Research Design Quantitative-1
Research Design Quantitative-1
Research Design Quantitative-1
B. What is Research?
Research is commonly defined as a systematic approach to provide answers to
questions (Tuckman: 1978: 1). This definition implies the meaning that there are three
basic components in a research, namely a systematic approach, answers and questions. In
other words, when someone wants to carry out a research he has a question that needs an
answer. The way how to find the answers is by using a systematic approach.
In line with Tuckman’s definition, Nunan (1992) states that research is a process
which involves: (a) defining a problem, (b) stating an objective, and (c) formulating an
hypothesis. It involves gathering information, classification, analysis, and interpretation
to see to what extent the initial objective has been achieved. He further states research is
carried out in order to:
- get a result with scientific methods objectively, not subjectively.
- solve problems, verify the application of theories, and lead on to new insights.
- enlighten both researcher and any interested readers.
- prove/disprove new or existing ideas, to characterize phenomena (i.e., the language
characteristics of a particular population), and to achieve personal and community aims.
That is, to satisfy the individual’s quest but also to improve community welfare.
- prove or disprove. Demystify, carry out what is planned, to support the point of view,
to unc0ver what is not known, satisfy inquiry. To discover the cause of a problem, to find
the solution to a problem, etc.
Best (1977: 8) states that research is the systematic and objective analysis and
recording of controlled observations that may lead to the development of generalizations,
principles, or theories, resulting in prediction and ultimate control of many events that
may be consequences or causes of specific activities. From the two research definitions
above, we can conclude that basically we do a research because there is a problem that
needs a solution which may attempt to find the relationship between two or more
variables. Research demands accurate observation and description. The researcher uses
quantitative, numerical measuring devices, the most precise means of description. The
researcher selects valid and reliable instrument order to collect the data. Research
involves the gathering new data from primary or first hand sources or using existing data
for a new purpose. Last but not least, research emphasizes the development of
generalizations, principles, or theories that will be helpful in predicting future
Basic research is concerned with the relationship between two or more variables. It is
carried out by identifying a problem, examining selected relevant variables through a
literature review, constructing a hypothesis where possible, creating a research design to
investigate the problem, collecting and analyzing appropriate data, an then drawing
conclusions about the relationships of the variables. The purpose of basic research is to
develop a model, or a theory that identifies all the relevant variables in a particular
environment and hypothesizes about their relationship. Then using the findings of basic
research, it is possible to develop a product – product here being used to include for
example, a given curriculum, a particular teacher-training program, a textbook, or an
audio-visual aid. .
This is the most difficult phase for a student to choose a suitable problem. Select a
research problem which is interesting and practical. There are some characteristics of a
problem that should be taken into consideration in order to get the most suitable one.
a. It should ask about a relationship between two or more variables.
In this kind of problem the researcher manipulates a minimum of one variable to
determine its effect on other variables, as apposes to a purely descriptive study in
which the researcher observes, or in some way measures, the frequency of appearance
of a particular variable in a particular setting. For example, in a descriptive study the
problem might be: How many students in school X have I.Q.’s in excess of 120?; or:
Are boys more likely than girls to have I.Q.’s in excess of 120?
2. Constructing a hypothesis
Once a problem has been identified, the researcher often employs the logical processes
of deduction and induction to formulate an expectation of the outcome of the study. That
is he or she hypothesizes about the relationship between the concepts identified in the
problem. A hypothesis, a suggested answer to the problem has the following
a. It should hypothesize upon a relationship between two or more variables.
b. It should be stated clearly and unambiguously in the form of a declarative
c. It should be testable; that is, it should be possible to restate it in an operational
form that can then be evaluated based on data.
Question: Is there a drinking problem among students?
Thesis: There is a drinking problem among students at this college.
The thesis is a statement of belief. The opposite belief gives the opposite thesis: There
is no drinking problem on campus. The next step is to sharpen the thesis, which means
thinking of ways to identify what we mean by “ drinking problem”. The refining of the
thesis might go like this:
Thesis 1. There are students on this campus who have drinking problem
Thesis : Students who drink excessively have problem.
Thesis 3. Students who drink excessively have problem with their school work.
