Oil & Gas Floating Production Solutions

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We shall earn the respect and recognition for Our success depends on the success of our cus-
our dedication to provide innovative and reliable tomers. Actively listening to our customers and
marine electronics that ensure optimal operation truly understanding their needs, and then trans-
at sea. By utilising and integrating our technolo- lating these needs into successful products and
gy, experience and competencies in positioning, solutions is central to achieving our goal.
hydroacoustics, communication, control, naviga- Our people are the key to our success and we
tion, simulation, and automation, we aim to give empower them to achieve. Working together in
our customers The Full Picture. The Full Picture a global network of knowledge, guided by our
yields professional solutions and global servic- values, engenders innovation and world class
es that make a difference enabling you to stay performance. Every day we have to think a little
ahead of the competition. differently, because every client is unique. We
aspire to translate the imagination and dedica-
tion of our staff into successful technologies and
solutions. Our commitment is to add value to your
operations by providing you with The Full Picture.



THE FULL PICTURE……………………………………………………………………… 4
INTEGRATED CONTROL SYSTEM……………………………………………………… 8
SAFETY SYSTEMS………………………………………………………………………… 10
DYNAMIC PROCESS SIMULATION…………………………………………………… 12
UPGRADES AND MODIFICATIONS…………………………………………………… 16
INTEGRATED OPERATIONS…………………………………………………………… 17
PROJECT MANAGEMENT……………………………………………………………… 20
LIFE CYCLE SUPPORT…………………………………………………………………… 22

Kongsberg Maritime • March 2014 • Design & layout: DEON.NO


Process control for floating The full picture

production solutions The KONGSBERG integrated control system is more
KONGSBERG is your industry business partner from than hardware- and software modules – it is a solution
concept to operation for oil and gas production plants. which ensures stable and optimal production of your
asset. Combined with the KONGSBERG dynamic
The KONGSBERG process control system provides process simulator, for DCS checkout and control
you with robust and reliable solutions for the philosophy testing, this ensures excellent control of
automation and safety for production of oil and gas in the process and reduces the need for flaring and CO2
a modern context. Over many years, KONGSBERG emission.
has been involved in the evolution of process control
solutions, and an active participant in utilizing the
synergy of dynamic process simulator and control

Robust solutions
KONGSBERG system philosophy is based on a
distributed and open system design that employs a
system-wide standardized communication network.
The network facilitates free flow of information from
sub systems, with system wide information on multi-
functional workstations. A common base technology
and user interface for all automation applications
ensures a safe and reliable operation environment.


Stable and reliable

Distributed system
architecture gives reduced
cabling cost and flexibility in
production and operation

Keeping your position

Reliability of position using
anchor winch control
assisted with position
mooring software including
position mooring simulator

Safety control Utility control Process control Electrical control Marine control Subsea control Information system

Controlling your process Safety for equipment Information and availability
Integrated process control and personnel Fast and reliable data
system gives full control of Integrated safety system exchange between platform
the automated production. covers process shutdown, and shore base
The system has a wide range emergency shutdown and
of standard interfaces fire and gas detection.
Information is given from
platform top view, down to
each detector location

One control location

Multifunctional operator
stations assisted by large
screens in control room. The
complete plant controlled
from one location. Enhanced
gives excellent overview and
information for operators

