
for armour counts its level towards these
"[10*PR]" damage
The psyker (eff PR: take
may [r:EPR]) over with
the no reduction
mind of another, forandToughnessToughness
controlling Bonus
victim (thoughwith
in a reduced
single hit.
will. Thi
armour pointswho
If used at the
is underasthe
as normal)
their effects skin of
and this this
Power cannot is a
regain Action.
away. lost Such If
is the
ator 0 -
"[PR*1]" the Push
repair effects Level, this Power
accrued as a is a Free
result of Action.Damage. Any abilities or actions that
Critical 0 -
agony this power inflicts that the target, should they survive, suffers a -10 on all
"[PR*5]" would
Tests in dotheir so simply
next turn. do not Targetswork slain on thebyBattle-Brother.
Flensing are reduced to a collection of 0 -
"[25*PR]" Castingbones
bloody a psychic and shadowmeat andacross are completelythe battlefield, the Librarianthough
unrecognisable, fills histheir foesarmour with inte and 0 -
"[PR*10]" equipment remains intact (if soaked in blood). 0 -
The Librarian
This powerhimself makes aa 1Focus
conjures meterPower wide Test,
line outopposed
to its maximum by all Surprised range enemies
which strikes within
"[Self]" Wrapping
range (enemies in a blanket of power, the Librarian creates a potent but static psychi 0 -
everything alongnot suffering
its path. Anyfrom creature, Surprise friend areorunaffected).
foe, or object If they
struck fail,bythey this are power
"[5*PR]" Summoning
Surprised for upone a shimmering
additional field ofOnce
Round. force,anthe Librarian
enemy has fashions
been affecteda shellbyaround this himself0 -
takes 3d10+5 E Damage with a Pen [r:EPR] , unless they spend their reaction and
"[PR*5]" When
While this
he powerpower
is immune is active,
to (+0)
it for 24 [r:EPR]
hours. targets within
must its range count the Librarian 0 -
pass athis <b>Challenging is allDodgexenos in the
Test</b>. radius In addition, make anyancreature Opposed or Willpower
Test having
against thethe Fear (2) Trait atfor thethis turn of and must make a Fear Test if athey can draw
"[10*PR]" Calling
damaged upon butthe notLibrarian
killed/destroyed of his start
by this each
power of must
Librarian turns.
take aIfFear they forthfail,
Test they
as if suffer
ravening exposed beast0 -
line of sight
[r:EPR*2] E to him or hear his cry (unless they would otherwise be immune to the
"[Special]" to a Fear (1) Creature(with no reduction for armour) and suffer a penalty of [r:EPR*3] 0 -
effects of Fear).
on all Tests. AnyInxenos addition, affected any creatures
by this power with the will Warpbe instantly Instability aware Trait of must
its source make
"[5*PR]" The Rune
an Instability Priest summons up thetospirits of the Thunderwolves, Freki the Fierceisand a Ger0 -
and may seekTest out with a penalty
the Librarian as atheir target Willpower
to end their equal to [r:EPR*2]
pain. This power . Ifonlythere effects
"[10*PR]" For
xenos and has no effect on creatures which are not truly alive (such as daemons or 0
choice the briefest
of targets of instants
within range the Librarian
and some channels
have the the
Daemoniclight of the
Trait, Emperor,
the Librarian bathing must al -
"[PR*10]" choose
machines) these targets
or have even firstabeforesmall degree those without of human the ancestry
trait. (such as most mutants, 0 -
Any creature, friend or foe, within [r:EPR] meters of the Librarian, must pass a
"[PR*10]" abhumans,
The Librarian or (+0) and of course
a target Space
of his choosing Marines). (who mustabe a White Scars In Space Marine, 0 -
<b>Challenging Toughness Test </b> or gain level of Fatigue. addition, the
"[1000*PR]" Librarian's
or from the a power
melee of
attacks orbital
deal barrage, Chapter)
While this power is active, the Librarian gains a bonus to all Perception Tests and the Librarian
damage calls
equal his down
to WS [r:EPR], a
and mighty
Ag and by hammer
any struck of psyc
by 0 -
"[PR*1]" EPR*5)],
those melee
Perception-based withattacks
any Skill corresponding
must Tests pass equalanincrease
to [r:EPR*3]. to his
Test orAgility
He can Bonus.
on fire re-roll
also (see page any failed 260 of the 0 -
"[Self]" Deathwatch
attempts when Rulebook).
making Opposed Tests against foes using Concealment to hide from 0 -
"[50*PR]" him. In addition,
The Librarian his sightaallows
summons torrenthim to see things
of psychic fire to much burn and closer char thanhis they foes.would He may pick0 -
"[5*PR]" normally
The psyker appear and reduces
can bolster his comrades the range byto a targetout
sending whenwaves using a ranged weapon
of reassurance and calm. by 0A n -
[r:EPR*10]m for determining any penalties or bonuses to hit. This ability can also be
"[10*PR]" The Librarian
While calms is inthe minds theof nearby allies and
the completely dispelsTrait, their fear and do0 -
used tothis see power
fine detail effect,
from the Librarian
same distance gainswhich Regeneration
normal sight (3) might notas be able
"[Self]" described
to see. This onpower
page only 134 of worksthe DEATH when the WATCH
Librarian Rulebook.
is using his own vision and does 0 -
"[Self]" Thefunction
not Librarianinsheathes conjunction his witharm scopes in an impenetrable or lenses which field wouldof energy enhance with the ranged power to wa0 -
"[Self]" vision. 0 -
"[10*PR]" Lifting the Veil is an extension of the art of Psychometry and allows the psyker to look 0 -
"[30*PR]" The Rune Priest cries out to the sky and calls forth a dancing bolt of sentient electri 0 -
"[50000*PR]" This functions just the same as Short-range Telepathy, but with an extended range. In0 -
"[20*PR]" The Librarian calls down a terrible curse on nearby machines and vehicles. The Librar0 -
"[5*PR]" The Librarian casts a curse upon one of his foes, marking him for death at the hands 0 -
"[Self]" Covering his thoughts in darkness, the Librarian hides his mind from sight, confounding 0 -
"[Self]" Focusing
All creatures, his will, friend theorBlood foe, withinAngels the Librarian
area suffer enhances [r:EPR]d10 his strength E Damage and with summons a Pen up of a
0 -
"[Self]" 4, and must
Tapping intopass the deadly a <b>Difficult powers (-10) of theAgility Immaterium, Test</b> the orLibrarian
catch light (see page
infuses himself 260with of p0 -
"[1*PR]" the deathwatch
This Power
power allows affects Rulebook).
the Force The Field
to Librarian
peel back remains
possessed the layers by all unharmed,
of another's butmind
within cannotthetorangemovethe
read ofwhile
ba 0 -
this power
power. Reduce is being the sustained.
Protection Every
Rating turn
of andallthissuch power Force is sustained,
Fields by 20. increase
If thiswithin the
"[200*PR]" The psyker
While this extends
power his
is inbyeffect, mind to
the contact
Imperial Fists identify
Librarian other sentient
and allthe other minds friendly range 0 -
reduce thePsy Rating
Protection +1 (increasing
Rating below thethe damage
Overload andreduce
Roll, range), and then
Overload compareRoll to
"[10*PR]" Driving
the total deep
damage into rolled
(including the target's
NPCs)to the mind,
that can
Librarian's thesee Librarian
Willpower may implants
score the
- if seed
the of doubt
damage and
roll is remor0 -
match the new Protection Rating. In this case, the Force Field has the same chance
"[Special]" made
to stop toan avoid
then thethe
incoming power effects must of Fear
be sustained next turn, aswillitsthus energies rageaon 0 -
When Librarian
the Librarianpicks manifestsaattack
singleastarget it does
this within
to overload
all enemiesand andmakes
within aits only stop
radius must
(+0)make an 0
"[PR*5]" uncontrolled.
The before
Librarian overloading.
can use this This
power Powerto grant affects himself all types
the of
Flyer Force( [r:EPR]Fields, ) not
trait. only
He does -
Opposed Willpower
Challenging Test (+0) with them. For
Willpower Test every against degree thethe which
Librarian. theyThosefail they that suffer awill
"[PR*50]" those
-10 to granted
need to
all their make by equipment.
Tests a Skill
and or
can Characteristic
only take aTurn Test
Half to use
Action on a theirpsychic following wings turn.andIfpass theofuse 0
can -
"[5*PR]" be
this partially
The flying
Librarian deafened
movement lets his by for
just their
authorityas if thanfollowing
heshine would forth use in hisand
a blaze ownsuffer movement.
of psychic [r:EPR] point
energy, penalty
filling the
nearby 0 -
any beats them more four degrees of success, then they also take
others power
willIbe affects
able or Fellowship
to creatures
the tests.within
Librarian's Those [r:EPR]
wings thatmeter failcrackling
as willofbecome
the Librarian,
green Stunned
nimbusestearingfor [r:EPR]
at their
"[PR*20]" [r:EPR*2]
Rounds,LibrarianthoughDamagemakes may which
make Focus isa notPower reduced
Challenging Test. byIf
(+0) armour.
he is successful,
Willpower Test he
to centres
recover a
at blast
the with
start 0 -
weak flesh.
energy archThe up over affected area blocks
his shoulders and normal
can make vision (Traits
it very such as
difficult for Darkhim toSight, hide.Sonar Also,
"[5*PR]" Using
of each
Sense, his
[r:EPR]m understanding
or their radius
Unnatural turns anywhere
Senses ofthey
are within
either events
needed the
pass and
to the
see his
test perception
or the
clearly). All effects
Creatures of the
within the
wear flow area
within of the
off. time,
of effect
The the ps 0
area -
The he
Librarian if the
and [r:EPR] (+0) wings brush
alliesAgility against
will have any
their surface
bladed melee they will crackle
weapons and
affected burn by with
"Touch" must
must make
power toWarpareadChallenging
also the
atenergy Emperor's
<b>Hard the effect
(-20) Tarotof Test
is in part
Toughness to ascramble
Test</b> actcloudofclear.
or learning
suffer Anyone
darkness tosuffer
[r:EPR]d5 who
when does
Ethe not 0
Empe -
this power while (though the surfaces or objects they touch by thenoLibrarian harm).
"[PR*1]" clear
Damage, the birds
ignoring of they
spring effect hold
Armour takes them
their hand.
and, Rending
Damage complete with usedno Penetration.
darkness, this In
Whilea result
this power of
affectedthese factors,
is active, the
the over Librarian
Librarian maysuffers by
use a -20
Full to both
If the his
weapon and
has a 0 -
the following
Silent vision
Move and Round,
Skill cast Testsaany shadow survivors
while this
the area
remains of an
active. as Action (+10)
thousands to Agility
shift hisTest
of black perspective
on their
turna vantage
wings toarch
againskyward.of 0
scramble then it
upAnyone gains
toclear a
[r:EPR*100]m Penetration
the area the above
of effect.
radius or
of below
If they
the power
his [r:EPR]
they take . This
the same anywhere 0
only -
"[PR*20]" The
within Librarian
range. can
For make
the a Challenging
purpose inflict
of all Rending
his (+0)
senses Awareness
(sight, Testwhen
sounds, tosmell,
perceiveis activated,
etc.) any
he objects 0 -
in space can
the Librarian
this anypower,
of hisincludingthey are
allies, suffers dragged
celestial a -10 below with
penalty toand
thevision andisvision
vessels or
"[5*PR]" Diviners
(if theyTests
based survive, to read
be a
they can
(including person's
standing in aura,
ranged new the
a Full Action unconscious
unless though
they projection
their seebodyway of
does his
back tointhe
normally being
not move.
the in to
dark the
His orinW 0 -
senses areDepending
also enhanced on the bysize this and
power density
and of such
while using objects,Sky-Sight the GM may givehis
to transfer the
"[PR*10]" subsequent
have a light turns).
source. This effect lasts from the end of the Librarian's turn until the start 0 -
consciousness a +10 to to a+30 new bonus
location on this heare Test. aEven
gains +30 ifonthe allTest
Perception fails, the and GMPerception
should give
"[PR*1]" of
the his following
Librarian a turn
general when idea theofbirds hazards sufficiently
though not dispersed.
their exact location. If this power 0 -
based Skill Tests. While using Sky-Sight, the Librarian enters a trance-like state he
"[10*PR]" Reaching
is unaware into
used in conjunction the soul of his
with a vessel's foe, the Librarian
bridge binds
crew and it in
it willcannot powerful
grant them bands
a +30 of
bonuspsychic to all 0 -
The Librarian of andwhatallis his transpiring
allies withinaround range hisgain body a bonus alldefend
to hazards tests equal himself to or react 0
"[PR*1000]" Tests involving
to danger until their ships sensors and Pilot Tests to avoid and ordinance. -
[r:EPR*2], whilethe allstart
enemies of hiswithin next turn. that range At the suffer start of the eachsame of hisvalue turns as a while
penalty. the In
"[50*PR]" The
power psyker
is active, can send the the his thoughts
Librarian canspends into thetominds
choose of those around
use Sky-Sight or this him,
not, power,
or change touching thea number 0 -
addition, every turn Librarian an action to sustain he may
"[PR*200]" location of his senses from one place
summon a single bolt of lightning against any single enemy within range, dealing within range to another. 0 -
"[10*PR]" The Librarian
While the power (effconjurers
is in effect, up lethal
Ehedamage bolts of
counts with
as lightning
a Pen that
equipped 4 leap
ofwith and an the from his hands
Astartes Thunder to burn
quality, 0 -
"[PR*50]" If he is in
though themelee target whenmay this attempt power dodge is used,this heattack.
gains a bonus to damage equal to his
Hammer. The Stonebane may to only be used to strike stationary, non-living structures 0 -
[r:EPR], and adds the Shocking quality to a single melee weapon he is wielding, until
"[Self]" and objects, and is of no use against any other type of target. 0 -
the start of his next turn. Otherwise, he hurls a bolt of lightning in a straight line out
"[5*PR]" The itsRune
to enemy
maximum Priest within invokes
range, range the
striking ancient
sustains everything rites in
1d10+EPR of its icepath.
Eand Damagesnow,
Any creature, calling
(eff PR:up a blizzard
friend or foe, withofthat
apsy 0 -
"[PR*5]" Penetration
the lightningequal passes to through,
[r:EPR]. suffers [r:EPR]d10 E damage with a Pen of 5 and the 0 -
While this power is in effect, the Librarian gains the Fear (3) Trait against any
"[Special]" Shocking quality. 0 -
enemies in sight, while friendly Space Marines within 20 meters of the Librarian
"[150*PR]" In a fearsome
instantly regain display
1d5 lost of Cohesion
power, theif Rune they Priestsuffered
have calls upon any the spirits of
Cohesion wind, storm,
damage. If the 0 -
The power is
Librarian's only
generatesAgility effective
a 30Weapon
and on foescone
degree which
Skill out eitherto itshave
Characteristics maximum 1 or are more range,
andby Points, a
all [r:EPR].
"[Self]" Rending
mutation, the
thatorarea veil
the hasbetween
Daemonic its full worlds,
normal the
amount Librarian of creates
Cohesion, a therift through
squad gainswhich 1 he
bonus Failure 0
and his a -
The distance hemust may take moveatrait. Strength
for anyIf the given Librarian's
Test, with atarget
Movement penalty
Actionfails equal a increased
is Challenging
to [r:EPR*5]. by(+0) this
"[Self]" point
means of Cohesion
that Willpower
they are instead.
pushed it will
back suffer
number, after taking into account any increased Movement due to his increased a Damage
number of equal
meters to [r:2*EPR]
equal to their (2 x the
Degrees Librarian's
of 0 -
"[PR*5]" effective
Failure andPR)knocked and an prone. additional point of Damage per ten Corruption Points
The Characteristic.
Librarian can either However,
have the the Kill-team
ravens target sustains
one individual,one pointdealing of Cohesion [r:EPR]d10 R 0 -
"[Self]" possessed
Damage each by the turntarget. the power In theiscase of those with mutations, the target suffers
Damage, or swarm a number of used.
opponents equal to [r:EPR] , blinding them until the 0 -
While +5 points of Damage per mutation. Targetsawarewith the Daemonic Trait suffer
"[PR*10]" end ofthis the power
Librarian's is active,next turn. the Librarian is more of minor, often 0 -
inconsequential equal to[r:2*EPR+10].
details, and gains Foratargets+15 to with a combination
all Intelligence Tests ofandCorruption
Skill Tests Points,
"[10*PR]" With a
mutations, word of
and/or power the and
Daemonic a clap of
Trait his mighty
use the hands,
one which the Rune
would Priest
result creates
in the most a deafeni 0 -
based on Intelligence, as well as the Scrutiny Tests. In addition, if he is unsure of
"[Self]" The Librarian
Damage being covers
inflicted. himselfDamage in a fine from reactive
this power psychic ignores shield armour that gets
but is stronger
reduced theby m 0 -
which direction to proceed in an investigation or where to find and object or person
"[PR*20]" Toughness
he can make Bonus
an unmodified as normal.Intelligence to gain a clue from the GM. The nature of 0 -
"[Self]" Deadly
the clueagainstand its those exact with worththe are psychic
up to the gift,GM, the though
effects of heashould True Strike not allow can Truthsmash an 0 -
"[Self]" Seeker
While to be usedthe
sustained, in Tyranid's
this way more Synapse thanrange once per game session. the creature and 0
is doubled. -
A single enemy is held immobile and helpless by means of Further, the Tyranid's stare. If the
75 A
target Tyranid
succombs Horde
to with
the within
power, Tyranidrange
it is gains
held 1d10+10
immobile by magnitude.
the power
(counts asMagnitude)gainHelpless)
being +10 plus to allan WP it 0
until -
The target (which may be a Horde) suffers 1d5 damage (or
"[Special]" tests.
can break free by winning an Opposed
additional 1d5 damage for each degree it fails the Opposed test, not reduced for WP Test at the start of its turn or the 0 -
10 Tyranid's
A single armour gazeorisToughness.
Master, somehow
Elite, or Troopbroken.
The Horde Tyranid is is
allowed immeidately
to make healed
either aby Fullan amount
Move, equal 0 -
The Tyranid
The Tyranid lets chooses forth up to [r:EPR]
a terrible silent (eff PR) orthat
scream a single echoes Horde in the of mind
any Magnitude.
a s crippling
"[PR*10]" tot
Thoseeh damage
Standard that Attack
fail inflicted,
their (rangedOpposed up to its
Test totalreduce number
Charge both of starting
their WSas awounds.
and Free BS Action
to 10 once
while per
they 0 -
Shriek. All sentient, living
The Tyranid unleashes a wave of horror that gnawas at the resolve of its enemies. 20 meters suffers a hit that deals 1d10+8
"[PR*25]" round.
I damage affected.
to the Targets also suffer a -10 to all Int, Per, WP, and Fel Characteristic 0 -
Each Librarian
member ofhead
picks a Kill-Teamwith the
a point within Shocking
wmush range make Quality;
and alineWPof all
test victims
sight at -30as suffer
the a -30
or take to their
1 point ofof the
"[25*PR]" and
Void Skill
cohesionHammer. Tests.
damageTestAny toperresist
member Stunning. within
that fails If3mthetheofToughness
test.point Testbenon-Tyranid
All other ishit failed,
by the theconcussive
(and is 0 -
20 stunned
A unless for
creature 1d5
they rounds.
NPC's can successfully
within range
is targeted within must make
range.pass a Dodge
If the Test
a fear-based to leap
WP test is successful, out of
WP test withthe the way.
a -30target is 0
Those -
75 When
hit suffer
modifier the Librarian
or flee in Iactivates
panic. this
(effectivepower, Psyhe Ratinglearns [r:EPR]
x 3) E and 'secrets'.
must pass These are minor
hit with an
A singlefragments
concentrated dealing 1d10*EPR
beam of energy (eff PR
is released = [r:EPR])
a singlethen target with range. If 0
within consider -
"[50*PR]" (+0) Agility(2xEPR)
[r:2*EPR] Test orofbe knowledge
with knocked
a blast and
of nonsense
[r:EPR] Objects meters. such asmustwalls, supports, carefully and doors 0 -
When Focus Power testin is successful, the target is takes 2d10 x PR into Ea Damage (rolled
for farthis
aretheir more power
worth. badlyHeis can effect
affected then and the
suffer these Kill-team
[r:EPR]d10 'secrets' fighting
to gain
I damage against
ignoring Horde
Armour (see
his immediate
Points. pageThis
"[PR*30]" <b>[r:EPR]
future the
the enemy times
Librarian and
must summed)
pass a this with
Willpowerpower, a Penetration
Test picks
in ordera of [r:5*EPR]
to within
direct its(5xEPR).
ranged and makes
attacks at 0 -
can beand used may spend holes
to punch up to one in objects 'secret'(such on each of his Turns.
as bulkheads) if itFor
does everyenough 'secret' Damage
"[Self]" an
and targetits (+0)
that Opposed
knowledge the Imperial
applied Willpower
to Test with situation,
the Librarian.
Librarian's it. If he is successful, then the 0 -
to them (creating a breech 3m in diameter), or bringhe down gains either
buildings aby +10
"[5*PR]" target
bonus becomes
to a supports.
single subject
attempts Test, totopredict
ignoresvulnerability. the near The Librarian
future, seeing choosestheor flow one of typeevents of Damage
and the act0 -
destroying This abilityacan single also point
be of Damage,
used effectively increases
against the
he the foeby
inflicts to 2. become'Secrets' vulnerable toby- either Impact, the Energy, Rending, areor Explosive.
"[PR*10]" damaging them just as it not would used a bulkhead the end orofblast game session
door. lost, as are 0 -
unused the power ifisthe
'secrets' sustained,
power isany used Damageagain of this
(the new type tallygains of a bonusreplacing
'secrets' against the the
"[10*PR]" With
The Librarian utter
equal disregard
to a Force
[r:EPR] for reality,
(i.e.Field if a the
pagewith opens
166aofPsy up
theRating a
deathwatch flickering
of 6 vortex
makes a in the
foe with a 0 -
old).Warp Whispers is not without its dangers. If the power is used Fettered, any roll
"[Self]" protection rating
vulnerable to Explosive equal to [r:EPR*5]. Thisit isforce fieldby cannot overload. 0 -
of doubles on the FocusDamage, Power Test and forces struck
an automatic a boltgun roll on which
Table inflicts 2d10+5
6-2: Perils of
"[PR*10]" Damage,
the Warp it
. would
If used now suffer 2d10+11
Unfettered, the Librarian Damage). automatically suffers a Perils of the 0 -
Every enemy within range of the Imperial Fists Librarian suffers [r:EPR]d10 X
"[5*PR]" With
Warp.a Ifterrifying
damage. the
Enemies power cry, isthe
may used Librarian
make at the a Dodge demoralises
Push level,
Test against the and stuns
the effects nearby
must of foes,
this power forcing(note them
roll a to 0 -
"[Self]" This
Perils power theinfuses
of power Warp, nearby Battle-Brothers with new purpose and devotion, boosting 0
that this is anwith area a +20
effect modifier
attack, to see the result.
pages 238-239 in the DEATHWATCH -
their moral and banishing any doubt. The Librarian and any Battle-Brothers within
"[PR*10]" Rulebook). 0 -
range immediately recover from Stunning and reduce their levels of Fatigue by one
"[5*PR]" The Dark
(if they had Angels
suffered Librarian
one). In forces
addition, his way Space intoMarinesthe minds of his foes,
targeted by Opposed robbingpsychic them of t 0 -
"[Self]" The Librarian
powers gain asprouts bonus equal a pairto of[r:EPR*5]
blood red(Librarian's wings of psychic Psy Rating energy x 5)from until histhe back startthat of ca0 -
"[PR*10]" the Librarian's next turn provided they remain within range of the power. 0 -
"[10*PR]" The Librarian recites a sanctified prayer to the Emperor, speaking holy words that bu 0 -
These Qualities are: Flame, Power Field, Razor Sharp, Tainted, and Tearing.
the pulsating
Crusade energy emanating fromtarget the sorcerer unbearable and must end their
Qualities Core worthRulebook). two successes Also,include: the gains a(2),
Crippling +5 bonus to
Felling (2), allProven
Focus Power
(3), Tests
turns at
made toleastmanifest ten meters his (1). ownaway powers from(assuming the sorcerer he if possible.
has the ability If not, toadd usetheypsychic must
While Acidium and Toxic Vitae is in For
effect, three if successes,
the psyker the
suffers Sorcerer
any Damage may from theImpact, Warp
powers other actions
place). to
firstQualities The move as far away true fromallegiance him as possible during their and
Rending, Quality.
or Explosive attacks, thatAether have
or other aWorm's
Damage that may havebleeding, liesthewith bracketedits master number
thus, with Psychic regard Phenomena:
to the sorcerer Psychic that Phenomena
implanted thatcauses
it, this occur whilst
power has a different using thethis resulting
blood spray by one
covers via his spending
enemies an and additional
eats away success. at their The flesh. sorcerer
After a may
triggering unleash attack a
are permanently
The original caster attached
has to the power's
increased access area
to the in target's
one form mind or another,
and ignores as per the the target's
resolves, of force
all energy within
creatures on his three enemies, meters sacrificing
of the the benefits
psyker must of theavarious
make Difficult qualities
GM's decision.
defenses against ForTelepathy
example,and hoarfrostaffecting permanently covers everything inin range, warp
The Sorcerer's
Agility Test throughor take tainted
Blade1d10 soul
of Baleful drawsmind to itPen
Might the for 5,denizens
awithturn powers.to of make the If he warp, is trained
a ranged whoattack clamour it,through
heto may his
use thepermanently
Mind Probe hauntE the
(from space, the that or whenever
Black Crusade
the the Toxic
Core psyker (1)
returns toCreatures
subtly, area,that
the though he
attack empowered
the Anyone
psyker force
natural to
melee target the
attacks the Sorcerer
(from with
teeth, any
claws, form
all the
or of attack
the like) must
also wouldtake
is power
with a aRoutine byallowsthe(+20) the
Mind psyker
Willpower to
effect. produce These
Test forFailure an illusory
his opposed double
remainFocus of
Power himself, Test toavailable
rather space thanon a
this damage WP have test
in such
theat -[r:5*EPR]
same Force way, penalty.
ignoring Balanced,
Armour means Unbalanced,that his revulsion
etc.). The prevents
attack is him
the this
psyker turnpower thatconjures
gains the was
one In
psyker aorder
the not to
Also, ofto
following fooldelusion
any the otherscharacter
power, tobut
upon henot
psyker used
makes Toughness
makes them target's
his and (i.e.
which mind
the Power
his Focus iswith
psyker the This
Powerdoes the 0
"[Self]" from
The attacking.
contradictory as
lasts a fornormal
Power a
Test attack used
and of with
feelings. the thisForce
equal power
Target toWeapon,
resists a psyker's
Free but
with with
with a range
a made
WP equal
test. Every to five
and DoS the - The pressure
not permanently
Test, or the
twoby psyker
target's must
following -5 control
Mind his
Scourge own(+0) ego
Tests Toughness
power) and
due make
gain aa
Test. bonusHard
The to(-20)rather
damage Willpower
suffers equal takes
one Test. the
"[Self]" Treat
For the
slaying target
each when
Degree isplus
in the
of inpower
combat.to ifthe
he Test
aof +10this or
the the
power. a
victim on
When to be
Deceive may with
using of
for toof
one 1fool
the as 0 -
Might sorcerer's
Fatigue gains
thewhere Psy
Corpus X another
immunityis equal
Conversion Finally,
tolevel Euphedros
[r:EPR]. Path
to The two
target used
the ignores
does in).
Hard the
receive (-20)
ofthe effects
and eitherbonus
"[20*PR]" following
The the
Thousand benefits:
test by
Sons 5He or gains
Sorcerer adegrees,
+10 bonus causes tothe the the next victim Test to he be rolls.
rendered ofHe gains
unconscious. the He 0 -
to order
extreme Madness
forged toheat
one oron
may his
Test each
for(2) Degree
withThe a of
any the
Test. Failure
at On
psychic results
still GM's
or power,
other in a
desire.as -10
the penalty
PerilsAether using
from to
Warp power:
may Ifsame
although effects
the he
"[Self]" The
may not
allow adue
reduce bonus tothat
host the
to tosoul
Characteristic allhe
isthat the
repeating the
its master.by
anthe amount
has host one tothe
equal Test
fails to
five times
his target his
thePsy he
levels to
sorcerer, psyker's
Bonus; of
behold. the He
he The
may asselfof 0
psyker -
the Jaded, rolls until
Nerves five he or oftomore
stops target
Steel, Degrees
the Sorcererof Success
this power.
with on
any his
form Focus ofAiming Power
attack Test,
must the
attempt target
he a WP
"[PR*20]" spend
must thus a aFree
make the
new Action
apsyker target
to Should or amust
effects inand
(+0) of turn Resistance
totake gainincluding
instead. the
or ofsuffer Talents.
the is ofin
-10 athe equalRegardless
to to (see
of which
the and he
Black the
than had 0 -
double with athe Half
and the
may power
Action). perform hepenalty.
This these
any either
mundane he
only make
benefits affects his
actions an
last attack
the longerwith
psyker preventsthanwith weapon
normally him
force from
thecanor end
unless of anthe
his He next
"[PR*10]" twice
Crusade his
unconsciousness. Core Rulebook Bonus,
However, pages the
he effects
278-279 suffers offor Blood
more Boil
levels become
information Fatigue lethal;
on and
must each pay the 0 -
turn. Even
action to engage
requires action
though an
a Testandopponent
the Focus any
andmore if
not of awin Test
actions attack
is aOpposed that
nature. is
targeted not
Thus, possible.
bytheas this
a psychic
double If
additional fails
may remainsto
cost do
he so,
attendant price turn, when should this the power the Test, the target takesnot attack,
"[Self]" the
manifest target
aany must
Hard of
powers, effects
psyker this power
(-20) or end
Willpower and
administer 30m he who
Test aends;
first level
as for
aid, a
it may and
succeeds, make
in conditions
a Challenging
the poweror Ifwoo.
heTest, rolls
The (+0) a 0
on -
extreme Sorcerer pressure Rending
focuses or his
inthe Damage.will andwhenever
a vacuum; Ifhison
Thewrath any
psyker turninto the target
a searing
efficiently wins
bolt oxygen
uses the Opposed
of warp-flame. and may hold the
"[Self]" Willpower
his causing
psyker makes Test
Power asTest,
all aThe
Tests ofFree he Action
on the double's the
must attention
behalf. attempting
from some themay tomaintain
Heavily perform entity
Damaged aofReaction
this the
power warp-and
condition foror as anin 0 - The pressure
Chitin breath immediately
ShellBolt for this
allows power
reaches ends.
the of
psyker, Daemons,
into the
upon equal
the warp
warp to
completing entities,
for bonuses
greater thesort.constructs,
Focus a abilities:
Power Theand ofThis 9other
Test effect beings
required may
gains gains
Felling fora a
"[Self]" Action
order that
long astoa to with
he does
activate the
can notConcentration
or care
concentrate maintain to grant and Subtype.
this him
thepower. a boon
double If the of target
remainsany succeeds
within He rolls
his on on
view. this theThe Test,
Psychic he
doublehisthe 0 may -
its activation, the
tothe circulatory
hisAction [r:EPR]
to addand A system
for adds
Armour Evasion or
everyPointsto with
DoS (Dodge
must a
onareas circulatory
a make and
Focus a Parry)
ofeveryhis T
bodynot Tests
test that
notwhich equal
suffer defies
already 1d5 to
may human
Corruption times
only be by
protected used
immediately Table
disappears normally. If
+5 he to fails,
the he
roll loses
for the Action
Degree entirely.
of Failure However,
attained heon the 0
"[PR*10]" understanding
on Rating,
the for
next every begin
power are
[r:EPR*5]; DoF,
psyker immune
the 5 orif now
he ithis
to the
breath anyindicates
Dirge Damage
while ofof
Zealous this
Decay, theor
power is targeted
all onin
creatures a effect
becomes by of
who ain
9 successful
have 10; suffered
to togain attack
his or
for this
of any spend
perceptions Power
or natural
any Test.
other armour.
stimuli either
Thishe Ifuseschitin
and may
as not
as power
desirehas is as
at toUnfettered
fused spend
Sacrifice his
to the
veryPath thatto
"[10*PR]" and catastropic
round. andwithin
Additionally, The mutation
using psyker
range the
andwhenever must transforming
muscular make the
the reserves
Sorcerer into
Challenging but
fails aofsuffers
asenergy, (+0)Spawn.
such an processing
functions Test
as them
hit, atimmediately
andealing aa level
1d5+ of 0 -
suffer means
the sorcerer
additionalthatHe he
from may
amount prone choose
hundreds as of to taking
Rendingofthe following
meters risks Sprint
Damage inathat
equal individualThe
he he
would ofonlistedotherwise
a 'spent'
rapidly effects
"[Self]" [r:EPR]
his own
When damage
makingBrain Each
an with
Extended a
lasts Pen for of
Test, 4
afor and
numberthe the
sorcerer Shocking
on the
of Phenomena,
rounds Focus
may quality.
equal Power
addstimuli tobonus
amodify Test
the Heretic's equalmay be Psy times 0
Rating, to -
spinning Ifas he should
propeller) have
orturn emittedtothat roll amidst Psychic ato chaos of other that rollto in five
an equal
"[PR*5]" last
armour long
For to one as the
every part psyker
offor thethat chooses
body sorcerer
(head, maintain
body, boththethe power.
arms, power, or(such
both as
all psyker
creatures immediately
legs).This may who
have opposite Rating
suffered theaapower
all rolls
for to
a number
within therangeonbonus Test.
or penalty make
equal toto
spotting affects
his alternatively
Challenging aTests
Toughness specificrolls
(+0) receivedfor his
at which this 0
"[Self]" armour
Extended has Test rating
and has of AP 2.
a clearly
durationHowever, of 24Degrees thehours. psyker may spend 0 -
timecrowd For
he must of example,
succeed if he
or gained three
listening to a of
conversation Failure onin his
the Hard
midst (-20)
of a great
or suffer
successes one increase on
to additional point
the aArmour
of Rending Points(+0) Damage.
on one Toughness of Armour
the above Test.andlistedFailure
Toughness body causes dothe
parts not
on a
"[Self]" Willpower
reduce The
Damage Test,
immediately then
caused ofhe this
end adds
by last
this 30 effect
he tosuffers
power. his are Psychic
Creatures Phenomena
to R
who the
Damage GM'snot
have roll.
as a
sufferedresult and of
any creative
his body 0 -
one for one basis. For example,
The Sorcerer's throat rattles with the name of every disease he has suffered from a psyker scores three Successes on his Focus
"[Self]" applications.
Power are
Testdieaseto right
and chooses itself. He
by must
to add power make this
(that test
is, untilat intervals
or unless in rounds
they suffer equal damage to his 0 -
and every that Nurgle haschitin ever to his head
gifted mortals andwith. armsCreatures (spendingwithin two range
"[Self]" Toughness
When oppose
activating Bonus.
the toFocus
this increaseofPower
power, Nurgle the
the ignore
psyker with thetoa effects
designates headofeach bythis one
test, power.
creature Blasphemous
within last success)
the power's -10 0 -
Fate power
Incantation: emits
When aDirgePsychic
the sorcerer
of Blast with
Decay centered
is three
used on
with the
benefits the body that
Blasphemous oftake a dead effect creature
Incantation of Path
adult and to
"[Self]" for
if a
radius result
have of a
Heightenedhead with AP
Senses 3 armour
(Hearing). and arms
Any with
creature AP 2
that armour.
fails takes 1d10+EPR ally 0 -
Power, foras size
eitheror larger.
anRounds allyIt or
choose 1d10+EPR
a numberto of
(he may
increase of(eff choose
the action
towhich designate
toradiusR Damage
sustain occurithimself when
to a and Full
these anthe
"[30]" damage
benefits ignore
(2), and
end. the
Tearing,is stunned
power's and till
Pinning the start
Qualities. its next
The turn.
Alliesradius in the
of the blast become
is equal enraged
to [r:EPR]. and 0 -
(once must
this beFor
decision within theis duration
range itand
made, of line
cannot this of power,
besight. changed the Target sorcerer
until resists
he gains
uses with aa
this +20 WP
power ontest. allagain). WhileIf
"[5*PR]" must
Alleffect, succeed
Toughness line and ofonWillpower
allows athe
sight Challenging
the+[r:5*EPR] to (+0)
Tests and Willpower
force others
also a make
+20to all Test
ona oract
Tests they of sacrifice
(2) Test,
one their
otherexcept their
will. Reaction
the This
Characteristic psyker po 0 -
he does, the
on psyker
every turngains that the sorcerer bonus maintains to Interaction
the power skill
he cantests make against an that
30 for thechoice,
of his turn (if decided they have upon not activating
used it already) and immediately make a Standard Infamy a 0 -
against This
any one is not mind control andsuffering thethis psyker power. cannot The sorcerer
force others regains to actall against
Points psykeragainst
spent must
this a creature
session offire
and sourcechoice.
may within
spend Enemies asrange
many within
its effects.
of them the radius as
likes, also
Upon succeed
if using
"[PR]" their better
Challenging judgement
(+0) Willpower nor does
Test it and obscure deals acts
1d10+6 of overtRending hostility Damage by the psyker.
and has the 0 -
it, the
means same slide
spending test aroundor suffer his feelings
hands and of crippling
more than normally allowed per session. The sorcerer immediately them defeat. in They
flickering also lose
tongues their as Reaction
long as
"[PR*5]" Toxic
this turn(2) Quality.
(ifWounds 0 -
While sorcerer
touching isthey draws have
the ground upon
and notany used
This beneath
Critical already)not
his feet, hurt and
momentthe take
the psyker,
a penalty
of stray
thebut his
to unarmed
emotion allofSkill andand
forth overhelms
Criticalwave ofdo
"[20*PR]" A Psychic
his own sensations.
additional Barrage Tests thatequal
The deals to
Sorcerer 1d10+EPR
five times
cannot the (eff
be PR:[r:EPR])
stunned, Psy E
rendered damage until
unconscious, with
the starta Pen ofhe isin 0
the 8. -
pestilence ordamage
and decay, equal
Hits are
turningto [r:EPR]
removed). and gain soil When the
into aFlame
morass Quality.
effects He
of greenish-grey does
he loses notsludge count
"[PR*5]" psyker's
unusedarmed next
Infamy by
when turn.
Points, He
increasesgains Unnatural
his weapons
Damage Strength total while to and Unnatural
equal his Wounds, Agility
Anything and[r:5*EPR]. he
suffers 0 -
a [r:EPR] meter radius. The ground around the sorcerer, which moves as he does
"[Self]" But
1d5 he
(centered suffers
in hisof
on is -20
him to all
at all times) Perception
fate damaged
becomes tests.
itself as
and if
swamp-like. set
restores on fire the
Any of or exposed
creature, to to hishigh rightful 0 -
Fire Barrage a Psychic Barrage that requires a source flame toexcepting manifest,the as per
"[Self]" temperatures,
sorcerer, inusingTzeentch's
within this with
thepower, the
power's exact
the scheme. effectsmust
raidus may dependent modify
pass an onAgility
his the
body item andand
Test choose
or thewhenever
fall GM's
oneItof discretion.
the 0 - The warp boi
Fire open
Bolt flame
is a Psychic rule. It is treated
Bolt that as
requires originating a source from of flamethe source
toUnarmed of
manifest,Masterflame. deals
as perTalents the
"[5*PR]" This
attemptingpower's options:
to abilities
move Hefaster stack
gainsthan with
one the
of the
normal Unarmedfollowing Warrior
Traits: and
Amphibious, Amorphous,
Fire flame
Storm is (eff
rule.a PR:[r:EPR])
Psychic is treatedStorm E
as Damage;
that requires ifHalfthe
source the move.
of flame of fourflame.
to or more
manifest, It deals Degrees
as per theof 0 -
in the following
Burrower (3), Crawler, manner.Flyer With(4), Unarmed Multiple Warrior,
Arms (3), he Natural
now counts Armour as armed (2), Natural even when
"[PR*15]" Success,
1d10+EPR any (eff targets It ishit
PR:[r:EPR]) are also Eas Damage; set on fire. if the psyker scores five or more Degrees 0 -
Open Flame
Weapons, opponents or rule.
Quadruped. with treated
weapons He takes originating
while thebare formhanded, from
of another theand sourceinhis of
a cunning flame. deal It deals
effort 1d10at deceit, E of
"[PR*15]" Success with
damage and(eff hitsPR:[r:EPR])
the his target,(7)the
Primitive E target instead
Quality, is ifset the onpsyker
of fire.
the scores
standard three
1d5-3. or more
The Degrees
additional 0 -
altering his appearance, vocal cords, and genetic signature (should he have access
"[PR*15]" of
to Success,
such from
information).any this targets
power He hit are aalso
gains with
bonus set it. to onhis
Having fire.Disguisethe Unarmed Testshim, Master
equal Talent removes the 0 -
The Sorcerer ceates a shimmering field of unreality around histoimage ten times becoming
"[PR*15]" the
number Primitive
transparent of Degrees (7) flickering
and Quality of Success from between hisattained
fiery reality attacks.
onand histhe Focus warp. Power The Test. Sorcerer The gains psykerthe may 0 -
"[Self]" activate
Incorporeal thisTrait power and multiple
countstimes, his ABchoosing as equala[r:EPR] new option with each activation.
for determining how far he can 0 -
"[Self]" move. he can move as easily vertically as he can move horizontally. 0 -
The sorcerer long bonds reaches of warp-spawned
into the mind of ropes, an enemy chains,and andbends lengths their of bodybarbed to sinew
his will.erupt
"[PR*10]" Deal 1d10+2+2*EPR
fromt eh ground and (eff PR:[r:EPR])
wind themselves I damage
around any with a Pen of
creatures 0. Ifreach.
within the psyker Psychic hits aft 0 -
The atarget
The target
hole in may
of thisresist
reality power and with expose
visiblya WPages atest.foeas If ribbons
to the target full spendour fails then
of light brutallyof histhestrip actions
warp. himThe inofhis targetnext
"[10*PR]" A Psychic
Blast with aStorm
[r:EPR] that deals
meter 1d10+3*EPR (eff PR:[r:EPR]) I damage thewith a hisPenyouth, of 0 per 0 -
taking may 1d10 be
this decided
power with
temporary by a radius
Strength, Sorcerer.
Toughness dealing
Toughness, The1d10+3
Test. victim
Ifand R
thecannot Damage
Agility deal
Damage with
it suffersper Crippling
Degree Damage. of with
"[25*PR]" ([r:1d10]),
his actions.
If it loses SnareAny
it suffers
suffers (2),
tests and the Tearing
victim qualities.
attempts while controlled gains a bonus equal to 0 -
The targeton the psyker's a1d10-10 to Damage
Focusall Tests Power +2made per Test DoF, while(forignoringexample,
this power Toughness
in effect. ofand threeTheArmour. imps If
"[20*PR]" [r:2*EPR].
of target
Successes loses on by the 4 or
Focus more PowerDoF, the
Test target
results mutates
in the suffering
target taking a random
3d10 Gift
Damage of theto 0 -
Incendiary Tzeentch from enhances two fatal flaws, one shell however-stupidity
of standard ammunition and cowardice. designed If thefor target
"[PR]" Gods.
Solid of
peering the
a Halfcalls
Projectile aforementioned
into the
Weapons future,
andthe you Characteristics).
(only gain
those +[r:5*EPR]
onwithout anfigit Ordinary The
the bonus target
(+10) on ofthe the Hex
Intimidate of
non-Evasion Decrepitude
Test, thehatred imps, 0
Skill -
The Sorcerer upon dark gods to himPrimitive with a portion Quality) of theirand Bolt
"[Self]" may
Weapons.hemake performs
that a Difficult
The the before
enhanced (-10) the Toughness
between end
ammunition of his
the Test turn.
gains tothe
and resist
Warp this Damage,
Weapon them,
and reducing quickly
Blast (2) the flee, 0 -
to generate
The Sorcerer anproduces
explosiona of psychotic hatred
soul-shattering noise of that all living things. While this power
"[PR*25]" damage
Qualities.ending dice the
the bysorcerer
one for every
power's effects.
rolled Degree
five(this orformore of Success successes heinflicts
the or to apain
Focus minimum
of zero.to 0 -
that hearpsyker
Sorcerer in selects
it. experience the
This Psychicdeepens a sorcerer
into the target
Blast is as and
warp all
centered creatures
pure be
on a enter
destructive living a Frenzied
being,force, a state
gatheringvehicle, as up if
or they
rawother had
use target's
this power, theThis ammunition also though
gains the hethe hadSorcerer.
Tainted really Quality, aged, Anyand
creature he gains within a +10 the
"[5*PR]" the
hatred into Talent.
object). Sorcerer power may does manifest
not require psychic anwhich powers
open flame while as per his
Frenzied. the Corruption
Open 0 -
psykerto allaimplants
Willpower an
Blastandthe[r:EPR] Sorcerer,
mystery radius
for in the the next
The psyche
No R one
At PR:
"[30*PR]" Flame
with the rule.
damage the Focus with
(1) Power
and Pen Warp Test
10, the is
Weapon successful,
Flame and
qualities. the
Tearing target
Until takes
the start 1d10+1
of the E
Sorcerer's 0 -
psychic be
start of each targeted
powers of the
veil by
targeting Hex
target'sthe of Decrepitude
reality he must more
thehitwarp succeed than
to unleast once per
on a Challenging combat,
the daemonic and
(+0) creatures
"[3*PR]" Damage,
next turn, ignoring
allage creatures Armour. within In individual
range suffer
-20 to are
this thecombat
Perception power with
Damage of 0 - The shriekin
that do
Tzeentch notgain
and Test
a naturally
(or aon
+10 (suchFocus
their asto warp
Power entities)
Logic all
Tests. Test
mortals if immune
Furthermore, is trained to the
reach. ineffects
should thatof
All theSkill)
dealt in the previous Round plus 1d10+1 additional Damage, also ignoring Armour.
"[PR*10]" power.
manifest 1d10, enemies temporary
any psychic within Intelligence
powers, range suffer
all Psychic Damage
a -[r:2*EPR] and
Phenomena beto stunned
all WP until
tests. the
In start
addition, of his next 0 -
(So in Round 2, the power would deal 2d10+2 damage,rolls while he in triggers
Roundtake 3, the a +20. power
"[5*PR]" turn.
everytime The Focus WP Power
a3d10+3 test Test
is failed, this made they to initiate
gain 1d5 thisathour
Corruption power imposes
points for aeverypenalty DoF. on these
The shell
would psyker
dealremains may not use
damage, impressive
and aso periodforth). power
of one The the before
power Fettered
requires level.
returning the Ifto
psyker'sthe itsFocus utmost 0
normal -
state. Test and
Power is to Logic Tests
successful, equal to -5Daemonic
times the Degrees Fearof Success he achieves.
"[Touch]" concentration maintain. he If the gains psyker the ever uses a (X), Reaction (3), while andsustaining
Warp Instabilitythis 0 -
This effects
power of X
allows the
equals power
thetwists ahalf end
sorcerer his when
to either
take cord
the the of
form target
energy succeeds
up. that In wraps
addition, on his
itself he Intelligence
may select the (or 0
"[PR*2]" power,
The the power
Sorcerer's flesh immediately and ends
changes and must
to resemble beofmanifested
anotherthe specific
blessed again. person, of
effluents of the -
from up Testtoworming or is
two of reduced
the into
following to atheir
zero ofminds
packages Intelligence. andof Traits Blasphemous
overwhelming to complete their Incantation:
will. theThe TheThe
target may
"[3*PR]" On
utters can Thefor
bolster short
Test, the
bewilder bypsyker
out command
([r:EPR]) ofathis
of transformation:
but suffers
the and-10for calm.
to 0[r: -
The the
Sorcerer topopwer
focuses using this
made a astream
toWP psykertest.
initiate of in Ifthe
decay the test
power into is
one up failed,
a to
lungs. three
of his then
victim's thethetarget's
Test following
body begins
that has
to an suffer
The thethe
"[Self]" Agility
Natural characteristic.
Armour Incantation
are (2), chosenRegeneration Path
by the to Power,
(4), Sturdy, Labyrinthine
instead. the StuffThe Conundrum
Nightmares, may only deals and 2d10,
perform Unnatural a 0 -
victim'susing offleshSuffocation
and boneas (see
wither page on
away 257,
Table inBlacka2-5:display Crusade
Mask ofof Core
glorious Rulebook)
atrophy, Ifand the issorcerer
"[PR*20]" When
Toughness half this
(3) power,
Traits.each the and
Bestial psyker
Form: instead
may manifests
The of 1d10.
psyker a small any
may globe
select ofwith
up fireto the in leaving
three his hands.
of the
a The
0 -
The Sorcerer on to
ruin. thebe This
reaches under
Test, is hestrenuous
a power
deep appears
Psychic intotishe activity.
causing If any
bringing of
astarget the required
forthperson to
the suffer Toughness
in question
deepest, a single darkest Tests
Rending rage
"[PR]" fire burns
following as
Traits: long the asAmphibious,
the sustained,
Amorphous, and hovers
Dark-Sight, justFlier above (3), the
Multiple psyker's Arms (1), 0 -
and hatred and
Effect the
he target
can to
find, clears are his
unleashing not Thisthroat
altered. does
it and
upon In
not lungs
alldo eventandnearby.
those he isto
that theno longer
While form suffocating
thisbut differs
iscan in cause
Committing but does Toxic
one's notself burn
(2), and
to him.
the Theoffire
form the is Molten
Senses equivalent (5) Man in brightness
Traits. Predatory thetoin a standard
Gifts: Theform, glow-
"[PR*20]" (although
limb loss,
the Sorcerer
globe, easily
blood from
and levels
all of
or Fatigue
creatures new
within depending
power's be on theresults
radius critical ineffect.
immediately following
enter new
a Frenzied 0 -
gains Sorcerer
the sorcerer Deadly maycallsAll not upon
use Tzeentch
any and
abilities tocan bless
powers him set
carried flammable
by power
the to
the new confusion.
Warp on
form; Weapon
immediately fire.
The truly
"[5*PR]" can
state only
desperate as be
if they targeted
psyker had mightthe by the
try Leper's
and talent.
use Curse
it In
as once
a weapon, per they combat
but gain
it is Hatred
too unwieldy against to all
grant any 0 -
is merely and
into nominates
may select
cosmetic. and a target
This one ofinthe
power sight
lasts followingand
atforhis range.
[r:EPR] Weapon
feet. EvenWhile
minutes metalthis
Qualities at power
which to apply isresist
topoint in to effect,
he his
the mustnew,the
"[10*PR]" enemies.
Sorcerer benefits;
appears the
to real
be theform benefit
target ofand this power
theain target is that
appears it provides
be a
theat flame
Sorcerer. for the AToxic 0 -
either so return fangs
close to in and
his proximityclaws:
natural Crippling
to the orpsyker make (3), Felling
this Focus
new (3), Flame,
state. This
Power Flexible,
Test no aTearing,
-10 penalty to the as
"[Self]" psyker
psyker or to can
Tainted. manipulate
Mantle with
an of other
accounting Daemon abilities. Test Prince
for Toughness with a
lasts penalty for
andthe a of
Armour, [r:5*EPR] of to
the psyker reduces see through
equal to all 0 -
a Free Action. the Test is successful, he continues ruse seamlessly. If the new
"[25*PR]" the
check illusion.
[r:EPR]. Iffrom
fails, thethepsyker
sorcerer and is fire
suffers and half atomutation
0oforthe fewer Damage
from Wounds,Table caused the power
9-1: by plasma,
Gifts ofimmediately
the Gods las, and onends page 0 -
"[Self]" and
While heweapons.
of is Stunned
this Black The
power forpsyker
remains one in round.
Core gains
effect, Rulebook the
a number following and,ofotherwise, qualities:
willing creatures Stuff
returns of equal
to his to the and
natural form. 0 - The constant
"[Self]" Unnatural
This roll lasts
psyker's WB Toughnessfor mentally
are 1d5 rounds (3). linkedTheand heat cannot
allowing he radiates be
them exchanged is communicate
to so intense for a Reward thatinstantly
all creatures
of Tzeentch.
and sliently and 0 -
The Sorcerer
objects withinKilometers.places
five metres a sliver of the of psychic
psyker suffer energy[r:1d5] in the Energy victim'sDamage mind which at the will inflict
"[PR]" up to [r:EPR] 0 -
beginning pain.
of each This is
of theinfamous a Psychic
psyker's turns. Bolt dealing
The psyker 1d10+EPR also gains E damage
the Deadly with the
Natural Warp
"[PR*5]" The
Move grandest
or lift any and object most in range up oftoNurgle's
[r:10*EPR]kg. contagions. Does The
not Sorcerer
work on casts
living beings 0 -
Weapon and
Weapons Trait Shocking
and cangift qualities.
deal 1d10+EPR+SB After suffering (effthe damage,
PR:[r:EPR]) the targetE Damage suffers with 1d5 his
"[PR]" outward
This power the infectious
allows the psyker of Nurgleto peel toback all within the layers radius
ofto of the
another's power.
mind toCreatures
read the ba 0 -
Neuralrange Moltento
StormsufferInt, WP,
is a Psychic and
lasts Fel
for aevery
Barrage number turn
attack of for a
that number equal of turns[r:EPR], equal at to the
which DoS time on he the
within 1d10+EPR damage with thedeals Tainted 1d10+TB and Toxic E Damage (4) qualities. with a Pen The
"[25*PR]" Focus
of [r:EPR]. Power
his test. form
Succeeding and
threesuffers 1d5 levels ofon Fatigue due Power to devoted
the shock the 0
ofNurgle -
damage Armourbyunless itorismore environmentalDegrees the Focus
sealed. Those Test,tothe
"[Self]" escaping
are may
unaffected. heat add and either
The the airresultant
the Shocking
is filled cold.aorthick,
with the Haywire acrid fog(5) and Qualitysarmstoofthis massiveattack.bloated With 0 -
"[PR*5]" five
flies.orAny more Degrees
creature within of Success,range that heismay not add devoted both to Qualities
Nurgle instead. suffers a -5 to WS, BS, 0 -
"[5*PR]" Int, Per, and Fel tests. 0 - While this p
Opposed Challenging (+0) Willpower Test as they psychically grapple. If the psyker
to burn in a one meter by one meter area. Anyone caught in the fire must make an
succeeds, the target still manifests his power but must make a Psychic Phenomena
Ordinary this
Initiating (+10) power Agility simplyTest or catch fire. the Cause the make fire to aeither drastically increase
roll (in addition to any otherrequires Psychic that Phenomena psyker rolls he would Focus have Power to make Test, forat
in brightness,
which time an fillinginvisible the sliver immediate ofFor energy areapenetrates with bright lighttarget's (if it wasn't already), or spew
rolling doubles, Pushing, etc.). each Degree ofthe Success the mind.
psyker Upattainedto once per
round, aftersmoke anyand ofTest,
theash. If the psyker chooses
target's the second(including option, anReactions) area withinthe
his Focus Power add a +actions 5 to all have Psychic fullyPhenomenaresolved rolls the target makes
2d10 meters
psyker may of the firethe in all directions counts as being filled with smokethroughout (see the
this turn. Forinvigoratethe next 1d5 turns, energetic the sliver,target suffers sending aexcruciating
-5 penalty tomisery all Focus Power
the Crusade
target's Core TheRulebook, page 245) for [r:1d10] Rounds. If the psyker
Tests unlessbody. he spends psykera Halfmakes ActionatoChallenging refocus his concentration. (+0) Willpower IfTestthe opposedtarget by
the target's to sustain activating this this power, power each grants round the hepsyker can choose
the a new effect.
Unnatural Senses If the (5)effect Trait
succeeds inChallenging
the Opposed (+0) WillpowerToughness Test,Test. Phantom Should Parry the psyker
has no win, effectthe and targethe may
in addition
suffers Degrees
to temporary
enhancing of Success one sense to determine beyondthe its magnitude
normal ability. of Fatigue,
Theeffect, psyker hereceives
isuses the
use his 2d10 powers normally.Willpower Psychic Damage, Phenomena: gains Inaaddition
level of to any other and rolls treated
"[PR*5]" Degrees
as Bonus
though ofhit Success
to byanya Perception
weaponscoredwith onbased the
the initial
Test Focus
Shocking (such Power
Quality. withAfter Test.
the a Awareness
number of Skill)
turns when
equal 0 -
target may make on the Psychic Phenomena Table this turn, he also triggers the
"[PR*10]" using
to [r:EPR], the selected the sliver sense.
dissipates Sharpening and the somepower sensesends. grants additional benefits: Smell: 0 -
Warp Ghosts effect if he rolls doubles onhis Focus Power Test. For example, a roll
"[1]" Sharpening
By casting his the sense of smell grants the of psyker an additional +20 bonus on a
of 22 results ingazeboth upon the Spoilage the infinite andtides Warp teh warp,
Ghosts effects.the psyker Shouldcan thegrant target insight 0 -
Survival Skill Test to track when the psyker has an item belonging to the individual
"[PR*5]" triggerWarp
The Sorcerer
Serpent's Ward Ghosts
distends multipleand times,
warps his the effects
form into are
a new not cumulative.
and horrific shape. The he gains 0 -
being tracked (alastspiecefor of aclothing,
number aoffreshlyrounds equal
severed toappendage,
[r:EPR]. While etc.). active,
This bonus
"[PR*5]" Can
In any use
additionalwith telekineses
situationgains the Unnatural
where tothe
granted perform
option psyker asany
normally described
would taskby be that
this in can to be
called to done
make Gazewith
andivided bare
psyker page hands.
as he
with 51.chooses
Test, a he Usemay WP inste
0 -
"[Self]" The
a [r:2*EPR] hissense unleases
the Heretic the
tomay raw power
spend a of
Half the the warp
Action into
to reality.
prematurely Thisend
choose power
tothe gain is aaof
duration of 0
instead attempt tobonus
use touchthis all
power. Evasion'see' tests.
If successful, hethe touches
psyerk avoices regardless
the attack -
number power
oflight. that must betaking used athis the Push power level.of Centered seem toon the Sorcerer
"[Self]" this power
exactly as iftraits,
and heFor shed
had each his
passed trait skin-even an heEvasion
may the place
run armour hisoffingers
test. two
and points weaponry
across Unnatural
embossed slough
script tooffread a it 0 -
in a a
of radius
pitch-black hasownequal twoas
room. tomodes:
part the
Taste: of range active
this Those of the
maneuver.and power,
trained rested. The in all
Burrower When creatures
this power using
(2),shed within
have Regeneration
had the Deadly
to radius,
test during
their any 0
"[Self]" Gain
excepting a bonus
Unnatural the to the
Sorcerer, first WS
take or
([r:EPR]) BS
single skilltrait test
hitordealingand during
gain athisbonus turn equal
to initiative to +[r:5*EPR].
equal to the -
senses asperforming
part oforthe strenuous
flames process (1),that activity,
of may learning Armour
have in
its (2),[r:EPR]d10
use. Sonar
So thehoned time,
psyker, isE
the damage
the psyker's with
Grappling the
sense is used. andof 0
"[Self]" DoS
Flame on and the Focus
Warp Power
Weapon test.
qualities. Roll twice -
taste requires
while (5).
enhancedaThisHalfand form
any gains
bydealing topower
this maintain
the Warp
1d10+2*EPR that and he the
can Xon psyker
damage the
recognise Perils
set At
withthe of
the teh Warp
start of the
presenceShocking ofand and
poison apply
Sorcerer's (4)
heWarp in
"[10*PR]" both
foods effects
make gains
he qualities. turnimmediately
a Half
samples a thisbonus
by power
making to instead
as aa targets
target Toughness
asuffers of any
successful normal
a penalty Tests
This roll
Challenging Psychic
to that Psychic
his TstolenwithPhenomena.
(+0) doesthe Regeneration
to not provoke
Awareness the effects re-rolling
Test. Trait
Thisof the 0 - The warp boi
The Sorcerer draws away will and uses mental Strength to
"[Self]" equal
shocking to of
75 or higher. even When iftohe resting
was or
engaged otherwise with not
them. engaged Charmer's in strenuous
thegaze Type: activity,Reaction he 0 - The constant
At the
Sorcerer's own. prior
reaches equal
command, out-[r:5*EPR].
to swallowing
target with may
with a in thus,
WP ifassuming
to heals target
corrupt used,
food fails,
he laden
that he
"[5*PR]" may
with aopt
always massive toAttackuse
hit the theWhen
dose rested
targets of targeted version
poison, by
he ofmay this
either spitpower
itdealoutinstead. orWP
before ranged He
it takes attack, ana
effect. amount
Sharpened of split 0 -
open WP
and damage
pour filth and
and unarmedthe
rotten Sorcere melee
blood gainsattacks
down upon the 1d10+EPR
Sorcerer's (1), +1 I for
foes. every This and full
is 5 points
a the
Senses equal
lastsby the forto a [r:EPR]
number perWard
of daypower
rounds of rest equal maywhile touse using
[r:EPR].this the Reaction
This Regeneration
power may power
in response. be After
activatedin this the
"[5*PR]" of WP(3)
Psychic damage quality
Blast withinflicted.
and he counts
radius of 1 as + DoS having on the Deadly
Focus Natural
Power Weapons
Test. Anyone Trait. caught Thein 0 -
multiple starting attack
times, with
each has been
time with Damage
resolved, a new and
sense ending
warded enhanced with
creature Light may
(although Damage. attack
the Though
+30the bonus triggeringthis
"[Self]" Ward
the of
mechanism Worms SB of is lasts
not added
healing for a
isI Damage number the Damage
slower of
withthan rounds
a the [r:EPR] equal
combat to
Penversion, [r:EPR].
and the itToxic While (3) active,
quality. he gains
to of 0 -
The additional
Sorcerer the making same,
forth option
the darkest as (+0)
of described
how Willpower
desires times
infrom Worm Test.
successful, is allows
of used).
use athe 0
"[20*PR]" Further
target psykerofthose
until Change
fully. spends
the affected
Withend is1d5aa moment
of must
thatweeks make
target's Blast
to rest,
of a with
next Pinning
the his apsyker
turn. radius
skill test.
Targets with measured
may his
of weapons
this in
power metersofmustchoice
any based
have and on
line then of -
Half power,
unleashing the
the psyker
psykerand may
giving choose
them free to turn end
reign. off the one
The of
target his toorsenses
maymake a
resist (such
with as sight
atwo WPwithin in
"[Self]" The
sight and have targets
and the organs;of a
ability single
attacks. Rating.
to see weapon,
theAll lost
this power
limbs of armour,
creature active,this
this (for he
time item
radius must
instance, oftake
make 2d10+7
blind Etest. If 0
creatures -
range test to
and avoid
fails a
makes the blindness
torrent target's the
a Focusof in
darkest the
Power toface WS,
Test.of anintense
BS, enemy
successful, light,
control or if touch
of Agility
Tendrils his whilst
mind of forunder
Corrosion [r:EPR]all
that at values
"[Self]" Damage,
are veil
immune Pen
between to 9, which
Charmer's each hasand turnthe
Gaze). Felling
the(thus warp is([r:EPR])
spending bothQuality. ofhe
allowing Additionally,
hisgains Half daemonsActions) iftobut
thepour attack
rather 0 -
into toZealous
puppet [r:EPR]. byofitem cruel
wormThe Eldar
infested raiders). can
flesh. When
To make doing
tothe vanish
the so,
attack, from reality neither during the
ofany +30 bonus
through this to the
and time,
the wreck -10 he
Hatred toacts
havoc eachon inupon
any accordaince
attack, theitshe
target, functioning.
materialgains with targeta bonus
universe most
suffers tofor aahe
the random must
brief are
Gift reduced
equal of
The his
to on to
times 0
"[Self]" to Perception
personality, for (-10) a total based
unrestrained number tests of
Test. nor roundsthe
by self-control Unnatural
attack andis do a Senses
attacks have (5) to
be consecutive)
has a range equal
of five to -
The page
Sorcerer an 290 of
area lose
calls of the forth
the Balanced,
a scored
listed great Crusade
radius, onForce,
orchestra his Core
within Focus and
daemons the the
Rulebook)-at Field
nearest Qualities
howl GM'starget
must (if
and discretion,
wield with
least most and
"[Self]" the
times DoS
powerful the on
weapons the
psyker's Focus Psy
He Power
automatically test.
and deals passes 1d10+EPR Fear and (eff
aPiningtoPR:[r:EPR]) Rreduced
isDamage, to to 0 -
weaponsis Primitive
or adversaries
within whilst
Within and
thisthisarea power be alltransformed
Their and Qualities.
psychicsien continue
call powers Ranged
warps only must mewling
the be tests
minds Chaos
used of
thos the Spawn,immune
enarby, spendlevel
"[25*PR]" Pen
stunning 5, and and the Toxic
Fatigue. (2)Creatures
and Tearing Qualities. oneIfof all hits from this attack are focused
+20 is killing
blindingadded making them.
to all
rolls theon
of pain.
Attacks. Psychic TheMaximal,
effects and the
of Reliable
thisDark power
table. Gods Qualities
Forlast may for not
eavery a(if present),
all for
DoS onof 0 -
"[PR*25]" on
and one
rounds gain target
of the and
to Dark
the that Gods
and diesThe
Psy duepower
Rating toQualities.
until attack, he his
armour corpse the
to make bywill
a Lightning of 0 -
the Focus
directions. Power
All test,
creatures, a single
excepting lesser those daemon devoted to of the Sorcerer's
Slaanesh, are choice stunned manifest
for one
Attack, worms. whicheversuffers These worms
-2 penalty nowtoact
sooner. itsAs as
AP soonthe(tocorpse's
as minimum
the power musculature
0). Allthe and
Tests psykeritusing
becomes any
suffers a
"[10*PR]" within
turn and the gainarea, a remaining
number of for [r:EPR]
levels of Fatigue rounds equal before to it disappears
[r:EPR] if they back
roll a todouble
the warp. on 0 -
[r:1d5] forbythe
levels this ofcaster
Fatigue. toare manipulate.
Note taken withOn
normally a -10 each
making penaltyof twothe(such psyker's
Lightning as the turns, Test
Attacks asfor a Free
would protection
be Action
"[5*PR]" any
he test
mayToxic they
commandSiphon make for
theispuppet any action
poisonsto make taken.and other
a Standard toxins Attackfrom the
orWhen target's
Halfa Move body, albeit at 0 -
a cost.
abut force
psyker here field
or an Awareness
permissible. on his Psychic
made with an
Test, he has psykerAction.
effects The of
"[Self]" Add
As a [r:EPR]
this power aare AP
essentially to to all
reversible locations
dead, psyker has
byofsomeone which
no Psy
manifesting stacks
capable a with and
power, other
of doing cannotthe armour. do
basicPhenomena, Works
maintenance makes against
else his thatFocus
andpain Warp
a 0 -
identified theopposedthe
short Sixmessage,
locations Blades ofathe no Prosepheron
toxins more inTestthan
thespeak triggers
target's bodyPsychic
sentences, and removes to a actions
number them tinyof
"[Self]" living
A creature
spirit warp telekinetic
to the Ward
entities may
Focus lastsnormally
blade. byfor
emerge Does
a Test
to do
such number
feed assuch
notuseda onrequire
of as
the rounds Weapon
suffering This orbyconcentrate;
equal Training.
of to target
wounded a few
in his
the minutes WS
combatants. Should test
active, to
All limited
he [1 0
and -
to standing maintaining no
in more
place orthan
Nurgle's leaking 2 Rot,
performing for from each
thebasic theDoS
psyker eyes, socred
commands.may leaching on the
activate Itsbutout Focus
Vileof the
characteristics power
skin,the test,
orare He
by or chooses
half the
20 sorcerer
Heavily anDamagedwin,
additional he
Damage.so may
must choose
creatures be
Additional dealt new
within with
uses targets
asof forofthe
meters combat
of psychic
psyker power
on thethat
take one no
same Test.
level target
on ofpage tried
Fatigue the 0
55. -
original target
the that
target's has to
of every
means. this
values(rounded singl
power's creature from
up) and the within
if target
does arearange.
not Rot
mustis plus
benefit Individiauls
make an
from aadditional
anyin who
Skills do
or not
(+0) for wish
"[Self]" to
In manifest
as bethey day areDegrees or
may cancel
the spend target
shot the to
aa Half
through power
make Action entirely.
withgaining Toughness
pain. end The the target
duration must
with of a roll on
this power the thatPerils
prematurely of the 0 -
The contacted
worm-infested Test
by one resist
or of
corpse with
(from has WP for
Bright test,
a total 1d10 tois the
ofShadowfive first a
Wounds, +20
ormake his
fromto their
doesShadow test
not if
benefitthey Test. do
Darkness). not
He share
A The aa
to make
chart by
awith (inone
special addition
the step
each any
This time other
attack thisrolls power he
Psychic must
is used, Blast starting for Psychic
centered at Hard. on theTofrom
Phenomena healing,
warded or
Perils of
the not aindicates
Warp suffer on
bloody, due
from target
that any
to rollingheill or targets
effects heap dueequal
on to
the to[r:EPR*5]meters,
etc.) discomfort
and lighting
adds or
and the
to the
the caused
roll offor by 0 -
The first
manifestation (hetime is the immune
creature targetto
of Infestation
Nurgle's receives
makes the
Rot blast's healing
that Challenging
he effects), he makes
is already has
(+0)maintaining no Test,
radius equal the
(so second
as [r:EPR+5],
to add time to the
to heand
"[Touch]" the
followsToxic Siphon and may act origin 0 -
psyker ahim
Degree a Worm
Difficult of
(-20) Success
centered Toughness
(-10) he
point moves.
Type: sorcerer
himself). Test,the Additionally,
Test Ifthe
he tothird Subtype:
not ofattack
this ofpower
a Very the
as theand
Finally, an
"[PR*5]" make
of the
1d10+EPR a
Warp TestTest,
makes against
(eff a PR:[r:EPR])
and If Fear
so attack
the (2)target
on. when
E Damage, entering
onthis ahis creature
the end
Pen the
5, of radius
Power Test
the nextwhile
Test, bythe
Flaming Ward
allas power
the ofmust is active.
Felling gather
(2) the
body ahis 0 - The constant
takes a -10 penalty
(regardless if they to under
fall all Tests either as aradii result or of
justbeing distracted
radii of Vile by the Heretic's
Contagion) to each
"[PR*10]" creature
Qualities. may
Anymeters respond
unnatural amidst
creatures equal with the
suffering ensuing reaction
psyker'sZealous chaos.
and after
Psy the
suffers must
from thismake attack
power has
a Challenging
must resolved.
make as (+0)
a atheTo 0 -
victim that greatness.
falls within The the target
various attacks
radii ofanyone
Nurgle's who Rot obviously
and Vile attempts
Contagion. to harm
do so, the character
Toughness Test
(+0) or fallmakes prone aTest Challenging
and slide two (+0) Willpower Test. IfGods
successful, a horde
"[Touch]" result.
power isand ignores
maintained Toughness
thefor -10 as penalty
long asor from
he suffer thisameters
continues random
power inwhen
to maintain
Gift direction
doing the
Nurgle's so.ofOtherwise,
Note the 290 0
that -
in worms
the Black leaps
reaching Crusade from the his centre
Core extended suffers
Rulebook). arm[r:2d10] onto
At the ItheDamage,
GM's target towhich
discretion, devour may
minorhisbeflesh. mitigated
NPCs This
or attack
"[PR*5]" target
On may
the turn deepact Vile
the canfreely
into see
sorcerer theas long
enough while
manifests as of thethe psyker
Witherfuture his Hexis
to not
and inthe danger.
for Rot
eachan still counts
turn that heas The maintaining
a wave
sustains Sorcerer it, 0
of - The pressure
deals 1d10
adversaries ThisR, may Pen
effect 5
simply Damage becomeon each andharmless has
turnthe theToxic psyker
but (0)chooses
disgusting and Crippling Chaos to maintain (2) Qualities.
Spawn. it. Lash
A creature of
"[Special]" two
he powers.
makes a that
bonus leavs
atoFocus on devastation
allPowertests eual
Test the in to its wake.
opposed by The Sorcerer
a Difficult he produces
suffers 1d5a torrent
points ofof foul
Int by 0 - While this p
Warpflame does Type: not
move reduceawayDamage
Reaction from Subtype: from
vortex Attack, this must attack
Melee make unless
When a(-10)
is environmentally by(+0) Test
a melee Agility made sealed
"[Self]" energy
as target.
the inevery
worms aThe 30seek degree
psyker this
out cone power
any outistointhe
opening effect.
in powers
the target's range
Level ofwith
defenses.these the Spray
The quality.
target may Tests spend 0 -
If he
fails the
the caught creatureTest, may
within the
by Warpflamemay
but must Ward remain may at usethe same
this Reaction distance
or the a
"[Self]" when
fromRound initiating
the vortex. Action the power.
Creatures remove Only
making the the first oppose
ranged Test may
thattarget travel
Psychic through
Phenomena this areaor
an Agility
suffer 0 -
Test. Any attack
creature has resolved.
thateach fails round Warpflame
suffersthat 2d10+EPR engulfs the
(eff succeeds,
PR:[r:EPR]) with a successful
"[PR*25]" Perils
a -20Sorcererof the
penalty Warp.
on theirOn Ballistic Tests. the sorcerer heEagonizingly
damage with ages the
0 -
The (+0)
defies Willpower
the normal Test, dealing
limits ofqualities
time1d10+EPR to hasten E single
Damage, Pen 5,and andreflexes.
the target (2),several Tainted, and
years. Warp
The target Qeapon suffers 1d5 plus a
levels ofhis movements
Fatigue, additionalis stunned quality forbased that
"[Self]" Flame
on the Quality.
Sorcerer's Weapon
alignment. Skill, Unnatural
Tzeentch = Ballistic
Flame, Skill,
Slaanesh and Unnatural
= Shocking, Agility
Nurgle at = 0 -
This power and takes is a Psychic 2d10+EPR Bolt that temporary deals 1d10+EPR Damage to(eff his PR: Strength, [r:EPR]) Toughness,
I Damageand with a
"[Self]" values
Agility. equal
If the to
target [r:EPR].
= Tearing.
should Till
winatthe the start
opposed of teh
test, Sorcerer's
heline suffers next
no illwho turn,
effects every for thatPower 0
creature -
The of 2.
The psyker
psyker If the nominates
nominates psyker scores
a number
a single least
targets three
in range
in range Degrees and andofline Success
of sight
of sight onupthe to Focusthis
"[5*PR]" within
Test, the 3d10
If a target meters
creature is who suffers
also opposes thrown a -10
the on
Wither WP tests.
Hex, it may not be targeted by that power 0 - The psychic
power with
[r:ceiling(EPR/2)] a Toughness Test. 1d5 Ifthis
the meterstargetaway
power fails ato
with and resistknocked
Willpower the Test. power,prone Thoseit(certain
suffers targets that
"[PR*5]" again
1d10+EPR until large Q'Sal
(eff PR: completes
targets [r:EPR]) such its
I as next
Damagebattle orbit tanks,
with in the a PenVortex.
Greater of 2 Daemons,
to the Body and Titans
Location are
and 0 -
fail topsyker
The resist nominates the power must a single follow target a simple in range command and linegiven of sight by who the psyker. opposesSome this
"[PR*20]" immune
example as to
orders this
being at the
include GM's by
'Flee,' discretion).
the Snare
'Fall,' or Quality
'Attack with
your a value
friend.' equal
the to
command a for 0
isrecover -
A number
While with
this of a allies
power Toughness isininrange effect, Test. equal
allIfofthe to
psyker's meters,
fails to resist
melee plus the
attacks the psyker
deal addition ithimself,
is Stunned Energy
"[PR*10]" [r:ceiling(EPR/2)].
Wounds equalsuicidal to act, the
[r:ceiling(EPR/2)]. targets receive
They a
also +20 may to their
immediately Willpower Tests.
overcome Inthe all cases 0 -
one turn. equal
Damage In addition, to [r:EPR] as long andas gain thisthe power Flame remains Quality. in In effect,addition, if theat target
the end rollsof each
"[PR*5]" the
effectscommand ofon anymust
pinning. Thisbe achievable
power he in a asingle
isit incredibly taxing round. and requires 0 -
of the psyker's Test
turns it makes,
in which gains
sustains number
this power of levels
he of Fatigue
emits aatPsychic
least equal 12Blast hours
to of
"[PR*3]" recovery
The psyker before chooses it
roundedmay a be
point used
down. anywhere
centered on himself with a radius equal to [r:EPR]. All creatures within the area of Aagain.
single target
within can
[r:EPR*5] only be
meters, affected and by
opens one instance
a gate to 0 -
"[PR*20]" of
While Enfeeble
this the exception power
atisthat at
in effect, point.aoftime. theHepsyker,
any then
creatures chooses
suffer in range a point
1d10+EPR and within (effof
line range
PR:sight ofthat
[r:EPR]) thesuccessfully
E and 0 -
"[Self]" opens
hit the Psykeranwith exit ato Pen
with thean gate
0 and at that thelocation.
Flame Quality.
immediately The
suffer psykerEnergy must Damage be aware equal of the location in 0
to [r:EPR], -
"[PR*20]" which
thisany Damagehe is opening the exit by to the gate,orhaving visited it before, seen it from afar, or 0
In powersituation isisa not Psychic
where reduced the Barrage
psyker Armour
would deals be Toughness.
called upon to make (eff PR: an [r:EPR])Test,
Evasion E he -
The psyker studied nominatesit on a map. a0single Thetarget gate last in range for a number and line of of Rounds
sight who equal opposes to [r:EPR], this
"[PR*20]" Damage,
For instead with
duration a Pen
attempt of this of
to power,
use and this the
a Flame
number IfQuality.
of power withinis successful,
range equal theto psyker
[r:EPR], avoidsplus 0 -
and has a radius in meters equal
power with a Toughness Test. If the target fails to resist the power, it suffers Energy to [r:EPR] as well. For the duration of the power,
"[Self]" the psyker
the attack exactly
himself, as gain if he a has
bonus passed to all an
Evasion Evasion Tests Test. equal to [r:EPR*2]. Allies 0 -
Damage psyker sides
equal oftothe
nominates gate
[r:EPR] are
a singlepluslinked, one
target and
in rangeany person Damage
and line orper objects
of sight Degree may
whoofpass Failure
opposes between onthisits
"[PR*3]" affected
Toughness freely by this provided
Test; power
this they losecan
Damage its benefits
fit through
ignores as the
Toughnesssoon gate. as This they
Bonus move
power and out
is of range.
Armour. If this taxing and 0 -
power with a Willpower Test. If the target fails to resist the power, it must roll on
"[PR*3]" requires
Table 6-7- at least 12 hours
Hallucinogenic kills of therecovery
Effects target, on the
pagebefore psyker
121, it may maybe
and used again.
immediately recast
apply the this Psychic 0
effects. -
The psyker nominates a single target within range and line of sight, this could be the
"[PR*10]" Power
This effect as arolled Free Action
on the durationon
table any lasts legal target within 5Rounds
meters ofAll the original target. caught in 0 -
psyker power himself. is a ForPsychic the Blast with of forathe apower,
radius number equal the ofto [r:EPR].
target counts equal to
as being Trained
"[PR*10]" [r:ceiling(EPR/2)].
the blast
Stealth suffer Skill, 2d10+3*EPR
and gains a (eff
bonus PR: to [r:EPR])
Stealth E
Tests damage, equal with
to a Pen
+[r:EPR*5]. of 0 and the 0 -
The this power
psyker nominates is in effect, a single thetarget psyker in gains
rangethe andUnnatural
line of sight Toughness
who opposes and this
"[PR*10]" Flame
Unnatural Quality. all ranged attacks made against the target suffer a penalty equal to - 0 -
power withStrength a Toughness TraitsTest. with ratings If the target equalfails to [r:ceiling(EPR/2)].
to resist the power, However,
he suffers his
"[PR*10]" [r:EPR*5].
1d10+EPR sturdier The Toughness targetweighs
form losesDamage, this
the power's
and the benefits
down, psyker causingas
gains soon him astoitsuffer
Unnatural moves a -10
Toughness out of penaltyrange.
(1), to
+1 0 -
The psyker nominates a single target in range and line of sight who opposes this
"[Self]" his Agility
for every characteristic
full while the power is in effect. plus 0 -
power thewith duration a 5Willpower
of thisofpower, Toughness
Test. Ifathe number damage
target offails the
allies to powerwithinthe
resist inflicts.
range power, Thismisfortune
equal Unnatural
to [r:EPR], follows
"[PR*10]" Toughness
the psyker himself,
it wherever itremains
goes. count Forfor the asas long having
duration as the of power's
the Fearless
this power, effect thepersists.
Talent. AlliesArmour
target's affectedpoints by thisare power 0 -
"[PR*3]" lose its benefits
reduced in all locations as soonby as[r:ceiling(EPR/2)].
they move out of Additionally, range. the target's weapons jam 0 -
For the
The psyker duration gains ofathis number power, a number
of re-rolls equal of allies to [r:EPR] withinthat range lastequal until the to [r:EPR],beginning plusof
"[PR*20]" on
The any power
psyker Attack is
which athe they
pointBolt fail
anywhere todealshit their target.
1d10+5+3*EPR (eff PR:sight. [r:EPR]) EpowerDamage, 0 -
the psyker
his nexthimself, turn. For ignore the
duration effects of that ofwithincover
round, range
whenwhenever and
firing line anofaally
on target.in range,This
If their orattacks
"[PR*5]" with
would hita Pen a equal
a location to [r:EPR*2],
Field (see and
page the
122) Melta
centered quality. at this point with a radius in is re- 0
meters -
psyker himself, rollson a Test the enemy or Damage that would Roll, the benefit psyker from may cover, spend thatone benefit of these
"[PR*10]" equal
rolls to toallow [r:EPR].
Allies that affected
ally to byre-rollthis power
all dice lose
involved its benefits
in that as
Test soon or as
Damage they move
Roll. out
If the of 0 -
For the duration of this power, a number of allies within range equal to [r:EPR], plus
"[PR*3]" range.
psyker is killed or rendered unconscious
the psyker himself, gain a bonus to their Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill equal to before the beginning of his next turn, all 0 -
"[PR*5]" remaining re-rolls
[r:EPR*2]. Allies affected are lost.by this power lose its benefit as soon as they move out of 0 -
"[PR*3]" range.
This power is a Psychic Bolt that deals 1d10+2+2*EPR (eff PR: [r:EPR]) E Damage, 0 -
"[Self]" with a Pen of 0 and the Concussive (1) Quality. 0 -
centered on that point that starts with a radius of 2 meters. Anyone who is touching
The psykeratnominates
the vortex the end ofathe single
in range and line
must take of sight with
2d10+2*EPR total
(eff PR:Wounds
[r:EPR])no E
Damage, thanwith[r:EPR*3],
a Pen equal whotoopposes
the vortex'sthis power
currentwithradiusa Willpower
in meters.Test. The Ifpsyker
the target
fails to resist the power, it is controlled by the psyker like
not voluntarily stop sustaining this power. Instead, at the beginning of each turn the a puppet. For the duration
of the power,
Psyker the psyker
is sustaining may divide
the vortex, his Actions
he must between himself(+0)
take a <b>Challenging andWillpower
the target. The
To begin the
Test</b> target
with a -5uses
ritual, the its
penalty own
psyker Characteristics,
for each spendinatthe
meter but
least at -10minutes
vortex's due to the
current using
If heofpasses
assorted the
the TestIffoci
psychic heat may
to point
perform theonepsyker would
the makeactions-Increase
following the target
Tarot cards, perform
castingthea vortex's
runes, gazingsuicidal
radius by
deep thefire,
into target
one meter.Decrease themay
the a Challenging
to this
vortex's are asby
radius varied(+0)
one asOpposed stars Willpower
the Move
meter. of
thethe Test
any to
vortex trythe
At and
a of free
his of
number of the
ismeters power.
a Psychic equal Additionally,
theto psyker
Blast centered
[r:EPR]. the
makes power
on the
If the breaks
psyker as
failswith soon as the
Test toequal
radius target
project moves
"[PR*10]" out
the of range.
over or
vortex, the if battlefield.
he isthe area
unable Each Degree
of make
to effect, with
the ofTest
thedue toreveals
exception more information,
the psyker, suffers as
its radius 0 -
"[Self]" explained
increases on
1d10+EPR Table
by (eff
one PR: 7-4-
meter Scrier's
and GazeaResults.
it Xmoves
Damage with Pen
number 0 and isequal
of meters pushed directly in
to [r:EPR] away
a 0 -
"[Self]" from the
Smite aPsyker
is direction
Psychic a(see
number ofthat
the Scatter
Barrage meters equal
deals 1d10+EPR to
PR: If[r:EPR])
the vortex'sE Damage radius withevera 0 -
The psykertochooses
decreases a pointthe in power
range and line
sight, anddisappears.
creates a dome of
"[PR*20]" Pen
This of 4. is zero
power meters,
a Psychic Bolt that point
dealsends1d10+2+2* vortex
EPR (eff PR: [r:EPR]) If theE vortex's 0 -
radius energy
ever grows centered
larger on
than that
[r:EPR], with a radius
it explodes, ending the power, destroyingAll
equal to [r:ceiling(EPR/2)]. the
"[PR*20]" Damage,
allies power with
standing is aainside
and the
dome thatFlame
gain deals
a Quality.
of Armour (eff PR: [r:EPR]) Energy 0 -
vortex, and dealing 2d10+4*EPR (eff PR: [r:EPR]) line
psyker nominates a single target in range and of Points
E Damage, sight equal
with to [r:EPR]
a Pen thisto
equal to
"[PR*20]" Damage,
all withwith a Pen of 0Test.
and Ifthe Flame Quality. 0 -
power vortex's against
Willpower any
radius attack
is meters,that
the originated
to anyonefails tooutside
with of the
a number dome's
power, radius.
it must
of meters roll
of on
"[PR*5]" However,
Table 9-5-
centre enemies
of theShock
vortex onmaypage
equal still physically
to adding pass
[r:EPR*2]. through
The psyker toisthe
hit dome
the in at
by no penalty.
damage of the normally
regardless 0 -
"[PR*10]" addition
of for Degrees
his proximity to theofexploding
Failure, and immediately
vortex as the energy applyofthe theeffects.
Warp he was channeling 0 -
"[PR*5]" lashes
The psyker backgainsinto him.
the Unnatural Weapon Skill, Unnatural Ballistic Skill, and Unnatural 0 -
"[Self]" Agility Traits, all at values equal to [r:EPR]. 0 -
","focusTest"," ","opposed"," ","focusMod", , "cost"," ", "page", , "source","
focusTest opposed focusMod cost page source
WP No 0 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No 0 - 124 DH-Dhu
WP No 0 - 178 DH
WP No 0 - 169 DH
WP No -20 - 130 DH-DotDG
WP No 0 - 174 DH
WP WP -10 - 169 DH
WP No -20 101 DH-Dhu
WP WP -10 101 DH-Dhu
WP No 0 - 174 DH
WP No 0 - 165 DH
WP No 10 - 174 DH
WP No 40 - 165 DH
WP No -10 - 176 DH
WP No -10 - 169 DH
WP No 10 - 165 DH
WP No 0 - 148 DH-RH
WP No 0 124 DH-Dhu
WP WP -10 - 178 DH
WP WP 0 - 170 DH
WP No -20 - 170 DH-RH
WP WP -20 - 171 DH-RH
WP No 0 - 118 DH-DotDG
WP WP 10 - 166 DH
WP WP -10 - 171 DH-RH
WP No 20 - 148 DH-RH
WP No 10 - 166 DH
WP No 20 - 149 DH-RH
WP No 0 - 171 DH
WP WP -20 - 178 DH
WP No -10 - 174 DH
WP No 0 - 171 DH
WP WP -10 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No 10 - 166 DH
WP No 10 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No 0 - 170 DH
WP T -10 - 171 DH-RH
WP No 0 - 149 DH-RH
WP No -10 - 172 DH
WP No 10 - 166 DH
WP No 0 - 175 DH
WP No -10 - 175 DH
WP No 0 - 171 DH-RH
WP No -10 - 171 DH-RH
WP WP 20 - 166 DH
WP No -10 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No 0 - 176 DH
WP No 10 - 166 DH
WP No -10 - 176 DH
WP No 0 - 176 DH
WP WP 20 - 166 DH
WP No -10 - 172 DH
WP No 0 - 170 DH
WP WP 0 - 149 DH-RH
WP No 10 - 166 DH
WP No -10 - 171 DH-RH
WP No -20 - 175 DH
WP No -20 - 171 DH-RH
WP No -10 - 175 DH
WP No 10 - 167 DH
WP No 0 - 179 DH
WP No 20 - 167 DH
WP No 10 - 167 DH
WP WP -10 - 171 DH-RH
WP No -20 - 171 DH-RH
WP No 20 - 167 DH
WP No -10 - 118 DH-DotDG
WP No -20 - 118 DH-DotDG
WP No -10 - 118 DH-DotDG
WP No 0 - 117 DH-DotDG
WP No -10 1000 128 DH-Dhu
WP No -10 1000 128 DH-Dhu
WP WP -20 - 179 DH
WP No -20 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP WP 10 - 149 DH-RH
WP No -10 500 129 DH-Dhu
WP No 0 - 172 DH-RH
WP T 0 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No 0 - 173 DH
WP No -20 - 176 DH
WP No 20 - 167 DH
WP No 0 - 172 DH
WP No -10 - 172 DH
WP No 0 - 172 DH
WP No -10 - 180 DH
WP No -10 - 172 DH-RH
WP No -10 - 177 DH
WP T -10 - 177 DH
WP No -10 - 180 DH
WP No 40 - 167 DH
WP WP 0 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No -10 - 172 DH
WP S 0 - 177 DH
WP No -10 1500 128 DH-Dhu
WP No -20 - 170 DH
WP No 20 - 167 DH
WP No -10 500 129 DH-Dhu
WP No 0 - 175 DH
WP No -10 - 170 DH
WP WP 0 - 180 DH
WP WP -20 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No 10 - 149 DH-RH
WP No 10 - 167 DH
WP No -10 - 170 DH
WP No -20 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No -20 - 173 DH
WP No 0 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No 10 - 167 DH
WP No 0 - 167 DH
WP No 10 - 167 DH
WP WP -10 - 130 DH-DotDG
WP WP 0 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No -20 - 172 DH-RH
WP No 0 - 177 DH
WP No -10 - 177 DH
WP WP 0 - 180 DH
WP WP 0 - 180 DH
WP No 0 500 129 DH-Dhu
WP No -20 1000 129 DH-Dhu
WP No 0 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP No 40 - 168 DH
WP No 0 - 168 DH
WP No 0 - 170 DH
WP WP -10 - 172 DH-RH
WP No 40 - 168 DH
WP No 10 - 150 DH-RH
WP No 20 - 150 DH-RH
WP No 40 - 150 DH-RH
WP No 10 - 168 DH
WP No -10 - 175 DH
WP No -20 - 172 DH-RH
WP No 10 - 168 DH
WP WP -20 - 172 DH-RH
WP No 0 101 DH-Dhu
WP No 10 - 168 DH
WP No -10 - 172 DH-RH
WP No 0 1500 129 DH-Dhu
WP No -20 1500 129 DH-Dhu
WP WP -10 - 173 DH-RH
WP No 0 - 173 DH-RH
WP No 0 - 168 DH
WP No 10 - 168 DH
WP WP 0 - 118 DH-DotDG
WP No 10 - 168 DH
WP No 20 - 168 DH
WP No 20 - 150 DH-RH
WP WP -10 - 27 DH-DotDG
WP WP -10 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 500 128-134 Asc
WP No -20 2000 128-134 Asc
WP No -20 1000 128-134 Asc
WP WP -10 1000 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 1000 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP No -30 1500 128-134 Asc
WP No 0 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP No 0 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP No 0 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 1000 128-134 Asc
WP No -30 1000 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP No -30 1200 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 600 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 Talent 128-134 Asc
WP WP -20 1000 128-134 Asc
WP No -10 500 128-134 Asc
WP No -20 1000 128-134 Asc
WP No -30 1000 128-134 Asc
WP No -40 1500 128-134 Asc
WP No -20 1000 128-134 Asc
WP No 0 - 179 RT
Psyniscience No 0 300 195 RT-ItS
WP No 0 200 88 RT-NP
WP No 0 Free 162 RT
WP No 10 Free 162 RT
WP No -10 Free 162 RT
WP No 20 Free 162 RT
WP No -30 Free 162 RT
WP No -30 Free 162 RT
WP No -20 Free 162 RT
Psyniscience No 0 200 168 RT
WP No 0 - 168 RT
Psyniscience No 0 200 194 RT-ItS
WP No 0 200 88 RT-NP
WP WP 0 500 198 RT-ItS
WP No 0 200 97 RT-NP
WP No 0 200 193 RT-ItS
WP WP 0 200 165 RT
WP WP 0 300 95 RT-NP
Awareness No 0 300 169 RT
WP No 0 300 94 RT-NP
WP No 0 400 98 RT-NP
WP WP 0 300 193 RT-ItS
WP No 0 200 97 RT-NP
WP WP 0 200 165 RT
WP WP 0 - 189 RT-ItS
WP WP 0 200 195 RT-ItS
WP WP 0 100 165 RT
Psyniscience No 0 100 195 RT-ItS
WP No -20 - 189 RT-ItS
Psyniscience No 0 200 169 RT
WP WP 0 300 165 RT
WP WP 0 - 133 RT-LotE
WP WP 0 200 88 RT-NP
WP No 0 100 92 RT-NP
WP No 0 300 98 RT-NP
WP WP 0 200 89 RT-NP
WP No 0 200 89 RT-NP
WP No 0 100 171 RT
WP No 0 400 172 RT
WP No 0 100 169 RT
Per No 0 - 179 RT
WP No 0 400 95 RT-NP
Per No 0 - 179 RT
WP No 0 400 98 RT-NP
WP No 0 - 133 RT-LotE
WP WP 0 - 179 RT
WP WP 0 100 97 RT-NP
No No 0 - 190 RT-ItS
WP No 0 200 169 RT
WP No 0 100 166 RT
WP No 0 200 89 RT-NP
WP WP 0 100 96 RT-NP
WP No 0 400 195 RT-ItS
WP No 0 200 194 RT-ItS
WP No 0 300 162 RT
WP No 0 200 163 RT
WP No 0 - 171 RT
WP WP 0 - 171 RT
WP WP 0 200 164 RT
WP No 0 300 164 RT
WP WP 0 - 133 RT-LotE
WP No 0 100 194 RT-ItS
WP No 0 200 163 RT
No No 0 - 190 RT-ItS
WP No 0 200 90 RT-NP
WP No 0 100 171 RT
WP No 0 300 164 RT
WP No 0 200 196 RT-ItS
WP No 0 300 196 RT-ItS
Psyniscience No 0 100 169 RT
Psyniscience No 0 200 170 RT
WP No 0 300 166 RT
Psyniscience No 0 200 93 RT-NP
Psyniscience No 0 200 198 RT-ItS
WP No -10 - 190 RT-ItS
WP No 0 500 166 RT
WP WP 0 300 98 RT-NP
Psyniscience WP 0 300 198 RT-ItS
WP WP 0 - 191 RT-ItS
WP WP 0 300 199 RT-ItS
Per No 0 200 90 RT-NP
WP No 0 200 167 RT
WP No 0 100 165 RT
WP No 0 200 199 RT-ItS
Per No -10 - 192 RT-ItS
WP No 0 500 172 RT
WP No 0 300 97 RT-NP
WP WP 0 - 191 RT-ItS
WP WP 0 - 192 RT-ItS
WP No 0 200 171 RT
WP No 0 200 172 RT
WP No 0 200 171 RT
WP No 0 200 165 RT
WP No -10 - 179 RT
Psyniscience No 0 200 96 RT-NP
WP WP 0 - 179 RT
WP No 0 200 94 RT-NP
WP WP 0 - 162 RT
Per No 0 - 179 RT
Per No 0 - 179 RT
WP WP 0 200 90 RT-NP
WP No 0 400 95 RT-NP
Per No 0 - 179 RT
Awareness No 0 200 170 RT
Psyniscience No 0 100 92 RT-NP
Per No 0 200 90 RT-NP
WP No 0 300 199 RT-ItS
WP WP 0 1500 116 DW-RoB
WP No 0 500 199 DW
WP No 0 1500 81 DW-HtC
WP No 0 500 190 DW
WP No 0 500 192 DW
WP No 0 500 194 DW
WP No 0 1500 33 DW-HtC
WP No 0 500 13 DW-FF
WP WP 0 1500 196 DW
WP No 0 1000 196 DW
WP No 0 500 73 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1500 65 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1500 116 DW-RoB
WP No 0 1000 41 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1500 199 DW
WP WP 0 1000 190 DW
WP No 0 1000 19 DW-FF
WP WP 0 1000 199 DW
WP No 0 500 19 DW-FF
WP No 0 1500 48 DW-HtC
WP No 0 500 56 DW-HtC
WP No 0 750 192 DW
WP WP 0 1000 190 DW
WP No 0 1000 13 DW-FF
WP No 0 1000 65 DW-HtC
WP WP 0 1000 196 DW
WP WP 0 1000 57 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1500 197 DW
WP No 0 1500 194 DW
WP WP 0 750 96 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1000 200 DW
WP No 0 1000 25 DW-FF
WP No 0 2000 198 DW
WP No 0 2000 200 DW
WP No 0 1500 73 DW-HtC
WP WP 0 1500 65 DW-HtC
WP No 0 2000 199 DW
WP No 0 1500 33 DW-FF
WP No 0 500 26 DW-FF
WP No 0 1000 197 DW
WP No 0 500 190 DW
WP No 0 1000 200 DW
WP No 0 1500 50 DW-RoB
WP No 0 500 194 DW
WP No 0 1000 87 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1000 193 DW
WP No 0 1000 198 DW
WP No 0 750 191 DW
WP No 0 1000 195 DW
WP WP 0 500 199 DW
WP No 0 1000 197 DW
WP No 0 500 196 DW
WP No 0 1000 195 DW
WP WP 0 750 191 DW
WP No 0 500 191 DW
WP WP 0 1500 197 DW
WP No 0 500 50 DW-RoB
WP No 0 2500 26 DW-FF
WP No 0 1000 102 DW-HtC
WP No 0 500 200 DW
WP No 0 1500 73 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1000 193 DW
WP No 0 500 193 DW
WP No 0 1000 13 DW-FF
WP No 0 2000 87 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1500 57 DW-HtC
WP No 0 500 193 DW
WP No 0 1000 96 DW-HtC
WP WP 0 1500 88 DW-HtC
WP WP 0 1000 196 DW
Awareness No 0 1000 48 DW-HtC
WP No 0 500 191 DW
WP No 0 1000 81 DW-HtC
WP No 0 500 195 DW
WP No 0 2000 33 DW-FF
WP No 0 1000 50 DW-RoB
WP No 0 500 198 DW
WP No 0 1000 102 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1000 33 DW-FF
WP No 0 1000 198 DW
WP No 0 2000 194 DW
WP No 0 2000 50 DW-RoB
WP No 0 500 33 DW-FF
WP No 0 1000 102 DW-HtC
WP WP 0 1000 19 DW-FF
WP No 0 500 198 DW
WP No 0 1500 199 DW
WP WP 0 1000 41 DW-HtC
WP No 0 500 197 DW
WP No 0 1000 33 DW-HtC
WP No 0 - 370 DW
WP No 0 - 29 DW-MoX
WP WP 0 - 29 DW-MoX
WP WP 0 - 29 DW-MoX
WP WP 0 - 30 DW-MoX
WP WP 0 - 30 DW-MoX
WP No 0 - 30 DW-MoX
WP No 0 - 30 DW-MoX
WP No 0 - 30 DW-MoX
WP No 0 - 30 DW-MoX
WP No 0 1500 50 DW-RoB
WP No 0 1500 195 DW
WP No 0 2000 48 DW-HtC
WP No 0 2000 195 DW
WP No 0 1500 26 DW-FF
WP WP 0 1500 81 DW-HtC
WP WP 0 750 200 DW
WP No 0 1000 33 DW-HtC
WP No 0 1500 51 DW-RoB
WP WP 0 500 197 DW
WP No 0 2000 196 DW
WP No 0 1500 41 DW-HtC
WP WP 0 1500 200 DW
Corruption No 0 300 213 BC-CR
WP No -20 300 47 BC-ToF
WP WP 0 300 217 BC-CR
WP No -30 1000 55 BC-ToF
WP No 0 400 52 BC-ToF
WP No 0 250 52 BC-ToF
WP No -10 300 44 BC-ToF
Corruption No -10 500 220 BC-CR
WP No 0 400 52 BC-ToF
WP WP 0 300 57 BC-ToF
WP No 0 500 218 BC-CR
WP No 0 300 218 BC-CR
WP No -10 100 47 BC-ToF
WP No 0 100 45 BC-ToF
WP No -10 250 49 BC-ToF
WP No 0 400 50 BC-ToF
WP No 0 300 57 BC-ToF
WP No 0 200 57 BC-ToF
WP WP -10 100 215 BC-CR
WP No -10 200 223 BC-CR
WP No 0 300 47 BC-ToF
WP WP 0 100 223 BC-CR
WP No -10 400 47 BC-ToF
WP No 0 200 213 BC-CR
WP WP -20 400 45 BC-ToF
WP No 0 250 217 BC-CR
Corruption No -20 500 53 BC-ToF
WP No -20 300 216 BC-CR
WP No 0 250 60 BC-ToF
WP No 10 100 60 BC-ToF
WP No -10 500 61 BC-ToF
WP No 10 200 61 BC-ToF
WP No -20 400 58 BC-ToF
WP No -10 400 219 BC-CR
WP No 10 200 225 BC-CR
WP No -10 350 225 BC-CR
WP WP 0 300 213 BC-CR
WP WP 0 300 219 BC-CR
WP WP -20 400 214 BC-CR
Psyniscience No 0 100 227 BC-CR
WP No 10 100 45 BC-ToF
WP No -10 400 214 BC-CR
WP No 0 600 221 BC-CR
Corruption No 0 400 217 BC-CR
WP No -10 400 46 BC-ToF
WP No 0 200 214 BC-CR
WP No 0 300 53 BC-ToF
WP No -20 750 61 BC-ToF
WP No 0 100 223 BC-CR
WP No -20 200 215 BC-CR
WP No -20 300 53 BC-ToF
WP WP 0 400 217 BC-CR
WP No 0 300 58 BC-ToF
WP No 0 400 215 BC-CR
WP No 0 400 221 BC-CR
WP No 20 100 60 BC-ToF
WP No -10 200 219 BC-CR
Corruption No -20 700 55 BC-ToF
WP No -10 300 54 BC-ToF
WP No 0 200 224 BC-CR
WP No 0 100 225 BC-CR
WP WP 0 200 224 BC-CR
WP No 0 300 219 BC-CR
WP No -20 700 62 BC-ToF
WP No 0 250 58 BC-ToF
Corruption No 0 300 216 BC-CR
WP No -10 400 62 BC-ToF
WP No -10 300 50 BC-ToF
Psyniscience No 0 200 227 BC-CR
WP WP 0 400 46 BC-ToF
WP No 0 100 226 BC-CR
Psyniscience No 10 100 226 BC-CR
Per No -10 200 227 BC-CR
Psyniscience No -10 300 228 BC-CR
Psyniscience No 0 100 227 BC-CR
Corruption No -20 1000 221 BC-CR
Corruption No 0 500 220 BC-CR
WP No -20 300 224 BC-CR
WP WP 0 200 220 BC-CR
WP No -30 200 216 BC-CR
WP No 0 300 216 BC-CR
WP No -10 400 58 BC-ToF
WP No -10 500 50 BC-ToF
WP No 0 300 59 BC-ToF
WP No -20 400 221 BC-CR
WP WP -30 500 218 BC-CR
WP No 0 500 54 BC-ToF
WP No -40 500 221 BC-CR
WP No -20 300 218 BC-CR
WP No 10 200 226 BC-CR
WP No -10 200 226 BC-CR
WP No 0 300 48 BC-ToF
WP No -20 400 51 BC-ToF
WP WP 40 100 224 BC-CR
WP No 0 200 59 BC-ToF
Corruption No 0 200 46 BC-ToF
WP No 0 500 56 BC-ToF
WP No 0 300 59 BC-ToF
Corruption No 0 300 51 BC-ToF
Corruption No -10 400 48 BC-ToF
Per Per 0 300 220 BC-CR
WP No -10 500 49 BC-ToF
WP No 0 200 46 BC-ToF
WP No -10 500 54 BC-ToF
WP No -10 400 214 BC-CR
Corruption Corruption 0 300 214 BC-CR
WP No 0 800 56 BC-ToF
WP No 10 200 170 OW-BR
WP No 0 300 170 OW-BR
WP No 0 200 171 OW-BR
WP No -10 300 166 OW-BR
WP WP 0 100 166 OW-BR
WP No -10 400 169 OW-BR
WP No 0 300 169 OW-BR
WP No 0 300 168 OW-BR
WP No -10 200 167 OW-BR
Psyniscience No 0 400 167 OW-BR
WP No -20 400 170 OW-BR
WP WP -10 400 167 OW-BR
WP WP 0 200 172 OW-BR
WP No -10 500 169 OW-BR
WP No -10 400 172 OW-BR
WP No -20 400 166 OW-BR
WP WP -10 400 166 OW-BR
WP No -10 300 172 OW-BR
WP No -10 300 167 OW-BR
WP No 0 400 169 OW-BR
WP No 0 300 170 OW-BR
Psyniscience No -10 300 168 OW-BR
Psyniscience No -20 400 168 OW-BR
WP No 0 200 167 OW-BR
WP No 0 300 171 OW-BR
WP WP -10 400 172 OW-BR
Psyniscience No 0 200 168 OW-BR
WP No 0 300 170 OW-BR
WP No 0 200 166 OW-BR
WP No 10 200 169 OW-BR
WP No 0 400 169 OW-BR
WP No 0 300 170 OW-BR
WP WP -10 400 172 OW-BR
WP No -10 400 171 OW-BR
WP No -10 500 166 OW-BR
")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