Supppose we decide to focus this topic on the individual students who get into trouble
through drinking. Let’s follow the question-and-answer process through a refining of the
Question: Do Students who drink excessively get into trouble from drinking?
Thesis: Excessive drinking gets students into trouble.
Question: What kind of trouble does excessive drinking get students into?
Thesis: Students who drink excessively have problems with their academic work.
Thesis: Students who drink excessively have problems getting along with their
Thesis: Students who drink excessively have problems with their families.
The thesis becomes a tool for working out your idea. Once you have sharpened your
thesis, the next step is to develop testable hypotheses. These are the cutting edges
necessary to carve out some information for the report. The sharper the hypothesis, the
neater the information.
Hypothesis: Excessive drinkers will have lower grade point averages than will
moderate drinkers or teetotalers among the students.
Hypothesis: Excessive drinkers are more frequently dismissed from college than are
moderate drinkers or teetotalers among the students.
Hypothesis: Excessive drinkers will have grade point averages that decline faster than
those of moderate drinkers or nondrinkers among the students.
Thus, hypotheses might have been derived from the problem statements. Other
examples are as follows:
d. Control Variable
Control variables are defined as those factors which are controlled by the
experimenter to cancel out or neutralize any effect they might otherwise have on the
observed phenomenon. While the effect of control variables are neutralized, the effects of
moderator are studies. The followings are examples of control variables.
Hypothesis 1. Among boys there is a correlation between physical size and social
maturity, but for girls in the same age group there is no
correlation between these two variable.
Control variable: age
Hypothesis 2. Under intangible reinforcement conditions, middle-class children will learn
significantly better than lower-class children.
Control variable: reinforcement conditions
e. Intervening Variables
An intervening variable is that factor which theoretically affects the observed
phenomenon but can not be seen, measured, or manipulated; its effect must be inferred
from the effect of the independent and moderator variables on the observed phenomenon.
Consider the intervening variable in the following hypothesis: Teachers given more
positive feedback experiences will have more positive attitudes toward children than
teachers given fewer positive feedback experiences.
Independent variable: number of positive feedback experiences for teacher
Intervening variable: teacher’s self-esteem.
Dependent variable: positiveness of teacher’s attitude toward students.
In order to place those and procedures already described in the previous discussion
and to outline the sequence of activities in the research that form the basis for this book,
the schematic of the research spectrum is presented in the following figure.
Prblm hypoth predic
emem tion
findings Msrmnt Exp
Dev design
3) Instrumentation
As part of rigorous data collection, the proposal developer also provides detailed
information about the actual survey instrument to be used in the proposed study. Consider
the following:
- Name the survey instrument used to collect data in the research study. Discuss
whether it is an instrument designed for this research, a modified instrument, or
an intact instrument developed by someone else.
- To use an existing instrument, describe the established validity and reliability of
scores obtained from past use of the instrument. This means reporting efforts by
authors to establish validity – whether one can draw meaningful and useful
inferences from scores on the instruments. The three traditional forms of validity
to look for are content validity (i.e., Do the items measure the content they were
intended to measure?), predictive or concurrent validity (i.e., Do scores predict a
criterion measure? Do results correlate with other results?), and construct validity
(i.e., Do items measure hypothetical constructs or concepts?). In more recent
studies, construct validity has also included whether the scores serve a useful
purpose and have positive consequences when used .
- Include sample items from the instrument so that readers can see the actual items
used. In an appendix to the proposal, attach sample items from the instrument or
the entire instrument.
- Indicate the major content sections in the instrument, such as the cover letter, the
items (e.g., demographics, attitudinal items, behavioral items, factual items) and
the closing instructions. Also mention the type of scales used to measure the items
on the instrument, such as continuous scales (e.g., strongly agree to strongly
disagree) and categorical scales (e.g., yes/no, rank from highest to lowest
- Discuss plans for pilot testing or field testing the survey and provide a rationale
for these plans. The testing is important to establish the content validity of an
instrument and to improve questions, format, and the scales. Indicate the number
of people who will test the instrument and the plans to incorporate their comment
into final instrument revisions.
5) Data Analysis
In the proposal, present information about the steps involved in analyzing the data. It
is recommended to present them as a series of steps.