Integrated subsea control Installation stability

Integrated subsea control Integrated marine control
system controlling the secures correct marine
subsea templates ensures operation in good and harsh
reliable and steady weather
Solutions tailored to your need K-IMS
KONGSBERG integrated process automation system, • Information management systems
K-LINE, is a distributed monitoring and control system.
It's flexible and open architecture, makes K-LINE highly K-CHIEF
suitable for a wide range of control tasks for the oil and • Marine applications
gas industry.
The automation system is designed for large scale K-POS
integration of all automation applications in your • Position mooring
installation. The real benefit of the integration is in
operation, modification and maintenance; the operators Input and output units
have a unified operator interface and alarm system, The KONGSBERG Remote Multipurpose I/O unit is a
easing the training of your operators. Common hardware unique free programmable unit with 32 channels. This
and software platform reduces the amount of spare mean one can decide I/O channels at any time using
parts needed and thus reduces the life cycles cost. software and thus independent of an early planning of
A common information management system transfer I/O configuration
information to the base organization for support
and optimization of your reservoir and production Real time controller
processes. The level of integration may vary from full The KONGSBERG remote controller unit (RCU) 501
integration of control logic at the package level and is a real time controller certified against cyber risks –
integration of unit control panels, to common human Achilles 1 level. The controller connects to large num-
machine interface. ber of I/O units and communication buses. It used both
for process control applications as well as for safety
Kongsberg integrated systems applications is.
The integrated system for control and safety, having
applications for: Distributed solution - safe and efficient operation
K-LINE yields a distributed and open system design,
K-PRO utilizing a system wide standardized communication
• Process and control applications network. The network facilitates for easy integration of
• Gas processing systems 3rd part equipment and information from all subsys-
• Power systems tems, with process wide availability on multi-functional
• Utility and auxiliary systems workstations. Common base technology and user
• Subsea control systems interface provide for a safe and an efficient operational
environment, with consistent operation and increased
• Process shutdown systems
• Emergency shutdown systems
• Fire and gas detection


Process and control applications Subsea process application

The following are some of the process and control Typical subsea control applications:
applications available: • Redundant subsea communication lines
• Hydrocarbon stabilization systems • Well and manifold temperatures and pressures
• Gas sweetening, gas treatment and gas lift • Sand detection
• Power generation and distribution • Electrical power unit
• Generator control • Hydraulic power unit
• Turbine control • Shutdown sequencing
• Compressor control • Valve, choke control and movement
• Fiscal metering • Water, gas and chemical injection
• Oil and gas export systems • Well control
• Manifold
Utility and auxiliary applications • Multiphase flow meter
We have developed standard applications for various • Corrosion meter
systems, to name but a few: • Valve signature
• Produced water treatment • Housekeeping functions
• Fresh, hot and sea water distribution
• Gas, water and chemical injection Electrical control application
• Jet fuel and diesel oil system Typical electrical control applications;
• Nitrogen/Inert gas system • Time stamping
• Glycol storage and distribution system • Advanced motor control
• Lube oil, hydraulic oil and compressed air • Full power distribution control system (PDCS)
• Topside open drain system
• Heating and cooling medium Marine control application
• Flare system/fuel gas system Typical marine control applications;
• HVAC • Ballastand bildge control
• Anchor winch control
• Water tight doors
• Position mooring


Information management system K-IMS

The information management system (IMS) is an
information architecture for plant wide information
storage and retrieval. The operator station trend and
report system transparently to the IMS server, which
provides fast, scalable and reliable data storage for the
process control system and other external applications:

• Operational data and maintenance data from all

sources routed through the same system
• Integrated onshore operation centre access
(and access control) to all data regarding operation
and maintenance
• Key suppliers online access to relevant information
with remote operation and maintenance of delivered
equipment/systems from their base premises
• Field data used in control nodes and transported to
the users of K-PRO