[h:newThingName = "Agony"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type.

[h:newThingName = "Astral Aim"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Beastmaster"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Bio-Lightning"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{ .
[h:newThingName = "Black Channelling"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "Blinding Flash"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Blood Boil"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Bolt of Tzeentch"][h:newThingObject = json.set .
[h:newThingName = "Boon of Mutation"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "Burning Fist"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Call Creatures"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Call Flame"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Call Item"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Catch Projectiles"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "Cellular Control"][h:newThingObject = json.set .
[h:newThingName = "Chameleon"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Cipher Seed"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Cleansing Flame"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Compel"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Constrict"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Create Door"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Daemon Wrack"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{ .
[h:newThingName = "Deaths Messenger"][h:newThingObject = json.set .
[h:newThingName = "Deja Vu"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Disease"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Disintegrating Directive"][h:newThingObject = . j
[h:newThingName = "Distort Vision"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Distortion"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Divine Shot"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Dominate"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Douse Flames"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Dowsing"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ."ty
[h:newThingName = "Drain Vigour"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Dull Pain"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",."
[h:newThingName = "Endure Flames"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Enhance Senses"][h:newThingObject = json.set( .
[h:newThingName = "Exsanguine"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Familial Bond"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{ .
[h:newThingName = "Far Sight"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Fearful Aura"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Fire Bolt"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Fire Storm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Flail of Skulls"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Flaming Word"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Flash Bang"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Flesh Like Iron"][h:newThingObject = json.set( .
[h:newThingName = "Fling"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type.
[h:newThingName = "Float"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type.
[h:newThingName = "Force Barrage"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Force Bolt"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Forget Me"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Glimpse"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Hammerhand"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Haywire"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t .
[h:newThingName = "Healer"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Hellish Blast"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Holocaust"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Immunity"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Incinerate"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Inflict Pain"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Inspire"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Inspiring Aura"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Knack"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type.
[h:newThingName = "Leach Life"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Living Weapon"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Lucky"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type
[h:newThingName = "Malefic Curse: Blindness"][h:newThingObject. =
[h:newThingName = "Malefic Curse: Death"][h:newThingObject = json.
[h:newThingName = "Malefic Curse: Hex"][h:newThingObject = json.se
[h:newThingName = "Mask of Flesh"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Might of Titan"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Mind Blades"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Mind Scan"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Molten Man"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Mutable Features"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Nemesis Hammerhand"][h:newThingObject = . json.s
[h:newThingName = "Open"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "typ.
[h:newThingName = "Open Wounds"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Personal Augury"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "Precision Telekinesis"][h:newThingObject = json
[h:newThingName = "Precognition"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Precognitive Dodge"][h:newThingObject = json.s.
[h:newThingName = "Precognitive Strike"][h:newThingObject = json..
[h:newThingName = "Preternatural Awareness"][h:newThingObject. = j
[h:newThingName = "Projection"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Barrier"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Psychic Blade"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Psychic Crush"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Psychic Shriek"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Psychic Stench"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Psychokinetic Storm"][h:newThingObject = json..
[h:newThingName = "Psychometry"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Push"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type.
[h:newThingName = "Quicksilver"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Regenerate"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Resist Possession"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "Sanctuary"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Sculpt Flame"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Seal Wounds"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "See Me Not"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Seed Mind"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Sense Mechanism"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Sense Presence"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Shape Flesh"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Soul Killer"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Soul Sight"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Space Slip"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Spasm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type
[h:newThingName = "Spectral Hands"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Staunch Bleeding"][h:newThingObject = json.set(
[h:newThingName = "Storm of Malignancy"][h:newThingObject = json..
[h:newThingName = "Suggestion"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Summon Object"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Telekinesis"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Telekinetic Shield"][h:newThingObject = json.se
[h:newThingName = "Telepathy"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Terrify (DH)"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "The Shrouding"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "The Summoning"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Time Fade"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Torch"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type
[h:newThingName = "Touch of Madness"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Toxic Siphon"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Transfix"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Trick"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type
[h:newThingName = "Trusting Aura"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Truth-Seeker"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Twitch"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "typ
[h:newThingName = "Unnatural Aim"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Wall of Fire"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Wall of Souls"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Wall Walk"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Warp Corruption"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Warp Fire"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Warp Howl"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Warp Lightning"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Warp Quake"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Warp Rift"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Warp Tongue"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Warp Vigour"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Weaken Veil"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Weapon Jinx"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Whispers of the Warp"][h:newThingObject = .json
[h:newThingName = "White Noise"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Wither"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "typ
[h:newThingName = "Without a Trace"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Zone of Compulsion"][h:newThingObject = json. .
[h:newThingName = "Banishment"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Barrier"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Bloodboil"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Conflagration"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Enrage"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "typ
[h:newThingName = "Flameshroud"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Hammer of Witches"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "His Will Be Done"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Inferno"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty
[h:newThingName = "Lift:Hurl"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Lift:Levitate"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Lift:Move"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Lightning Arc"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Lightning Field"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Lightning Storm"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Malleus Hammerhand"][h:newThingObject =. json.
[h:newThingName = "My Will - Known"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "My Will - Manifest"][h:newThingObject = json.s.
[h:newThingName = "My Will - Obeyed"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Precognition"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Purgatus"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",."
[h:newThingName = "Sanctuary"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Stasis Shell"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Tempest"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ."ty
[h:newThingName = "Warp Time"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Word of the Emperor"][h:newThingObject = json.s
[h:newThingName = "A Cloud in the Warp"][h:newThingObject = json..
[h:newThingName = "Action Again"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Aether Doldrums"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Astral Telepathy - Distant Solar"][h:newThingO.
[h:newThingName = "Astral Telepathy - Nearby Solar"][h:newThingOb.
[h:newThingName = "Astral Telepathy - Nearby System"][h:newThingO.
[h:newThingName = "Astral Telepathy - Orbit"][h:newThingObject = .
[h:newThingName = "Astral Telepathy - Sector"][h:newThingObject. =
[h:newThingName = "Astral Telepathy - Segmentum"][h:newThingObje .
[h:newThingName = "Astral Telepathy - Sub Sector"][h:newThingObje.
[h:newThingName = "Augury"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Aura Reading"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Auto-Seance"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Baleful Watcher"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "Banishment"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Bastion of the Imperium"][h:newThingObject .= js
[h:newThingName = "Beacon"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Beastmaster"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Black Sleep"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Blessed by the Emperor"][h:newThingObject. = js
[h:newThingName = "Breathstealing Barrage"][h:newThingObject =. jso
[h:newThingName = "Call of Faith"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "Chaos Mind"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Chorus of the RIghteous"][h:newThingObject. = j
[h:newThingName = "Compel"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Corrupting the Flesh"][h:newThingObject = json.
[h:newThingName = "Death Grip"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Delude"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Detect Taint"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Disrupting the Empyrean"][h:newThingObject. = js
[h:newThingName = "Divining the Future"][h:newThingObject = json..
[h:newThingName = "Dominate"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Doom"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type.
[h:newThingName = "Ebb and Flow"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Embrace of Emptiness"][h:newThingObject =. json.
[h:newThingName = "Enduring Faith"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Evil Eye"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ".
[h:newThingName = "Eye of Oblivion"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Force Bolt"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Force Shards"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Foreshadow"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Foreshadowing"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "Freeze the Soul"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Gaze into the Abyss"][h:newThingObject = json..
[h:newThingName = "Glory of the Just"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "Guide"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type
[h:newThingName = "Held in my Gaze"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Heresy's Price"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Immolate the Soul"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "In Harms way"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Inspire"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Inward View"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Know Thy Place"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Levitation"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Mental Alacrity"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Mental Bond"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Mind Link"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Mind Over Matter - Move Object"][h:newThingObj.
[h:newThingName = "Mind Over Matter - Shove"][h:newThingObject . =
[h:newThingName = "Mind Probe"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Mind Scan"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Mind War"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Mind Ward"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Minds Eye"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Obliterating the Immaterial Wake"][h:newThingO.
[h:newThingName = "Pass Unscathed"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Precision Telekinesis"][h:newThingObject = json
[h:newThingName = "Psychic Scream"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Psycho-Kinetic Mist"][h:newThingObject = json.s
[h:newThingName = "Psycho-Kinetic Shield"][h:newThingObject = .json
[h:newThingName = "Psycholocation"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Psychometry"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Puppet Master"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "Quest for Warmth"][h:newThingObject = json.set(
[h:newThingName = "Rebuke the Mutant"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "Refresh and Revitalise"][h:newThingObject =. jso
[h:newThingName = "Reprogram"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Reward of the Renegade"][h:newThingObject . = js
[h:newThingName = "Sanctuary"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Scourge of the Red Tide"][h:newThingObject. =
[h:newThingName = "Seal the Breach"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Seek the Path"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Sensory Deprivation"][h:newThingObject = json..
[h:newThingName = "Short Range Telepathy"][h:newThingObject = . jso
[h:newThingName = "Soul of Adamantium"][h:newThingObject = json.s.
[h:newThingName = "Stacking the Deck"][h:newThingObject = json.set
[h:newThingName = "Storm of Force"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Strength of Truth"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "Stripping the Husk"][h:newThingObject = json. .
[h:newThingName = "Stupefy the Soul"][h:newThingObject = json.set .
[h:newThingName = "Telekinetic Crush"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "Telekinetic Shield"][h:newThingObject = json.s .
[h:newThingName = "Telekinetic Weapon"][h:newThingObject = json.s .
[h:newThingName = "Terrify (RT)"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "The Course Untravelled"][h:newThingObject.= js
[h:newThingName = "The Emperor's Guidance"][h:newThingObject. = json
[h:newThingName = "The Lidless Stare"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "The Void's Touch"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Thought Sending"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Tides of Time and Space"][h:newThingObject . = js
[h:newThingName = "Tracks in the Stars"][h:newThingObject = json. .
[h:newThingName = "Vision of Hell"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Void Substantiation"][h:newThingObject = json.s.
[h:newThingName = "Void Watcher"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Walking the Path"][h:newThingObject = json.set .
[h:newThingName = "Ward the Chill"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Warp Vigil"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Warp Weapon"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Alien Minds"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Ancestors Rage"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Ancestral Strength"][h:newThingObject = json.set
[h:newThingName = "Astrotelepathy"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Augury"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "typ.
[h:newThingName = "Avenger"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Battle Sight"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Betrayal of Flesh"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Blood Boil"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Blood Lance"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Blood Oath"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Bloody Fist"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Bond of Brotherhood"][h:newThingObject = json. .
[h:newThingName = "Bone Breaker"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Call to Arms"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Compel"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "typ.
[h:newThingName = "Corax's Ingenuity"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Crown of Lightning"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "Curse of the Raven"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "Darkness Gate"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Depths of Rage"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Divination"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Dominate"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "t
[h:newThingName = "Dues Ex Ferrum"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Enduring Duty"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Fear the Darkness"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Flensing"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ."
[h:newThingName = "Force Barrier"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Force Dome"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "From the Depths"][h:newThingObject = json.set( .
[h:newThingName = "Fury of the Ancients"][h:newThingObject = json..
[h:newThingName = "Fury of the Salamander"][h:newThingObject .= js
[h:newThingName = "Fury of the Wolf Spirits"][h:newThingObject =. j
[h:newThingName = "Glory of the Emperor"][h:newThingObject = json.s
[h:newThingName = "Griffons Howl"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Hammer of Man"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Hammer of the Emperor"][h:newThingObject. = json
[h:newThingName = "Heart of the Khan"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "Heat of the Furnace"][h:newThingObject = json.s.
[h:newThingName = "Hellfire"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Inspire"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Inspiring Word"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Into the Crucible"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "Iron Arm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ."t
[h:newThingName = "Librarians Farsight"][h:newThingObject = json.s.
[h:newThingName = "Lifting the Veil"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "Living Lightning"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Long-range Telepathy"][h:newThingObject =. json
[h:newThingName = "Machine Curse"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Mark of Scorn"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Mask of Shadows"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "Might of Heroes"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "Might of the Ancients"][h:newThingObject = json
[h:newThingName = "Mind Probe"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Mind Scan"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Mind Worm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Noble Praetorian"][h:newThingObject = json.set(
[h:newThingName = "Nocturnes's Fire"][h:newThingObject = json.set(
[h:newThingName = "Null Zone"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Paragon"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ."typ
[h:newThingName = "Periclitors Bane"][h:newThingObject = json.set(
[h:newThingName = "Possibility Shield"][h:newThingObject = json.se
[h:newThingName = "Psychometry"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Punish the Weak"][h:newThingObject = json.set(
[h:newThingName = "Raptors Wings"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "Razor Blades"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "Reading"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty
[h:newThingName = "Rending Maw"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Screaming Eagles"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "Shackle Soul"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Shadows in the Stars"][h:newThingObject = json.
[h:newThingName = "Short-range Telepathy"][h:newThingObject =. json
[h:newThingName = "Sky-sight"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Smite"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type
[h:newThingName = "Spirits of the Steppes"][h:newThingObject = .jso
[h:newThingName = "Stonebane"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Storm Caller"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Storm of the Emperors Wrath"][h:newThingObject
[h:newThingName = "Stormlance"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
. "
[h:newThingName = "Tempests Wrath"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "The Gate of Infinity"][h:newThingObject = json.s
[h:newThingName = "The Golden Son"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "The Howling Wind"][h:newThingObject = json.set
[h:newThingName = "The Quickening"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "The Unkindness of Deliverance"][h:newThingObje
[h:newThingName = "Thunderclap"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Thunders Shell"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Tormented Flesh"][h:newThingObject = json.set(
[h:newThingName = "True Strike"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Truth Seeker"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Catalyst"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Dominion"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Hypnotic Gaze"][h:newThingObject = json.se
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Leech Essence"][h:newThingObject = json.se
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Onslaught"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Paroxysm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Psychic Scream"][h:newThingObject = json.set
[h:newThingName = "Tyr The Horror"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Warp Blast"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Tyr Warp Lance"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "Ultimate Sacrifice"][h:newThingObject = json.se
[h:newThingName = "Veil of Time"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Void Hammer"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Vortex of Doom"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Vulkan's Anvil"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Vulnerability"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "War Cry"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty
[h:newThingName = "Warp Whispers"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}"
[h:newThingName = "Wave of Penance"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Weaken Resolve"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{
[h:newThingName = "Wings of Sanguinius"][h:newThingObject = json.s
[h:newThingName = "Word of the Codex Astartes"][h:newThingObject. =
[h:newThingName = "Word of the Emperor"][h:newThingObject = json.
[h:newThingName = "Abhorrent Ward"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Acidium Vitae"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Acquiesence"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Aegis of Euphedros"][h:newThingObject = json.s .
[h:newThingName = "Aether Worm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Befuddling Curse"][h:newThingObject = json.set .
[h:newThingName = "Blade of Baleful Might"][h:newThingObject =.js
[h:newThingName = "Blasphemy Made Flesh"][h:newThingObject .= json.
[h:newThingName = "Blessing of Magnus"][h:newThingObject = json.s .
[h:newThingName = "Blood Boil"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Bolt of Change"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Boon of Tzeentch"][h:newThingObject = json.set .
[h:newThingName = "Brain Fever"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Butchers Offering"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Cedrons Twin"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Celeritous Sense"][h:newThingObject = json.set("
[h:newThingName = "Cellular Control"][h:newThingObject = json.set .
[h:newThingName = "Chitin Shell"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Choir of Poxes"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Compel"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "typ.
[h:newThingName = "Corpse Burst"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Delude"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type
[h:newThingName = "Dirge of Decay"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Doombolt"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Echoes of Malice"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Ecstatic Oblivion"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "Fate Loom"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Field of Pestilence"][h:newThingObject = json. .
[h:newThingName = "Fire Barrage"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Fire Bolt"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ".
[h:newThingName = "Fire Storm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Flaming Gauntlets"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "Flesh Mould"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Flicker"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t .
[h:newThingName = "Force Bolt"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Force Storm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Foul Cage"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Gholam Curse"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Gift of Chaos"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Glimpse"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Harrier Imps"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Hate Storm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Hellish Blast"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{ .
[h:newThingName = "Hellshriek"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Hex of Decrepitude"][h:newThingObject = json.s .
[h:newThingName = "Host of Fiends"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Incendiary of Tzeentch"][h:newThingObject =. js
[h:newThingName = "Incinerate"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Inspire"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Inviolable Flesh"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Labyrinthine Conundrum"][h:newThingObject. = jso
[h:newThingName = "Lash of Submission"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "Last Breath"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Leper's Curse"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Maelstrom of Rage"][h:newThingObject = json.set.
[h:newThingName = "Manifest Flame"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "Mantle of Lies"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Mantle of the Daemon Prince"][h:newThingObject .
[h:newThingName = "Mask of Deceit"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Mind Link"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "
[h:newThingName = "Mind over Matter"][h:newThingObject = json.set .
[h:newThingName = "Mind Probe"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Mindscourge"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Molten Man"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Neural Storm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Nurgle's Rot"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "One with the Flame"][h:newThingObject = json.set
[h:newThingName = "Pangs of Misery"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Personal Augury"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Phantom Parry"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{ .
[h:newThingName = "Precision Telekinesis"][h:newThingObject = json.
[h:newThingName = "Precognition"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Precognitive Dodge"][h:newThingObject = json.se.
[h:newThingName = "Precognitive Strike"][h:newThingObject = json.s.
[h:newThingName = "Preternatural Awareness"][h:newThingObject. = js
[h:newThingName = "Primordial Annihilation"][h:newThingObject =. js
[h:newThingName = "Protean Form"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Psychic Scream"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Psyphon"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ."t
[h:newThingName = "Putrefying Embrace"][h:newThingObject = json.s .
[h:newThingName = "Rain of Foulness"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Regeneration"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Serpent's Ward"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Sharpened Senses"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Shattertime"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Soul's Secrets Unleashed"][h:newThingObject . =j
[h:newThingName = "Storm of Change"][h:newThingObject = json.set( .
[h:newThingName = "Sunder the Veil"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Symphony of Pain"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Telekinetic Shield"][h:newThingObject = json.s .
[h:newThingName = "Telekinetic Weapon"][h:newThingObject = json.s .
[h:newThingName = "Tendrils of Corrosion"][h:newThingObject = jso .
[h:newThingName = "The Six Blades of Prosepheron"][h:newThingObje .
[h:newThingName = "Thought Sending"][h:newThingObject = json.set( .
[h:newThingName = "Toxic Siphon"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{} .
[h:newThingName = "Umbral Halo"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Unbalanced Mind"][h:newThingObject = json.set( .
[h:newThingName = "Unnatural Healing"][h:newThingObject = json.se .
[h:newThingName = "Unnatural Obsession"][h:newThingObject = json.s.
[h:newThingName = "Vile Contagion"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "Vile Revelation"][h:newThingObject = json.set(".
[h:newThingName = "Ward of Worms"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{ .
[h:newThingName = "Warp Vortex"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Warp-Flame Ward"][h:newThingObject = json.set( .
[h:newThingName = "Warptime"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "t
[h:newThingName = "Wind of Chaos"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Wither Hex"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Assail"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Crush"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type.
[h:newThingName = "Dominate"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",. "t
[h:newThingName = "Endurance"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Enfeeble"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ."t
[h:newThingName = "Fiery Form"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Fire Shield"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Flame Breath"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{ .
[h:newThingName = "Foreboding"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Forewarning"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Gate of Infinity"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Haemorrhage"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Hallucination"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Inferno"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "t.
[h:newThingName = "Invisibility"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Iron Arm"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", ."t
[h:newThingName = "Life Leech"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Mental Fortitude"][h:newThingObject = json.set(.
[h:newThingName = "Misfortune"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", . "
[h:newThingName = "Molten Beam"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}" .
[h:newThingName = "Objuration Mechanicum"][h:newThingObject.= jso
[h:newThingName = "Perfect Timing"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}
[h:newThingName = "Precognition"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",
[h:newThingName = "Prescience"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Psychic Shriek"][h:newThingObject = json.set(" .
[h:newThingName = "Puppet Master"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Scriers Gaze"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}".
[h:newThingName = "Shockwave"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = "Smite"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "typ .
[h:newThingName = "Spontaneous Combustion"][h:newThingObject . =j
[h:newThingName = "Sunburst"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}",.
[h:newThingName = "Telekine Dome"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}.
[h:newThingName = "Terrify"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "ty.
[h:newThingName = "Vortex of Doom"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{.
[h:newThingName = "Warp Speed"][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", .
[h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "type","
name type
NAME (34/34) TYPE
Burden of Guilt Emperor's Sign
Holy Radiance Emperor's Sign
Blessed Ignorance Emperor's Sign
Light of the Emperor Emperor's Sign
Spirit of the Martyr Emperor's Sign
Soul Decay Emperor's Sign
Spiritual Mirror Emperor's Sign
Repel Daemon Emperor's Sign
Daemon Trap Emperor's Sign
Holy Light Emperor's Sign
Divine Symbol Emperor's Sign
Seal of Purity Emperor's Sign
Grace Emperor's Mercy
Martyr's Gift Emperor's Mercy
Divine Endurance Emperor's Mercy
Respite Emperor's Mercy
Divine Ministration Emperor's Mercy
Miraculous Recovery Emperor's Mercy
Mental Calm Emperor's Mercy
Spiritual Cleansing Emperor's Mercy
Revelation Emperor's Mercy
No Rest for the Faithful Emperor's Mercy
Resurrection Emperor's Mercy
Wrath of the Righteous Emperor's Wrath
Hand of the Emperor Emperor's Wrath
Divine Guidance Emperor's Wrath
The Passion Emperor's Wrath
Flames of Faith Emperor's Wrath
Righteous Frenzy Emperor's Wrath
Might of the Emperor Emperor's Wrath
The Unforgiving Blade Emperor's Wrath
Divine Touch Emperor's Wrath
Religious Hysteria Emperor's Wrath
Soul Storm Emperor's Wrath
","effect"," ", "burnEffect"," ", "page", , "source","
effect burnEffect page source
EFFECT Burn Effect Page Source
If the target's Willpower is equal to or less t Automatically win the Opposed Tes103 DH-BoM
All allies that can both see and hear him will gain Allies that can both see and 103 DH-BoM
You and up to FB allies become blind to and unaffec You and allies forget recent events103 DH-BoM
You and up to 2xFB allies gain a +20 on Fear TestsThe effects last for the entire ga 103 DH-BoM
You and up to FB allies add your WPB to your TB You, but not allies, ignore death eff104 DH-BoM
Choose a single target that can see and hear you aAffects all targets within sight. 104 DH-BoM
You and up to FB allies reflect Fear shock. If you You and allies must still roll on tab 104 DH-BoM
Any warp creature must win Opposed WP Test to ap Lasts for entire game session. 104 DH-BoM
Draw a circle on the ground up to WPB meters in diCircle can be up to 10x WPB meter105 DH-BoM
You burn with white light lighting area around you Lasts for entire game session. 105 DH-BoM
Draw symbol on yourself or ally. Bearer gains: imm Affect number of targets equal to 105 DH-BoM
Take 1 hour to create a seal on a surface. No war Also repels any creature with 20+ 105 DH-BoM
Share your fate point pool with allies. Regain spenAt the end of the encounter every a106 DH-BoM
Full action to transfer damage from target to self, Bring target back from death as if 106 DH-BoM
You and up to FB allies ignore all new and existin Everyone also gains Unnatural Tou106 DH-BoM
Pray for a Full Action and an ally that can hear andAffect up to 2xFB allies. 107 DH-BoM
Add WPB to damage healed by Medicae, or remove Restore
all all wounds to a single all 107 DH-BoM
Spend one night praying to remove a single cripplinCan restore limbs and eyes. 107 DH-BoM
Spend full action the turn after you or allies recei Affect up to 2xFB allies. 107 DH-BoM
Spend full action the turn after you or allies gain Affect up to 2xFB allies. 107 DH-BoM
Spend full action to remove Fear effects from self Affected automatically pass Fear te108 DH-BoM
You and up to FB allies can ignore critical effects Also ignore limb loss until the end o108 DH-BoM
When you or ally dies and spends fate point to avoid This effect applies to you and all 108 DH-BoM
You and up to FB allies who can see and hear you Bonus damage is increased to +2d109 DH-BoM
You and up to FB allies gain Unnatural Strength(x2Gain Unnatural Strength(x3) 109 DH-BoM
You and up to FB allies ignore any 1 ranged penalty Ignore all penalties to hit with ra 109 DH-BoM
You and up to FB allies gain Unnatural Agility (x2),Gain Unnatural Agility(x3) 109 DH-BoM
Spend full action to bless a fire up to 2xFB meters Increase damage by 2d10 instead 110 DH-BoM
Spend full action to grant you and up to FB allies Each kill while frenzied grants 1d5 110 DH-BoM
Increase your S,T, and Ag by +10. Take -10 to PerLasts for an entire game session. 110 DH-BoM
Bless a weapon that does rending damage to add: Bless a number of weapons equal 110 t DH-BoM
Make a melee attack on exposed skin of a psyker, M t ay make attacks for duration of en111 DH-BoM
Preach for at least 10 minutes, then make OpposedMob also gains Righteous Frenzy. 111 DH-BoM
Spend full action to summon a 10xWPB meter radiu Double damage from storm. 111 DH-BoM
")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

[h:newThingName = "Bur
[h:newThingName = "Hol
[h:newThingName = "Ble
[h:newThingName = "Lig
[h:newThingName = "Spi
[h:newThingName = "Sou
[h:newThingName = "Spi
[h:newThingName = "Re
[h:newThingName = "Dae
[h:newThingName = "Hol
[h:newThingName = "Div
[h:newThingName = "Sea
[h:newThingName = "Gra
[h:newThingName = "Mar
[h:newThingName = "Div
[h:newThingName = "Res
[h:newThingName = "Div
[h:newThingName = "Mir
[h:newThingName = "Men
[h:newThingName = "Spi
[h:newThingName = "Rev
[h:newThingName = "No
[h:newThingName = "Res
[h:newThingName = "Wra
[h:newThingName = "Han
[h:newThingName = "Div
[h:newThingName = "The
[h:newThingName = "Fla
[h:newThingName = "Rig
[h:newThingName = "Mig
[h:newThingName = "Th
[h:newThingName = "Div
[h:newThingName = "Rel
[h:newThingName = "So
Choose a target within a range of [r:5*EPR]m (5m x Psy Rating).<br>Both the target and the Farseer immediatel
oth the target and the Farseer immediately make an opposed Willpower test.<br>If the target fails, then all attacks directed against the target and any additional enemies w
the target and any additional enemies within a [r:EPR] (eff PR) metres gain [r:1d10+EPR] (1d10 + EPR) damage.
24 NAME (101/103)
[h:newWeaponName = " "][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull"," ", "Group"," ", "Class","
Name (NO "," and NO "()" in the name) Hull Group Class
Boarding Any Ship Torpedo None
Boarding-Short-Burn Any Ship Torpedo None
Dark Cannon Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Disruption Macrocannon Broadside Light Cruiser, Cruiser Macrobattery None
Disruption Macrocannons Any Ship Macrobattery None
Dragons Breath Lance Any Ship Lance None
Dragons Breath Lance - Adj Any Ship Lance None
Eavy Gunz Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Eldar Torpedo Tubes Any Ship Launcher Xenotech
Eldar Torpedos Any Ship Torpedo None
Energy Drain Matrix Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Fortis-Pattern Torpedo Tubes Light Cruiser, Cruiser Launcher None
Garzogs Dead Kunnin Device-Cannon Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Garzogs Dead Kunnin Device-Launcha Any Ship Launcher Xenotech
Grapple Cannon Raider Macrobattery None
Gryphonne-Pattern Torpedo Tubes Raider, Frigate, Light Cruiser, Cruiser Launcher None
Gunz Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Gunz Battery Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Hecutor-Pattern Plasma Battery Light Cruiser, Cruiser Macrobattery None
Hecutor-Pattern Plasma Broadside BattleCruiser, Grand Cruiser Macrobattery None
Jovian-Pattern Missile Battery Any Ship Macrobattery None
Jovian-Pattern Nova Cannon Cruiser Nova Archeotech
Kannonz Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Kannonz Battery Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Kustom Kannonz Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Lathe-Pattern Grav-Culverin Broadside Light Cruiser, Cruiser Macrobattery None
Looted Gunz Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Looted Macrocannons Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Mars Pattern Macrocannons Any Ship Macrobattery None
Mars Pattern Macrocannons Broadside Light Cruiser, Cruiser Macrobattery None
Mars-Pattern Nova Cannon Cruiser Nova None
Mars-Pattern Torpedo Tubes Light Cruiser, Cruiser Launcher None
Melta Any Ship Torpedo None
Melta-Guided Any Ship Torpedo None
Melta-Seeking Any Ship Torpedo None
Melta-Short-Burn Any Ship Torpedo None
Mezoa-Pattern Macrocannons Any Ship Macrobattery None
Phantom Lance Raider Lance Xenotech
Phantom Lance - Adj Raider Lance Xenotech
Plasma Any Ship Torpedo None
Plasma Accelerated Torpedo Tubes Any Ship Launcher Archeotech
Plasma-Guided Any Ship Torpedo None
Plasma-Seeking Any Ship Torpedo None
Plasma-Short-Burn Any Ship Torpedo None
Pulsar Lance Frigate, Light Cruiser, Cruiser Lance Xenotech
Pulsar Lance - Adj Frigate, Light Cruiser, Cruiser Lance Xenotech
Pyros Melta-Cannons Any Ship Macrobattery None
Ryza Pattern Plasma Battery Any Ship Macrobattery None
Ryza-Pattern Nova Cannon Cruiser Nova None
Shard Cannon Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Staravar Laser Macrobattery Any Ship Macrobattery Archeotech
Starbreaker Lance Any Ship Lance None
Starbreaker Lance - Adj Any Ship Lance None
Starcannon Cluster Battery Any Ship Macrobattery Xenotech
Star-Flare Lance Light Cruiser, Cruiser Lance Archeotech
Star-Flare Lance - Adj Light Cruiser, Cruiser Lance Archeotech
Stygies-Pattern Bombardment Cannons Light Cruiser, Cruiser Macrobattery None
Stygies-Pattern Macrocannons Any Ship Macrobattery None
Sunhammer Lance Any Ship Lance None
Sunhammer Lance - Adj Any Ship Lance None
Sunhammer Lance Battery Any Ship Lance None
Sunhammer Lance Battery - Adj Any Ship Lance None
Sunsear Las-Broadside Light Cruiser, Cruiser Macrobattery None
Sunsear Laser Battery Any Ship Macrobattery None
Thunderstrike Macrocannons Any Ship Macrobattery None
Titanforge Lance Any Ship Lance None
Titanforge Lance - Adj Any Ship Lance None
Titanforge Lance Battery Light Cruiser, Cruiser Lance None
Titanforge Lance Battery - Adj Any Ship Lance None
Torpedo Launcha Any Ship Launcher Xenotech
Virus Any Ship Torpedo None
Virus-Guided Any Ship Torpedo None
Virus-Seeking Any Ship Torpedo None
Virus-Short-Burn Any Ship Torpedo None
Vortex Any Ship Torpedo None
Vortex-Guided Any Ship Torpedo None
Vortex-Seeking Any Ship Torpedo None
Vortex-Seeking Any Ship Torpedo None
Vortex-Short-Burn Any Ship Torpedo None
Voss-Pattern Torpedo Tubes Any Ship Launcher None
Zzap Kannonz Any Ship Lance Xenotech
Zzap Kannonz - Adj Any Ship Lance Xenotech

Hull Hull 'Hull',Hull,

Group Group 'Group',Group,
Class Class 'Class',Class,
Range Range 'Range',Range,
Strength Strength 'Strength',Strength,
WpnDamDice WpnDamDice 'WpnDamDice',WpnDamDice,
WpnDamDiceType WpnDamDiceType 'WpnDamDiceType',WpnDamDiceType,
WpnDamMod WpnDamMod 'WpnDamMod',WpnDamMod,
Crit Crit 'Crit',Crit,
Clip Clip 'Clip',Clip,
ClipSize ClipSize 'ClipSize',ClipSize,
WpnAttMod WpnAttMod 'WpnAttMod',WpnAttMod,
RldTime RldTime 'RldTime',RldTime,
Facing Facing 'Facing',Facing,
Special Special 'Special',Special,
SpecialText SpecialText 'SpecialText',SpecialText,
Power Power 'Power',Power,
Space Space 'Space',Space,
Availability Availability 'Availability',Availability,
Page Page 'Page',Page,
Source Source 'Source',Source,
", "Range", , "tSpeed", , "Strength", , "WpnDamDice", , "WpnDamDiceType", , "WpnDamMod", , "Crit", ,"Loaded", , "Stock",0,"MaxStock",

Range tSpeed Strength DamageMul

DamageDice DamageBonus Crit Rating Clip Clip Size
60 10 0 2 10 11 999 0 0
30 15 0 2 10 11 999 0 0
6 0 3 1 10 1 0 999 999
5 0 6 1 10 1 999 999 999
5 0 3 1 10 1 999 999 999
3 0 3 1 10 6 3 999 999
6 0 4 1 10 6 3 999 999
3 0 6 2 10 0 4 999 999
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 32
10 10 0 2 10 14 6 0 0
4 0 4 0 0 0 0 999 999
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 42
4 0 5 1 10 6 2 999 999
35 0 1d5+2 2 10 14 0 0 32
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 999 999
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 24
5 0 1d5 1 10 3 6 999 999
5 0 1d5+1 1 10 4 6 999 999
11 0 3 1 10 2 4 999 999
11 0 5 1 10 2 4 999 999
6 0 5 1 10 1 6 999 999
35 0 1d5 2 5 7 10 0 1
9 0 1d5+2 1 10 3 5 999 999
9 0 1d5+4 1 10 3 5 999 999
6 0 1d5 1 10 2 5 999 999
5 0 6 1 10 3 6 999 999
5 0 4 1 10 3 5 999 999
5 0 3 1 10 1 5 999 999
6 0 3 1 10 2 5 999 999
6 0 6 1 10 2 5 999 999
40 0 1d5 2 5 4 10 0 1
0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 42
60 10 0 2 10 15 9 0 0
60 10 0 2 10 15 9 0 0
60 10 0 2 10 15 9 0 0
30 15 0 2 10 15 9 0 0
5 0 4 1 10 3 5 999 999
6 0 1 1 10 3 3 999 999
12 0 2 1 10 3 3 999 999
60 10 0 2 10 14 10 0 0
0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 16
60 10 0 2 10 14 10 0 0
60 10 0 2 10 14 10 0 0
30 15 0 2 10 14 10 0 0
3 0 1 1 10 3 3 999 999
6 0 2 1 10 3 3 999 999
4 0 3 1 10 4 4 999 999
5 0 4 1 10 4 4 999 999
36 0 1d5 2 5 5 10 0 1
6 0 4 1 10 2 3 999 999
12 0 4 1 10 2 4 999 999
5 0 1 1 10 2 3 999 999
10 0 2 1 10 2 3 999 999
6 0 4 1 10 2 4 999 999
7 0 3 1 10 3 3 999 999
14 0 4 1 10 3 3 999 999
4 0 3 1 10 6 2 999 999
5 0 3 1 10 2 5 999 999
9 0 1 1 10 3 3 999 999
18 0 2 1 10 3 3 999 999
9 0 2 1 10 3 3 999 999
18 0 3 1 10 3 3 999 999
9 0 6 1 10 2 4 999 999
9 0 4 1 10 2 4 999 999
4 0 3 1 10 1 6 999 999
6 0 1 1 10 4 3 999 999
12 0 2 1 10 4 3 999 999
6 0 2 1 10 4 3 999 999
12 0 3 1 10 4 3 999 999
35 0 1d5+2 2 10 14 0 0 32
60 10 0 2 10 10 999 0 0
60 10 0 2 10 10 999 0 0
60 10 0 2 10 10 999 0 0
30 15 0 2 10 10 999 0 0
60 10 0 2 10 5 6 0 0
60 10 0 2 10 5 6 0 0
60 10 0 2 10 5 6 0 0
60 10 0 2 10 5 6 0 0
30 15 0 2 10 5 6 0 0
0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 12
6 0 2 1 10 4 3 999 999
12 0 2 1 10 4 3 999 999

, "WpnAttMod", ,"RldTime", ", "Special","
","SpecialText"," ", "Power", , "Space", ,"SP"," ", "Availability","
WpnAttMod Rld Facing Special Special Text Power Space SP Availability
20 0 Any Terminal Penetration (2), Guid- 0 0 Very Rare
15 0 Any Terminal Penetration (2), Guid- 0 0 Very Rare
0 0 Any A vessel struck by a Dark Can- 2 3 3 Near Unique
0 0 Port, St Broadside, Short the Flow, Ioni- 6 5 2 Rare
0 0 Any Short the Flow, Ionic Blast - 4 2 2 Rare
0 0 Any - - 13 8 3 Very Rare
0 0 Any - - 13 8 3 Very Rare
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
10 1 Prow, Keel 1 4 4 Near Unique
30 0 Any Terminal Penetration (3), Igno <b>Special</b>:Holof 0 0 Unique
0 0 Any Target vessel suffers -1 spee - 1 2 4 Near Unique
0 1 Prow, KeVolatile, Enhanced Magnetic C<b>Enhanced Magnetic 2 8 3 Very Rare
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
0 1 Any Terminal Penetration [3] - 0 0 Near Unique
-10 1 Any Boarding action requires -10 B- 2 2 1 Scarce
0 1 Prow, KeVolatile <b>Special</b>:Volat 2 6 1 Scarce
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
0 0 Any Vaporization - 8 3 2 Rare
0 0 Port, St Broadside, Vaporization - 12 5 2 Rare
0 1 Any - - 3 1 1 Scarce
-20 1 Prow Core Architecture, Volatile ( - 5 7 5 Near Unique
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
0 0 Port, St Broadside - 5 5 1 Scarce
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
0 0 Any - - 4 2 1 Scarce
0 0 Port, St Broadside - 4 5 1 Scarce
-20 1 Prow Core Architecture - 3 7 3 Very Rare
0 1 Prow, KeVolatile <b>Special</b>:Volat 2 8 2 Rare
20 0 Any Terminal Penetration (4) A hit from a Melta T0 0 Extremely Rare
20 0 Any Terminal Penetration (4), Gui A hit from a Melta T0 0 Extremely Rare
30 0 Any Terminal Penetration (4) A hit from a Melta T0 0 Extremely Rare
15 0 Any Terminal Penetration (4) A hit from a Melta T0 0 Extremely Rare
0 0 Any - - 4 4 1 Scarce
0 0 Any - - 6 4 2 Near Unique
0 0 Any - - 6 4 2 Near Unique
20 0 Any Terminal Penetration (3) - 0 0 Rare
10 1 Prow, KeVolatile, Hot Launch, Augur A <b>Special</b>:Volat 1 4 4 Extremely Rare
20 0 Any Terminal Penetration (3), Gui - 0 0 Rare
30 0 Any Terminal Penetration (3) - 0 0 Rare
15 0 Any Terminal Penetration (3) - 0 0 Rare
0 0 Any On hit, roll for hit again (sam - 6 4 2 Near Unique
0 0 Any On hit, roll for hit again (sam - 6 4 2 Near Unique
0 0 Any Inferno - 4 3 2 Rare
0 0 Any Vapourisation - 7 8 2 Rare
-20 1 Prow Core Architecture, Overheatin - 4 7 4 Extremely Rare
0 0 Any Unknown energy source - 0 3 2 Near Unique
0 0 Any - - 4 4 2 Extremely Rare
0 0 Any - - 6 4 2 Rare
0 0 Any - - 6 4 2 Rare
10 0 Any Superior Accuracy Eldar gain +10 to fir5 3 - Near Unique
0 0 Any Pinpoint accuracy - 5 6 3 Extremely Rare
0 0 Any Pinpoint accuracy - 5 6 3 Extremely Rare
0 0 Any Destructive, Death from Above- 5 5 3 Very Rare
0 0 Any Penetrator Rounds (3) - 4 3 1 Scarce
0 0 Any - - 9 4 2 Rare
0 0 Any - - 9 4 2 Rare
0 0 Any - - 13 6 2 Rare
0 0 Any - - 13 6 2 Rare
0 0 Port, St Broadside - 9 6 1 Scarce
0 0 Any - - 6 4 1 Scarce
0 0 Any - - 2 2 1 Scarce
0 0 Any - - 9 4 2 Rare
0 0 Any - - 9 4 2 Rare
0 0 Any - - 13 6 2 Rare
0 0 Any - - 13 6 2 Rare
0 1 Any Terminal Penetration [3] - 0 0 Near Unique
20 0 Any Terminal Penetration (1), VirusIF the damage roll r0 0 Near Unique
20 0 Any Terminal Penetration (1), GuidIF the damage roll r0 0 Near Unique
30 0 Any Terminal Penetration (1), VirusIF the damage roll r0 0 Near Unique
15 0 Any Terminal Penetration (1), VirusIF the damage roll r0 0 Near Unique
20 0 Any Terminal Penetration (5), Mor - 0 0 Unique
20 0 Any Terminal Penetration (5), Mor - 0 0 Unique
30 0 Any Terminal Penetration (5), Mor - 0 0 Unique
30 0 Any Terminal Penetration (5), Mor - 0 0 Unique
15 0 Any Terminal Penetration (5), Mor - 0 0 Unique
0 1 Prow, KeVolatile <b>Special</b>:Volat1 5 1 Scarce
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
0 0 Any - - 0 0 Near Unique
", "Page"," ", "Source"," ")][h:addSpecialText()][h: WeaponsTmp = json.set( WeaponsTmp,newWeaponName,newWeaponObject)] [h:allWeaponsTmp = json.set(

Page Source . . . .
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Boarding"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull",
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Boarding-Short-Burn"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
74 RT-HA [h:newWeaponName = "Dark Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hul
34 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Disruption Macrocannon Broadside"][h:newWeaponObject =
34 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Disruption Macrocannons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
139 RT-LotE [h:newWeaponName = "Dragons Breath Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("
139 RT-LotE [h:newWeaponName = "Dragons Breath Lance - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject = json
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Eavy Gunz"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull"
92 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Eldar Torpedo Tubes"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Eldar Torpedos"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "H
74 RT-HA [h:newWeaponName = "Energy Drain Matrix"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
37 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Fortis-Pattern Torpedo Tubes"][h:newWeaponObject = json
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Garzogs Dead Kunnin Device-Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Garzogs Dead Kunnin Device-Launcha"][h:newWeaponObjec
71 RT-HA [h:newWeaponName = "Grapple Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "H
37 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Gryphonne-Pattern Torpedo Tubes"][h:newWeaponObject = j
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Gunz"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull","Any
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Gunz Battery"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hu
34 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Hecutor-Pattern Plasma Battery"][h:newWeaponObject =
34 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Hecutor-Pattern Plasma Broadside"][h:newWeaponObject
158 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Jovian-Pattern Missile Battery"][h:newWeaponObject =
42 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Jovian-Pattern Nova Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Kannonz"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull","
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Kannonz Battery"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Kustom Kannonz"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "
158 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Lathe-Pattern Grav-Culverin Broadside"][h:newWeaponObj
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Looted Gunz"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hul
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Looted Macrocannons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
202 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Mars Pattern Macrocannons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.
202 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Mars Pattern Macrocannons Broadside"][h:newWeaponObje
36 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Mars-Pattern Nova Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
37 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Mars-Pattern Torpedo Tubes"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Melta"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull","Any
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Melta-Guided"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hul
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Melta-Seeking"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hu
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Melta-Short-Burn"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
158 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Mezoa-Pattern Macrocannons"][h:newWeaponObject = json
139 RT-LotE [h:newWeaponName = "Phantom Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "H
139 RT-LotE [h:newWeaponName = "Phantom Lance - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull","A
42 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma Accelerated Torpedo Tubes"][h:newWeaponObject =
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma-Guided"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "H
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma-Seeking"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Plasma-Short-Burn"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
87 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Pulsar Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hul
87 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Pulsar Lance - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
158 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Pyros Melta-Cannons"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{
203 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Ryza Pattern Plasma Battery"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
37 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Ryza-Pattern Nova Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
207 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Shard Cannon"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hu
162 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Staravar Laser Macrobattery"][h:newWeaponObject = jso
203 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Starbreaker Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
203 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Starbreaker Lance - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
140 RT-LotE [h:newWeaponName = "Starcannon Cluster Battery"][h:newWeaponObject = json
162 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Star-Flare Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
162 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Star-Flare Lance - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
34 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Stygies-Pattern Bombardment Cannons"][h:newWeaponObje
34 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Stygies-Pattern Macrocannons"][h:newWeaponObject = js
158 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Sunhammer Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
158 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Sunhammer Lance - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
158 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Sunhammer Lance Battery"][h:newWeaponObject = json.se
158 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Sunhammer Lance Battery - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject = j
158 RT-ItS [h:newWeaponName = "Sunsear Las-Broadside"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
202 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Sunsear Laser Battery"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set(
202 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Thunderstrike Macrocannons"][h:newWeaponObject = json
203 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Titanforge Lance"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
203 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Titanforge Lance - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set
203 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Titanforge Lance Battery"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
203 RT [h:newWeaponName = "Titanforge Lance Battery - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject =
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Torpedo Launcha"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}",
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Virus"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull","Any
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Virus-Guided"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Virus-Seeking"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hul
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Virus-Short-Burn"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Vortex"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hull","A
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Vortex-Guided"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "H
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Vortex-Seeking"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Vortex-Seeking"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "
8 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Vortex-Short-Burn"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}"
37 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Voss-Pattern Torpedo Tubes"][h:newWeaponObject = json.s
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Zzap Kannonz"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}", "Hu
83 RT-BFK [h:newWeaponName = "Zzap Kannonz - Adj"][h:newWeaponObject = json.set("{}

. 8
. 8
. 10
. 7
. 7
. 8 Q&D numAvail
. 8 Ubiquitous 1
. 10 Abundant 2
. 10 Plentiful 3
. 11 Common 4
. 10 Average 5
. 8 Scarce 6
. 10 Rare 7
. 10 Very Rare 8
. 6 Extremely Rar 9
. 6 Near Unique 10
. 10 Unique 11
. 10
. 7
. 7
. 6
. 10
. 10
. 10
. 10
. 6
. 10
. 10
. 6
. 6
. 8
. 7
. 9
. 9
. 9
. 9
. 6
. 10
. 10
. 7
. 9
. 7
. 7
. 7
. 10
. 10
. 7
. 7
. 9
. 10
. 9
. 7
. 7
. 10
. 9
. 9
. 8
. 6
. 7
. 7
. 7
. 7
. 6
. 6
. 6
. 7
. 7
. 7
. 7
. 10
. 10
. 10
. 10
. 10
. 11
. 11
. 11
. 11
. 11
. 6
. 10
. 10
14 NAME (257/272)
[h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "Essential","
", "Type"," ", "Prerequisites","
Name (NO "," and NO "()" in the name) EssentiType Prerequisites
Auto Temple 0 Facilities Any Ship
Crew Improvements - Best 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Crew Improvements - Good 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Crew Improvements - Normal 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Auto-Stabilised Logis-Targeter 1 Augur Array Any Ship
Bridge of Antiquity 1 1 Bridge Transport, Raider, Frigate
Bridge of Antiquity 2 1 Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Bg-15 Assault Scanners 1 Augur Array Any Ship
Crew Improvements - Poor 0 Upgrades Any Ship
X-470 Ultimo Array 1 Augur Array Any Ship
Fleet Command Bridge 1 Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Invasion Bridge 1 Bridge Cruiser
Searchy Gubbinz 1 Augur Array Any Ship
Xenos Sensor Array 1 Augur Array Any Ship
Kaptins Bridge 1 Bridge Any Ship
Boyz Barracks 1 Crew Quarters Any Ship
Xenos Crew Quarters 1 Crew Quarters Any Ship
Big Teef 1 Geller Field Any Ship
Air Pumps 1 Life Sustainer Any Ship
Xenos Life Sustainer 1 Life Sustainer Any Ship
Warp Engine 1 Warp Drive Any Ship
Warp-Plotter 1 Warp Drive Any Ship
Teleportarium 0 Facilities Any Ship
Bilge-Rat Quarters 1 1 Crew Quarters Transport, Raider, Frigate
Bilge-Rat Quarters 2 1 Crew Quarters Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Belecane-Pattern 90.R 1 Geller Field Any Ship
Ancient Life Sustainer 1 1 Life Sustainer Transport, Raider, Frigate
Ancient Life Sustainer 2 1 Life Sustainer Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Clemency-Pattern 1 1 Life Sustainer Transport, Raider, Frigate
Clemency-Pattern 2 1 Life Sustainer Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Modified Jovian Pattern Class 1a 1 Plasma Drive Transport
Modified Jovian Pattern Class 1b 1 Plasma Drive Transport
Modified Jovian Pattern Class 2 1 Plasma Drive Raider, Frigate
Modified Jovian Pattern Class 3 1 Plasma Drive Light Cruiser
Modified Jovian Pattern Class 4 1 Plasma Drive Cruiser
Elseways Charts - Best 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Elseways Charts - Good 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Elseways Charts - Normal 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Elseways Charts - Poor 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Saturnine-Pattern Class 4a Ultra 1 Plasma Drive Battlecruiser
Saturnine-Pattern Class 5 1 Plasma Drive Grand Cruiser
Triple Void Shield Array 1 Void Shield Grand Cruiser
Voss Glimmer-Pattern Void Shield 1 Void Shield Any Ship
Voss Glimmer-Pattern Void Shield Array 1 Void Shield Cruiser
Miloslav H-616.B 1 1 Warp Drive Transport, Raider, Frigate
Miloslav H-616.B 2 1 Warp Drive Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Repulsor Shield 1 Void Shield Any Ship
Repulsor Shield Array 1 Void Shield Cruiser
Ghost Field 1 Void Shield Any Ship
Smugglers Bridge 1 Bridge Transport
Gravity Sails 1 0 Augments Transport, Raider, Frigate
Gravity Sails 2 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Micro Laser Defence Grid 0 Augments Any Ship
Runecaster 0 Augments Any Ship
Slave Quarters 1 Crew Quarters Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Slave Quarters 1 Crew Quarters Transport, Raider, Frigate
Mezoa Geller Void Integrant 1 Geller Field Transport, Raider
Klenova Class M Warp Engine 1 Warp Drive Transport, Raider, Frigate
Energistic Conversion Matrix 0 Facilities Any Ship
Gyro-Stabilisation Matrix 0 Facilities Any Ship
Auxiliary Plasma Banks 1 0 Augments Transport, Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Auxiliary Plasma Banks 2 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Reinforced Prow 1 0 Augments Transport, Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Reinforced Prow 2 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Evacuation Bay 0 Cargo Raider, Frigates, Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Arboretum 0 Facilities Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Arboretum 0 Facilities Transport, Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Da Hold 0 Cargo Any Ship
Stowage Bays 0 Cargo Any Ship
Astropathic Choir-Chambers 0 Facilities Any Ship
Broadband Hymn-Casters 0 Facilities Any Ship
Xenos Habitats 0 Passenger Any Ship
Flak Turrets 0 Augments Any Ship
Minelayer Bay 0 Augments Transport, Light Cruiser, Cruiser
W-240 Passive Detection Arrays 1 Augur Array Any Ship
Exploration Bridge 1 1 Bridge Transport, Raider, Frigate
Exploration Bridge 2 1 Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Clan-Kin Quarters 1 1 Crew Quarters Transport, Raider, Frigate
Clan-Kin Quarters 2 1 Crew Quarters Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Cold Quarters 1 1 Crew Quarters Transport, Raider, Frigate
Cold Quarters 2 1 Crew Quarters Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Emergency Field 1 Geller Field Any Ship
Euphoric Life Sustainer 1 Life Sustainer Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Euphoric Life Sustainer 1 Life Sustainer Transport, Raider, Frigate
Fleet Flag Bridge 1 Bridge Battlecruiser, Grand Cruiser
Cloudmining Facility 0 Facilities Transport
Hydraphuran Jamming System 0 Facilities Any Ship
Armour Plating 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Armour Plating 0 Augments Transport, Raider, Frigate
Armoured Prow 0 Augments Cruiser
Augmented Retro-Thrusters 0 Augments Cruiser
Augmented Retro-Thrusters 0 Augments Raider, Frigate
Augmented Retro-Thrusters 0 Augments Transport, Light Cruiser
Medicae Deck 0 Facilities Any Ship
Arrester Engines 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Melodiumt 0 Facilities Any Ship
Pilots Chambers 0 Facilities Any Ship
Small Craft Repair Deck 0 Facilities Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Brig 0 Passenger Any Ship
Albanov 1 Warp Engine 1 Warp Drive Transport, Raider, Frigate
Markov 1 1 Warp Drive Transport, Raider, Frigate
Reinforced Interior Bulkheads 1 0 Augments Transport, Raider, Frigate
Reinforced Interior Bulkheads 2 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Distributed Cargo Hold 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Secondary Reactors 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Tenebro-Maze 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Tenebro-Maze 0 Augments Transport, Raider, Frigate
Deep Void Augur Array 1 Augur Array Any Ship
Markov 2 1 Warp Drive Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Command Bridge 1 1 Bridge Transport, Raider, Frigate
Command Bridge 2 1 Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Jovian-Pattern Class 8.1 1 Plasma Drive Frigate
Jovian-Pattern Class 8.2 1 Plasma Drive Light Cruiser
Jovian-Pattern Class 8.3 1 Plasma Drive Cruiser
Vaulted Ceilings - Best 1 0 Upgrades Raider
Jovian-Pattern Class 8.4 1 Plasma Drive Grand Cruiser
Mezoa-Pattern Theta-7 1 Plasma Drive Transport
Cogitator Interlink 0 Facilities Any Ship
Emergency Energy Reserves 0 Facilities Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Vaulted Ceilings - Best 2 0 Upgrades Frigate, Transport
Vaulted Ceilings - Best 3 0 Upgrades Light Cruiser
Vaulted Ceilings - Best 4 0 Upgrades Cruiser and larger
Vaulted Ceilings - Good 1 0 Upgrades Raider
Vaulted Ceilings - Good 2 0 Upgrades Frigate, Transport
Emergency Energy Reserves 0 Facilities Transport, Raider, Frigate
Extended Supply Vaults 0 Facilities Any Ship
Suspension Chambers 0 Facilities Transport, Raider, Frigate
Warp Antenna 0 Facilities Any Ship
Warp Sextant 0 Facilities Any Ship
Munitorium 0 Facilities Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Munitorium 0 Facilities Transport, Raider, Frigate
Murder-Servitors 0 Facilities Any Ship
Witch Augur 0 Facilities Any Ship
Castellan Shield 1 Void Shield Cruiser
Castellan Shield Array 1 Void Shield Any Ship
Armoured Ramming Beak 0 Augments Any Ship
Chameleon Hull 0 Facilities Any Ship
Barracks 0 Passenger Any Ship
Energy Drain Matrix 0 Facilities Any Ship
Vaulted Ceilings - Good 3 0 Upgrades Light Cruiser
Warp Disruptor 0 Facilities Any Ship
Excess Void Armour 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Vaulted Ceilings - Good 4 0 Upgrades Cruiser and larger
Vaulted Ceilings - Normal 1 0 Upgrades Raider
Lathe Pattern Class 1 1 Plasma Drive Transport
Excess Void Armour 0 Augments Transport, Raider, Frigate
Vaulted Ceilings - Normal 2 0 Upgrades Frigate, Transport
Vaulted Ceilings - Normal 3 0 Upgrades Light Cruiser
Vaulted Ceilings - Normal 4 0 Upgrades Cruiser and larger
Vaulted Ceilings - Poor 1 0 Upgrades Raider
Vaulted Ceilings - Poor 2 0 Upgrades Frigate, Transport
Vaulted Ceilings - Poor 3 0 Upgrades Light Cruiser
Vaulted Ceilings - Poor 4 0 Upgrades Cruiser and larger
Gilded Hull 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Gilded Hull 0 Augments Transport, Raider, Frigate
Defensive Countermeasures 0 Augments Any Ship
Field Bracing 0 Augments Any Ship
Fire Suppression System 1 0 Augments Transport, Raider, Frigate
Fire Suppression System 2 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Fire Suppression System 3 0 Augments Grand Cruiser
Cherubin Aerie - Best 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Cherubin Aerie - Good 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Cherubin Aerie - Normal 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Cherubin Aerie - Poor 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Disciplinarium 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Empyrean Mantle 1 0 Augments Transport, Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Empyrean Mantle 2 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Lux Net 0 Augments Any Ship
Resolution Arena 0 Upgrades Any Ship
M-100 Augur Array 1 Augur Array Any Ship
M-201.B Augur Array 1 Augur Array Any Ship
R-50 Auspex Multi-Band 1 Augur Array Any Ship
Storm Trooper Detachement - Best 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Armoured Command Bridge 1 1 Bridge Raider, Frigate
Armoured Command Bridge 2 1 Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Combat Bridge 2 1 Bridge Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Combat Bridge 1 1 Bridge Transport, Raider, Frigate
Commerce Bridge 1 Bridge Transport
Storm Trooper Detachement - Good 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Storm Trooper Detachement - Normal 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Ship Masters Bridge 1 Bridge Cruiser
Cargo Hold And Lighter Bay 0 Cargo Raider, Frigate, Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Compartmentalized Cargo Hold 0 Cargo Raider, Frigate, Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Main Cargo Hold 0 Cargo Transport
Power Ram 0 Augments Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Ships Stores 1 0 Cargo Transport, Grand Cruiser
Pressed-Crew Quarters 1 1 Crew Quarters Transport, Raider, Frigate
Pressed-Crew Quarters 2 1 Crew Quarters Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Voidsmen Quarters 1 1 Crew Quarters Transport, Raider, Frigate
Voidsmen Quarters 2 1 Crew Quarters Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Crew Reclamation Facility 0 Facilities Any Ship
Librarium Vault 0 Facilities Any Ship
Observation Dome 0 Facilities Any Ship
Temple-Shrine to the God Emperor 0 Facilities Any Ship
Trophy Room 0 Facilities Any Ship
Ships Stores 2 0 Cargo Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Geller Field 1 Geller Field Any Ship
Manufactorumt 0 Facilities Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Storm Drop Pod Launch Bays 0 Augments Any Ship
M-1.R Life Sustainer 1 1 Life Sustainer Transport, Raider, Frigate
M-1.R Life Sustainer 2 1 Life Sustainer Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer 1 1 Life Sustainer Transport, Raider, Frigate
Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer 2 1 Life Sustainer Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Luxury Passenger Quarters 0 Passenger Any Ship
Jovian Pattern Class 1 1 Plasma Drive Transport
Jovian Pattern Class 2 1 Plasma Drive Raider, Frigate
Jovian Pattern Class 3 1 Plasma Drive Light Cruiser
Jovian Pattern Class 4 1 Plasma Drive Cruiser
Variable Figurehead 0 Augments Any Ship
Shadowblind Bays 0 Cargo Any Ship
Pharmacia 0 Facilities Any Ship
Sensorium 0 Facilities Any Ship
Jovian-Pattern Warcruiser 1 1 Plasma Drive Light Cruiser
Jovian-Pattern Warcruiser 2 1 Plasma Drive Cruiser
Lathe-Pattern 2a 1 1 Plasma Drive Raider, Frigate
Lathe-Pattern 2a 2 1 Plasma Drive Transport
Multiple Void Shield Array 1 Void Shield Cruiser
Segrazian Viperdrive Pirate Engine 1 Plasma Drive Raider, Frigate
Null Bay 1 Crew Quarters Any Ship
Single Void Shield Array 1 Void Shield Any Ship
Graviton Flare 0 Facilities Raider, Frigates
Suspension Chambers 0 Facilities Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Cypra-Pattern Class 1 1 Plasma Drive Raider, Frigate
Cypra-Pattern Class 2 1 Plasma Drive Transport
Dark Cannon 0 Facilities Any Ship
Strelov 1 1 Warp Drive Transport, Raider, Frigate
Strelov 2 1 Warp Drive Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Grav Repulsors 0 Facilities Any Ship
Mimic Engine 0 Facilities Cruiser
Mimic Engine 0 Facilities Light Cruiser
Mimic Engine 0 Facilities Raider, Frigate
Mimic Drive 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Ostentatious Display of Wealth - Best 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Ostentatious Display of Wealth - Good 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Ostentatious Display of Wealth - Normal 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Ostentatious Display of Wealth - Poor 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Servitor Crew - Best 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Servitor Crew - Good 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Servitor Crew - Normal 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Servitor Crew - Poor 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Superior Damage Control 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Turbo-Weapon Batteries - Best 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Turbo-Weapon Batteries - Good 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Turbo-Weapon Batteries - Normal 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Warpsbane Hull 1 Geller Field Any Ship
Mimic Engine 0 Facilities Transport
Recovery Chambers 0 Facilities Any Ship
Xenos Librarium 0 Facilities Any Ship
Looted Drive 1 Plasma Drive Any Ship
Solar Sails 1 Plasma Drive Any Ship
Turbo-Weapon Batteries - Poor 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Supa Drive 1 Plasma Drive Any Ship
Overload Shield Capacitors 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Prognosticator 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Starchart Collection - Best 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Starchart Collection - Good 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Starchart Collection - Normal 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Starchart Collection - Poor 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Targeting Matrix 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Holo Field 1 Void Shield Any Ship
Asteroid Mining Facility 0 Facilities Any Ship
Plasma Scoop 1 0 Facilities Raider, Frigate
Plasma Scoop 2 0 Facilities Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Atomics - Best 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Atomics - Good 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Atomics - Normal 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Atomics - Poor 0 Upgrades Any Ship
Salvage Systems 0 Facilities Transport, Light Cruiser, Cruiser
Laboratorium 0 Facilities Any Ship
Shadowfield 0 Facilities Any Ship
Spacedock Pierst 0 Facilities Transport with 50+ Space, Grand Cruiser
Warp Gate Map 0 Facilities Any Ship
Astrarium Koronus 0 Facilities Any Ship
", "Benefits"," ", "Class"," ", "Special"," ", "Power"," ", "Space"," ", "SP"," ", "External","
Benefits Class Special RuPower Space Taken SP Cost External
+2 morale ; Creed objecti None 1 1 0 0
+3 Crew Morale;+5 Crew None 0 0 1 0
+3 Crew Morale None 0 0 1 0
+2 Crew Morale None 0 0 1 0
Archeotech 5 0 2 1
Archeotech 1 1 2 0
Archeotech 2 1 2 0
None 5 0 0 1
+1 Crew Morale None 0 0 1 0
None 6 0 0 1
None 2 2 0 0
None 4 3 0 0
Xenotech 3 0 0 1
Xenotech 3 0 0 1
Xenotech 1 1 0 0
Xenotech 1 3 0 0
Xenotech 1 3 0 0
Xenotech 1 0 0 0
Xenotech 4 2 0 0
Xenotech 4 2 0 0
Xenotech 8 10 0 0
Needed to Navigate the Xenotech 8 10 0 0
Archeotech 1 1 1 0
None 1 2 0 0
None 2 3 0 0
None 1 0 0 0
Archeotech 2 1 2 0
Archeotech 2 2 2 0
None 4 4 0 0
None 5 5 0 0
Archeotech 35 Gen 4 3 0
Archeotech 40 Gen 8 3 0
Archeotech 45 Gen 6 3 0
Archeotech 60 Gen 8 3 0
Archeotech 75 Gen 10 3 0
Navigator may make a +10Maletek 0 0 3 0
Navigator may make a +0 Maletek
F 0 0 3 0
Navigator may make a -10Maletek 0 0 3 0
Navigator may make a -20Maletek 0 0 3 0
None 90 Gen 14 0 0
None 95 Gen 18 0 0
Provides 3 Void Shields None 9 3 0 0
Provides 1 Void Shield None 3 1 0 0
Provides 2 Void Shields None 5 1 0 0
None 8 10 0 0
None 10 12 0 0
Provides 1 Void Shield None 6 1 0 0
Provides 2 Void Shields None 8 1 0 0
Archeotech 8 4 3 0
None 1 1 0 0
+1 Speed, +5 Man Xenotech 3 0 3 1
+1 Speed, +5 Man Xenotech 5 0 3 1
Turret rating + 2 Xenotech 2 0 2 1
When travelling through wXenotech Fuelled by Fa 0 1 2 0
None 1 2 0 0
None 1 1 0 0
None 0 0 0 0
None 10 10 0 0
Archeotech 1 1 1 0
Archeotech 1 1 1 0
None 8 Gen 5 1 0
None 10 Gen 6 1 0
None 0 2 1 0
None 0 3 1 0
None 2 4 1 0
None 2 3 1 0
None 2 2 1 0
Xenotech 1 2 1 0
Xenotech 1 2 1 0
None 1 1 1 0
None 3 0 1 1
None 2 1 1 0
None 1 1 1 0
None 1 4 1 0
None 3 0 1 1
None 4 1 1 0
None 4 2 1 0
None 1 4 1 0
None 2 5 1 0
None 3 4 1 0
None 4 5 1 0
None 2 0 1 0
None 5 3 1 0
None 4 2 1 0
None 4 4 1 0
None 3 4 1 0
None 4 0 1 1
None 0 2 2 0
None 0 1 2 0
None 0 4 2 0
None 5 0 2 1
None 3 0 2 1
None 4 0 2 1
None 2 1 1 0
None 0 0 1 0
None 1 1 1 0
None 1 1 1 0
None 2 2 1 0
None 1 1 1 0
None 10 11 1 0
None 12 12 1 0
None 0 2 2 0
None 0 3 2 0
None 0 0 1 0
None 0 0 1 0
None 2 3 2 0
None 1 2 2 0
None 7 0 1 1
None 13 13 1 0
None 2 1 1 0
None 3 2 1 0
None 44 Gen 11 1 0
None 59 Gen 13 1 0
None 74 Gen 15 1 0
+10 morale None 0 1 1 0
None 93 Gen 20 1 0
None 44 Gen 18 1 0
Archeotech 1 1 2 0
When Crippled, no penalitArcheotech 3 2 2 0
+10 morale None 0 2 1 0
+10 morale None 0 3 1 0
+10 morale None 0 4 1 0
+7 morale None 0 1 1 0
+7 morale None 0 2 1 0
When Crippled, no penalitArcheotech 2 1 2 0
None 1 4 2 0
Decrease crew with 50, moArcheotech 2 1 2 0
+20 Locate Astronomicon Archeotech His Holy Light 1 1 2 1
+20 Perception and NavigaArcheotech The True Path4 1 2 0
None 3 4 2 0
None 2 3 2 0
None 1 1 2 0
Navigator may make a +0 Archeotech
A 1 0 2 1
Provides 2 Void Shields Archeotech 7 2 2 0
Provides 1 Void Shield Archeotech 5 1 2 0
+8 Armour fore, 3d10+A Xenotech 0 4 2 0
Xenotech 1 0 2 1
None 2 4 2 0
Xenotech 3 1 2 0
+7 morale None 0 3 1 0
Xenotech 3 0 2 0
+4 Armour, -2 Speed, -3 None 0 3 2 0
+7 morale None 0 4 1 0
+5 morale None 0 1 1 0
None 40 Gen 12 1 0
+4 Armour, -2 Speed, -3 None 0 2 2 0
+5 morale None 0 2 1 0
+5 morale None 0 3 1 0
+5 morale None 0 4 1 0
+5 morale None 0 2 1 0
+5 morale None 0 3 1 0
+5 morale None 0 4 1 0
+5 morale None 0 5 1 0
+10 Fel, -3 Armour None 0 2 2 0
None 0 1 2 0
None 1 1 2 0
None 1-3 1 2 0
None 1 1 2 0
None 2 2 2 0
None 3 3 2 0
Crew Morale -1 ; 1d10+20None 0 0 1 0
Crew Morale -1 ; 1d5+15 ANone 0 0 1 0
Crew Morale -1 ; 1d10+10None 0 0 1 0
Crew Morale -2 ; 1d10+10None 0 0 1 0
None 0 0 1 0
None 3 0 2 1
None 5 0 2 1
None 10 Gen 2 2 0
None 0 0 1 0
None 3 0 0 1
None 5 0 0 1
None 4 0 0 1
Double Hull Integrity Da None 0 0 1 0
If this Component takes a None 2 2 0 0
If this Component takes a None 3 2 0 0
None 2 2 0 0
None 1 1 0 0
None 1 1 0 0
Double Hull Integrity Da None 0 0 1 0
Double Hull Integrity Da None 0 0 1 0
None 4 3 0 0
None 1 2 1 0
None 2 5 1 0
None 2 4 1 0
None 2 0 2 1
None 1 10 2 0
None 1 2 0 0
None 2 3 0 0
None 1 3 0 0
None 2 4 0 0
None 1 1 1 0
None 1 1 1 0
None 0 1 1 0
None 1 1 1 0
None 1 1 1 0
None 1 5 2 0
None 1 0 0 0
None 2 1 2 0
None 1 3 2 0
None 4 2 0 0
None 3 1 0 0
None 4 2 0 0
None 5 3 0 0
None 2 1 1 0
None 35 Gen 8 0 0
None 45 Gen 10 0 0
None 60 Gen 12 0 0
None 75 Gen 14 0 0
None 1 0 2 1
None 3 4 2 0
None 1 2 2 0
None 1 1 2 0
None 65 Gen 14 2 0
None 85 Gen 17 2 0
None 47 Gen 14 2 0
None 40 Gen 14 2 0
Provides 2 Void Shields None 7 2 0 0
Speed +2 ; Man +5 ; WhenNone 45 Gen 16 2 0
Can contain upto 100 psyke Archeotech 1 1 3 0
Provides 1 Void Shield None 5 1 0 0
When triggered all vesselsArcheotech 2 0 3 1
Decrease crew with 50, mo Archeotech 3 2 3 0
Archeotech 40 Gen 12 3 0
Archeotech 30 Gen 10 3 0
Xenotech 3 2 3 0
None 10 10 0 0
None 12 12 0 0
Xenotech 1-3 0 3 1
Xenotech 75 Gen 14 3 0
Xenotech 60 Gen 12 3 0
Xenotech 45 Gen 10 3 0
None 0 0 2 0
+20 Social Skill Tests ; None 0 0 2 0
+15 Social Skill Tests ; None 0 0 2 0
+10 Social Skill Tests ; None 0 0 2 0
-10 Social Skill Tests None 0 0 2 0
-10 BS ; -10 Command (Cre None 0 0 2 0
-10 BS ; -10 Command (Cre None 0 0 2 0
-10 BS ; -10 Command (Cre None 0 0 2 0
-10 BS ; -10 Command (Cre None 0 0 2 0
None 0 0 2 0
No penalties for firing do None 0 0 2 0
No penalties for firing do None 0 0 2 0
No penalties for firing dou None 0 0 2 0
Navigation Tests in the WaNone 1 0 2 0
Xenotech 40 Gen 12 3 0
Xenotech 3 1 3 0
Xenotech 1 1 3 0
Xenotech 50 Gen 0 3 0
Xenotech 50 Gen 0 3 0
No penalties for firing do None 0 0 2 0
Xenotech 50 Gen 0 3 0
None 0 0 3 0
Character may attempt Psy None 0 0 3 0
Reduce Warp Travel TimeNone b 0 0 3 0
Reduce Warp Travel TimeNone b 0 0 3 0
Reduce Warp Travel TimeNone b 0 0 3 0
Reduce Warp Travel TimeNone b 0 0 3 0
None 0 0 3 0
-40 to hit, -20 to hit vs M Xenotech 8 4 3 0
None 6 10 3 0
None 2 3 3 0
None 3 4 3 0
1d5+10 Hits ; 1d10+6 da None 0 0 4 0
1d5+5 Hits ; 1d10+6 dam None 0 0 4 0
1d5+4 Hits ; 1d10+6 dam None 0 0 4 0
1d5+2 Hits ; 1d10+6 dam None 0 0 4 0
None 5 3 3 1
None 2 1 3 0
Xenotech 8 4 4 0
None 7 14 4 0
Xenotech 2 1 5 0
Requires -40 tech use to Archeotech 1 1 ? 0
","Availability"," ", "Page"," ", "Source"," ")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

Availability Page Source . .