Step 1. Report information about the number of members of the sample who did and did
not return the survey. A table with numbers and percentages describing respondents and
non-respondents is a useful tool to present this information.
Step 2. Discuss the method by which response bias will be determined. Response bias is
the effect of non-responses on survey estimates. Bias means that if non-respondents had
responded, their responses would have substantially changed the overall results of the
survey. Mention the procedures used to check for response bias, such as wave analysis or
a respondent/non-respondent analysis. In wave analysis, the researcher examines returns
on select items week by week to determine if average responses change. Based on the
assumption that those who return surveys in the final weeks of the responses begin to
change, a potential exists for response bias is to contact by phone a few non-respondents
and determine if their responses differ substantially from respondents. This constitutes a
respondent-non-respondents check for response bias.
Step 3. Discuss a plan to provide a descriptive analysis of data for all independent and
dependent variables in the study. This analysis should indicate the means, standard
deviations, and range of scores for these variables.
Step 5. Identify the statistics and the statistical computer program for testing the major
questions or hypothesis in the proposed study.
This part presents essential steps in designing a quantitative method for a research
proposal or study with specific focus on experimental and survey modes of inquiry.
A survey design provides a quantitative or numeric description of trends, attitudes, or
opinions of a population by studying a sample of that population. From sample results,
the researcher generalizes or makes claims about the population. In an experiment,
investigators may also identify a sample and generalize to a population: however, the
basic intent of an experiment is to test the impact of a treatment (or an intervention) on an
outcome, controlling for all other factors that might influence that outcome. As one form
of control, researcher s randomly assign individuals to groups. When one group receives
a treatment and the other group does not, the experimenter can isolate whether it is the
treatment and not the characteristics of individuals in a group (or other factors) that
influence the outcome.
Readers need to know about the selection, assignment, and number of participants who
will participate in the experiment. Consider the following suggestions when writing an
experimental research proposal:
- Describe the selection process for participants as either random or nonrandom.
The participants might be selected by random selection or random sampling.
- If randomly assignment is made, discuss how the project will involve randomly
assigning individuals to the treatment groups. For example, individual #1 goes to
group 1, individual # goes to group 2 and so forth so that there is no systematic
bias in assigning the individuals.
Generally speaking, experiments are carried out in order to explore the strength of
relationships between variables. The label given to the variable that the experimenter
expects to influence the other is called the independent variable. In our case this would be
the teaching method. The variable upon which the independent variable is acting is
called the dependent variable- in our case, the test scores. Thus, clearly identify the
independent variable and the dependent variable in the experiment. The dependent
variable is the response or the criterion variable that is presumed to be caused by or
influenced by the independent treatment conditions (and any other independent
The least adequate of design is characterized by
a. lack of a control group or
b. a failure to provide for the equivalence of a control group.
Group A X O
Group A O1 X O2
Group A X O
Group B O
Group A X1 O
Group B X2 O
1. Nonequivalent (pretest and posttest)
Control-Group Design
In this design, a popular approach to quasi-experiments, the experimental group A
and the control group B are selected without random assignment. Both groups
take a pretest and posttest. Only the experimental group receives the treatment.
Group A O X O
Group B O O
2. Single-Group Interrupted Time-Series Design
In this design, the researcher records measures for a single group both before and
after a treatment
Group A O O O O X O O O O
3. Control-Group Interrupted Time-Series Design
A modification of the Single-Group Interrupted Time-Series Design in which two
groups of participants not randomly assigned are observed over time. A treatment
is administered to only one of the groups (i.e., Group A)
Group A O O O O X O O O O
Group B O O O O X O O O O
Group B R O O
Group C R X O
Group D R O
The Procedure
One needs to describe in detail the procedure for conducting the experiment. A reader
should be bale to see the design being used, the observations, the treatment, and the
timeline of activities.
Discuss a step-by-step approach for the procedure in the experiment. For example, Borg
and Gall (a989.p.679) outlined six steps typically used in the procedure for a pretest-
posttest control-group design with matching:
1. Administer measure of the dependent variable or a variable closely
correlated with the dependent variable to the research participants.