IMS applcation IMS applcation IMS applcation IO applcation 3rd party

History stations IMS framework Operator stations


Real-time data flow

Acyclic data flow


Field interface Field device IMS applcation Field device Field device

Managing critical situations with K-SAFE risk analyses have concluded that the ESD system is in
KONGSBERG supplies a full family of integrated and need of a high Safety Integrity Level, typically SIL 2 or 3.
reliable Safety Systems (K-SAFE) covering Emergency
ShutDown (ESD), Process Shutdown (PSD) and Fire Typical actions from ESD systems are:
and Gas Detection and Protection (F&G) systems. The • Shutdown part systems and equipment
K-SAFE safety management concept safely integrates • Isolate hydrocarbon inventories
all relevant information from these and other integrated • Isolate electrical equipment
systems to give the operators the information and tools • Prevent escalation of events
necessary to handle critical situations and operate the • Stop hydrocarbon leakage
installation in a safe manner. • Depressurize/blowdown
• Emergency ventilation control
K-SAFE systems are designed for maximum reliability • Close watertight doors and fire doors
and availability, and are certified in compliance with IEC
61508 for use in applications in accordance with safety Process shutdown
integrity levels SIL 1 to 3. The solutions are also Type- The Process shutdown system ensures a rapid detec-
approved by the major classification societies, such as tion and safe handling of process upsets. Traditionally,
DNV and ABS. These 3rd party approvals and certifi- risk analyses have concluded that the PSD system is
cates ensure the quality and compliance of the systems in need of low to medium Safety Integrity Level. The
improving project execution as well as safe operation. premise for a low to medium requirement, being that
PSD systems, built in accordance with API RP 14C,
Emergency shutdown have requirements for both primary (the computerized
The Emergency shutdown system (ESD) shall minimize system) and secondary (mechanical devices) protection.
the consequences of emergency situations, related to
typically uncontrolled flooding and escape of hydrocar-
bons or outbreak of fire in hydrocarbon carrying areas or Special purpose I/O unit
areas which may otherwise be hazardous. Traditionally, The special purpose I/O units RDIO and RMP 420S
are designed for safety application. The unit is TUV
certified, and comprises 32 independant programmable

Basically the system consists of field-mounted sensors, • Close watertight doors and fire doors
valves and trip relays, a system logic unit for processing Fire and Gas typical system layout: The system is
of incoming signals, alarm and HMI units. The system is connected directly to the KONGSBERG real time con-
able to process all input signals and activating outputs in troller in single or redundant configuration.
accordance with the applicable Cause and Effect charts.
Typical actions from PSD systems are: Design, development and operation of the Safety
• Shutdown the whole process System logic may utilize many different tools causing
• Shutdown parts of the process many sources of faults increasing the cost of a
• Depressurize/blowdown parts of the process project and reducing the reliability of the systems.
KONGSBERG has developed a Cause and Effect
Fire and gas detection and protection Tool (CE-Tool) for use in both offline engineering and
The fire and gas detection and protection system online control. When used offline, the tool allows for
(F&G) shall provide early and reliable detection of fire C&E-design, Fire-zone and Shutdown-level definition,
or gas, alert personnel and initiate protective actions Tag allocation, C&E and Fire Protection Data Sheet
automatically or manually upon operator activation. (FPDS) documentation. When the CE-Tool is used
Basically the system consists of field mounted during project execution, the tool may also be used for
detection equipment and manual alarm stations, a automatic development of the Safety-logic ensuring the
system logic unit for processing of incoming signals, quality and consistency of the SW-implementation.
alarm and HMI units. The system is able to process During operation, the CE-Tool is used online to provide
all input signals in accordance with the applicable fire the actual programmed C&E-charts directly on the
protection data sheets or cause and effect charts. Safety System VDUs and include real-time dynamic
status information from the system. This is a very
Typical actions from F&G systems: effective solution for operation, C&E-testing during
• Alert personnel both project execution and emergency operation of the
• Release fire fighting systems plant, ensuring total control of inhibits, overrides and
• Emergency ventilation control the logical correlation of the Cause and Effects.
• Stop flow of minor hydrocarbon sources such
as diesel distribution to consumers
• Isolate local electrical equipment
(may be done by ESD)
• Initiating ESD and PSD actions
• Isolate electrical equipment


Life cycle dynamic simulation Production management systems and life

- enhances your operation cycle management
We provide dynamic real-time simulators for industrial In addition we have developed advanced real-time
processes ranging from single-unit operations to solutions for interface with the actual DCS, referred to
complex plants. Our simulators meet the highest as Production Management Systems (PMS), to serve
requirements of real-time process simulation systems. as a real-time short term and life cycle decision tool for
The component modules may be standard (generic) field operations. The PMS provides a valuable support
or designed to specific customer specifications. The for field monitoring and analysis, which greatly assist
simulators are based on robust high-fidelity models that operational decision making, including analyses of
accurately reflect the behaviour of real processes over unexpected events and start-up/shut-down campaigns
a wide range of operating conditions. Our simulators to minimize processing and flow interruption. PMS
include the necessary features to create, study and is also an important contributor in obtaining safer
modify a process plant model in order to reach an operations and improved efficiency.
optimal process and control solution.