Average RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Auto Temple"][h:newThingOb 5
Rare 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Crew Improvements - Best"] 7
Scarce 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Crew Improvements - Good"] 6
Average 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Crew Improvements - Normal 5
Extremely Rare 207 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Auto-Stabilised Logis-Targ 9
Extremely Rare 207 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Bridge of Antiquity 1"][h:n 9 Q&D
Extremely Rare 207 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Bridge of Antiquity 2"][h:n 9 Ubiquitous
Scarce 33 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Bg-15 Assault Scanners"][h 6 Abundant
Common 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Crew Improvements - Poor"] 4 Plentiful
Scarce 33 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "X-470 Ultimo Array"][h:new 6 Common
Scarce 32 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Fleet Command Bridge"][h:n 6 Average
Scarce 32 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Invasion Bridge"][h:newThin 6 Scarce
Near Unique 79 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Sensor Array"][h:new 10 Rare
Near Unique 139 RT-lotE .
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Sensor Array"][h:new 10 Very Rare
Near Unique 79 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Kaptins Bridge"][h:newThin 10 Extremely Rar
Near Unique 79 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Voidsmen Quarters"][ 10 Near Unique
Near Unique 139 RT-lotE .
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Crew Quarters"][h:ne 10 Unique
Near Unique 79 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Big Teef"][h:newThingObjec 10
Near Unique 79 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Pattern Life Sustaine 10
Near Unique 139 RT-lotE .
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Life Sustainer"][h:ne 10
Near Unique 79 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Warp Engine"][h:newThingOb 10
Near Unique 139 RT-LotE .
[h:newThingName = "Warp-Plotter"][h:newThingO 10
Extremely Rare 207 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Teleportarium"][h:newThingO 9
Scarce 33 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Bilge-Rat Quarters 1"][h:n 6
Scarce 33 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Bilge-Rat Quarters 2"][h:n 6
Scarce 32 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Belecane-Pattern 90.R"][h: 6
Extremely Rare 206 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Ancient Life Sustainer 1"][ 9
Extremely Rare 206 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Ancient Life Sustainer 2"][ 9
Scarce 32 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Clemency-Pattern 1"][h:new 6
Scarce 32 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Clemency-Pattern 2"][h:newT 6
Extremely Rare 206 RT [h:newThingName = "Modified Jovian Pattern .Cl 9
Extremely Rare 206 RT [h:newThingName = "Modified Jovian Pattern .Cl 9
Extremely Rare 206 RT [h:newThingName = "Modified Jovian Pattern .Cl 9
Extremely Rare 206 RT [h:newThingName = "Modified Jovian Pattern .Cl 9
Extremely Rare 206 RT [h:newThingName = "Modified Jovian Pattern .Cl 9
Unique 65 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Elseways Charts - Best"][h 11
Near Unique 65 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Elseways Charts - Good"][h 10
Extremely Rare 65 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Elseways Charts - Normal"] 9
Very Rare 65 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Elseways Charts - Poor"][h 8
Scarce 31 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Saturnine-Pattern Class. 4a 6
Scarce 31 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Saturnine-Pattern Class. 5" 6
Scarce 32 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Triple Void Shield Array"] 6
Scarce 32 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Voss Glimmer-Pattern Void. 6
Scarce 32 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Voss Glimmer-Pattern Void. 6
Scarce 31 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Miloslav H-616.B 1"][h:new 6
Scarce 31 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Miloslav H-616.B 2"][h:new 6
Scarce 156 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Repulsor Shield"][h:newThi 6
Scarce 157 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Repulsor Shield Array"][h:n 6
Extremely Rare 207 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Ghost Field"][h:newThingOb 9
Scarce RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Smugglers Bridge"][h:newTh 6
Near Unique 207 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Gravity Sails 1"][h:newThi 10
Near Unique 207 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Gravity Sails 2"][h:newThi 10
Near Unique 207 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Micro Laser Defence Grid"] 10
Near Unique 207 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Runecaster"][h:newThingObj 10
Scarce RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Slave Quarters"][h:newThing 6
Scarce RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Slave Quarters"][h:newThin 6
Scarce RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Mezoa Geller Void Integrant 6
Scarce RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Klenova Class M Warp Engin 6
Extremely Rare 161 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Energistic Conversion Matri 9
Extremely Rare 162 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Gyro-Stabilisation Matrix"] 9
Scarce 159 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Auxiliary Plasma Banks .1"] 6
Scarce 159 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Auxiliary Plasma Banks .2"] 6
Scarce 159 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Reinforced Prow 1"][h:newT 6
Scarce 159 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Reinforced Prow 2"][h:newT 6
Scarce RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Evacuation Bay"][h:newThing 6
Scarce 160 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Arboretum"][h:newThingObjec 6
Scarce 160 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Arboretum"][h:newThingObjec 6
Near Unique 80 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Da Hold"][h:newThingObject 10
Near Unique 80 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Stowage Bays"][h:newThingO 10
Scarce 160 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Astropathic Choir-Chambers" 6
Scarce 161 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Broadband Hymn-Casters"][h. 6
Scarce 159 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Xenos Habitats"][h:newThin. 6
Scarce 38 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Flak Turrets"][h:newThingO. 6
Scarce 38 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Minelayer Bay"][h:newThing. 6
Rare RT-HA [h:newThingName = "W-240 Passive Detection . Ar 7
Rare 157 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Exploration Bridge 1"][h:ne 7
Rare 157 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Exploration Bridge 2"][h:ne 7
Rare 157 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Clan-Kin Quarters 1"][h:new 7
Rare 157 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Clan-Kin Quarters 2"][h:new 7
Rare 157 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Cold Quarters 1"][h:newThin 7
Rare 157 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Cold Quarters 2"][h:newThin 7
Rare 156 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Emergency Field"][h:newThin 7
Rare RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Euphoric Life Sustainer"][h 7
Rare RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Euphoric Life Sustainer"][h 7
Rare 32 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Fleet Flag Bridge"][h:newTh 7
Scarce 39 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Cloudmining Facility"][h:n. 6
Scarce 39 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Hydraphuran Jamming System. 6
Rare 204 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Armour Plating"][h:newThing 7
Rare 204 RT [h:newThingName = "Armour Plating"][h:newThin. 7
Rare 204 RT [h:newThingName = "Armoured Prow"][h:newThing. 7
Rare 203 RT [h:newThingName = "Augmented Retro-Thrusters". 7
Rare 203 RT [h:newThingName = "Augmented Retro-Thrusters". 7
Rare 203 RT [h:newThingName = "Augmented Retro-Thrusters". 7
Scarce 39 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Medicae Deck"][h:newThingO. 6
Rare 76 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Arrester Engines"][h:newTh. 7
Scarce 39 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Melodiumt"][h:newThingObjec 6
Scarce 40 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Pilots Chambers"][h:newThin 6
Scarce 40 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Small Craft Repair Deck"][h 6
Scarce 37 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Brig"][h:newThingObject. = 6
Rare RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Albanov 1 Warp Engine"][h:. 7
Rare 156 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Markov 1"][h:newThingObjec. 7
Rare 203 RT [h:newThingName = "Reinforced Interior Bulkhe. 7
Rare 203 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Reinforced Interior Bulkhea 7
Rare 76 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Distributed Cargo Hold"][h. 7
Rare 77 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Secondary Reactors"][h:new. 7
Rare 205 RT [h:newThingName = "Tenebro-Maze"][h:newThingO. 7
Rare 205 RT [h:newThingName = "Tenebro-Maze"][h:newThingO. 7
Rare 202 RT [h:newThingName = "Deep Void Augur Array"][h:. 7
Rare 156 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Markov 2"][h:newThingObject 7
Rare 200 RT [h:newThingName = "Command Bridge 1"][h:newTh. 7
Rare 200 RT [h:newThingName = "Command Bridge 2"][h:newTh. 7
Rare 31 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Jovian-Pattern Class 8.1"]. 7
Rare 31 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Jovian-Pattern Class 8.2"]. 7
Rare 31 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Jovian-Pattern Class 8.3"]. 7
Extremely Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Best 1". 9
Rare 31 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Jovian-Pattern Class 8.4"]. 7
Rare 31 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Mezoa-Pattern Theta-7"][h:. 7
Extremely Rare 161 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Cogitator Interlink"][h:new 9
Extremely Rare 73 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Emergency Energy Reserves". 9
Extremely Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Best 2". 9
Extremely Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Best 3". 9
Extremely Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Best 4". 9
Very Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Good.1" 8
Very Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Good.2" 8
Extremely Rare 73 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Emergency Energy Reserves". 9
Rare 205 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Extended Supply Vaults"][h: 7
Extremely Rare 73 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Suspension Chambers"][h:ne. 9
Extremely Rare 42 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Warp Antenna"][h:newThingO. 9
Extremely Rare 42 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Warp Sextant"][h:newThingO. 9
Rare 205 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Munitorium"][h:newThingObje 7
Rare 205 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Munitorium"][h:newThingObje 7
Rare 206 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Murder-Servitors"][h:newThi 7
Extremely Rare 73 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Witch Augur"][h:newThingOb. 9
Extremely Rare 161 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Castellan Shield"][h:newThi 9
Extremely Rare 161 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Castellan Shield Array"][h. 9
Near Unique 81 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Armoured Ramming Beak"][h . 10
Near Unique 74 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Chameleon Hull"][h:newThin. 10
Rare 203 RT [h:newThingName = "Barracks"][h:newThingObjec. 7
Near Unique 74 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Energy Drain Matrix"][h:new 10
Very Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Good.3" 8
Near Unique 75 RT-HA [h:newThingName = "Warp Disruptor"][h:newThin. 10
Rare 139 RT-LotE [h:newThingName = "Excess Void Armour"][h:new. 7
Very Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Good.4" 8
Rare 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Normal 7
Rare 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Lathe Pattern Class 1"][h: 7
Rare 139 RT-LotE .
[h:newThingName = "Excess Void Armour"][h:new 7
Rare 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Normal 7
Rare 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Normal 7
Rare 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Normal 7
Scarce 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Poor 1" 6
Scarce 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Poor 2" 6
Scarce 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Poor 3"] 6
Scarce 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Vaulted Ceilings - Poor 4" 6
Rare 139 RT-LotE .
[h:newThingName = "Gilded Hull"][h:newThingOb 7
Rare 139 RT-LotE .
[h:newThingName = "Gilded Hull"][h:newThingObj 7
Rare 38 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Defensive Countermeasures" 7
Rare 38 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Field Bracing"][h:newThing 7
Rare 38 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Fire Suppression System . 1" 7
Rare 38 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Fire Suppression System . 2" 7
Rare 38 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Fire Suppression System . 3" 7
Very Rare 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Cherubin Aerie - Best"][h: 8
Rare 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Cherubin Aerie - Good"][h: 7
Scarce 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Cherubin Aerie - Normal"][ 6
Average 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Cherubin Aerie - Poor"][h: 5
Scarce 76 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Disciplinarium"][h:newThin 6
Rare 159 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Empyrean Mantle 1"][h:newT 7
Rare 159 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Empyrean Mantle 2"][h:newT 7
Rare 38 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Lux Net"][h:newThingObject 7
Scarce 77 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Resolution Arena"][h:newTh 6
Scarce 201 RT .
[h:newThingName = "M-100 Augur Array"][h:newT 6
Scarce 201 RT .
[h:newThingName = "M-201.B Augur Array"][h:ne 6
Scarce 202 RT .
[h:newThingName = "R-50 Auspex Multi-Band"][h 6
Near Unique 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Storm Trooper Detachement 10
Scarce 200 RT [h:newThingName = "Armoured Command Bridge . 1" 6
Scarce 200 RT [h:newThingName = "Armoured Command Bridge . 2" 6
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Combat Bridge 2"][h:newThi 6
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Combat Bridge 1"][h:newThin 6
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Commerce Bridge"][h:newThi 6
Extremely Rare 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Storm Trooper Detachement 9
Very Rare 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Storm Trooper Detachement 8
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Ship Masters Bridge"][h:new 6
Scarce 203 RT [h:newThingName = "Cargo Hold And Lighter .Bay" 6
Scarce 203 RT [h:newThingName = "Compartmentalized Cargo . Ho 6
Scarce 203 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Main Cargo Hold"][h:newThi 6
Rare 38 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Power Ram"][h:newThingObje 7
Rare 37 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Ships Stores 1"][h:newThin 7
Scarce 200 RT [h:newThingName = "Pressed-Crew Quarters.1"][ 6
Scarce 200 RT [h:newThingName = "Pressed-Crew Quarters.2"][ 6
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Voidsmen Quarters 1"][h:ne 6
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Voidsmen Quarters 2"][h:ne 6
Scarce 205 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Crew Reclamation Facility"] 6
Scarce 205 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Librarium Vault"][h:newThin 6
Scarce 206 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Observation Dome"][h:newTh 6
Scarce 205 RT [h:newThingName = "Temple-Shrine to the God. E 6
Scarce 206 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Trophy Room"][h:newThingOb 6
Rare 37 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Ships Stores 2"][h:newThing 7
Scarce 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Geller Field"][h:newThingOb 6
Rare 39 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Manufactorumt"][h:newThingO 7
Rare 159 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Storm Drop Pod Launch. Bays 7
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "M-1.R Life Sustainer 1"][h: 6
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "M-1.R Life Sustainer 2"][h: 6
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Vitae Pattern Life Sustaine 6
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Vitae Pattern Life Sustaine 6
Scarce 203 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Luxury Passenger Quarters" 6
Scarce 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Jovian Pattern Class 1"][h 6
Scarce 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Jovian Pattern Class 2"][h 6
Scarce 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Jovian Pattern Class 3"][h 6
Scarce 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Jovian Pattern Class 4"][h 6
Rare RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Variable Figurehead"][h:ne 7
Rare 159 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Shadowblind Bays"][h:newTh 7
Rare RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Pharmacia"][h:newThingObjec 7
Rare RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Sensorium"][h:newThingObjec 7
Very Rare 156 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Jovian-Pattern Warcruiser 8
Very Rare 156 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Jovian-Pattern Warcruiser 8
Very Rare 156 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Lathe-Pattern 2a 1"][h:new 8
Very Rare 156 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Lathe-Pattern 2a 2"][h:new 8
Scarce 200 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Multiple Void Shield Array" 6
Very Rare RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Segrazian Viperdrive Pirat 8
Extremely Rare 73 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Null Bay"][h:newThingObjec 9
Scarce 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Single Void Shield Array"] 6
Extremely Rare 73 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Graviton Flare"][h:newThing 9
Extremely Rare 73 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Suspension Chambers"][h:ne 9
Extremely Rare 42 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Cypra-Pattern Class 1"][h: 9
Extremely Rare 42 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Cypra-Pattern Class 2"][h: 9
Near Unique 74 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Dark Cannon"][h:newThingOb 10
Scarce 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Strelov 1"][h:newThingObjec 6
Scarce 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Strelov 2"][h:newThingObjec 6
Near Unique 74 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Grav Repulsors"][h:newThin 10
Near Unique 74 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Mimic Engine"][h:newThingO 10
Near Unique 74 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Mimic Engine"][h:newThingO 10
Near Unique 74 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Mimic Engine"][h:newThingO 10
Very Rare 77 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Mimic Drive"][h:newThingOb 8
Near Unique 163 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Ostentatious Display of .We 10
Extremely Rare 163 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Ostentatious Display of .We 9
Very Rare 163 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Ostentatious Display of .We 8
Rare 163 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Ostentatious Display of .Wea 7
Near Unique 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Servitor Crew - Best"][h:n 10
Extremely Rare 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Servitor Crew - Good"][h:n 9
Very Rare 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Servitor Crew - Normal"][h 8
Rare 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Servitor Crew - Poor"][h:n 7
Very Rare 78 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Superior Damage Control"][ 8
Near Unique 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Turbo-Weapon Batteries. - B 10
Extremely Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Turbo-Weapon Batteries. - G 9
Very Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Turbo-Weapon Batteries. - N 8
Very Rare 199 RT .
[h:newThingName = "Warpsbane Hull"][h:newThin 8
Near Unique 74 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Mimic Engine"][h:newThingO 10
Near Unique 74 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Recovery Chambers"][h:newT 10
Near Unique 75 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Xenos Librarium"][h:newThi 10
Near Unique 79 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Looted Drive"][h:newThingO 10
Near Unique 140 RT-LotE .
[h:newThingName = "Solar Sails"][h:newThingOb 10
Rare 164 RT-ItS [h:newThingName = "Turbo-Weapon Batteries. - P 7
Near Unique 83 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Supa Drive"][h:newThingObj 10
Extremely Rare 77 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Overload Shield Capacitors 9
Extremely Rare 66 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Prognosticator"][h:newThin 9
Unique 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Starchart Collection - Bes 11
Near Unique 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Starchart Collection - Goo 10
Extremely Rare 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Starchart Collection - Nor 9
Very Rare 164 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Starchart Collection - Poo 8
Extremely Rare 78 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Targeting Matrix"][h:newTh 9
Near Unique 140 RT-LotE .
[h:newThingName = "Holo Field"][h:newThingObje 10
Very Rare 160 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Asteroid Mining Facility"][ 8
Very Rare 40 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Plasma Scoop 1"][h:newThing 8
Very Rare 40 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Plasma Scoop 2"][h:newThing 8
Unique 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Atomics - Best"][h:newThin 11
Unique 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Atomics - Good"][h:newThin 11
Near Unique 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Atomics - Normal"][h:newTh 10
Extremely Rare 163 RT-ItS .
[h:newThingName = "Atomics - Poor"][h:newThin 9
Very Rare 40 RT-BFK .
[h:newThingName = "Salvage Systems"][h:newThin 8
Very Rare RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Laboratorium"][h:newThingOb 8
Near Unique 75 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Shadowfield"][h:newThingOb 10
Extremely Rare 40 RT-BFK [h:newThingName = "Spacedock Pierst"][h:newT. 9
Near Unique 75 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Warp Gate Map"][h:newThing 10
Extremely Rare 142 RT-HA .
[h:newThingName = "Astrarium Koronus"][h:newT 9
NAME (1665/1799) Type Type II
81st Malfi Light Infantry Human
9th Canopus Engineer Human
9th Canopus Heavy Gunner Human
9th Canopus Sergeant Human
Abbot Tamas of Shale Human NPC
Abomination Xenos
Acceptor of Mammon (Troop) Human
Acid-Spitting Leach Beast
Acolyte Cimbria Human
Acolyte Ishmael Human
Acolyte Mir Human
Acolyte Xanthia Human
Adept Human
Adept Bhrawk Human
Adept Zpha Human NPC
Adepta Sororitas Honour Guard Human
Adepta Sororitas Retributor Human
Adepta Sororitas Seraphim Human
Adept-Minoris Roge Halis Human NPC
Adepts and Advocates Human
Adeptus Arbites Cyber-Mastiff Servitor
Adeptus Astartes Dreadnought Vehicle
Administratum Adept Human
Adult Cuyavale Drakon (Master) Beast
Advocate Locutor Mayweather Human NPC
Aegis (Light Cruiser) Starship
Aegis (Light Cruiser) Starship
Aetehk the Watcher Xenos
Aether Ray (Personal) Machine
Aethexe Beast
Agitator of Tzeentch (The Politico) Starship
Ailill Nuada, Harlequin Shadowseer Xenos
Akirvas Xenos NPC
Alchimera Beast
Alcian Saboteur - Acedian Human
Alcian Saboteur - Avaritian Human
Alcian Saboteur - Gulana Human
Alcian Saboteur - Hubrian Human
Alcian Saboteur - Invidian Human
Alcian Saboteur - Luxillian Human
Alexei Drahj Human NPC
Alexei's Thug Human
Alianna Switch Human NPC
Alkedre Firestalker Human NPC
Alpha Acolyte Human
Alpha Legion Chaos Space Marine Space Marine
Amaranthine Agent Human
Amaranthine Captain Human

Page 1
Ambull Xenos Monster
Anguished Eldar Xenos
Annihilation Barge Vehicle
Annihilator (Cruiser) Starship
Anyalra, Succubus of the Cult of the Withered Blade Xenos
Aoife Armengarde Human NPC
Apex Predator Beast
Apostate Cardinal Human
Apostate Mechanicus Human
Apostate Paragon Human
Aposticator Servitor
Apsyce Chorda Human NPC
Aquila Lander Vehicle
Arachnae Servitor Servitor
Aranea Daemon
Arbites Corpse Minions Daemon
Arbites Verispex Observation Skull Machine
Arbitrator Human
Arbitrator Human
Arbitrator Human
Arbitrator Adjutant Fihad Constantine Human NPC
Arbitrator Maigrit Human
Arbitrator Precinct Marshal Colchis Skarmen Human NPC
Arbitrator Primus Naxander Durantis Human
Arbitrator, Senior Human
Arbitrator, Senior Commander Human
Arch-Confessor Eutalus Human NPC
Arch-Heretek Human
Archimedes Noxt Mutant NPC
Archivid Servitor
Archon (Master) Xenos
Archon Zaergarn Kul Xenos
Arco-Flagellant Machine
Arco-Flagellant (active mode) Servitor
Arco-Flagellant (passive mode) Servitor
Arcus Dyre Human NPC
Argrax Xenos Monster
Ariadne Helspider Warp Entity
Aristarchus the Seer Human NPC
Arkadia Flavion Human NPC
Armed Chapter Serf Human
Arno Stak Human
Artificer Boran Human NPC
Arvus Lighter Vehicle
Arvus Lighter Vehicle
Ashen Tear Assassin Human NPC
Ashleen Thug Human
Asphodel Warrior Xenos
Aspyce Chorda Human
Assesor of the Black Tontine Daemon
Assessor of the Black Tontine Daemon

Page 2
Assod Morrir Mutant
Astral Spectre Daemon
Astral Spectre Daemon
Astropath Human
Astropath Kevil Stasys Human NPC
Astropath Silinus Human NPC
Astropath Xhenek Human
Attack Ship (Frigate) Starship
Attack Squig Xenos Monster
Attack Squig Xenos Monster
Attack Squig Xenos Monster
Atum Sum Space Marine
Auran Broodlord Xenos
Auran Genestealer Xenos
Auran Quarantine Perimeter Guard Human
Auran Warrior Human
Aurora (Light Cruiser) Starship
Autarch Xenos
Auto chthonic Vermin Swarm Beast
Avatar of Khaine Xenos
Average Escapee Human
Ax'senaea the Thrice-Possessed Daemon
Badb Ra Xenos NPC
Badb Ra Xenos NPC
Balthazar Oglanov Human
Baneblade Vehicle
Bansidhe (Cruiser) Starship
Baron Havilar Saerton Ulbrexis Human
Baroness Falatrish's Musketman Human
Barracuda Fighter Vehicle
Basilisk Vehicle
Battle Clansman of Talax Human
Battle Servitor (Charron-Pattern) Servitor
Battle Servitor (Erioch-Pattern) Servitor
Battle Servitor (Praetor Pattern) Servitor
Battle Sister Human
Battle Sister of Our Martyred Lady Profile Human
Battle Wagon Vehicle
Beast House Murder Gholam Xenos
Beast of Burden Beast
Beast of Nurgle Daemon
Beast of Solomon Xenos Monster
Beast of Thule Xenos
Beast Slaver Human
Beastmaster Xenos
Beastmaster Hunter (Troop) Xenos
Beasts of Nurgle Daemon
Behemoth Beast
Beylix Ireshor Xenos
Big Mek Xenos
Big Mek Gargmek Zagwizza Xenos

Page 3
Big Mek Noshdakka Xenos
Big Mek Wurrzog Xenos
Bile-Mite Beast
Biovore Xenos
Bishop Iordanus Bruno Human
Bishop Mikael Arint Human NPC
Blade-Thing Daemon
Blaise Drajkon (The Oracle) Human
Blasphemy Zero Warp Entity
Blight-Master Ussax Space Marine
Bliss Human NPC
Bloated Sabre Lion (Troop) Beast
Blood Slaughterer Vehicle
Blood Slaughterer Daemon
Blood Wraith Daemon
Bloodcaller Daemon
Bloodletter Daemon
Bloodletter Daemon
Bloodletter Daemon
Bloodletters Daemon
Bloodskinner Human
Bloodthirster Daemon
Bloodthirster Daemon
Body Snatcher Machine
Bomb Squig Xenos
Bone Conquerer Xenos
Boss Garbark Xenos
Bounty Hunter Human
Bounty Hunter Human
Boy Xenos
Boy Xenos
Boy (Bonespite) Xenos
Brain Leaf Plant Xenos
Brain Leaf Thrall Xenos Monster
Brass Harbinger Daemon
Brass Scorpion Daemon
Brazen Gaurd Praetorii Human
Brazen Myrmidon Daemon
Breshk Human
Bridge Officer Human
Brigradier Barnabus Scheltrum Human
Broadside Battlesuit Xenos
Broadside Battlesuit Xenos
Broken Chains Mutant Thug Mutant
Bronze Malifect Machine
Bronze Malifect Machine
Brood Nest Xenos
Broodlord Xenos
Broodmaster Xenos
Brother Aleksandr Space Marine
Brother Lamark Human NPC

Page 4
Brother Severus Human NPC
Brother Szobczak Space Marine
Brother Vigilant, Deathwatch Chaplain Space Marine
Brother-Sergeant Agamorr Space Marine NPC
Brother-Sergeant Ludvos Tarn Space Marine
Brutalised Tau Fire Warrior Xenos
Brute Ram Ship (Raider) Starship
Bruul Parasite Xenos
Bulagor Thrungg Human
Bulagor's Pets Beast
Burning Man Daemon
Burning One Daemon
Burning Princess Human NPC
C.A.T. (Cyber Altered Task) Unit Servitor
Cackling Abomination Daemon
Caecilius Vraine, the False Ignato Human
Caele Rylus Darkscourge Human NPC
Cal Sur'Maywroth Human NPC
Calculus-Logi Trempan Human NPC
Calixis-Pattern Fury Interceptor Vehicle
Calixis-Pattern Starhawk Bomber Vehicle
Calligos Winterscale Human NPC
Calligraphus Servitor Servitor
Canoness Leona Rak Human
Canoptek Scarab Xenos
Canoptek Scarab Xenos
Canoptek Spyder Xenos
Canoptek Spyder Xenos
Canoptek Wraith Xenos
Canoptek Wraith Xenos
Captai n Mordecai Horatio Human
Captain Aedrik Human NPC
Captain Anja Shen Human
Captain Bren Human NPC
Captain Elias Shadrack Human NPC
Captain Ellias Shadrack Human
Captain Kobal Aizdar Human NPC
Captain Movern Human
Captain Rubio of the Ozmandius Human NPC
Captain Rupert Fordham Human
Captain Scipio Human
Captive Venomthrope Xenos Monster
Caravan Vessel Starship
Cardinal Karolin Szarkos Human
Cardinal Llorus Human
Cardinal Morgan Falconer Human
Caretaker Ganash Human
Cargo Servitor Servitor
Carnage-class (Cruiser) Starship
Carnifex Xenos
Caros Shoal Human NPC

Page 5
Carrion Hunter Mutant
Carrion Queen Scarna Mutant
Caste-Necrosis Tech-Priest Human
Catacomb Command Barge Vehicle
Celestine Human
Cerapede Beast
Cerberus (Raider) Starship
Chantry Guard Human
Chaos Cultist Human
Chaos Harbinger Heavy Bomber Vehicle
Chaos Hell Blade Fighter Vehicle
Chaos Hell Blade Fighter Vehicle
Chaos Hell Talon Fighter-Bomber Vehicle
Chaos Heretek Human
Chaos Heretic Human
Chaos Mutant Mutant
Chaos Reaver Human
Chaos Reaver Human
Chaos Reaver Captain Human
Chaos Sorcerer Human
Chaos Sorceror Human
Chaos Space Marine Human
Chaos Space Marine Space Marine
Chaos Space Marine (Elite) Space Marine
Chaos Space Marine Dreadnought Vehicle
Chaos Space Marine Dreadnought Vehicle
Chaos Space Marine Sorcerer Human
Chaos Spawn (Minion) Daemon
Chaos Terminator Space Marine
Chapter Serf Human
Chapter Serf Human
Charnel Daemon Daemon
Cherubim Servitor
Chief Killick Human
Chil d of the Sacred Flesh Human
Children of the Kingdom Xenos
Chimera Armoured Transport Vehicle
Chiropteran Scout Vehicle
Chord Luntz, Gang Boss Human NPC
Chrono-gladiator Human
Chronos Parasite Engine Xenos
Churgeon Human NPC
Citizen Human
Civilian Human
Classiarii Troopers Human
Clawed Fiend Beast
Clawed Fiend Beast
Clawed Fiend Beast
Cobra-class Destroyer (Raider) Starship
Cobras of Wrath of Saint Drusus Squadron (Raider) Starship
Cold Dead Daemon

Page 6
Colonel Septimus Straine Human
Colonist Human
Combat Servitor Servitor
Commander Flamewing Xenos
Commander Li Jacoby Human
Commander Orran Reynolds Human NPC
Commercia Representative Human
Commissar Human
Commissar Falco Sander Human NPC
Commodore Teodor Naremmus Human
Communication Servitor Servitor
Concubine-Witch (Elite) Human
Confessor Bernadus Human
Contego-Pattern Bomb Disposal Servitor Servitor
Corbin Worldsbane Human
Corporal Kousenk Human
Corrupt Skitarii Human
Corrupt Wraithguard Warp Entity
Corrupted Hexalid Daemon
Corrupted Servitor Servitor
Corrupted Skitarii Tribune Human
Corsair Xenos
Corsair Lord Ebahn Lauma Xenos
Corsair Void Dreamer Xenos
Corsair-Captain Jalthas Methere Human
Corsaire-class Escort (Raider) Starship
Coscarla HabWorker Human
Crackmarrow Human NPC
Crazed Mob Human
Creeping Stalker Beast
Creos the Gluttonite (Elite) Human
Crimson Stinger Beast
Crimson Woe Raider Xenos
Cronos Parasite Engine Xenos
Crotalid Xenos
Crow Spirit Cruiser (Cruiser) Starship
Crow Spirit Istaurmen Xenos
Cruorian War Beast Xenos Monster
Cryon Tech-Priest Techpriest
Cryptek Xenos
Cryptek Ozkan Xenos
Cryptek Rahkoz Xenos
Cryptos Natural Form Xenos
Crystalwisp Xenos
C'tan Shard of Kalugura Xenos
Culexus Assassin Human
Cult Fanatic Human
Cult Initiate Human
Cult Magus Human
Cult Zealot Human
Curse Maker Human

Page 7
Cursed Oracle Human
Customised Tauros Assault Vehicle Vehicle
Cyber Mastiff, Adeptus Arbites Servitor
Cyber-Mastiff Servitor
Cyborg Gladiator Machine
Cyluk Human NPC
Cymian (Familiar) Servitor
Cyrion Taal Human
Da Rippa' (Cruiser) Starship
Da WurldBreaka Starship
Daemon in the Mirror Daemon
Daemon Prince Daemon
Daemon Prince (Master) Daemon
Daemonette Daemon
Daemonette Daemon
Daemonette of Slaanesh Daemon
Daemonettes Daemon
Daemonhost Moy Daemon
Daemonic Ammunition Daemon
Dagon Overlord Xenos
Dahzak Space Marine NPC
Damaged Roche Combat Servitor Servitor
Damaris Levy Trooper Human
Damaris Skitarii Tech-Guard Human
Damaris Skitarii Tribune Human
Damocles Command Rhino Vehicle
Dannard Klee Human
Dark Apostle Space Marine
Dark Apostle (Master) Space Marine
Dark Cabalist (Rogue Psyker) Human
Dark Cherub Servitor
Dark Lament (Statue) Daemon
Dark Lancer (Raider) Starship
Dark Reaper Xenos
Darkly Hand Human NPC
Darkstar Fighter (Kaelor-origin) Vehicle
Dayside Mutant Mutant
Deacon Ensor Human NPC
Death Cult Assassin Human
Death Cultist Clorr Human
Death Korps Guardsman Human
Death Korps Lieutenant Human
Death Korps Sergeant Human
Deathmark Xenos
Deathmark Xenos
Death-Masque Warp Entity
Debaser (Cruiser) Starship
Decimator (Master) Daemon
Defence Turret Machine
Defender of the Sybaritic Host Human
Deff Dread (Master) Vehicle

Page 8
Defiler Vehicle
Defiler Vehicle
Defiler Vehicle
Defiler Daemon
DeKaul (Master) Human
Demagogue of Mammon (Troop) Human
Denizen of Dusk Human
Denizen of Sinophia Magna Human
Denizen of Xicarph Human
Destroyer Xenos
Destroyer Xenos
Destroyer Lord Xenos
Destroyer Lord Xenos
Destroyer Lord Xenos
Devastation-class (Cruiser) Starship
Devil Dog Vehicle
Devilfish Troop Carrier Vehicle
Diablodon Xenos Monster
Diablodon Xenos Monster
Dilapidated Arco-Flagellant Servitor
Dire Avenger Exarch Xenos
Disc of Tzeentch Daemon
Disciple of Crox Human
Dispayres Daemon
Dispossessed Kroot (The Apostate) Xenos
Dissolute Noble Human
Diviso Perditus Princeps Human
Donaris Skatarii Human
Doom Blaster Daemon
Doomsday Ark Vehicle
Downhive Dreg Human
Dragon Hornet Beast
Dragonship (Cruiser) Starship
Dreaming Dead of Hive Gloriana Machine
Dreg Human
Dreg, Downhive Human
Drem Human
Drexis Skar Human
Drill Baron Caleb Jorgstern Human
Drill Nomad Human
Drill-Baron Chaemus Vassid Human
Drill-Baron Rahim SCotia Human
Drop Pod Vehicle
Drop Pod Vehicle
Dross Tribesman Human
Drunk Human
Drusus' Militiaman Human
Drusus' Own Hussars Human
Ducal Legate Human
Ducal Legate (Elite) Human
Dusk Stalker Xenos Monster

Page 9
Dustdog Mount Beast
Dweller in the Heights Xenos Monster
Dybuk Killer Daemon
Dybuk Render Daemon
Eagle Bomber (Kaelor-origin) Vehicle
Ebon Cosh Detail Soldier Human
Eclipse Cruiser (Cruiser) Starship
Eldar Corsair Xenos
Eldar Dire Avenger Xenos
Eldar Guardian/Corsair Xenos
Eldar Pathfinder Xenos
Eldar Raider (The Priate Prince) Xenos
Eldar Ranger Xenos
Eldar Seedworld Custodian Xenos
Elder-Tactician Human
El'Leth Human
Elsergi Krin Human NPC
Emperor's Vow (Grand Cruiser) Starship
Enforcer Human
Enforcer General Xiabius Khan Human NPC
Enforcer of the Judiciary's Court Human
Engine-Order Human
Engins eer Didactus Techpriest
Enginseer Aesoph Human
Enginseer Canos Human
Enginseer Molochan Human NPC
Enginseer Ohara Techpriest
Enoulian Warrior Xenos
Ensign Siobhan MAson Human
Ensign Violetta Jorgens Human
Enslaved Psyker Human
Enslaver Xenos
Enslaver Xenos Warp
Entertainer Human
Entertainer Human
Ephraim Ryder Human NPC
Epistolary Zadkiel (Dark Angels) Space Marine
Erioch-Pattern Fire Wasp Servitor
Eschius-Pattern Cyber-Mastiff Beast
Esha Raine the Death Singer Human
Ethereal Xenos
Eupheme Tessel Human NPC
Euryale Ceto Mutant
Evard Zed Human NPC
Eversor Assassin Human
Evoked Member (Troop) Human
Exalted Champion Space Marine
Excruciator Servitor Servitor
Exorcist Amortus Human
Exploratory Drone Machine
Expunged Servitor

Page 10
Fabricator Magos Lexel Cantus Human
Faetopiary (Troop) Beast
Fallen Demagogue Human
Fallon Marquese Human
False Men of Nomen Ryne Machine
Fanatic Voicer Human
Fanatic Voicer Leader Human
Farseer Xenos
Farseer Caille Xenos
Farseer Erandel Voidsinger Xenos
Farseer Serrenon Xenos
Father Marius Human NPC
Feliraptor Beast
Fenksworld Pit Thing Xenos
Fenrisian Wolf Beast
Feral Alpha Human
Feral Cyber Cherub Servitor
Feral Mutated Cherub Servitor
Feral Underhiver Human
Ferocious Creature Xenos Monster
Feynir Surbryte Human
Fiedelus Knight Human
Fiend of Rapture Daemon
Fiend of Slaanesh (Elite) Daemon
Fiends of Slaanesh Daemon
Fighta-Bomma Vehicle
Fihad Constantine, Traitor Human NPC
Fire Dragon Xenos
Firestorm-class (Frigate) Starship
Flamer of Tzeentch Daemon
Flamer of Tzeentch Daemon
Flamer of Tzeentch Daemon
Flamer of Tzeentch (Elite) Daemon
Flamers of Tzeentch Daemon
Flaming Tomb Pyromancer Human
Flaming Tomb Refugee Human
Flash Git Xenos
Flayed One Xenos
Flayed One Xenos
Flenser Heretek Human
Flesh Hound Daemon
Flesh Hound of Khorne Daemon
Flesh Hound of Khorne Daemon
Flesh Hound of Khorne Daemon
Flesh Hounds of Khorne Daemon
Flesh Parasite Xenos
Flesh Shaper Prot C3 A9g C3 A9 (Elite) Human
Fleshhound of Khorne Daemon
Fleshless Magos Human
Fleshwrought Drake Beast
Flying Creature Xenos Monster

Page 11
Flying Creature (Familiar) Beast
Flying Saurian Beast
Forgef iend Vehicle
Fossil Horror Xenos
Four Pillars Deserter Human
Frateris Militia Human
Free Trader Captain Human
Freedom's Price (Light Cruiser) Starship
Frenzied Mob of Surgub Human
Frostwyrm (Elite) Beast
Furia Castaway Human
Furian Sea-Skimmer Vehicle
Furies Daemon
Furnace Worker Human
Fury Daemon
Fury Daemon
Fury of Chaos Daemon
Fydae Strain Plague Zombie Daemon
Gambler Human
Gang Boss "Chord" Luntz Human
Gargantuan Squiggoth (Master) Xenos
Gargoyle Xenos
Gargoyle Horde Xenos
Gargoyles Xenos
Garvin Derleth Human
Genatorium Daemon Daemon
Genera l Frederique Constantine Human
General Harvax Scarus Human
General Helena Tarsian Human
General Maltius Othram Human
General Remi Dante Human NPC
Genestealer Xenos
Genestealer Xenos
Genestealer (Auran Pattern) Xenos
Genestealer (Sunerisle Strain) Xenos
Genestealer Broodlord Xenos
Genestealer Broodlord (Auran Pattern) Xenos
Genestealer, Broodlord, Landsholm Xenos
Genestealer, Landsholm Xenos
Ghanathaar Xenos
Ghast Priestkiller Human NPC
Ghibelline Council Agent (Elite) Human
Ghilliam Mutant
Ghilliam Mutant
Ghost Ark Vehicle
Ghulroth the Slaverer Daemon
Gift of Despair (Raider) Starship
Glimmerclaw (Mount) Beast
Glimmerwing Warp Entity
Gloomhaunt Xenos Monster

Page 12
Goethe Dark EF AC 82ame (Master) Human
Goleph Machine
Gore Human
Goreclaw the Render Daemon
Goredriver Vehicle
Gore's Shock-Trooper Mutant
Governor Belkan Kapak Human NPC
Governor Malaki Vess Human NPC
Grapplehawk (Falax-Pattern) Servitor
Grave Robber Human
Great Knarloc Xenos
Great Knarloc Xenos
Great Knarloc (Minion) Xenos
Great Knarloc Handler Xenos
Great Unclean One Daemon
Great Unclean One Daemon
Greater Daemon (Walking Nightmare) Daemon
Greel, the Head Mourner Human NPC
Gretchen Xenos
Gretchin Xenos
Gretchin Xenos
Gretchin Xenos
Gretchin Xenos
Gretchin Xenos
Gretchin Headhunter Xenos
Gretchin Slave Xenos
Grey Knight Space Marine
Grigor y Kulikov Human
Grotesque Xenos
Grotesque Xenos
Grox Beast
Grox Beast
Grynix Xenos Monster
Guar dian of the Inner Sanctum Vehicle
Guard Squig Xenos
Guardian of the Tomb Xenos
Guardian-Skull Servitor
Guardsman Human
Gun Drone Machine
Gun Servitor Servitor
Gun-cutter Vehicle
Gun-Master Human
Gun-Thrall Servitor
Gur'Kall the Wanderer Xenos
Gustavus Hekate Warp Entity
Gustavus' Victim Warp Entity
Hadarak Fel Human NPC
Hades-class (Cruiser) Starship
Haemodryad (Troop) Beast
Haemonculus (Master) Xenos
Haemonculus Drecarus, the Arch-Agonist of Tsaevoym Xenos

Page 13
Haemonculus Vakillar U'riss Xenos
Halo Barge Vehicle
Hammer Battlekroozer (Battlecruiser) Starship
Hammerhead Gunship Vehicle
Harlequin Xenos
Harlequin Xenos
Harlequin Death Jester (Elite) Xenos
Harlequin Shadowseer Vaiuri M'atua (Master) Xenos
Harlequin Troop Master (Master) Xenos
Harpy Xenos
Harridan Xenos
Harrier-Skull Machine
Harrowhound Daemon
Heavy Human
Heavy Gun Drone Machine
Heavy Repair Servitor Servitor
Hedrodal Daemon
Hekatrix Bloodbride (Elite) Xenos
Hekatrix Bloodbride of the Cult of the Withered Blade Xenos
Helbrute (Master) Space Marine
Heldrake (Master) Daemon
Hellbringer Planetary Assault Ship (Light Cruiser) Starship
Hellbrute (Master) Vehicle
Helldr ake Vehicle
Hellebore (Frigate) Starship
Hellflayer Vehicle
Hellhound Flame Tank Vehicle
Hellion Xenos
Hellion (Troop) Xenos
Hellion Skyboard Vehicle
Hellos Human NPC
Helwyr Tribesman (Troop) Human
Hemlock (Frigate) Starship
Hemsk Av E2 80 99Lyd (Master) Daemon
Hephaestus Ore Seeker Vehicle
Herald of Khorne Daemon
Heretek Human
Heretek Human
Heron Mask (The Beloved) Human NPC
Hervara Lieutenant Human
Hervara Sergeant Human
Hervara Trooper Human
Hesul Human
Hierodule Xenos
Hieronymous Voss Human
Hierophant Xenos
High Councillor Olayo Jurchen, Colonial Delegate Human
High Priestess Asira Storm-Speaker Human
Hired Gun Human
Hired Gun Human
Hired Gunslinger Human

Page 14
Hive Guard Xenos
Hive Tyrant Xenos
Hollow Man Exo-Wrecker Other Monster
HollowKynd Machine
Homonculite Mutant
Honourable Hector Maken Human NPC
Horde Chaos Heretics Human
Horde Renegade Militia Human
Hormagaunt Xenos
Horror Daemon
Horror Daemon
Horrors Daemon
Horse Beast
Hosteller Maxus Drayelock Human NPC
Hound Xenos
House Belasco Armsman Human
House Belasco Armsmen Human
House Drajkon Augmeticist Human
House Drajkon Forces Human
House Drajkon Medicae Servitor Servitor
House Drajkon Sergeant Human
House Equerry Human
House Thrungg Troop Human
House Trhungg Gun-Servitor Servitor
Howling Banshee Xenos
Hromagaunt Horde Xenos
Hulking Chaos Mutant Mutant
Hullghast Mutant Monster
Hullghast Mutant Monster
Huntin' Squig Xenos
Iconoclast-class (Destroyer) Starship
Ilistaneth Anturien Xenos
Imbru-Pattern Battle Servitor Servitor
Immortal Xenos
Immortal Xenos
Immortal Xenos
Imperi al Guard Lieutenant Human
Imperi al Guard Sergeant Human
Imperial Agent Human
Imperial Guard Field Officer Human
Imperial Guard Senior Officer Human
Imperial Guardsman Human
Imperial Guardsman Human
Imperial Guardsman Human
Imperial Guardsman Human
Implacable Flame (Cruiser) Starship
Incarnate Lesser Daemon Daemon
Incubus Xenos
Incubus (Elite) Xenos
Industrial Servitor Servitor
Inevitable Guard Other

Page 15
Infected Auran Warrior Human
Infidel-class (Raider) Starship
Infiltrator Xenos
Iniquity Militant Human
Iniquity Reaver Ship (Raider) Starship
Iniquity-Pattern Combat Servitor Servitor
Iniquity-Pattern Doomfire Bomber Vehicle
Iniquity-Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod Vehicle
Iniquity-Pattern Industrial Servitor Servitor
Iniquity-Pattern Swiftdeath Fighter Vehicle
Initiate Dane Space Marine
Inquisitor Adrielle Quist Human
Inquisitor Antonia Mesmeron Human NPC
Inquisitor Deric Oktavian Human
Inquisitor Ghent (Master) Human
Inquisitor Glavius Wroth Human NPC
Inquisitor Havelock Blackheel Human
Inquisitor Heleyna Nephren Human
Inquisitor Herrod - Legate of the Tyrantine Cabal Human
Inquisitor Solace Dechaine Human
Inquisitor Thaddeus Hakk Human
Inquisitor Victoria Aldrich Human
Inquisitor Vils Andarion Human
Inquisitor Zaer Vincent Human
Interrogator Human
Interrogator Crane Human
Interrogator Thirl Human
Intervention (Light Cruiser) Starship
Iron Warrior Space Marine
Ironclad Dreadnought Vehicle
Ironclad Dreadnought Vehicle
Irradial Cogitator Machine
Jackal Mask (Marcus Vulpa) Human
Jake Stovner Human
Janus Simulacra Servitor
Jarvis Helliman Human
Jonas Dray Human
Jonquin Saul Human
Juggernaught of Khorne Daemon
Juggernaut Daemon
Juggernaut of Khorne Daemon
Julia Strophes Human
Junt Yaeger Human
Kabalite Trueborn Xenos
Kabalite Trueborn (Elite) Xenos
Kabalite Warrior Xenos
Kabalite Warrior Xenos
Kabalite Warrior Xenos
Kahli Corus Human
Kale Sand Devil Beast
Kalf Sand Devil Beast

Page 16
Kanrak (Pirate) Xenos
Kaptin Xenos
Kaptin Skellkap Graffletz Xenos
Karnak Zul Daemon
Karrad Vall (Destroyer) Daemon
Karrad Vall (Legionnaire) Space Marine
Keeper of Secrets Daemon
Keeper of Secrets (Master) Daemon
Keeper of the Maze (Defiler) Daemon
Kerred Smyk Human
Ketserar Xenos NPC
Khadem Mutant
Kharulan the Artifex Human
Khoren'Shai (Gatorex) Beast
Khorne Berzerker Human
Khymera Beast
Khymera Beast
Khymera Beast
Kill Squad Trooper Human
Killa Kan (Elite) Vehicle
Killer Human
Killians Bane Beast
Kill-Protocol Servitor Servitor
King Kommitzar Human
Kinslayer, Herald of Khorne Daemon
Knarloc Xenos
Knarloc (Minion) Xenos
Knight-Warden Alric Space Marine
Kommando Xenos
Kommando Xenos
Kommando (Bonespite) Xenos
Koronath Hekate Warp Entity
Kort Luther Human
Korvaskan Mutant Mutant
Kos'ke's Ashleen Rider Human
Krass and his Cronies Human NPC
Krass' Crony Human
Krayth Human
Krieg Death Rider Horse Beast
Kroot Carnivore Xenos
Kroot Carnivore Horde Xenos
Kroot Hound Xenos
Kroot Hound Xenos
Kroot Hound (Minion) Xenos
Kroot Mercenary Xenos
Kroot Mercenary (Troop) Xenos
Kroot of the Syal Kindred Xenos
Kroot Shaper Xenos
Kroot Shaper (Elite) Xenos
Kroot Warsphere (Battleship) Starship
Krootor Xenos

Page 17
Krootox Xenos
Krootox Xenos
Krootox (Minion) Xenos
Kroozer (Cruiser) Starship
Kursian Warp Hound Beast
Kyrus the Chantleader Human
Lacrymole Xenos
Lady Ash Human
Lady D Human
Lady Elizabeth Orleans Human
Lady Melua Human
Lady Nepythys Human
Lady of the Voids Daemon
Lady Solace Human
Lamdus Rize Space Marine
Lamprey-Rats Swarm Beast
Land Raider Vehicle
Land Raider Crusader Vehicle
Land Raider Helios Vehicle
Land Raider Prometheus Vehicle
Land Raider Redeemer Vehicle
Land Raider Terminus Ultra Vehicle
Land Speeder Vehicle
Land Speeder Vehicle
Land Speeder Storm Vehicle
Land Speeder Tempest Vehicle
Land-ship Armsman Human
Landsholm Broodlord Xenos
Landsholm Genestealer Xenos
Lanus Cisten Human
Large Saurian Beast
Large Warp Beast Daemon
Lathe-class Monitor-cruiser (Light Cruiser) Starship
Lathe-Pattern Murder Servitor Servitor
Lathe-Pattern Shark Assault Boat Vehicle
Laurent Strophes Human
Lay-Technician Ridu Kam Human
Legatine Sister Vespasia Human
Legio Venator Redactus Moderatus Human
Legion Combat Bike Vehicle
Leman Russ Battle Tank Vehicle
Leman Russ Demolisher Vehicle
Leman Russ Vanquisher Vehicle
Lesser Chaos Spawn Daemon
Lesser Incarnate Daemon Daemon
Leviathan Warp Entity
Levincender Human
Lhamaean (Elite) Xenos
Lictor Xenos
Lictor Xenos
Lictor Xenos

Page 18
Liege Vycraft Human
Lieute nant Roderick Kraig Human
Lieute nant Sava Nikishin Human
Lieutenant Human
Lieutenant Avery Fritzsimmons Human
Lieutenant Piotr Zokolov Human
Lili Arbest Human
Lithorg &amp; Marbrosa Xenos
Lo rd Kalkus Veth Vehicle
Logi Daemonis Machine
Logician Agent Human
Logician Crucible Agent Human
Loki-class Q-ship (Transport) Starship
Loota Xenos
Loota Xenos
Lord Commander Ebongrave Human
Lord Commissar Salieri Human
Lord General Castus Iacton Human
Lord General Castus Iactor Human NPC
Lord General Reila Vann Human
Lord Illmahnokh Xenos
Lord of Change Daemon
Lord of Change Daemon
Lord Sunderbone Human
Lord-Captain Sylvia Locke Human
Lord-Captain Sylvia Locke Human
Lord-Regent Fafnir Belasco Human
Lordsholm Irregulars, PDF Troopers Human
Lo-Tan Human NPC
Loven Valstor Space Marine
Loxatl Mercenaries Xenos
Luctos-Strain Drone Warp Entity
Luctos-Strain Grub Warp Entity
Luctos-Strain Queen Warp Entity
Luggnum Guardsman Human
Luggnum Lieutenant Human
Luggnum Sergeant Human
Lychguard Xenos
Lychguard Xenos
Lychguard Xenos
Lynan Yantra Human
Lysee the Murderess Human
Maccabian Deserter (Troop) Human
Maccabian Janissary Human
Mad Dok Xenos
Mad Dok Xenos
MAgos Aetheric Human
Magos Benezek Human
Magos Domos Agnelain Human
Magos Geomancer Quezalt Human
Magos Hiscere Human

Page 19
Magos Juris Konstantyn Ambolic Human
Magos Phyzarus Human
Magos Vathek Techpriest
Magos Vayze Human
Magos Vyakai Human NPC
Magos Xenologis Erlan Klute Human
Magos-Commodore Gnothis Trannarch Techpriest
Magus Acturan Dineth Human
Mahir Leaper Xenos
Major Dzhorski (Elite) Human
Major Natalia Foudrang Human
Malanthrope Xenos
Malessence, Dark Familiar Daemon
Malfi-Pattern Eliminator-Mastiff Beast
Mandrake Xenos
Mandrake (Elite) Xenos
Manse Guard Human
Manufactoria Skitarii Human
Manzanar the Elder Space Marine
Mao Fredericks Human
Marabas Lord of Change Daemon
Marauder Xenos
Marauder Starship
Marker Drone Machine
Marru Beast
Marshal Solaria Thrace Human
Martch Wirth Human
Master Apothecary Kregor Thann Space Marine
Master of the Forge Xerill Space Marine
Master Rothber Sydom Human
Master Shaper Ashak Kor Xenos
Master Shaper Ashak Kor of the Misthound Kindred Xenos NPC
Master Shaper Te'Logk Xenos
Master Zentos Cyran Human
Mauler fiend Vehicle
Maw-Fluke Xenos Monster
Mawloc Xenos
Mech Spider Servitor
Mech-Deacon Epsil Klax Techpriest
Mech-Spider Servitor
Mediator Lazel Dyne Human
Medicae Dhunn Human
Medicae Servitor Servitor
Medusae Beast
Medusae (Elite) Xenos
Meganob Xenos
Meganob (Elite) Xenos
Mekboy Xenos
Mekboy Xenos
Mekboy (Elite) Xenos
Memory of Lament Starship

Page 20
Mendacious Oracle Renkard Copax Human
Mephidast the Plaguereaver Daemon
Mercenary Human
Mercenary Guards Human
Merchant Xenos
Merchant Magnate Human
Messian Outrider Vehicle
Militant Rebel Cultist Human
Mind Slaves Human
Minderz Xenos
Ministorum Archivist Human
Ministorum Choir Drone Machine
Ministorum Cleric Human
Ministorum Preacher Human
Mire Zombie Warp Entity
Mirrorfiend Machine
Miss Book (Slaugth Destructor) Xenos
Missionary-Abbot Orland Skae Human
Molokor Kambyses Human
Monotask Servitor (Erioch-Pattern) Servitor
Monotask-Skull Servitor
Monster in the Maze Mutant NPC
Morgaash Xenos
Mortal Subject of Surgub Human
Mouthpeice Human
Mukaali Beast
Mukaali Beast
Mukaali Beast
Munitorum Ore Hauler Vehicle
Murder Servitor Servitor
Murder Servitor Servitor
Murderfiend Servitor Warp Entity
Murderous Cherubim Machine
Muta nt Rat Swarm Beast
Mutant Human
Mutant Mutant
Mutant Abomination Human
Mutant Abomination Mutant
Mutant Abomination Mutant
Mutant Combat Servitor Servitor
Mutant Devotee Mutant
Mutant Guardsman Mutant
Mutant Horde Mutant
Mutant Outcast Mutant
Mutant Terrorist Mutant
Mutants Mutant
Mutating Tide Warp Entity
Mutilator Daemon
Mutinous Soldier Human
Mycetic Spore Xenos
Myrlaine Human NPC

Page 21
Myrmidon Human
Nadine Hollum Human
Nahun Grist Human
Nameless Saint (Frigate) Starship
Narco-Ganger Human
Nashrik Hakh Xenos
Native Warrior Human
Naval Armsman Human
Navigator Ballis Aleene Human
Navigator Ortellius Human
Navy Officer Human
Necessary Expenditure (Merchant Trader) Starship
Necron Lord Xenos
Necron Lord Xenos
Necron Overlord Xenos
Neija Tromean Human
Nether Swarm Daemon
Newly- created Defiler Vehicle
Newly- created Forgefiend Vehicle
Newly- created Helldrake Vehicle
Newly- created Maulerfiend Vehicle
Nezgit Slymoon (Bonespite) Xenos
Nightshade (Frigate) Starship
Nightside Mutant Mutant
Nightwing Xenos Monster
Nihl Zee Human
Nikaea Hekate Warp Entity
Nikaea's Servitor Servitor
Nob Xenos
Nob Xenos
Nob (Elite) Xenos
Nob Guzzmasha Xenos
Noise Marine Human
Novator Benhamin Nostromo Mutant
Nurgling Daemon
Nurgling Daemon
Nurgling Daemon
Nurglings Daemon
Oathsworn Bodyguard Human
Obadiah Psalter Human
Obliterator Daemon
Obliterator Daemon
Obliviate Machine
Octavia Nile Human
Officio Vigilis Agent Human
Ogryn Abhuman
Ogryn Beast Keeper Abhuman
Olion, Mutant Negotiator Mutant
Omnissiah's Vigil (Cruiser) Starship
Onir Machine
Onslaught Ork Raider Starship

Page 22
Optimus Nemesis (Heavy Cruiser) Starship
Oracle Ocular Human NPC
Orca Dropship Vehicle
Ordained Destiny (Cruiser) Starship
Orden, Thrall of the Psycharus Worm Warp Entity
Ordinate-Majore Mordechai Lorik Human
Ordo Xenos (The Inquisitor) Human
Orion-class Star Clipper (Transport) Starship
Ork Assault Craft Vehicle
Ork Bommer Vehicle
Ork Boy Xenos
Ork Boy Xenos
Ork Boy Xenos
Ork Freebooter Xenos
Ork Freebooter Boss Xenos
Ork Meganob Xenos
Ork Nob Xenos
Ork Rok (Damaris Version) Starship
Ork Rok Production Facility (Space Station) Starship
Ork Warbike Vehicle
Ork Warboss Xenos
Ork Warboss (The Brute) Xenos
Ork Warbuggy Vehicle
Orph ans of the Flesh Mutant
Osedex (Young) Xenos
Osiskor the Cryptek Xenos
Over grown Autochthonic Vermin Beast
Overlord-Regent Ahhotekh Xenos
Overseer Leerus Human
P laguebearer Daemon
Palatine Ariel Human
Palatine Oksana Human
Papa Grist Human
PDF Guardsman Horde Human
PDF Trooper Human
Penitent Engine Machine
Penitent Engine Machine
Pestilaan-class (Light Cruiser) Starship
Petty Noble Human
Petty Thug Human
Phaetoni the Vainglorious (Elite) Human
Phase-Assassin Human
Philani Barrett Human
Phokulozortis Daemon Prince of Tzeentch Daemon
Phyrr Cat Xenos
Pilgrim of Hayte Human
Pilgrim of Hayte Human
Pink Horror Daemon
Pink Horror Daemon
Piranha Scout Skimmer Vehicle
Pirate Prince Caeluthin Baharrudor Xenos

Page 23
Pirate Prince Pseudanor (Master) Human
Pirate Prince Seneschal (Elite) Human
Pirate Scum (Troop) Human
Pit Brute Mutant
Plague Marines Human
Plague Swarm Daemon
Plaguebearer Daemon
Plaguebearer Daemon
Plaguebearer Daemon
Plaguebearers Daemon
Plukus (Elite) Human
Pontifex Guard Human
Possessed Chaos Space Marine Daemon
Pounder Beast Beast
Praedatoris of the Starry Order Daemon
Praetorian Battle-Servitor Servitor
Preacher Fayban Human
Precedent (Frigate) Starship
Predator Tank Vehicle
Prefectus Primus Marlya, Administratum Satrap Human
Prelate Llorens Zan Human
Prey Stalker Khart Xenos
Priest-King Ansai Human
Primaris Psyker Cauldwelle Human
Prince-Perfect Allewis Human
Prisoner Human
Proctor Noles Rotlan Human
Prognosticator Rennin Tri'el Space Marine
Promenade Sentinel Human
Promise of Sedition (Cruiser) Starship
Proteus Space Marine
Proteyan Strain Mutant Mutant
Provost Hiram Bland Human
Pryfed Stalker (Mount) Beast
Psyber-Eagle Servitor
Psychic Abomination Mutant
Psychic Rabble Human
Psychneuein - Mara Strain - Adult Daemon
Psychneuein - Mara Strain - Larval Daemon
Ptera-Beast Beast
Purestrain Genestealer Xenos
Pyre Mutant (Troop) Mutant
Pyrexia Human
Pyrovore Xenos
Quin Valentine Human NPC
Quinn Valentine Human
Rag-king Hesul Human NPC
Rag-king Tiber Human NPC
Raider Vehicle
Raider Vehicle
Rakasya Daemon

Page 24
Rak'Gol Bloodfury Assault Craft Vehicle
Rak'Gol Butcher (Transport) Starship
Rak'Gol Carver (Scout) Xenos
Rak'Gol Mangler (Light Cruiser) Starship
Rak'Gol Mauler (Frigate) Starship
Ramla Yang Human
Rating Human
Ratling Abhuman
Raunek Ka the Holder of Keys Xenos
Raunek Ka's Canoptek Locust Xenos
Ravager Vehicle
Ravager Vehicle
Ravener Xenos
Ravener (Elite) Xenos
Ravenous Maw Beast
Raze Mutant NPC
Razorwing Beast
Razorwing Beast
Razorwing Flock Beast
Razorwing Jetfighter Vehicle
Razorwing Mutant Cultist Machine
Razorwing Psyker Human
Reanimated Victims Warp Entity
Reaver Xenos
Reaver (Troop) Xenos
Reaver Champion Human
Reaver Jetbike Vehicle
Reaver Jetbike Vehicle
Rebel General Human
Rebel Horde Human
Rebel Leader Human
Rebels Human
Reborn Cultist Human
Recidivist Human
Red Redemption Cultist Human
Redemptionist Narco-Dervish Human
Redjack Human
Regressed Kroot Carnivore Horde Xenos
Relhadhar Antariel Xenos
Remidium-Pattern Medicae-Servitor Servitor
Remora Stealth Drone Fighter Vehicle
Render Xenos
Renegade Human
Renegade Enforcer (Criminal Mastermind) Human
Renegade Militia Human
Renegade Militia Human
Renegade Psyker Human
Renegade Reaver Human
Renegade Tech-Priest Human
Retaliator' Detachment Armsman Human
Retaliator-class (Grand Cruiser) Starship

Page 25
Revelator Human
Reveller Human
Rhiner Gelt Human
Rhino APC Vehicle
Rhino APC Vehicle
Rioter Human
Ripper Swarm Xenos
Ripper Swarm Xenos
Ripper Swarm Xenos
Ripper Whip Xenos
Ripsaw Scuttler Xenos
Risen Dead Daemon
Risen Dead Daemon
Roche Combat Servitor Servitor
Roche Ogryn Combat Servitor Servitor
Roche Ogryn Gun Servitor Servitor
Rogue Trader Abel Gerrit Human
Rogue Trader Companion Human
Rogue Trader Diaz Lan Human
Rogue Trader Djanko Scourge Human
Rogue Trader Hadarak Fel Human
Rogue Trader Household Trooper Human
Rogue Trader Household Troops Human
Rogue Trader Jeremiah Blitz Human
Rogue Trader Jeremiah Blitz Human
Rogue Trader Krawkin Feckward Human
Rogue Trader Krawkin Feckward Human
Rogue Trader Lady Sun Lee Human
Rogue Trader Lord-Admiral Bastile the Seventh Human
Rogue Trader Madam Charlabelle Human
Rogue Trader Naj Amardi Human
Rok Starship
Rubis Human
Rubric Marine Warp Entity
Ruination of Imperfect Beauty Daemon
Ruined Noble Human
Runtherd Xenos
Runtherd Xenos
Rust Decapod Swarm Xenos
Rustek Human
Sabre-Wolf Beast
Sadu'sen Daemon Daemon
Salaine Morn, Archon of the Kabal of the Shadowed Thorns Xenos
Samech Corrupted Skitarii Human
Samech Imperial Sympathiser Human
Samech Praetorian Human
Samech Redemption Servitors Servitor
Sanatorium Mutant Mutant
Sanctarch Ruler Human
Sanctarch Villager Human
Sand Tiger Beast

Page 26
Sandslime Xenos
Sanger Krin (Assassin Hunter) Human
Sarda's Undying Human
Sarvus Trask Human
Saurian Carnosaur Xenos
Saynay Sorcerer Human
Scale-Drake (Mount) Beast
Scalpel Familiar Servitor
Scalpel Famliar Machine
Scarab Xenos
Scarlet Creeper Beast
Scavs and Rag Pickers Human
Schismatical Convert Human
Schismaticals of the Deep Infotombs Servitor
Scorn Human NPC
Scourge Xenos
Scourge (Elite) Xenos
Scout Bike Vehicle
Scraper-Falcon Human
Screamer of Tzeentch Daemon
Screamer of Tzeentch Daemon
Screamer of Tzeentch Daemon
Screamer of Tzeentch Daemon
Screamer of Tzeentch Daemon
Scribe Human
Scum Human
Scum Human
Scutum-Pattern Bunker Vehicle
Sebek the Purser Human
Secretive Magos (The Heretek) Human
Secutor-class Monitor-cruiser (Light Cruiser) Starship
Seedworld Custodian Construct Machine
Seeker Chariots of Slaaensh Vehicle
Self-Flagellants Machine
Selukus the Stylite Human
Sendak Voltrasse Human
Senior Techmarine MacKrentan Space Marine
Sentin el Powerlifter Vehicle
Sentinel Power Lifter (Lathe Pattern, Mark XXV) Machine
Sentinel Scout Walker Vehicle
Sentinel Walker Vehicle
Sepulchre Guard Human
Sepulchre Sigma Warden Human
Serfitor Human
Sergeant Human
Sergeant Dryak Human
Sergeant Forden Human
Sergeant-at-Arms Noto Corinthi Human
Sergeants Childres and Makrade Human
Serrated Query Operative Human
Service Tender Human

Page 27
Servitor Servitor
Servitor Drone Servitor
Servitor Drone Servitor
Servitor, Communication Servitor
Servitor, Gun Servitor
Servitor, Industrial or Heavy Repair Servitor
Servitor-Controlled Autocannon Turret Servitor
Servo Skull Servitor
Servo Skull, Guardian Servitor
Servo Skull, Monotask Servitor
Servo-Hunter Machine
Servo-Skull Machine
Sethahar Human NPC
Severa n Dominate Lieutenant Human
Severa n Dominate Sergeant Human
Severa n Dominate Shock Trooper Human
Severa n Dominate Soldier Human
Severan Commander (Master) Human
Severan Dominate Lieutenant (Elite) Human
Severan Dominate Sergeant (Elite) Human
Severan Dominate Soldier (Troop) Human
Shade Mauler (Troop) Beast
Shade of the Speculum Daemon
Shade Priest Human
Shadow Cruiser (Cruiser) Starship
Shadow Spectre Xenos
Shadowed Stalker Beast
Shadowhunter (Raider) Starship
Shadowkith Mutant
Shadowseer Xenos
Shale Crows Daemon
Shaman-Smith Human
Shaper Xenos
Shard spider Warp Entity
Shard-Ripper Xenos
Shas'O Vior'La Aisulu Mai Xenos
Shas'Vre Tsu'Malor Ren'A Xenos
Shas'Vre Vior'La Ahu Maau Xenos
Sheol-Pattern Murder Servitor Servitor
Shield Drone Machine
Shield Warden Human
Shroud Master Mutant
Sibellus-Pattern Suppressor Servitor Servitor
Sikes the Reclaimator Human
Simulacra Xenos
Simuloptera Hive Machine
Sinophian Boreworm Beast
Sinophian Killer Human
Sira Rabbas Jenet Human
Sisk Cur Beast
Sister Bahli Human

Page 28
Sister of the Order of Serenity Human
Sister of the Sybaritic Host Daemon
Sister Piety, Ward Sentinel Human
Sivia the Carnalite (Elite) Human
Skabgob (Ork Kommando) Xenos
Skae-Thing Daemon
Skarrit's Dragon Human
Skin Taker of Fedrid (Mantid Beast) Xenos
Skin Taker of Fedrid (Warp Daemon) Daemon
Skrynne Autochthon Human
Skulker Human
Skull Reaper Daemon
Sky Ray Missile Defence Gunship Vehicle
Sky Reaver Xenos
Skyship Crewman Human
Slade Mortia Human
Slaught Flesh Parasites Xenos
Slaughter-class (Cruiser) Starship
Slaughterman Human
Slaughterwing Daemon
Slaugth Harvest Construct Xenos
Slaugth Infiltrator Xenos
Slaugth Intendant Recusant Xenos
Slaugth Overseer Xenos
Slaugth Vassal Construct Xenos
Slaugth Warrior Vassal Construct Machine
Slave Human
Slave Overseer Human
Slaver of the Red Cages Human
Slinnar War Machine Machine
Slithering Creature Xenos
Small Saurian Beast
Smeed and Smoot Human NPC
Smoot Human
Snotling Xenos
Snotling Mob Xenos
Soldier Human
Somni the Indolite (Elite) Human
Sons of Taeg Human
Sorcerer of the Sybaritic Host Human
Sorcerer-Technocrat Bodyguard Human
Sorcerer-Technocrat Courtier Human
Sorcerer-Technocrat of Q'sal Human
Sorceror Kole Soul EF AC 81re (Master) Human
Sorcerous Pawn Human
Soul Grinder Vehicle
Soul Grinder Vehicle
Soul Grinder (Master) Daemon
Soulcage Slaveship (Transport) Starship
Space Hulk Survivor Human
Space Marine Space Marine

Page 29
Space Marine Bike Vehicle
Space Marine Dreadnought Vehicle
Spatha-Pattern Combat Servitor Servitor
Spawn of Chaos Daemon
Species X-10198.RK Beast
Spectral Harbinger Xenos
Speed Freak Xenos
Speed Freek Xenos
Spider Bride Xenos
Spiker Human
Spindle-Maw Xenos Monster
Spine-Hound (Mount) Beast
Spire Slayer Daemon
Spirit Daneen Human
Spite Tau Sympathiser Human
Splinter Shade Daemon
Squig Xenos
Squig Xenos
Squig Xenos
Squiggoth (Master) Xenos
Squiggoth Howdah Vehicle
Sslyth (Elite) Xenos
Sslyth Mercenary Xenos
Stalker Hrrithck Xenos
Starweaver (Frigate) Starship
Statuary of Dionaea (Elite) Other
Statues of the Dark Lament
Steed of Slaanesh (Elite) Daemon
Stenchbeast of Strank Xenos
Stern Hope Pilgrim Human
Stigmartus Infantry Human
Stigmartus Officer-Bishop Human
Stigmartus Ogryn Brute Abhuman
Storm Trooper Human
Storm Trooper Captain Grayson Human
Storm Trooper Detachment Human
Storm Troper Human
Stormboy Xenos
Storml ord Vehicle
Stormraven Gunship Vehicle
Stranded Ork Xenos
Strangler Beast
Striking Scorpion Xenos
Stryxis Master Xenos
Stryxis Master Raider Xenos
Stryxis Merchant Xenos
Stryxis Nomad Xenos
Stryxis Rag-Trader Xenos
Stryxis Slave Master Xenos
Stryxis TechSight Master Xenos
Stryxis Vat Master Xenos

Page 30
Stryxis Vat-Brute Xenos
Stryxis Xebec (Light Cruiser) Starship
Su pply Truck Vehicle
Subjugate Cherubim Servitor
Subjugator (Master) Daemon
Subrique "Bloodhound" Cyber-Mastiff Beast
Subrique "Bullpup" Cyber-Mastiff Beast
Subrique-Pattern Grapplehawks Beast
Succubus (Master) Xenos
Sump Hound Beast
Sunerisle Strain Genestealer Xenos
Supply Officer Adeline Gaspar Human
Supply Officer von Meering Human
Svartling Warrior Xenos
Swooping Hawk Xenos
Sword Frigates of Triumph Squadron Starship
Sybas Moran Human
Syndicate Mercenary Human
Synford-Pattern "Firebomb" Promethium Transport Vehicle
Synophian Bore Worm Xenos
Talax Reaver Human
Tallarn Guardsman Human
Tallarn Lieutenant Human
Tallarn Sergeant Human
Talos Pain Engine Xenos
Tantalus Vehicle
Tarnished Raider Human
Tau Commander Xenos
Tau Fire Warrior Xenos
Tau Gun Drones Xenos
Tau Pathfinder Xenos
Tau Stealth Suit Xenos
Tech Adept Human
Tech-Adept Oddyle Human
Tech-Assassin Human
Techno-Shaman Xenos
Tech-P riest Enginseer Techpriest
Tech-Priest Human
Tech-Priest Austos Sann Techpriest
Tech-Priest Hadron Shard Human
Tech-Priest Hexon Techpriest
Tech-Priest Overseer Human
Tech-Priest Teoma Roche Techpriest
Tech-Priest Ulmir Arvein Techpriest
Tech-Witches of Ammicus Tole/Lysee the Murderess Human NPC
Temple Tendency Assassin Human
Termagant Xenos
Termagaunt Horde Xenos
Terror Cat Beast
Terrorax Beast
Tervigon Xenos