2. Assign participants to matched pairs on the basis of their scores on the
measures described in step 1
3. Randomly assign one member of each pair to the experimental group and
the other member to the control group
4. Expose the experimental group to the experimental treatment and
administer no treatment or an alternative treatment to the control group.
5. Administer measures of the dependent variables to the experimental and
control groups.
6. Compare the performance of the experimental nd control groups on the
posttest(s) using tests of statistical significance.
Tell the reader about the types of statistical analysis that will be used during the
Report the descriptive statistics calculated for observations and measures at the pretest or
posttest stage of experimental designs. These statistics are means, standard deviations,
and ranges.
Indicate the inferential statistical tests used to examine the hypotheses in the study.
As part of rigorous data collection, the proposal developer also provides detailed
information about the actual survey instrument to be used in the proposal study. Consider
the following:
- Name the survey instrument used to collect data in the research study. Discuss
whether it is an instrument designed for this research, a modified instrument, or
an intact instrument developed by someone else.
- To use an existing instrument, describe the established validity and reliability of
scores obtained from past use of the instrument. Also discuss whether scores
resulting from past use of the instrument demonstrate reliability.
- Include sample items from the instrument so that readers can see the actual items
used. In an appendix to the proposal, attach sample items from the instrument or
the entire instrument.
- Discuss plans for pilot testing or field testing the survey and provide a rationale
for these plans. This testing is important to establish the content validity of an
instrument and to improve questions, format, and the scales. Indicate the number
of people who will test the instrument and the plans to corporate their comments
into final instrument revisions.
- For a mailed survey, identify steps for administering the survey and for following
up to ensure a high response rate.
Variables in the Study
Although readers of a proposal learn about the variables in earlier sections of the
proposal, it is useful in the method section to relate the variables to the specific questions
on the instrument. At this stage in a research plan, one technique is to relate the variables,
the research questions, and items on the survey instrument so that a reader can easily
determine how the researcher will use the questionnaire items.
Data Analysis
In the proposal, present information about the steps involved in analyzing the data. It is
recommended to represent them as a series of steps.
Step 1. Report information about the number of members of the sample who did and did
not return the survey. A table with numbers and percentages describing
respondents and non-respondents is a useful tool to present this information.
Step . Discuss the method by which response bias will be determined. Response bias is
the effect of non-responses on survey estimates. Bias means that if non-respondents had
responded, their responses would have substantially changed the overall results of the
Step 3. Discuss a plan to provide a descriptive analysis of data for all independent and
dependent variables in the study. This analysis should indicate the means, standard
deviations, and range of scores for these variables.
Step 4. If the proposal contains an instrument with scales or a plan to develop scales
(combining items into scales) identify the statistical procedure (i.e., factor analysis) for
accomplishing this. Also mention reliability checks for the internal consistency of the
scales (i.e., the cronbach alpha statistic).
Step 5. Identify the statistics and the statistical computer program for testing the major
questions of hypotheses in the proposed study. Provide a rationale for the choice of
statistical test and mention the assumption associated with the statistic.
The site of this study was a small (enrollment 1000) religious, coeducational, liberal
arts college in a Midwestern city with a population of 175.000 people.
The dropout rate the previous year was 5%. Dropout rates tend to be highest among
freshmen and sophomores, so an attempt was made to reach as many freshmen and
sophomores as possible by distribution of the questionnaire through classes. Research on
attrition indicates that males and females dropouts of college for different reasons.
Therefore, only women were analyzed in this study.
During April 1979, 169 women returned questionnaires. A homogeneous sample of
135 women who were 25 years old or younger, unmarried, fulltime U.S. citizens and
Caucasian was selected for this analysis to exclude some possible confounding variables.
Of these women, 71 were freshmen , 55 were sophomores, and 9 were juniors. Of the
students, 95% were between the ages of 18 and 21. This sample is biased toward higher-
ability student as indicated by scores on the ACT test.
Concurrent and convergent validity (D.T. Campbell & Fiske, 1959) of these measures
was established through factor analysis and was found to be at an adequate level.
Reliability of the factors was established through the coefficient alpha. The constructs
were represented by 25 measures – multiple items combined on the basis of factor
analysis to make indices – and 7 measures were single item indicators.