Operator training simulator

The operator training simulator (OTS) solutions include
instructor interfaces and operator stations, and are
generic (typical), emulated (realistic copy) or stimu-
lated, i.e. the process models are linked to a software
version of the real distributed control system (DCS).

Operator training simulator Engineering simulator
We have delivered a number of large-scale operator Our engineering simulators are used to analyze and
training simulator systems that connect the dynamic verify process design and control strategies through-
simulator plant model to a replica of the control system. out the life cycle of a project. From the project design
The simulator models are highly realistic, thus enabling phase, through to the commissioning and start-up of a
efficient training e.g. plant. Our engineering simulator provides an ongoing
support tool for:
• Plant familiarisation
• Distributed Control System operation • Optimization studies
• Plant start-up and shutdown operations • De-bottlenecking studies
• Equipment malfunctions and emergency • Process retrofit studies
conditions • Control and logic updates and verification
• Testing safety procedures • Operator GUI updates and verification
• Testing operating procedures • Autotuning of control loops
• Collaborative training • Advanced process Control
• Communication with field operators • Maintenance Support

Life Cycle Simulation Program DCS simulator
The program The advanced DCS (Distributed Control System)
• Process shutdown systems checkout simulator analyzes selected control structures
• Expert studies during control system verification. To obtain an optimal
• DCS check-out result the dynamic process model is directly linked to
• Operator Training Simulator the selected control system. DCS test studies detects
• De-bottleneck Studies configuration errors, and improves the DCS implemen-
tation and thus speeds up the project in the critical and
A Life Cycle Simulation Program is a constructive costly commissioning and start-up phases.
method to ensure better quality in a Field Development • Test and verification of control nodes
Project. • Controller tuning
• Alarm setting and presentation
Field Development Projects consists of a range of • Logic and sequence studies
challenges which are expected to be solved with high • Verification of ESD/PSD
quality and on time. • Verification of Fire and Gas System
• Human Machine Interface development
• Control room ergonomic studies
• Pre-commissioning plant verification

Life Cycle
LEDA flow simulation
Program A unique three dimensional CFD (Computational Fluid
Dynamics) formulation has been developed, enabling
first-principles simulation and visualization of waves,
slugs, droplets and bubbles in a multiphase pipe-
Field Development Project line flow. This formulation has been implemented in
LedaFlow® in one-dimensional, two-dimensional and
quasi three dimensional software modules.


System lifecycle Increased oil recovery (IOR) means upgrades of the

Upgrades and modifications of control systems is part control system and process equipment as the reservoir
of the system life cycle. There are a number of reasons pressure is declining. Such rebuilds requires a revision
for upgrades and retrofit – here is a few: of the dynamic model to verify rebuild of process
• The plant is extended in lifetime, and new equipment. As a consequence, the control and safety
technology contributes to the extended lifetime system also has to be upgraded.
• The plant is extended with new process equipment,
and the control system needs expansion beyond the IOR may require alternations in process equipment
original spare capacity because of too low pressure, or means to increase
• New technology assists is increased oil recovery the pressure by various means of injection, will be
• Development in 3rd party equipment controlled by necessary. KONGSBERG takes interest in assisting
the control system the client using the dynamic process simulator to verify
the process, the field equipment and modify the control
KONGSBERG has been involved in a number of and safety system accordingly. The upgraded simulator
retrofit exercises. Our track record and experience is a useful tool when training the operators prior to
proofs that the K-LINE control system can be upgraded start-up of the upgraded plant.
with minimum downtime of the plant.

When upgrading the complete system onboard a

platform, ensuring a shortest possible down time is a
requirement. Such upgrades have been done more
than once by KONGSBERG. One of the success
factors in such upgrades is extensive testing, also
involving the client.