Page 31
Tetra Scout Speeder Vehicle
The Auruntaur Machine
The Axe-Beaerer Human
The Black Engine Machine
The Bulwark (Space Station) Starship
The Burning One Daemon
The Carrier - Daemon Prince of Nurgle Daemon
The Churgeon Human
The Cold Dead Daemon
The Defaced Human
The False Saint Daemon
The Gethsemane (Cruiser) Starship
The Gryphon (Battlecruiser) Starship
The Hand of Redemption (Cruiser) Starship
The Headsman of Cellebos Space Marine
The Honourable Hector Maken Human
The Honoured Margrave Cal Sur'Maywroth Human
The Huntsman - Herald of Khorne Daemon
The Huntsman's Flesh Hound Daemon
The Janus Simulacra Servitor
The Luminary - Herald of Slaanesh Daemon
The Mist Reaper Xenos
The Monster in the Maze Daemon
The Oracle Ocular Human
The Paragelle Daemon
The Reaver (Raider) Starship
The Ruination of Imperfect Beauty Daemon
The Sagacity Eupheme Tassel Human
The Sirius (Cruiser) Starship
The Skae Thing Daemon
The Soul Reaver (Cruiser) Starship
The Tattered Magos Warp Entity
The Transfigured Mutant
The True Ignato Human
The Venerable Cal Human NPC
The Vexed Mutant
The Whisper of Anaris (Cruiser) Starship
The Whisperer Starship
The White Scholar (Septimus Dexter) Human
The Widower Daemon
Theodosia Human NPC
Theratryx Xenos Monster
Thermodrake Beast
Thornmaw Beast
Thrall Wizard Human
Throgel Mutant NPC
Thug Human
Thunderhawk Gunship Vehicle
Tiber Human
Tiger Shark Fighter-Bomber Vehicle
Titus Nefandiel Human NPC

Page 32
Tomb Blade Xenos
Tomb Stalker Xenos
Tomb Stalker Xenos
Torch-Wielding Mob Human
Tormented human Human
Torq and Siegmund Felthan Human
Torture-class Cruiser (Cruiser) Starship
Toxic Dweller Xenos
Traitor Fihad Constantine Human
Triarch Praetorian Xenos
Trojan Support Vehicle (Idumea Sub-Pattern 99X) Machine
Trukk Vehicle
Trygon Xenos
Tunnel Horror Beast
Tusk-Born Wyrd Squig Xenos
Twanleigh Kohler Human
Twilight Stalkers Xenos
Twist Hulk Mutant
Tymarch the Paramite (Elite) Human
Typical Proctor Human
Tyranid Hive Tyrant Xenos
Tyranid Hormagaunt Xenos
Tyranid Lictor Xenos
Tyranid Shrike Xenos
Tyranid Termagant Xenos
Tyranid Warrior Xenos
Tyranid Warrior Prime Xenos
Tyrannofex Xenos
Tyrant Guard Xenos
Tyrant-class (Cruiser) Starship
T'Zar the Broker - Herald of Tzeentch Daemon
Ucernox Beast
Uhlevorix Daemon
Ulthyr Ellarion Xenos
Unclean Spirit Daemon
Undertow Muscle Human
Unquenched Warp Entity
Ur-Ghul Beast
Ur-Ghul (Elite) Xenos
Ursir Beast
Urvogel Beast
Valkyrie Skytalon Vehicle
Vanguard Battlesuit XV-46 Xenos
Vanguard Commander XV-46-4 Xenos
Vaporian Glasshawk (Familiar) Beast
Vapour Rat Xenos
Vat-Brute Xenos
Vat-LAbourer Xenos
Vault Guardian Warp Entity
Vectori-Strain Genestealer Xenos

Page 33
Vectori-Strain Genestealer Broodlord Xenos
Veiled Deceit Daemon
Velocireaper Beast
Velox-Pattern Security Servitor Servitor
Venator Pattern Air Yacht Vehicle
Venerable Cal Human
Vengeful Martyr (Light Cruiser) Starship
Venom Vehicle
Venom Vehicle
Venomous Lady Mutant
Venomous Terror Beast
Venomthrope Xenos
Venumex Beast
Verenor Space Marine
Vespid Stingwing Xenos
Vespid Stingwing Xenos
Vigilies Servitor Servitor
Vile Savant Daemon
Vindicator Vehicle
Virbian Combat-Bike Vehicle
Virbian Combat-Biker Human
Vitrian Covenant Cultist Human
Void Dreamer Xenos
Void Kraken (Unknown) Starship
Void Pirate Captain Human
Void Shrikes Lieutenant Human
Void Shrikes Sergeant Human
Void Shrikes Trooper Human
Void Shrikes Veteran Human
Void Wasp Starship
Voidfarer Human
Void-Fluke Beast
Vore Weapon Xenos
Vore-Weapon Beast
Vorlin Orday Human
Vymer and Quill Human
Walking Creature Xenos
Walking Creature (Familiar) Beast
Warbike Vehicle
Warbike Vehicle
Warboss (Master) Xenos
Warboss Snokgritz Xenos
Warbuggy Vehicle
Warchief Kos'ke Human
Warden Locan Human
Warden Phineas Morn Human
Warhound Titan Vehicle
Warlock Xenos
Warlock Bhaine Dhun Xenos
Warlord Geargut Throttleklaw Xenos
Warp Beast Daemon

Page 34
Warp Guide Human
Warp Predator (Ebon Geist) Daemon
Warp Puppet Warp Entity
Warp Spectre Daemon
Warp Spider Xenos
Warp Spider Xenos
Warp Spider Aspect Shell Warp Entity
Warp Spider Exarch Xenos
Warp Talon (Elite) Daemon
Warp Witch Human
Warp Zombie Daemon
Warp-Animated Statue Daemon
Warphead Xenos
Warpsm ith Arkturian Space Marine
Warp-tainted Servitor Servitor
Warrior Xenos
Warrior Xenos
Warrior Xenos
Warrior Xenos
Warsmith Koros Space Marine
Warsmith Zhorisch Space Marine
Watch Captain Andar Scarion Space Marine
Watch Captain De Dominova Space Marine
Watch Captain de Dominova Space Marine
Watch Captain Kail Vibius (Marines Errant) Space Marine
Watch Captain Marius Avincus Space Marine
Watch Captain Mathias Space Marine
Water Caste Envoy Xenos
Wayfarer Station Starship
Weirdboy Xenos
Weirdboy Xenos
Weirdboy Xenos
What Lies Beneath (Trygon) Xenos
Whent Human NPC
Whipper Beast
Whirlwind Vehicle
White Scholar Human NPC
Whiteclaw Beast
Widower Human NPC
Witch Human
Witch-Kin Infiltrator Mutant
Wolfpack Raider Starship
Wounded Dei-Phage Daemon
Wrack Xenos
Wrack Xenos
Wraithguard Xenos
Wraithlord Xenos
Wraithship (Cruiser) Starship
Wrecker Human
Wrekka Xenos
Wych Xenos

Page 35
Wych (Troop) Xenos
Wych Beastmaster Xenos
Wych of the Withered Blade Cult Xenos
Wyrd Gunslinger Human
Xothic Blood Locust Xenos
Xur Sorcerer Xenos
Xur Warrior Xenos
Xurunush Beast
Yanveb Drallat (Pirate First Mate) Human
Yuriy Malkovic Human
Yu'va th Bone Warden Warp Entity
Zashlun Mistress of the Pale Throng Mutant
Zayr Human NPC
Zenobia Pike Human
Zoanthrope Xenos
Zweihan's World Defenders Human
Zweihan's World PDF Human

Page 36

Affiliation Setting
Imperial Guard Black Crusade
Imperial Guard Black Crusade
Imperial Guard Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Adeptus Mechanicus Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Adeptus Sororitas Dark Heresy
Adeptus Sororitas Deathwatch
Adeptus Sororitas Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Administratum Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Necrons Black Crusade
Heretek Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Only War
Chaos: Tzeentch Rogue Trader
Eldar Deathwatch
Dark Eldar Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Inquisition Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Slaugth Dark Heresy

Page 37
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Eldar Rogue Trader
Necrons Deathwatch
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Heretek Deathwatch
Chaos Black Crusade
Heretek Black Crusade
Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Black Crusade
Adeptus Arbites Rogue Trader
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Rogue Trader
Adeptus Arbites Black Crusade
Adeptus Arbites Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Imperium Deathwatch
Heretek Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Heretek Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Kroot Black Crusade
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy

Page 38
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Adeptus Astra Telepathica Dark Heresy
Adeptus Astra Telepathica Rogue Trader
Adeptus Astra Telepathica Dark Heresy
Adeptus Astra Telepathica Deathwatch
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Dark Heresy
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Black Crusade
Imperial Guard Only War
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Only War
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Deathwatch
Dark Heresy
Adeptus Sororitas Dark Heresy
Adeptus Sororitas Deathwatch
Ork Only War
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Chaos: Nurgle Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Black Crusade
Chaos: Nurgle Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Black Crusade
Ork Deathwatch
Ork Only War

Page 39
Ork Only War
Ork Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Tyranid Deathwatch
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Heretek Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Only War
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Deathwatch
Chaos: Khorne Only War
Chaos: Khorne Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Deathwatch
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Heretek Dark Heresy
Ork Rogue Trader
Yu'vath Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Imperium Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Ork Only War
Ork Black Crusade
Ork Only War
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Tau Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Rogue Trader
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy

Page 40
Imperium Dark Heresy
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Dark Heresy
Adeptus Astartes Rogue Trader
Tau Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Imperium: Nobility Dark Heresy
Imperium: Nobility Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Heretic Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Black Crusade
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Black Crusade
Imperial Navy Only War
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Planetary Defense Force Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Adeptus Ministorum Rogue Trader
Adeptus Ministorum Deathwatch
Adeptus Ministorum Black Crusade
Heretek Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy

Page 41
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Heretek Dark Heresy
Necrons Deathwatch
Adeptus Sororitas Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Chaos Only War
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Heretek Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Only War
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Only War
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Only War
Chaos Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium Rogue Trader
Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy

Page 42
Imperium: Nobility Deathwatch
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Planetary Defense Force Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Heretek Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Heretek Deathwatch
Heretek Deathwatch
Eldar Deathwatch
Eldar Deathwatch
Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Deathwatch
Minor Xeno Race Dark Heresy
Yu'vath Rogue Trader
Necrons Black Crusade
Officio Assassinorum Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy

Page 43
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperial Guard Only War
Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Heretek Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Only War
Chaos: Slaanesh Deathwatch
Chaos: Slaanesh Rogue Trader
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Planetary Defense Force Rogue Trader
Planetary Defense Force Rogue Trader
Planetary Defense Force Rogue Trader
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Only War
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Yu'vath Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Eldar Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Imperium Deathwatch
Imperial Guard: Death Korps of Krieg Only War
Imperial Guard: Death Korps of Krieg Only War
Imperial Guard: Death Korps of Krieg Only War
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Black Crusade
Heretek Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Rogue Trader
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Ork Only War

Page 44
Chaos Only War
Chaos Only War
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Chaos Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard Only War
Tau Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Eldar Dark Heresy
Chaos: Tzeentch Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Kroot Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Necrons Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Imperium Rogue Trader
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Black Crusade
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy

Page 45
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Dark Heresy
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Dark Heresy
Eldar Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard: 1054th Vostroyan Void Shrikes Only War
Adeptus Mechanicus Deathwatch
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Only War
Minor Xeno Race Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Only War
Imperial Guard: 1054th Vostroyan Void Shrikes Only War
Enslaver Deathwatch
Enslaver Deathwatch
Enslaver Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Dark Heresy
Chaos Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Officio Assassinorum Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy

Page 46
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Rogue Trader
Heretek Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Deathwatch
Eldar Rogue Trader
Adeptus Ministorum Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Adeptus Astartes: Space Wolves Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Minor Xeno Race Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Dark Heresy
Ork Rogue Trader
Dark Heresy
Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Chaos: Tzeentch Dark Heresy
Chaos: Tzeentch Dark Heresy
Chaos: Tzeentch Deathwatch
Chaos: Tzeentch Deathwatch
Chaos: Tzeentch Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Ork Deathwatch
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Deathwatch
Heretek Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Dark Heresy
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Deathwatch
Heretek Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy

Page 47
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Chaos Only War
Yu'vath Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos: Undivided Dark Heresy
Chaos: Undivided Deathwatch
Chaos: Undivided Rogue Trader
Chaos: Nurgle Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Ork Only War
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Inquisition Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperial Guard Black Crusade
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Planetary Defense Force Rogue Trader
Tyranid Dark Heresy
Tyranid Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Minor Xeno Race Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Necrons Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy

Page 48
Chaos Deathwatch
Heretek Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium: Nobility Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Kroot Deathwatch
Kroot Only War
Kroot Deathwatch
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Ork Dark Heresy
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Deathwatch
Inquisition Black Crusade
Imperial Guard: 1054th Vostroyan Void Shrikes Only War
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Only War
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Necrons Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Only War
Tau Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader

Page 49
Dark Eldar Deathwatch
Imperium Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Tau Deathwatch
Eldar Black Crusade
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Black Crusade
Eldar Black Crusade
Eldar Black Crusade
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Only War
Chaos Only War
Eldar Rogue Trader
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Imperial Guard Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Eldar Rogue Trader
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Imperium Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Heretek Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Adeptus Administratum Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader

Page 50
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Heretek Black Crusade
Heretek Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Chaos: Tzeentch Dark Heresy
Chaos: Tzeentch Deathwatch
Chaos: Tzeentch Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Kroot Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Nobility Dark Heresy
Imperium: Nobility Dark Heresy
Eldar Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Chaos Only War
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Adeptus Mechanicus Deathwatch
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Black Crusade
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Black Crusade
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Black Crusade
Dark Eldar Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade

Page 51
Tyranid Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Planetary Defense Force Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Heretek Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Heretek Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Inquisition Deathwatch
Dark Heresy
Inquisition Rogue Trader
Inquisition Deathwatch
Dark Heresy
Inquisition Rogue Trader
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Inquisition Deathwatch
Inquisition Deathwatch
Inquisition Black Crusade
Inquisition Deathwatch
Inquisition Deathwatch
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Inquisition Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Adeptus Arbites Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium Black Crusade
Dark Heresy
Imperium Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Black Crusade
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy

Page 52
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Heretek Black Crusade
Eldar Deathwatch
Chaos: Khorne Deathwatch
Dark Eldar Only War
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Ork Only War
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium Deathwatch
Imperium: Rebels Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Tau Deathwatch
Kroot Only War
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Chaos Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperial Guard: Death Korps of Krieg Only War
Tau Deathwatch
Kroot Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Kroot Deathwatch
Kroot Only War
Tau Rogue Trader
Kroot Only War
Kroot Deathwatch
Kroot Deathwatch
Kroot Only War
Kroot Rogue Trader
Kroot Black Crusade

Page 53
Tau Deathwatch
Kroot Black Crusade
Kroot Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Minor Xeno Race Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Imperium Rogue Trader
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Deathwatch
Adeptus Sororitas Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Dark Eldar Only War
Tyranid Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch

Page 54
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperial Guard: 1054th Vostroyan Void Shrikes Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Imperial Guard Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Only War
Chaos Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Ork Deathwatch
Ork Only War
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Necrons Deathwatch
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Imperium: Nobility Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Minor Xeno Race Deathwatch
Psychneueuin Deathwatch
Psychneueuin Deathwatch
Psychneueuin Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Heretek Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Rogue Trader
Adeptus Mechanicus Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy

Page 55
Adeptus Mechanicus Rogue Trader
Heretek Deathwatch
Heretek Dark Heresy
Heretek Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Rogue Trader
Heretek Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Only War
Tyranid Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Adeptus Astartes Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Black Crusade
Dark Eldar Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Adeptus Administratum Black Crusade
Chaos: Tzeentch Dark Heresy
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Tau Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Only War
Adeptus Arbites Rogue Trader
Imperium Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Kroot Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader
Kroot Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Only War
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Heretek Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Only War
Dark Heresy
Imperium Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Adeptus Sororitas Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Ork Only War
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Black Crusade
Ork Only War
Eldar Rogue Trader

Page 56
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Minor Xeno Race Deathwatch
Enslaver Deathwatch
Ork Rogue Trader
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Black Crusade
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Chaos Rogue Trader
Heretek Black Crusade
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Only War
Non-affiliated Only War
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperial Navy Black Crusade
Chaos Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Heretek Deathwatch
Chaos Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Imperium: Rebels Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Deathwatch

Page 57
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Kroot Rogue Trader
Imperium Deathwatch
Imperial Navy Only War
Navis Nobilite Dark Heresy
Navis Nobilite Deathwatch
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Necrons Deathwatch
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Only War
Chaos Only War
Chaos Only War
Chaos Only War
Ork Only War
Eldar Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Officio Assassinorum Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Ork Only War
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Nurgle Deathwatch
Chaos: Nurgle Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Heretek Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Ork Rogue Trader

Page 58
Chaos Rogue Trader
Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Adeptus Administratum Rogue Trader
Inquisition Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Ork Dark Heresy
Ork Deathwatch
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Deathwatch
Ork Dark Heresy
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Deathwatch
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Necrons Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Necrons Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Chaos: Nurgle Deathwatch
Adeptus Sororitas Deathwatch
Adeptus Sororitas Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Planetary Defense Force Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Chaos Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium Black Crusade
Chaos: Tzeentch Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Eldar Rogue Trader

Page 59
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Nurgle Black Crusade
Chaos: Nurgle Deathwatch
Chaos: Nurgle Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Rogue Trader
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Administratum Rogue Trader
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Kroot Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Black Crusade
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Rogue Trader
Adeptus Astartes: Ultramarines Deathwatch
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy

Page 60
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Only War
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Black Crusade
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Chaos Deathwatch
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium: Rebels Deathwatch
Imperium: Rebels Deathwatch
Minor Xeno Race Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Kroot Deathwatch
Eldar Rogue Trader
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Only War
Chaos Only War
Chaos Deathwatch
Heretek Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader

Page 61
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Deathwatch
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Heretek Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos: Slaanesh Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Heretek Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Heretek Deathwatch
Heretek Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader

Page 62
Yu'vath Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Chaos Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Necrons Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Imperium Rogue Trader
Planetary Defense Force Dark Heresy
Chaos: Tzeentch Dark Heresy
Chaos: Tzeentch Deathwatch
Chaos: Tzeentch Black Crusade
Chaos: Tzeentch Dark Heresy
Chaos: Tzeentch Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Heretek Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Eldar Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Rogue Trader
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy

Page 63
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Eldar Black Crusade
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Kroot Black Crusade
Yu'vath Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium: Nobility Dark Heresy
Chaos Only War
Adeptus Ministorum Black Crusade

Page 64
Adeptus Sororitas Black Crusade
Chaos Rogue Trader
Adeptus Sororitas Deathwatch
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos: Tzeentch Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Tau Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Rogue Trader
Slaught Dark Heresy
Chaos Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Slaught Dark Heresy
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Heretek Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Minor Xeno Race Deathwatch
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Only War
Chaos Only War
Chaos Only War
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Chaos Rogue Trader
Imperial Navy Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Black Crusade

Page 65
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Black Crusade
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Ork Only War
Dark Eldar Only War
Minor Xeno Race Rogue Trader
Kroot Rogue Trader
Rogue Trader Rogue Trader
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Rogue Trader
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperial Guard Deathwatch
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Ork Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Ork Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader

Page 66
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Imperium: Rebels: Severan Dominate Only War
Chaos Only War
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Only War
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Tyranid Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard: 1054th Vostroyan Void Shrikes Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Chaos Black Crusade
Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Heretek Dark Heresy
Slaugth Dark Heresy
Imperial Guard Only War
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Imperial Guard Only War
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Only War
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Heretek Rogue Trader
Heretek Black Crusade
Rak'Gol Rogue Trader
Adeptus Mechanicus Only War
Adeptus Mechanicus Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Rogue Trader
Adeptus Mechanicus Only War
Adeptus Mechanicus Black Crusade
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Adeptus Mechanicus Rogue Trader
Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Only War
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch

Page 67
Tau Deathwatch
Heretek Black Crusade
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Planetary Defense Force Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos: Nurgle Rogue Trader
Heretek Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Chaos Deathwatch
Imperium: Nobility Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Rogue Trader
Chaos: Khorne Rogue Trader
Heretek Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Chaos: Khorne Black Crusade
Eldar Rogue Trader
Yu'vath Rogue Trader
Inquisition Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Tau Deathwatch
Dark Heresy

Page 68
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Black Crusade
Imperium Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Necrons Black Crusade
Imperium Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Tyranid Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos Black Crusade
Heretek Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Chaos: Slaanesh Black Crusade
Imperium Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Dark Heresy
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Tyranid Deathwatch
Imperium Rogue Trader
Chaos: Tzeentch Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Only War
Chaos Deathwatch
Eldar Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Non-affiliated Only War
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Tau Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Navis Nobilite Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Stryxis Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch

Page 69
Tyranid Deathwatch
Chaos Rogue Trader
Heretek Black Crusade
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Imperium Rogue Trader
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Imperial Navy Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Tyranid Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Only War
Adeptus Astartes: Ultramarines Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Adeptus Mechanicus Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Imperium: Rebels Only War
Adeptus Ministorum Dark Heresy
Eldar Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Imperial Guard: 1054th Vostroyan Void Shrikes Only War
Imperial Guard: 1054th Vostroyan Void Shrikes Only War
Imperial Guard: 1054th Vostroyan Void Shrikes Only War
Imperial Guard: 1054th Vostroyan Void Shrikes Only War
Yu'vath Rogue Trader
Imperium Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Heretek Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Imperium Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Adeptus Arbites Black Crusade
Imperium Deathwatch
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Ork Deathwatch
Chaos Dark Heresy

Page 70
Rogue Psyker Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Eldar Deathwatch
Eldar Rogue Trader
Chaos Rogue Trader
Eldar Deathwatch
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Chaos Deathwatch
Ork Rogue Trader
Chaos Only War
Chaos Dark Heresy
Necrons Black Crusade
Necrons Black Crusade
Tyranid Deathwatch
Necrons Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Chaos Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Deathwatch Deathwatch
Tau Deathwatch
Non-affiliated Rogue Trader
Ork Only War
Ork Rogue Trader
Ork Black Crusade
Tyranid Deathwatch
Imperium Dark Heresy
Rogue Trader
Adeptus Astartes Deathwatch
Dark Heresy
Imperium Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy
Chaos Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Chaos Dark Heresy
Dark Eldar Only War
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Eldar Rogue Trader
Imperium Dark Heresy
Ork Deathwatch
Dark Eldar Only War

Page 71
Dark Eldar Black Crusade
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Dark Eldar Rogue Trader
Rogue Psyker Rogue Trader
Non-affiliated Dark Heresy
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Chaos Black Crusade
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Black Crusade
Yu'vath Rogue Trader
Imperium: Criminal Underworld Dark Heresy
Non-affiliated Deathwatch
Adeptus Arbites Black Crusade
Tyranid Deathwatch
Dark Heresy
Dark Heresy

Page 72

Book Page No.

Hand of Corruption 130
Hand of Corruption 130
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 12
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 12
Disciples of the Dark Gods 223
The Koronus Bestiary 89
The Tome of Excess 100
The Tome of Blood 142
Shattered Hope 31
Shattered Hope 29
Shattered Hope 28
Shattered Hope 30
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 370
The Jericho Reach 235
Edge of the Abyss 142
Ascens ion 247
Rising Tempest 125
Rising Tempest 125
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 391
Disciples of the Dark Gods 225
The Inquisitor's Handbook 143
Rites of Battle 181
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 363
Enemies of the Imperium 15
Disciples of the Dark Gods 224
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 67
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 70
The Tome of Fate 117
The Tome of Fate 81
Hammer of the Emperor 138
Hostile Acquisitions 127
The Outer Reach 62
Purge the Unclean 87
Game Master's Kit 25
The Tome of Excess 42
The Tome of Excess 42
The Tome of Excess 42
The Tome of Excess 42
The Tome of Excess 42
The Tome of Excess 42
The Emperor Protects 88
The Emperor Protects 88
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 59
The Emperor Protects 46
Broken Chains 30
The Emperor Protects 89
Disciples of the Dark Gods 79
Disciples of the Dark Gods 80

Page 73
Creatures Anathema 51
The Soul Reaver 128
The Outer Reach 138
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 68
The Soul Reaver 121
Edge of the Abyss 110
Stars of Inequity 35
Mark of the Xenos 80
The Emperor Protects 91
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 361
The Tome of Fate 92
Edge of the Abyss 105
Into the Storm 180
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 62
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 56
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 64
Book of Judgement 137
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 336
Hand of Corruption 128
Hostile Acquisitions 83
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 59
Book of Judgement 136
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 58
Hostile Acquisitions 83
Hand of Corruption 128
Hand of Corruption 129
Ascens ion 246
The Lathe Worlds 119
Creatures Anathema 7
The Lathe Worlds 120
Enemies of the Imperium 78
The Soul Reaver 122
Disciples of the Dark Gods 39
Blood of Martyrs 122
Blood of Martyrs 122
The Emperor Protects 133
The Emperor Protects 46
The Soul Reaver 133
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 389
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 62
Rising Tempest 131
Ark of Lost Souls 141
Edge of the Abyss 142
Into the Storm 180
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 66
Disciples of the Dark Gods 51
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 389
The Tome of Blood 77
Edge of the Abyss 104
Creatures Anathema 107
Creatures Anathema 109-110

Page 74
Purge the Unclean 130
Creatures Anathema 111
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 350
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 336
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 66
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 61
The Jericho Reach 235
Battlefleet Koronus 80
Creatures Anathema 101
The Koronus Bestiary 82
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 60
First Founding 88
The Emperor Protects 46
The Emperor Protects 47
The Emperor Protects 47
The Emperor Protects 47
Battlefleet Koronus 89
The Koronus Bestiary 58
Faith and Coin 142
The Koronus Bestiary 62
Book of Judgement 138
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 359
Edge of the Abyss 143
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 62
Hand of Corruption 121
Only War Core Rulebook 219
Edge of the Abyss 112
Purge the Unclean 129
Game Master's Kit 12
Rites of Battle 192
Only War Core Rulebook 218
The Tome of Blood 113
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 374
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 376
Inquisitor`s Handbook 141
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 54
Rising Tempest 125
Only War Core Rulebook 371
Disciples of the Dark Gods 90
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 349
The Koronus Bestiary 118
Disciples of the Dark Gods 107
Ark of Lost Souls 139
Disciples of the Dark Gods 89
Only War Core Rulebook 357
The Tome of Excess 95
Daemon Hunter 98
Stars of Inequity 35
Game Master's Kit 23
Ark of Lost Souls 122
Only War Core Rulebook 393

Page 75
Final Testament 143
Mark of the Xenos 59
The Tome of Blood 142
The Jericho Reach 184
Book of Judgement 139
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 63
Edge of the Abyss 86
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 25
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 45
First Founding 85
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 60
The Tome of Excess 93
Only War Core Rulebook 354
The Tome of Blood 116
Disciples of the Dark Gods 162
The Tome of Blood 46
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 352
Mark of the Xenos 109
Only War Core Rulebook 354
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 351
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 370
Mark of the Xenos 100
The Tome of Blood 87
The Edge of Darkness 45
The Koronus Bestiary 82
The Koronus Bestiary 106
Final Testament 142
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 364
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 336
Only War Core Rulebook 363
The Tome of Blood 81
Eleventh Hour 30
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 346
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 346
The Tome of Blood 46
The Tome of Blood 117
The Lathe Worlds 82
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 352
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 31
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 54
Stars of Inequity 111
Mark of the Xenos 6
Rising Tempest 140
Purge the Unclean 130
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 47
Creatures Anathema 16
The Jericho Reach 196
Stars of Inequity 79
Edge of the Abyss 73
Rising Tempest 131
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 390

Page 76
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 390
Rising Tempest 132
The Jericho Reach 78
Purge the Unclean 86
The Soul Reaver 130
The Soul Reaver 128
Battlefleet Koronus 81
Mark of the Xenos 60
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 15
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 15
The Tome of Fate 103
Creatures Anathema 113-114
Ascens ion 197
The Lathe Worlds 68
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 353
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 54
The Emperor Protects 47
Damned Cities 60-61
Purge the Unclean 87
Into the Storm 181
Battlefleet Koronus 140
Edge of the Abyss 100
Blood of Martyrs 123
Hand of Corruption 121
Hand of Corruption 135
The Outer Reach 134
The Outer Reach 132
The Tome of Fate 111
The Outer Reach 133
The Tome of Fate 112
No Surrender 129
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 63
The Soul Reaver 129
Edge of the Abyss 143
Disciples of the Dark Gods 222
Disciples of the Dark Gods 222
Purge the Unclean 129
Purge the Unclean 129
Disciples of the Dark Gods 225
Final Testament 133
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 58
The Emperor Protects 139
Edge of the Abyss 79
Stars of Inequity 111
Rising Tempest 124
Hand of Corruption 122
The Lathe Worlds 108
Book of Judgement 138
Battlefleet Koronus 108
Mark of the Xenos 30
Purge the Unclean 49

Page 77
Broken Chains 29
Broken Chains 29
The Lathe Worlds 106
The Outer Reach 138
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 18
Radical's Handbook 141
Edge of the Abyss 114
Disciples of the Dark Gods 38
No Surrender 137
Rites of Battle 189
Rites of Battle 190
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 66
Rites of Battle 190
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 61
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 364
Only War Core Rulebook 353
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 58
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 61
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 59
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 61
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 58
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 363
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 61
Enemies of the Imperium 115
Rising Tempest 135
Rites of Battle 190
Mark of the Xenos 113
Enemies of the Imperium 118
Ark of Lost Souls 129
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 374
First Founding 111
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 350
The Inquisitor's Handbook 192
Ark of Lost Souls 141
Faith and Coin 141
Disciples of the Dark Gods 226
Only War Core Rulebook 217
Into the Storm 182
Edge of Darkness 44
The Soul Reaver 132
Only War Core Rulebook 361
Edge of Darkness 44
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 338
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 374
Hostile Acquisitions 87
Only War Core Rulebook 358
The Koronus Bestiary 8
The Soul Reaver 134
Into the Storm 152
Battlefleet Koronus 65
Dead Stars 66

Page 78
Rising Tempest 119
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 370
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 338
Mark of the Xenos 8
Final Testament 134
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 65
Ascens ion 249
Only War Core Rulebook 374
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 392
Hostile Acquisitions 91
Radical's Handbook 207
The Tome of Excess 92
Book of Judgement 136
Book of Judgement 75
Hand of Corruption 122
Final Testament 134
Rising Tempest 138
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 65
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 390
The Emperor Protects 48
The Emperor Protects 135
Ark of Lost Souls 125
The Outer Reach 64
The Navis Primer 128
Stars of Inequity 131
The Soul Reaver 137
The Edge of Darkness 40
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 59
Rising Tempest 122
The Koronus Bestiary 10
The Tome of Excess 141
Lure of the Expanse 130
Purge the Unclean 88
The Soul Reaver 127
Mark of the Xenos 62
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 72
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 64
Creatures Anathema 53
The Lost Dataslate 13
The Outer Reach 122
The Outer Reach 116
The Outer Reach 117
Disciples of the Dark Gods 94
The Koronus Bestiary 108
Hand of Corruption 136
The Navis Primer 116
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 337
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 337
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 337
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 360
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 67

Page 79
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 361
Final Testament 139
Inquisitor`s Handbook 143
Hand of Corruption 129
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 63
The Emperor Protects 135
Stars of Inequity 131
Game Master's Kit 23
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 68
Edge of the Abyss 56
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 58
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 362
Enemies of the Imperium 119
Mark of the Xenos 110
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 66
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 353
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 351
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 23
Creatures Anathema 115
Mark of the Xenos 33
The Emperor Protects 140
Book of Judgement 138
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 61
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 62
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 62
Rites of Battle 179
Hand of Corruption 123
The Achilus Assault 79
Enemies of the Imperium 113
Hostile Acquisitions 125
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 62
Game Master's Kit 18
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 68
The Koronus Bestiary 49
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 60
Battlefleet Koronus 143
The Tome of Blood 103
Ascens ion 246
Stars of Inequity 77
Ark of Lost Souls 143
Final Testament 129
Final Testament 130
Final Testament 130
The Outer Reach 130
The Tome of Fate 112
The Tome of Fate 90
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 67
The Tome of Excess 88
Book of Judgement 138
Hand of Corruption 129
Enemies of the Imperium 57

Page 80
No Surrender 141
Only War Core Rulebook 355
Rites of Battle 191
The Tome of Blood 116
The Tome of Excess 104
The Tome of Excess 100
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 67
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 66
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 62
The Outer Reach 135
The Tome of Fate 113
The Outer Reach 113
The Outer Reach 136
The Tome of Fate 114
Battlefleet Koronus 105
No Surrender 134
Rites of Battle 193
Mark of the Xenos 64
The Emperor Protects 48
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 24
Ascens ion 206
The Tome of Fate 104
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 390
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 352
Hostile Acquisitions 126
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 339
The Lathe Worlds 112
Book of Judgement 137
The Tome of Blood 118
The Outer Reach 139
The Edge of Darkness 41
Lure of the Expanse 130
Battlefleet Koronus 93
Creatures Anathema 19
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 338
Edge of Darkness 42
Rising Tempest 122
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 54
The Tome of Blood 140
The Tome of Blood 104
The Tome of Blood 141
The Tome of Blood 141
Into the Storm 182
Rites of Battle 170
Lure of the Expanse 125
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 66
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 16
Hand of Corruption 130
Final Testament 126
Enemies of the Imperium 32
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 347

Page 81
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391
Lure of the Expanse 126
Disciples of the Dark Gods 128
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 65
Battlefleet Koronus 144
Rising Tempest 118
Battlefleet Koronus 89
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 376
Creatures Anathema 78
The Koronus Bestiary 60
Lure of the Expanse 131
Hostile Acquisitions 126
Creatures Anathema 80
Purge the Unclean 213
Lure of the Expanse 126
Hand of Corruption 123
Purge the Unclean 49
Edge of the Abyss 103
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 339
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 59
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 65
Lure of the Expanse 126
No Surrender 131
Rising Tempest 120
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 54
Purge the Unclean 87
Final Testament 134
Creatures Anathema 86
Final Testament 135
No Surrender 130
Ark of Lost Souls 138
Ark of Lost Souls 138
Creatures Anathema 88
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 339
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 370
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 64
The Jericho Reach 20
The Achilus Assault 66
Book of Judgement 137
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391
Mark of the Xenos 11
Damned Cities 61
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 55
The Edge of Darkness 40
Ascens ion 198
The Tome of Excess 103
Ark of Lost Souls 130
The Lathe Worlds 120
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 23
Ark of Lost Souls 123
The Lathe Worlds 116

Page 82
The Lathe Worlds 122
The Tome of Excess 94
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 361
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 57
Creatures Anathema 21
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391
The Navis Primer 125
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 62
The Outer Reach 59
Lure of the Expanse 131
The Emperor Protects 49
Radical's Handbook 141
Creatures Anathema 55
First Founding 108
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 39
The Lathe Worlds 143
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 391
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 39
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 349
The Emperor Protects 90
The Lathe Worlds 103
Disciples of the Dark Gods 136
The Tome of Excess 80
Daemon Hunter 98
Battlefleet Koronus 144
Dead Stars 64
The Koronus Bestiary 50
Into the Storm 152
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 66
Creatures Anathema 117
Rising Tempest 136
The Emperor's Chosen 140
The Tome of Fate 104
The Tome of Fate 102
The Tome of Fate 101
Ark of Lost Souls 121
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 369
The Outer Reach 136
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 63
Daemon Hunter 100
The Koronus Bestiary 118
The Tome of Blood 89
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 62
Creatures Anathema 119
Disciples of the Dark Gods 225
The Tome of Excess 103
Rising Tempest 136
The Emperor Protects 138
The Soul Reaver 133
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 349

Page 83
The Navis Primer 109
Hand of Corruption 133
No Surrender 142
The Koronus Bestiary 110
Rising Tempest 120
Book of Judgement 136
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 371
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 69
The Tome of Fate 143
The Tome of Excess 108
The Tome of Blood 92
The Tome of Blood 49
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 352
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 340
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 58
Ark of Lost Souls 133
The Koronus Bestiary 120
Disciples of the Dark Gods 149
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 62
The Edge of Darkness 44
Enemies of the Imperium 59
Mark of the Xenos 36
Oblivion's Edge 8
The Jericho Reach 237
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 58
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 49
No Surrender 133
Game Master's Kit 25
Hand of Corruption 123
Rising Tempest 117
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 64
Creatures Anathema 90
Stars of Inequity 78
Emperor Protects 47
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 249
Mark of the Xenos 40
Emperor Protects 46
Final Sanction 29
Final Sanction 29
Rising Tempest 128
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 63
The Tome of Excess 84
Inquisitor`s Handbook 167
Ark of Lost Souls 118
The Inquisitor's Handbook 167
The Outer Reach 140
Rising Tempest 134
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 67
The Tome of Excess 46
The Tome of Fate 43
Creatures Anathema 58

Page 84
The Emperor's Chosen 140
Radical's Handbook 196
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 47
The Tome of Blood 88
The Tome of Blood 49
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 47
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 64
Ascens ion 199
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 375
The Emperor Protects 93
Mark of the Xenos 21
Rising Tempest 123
Enemies of the Imperium 105
Rising Tempest 123
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 357
Mark of the Xenos 102
Edge of the Abyss 87
Disciples of the Dark Gods 226
Creatures Anathema 100
Into the Storm 64
Only War Core Rulebook 366
The Koronus Bestiary 81
The Navis Primer 57
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 60
Stars of Inequity 76
Ark of Lost Souls 120
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 365
No Surrender 130
Only War Core Rulebook 359
The Soul Reaver 127
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 347
Hammer of the Emperor 138
Lure of the Expanse 127
Faith and Coin 142
The Koronus Bestiary 82
The Emperor Protects 93
The Inquisitor's Handbook 144
Only War Core Rulebook 371
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 367
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 340
Into the Storm 183
Lure of the Expanse 127
The Tome of Blood 1042
The Navis Primer 132
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 31
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 27
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 392
Battlefleet Koronus 109
The Tome of Excess 93
Enemies of the Imperium 86
The Soul Reaver 120

Page 85
The Outer Reach 61
Into the Storm 183
Battlefleet Koronus 83
Rites of Battle 194
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 371
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 64
The Tome of Excess 114
The Tome of Excess 112
The Tome of Excess 113
The Jericho Reach 174
The Jericho Reach 177
Book of Judgement 76
The Tome of Fate 91
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 341
The Achilus Assault 111
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 341
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 358
Enemies of the Imperium 85
The Soul Reaver 124
The Tome of Excess 109
The Tome of Excess 87
Battlefleet Koronus 104
Enemies of the Imperium 117
No Surrender 139
Battlefleet Koronus 87
The Tome of Excess 83
Only War Core Rulebook 218
The Soul Reaver 125
Enemies of the Imperium 89
Only War Core Rulebook 361
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 61
The Tome of Excess 107
Battlefleet Koronus 87
The Tome of Excess 89
Into the Storm 184
Ascens ion 203
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 340
Rising Tempest 138
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 48
Final Testament 125
Final Testament 125
Final Testament 124
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 60
The Jericho Reach 202
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 52
The Jericho Reach 198
Stars of Inequity 110
Lure of the Expanse 127
Purge the Unclean 49
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 370
Stars of Inequity 78

Page 86
The Jericho Reach 179
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 369
Lure of the Expanse 128
The Tome of Fate 91
The Edge of Darkness 45
Ascension 248
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 360, 364
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 364
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 371
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 66
Rising Tempest 137
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 352
Hammer of the Emperor 139
The Edge of Darkness 40
The Tome of Blood 78
Ascens ion 248
Ascension 248
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 41
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 38
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 44
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 38
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 63
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 11
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 11
The Koronus Bestiary 51
Oblivion's Edge 7
Only War Core Rulebook 353
Ark of Lost Souls 118
Creatures Anathema 9
Stars of Inequity 77
Battlefleet Koronus 110
Edge of the Abyss 64
Rising Tempest 138
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 369
Hand of Corruption 136
The Outer Reach 129
No Surrender 124
No Surrender 123
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 374
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 375
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 375
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 364
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 375
Eleventh Hour 31
Hand of Corruption 130
Edge of the Abyss 106
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 351
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 374
Enemies of the Imperium 91
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 341
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 391

Page 87
The Emperor Protects 50
Battlefleet Koronus 110
Game Master's Kit 21
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 60
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 71
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 61
Battlefleet Koronus 142
Battlefleet Koronus 142
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 60
Battlefleet Koronus 141
Game Master's Kit 23
The Emperor Protects 91
Disciples of the Dark Gods 185-186
Hostile Acquisitions 94
The Emperor's Chosen 138
Disciples of the Dark Gods 183-184
The Navis Primer 114
Ascens ion 249
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 58
Rising Tempest 126
Mark of the Xenos 77
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 367
Rising Tempest 129
The Emperor Protects 91
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 54
Broken Chains 29
Ark of Lost Souls 142
Hostile Acquisitions 84
Rising Tempest 136
Rising Tempest 132
Rites of Battle 182
Mark of the Xenos 88
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 48
Hand of Corruption 124
Inquisitor`s Handbook 141
Hand of Corruption 124
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 62
Edge of the Abyss 107
Daemon Hunter 100
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 355
Creatures Anathema 120
Purge the Unclean 48
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 60
The Soul Reaver 123
Enemies of the Imperium 79
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 373
Only War Core Rulebook 357
The Soul Reaver 122
Hand of Corruption 124
Game Master's Kit 29
Game Master's Kit 29

Page 88
Stars of Inequity 132
The Koronus Bestiary 72
Stars of Inequity 135
Broken Chains 30
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 60
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 59
Mark of the Xenos 104
The Tome of Excess 82
Rising Tempest 135
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 389
Purge the Unclean 86
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 60
The Tome of Fate 142
The Outer Reach 64
Mark of the Xenos 115
Only War Core Rulebook 358
The Koronus Bestiary 12
The Soul Reaver 134
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 341
Enemies of the Imperium 55
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 63
The Koronus Bestiary 14
Rising Tempest 120
Traitor's Nexus 9
The Tome of Blood 87
Mark of the Xenos 20
Enemies of the Imperium 105
The Outer Reach 24
Final Testament 140
The Koronus Bestiary 74
Eleventh Hour 30
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 43
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 63
The Tome of Fate 98
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 390
Game Master's Kit 11
Game Master's Kit 11
Game Master's Kit 24
Hammer of the Emperor 139
Rising Tempest 128
Game Master's Kit 8
Mark of the Xenos 23
Rising Tempest 130
Enemies of the Imperium 101
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 376
Enemies of the Imperium 100
Rising Tempest 118
Rising Tempest 130
Enemies of the Imperium 99
Battlefleet Koronus 101
The Tome of Blood 79

Page 89
Mark of the Xenos 18
The Tome of Blood 79
Enemies of the Imperium 103
Battlefleet Koronus 79
The Tome of Blood 99
Mark of the Xenos 108
Mark of the Xenos 66
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 392
Purge the Unclean 87
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 64
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 60
The Tome of Fate 142
Creatures Anathema 122
Disciples of the Dark Gods 129
The Emperor Protects 89
The Tome of Blood 142
Rites of Battle 172
Rites of Battle 172
Rites of Battle 173
Rites of Battle 173
Rites of Battle 174
Rites of Battle 174
Into the Storm 184
Rites of Battle 174
Rites of Battle 175
Rites of Battle 175
Lure of the Expanse 128
Final Sanction 29
Final Sanction 29
Disciples of the Dark Gods 222
Hand of Corruption 133
Purge the Unclean 86
Into the Storm 152
Hostile Acquisitions 87
Battlefleet Koronus 140
Purge the Unclean 48
Ark of Lost Souls 142
Ascens ion 247
The Lathe Worlds 112
The Tome of Blood 49
Only War Core Rulebook 215
Only War Core Rulebook 216
Only War Core Rulebook 216
Daemon Hunter 98
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 66
The Tome of Blood 92
Game Master's Kit 25
Enemies of the Imperium 82
Creatures Anathema 93
Mark of the Xenos 37
Rising Tempest 127

Page 90
Game Master's Kit 23
No Surrender 133
No Surrender 132
Final Testament 127
Final Testament 135
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 11
The Edge of Darkness 40
Purge the Unclean 88
Game Master's Kit 25
Creatures Anathema 23
The Edge of Darkness 42
Disciples of the Dark Gods 50
Into the Storm 151
Ark of Lost Souls 121
Final Testament 140
Rising Tempest 117
Final Testament 136
The Emperor Protects 92
Emperor Protects 92
Rising Tempest 118
The Outer Reach 111
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 357
Mark of the Xenos 106
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 47
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 64
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 59
Ascens ion 248
Final Sanction 28
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 62
Game Master's Kit 24
Mark of the Xenos 68
Ark of Lost Souls 136
Ark of Lost Souls 135
Ark of Lost Souls 136
Final Testament 128
Final Testament 129
Final Testament 128
Hand of Corruption 137
The Outer Reach 131
The Tome of Fate 115
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 61
Creatures Anathema 32
The Emperor's Chosen 138
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 65
Only War Core Rulebook 367
The Koronus Bestiary 75
The Lathe Worlds 97
The Achilus Assault 93
The Soul Reaver 129
The Emperor Protects 93
The Lathe Worlds 87

Page 91
Hostile Acquisitions 86
Mark of the Xenos 85
Ascens ion 201
The Emperor Protects 138
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 391
The Jericho Reach 235
Stars of Inequity 127
The Lathe Worlds 141
Rising Tempest 126
The Emperor's Chosen 139
Final Testament 135
The Jericho Reach 194
Disciples of the Dark Gods 144
Book of Judgement 74
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 373
Enemies of the Imperium 92
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 63
Hand of Corruption 130
Rising Tempest 135
Hand of Corruption 125
Ascens ion 204
Edge of the Abyss 73
Edge of the Abyss 74
Rising Tempest 140
Hammer of the Emperor 140
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 65
Rising Tempest 120
The Jericho Reach 140
The Outer Reach 20
Ascens ion 250
Edge of the Abyss 67
Edge of the Abyss 67-68
Stars of Inequity 139
Disciples of the Dark Gods 143
No Surrender 143
Creatures Anathema 60
The Jericho Reach 187
Radical's Handbook 178
Final Testament 136
Purge the Unclean 178
The Emperor Protects 88
Ark of Lost Souls 142
Hand of Corruption 131
The Koronus Bestiary 16
Enemies of the Imperium 81
Final Testament 141
Enemies of the Imperium 53
The Koronus Bestiary 76
The Tome of Blood 82
Enemies of the Imperium 51
Edge of the Abyss 62

Page 92
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 391
The Achilus Assault 96
Purge the Unclean 49
Edge of the Abyss 143
Edge of the Abyss 78
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 342
The Tome of Blood 49
The Emperor Protects 90
Ark of Lost Souls 137
The Navis Primer 57
Blood of Martyrs 125
Blood of Martyrs 123
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 366
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 342
Traitor's Nexus 9
The Tome of Fate 82
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 62
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 389
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 45
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 376
The Inquisitor's Handbook 145
Edge of the Abyss 143
Edge of the Abyss 55
The Tome of Fate 143
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 65
Final Testament 132
Hammer of the Emperor 140
The Koronus Bestiary 18
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 66
Broken Chains 31
No Surrender 138
The Soul Reaver 135
Ascens ion 247
Faith and Coin 141
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 342
Shattered Hope 23
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 342
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 372
Shattered Hope 24
The Emperor Protects 134
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 360
Shattered Hope 21
Ark of Lost Souls 117
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 371
Purge the Unclean 130
Shattered Hope 23
The Tome of Fate 142
The Tome of Blood 100
Traitor's Nexus 9
The Jericho Reach 188
The Emperor Protects 136

Page 93
The Lathe Worlds 93
Hand of Corruption 125
Disciples of the Dark Gods 222
Hostile Acquisitions 93
The Edge of Darkness 44
The Soul Reaver 131
The Jericho Reach 236
No Surrender 124
The Lathe Worlds 153
Ark of Lost Souls 140
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 372
Edge of the Abyss 109
The Outer Reach 121
The Tome of Fate 114
The Outer Reach 121
The Soul Reaver 131
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 351
No Surrender 141
No Surrender 143
No Surrender 140
No Surrender 144
Eleventh Hour 30
Battlefleet Koronus 88
The Tome of Blood 104
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 348
The Emperor Protects 92
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 37
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 37
Only War Core Rulebook 364
The Koronus Bestiary 71
Enemies of the Imperium 52
Final Testament 142
Mark of the Xenos 117
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 61
Creatures Anathema 124
Rising Tempest 134
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 63
Daemon Hunter 98
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 372
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 60
Mark of the Xenos 120
The Emperor Protects 139
Creatures Anathema 26
Disciples of the Dark Gods 223
The Lathe Worlds 84
Only War Core Rulebook 372
Disciples of the Dark Gods 89
Purge the Unclean 129
Hostile Acquisitions 88
The Tome of Blood 109
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 209

Page 94
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 70
Purge the Unclean 49
Rites of Battle 194
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 68
Forsaken Bounty 20
Hostile Acquisitions 90
Hostile Acquisitions 126
Into the Storm 151
Battlefleet Koronus 144
Final Testament 144
Creatures Anathema 98
Mark of the Xenos 57
The Koronus Bestiary 79
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 376
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 60
Mark of the Xenos 57
Creatures Anathema 99
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 69
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 69
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 66
Mark of the Xenos 58
Hostile Acquisitions 125
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 66
Faith and Coin 141
Creatures Anathema 44
Hand of Corruption 137
Faith and Coin 142
The Outer Reach 110
Edge of the Abyss 142
Mark of the Xenos 112
Rising Tempest 124
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 18
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 59
Final Sanction 28
Disciples of the Dark Gods 225
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 59
Blood of Martyrs 124
Battlefleet Koronus 107
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 63
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 64
The Tome of Excess 142
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 392
Hand of Corruption 125
The Tome of Fate 106
Creatures Anathema 42
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 64
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 66
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 354
Mark of the Xenos 111
Rites of Battle 195
Edge of the Abyss 61

Page 95
The Tome of Excess 141
The Tome of Excess 120
The Tome of Excess 142
The Tome of Blood 98
Mark of the Xenos 121
Disciples of the Dark Gods 150
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 355
Rising Tempest 134
Shattered Hope 26
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 354
The Tome of Excess 141
Mark of the Xenos 83
Mark of the Xenos 123
The Tome of Blood 49
Creatures Anathema 126
The Inquisitor's Handbook 141
The Edge of Darkness 41
Hostile Acquisitions 84
Rites of Battle 177
Stars of Inequity 110
Ascens ion 246
Rising Tempest 119
Lure of the Expanse 128
Final Testament 137
The Emperor Protects 88
Hand of Corruption 131
Purge the Unclean 129
The Outer Reach 22
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 64
Edge of the Abyss 89
Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie 2
The Tome of Fate 99
Disciples of the Dark Gods 224
The Tome of Excess 46
The Inquisitor's Handbook 143
Disciples of the Dark Gods 60
The Emperor Protects 133
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 353
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 353
Stars of Inequity 36
Mark of the Xenos 39
The Emperor's Chosen 140
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 392
The Jericho Reach 186
Dead Stars 59
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 59
Damned Cities 60
Damned Cities 60
Only War Core Rulebook 362
The Soul Reaver 138
Disciples of the Dark Gods 128

Page 96
Battlefleet Koronus 143
Battlefleet Koronus 98
Stars of Inequity 82
Battlefleet Koronus 100
Battlefleet Koronus 99
Hand of Corruption 126
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 343
Only War Core Rulebook 373
The Tome of Fate 118
The Tome of Fate 118
Enemies of the Imperium 93
The Soul Reaver 139
Mark of the Xenos 41
The Emperor's Chosen 139
The Tome of Blood 142
Purge the Unclean 130
The Koronus Bestiary 20
The Soul Reaver 134
Only War Core Rulebook 358
The Soul Reaver 140
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 25
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 25
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 31
The Soul Reaver 123
Enemies of the Imperium 91
Ark of Lost Souls 129
Only War Core Rulebook 361
The Soul Reaver 139
Final Sanction 29
Final Sanction 28
Final Sanction 29
Final Sanction 28
The Emperor Protects 93
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 343
Blood of Martyrs 125
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 57
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 64
Game Master's Kit 16
The Soul Reaver 132
The Lathe Worlds 67
Rites of Battle 195
The Koronus Bestiary 89
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 373
Hostile Acquisitions 128
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 364
Only War Core Rulebook 351
Only War Core Rulebook 351
Ark of Lost Souls 128
Disciples of the Dark Gods 51
Hostile Acquisitions 91
Battlefleet Koronus 106

Page 97
Disciples of the Dark Gods 157
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 62
Edge of the Abyss 143
Into the Storm 185
Rites of Battle 178
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 66
Ark of Lost Souls 130
Mark of the Xenos 43
The Jericho Reach 236
Creatures Anathema 39
Disciples of the Dark Gods 89
Disciples of the Dark Gods 65
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 63
Book of Judgement 138
Book of Judgement 139
Book of Judgement 139
Lure of the Expanse 123
Lure of the Expanse 128
The Emperor Protects 49
Lure of the Expanse 123
Lure of the Expanse 123
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 62
Lure of the Expanse 129
Lure of the Expanse 124
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 63
Lure of the Expanse 124
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 59
Lure of the Expanse 124
Lure of the Expanse 124
Lure of the Expanse 125
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 58
Battlefleet Koronus 82
Game Master's Kit 24
The Tome of Fate 43
Creatures Anathema 128-129
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 66
Only War Core Rulebook 365
The Koronus Bestiary 81
The Emperor Protects 137
The Lathe Worlds 116
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 348
Ascens ion 250
The Soul Reaver 118
The Emperor Protects 134
The Emperor Protects 135
The Emperor Protects 135
Mark of the Xenos 90
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 41
Lure of the Expanse 129
Lure of the Expanse 129
The Koronus Bestiary 22

Page 98
The Koronus Bestiary 110
Stars of Inequity 80
The Achilus Assault 73
Edge of the Abyss 113
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 348
Edge of the Abyss 86
The Tome of Excess 46
Edge of Darkness 44
The Edge of Darkness 44
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 368
Hand of Corruption 133
The Edge of Darkness 41
Creatures Anathema 29
Creatures Anathema 30
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 60
The Soul Reaver 126
Enemies of the Imperium 88
Into the Storm 185
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 59
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 66
Ark of Lost Souls 133
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 356
Daemon Hunter 101
The Koronus Bestiary 121
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 343
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 344
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 371
Final Testament 138
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 389
Hostile Acquisitions 126
Into the Storm 152
Radical's Handbook 213
The Tome of Excess 82
Blood of Martyrs 124
The Tome of Fate 141
Edge of the Abyss 88
Rising Tempest 129
No Surrender 134
Edge of the Abyss 144
Only War Core Rulebook 219
Into the Storm 185
Rising Tempest 121
Rising Tempest 121
The Lathe Worlds 103
Final Testament 127
Eleventh Hour 31
Purge the Unclean 87
Ark of Lost Souls 141
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 60
Purge the Unclean 49
The Lathe Worlds 142

Page 99
Only War Core Rulebook 372
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 344
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 375
Purge the Unclean 206
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 340
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 341
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 62
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 375
Inquisitor`s Handbook 144
Inquisitor`s Handbook 145
Book of Judgement 76
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 376
The Emperor Protects 137
No Surrender 121
No Surrender 121
No Surrender 122
No Surrender 120
Enemies of the Imperium 30
Enemies of the Imperium 30
Enemies of the Imperium 29
Enemies of the Imperium 28
The Tome of Excess 93
Radical's Handbook 195
Disciples of the Dark Gods 38
Battlefleet Koronus 90
The Koronus Bestiary 52
Stars of Inequity 37
Battlefleet Koronus 91
The Koronus Bestiary 24
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 372
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391
The Tome of Blood 113
The Tome of Blood 78
Dark Frontier 9
Book of Judgement 138
Rising Tempest 139
Rising Tempest 128
Rising Tempest 131
The Lathe Worlds 119
Rising Tempest 140
The Lathe Worlds 113
Disciples of the Dark Gods 59
Book of Judgement 75
The Edge of Darkness 41
Creatures Anathema 104
The Achilus Assault 91
Creatures Anathema 62
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 65
Ascens ion 248
Only War Core Rulebook 351
Hand of Corruption 126

Page 100
Hand of Corruption 132
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 63
Rising Tempest 124
The Tome of Excess 141
Stars of Inequity 136
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 47
Creatures Anathema 64
Creatures Anathema 64
Only War Core Rulebook 393
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 344
The Tome of Blood 118
Rites of Battle 196
The Emperor Protects 50
Disciples of the Dark Gods 222
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 56
Disciples of the Dark Gods 225
Battlefleet Koronus 107
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 344
The Tome of Blood 89
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 66
Game Master's Kit 21
Ascens ion 207
Disciples of the Dark Gods 80
Disciples of the Dark Gods 81
Ascens ion 209
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 59
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 59
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 64
Mark of the Xenos 92
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 349
Hand of Corruption 133
Game Master's Kit 15
Game Master's Kit 15
Only War Core Rulebook 366
The Koronus Bestiary 83
Game Master's Kit 24
The Tome of Excess 142
The Emperor Protects 91
Hand of Corruption 132
The Tome of Fate 143
The Tome of Fate 143
The Tome of Fate 80
The Emperor's Chosen 141
Only War Core Rulebook 352
No Surrender 144
Only War Core Rulebook 355
The Tome of Excess 88
Battlefleet Koronus 104
Ark of Lost Souls 117
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 366

Page 101
Rites of Battle 176
Rites of Battle 180
The Lathe Worlds 67
Disciples of the Dark Gods 158
The Koronus Bestiary 26
The Emperor Protects 93
The Koronus Bestiary 77
Final Testament 141
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 59
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 21
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 64
The Tome of Excess 46
Mark of the Xenos 94
Purge the Unclean 48
Rising Tempest 121
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 66
Into the Storm 64
Only War Core Rulebook 367
The Navis Primer 57
Enemies of the Imperium 59
Enemies of the Imperium 59
Enemies of the Imperium 83
The Koronus Bestiary 92
Stars of Inequity 139
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 70
The Tome of Excess 120
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 18
The Tome of Excess 81
Creatures Anathema 66
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 390
The Achilus Assault 71
The Achilus Assault 72
The Achilus Assault 73
Only War Core Rulebook 373
Oblivion's Edge 6
Oblivion's Edge 6
Game Master's Kit 24
Only War Core Rulebook 365
No Surrender 135
Rites of Battle 183
Stars of Inequity 76
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 65
The Koronus Bestiary 53
The Koronus Bestiary 98
The Koronus Bestiary 98
Edge of the Abyss 78
The Koronus Bestiary 96
Lure of the Expanse 129
The Koronus Bestiary 99
The Koronus Bestiary 99
The Koronus Bestiary 98

Page 102
Edge of the Abyss 78
Battlefleet Koronus 96
Game Master's Kit 25
Only War Core Rulebook 352
The Tome of Excess 89
Book of Judgement 74
Book of Judgement 73
Book of Judgement 73
Enemies of the Imperium 84
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 37
Into the Storm 249
No Surrender 132
Final Testament 138
The Tome of Blood 109
The Koronus Bestiary 54
Battlefleet Koronus 66
The Edge of Darkness 42
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 66
Final Testament 139
Creatures Anathema 62
The Tome of Blood 113
Final Testament 131
Final Testament 131
Final Testament 131
Only War Core Rulebook 361
Enemies of the Imperium 93
The Lathe Worlds 117
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 365
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 368
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 367
Mark of the Xenos 24
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 366
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 345
Edge of the Abyss 142
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 362
The Navis Primer 133
No Surrender 125
The Jericho Reach 236
Book of Judgement 137
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 65
Final Testament 138
Hand of Corruption 132
Book of Judgement 139
Stars of Inequity 128
Creatures Anathema 32
Disciples of the Dark Gods 38
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 371
Oblivion's Edge 7
Only War Core Rulebook 393
The Koronus Bestiary 28
The Jericho Reach 190

Page 103
Rites of Battle 196
The Tome of Fate 83
The Tome of Blood 141
The Emperor Protects 136
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 67
Creatures Anathema 114
The Navis Primer 138
The Edge of Darkness 44
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 66
The Achilus Assault 74
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 67
Battlefleet Koronus 64
Battlefleet Koronus 63
Game Master's Kit 26
First Founding 83
Ascens ion 248
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 60
The Navis Primer 139
The Navis Primer 139
The Inquisitor's Handbook 141
The Navis Primer 137
The Achilus Assault 55
Edge of the Abyss 143
Purge the Unclean 49
The Emperor Protects 136
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 70
Creatures Anathema 128
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 61
Battlefleet Koronus 64
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 391
The Soul Reaver 138
The Lathe Worlds 100
Creatures Anathema 11
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 65
Ascension 247
The Tome of Blood 98
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 67
Game Master's Kit 27
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 61
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 61
Purge the Unclean 48
The Emperor Protects 50
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 64
The Koronus Bestiary 30
The Tome of Fate 42
Purge the Unclean 130
Apostasy Gambit 2: The Church of the Damned 21
Rites of Battle 183
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 60
Rites of Battle 197
Disciples of the Dark Gods 102-103

Page 104
The Tome of Fate 116
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 370
Hand of Corruption 137
The Navis Primer 115
The Soul Reaver 129
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 56
The Soul Reaver 137
The Emperor Protects 137
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 64
Creatures Anathema 11
The Tome of Fate 116
Edge of the Abyss 144
Only War Core Rulebook 370
Mark of the Xenos 45
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 64
The Navis Primer 112
Hand of Corruption 126
Haarlock's Legacy 3: Dead Stars 67
Disciples of the Dark Gods 60
The Tome of Excess 142
Book of Judgement 136
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 369-370
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 371
Creatures Anathema 93-94
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 392
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 371-372
Deathwatch Core Rulebook 370
Mark of the Xenos 47
The Jericho Reach 181
Mark of the Xenos 49
Into the Storm 153
The Navis Primer 136
Hammer of the Emperor 141
Ark of Lost Souls 134
Creatures Anathema 82
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 354
Haarlock's Legacy 2: Damned Cities 65
The Koronus Bestiary 32
The Koronus Bestiary 34
Enemies of the Imperium 81
Hammer of the Emperor 141
Apostasy Gambit 3: The Chaos Commandment 18
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 66
Ark of Lost Souls 123
Ark of Lost Souls 124
The Navis Primer 112
The Edge of Darkness 42
Edge of the Abyss 78
The Koronus Bestiary 100
Warpstorm 2: Citadel of Skulls 57
Ark of Lost Souls 131

Page 105
Ark of Lost Souls 132
The Koronus Bestiary 122
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 363
The Lathe Worlds 68
Into the Storm 186
Ascens ion 247
Hostile Acquisitions 92
Only War Core Rulebook 362
The Soul Reaver 139
Haarlock's Legacy 1: Tattered Fates 65
Stars of Inequity 38
Mark of the Xenos 51
Hammer of the Emperor 141
Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie 3
Game Master's Kit 23
Mark of the Xenos 26
The Lathe Worlds 100
Disciples of the Dark Gods 150
Rites of Battle 184
Game Master's Kit 24
Game Master's Kit 23
Blood of Martyrs 125
Ark of Lost Souls 126
The Koronus Bestiary 37
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 373
No Surrender 127
No Surrender 127
No Surrender 126
No Surrender 128
Game Master's Kit 26
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 371
The Lathe Worlds 142
Creatures Anathema 35
Creatures Anathema 36
Purge the Unclean 48
Disciples of the Dark Gods 223
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 349
The Navis Primer 109
Into the Storm 186
Only War Core Rulebook 370
Enemies of the Imperium 49
Warpstorm 1: The Frozen Reaches 61
Only War Core Rulebook 370
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 390
The Edge of Darkness 41
Hand of Corruption 127
Rites of Battle 185
The Navis Primer 120
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 63
Ark of Lost Souls 143
Purge the Unclean 86

Page 106
The Navis Primer 118
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 378
Forsaken Bounty 19
Disciples of the Dark Gods 157
Ark of Lost Souls 127
The Koronus Bestiary 55
Warpstorm 3: Fallen Suns 65
Ark of Lost Souls 127
The Tome of Excess 110
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 374
Purge the Unclean 131
Rising Tempest 122
The Navis Primer 131
No Surrender 136
Creatures Anathema 32
Black Crusade Core Rulebook 369
Hand of Corruption 138
Oblivion's Edge 6
The Outer Reach 128
First Founding 94
Rising Tempest 139
The Jericho Reach 76
Ark of Lost Souls 139
Rising Tempest 129
The Jericho Reach 18
The Jericho Reach 138
The Outer Reach 18
The Achilus Assault 111
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 210
Only War Core Rulebook 368
The Navis Primer 130
The Tome of Blood 82
The Jericho Reach 204
Disciples of the Dark Gods 223
Lure of the Expanse 130
Rites of Battle 184
Tattered Fates 61
Ascens ion 249
Tattered Fates 61-62
Dark Heresy Core Rulebook 345
Disciples of the Dark Gods 59
Rogue Trader Core Rulebook 209
Apostasy Gambit 1: The Black Sepulchre 59
Only War Core Rulebook 359
The Soul Reaver 126
The Koronus Bestiary 56
The Koronus Bestiary 57
Battlefleet Koronus 92
Disciples of the Dark Gods 224
Ark of Lost Souls 120
Only War Core Rulebook 356

Page 107
The Tome of Excess 96
The Soul Reaver 125
The Soul Reaver 124
The Navis Primer 118
Creatures Anathema 72
The Tome of Blood 108
The Tome of Blood 106
The Tome of Blood 107
Stars of Inequity 132
Hand of Corruption 126
Dark Frontier 10
Ascens ion 202
The Emperor Protects 50
Hand of Corruption 127
Mark of the Xenos 53
Ascension 200
Ascension 200

Page 108


Xeno archeologist

Dark Eldar Haemonculi of Crimson Woes Kabal

A merchant cultist

Inquisitorial Acolyte

Page 109
Insect-like humanoid monster

Rogue Trader

Heretek of Samech

Rogue Trader

Spider-like servitor

Generic arbitrator
Generic arbitrator
Generic arbitrator

Mutant organ snatcher

Powerful heretic psyker

herbivore lizard

Inquisitorial Acolyte
Inquisitorial Acolyte

Logician assassin

Daemon who watches over unholy contracts

Page 110

Damaris' Astropath

Elite primitive guard

Noble savage warrior

Eldar pirate emissary

Eldar pirate emissary

Servitor used by Deathwatch

Combat servitors favoured by Adeptus Mechanicus

Generic beast of burden

Horrific alien monster

Beast House slaver

Page 111

A befuddled bishop
assassin daemon

criminal psyker

parasitic daemonic entity

Khornite Daemon
Khornite Daemon
Khornite Daemon

generic butcher

Warp-infused construct
Warp-infused construct

Page 112

Deathwatch Marine

A Daemonhost
Alpha-level heretic sorceress

Leader of Aurum
Decadent aged noble
Inquisitorial Acolyte

Rogue Trader

Amaranthine Syndicate captain

Mercenary leader

Imperial Navy captai

Airbourne venomous monster

Page 113

alien steed

Temple Tendency guard

Dedicated SM Chapter Serf

Dedicated SM Chapter Serf

Ancient nearly extinct xeno-forms

Narco-Gang boss

Senior Logician cultist and heretek

Generic civilian

Daemon-possessed dead of Mara

Page 114

Generic combat servitor

Commander of Damaris' Flotilla

corrupted six-limbed predator

Warp-tainted servitor

Crime lord's enforcer

swarm of insects

Dangerous alien monster

Generic cultist
Generic cultist
Generic sorcerer

Unsanctioned psyker of Dusk

Page 115

Mutant Overseer

Slaaneshi Daemon
Slaaneshi Daemon

Living ammunition of a Daemon-ship

Inquisitorial Acolyte

Page 116

Generic denizen of Dusk

Generic denizens of Sinophia Magna
Generic denizens of Xicarph

T-Rex-like dinosaur
T-Rex-like dinosaur

sorrow Daemon

Generic noble

enormous insect

A Possessed Servitor

savage tribesman

Page 117
Iocanthus steed
rocklike creature
Failed daemonhost
A lesser Daemonhost

Generic Eldar pirate

Eldar Pathfinder

Eldar construct
Zayth general

Zayth heretek

Inquisitorial Acolyte

terrifying alien from the Warp

terrifying alien from the Warp

Chieftan of a Dusk tribe

Page 118

A quasi-A.I.

Missionary to Aurum
alien steed

Generic predator

Seductor daemon

Leader of Samech hereteks

Generic flying creature

Page 119

bestial winged daemon

bestial winged daemon

Nurgle plague zombies

Commander of Damaris PDF

Generic genestealer
Generic genestealer

Genestealer Broodlord

False Prophet of Pilgrims of Hayte

A ship's Black Hold mutant

Underhive alien monstrosity

Page 120

Heretek combat servitor

Governor of Damaris

Avian servitor favoured by Disciples of Thule

A space cow :)
A space cow :)
intelligent psychic feline

Zayth war leader

Page 121

Generic thug

Sample Daemonhost

Inquisitorial Acolyte

Khornite Daemon

Pilgrim of Hayte

Page 122

mysterious ship-wrecker

Malfian Noble

Tzeentchian Daemon
Tzeentchian Daemon

Spaceship mutant monster

Spaceship mutant monster

Generic Adepta agent

Generic Guard commander

Generic Guardsman
Generic Guardsman
Generic Guardsman
Generic Guardsman

Generic lesser daemon

Page 123
Primitive warrior infected by a genestealer

Oblationist Inquisitor

orthodox Inquisitor

advanced heretek servitors

Page 124

Dark Eldar scout and beastmaster

Generic violent denizens of Xicarph

Page 125

Zayth warrior

Page 126

Avalos PDF troopers

Inquisitorial Acolyte

Page 127

Damaged Magos

Kroot Shaper

Underhive alien monstrosity

Foul sorcerous familiar made from a human head

Page 128

Person mutated by a Halo Device

Generic mutant
Generic mutant

Gorgonid mutants

Page 129

Underhive ganger

Slug-like aerial predator

Chaos Space Marine

Chaos Space Marine

Page 130

Nurgle Daemon
Nurgle Daemon
Nurgle Daemon

Psy-Bonded familiar

Psyber Eagler

Inquisitorial Acolyte

A crime lord
A crime lord

airbourne serpent-like daemon

Page 131

Generic ship rating


Avalos rebel general

Avalos rebels

Generic criminal

Generic criminal outcast

Page 132

Greater Daemon of Slaanesh

Custom-bred predator

Page 133

Heretek servitor

rogue Machine Spirit

A crime lord

Generic criminal
Generic criminal

Page 134

Translator servitor

Powerful sorceror

Alien shapeshifter

Alien parasite

Page 135

Tzeentchian Daemon

Generic burglar, stalker

Slaught possessor parasites

generic butcher

Corpse Farmers

Page 136

Beast House bred alien monstrosity


xeno merchant

Page 137
Stryxis designed vat-grown soldier

Tech-heretek witch

Page 138

Serrated Query cultist

Raptor-like mount


Sample Halo Device owner

Page 139

Sinners' Plague zombies

Airbourne Tyranid Warrior

Page 140

biologically engineered weapon parasite

Eldar Warlock

Page 141

huge centipede

Inquisitorial Acolyte
Combat servitor-felid
Shapeshifting abomination
Generic rogue psyker

Eldar construct

Page 142

Elite PDF troopers

Page 143
Planet Type System
- - Zel System
- - Zel System
- Lathes/Pondus
- 5 Dead Worlds Bloodfall System
- Halo Stars
- - Fydea
- - Fydea
- - Fydea
- - Fydea
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ??
?? ?? ??
41 Pry- See Pry Gas Giant
47 Kapella War World
47 Kapella War World
47 Kapella War World
47 Kapella War World
47 Kapella War World
47 Kapella War World
88 Tanstar Frontier World
Abandoned Hope Forbidden World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Acreage Feudal World
Alactra Hive World
Alactra Hive World
Amun'An Morrus Forbidden/Dead World
Archaos Hive World
Archaos Hive World
Archaos Hive World
Aryus One Feudal World
Ashen Cemetery World
Askelphion Secundus Pleasure World
Avitohol Forbidden World (Xeno Infestation)/Agri-world
Avitohol Forbidden World (Xeno Infestation)/Agri-world
Balecaster Feudal World
Balecaster Feudal World
Balecaster Feudal World
Baraspine Hive World
Barsapine Hive World
Barsapine Hive World
Barsapine Hive World
Barsapine Hive World
Barsapine Hive World
Barsapine Hive World
Barsapine Hive World
Barsapine Hive World
Barsapine Hive World
Belacane Forge World
Belacane Forge World
Belacane Forge World
Belahaam Forbidden World
Belecane Lathes
Belecane Lathes
Belecane Lathes
Belecane Lathes
Bront Hive World
Bront Hive World
Bront Hive World
Bront Hive World
Bront Hive World
Bront Hive World
Bront Hive World
Calistra Frontier World
Calyx Omnus Iii Research Station
Calyx Omnus Iii Research Station
Canopus Hive World
Canopus Hive World
Canopus Hive World
Canopus Hive World
Canopus Hive World
Cantus Hive World
Cella Lathes
Cindar Mining World
Cloister Frontier World
Clove Hive World
Clove Hive World
Clove Hive World
Cometary Fragment Ø-777
Coseflame Feudal World
Coseflame Feudal World
Coseflame Feudal World
Cryptus Cemetery World
Cryptus Cemetery World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyclopea Mining/Forge World
Cyprian's Gate Pleasure World
Cyrpian's Gate Pleasure World
Cyrus Vulpa Agri-World
Dalthodge's Pax
Dalthus Mining World
Dalthus Mining World
Diogenes Iv Research Station Pulsar Cluster
Diogenes Iv Research Station Pulsar Cluster
Dreah Agri-World
Dreah Agri-World
Dreah Agri-World
Dreah Agri-World
Dreah Agri-World
Dreah Agri-World
Drifting Sepulchres (Tombs) Of The Yu'Vath
Drusus (Aka Sentinel) Shrine World
Drusus (Aka Sentinel) Shrine World
Drusus (Aka Sentinel) Shrine World
Drusus (Aka Sentinel) Shrine World
Drusus (Aka Sentinel) Shrine World
Drystan Construction Yards Orbital
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dusk Feral World
Dwimlicht Feral World
Dwimlicht Feral World
Dwimlicht Feral World
Elros Feudal World
Endrite Feral World
Endrite Feral World
Endrite Feral World
Endrite Feral World
Endrite Feral World
Endrite Feral World
Endrite Feral World
Faldon Kise Frontier/Feral World
Faldon Kise Frontier/Feral World
Faldon Kise Frontier/Feral World
Faldon Kise Frontier/Feral World
Farcast War World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fedrid Feral World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fenksworld Hive World
Fervious Feudal World
Fervious Feudal World
Fervious Feudal World
Fervious Feudal World
Fervious Feudal World
Fervious Feudal World
Fervious Feudal World
Fervious Feudal World
Festus Feudal World
Fydae Great Cloud) Fydea
Fydae Minos Agri-World Fydea
Gallowglass Agri-World (Moon:Malfi V-C)
Gallowglass Agri-World (Moon:Malfi V-C)
Gallowglass Agri-World (Moon:Malfi V-C)
Gallowglass Agri-World (Moon:Malfi V-C)
Galomn II
Ganf Magna Frontier World
Ganf Magna Frontier World
Ganf Magna Frontier World
Ganf Magna Frontier World
Gelmiro Cluster War World Gelmiro System
Gelmiro Cluster War World Gelmiro System
Gelmiro Cluster War World Gelmiro System
Gelmiro Primus, Secondus, TerWar World Gelmiro System
Gelmiro Primus, Secondus, TerWar World Gelmiro System
Gelmiro Primus, Secondus, TerWar World Gelmiro System
Gelmiro Primus, Secondus, TerWar World Gelmiro System
Grangold Dead World
Grangold Dead World
Granithor Cemetery World
Grove's Fall Hive World
Gunpoint Hive World
Guytoga Hive World
Guytoga Hive World
Hadd Forge World Lathes
Haddrack Death World
Haddrack Death World
Haddrack Death World
Haddrack Death World
Haddrack Death World
Haddrack Death World
Hadine Dead World
Heed Dead World
Heed Dead World
Hervara Forge World
Hervara Forge World
Hesh Forge World Lathes
Hesiod's Wake Agri-World
Hesiod's Wake Agri-World
Het Forge World Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Het, Hesh, Hadd Forge Worlds Lathes
Heterodyne (Aka Uziel) Feudal/Agri-World
Heterodyne (Aka Uziel) Feudal/Agri-World
Heterodyne (Aka Uziel) Feudal/Agri-World
Heterodyne (Aka Uziel) Feudal/Agri-World
Heterodyne Agglomerations
Heterodyne Station (Uziel)
Hilarion Agri-World
Hilarion Agri-World
Hippocrasian Agglomeration (iSpace Station
Hredrin Hive World
Ichovor Feudal World
Ichovor Feudal World
Idumea Forge World
Idumea Forge World
Idumea Forge World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iocanthos Feral/Agri-World
Iridium Eta Rho
Jericho Warp Gate
Junos Mining World Fydea
Jxma18Z Forge World
Jxma18Z Forge World
Kalf Frontier World
Kalf Frontier World
Kao-Li Forbidden World
Karrik Death World
Kasha Forbidden World
Kenov Iii Death World
Kenov Iii Death World
Kessae Frontier World Fydea
Kinog Pleasure World
Klybo Dead World
Kommitzar Penal World
Kormisoshi Dockyards Orbital
Kormisoshi Dockyards Orbital
Kudrun Frontier World
Kulth War World
Kulth War World
Kulth War World
Kulth War World
Kulth War World
Kulth War World
Kuluth War World
Kuluth War World
Kuluth War World
Lacuna Lathes
Lacusta Feral World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Landunder Hive/Mining World
Laskin Hive World
Lathe-Hadd Forge Worlds
Lathe-Hadd Forge Worlds
Lathe-Hadd Forge Worlds
Lathe-Hadd Forge Worlds
Lathe-Hadd Forge Worlds
Lathe-Hadd Forge Worlds
Lathe-Hadd Forge Worlds
Lathe-Hesh Forge Worlds
Lathe-Hesh Forge Worlds
Lathe-Hesh Forge Worlds
Lathe-Het Forge Worlds
Lathe-Het Forge Worlds
Lathe-Het Forge Worlds
Lehyde Ten Dead/Frontier World
Lind Hive World
Lo Hive World
Lolita Agri-world
Loss Feral World
Loss Feral World
Lucius Forge World
Luggnum Mining World
Luggnum Mining World
Luggnum Mining World
Luggnum Mining World
Luggnum Mining World
Luggnum Mining World
Lumin-Exol IX
Lycosidae Fortress World
Lycosidae Fortress World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Maccabeus Quintus Shrine World
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malfi Hive World Malfi
Malice War World
Manus Cenita Hive World
Mara Forbidden World
Mara Forbidden World
Mara Forbidden World
Mara Forbidden World
Mara Forbidden World
Marioch Frontier World
Merates Clans/Cluster
Merov Hive World
Merov Hive World
Merov Hive World
Merov Hive World
Midath Forge World
Misery Ix Frontier World (?)
Misery Ix Frontier World (?)
Misery Ix Frontier World (?)
Mmx215 Forbidden World
Mmx215 Forbidden World
Monrass Feral World
Monrass Feral World
Monrass Feral World
Monrass Feral World
Monrass Feral World
Mortressa Death/Feral World
Mortressa Death/Feral World
Mortressa Death/Feral World
Morwen VI Dead World
Morwen VI Dead World
Morwen VI Dead World
Morwen VI Dead World
Mosul Frontier World
Munsk Feral World
Munsk Feral World
Munsk Feral World
Nahme Mining World
Nd0/K4 Mining World
Nox Death World
Omnicron 71-Dx Forge World
Omnicron 71-Dx Forge World
Opal Lexit
Opus Macharius Forge World
Opus Macharius Forge World
Opus Macharius Forge World
Opus Macharius Forge World
Orbel Quill Agri-World
Orcus Penal World
Orendal's Tomb Shrine World
Palinurus Rhys Frontier World
Pancopticon Orbital Station Lathes
Panopticon Lathes
Pellucida Ix Mining World
Pellucida Ix Mining World
Pellucida Ix Mining World
Pellucida Ix Mining World
Penolpass Feudal World
Percipre Agri-World
Pergatory Of Soubirous Mining World
Perinetus Forge World
Perinetus Forge World
Perinetus Forge World
Perinetus Forge World
Phagir Dead World
Phyrr Death World
Piety Hive World
Piety Of Seth Shrine World
Pilgrim's Pause Cemetery World
Poina 77 Mining World
Port Gavinus Orbital
Port Gavinus Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wander Orbital
Port Wrath Orbital
Port Wrath Orbital
Port Wrath Orbital
Praecursator Grid
Prester Myra Cemetery World
Priapus V
Prol Ix Hive World
Prol Ix Hive World
Prol Ix Hive World
Prol Ix Hive World
Prol Ix Hive World
Protasia War World
Protasia War World
Protasia War World
Protasia War World
Protasia War World
Pry Gas Giant
Pry Gas Giant
Pry Gas Giant
Pry Gas Giant
Quaddis Pleasure World
Quaddis Pleasure World
Quaddis Pleasure World
Quaddis Pleasure World
Rasamal (on Lathe Hesh) Forge World Lathes
Regola Sensorium
Regulus Agri-World
Reshia Shrine World
Reshia Shrine World
Reth Pleasure World Tephaine
Ryboth Forge World
Ryboth Forge World
Ryboth Forge World
Ryboth Forge World
Ryboth Forge World
Ryboth Forge World
Ryboth Forge World
Sabriel ??
Sacris Forbidden World
Sagitarium Platforms
Samson Iv Hive World
Scarric Xxii Unclassified
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Scintilla Sector Capitol;Hive World
Seedworld Afg:218 Forbidden World
Seedworld Afg:218 Forbidden World
Seedworld Afg:218 Forbidden World
Seedworld Afg:218 Forbidden World
Seedworld Afg:218 Forbidden World
Seedworld Afg:218 Forbidden World
Segrazia ??
Sekmet Gas Giant
Sekmet Gas Giant
Sentinal Shrine World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundis Mining/Feudal World
Sepheris Secundus Mining/Feudal World
Settlement 228 Frontier World
Settlement 228 Frontier World
Sheol 17 Penal World (Hereteks)
Sheol 17 Penal World (Hereteks)
Sheol 17 Penal World (Hereteks)
Sheol 17 Penal World (Hereteks)
Sheol 17 Penal World (Hereteks)
Sheol 17 Penal World (Hereteks)
Sheol 17 Penal World (Hereteks)
Sheol 17 Penal World (Hereteks)
Siculi Agri-World Tephaine
Sigurd Iv Hive World
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Sinophia Hive World (Failing)
Siren's Den Pleasure World
Sisk Feudal World
Sisk Feudal World
Sisk Feudal World
Sisk Feudal World
Skiri Rubycon II System
Skiri Rubycon II System
Skorgulian Forge World
Skorgulian Forge World
Skrynne Death World
Sleef Dead World
Sleef Dead World
Sleef Dead World
Sleef Dead World
Sleef Dead World
Snowden's World Frontier World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Solomon Hive World
Sophano Prime Mining World
Soprony Forbidden World
Soryth Mining World (Moon)
Soryth Mining World (Moon)
Soubirous Mining World
Soubirous Mining World
Sozoman's Last Stand Agri-World
Sozoman's Last Stand Agri-World
Sozomen's Last Stand Agri-World
Spectoris Agri-World
Spectoris Agri-World
Spectoris Agri-World
Spectoris Agri-World
Spectoris Agri-World
Spectoris Agri-World
Spectoris Agri-World
Spectoris Agri-World
Spinward Front Agri-World
St. Astrid's Fall Frontier World
St. Astrid's Fall Frontier World
Strank Feral World
Strank Feral World
Stygian Prime Agri-World; 4 Unclassified Stygian System
Synford Forge World Lathes
Synford Forge World Lathes
Synford Forge World Lathes
Synford Forge World Lathes
Synford II Forge World Lathes
Synford II Forge World Lathes
Synford II Forge World
Synford II Forge World
Tanis Prime Forbidden World
Tephaine Hive World Tephaine
Tephaine Minor Agri-World Tephaine
Terimiv I
Terlain Cluster
Teruxyne Forbidden World
The Voca Consensio
Thical Hive World
Thical Hive World
Threnos Dead World
Threnos Zone Forbidden/Dead Worlds/Special
Threnos Zone Forbidden/Dead Worlds/Special
Threnos Zone Forbidden/Dead Worlds/Special
Threnos Zone Forbidden/Dead Worlds/Special
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tranch Hive/War World
Tsade Dead World
Tsade Ii Agri-World
Tumala Lathes
Turanshush Forge World
Turanshush Forge World
Turanshush Forge World
Turanshush Forge World
Tygress I Pleasure World
Tygress Ii, Iii, Iv Frontier World, Feral World, Dead World
Tygress V Feral World
Tygress V Feral World
Valon Urr Shrine World
Valos Krin Feral World
Vaxanide Hive/Frontier World
Vaxanide Hive/Frontier World
Vaxanide Hive/Frontier World
Vaxanide Hive/Frontier World
Vaxanide Hive/Frontier World
Vaxanide Hive/Frontier World
Vaxanide Hive/Frontier World
Veneris Shrine World
Veneris Shrine World
Vigil Dead World
Volonx Feral/Agri-World
Volonx Feral/Agri-World
Volonx Feral/Agri-World
Volonx Feral/Agri-World
Volonx Feral/Agri-World
Voluptua Shrine World
Woe Death World
Woe Death World
Woe Death World
Xeiros Prime Forbidden World
Ysai Ydumee Frontier World
Zel Primus Unclassified World Zel System
Zel Secundus Death World Zel System
Zel Tertius Frontier World Zel System
Zillman's Domain Feudal World
Zillman's Domain Feudal World
Zillman's Domain Feudal World
Zumthor Frontier World
Zweihan's World Hive World
Subsector Sector
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Koronus Passage Koronus Expanse
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Ixaniad Sector
Ixaniad Sector
Ixaniad Sector
Ixaniad Sector
Ixaniad Sector
Ixaniad Sector
Ixaniad Sector
Ixaniad Sector
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
?? ??
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
location unknown Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis

Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis

Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis

Malfian / Drusus Marches Calixis

Malfian / Drusus Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Somewhere in the void Calixis?
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
'near the Spinward boarder' Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis

Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis

The Periphery Calixis

The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
UNKNOWN Calixis?
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
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Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis

Jericho Reach Koronus Expanse

Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
location unknown Calixis?
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis

Drusus Marches Calixis

Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
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Drusus Marches Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
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Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis

Golgenna Reach Calixis

Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis

Golgenna Reach Calixis

Golgenna Reach Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
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Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
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Malfian Calixis
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Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Adrantis Calixis

Golgenna Reach Calixis

Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis

The Periphery Calixis

The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
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Adrantis Calixis
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Adrantis Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Malfian Calixis

Golgenna Reach Calixis

The Periphery Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis

Drusus Marches Calixis

Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Malfian Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
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Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis

Josian Reach Calixis

Markayn Marches Calixis

Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Malfian Calixis
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Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis

Hazeroth Calixis

Josian Reach Calixis

Josian Reach Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis

Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
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Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Skardian Reaches Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
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Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Koronus Passage Calixis
Koronus Passage Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
UNKNOWN Calixis?
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis

Drusus Marches Calixis

Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
location unknown Calixis?
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis

location unknown Calixis

Drusus Marches Calixis

Drusus Marches Calixis
Hazeroth Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Markayn Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis

Golgenna Reach Calixis

Hazeroth Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Malfian Calixis

Drusus Marches Calixis

Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
Adrantis Calixis
The Periphery Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Golgenna Reach Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Drusus Marches Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Josian Reach Calixis
Malfian Calixis
Sargos Sector
Description Book Code
Description of Zel Secondus and Osedex details CA
Adventure Seed for Zel Tewrtius CA
original name of the Lathes system LW

Brief description IH
Diogenes IV Research Station anchored in pulsar cluster IH
Fydae Strain DoTDG
Fydae Great Cloud pirates mentioned under Morgauth Burn Caster entry RH
Capitol:Ichabarr DHRB
Ptolemaic Reach RH
Crassin Sub-Sector RH
Merovincha RH
Second Meridius Crusade RH
Vanderveken Trinity, Phaenon Prime RH
The Starry Order CA
The Wandering Cloister ("-situated on an empty space hulk drifting in the open Dhu
Cinder Crag Forge? IH
Praxilla? CA
Carver's Gate? (planet?)/ Bane City? RH
Ruins of Molus? RH

Brief description IH
Mentioned under Seraphim BoM
Mentioned under Celestians BoM
The Purging of Camp 109 Dhu
Naval patrol group 'Retaliator' ; mention of orbital starfort HA
Incident At Fall Narrow DoTDG

Very brief description DHRB

Brief description IH
Detailed description DH (Maggots in the Meat) DHGMS
Mentioned under A Life of Worship IH
-100,000 citizens of Acreage had burned- A
-fire that consumed the Cathedral Mount- A
Powdered Maidensfoil (poison) DH DHGMS
Currency ("-Lords and Ladies-") DHRB
Bucklers IH
Lightning Chain, Acreage ("-unique alloy-") IH
Lightning Gauntlets, Acreage IH
Silkmail, Acreage IH
Slither Boots ("-salt-fens-") IH
Drusus led the great charge against the Twisted Kings on Acreage. "-Dirt KnightsBoM
Mention of False Men LW
jump pack, not Calixis? LW
Dream Juice Dhu
Mention of the Collegus Xenorum TKB 101

Brief description IH
Description OWRB
The Knights of the Star Sanctum IH
Flick Bow IH
Spetum IH
Very brief description DHRB
Description AG1BS
Mention of 117th Barsapine Light Foot IH
Mention of the 'All Hallows Massacre' DoTDG
Barsapine Project RH
Mention of construct production BoJ
-clans that live in the day-side desert- HA
Wind Armour ("-infamous Splinter Winds-") IH
Baraspine Palm Gun Dhu
Origin LD
Stasis Grenade, Belecane-Pattern LD
Stasis Mine, Belecane-Pattern LD

stasis tech LW
ancient and scarcely understood technology of stasis weapons ... other technoloLD
Stasis Grenade, Belecane-Pattern LD
Stasis Mine, Belecane-Pattern LD
Brontian 5th 'Long Knives' mentioned IH
The Bloodwrath Incident (92nd Brontian Longknives) Dhu
4th Brontian Longknives appearance OWRB
Stormfront Lasgun IH
Waller Pattern Mark VI Power Longsword IH
Kasballican prince Ghonan Dyexx BoJ
Refraction Field (Brontain Pattern) Dhu

Brief Description LW
Heresy of Numbers mentioned under Saint Rybel Gorth entry IH
Mentioned RH
Cardinal Quiro Olranna BoM
Mention of Precinct Fortress' construct handlers BoJ
Brief Description of orbital station Lumin-Exol IX LW
Kasballican war mentioned BoJ
part of the Lathes system LW
Brief description DHRB
Home of 23rd Drusus Dragoons IH
Cardinal Dantius Landsholt BoM
Mention of 'Cloudspeakers of Clove' (cult) BoM
Brief description IH
Steam Drill IH
Tower Shield IH
Cryptus Shotgun Shells Dhu
forge world, which is in truth a series of space stations known as the CyclopeanLD
research stations, LW70 LW
Brief Description OWRB
Mentioned under Prognosticaon RH
Mention of attempted coup RTRB
Origin LD
Mention of Ammicus Tole LW
Reclamator Rifle LW
Mentioned under Adventure Seeds Dhu

On Dalthus, Octus uncovered a xeno-worshipping coven, only to discover its fo Dhu
Description LW
the 4th station of its pattern LW
Brief description DHRB
Sump Vine Sap DHGMS
Dryas ("-desert dwelling lizards-") IH
Drusus liberated the world of Dreah from the Daemons of Dark Colour. BoM
Cleansed by Pyroclasts Dhu
drifting, as in the void LW
Description DHRB
Mentioned IH
Footsteps of Drusus (pilgrimage) IH
The Empty Hunger (Seven Devils of Dread Calix) mentioned RH
Disciples of Duran Eckert BoM
Brief description IH
Brief description DHRB
Brief description of The Dusk Hag DHRB
Descriptions of Dusk Hag and other details HH3DS
Dusk Stalker DHRB
Nightwing DHRB
Visited by Elana the Unseen (saint) IH
Mention of Saynay Clan under Necrophagic Cults DoTDG
Mentioned under Warp Touched background package RH
Eater of the Dead (Seven Devils of Dread Calix) mentioned RH
Mention of Dusk's 'Black Hunt' DoTDG
-death of Witch Hunter Fhendahl and his kill-team- A
Background package IH
Glo-Slugs of Dusk IH
Ration Grub IH
Night Dust IH
Dusk Lotus DHGMS
Ripsaw Scuttler DoTDG
Brief Description of orbital station Galomn II LW
Mentioned under A Life of Worship IH
The Bloodwrath Incident Dhu

Brief description DHRB

Mention of Necrophagic Cults DoTDG
'Headhunter' regiments mentioned under Feral Warrior alternate rank IH
Scrag-Bear AVRB
Vibe Spear IH
Sour Mud, Endrite IH
Footsteps of Drusus (pilgrimage) IH
need not be a world LW
Brief description IH
Javelin IH
Spine Pick, Faldon Kise ("-protrude from the hide of the Gar-keeler, a giant porcIH
Mentioned under Farteris Militia BoM

Brief description DHRB

The Beasts of Fedrid IH
-there are predators on Fedrid that would think nothing of consuming a Land R IH
-a half-daemon thing worshipped as a god amid the steaming jungles- RH
Skintaker of Fedrid CA
Mention of Lictors CA
Quivvar Nog of Fedrid (saint) IH
Beast Hunts on Fedrid DoTDG
Fedrid Razor Disk IH
Braid Cloak, Fedrid ("-Ungorth-") IH
Smoke Flares, Fedrid IH
Fedrid Soul Mask IH
Hive Volg LW
Brief description DHRB
The Nightmare Hives of Fenksworld (descriptions) IH
Riot, Revolt and Calamity ("-Tyburn food-tax riots-") IH
Avoided Chaliced Commissariat IH
Volg Hive mentioned under Reclaimator alternate rank IH
Fenksworld Calamity RH
Blood Sports and Fighting Arenas in the Imperium DoTDG
Xeno Conspiracy on Fenksword DoTDG
Library of Knowing mentioned RH
Library of Knowing mentioned DoTDG
Mentioned under Dialogous BoM
-ordered that every loxophant on Fenksworld be slain. Dhu
Mentioned under Adventure Seeds Dhu
-great slaughter wheels of Volg Hive. LW
Cadence Arms and Incunabula IH
Cadence "Widower" Dart Caster Device IH
Cadence Promethium "Destroyer" Destruction Device IH
Volg Hive background package IH
Fenksworld Pit Thing CA
Mention of 'scaled ones of Magnagorsk' (Hive Mutants) RH
Magnagorsk mentioned RH
Mentioned under Bone Flute description RH
Volg "Spitfire" Bolt Pistol IH
Sollex Pattern-IX 'Death Light' Lasgun (Magnagorsk ) IH
Volg "Meat Hammer" Scattergun 116
Volg Mercy Killer IH
Volg "Ripper Clip" Autopistol IH
Cadence "Spectre" Assault Device IH
Volg VI "Crank Cannon" Heavy Stubber IH
Volcanis Shroud IH
Mirker's Greaves IH
Volgite Gloom Eyes IH
Gorsk White Gyn IH
Slam IH
Bronze Malifects Adventure Seeds CA
Brief description IH
Sanguinary cults mentioned DoTDG
Chain-Sticks, Fervious ("-venom harvested from the deadly Fervious serpent.") IH
Long-Sabre, Fervious ("-wielded by nobles-" "-many death cults-" "-society is veIH
Banded Armour, Fervious IH
Caltrops, Fervious IH
Powder Bombs, Fervious IH
Styger Milk, Fervious ("-a beast of burden-") IH

See Fydea System

Shrine of the Seventeen Martyrs IH
-infamous murder of Cardinal Tyndale and a dozen other deacons and priests atIH
Mentioned under Celestians BoM
Mention of Malfi rule A
Brief description DHRB
Description OWRB
Polygum ("-wide verdant forests-") IH
Glorious Repose incident Dhu
War of Brass LW
Brief description IH
War of Brass RH
Gelmiro Tertius' "War of Brass" and Sub-Hive Mortia 5 mentioned A
War of Brass details LW
Brief description DHRB
Slither Boots ("-acid storm wastes-") IH

Mention of Kasballica prince BoJ

Brief description IH
Mentioned under Warriors of the Machine God, IH
Divine Light of Sollex background package IH
Xenomorphs mentioned RH
Kasballica princess Ignetta ("-two major northern continents-" "-three southernBoJ
Naval patrol group 'Retaliator' HA
Brief Description of orbital station Dalthodge's Pax LW
Very brief description DHRB
Brief Description of orbital station Iridium Eta Rho LW

Description DHRB
Details IH
Extensive details LW
Forge World Origins LD
Mentioned under Warriors of the Machine God, IH
Mentioned under Mechanicus Secutor alternate rank IH
Aegis-Redback Pattern Heavy Webber IH
Sky Eye IH
Hyper-Density Penetrators IH
Lathe Blade IH
Concussion Mace ("-designed on Hadd-") Dhu
Mole Mortar, Hadd-Pattern LD
Thud Gun, Hadd-Pattern LD
Boarding Gun HA
Lathe-Wrought armour upgrade HA
Lathe-Pattern Murder Servitor HA
Footsteps of Drusus (pilgrimage) IH
Schismaticals of the Deep Infotombs & Adventure Seeds CA
the Lathes System + all other domains under the Forge Masters of the Lathe WoLW
this is the entire solar system LW
Hadd, Het, Hesh; the 3 major worlds of Lathes System LW
Description under Calixian Domains of the Mechanicus IH
Origin LD
Mention of Auxillia Myrmidon LW
Description LW 101
space stations in orbit over Uziel LW

-the long-suppressed Cerpicia Precinct incident- DoTDG
Visited by Elana the Unseen (saint) ("-swamps-" "-filth-fly-") IH
Saint Absolar's Day BoM
minor forge world ... that has found itself caught in the tendrils of the Phaenon LD
Origin LD
Detailed description DHRB
Currency ("-Soules-") DHRB
Tychak Crowfather (Seven Devils of Dread Calix) mentioned RH
Tyche's Kiss DH DHGMS
Abbey of the Dawn mentioned IH
-is tithed as an agri-world, but its tribal culture and barbaric people mean it w IH
Mention of Eldar contact CA
Mention of 'Ten-Who-Were-Taken' DoTDG
Footsteps of Drusus (pilgrimage) IH
Iocanthos Arbites (inc. references to "southwestern badlands" & "mountainousBoJ
Mention of crime HA
Mentioned under Lash of Bitterness RH
Iocanthos Blunderbuss IH
Bastard Sword ("-the Harrowguard, an elite core of Iocanthos warriors in the emIH
Somna ("-Nephyis Orchid-") IH
Mars Pattern Mark II Scourge Boltgun IH
Ghostfire Pollen Extract IH

See Fydea System

Brief Description OWRB

Kalf Sand Devil ("-forgotten, dusty backwater-") DH DHGMS
Rebellion of the False mentioned RH
Description, Ripper Whip details CA

Brief description DHRB

(Coreward of Tranch) Brief description IH

Klenova Class M Warp Engine HA

Description OWRB
Quicksilver Blade ("-commonly found among the nobility-") Dhu
-Chapel of Faultless Sacrifice- Dhu
The world of Kulth was torn apart by bloodlust in the aftermath of a repelled O Dhu
Mentioned under Adventure Seeds ("-massive Rok colliding with the planet.") Dhu

hidden planet amid the domains of the Lathe Worlds - Description LW

Vigilies Servitor LW
Cataclysmus Device LD
Dark Mask (Lacuna dust) LD
Windrider Carapace Scale Armour IH
Brief description DHRB
Detailed description of Hive Subrique BoJ
Mentioned in regard to Brotherhood of the Horned Darkness DoTDG
-Inquisitors Harness and Gogol's activities on Landunder- RH
-Crime Marquisa of Landunder- RH
-a cult of Balphomael was allowed to thrive and multiply on the world of Landund
Mentioned production of Cyber-Mastiffs and Grapplehawks BoJ
The Blades of Landunder IH
Chain Knife IH
Devil's Kiss Landrian Stiletto IH
Emperor's Whisper Landrian Blade ("-Tithe Guild-") IH"123
Render, Landrian IH
Landrian "Sigilite" Knife IH
Aerial Pinions IH
Sender Hive mentioned RH
suspensor forges LW
A stifled world of endless procrastination - Lathe-Hadd origin LD
Mole Mortar, Hadd-Pattern LD
Thud Gun, Hadd-Pattern LD
produces primarily ammunition, 48 LW
premier forge world of the Calixis Sector - Lathe-Hesh origin LD
Protocal Academies, 48 LW
Having lost the majority of its manufacturing capacity years ago, Lathe-Het is n LD
Brief description DHRB
Mentioned under Celestians BoM
Mention of Kasballica prince BoJ

The Malygrisian Tech-Heresy LW
Very brief description DHRB
Mentioned under A Life of Worship IH
Enforcer Cadres DoTDG
Red Vaults of Luggnum background package IH
Mentioned under Adventure Seeds Dhu
-Legio Venator fortress world- LW
Mentioned IH
Doom of the Ardent Seeker DoTDG
Background package IH
Black Priest of Maccabeus alternate rank IH
Footsteps of Drusus (pilgrimage) IH
Bastion Orpheus mentioned RH
Mentioned under Schismatic Faith and Heresy DoTDG
Mentioned under Drusianism DoTDG
Mentioned under Frateris Militia BoM
Description of crime and punishment HA
Maccabian Janissaries OWRB
Description DHRB
Planetary Datafax and other details A
Riot, Revolt and Calamity ("-misrule of House Koba-") IH
Tainted Blood of Malfi origin RH
-the genetic manipulation of House Koba- RH
Manipulation of Malfi RH
Treader in the Dust (Seven Devils of Dread Calix) mentioned RH
Bloody Solstice on Malfi DoTDG
Mentioned in regard to Brotherhood of the Horned Darkness DoTDG
Last Masque of House Orsini DoTDG
The Daughter of Malfi DoTDG
Marabas was eventually slain on Malfi- A
Mentioned under Assessors of the Black Tontine Adventure Seeds CA
Morphia-V DHGMS
Sons of Dispater IH
Avoided Chaliced Commisariat IH
-infinitesimally lower gravity- BoJ
Malfian Bloodsworn alternate rank IH
House Moncreath, the Legation Quarter IH
-a certain portion of the feared Bloodsworn bounty hunters are twists from MalRH
Mentioned under The Whispers of Delight RH
The Hall of Canon ("-located in Hive Ortak on Malfi, though its existance is kept Dhu
Mentioned under Cult-Stalker ("-troubled Kestrali noble dynasty-") Dhu
-sophisticated network of vox-heralds- LW
Description of crime and punishment HA
Enforcer 'Scarab' Patrol Cruiser ("-the hive world with perhaps the largest, mostAVRB
The Belasco Deathworks IH
Belasco Galvian Needler IH
Belasco Series-S "Venom" Compact Laspistol IH
Armageddon Pattern Autogun IH
Mariette Cylinder Pistol IH
Phobos Stubber IH
Bolo Knife IH
Poi-savant IH
See also:GALLOWGLASS (moon)
Mention of Necrophagic Cults IH

Psychneuein DHRB
Mara Landing Massacre background package IH
Detailed description DS
Mentioned under Warp Touched background package RH
Mara Landing Massacre RH
'Drusus slew the thrice-headed serpent of Marioch.' BoM
Meritech War LW
-Tsares Hive- "-Volyan Waste Conduit-" "-Merov Penal Legion-" CA
Merov Penal Legion RH
Mention of Kasballica prince BoJ
Mentioned with regard to Black Tontine RH
missing forge world LW
Brief description RH
Twelfth moon mentioned RH
Visited by Tyrant Star RH
The Malygrisian Tech-Heresy LW
Brief description IH
Javelin ("-chariot-mounted warriors-") IH
Tower Shield (considered works of art) IH
Scale Armour, Monrass ("-Scar Dragons-") IH
Monrassan Capsican Trap ("-spine-thorns-" "-spray-burner grubs-") IH
Brief description under Feral Warrior alternate rank IH
-steaming endless jungles- IH
-mountainous- CA
Description under Calixian Domains of the Mechanicus IH
Raided by rogue Inquisitor Erya Nephthys IH
Description of Hippocrassian Agglomeraton LW
Kasballican war mentioned BoJ
Moon Blades, Balecarne ("-elite Crescent Brotherhood of the Balecarne tribe-")IH
Stink Bombs ("-large worm-like creature-" "-dung-bloom-") IH
Spirit Tonic, Munsk (-"northern continent." "-small rodents dominating that areIH

hammer, not Calixis? LW

Kasballican war mentioned BoJ

Mentioned under construct production BoJ

Origin / research station for hundreds of years - Omnicron 71-DX origin LD
the homeworld of the Legio Venator - Opus Macharius origin LD
Origin LD
Description LW
Brief description DHRB

Lathes System LW
orbital, Lathes System, heart of the AdMech LW
Mentioned under Warriors of the Machine God, IH
Grey Devices IH
Mining Riots mentioned BoM
Io Pattern Termite ("-Mechanicus-dominated world-") AVRB
Double Flail, Penolpass ("-lithe, dancing warriors-" "-Penolpassian Blood Order-"IH

the largest and most important ship-building and repair facility in the Calixis SecLD
shipyards LW
servo-harness LW
Origin LD

Description and Phyrrt details CA

-Father Faithful, an apocryphal local saint- BoM
Detailed description BoM

Brief description IH
Mention of salvaged space hulk HA
Brief description IH
Description RTRB
Additional details (Into the Maw) RTRB
Detailed description its
Garbage Scow War HA
Description of crime and punishment HA
Office of Ordinate-Majore Mordechai Lorik HA
Battle of Port Wander HA
Mention of Cold Trade HA
-Lady Bellafonte, Marquessate of Albia Novis and invisible Vertess of Port WandHA
Brief description IH
Mentioned under Malygrisian Bioforging RH
Auto-Stubber HA
intelligence network on all forge worlds LW

Brief description DHRB
Mentioned under Lady Solace description DoTDG
Additional details DoTDG
Mentioned under Dialogous BoM
Vault of Remnants RH
Mentioned under Seraphim BoM
Mentioned under Celestians BoM
Mentioned under Kasballica BoJ
The Protasian Breach Dhu
Brief description of orbital station 41 Pry DHRB
Brief description of orbital station 41 Pry IH
Mention of piracy HA
Mention of Cold Trade HA
Gazetteer TF
Wines of Quaddis IH
-the infamous 'Slaughter Gardens of Quaddis' incident- under Brain Leaf DHRB
Scholariate At Arms ("-Dhar… is thought to maintain his own, private citadel on Dhu
secret fortress of the mech-assassins LW


Still languishing in the aftereffects of the radiation storm - Ryboth origin LD
Detailed description LW
Origin LD
Tech-heresy mentioned LW
Description LW
Forgotten outpost, Cold Trade site HA
Description DWRB
orbits Desideratum LW
possibly a world LW

Detailed description DHRB
Additional details on Hive Sibellius and Ambulon (Rejoice For You Are True) PtU
Currencies DHRB
The Fanes and Forges of Gunmetal IH
Riot, Revolt and Calamity ("Reinholt Blackouts") IH
Cathedral of Illumination mentioned IH
Mentioned under Scholar of the Colleges Hetaireia Lexis background package IH
A Fallen Family:House Verence DoTDG
Voice of the Flame (Seven Devils of Dread Calix) mentioned RH
Red Scourge of Sibellus RH
'White Hand' Arbites Riot squads RH
Blood Sports and Fighting Arenas in the Imperium DoTDG
Iron Pit of Scintilla DoTDG
Discussion of Administratum on Scintilla DoTDG
Enforcer Cadres DoTDG
Schismatic Faith and Heresy (Scintillan Cult) DoTDG
Brotherhood of the Horned Darkness DoTDG
Librarium Mundi RH
House of Corvus RH
-routed out a series of pleasure cults amongst the nobility of Scintilla's hives. A
Arch-Cardinal Ignato BoM
Fortress of the Justice BoJ
Scintilla BoJ
Chasteners BoJ
Even on Scintilla, the Sector capitol, there is variance in law and the interpre HA
-Gunmetal City's 3rd Tier Slag-gates- HA
Mention of Magistratum beatings HA
Description of crime and punishment HA
Great Chantries of Tarsus background package IH
Gunmetal City background package IH
Brotherhood of Thollos background package (Gunmetal City) IH
Blighted Schola Background package RH
Metallican Gunslinger alternate rank IH
Templar Calix of the Scholastia Psykana alternate rank IH
Warden of the Divisio Immoralis alternate rank IH
Archaoexhumators of Hive Sibellus RH
The Well of Souls (Tricorn Palace) RH
Speeder Carriage ("-no true Sibellian noble house would be without its coterie oAVRB
Enforcer 'Scarab' Patrol Cruiser ("-produced by Hax-Orthlack in Sibellius and Gu AVRB
Scholariate At Arms ("_operates from an extensive complex in the Tricorn Palace Dhu
Sepulchrum ("-ten kilometers below the lowest levels of Hive Sibellus-") Dhu
-a Pandaemonia is maintained on Scintilla… several hundred kilometers out intoDhu
Hall of Vestiges ("-a vast chamber maintained by the Scholariate at Arms in HiveDhu
House of Thrungg mentioned Dhu
-sophisticated network of vox-heralds- LW
Angelus Bolt Carbine IH
Khayer-Addin Dueling Las (Gunmetal City) IH
Minerva-Aegis Las Carbine (Gunmetal City) IH
Takara Palatine Compact Laspistol (Gunmetal City) IH
Hax-Orthlack Armsman-10 IH
Khayer-Addin Forge "Fate Bringer" Long Pistol IH
Fykos Forge "Flametongue" Howdah Pistol IH
Hecuter 9/5 Heavy Combat Autopistol IH
Fykos Forge "Nomad" Hunting Instrument IH
Phobos Stubber IH
Hax-Orthlack Puritan-14 Execution Pistol IH
Westingkrup Model 20 "Scalptaker" Stub Revolver IH
Westingkrup "Slayer" Pump Shotgun ("-hunting of dangerous Scoldbats in the bu IH
Steadholder Lever Gun IH
Taalon Mark III Short Autopistol IH
Magistratum Chastisement "Punisher" Baton IH
Wind Armour ("-produced by the Fane of Doru-") IH
Volcanis Shroud IH
Hax-Orthlack MKII Magistratum Combat Carapace IH
Orthlack Mark IV Thollos Autopistol IH
Gunmetal Solid Mark III Frag Grenade IH
Lidhl Light Power Armour IH
Drusian Tomb Shard IH
Footsteps of Drusus and Journey of the Hives (pilgrimages) IH
Lock Blades (gang) mentioned IH
Luminum Tats (Infernus) IH
Glimmer ("-particularly popular amongst the light-obsessed nobles of Scintilla."HA
-ruins of the Runceusthedral in outer Sibellus. CA
-Brecht District- CA
-Karvelt Underdistrict- CA
Tale of the Alley Reaper CA

Brief description DHRB

Eldar artifact described DoTDG
Additional details RH
Mention of Disciples of Thule LW
-on the outer reaches of the Calixis Sector- HA

See Drusus
Detailed description DHRB
More details (Baron Hopes) PtU
Currency ("-Chips or Lumps-") DHRB
Mentioned in regard to Brotherhood of the Horned Darkness DoTDG
Blighted Schola Background package RH
-sophisticated network of vox-heralds- LW
Secundus 21st Expeditionary Force mentioned IH
Footsteps of Drusus (pilgrimage) IH
-slightly higher gravity- BoJ
Mention of crime HA
Sepherin Mirror Shield IH
Steam Drill IH
Brief description DHRB
Designate-228-18 RH
Prison Forge LW
Description under Calixian Domains of the Mechanicus IH
Mentioned under Adventure Seeds Dhu
Description LW

Order of Quiet Sorrow BoM

Gazetteer HH2DC
Background package IH
Empty Men of Sinophia Magna background package IH
Tech-Witches of Ammicus Tole CA
Visit by the Tyrant Star described DoTDG
The Sinophian Prosecution DoTDG
Harrow Ridge Massacre DoTDG
-tech-sorcery that corrupts Sinophia- RH
Mention of Ammicus Tole LW
Brief Description OWRB

Siskan "Father Shot" Musket ("Fanatical theologians dominate the feudal world-IH
Brief description IH
Description OWRB
Sisk Cur OWRB
research station of Altar-Templum-Calixis-Est-3 - LD
Cryon Tech-Priest LD
world dominated by Mechanicum mining operations ... Byzantine political structLD
Origin LD
Gazetter OWRB
Brief description DHRB
Brief Description OWRB
Schismatical Adventure Seeds CA
Mentioned under Warp Touched background package RH

Details in The House of Dust and Ash DoTDG

Sanctum Dialogous mentioned IH
Three Daughters of Atropos RH
Mentioned under Mutation CA
Dreaming Dead of Hive Glorianna CA
Hell House of Solomon DoTDG
The Beast of Solomon DoTDG
Chancellery Court on Solomon DoTDG
The Sleepers RH
Cardinal Yvenna BoM
Sanctum Dialogous BoM
-plum assignment to the Praetoral chambers at Solomon- BoJ

-deathly cold- IH
Thermal Gloves ("-icy satellite famous for its rare frozen gas deposits.") IH
Soubirous Power Pack Dhu
-crash of the Hexenwide-
Mention of Divine Light of Sollex LW
combat servitor, not Calixis? LW
Brief description DHRB
Currency ("-Scales or Fins-") DHRB
-spine-divers- "-fang-fish-" DHRB
The Umbrian Heresy IH
Dweller in the Depths (Seven Devils of Dread Calix) mentioned RH
Spectorin Coral Paste IH
The Fall of the House of Ios Dhu
-night corral- "-sailwrights-" IH
Population disappearance mentioned DoTDG
Stenchbeasts of Strank CA
Iron Collar Dhu
Stygian Vanguard Naval squadron HA
Baneblade production LW
the world is most famous for its dominating Baneblades - Synford origin LD
-Arch-Magos of the Lathe-Covenant demanded that the Sector Governor cede cont LW
Origin LD
Synford II is a shadow of its former self and a casualty of the Malygrisian Tech-HLD
Origin LD
The Malygrisian Tech-Heresy LW
Total population disappearance mentioned DoTDG
Trailing from the Hazeroth Abyss. Synapse Disruptor ("-long been a hub of the Co
Mentioned with regard to Sinner's Plague RH
Cardinal Kregory Hestor BoM
Thical Wardens HA

Brief description DHRB

First Cloister ("-located on the moon of an unnamed world on the outskirts of Dhu
Crypt of the Nameless ("-located at the heart of the First Cloister-") Dhu
Brief Description of orbital station Opal Lexit LW
Very brief description DHRB
The Tranch War IH
Mention of Necrophagic Cults DoTDG
The Pale Throng DoTDG
Zashlum, Shroud Mistress of the Pale Throng A
Tranch War Veteran background package IH
Sainted Encarmine Hospice mentioned IH
Sainted Encarmine Hospice mentioned BoM
Pale Throng uprising mentioned A
Mentioned under Chaliced Commisariat Operative alternate rank IH
Mentioned under Reclaimator alternate rank IH
Mentioned under Hive Mutant origin RH
Armageddon Pattern Autogun IH
Luminum Tats IH
Brief description (misidentified as Tsade II) IH
Bronze Malifects Adventure Seeds CA
secret fortress of the mech-assassins LW
Small Ecclesiarchy enclave, "people of furious religious conviction" - TuranshushLD
Origin LD
Divine Light of Sollex/ Obliviates mentioned LW
Sinners' Plagues of the Drusus Marches CA

Syckle Oil, Tygress V ("-linn seeds-") IH

Footsteps of Drusus (pilgrimage) IH
Lythea Haarlock's tomb LW
A feudal world where the Adeptus Mechanicus has successfully integrated the Ma
Blighted Schola Background package RH

Brief description DHRB
Dreaming Dead Adventure Seeds CA
Slither Boots ("-deadly slime jungles-") IH
Siege of Vaxanide BoM
The Second Siege of Vaxanide LW
Mentioned under Mace of Judgment RH
Description BoM
Veneris Quarry Uprising BoM
Cleansed of Slaught DWRB
Crowe, Leader of the Five Great Tribes ("-failed agri-world long ago regressed IH
Volonx Bone Bolas ("-Sand Shark teeth-" "-nomad tribes-" "poison made from thIH
Volonx Thunderclap ("The tribal warriors of Volonx are famed for their strang IH
Kill Sticks, Voloniax IH
Skem Net, Volonx IH

Very brief description DHRB

Description CA
Black Janix Venom DHGMS
The Malygrisian Tech-Heresy LW
Lythea Haarlock's Tomb RH

Brief description DHRB

Sleep Dust, Zillman's Domain IH
Visit by the Tyrant Star described DoTDG

Governor Malaki Vess A

far from Calixis LW
Page Book
44 Creatures Anethema
12 Creatures Anethema
33, 72 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

23, 24, 26 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

171 Inquisitor Handbook
157 Inquisitor Handbook
145 Disciples of the Dark Gods
200 Radicals Handbook
252 DH Core Rulebook
101 Radicals Handbook
101 Radicals Handbook
101 Radicals Handbook
101 Radicals Handbook
118 Radicals Handbook
126 Creatures Anethema
12 Deamon Hunter
109 Inquisitor Handbook
7 Creatures Anethema
96 Radicals Handbook
201 Radicals Handbook

22 Deamon Hunter
171 Inquisitor Handbook
86 Blood of Martyrs
88 Blood of Martyrs
22 Deamon Hunter
90 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
93 Disciples of the Dark Gods

323 DH Core Rulebook

95 Inquisitor Handbook
DH GM Screen
198 Inquisitor Handbook
31 DH GM Screen
125 DH Core Rulebook
96 Inquisitor Handbook
97 Inquisitor Handbook
97 Inquisitor Handbook
101 Inquisitor Handbook
151 Inquisitor Handbook
44 Blood of Martyrs
26 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
26 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
65 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
73 Deamon Hunter
73 Deamon Hunter

171 Inquisitor Handbook

344 OW Core Rulebook
98 Inquisitor Handbook
93 Inquisitor Handbook
98 Inquisitor Handbook
58,56 Deamon Hunter
323 DH Core Rulebook
23 Apostasy Gambit I: The Black Sepulchre
198 Inquisitor Handbook
129 Disciples of the Dark Gods
102 Radicals Handbook
27 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
10 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
151 Inquisitor Handbook
66 Deamon Hunter
4 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
9 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
9 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)

58 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

4,5 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
9 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
9 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
171 Inquisitor Handbook
18 Deamon Hunter
379 OW Core Rulebook
171 Inquisitor Handbook
180 Inquisitor Handbook
28 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
72 Deamon Hunter

96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
207 Inquisitor Handbook
227 Radicals Handbook
30 Blood of Martyrs
27 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
29 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
76 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
323 DH Core Rulebook
206 Inquisitor Handbook
33 Blood of Martyrs
35 Blood of Martyrs
126 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
95 Inquisitor Handbook
98 Inquisitor Handbook
99 Inquisitor Handbook
73 Deamon Hunter
73 Deamon Hunter
24 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
5 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
58 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
78 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
342 OW Core Rulebook
193, 194 Radicals Handbook
362 RT Core Rulebook
5 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
24 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
70 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
83 Deamon Hunter
83 Deamon Hunter

96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

33 Deamon Hunter
33 Deamon Hunter
79 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
95 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
94-96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
56 Deamon Hunter
323 DH Core Rulebook
31 DH GM Screen
154 Inquisitor Handbook
43 Blood of Martyrs
56 Deamon Hunter
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
323 DH Core Rulebook
206 Inquisitor Handbook
210 Inquisitor Handbook
97 Radicals Handbook
64 Blood of Martyrs
157 Inquisitor Handbook
324 DH Core Rulebook
224 DH Core Rulebook
54 Haarlock Heresy III: Dead Stars
347 DH Core Rulebook
348 DH Core Rulebook
208 Inquisitor Handbook
25 Disciples of the Dark Gods
39 Radicals Handbook
97 Radicals Handbook
86 Disciples of the Dark Gods
22 Inquisitor Handbook
103 Inquisitor Handbook
155 Inquisitor Handbook
129 Inquisitor Handbook
31 DH GM Screen
89 Disciples of the Dark Gods
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
18-19 Deamon Hunter
198 Inquisitor Handbook
18 Deamon Hunter

324 DH Core Rulebook

25 Disciples of the Dark Gods
62 Inquisitor Handbook
94 Inquisitor Handbook
104 Inquisitor Handbook
210 Inquisitor Handbook
22 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
95 Inquisitor Handbook
93 Inquisitor Handbook
104 Inquisitor Handbook
63 Blood of Martyrs

324 DH Core Rulebook

102 Inquisitor Handbook
150 Inquisitor Handbook
94 Radicals Handbook
64 Creatures Anethema
95 Creatures Anethema
207 Inquisitor Handbook
87 Disciples of the Dark Gods
93 Inquisitor Handbook
102 Inquisitor Handbook
104 Inquisitor Handbook
104 Inquisitor Handbook
14 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
12,33,82 Deamon Hunter
324 DH Core Rulebook
110 Inquisitor Handbook
122 Inquisitor Handbook
60 Inquisitor Handbook
77 Inquisitor Handbook
81 Radicals Handbook
84 Disciples of the Dark Gods
84 Disciples of the Dark Gods
138, 209 Radicals Handbook
132, 135 Disciples of the Dark Gods
92 Blood of Martyrs
33 Deamon Hunter
82 Deamon Hunter
14 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
111 Inquisitor Handbook
111 Inquisitor Handbook
111 Inquisitor Handbook
25 Inquisitor Handbook
55 Creatures Anethema
31 Radicals Handbook
130 Radicals Handbook
176 Radicals Handbook
109 Inquisitor Handbook
112 Inquisitor Handbook

116 Inquisitor Handbook

118 Inquisitor Handbook
118 Inquisitor Handbook
121 Inquisitor Handbook
125 Inquisitor Handbook
125 Inquisitor Handbook
128 Inquisitor Handbook
129 Inquisitor Handbook
130 Inquisitor Handbook
16 Creatures Anethema
95 Inquisitor Handbook
25 Disciples of the Dark Gods
96 Inquisitor Handbook
97 Inquisitor Handbook
100 Inquisitor Handbook
102 Inquisitor Handbook
103 Inquisitor Handbook
105 Inquisitor Handbook

40 Inquisitor Handbook
110 Inquisitor Handbook
88 Blood of Martyrs
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
324 DH Core Rulebook
340 OW Core Rulebook
154 Inquisitor Handbook
92 Deamon Hunter
17 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
22 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
110 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
171 Inquisitor Handbook
113 Radicals Handbook
17 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
324 DH Core Rulebook
151 Inquisitor Handbook

28 Book of Judgement (not yet added)

63 Inquisitor Handbook
136 Inquisitor Handbook
37 Inquisitor Handbook
208 Radicals Handbook
29 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
90 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
324 DH Core Rulebook
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

324 DH Core Rulebook

133 Inquisitor Handbook
lots Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
4 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
136 Inquisitor Handbook
68 Inquisitor Handbook
110 Inquisitor Handbook
153 Inquisitor Handbook
147 Inquisitor Handbook
147 Inquisitor Handbook
69 Deamon Hunter
8 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
8 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
49 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
63 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
87 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
210 Inquisitor Handbook
29-30 Creatures Anethema
4- Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
4- Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
4- Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
82-93 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
139 Inquisitor Handbook
7 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

4 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

101-106 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

71, 81, 104- Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

167 Disciples of the Dark Gods
208 Inquisitor Handbook
56 Blood of Martyrs
5 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
57 Deamon Hunter
5 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
300.36 DH Core Rulebook
125 DH Core Rulebook
97 Radicals Handbook
31 DH GM Screen
40 Inquisitor Handbook
92 Inquisitor Handbook
84 Creatures Anethema
86 Disciples of the Dark Gods
210 Inquisitor Handbook
21 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
10 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
181 Radicals Handbook
93 Inquisitor Handbook
96 Inquisitor Handbook
130 Inquisitor Handbook
171 Inquisitor Handbook
184 Inquisitor Handbook

96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

24 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

17 Deamon Hunter

342 OW Core Rulebook

29 DH GM Screen
231 Radicals Handbook
39 Creatures Anethema

324 DH Core Rulebook

157 Inquisitor Handbook

69 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)

60,69,89,94 Deamon Hunter

336 OW Core Rulebook
69 Deamon Hunter
89 Deamon Hunter
94 Deamon Hunter
137 Deamon Hunter
121, 122 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

98,99 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

100 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
10 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
11 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
97-100 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
181 Inquisitor Handbook
106 Deamon Hunter
324 DH Core Rulebook
96 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
137 Disciples of the Dark Gods
96 Radicals Handbook
127 Radicals Handbook
106 Deamon Hunter
26 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
123 Inquisitor Handbook
123 Inquisitor Handbook
123 Inquisitor Handbook

124 Inquisitor Handbook

124 Inquisitor Handbook
152 Inquisitor Handbook
234 Radicals Handbook
21 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
22 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
4 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
8 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
8 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
47 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
48 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
4 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
45 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
48 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
4 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
39, 47, 48 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
324 DH Core Rulebook
88 Blood of Martyrs
28 Book of Judgement (not yet added)

19 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

19 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
69 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
83 Deamon Hunter
325 DH Core Rulebook
198 Inquisitor Handbook
168 Disciples of the Dark Gods
28 Inquisitor Handbook
83 Deamon Hunter
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
79 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
74 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
206 Inquisitor Handbook
127 Disciples of the Dark Gods
24 Inquisitor Handbook
54 Inquisitor Handbook
210 Inquisitor Handbook
97 Radicals Handbook
171 Disciples of the Dark Gods
172 Disciples of the Dark Gods
63 Blood of Martyrs
14 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
50 OW Core Rulebook
14 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
17,5 Deamon Hunter
325 DH Core Rulebook
122 Inquisitor Handbook
28 Radicals Handbook
85 Radicals Handbook
89 Radicals Handbook
97 Radicals Handbook
125 Disciples of the Dark Gods
137 Disciples of the Dark Gods
153 Disciples of the Dark Gods
170 Disciples of the Dark Gods
109 Creatures Anethema
31 DH GM Screen
31 Inquisitor Handbook
60 Inquisitor Handbook
25 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
66 Inquisitor Handbook
109 Inquisitor Handbook
31 Radicals Handbook
180 Radicals Handbook
17 Deamon Hunter
50 Deamon Hunter
14 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
14 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
110 Inquisitor Handbook
110 Inquisitor Handbook
113 Inquisitor Handbook
114 Inquisitor Handbook
116 Inquisitor Handbook
116 Inquisitor Handbook
123 Inquisitor Handbook
153 Inquisitor Handbook

25 Inquisitor Handbook

353 DH Core Rulebook

34 Inquisitor Handbook

39 Radicals Handbook
82 Radicals Handbook
43 Blood of Martyrs
18, 22 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
28 Creatures Anethema
57 Radicals Handbook
28 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
167 Radicals Handbook
69 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
17 Radicals Handbook
16 Radicals Handbook
18 Radicals Handbook
19 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
19 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
95 Inquisitor Handbook
93 Inquisitor Handbook
99 Inquisitor Handbook
101 Inquisitor Handbook
102 Inquisitor Handbook
107-108 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
62 Inquisitor Handbook
63 Inquisitor Handbook
38 Creatures Anethema
71, 81 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
139 Inquisitor Handbook
190 Inquisitor Handbook
104 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
29 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
97 Inquisitor Handbook
104 Inquisitor Handbook
105 Inquisitor Handbook

63 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

29 Book of Judgement (not yet added)

27 Book of Judgement (not yet added)

6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
109-113 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
109 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
326 DH Core Rulebook

4- Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

33 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
136 Inquisitor Handbook
146 Inquisitor Handbook
96 Blood of Martyrs
96 Inquisitor Handbook

6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)

58 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
66 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)

42 Creatures Anethema
56 Blood of Martyrs
137 Blood of Martyrs

156 Inquisitor Handbook

82 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
19 Deamon Hunter
156 Inquisitor Handbook
340 RT Core Rulebook
380 RT Core Rulebook
234 Into the Storm
8 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
15 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
89 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
91 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
132 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
133 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
156 Inquisitor Handbook
192 Radicals Handbook
49 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
33, 34 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

77 Deamon Hunter
326 DH Core Rulebook
129 Disciples of the Dark Gods
166 Disciples of the Dark Gods
92 Blood of Martyrs
209 Radicals Handbook
21 Deamon Hunter
86 Blood of Martyrs
88 Blood of Martyrs
29 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
21 Deamon Hunter
323 DH Core Rulebook
157 Inquisitor Handbook
23 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
132 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
6 Tattered Fates (Haarlock Heresy I)
129 Inquisitor Handbook
346 DH Core Rulebook
15 Deamon Hunter
31 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

67 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

56 Deamon Hunter

22, 114 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
114-117 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
114 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
22 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
114 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
132 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
50 DW Core Rulebook
79 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
39 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

14, 18, 19, 22, 24 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

41953 Deamon Hunter
290 DH Core Rulebook
6 Purge the Unclean
125 DH Core Rulebook
117 Inquisitor Handbook
122 Inquisitor Handbook
206 Inquisitor Handbook
27 Inquisitor Handbook
33 Disciples of the Dark Gods
97 Radicals Handbook
101 Radicals Handbook
154 Radicals Handbook
84 Disciples of the Dark Gods
86 Disciples of the Dark Gods
166 Disciples of the Dark Gods
168 Disciples of the Dark Gods
171 Disciples of the Dark Gods
137 Disciples of the Dark Gods
209 Radicals Handbook
136 Radicals Handbook
26 Blood of Martyrs
12 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
18 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
23 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
9 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
10 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
13 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
16 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
32 Inquisitor Handbook
23 Inquisitor Handbook
37 Inquisitor Handbook
28 Radicals Handbook
72 Inquisitor Handbook
80 Inquisitor Handbook
84 Inquisitor Handbook
214 Radicals Handbook
217 Radicals Handbook
14 Deamon Hunter
16 Deamon Hunter
17 Deamon Hunter
17 Deamon Hunter
90 Deamon Hunter
14 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
109 Inquisitor Handbook
112 Inquisitor Handbook
112 Inquisitor Handbook
112 Inquisitor Handbook
114 Inquisitor Handbook
115 Inquisitor Handbook
115 Inquisitor Handbook
115 Inquisitor Handbook
116 Inquisitor Handbook
116 Inquisitor Handbook
117 Inquisitor Handbook
118 Inquisitor Handbook
118 Inquisitor Handbook
118 Inquisitor Handbook
120 Inquisitor Handbook
123 Inquisitor Handbook
151 Inquisitor Handbook
125 Inquisitor Handbook
126 Inquisitor Handbook
175 Inquisitor Handbook
176 Inquisitor Handbook
181 Inquisitor Handbook
208 Inquisitor Handbook
210 Inquisitor Handbook
222 Inquisitor Handbook
131 Inquisitor Handbook
67 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
24 Creatures Anethema
26 Creatures Anethema
27 Creatures Anethema
111 Creatures Anethema

326 DH Core Rulebook

9 Disciples of the Dark Gods
212 Radicals Handbook
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
69 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)

303 DH Core Rulebook

92 Purge the Unclean
125 DH Core Rulebook
137 Disciples of the Dark Gods
28 Radicals Handbook
14 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
171 Inquisitor Handbook
210 Inquisitor Handbook
25 Book of Judgement (not yet added)
10 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
97 Inquisitor Handbook
98 Inquisitor Handbook
14 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
326 DH Core Rulebook
210 Radicals Handbook
4 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
26 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
82 Deamon Hunter
139 Inquisitor Handbook
82 Deamon Hunter
118 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
71 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
118-120 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

96 Blood of Martyrs
24 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
10 Haarlock Heresy II: Damned Cities
24 Inquisitor Handbook
28 Inquisitor Handbook
32 Creatures Anethema
14 Disciples of the Dark Gods
98 Disciples of the Dark Gods
160 Disciples of the Dark Gods
189 Radicals Handbook
24 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
341 OW Core Rulebook

94 Inquisitor Handbook
95 Inquisitor Handbook
340 OW Core Rulebook
351 OW Core Rulebook
12,13 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
13 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
378 OW Core Rulebook
24 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
326 DH Core Rulebook
342 OW Core Rulebook
30 Creatures Anethema
39 Radicals Handbook

200 Disciples of the Dark Gods

40 Inquisitor Handbook
95 Radicals Handbook
6 Creatures Anethema
19 Creatures Anethema
87 Disciples of the Dark Gods
104 Disciples of the Dark Gods
167 Disciples of the Dark Gods
125 Radicals Handbook
33 Blood of Martyrs
92 Blood of Martyrs
22 Book of Judgement (not yet added)

150 Inquisitor Handbook

154 Inquisitor Handbook
76 Deamon Hunter
76 Deamon Hunter

23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
67 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
19-20 Deamon Hunter
326 DH Core Rulebook
125 DH Core Rulebook
158 DH Core Rulebook
205 Inquisitor Handbook
97 Radicals Handbook
155 Inquisitor Handbook
19 Deamon Hunter
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
112 Inquisitor Handbook
18 Disciples of the Dark Gods
66 Creatures Anethema
71 Deamon Hunter
90 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)
16 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
16 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
20 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
6 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
20 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
18 Disciples of the Dark Gods
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
68 Deamon Hunter
204 Radicals Handbook
121 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
28 Blood of Martyrs
81 Hostile Acquisitions (currently components only)

326 DH Core Rulebook

12 Deamon Hunter
17 Deamon Hunter
96 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
326 DH Core Rulebook
179 Inquisitor Handbook
25 Disciples of the Dark Gods
52 Disciples of the Dark Gods
34 Inquisitor Handbook
40 Inquisitor Handbook
96 Blood of Martyrs
61 Inquisitor Handbook
76 Inquisitor Handbook
31 Radicals Handbook
114 Inquisitor Handbook
131 Inquisitor Handbook
171 Inquisitor Handbook
16 Creatures Anethema
30,31 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
7 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
7 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
11 Creatures Anethema

104 Inquisitor Handbook

210 Inquisitor Handbook
23 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
4 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
7 Lost Dataslate (not yet added)
28 Radicals Handbook

18 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)

326 DH Core Rulebook
20 Creatures Anethema
151 Inquisitor Handbook
87 Blood of Martyrs
18 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
181 Radicals Handbook
68 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
51 Blood of Martyrs
60, 63 Blood of Martyrs
52 DW Core Rulebook
94 Inquisitor Handbook
94 Inquisitor Handbook
94 Inquisitor Handbook
103 Inquisitor Handbook
103 Inquisitor Handbook

326 DH Core Rulebook

47 Creatures Anethema
31 DH GM Screen
19 Lathe Worlds (not yet added)
209 Radicals Handbook

326 DH Core Rulebook

103 Inquisitor Handbook
16 Disciples of the Dark Gods

components only)
components only)
components only)

components only)
components only)
components only)

components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)

components only)

components only)
components only)
components only)

components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)

components only)
components only)
components only)
components only)
Inquisitor Acolyte
70 Ubiquitous 70 50 Elementary
50 Abundant 50 Elementary 30 Easy
30 Plentiful 30 Easy 20 Routine
20 Common 20 Routine 10 Ordinary
10 Average 10 Ordinary 0 Challenging
0 Scarce 0 Challenging -10 Difficult
-10 Rare -10 Difficult -20 Hard
-20 Very Rare -20 Hard -30 Very Hard
-30 Extremely Rare -30 Very Hard -50 Punishing
-50 Near Unique -50 Punishing -70
-70 Unique -70 -90
0 1
Trivial 60 Population Abundant Plentiful
Elementary 50 0 Below 1,000 1 minute 5 minutes
Simple 40 1 Below 10,000 5 minutes 10 minutes
Easy 30 2 Below 100,000 10 minutes 15 minutes
Routine 20 3 100,000 or more 15 minutes 30 minutes
Ordinary 10
Challenging 0 Availability Abundant Plentiful
Difficult -10 3 Below 1,000 Routine Ordinary
Hard -20 2 Below 10,000 Easy Routine
Very Hard -30 1 Below 100,000 Automatic Easy
Arduous -40 0 100,000 or more Automatic Automatic
Punishing -50
Hellish -60

0 1
Population Ubiquitous Abundant
0 Below 100 1 minute 1 minute
1 Below 1,000 1 minute 1 minute
2 Below 10,000 1 minute 5 minutes
3 Below 100,000 5 minutes 10 minutes
4 100,000 or more 10 minutes 15 minutes

Population Ubiquitous Abundant

4 Below 100 Routine Ordinary
3 Below 1,000 Easy Routine
2 Below 10,000 Elementary Easy
1 Below 100,000 70 Elementary
0 100,000 or more 90 70

Extended Time
Time Pop+Avail
Below 100 Ubiquitous 1 minute 0 1 minute
Below 1,000 Abundant 1 minute 1 1 minute
Below 10,000Plentiful 1 minute 2 1 minute
Below 100,00Common 5 minutes 3 5 minutes
100,000 or moAverage 10 minutes 4 10 minutes
Scarce 15 minutes 5 15 minutes
Rare 30 minutes 6 30 minutes
Very Rare 1 hour 7 1 hour
Extremely Ra1d10 hours 8 1d10 + ' hour(s)'
Near Unique 1d5 days 9 1d5 + 'days'
Unique 1d5 weeks 10 1d5 + 'weeks'
1d5 months 11 1d5 + 'months'
3d5 months 12 3d5 + 'months'
5d5 months 13 5d5 + 'months'
1d5 years 14 1d5 + 'years'
5 years 15 5 years
GM Discretion 16 GM Discretion

1 minute, 1 minute, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 min

90, 70, 50, 30, 20, 10, 0, -10, -20, -30, -50, -70, -90, GM discretion, GM d

15 minutes

Vary Rare
Extremely Rare
HORDE Size modifiers
Magn Size Mod + Melee Distance (m)
10 10 5
20 20 10
30 30 15
60 40 20
90 50 25
120 60 30


2 3 4 5 6 1 minute
Common Average Scarce Rare Very Rare 5 minutes
10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 1d10 hours 10 minutes
15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 1d10 hours 1d10 days 15 minutes
30 minutes 1 hour 1d10 hours 1d10 days 1d10 weeks 30 minutes
1 hour 1d10 hours 1d10 days 1d10 weeks 1d5 months 1 hour
1d10 hours
Common Average Scarce Rare Very Rare 1d10 days
Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard GM discretion 1d10 weeks
Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard 1d5 months
Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard
Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Plentiful Common Average Scarce Rare Vary Rare Extremely Rare
1 minute 5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 1d10 hours
5 minutes 10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 1d10 hours 1d5 days
10 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 1d10 hours 1d5 days 1d5 weeks
15 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour 1d10 hours 1d5 days 1d5 weeks 1d5 months
30 minutes 1 hour 1d10 hours 1d5 days 1d5 weeks 1d5 months 3d5 months

Plentiful Common Average Scarce Rare Very Rare Extremely Rare

Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard Punishing -70 -90
Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard Punishing -70
Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard Punishing
Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard
Elementary Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard


Result Inquiry Avail+(4-pop) Availability: Average
1 minute 90 0 90 9 Population: Below 1,000
1 minute 70 1 70 7 Inquiry % 50
1 minute 50 2 Elementary 5 Manual
5 minutes 30 3 Easy 3 1d100 0
10 minutes 20 4 Routine 2 Roll result: 92
15 minutes 10 5 Ordinary 1 -6
30 minutes 0 6 Challenging 0
1 hour -10 7 Difficult -1 TIME: 1 Month(s)
2 hour(s) -20 8 Hard -2
3 Day(s) -30 9 Very Hard -3
3 Week(s) -50 10 Punishing -5
1 Month(s) -70 11 -70 -7
6 Month(s) -90 12 -90 -9
8 Month(s) GM discretion13 GM discretion
3 Year(s) GM discretion14 GM discretion
5 years GM discretion15 GM discretion
GM DiscretionGM discretion16 GM discretion

es, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1d10 + ' hour(s)', 1d5 + 'days', 1d5 + 'weeks', 1d5 + 'months', 3d5 + 'months', 5d5 + 'mo
, -50, -70, -90, GM discretion, GM discretion, GM discretion

2*avail-2 Average 30min

Plentiful Common Average Scarce Rare Vary Rare Extremely Rare

30 minutes 1 hour 1d10 hours 1d5 days 1d5 weeks 1d5 months 3d5 months

15 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour
1d10 hours
1d5 days
1d5 weeks
1d5 months
3d5 months
Pop+Avail Pop+(3-Avail)
0 Automatic 0
1 Automatic 1
2 Easy 2 30
3 Routine 3 20
4 Ordinary 4 10
5 Challenging 5 0
6 Difficult 6 -10
7 Hard 7 -20
8 Very Hard 8 -30
9 GM discretion 9 -50

9 10
Near Unique Unique
1d5 days 1d5 weeks
1d5 weeks 1d5 months
1d5 months 3d5 months
3d5 months 5d5 months
5d5 months 1d5 years

Near Unique Unique

GM discretionGM discretion
-90 GM discretion
-70 -90
Punishing -70
Very Hard Punishing

4 : avail num
1 : pop num
40 : inq % incl difficulty
92 : roll result
: auto (F9) is chosen when manual = 0
: success (+) /fail (-) steps
onths', 3d5 + 'months', 5d5 + 'months', 1d5 + 'years', 5 years
Trivial 60 Original RT Original DH Pop+Avail
Elementary 50 one day 1 minute 0
Simple 40 one day 5 minutes 1
Easy 30 one day 10 minutes 2
Routine 20 one day 15 minutes 3
Ordinary 10 one day 30 minutes 4
Challenging 0 1d5 days 1 hour 5
Difficult -10 1d10 days 1d10 hours 6
Hard -20 1d10 days 1d10 days 7
Very Hard -30 One week 1d10 weeks 8
Arduous -40 One week 1d5 months 9
Punishing -50 1d5 weeks 10
Hellish -60 1d10 weeks 11
1d5 months 12
1d10 months 13
One year 14

0 1
Population Ubiquitous Abundant
0 10 million + One day One day
1 < 10 million One day One day
2 < 1 million One day One day
3 < 100,000 One day One day
4 < 10,000 One day 1d5 days
5 < 1,000 1d5 days 1d10 days

Population Ubiquitous Abundant

5 <1,000 Easy Routine
4 <10,000 Automatic Easy
3 <100,000 Automatic Automatic
2 < 1 million Automatic Automatic
1 < 10 million Automatic Automatic
0 10 million + Automatic Automatic

Extended Time
Time Pop+Avail
10 million or more Ubiquitous 15 minutes 0 15 minutes
Below 10 million Abundant 30 minutes 1 30 minutes
Below 1 million Plentiful 1 hour 2 1 hour
Below 100,000 Common 1d10 hours 3 1d10 + ' hour(s)'
Below 10,000 Average one day 4 1 day
Below 1,000 Scarce 1d5 days 5 1d5 + 'days'
Rare 1d10 days 6 1d10 + 'days'
Very Rare 1d10 days 7 1d10 + 'days'
Extremely ROne week 8 1 week
Near Uniqu One week 9 1 week
Unique 1d5 weeks 10 1d5 + 'weeks'
1d10 weeks 11 1d10 + 'weeks'
1d5 months 12 1d5 + months'
1d10 months 13 1d10 + months'
One year 14 1 year
GM Discretion 15 GM Discretion

Table 9-35: Acquisition Modifiers

Availability Modifier Example
Ubiquitous 70 Ration Pack
Abundant 50 Knife
Plentiful 30 Void Suit
Common 20 Lasgun
Average 10 Micro-bead
Scarce 0 Demolition Charge
Rare -10 Krak Grenade
Very Rare -20 Heavy Bolter
Extremely Rare -30 Digital Weapon
Near Unique -50 Tempest Bolt Shells
Unique -70 Archeotech Power Armour
Scale Modifier Example
Negligible 30 Single Man
Trivial 20 Squad (3-5)
Minor 10 Platoon (10-30)
Standard 0 Company (50-100)
Major -10 Regiment (500-1,000)
Significant -20 Division (2,000-5,000)
Vast -30 Army (10,000+)
Craftsmanship Modifier Example
Poor 10 Corpse Starch Ration Pack
Common 0 Typical Clothing
Good -10 Finely Crafted, Forge World Bolter
Best -30 Exquisite Power Sword with Noble Family Crest

Table 9-36: Starship Component Acquisition Modifiers

Component Modifier
War (macrobatte -30
Etheric (auspex -20
Power (warp driv -10
Structure (holds, 0

Table 9-37: Acquisition Quality

Craftsmanship Example
1-Feb Poor Ill-functioning devices of limited use, ugly and broken materials, fit only for lesser Imperial citizens o
1 Common Functioning, well-maintained equipment, adequate artistry, professional, skilled, and responsible lab
3 Good Excellent craftsmanship, equipment kept in superb shape, superior performance, highly professiona
10 1 Best Fit for a great noble, ancient and superlative Imperial technology, breathtaking and renowned artistr

Table 9-38: Acquisition Rarity

Availability Example
Unique The rarest of things and most difficult of services to acquire such as fabled artefacts of the Dark Age
Near Unique Things practically unheard of within the Imperium or of staggeringly high cost such as xenos or here
Extremely Rare The highest level of Imperial goods or the favour and services of the most profitable enterprises and
Very Rare Very difficult to acquire objects and resources or services in short supply or high demand within the
Rare Common high end resources and the favour of moderately powerful Imperial organisations such as
Scarce Standard but still reasonably profitable resources and above average costing services such as prom
Average Commonly traded commodities and the most frequently used services such as most kinds of useful
Common The low end of the commodities market and the services of small or weak organisations such as bu
Plentiful The least of goods and commodities, easily acquired rights, and very minor services such as weak,
Abundant Easily acquired objects, cheap raw materials of low value, trivial services, scrap and scavenged ma
Ubiquitous The lowest valued goods and services, of little worth and available in any port in the Imperium for lit
Pop+(3-Avail) Original Table
Automatic 0 Population Ubiquitous
Automatic 1 1 10 million + One day
Easy 2 30 2 < 10 million One day
Routine 3 20 3 < 1 million One day
Ordinary 4 10 4 < 100,000 One day
Challenging 5 0 5 < 10,000 One day
Difficult 6 -10
Hard 7 -20 Availability Ubiquitous
Very Hard 8 -30 3 <1,000 Easy
GM discretion 9 -50 2 <10,000 Automatic
1 <100,000 Automatic
0 100,000+ Automatic

2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Plentiful Common Average Scarce Rare Very Rare Extremely Rare
One day One day One day 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One week
One day One day 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One week One week
One day 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One week One week 1d5 weeks
1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One week One week 1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks
1d10 days 1d10 days One week One week 1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks 1d5 months
1d10 days One week One week 1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks 1d5 months 1d10 months

Plentiful Common Average Scarce Rare Very Rare Extremely Rare

Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard Arduous Punishing
Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard Arduous
Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard
Automatic Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard
Automatic Automatic Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult
Automatic Automatic Automatic Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging


Result Inquiry Avail+(4-pop) Availability: Very Rare 7
15 minutes 60 0 Amount: 1 0
30 minutes 50 1 Modifier 0 0
1 hour 40 2 Population: 10 million or m 2
7 hour(s) 30 3 Inquiry % 92 82
1 day 20 4 Manual Auto
4 Day(s) 10 5 1d100 27 82
10 Day(s) 0 6 Roll result: 100
6 Day(s) -10 7 -2
1 week -20 8 9
1 week -30 9 TIME: 1 week
4 Week(s) -40 10
10 Week(s) -50 11
3 Month(s) -60 12
8 Month(s) -70 13
1 year GM discretio14 Abundant
GM Discretion GM discretio15 1d10 days

Choice Result Mod Scarce
Rare -10 Rare
Very Rare
Extremely Rare

Choice Result Mod

100 0

Choice Result Mod

Common 0

Choice Result Mod

0 0

Total Mod: -10

Profit Factor: 48 Automatic Fail Automatic Succes
Difficulty: 38 0 0
Roll Result: 78
Message: Failed

for lesser Imperial citizens or the junk-heap, lazy, irresponsible, or disloyal retainers who have little pride in the outcome of their toil.
l, skilled, and responsible labour—the very least an Imperial noble is prepared to accept.
ormance, highly professional and conscientious workers, the best in a city, the elite of a local military force.
htaking and renowned artistry, a renowned master in his field, a group with absolute and unbreakable loyalty, the greatest warrior band

led artefacts of the Dark Age of Technology, the services of a Temple Assassin, or a complete set of charts of the Near-Expanse.
h cost such as xenos or heretek technology and devices, the favour of a major Adeptus, or the blessing of Saint Drusus himself.
ost profitable enterprises and organisations such as objects of forgotten Archeotech or the respect of each of the nine tribes of Klandark
y or high demand within the Imperium such as arcane devices crafted by Adeptus Mechanicus or a complete set of Genestealer bones
perial organisations such as Imperial Guard issue fabricated base structures or the cogitating power of a minor wing of the Calixis Admi
osting services such as promethium, refined plasteel, machine fluids blessed by a skilled tech-priest, or a month’s docking rights at an I
such as most kinds of useful ores and raw minerals, as well as bulk labour and the use of indentured servitude for semi-skilled tasks.
ak organisations such as bulk corpse starch, contracts to convey pilgrims along the holy paths, or a bribe for a squad of local enforcers
inor services such as weak, impure minerals and raw waste or berthing rights for a day at a remote fuelling station.
es, scrap and scavenged materials, or the unskilled labour of mutants, convicts, or slaves.
ny port in the Imperium for little cost, such as most primitive devices and technology or common gossip.
Abundant Plentiful Common Average Scarce Rare Very Rare
One day One day One day One day 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days
One day One day One day 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One week
One day One day 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One week One week
One day 1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One week One week 1d5 weeks
1d5 days 1d10 days 1d10 days One week One week 1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks

Abundant Plentiful Common Average Scarce Rare Very Rare

Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard Arduous
Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard Very Hard
Automatic Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult Hard
Automatic Automatic Easy Routine Ordinary Challenging Difficult

9 10
Near Unique Unique
One week 1d5 weeks
1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks
1d10 weeks 1d5 months
1d5 months 1d10 months
1d10 months One year
One year GM discretion

Near Unique Unique

Hellish GM’s Discretion
Punishing Hellish
Arduous Punishing
Very Hard Arduous
Hard Very Hard
Difficult Hard

: avail num

0 : pop num
: inq % incl difficulty

: roll result
: auto (F9) is chosen when manual = 0
: success (+) /fail (-) steps; -1 = fail ; -2 = 1DoF; etc.
:resulting time for lookup table
Plentiful Common Average Scarce Rare Very Rare Extremely Rare
1d10 days One week One week 1d5 weeks 1d10 weeks 1d5 months 1d10 months

1d10 days
1d10 days
One week
One week
1d5 weeks
1d10 weeks
1d5 months
1d10 months


Calculation of alternative method:
Time conversion:
Multiplier: 1.9 25,884
15 minutes 60 min 78.00 431
30 minutes 1.90 1.90 17
1 hour 3.61 uur 3.97 2
1d10 + ' hour(s)' 6.86 6.17 -
1 day 13.03 15.64
1d5 + 'days' 24.76 29.71
1d10 + 'days' 47.05 51.75
1d10 + 'days' 3.72 dagen 3.72
1 week 7.08 6.37
1 week 1.92 weken 1.73
1d5 + 'weeks' 3.65 4.01
1d10 + 'weeks' 6.93 8.32
1d5 + months' 3.03 maanden 2.43
1d10 + months' 5.76 4.61
1 year 10.95 9.85
GM Discretion
Time (min.) Roll result Result randomizer
Which results in: 32,354.64 98 25,883.71

he outcome of their toil.

, the greatest warrior band of an entire world.

of the Near-Expanse.
aint Drusus himself.
the nine tribes of Klandarka.
e set of Genestealer bones.
or wing of the Calixis Administratum.
onth’s docking rights at an Imperial outpost.
de for semi-skilled tasks.
a squad of local enforcers.
Extremely RareNear Unique
One week One w1d5 weeks
One week 1d5 w1d10 weeks
1d5 weeks 1d10 1d5 months
1d10 weeks 1d5 m1d10 months
1d5 months 1d10 One year

Extremely Rar Near Unique

Punishing Hellis GM’s Discretion
Arduous Punis Hellish
Very Hard ArduoPunishing
Hard Very Arduous
Extremely Rare
1d10 months

ALTERNATIVE TIME (more accurate)

Time conversion:
minutes 0
hours 0
days 3 3 days
weeks 2 2 weeks
months 0
TIME: 2 weeks 3 days
1 1 A grazing blow to the 1 The attack tears skin from 1 The impact fills the
2 head
2 Thefrazzlesblast of the energy target's the
2 Thetarget's
attackface slices dealing open the 2 target's
The attack head causes with a terrible the
3 senses,
dazzles imposing
the target, a
3 The attack cooks off the 3 The attack tears the <b>-10
leaving <b>1
target's level scalp of Fatigue</b>.
which ringing
target to noise.
3 The target's nose see The
stars. target
him <b>blinded
target's to
ear, allleaving
for 1him [h,
target's helmet begins fromto his bleed must
explodes Test
takes inToughness
a<b>1torrent level oforof
4 4 The
(except energy
Toughness) attack burns
for 1 4 The attack
if(json.get(CurrentlyEquippe scoops out one 4 The<b>1
take concussive level of strike
<b>Stunned forhairs 1 on the head. profusely. If Dueeyes,
wearing tono blood helmet, Fatigue [r:setFatigue(1)]</b>
away all of ofthe of the target's the blood,
inflicting staggers <b>blinding
theoftarget, him dealing for 1

5 5 A blast
ded%22,1)]</b>. energy 5 The attack
pouring into opens
the target's up 5 The
and takesforce a <b>-10the blow penalty
envelopes head as
thecooks wellthe
target's the
ashead, target's target
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] face, loses an
leaving ear him of Round[h:newState(%22Blin
sends the target level(s)
6 [h:setTmpStat(%22WS
6 The attack
ned%22,1)]</b> andfrom %22%22):setFatigue(1)]
6 As the
instead heand blow
suffers rips
inflicts <b>2 If 6
a violently
<b>-10 [h,if(d100>T):setFatigue(1)]
to The
Weapon target's
ded%22,1)]</b> Skill head andisBallistic
and dealing
%22,-10,1, him
his reeling
%22Energy and hair,
hisCrit the Fatigue
the for [r:roll=1d5] Fatigue.
pain. The target is
7 target's
7 In a The
<b>1 attack
level display,
deals of <b>2 the 7 Intarget
levels the
a splatter
both wearing
target's ofWeapon
skin face- aandit 7
<b>2 attack
levels back
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> of by
slams forthe
Fatigue</b>.1into attack
Round. the
flesh causing
features is and
burned him
from to scream the his Rounds[h:newState(%22Stu
teeth, andwith
the there it
attack an is no
important effect.
removes <b>Stunned
leaving him
target's for
staggering 1
8 Fatigue</b>.
8 The
levels target's
of Fatigue</b> head is [h,if(HeadAP==0):setFatigue
8 The blow slices into the 8 Blood pours from the his
[r:setFatigue(2)]head, fracturing
like a stuck
target's The head, Grox.
target exposingisIn addition leaving nned%22,roll)]</b>
most the of
Rolltarget's [r:1d10](1d10)
target's and
face. Round[h:newState(%22Stun
skull trying tomouth,
%22Impact control Crit
9 [r:setFatigue(1)]
9 losing
to Superheated
<b>blinded his
in a
the and
by he the
next isthe
to With
of the
a <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
what sound for not
the 1 unlike
has Theand
a ned%22,1)]</b>.
mind-numbing target'sopening
noise, head
a bursts
of fiery
attack, isthebone
He muscle
does for
brain not Rounds.
The target
causing his
wet sponge is eyes<b>blinded
being to pop
tornunlike in out on
like Head%22)]
an his asscalp.the The
attack target
10 <b>blinded
10+ Superheated
forThe [r:roll=1d10]
hours by
target theis level(s)
lost. 1-3:of
and his
sound (see
to ooze
is The isoverripe
[h:setTmpStat(%22BS%22,- his overripe
He for
1 [r:roll=1d5]
[h: newState(%22Blinded
attack, the
1 A blast to permanentlytearing
target's apart
the arm leaves it 1brain his ned%22,1)]</b>.
The the slashingtarget's
a wet sponge Effects being head
attack ontorn flies
tears the
in sprays
1 The blood,
attack an bone
numbs the fruit
skull and sending flaming %22,-10,roll,
free cheek
of itswearingbody %22Rending
like spilled and jelly.
sails 10,1,
brains %22Impact
does notinlimb survive
all directions. Crit
the on
2 %22,
all numb roll)]
2 The attack Rounds</b>
smashes apart
permanently Testson and
his target
Crit on
%22)]</b> the is
4-7: target's
Head%22)] Nose
free and that has a
his flies
held and sprays
Rounds[h:newState(%22Stu blood,
causing bone him andto
made and<b>3 ofhis
involving meat
sending flying
the of
arm attheare
the dead
in this its
the before
comes and
landing the
off. hits the 2
The strike
brains in
drop anythingwithin
leaves4 metres
a deep
inand that of
3 %22)]</b>and
3 Thesending
those attack takes
burns theat of is 3 [h:setTmpStat(%22BS%22,-
The to
shreddingdrop permanently
whateverattack was 3 nned%22,roll)]</b>
The Themust
impact target
inflicts and
at -30 nearby.
chunks for
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] of1meat
characteristic Round. The
by flying target
level(s) of
reduced the
8-10: landingEarCrit on
hand. target
<b>halves <b>2 within levels
all 4makemetres
movement of anof
4 energy
4 The crackling
10,1, nearby.
of the
down him
The on
to held
4 The
attack inflicts
target with
athe soggy level
skin <b>1
theThe level
Fatigue</b>. Test
impact pain of
mustor Fatigue</b>.
leavesmake the athean-10for
the fingers
<b>Stunned and for up1 to the Head%22)]
pain. The He <b>The
target <b>2 target
isainstantly [r:1d10](1d10)
penalty <b>1 toand level
their hours.of
WSpain. and BS
makes the target vomit. He 5 from the limb, filling the air 5 target reeling or from The

5 target's
5 The arm
Head%22)] entire
shoulder. suffers
The body
arm iscatches
TheAlso, metres
A bloody
and also1ofaway
[r:setFatigue(1)] level
now and
by with
of very
has Fatigue. soggy
trouble painful Agility
Muscle Test
[h:newState(%22Slowed suffer
bone a -10
take a
burns and runs
inflicting off for
no 1
small levels
looking, blood
The Fatigue</b>
furrow the
is sounds
opened up Fatigue</b>
on their
pounding is next
as [r:setFatigue(1)]
the WS as
attack and gore
for BS
6 [h:setTmpStat(%22Int%22,-
6 The attack
useless also takes wreathes
for [r:1d5](1d5) the 6 ; you
The blowcan
speaking alwaysmangles
without hide
slurring fleshthe his 6 The
%22,-1)]</b> attack pulverises the
[r:2d10] metres inand athe inflicts
random [r:setFatigue(2)]
spewshis screaming.
blood inarm. and
The drops
target and
gets drops
in their
eyes or was
on their
7 amount
arm aof
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] flame,
7 With
<b>2 levels and pain
terribleofthe on
of in
and themuscle
7 The
attack your
addition, rips ita hair.)
apart TheIn
in that target
skin, on
into target's their
7 With
the ahand,
that loud Turn
hand. crushing
snap, asthe
target's gore andarm
clothing The (use the
and armour, and Scatter
WS takes
and and falls
the <b>Prone</b>
target's the all those
hand, is nearby
liberating visors.[r:setDeath()]
breaking in
and their
BS eyes
[r:1d5](1d5) bothThe
or on limb
fingers is
8 This
8 Energy
<b>3 is the
levels target's
of ofof
the arm attack
the is is
8 suffering
With an
[h:newState(%22Prone bone from
assortment and <b>Blood
sinew of bone
8 The
useless is shattered
forcefor of the
[r:1d5](1d5) and
attack left
BS are
Fellowship</b>, on
halved page
fusing (round 196).
unless down)
their and
[r:1d5](1d5) of them
<b>Blood fingers to take
in the an visors.
(for thethe Also,
purposes thefor attack
of this was
9 Fatigue</b>.
for atthe
the Round the
9 Fire marrow
consumes [r:1d5](1d5)
the causing
The arm
ittarget is Loss
9 The
%22)] from
process (the
wet the ripping
rol of
agony a clean
5 and takes
and hanging
so Inpowerful
(1d10) a rain
thumb the attarget
blood, the
In gore
passes below
addition, takes
the limb
useless arm,
for is
be already
[r:1d10](1d10) 10
it to
from or [h:newState(%22Blood_Los
takes <b>2 arm
the into
levels a
ofdangling free of target's
<b>1 shoulder,
level side, of dribbling
Fatigue</b>. blood
10 arm,
on burning
target including
<b>halves the flesh
WS to
and a
the through
10+ the
means all
attack arm
the suffers
the and
thumb place into
a -10
has the
in and
10+ meat,
finger).In a the
The the
rain target
blood, and
takes arm
gore is
the in
Rounds. which
The The case
target nobody
must is s%22)]</b>
the inflicting
Fatigue</b>. trailingand takes
blood onto
blood the
[r:setFatigue(1)] ground.
gore The
across arm the is
arm right
tomake of
aand down
cloud of to
Agility the bone.
Test torso,
or 1
agony. drenching
He to
thehis drops Weapon the
whatever groundSkill removed
of another
AFatigue</b> from target his body.
nearby. Ifis
1 [h:setTmpStat(%22WP
1 A blow
The anotices
Toughness [r:roll=1d10]
until itash
make is
and body
beenIf the sheared
in blood ittarget
aSkill isoff).
not The
The and
the 1and
is1 ground.
target target's
incoherently, repaired,
%22,-10,1, fire
repaired a (see
breathtarget Special
theToughness fromcrumbling
target counts his and
Fatigue. Ballistic
held drenching
takeson and this <b>3the Tests
location,levels is
ground for
heof the hit was
the target the from from
counts his a
and melee
asa havingmust
must his
2 2 The blast
immediate punches
<b>Stunned the
forTest air
1 2 The The
the attack
target for must Damages
instantly. immediately the 2 The
twists impact
about punches
in agony for thea
on the
as only ground
Head%22)] The floor(WS/2),
having target where
one can they
arm. roll,
take The Round
in blood
takes <b>1as until
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> gore medical
gore fills and
level of his killing
The weapon,
only oneanThe the
arm attacker
target and canaTest
takes may
take he
3 from
or The
die the attack
from target's
Round[h:newState(%22Stun cooks
shock. body,If the
he flesh target's
3 The
Rounds. a
Toughness rips a Test
large or air
few from
The the
seconds target's
before Test body,
a ribdie
%22Energy die
Crit from
on Arms shock, or
and fouls
must his is visor.
immediately As The the immediately
make inflicting
Toughness about make
Test agony or another
lose for ahis
4 The
a is
on the <b>Half
their and Action
smoking In
on 1his <b>reducing
all over
4 A isof
arm falls
also shock.
to of
the blood Armour
ground hetheuntilpasses
<b>Blood its
4 The
collapsing blow
few seconds to ofthe
level If he
of on
the ofthe
next %22EnergyCrit
Fatigue</b> [r:setFatigue(1)] on a Toughness
repaired, the
1 istarget Test orcountslose use
next of his
[r:setFatigue(2)] hand.
the target
inflicting takes
character, <b>2takes levels
scorching of his Points the
from Test,
target's the by he
deep Stunned
cuts, ahim
making for Fatigue</b>.
Fatigue</b>. the
target, toTest,
shattering he oris
ribs still