Multiple regression and path analysis were used to analyze the data.
In the causal model…, intent to leave was regressed on all variables which preceded it in
the sequence. Intervening variables significantly related to intent to leave were then
regressed on organizational variables, personal variables, environmental variables, and
background variables.
This part of this book moves to a closer –grained account of instruments for collecting
data, how they can be used, and how they can be constructed. Several main kinds of data
collection instruments are identified to enable researchers to decide on the most
appropriate instruments for data collection, and to design such instruments.
At This preliminary stage of design, it can sometimes be helpful to use a guide for
questionnaire Construction.
A Guide for Questionnaire Construction.
The intention of this guide for questionnaire construction is to make sure that the
questionnaire :
- is clear on its purpose
- is clear on what needs to be included or covered in the questionnaire in order to
meet the purposes
- is exhaustive in its coverage of the elements of inclusion
- asks the most appropriate kinds of question
- elicit the most appropriate kinds of data to answer the research purposes and sub-
- asks for empirical data.
Why did you choose to take your graduate work at this university?
Note that no clues are given. The respondents reveal their frame of reference and possibly
their reasons of their responses. They are useful if the possible answers are unknown or
the questionnaire is exploratory, or if there are so many possible categories of response
that a closed question would contain an extremely long list of options. They also enable
respondents to answer as much as they wish, and are particularly suitable for
investigating complex issues, to which simple answers cannot be provided. Closed
questions do not enable respondents to add any remarks, qualifications and explanations
to the categories. On the other hand, open questions enable respondents to write a free
account in their own terms, to explain and qualify their responses and avoid the
limitations of pre-set categories of responses but they can lead to irrelevant and redundant
information. The following is another example of a questionnaire.
1. Male ……. Female……..
2. Age …….
3. Marital status: single …. Married …. Divorced/separated ….
4. Number of respondent children ….; their ages ……..
5. Number of other respondents ….
6. Highest degree held …..
7. Years of teaching experience ……..
8. Years of teaching at present school ….
9. Teaching level: primary …. Intermediate….. upper grades …..Jr H.S. …..
H.S. ....; If secondary, your major teaching area .....
10. Enrollment of your school …..
11. Your average class size …..
12. Population of your community or school district ….
13. Your principal is: male … female …
In the following questions kindly check the appropriate column:
14. How does your salary schedule compare with those of similar a b c d
school district?
15. How would you evaluate the adequacy of teaching materials a b c d
and supplies? Etc.
Thurstone Technique
The first method of attitude assessment is known as the Thurstone Technique of Scaled
Values. A number of statements, usually twenty or more, that express various points of
view toward a group, institution, idea, or practice are gathered. They are then submitted
to a panel of a number of judges, who each arranges them in eleven groups, ranging from
one extreme to another in position. This sorting by each judge yields a composite
position for each of the items. When there has been marked disagreement between the
judges in assigning a position to an item, that item is discarded. For items that are
retained, each is given its median scale value, between one and eleven, as established by
the panel.
The list of statements is then given to the subjects, who are asked to check the statements
with which they agree. The median value of the statements that they check establishes
their score, or quantifies their opinion.
Likert Method
The second method, the Likert Method of Summated Ratings, which can be carried out
without the panel of judges, has yielded scores very similar to those obtained by the
Thurstone method. The coefficient correlation between the two scales was reported as s
+.92 in one study. Since the Likert Scale takes less time to construct, it offers an
interesting possibility for the student of opinion research.
The likert scaling technique assigns a scale value to each of the five responses. Thus, the
instrument yields a total score for each respondent and a discussion of each individual
item, while possible, is not necessary. Starting with a particular point of view, all
statements favoring this position would be scored:
Scale value
a. strongly agree 5
b. agree 4
c. undecided 3
d. disagree 2
e. strongly disagree 1
For statements opposing this point of view, the items are scores in the opposite order:
Scale value
a. strongly agree 1
b. agree 2
c. undecided 3
d. disagree 4
e. strongly disagree 5
The following statements represent opinions, and your agreement or disagreement will be
determined on the basis of your particular beliefs. Kindly check your position on the
scale as the statement first impresses you. Indicate what you believe, rather than what you
think you should believe.
a. I strongly agree
b. I agree
c. I am undecided
d. I disagree
e. I strongly disagree
If the opinionnaire consisted of 30 statements or items, the following score values would
be revealing:
Achievement tests attempt to measure what an individual has learned – his or her present
level of performance. Most tests used in schools are achievement tests. They are
particularly helpful in determining individual or group status in academic learning.