The systems for integrated The human collaboration factor is a key to capitalize
operation and data collection from Integrated Operations - and work process
• Collaboration systems changes are necessary to maximize potentials from
• Data management software new technology.
• Intelligent oilfield decision environment Integrated Operations is a key tool to increase
• Visualization and analyses software production, decrease field development and operating
• Environmental monitoring costs and extend field life – targets generally shared
• Vessel traffic surveillance across the oil and gas community worldwide.

Our solutions for Integrated Operations provide for KONGSBERG want to be your partner
more cost efficient operations by increasing availability in pursuing these targets.
of human and technical resources together with
historic and real-time data without compromising
safety or adding risk. Thus, a system based approach
to new challenges with cross-discipline and cross-site
cooperation is stimulated, which in turn puts operators
in position to make better decisions faster.

Integrated Operations is not only about technological

adoption and integration. It’s also about how we can
support in implementing new and improved work
processes and thus stimulate to more successful
collaboration between people, technology and

Figure showing example of data integration between

offshore and onshore installations.
Involving oil company as well as service companies

Sattelite or radio link

support center
FPSO Company onshore
support center

Production Fiber Remote


Rig Service company Any company support center

KONGSBERG enjoys a long track record as supplier • Pipeline flow monitoring and prediction
to the oil and gas industry, in which efficiency • Tools for hydrate and slug monitoring
improvement through development and supply of in pipeline systems
advanced automation, control and monitoring systems • Applications for glycol (MEG/TEG) regeneration
has been the main contribution together with dynamic control and optimization
process modeling and simulation. Our experience • Condition monitoring of equipment and
extends the entire life cycle of projects from study rotating machinery
phase through detailed engineering, operator training • Logistics planning and monitoring incl. interaction
and start-up to field operations. Thus, our solutions with ERP systems
entail historic, real-time and forecasting features, thus • Personnel tracking systems
providing our clients with useful tools for long term • Work process analyses and optimization studies
targets. • Consultancy to explore cost/benefit potentials for
Integrated Operations
Lately we have expanded our capabilities by
developing new tools, such as intelligent collaborative Kongsberg's IO Lab
environments, on-line simulation solutions, 3D We have established an IO Lab at the KONGSBERG
visualization and advanced information management premises to serve as a test bed for developing
systems for drilling, field development and produc- and proofing practical applications for Integrated
tion operations. Our solutions are based on open Operations. The lab offers state of the art facilities with
architecture and industry standards, which allow for telecoms and computer communication tools for col-
integration with third party systems and scaling to laboration across our own office sites and with clients
specific project requirements as needed remotely located whether onshore or offshore. Through
the IO Lab people can be brought together on short
Key building blocks in our notice to review, discuss and test ideas and proposals,
Integrated Operations offering are: including applications under development. This is an
• Intelligent collaborative operations centers efficient way to reveal how cost/benefit may be maxi-
• Historic and real-time data management systems mized through Integrated Operations.
• Dynamic process simulation incl.
real-time/on-line tools


Organizing for success Project management highlights

Every project is unique with specific requirements • Project programming
and goals, and successful implementation requires • Design management
experienced and knowledgeable management – to • Procurement/purchasing
plan ahead, resolve questions and keep everything on • Installation management
track. These are all qualities and skills mastered by • Quality management
KONGSBERG. • Site management
• Time and cost control
On schedule • Risk analysis
We take a holistic and tailored approach to project • Environmental quality and work
management. Our goal is to organize human resources environment management
so that every project is completed to high standards, • Maintenance management
and within the time and budgetary constraints agreed • Audits
upon with our customers.

Project management services

We believe in creating partnerships with our custom-
ers, taking ownership of projects, and behaving in a
proactive fashion. We utilize industry standard proven
tools and established procedures as well as provide full
transparency to our customers.