5 stump.[r:setDeath()]
5 The
%22, fury
ned%22,1)]</b> the attack
and roll, also Loss
the Theuse spasm
blow of
as having his
onlyopens hand.
one up arm. longIn weapon)
5 A solid against
Turn.</b>[h:newState(%22C the any
to ground
the other
chest and
body him.
and of Fatigue
inflicting level(s)
[r:setFatigue(2)] of [h,if(BodyAP>0):BodyAP=B
the Turns
ground in and
slick suffers
with target
gore. [r:setFatigue(1)]
target takes for [r:roll=1d10]
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] target
6 forces
%22Energy the
6 Struck
takes by target
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] Crit
the to
full the
force of [h:newState(%22Blood_Los
wound in
6 The
addition, mighty the
numerous pumping
attack torso,
veins to is the a anything
winds they
6 The attack held
the can
target in
knocks reach
and is hand.
and leaving
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> the target of is odyAP-1]</b>.
<b>Stunned Loss In
for addition,
1weapon. Rounds[h:newState(%22Stu
also <b>Stunned for 1 in
the attack,
7 The helplessly
<b>Stunned the
for power1
target is and
of sent
7 acharacters
The painful
target ofhim
chunk to
takes cuts
laceration. out
<b>1open ofand over
level the
he momentary
7 With
smashed Ifonthe over
hit apart
his <b>Stunned
faceto and for 1 in
keening move
If the through
target was this pool
carrying toofis [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
a pain,
by the from force a ranged
of the weapon
attack, and
is suffering of
energy attack
8 As theThe
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> from ground,
cooks <b>Blood
washes theover in is
of terrible
8 With
target's must now pain.
vile armour,
and him target
on from
the ground. clutching
is The force
The oftarget
of himself
smoke spiralling target is
outturns of the and ranged
<b>Blood weapon
as Phew!
Loss there
clutches isthe a they
crying may
[r:1d5](1d5) in immediately
agony. metres The and make
9 target's
the target,
9 The organs,
target his is skin burning
completely target [r:setFatigue(1)].
his considerable
9 Theskin levels
powerfulon of
or <b>Blood If not
fallblow cleaves Loss
of ribs
9 The break. The
target jerks target
of the
back can
wound. toheart
The the
target ground Test
iswhile and oozing<b>5%25chance
level(s) of Fatigue.
wound, shrieking another
in from attack
the attacker (with and the
flystay about
encased onlyand
black and peels
in fire,one with
meltingarm. intense armoured,
his [h:newState(%22Blood_Los
the targetcomes theaway
from target
gullet is
to also either
revealing target's lay
from the downofand
force andtheknocks and
attack, still
10 must
10+ The
knocked make target
to an
the <b>Agility
the use [r,if(1d100<6):%22=Succes
pain. The
s%22)]</b>. The powerful
target is blow same
10+ The
shrapnel. of Fatigue
target against
jerks back any
body The
fat target
skin and popping The out istarget
his of his
eyes now <b>Stunned
a red ruin
groin, revealing of andfor
muscle. 1exposing
hisfrom The
internal and awaiting
him suffers
throwingdown, medical
back gasping his attention
<b>Blood in
head and(a
1 Test
of Athe
1 orhand
blow catch
to fire, fire melting
thefor [r:roll=1d10]
leg leaves his %22;%22=Fail%22]</b>
1 Thehas attack the target
knocks the limb 2 target
metres standing
1 A light ofMedicae
from the force
blow theto of directly
the takes
like has
superheated one
and for
armour. [r:roll=2d10]
eggs. The He gullet Round[h,if(BodyAP==0):new
organs of
mustand his
only innards.
make one
spilling . Thethemarm.
a The
target successful
on spewing pain.
out atargetThe
jet of Test
skin and popping that a to single randomly behind the
is <b>Stunned original for target
2 Rounds[h:newState(%22Stu
2 A target
falls grazing
to isthe strike his
for [h:newState(%22Prone
2 The
to the can
either kneecap
before choose jerking
to throwing
2 A
before grazing (if
the back
thecrumpling the
<b>Blood target orhis
strike head
continue strikes
to the
and for
to a
like superheated
The target gains eggs.
<b>1 and The
level determined
it away and organs
from target
takesthe andbody.within
spillingThe and
air. still
The within
target a
takes of
object, of
<b>1 their
3 [h:newState(%22Stunned
the leg
3 The slows
blast the
breaks target for a %22,1)]</b>.
die</b>.one open. arm
ofIf he He to hold
passes, his he guts take
the legActions,
s%22)]</b>. slows
[h:newState(%22Blood_Los though
He now target. each
only The
of takes
bit. The thetarget
ground and
<b>halves athe all The 3 The
them onattack
in (until
<b>Test takes ato
Agilitythe rips
<b>1 metres
3 The blow
be ground
the before
target of The
crumpling target
Fatigue</b>. istoatakes to
4 [h:newState(%22Stunned
4 A solid
level(s) leg blow leaving
of Fatigue.
Fatigue to the him leg permanently
hit The
by infrom
these the loses
shots,leg, the causing
in which have
4 A one
solid leg arm.
blow and
leaving the him leg
[r:setFatigue(1)] of corpse. If the before
Fatigue. him. The target is ground
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] dead. The level(s) target ofofis
sends electric for his
for 1and Toughness
currents and and the Fatigue</b>.
of them
kneecap to place
free with
from from athe
the his [r:setFatigue(1)]
sends lightning forfor
[r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()] 1that1level(s)
agony a jagged

5 [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
5 The is carrying
by half<b>halves leg
[h:T=floor(T/2)]</b> any
endures In case
5 In a resolve
successful dead. of
Medicaea single
blood, hit
Test), thrown
5 A
rib powerful
pierces [r:1d10](1d10) impact
a vital the organ causes and
agony coursing his
through State(%22Prone%22)]</b>.
the wound.
target's The
leg, [h:T=T-roll]</b>,
causing Round[h:newState(%22Slo
to as Round[h:newState(%22Stun
it up, coursing through target.
6 must
(round burn
down).he the mustStand
burns isthe
make Action
a fusing
an from
or The
fight the
the blow
on legtarget's
target is
regardless are
opened weapon
aawash coupleand metres
micro away
6 Several
kills the of the
character from intiny thebones
instantly. tack.
target. The Toughness
target and takes and Regardless,
collapse <b>[r:Fat=1d10]
out levelhe
from takes
of under <b>1 him. wed%22,1)]</b>
The and
The energy
foot, Test feet.itorexplodes
movement catch with
for 7 The
force For
of of
the sinew rest
[r:setFatigue(1)]blow end
each ofcuts
and the in
7 thetarget
of target's
is Stunned
takes<b>1 nasty
level target's
allagony. of
movement snappath
Rounds thelike
flesh and bone.
flesh and emitting level(s)
The a target
foul of The
the anyone
target's The moves moving
foot. The at <b>half
takes within
target <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
must successfully
twigs with cracking level(s) Test The
noises. of for
8 the leg, leaving
8 Energy Rounds.
sears it a
through mess of
the 8 turn
deep that
and In a suffers his
singleuntil the middle
<b>Blood splits
grinding <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
,ofand Fatigue
Loss is broken
[r:roll=1d5] and
Rounds. level(s)
the of
takes <b>1
blackened The-1, level
flesh. ofmust
The (seeis speed</b>
leg four
against metres
bone ofbloody
an andthe medical
The force
is orAgility
knocked bemust of
is make attack
mewling Down.
anleg by
9 floor(S/2),
9 The
Fatigue</b> causing
force of%22Energy
Unless the
the leg
they to and be
can now
9 leg
Fatigue suffers
must lopped
meaty <b>Blood
make off
chop, an the In Loss
Agility [h:newState(%22Slowed
9 The the hit
-20 for lower
[r:1d10](1d10) half
apart ofthe the and
Crit on
%22,roll)]</b> Damage
Body%22)] <b>Test
until on
repaired, page <b>Toughness
all over
ligaments the
s%22)]</b>. ground,
apart. Test
The causing
leg is immediate
pain. The
%22,roll)]</b> <b>Toughness
target The falls targetto the
10 severed.
10+ Inaasuccessful
moves The
the all
terrifying target
to display
<b>half must
Dodge more
speed for target,
Test comes spurting
or and, fall
of 10+ With he
a away
meaty its
takesatchop, vital
the and fluids
hip.the 10+away
of the
Rounds Thein
leg, a stream
and he
rips movement
apart blood.
blood thefor to
the target
[h:setTmpStat(%22T%22, ([r,if(1d100>T):
counts as having ([r,if(1d100>T):%22Fail
s%22)]</b>. [r:2d10](2d10)
until repaired, Test
takes ([r,if(1d100>T):%22Fail
<b>1with a
level broken of leg
for aaallToughness
[r:roll=1d5] chunk
power, the Rounds.
leg of Rounds.
immolates Test
within or across
leg comes of
target the ground.
away movement
at toThe
the the hip. for The target
spray out
flesh of the in must
leg, immediately
causing of
lost theThe
become leg. -1, The
<b>Stunned target
%22Energy formust 1 the %22;%22Succes
Damage.target In
target must countseitheras
immediately case,having %22;%22Succes%22])</b>
the and,
make until
Fatigue</b>.a it istarget
Toughness repaired, Test heor
and fire
%22])</b> consumes
lose must
the take
the Test
foot. [r:setFatigue(2)]
The target
%22])</b>or howling pitches hours
permanently to the the [h:newState(%22Slowed
in agony, Even
or as
permanently the
spray out
lose tries
in allone
Crit a
Toughness Toughness
on Body%22)]
target completely. or die Test
or target
make one takes
moments addition,
inisagony, Test later. counts
or futilely
die from
%22,roll)]</b> toshock.only
directions. Even
the Onassuddenathe use
extensive success,
ate(%22Stunned <b>Stunned
scarring the target's for 1 lose
die the
fromdying ofuse
maiming Fatigue
shock. of his foot.
On a later. flood On
that of
success,The foot. target
the On a success,
targethe <b>2to
dies inlegaFunctions:
utterlyIfare the
ofthe %22)]
lost. [r:setDeath()]
a success,
the target is moments
now suffering andis target
vital fluid,
Fatigue</b>. toisstopfalls
[r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()] The halves
target the
now success, the target is <b>Stunned
ground and flood for
dies in [r:roll=1d10]
agonising carried
halved[h:newState(%22Slo seconds. any grenades halved The tide of blood is so the
rates sudden
are ofavital
or missiles,
oneone leground . In after is
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] from now
that, for
fluid, he fallspool to of
ground gore. and
level(s) of Fatigue. untilgains he [h:newState(%22Slowed
[h:newState(%22Blood_Los halved[h:newState(%22Slo
the Damage the target
was dealt they Rounds[h:newState(%22Stu nned%22,roll)]</b>,
[r:setDeath()] takes
receives medicallevel(s)
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> attention. The remainder
s%22)]</b>. of the
Hehe battle,
also receives dies
takes wed%22)]</b> in a spreading until pool
he ofof
detonate where the target's of nned%22,roll)]</b>, takes <b>[r:Fat=1d5] level(s)
In addition,
<!--Set now(New)
only target
%22Energy one takes leg. anyone
1d10 Fatigue
attention. and
Run In either
or of gore. receives
Such is the attention.
medical agony of
<b>2 lies
levels with
[r,if(1d100>T):newState(%2 of the normal
Fatigue</b>. Charge
Fatigue. Lossthe Action
target within
takes six the
The target's
target death
takes that his
<b>2 levels
Crit on Body, permanent
effects.[r:setDeath()] and <b>Blood [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> and
2Stunned%22,1)] metres
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] of
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> the target
level(s) this of piteous
of Fatigue</b>. screams drowns out
is suffering
[h:StateName = Arg(0)] from <b>Blood [h:newState(%22Blood_Los suffers <b>Blood Loss
Fatigue. must make an Agility all conversation
[r:setFatigue(2)] within
[h,if(argCount() == 2):numRounds s%22)]</b>.
Test = Arg(1);numRounds
or fall over. He now has = -1] [h:newState(%22Blood_Los
[r:2d10](2d10) metres for
[h:newState(%22Blood_Los only [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
one leg. s%22)]</b>.
[r:setDeath()] the rest of theHe Round.now only
[h: setState(StateName, 1)] [r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()] has one
[r:setDeath()] leg.
[h:States=json.set(States, StateName, numRounds+1)] [r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()]
<!--if someone gets the same state more then once it cumulates, this can be argued...-->

[if(numRounds == -1):States = json.set(States,Statename,numRounds)]

<!--Set (New) State-->

[h:StateName = Arg(0)]
[h,if(argCount() == 2):numRounds = Arg(1);numRounds = -1]

[h: setState(StateName, 1)]

[h:States=json.set(States, StateName, numRounds+1)]
<!--if someone gets the same state more then once it cumulates, this can be argued...-->

[if(numRounds == -1):States = json.set(States,Statename,numRounds)]

[h,if(json.contains(States,StateName)&&numRounds != -1), CODE:


[h:Fatigue = max(-1, Fatigue - takenFatigue)]
[h,if(TB !=0):bar.Fatigue = Fatigue / TB]

[h:setTmpStat(%22BS%22,-10,1, %22EnergyCrit on Head%22)]

WS floor(WS/2) Energy Arms

BS floor(BS/2) Energy Arms
S floor(S/2) Energy Body
T floor(T/2) Energy Body
Ag floor(Ag/2) Energy Head
Int floor(Int/2) Energy Head
Per floor(Per/2) Energy Head
WP floor(WP/2) Energy Head
Fel floor(Fel/2) Energy Body
M floor(M/2) Impact Head

[h:setTmpStat(%22M%22,floor(M/2),1, %22Energy Crit on Head%22)]

1 The Explosive leaves the head
2 The flashconfused and noise body Energy Head 1
leaves the
3 The detonation leaves the arm target <b>blind Energy Head 2
target's faceofa the He can
bloody ruin take
onlyThea force Half Action burst
on his leg Energy Head 3
knocks scores andtarget
the deaf
of small to cuts.
nextThe Explosive
Turn and
[h:newState(%22Deafened takes flays <b>1the Energy Head 4
flesh target
from and takes
the Stuns target's<b>2 him face levels
for 1
6 The
of of
Fatigue</b>. Fatigue</b>.
for 1 head
Round</b>. Energy Head 5
and bursts
explodes The his
under target eardrums
the takes
7 Both target
<b>2 head takesand <b>2
body areof
levels Energy Head 6
blown itslevels
Fatigue</b>. force.
into a
leaving Fatigue</b>.
mangled target
his mess, is
8 In a series of
<b>Stunned for unpleasant
[r:roll=1d10] Energy Head 7
Explosives corpse
killing the the to
target's spurt
target. head In
9 The from target
blood the ceases neck for to exist the Energy Head 8
in any torso if
tangible the
peel targe:
way, is
next The
few target
minutes. ceases and toisit Energy Head 9
a gory
exist in mess any
any a inkind theNeedless
tangible ofground.
way, The
1 say
For thetakes this
rest isofinstantly
dealing throws
the the
fight, fatal.limb Energy Head 10
backwards, mist.
turning You
painfullyinto don't
a kind
jerking getof
2 The
much attack
deader Energy
moving sends
than over Damagea
this, this to Energy Armss 1
any away
fracture creatures ofmist.
within body,
the islimb.the
3 The must Explosive
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> make an
takes Agility Energy Arms 2
Test metres.
[r:1d5](1d5) or fall<b>1 drops
fingers the of anc
from the
can The
manner only blasein take
Fatigue</b>[r:setFatigue(1)] whichcauses
Half the the
Actionstarget Energy Arms 3
held carrying
target the
howl hand grenades
in and
agony.target takes orHe
5 1d5
<b>1 killed,
Fragments level thesethat from
oflevels Finally,
Fatigue</b>. the of the
explode Energy Arms 4
Explosive <b>3
who tear are into ofthe
within two
on The the explosive
Fatigue</b> target's attack
[r:setFatigue(3)] Energy Arms 5
shatters by of
the Fatigue
where bone ripping theand points
and In a violent
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>, hail
carried of flesh,
in He the
is Energy Arms 6
mangles and must muscle
the make
flesh </b>due an
turning to
8 The arm
<b>Stunned is arm is blown
for 1 apart.
If this The is Energy Arms 7
the scarring.
target's Willpower
arm into Test Test
aoff. red or
under explosive,must
9 With a mighty forceimmediately
it goes
bang the
make their
ablasted next
or lose
<b>Toughness Turn thethe Test
Energy Arms 8
10+ is
With from
Even ataking the
mighty from
a asuccess,
and good
attacker. the
bang theof the
or die from shock</b>. level(s) Energy Arms 9
1 The istarget
the hand
is of
blasted isthe shoulder
is until the
blown theanda
Energy Arms 10
target with
is target
The in target
a is of is
2 The targetattention
backwards killing
is is rain theThe
blood screaming
droplets. to
In a<b>1 the
addition, Energy Body 1
target's instantly
arm The is target
broken takes
rain of if
the The target
backwards where
droplets. was
In diesand,
addition, in
of a if Energy Body 2
<b>destroys repaired,
metres, of taking
his own the
whateverblood target takes
and of
4 The
counts target
[r:setFatigue(roll)]as with
Explosive was
having a power
per source
metre Energy Body 3
in hisInhand
target protected
<b>sprawling (such level(s)
as asource
to the
[r:setFatigue(roll)] with
He a
isfrompowerthe perthe metre Energy Body 4
in his hand sword If the
(such or target
as wore
6 Chunks
none <b>(
Ifof nature
target's target
aand solid Energy Body 5
wound the itare explodes,
power sword
flesh means ripped or
andthat dealing
free he by now the
7 The
%22)]</b>. <b>Blood
explosive takes
Heis reduced
takes Loss
force Damageof to the Energy Body 6
attack itofwhen
ruptures his innards.
attack dealing
theof leaving
target's The
to The
[r:1d10+5](1d10+5)target's within two
level(s) metres.of Energy Body 7
flesh and fallsscrambles
large, weeping
outward, Hewounds. nowDamage onlyThe
to Pieces
target is of the
<b>Stunned for target's
1 two metres.
for body1 Energy Body 8
disgorgingone system,
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>, arm. a wears
river knocking
of armor
partially ishis
If thein all
target directions
10+ Pieces
Round[h:newState(%22Stun is
of carrying
the as
target's he any Energy Body 9
<b>Stunnedto theorgans ground.
the target
onto The the is as
ammunition into
1 A glancing
target flyfalls
in all itfor
blast takes
is sends takes by
the Energy Body 10
he his backwards
the attack. In
torn into him
addition, [r:1d10]
bloody if the
2 The is
(1d10) force
metres, backwards
of theany level(s)
Explosiveone of Energy Legs 1
takes the
by the as
to anyone
attack. above
within In but
3 The
spend target
[r:1d10](1d10) concussion
addition, Fulltakes
if the Action
it <b>2
target cracks
to levels
is(this the Energy Legs 2
of under
target's leg, him.
leaving He and
him and
is The
in addition
now his
Explosive feet.
to Damage
any ammunition,
suffering sends
<b>Blood the it Energy Legs 3
target <b>[r:Fat=1d10]
spinningto forthrough
anyone 1for every
within the
level(s) by
of exploding
Fatigue. [r:1d10+5]
removes power Energy Legs 4
metre travelled.
[r:1d10](1d10) metres.
part The
6 The
%22)] and
above). to If
<b>1 and
In Ifthe
level Energy Legs 5
scatters target is carrying
it is
a any
wide away any area.
7 The blast,
<b>halving he
Explosive shattersnow
all the
movement the
for Energy Legs 6
target's the
target leg or
metres. mustmissiles,
bones Ifamake
theandand these
too The
takes detonate<b>1 leg
blast Lossinto
level the hunk
of leg
target's of Energy Legs 7
is carrying
apart his body
[h:newState(%22Blood_Los any Toughness
flesh, his person.
inflicting or
smoking legmeat.
from the
9 The([r,if(1d100>T):%22Fail
explodes inThe a geysertarget
in anofof Energy Legs 8
s%22)]</b> these and too level(s)
can detonate
gore, immediately
eruption of blood, The
him make
killing metre a
take the
Toughness The
Half target's
10+ leg
ActionsTest person.
explodes orfor die the infrom an Energy Legs 9
or the
eruption <b>1
ground, It
of level
blood, blood of
losesthe and
killing target
the the
pumping [r:1d10](1d10)
On froma successful
the hours
ragged Theas Energy Legs 10
use Full
leg ofthe
is Action
his tiny
broken foot, to
and, regain
inflicting and
until his
target of
Test, tries
feet and to
he regain
target <b>halves is control
fatal. all of Rending Head 1
is drenched
repaired, clothing,
the in and
target level(s) armour
counts of
movement body.
[r:setDeath()] for for [r:roll=1d10]
[r:roll=1d10] Rending Head 2
as having make offonly
clothing, inanall and
one directions.
Agility Test
leg. In or
Anyone within two metres of
take a -10
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> penalty to Rending Head 3
the target
offthe in
directions.takes a
nature of the wound
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] Skill
within and
two Ballistic
level(s) means ofof Rending Head 4
Skill Tests
the target
that he now suffers from Impact
takes 1 Damage.
a [r:1d10+2] as
Fatigue Rending Head 5
<b>Blood fouls their sight.
Loss Damage.
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> and Rending Head 6
suffers <b>Blood target
[h:newState(%22Blood_Los if the Loss and is
carrying any his ammunition, it Rending Head 7
explodes dealing until he
[r:1d10+5] Rending Head 8
s%22)]</b>. He now has
only one medical
(1d10+5) Damageattention.
leg. to Rending Head 9
anyone within
[r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()] [r:1d10]
%22)] metres. If the target
is carrying any grenades or
e argued...-->missiles, these too detonate
on the target's person.
Rending Head 10
Rending Arms 1
Rending Arms 2
Rending Arms 3
Rending Arms 4
Rending Arms 5
Rending Arms 6
Rending Arms 7
Rending Arms 8
Rending Arms 9
Rending Arms 10
Rending Body 1
Rending Body 2
Rending Body 3
Rending Body 4
Rending Body 5
Rending Body 6
Rending Body 7
Rending Body 8
Rending Body 9
Rending Body 10
Rending Legs 1
roll [h:setTmpStat(Rending Legs 2
roll [h:setTmpStat(Rending Legs 3
-1 [h:setTmpStat(Rending Legs 4
-1 [h:setTmpStat(Rending Legs 5
roll [h:setTmpStat(Rending Legs 6
roll [h:setTmpStat(Rending Legs 7
roll [h:setTmpStat(Rending Legs 8
roll [h:setTmpStat(Rending Legs 9
-1 [h:setTmpStat(Rending Legs 10
roll [h:setTmpStat(Impact Head 1
Impact Head 2
Impact Head 3
Impact Head 4
Impact Head 5
Impact Head 6
Impact Head 7
nergy Crit on Head%22)] Impact Head 8
Impact Head 9
Impact Head 10
Impact Arms 1
Impact Arms 2
Impact Arms 3
Impact Arms 4
Impact Arms 5
Impact Arms 6
Impact Arms 7
Impact Arms 8
Impact Arms 9
Impact Arms 10
Impact Body 1
Impact Body 2
Impact Body 3
Impact Body 4
Impact Body 5
Impact Body 6
Impact Body 7
Impact Body 8
Impact Body 9
Impact Body 10
Impact Legs 1
Impact Legs 2
Impact Legs 3
Impact Legs 4
Impact Legs 5
Impact Legs 6
Impact Legs 7
Impact Legs 8
Impact Legs 9
Impact Legs 10
Explosive Head 1
Explosive Head 2
Explosive Head 3
Explosive Head 4
Explosive Head 5
Explosive Head 6
Explosive Head 7
Explosive Head 8
Explosive Head 9
Explosive Head 10
Explosive Arms 1
Explosive Arms 2
Explosive Arms 3
Explosive Arms 4
Explosive Arms 5
Explosive Arms 6
Explosive Arms 7
Explosive Arms 8
Explosive Arms 9
Explosive Arms 10
Explosive Body 1
Explosive Body 2
Explosive Body 3
Explosive Body 4
Explosive Body 5
Explosive Body 6
Explosive Body 7
Explosive Body 8
Explosive Body 9
Explosive Body 10
Explosive Legs 1
Explosive Legs 2
Explosive Legs 3
Explosive Legs 4
Explosive Legs 5
Explosive Legs 6
Explosive Legs 7
Explosive Legs 8
Explosive Legs 9
Explosive Legs 10
[h:setTmpStat(%22Ag%22,-10,1, [h:setTmpStat(%22Ag%22,-10,1,
%22EnergyCrit on Head%22)] %22EnergyCrit
[h:CriticalStateson = Head%22)]
[h:setTmpStat(%22Int%22,-10,1, [h:setTmpStat(%22Int%22,-10,1,
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Hea =
%22EnergyCrit on Head%22)] [h:CriticalStates
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Hea = Head%22)]
d/7","7 In a gruesome
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Hea display, the
[h:setTmpStat(%22Per%22,-10,1, [h:CriticalStates
flesh is The
burned attack = cooks
from the target's
d/4","4 The energy
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Hea = attacktarget's
the burns
%22EnergyCrit on Head%22)] %22EnergyCrit
face, melting
head, exposing his
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Hea on Head%22)]
= on the
charred bone and and
4 The energy
6 The attack cooks attackthe burns target'sawayface, all of the away
d/5","5 all A
[h:CriticalStates ofblastthe
damaging his hairs
eyes. energy
= The target's
target is
7 In aon
hairs gruesome
the target's display, head the
as flesh
well asis json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Hea
head underneath.
as wellhead, attack
asthe cooks
leaving The himtarget
off the
reeling is
2 The
burned blasthis features
from of the on
energy Head%22)]
target's and dazzlesdamaging
head, the
exposing his
target, the
<b>blinded The for
permanentlyon ofburning
energy his
[r:1d10] dazzles face
3 The
leaving attack
him cooks
reeling off
from the target's
the blast. ear,
The target's
Use ear,
this blast.
list leaving
to Thebuild him
attack <b>Stunned
5 A blast
attack him oftarget
bone energy
eyes. The <b>blinded
him <b>Stunned
deals and
is envelopes
levels for 1
of Fatigue</b>
1 and nextfor target's
the The and
the hair,
<b>2 levels
and leaving causing
of Fatigue</b> himthe him byjson
<b>blinded tothe scream
target is <b>blinded his on
hours face
Head%22)] and
permanently like
attack, a stuck
%22EnergyCrit the
for Grox.
1 Round[h:newState(%22Blinded
%22)]</b>and on
takes In brainaddition
Head%22)]")] explodes,
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] to
causing him to scream and thelike targeta stuck is Grox. In Round[h:newState(%22Stunned
tearing his
apart hair, his heand the
is <b>blinded
skull sending isfor
%22,1)]</b> and inflicting <b>1 level of %22)]</b>and
%22,1)]</b> of Fatigue.
and permanently
inflicting <b>1 reduces
takes to losing
for [r:roll=1d5]
reduces his
by the hair,
his he isof<b>blinded
level(s) theFatigue.target's <b>blinded
his chunks of
for [r:roll=1d5]
= meatcharacteristic flying<b>roll
Also, at levelby
brain [r:roll=1d10][h:
explodes, [r:setFatigue(1)]
newState(%22Blinded of Fatigue</b>.
newState(%22Blinded%22, [r:setFatigue(1)]")]
= [h:Fel=Fel- roll)]
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> bytearing[r:roll=1d10] apart <b>roll
Also, his
points skull and those
[r:roll=1d10]nearby.points Next
The target's This is the
%22, roll)] Rounds</b> and takes %22,roll)]</b>
sending flaming
[h:Fel=Fel-roll]</b>. The This
[R,if(Fel>10):Fel=1d10]. chunks of meat
target is alsothe<b>3
flying takesat
target's Rounds</b>
d/9"," 9
new The
attacktarget also<b>3
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Hea by
arm off
those of
new Fatigue</b>.
Fellowship</b>, Nextlevels The [r:setFatigue(3)]
of target's
Fatigue. entire body of Fatigue</b>.
in flame, [r:2d10]
scorching [r:setFatigue(3)]
levelsmetres of
clothing in
Fatigue. a
and ")]
6 attackfire and
wreathes by
runs theunless
</b> off attack,
the headless
their thein target's
d/8","8target's The
armour, and
brain is
(use head
</b>")] thefusing
isScatter or less,
8 Theexplodes,
brain target's is already
head tearing is 10 or less,
apart hisand in
skull which
a and in which
apart his the
[h:CriticalStates case in
skull a nobody
and =
= sending really of notices
flaming fiery
case nobodyin aclothing
really and direction
notices armour, the (use difference. Diagram
[h:CriticalStates on page
attack =
= 196).
smashes fingers. Anything Thearm,
Scatter flaming
Diagram of fiery
chunks death.
page He
meat does flying
Anything notat death.
chunks He
flammable of meat does
it passes, not
flying survive.
=WS including at those
2 The attack
survive.[r:setDeath()] fusing
smashes the the target's
arm, sending json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Arm
sending <b>halves
s/8","8 The
Energy attack")]searsofof
burns and
through the BS</b>
the Test for
flammable nearby. The target is noWS more. nearby.
s/4","4 TheThe target
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Arm is no
the more.
3 Themake attack
[r:setDeath()] of itenergy
The passes,
theTest target's down characters
armand toleaving
the characters
at the
s/9","9 to
leaving A
makes the
terrible the and
")] causing
consumes vomit.
the up
target's the
for 1to it
1 A
fingers blast for
and to an
the Agility
up to the leaves
shoulder. orit catch
all numb
The fire
arm (see
and is or
all catch
numb fire
sound, the The (see
heat tingly.
arm of Special
the useless
attack Damage).
made fortarget
4 The <b>Stunned
Energy shock sears of the forattack
through 1 the makesarm atthe thetarget Round[h:newState(%22Stunned
be severed
arm, burning from
the 1the
flesh body.
to a The
7 With a Damage).[r:setDeath()]
useless for
shoulder, causingmade
[r:1d5](1d5) involving
snapping Rounds
the limbforto1burns the
sound, arm
be severed the are
heat at [r:setDeath()]
the marrow
must take
The thea
arm ")]
inand the
inflicts at
and superficial
Test arm, forCrit
or 1right
levels on
-30The for
floor(WS/2), He
arm1 issuffers
Round. <b>Stunned
roll, superficial
%22Energy Crit on inflicting
Arms Round[h:newState(%22Stunned
Round.")] to the
Arms%22)][h:setTmpStat(%22BS bone. no The
small target
amount must of
of thethe
%22,1)]</b> attack takes boils
and <b>1 the
inflicts level
marrow<b>2 of arm, Fatigue</b>.
intake the character
causing takes
to shatter. <b>1 level
The of levels
1target's arm
from body.
no Fire
small consumesamount
target's arm,
of target
it to on must thelevels
shatter. target.The
a The
burning of
make on
is broken
anthe immediate
target. =takes The
until it is
repaired WSThe
the fleshWS
target's Test
to aroll,
crisp or
BStakes become
are <b>3
halved The
to(roundthe armof bone. is arm
and die is
BS useless
of Fatigue</b>.
from are shock. halved for [r:1d5](1d5)
he survives, down) The
for 1 arm
for is broken
Round[h:newState(%22Stunned %22Energy and Rounds.untilCrit it onis Arms Crit
target on
%22,1)]</b>. Arms%22)],
counts as =only takeshaving one
Fatigue</b>. [r:setFatigue(3)] The arm y/8","8 Asand theIn addition
attack washes the target over the
the1must Round make
target andan
counts theimmediate
astarget only takes
level(s) havingof is arm
1 Roundis
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] useless the the
arm. The
target [r:1d10](1d10)
level(s) takes takes
of Fatigue
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] for In addition
Test or
level(s) die fromthe target
of Fatigue. shock. takes
If he takes
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] histarget
[h:CriticalStates skin turns islevel(s)
=the black
level(s) level(s)
of and
Fatigue for 1
one arm.[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>,
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] The target level(s) is <b>Stunned
of Fatigue andfor must 1 [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>,
y/6","6 Struck
Fatigue by full and
force must of theis
survives, however,
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> the target takes off while[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
body fat=seepsand
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Bod out isof his and
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> Test Toughness and is or lose the successfully
%22,1)]</b> the Test
and = Toughness
also sent takes reeling or to lose
8 As the attack washes
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] level(s) over
of the target,from
Fatigue suffering his suffering
s/10","10+ andfrom for <b>Blood
y/10","10+ The 1 spiralling
target The
completely is
6 Struckof thebyLoss
<b>Blood handthe
and permanently.
fullalso force takes ofoff the attack,
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] the the use of the
[h:CriticalStates smoke hand
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Bod level(s)
=ash permanently.")]
of Fatigue.out of
skin turns
10+ The black
attack and
reduces peels andthe isarm while
to abody cloud <b>Stunned
encased to a
The cloud
in forof
fire, [r:roll=2d10]
meltingthe and
his sends
forces the
level(s) isofsent Fatigue.reeling
fat seeps out of his to the ground,
clothing and armour. smoke y/1","1
the wound. A blow
%22)]</b>. Thetotarget
[h:newState(%22Stunned the target's
target is knocked
now onlybody hasto
1 The
A 1blow
spiralling Round[h:newState(%22Stunned
fury to
out sends
ofthe the
of the
the wound.targetforces
body crumbling
The the
steals target target
a is to to %22,1)]</b>.
the target
a his to
breath The
eyes to target
<b>Stunned like the his now
for only where
now only has one arm. [h:CriticalStates
y/3","3 arm.")]The attack = cooks the
The from
to thewhere
is target
ground, The nowfor encased
covering target
only his has
can die
face one
target one
can arm.
immediately his
take face and
[h:CriticalStates only die
and from the
<b>Half shock,aflesh
attack in
3 The
arm. attack cooks skinthe
[h:newState(%22Stunned flesh on the is chest the chest
<b>halves andhis abdomen,
Strength, inflicting
only a[r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()]
[r:roll=1d10] <b>Half clutching
his agony.
Action and their
onThe smoking
his next his stump.
eyes [r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()]
on his The
next their target
y/2","2 The blast smoking thestump.
isIf knocked ")]
the to
target isthe
and abdomen,
knocked to the inflicting
andground and <b>2
and attack
must levels make of json.pset(CriticalStates,"Energy/Bod
and levels
[r:setDeath()] ")] =punches
Fatigue</b> air
like superheated
2 The blasthis
Fatigue</b> punches eggs.
the Toughness falls
air from and
to theandan
the ground
y/7","7 the and
The any
intense and make
body, takes
power an
inflicting <b>Agility
of the theis <b>1a
target's abody, Test
blackened Strength,
or catch
inflicting corpse.
takes fire
<b>1 Iflevel
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] the leavingtarget is
Test or
50%25chance floor(S/2),
energy of catch
attack fire
it and
of Fatigue.
the target <b>Stunned
4 The energy ripples
carrying any ammunition, all forover 1 theischaracter,
there a target
y/4","4 <b>Stunned
The energy
<b>([r,if(1d100>50):%22No for 1 target's allBoom over
7 The intense of Fatigue.
floor(S/2), -1, [r:setFatigue(1)]
%22Energy [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
of the energy
Crit upon
on Body him.
attack [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
%22, him.")]
floor(T/2), his %22Energy
-1, lungs In addition,
and heart
In addition, his The
he body
it target
must explodesandmake inflicting
takes an <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
<b>Agility the character,
he must make scorching
Thean target
<b>Agility his
takes body
Test or
%22,1)]</b>. the target's
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] organs,
level(s) burning
of Fatigue. his
floor(T/2), lungs with intense
and Body%22)]
inflicting heat. The The
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] extensive target is level(s)
and or
heart of with
catch Fatigue
Test fire
intense [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
heat. Boom
The target is <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
<b>Stunnedcanfire make for alevel(s)
[r:roll=2d10] of Fatigue Dodge
-1, %22Energy
and must take CritStand on Body%22)] to The scarring
of Fatigue.
[h:CriticalStates <b>permanently
= halves
must the
%22;%22Boom!!%22])</b>. forthe
extensive scarring [r:roll=2d10]
Action Unless
Rounds regain
Test, all creatures
target's Fellowship
= within and [r:1d5](1d5) take
can feet.
%22)]</b>make a(see successful
[h:newState(%22Stunned%22,roll)]</b> Dodge
Damage Test, on page all the
metres Stand
re%22)]</b> take Action to
%22,roll)]</b> and regain
Special his
Damage feet.")]
creatures Fellowship [r:1d5](1d5) metres take
on page
/6","6 TheThe
[h:CriticalStates target
= is<b>reduces
=burns Ifcompletely
the thetarget target's
and <b>reduces
[h:setTmpStat(%22Fel%22, his Toughness floor(Fel/2),by half Toughness by half
9 The target is completely
[h:T=floor(T/2)]</b> Explosive
down). Damage. in fire, If-2, [h:setTmpStat(%22Fel%22,
foot, charing
/7","7 The
in fire,
carried anyenergy grenades =
attack or
his skin
the target his Crit
carried on
and Body,
popping permanent his eyes effect
like floor(Fel/2),
/4","4 A his
solid -2,
[h:CriticalStates eyes
blow = like
to superheated
the leg Crit
6 The
%22)] attack burnsany thegrenades
target's foot, or missiles, one round after
foul aroma. The breaks
/3","3 it afalls
The mess
of Damage
effect%22)]")] must
blackened thecoursing
target's flesh.
charing round the after eggs.
flesh theand He
Damage falls towas
emitting the
a foul ground
dealt aroma. they a eggs.
/1","1 He
A currents
blow detonate
<b>Test the
of agony
leg ground
leg endures
Toughness the a the
3 The
4 A solidenergy
blast blow attack
to the the fries
leg the leg,
sends leg leaving
electric leaving it /2","2
through leg A
blackened Energygrazing
is broken
him strike
target. against
TheThe untiltarget repaired,
the the
a A
A blow
mess target
grazing ofofwhere
to the
blackened the
leg target's
against the
the body target
leg lies
slowsis thewith target's
target body
slows the target lies
for forwith
air. a the
bit. normal
Thetarget clothing
the <b>Stunned
normal searsagony for
through 1flesh.
effects.[r:setDeath()] the The
through leg causing
the the target
and armour
bone, causing with the as
fleshleg having
")]and be
of Fatigue lost
broken for for
and a
the leg to be air.
until The
severed. repaired, target
target The gains
target target <b>1
must level
countstake gains
The The <b>1
target target level
must andmovement
= of Fatigue</b>.
take take
a for
Toughness or
1 all lose
of The The target
%22;%22Succes%22])</b> leg takes
[r:setFatigue(1)] <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
or lose burn
the [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
target takes
the foot. Onfor <b>1
a success, level and
the target's
a having
level(s) of for
Fatigueand 1
Test Round.
or The
become target
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> all must
<b>Stunned take Round.[h:newState(%22Slowed
<b>halves or become Test
all or become
movement Rounds.
for for 1
foot. On a fusing
a Toughness Test clothing
or the become and armour
target's <b>Stunned with Fatigue</b>
ad/2","2 The [r:setFatigue(1)]
for rates
attack =
1 are
slices open and Inthe
flesh [r:roll=1d5]
1 <b>halves
and bone. Rounds.
The movement
target for [r:roll=1d5] [h:newState(%22Slowed
[r:roll=1d5] Rounds.
2 The1 Round</b>.
attack rates
Round[h,if(1d100>T):newState(%22Stunne Inopen are thetakes
addition the
target's <b>1
target scalplevel moves
target's at
addition the target
which =
target now
of Fatigue</b>
halved[h:newState(%22Slowed%22)]</b> [r:setFatigue(1)] and moves [h:newState(%22Slowed
[h:CriticalStates Rounds.
until =
=. In receives medical
which <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
d%22,1)]</b>.immediately The begins
targetlevel(s) to bleed
now ofonly Fatigue. has one ad/6","6
only has to As bleedthe
one leg blow
profusely. rips of
addition violently
Due the to
at <b>half
until he speed
receives for
medical [r:roll=2d10]
attention. Rounds.
Intheonly %22,roll)]</b>.")]
leg . In addition Due tothe blood target The
pouring target
gains into now across
blood pouring
target's into
splatter ofthe
of The
and takes
level(s) with
addition, the target takes <b>2 %22,roll)]</b>")]
[h:CriticalStates =removes
target's one
9AsThe forceleg.
eyes, of he the suffers
attackofreduces a Fatiguethe of
<b>-10 levels penalty <b>2
of ansuffers
Fatigue levels
onlythe The has
one leg.
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> tears
penalty Roll skin
most to from
[r:1d10] both
of the
6 the blow [r:setFatigue(2)]
to both Weapon
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> rips Skillviolently
and andof across
suffering the leg
Skill</b> from
(1d10) to thesee leg
the target's face
and Skill
is suffering
[h:CriticalStates what
dealing the
<b>Blood <b>1
1 little
The more than a chunk chunk
/10","10+ of sizzling
[h:CriticalStates In permanently
a (see =gristle.
terrifying The target
display of
The Loss tears
it takes
with from
it an
Rounds. theimportant
<b>blinded Testnext Eye
Toughness =
or Rounds.
die from
7 InfromIn
a a Roll
dealing terrifying
splatter <b>1
[h:setTmpStat(%22WS%22,-10,roll, ofThe display
skinlevel and ofof to
Fatigue</b>.see the whatthe
attack leg
the power,
Effects the
on leg immolates
[h:newState(%22Blinded%22)]</b> 201), 4-7:the and
Nose fire
immolates shock.and fire leg
consumes is utterly the lost.
target %22)]</b>.")]
shock. The The leg attack
ad/5","5 The the is utterly
attack tears lost.
opens up target's
the The
The has
3 attack mostlost. Crit
tearsof1-3: on
the theEyeHead%22)]
target's (see face.
target's Permanent The %22Head%22)==
and hasfrom halve
his <b>Fellowship Fellowship),
onscoops Head%22)] 8-
completely. The
Effects on page
target is <b>blinded target
201), diesNose
permanently in ahelmet matterfrom of helmet
10: dies The
Ear (permanently in his
a matter
to an
")] out
If the target one no
4 Thehead.
5 The attack
attack If wearing
opens no
up out helmet,
the one target'sof the
the target
face, helmet,
of the target's the target
<b>Stunned for eyes, loses ")] isear
If the target
%22Rending isinstead
loses an wearing
ear<b>Stunned onFellowship), a helmet,
and inflicts there
<b>2 and is no
Ear is wearing
%22Rending aby
instead and inflicts helmet,
Crit on there
<b>2oflevels no
; you
and of
him <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
reduce Fellowshipfor level(s)
[r:roll=1d5] by [r:1d10] of <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
can always ")]target hide level(s)
the wound Fatigue
with your
Fatigue his takes
of 1
Fatigue</b>. level of Fatigue.
permanently <b>The
also now
Fatigue</b>. has takes
trouble 1 level
speaking of
(1d10) ; [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
reduced can always hide the
and wound leaving [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
hair.) In addition
without slurring and the
his inflicting
target and leaving
is now
the target
with your now hair.)has and inflicting
In addition for 1 <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
the targetwithout is now
the target
suffering <b>Stunned
<b>Blood = words.
level(s) Loss for 1In
of Fatigue.
and also
Round[h:newState(%22Stunned trouble speaking addition, the
[h,if(HeadAP>0):HeadAP=0]")] target
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/He is suffering from
slurring his Fatigue.
words. [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
InLoss addition, the target isIf [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
<b>Blood Loss If the target is
the target is wearing a helmet, the helmet ad/8","8
wearing The
a helmet, blow
a takes
sound slices
helmet into
not unlike thecomes side
8 The blow from slices <b>Blood theLoss %22)]</b>
[h:newState(%22Blood_Loss and
9 With
and takes aoff.[h:HeadAP=0]
sound<b>[r:Fat=1d5]notinto unlike side
a wetofsponge
of out
wet the target's
level(s) of being
head torn causing in half, his the eyes
being torn head in causing
half, the his eyes
target's to pop
head flies %22)]</b>
to pop out
target's head and
and fliestakes
his brainoftoitsooze
free body
and takes [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] level(s) of air, [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>")]
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] level(s)
free his of its brainbody toand oozesails down his cheek
through the like down
and sails throughlike
his cheek thespilled air,of Fatigue.
jelly. He's
spilled [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
jelly. He's
landing harmlessly [r:2d10](2d10) metres dead before he hits the [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>")]
harmlessly before[r:2d10](2d10)
he hits the ground. metres
away with a soggy thud. The target is [r:setDeath()]
away with a soggy ")] thud. The target
instantly slain.[r:setDeath()] is instantly slain.[r:setDeath()] ")]
away with a soggy thud. The target's neck neck spews blood
[h:CriticalStates = in a torrent,
spews blood in a torrent, drenching all drenching all those
[h:CriticalStates =
= nearby and
those nearby and forcing them to take an [h:CriticalStates
ms/5","5 themA to
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Ar = and
take anvery Agility painful Test.
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Ar =attack
Agility Test. Anyone who fails the Test, Anyone
ms/7","7 who
The fails
attack is the
opened Test,
= rips apart skin, up
slices suffers
in the a
suffers a -10 penalty to his Weapon Skill json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Ar
through penalty Theto
the attack
arm his Weapon
and flays
into the
the Skill skin
torso, and
ms/8","8 bone
With and
an =
= sinew with ofease
5 Ballisticand
A bloody Skillvery Tests painful for 1looking, Round as furrow from
Ballistic theSkill
drenching limb,the Tests
ms/6","6 The blowfilling
ground forthe
mangles 1
in ofair
Round with
blood andblood
4 The attack flays the skinhis from the limb, json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Ar
and the the
sounds target's
unnatural, wet ripping
ofor armscreaming.
his into a theand
sounds, flesh
7 opened
Thethe fills
The attack his up
attack eyes
in the
rips blood or fouls
apartofskin,clean arm. visor.
muscle, The thetarget
bone gore
dangling fills
and as his
ruin,it eyes
hacks the
inflicting fouls
cause and
the his vomits
the target all
8 With
filling anintoairassortment
with unnatural,
and the sounds wet ofit [h:CriticalStates
The flies
target The
free falls shredding
of = bodyattack
<b>Prone</b> trailing sends
1 and <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
slashing the torso,
attack level(s)
tears of
anything Fatigue
the free [r:setDeath()]
As the
anything the arm place
free falls ")] in to agony.
the ground He dropsits
3 The
his sinew blow
screaming. cuts
ground in
cause ease
The attack
andflies and
the drop
killing oftarget
target liberating
fingers spasm screaming
was itthat
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Bo in
held awas
level(s) crimson
arc. thisThe
from is
into into held
awas the
dangling in
held this
target's andarm.
ruin, hand,
inflicting liberating
<b>1 levelof arm.")]
in the
inflicts process
dy/7","7 The level
attack(the of rol of
cuts The a
open 5 armmeans
the is
place instantly.
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] ininagony.pain.
fingers As He behind
theof process
to levels
the rol
(the was takes
that agony
must until
broken and,
and levels
of of
any make levels
is of
%22)] The from target [r:setFatigue(2)]
the must
agony and takes and drops
<b>2 a
make target's
Fatigue</b>. abdomen, Test and
or causing
[r:setFatigue(2)] die drops from shock.
of a 5and meansits
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>the fingerslimb
that is
the useless
The until
arm has medical
is broken received.
counts Theastarget
[h:CriticalStates IfThe the target
having target
=only also
one suffers
whateverwas held orindie considerable the<b>Blood Loss
of off).
until the Test
Thehe target
theofthat from
any hand.
The takes
target target
counts alsoIflevels
weapon. heThe
as If whateverwas
<b>Blood is useless
addition, weapon Loss
[h:newState(%22Blood_Loss =
inhe that
veins have
isa hand.")]
and been
the is
target the
<b>BloodwasTest, for
carrying is Stunned
Loss a ranged for 1d10
weapon for 1d10 Turns
<b>5%25chance and suffers
=[r,if(1d100<6): <b>Blood
7 Fatigue</b>
Turns onlysuffers
and onecuts [r:setFatigue(3)]
<b>Blood Inthe addition,target's
Loss and numerousmust must
Loss immediately
The and the
[h:newState(%22Blood_Loss exposingmake
target Damages is a now
some the of his
1 If the is a <b>5%25chance
target makeis not a Toughness
wearing [r,if(1d100<6):
armour Test on orthis json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Ar
dy/1","1 If the Test target=or lose is not the use
wearing of
2 The
abdomen, have
attack been
[h:newState(%22Blood_Loss%22)]</b>. severed the
considerable andtarget's the target
<b>Blood is suffering
ms/9","9 from
The target
He aalso <b>Blood
= can
takes Loss
either its
now the
He also use
takes of
[h:newState(%22Blood_Loss his
from Armour hand.
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] level
Points of
level(s)1 that
armour hand.")] on
[h:CriticalStates Points
to thisattack
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Bo by
one =
slices randomly
Fatigue his
a The
Fatigue</b> attackrandomly slices
[h, clean through
determined target thewithin arm through
<b>1 level the
A of arm
ofwithin into
blood thespills
[h, torso, from
and into the and torso, exposing
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> drenching some the ofground
and hisnow in %22)]</b>.")]
guts in (until
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> a
the deep With the
cuts, a medic
making can
tearing in and
the bind
blood now
ground them
and hasthe
In metres will be hit by these (2d10) metres
if(json.get(CurrentlyEquippedArmour, will be hit by these
has Aaddition,
shots, only and
torrent in arm
one the
whichof target
and can
either the
from <b>1 choose
deep hit
toof 1]</b>.
shots, one
with Inwith
in fight
The a
gore. All
the the
characters target
a Medicae
3 The one attack
cuts, making [r:setFatigue(1)].
rips hold
the weapon a his
ground slick guts
patch If
of not
skin a from %22Body%22)==
away skin level
[r:setDeath()] of the oncase
ruin torso,
of this
a single
muscle. risk
8 With
the can
target's a
medic vile the
torso, target
tearing them leaving is
noise, place himthe awith
as <b>Stunned
aon in the
All attempting
a from
The target
[r:setFatigue(1)]. gasping
= If
make notweapon armoured,
in")]apain. thatas
Thea pool
his the
laceration. attempting
If he is wearing move armour, through this of blood
[h:CriticalStates succeed
= on an Agility
pain. 1 of
pool The chest
blood Medicae
target comes
must Test),
away or
is <b>Stunned
succeed fight
on foron
an 1 a redis
<b>Toughness The
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Bo Test If
spilling is
his 1
a long
If he
6 Theeffect. mighty Phew! attack
ruin of muscle. and The risk atarget takes
20%25chance a
must sizeable make chunk
eachathe armour,
sizeable there
intestines isout
passes, he over nothe effect.
of theloses
ground, Phew!")]
target and
out The of orthe
opens and up a
knocks long wound
him to in
the [h,if(1d100>Ag):newState(%22Prone
knocks in
him the The
to target's powerful
thefrom ground torso, blow
as causing
turn that
<b>Toughness his middle
[h,if(1d100>Ag):newState(%22Proneand Test takes splits
or <b>2 open,
die</b>. levels spilling
If he of his 22Stunned%22,1)]</b>.")]
%22)] an additional
and takes [r:2d10](2d10)
his <b>2 Toughness levels
intestines torso,
as he
all causing
over the him
ground, to double
oozing causing wound, over an him
Damage. to .doubleThe
either over takes
case, terrible
the pain.
10+ terrible
The . The he pain.
powerful [r:setFatigue(2)]
target The takes
blow target loses
cleaves takes of Fatigue</b>.
The target takes [r:setFatigue(2)]")]
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] of Fatigue
additional in pain. The target is the In target groin,
in pain. revealing
The target his internal
is <b>Prone</b> organs
from gullet
<b>Prone</b> of [r:2d10](2d10)
to from
groin, his
[h:newState(%22Prone of
Fatigue. his internal
either takes
spilling of
[h:newState(%22Prone%22)] them=level(s)
Fatigue. on to the
level(s) of ground of
case, the
[h:T=T-roll]</b>, target takes
takes <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] [h:CriticalStates
Fatigue [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> , and now and is
%22)] and
and spilling
takes them
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] on to the level(s) ground dy/9","9
takes TheThe
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] powerful
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Le target blow
is now
level(s) cleaves quite
level(s) of Fatigue.
of Fatigue [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> now suffering
[h:CriticalStates <b>Blood
= Loss
now The blow
<b>Blood now the
target dead. , suffers
dead. target
The The
area blow
slices to groin,
the target
a couple areof
The now
gulletand suffers
to groin, <b>Blood
the target revealing Loss
are awash his internal with [h:newState(%22Blood_Loss
[h:CriticalStateswith his internal
gore. =
= For organs
the rest and
of the
[h:newState(%22Blood_Loss%22)]</b>. json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Le
gs/3","3 The attack
The off
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Rending/Le the end
ripskneecap of the
a length target's
splits of
6 For and the spilling
The blow slices a couple of centimetres of them
the on
fight, to the
anyone ground spilling
foot. anyone
The them target on
gs/1","1 The attack to
must the
knocks ground
make four
ancuts before
before him. The target open.
gs/8","8 HeThe
from In must
a force
single <b>Test
leg, of
bloodythe Agility
blow blood
hack or the fall
8 The
In the
single of four
bloody target'stheissplits
limb of the
leg The
open. target's
He the
leg the
now rips
of jerking
the Testdead.
make must
force jerking an
make it
immediate blow
anorAgility from
cuts to Test
the or
body. from
into falltheThe [r:setDeath()]
from theanleg the
([r,if(1d100>T):%22Fail is off
bone and tearing
the target,
Test or
up, spurting
takesapart. <b>1 it
off Thethe
target's attack
5 In a spray leg, causingofrips
blood, a length ittheto of flesh
target's fluids from
leg across
is the takes<b>1
to vital
bone, fluids level
out across of
")] =muscle. Fatigue</b>
under ground.
him. The
the takes
ground. <b>1
grinding against
The level
targetto bonegush of
must Fatigue</b>.
from tearing
immediately wound. level
The ofsinew
target Fatigue</b>.
mustis broken and
immediately and Regardless,
and, until
opened him.
[r:setFatigue(1)] up,
%22;%22Succes%22])</b>or The
exposing target moves
bone, sinewat <b>half
permanently takes
permanently moves
[h:CriticalStates at <b>half
[r:setFatigue(1)]")] lose = the level(s)
use speed</b>
of his of foot.
a Toughness apart. Regardless,
until TheTest
medical leglevel is
from <b>1
isand, shock. takes
the target
until <b>1
medical Loss level
attention of
or Fatigue</b>.
diehaving from
ishead received.only
shock. one
until the
repaired, The
Fatigue</b>. target
of his
the takes
target On <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
counts a success,
as having Fatigue
leg. aIn [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
d/10","10+ success,
addition, The target's
the level of bursts
maimingis andIn
On a
level(s) success, In the
addition, and targetsuffers
he is
takes <b>Blood
<b>Stunned<b>2 levelsLoss
for [h:newState(%22Blood_Loss
On a
addition, success, he takes the target
<b>2 is
levels of
only oneofleg.
<b>movement Fatigue
of Fatigue</b>.
addition, the level of <b>halves
is such
Fatigue</b>. thathis
an overripe With
=a meaty
and is now for
sprays [r:1d10] the
10+ <b>halves
With is a such
maiming his that movement
chop, the the target legfor is [r:1d10]
comesnow he (1d10)
blood, comes
suffering hours
bone away and
from <b>Blood
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Hea he at
brains the
receives hip.
away at hours
the hip.[h:newState(%22Slowed
The target pitches tocase,the Rounds[h:newState(%22Stunned
target pitches to =the ground howling
suffering from <b>Bloodmedical attention. Loss In either directions.
attention. InAnyone
d/2","2 The either
attack within
causes the4the metres targetof
ground howling takes
in agony, 1d10 Fatigue
before dying and %22,roll)]</b>,
in agony, before takes
dying 1d10 moments Fatigue
the The
target target's
2 The attack causes head
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] bursts
the target to see stars. like an
level(s) of the
takes target
to see must
stars. He The make
also target takes an
level(s) Agility
takesthe of
<b>1 Test
suffers <b>Blood Loss and
gs/9","9 suffers With <b>Blood bloodLoss
The also
target later.
fruit and The
takes takes sprays
<b>1 tidelevel of blood
blood, of is soand
Fatigue of later.
or suffer
Fatigue. The
level of atide -10aof meaty
Fatigue =level(s)
[r:setFatigue(1)]</b>isof soFatigue.
their intense
WS leg
9 With in
intense athat,
meaty for chop,the remainder the leg comes of the away
battle, [h:newState(%22Blood_Loss
that, for away
the at
remainder the hip. of The the target
[r:setFatigue(1)]</b> all directions.
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> Anyone within 4 and BS on their
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>")] next Turn as gore
at thenow hip. has The only targetoneand leg.
pitches takes to athe <b>-10 ground and takes
pitches to aHe
the <b>-10 now
ground penalty
has only toone in leg.
penalty ofmakinga
to the
Weapon target Run must or
Skill and Charge
make BallisticanAction Agility
Skill anyone
Weapon in The makinga
theirSkill eyes
impactand Run
or fillsonhowling
Ballistic orthe Charge
their Skill visors.
within inmetres
agony, before dying moments [r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()]
agony, before dying= moments ")] later.
1 Theorsix
Tests</b> suffer
impact for a Round.
1 -10 of
the the
penalty target
target's tohead this
their Turn,
WS and
with a Action
head the
[h:CriticalStateswithinattack six
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Hea =metres
1 Round. of the
so powerful
ringing noise. targetthat
terribleon maketheir
ringing an
next Agility
noise.Turn Test
The goreor
target fall
gets over.
must in their
Test [r:setDeath()]
this Turn, must ")]
The passes
target through
must make
Testthe an
ToughnessAgility and Test
3 Theortarget's nose explodes in aattack torrentwas of [h:setTmpStat(%22WS%22,-10,1,
[h:CriticalStatesThe target target's =nearby. nose ")] explodes
%22Impact on their or
Crittake visors.
on <b>1
Head%22)] Also, level the of or
take fall
d/7","7 <b>1over.[r:setDeath()]
The level
attack =
on Fatigue</b>.
slams into the isIf the
snapped hit
so powerful <b>blinding that him
it passes for 1 a torrent ofa blood,
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Hea = <b>blinding him
6 The target's
7 The attack
Round[h:newState(%22Blinded [h,if(d100>T):setFatigue(1)]
slams is snapped
into thethroughtarget's back the by the
head, was
back from
by head,the
for 1
The fracturing
leaving hishim
skull and
fracturing and
leaving may
his Crit him
on another
and opening target around
a nearby.
long tearIf
trying d/5","5
opening The may
athe force
longCrit immediately
tear oftryingthe
in his blow
to make sends
scalp. The
the The
The hit concussive
was of
fromand the a dealing
melee sends<b>2the
weapon, levelsthe
the of %22,1)]</b>
anothertarget The reeling
attack and
target's (with dealing
in dealing
the <b>2
same levels
in control
his scalp.
Fatigue</b>. mind-numbing
The target is <b>Stunned
[r:setFatigue(2)] pain. The target for is mind-numbing
of is
[h:CriticalStates <b>Stunned pain. Thefor
=any target
[r:roll=1d10] is
<b>Stunned dealing
in pain.
may <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
for target
[r:roll=1d5] is
make level(s)
<b>Stunned another of <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
is overripe
<b>Stunned against fruit
forfor level(s)
and 1 sprays
[r:roll=1d5] otherof Fatigue. blood,
9 The [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
target's Rounds[h:newState(%22Stunned
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>")] =in all directions.
Rounds[h:newState(%22Stunned thehead
1 Round[h:newState(%22Stunned
(with same bursts
weapon) like an againstoverripe any bone
they and
can brains
%22,roll)]</b> without
and <b>halves moving. all If the
fruit and sprays blood, bone and brains d/8","8 Blood pours
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Arms from the target's
other target
8 Blood pours
they can
and <b>halves
from takes
reach <b>2all
without levels
noise, of in
moving. Anyone
hit was
mouth, for a 4
and takes
[r:1d10](1d10) weaponof<b>2 the target
If directions.
Fatigue</b>.hit was Anyone
from a
[r:setFatigue(2)] within
ranged 4
weapon metres theyof /8","8
may The
immediately anears
of Fatigue</b>.
Agility and
the Test
anotheror as takes
suffer the a
the [r:1d10](1d10)
target ears must and make hours.
eyes anas the
Agility attack Test or [h:newState(%22Slowed%22,-
-10 arm
penalty pulverises
[h:CriticalStates off just
to his
their = WS brain.
the and He
BS does
may immediately make another attack (with
[h:newState(%22Slowed%22,-1)]</b> attack
1)]</b>")] (with the
Muscle and same bone weapon)
take a
5 The
suffer same
Muscle aforce-10 his
and brain.
of bone
the attack
penalty toHetheir
take does
atakes WS
pounding notthe
and survive
target arm as off
BS on
the not
pounding next any Turn
as the
blood theas
target experience.
attack gore ripsacross
gets in their
into the the
just experience.[r:setDeath()]
below the shoulder, showering blood [h:CriticalStates
ground. The ")]
target =
= must immediately
attack rips into the arm. The target's WS or
standing next Turn
directly as gore
behind gets
the in
originaltheir eyes
target eyes
arm. or
The on
The target's= their
original visors.[r:setDeath()]
target the
and target
on gore
their across
visors.[r:setDeath()] the ground. The target
reeling arange
from pain. =WS The
and BS are
target or die
1 The still
BS attackwithin
are both range
numbs halved of their
the (round
target's weapon. down)
limb for within
both halved of their
/6","6 The attack
[h:CriticalStates = numbs weapon.
pulverises the forthe
4 immediately
The impact make a <b>Toughness /3","3
from The
shock</b>. impact Ifinflicts
he passes crushing the
Theor strike
die toleaves
deepaddition, bruise.
If pain
hefor in the
passes that from
Test, causing
strike ")]
rain 1
target toof
blood, a anything
and deep
gore and
for level
6 The Thetakes
attack target<b>1 is level
pulverises <b>Stunned of
the Fatigue</b>
target's 1hand, Round[h:newState(%22Stunned
held in
[r:1d5](1d5) takes
that <b>1
fingers level
arm (for is of removed
the purposes
the Test, takes
takes he
Round[h:newState(%22Stunned <b>1
is still level
<b>Stunned of
of Fatigue</b>.
Fatigue</b> for bruise.
of 7 With
%22,1)]</b>. The atarget loud
The takes
limb <b>1
useless arm leveland
7 With a and
[r:roll=1d10] loudThe breaking
snap, and the
drops arm make
[r:1d5](1d5) bone
dropsthis his
is body.
a thumb
was and heldleft hanging
in that
and as for
(for In
the a rain
purposesTest of blood,limb
of this isCritical,
gore uselessand for
a thumb [r:1d5]
the [r:1d5](1d5)
must make
finger). anRounds
he twists =
<b>Agility and about the
Test target
(1d5) in that and
Rounds hand. left
and hanging
the targettarget limplytakes at the
<b>1 limply
takes atThe
<b>1 thelevel target
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Arms takes takes side, <b>1
of Fatigue</b>. dribbling
target's asarm
side, isdribbling
finger). removed The from
blood Succes) his body.
onto the <b>1 [r,if(1d100>Ag):%22(=Failed)
bloodFatigue</b>for athe
onto fewground. seconds
[r:setFatigue(1)] The before arm and
level of takes <b>[r:Fat=1d5] level(s) Inof Fatigue
level(s) of Fatigue</b>.orincoherently,
ofThe drop
Fatigue isanything
twists in
until that
about andin [r:setFatigue(1)]")]
a rain
of ground
toSucces)%22]</b> blood,
aand the
and or
must for
immediately a few seconds
make a before
Toughness collapsing Test meat,
As the
Toughness the
arm target's
Test held
removed or arm in
lose isand
that removed
itthe is suffers
useand of
9 In is rain
a suffersthe of target
blood, counts
gore and as Loss havingthe
meat, only counts
from asbody.
his having Loss only
Screaming one arm
one the
lose ground
armarm the use
andistakes and of his hand.
<b>2from As
levels the arm is apart
his by
hand.")] the force of the attack, and
removed removed
it is [r:setFatigue(2)]
smashed apart by hisof body.
the force of
<b>2 levels
clothinghe and
of Fatigue</b>.
twists armour about in
He now
Screaming only have
incoherently, one arm. he twists [r:setFatigue(2)]")]
%22)]</b>. He now onlyAnyone have one
the attack, and bone, clothing and about armour in agony
fly about forlike a few shrapnel. seconds before within
agony for aflyfew
fragments about seconds like shrapnel. before collapsing Anyone arm.[r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()]
2 metres oftothe thetarget ground takes and[r:1d10- ")]
to the ground
within 2 metres and of the dies.[r:setDeath()]
target takes [r:1d10- [r:setDeath()]
8](1d10-8) Impact ")] Damage.
8](1d10-8) Impact Damage.[r:setDeath()] [r:setDeath()] ")]
[h:CriticalStates =
[h:CriticalStates =
/1","1 A blow to the
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Body = target's body
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Body =
=from his lungs. The
1 A blow to the target's body steals the steals
/7","7 the
With breath
[h:CriticalStates an
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Body =
audible crack, [r:1d5]
breath from his lungs. The target can take json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Body
/6","6 Acan
The solid take
attack blow only toribs
knocks athe <b>Half chest winds
5 A solid
/4","4 of
The the attack
blow target's breaks
batters theathe
break.rib target
target, and The
The anblow
a attack
blow audible to
Action crack,
athe on
rib his
target, inflicts
the of
<b>2 the the
target target
inflicts next
he momentary
= of punchesdown
Fatigue</b>.The the
and target
2 The
target'she momentary
on the ground.
ribs The
break. doubles
The the
air over from
can in
either lay doubles
still the over
flies [r:1d5](1d5)
awaiting target's inThe
medical pain,
attention awaytakesfrom
inflicting (a<b>1
clutching of
Theaway Fatigue</b>.
himself takesand [r:setFatigue(2)]
crying in agony. The
The [r:setFatigue(2)]
himself and crying The
level(s) inTest target
agony. of isThe
Fatigue also
target and
is body,
alsostay from
<b>Stunned the
awaiting attacker
<b>1 for level
1 andoffalls %22,1)]</b>")]
level attacker
/8","8 ofThe Fatigue</b>. and
force for 1
of fallsthe <b>Prone</b>
attack sets the
target of Fatigue
takes <b>[r:Fat=1d5] [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> level(s) [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> =to takeand is
and is <b>Stunned
(a successful for 1Medicae Testofsets target
ruptures several
for 1 of the target's Actions, level(s)(if the
the ribs) [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
(ifor the target
continue strikes
to take aActions,
wall ofand is
other of Fatigue
though strikes
each [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
Round wall of
there other is solid
8 The force offor
<b>Stunned the 2 attack ruptures several %22,1)]</b>.")]
organs and
and is <b>Stunned knocks him 2down,
of the object,
target's he
Round stops). there The is target
a takes /10","10+
20%25chance he The
stops). target
that= The aforjerks
jagged back takes
rib from
20%25chance targetorgans
10+ The jerks
that a back
and from
of Fatigue rib the pierces
forceaof gasping
the force
of wretched
pierces a vital organ
pain. The
and kills theback
of Fatigue
the gasping
attack, throwing in wretchedback his pain.head The and target suffers
his head <b>Blood
and spewing =Loss
vital organ
suffers <b>Blood and kills Loss and is
the character instantly. Stunned for 2 [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
character Several
/9"," 9 before
[h:CriticalStates instantly.
[h:CriticalStates target
of =the
=jerks Theout
tiny and
in the
The target out takesa jet of blood
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] before crumpling
level(s)ofof blood
[h:CriticalStates footfor 2 crumpling
snap Rounds")] like
= throwing twigsto the
of Fatigue. with ground
9 the
to The target
ground jerks
dead.back The from target the is force
thrown %22)]</b>
dead. The
ofThe the and
target takes
is thrown the target's
[r:1d10] his
3 The takes
blow [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
breaks the target's level(s) leg of tack.
leaving [h:CriticalStates
/8","8 leaving
The noises.
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] him
force =level(s)
of the target
attack of must
rips 1 the
6 attack,
Several throwing
ofof the metres
tiny back
bonesaway his head
in the the lower the and
target's head
make and
A solid
metres spewing blow
angrazingimmediate away out
to the
from a
<b>Toughness jet
the of blood
8 The force[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
<b>Stunned the for 1
attack rips half /2","2 A
lower half of strike against a the leg
2 A snap
inlike the a
twigs of blood
against path before
the must leg
slows the
Anyone crumpling
slows A inagony
light thethe
the target. blow =legto
the path
through leaves dead. the
4 Athesolid
ground away
blow Test in a stream
to the
Agility leg sends of
orimmediate blood.
beallKnockedlightning The %22,1)]</b>
successfully of blood.
The and
target")] The
Test <b>halving
takes target must all
TheA light
target. target
agony The
must blow
andto make
immediately the leganleaves
through make
the target. all athe
movement target
the target
for make =Agility
a air.or
for be
Fatigue1 target
or Test
gasping for air. The target Knocked
/5","5 A
[h:CriticalStates Down.[r:setDeath()]
powerful lose=of impact causes ")] foot.
5 A
1 Round[h:newState(%22Slowed
Toughness takes
powerful Test Test
Rounds.or die
impact causes fromtakes
([r,if(1d100>T): shock.
<b>1 On
fractures a takes
or die
[h:newState(%22Slowed shock.
a of his
and bones,
target's the
of Fatigue</b>.
%22,1)]</b> and
success, the target [r:setFatigue(1)]
is <b>Stunned level of foror The [r:setFatigue(1)]")]
On a success,
/7","7 With
target is a
<b>Stunned and
nasty the
The target's
target for the
takes level
[r:roll=1d10] leg
<b>1 ofis
permanently [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
the target's bones,
lose the inflicting
use of and On a
hisconsiderable <b>halves
[h:CriticalStates The all movement
considerable hit =ripsare agony.
apart fortheThe flesh
7 With
target a nasty
takes <b>1 crunch, level the
offor leg
Fatigue</b>. isfoot.
broken <b>movement
level and the rates
target is knocked
and the The the
all movement
is knocked Agility
<b>movement is
reduced mewling by in
rates of theofmewling
target's leg,Fatigue</b>.
Agility Rounds.
down is
pain.blood The tobytarget -20 for
spray out
-20 for [r:1d10](1d10) Rounds [r:setFatigue(1)]")]
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Impact/Legs takes <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
pain. The hit rips
The targettakes
falls to the the ground withtakes
of thehe leg, a [r:1d10](1d10)
in all
toThe the
of Fatigueuntil
he receives
with atheas and the
broken he target
medical takesleg
broken blood
leg until
and, to level(s)
he spray
until receives
it isof
out Fatigue.
repaired, all directions.
he <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
and, until itthe
The torips
is stop =apart
repaired, thetakesfaceof Fatigue.
flood asin
9 Theas of
hitthe Fatigue
Even apart
target [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
tries flesh
futilely of to thelevels leg,the
stop [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
the leg, causing
of vital
bursts fluid,
his he
eardrums blood
falls to
with toand
ground spray
its suffers
force. out
and as
suffers The
only<b>Blood target
having one
Loss <b>2
leg. The target of levels
only of Fatigue</b>.
<b>Blood Loss one leg.
= The target takes
5 The
Fatigue</b>. blood
Explosive ofto spray
[r:setFatigue(2)] fluid,
theout hein
flesh all
falls directions.
from to ground
the all
The directions.
target a spreading
ead/1","1 The Even
Explosive as
pool the of target
leaves tries
takes <b>2 levels
Even asface the of Fatigue</b>. <b>2
[h:newState(%22Blood_Loss Fatigue</b>.
[r:setFatigue(2)] in atarget spreading
and tries futilely
bursts pool
his eardrums of to gore. stopSuch the
with futilely
<b>target is to the
stop agony
of the flood
target's of
agony The
the one
leavestarget's leg.
is leaves he
the death
<b>Stunned falls
<b>target to
that ground
forhis %22)]</b>.
death fluid,
thathe his
He falls now
piteous toand only
ground noise
screams hasand oneleaves leg.
andThe diesflash aand
[r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()] noise
spreading pool thegore.
of target the target
[h:CriticalStates <b>blind
in a spreading pool= of gore. ")]
<b>blind screams drowns
[h:newState(%22Blinded%22,1)] out all drowns
%22,1)]</b>. out allHe
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/H conversation
and can is permanently
take only within a Half
%22,1)]</b>. within
He can[r:2d10](2d10) take only a Half metres [r:setDeath()]
Action on The
his ")]metres
next = Turn
target for
takes and the takesrest of
and deaf [h:newState(%22Deafened deaf
ead/3","3 [h:newState(%22Deafened
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/H head
detonation and body
leaves are the
Actionthe rest
on forhis of the
nextbody Round.[r:setDeath()]
Turnare permanently
and takes <b>1 the Round.[r:setDeath()]
<b>1 level aof level(s)
= of ")]Fatigue
3 Both head
The detonation
deafened. The
1and Round</b>.
targetleaves takes
the blown target
into takes
a a
face %22,1)]
ead/4","4 into for
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> The aFatigue</b>.
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/H bloody
force of mess,
bloody of Fatigue</b>.
ruinmess, of
from Fatigue</b>.
instantly [r:setFatigue(1)]
killing the target. [r:setFatigue(1)]")]
killing <b>2
the levels
target. In of Fatigue</b>.
addition, targettheif
4 The force
level(s) of Fatigue of thescores burst of smallthe
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> cuts. targetThe scores
take Half
the smalltarget
The The cuts.
target's to
target Theground
1d5 head hours.
ceases explodes and
to addition,
the takes
ground if<b>2
and targe:
Stuns isof carrying
him Fatigue</b>.
for 1 any
Round. [r:setFatigue(2)]")]
Stuns is
him carrying
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/H1 any
Round. of ammunition
The target
6 The can
ammunition onlyittake
target's head
explodes Halfexplodes Actions
dealing for
under 1d5
[r:1d10+5] the Finally,
explodes in the the
any forcetarget's
dealingtangible of the <b>Fellowship
way, attack,
[r:1d10+5](1d10+5) entirely leaving
The target takes <b>2 levels ofheadless [r:setFatigue(2)]")]
takes <b>2 In levels
series of unpleasant
of Finally,
the Energyattack, the
ceases target's
Damage to to <b>Fellowship
his in any
any creatures drops
turning by
Energy headless into [r:roll=1d10]
Damage kind =toof ofany Fatigue</b>.
to spurt
creatures mist.
8 In a by
tangible series of
way, unpleasant
entirely pointsIf
turning Explosives
into a kind the of Explosives
Such is the the target's
unspeakably head
within to spurt
[r:1d5](1d5) blood metres. from the the neck target for wasthe json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/Ar
from the
within neck
[h:CriticalStates for =
= themetres.next few
If the
crimson head
mist. hideousand
Such torsoscarring.
is the peel apart
unspeakably leaving a torso peel apart
manner inNeedless
which leaving a gory mess
carrying few minutes.
grenades Needless
or missiles, tothe sayrest
these thistoo isthe ms/10","10+
minutes. Withthe
target was carrying
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/Ar ato target
grenades thiswas
bang is the
appallingmess in
manner the ground.
in which For
the target was of in the
killed, ground. The For
target the rest
ceases of tothe exist
explode fatal.
on the [r:setDeath()]
target's person. instantly
ms/7","7 is that
arm blasted
In any of
from =the
a violent too the
hail target's
ofthis on
flesh, who body,
the the
9 Theanyone
killed, target
that any moving
ceases of the over
exist this inwho spot
anyare must
tangible fight,
are any anyone
within tangible
[h:CriticalStates two moving
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/Ar =
metres= over
of where turning spot
[r:setDeath()] killing
target's the
arm is the target bone
blown apart. instantly
= and The mangles in
target a rain
")] theof
way, an
entirelyAgility turning Test or
into falla over.
kind of crimson must make an
into aturning
kind of the Agility
crimson Test
mist. or fall
7 In a Withtwoametres
violent mightyhail ofof
bang where
flesh, the thethearm arm target
is isblasted
immediately stood, Fragments
droplets. must
make make
Intarget's from
a <b>Toughnessanthe
arm ifYou the
into don't
stood, Youmust don't make get anmuch immediate deader than
Willpower this, over.[r:setDeath()]
get much
Explosive The
Thedeader Explosive
tear into ")]
than causes
the Test takes
target's orthe [r:1d5]
spend target
6 The
apart. the target's
The targetthrows body,
must the killing
immediately the
the target
make target
ms/2","2ruin, was The carrying
The attack
attack a weapon
sends athe witha a
5 The
Test or
jerkinga causestheir
rain takes
of the
away the
blood [r:1d5](1d5)
from droplets.
the to
fleeing howl
In in a
to howl
[r:setDeath()] in
source Turn
agony. from
and hand target's
muscle (such
the alike.
as a
2 The
He target's
sends flesh
aorfracture die
The from
target the
through target's
level(s) theof level(s)
The target
the theFatigue.
takes target The
= isjerking
of Fatigue
On attacker.[r:setDeath()]
The <b>1
success, redhand,
the target
the dropsripping
of was
target away
is flesh
<b>Stunned held a in and thefor attacker.[r:setDeath()]
from must
for the sword
[r:roll=1d10] immediately
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> or chainsword)
in the hand ")]
Test <b>1
Theand then
target's takes itof
weapon levelswith ofaHe Fatigue</b>
alike. powermust immediately
source [r:setFatigue(3)]
in is hand
his Test Fatigue</b>
explodes, or
dealing lose the
[r:1d10+5] is
hand. and
hand and
and of
anything Fatigue.
takes carried<b>1 [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
in level
the of
hand Fatigue</b>.
is Fatigue</b>[r:setFatigue(1)]")]
anything is broken
carried and,
Fatigue</b>. until repaired, the
The as a power
target's orfor lose 1isswordthe hand.
or and, Even
chainsword) on a [h:CriticalStates
on a success,
(1d10+5) With
Damage athe 1=in
mighty theanyone
to hand
is uselessisthe
within arm
then it a mighty
explodes, Ifarm
9 this
hand isis
dealing explosive,
the arm
is blasted
until goes target
is blasted
metres. fromIf If
Round[h:newState(%22Stunned the
the =having
takes is an
target is
explosive, body,
carrying it
off. Messy. the target
takes counts as
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] having only arm. In
ms/8","8 off. addition,
The arm
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/B = the
level(s) horrendous
disintegrates of Fatigue. under
one the target's
arm. is
In and
addition, the
body,to limb
the is
horrendous the
within target
takes until
twonature %22,1)]</b>
nature the
of of target
the takes and
wound the
instantly limb in
means is adealing
that rainheof
8 The arm of Fatigue.
disintegrates [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/B and suffers
and the Ifattention
inthe a rain means
is received.
target blood
isthat ofunder
he now
any force
In of
blood force
level(s) medical
now suffers
<b>Blood of The the
Loss from
In addition,
=<b>Blood Damage is taking
ifLoss the
to a
the Explosive
addition, if the taking
target awas good portion
carrying a of the ody/7","7
target portion
was The
armour of
carrying explosive
the shoulder
a weapon force the andof
with thea
from <b>Blood it explodes
[h:newState(%22Blood_Loss%22)]</b>. Loss dealing [r:1d10+5] [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>")]
anyone within [r:1d10](1d10)
[h:CriticalStates =
= metres
3 The
weapon and
with a chest with
power sourceit. The in target
his hand is attack
power ruptures
[h:CriticalStates it.
If the The inthe target
=his target's
target hand woreis (such flesh
sent none asand a
He now onlyDamage
hastoone to anyonearm. within [r:1d10] (this
%22)]</b>.is in addition
ody/1","1 The He
scrambles his target
nervous to Damage
only blown has
system, caused
(1d10) screaming
as protected
metres power (this the
swordis ground,
in or where
addition Iftothehe screaming
by exploding sword to
power ground,
chainsword) weapons where then
noted he is
1 The target
7 Thein explosive isofblown force backwards
of the attack ody/10","10+
ody/2","2 Pieces
The target of own ofmetres
is the
blown target's and
then a pool
it wore
explodes, none his
dealing own blood
[r:1d10+5] and rupturesorgans. knocking
ody/4","4 in aIfto him
pool %22]
dealing to
of the
his ground.
[r:1d10+5] blood The and
theThe target
target's causedmetres
flesh blownby
and andexploding takes
scrambles power
<b>1 his level of above).
are fly
target <b>1
falls inThethe
free Explosive
down, by=
directions of
isthe is force
metres, heof histhe
the for
4 The Explosive Damage is reduced to
sends the anyoneto %22]
target within two organs.[r:setDeath()]
target Damage
<b>sprawling toto ")]
the within
nervous noted
system, metres, above).
knocking taking If the <b>1
him target
to the is of
metre grenades
[r:roll=1d10] leaving
<b>1 or levelmissiles,
torn into bloody gobbets
large, ofper these
Fatigue</b> byground too
10+ Pieces any of to
the the ground
target's or missiles,
body fly these
in all et
two wears
attack. InTheno
detonate on armor%22])</b>,
Concussion person.[r:setDeath()]
ifisthe from ")]thethe
target is
6 Chunks
wears noThe He is
armor%22])</b>, <b>Prone</b>
of [r:setFatigue(roll)]
the target's
falls down, flesh the areper
istarget ripped
metre is travelled.
[r:setFatigue(roll)] He
target is blown is
backwardsper <b>Stunned
metre [r:1d10]
too detonate
directions as
free by the forceon
he his
of person.[r:setDeath()]
the into
attack bloody
leaving Hehe large, He
")] takes
for 1 any <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
[h:newState(%22Prone%22)] knocks =
ammunition, the target level(s)
it to
explodes the
when of
takes If he
<b>[r:Fat=1d5] forstrikes
[r:roll=1d10] a solid object,
level(s) of metres,
Fatigue he as travelled.
Fatigue metres, If he and strikes
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/B takes
above a solid but object,
the is
5 Concussion
takes by
[r:1d5](1d5) the
Rounds[h:newState(%22Stunned from
additional Explosive
targetaddition, is
levels knocks
of the ground
he lands.")] and
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] tenderises
[r:1d5](1d5) his
additionalof innards.
target target
but the
to the
is carrying target
forand 1ground
any takes isand
ammunition, <b>2
tenderiseslevelsit for of
his1 target
to takes
%22,1)]</b>, Pieces
within <b>2
takes 1level(s)
down oflevels
the of
Fatigue. body for
9 Pieces of the[r:setFatigue(2)]
target's takes body<b>[r:Fat=1d10]
fly every
in all levels
Fatigue</b> of Fatigue.")]
fly in all directions [r:setFatigue(2)]as he In his addition,
torn forany into
explodes The
level(s) of as Fatigue.target falls
[r:1d10+5](1d10+5) down
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> <b>Stunned 1 Round[h:newState(%22Stunned
he now If
Fatigue target<b>Blood is carrying LossIn
Damage travelled. and
1 Round[h:newState(%22Stunned
to anyone hismust tornspend
within into a Full Action
[r:1d10](1d10) every
grenades metre
[h:CriticalStatesgobbets or travelled.")]
missiles, =takes
by must
thethese spend
attack. a Full
In addition, he takes
now <b>[r:Fat=1d10]
suffers <b>Blood Loss [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/B and istoo now
to regain
level(s) his
If the
of the
Fatigue feet.
and attack.
target takes In addition,
is carrying
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> anyif the Action
suffering to regain
<b>Blood thecan his
target's feet.")]
Lossis carrying
of Fatigue.
person. any
target is %22)]</b>
ody/8","8 The target's only chest take Half
and is
can ofcarrying
now onlyFatigue.
or missiles,
Actions tooLoss detonate
the next
Anyone within
Actions for
it explodes
the [r:1d10](1d10)
next Damage
[r:1d10](1d10) metres
on The
the target's
target's chest
person. explodes
Anyone outward,
within outward,
of the as target disgorgingis drenched a river of
gore to and
disgorging hours as he[r:1d10](1d10)
tries to regain %22)]</b>.")]
hours he tries to regain of
Damage toaanyone
[r:1d10](1d10) rivermetres ofwithin
of the target cooked is partially
must make cooked
within organs
an [r:1d10](1d10)
Agility Test onto or the metres.
take a
metres. of
onto his
If the body.
thetarget ground, is must killing
carrying him
anyan Agility his
If the body.")]
target killing him instantly.
is carrying any
drenched in gore and make -10 penalty to Weapon Skillgrenadesand
grenades or amissiles, these totoo detonate [r:setDeath()]
or missiles, these")]
Test or take -10 penalty Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Tests
[h:CriticalStates = for 1 Round on
too detonate as
on the target's person.[r:setDeath()]
and Ballistic Skill Tests for 1 Round as the
blood target's
fouls their person.[r:setDeath()]
json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/L sight.[r:setDeath()] ")]
1 A glancingfouls their blast sight.[r:setDeath()]
sends the character ")]
egs/1","1 A glancing blast sends the
backwards one metre. character backwards one metre.")]
target's leg
leaving a=hunk himof<b>Stunned
area. The target reduces must make an target
Test travels [r:roll=1d5]
egs/6","6 The =must
concussive metres
force of the
4 The
The Explosive
Explosive cracks
sends the the target's
target leg
spinning json.pset(CriticalStates,"Explosive/L
away 1 The
from target
the Explosive immediately
into a hunk of Toughness
smoking meat. Test The target %22;%22Succes%22])</b>
make shatters
a The
Toughness the
force target's
of the
Test or legortakes
die from
through him
the <b>Stunned
air. The
([r,if(1d100>T):%22Fail%22;%22Succestarget for 1
travels Round[h:newState(%22Stunned
<b>1 level
egs/10","10+ of Fatigue</b>
The the
leg use
explodes of the
in an
2 Theimmediately
must concussive
Round[h:newState(%22Stunned force
of the make
Explosive of thetakes
afrom blast,the Test
Toughness and
shock. splits
%22,1)]</b> On apart
a his
and feetflesh,
<b>halving inflicting
Test, all under
shatters the ortarget's away
permanendy leg bonesloses the
and Explosive
the use of
splits [r:setFatigue(roll)]
<b>[r:Fat=1d10]of blood, per metre
level(s) the
of level(s)
or die feet
%22,1)]</b> out
and fromOnunder him.
a Fatigue</b>
<b>halving successful
all He lands
movement him.
target He
movement is lands
stilltakes <b>Prone</b>
<b>Stunned for
apart takes
<b>Prone</b> leg<b>1
inflicting level
flesh, inflicting of
in an eruption
[h:newState(%22Prone level(s)
of of of Fatigue.It for
immediately and
the target
sending The
tiny a Full
leg is
target is stillRounds.
level(s) killing the
of Fatigue.
target metre
[r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b> a
and It [r:roll=1d10]
fragments to regain
and, of bone,
untilthehis feet
target and
repaired, takes
takes and
the takesa <b>1
target Full level of
Action to regain The
his takes
<b>halves <b>1
[h:CriticalStates level
%22,roll)]</b> The
all movement of
=only Fatigue</b>.
target takes
for <b>1
The legtakes
Fatigue</b>. the
is brokentarget
Rounds[h:newState(%22Stunned of <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
untilbone, clothing,
repaired, the <b>[r:Fat=1d5]
counts hurtling
as having
%22,roll)]</b>, level(s)
takes in allofdirections.
one Fatigue
leg. In
feet and
and armour he <b>1
of Fatigue
hurtling level of
all Fatigue</b>.
off inonly
all directions. for level of
[r:roll=1d10] Fatigue</b>.
Anyone within two metres and ofFatigue
target counts
[r:setFatigue(1)] astakes
having one leg. In
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] addition,
<b>[r:Fat=1d10] the horrendous
[h:CriticalStates =level(s) nature
Anyone <b>halves
addition, within
the Rounds.
two movement</b>
horrendous of
nature theof until he
the [h:newState(%22Slowed
the woundtakes The
means leg explodes
that he nowin anuntil
9 The aleg of explodes
Fatigue [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
[h:newState(%22Slowed%22,roll)]</b>in an eruption of blood, [r:setFatigue(Fat)]</b>
eruption of blood, killing and
and medical
suffers that
<b>Blood attention.
[r:1d10+2](1d10+2) he now Impact
Loss and sending from he receives
<b>Blood Damage.
from medical
Loss<b>Blood In attention.
Loss if the
killing the target
Damage. In immediately
addition, if the target is egs/8","8
immediately The andblast
target is carrying any tears
sending the
ammunition, leg from it
8 The blast Loss the leg from the body in a
[h:newState(%22Blood_Loss%22)]</b>. [h:newState(%22Blood_Loss
carrying anytears
fragments of bone, clothing,
He now has only it explodesand the body in
%22)]</b>.")] ofa bone,
dealinggeyser of gore,and
[r:1d10+5](1d10+5) sending
dealing of gore,
hurtling offone
in all himDamage
directions. to the
Damagecrashing Hetonow
to anyone
off onlybloodone leg.
all directions.
within [r:1d10]
ground, blood pumping from the ragged [r,if(1d100>T):setDeath()]
pumping from the ragged ")]
within two metres of the target
anyone within [r:1d10](1d10) metres. If the takes a Anyone
(1d10) metres. within two
If the targetstump:
metres ofisthe
target isinstantly
[r:1d10+2](1d10+2) anyImpact
grenades Damage.or missiles, instantly
target fatal.[r:setDeath()]
takes a [r:1d10+2](1d10+2)
carrying any grenades or missiles, ")]
these too detonate on the target's person. Impacttoo
these Damage.[r:setDeath()]
detonate on the target's ")]
[r:setDeath()] person.[r:setDeath()] ")]
use this list to test the critical entry (copy paste into chat)
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 A grazing blow to the head frazzles the target's senses, imposing a <b>-10 penalty to all Tests
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The blast of energy dazzles the target, leaving him <b>blinded for 1 Round[h:newState(%22Blinde
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The attack cooks off the target's ear, leaving him <b>Stunned for 1 Round[h:newState(%22Stunne
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The energy attack burns away all of the hairs on the target's head as well as leaving him reeling fro
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 A blast of energy envelopes the target's head, burning his face and hair, and causing him to scream
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The attack cooks the target's face, melting his features and damaging his eyes. The target is <b>b
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 In a gruesome display, the flesh is burned from the target's head, exposing charred bone and mus
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 The target's head is destroyed in a convocation of fiery death. He does not survive.[r:setDeath()] ")
[r:evalmacro(decode(" 9 Superheated by the attack, the target's brain explodes, tearing apart his skull and sending flaming
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ Superheated by the attack, the target's brain explodes, tearing apart his skull and sending flamin
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 A blast to the arm leaves it all numb and tingly. Tests made involving the arm are at -30 for 1 Roun
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The attack smashes the arm, sending currents of energy crackling down to the fingers and up to th
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The attack burns the target's arm leaving him <b>Stunned for 1 Round[h:newState(%22Stunned%
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The shock of the attack makes the target vomit. He is <b>Stunned for 1 Round[h:newState(%22St
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 The arm suffers superficial burns inflicting no small amount of pain on the target. The target's WS a
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The attack wreathes the arm in flame, scorching clothing and armour, and temporarily fusing toget
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 With a terrible snapping sound, the heat of the attack boils the marrow in the target's arm, causing
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 Energy sears through the arm at the shoulder, causing the limb to be severed from the body. The t
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 Fire consumes the target's arm, burning the flesh to a crisp right down to the bone. The target mus
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ The attack reduces the arm to a cloud of ash and sends the target crumbling to the ground wher
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 A blow to the target's body steals a breath from his lungs. The target can take only a <b>Half Actio
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The blast punches the air from the target's body, inflicting <b>1 level of Fatigue</b> [r:setFatigue(1
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The attack cooks the flesh on the chest and abdomen, inflicting <b>2 levels of Fatigue</b> [r:setFa
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The energy ripples all over the character, scorching his body and inflicting <b>[r:Fat=1d10] level(s)
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 The fury of the attack forces the target to the ground, helplessly covering his face and keening in a
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 Struck by the full force of the attack, the target is sent reeling to the ground, smoke spiralling out o
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 The intense power of the energy attack cooks the target's organs, burning his lungs and heart with
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 As the attack washes over the target, his skin turns black and peels off while body fat seeps out of
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 The target is completely encased in fire, melting his skin and popping his eyes like superheated eg
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ The target is completely encased in fire, melting his skin and popping his eyes like superheated
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 A blow to the leg leaves the target gasping for air. The target gains <b>1 level of Fatigue</b>. [r:se
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 A grazing strike against the leg slows the target for a bit. The target <b>halves all movement for 1
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The blast breaks the target's leg leaving him <b>Stunned for 1 Round[h:newState(%22Stunned%2
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 A solid blow to the leg sends electric currents of agony coursing through the target. The target take
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 The target's leg endures horrific burn Damage, fusing clothing and armour with flesh and bone. Th
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The attack burns the target's foot, charing the flesh and emitting a foul aroma. The target must suc
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 The energy attack fries the leg, leaving it a mess of blackened flesh. The leg is broken and until re
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 Energy sears through the bone, causing the leg to be severed. The target must take a Toughness
[r:evalmacro(decode(" 9 The force of the attack reduces the leg to little more than a chunk of sizzling gristle. The target mu
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ In a terrifying display of power, the leg immolates and fire consumes the target completely. The
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 The attack tears skin from the target's face dealing <b>1 level of Fatigue</b>. [h, if(json.get(Curren
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The attack slices open the target's scalp which immediately begins to bleed profusely. Due to bloo
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The attack tears the target's helmet from his head. If wearing no helmet, the target loses an ear ins
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The attack scoops out one of the target's eyes, inflicting <b>[r:Fat=1d5] level(s) of Fatigue [r:setFa
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 The attack opens up the target's face, leaving him <b>Stunned for [r:roll=1d5] Rounds[h:newState
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 As the blow rips violently across the target's face- it takes with it an important feature. Roll [r:1d10]
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 In a splatter of skin and teeth, the attack removes most of the target's face. The target is <b>blinde
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 The blow slices into the side of the target's head causing his eyes to pop out and his brain to ooze
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 With a sound not unlike a wet sponge being torn in half, the target's head flies free of its body and
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ With a sound not unlike a wet sponge being torn in half, the target's head flies free of its body an
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 The slashing attack tears anything free that was held in this arm."))]<br><br>
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 Deep cuts cause the target to drop whatever was held and inflicts <b>1 level of Fatigue</b>. [r:set
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The shredding attack sends the target screaming in pain. He takes <b>2 levels of Fatigue</b> [r:se
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The attack flays the skin from the limb, filling the air with blood and the sounds of his screaming. T
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 A bloody and very painful looking, furrow is opened up in the target's arm. The target takes <b>[r:F
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The blow mangles flesh and muscle as it hacks into the target's hand, liberating [r:1d5](1d5) finger
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 The attack rips apart skin, muscle, bone and sinew with ease turning the target's arm into a danglin
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 With an assortment of unnatural, wet ripping sounds, the arm flies free of the body trailing blood be
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 The attack slices clean through the arm and into the torso, drenching the ground in blood and gore
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ The attack slices clean through the arm and into the torso, drenching the ground in blood and go
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 If the target is not wearing armour on this location, he takes <b>1 level of Fatigue</b> [h, if(json.ge
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The attack Damages the target's armour, <b>reducing its Armour Points by 1 [h,if(BodyAP>0):Bod
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The attack rips a large patch of skin from the target's torso, leaving him gasping in pain. The target
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 A torrent of blood spills from the deep cuts, making the ground slick with gore. All characters attem
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 The blow opens up a long wound in the target's torso, causing him to double over in terrible pain. T
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The mighty attack takes a sizeable chunk out of the target and knocks him to the ground as he clu
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 The attack cuts open the target's abdomen, causing considerable <b>Blood Loss [h:newState(%22
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 With a vile tearing noise, the skin on the target's chest comes away revealing a red ruin of muscle.
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 The powerful blow cleaves the target from gullet to groin, revealing his internal organs and spilling
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ The powerful blow cleaves the target from gullet to groin, revealing his internal organs and spillin
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 The attack knocks the limb backwards, painfully jerking it away from the body. The target takes <b
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The target's kneecap splits open. He must <b>Test Agility or fall to the ground[h,if(1d100>Ag):new
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The attack rips a length of flesh from the leg, causing blood to gush from the wound. The target tak
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The attack rips the kneecap free from the target's leg, causing it to collapse out from under him. Th
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 In a spray of blood, the target's leg is opened up, exposing bone, sinew and muscle. The target tak
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The blow slices a couple of centimetres off the end of the target's foot. The target must make an im
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 The force of the blow cuts deep into the leg, grinding against bone and tearing ligaments apart. Th
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 In a single bloody hack the leg is lopped off the target, spurting its vital fluids across the ground. Th
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 With a meaty chop, the leg comes away at the hip. The target pitches to the ground howling in ago
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ With a meaty chop, the leg comes away at the hip. The target pitches to the ground howling in a
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 The impact fills the target's head with a terrible ringing noise. The target must Test Toughness or t
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The attack causes the target to see stars. The target takes <b>1 level of Fatigue [r:setFatigue(1)]<
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The target's nose explodes in a torrent of blood, <b>blinding him for 1 Round[h:newState(%22Blin
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The concussive strike staggers the target, dealing <b>[r:Fat=1d5] level(s) of Fatigue. [r:setFatigue(
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 The force of the blow sends the target reeling in pain. The target is <b>Stunned for 1 Round[h:new
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The target's head is snapped back by the attack leaving him staggering around trying to control mi
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 The attack slams into the target's head, fracturing his skull and opening a long tear in his scalp. Th
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 Blood pours from the target's noise, mouth, ears and eyes as the attack pulverises his brain. He do
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 The target's head bursts like an overripe fruit and sprays blood, bone and brains in all directions. A
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ The target's head bursts like an overripe fruit and sprays blood, bone and brains in all directions
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 The attack numbs the target's limb causing him to drop anything held in that hand."))]<br><br>
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The strike leaves a deep bruise. The target takes <b>1 level of Fatigue</b>. [r:setFatigue(1)]"))]<b
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The impact inflicts crushing pain and the target takes <b>1 level of Fatigue</b> [r:setFatigue(1)] an
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The impact leaves the target reeling from pain. The target is <b>Stunned for 1 Round[h:newState(
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 Muscle and bone take a pounding as the attack rips into the arm. The target's WS and BS are both
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The attack pulverises the target's hand, crushing and breaking [r:1d5](1d5) fingers (for the purpose
[r:evalmacro(decode(" 7 With a loud snap, the arm bone is shattered and left hanging limply at the target's side, dribbling b
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 The force of the attack takes the arm off just below the shoulder, showering blood and gore across
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 In a rain of blood, gore and meat, the target's arm is removed from his body. Screaming incoheren
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ In a rain of blood, gore and meat, the target's arm is removed from his body. Screaming incoher
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 A blow to the target's body steals the breath from his lungs. The target can take only a <b>Half Ac
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The impact punches the air from the target's body, inflicting <b>1 level of Fatigue</b>. [r:setFatigu
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The attack breaks a rib and inflicts <b>2 levels of Fatigue</b>. [r:setFatigue(2)] The target is also <
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The blow batters the target, shattering ribs The target takes <b>[r:Fat=1d5] level(s) of Fatigue [r:se
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 A solid blow to the chest winds the target and he momentary doubles over in pain, clutching himse
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The attack knocks the target sprawling on the ground. The target flies [r:1d5](1d5) metres away fro
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 With an audible crack, [r:1d5](1d5) of the target's ribs break. The target can either lay down and st
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 The force of the attack ruptures several of the target's organs and knocks him down, gasping in wr
[r:evalmacro(decode(" 9 The target jerks back from the force of the attack, throwing back his head and spewing out a jet of
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ The target jerks back from the force of the attack, throwing back his head and spewing out a jet
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 A light blow to the leg leaves the target gasping for air. The target takes <b>1 level of Fatigue</b>.
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 A grazing strike against the leg slows the target. The target <b>halves all movement for 1 Round[h
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The blow breaks the target's leg leaving him <b>Stunned for 1 Round[h:newState(%22Stunned%2
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 A solid blow to the leg sends lightning agony coursing through the target. The target takes <b>[r:Fa
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 A powerful impact causes micro fractures in the target's bones, inflicting considerable agony. The t
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 Several of the tiny bones in the target's foot snap like twigs with cracking noises. The target must m
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 With a nasty crunch, the leg is broken and the target is knocked down mewling in pain. The target
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 The force of the attack rips the lower half of the leg away in a stream of blood. The target must imm
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 The hit rips apart the flesh of the leg, causing blood to spray out in all directions. Even as the targe
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ The hit rips apart the flesh of the leg, causing blood to spray out in all directions. Even as the tar
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 The Explosive leaves the <b>target confused F15[h:newState(%22Confused%22,1)]</b>. He can
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The flash and noise leaves the target <b>blind [h:newState(%22Blinded%22,1)] and deaf [h:newS
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The detonation leaves the target's face a bloody ruin from scores of small cuts. The target takes <b
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The force of the burst knocks the target to the ground and Stuns him for 1 Round. The target takes
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 The Explosive flays the flesh from the target's face and bursts his eardrums with its force. The targ
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The target's head explodes under the force of the attack, leaving his headless corpse to spurt bloo
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 Both head and body are blown into a mangled mess, instantly killing the target. In addition, if the ta
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 In a series of unpleasant Explosives the target's head and torso peel apart leaving a gory mess in
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 The target ceases to exist in any tangible way, entirely turning into a kind of crimson mist. You don
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ The target ceases to exist in any tangible way, entirely turning into a kind of crimson mist. Such
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 The attack throws the limb backwards, painfully jerking it away from the body, inflicting <b>1 level
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The attack sends a fracture through the limb. The target drops anything held in the hand and takes
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The Explosive takes [r:1d5](1d5) fingers from the target's hand. The target takes <b>3 levels of Fa
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The blase causes the target to howl in agony. He takes <b>[r:Fat=1d5] level(s) of Fatigue [r:setFat
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 Fragments from the Explosive tear into the target's hand, ripping away flesh and muscle alike. He
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The explosive attack shatters the bone and mangles the flesh turning the target's arm into a red ru
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 In a violent hail of flesh, the arm is blown apart. The target must immediately make a <b>Toughnes
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 The arm disintegrates under the force of the Explosive taking a good portion of the shoulder and c
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 With a mighty bang the arm is blasted from the target's body, killing the target instantly in a rain of
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ With a mighty bang the arm is blasted from the target's body, killing the target instantly in a rain
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 The target is blown backwards [r:roll=1d5] metres and takes <b>1 level of Fatigue</b> [r:setFatigu
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The target is blown backwards [r:roll=1d10] metres, taking <b>1 level of Fatigue</b> [r:setFatigue(
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The Explosive <b>destroys whatever armour protected the body</b>. If the target wore none <b>(
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The Explosive sends the target <b>sprawling to the ground [h:newState(%22Prone%22)]</b>. He
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 Concussion from the Explosive knocks the target to the ground and tenderises his innards. The tar
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 Chunks of the target's flesh are ripped free by the force of the attack leaving large, weeping wound
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 The explosive force of the attack ruptures the target's flesh and scrambles his nervous system, kno
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 The target's chest explodes outward, disgorging a river of partially cooked organs onto the ground,
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 Pieces of the target's body fly in all directions as he his torn into bloody gobbets by the attack. In a
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ Pieces of the target's body fly in all directions as he his torn into bloody gobbets by the attack. In
[r:evalmacro(decode("1 A glancing blast sends the character backwards one metre."))]<br><br>
[r:evalmacro(decode("2 The force of the Explosive takes the target's feet out from under him. He lands <b>Prone</b> [h:ne
[r:evalmacro(decode("3 The concussion cracks the target's leg, leaving him <b>Stunned for 1 Round[h:newState(%22Stun
[r:evalmacro(decode("4 The Explosive sends the target spinning through the air. The target travels [r:roll=1d5] metres awa
[r:evalmacro(decode("5 Explosive force removes part of the target's foot and scatters it over a wide area. The target must m
[r:evalmacro(decode("6 The concussive force of the blast, shatters the target's leg bones and splits apart his flesh, inflicting
[r:evalmacro(decode("7 The Explosive reduces the target's leg into a hunk of smoking meat. The target must immediately m
[r:evalmacro(decode("8 The blast tears the leg from the body in a geyser of gore, sending him crashing to the ground, bloo
[r:evalmacro(decode("9 The leg explodes in an eruption of blood, killing the target immediately and sending tiny fragments
[r:evalmacro(decode("10+ The leg explodes in an eruption of blood, killing the target immediately and sending tiny fragmen
All applied states from table:
. Blinded
. Blood_Loss
. Confused
. Deafened
. On_Fire
. Prone
. Slowed
. Stunned