Achievement test scores are used in placing, advancing, or retaining students at particular
grade levels. They are used in diagnosing strengths and weaknesses, and as a basis for
awarding prizes, scholarships, or degrees. Frequently, achievement tests scores are used
in evaluating the influence of courses of study, teachers, teaching methods, and other
factors considered to be significant in educational practice.
In planning a test, the researcher can proceed the following:
1. Identify the purpose of the test.
2. Identify the test specification
3. Select the contents of the test
4. Consider the form of the test
5. Write the test item
6. Consider the layout of the test
7. Consider the timing of the test
8. Plan the scoring of the test.
The purposes of a test are several, for example to diagnose a student’s strengths,
weaknesses and difficulties, to measure achievement, to measure aptitude and potential,
to identify readiness for a program.
Formative testing is undertaken during a program and is designed to monitor students’
progress during that program, to measure achievement of sections of the program, and to
diagnose strengths and weaknesses. It is typically criterion referenced.
Summative testing is the test given at the end of the program and is designed to measure
achievement, outcomes, or ‘mastery’. This might be criterion-referenced or norm-
referenced, depending to some extent on the use to which the results will be put.
My eyesight has really been deteriorating lately. I wonder if I need glasses. I think
I’d better go to the ….. to have my eyes checked.
a. pediatrician
b. dermatologist
c. optometrist
You might argue tat the first two sentences of this item give it some authenticity and
accomplish a bit of schema setting. But if you simply want a student to identify the type
of medical professional who deals with eyesight issues, those sentences are superfluous.
Moreover, by lengthening the stem, you have introduced a potentially confounding
lexical item, deteriorate, that could distract the student unnecessarily.
Another rule of succinctness is to remove needless redundancy from your options. In the
following item, which were is repeated in all three options. It should be placed in the
stem to keep the item as succinct as possible.
Multiple-choice, flawed
We went to visit the temples, …… fascinating.
a. which were beautiful
b. which were especially
c. which were holy
3). Make certain that the intended answer is clearly the only correct one.
In the proposal unit test described earlier, the following item appeared in the
original draft:
(1). Item facility (or IF) is the extent to which an item is easy or difficult for the
proposed group of test-takers. You may wonder why that is important if in your
estimation the item achieves validity. The answer is that an item that is too easy
(say 99 percent of respondents get it right) or too difficult (99 percent get it
wrong) really does nothing to separate high-ability and low-ability test-takers. It is
not really forming much “work” for you on a test.
IF simply reflects the percentage of students answering the item correctly. The
formula looks like this:
Using the ID formula (7-2 = 5 ÷ 10= .50), you would find that this item has an ID
of .50, or a moderate level.
The formula for calculating ID is
(3) Distrator efficiency is one more important measure of multiple choice item’s
value in a test, and one that is related to item discrimination. The efficiency of distractors
is the extent to which (a) the distractors “lure” a sufficient number of test-takers,
especially lower-ability ones, and (b) those responses are somewhat evenly distributed
across all distractors. Those of you who have a fear of mathematics formulas will be
happy to read that there is no formula for calculating distractor efficiency and that an
inspection of a distribution of responses will usually yield the information you need.
Consider the following. The same item (#23) used above is a multiple-choice item with
five choices, and responses across upper- and lower-ability students are distributed as
Choices A B C D E
High-ability Ss (10) 0 1 7 0 2
Low-ability Ss (10) 3 5 2 0 0
No mathematical formula is needed to tell you that this item successfully attracts seven of
the ten high-ability students toward the correct response, while only two of the low-
ability students get this one right. As shown above, its ID is .50, which is acceptable, but
the item might be improved in two ways: (a) Distractor D doesn’t fool anyone. No one
picked it, and therefore it probably has no utility. A revision might provide a distractor
that actually attracts a response or two. (b) Distractor E attracts more responses (2) from
the high-ability group than the low-ability group (0). Why are good students choosing
this one? Perhaps it includes a subtle reference that entices the high group but is “over the
head” of the low group, and therefore, the latter students don’t even consider it.