Design Functional SMDR Parts lists Test As built Electronic
manual design & drawings protocols documents documentation
specifications for operation


Concept Detail Configuration/ Installation & Commissioning Operation

engineering engineering Production/ Test pre-communication
System FEED


Project administration
Kick-off from sales Cost control Budgets Change handling
Project start & detail planning HMS Resources
Quality plan I&T plan Invoicing Teambuilding
Risk analysis

Interface engineering When competence counts
The KONGSBERG engineering comprises comprehensive Our core competence lies in project execution,
knowledge within electrical, telecommunication and engineering, technology, products and system
instrumentation (EIT) activities. integration. We offer a global single source solution
for any size electroinstrumentation-telecommunication
We continue to make a difference for our (EIT) contracts, both on an EPC and EPCI basis. By
utilizing our versatile experience and in-house standard
systems and system components, we are able to
During the last 50 years, we have developed a wealth
provide off-the-shelf solutions that generate both
of knowledge on marine and offshore operations,
operational and financial benefits to our customers.
user requirements and the many challenges the
industry faces. We have evolved to meet these unique
challenges by providing cost effective and sustainable
lifetime solutions, making a real difference to your

Insight and innovation

We combine professional insight and creativity to
assist you in finding innovative solutions for today’s
requirements and tomorrow’s challenges. Our industry
wide knowledge base is a platform for our insight, and
our multitalented team approach inspires creativity,
resulting in innovative and optimal solution.


Designed to purpose – maintained to last Evergreen

Our life cycle management service will assist our We offer continuous hardware and software upgrade to
customers throughout all the phases, from design to keep your vessel at maximum efficiency. Our sys-
commissioning and during the operational life time. tem is designed with consistent boundaries between
Solid in-house competence, both in system design individual systems and control segments. This design
and user competence enables us to provide solutions strategy makes it easy to add new functionality or
that are fit to purpose and thus yields efficiency in complete new control segments thus enable us to offer
operation. up-grades step by step to keep your system evergreen.
Our common base technology provides robust designs,
with few and reliable parts, an execellent foundation to Training
maximize the output at competitive costs. Qualified personnel are one of your major assets in
The distributed and open system design employs an efficient and safe operations. Thus, we offer modular
industry standard communication network. Standard training courses for all major subjects – from operator
hardware components used for various applications training to technical training that keeps your crew fit on
and the open network approach results in: the job.
• Increased reliability
• Competitive life-cycle support
• Easy up-grade solutions


On-line support »

Technical support »
Technical consulting »

Design and software engineering »

Field service »

Repairs and spare parts »

Optimization and modernization »

Supported by professionals
Our systems are easy to install and maintain –
supported by professionals either on-site or through
remote connectivity. They are designed for optimal
operational availability and allow for favourable lifecycle


We are always there, wherever you need us As part of our commitment to total customer satisfac-
Kongsberg customer services organisation is designed tion, we offer a wide variety of services to meet individ-
to provide high-quality, global support, whenever and ual customers’ operational needs. Kongsberg support
wherever it is needed. We are committed to providing 24 is a solution designed to give round-the-clock sup-
easy access to support and service, and to responding port. For mission-critical operations, Kongsberg support
promptly to your needs. Support and service activi- 24 can be extended to include remote monitoring. We
ties are supervised from our headquarters in Norway, can adapt the level of support needs by offering ser-
with service and support centres at strategic locations vice agreements, on-site spare part stocks and quick
around the globe – where you are on-site response arrangements.
and the action is.


Norway (35) Finland

Canada (5) UK (11) Denmark
Ireland Poland (2)
Netherlands Hungary
USA (14)
Spain Italy (2)
Greece South Korea (6)
UAE (3) China (4)

Saudi Arabia India (4)

Mexico (2)

Venezuela Nigeria
Singapore (4)

Brazil (3)

Australia (2)
South Africa


Global and local support

We provide global support from local service and
support facilities at strategic locations world wide.
Service and support work is carried out under the
supervision of your personal account manager, who will
ensure that you receive high-quality service and support
where and when you need it.
Your account manager will ensure continuity and
work closely with your personnel to improve and
optimise system availability and performance. Call +47 815 35 355
Under the direction of your account manager, and E-mail: [email protected]
with a local inventory of spare parts, our wellqualified
field service engineers will be able to
help you quickly and effectively.


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