Disrupting Blow: One of the Titan's crew is momentarily stunned by the impact of a particularly jarring hit. That crewman (de
half the Titan's Command Crew are stunned, 1 weapon may not fire. Shooting from the Titan takes a non-cumulative -10 pe
is always affected by the Critical Hit unless already suffering from the effects of a previous Critical Hit, in which case the Pri
4 Hammer Blow: The Titan's pilot or steersman is momentarily shaken by a direct hit that barely fails to penetrate the armou
Titan has both a steersman and a Princeps, the steersman is always affected by the Critical Hit unless already suffering fro
5 Weapon Damaged: A randomly selected weapon on the Titan is hit by the full effects of the blast. However, Titan weapon
where it may not fire until repaired (outside the course of the battle). On any other result, the weapon simply may not fire du
6-7 Drive Damaged: The Titan's motive engines are damaged, slowing it to a limping gait. Reduce the Titan's Tactical spee
speed to zero, the Titan is immobilised and cannot move until repaired (outside the course of the battle).
8-9 Penetrating Hit: A powerful shot burns through the Titan's armour Reduce the armour on the Titan's facing that cook the
<b>[r:1d5]</b> (1d5) crewmembers are hit (a lucky strike to the command chamber or drive chamber). If hit, the crewmemb
10 Fire!: A plasma conduit ruptures or fuel reserves ignite. The crew has <b>[r:1d5]</b> (1d5) rounds before they begin Su
they must make a Challenging (+0) Agility Test each round, or catch on fire. Using the machine's integral fire-suppression e
while making a Difficult (-10) Tech-Use Test. This Test may be attempted multiple times
11 Structural Loss: Devastating blows cause cascading destruction throughout the Titan as machinery tears itself apart und
lead to...
[h:roll=1d10][r:if(roll < 7, "<b>Corpse of the God Machine</b>: The Titans reactor Bickers and dies, and the dead corpse eit
destroyed, and cannot be repaired save through centuries of work in a Forge world.", "<b>Apocalyptic Explosion!</b>: The
(10*2d10). This is (he blast zone. Everything within the blast zone takes <b>[r:5d10+10]</b> (5d10+10) Energy damage, w
target is from the exploding Titan. Where the Titan once stood are only a few charred pieces and a giant crater plated in mo



















Table 8-25: Weapon Critical Hit Chart
A strong concussive hit leaves the gun intact, but knocks the gunner away from his station. The gunner is stunned for 1 Rou
A glancing blow knocks the gun about, dislodging an ammo linkage, buckling a breach door or shorting out a power system
The hit frazzles the gun's targeting system, blocks a vision slit or causes internal armour to flake away and strike the gunne
With the sound of grinding metal, the gun locks in place. The gun gains Weapon/Turret Locked Damage Condition (see pag
Weapon, treat this as the result 5 on this table.
The gun's ammo-hopper or power control system is destroyed, leaving the weapon incapable of loading ammunition. The w
page 215) until it has been repaired.
The weapon's targeting systems are annihilated by the blast. The weapon gains the Targeting Systems Destroyed Damage
The gun's ammo-hopper or power control systems are severely damaged, or perhaps the weapon's barrel is cracked from a
chance of the currently loaded ammunition cooking off. If it does so, roll Damage against the vehicle and any gunners mann
remaining ammunition in that clip is destroyed.
The weapon explodes and is torn from its housing. Damage from the explosion rips further into the vehicle's hull, possibly in
As above, except the explosion rips through the entire crew compartment. Every member of the crew suffer [r:1d10](1d10)+
catches fire can attempt to put themselves out as described in the rules for Fire on page 189.
The force of the attack destroys the weapon and continues through into the vehicle's hull, detonating the ammunition store
Explosive damage. Anyone within [r:2d10](2d10) metres of the vehicle suffers [r:1d10](1d10)+6 Explosive damage from the
Evasion Test suffers [r:1d10](1d10)+6 Damage from the vehicle's explosion. Note: Depending on the contents of the vehicle

Table 8-26: Motive Systems Critical Hit Chart Critical Damage Critical Effect
A savage blow to the vehicle's drive mechanism or engine intakes forces the operator to wrestle with the controls in order t
facing. The operator takes one level of Fatigue from the effort.
The vehicle is knocked violently from its current position, but otherwise no major damage is caused. The vehicle may only m
One of the vehicle's tracks, a rear axle or ankle joint, or perhaps a vital fuel link has taken a major hit, and now one side of
The vehicle's fuel or drive power systems have taken a glancing hit. The vehicle is in no danger of exploding, but coaxing s
is failed by three or more degrees the vehicle's engine stalls and the vehicle cannot move at all this turn. Skimmers that suf
The driver finds that the vehicle's control systems are completely unresponsive... but the vehicle is still moving! Tracked an
effect (other than Skimmers, who still crash).
The hit tears off a tread, damages a knee joint, or tears into the grav-generator housing doing severe damage. The vehicle
Condition instead. If this occurs Tracked and Wheeled Vehicles coast to a quick stop, Walkers grind to a halt where they sta
The small internal explosion causes a loose bolt to ricochet around the driver's controls at breakneck speed, or perhaps a c
Operate Test in order to move the vehicle next turn. If the vehicle was already moving when this result occurred and the veh
falling over if it is a Walker.
The vehicle's motive systems are ripped apart in an explosion that immediately stops the vehicle from moving. The vehicle
The vehicle's power systems or fuel tanks are penetrated. The vehicle grinds to a halt and immediately catches alight. The
The hit smashes the vehicle's drive shaft or sends a surge through its power systems. The vehicle immediately lurches forw
respects. Walkers move forward half their Tactical Speed and before falling over. Anything mounted on the top of the vehicl
hull may still be used assuming there are any crew left to use them. The vehicle is completely immobilised (and upside dow
vehicle has been turned ride side up again).

Table 8-27: Turret Critical Hit Chart Critical Damage Critical Effect
A strong concussive hit leaves the gun intact, but knocks those within the turret around. Anyone within the vehicle's turret i
A heavy blow knocks the turret aside, but it is not immediately apparent how much damage the gun has taken. The crew ca
The hit frazzles the gun's targeting system, blocks a vision slit or causes internal armour to flake away and strike the gunne
With the sound of grinding metal, the turret locks in place. The gun gains Weapon/Turret Locked Damage Condition (see p
Weapons to maintain their Fire Arcs even if a turret has jammed in place.
The turret's loses power, and everything stops working. The turret and the weapons contained within are undamaged, but n
linked to it (such as additional searchlights, communications equipment and so on) these cease to operate. For the purpose
weapons had already been destroyed by previous critical effects).
The turret's targeting systems are annihilated by the blast. Every weapon within the turret other than any Pintle Weapons m
The hit tears through the turret's armour, leaving only useless shards of metal. All further hits to the vehicle's turret now roll
(2d10) AP for the purposes of repairing the armour (see Reduced Armour, page 214). If the attack was a ranged weapon, th
Damage. In addition, the vehicle gains the Open Topped Vehicle Trait, which could be a problem if the vehicle is in a poison
Several areas of the turret are blasted away and the entire turret catches fire. Any weapons mounted in or on the turret gai
alight. Refer to On Fire! sidebar on page 214.
As above, except the fire pours into the main hull of the vehicle, setting everything alight. Every member of the crew, plus a
catches fire can attempt to put themselves out as described in the rules for Fire on 266.
A colossal explosion tears the turret away from the vehicle, the twisted wreckage flying into the air as the vehicle itself is rip
Damage. Anyone within [r:2d10](2d10) metres of the vehicle suffers [r:1d10](1d10)+6 Explosive Damage from the blast. If th
Test suffers [r:1d10](1d10)+6 damage from the vehicle's explosion. Additionally the turret flies 3d10 metres in a random dire
are automatically killed - there's no way they'd have time to bail out! Note: Depending on the contents of the vehicle, the GM

Table 8-28: Hull Critical Hit Chart Critical Damage Critical Effect
The vehicle jolts to one side with the force of a strong hit, forcing everyone aboard to grab onto something to stay in their se
An internal gas line bursts, unleashing an opaque but non-lethal cloud within the crew compartment. One member of the cre
-20 penalty until the leak has been sealed.
A jarring blow tosses the vehicle around, throwing things about the interior. Any crew or passengers who are not strapped in
knocked askew and shots go wide.
Some electrical cabling or power coupling is blasted loose by the impact, raining a sudden shower of sparks down on a mem

Several hull plates buckle and fall away, weakening the vehicle. The Facing where the attack hit reduces its AP by [r:1d10](
penetrate this reduced armour value).
A small explosion rips through the crew compartment, damaging internal systems and wounding the crew. If the vehicle's cr
(1d10)+6 Explosive damage to the body, suffer one level of Fatigue and must make a Challenging (+0) Agility Test or catch
The hit tears through the vehicle's armour, leaving only useless shards of metal. The Facing where the attack hit reduces its
penetrate this reduced armour value). If the attack was a ranged weapon, the shot rips through the interior of the vehicle as
Trait, which could be a problem if the vehicle is in a poisonous atmosphere, underwater, or in a vacuum.
As above, but the vehicle also catches fire! Refer to On Fire! sidebar on page 214.
A short, sharp explosion flares outward from the vehicle. Armour panels fall off, weapons are blasted free, and the vehicle's
weapons each one has a 50% chance of gaining the Weapon Destroyed Damage Condition. Anyone inside the vehicle take
The vehicle's ammo supply, reactor or fuel supply takes a direct hit and the vehicle erupts from within. Shards of molten me
Anyone inside takes [r:2d10](2d10)+18 Explosive damage. Anyone within [r:2d10](2d10) metres of the vehicle suffers [r:1d1
last second. Anyone who succeeds at the Evasion Test suffers the [r:1d10](1d10)+6 damage from the vehicle's explosion. N


Types of Terrain
Clear, open ground, paved roadway.
Rough graven road, cleared dry field.
Deep mud or standing water less than 20cm deep, drifting sand, dense undergrowth and brush.
lowing water approximately 1 metre deep, rocky and unstable terrain, thick forests or ruined cityscapes (in
addition, failing an Operate Test by four or more degrees results in the vehicle becoming bogged down and
stuck, and it must be pried free before continuing).
Roll Location

Jan-20 Motive Systems

21-60 Hull

61-80 Weapon

81-00 Turret

These could be tracks, wheels, leg actuators, grav-plates, engines, power relays and so
on. These systems are often quite fragile, regardless of the type of vehicle, and as such
most vehicles find themselves immobilised rather than suffering outright destruction.

The attack has hit the vehicle's main hull. Powerful hits here could kill crewmembers or
detonate fuel and ammunition stores.

The attack has hit one of the weapons mounted on the vehicle's hull. It could be a
sponson, or a fixed weapon protruding from the vehicle's front armour. If there are
multiple weapons in this location, the GM should randomise which one is hit. If a vehicle
has no Weapon on that particular f acing, treat it as a hit to the Hull. These attacks often
destroy the weapon system, but some attacks can translate back to the main hull of the
vehicle causing secondary damage.

The attack has hit the vehicle's turret. If a vehicle has more than one turret then the
turret closest to the attacker is the turret affected by the attack. If there are multiple
weapons in th is location, the GM should randomise which one is hit. If a vehicle has no
Turret, treat it as a hit to the Hull. Turret destruction is just as dangerous as hits that
penetrate the hull, as volatile ammunition is often stored with in the turret, and a lot of
tank commanders sit inside the turret as well.


<b>Jarring Blow</b>: The impact tosses the vehicle around, throwing anything inside about the interior compartments. Any
Test or be stunned for <b>[r:1d5]</b> (1d5) Rounds. All shooting from the vehicle during the next Round suffers -20 to hit a
<b>Staggered</b>: A direct hit on the armour surrounding the driver's compartment leaves the pilot stunned and reeling. He
<b>[r:1d5]</b> (1d5) Rounds. A ground vehicle comes to a screeching halt, a skimmer will drift in the direction it last moved
senses and rights the aircraft.
<b>Weapon Destroyed</b>: A randomly selected weapon on the vehicle is hit by the blast, twisted and melted beyond repa
it does so, roll damage against the vehicle and any gunners manning the weapon as if the destroyed weapon had hit them,
<b>Drive Damaged</b>: The hit tears off a tread, penetrates an air intake, or tears into the grav generator housing, doing s
half). If this brings the tactical speed to 0, the vehicle is immobilised. Ground vehicles shudder to a halt, while skimmers and
<b>Penetrating Hit</b>: The hit tears through the vehicle's armour, leaving only useless shards of metal. Reduce the vehicl
vehicle as well. Each passenger and crew member has a 20 percent chance of being hit by the same shot and taking half o
vehicle is in a poisonous atmosphere, underwater, or in a vacuum.
<b>Fire</b>: The vehicle catches fire as its fuel stores ignite or power reserves overload. Anyone inside must make a Diffic
a 20 percent chance the vehicle will explode.
<b>Destroyed</b>: The hit wrecks the vehicle, turning it into a shattered hulk. Anyone inside the vehicle takes <b>[r:2d10]<
<b>[r:1d10]</b> (1d10) Rounds. Skimmers or flyers crash to the ground or go into a terminal dive, depending on their altitud
<b>Explodes</b>: A direct hit to ammo stores, fuel tanks or another vital portion of the vehicle turns it into a raging fireball.
meters of the vehicle suffers <b>[r:2d10]</b> (2d10) explosive damage from the explosion. If the vehicle has an open top, s
succeed they only take <b>[r:2d10]</b> (2d10) Explosive damage. Note: depending on the contents of the vehicle, the GM

states: Damaged < crippled < hulked < explosion













<b>Holed</b>: A lucky hit has wrenched open the ship's hull, exposing it to space. The attacker selects the <b>[r:InputCrit(
bulkheads slam into place to seal off the compartments, but this Component is <b>depressurized</b>.
<b>Internal Damage</b>: The force of the hit ruptures bulkheads and smashes machinery. The attacker selects the<b> [r:
Component is <b>damaged</b>.
<b>Sensors damaged</b>: The ship's <b>auspex arrays</b> have been knocked out, leaving the vessel blind. Until the da
ship's immediate engagement range automatically fail. Additionally, as the arrays are located outside the hull, any repairs m
[h:setSSTmpStat("BSMod", -30, "AugurArray")]
<b>Thrusters (Plasma Drive) damaged</b>: The ship's manoeuvring thrusters are smashed, venting randomly and leaking
ship's Manoeuvrability bonus by -20", "the thrusters are completely damaged. The ship cannot turn. This damage can be re

<b>Fire!</b>: Alarms scream through the hull as hungry flames roar though passageways and compartments. The blaze m
%{target}; damageType=fire; hitType=0; numComp=1;"))]</b>. This Component is now on fire.<br><b> If the fire is not unde
catch fire<b>. To overcome the fire either Deppresurize it (1d5 Crew 2d10 Morale) or organise fire fight teams (Every PC m
<b>Engines Crippled (Plasma Drive)</b>: Something pierces the immense drive tubes in the ship's stern, bleeding plasma
plasma drives are still usable, though heavily damaged. Reduce the ships Speed by half.", "the drives are completely wreck
7):setComponentTypeDamage("PlasmaDrive","damaged")] [h:setSSTmpStat("Speed", if(roll<8,-floor(Speed/2),-Speed+1),"
<b>Surly Techsprites</b>: Something has jarred and shocked the ship's machine spirits, awakening their anger. Massive e
Component now counts as unpowered. Each Component must be repaired individually before it can receive power again. M
spooky atmosphere.[r:surlyCritHit()]
<b>Decapitation</b>: A lucky hit strikes the ship's <b>bridge</b>, sending shrapnel scything across the compartment and o
[result=2d10] Explosive damage. If the damage result is 12 or higher, the bridge Component is also depressurized. If the da
damaged", if(result >= 12, "depressurized","" ))][h,if(result >= 12):setComponentTypeDamage("PlasmaDrive",damType)]
<b>Hull Breach</b>: The hull of the ship is ripped asunder by tremendous force, opening compartments to the void and doi
knows of, and not including the bridge). Roll a d10 for each; on a 1-7 the Component is damaged and depressurized. On an
Morale damage separately, the ship reduces both of its current values by half. The following components are chosen: <b> [
numComp=%{result};"))][h:MoralePercentage = floor(MoralePercentage /2)][h:CrewPercentage = floor(CrewPercentage /2)]
<b><u>Catastrophic Damage</u></b>: A succession of powerful blows and explosions rip through the ship, causing horren
"WarpEngine"))][h,if(hasNoWarp && result==10):result=9][r:evalMacro(table("RT-CH-SS-CD", result))]

<b>The ship is hulked:</b> Catastrophic damage leaves the ship a drifting, smouldering wreck. Uncontrolled fires burn in so
for each Component (roll result): <br>[r:hulkedCritHit()]
<b>The ship's plasma drive explodes: </b>the starship's plasma drive explodes in a single, cataclysmic explosion. All starsh
+Manoeuvrability Test or be struck by the flaming debris of the destroyed vessel. Treat this as {resultMB=1d5} (1d5) macrob
<b>The ship's warp engine explodes </b>: the starship's warp drive overloads and explodes, rending a seething hole in spa
craft must make a Hard (-20) Pilot (Spacecraft)+Manoeuvrability Test or be struck by the chaos-storm, taking the equivalen
starship within {resultRift=1d5} (1d5) VUs of the stricken vessel must make a second Challenging (+0) Pilot (Spacecraft)+M
horrible. Mass possessions and manifesting daemons are the norm, while the crew frantically tries to activate the Geller Fie

it is miraculously untouched, but is unpowered.
it is depressurized and damaged.
it is completely destroyed, and all crew inside are killed. Reduce Crew Population to [1d10].
<0 = crippled













chaos storm
Characteristic Simplentermediate Trained Expert Simple Intermediat
Rogue Trader AVERAGE
Weapon Skill 100 250 500 750 1600 2443.75 4406.25
Ballistic Skill 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Strength 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Toughness 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Agility 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Intelligence 100 250 500 750 1600
Perception 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Willpower 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Fellowship 100 250 500 750 1600
2300 4250 6500 11250 24300 2300 4250
Arch-militant -143.75 -156.25
Weapon Skill 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Ballistic Skill 100 250 500 750 1600
Strength 100 250 500 750 1600
Toughness 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Agility 100 250 500 750 1600
Intelligence 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Perception 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Willpower 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Fellowship 250 500 750 1,000 2500
2550 4500 6750 12750 26550 2550 4500
Astropath 106.25 93.75
Weapon Skill 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Ballistic Skill 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Strength 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Toughness 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Agility 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Intelligence 100 250 500 750 1600
Perception 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Willpower 100 250 500 750 1600
Fellowship 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
2700 4750 7000 13000 27450 2700 4750
Explorator 256.25 343.75
Weapon Skill 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Ballistic Skill 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Strength 100 250 500 750 1600
Toughness 100 250 500 750 1600
Agility 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Intelligence 100 250 500 750 1600
Perception 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Willpower 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Fellowship 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
2550 4500 6750 12750 26550 2550 4500
Missionary 106.25 93.75
Weapon Skill 100 250 500 750 1600
Ballistic Skill 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Strength 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Toughness 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Agility 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Intelligence 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Perception 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Willpower 100 250 500 750 1600
Fellowship 100 250 500 750 1600
2300 4250 6500 11250 24300 2300 4250
Navigator -143.75 -156.25
Weapon Skill 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Ballistic Skill 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Strength 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Toughness 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Agility 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Intelligence 100 250 500 750 1600
Perception 100 250 500 750 1600
Willpower 100 250 500 750 1600
Fellowship 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
2550 4500 6750 12750 26550 2550 4500
Seneschal 106.25 93.75
Weapon Skill 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Ballistic Skill 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Strength 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Toughness 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Agility 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Intelligence 100 250 500 750 1600
Perception 100 250 500 750 1600
Willpower 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Fellowship 100 250 500 750 1600
2300 4250 6500 11250 24300 2300 4250
Void-master -143.75 -156.25
Weapon Skill 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Ballistic Skill 100 250 500 750 1600
Strength 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Toughness 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Agility 100 250 500 750 1600
Intelligence 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
Perception 250 500 750 1,000 2500
Willpower 100 250 500 750 1600
Fellowship 500 750 1,000 2,500 4750
2300 4250 6500 11250 24300 2300 4250
-143.75 -156.25
Trained Expert Total Characteristic Simple Interm. Trained Expert
Rogue Trader
6656.25 12031.25 25537.5 Weapon Skill 250 500 500 750
Ballistic Skill 250 500 750 1000
Strength 500 750 1,000 2500
Toughness 500 750 1,000 2500
Agility 250 500 750 1000
Intelligence 100 250 500 750
Perception 250 500 750 1000
Willpower 250 500 1000 2500
Fellowship 100 250 500 750
6500 11250 24300 2450 4500 6750 12750
-156.25 -781.25 -1237.5 Arch-militant
Weapon Skill 250 500 750 1000
Ballistic Skill 100 250 500 750
Strength 250 500 500 750
Toughness 250 500 750 1000
Agility 100 250 500 750
Intelligence 500 750 1,000 2500
Perception 250 500 1,000 2500
Willpower 500 750 1,000 2500
Fellowship 250 500 750 1000
6750 12750 26550 2450 4500 6750 12750
93.75 718.75 1012.5 Astropath Transcendent
Weapon Skill 500 750 1,000 2500
Ballistic Skill 250 500 1,000 2500
Strength 250 500 750 1000
Toughness 250 500 750 1000
Agility 250 500 750 1000
Intelligence 100 250 500 750
Perception 250 500 500 750
Willpower 100 250 500 750
Fellowship 500 750 1,000 2500
7000 13000 27450 2450 4500 6750 12750
343.75 968.75 1912.5 Explorator
Weapon Skill 250 500 750 1000
Ballistic Skill 250 500 750 1000
Strength 250 500 500 750
Toughness 100 250 500 750
Agility 500 750 1,000 2500
Intelligence 100 250 500 750
Perception 250 500 1,000 2500
Willpower 250 500 750 1000
Fellowship 500 750 1,000 2500
6750 12750 26550 2450 4500 6750 12750
93.75 718.75 1012.5 Missionary
Weapon Skill 250 500 500 750
Ballistic Skill 500 750 1,000 2500
Strength 250 500 750 1000
Toughness 250 500 750 1000
Agility 250 500 750 1000
Intelligence 500 750 1,000 2500
Perception 250 500 1,000 2500
Willpower 100 250 500 750
Fellowship 100 250 500 750
6500 11250 24300 2450 4500 6750 12750
-156.25 -781.25 -1237.5 Navigator
Weapon Skill 500 750 1,000 2500
Ballistic Skill 250 500 750 1000
Strength 250 500 750 1000
Toughness 250 500 750 1000
Agility 250 500 1,000 2500
Intelligence 250 500 500 750
Perception 100 250 500 750
Willpower 100 250 500 750
Fellowship 500 750 1,000 2500
6750 12750 26550 2450 4500 6750 12750
93.75 718.75 1012.5 Seneschal
Weapon Skill 250 500 1000 2500
Ballistic Skill 250 500 750 1000
Strength 500 750 1,000 2500
Toughness 250 500 750 1000
Agility 250 500 750 1000
Intelligence 100 250 500 750
Perception 250 500 500 750
Willpower 500 750 1,000 2500
Fellowship 100 250 500 750
6500 11250 24300 2450 4500 6750 12750
-156.25 -781.25 -1237.5 Void-master
Weapon Skill 250 500 1000 2500
Ballistic Skill 100 250 500 750
Strength 250 500 750 1000
Toughness 250 500 750 1000
Agility 100 250 500 750
Intelligence 250 500 750 1000
Perception 250 500 500 750
Willpower 500 750 1000 2500
Fellowship 500 750 1,000 2500
6500 11250 24300 2450 4500 6750 12750
-156.25 -781.25 -1237.5
2000 2450 4500 6750 12750
2500 100 250 500 750
4750 100 250 500 750
4750 250 500 500 750
2500 250 500 750 1000
1600 250 500 750 1000
2500 250 500 750 1000
4250 250 500 1000 2500
1600 500 750 1000 2500
26450 500 750 1000 2500
100/250/500 250/500/750 500/750/1 750/1000/2500
2500 2/5/2 2/5/2 3/3/3 3/3/3
2500 Rogue Trader 24,300
1600 Missionary 24,300
4750 Seneschal 24,300
4250 NEW 26,450
4750 Arch-militant 26,550
2500 Explorator 26,550
26450 Navigator 26,550
Astropath 27,450
4750 Voidmaster 24,300
2000 100 250 500 750 750
1600 250 500 750 1000 750
4750 250 500 750 1000 750
26450 250 500 750 1000 1000
250 500 750 1000 1000
2500 250 500 750 1000 1000
2500 250 500 750
2000 500 750 1000
1600 500 750 1000
4750 2600 4750 7000 5750 5250




Ship Structure - Fire


support augur array quarters

facilities cargo hold passenger

void field gellar field

macrobatteries Nova Torpedo Lance

Warp Drive Plasma Drive

connection matrix

auger array

cargo hold

bridge 1 1 1
auger array 1 1 1 1 1 1
support 1 1 1 1
quarters 1 1 1 1
cargo hold 1 1 1 1 1
facilities 1 1 1
passenger 1 1 1
void field 1 1
gellar field 1 1
Warp Drive
Plasma Drive
3 6 4 4 7 4 4
void field

gellar field





Warp Drive

Plasma Drive


Table 8-1: Machine Spirit Oddities
Roll Result Short Version
1 A Nose for Trouble: Add +5 to the ship’s Detection, and reduce this ship’s Armour by
2 Blasphemous Tendencies: All Navigation Tests in the Warp gain a +15 bonus. While aboard s
3 Martial Hubris: Gain +5 to all Ballistic Skill Tests to Fire Ships Weapons. -15 o
4 Rebellious: GM randomly selects one of the ship’s Components that becomes un
5 Stoic: Gained Profit Factor from an Endeavour reduced by 1. When the
6 Skittish: When in combat, reduce the ship’s Speed by 1. Reduce the trave
7 Wrothful: During combat, the ship gains +1 Speed and + 7 Manoeuvrability.
8 Resolute: Ship suffers -1 Speed, but gains +3 Hull Points and grants a +10 b
9 Adventurous: When participating in an Endeavour the ship gains +10 Detection,
10 Ancient and Wise: Ship suffers -4 Hull Integrity but gains a +10 bonus to any Man

Table 8-2: Past Histories

Roll Result
1 Reliquary of Mars: 1 extra Archeotech component. Any Tech-Use Tests to repair the


2 Reduce Morale permanently by 10. +6 to the ship’s Detection

3 Emissary of the Imperator: Intimidate Tests made by Players gain +15, while all other social
4 Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: When scanned or subjected to anything but a thorough internal i
5 Turbulent Past: Ship’s crew suffer a -20 to social Skill Tests when interacting w
6 Death Cult: Reduce Crew Population permanently by 8. Reduce all Morale lo
7 Wrested from a Space Hulk: Ship gains +1 Armour, +1 Speed, and +3 Manoeuvrability. Misfor
8 Temperamental Warp Engine: Whenever ship travels through Immaterium, Roll 1d10. On 6 or lo
9 Finances in Arrears: Need extra 50 Achievment points to complete Endevors. Gain 1 r
10 Xenophilous: 1 extra Xenotech component, -30 Tech-use to Repair Ship (-10 if
Verbose Version
Something about this ship quivers at the thought of battle, always probing the cosmos for a new victim. Add +5 to the ship’s Detection, and reduce this ship’s Armour by
Some unidentifiable aspect of this vessel’s spirit resonates sympathetically with the Immaterium. Captains find this ship swims through the warp more easily, as if it was
The ship has a glorious legacy of warfare and triumphant combats. It is always eager to fight, and unwilling to back down. The ship gains +5 to all Ballistic Skill Tests to fir
This vessel does not suffer authority willingly. At times is seems to take pleasure in interfering with the plans of its masters. During no more than one space combat per g
The vessel behaves like a beast of burden, plodding but reliable. Due to its somewhat plodding behaviour, whenever the crew would gain Profit Factor from an Endeavou
The ship fears battle, bucking against its masters when entering the fray. When in combat, reduce the ship’s Speed by 1. However, when not in danger, it runs eagerly an
The ship’s spirit constantly smoulders with anger. In battle, it explodes into a berserker fury, straining and exhausting its systems. During combat, the ship gains +1 Speed
There is little in the universe that can stagger this vessel. No matter the foe, it will advance slowly but surely to meet it. The ship suffers -1 Speed, but gains +3 Hull Point
The vessel is eager to seek new horizons, to turn its bow from civilisation and delve into the darkness of the unknown. When participating in an Endeavour the ship gains
This ship is of a bygone age, having survived many millennia of voyages and adventures. It’s hull has weakened over the centuries, but it anticipates the needs of its crew

Somehow, this vessel has been outfitted with ancient archaeo-tech systems from mankind’s forgotten past. When constructing this vessel, players must select 1 Archeot

Some nameless horror haunts this vessel’s past, leaving voidsmen to whisper stories
of ghosts wandering through the corridors and cabins. Reduce Morale permanently
by 10. However, strange premonitions flicker on the augur arrays, granting a +6 to the
ship’s Detection. Additionally, all non-crewmembers suffer -5 to Command Tests
involving boarding actions or hit and run actions against the haunted vessel. The
presence of these spirits may cause many other issues, depending on their origins and
how they came to haunt the vessel (something the GM should determine).

The vessel is a veritable monument to the power and grandeur of the God-Emperor’s might. Awe-inspiring and terrible, it lacks subtlety. All Intimidate Tests made by cha
Beneath this vessel’s unassuming exterior is a dangerous spacefaring predator. The captain selects three Components. When scanned or subjected to anything but a tho
Over the years
Amongst this ship indentured
the low-decks has been used to perform
crew, deeds dastardly
strange perversions of thetoImperial
some and heroic
Creed to arisen,
have others.Amongst
The GM selects a social indentured
the low-decks group (pirates,
strangethe Imperial Navy,
perversions of thethe

The ship has been recovered from a space hulk - a mass of wrecked ships that drifts intermittently through the warp and realspace. The ship is very old (and thus of high
The ship suffers a flutter in its Warp Engines, an inconsistency that no amount of maintenance or supplication can eliminate. Whenever the ship travels through the imm
The ship was purchased with borrowed funds. The money could have come from a criminal organisation, influential noble, or even a member of the Inquisition—but no
Through dealings with some xenos race, this vessel has been outfitted with examples of their blasphemous technology. When constructing this vessel, players must selec
n, and reduce this ship’s Armour by 1, due to its many battles. Occasionally, the crew may find themselves in fights they might have preferred to avoid.
h the warp more easily, as if it was more at home there... All Navigation Tests made to pilot this vessel through the warp gain a +15 bonus. However, while aboard the ship, all crew suffe
ns +5 to all Ballistic Skill Tests to fire its weapons, but suffers -15 on any Pilot (Spacecraft) Tests made to escape combat.
more than one space combat per game session, the GM should randomly select one of the ship’s Components that becomes unpowered until repaired. However, whenever the ship suff
gain Profit Factor from an Endeavour, reduce the amount gained by 1. However, whenever one of the ship’s Component’s becomes damaged or unpowered, roll 1d10. On a 7 or higher, t
en not in danger, it runs eagerly and fast. Reduce the travel time for any long distance (between stars) voyage by 1d5 weeks, to a minimum of 1.
ng combat, the ship gains +1 Speed and + 7 Manoeuvrability. Out of combat, the ship suffers -1 Speed and -5 to Manoeuvrability and Detection.
s -1 Speed, but gains +3 Hull Points and grants a +10 bonus to all Repair Tests.
ting in an Endeavour the ship gains +10 Detection, when not participating in an Endeavour it suffers -10 Detection.
it anticipates the needs of its crew, and will move as one with a competent master. The ship suffers -4 Hull Integrity but gains a +10 bonus to any Manoeuvre Actions it performs (includ

ssel, players must select 1 Archeotech Component of their choice. However, any Tech-Use Tests to repair the ship suffer a -20, due to the highly complex nature of the machinery. Additi

ty. All Intimidate Tests made by characters from this vessel gain +15, while all other social Skill Tests suffer a -5. These bonuses and penalties only apply if the character is known to be fro
or subjected to anything but a thorough internal inspection, these components will either not register on the scans, or appear to be a different Component of the same type. Thus, the s
strangethe Imperial Navy,
perversions of thethe Inquisition,
Imperial Creedor inhabitants
have of an important
arisen, Amongst locale indentured
the low-decks like Footfall).crew,
All ship’s crew
strange suffer a -20
perversions ofto
thesocial Skill Creed
Imperial Tests when interacting
have arisen, with that
glorifying group.
death The GM
to celebrate

e ship is very old (and thus of high quality), but those who know of its origins whisper that it is cursed. The ship gains +1 Armour, +1 Speed, and +3 Manoeuvrability. However, every time
er the ship travels through the immaterium, the GM should roll 1d10. On a 6 or lower, the journey takes an additional 1d5 weeks, on a 7 or higher, the travel time is reduced 1d5 weeks i
member of the Inquisition—but no matter the source, the debt must be repaid. Whenever the crew attempts to complete an Endeavour’s Objective, they must accumulate an additional
cting this vessel, players must select 1 Xenotech Component of their choice. However, any Tech-Use Tests to repair the ship suffer a -30, due to the strange and blasphemous nature of t
wever, while aboard the ship, all crew suffer -5 to Willpower based Tests.

repaired. However, whenever the ship suffers a critical hit (for any reason) roll 1d10. On a 8 or higher, the critical effect is ignored.
or unpowered, roll 1d10. On a 7 or higher, the ship shrugs off the damage and it is ignored.

any Manoeuvre Actions it performs (including out of combat and ramming).

hly complex nature of the machinery. Additionally, the tech priests of Mars regard the vessel as holy, or at least having holy components. Some may petition to visit the vessel, others ma

nly apply if the character is known to be from the vessel. In addition, few will be able to see beyond the symbolism of the vessel—xenos see a threat, faithful Imperial citizens see a symb
nt Component of the same type. Thus, the ship might hide additional armour plating, or a small macrobattery may be much more powerful than it appears. However, the ship suffers -2 P
dwhen interacting
have arisen, with that
glorifying group.
death The GM then
to celebrate selects a Reduce
the Emperor. second Crew
naturally opposed to thebyfirst.
permanently All ship’s reduce
8. However, crew gain
all +20 to social
Morale Skillsany
loss from when interacting
source with
by 2, due to that group.unwaverin
the crew’s The additi

d +3 Manoeuvrability. However, every time the crew suffers a Misfortune, the GM rolls twice and chooses the worse of the two. The curse can have many other effects as well, many ill,
her, the travel time is reduced 1d5 weeks instead (potentially causing the ship to arrive before it left!). However, once in a great while, the ship will leave the warp to unexpectedly find i
ective, they must accumulate an additional 50 Acheivement Points to accomplish the Objective. However, the ship’s financier supports his investment by providing aid and information. A
o the strange and blasphemous nature of the machinery. Should the character attempting the repairs have Forbidden Lore (Xenos), the penalty is only -10. Also, the forces of the Ordo X
e may petition to visit the vessel, others may want it for themselves.

threat, faithful Imperial citizens see a symbol of civilisation (or possibly chastisement), and heretics and rebels see a hated foe. Their reactions will be coloured accordingly.
an it appears. However, the ship suffers -2 Power to maintain the systems creating the illusion. The ship may also have concealed smuggling compartments, unseen passageways, hidden
yhen interacting
source with
by 2, due to that group.unwavering
the crew’s The additional problems
faith. that could
Additionally, arise from
ship officers andbeing hatedofbythe
members a particular
Ministorum group
will of people
have arewarily
to deal limitless.
with the cult and its leaders. Death cults do produce

n have many other effects as well, many ill, but a truly skilled Rogue Trader can turn any situation to profit...
p will leave the warp to unexpectedly find itself someplace other than its intended destination. (This is at the GM’s discretion, but should not happen on a regular basis.)
stment by providing aid and information. All crew can count their financier as a reliable contact. Additionally, their creditor may require the crew to perform specific missions that they a
ty is only -10. Also, the forces of the Ordo Xenos have an interest in the vessel and who controls it.
will be coloured accordingly.
mpartments, unseen passageways, hidden cogitation-override programming, or other secrets.
cult and its leaders. Death cults do produce skilled assassins...

happen on a regular basis.)

ew to perform specific missions that they are in no position to refuse.
1-3 Reality Erosion: The very fabric of the vessel is altered in some way. Walls might melt, statues and picture come
4-9 Plague of Madness: A general madness infects the crew, and without swift action bedlam can ensure. It will targ
10-18 Incursion: A daemonic entity slips aboard the vessel and sets out to wreak havoc. Particularly insidious warp cre
19-26 Lost Time: Time contracts and expands during the voyage, and though it may take but a few days, the crew will
27-33 Ghost Ships: The ship’s sensors detect phantom ships that appear and vanish randomly. Wise captains ignore s
34-39 Shoals and Reefs: The vessel runs afoul of a warp shoal or reef that threatens to break it open on a jagged frag
40-48 Visitations: One or more of the crew find themselves visited by warp shades of lost friends or family. These lost
49-53 Gellar Field Fluctuations: Alarmingly, the Gellar Field that keeps back the baleful energies of the warp begins to
54-67 Warp Storm: A terrible warp storm strikes the vessel and may cause damage or throw it off course. Only the skil
68-75 Whispers and Dreams: Everyone on board suffers from strange dreams and even hears hushed whispers when
76-120 All’s Well: A safe journey that wise captains will savour.
statues and picture come to life or gravity itself may become twisted.
am can ensure. It will target the weakest of will first but can be spread by contact.
ticularly insidious warp creatures can hide on a ship for years masking their actions as bad luck and careless accidents.
a few days, the crew will feel as if months or more has passed, fraying their sanity.
mly. Wise captains ignore such things, though if they are real, a vessel lost in the warp can still hold valuable cargo.
k it open on a jagged fragment of false reality. A good helmsman and skilled Navigator are required to pass unscathed.
nds or family. These lost souls might offer helpful advice and comfort or have darker motives.
gies of the warp begins to fluctuate. Hasty prayers to the Machine God or a return to realspace may be required.
it off course. Only the skills of the ship’s Navigator will decide the outcome.
rs hushed whispers when awake. These might hold hidden truths or portents should the GM wish, or merely be mad ramblings form bey
be mad ramblings form beyond.
Table 8-13: Crew Population

Crew Population


Table 8-14: Morale

Morale Number



8-13: Crew Population

The ship increases all travel times by 1d5 days.
All Tests involving Boarding Actions, repulsing Hit and Run attacks, fighting fires, and making Emergency
Repairs suffer a -5 penalty.
The ship suffers a -10 penalty to its Manoeuvrability.
The ship loses any bonus to Acheivement Points it would normally receive for its Components.
In combat, the ship counts as Crippled. If the ship actually becomes Crippled, it may only take a Strategic Turn
on every other Strategic Round.
The ship may not perform Boarding Actions or Hit and Run attacks. Anyone attempting to repulse a Boarding
Action or Hit and Run attack, fight fires, or make Emergency Repairs suffers a -20 to his Test.
The ship becomes an empty tomb, populated only by the dead. If any still live within its bowels, their only hope is
to escape the vessel before they slowly suffocate or freeze. The ship cannot operate again without at least some
crew to run it.

8-14: Morale
All Command Tests involving the ship or its crew suffer a -5.
All Ballistic Skill Tests made to fire the ship’s weapons suffer a -5.
All Command Tests involving the ship or its crew suffer an additional -10 (-15 total).
The ship suffers a -10 penalty to Manoeuvrability. All Ballistic Skill Tests made to fire the ship’s weapons suffer
an additional -5 (-10 total).
The ship may no longer perform Boarding Actions or Hit and Run attacks (too few of the crew can be trusted to
follow orders or wield weapons). The ship may still attempt to resist Boarding Actions as normal. Whenever the
ship reaches a port, lose 1d5 Crew Population to deserters.
All Command Tests involving the ship or its crew suffer an additional -15 (-30 total). The ship also suffers an
additional -10 penalty to Speed, Manoeuvrability, and Detection.
The ship’s crew rises up like a single, enraged organism, killing anybody in authority they can catch. Unless
every single crewmember is put to the sword, they will take control of the ship and elect new officers from
amongst their ranks.
[h:newThingName = " ", "description"," ", "page"," ", "source","

Name Description Page Source

Athletic Mastery Acrobatics, Climb, Contortionist, Dodge, Swim 102 Asc
Commerce Mastery Barter, Evaluate 102 Asc
Common Lore Mastery Common Lore (all skill groups) 102 Asc
Cryptological Mastery Ciphers (all skill groups), Secret Tongue (all skill groups) 102 Asc
Decadent Mastery Carouse, Gamble, Performer (all skill Groups) 102 Asc
Charismatic Mastery Blather, Charm, Command 102 Asc
Driving Mastery Driving (all skill groups) 102 Asc
Fieldcraft Mastery Navigation (Surface), Survival, Tracking, Wrangling 103 Asc
Forbidden Lore Mastery Forbidden Lore (all skill, groups) 103 Asc
Investigation Mastery Inquiry, Interrogation, Intimidate 103 Asc
Linguistic Mastery Lip Reading, Literacy, Speak Language (High Gothic, Low, G 103 Asc
Observation Mastery Awareness, Scrutiny, Search 103 Asc
Piloting Mastery Pilot (all skill groups), Navigation (Stellar) 103 Asc
Scholastic Mastery Logic, Scholastic Lore (all skill groups) 103 Asc
Shadow Craft Mastery Deceive, Disguise, Security, Slight of Hand 103 Asc
Stealth Mastery Concealment, Silent Move, Shadowing 103 Asc
Tech Lore Mastery Chem-Use, Demolition, Medicae, Tech Use 103 Asc
Warp Lore Mastery Invocation, Psyniscience 103 Asc
")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]
Basic Weapon Expertise -
Berserker WS 50, S 40
Blade Dancer Ag 40, Acrobatics skill, WS 40
Call of Iron Mechanicus Implants
Conditioned Intellect Int 40
Death Blow WS 50, S 40
Electro Illumination Mechanicus Implants (Electoo In
Exemplar of Metal Mechanicus Implants
Gravic Levitation Mechanicus Implants
Gunfighter Saint BS 40, Ag 40, Pistol Weapon Tr
Heavy Weapon Expertise -
Heroic Leadership Fel 30, WP 30, Command
Heightened Reactions Ag 40, Per 40
Indomitable Fortitude T 40, WP 40
Machine Spirit Empathy Int 30, Fel 30, Mechanicus Impl
Melee Weapon Expertise -
Mental Aegis WP 50
Peerless Marksman BS 40
Pistol Weapon Expertise -
Purity of the Machine Mechanicus Implants
Storm of Blows WS 35, Ag 40
Soul of Stone WP 40
Thrown Weapon Expertise -
Transcendent Hate Fel 30
Unarmed Ascendant Mastery WS 45, Ag 45
Unassailable Grace Ag 50, Dodge
Voice of the Omnissiah Mechanicus Implants
Basic Weapon Training (Bolt, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, Primitive, SP)
Battle Rage, Berserk Charge, Frenzy, Furious Assault
Assassin's Strike, Blade Master, Combat Master, Counter Attack, Wall of Steel
Ferric Lure, Ferric Summons
Foresight, Total Recall
Crippling Strike, Crushing Blow, Precise Blow, Sure Strike
Energy Cache, Luminen Blast, Luminen Charge, Luminen Shock
Enhanced Bionic Frame, Machinator Array, Mechadendrite Use (Gun, Manipulator, Medicae, Optical, Utility), The
Maglev Grace, Maglev Transcendence
Ambidextrous, Two-Weapon Wielder (Ballistic), Dual Shot, Independent Targeting, Gunslinger
Heavy Weapons Training (Bolt, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, Primitive, SP)
Air of Authority, Iron Discipline, Into the Jaws of Hell, Master Orator
Quick Draw, Paranoia, Rapid Reaction, Rapid Reload, Leap Up, Light Sleeper, Lightning Reflexes
Die Hard, Hardy, Iron Jaw, Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poisons), True Grit
Binary Chatter, Electro Graft Use, Gun Blessing, Technical Knock
Melee Weapon Training (Primitive, Chain, Shock, Power)
Mental Fortress, Resistance (Psychics), Strong Minded
Crack Shot, Deadeye Shot, Marksman, Mighty Shot, Sharpshooter
Pistol Training (Bolt, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, Primitive, SP)
Autosanguine, Chem Geld, Orthoproxy, Prosanguine, Rite of Pure Thought
Ambidextrous, Dual Strike, Lightening Attack, Swift Attack, Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee)
Armour of Contempt, Fearless, Insanely Faithful, Jaded, Resistance (Fear), Unshakeable Faith
Thrown Weapon Training (Primitive, Chain, Shock, Power)
Hatred (all), Inspire Wrath, Litany of Hate
Disarm, Unarmed Master, Unarmed Warrior, Takedown, Street Fighting
Deflect Shot, Hard Target, Step Aside
Disturbing Voice, Feedback Screech, Mimic, Rite of Awe, Rite of Fear
[h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","

Not in DH name prereqs

0 Air of Authority Fel 30
0 Ambidextrous Ag 30
0 Armour of Contempt WP 40
0 Assassin Strike Ag 40, Acrobatics
0 Autosanguine -
1 Basic Weapon Training -
1 Bastion of Iron Will Psy Rating, Strong Min
0 Battle Rage Frenzy Talent
0 Berserk Charge -
0 Binary Chatter -
0 Blademaster WS 30, Melee Weapon T
0 Blessed Radiance Purge the Unclean, Divin
0 Blind Fighting Per 30
1 Bloodtracker -
0 Bulging Biceps S 45
0 Catfall Ag 30
0 Chem Geld -
0 Cleanse and Purify Flame Weapons Training
1 Combat Formation Int 40
0 Combat Master WS 30
1 Combat Sense Per 40
0 Concealed Cavity -
0 Counter Attack WS 40
0 Crack Shot BS 40
0 Crippling Strike WS 50
0 Crushing Blow S 40
0 Dark Soul -
0 Deadeye Shot BS 30
0 Decadence T 30
0 Die Hard WP 40
0 Disarm Ag 30
0 Disturbing Voice -
0 Divine Ministration Pure Faith
0 Double Team -
0 Dual Shot Ag 40, Two-Weapon Wilder
0 Dual Strike Ag 40, Two-Weapon Wiel
1 Duty Unto Death WP 45
0 Electrical Succour Mechanicus Implants
0 Electro Graft Use Mechanicus Implants
1 Enemy -
0 Energy Cache Mechanicus Implants
1 Enhanced Bionic Frame Machinator Array
0 Exotic Weapon Training -
0 Favoured by the Warp WP 35
0 Fearless -
0 Feedback Screech Mechanicus Implants
0 Ferric Lure Mechanicus Implants
0 Ferric Summons Mechanicus Implants, Fe
1 Flame Weapon Training -
0 Foresight Int 30
0 Frenzy -
0 Furious Assault WS 35
0 Good Reputation Fel 50, Peer
1 Guardian Ag 40
0 Gun Blessing Mechanicus Implants
0 Gunslinger BS 40, Two Weapon Wie
1 Hard Bargain -
0 Hard Target Ag 40
0 Hardy T 40
0 Hatred -
0 Heavy Weapon Training -
0 Heightened Senses -
0 Hip Shooting BS 40, Ag 40
1 Hotshot Pilot Any Pilot Skill, Ag 40
1 Infused Knowledge Int 40
1 Improved Warp Sense Warp Sense
0 Independent Targeting BS 40
0 Into the Jaws of Hell Iron Discipline
1 Inspire Wrath Fel 30
0 Iron Discipline WP 30, Command
0 Iron Jaw T 40
0 Jaded WP 40
0 Leap Up Ag 30
1 Last Man Standing Nerves of Steel
0 Light Sleeper Per 30
0 Lightning attack Swift Attack
0 Lightning Reflexes -
0 Litany of Hate Hatred (any)
0 Logis Implant -
1 Luminen Blast Mechanicus Implants
1 Luminen Charge Mechanicus Implants
1 Luminen Shock Mechanicus Implants
1 Machinator Array Mechanicus Implants
1 Maglev Grace Mechanicus Implants
1 Maglev Transcendence Mechanicus Implants, M
0 Marksman BS 35
1 Master and Commander Int 35, Fel 35
0 Master Chirurgeon Medicae +10
1 Master Enginseer Tech Use +20, Mechanicu
0 Master Orator Fel 30
0 Mechadendrite Use Explorator
0 Meditation -
1 Melee Weapon Training -
0 Mighty Shot BS 40
0 Mimic -
1 Navigator -
1 Navigator Power Navigator
0 Nerves of Steel -
0 Orthoproxy -
0 Paranoia -
0 Peer Fel 30
1 Pistol Weapon Training -
1 Polyglot Int 40, Fel 30
0 Precise Blow WS 40, Sure Strike
0 Prosanguine Autosanguine
0 Psy Rating 1 -
0 Psy Rating 2 Psy Rating 1
0 Psy Rating 3 Psy Rating 2
0 Psy Rating 4 Psy Rating 3
0 Psy Rating 5 Psy Rating 4
0 Psy Rating 6 Psy Rating 5
1 Psy Rating 7 Psy Rating 6
1 Psy Rating 8 Psy Rating 7
1 Psy Rating 9 Psy Rating 8
1 Psy Rating 10 Psy Rating 9
0 Psy Rating -
1 Psychic Discipline -
1 Psychic Technique -
0 Pure Faith -
0 Purge the Unclean Pure Faith
0 Quick Draw -
0 Rapid Reaction Ag 40
0 Rapid Reload -
1 Renowned Warrant -
0 Resistance -
0 Rite of Awe Explorator
0 Rite of Fear Explorator
0 Rite of Pure Thought Explorator
1 Rite of Sanctioning Psy Rating, Special
1 Rival -
0 Sharpshooter BS 40, Deadeye Shot
0 Sound Constitution -
0 Sprint -
0 Step Aside Ag 40, Dodge
0 Strong Minded WP 30, Resistance (Psy
0 Sure Strike WS 30
0 Swift Attack WS 35
0 Takedown -
0 Talented -
0 Technical Knock Int 30
1 The Emporer Protects Pure Faith
1 The Flesh is Weak Mechanicus Implants
0 Thrown Weapon Training -
0 Total Recall Int 30
0 True Grit T 40
0 Two-Weapon Wielder Ag 35, BS or WS 35
1 Unarmed Master WS 45, Ag 40, Unarmed
1 Unarmed Warrior WS 35, Ag 35
0 Unremarkable -
0 Unshakeable Faith -
1 Void Tactition Int 35
0 Wall of Steel Ag 35
1 Warp Affinity Psy Rating
1 Warp Conduit Psy Rating, Strong Min
1 Warp Sense Navigator or Psy rating,
1 Whispers Int 45, Fel 35
1 Wrath of the Righteous Pure Faith
", "benefit","
On a successful Command Test, may affect a number of targets equal to 1d10 plus his fellowship bonus. No effect on hos
Do not suffer -20 penalty for actions using his off hand. Special: When combined with the Two-Weapon Wielder Talent, the
When gaining in thecorruption
same turnpoints,
drops reduce
to -10. the total by 1 to a minimum of 0. With a successful willpower test (fee action) may
points for 1 round.
After a melee attack, an acrobatics test allows the Explorer to move as a free action (once per round).
Always considered Lightly Wounded, heals 2 damage/day.
Use a weapon group without a -20 penalty.
Double defensive Psy Rating for Opposed Test involving the Psyniscience skill or Psychic Techniques.
Explorer can Parry while Frenzied.
Gain +20 to WS instead of +10 when Charging.
+ 10 bonus to communicate with servitors. Any vessel he serves receives +1 bonus to Crew Morale due to increased servi
Re-roll one missed attack per round (When attacking with a bladed weapon including chain weapons, power axes/swords)
Upon using a fate point to activate Pure Faith, extend the immunity to daemonic presence to a number of targets equal to t
Half penalties to fight in fog, smoke, or darkness.
+ 100 Objective points towards Military or Criminal objectives when turning in a fugitive for bounty.
When you bracing
fall, takerequirement for certain
an agility test weapons.
as a Free action. May fire heavy
Success weapons
and each degree using Semi-Auto
of success or Full-Auto
reduces without
the distance bracing.
fallen by a n
characters agility bonus.
Immune to seduction. Charm tests increase their difficulty by one level. Taking this talent causes one Insanity Point.
Targets of his flamer take a -20 penalty to their agility test to escape the flame.
Party may use intelligence bonus in place of their agility bonus when rolling for initiative.
Opponents gain no bonuses for outnumbering the character in melee.
May use perception
conceal 1 smallbonus
item, noin place
largerof his aagility
than closed bonus whencavity.
fist within rolling Tests
for initiative.
to discover the compartment get -10. If using a m
difficulty is reduced to +10.
After successful parry, may immediately make an attack using the parry weapon, on the parried opponent as a free action
Deal +2 critical damage with ranged weapons.
Deal +4 critical damage with melee weapons.
Deal +2 damage with melee weapons.
Half the normal penalty on malignancy tests.
Called drinking
When shots are -10 penalty
alcohol instead
or similar of -20 with
beverages, ranged
he does notattacks.
pass out until he has failed a number of Toughness Tests equal t
+10 bonus to resist the effects of addiction.
Re-roll death chance incurred by blood loss.
Full action, Opposed WS test to disarm his foe. Success drops his weapon to his feet. Three degrees of success or higher
+ 10 to Intimate and Interrogate, -10 to Fel tests in non-threatening manners.
Testing medicae, spend a fate point and restore an amount of damage equal to his WP bonus instead of the normal amou
One BS test+10to bonus
fire twotopistols
WS when granted a flanking
simultaneously as a fullbonus.
+10 orhave this
+20 to talent,
this test. they
One each
weapons.) Armor applied to each shot, T bonus once. Single Dodge for both shots.
One WS test to swing two melee weapons simultaneously as a full action. (Aim adds +10 or +20 to this test. Does not suffe
Ignores the effects of injury, fatigue, and stunning during combat. Death still affects him normally.
Must be in contact with a functioning, powered machine, or fully charged batter or power cell, make an ordinary (+10) Toug
Grants and additional +10 to common lore, inquiry, or Tech-Use whilst connected to a data port.
-10 to fellowship tests, cumulative with the rival talent for a total -20 penalty. May be granted or removed with an elite adva
Gain longer gains fatigue from
the Auto-Stabilised Traitusing Luminen
(Always count Charge,
as braced Luminen Shock,
when firing andweapons
heavy Luminen and
may fire on semi- or full-automatic
moving and firing on semi or full-auto.
Has training in a single exotic weapon, and can use it without penalty.
Roll twice for Psychic Phenomena and take the favorable result.
Immune to the effects of fear and pinning, but disengaging from combat or backing down from a fight requires a successfu
Unprotected creatures within a 30-metre radius who have the ability to hear must make a WP test or lose a half action on t
Full action and successful WP test to call 1 kg/WP bonus unsecured metal object. Must be in field of view and must lie with
Full action and successful WP test to call 2kg/WP bonus unsecured metal object. Must be in field of view and must lie with
Trained in all non-exotic weapons with the Flame special quality.
Spending 10 minutes studying or analyzing a problem, he gains a +10 bonus to his next Int test.
Spend one full round fueling anger. Gain +10 bonus to WS, S, T, and WP tests, but suffer -20 penalty to BS, and Int. Must
Successful hit on an All out attack allows the explorer to spend his reaction to make an additional attack using the same bo
+ 10 bonus to fellowship. Cumulative with Peer for a total bonus of +20.
Sacrifice all actions for the next round to switch places with an unobstructed ally within 2 meters. This may be done at any
Full action and an int test to un-jam int bonus number of guns within a 10-metre radius.
Reduce the penalty for Two-Weapon fighting by -10. Cumulative with ambidextrous, to reduce to 0.
Gain an additional profit factor when profit factor is awarded for completing and endeavour.
Opponents suffer -20 to BS when the explorer charges or runs, until his next turn.
Explorer always heals as if lightly wounded.
+ 10 to all WS tests made against opponents of that group in close combat.
Use a heavy weapon from the group for which this talent has selected without a -20 penalty.
+ 10 bonus to any tests involving this sense.
As a full action, the character may both move up to his full move and make a single attack with a ranged weapon, single sh
Treat allcommon
other pilot andskills as a basic
scholastic loreskill,
skillsand receives +basic
as untrained 10 bonus
the Pilotaskill
+10he possesses.
bonus to any tests involving common o
explorer already possesses.
May use the Psyniscience skill as a free action.
When firing
Minions gaintwo weapons
immunity fromaspinning
part of aandsingle
fearaction, the
whilst in targets combat
personal need notand be visible
less than 10 meters
to them. Whileapart.
the character is known to
serves, the ship has a +5 bonus to it's morale.
+20 to interaction tests when inspiring hatred or anger, and double the number of individuals affected. Can be combined w
Minions may reroll failed WP tests to resist Fear and pinning whilst in the Explorer's presence. Affects WP bonus number o
Test toughness to overcome stunning.
Never gain IP from ordinary horrors. Terrors of the Warp still apply.
Stand as a Free Action
Immune to pinningawake
Always assumed by pistols
whenand basicfor
asleep, weapons, and adds
the purpose +1 AP totests
of awareness the value of any cover
or surprise. protecting
Unfortunately, him
the from ranged
character's att
awakened, resulting in a less-than-cherry disposition when awake.
Three melee attacks with a full action. If using two weapons with two weapon fighting, only one weapon gets three attacks,
Add weapon
twice your and a gun,
agility bonus the
tomelee weapon
initiative. getsunnatural
If he has one shot,agility
the melee
add +1 weapon
to the gets three.before factoring the bonus into th
Full bonusA rather
action, than two
successful charmtimes).
test confers the effects of Hatred Talent (+10 to Weapon skill) to a number (fellowship bonu
Reaction, +10 bonus to WS and BS on a successful Tech-use. Must pass a toughness test or gain 1 fatigue.
Half action attack, 10m 1d10+WP Bonus energy damage, with successful BS test. Must pass a toughness test or gain 1 fa
Half actiontest to power/charge
attack, 10m 1 d 10+3tech. Difficulty
energy damage, based
size. MustWS pass anoradditional
test toughness
grapple. Has test or quality.
the shocking gain 1 fatigue.
Must pass
+ 10 S and T, -5 Ag and Fel. Increases the explorers mass x3. May not stay afloat or swim in water or similar liquids. May m
Half weapon
action, may on any
float 20ballistic mechadendrite.
to 30 centimeters off theMust havefor
ground, proper weapon
1 d 10+TB training.
minutes. Must be maintained. May slow fall, alway
impact. Cannot be used until the coil recharges (once per day).
Half action, may float 20 to 30 centimeters off the ground, for 2d10+TB minutes. Must be maintained. Move actions move u
fall, taking no fall damage. 50% coil drain, cannot be used until the coil recharges (twice per day).
No penalties to BS at long or extended range.
+ 10 action,
bonus on no all
Medicae fortests.
ganged heavy
up untilorhis next wounded
critical turn. Half patients
action grants
heals+10 combatinstead
2 damage bonus ofto 1.
defend boarding
Provides a +20a
to prevent limb loss.
May spend a fate point for automatic success on a Tech-Use Test for enhancement, repair, or upgrade of starship systems
Weapon: tests, and fellowship-based
in ranged or Melee weapon skillmechadendrite.
tests affect 10 times
Use normal number
in Machine of targets.
spirit Interface, Manipulator, Medicae, Ut
utility mechadendrite.
Successful willpower test and ten minutes removes one level of fatigue.
Use a melee weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty.
+2 ranged damage.
May copy voices, must study the voice patterns for at least an hour for proper imitation, and speak the same language. Ca
The explorer possesses the Navigator gene (Chapter 7).
Gain the ability to use a talent within one of the Navigator's group. May be chosen multiple times.
May re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid or recover from pinning.
+2 to WPon tests made GM
initiative. to resist
may mind control
secretly test or
perception to notice hidden threats. The price of his eternal vigilance is a tw
to relax.
+ 10 bonus to fellowship tests to interact with group.
Use a pistol weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty.
Treat all languages as a basic skill. Tests using this talent suffer a -10 penalty.
No penalty for using called shots with a melee strike.
Spending 10 minutes in meditation and ritual incantation, successful tech-use removes 1 d5 damage. On a roll of 96-100 lo
prosanguine for a week.
Gain powers, roll 1d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 2d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 3d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 4d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 5d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 6d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 7d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 8d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 9d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 10d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Psy Rating Become a more powerful psyker, rated 1-10.
Talent Groups: Psy Rating Gain access to a new psychic discipline to a maximum of three.
Talent Groups: See Psycic Techniques Gain an extra psychic technique equal to the cost of this talent in a discipline he po
Immune to the effects of daemonic presence, including the negative modifiers to his willpower. Spend a fate point to not ta
Half action, spend a fate point, opposed willpower test against the warp entity. If you succeed the creature is repelled 2xW
Ready as a free action when armed with a pistol, basic class ranged weapon, or one handed melee weapon.
Successful agility test to negate surprise.
Half all reload times, rounding down (Half to Free, Full to Half etc.).
+ 10 to interaction skill tests with those who understand the importance of the warrant.
+ 10 to resistance tests against the effects of this group. GM may wish to approve choices, or have them justified.
All humans within 50 meters take a -10 penalty to their next skill test. May ignore with a successful WP test. Cannot speak
No humans
longer feelwithin 50 meters
emotion, immune Treat
to the
pinning, asandthough he had
any other Fearthat
effects Rating
stems1. Cannot speak ordisturbance.
from emotional communicateGMduring the
may rem
granting one
Choose newresult
ones on of equal severity.
the psychic phenomena chart (other than perils of the warp). May substitute his roll for this effect, as
the warp.
-10 to all fellowship tests to interact with the group.
No penalty for using called shots with a ranged shot. Replaces Deadeye Shot.
Gain an
When additional
using wound.
full move action, gain Agility bonus meters. When using run action, double his movement for one round. Gain
used two turns in a row.
May make an additional dodge per round. Cannot dodge the same attack twice.
May re-roll failed WP tests to resist any psychic techniques that affect his mind. Psychic techniques with a physical effect a
Two meleedetermining
attacks hitwithlocation, may use
a full action. the dice
If using two as he rolled
weapons them.
with two weapon fighting, only one weapon gets two attacks, the
Half andmay
action, a gun, the melee
attempt weapon
a takedown gets one
before shot,
testing theIfmelee
WS. weapon
he hits, and wouldgetsdeal
two.1 point of damage, ignore it, and oppone
or be stunned for 1 round. When performing stun action, no penalty to WS.
+ 10 bonus to tests made using that skill.
Un-jam any gun as a Half-action once per round. Must be touching the weapon.
Spend a fate point, player and WP bonus number of allies become immune to fear and pinning. All ranged or close comba
Gain the machine trait with armor points equal to the number of times the talent is taken.
Use a throwingremember
Automatically weapon of chosen
trivial factsgroup without
or pieces a -20 penalty.
of information that might feasibly have picked up in the past. For more detail
GM may require and Int test.
Half critical
May spend damage
a full actiontaken.
to attack with both weapons. Tests made in this way suffer a -20 penalty. Must possess both melee
a gun and hand weapon with this talent.
1d10+SB impact damage with unarmed attacks. Unarmed attacks no longer have the primitive quality.
1d10-3+SB impact damage. Does not count as Unarmed (no penalty for attacking armed opponents). Attacks still count as
Attempts to notice the character among other people, describing him, or recalling details incur a -20 penalty.
Re-roll failed willpower tests to avoid the effects of fear.
+ 10 bonus to BS made to fire starship weapons.
May make an additional
not select this talentparry per round.
if undergone theCannot
Rite of parry the same
sanctioning. attack
When twice.
rolling psychic phenomenon, discard the die roll. Suff
roll with no modifier.
May add a +1 bonus to psy rating when pushing. -10 on any resultant psychic phenomenon rolls.
Psyniscience skill requires a half action instead of a full action.
+ 10 bonus
Spend a fatetopoint
skill tests
to deal foraninvestigation,
additional 1d5 or the interview
damage. Burnspecial
a fateuse ofto
point the inquiry
trigger skill. fury on single successful attack.
1d10 points of damage. Further damage is possible with additional tens.
", "groups"," ", "embedded", , "page"," ", "source"," ")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

groups embedded page source

Group embedded Page Source
- 0 94 RT
- 0 94 RT
- 0 94 RT
- 0 94 RT
- 0 94 RT
Bolt, Las, Launcher, Primitive, SP, Universal. 0 94 RT
- 0 94 RT
- 0 94 RT
- 0 94 RT
- 0 94 RT
- 0 94 RT
- 0 95 RT
- 0 95 RT
- 0 95 RT
- 0 95 RT
- 0 95 RT
- 0 95 RT
- 0 95 RT
- 1 95 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 1 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 96 RT
- 0 97 RT
- 0 97 RT
- -1 97 RT
- 0 97 RT
- 0 97 RT
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adept 0 97 RT
- 0 97 RT
- -1 98 RT
All Exotic Weapons 0 98 RT
- 0 98 RT
- 0 98 RT
- 0 98 RT
- 0 98 RT
- 0 98 RT
- -1 98 RT
- 0 98 RT
- 0 98 RT
- 0 99 RT
Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adm 0 99 RT
- 0 99 RT
- 0 99 RT
- 0 99 RT
- 0 99 RT
- 0 99 RT
- 0 99 RT
Criminals, Rogue Trader (specific), Pirates, Xeno (sp 0 99 RT
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, Primitiv 0 99 RT
Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch 0 100 RT
- 0 100 RT
- -1 100 RT
- -1 100 RT
- 0 100 RT
- 0 100 RT
- 0 100 RT
- 0 100 RT
- 0 100 RT
- 0 100 RT
- 0 100 RT
- 0 100 RT
- 0 101 RT
- 0 101 RT
- 0 101 RT
- 0 101 RT
- 0 101 RT
- 0 101 RT
- 0 101 RT
- 0 101 RT
- 0 101 RT
- -1 102 RT
- 0 102 RT
- 0 102 RT
- 0 102 RT
- 0 102 RT
- 0 102 RT
- 0 102 RT
- 0 102 RT
Weapon, Utility 0 102 RT
- 0 103 RT
Primitive, Universal 0 103 RT
- 0 103 RT
- 0 103 RT
- 0 103 RT
Navigator Power 0 103 RT
- 0 103 RT
- 0 103 RT
- 0 103 RT
Academics, Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adm 0 103 RT
Primitive, Universal 0 104 RT
- -1 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 0 104 RT
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 0 104 RT
Divination - Emperors Tarot, Telekinetics - Force, T 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 104 RT
- 0 105 RT
- 0 105 RT
- 0 105 RT
- 0 105 RT
Cold, Fear, Heat, Poisons, Psychic Techniques 0 105 RT
- 0 105 RT
- 0 105 RT
- 0 105 RT
- -1 105 RT
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adept 0 106 RT
- 0 106 RT
- 0 106 RT
- 0 106 RT
- 0 106 RT
- 0 106 RT
- 0 106 RT
- 0 106 RT
- 0 107 RT
Awareness, Barter, Carouse, Charm, Climb, Command, 0 107 RT
- 0 107 RT
- 0 107 RT
- 0 107 RT
Universal 0 107 RT
- 0 107 RT
- 0 107 RT
Ballistic, Melee 0 107 RT
- -1 107 RT
- -1 107 RT
- 0 108 RT
- 0 108 RT
- 0 108 RT
- 0 108 RT
- 0 108 RT
- 0 108 RT
- 0 108 RT
- 0 108 RT
- 0 108 RT
[h:newThingName = "Air of Authority"
[h:newThingName = "Ambidextrous"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Armour of Contem.
[h:newThingName = "Assassin Strike"]
[h:newThingName = "Autosanguine"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Basic Weapon. Tra
[h:newThingName = "Bastion of Iron.
[h:newThingName = "Battle Rage"][h:.
[h:newThingName = "Berserk Charge"].
[h:newThingName = "Binary Chatter"].
[h:newThingName = "Blademaster"][h:.
[h:newThingName = "Blessed Radiance"
[h:newThingName = "Blind Fighting"][
[h:newThingName = "Bloodtracker"][h:
[h:newThingName = "Bulging Biceps"].
[h:newThingName = "Catfall"][h:newTh
[h:newThingName = "Chem Geld"][h:new
[h:newThingName = "Cleanse and Purif
[h:newThingName = "Combat Formation"
[h:newThingName = "Combat Master"][.
[h:newThingName = "Combat Sense"][h:
[h:newThingName = "Concealed Cavity"
[h:newThingName = "Counter Attack"].
[h:newThingName = "Crack Shot"][h:n.
[h:newThingName = "Crippling Strike.
[h:newThingName = "Crushing Blow"][.
[h:newThingName = "Dark Soul"][h:ne.
[h:newThingName = "Deadeye Shot"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Decadence"][h:ne.
[h:newThingName = "Die Hard"][h:new.
[h:newThingName = "Disarm"][h:newTh.
[h:newThingName = "Disturbing Voice"
[h:newThingName = "Divine Ministrati
[h:newThingName = "Double Team"][h:.
[h:newThingName = "Dual Shot"][h:new
[h:newThingName = "Dual Strike"][h:.
[h:newThingName = "Duty Unto Death"]
[h:newThingName = "Electrical Succou
[h:newThingName = "Electro Graft Us.
[h:newThingName = "Enemy"][h:newThin
[h:newThingName = "Energy Cache"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Enhanced Bionic . F
[h:newThingName = "Exotic Weapon. Tr
[h:newThingName = "Favoured by the .
[h:newThingName = "Fearless"][h:new.
[h:newThingName = "Feedback Screech.
[h:newThingName = "Ferric Lure"][h:n
[h:newThingName = "Ferric Summons"].
[h:newThingName = "Flame Weapon. Tra
[h:newThingName = "Foresight"][h:new
[h:newThingName = "Frenzy"][h:newThi
[h:newThingName = "Furious Assault"]
[h:newThingName = "Good Reputation"
[h:newThingName = "Guardian"][h:newT
[h:newThingName = "Gun Blessing"][h
[h:newThingName = "Gunslinger"][h:n
[h:newThingName = "Hard Bargain"][h:
[h:newThingName = "Hard Target"][h:
[h:newThingName = "Hardy"][h:newThi
[h:newThingName = "Hatred"][h:newThi
[h:newThingName = "Heavy Weapon. Tra
[h:newThingName = "Heightened Sense
[h:newThingName = "Hip Shooting"][h
[h:newThingName = "Hotshot Pilot"][h:
[h:newThingName = "Infused Knowledge
[h:newThingName = "Improved Warp. Se
[h:newThingName = "Independent Targ
[h:newThingName = "Into the Jaws of
[h:newThingName = "Inspire Wrath"][h
[h:newThingName = "Iron Discipline"]
[h:newThingName = "Iron Jaw"][h:new
[h:newThingName = "Jaded"][h:newThi
[h:newThingName = "Leap Up"][h:newT
[h:newThingName = "Last Man Standin
[h:newThingName = "Light Sleeper"][.
[h:newThingName = "Lightning attack
[h:newThingName = "Lightning Reflexes
[h:newThingName = "Litany of Hate"][
[h:newThingName = "Logis Implant"][.
[h:newThingName = "Luminen Blast"][
[h:newThingName = "Luminen Charge"]
[h:newThingName = "Luminen Shock"][
[h:newThingName = "Machinator Array
[h:newThingName = "Maglev Grace"][h
[h:newThingName = "Maglev Transcend
[h:newThingName = "Marksman"][h:new
[h:newThingName = "Master and Comma
[h:newThingName = "Master Chirurgeo
[h:newThingName = "Master Enginseer
[h:newThingName = "Master Orator"][h
[h:newThingName = "Mechadendrite. Us
[h:newThingName = "Meditation"][h:n
[h:newThingName = "Melee Weapon. Tra
[h:newThingName = "Mighty Shot"][h:
[h:newThingName = "Mimic"][h:newThin
[h:newThingName = "Navigator"][h:ne
[h:newThingName = "Navigator Power"
[h:newThingName = "Nerves of Steel"]
[h:newThingName = "Orthoproxy"][h:ne
[h:newThingName = "Paranoia"][h:newT
[h:newThingName = "Peer"][h:newThing
[h:newThingName = "Pistol Weapon. Tr
[h:newThingName = "Polyglot"][h:newT
[h:newThingName = "Precise Blow"][h
[h:newThingName = "Prosanguine"][h:.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 1"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 2"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 3"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 4"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 5"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 6"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 7"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 8"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 9"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating 10"][.
[h:newThingName = "Psy Rating"][h:n.
[h:newThingName = "Psychic Discipli.
[h:newThingName = "Psychic Techniqu.
[h:newThingName = "Pure Faith"][h:ne
[h:newThingName = "Purge the Unclean
[h:newThingName = "Quick Draw"][h:n.
[h:newThingName = "Rapid Reaction"].
[h:newThingName = "Rapid Reload"][h:
[h:newThingName = "Renowned Warrant.
[h:newThingName = "Resistance"][h:ne
[h:newThingName = "Rite of Awe"][h:n
[h:newThingName = "Rite of Fear"][h:
[h:newThingName = "Rite of Pure Tho.
[h:newThingName = "Rite of Sanctioni
[h:newThingName = "Rival"][h:newThin
[h:newThingName = "Sharpshooter"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Sound Constituti.
[h:newThingName = "Sprint"][h:newThi
[h:newThingName = "Step Aside"][h:n.
[h:newThingName = "Strong Minded"][h
[h:newThingName = "Sure Strike"][h:.
[h:newThingName = "Swift Attack"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Takedown"][h:new.
[h:newThingName = "Talented"][h:new.
[h:newThingName = "Technical Knock".
[h:newThingName = "The Emporer Prote
[h:newThingName = "The Flesh is Wea.
[h:newThingName = "Thrown Weapon . Tr
[h:newThingName = "Total Recall"][h:
[h:newThingName = "True Grit"][h:ne.
[h:newThingName = "Two-Weapon Wield.
[h:newThingName = "Unarmed Master"].
[h:newThingName = "Unarmed Warrior".
[h:newThingName = "Unremarkable"][h:
[h:newThingName = "Unshakeable Faith
[h:newThingName = "Void Tactition"].
[h:newThingName = "Wall of Steel"][.
[h:newThingName = "Warp Affinity"][h
[h:newThingName = "Warp Conduit"][h.
[h:newThingName = "Warp Sense"][h:ne
[h:newThingName = "Whispers"][h:newT
[h:newThingName = "Wrath of the Rig.
[h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "basic",
, "descriptor"," ", "char","