The other two distractors (A and B) seem to be fulfilling their function of attracting some
attention from lower-ability students.
Ad 2. Criterion-related validity
Criterion-related validity is a broad term that refers to two different criteria of time frame
in judging the usefulness of a test.
1. Predictive validity refers to the usefulness of a test in predicting some future
performance such as the degree of usefulness of the Scholastic Aptitude Test
taken in high school in predicting college grade.
2. Concurrent validity refers to the usefulness of a test in closely relating to such
other measures as present academic grades, teacher ratings, or scores on another
test of known validity. If a test is designed to pick out good candidates for
appointment as shop foremen, and test scores show a high positive correlation
with actual success on the job, the test has a degree of predictive validity,
whatever factors it actually measures. It predicts well. It serves a useful purpose.
Ad 3. Construct validity
Construct validity is the degree to which scores on a test can be accounted for by the
explanatory constructs of a sound theory. If one were to study such a construct as
dominance, one would hypothesize those who do not. Theories can be built describing
how dominant people behave in a distinctive way. If this is done, dominant people can be
identified by observation of their behavior, rating or classifying them in terms of the
theory. A test could then be designed to have construct validity to the degree that the test
scores are systematically related to the judgments made by observation of behavior
identified by the theory as dominant.
Ad 4. Internal validity
Internal validity seeks to demonstrate that the explanation of a particular event, issue or
set of data which a piece of research provides can actually be sustained by the data. In
some degree this concerns accuracy, which can be applied to quantitative and qualitative
research. The findings must describe accurately the phenomena being researched.
In ethnographic research internal validity can be addressed in several ways :
- using low-inference descriptors
- using multiple researchers
- using participant researchers
- using peer examination of data
- using mechanical means to record, store and retrieve data
In the experimental research internal validity refers to the extent that the factors that
have been manipulated (independent variables) actually Have a genuine effect on the
observed consequences (dependent variables) in the experimental setting.
Ad 5. External validity
External validity refers to the degree to which the results can be generalized to the wider
population, cases or situations. The issue of generalization is problematical. Another
opinion, external validity is the extent to which the variable relationships can be
generalized to non-experimental situations – other settings, other treatment variables,
other measurement variables, and other populations.
Ad 6. Concurrent validity
To demonstrate concurrent validity, the data gathered from using one instrument must
correlate highly with data gathered from using another instrument. For example, suppose
it was decided to search a student’s problem solving ability. The researcher might
observe the student working on a problem or might talk to the student about how she is
tackling the problem, or might as the student to write down how she tackled the problem.
Here the researcher has three different data collecting instruments-observation, interview
and documentation respectively. If the results all agreed-concurred-that, according to
given criteria for problem-solving ability, the student demonstrated a good ability to
solve a problem, then the researcher would be able to say with greater confidence
(validity) that the student was good at problem-solving than if the researcher had arrived
at that judgment simply from using one instrument.
Ad 7. Face validity
Face validity refers to the degree to which a test looks right, and appears to measure the
knowledge or abilities it claims to measure, based on the subjective judgment of the
examinees who take it, the administrative personnel who decide on its use, and other
psychometrically unsophisticated observers.
Face validity will likely be high if learners encounter:
- a well-constructed, expected format with familiar tasks,
- a test that is clearly doable within the allotted time limit,
- items that are clear and uncomplicated,
- directions that are crystal clear,
- tasks that relate to their course work (content validity) and
- a difficulty level that is a reasonable challenge.
A test is reliable to the extent that it measures consistently, from one time to another. In
tests that have a high coefficient of reliability, errors of measurement have been reduced
to a minimum. Reliable tests, whatever they measure, yield comparable scores upon
repeated administration. An unreliable test would be comparable to a stretchable rubber
yardstick that yielded different measurements each time it was applied.
A test may be reliable, even though it is not valid. A valid test is always reliable.
The reliability of a test is expressed as coefficient of correlation. There are a number of
methods used to compare various coefficients of reliability.
1. Test of stability – test retest. The scores on a test may be correlated with scores on
a second administration of the test at a later date.
2. Equivalent or parallel forms. The scores on a test may be correlated with scores
on an alternative form of the test –scores on form A with scores on form B.
3. Internal consistency.
a. Split halves – odd vs. even items. The scores on the odd-numbered items
are correlated with the scores on the even-numbered items. Since this is
actually comparing scores on two shorter tests, the coefficient is modified
by the application of Spearman-Brown formula.
Reliability= 2r
Where r= the actual correlation between the halves of the instrument. Let
us say that using the Spearman Brown formula, the correlation coefficient is
0.85 in this case the formula is set out thus:
Reliability = 2 x 0.85 = 1.70 = 0.919
1 + 0.85 1.85
b. Split halves-first half with second half. On some, but not on all types of
tests, it may be feasible to correlate the scores on the first half with those
of the second half.
c. A combination of a. and b., which is an estimate of the average reliability
of such possible combinations of split halves-first half vs., second half,
odd vs., even items, etc. The Kuder-Richardson formula is used for this
Material quoted from another author’s work or from one’s own previously published
work, material duplicated from a test item, and verbatim instructions to subjects should
be reproduced word for word. In corporate a short quotation (fewer than 40 words) in text
and enclose the quotation with double quotation marks. The following examples illustrate
the application of APA style to direct quotation of a source. When quoting, always
provide the author, year, and specific page citation in the text and include a complete
reference in the reference list.
Quotation 1.
He stated, “The ‘placebo effect,’ . . .
disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner” (Smith, 1982. p. 276). But
he did not clarify which behaviors were studied.
Quotation 2.
Smith (1982) found that “the ‘placebo effect,’ which had been verified in previous
studies, disappeared when [his own and others’] behaviors were studied in this
manner” (p.276).
Quotation 3.
Smith (1982) found the following:
The “placebo effect,” which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when
behaviors were studied in this manner. Furthermore, the behaviors, were never
exhibited again [italics added], even when reel [sic] drugs were administered. Earlier
studies were clearly premature in attributing the results to a placebo effect. (p.276)
Direct quotations must be accurate. Except as noted in sections 3.4 to 3.5, the
quotation must follow the wording, spelling, and interior punctuation of the
original source, even if the source is incorrect.
If any incorrect spelling, punctuation , or grammar in the source might confuse
readers, insert the word sic, underlined and bracketed (i.e., (sic), immediately
after the error in the quotation (see section 3.4 for the use of brackets). Always
check the typed copy against the source to ensure that no discrepancies occur.
3.Corporate Authors
Example of the name of a corporate author (e.g., association, government agency) that
may be abbreviated:
Entry in reference list:
National Institute of mental Health. (1981).
First citation: (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH]. (1981).
Subsequent text citation: (NIMH, 1981)
4.Works With No Author or With an Anonymous Author
When a work has no author, cite in text the first two or three words of the reference list
entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title of an
article or chapter and underline the title of a periodical or book:
on free care (“Study Finds.” 198)
the book College Bound Seniors (1979)
5.Personal Communications
Personal communications may be letters, memos, telephone conversations, and the
like. Because they do not provide recoverable data, personal communications are not
included in the reference list. Cite personal communications in text only. Give the
initials as well as the surname of the communicator and provide as exact a date as
J.O. Reiss (personal communication, April 18, 1983)
(J.O. Reiss, personal communication, April 18, 1983)
6. Newspaper Articles
Ordinarily newspaper items are not listed in the bibliography but they are cited in
Footnote form:
1. Editorial in The Indianapolis News, January 6, 1968.
2. Associated Press Dispatch. The Milkwaukee Journal, December 24,1968,1
3. The Chicago Daily News, February 3, 1968, 6.
Best, John W. 1981. Research In Education: fourth edition. London: Prentice-Hall
International, Inc.,
Becker Jr, Leonard. 1976. Encounter With Sociology: The Term Paper. San
Francisco: Boyd & Fraser Publishing Company