Name Basic Descriptor Char

Acrobatics 0 Movement Ag
Awareness 1- Per
Carouse 1- T
Charm 1 Interaction Fel
Chem-Use 0 Crafting Int
Ciphers 0- Int
Climb 1 Movement S
Command 1 Interaction Fel
Common Lore 0 Investigation Int
Concealment 1- Ag
Contortionist 1 Movement Ag
Deceive 1 Interaction Fel
Demolition 0 Crafting Int
Dodge 1- Ag
Drive 0 Operator Ag
Evaluate 1 Investigation Int
Forbidden Lore 0 Investigation Int
Gamble 1- Int
Inquiry 1 Investigation Fel
Interrogation 0 Investigation WP
Intimidate 1 Interaction S
Invocation 0- WP
Literacy 0- Int
Logic 1 Investigation Int
Medicae 0- Int
Navigation 0- Int
Performer 0- Fel
Pilot 0 Operator Ag
Psyniscience 0- Per
Scholastic Lore 0 Investigation Int
Scrutiny 1- Per
Search 1- Per
Security 0- Ag
Shadowing 0- Ag
Silent Move 1- Ag
Sleight of Hand 0- Ag
Speak Language 0- Int
Survival 0- Int
Swim 1 Movement S
Tactics 0- Int
Tech-Use 0- Int
Tracking 0- Int
Trade 0 Crafting Varies
Wrangling 0- Int
", "description","

The Acrobatics skill encompasses a variety of movement techniques unavailable to less flexible Acolytes. From performing somersaults to tumbling, from flipping through the air to daring leaps and jumps, this Skill expands your movement options.

The Awareness skill reflects your ability to perceive hidden dangers and to notice small details about your physical surroundings. You use the Awareness skill to notice ambushes, spot traps and discern other threats to you and your allies. Awareness is not tied to any one sense; it encompasses them all.

Whether consuming the finest amasec brandy or the cheapest stomach-stripping hive juices, you use the Carouse skill to resist the effects of alcohol and narcotics Experienced carousers can build up quite a tolerance and remain clear-headed and lucid while those around them succumb to the effects of their amusements. Use this Skill whenever you must resist the effects of alcohol or similar intoxicants.

The Charm skill is used to befriend others. You make Charm Tests whenever you want to change the minds of individuals or small groups, to beg, or seduce

You can use the Chem-Use skill ot handle and prepare chemicals safely, especially toxins, poisons and drugs Chem-Use covers the use and manufacture of toxins and it can also be used to identify a variety of chemicals investigation use).

The Ciphers skill reflects an understanding of shorthand codes employed by certain groups to confer basic ideas, warnings, and information about a given area.

Use the Climb skill to ascend or descend surfaces described as sheer.

Command is used to make subordinates follow your orders. You may only use this Skill on those who are under your authority.

Use the Common Lore skill to recall the habits, institutions, traditions, public figures and superstitions of a particular world, cultural group, organisation or race.

Concealment is used whenever you want to hide from sight.

The Contortionist skill is used to wriggle free from bonds, squeeze through a narrow opening, or slip out of chains.

The Deceive skill is used to lie and con others.

You use the Demolition skill to blow things up without blowing yourself up at the same time!
You may use the Dodge skill once per Round to negate a successful hand-to-hand or ranged attack.
The Drive skill is used to control autos, trucks, landspeeders and other land-based or hover vehicles. Driving under normal conditions does not require a Test.

You can use Evaluate to determine the approximate value of everyday objects, as well as valuables such as archeotech and other objects d'art.

Forbidden Lore skills represent dangerous and often heretical knowledge gleaned from the myriad of unconventional sources an Acolyte often finds in his possession.

The Gamble skill is used to participate in games of chance, such as card games or crude (and often violent) dice games popular amongst the lower classes

The Inquiry skill is your ability to pick up rumours, secrets and guarded information by asking questions, buying drinks and generally watching and listening for anything of interest that might bubble up.

The key tool in an Inquisitor's arsenal is interrogation-the ability to extract quality information from an unwilling subject.

You make Intimidate Tests whenever you want to coerce or frighten individuals or a small group.
An Invocation Test allows you to boost your Power Roll when using Psychic Powers by an amount equal to your WP Bonus.

The Literacy skill enables you to read any language you can speak.
Logic represents your proficiency at mathematics and your ability at problem solving.
The Medicae skill is used to treat and repair injuries by closing wounds and restoring the balance of the body's humors.
You employ the Navigation skill whenever you want to use maps, technical readouts, innate knowledge and landmarks to chart a proper course and avoid becoming lost

Use the Performer skill to entertain and enthrall crowds of spectators

The Pilot skill is used to fly anything from small atmospheric craft such as ornithopters and landers, all the way up to spaceship-sized vessels.

You can use the Psyniscience skill to become attuned with the ebb and flow of the warp and the immaterium

The Scholastic Lore skill grants you knowledge of a particular scholarly subject.
Use the Scrutiny skill to make assessments about people you encounter, to determine if someone is lying to you, to sense ulterior motives and generally appraise the worth of another being.

Use the Search skill whenever you want to examine an area for concealed objects, clues and anything else that might be hidden.

You can use the Security skill to bypas locks and other security systems.
The Shadowing skill allows you to follow another creature or vehicle without being seen.
Use the Silent Move skill whenever you want to creep about without making a noise.
The Sleight of Hand skill is used to palm objects, pick pockets or perform tricks with small items like coins and cards.

The Speak Language skill is used to communicate with others using a common tongue.
You use the Survival skill to subsist in the wild.
The Swim skill is used to swim and dive.
A character can use Tactics at any time when he wants to determine the best military course of action in a combat. This could be anything from the best position to suppress an entrenched enemy before an assault to picking a good landing zone when coming in under fire.

A character may use Tech-Use to repair mechanical items and to work out how unusual technical artefacts work.

The Tracking skill is used to follow prey, be it animal or otherwise.

Having a Trade skill indicates that you know how to practice a trade or craft. With this Skill, you can make a living or create items suited to your trade.

This Skill may be used in order to ride domesticated animals of appropriate size.
", "groups"," ", "time"," ", "page"," ", "source"," ")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

Groups Time Page Source

- 1 Full 94 DW [h:newThing
- Free Action 95 DW [h:newThing
- Free Action 95 DW [h:newThing
- One Minute 95 DW [h:newThing
- 1 Full 95 DW [h:newThing
Xenos Markings, Deathwatch, Chapter Runes, Imperial Codes, Mercenary Cant, Inquisition, and Underworld
96 DW [h:newThing
Full Action to incsribe, Free Action to comprehend

- Half Action 96 DW [h:newThing

96 DW [h:newThing
Half Action for simple commands, Full Action for more involved instructions

AdAdeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Administratum, Deathwatch, Ecclesiarchy, Imperial Creed, Imperial Guard, Imperial Navy, Imperium, Jericho Reach, Tech, War

100 DW [h:newThing
- Half Action 97 DW [h:newThing
- 97 DW [h:newThing
- 1 minute 97 DW [h:newThing
- 97 DW [h:newThing
- Reaction 98 DW [h:newThing
Ground Vehicle, Hover Vehicle, Walker 98 DW [h:newThing
- 1+ minute 98 DW [h:newThing
100 DW [h:newThing
Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Archeotech, the Black Library, Daemonology, Heresy, the Inquisition, Mutants, Psykers, the Traitor Legions, the Warp, Xenos

- 99 DW [h:newThing
- 1 hour 99 DW [h:newThing
- 1d5 hours 99 DW [h:newThing
- 1 Full 99 DW [h:newThing
- 1 Full 99 DW [h:newThing
- 1 page (750 words)/minute
99 DW [h:newThing
- 1+ minute 100 DW [h:newThing
- First Aid: 1 Full 102 DW [h:newThing
Surface, Stellar Hours 103 DW [h:newThing
Dancer, Musician, Singer, Storyteller 103 DW [h:newThing
Personal, Flyers, Spacecraft Half action 103 DW [h:newThing
- 1 Full 103 DW [h:newThing
101 DW [h:newThing
Archaic, Astromancy, Beasts, Bureaucracy, Chymistry, Codex Astartes, Cryptology, Heraldry, Imperial Creed, Judgement, Legend, Numerology, Occult, Philosophy, Tactica Imperialis

- 103 DW [h:newThing
- 5+ minutes 104 DW [h:newThing
- (1 minute) - (10s*DoS) 104 DW [h:newThing
- 104 DW [h:newThing
- Free Action 104 DW [h:newThing
- Half action, Free Action (-10 Ag)
104 DW [h:newThing
Eldar, High Gothic, Kroot, Low Gothic, Ork, Techna-Lingua, Tau 104 DW [h:newThing
- (1 hour) - (10min*DoS) 105 DW [h:newThing
- Free Action 105 DW [h:newThing
Air Combat, Armoured Tactics, Assault Doctrine, Defensive Doctrine, Orbital Drop Procedures, Recon and Stealth, Void Combat
Free Action 105 DW [h:newThing
105 DW [h:newThing
How it works: 1 minute, Repair: (1 hour) - (10min*DoS)

- Free Action 106 DW [h:newThing
106 DW [h:newThing
Archaeologist (Int), Armourer (Ag), Astrographer (Ag), Chymist (Int), Cryptographer (Int), Explorator (Int), Linguist (Int), Remembrancer (Ag or Int), Shipwright (Int), Soothsayer (Fel), Technomat (Int), Trader (Fel)

- 1 Full 106 DW [h:newThing

[h:newThingName = " "][h:newThingObject = json.set("{}", "prereqs","
Not in DH name prereqs
1 Abhor the Witch Adeptus Astartes, no Psy Rating
0 Air of Authority Fel 30
0 Ambidextrous Ag 30
1 Armour-Monger Techmarine
0 Assassin Strike Ag 40, Acrobatic
1 Astartes Weapon Specialization Adeptus Astartes
1 Astartes Weapon Training Adeptus Astartes
0 Autosanguine -
1 Basic Weapon Training -
1 Bastion of Iron Will Psy Rating, Strong Minded, WP 40
0 Battle Rage Frenzy
0 Berserk Charge -
0 Binary Chatter -
0 Blademaster WS 30, Melee Weapon Training (any)
0 Blind Fighting Per 30
1 Bolter Drill Astartes Weapon Training
0 Bulging Biceps S 45
1 Call to Vengeance Adeptus Astartes, Fel 40
0 Catfall Ag 30
0 Chem Geld -
0 Cleanse and Purify Basic Weapon Training (Flame)
1 Combat Formation Int 40
0 Combat Master WS 30
1 Combat Sense Per 40
0 Concealed Cavity -
0 Counter attack WS 40
0 Crack Shot BS 40
0 Crippling Strike WS 50
0 Crushing Blow S 40
0 Deadeye Shot BS 30
1 Death From Above Adeptus Astartes, Pilot (Personal)
1 Deathwatch Training Adeptus Astartes, Deathwatch
0 Deflect Shot Ag 50
0 Die Hard WP 40
0 Disarm Ag 30
0 Disturbing Voice -
0 Double Team -
0 Dual Shot Ag 40, Two-Weapon Wielder
0 Dual Strike Ag 40, Two-Weapon Wielder
1 Duty Unto Death WP 45
0 Electrical Succour Tech-Priest
0 Electro Graft Use -
1 Enemy -
0 Energy Cache Tech-Priest
1 Enhanced Bionic Frame Machinator Array
1 Eye of Vengeance Astartes Weapon Training, BS 50
1 Exemplar of Honour Adeptus Astartes
0 Exotic Weapon Training -
0 Favoured by the Warp WP 35
0 Fearless -
0 Feedback Screech Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
0 Ferric Lure Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
0 Ferric Summons Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants, Ferric Lure
1 Flame Weapon Training -
1 Flesh Renderer Adeptus Astartes
0 Foresight Int 30
0 Frenzy -
0 Furious Assault WS 35
0 Good Reputation Fel 50, Peer
0 Gun Blessing Tech-Priest
0 Gunslinger BS 40, Two-Weapon Wielder
1 Hammer Blow Adeptus Astartes
0 Hard Target Ag 40
0 Hardy T 40
0 Hatred -
0 Heavy Weapon Training -
0 Heightened Senses -
0 Hip Shooting BS 40, Ag 40
1 Hotshot Pilot Any Pilot Skill, Ag 40
1 Hunter of Aliens
1 Improved Warp Sense Warp Sense
0 Independent Targeting BS 40
1 Infused Knowledge Int 40
1 Inspire Wrath Fel 30
0 Into the Jaws of Hell Iron Discipline
0 Iron Discipline WP 30, Command
0 Iron Jaw T 40
0 Jaded WP 30
1 Killing Strike Adeptus Astartes
1 Last Man Standing Nerves of Steel
0 Leap Up Ag 30
0 Light Sleeper Per 30
0 Lightning Attack Swift Attack
0 Lightning Reflexes -
0 Litany of Hate Hatred (any)
0 Logis Implant -
1 Luminen Blast Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
1 Luminen Charge Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
1 Luminen Shock Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
1 Machinator Array Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
1 Maglev Grace Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
1 Maglev Transcendence Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants, Maglev Grace
0 Marksman BS 35
0 Master Chirurgeon Medicae +10
1 Master Enginseer Tech Use +10, Mechanicus or Techmarine or Mechanicus
0 Master Orator Fel 30
1 Mechadendrite Use Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
0 Meditation -
0 Melee Weapon Training -
0 Mental Rage Frenzy
0 Mighty Shot BS 40
0 Mimic -
0 Nerves of Steel -
0 Orthoproxy -
0 Paranoia -
1 Peer Fel 40
1 Pistol Weapon Training -
1 Polyglot Int 30, Fel 30
0 Precise Blow WS 40, Sure Strike
1 Preternatural Speed WS 40, Ag 50
0 Prosanguine -
0 Psy Rating 1 -
0 Psy Rating 2 Psy Rating 1
0 Psy Rating 3 Psy Rating 2
0 Psy Rating 4 Psy Rating 3
0 Psy Rating 5 Psy Rating 4
0 Psy Rating 6 Psy Rating 5
1 Psy Rating 7 Psy Rating 6
1 Psy Rating 8 Psy Rating 7
1 Psy Rating 9 Psy Rating 8
1 Psy Rating 10 Psy Rating 9
1 Psy Rating
1 Psychic Technique -
0 Quick Draw -
0 Rapid Reaction Ag 40
0 Rapid Reload -
0 Resistance -
1 Rite of Awe Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
1 Rite of Fear Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
1 Rite of Pure Thought Techmarine, or Mechanicus Implants
1 Rite of Sanctioning Psy Rating, Special
0 Rival -
1 Scourge of Heretics
1 Servo-Harness Integration Techmarine Implants, Mechadendrite Use (Servo-arm)
0 Sharpshooter BS 40, Deadeye Shot
0 Sound Constitution Multiple purchase: Enter number in box!
1 Signature Wargear
1 Signature Wargear (Master) Signature Wargear
1 Signature Wargear (Hero)
1 Slayer of Demons
1 Stalwart Defense Adeptus Astartes
0 Step Aside Ag 40, Dodge
0 Street Fighting -
1 Storm of Iron Adeptus Astartes
0 Strong Minded WP 30, Resistance (Psychic Power)
0 Sure Strike WS 30
0 Swift Attack WS 35
0 Takedown -
0 Talented Mark corresponding Skills with: Talented +10
1 Target Selection BS 50
0 Technical Knock Int 30
1 The Flesh is Weak Mechanicus Implants
0 Thrown Weapon Training -
1 Thunder Charge Adeptus Astartes
0 Total Recall Int 30
0 True Grit T 40
0 Two-Weapon Wielder Ag 35, WS/BS 35
1 Unarmed Master WS 45, Ag 40, Unarmed Warrior
1 Unarmed Warrior WS 35, Ag 35
1 Unbowed and Unbroken Adeptus Astartes, Fel 40
0 Unshakeable Faith -
0 Wall of Steel Ag 35
1 Warp Affinity Psy Rating
1 Warp Conduit Psy Rating, Strong Minded, WP 50
1 Warp Sense Psy rating, Psyniscience skill, Per 30
", "benefit","
Spend Fate Point before a mission to gain resistance to Psychic Powers.
Effect more targets with Test.
Use either hand equally well.
Increase the efficacy of physical armour.
After a melee attack, an acrobatics test allows the Explorer to move as a free action (once per round).
Penalties with one weapon group cannot exceed -30.
Use all non-Exotic weapons without a -20 penalty.
Always considered Lightly Wounded, heals 2 damage/day.
Use a weapon group without a -20 penalty.
Double defensive Psy Rating for Opposed Test involving the Psyniscience skill or Psychic Techniques.
Explorer can Parry while Frenzied.
Gain +20 to WS instead of +10 when Charging.
+ 10 bonus to communicate with servitors. Any vessel he serves receives +1 bonus to Crew Morale due to increased servi
Re-roll one missed attack per round (When attacking with a bladed weapon including chain weapons, power axes/swords)
Half penalties to fight in fog, smoke, or darkness.
Get an extra shot when firing a bolt weapon on full or semi-auto.
Remove bracing requirement for certain weapons. May fire heavy weapons using Semi-Auto or Full-Auto without bracing.
When you Fullfall,
takewhen a Battle-Brother
an agility test as a Freeis taken out
action. of action
Success andto each
full Cohesion.
of success reduces the distance fallen by a n
characters agility bonus.
Immune to seduction. Charm tests increase their difficulty by one level. Taking this talent causes one Insanity Point.
Targets of his flamer take a -20 penalty to their agility test to escape the flame.
Party may use intelligence bonus in place of their agility bonus when rolling for initiative.
Opponents gain no bonuses for outnumbering the character in melee.
use perception
May conceal 1 smallbonus
item, noin place
largerof his aagility
than closedbonus whencavity.
fist within rolling Tests
for initiative.
to discover the compartment get -10. If using a m
difficulty is reduced to +10.
After successful parry, may immediately make an attack using the parry weapon, on the parried opponent as a free action
Deal +2 critical damage with ranged weapons.
Deal +4 critical damage with melee weapons.
Deal +2 damage with melee weapons.
Called shots are -10 penalty instead of -20 with ranged attacks.
Cause greater damage when charging or dropping into combat using a jump pack.
The Space Marine gains bonuses when fighting aliens.
You can Parry Primitive ranged attacks
Re-roll death chance incurred by blood loss.
Full action, Opposed WS test to disarm his foe. Success drops his weapon to his feet. Three degrees of success or higher
+ 10 to Intimate and Interrogate, -10 to Fel tests in non-threatening manners.
One BS test +10to bonus
fire twotopistols
WS when granted a flanking
simultaneously as a fullbonus.
+10 orhave this
+20 to talent,
this test. they
One each
weapons.) Armor applied to each shot, T bonus once. Single Dodge for both shots.
One WS test to swing two melee weapons simultaneously as a full action. (Aim adds +10 or +20 to this test. Does not suffe
applied to each shot, T bonus counts only once against the combined damage. Single Dodge or Parry for both blows.
Must be the effects with
in contact of injury, fatigue, and
a functioning, stunning
powered during or
machine, combat. Death still
fully charged affects
batter him normally.
or power cell, make an ordinary (+10) Toug
fatigue plus an additional fatigue for each level of success. Ritual incantation and meditation takes 1 minute.
Grants and additional +10 to common lore, inquiry, or Tech-Use whilst connected to a data port.
-10 to fellowship tests, cumulative with the rival talent for a total -20 penalty. May be granted or removed with an elite adva
No longer
Gain gains fatigue from
the Auto-Stabilised Traitusing Luminen
(Always count Charge,
as braced Luminen Shock,
when firing andweapons
heavy Luminen and
may fire on semi- or full-automatic
moving and firing on semi or full-auto.
Fire a single shot to penetrate armour and increase the chance of Righteous Fury.
Exchange a Fate Point for a point of Cohesion.
Talent Groups: All Exotic Weapons. Has training in a single exotic weapon, and can use it without penalty.
Roll twice for Psychic Phenomena and take the favorable result.
Immune to the effects of fear and pinning, but disengaging from combat or backing down from a fight requires a successfu
Unprotected creatures within a 30-metre radius who have the ability to hear must make a WP test or lose a half action on t
Full action and successful WP test to call 1 kg/WP bonus unsecured metal object. Must be in field of view and must lie with
Full action and successful WP test to call 2kg/WP bonus unsecured metal object. Must be in field of view and must lie with
Spend one in all
round fuelingweapons
anger.with Gain the+10 Flame special
bonus quality.
to WS, S, T, and WP tests, but suffer -20 penalty to BS, and Int. Must
Cause additional
combat if or movedamagetowardswiththatchain
and engage if possible. Will not take suicidal actions. Immune to Fear, Pinning, Stun
retreat, or 10 minutes
flee. studying
Use all-out or analyzing
attacks a problem,
in melee combat. he gains
Lasts a +10 bonus
the duration to hisMay
of combat. nextnot
test.psychic techniques whilst in
Successful hit on an All out attack allows the explorer to spend his reaction to make an additional attack using the same bo
+ 10 bonus to fellowship. Cumulative with Peer for a total bonus of +20.
Full action and an int test to un-jam int bonus number of guns within a 10-metre radius.
Reduce the penalty for Two-Weapon fighting by -10. Cumulative with ambidextrous, to reduce to 0.
Make a thunderous single strike with a melee weapon.
Opponents suffer -20 to BS when the explorer charges or runs, until his next turn.
Explorer always heals as if lightly wounded.
+ 10 to all WS tests made against opponents of that group in close combat
Use a heavy weapon from the group for which this talent has selected without a -20 penalty.
Talent Groups: Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch. + 10 bonus to any tests involving this sense.
As a full action, the character may both move up to his full move and make a single attack with a ranged weapon, single sh
Treats all other pilot skills as a basic skill, and receives + 10 bonus to the Pilot skill he possesses.
Gain an advantage in combating aliens.
May use the Psyniscience skill as a free action.
Treat allfiring two weapons
common as part lore
and scholastic of a skills
singleasaction, the targets
untrained needProvides
basic skills. not be less thanbonus
a +10 10 meters
to anyapart.
tests involving common o
explorer already possesses.
Minionsto interaction
gain immunity tests from
inspiring andhatred or anger,
fear whilst and double
in personal the number
combat and visibleof individuals affected.
to them. While Can be combined
the character is known w
serves, the ship has a +5 bonus to it's morale.
Minions may reroll failed WP tests to resist Fear and pinning whilst in the Explorer's presence. Affects WP bonus number o
PCs may benefit if the character with the talent is the official leader. + 10 to command tests when leading a boarding action
Test toughness to overcome stunning.
Never gain IP from ordinary horrors. Only supernatural Terrors still apply.
Spend a Fate Point to make your melee attack impossible to parry or dodge.
Immune to pinning by pistols and basic weapons, and adds +1 AP to the value of any cover protecting him from ranged att
Stand as
Always a Free Action
assumed awake when asleep, for the purpose of awareness tests or surprise. Unfortunately, the character's sleep
Three meleeresulting
attacks in a less-than-cherry
with a full action. If using disposition when awake.
two weapons with two weapon fighting, only one weapon gets three attacks,
Add weapon
twice your and a gun,
agility bonus thetomelee weapon
initiative. getsunnatural
If he has one shot,agility
the melee weapon
add +1 to the gets three.before factoring the bonus into th
agility bonus rather than two times).
Full action, A successful charm test confers the effects of Hatred Talent (+10 to Weapon skill) to a number (fellowship bonu
Loose Reaction, gain +10 bonus to WS and BS on a successful Tech-use. Must pass a toughness test or gain 1 fatigue.
Half action attack, 10m 1d10+WP Bonus energy damage, with successful BS test. Must pass a toughness test or gain 1 fa
Tougness test to power/charge tech. Difficulty based on size. Must pass an additional toughness test or gain 1 fatigue.
+ 10 action
S and attack,
T, -5 Ag10m and1d10+3 energy damage,
Fel. Increases the explorers with mass
successful WSnot
x3. May teststay
or grapple.
afloat or Has
in shocking quality.liquids.
water or similar Must pass
May am
Half weapon
action, may onfloatany
20ballistic mechadendrite.
to 30 centimeters off theMust havefor
ground, proper weapon
1d10+TB training.
minutes. Must be maintained. May slow fall, always
Half Cannot
action, maybe used
float 20 until
to 30the coil recharges
centimeters (once
off the per day).
ground, for 2d10+TB minutes. Must be maintained. Move actions move u
fall, taking no fall damage. 50% coil drain, cannot be used until the coil recharges (twice per day).
+ bonus on toall
at long or extended
tests. Treating range.
heavy or critical wounded patients heals 2 damage instead of 1. Provides a +20
to prevent limb loss.
May spend a fate point for automatic success on a Tech-Use Test for enhancement, repair, or upgrade of starship systems
Fellowship tests, and fellowship-based skill tests affect 10 times the normal number of targets.
You can use a type of mechadendrite
Successful willpower test and ten minutes removes one level of fatigue.
Use a melee weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty.
You may
May copyuse Psychic
voices, mustPowers
study thewhilevoicein the throesfor
patterns of at
least an hour for proper imitation, and speak the same language. Ca
+2 ranged
voices. damage.
Listeners must succeed on a Difficult (-10) Scrutiny Test to penetrate the deception. If copied from recordings, redu
Scrutiny Test. Fails if the listener can clearly see he is not the imitated individual.
May re-roll failed Willpower Tests to avoid or recover from pinning.
+20 to WPon
+2 bonus tests made GM
initiative. to resist
may mind
secretly control
test orhisinterrogation.
perception to notice hidden threats. The price of his eternal vigilance is a tw
to relax.
Gain +10 bonus on Fel Tests to interact with organisation
Use a pistol weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty.
Treat all languages as a basic skill. Tests using this talent suffer a -10 penalty.
No penalty for using called shots with a melee strike.
Use Swift and
Spending Lightning
10 minutes Attack as aand
in meditation Halfritual
Action and whensuccessful
incantation, charging. tech-use removes 1d5 damage. On a roll of 96-100 lo
prosanguine for a week.
Gain powers, roll 1d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 2d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 3d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 4d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 5d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 6d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 7d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 8d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 9d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Gain powers, roll 10d10+WP Bonus for Power Rolls
Become a more powerful Psyker, rated 1 -10.
Gain an extra Psychic Technique.
Ready as a free action when armed with a pistol, basic class ranged weapon, or one handed melee weapon.
Successful agility test to negate surprise.
All humansreload times,
within 50 rounding
Cold, Fear, Heat,
meters down
take (Half
a -10 toPsychic
penalty Full
to their to Half
next etc.).
skill +test.
10 to
Mayresistance tests
ignore with against theWP
a successful effects
this group.
All have
Thehumans them
rite takes justified.
two 50
within minutes,
metersand is considered
Treat the character bad asform to break
though he had offFear
the recitation
Rating 1.before
Cannotcompletion. Humans without
speak or communicate audit
during the
minutes, and sound,
mostand will not
would not consider
know what the exploratory
halting is speaking
the incantations prior to(though are still affected).
their completion. Humans without auditory implants c
will not know
No longer feelwhat the exploratory
emotion, immune toisfear,speaking
pinning, (though
and anyareother
still affected).
effects that stems from emotional disturbance. GM may rem
granting one
Choose newresult
ones onof equal severity.
the psychic phenomena chart (other than perils of the warp). May substitute his roll for this effect, as
the warp.
-10 to all fellowship tests to interact with the group.
Gain an advantage when battling traitors and heretics.
Gain the ability to use a Servo-harness.
No penalty for using called shots with a ranged shot. Replaces Deadeye Shot.
Gain an additional wound.
One item up to 20 Requisition becomes standard issue.
One item up to 40 Requisition becomes standard issue and gain an additional benefit.
One item up to 70 Requisition becomes standard issue.
Gain an advantage when fighting warp entities.
Hold a chosen point with indomitable determination and a storm of fire.
May make an additional dodge per round. Cannot dodge the same attack twice.
Deal +2 Critical Damage with knives or unarmed attacks
Cause additional Damage against Hordes with ranged weapons.
May re-roll failed WP tests to resist any psychic techniques that affect his mind. Psychic techniques with a physical effect a
Two determining
attacks hit location,
with may use
a full action. the dice
If using two as he rolled
weapons withthem.
two weapon fighting, only one weapon gets two attacks, the
weapon and a gun, the melee weapon gets one shot,
Half action, may attempt a takedown before testing WS. If he hits, the melee weapon getsdeal
and would two.1 point of damage, ignore it, and oppone
or be stunned for 1 round. When performing stun action, no penalty to WS.
Gain +10 bonus to corresponding Skill Test
The character can shoot into melee without penalty.
Un-jam any gun as a Half-action once per round. Must be touching the weapon.
Gain the machine trait with armor points equal to the number of times the talent is taken.
Talent Groups: Universal Use a throwing weapon of chosen group without a -20 penalty.
Break enemiesremember
Automatically with the momentum
trivial facts of
or an armoured
pieces charge. that might feasibly have picked up in the past. For more detail
of information
GM may require and Int test.
May critical
spend damage taken.
a full action to attack with both weapons. Tests made in this way suffer a -20 penalty. Must possess both melee
a gun and hand weapon with this talent.
1d10+SB impact damage with unarmed attacks. Unarmed attacks no longer have the primitive quality.
1d10-3+SB impact damage. Does not count as Unarmed (no penalty for attacking armed opponents). Attacks still count as
Perform an act of defiance to remove Cohesion Damage suffered in previous turn.
You may re-roll failed Fear Tests
May not
May make an additional
select this talentparry per round.
if undergone theCannot
Rite of parry the same
sanctioning. attack
When twice.
rolling psychic phenomenon, discard the die roll. Suff
roll with no modifier.
May add a +1 bonus to psy rating when pushing. -10 on any resultant psychic phenomenon rolls.
Psyniscience skill requires a half action instead of a full action.
", "groups"," ", "embedded", , "page"," ", "source"," ")][h:tmpThings = json.set(tmpThings,newThingName,newThingObject)]

groups embedded page source

Group embedded Page Source
- 0 113 DW [h:newThing
- 0 113 DW [h:newThing
- 0 113 DW [h:newThing
- 0 113 DW [h:newThing
- 0 113 DW [h:newThing
- 0 113 DW [h:newThing
- 0 113 DW [h:newThing
- 0 113 DW [h:newThing
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Primitive, S 0 113 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 114 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 115 DW [h:newThing
- 0 116 DW [h:newThing
- 0 116 DW [h:newThing
- 0 116 DW [h:newThing
- 0 116 DW [h:newThing
- 0 116 DW [h:newThing
- 0 116 DW [h:newThing
- 0 116 DW [h:newThing
- 0 116 DW [h:newThing
- 0 116 DW [h:newThing
Academics, Adepta Sororitas, Adeptus Arbites, Adept 0 116 DW [h:newThing
- 0 117 DW [h:newThing
- 0 117 DW [h:newThing
- 0 117 DW [h:newThing
- 0 118 DW [h:newThing
- 0 117 DW [h:newThing
- 0 118 DW [h:newThing
- 0 118 DW [h:newThing
- 0 118 DW [h:newThing
- 0 118 DW [h:newThing
- 0 118 DW [h:newThing
- 0 118 DW [h:newThing
- 0 118 DW [h:newThing
- 0 118 DW [h:newThing
- 0 119 DW [h:newThing
- 0 119 DW [h:newThing
- 0 119 DW [h:newThing
- 0 119 DW [h:newThing
- 0 119 DW [h:newThing
- 0 119 DW [h:newThing
- 0 119 DW [h:newThing
- 0 119 DW [h:newThing
Chaos Space Marines, Deamons, Mutants, Psykers, X 0 119 DW [h:newThing
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Primitive, S 0 119 DW [h:newThing
Sight, Smell, Sound, Taste, Touch 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 120 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 121 DW [h:newThing
- 0 122 DW [h:newThing
- 0 122 DW [h:newThing
- 0 122 DW [h:newThing
- 0 122 DW [h:newThing
- 0 122 DW [h:newThing
- 0 122 DW [h:newThing
- 0 122 DW [h:newThing
- 0 123 DW [h:newThing
- 0 123 DW [h:newThing
Gun Rite, Manipulator Rite, Medicae Rite, Optical Rite 0 123 DW [h:newThing
- 0 123 DW [h:newThing
Chain, Power, Primitive, Shock 0 123 DW [h:newThing
- 0 123 DW [h:newThing
- 0 123 DW [h:newThing
- 0 123 DW [h:newThing
- 0 123 DW [h:newThing
- 0 123 DW [h:newThing
- 0 123 DW [h:newThing
Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus 0 124 DW [h:newThing
Bolt, Flame, Las, Launch, Melta, Plasma, Primitive, S 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 124 DW [h:newThing
- 0 125 DW [h:newThing
- 0 125 DW [h:newThing
Cold, Fear, Heat, Poisons, Psychic Powers 0 125 DW [h:newThing
- 0 125 DW [h:newThing
- 0 125 DW [h:newThing
- 0 125 DW [h:newThing
- 0 125 DW [h:newThing
Adeptus Arbites, Adeptus Astra Telepathica, Adeptus 0 125 DW [h:newThing
- 0 125 DW [h:newThing
- 0 125 DW [h:newThing
- 0 126 DW [h:newThing
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 0 126 DW [h:newThing
- 0 126 DW [h:newThing
- 0 126 DW [h:newThing
- 0 126 DW [h:newThing
- 0 126 DW [h:newThing
- 0 126 DW [h:newThing
- 0 127 DW [h:newThing
- 0 127 DW [h:newThing
- 0 127 DW [h:newThing
- 0 127 DW [h:newThing
- 0 127 DW [h:newThing
- 0 127 DW [h:newThing
- 0 127 DW [h:newThing
Acrobatics, Awareness, Carouse, Charm, Chem-Use, Ci 0 127 DW [h:newThing
- 0 127 DW [h:newThing
- 0 127 DW [h:newThing
- 0 128 DW [h:newThing
Chain, Power, Primitive, Shock 0 128 DW [h:newThing
- 0 128 DW [h:newThing
- 0 128 DW [h:newThing
- 0 128 DW [h:newThing
- 0 128 DW [h:newThing
- 0 128 DW [h:newThing
- 0 129 DW [h:newThing
- 0 129 DW [h:newThing
- 0 129 DW [h:newThing
- 0 129 DW [h:newThing
- 0 129 DW [h:newThing
- 0 129 DW [h:newThing
- 0 129 DW [h:newThing
DW-Talent Traits Pack
Deathwatch Deathwatch Ambidextrous,Unnatural Strength (x2), Unnatural Toughness (x2)

Page 339
Fear Result Table - on Fear test fail roll d100 + 10 /fail










Fear Result Table - on Fear test fail roll d100 + 10 /fail
The character is badly startled. He may only take a single Half Action when in his next Turn, but
afterwards he may act normally.
Fear grips the character and he begins to shake and tremble. He is at a -10 penalty on all Tests for the
rest of the encounter unless he can recover his wits (sec Shock and Snapping out of it, page 232).
Reeling with shock, the character backs away from the thing that confronts them. The character cannot
willingly approach the object of his fear, but may otherwise act normally, with a -10 penalty on all Tests
until the end of the encounter. The character gains 1 Insanity Point.
The character is frozen by terror. The character may make no Actions until he snaps out of it. After
snapping out of it, the character will make all Tests with a -10 penalty for the rest of the encounter. The
character gains 1d5 Insanity Points.
Panic grips the character. He must flee the source of his fear, if able, as fast as he can, and if prevented
from doing so he may only take Half Actions and is at a -20 penalty to all Tests. The character gains 1d5
Insanity Points. Once away from the danger he must successfully snap out of it to regain control.

Fainting dead away, the character keels over and remains unconscious for 1d5 Rounds. Once he regain
consciousness he is still shaken and takes all Tests with a -10 penalty until the end of the encounter. The
character gains 1d5 Insanity Points.
Totally overcome, the character screams and vomits uncontrollably for 1d5 Rounds. During this time he
is helpless, may do nothing and drop anything he is holding. Afterwards, until the end of the encounter,
the character may only take a single Half Action each Turn until he can rest. The character gains 1d5
Insanity Points.
The character laughs hysterically and randomly attacks anything near him in a manic frenzy, firing wildly
or using whatever weapon he has to hand. This effect lasts until the character snaps out of it, or until he
is knocked unconscious. The character gains 1d5 Insanity Points.
The character crumples to the ground for 1d5+l Rounds sobbing, babbling and tearing at his own flesh,
and may do nothing. Even after he returns to his senses, he is a complete mess and at a -20 penalty on
all Tests until the end of the encounter. The character gains 1d5+l Insanity Points.
The character's mind snaps and he becomes catatonic for 1d5 hours and may not be roused The
character gains 1d10 Insanity Points.
The character is so affected that he begins to see strange and terrible visions as his hold on reality
shatters. The character suffers the effects of "acute hallucinations" (see Disorders, page 234) for 2d10
Rounds. After the hallucinations fade, the character will make all Tests with a -20 penalty while the
encounter lasts. The character gains 2d10 Insanity Points and takes 1d 10 points of permanent
Willpower damage.
Mental Traumas - When (multiple of) 10 IP, Roll WP+mod, on fail Roll 1d100 and add +10
01-40 The character becomes withdrawn and quiet. The character is at -10 to all Fellowship-
based Tests. This lasts for 3d10 hours.
41-70 The character must compulsively perform an action such as fevered praying, frantically
cleaning a weapon, reciting verse, and so on, and pays little attention to anything else. All
Tests that are based on Intelligence, Fellowship or Perception suffer a -10 penalty. This
effect lasts for 3d10 hours.
71-100 The character is constantly fearful, seeing danger everywhere and extremely jumpy. The
character gains a + 10 bonus to all Perception-based Tests and is at -10 penalty to his
Willpower for the next 1d5 days.
101-120 The character suffers from a temporary severe phobia (see Disorders, page 235). This
effect lasts for 1d5 days.
121-130 The character reacts to the slightest stress or pressure by becoming extremely agitated.
When performing any task that involves a Test, the character must first pass a Willpower
Test or suffer a -10 modifier to the Test. If the character gets into combat, all Tests during
combat automatically suffer a -10 modifier. This effect lasts for 1d5 days.
131-140 The character suffers vivid and extreme nightmares whenever they try to sleep. The next
day and for the next 1d10 days the character will be exhausted by lack of sleep and gains
a level of fatigue. This effect lasts for 1d5 days
141-150 The character is struck dumb and is unable to speak. This lasts for 1d5 days.
151-160 Extremely distressed and unfocused, the character refuses to eat or drink and looks in a
terrible state. The character takes a -10 penalty to all Characteristics (no Characteristic
can be reduced below 1) for 1d10 days.
161-170 The character temporarily becomes hysterically blind or deaf. This effect lasts for 1d10
171+ The character becomes completely traumatised and virtually unresponsive. He can't
initiate actions but may be gently led. This effect lasts for 1d10 days.
1 3 1-3

4 5 4-5
6 8 6-8
9 11 9-11
12 14 12-14

15 17 15-17
18 20 18-20
21 23 21-23
24 26 24-26
27 29 27-29

30 32 30-32
33 35 33-35
36 38 36-38

39 41 39-41
42 44 42-44

45 47 45-47

48 50 48-50

51 53 51-53

54 56 54-56

57 59 57-59

60 62 60-62

63 65 63-65

66 68 66-68

69 71 69-71

72 74 72-74

75 100 75-100


1 5 1-5

6 9 6-9

10 13 10-13

14 18 14-18

19 24 19-24

25 30 25-30

31 38 31-38

39 46 39-46

47 55 47-55

56 61 56-61

62 67 62-67

68 72 68-72

73 78 73-78

79 82 79-82
83 86 83-86

87 90 87-90

91 99 91-99

100 100


1 3 1-3

4 5 4-5
6 8 6-8
9 11 9-11

12 14 12-14

15 17 15-17

18 20 18-20
21 23 21-23
24 26 24-26
27 29 27-29

30 32 30-32
33 35 33-35

36 38 36-38
39 41 39-41
42 44 42-44

45 47 45-47

48 50 48-50

51 53 51-53

54 56 54-56

57 59 57-59

60 62 60-62

63 65 63-65

66 68 66-68

69 71 69-71

72 74 72-74

75 100 75-100

1 5 1-5

6 9 6-9
10 13 10-13

14 18 14-18

19 24 19-24

25 30 25-30

31 38 31-38

39 46 39-46

47 55 47-55

56 58 56-58

59 67 59-67

68 72 68-72

73 78 73-78

79 82 79-82

83 86 83-86

87 90 87-90

91 99 91-99
100 100

Dark Foreboding: A very faint breeze blows past the Psyker and those near him, and everyone gets the eerie feeling that so
has just happened somewhere in the galaxy.
Warp Echo: For a few seconds, voices and other noises cause echoes regardless of surroundings.
Ethereal Stench: The air around the Psyker fills with a faint smell, which can either be pleasant or noxious.
Mounting Paranoia: The Psyker gets an itch between his shoulder blades for a few moments.
Grave Chill: The temperature drops sharply for a few seconds and a fine coating of frost covers everything within [r:3d10] (3
Unnatural Aura: All animals within [r:1d100] (1d100) metres become spooked and restless.
Memory Worm: All people within line of sight of the Psyker forget something trivial.
Spoilage: Food goes off and drink goes stale in a radius of [r:5d10] (5d10) metres.
Haunting Breeze: Moderate winds whip up around the Psyker for a few seconds, blowing very light object about within [r:3d
Veil of Darkness: For a brief moment (effectively the remainder of the round) it seems to everyone within [r:3d10] (3d10) me
night has fallen, plunging the area into darkness.
Distorted Reflection: Mirrors break and other reflective surfaces distort or ripple within [r:5d10] (5d10) metres of the Psyker.
Breath Leech: Everyone (including the Psyker) become short of breath for 1 round and cannot make any Run or Charge Ac
Daemonic Mask: For a fleeting moment the Psyker takes on a Daemonic appearance and gains a Fear Rating of 1 for the r
but also gains 1 Corruption Point.
Unnatural Decay: All plants within [r:3d10] (3d10) metres of the Psyker wither and die.
Spectral Gale: Howling winds erupt around the Psyker, lifting him slightly into the air and forcing both him and anyone within
to make an Easy (+30) Agility Test or be knocked to the ground.
Bloody Tears: Blood weeps from stone and wood within [r:3d10] (3d10) metres of the Psyker. If there are any picture of peo
radius, they appear to be crying blood.
The Earth Protests: The ground suddenly shakes and everyone (including the Psyker) within a [r:5d10] (5d10) metre radius
(+10) Agility Test or be knocked down.
Psy Discharge: Static electricity fills the air for [r:6d10] (6d10) metres causing hair to stand on end, while the Psyker rises [r
the air, falling back to earth after a second or two.
Warp Ghosts: Ghostly apparitions fill the air for [r:3d10] (3d10) metres around the Psyker, flying around and howling in pain
moments. Everyone in the radius must make a WP Test or gain 1 Insanity Point.
Falling Upwards: Everything within [r:2d10] (2d10) metres of the Psyker (including him) rises [r:1d10] (1d10) metres into the
disappears before falling to the ground after a second or two
Banshee Howl: A deafening keening sounds out for a kilometre, shattering glass and forcing everyone in the area (including
Toughness Testor be deafened for [r:roll] Rounds.
The Furies: The Psyker is thrown to the ground by unseen hands and thrashes about for a few moments as winds howl abo
(6d10) metres of him. lifting up light objects and forcing those in the area to make Agility Tests or be blown down.
Shadow of the Warp: For a split second the world changes in appearance and everyone within [r:1d100] (1d100) metres ha
of the warp. Everyone in the area (including the Psyker) must make a WP Test or gain [r:1d5] (1d5) Insanity Points.
Tech Scorn: The machine spirits reject your unnatural ways. All tech devices within [r:5d10] (5d10) metres malfunction mom
weapons Jam (see Chapter VII: Playing the Game).
Warp Madness: A violent ripple of discord causes all creatures within [r:2d10] (2d10) metres (with the exception of the Psyk
for a Round and gain a Corruption Point.
[r: evalMacro(table("Perils"))]

PP Titles
Dark Foreboding
Warp Echo
Ethereal Stench
Mounting Paranoia
Grave Chill
Unnatural Aura
Memory Worm
Haunting Breeze
Veil of Darkness
Distorted Reflection
Breath Leech
Daemonic Mask
Unnatural Decay
Spectral Gale
Bloody Tears
The Earth Protests
Psy Discharge
Warp Ghosts
Falling Upwards
Banshee Howl
The Furies
Shadow of the Warp
Tech Scorn
Warp Madness
Perils of the Warp

Perils of the warp

The Gibbering: The Psyker screams in pain as uncontrolled warp energies surge through his unprotected mind. He must m
gain [r:1d5] (1d5) Insanity Points.
Warp Burn: A violent burst of energy from the warp smashes into the Psyker's mind, sending him reeling. He is Stunned for
Psychic Concussion: With a crack of energy the Psyker is knocked unconscious for [r:1d5] (1d5) Rounds and everyone with
metres must make a Willpower Test or be Stunned for a Round.
Psy-Blast: There is an Explosive of power and the Psyker is thrown [r:1d10] (1d10) metres into the air, falling to the ground
Falling Damage).
Soul Sear: Warp power courses through the Psyker's body, scorching his very soul. The Psyker cannot use any powers for
Corruption Points.
Locked In: The power cages the Psyker's mind in an ethereal prison. The Psyker falls to the ground in a catatonic state. Ea
must spend a Full Action to Test Willpower. On a success, his mind is freed and restored to his body.
Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the Psyker. The character winks out of existence and reappears in [r:1d10]
minute if you're using Narrative Time).
Psychic Mirror: The Psyker's power is turned upon him. Resolve the power's effects as normal but the power targets the Ps
power be of benefit, it instead deals [r:1d10] (1d10)+5 Energy Damage to the Psyker and the beneficial effect is cancelled A
Psyker no protection against this Damage.
Warp Whispers: The ghostly voices of Daemons fill the air within [r:4d10] (4d10) metres of the Psyker Everyone in the area
must make a Hard (20) Willpower Test or gain [r:1d10] (1d10) Corruption Points.
Vice Versa: The Psyker's mind is thrown out of his body and into another nearby creature or person The Psyker and a rand
metres swap minds for [r:1d10] (1d10) Rounds. This may include fellow Acolytes, or even enemy combatants Each creature
Skill. Ballistic Skill. Intelligence. Perception. Willpower, and Fellowship during the swap, but gain the other Characteristics o
either body be slain, the effect immediately ends. Both beings are strangely revolted by the process and are unable to meet
some time afterwards. Each gains [r:1d5] (1d5) Insanity Points for the experience. If there are no creatures within this range
make a Willpower Test or become catatonic for [r:1d5] (1d5) Rounds whilst his mind wanders the warp and gains [r:roll=1d5

Dark Summoning: A Lesser Daemon (see Chapter XII: Aliens, Heretics and Antagonists) pops into existence within [r:3d10]
Psyker for [r:1d10] (1d10)) Rounds or until it is slain. It detests the Psyker and trains its attacks on the fool that summoned i
Ethereal Storm: All sentient creatures (including the Psyker) within [r:1d100] (1d100) metres take [r:1d10] (1d10) Energy Da
Blood Rain: A psychic storm erupts, covering an area of [r:5d10] (5d10) metres. In addition to whipping winds and raining b
Powers used in the area automatically invoke the Perils of the Warp for [r:1d5] (1d5) Rounds
Cataclysmic Blast: The Psyker's power overloads, arcing out in great bolts of warp energy. Anyone within [r:2d10] (2d10) m
the Psyker) takes [r:1d10] (1d10)+5 Energy Damage and all of the Psyker's clothing and gear are destroyed, leaving him na
the ground.
Mass Possession: Daemons ravage the minds of every living thing within [r:1d100] (1d100) metres for [r:2d10] (2d10) Roun
the area must Test Willpower at the start of their Turn. A failed Test indicates that the character must spend his entire Turn
and counts as helpless. Characters that also foil the Test gain [r:1d5] (1d5) Corruption Points,
The Surly Bonds of Earth: Reality buckles and all gravity within [r:1d100] (1d100) metres reverses for [r:1d10] (1d10) Round
unattended objects begin to lift off the ground at a rate of three metres per Round. At the end of this time, reality asserts itse
comes crashing down, likely dealing Damage to all those affected.
Daemonhost: The Psyker must immediately pass a Very Hard (30) Willpower Test or be possessed by a Daemon and beco
Create an Unbound Daemonhost (See Chapter XII: Aliens, Heretics and Antagonists) that will immediately attack. Only the
Daemonhost will free the Psyker (though he may die anyway if his body is destroyed in the process). If the Psyker does som
survive this result, he automatically gains [r:4d10] (4d10) Corruption Points.
Warp Feast: A rift in reality is torn open and the Psyker is sucked into the warp with a little burping noise. He is no more.

Perils Short
The Gibbering
Warp Burn
Psychic Concussion
Soul Sear
Locked In
Chronological Incontinence
Psychic Mirror
Warp Whispers
Vice Versa
Dark Summoning
Ethereal Storm
Blood Rain
Cataclysmic Blast
Mass Possession
The Surly Bonds of Earth
Warp Feast

BC & OW Phenomena
Dark Foreboding: A very faint breeze blows past the Psyker and those near him, and everyone gets the eerie feeling that so
has just happened somewhere in the galaxy.
Warp Echo: For a few seconds, voices and other noises cause echoes regardless of surroundings.
Unholy Stench: The air around the Psyker becomes permeated with a bizarre and foul smell.
Mind Warp: The psyker suffers a –5 penalty to Willpower Tests until the start of his next turn as his own inherent phobias, s
surge to the surface of his mind in a wave of unbound emotion.
Hoarfrost: The temperature drops sharply for a few seconds and a fine coating of frost covers everything within [r:3d10] (3d
Aura of Taint: All animals within [r:1d100] (1d100) metres become spooked and restless; Characters with Psyniscience can
the cause.
Memory Worm: All people within line of sight of the Psyker forget something trivial.
Spoilage: Food goes off and drink goes stale in a radius of [r:5d10] (5d10) metres.
Haunting Breeze: Moderate winds whip up around the Psyker for a few seconds, blowing very light object about within [r:3d
Veil of Darkness: For a brief moment (effectively the remainder of the round) it seems to everyone within [r:3d10] (3d10) me
night has fallen, plunging the area into darkness.
Distorted Reflection: Mirrors break and other reflective surfaces distort or ripple within [r:5d10] (5d10) metres of the Psyker.
Breath Leech: Everyone (including the Psyker) within a [r:3d10] (3d10) meter radius become short of breath for 1 round and
or Charge Actions.
Daemonic Mask: For a fleeting moment the Psyker takes on a Daemonic appearance and gains a Fear Rating of 1 for the r
but also gains 1 Corruption Point.
Unnatural Decay: All plants within [r:3d10] (3d10) metres of the Psyker wither and die.
Spectral Gale: Howling winds erupt around the Psyker, lifting him slightly into the air and forcing both him and anyone within
to make an Easy (+30) Agility Test or be knocked to the ground.
Bloody Tears: Blood weeps from stone and wood within [r:3d10] (3d10) metres of the Psyker. If there are any picture of peo
radius, they appear to be crying blood.
The Earth Protests: The ground suddenly shakes and everyone (including the Psyker) within a [r:5d10] (5d10) metre radius
(+10) Agility Test or be knocked down.
Actinic Discharge: Static electricity fills the air for [r:5d10] (5d10) metres causing hair to stand on end and unprotected elect
while the psyker is wreathed in eldritch lightning.
Warp Ghosts: Ghostly apparitions fill the air for [r:3d10] (3d10) metres around the Psyker, flying around and howling in pain
moments. Everyone in the radius (except the psyker himself) must make a WP Test against a Fear rating of 1.
Falling Upwards: Everything within [r:2d10] (2d10) metres of the Psyker (including him) rises [r:1d10] (1d10) metres into the
disappears before falling to the ground after a second or two. All suffer falling Damage as appropriate for the distances falle
Banshee Howl: A deafening keening sounds out for a kilometre, shattering glass and forcing everyone in the area (including
Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or be deafened for [r:1d10](1d10) Rounds.
The Furies: The Psyker is assailed by unseen horrors. He is slammed to the ground and suffers [r:1d5](1d5) wounds in Dam
but not Toughness Bonus) and he must test against Fear (2).
Shadow of the Warp: For a split second the world changes in appearance and everyone within [r:1d100] (1d100) metres ha
of the warp. Everyone in the area (including the Psyker) must make a Difficult (-10) WP Test or gain [r:1d5] (1d5) Corruptio
Tech Scorn: The machine spirits reject your unnatural ways. All tech devices within [r:5d10] (5d10) metres malfunction mo
ranged weapons Jam. Characters with cybernetic implants must pass a Routine (+10) Toughness Test or suffer [r:1d5] (1d
Toughenss Bounus and Armour.
Warp Madness: A violent ripple of discord causes all creatures within [r:2d10] (2d10) metres (with the exception of the Psyk
for a Round and suffer [r:1d5] (1d5) Corruption Points unless they can pass a Difficult (-10) WP Test.
[r: evalMacro(table("BCPerils"))]

BC & OW PP Titles
Dark Foreboding
Warp Echo
Unholy Stench
Mind Warp
Aura of Taint
Memory Worm
Haunting Breeze
Veil of Darkness
Distorted Reflection
Breath Leech
Daemonic Mask
Unnatural Decay
Spectral Gale
Bloody Tears
The Earth Protests
Actinic Discharge
Warp Ghosts
Falling Upwards
Banshee Howl
The Furies
Shadow of the Warp
Tech Scorn
Warp Madness
Perils of the Warp
BC & OW Perils of the warp
The Gibbering: The Psyker screams in pain as uncontrolled warp energies surge through his unprotected mind. He must m
Willpower Test or be Stunned for [r:roll=1d5] (1d5) Rounds. [h:newState("Stunned",roll)]
Warp Burn: A violent burst of energy from the warp smashes into the Psyker's mind, sending him reeling. He is Stunned for
[h:newState("Stunned",roll)] Rounds.
Psychic Concussion: With a crack of energy the Psyker is knocked unconscious for [r:1d5] (1d5) Rounds and everyone with
metres must make a Challenging (0) Willpower Test or be Stunned for a Round.
Psy-Blast: There is an Explosive of power and the Psyker is thrown [r:1d10] (1d10) metres into the air, falling to the ground
Falling Damage).
Soul Sear: Warp power courses through the Psyker's body, scorching his very soul. The Psyker cannot use any powers for
[r:2d5] (2d5) Corruption Points. This must be manually applied within the framework.
Locked In: The power cages the Psyker's mind in an ethereal prison. The Psyker falls to the ground in a catatonic state. Ea
must make a Difficult (-10) Willpower Test. On a success, his mind is freed and restored to his body.

Chronological Incontinence: Time warps around the Psyker. The character winks out of existence and reappears in [r:1d10]
minute if you're using Narrative Time) in the exact same position. He suffers 1 point of permanent Toughness, 1 point of pe
and [r:1d5] (1d5) Corruption Points.
Psychic Mirror: The Psyker's power is turned upon him. Resolve the power's effects as normal but the power targets the Ps
the power be of benefit, it instead deals [r:1d10+5] (1d10+5) Energy Damage to the Psyker and the beneficial effect is canc
Psyker no protection against this Damage.
Warp Whispers: The ghostly voices of Daemons fill the air within [r:4d10] (4d10) metres of the Psyker Everyone in the area
must make a Hard (-20) Willpower Test or gain [r:1d5] (1d5) Corruption Points and an equal amount of Willpower damage.
not the psyker passes the WP test, he suffers an additional [r:1d5+5] (1d5+5) Willpower damage.

Vice Versa: The Psyker's mind is thrown out of his body and into another nearby creature or person The Psyker and a rand
meters swap minds for [r:1d10] (1d10) Rounds. This may include fellow Acolytes, or even enemy combatants. Each creatur
Skill, Ballistic Skill, Intelligence, Perception, Willpower, and Fellowship during the swap, but gain the other Characteristics o
either body be slain, the effect immediately ends. Both beings are strangely revolted by the process and are unable to meet
some time afterwards. Each suffers [r:1d10] (1d10) Willpower Damage, [r:1d10] (1d10) Intelligence Damage, and [r:1d10]
there are no creatures within this range, the Psyker becomes catatonic for [r:1d5] (1d5) Rounds whilst his mind wanders the
Dark Summoning: Khorne's wrath swells at the arrogance of the psyker and he sends a Bloodletter to deal with the fool. Th
existence within [r:3d10] (3d10) metres of the Psyker for [r:1d5] (1d5) + the Daemon's TB rounds or until it is slain. It detests
its attacks on the fool that summoned it. The psyker's turn immediately ends, and the Daemon may take its turn immediate
anyone else, even if others attack it.
Rending the Viel:The air vibrates with images of cackling daemons and the kaleidoscopic taint of the warp is rendered visib
creatures (any creature with an Intelligence characteristic) within [r:1d100] (1d100) metres must test against Fear (2). The p
against Fear (4) instead. This effect lasts for [r:1d5] (1d5) rounds.
Blood Rain: A psychic storm erupts, covering an area of [r:5d10] (5d10) metres in which everyone must pass a Challenging
be knocked to the ground. In addition to howling winds and the skies raining blood, any psychic powers used in the area au
Perils of the Warp for [r: 1d5] (1d5) rounds, in addition to any Psychic Phenomena those powers cause. The psyker gains [
Corruption Points.
Cataclysmic Blast: The Psyker's power overloads, arcing out in great bolts of warp energy. Anyone within [r:1d10] (1d10) m
the Psyker) takes [r:1d10+8] (1d10+8) Energy Damage with a Pen 5. The Psyker may not Dodge this or stop the attack wit
addition, all of the Psyker's clothing and gear are destroyed, leaving him naked and smoking on the ground. The psyker ma
powers for [r:1d5] (1d5) hours after the event.
Mass Possession: Daemons ravage the mind of every living thing within [r:1d100](1d100) metres. Every character in the are
possession attack (see the Possession Trait in Chapter IV: Talents and Traits; the attacker is a random Lesser Daemon). T
for no more than [r:2d10](2d10) rounds, after which the daemons are cast back into the warp.
Reality Quake: Reality buckles and an area radiating out to [r:3d10] (3d10) metres is sundered. Solid objects anternately ro
Everyone and everything in the area takes 2d10 Rending Damage, ignoring armour (and unable to be dodged). Warded ob
untouchables halve the damage rolled.
Grand Possession: A grand and terrible warp entity takes interest in the psyker's soul, descending from the warp to seize th
own purposes. A Greater Daemon chosen by the GM attempts to possess the psyker (see the Possession Trait in Chapter
Even if the daemon fails, the psyker still suffers [r:2d10] Toughness Damage, and will forever add +10 to all rolls on the Psy
Perils of the Warp tables as his body now serves as a conduit to the power of the warp. If the character dies while possesse
manifests in the real world for a number of days equal to its Toughness Bonus or until it is destroyed.
Annihilation: The psyker is immediately and irrevocably destroyed, burned to nothing by the screaming fires of the Immateri
deepest maelstrom of the warp. The psyker may not spend Infamy to recover from this death, he is irrevocably destroyed. T
daemonic entity of some sort appears in the psyker's place - the type of daemon that appears is determined by the GM, bas
the psyker was - more powerful psykers draw more powerful daemons. The percentage chance that the daemon appears is
Willpower characteristic (roll a d100, if the result is equal to or under the characteristic, the daemon appears).

BC & OW Perils Short

The Gibbering
Warp Burn
Psychic Concussion
Soul Sear
Locked In
Chronological Incontinence
Psychic Mirror
Warp Whispers
Vice Versa
Dark Summoning
Rending the Viel
Blood Rain
Cataclysmic Blast
Mass Possession
Reality Quake
Grand Possession














Table 5-16: Cybernetics
Name Availability Source
Augur Array Rare RT
Augmented Senses Rare RT
Baleful Eye Near Unique RT
Ballistic Mechadendrite Very Rare RT
Bionic Limb Scarce RT
Bionic Locomotion Scarce RT
Bionic Respiratory System Rare RT
Bionic Heart Rare RT
Calculus Logi Upgrade Very Rare RT
Cortex Implants Very Rare RT
Cranial Armour Scarce RT
Cybernetic Senses Rare RT
Locator Matrix Rare RT
Manipulator Mechadendrite Very Rare RT
Medicae Mechadendrite Very Rare RT
Memorance Implant Rare RT
Mind Impulse Unit Rare RT
MIU Weapon Interface Rare RT
Optical Mechadendrite Very Rare RT
Respiratory Filter Implant Rare RT
Scribe-tines Scarce RT
Subskin Armour Very Rare RT
Synthetic Muscle Grafts Rare RT
Utility Mechadendrite Very Rare RT
Voidskin Scarce RT
Volitor Implant Rare RT
Vox Implant Scarce RT

Cranial Circuitry This is a series of linked processors, implant RT 366

Cyber-Mantle This is a framework of metal, wires, and impuRT 366
Electoo Inductors These are palm-sized metal skin grafts that aRT 366
Electro-Graft This is a small port that is grafted into your RT 366
Potentia Coil Cradled within the cyber-mantle is a power unRT 366
Respirator Unit This implant involves tubes, wires, vox-grills, RT 366
Fear Test Difficulties
Severity of Fear Mod Example Adversaries
1) Disturbing ( 0 ) - Nightwing, Revenanr, Synofian
Bore Worm
2) Frightening ( -10 ) - Carnosaur, Dusk Stalker, Murder
3) Horrifying ( -20 ) - Incarnate Daemon, Astral Spectre,
4) Terrifying ( -30 ) - The King in Rags and Tatters
1) Disturbing (0) - Nightwing; Revenanr; Synofian Bore Worm

2) Frightening (-10) - Carnosaur; Dusk Stalker; Murder Gholam

3) Horrifying (-20) - Incarnate Daemon; Astral Spectre; Psychneuein

4) Terrifying (-30) - The King in Rags and Tatters

1) Disturbing (0) - Nightwing; Revenanr; Synofian Bore Worm,2) Frightening (-10) - Carnosaur; Dusk Stalker; Murder Gholam,3
; Dusk Stalker; Murder Gholam,3) Horrifying (-20) - Incarnate Daemon; Astral Spectre; Psychneuein,4) Terrifying (-30) - The King in Rags a
Terrifying (-30) - The King in Rags and Tatters
The Insanity Track
Insanity Degree of Trauma Ignore Fear
Points Madness Modifier Disorders Rating
0-9 Stable n/a None -
43739 Unsettled 10 - -
20-29 Unsettled 10 - 1
30-39 Unsettled 10 - -
40-49 Disturbed 0 1st-Minor 2
50-59 Disturbed 0 - -
60-69 Unhinged -10 2nd-Severe 3
70-79 Unhinged -10 - -
80-89 Deranged -20 3rd-Acute 4 (Fearless)
90-99 Deranged -20 - -
100+ Terminally Insane-character retires
from play
Name Severity
Flesh is Weak - Severe Acute
Phobia Minor Severe Acute
Obsession/Compulsion Minor Severe Acute
Visions and Voices Minor Severe Acute
Delusion Minor Severe Acute
Horrific Nightmares Minor Severe -
See flesh as weak. Obsessed with Surgical Modification and bionic implants
Acrophobia, Agorophobia, Necrophobia, etc.
Kleptomania, Sef-Mortification, etc.
Dead Comrade, Flashbacks, etc.
Invulnerability, Righteousness, etc.
Willpower Test or 1 Fatigue level the next day.
0 +0 Untainted -
1 +0 Tainted -
31 -10 Soiled First Test
61 -20 Debased Second Test
91 -30 Profane Third Test
100 - Damned Removed from Play
1D100 Malignances
01 Palsy
11 Dark-hearted
16 Ill-fortuned
21 Skin Afflictions
23 Night Eyes
26 Morbid
31 Witch-mark
34 Fell Obsession
46 Hatred
51 Irrational Nausea
56 Wasted Frame
61 Night Terrors
64 Poor Health
71 Distrustful
76 Malign Sight
81 Ashen Taste
84 Bloodlust
91 Blackouts
94 Strange Addiction
01-20 Grotesque 01-20 Grotesque
21-30 Tough Hide 100:01-25 Vile Deformity
31-40 Misshapen 100:100 Hellspawn
41-50 Feels No Pain 100:26-35 Aberration
51-60 Brute 100:36-40 Degnerate Mind
61-70 Nightsider 100:41-50 Ravaged Body
71-80 Big Eyes 100:51-60 Clawed/Fanged
81-85 Malformed Hands 100:61-65 Necrophage
86-89 Toxic Blood 100:66-70 Corrupted Flesh
90-99 Wyrdling 100:71-75 Vile Alacrity
100:01-25 Vile Deformity 100:76-80 Hideous Strength
100:26-35 Aberration 100:81-85 Multiple Appendages
100:36-40 Degnerate Mind 100:86-90 Worm
100:41-50 Ravaged Body 100:91-92 Nightmarish
100:51-60 Clawed/Fanged 100:93-94 Malleable
100:61-65 Necrophage 100:95-96 Winged
100:66-70 Corrupted Flesh 100:97-98 Corpulent
100:71-75 Vile Alacrity 100:99 Corrosive Bile
100:76-80 Hideous Strength 21-30 Tough Hide
100:81-85 Multiple Appendages 31-40 Misshapen
100:86-90 Worm 41-50 Feels No Pain
100:91-92 Nightmarish 51-60 Brute
100:93-94 Malleable 61-70 Nightsider
100:95-96 Winged 71-80 Big Eyes
100:97-98 Corpulent 81-85 Malformed Hands
100:99 Corrosive Bile 86-89 Toxic Blood
100:100 Hellspawn 90-99 Wyrdling

Roll Mutation
1-May Grotesque:
6-Oct Tough Hide:
Nov-15 Misshapen:
16-20 Feels No Pain:
21-25 Brute:
26-30 Nightsider:
31-35 Mental Regressive:
36-40 Malformed Hands:
41-45 Tox Blood:
46-50 Hulking:
51-55 Wyrdling:
56-59 Vile Deformity:
60-63 Aberration:
64-67 Degenerate Mind:
68-71 Ravaged Body:
71-74 Clawed/Fanged:
75-78 Necrophage:
79-81 Corrupted Flesh:
82-85 Venomous:
86-89 Hideous Strength:
90-91 Multiple Appendages:
92-93 Worm:
94 Nightmarish:
95 Malleable:
96 Winged:
97 Corpulent:
98 Shadow Kin:
99 Corrosive Bile:
100 Hellspawn:
-20 Fellowship with normals. +10 Intimidate DH
Disturbing DH
From Beyond, Frightening, Daemonic Aura, Psy Rating 2 DH
+10 Strength, +10 Agility, -1d10 Intelligence, -10 Fellowship, Sprint DH
-1d10 Intelligence, +10 Fellowship, d10: 1-3 Frenzy, 4-7 Fearless, 8-0 From Beyond DH
1d5 Minor Mutations, re-roll duplicates DH
Natural Weapon 1d10 I or R Primitive DH
+10 Toughness, Regeneration, Must eat raw meat DH
If take Dritical Damage, witnesses make Fear Test -10 DH
Unnatural Agility, Sprint, -10 Weapon Skill, -10 Ballistic Skill DH
Unnatural Strength DH
Ambidextrous, Two-Weapon Wielder, +10 Climb, +10 Grapple DH
Crawler, +5 Wounds, Disturbing DH
Frightening DH
+10 Gaility, +20 Climb, +20 Grapple, Fit through 1/4 space DH
Flyer DH
+5 Wounds, Unnatural Toughness, Can not run DH
In close combat may make Full Action BS attack 1d10+5 R or E only Dodge DH
1 AP Natural Armor DH
Agility -1d10 DH
+1 Wound DH
+10 Strength, Toughness, -10 Agility DH
Gain Dark Sight, Actions -10 in bright or daylight without shield DH
+10 Perception, -10 Fellowship DH
-10 WS and BS. -20 Fine manipulation DH
+10 resist toxins and poison. -1d10 Intelligence and Fellowship DH
Minor Psychic Powers Psy Rating 1 DH

Description Source Page

The mutant is either badly deformed, scarred, or bestial, marking them as accursed and imp RT 369
The mutant gains the Natural Armour 2 Trait from dense skin and thick scar tissue. RT 369
The mutant's spine and limbs are horribly twisted. The mutant may no longer run and reduce RT 369
The mutant cares little for injury or harm. It gains +5 Wounds and the Iron Jaw talent. RT 369
The mutant is physically powerful, with deformed masses of slab-like muscle. Increase its RT 369
The mutant gains keen eyesight, allowing it to see clearly in areas of low lighting. It gains t RT 369
The mutant has regressed mentally. Roll 1d10 for Intelligence, Perception, Willpower, and F RT 369
The mutant's hands fuse into slab-like appendages. Reduce its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Sk RT 369
The mutant's system is saturated with toxic pollutants and poisonous chemicals. It gains RT 369
The mutant grows in stature and body-mass. It gains the Hulking Size Trait, increases its RT 369
The mutant has minor psychic powers that it has so far been able to conceal. The mutant gains RT 369
The mutant is marked by some terrible deformity that shows the touch of the Warp and should RT 369
The mutant has become a weird hybrid of man and animal (or reptile, insect, or some otherRT b 369
The mutant's mind is Warped and inhuman. Reduce its Intelligence and Fellowship each byRT -1d 369
The mutant's body has been entirely remade by the Warp. Roll 1d5 times on this table. Such RT 369
The mutant gains razor claws, a fanged maw, barbed flesh or some other form of natural we RT 369
The mutant gains +10 to Toughness and the Regeneration Trait, but must sustain itself on R cT 369
Beneath the mutant's skin a blasphemous transformation has taken place exchanging livingRT o 369
The mutant's natural attacks are toxic. It gains the Toxic Trait. RT 369
The mutant gains the Unnatural Strength Trait. RT 369
The mutant has sprouted additional functioning limbs in the shape of arms, tentacles or a RT 369
The mutant's lower limbs have fused together to form a worm or snake-like tail. The mutanRT 369
So warped and horrific is the mutant's appearance it can cause enemies to flee in fear. It gaRT 369
The mutant possesses a sickeningly liquid flexibility and is able to distend and flatten its RT 369
The mutant's body has warped to accommodate a pair of leathery wings or the like. It gainsRT t 369
The mutant's huge and bloated frame gives it +5 Wounds and the Unnatural Toughness Trait RT 369
The mutant has only a tenuous grip on our reality and, though wasted and gaunt, it can slipRT 369
The mutant may vomit burning bile, flesh-eating grubs, or some other horrific substance inst RT 369
Saturated with the energies of the Warp, the mutant is more than part daemon, gaining th RT 369
Carry, Lift, Push
Total Carry Lift Push
0 0.9 2.25 4.5
1 2.25 4.5 9
2 4.5 9 18
3 9 18 36
4 18 36 72
5 27 54 108
6 36 72 144
7 45 90 180
8 56 112 225
9 67 135 270
10 78 157 315
11 90 180 360
12 112 225 450
13 225 450 900
14 337 675 1350
15 450 900 1800
16 675 1350 2700
17 900 1800 3600
18 1350 2700 5400
19 1800 3600 7200
20 2250 4500 9000
0 1
500 2
1000 3
2000 4
3000 5
6000 6
8000 7
10000 8
Roll Minor Power
01 02 Call Creatures
03 05 Call Item
06 08 Chameleon
09 11 Deja Vu
12 14 Distort Vision
15 17 Dull Pain
18 20 Enhance Phenomena
21 23 Fearful Aura
24 26 Flash Bang
27 29 Float
30 32 Forget Me
33 35 Healer
36 38 Inflict Pain
39 41 Inspiring Aura
42 44 Knack
45 47 Lucky
48 50 Precognition
51 53 Psychic Stench
54 56 Resist Possession
57 59 Sense Presence
60 63 Spasm
64 67 Spectral Hands
68 70 Staunch Bleeding
71 72 Time Skip
73 74 Touch of Madness
75 77 Trick
78 80 Unnatural Aim
81 82 Wall Walk
83 84 Warp Howl
85 86 Weaken Veil
87 88 Weapon Jinx
89 90 White Noise
91 92 Wither
93 94 Roll twice, gaining both Powers
95 96 Pick any one Power
97 00 Gain 1 Insanity point and roll again

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