The Effect of A Problem Centered Learning On Student's Mathematical Critical Thinking

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Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education

ISSN: 2503-3697, e-ISSN: 2541-2590

Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 124-133, July 2019

The Effect of a Problem Centered Learning on

Student’s Mathematical Critical Thinking

Lidya Putri Apriliana1*), Isnaini Handayani2), Subhan Ajiz Awalludin2)

Sabilina Islamic School, Bekasi, INDONESIA
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA, Jakarta,
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Since Indonesian students’ critical thinking skills in junior high school is still in unexpected
level, it should be improved through teaching and learning process. The objective of the study is finding out
the influence of problem centered learning approach toward students’ mathematical critical thinking
ability. Every student should have mathematical critical thinking skills to make mathematics lessons are
easier. Using the critical thinking skills will help students improving problem solving skills. However, the
current critical thinking ability of junior high school students is still low. This research used quasi
experimental design with Static Group Comparation type. The research sample consisted of two classes
with each class of 35 students. The research instrument consists of six questions which indicate a
mathematical critical thinking ability. Data analysis of this study used the Mann-Whitney test. The
results of the study indicate that there is an effect of the problem-centered learning approach on the
students' mathematical critical thinking ability with testing criteria is high.

Keywords: Problem-Centered Learning, Mathematical Critical Thinking, Problem Solving Skills

Received: 2nd July 2019, Revised: 17th August 2019, Accepted: 18th August 2019

Mathematics is a scientific discipline that involves the development of thinking
pattern and the organization of logic. A well-formed pattern of thinking will create
reasoning and logical thinking. Learning mathematics requires the reasoning and thinking
ability. This is in accordance with the statement of Hendryawan, Yusuf, and Wachyar
(2017) that students who succeed in learning mathematics are expected to have good
critical thinking ability. Besides that Aizikovitsh-Udi & Cheng (2015) also stated that the
benefit of critical thinking is lifelong, it supports students in the regulation of their study
skills and subsequently it empowers individual to contribute creatively. Therefore, one of
the high-level of thinking abilities that can be developed in mathematics learning is
mathematical critical thinking ability.
In learning mathematics, teachers are expected to develop students' critical thinking
skills. Minister of National Education Regulation (Permendiknas, 2007) states that one of
teachers’ essential competencies is to improve students’ skills and to actualize them in
order to faced various situations. This competency leads teacher to provide various
learning activities that encourage students to develop and to actualize their critical

Lidya Putri Apriliana, et al. /Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education, 2019, 4(2), 124-133

thinking skills. Moreover, problem-solving tasks are used to improve problem solving
skills. Therefore, each student is expected to have critical thinking skills to support the
learning process in mathematics.
Mathematics learning given in every educational stage is developing students'
critical thinking skills as well as their cognitive development. The cognitive development
of students at each level of education is different. A middle school student considered as
adult, is expected to think critically (Setiawan & Royani, 2013). This is confirmed by
Minister of National Education Regulation (Permendiknas, 2006) which sets applicable
competency standards. In addition, mathematics at junior high level should improve
students’ logical, analytical, systematic, critical, creative abilities andcooperative.
This is in accordance with the 21st century, education has an important role in
facing the development challange. At present, we have entered the industrial revolution
4.0. Along with the development of this era, educators are the most important element in
education system. This is what requires educators to realize the learning process based on
six skills of 21st century. One of these skills is critical thinking ability. Critical thinking
ability and problem solving are considered as a fundamental ability in 21st century
learning. Critical thinking is a rational thinking activity to solve the problems better
(Dewi, 2015). However, in fact, mathematical critical thinking ability of junior high
school students in Indonesia is still in unexpected level.
The study conducted in one of the junior high schools showed that the low level of
students' critical thinking ability (Noer as cited by Hendryawan et al., 2017). This study
was done in one of junior high schools which states that an enhancement in critical
thinking ability of high-level students’ is at a moderate level (0.51) and an enhancement
in critical thinking ability of the middle-level students’ is at a low level (0.29). In addition,
the same result was obtained by Putri, Darmawijoyo, & Susanti (2018) which states the
percentage of students who have critical thinking ability in a good category by 36%,
satisfactory category by 9%, in less than satisfactory by 45%, and very less satisfactory by
9%, and there are no students who have the critical thinking ability in a very good
The low level of mathematical critical thinking ability will influence the students'
cognitive development. Students tend to be incapable of solving the problem given by
the teacher, so that the students can not effectively participate in teaching and learning
activities. Students become a good problem solvers if their mathematical critical thinking
skills are well developed. This is in accordance with the idea of Dewanti (2009) that the
ability to solve mathematical problems will be well obtained by students if in learning
communication occurs between the teacher and students or between students that
stimulates the creation of participation. Students are given the opportunity to better
understand a mathematical concept from the results of sharing ideas between students.
Furthermore, Dewanti (2009) said that through learning activities on interesting
problems, students always try to solve problems, prioritize communication, focus on the
processes of inquiry and reasoning, and develop confidence in dealing with situations of
daily life. Mathematical critical thinking skills of students can be built through the
learning process. However, teachers have difficulty choosing an interactive learning
approach. This shows that learning mathematics requires a learning approach that meets
aspects of student-centered learning. One learning approach that can shape mathematical
critical thinking skills is a problem-centered learning approach. The application of the
problem-centered learning approach in learning mathematics can prevent the
development of basic conceptual errors. This is because problem-centered learning will
guide students to construct students' own knowledge, so students will find the basic
concepts of the material they are learning.

Lidya Putri Apriliana, et al. /Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education, 2019, 4(2), 124-133

Critical thinking is one of the high levels of thinking and can be called as reflective
thinking. This is in accordance with the statement of Nuriadin, et al (2015) that someone
who uses the reflective thinking will have the ability to identify problems, to choose
alternative solutions, to analyze problems and to evaluate solutions, as well as to
conclude and to decide the best solution to the problem given.
Based on the four components of critical thinking above, critical thinking ability
can be measured by knowing one’s perspective on something. Someone who can explain,
analyze, generalize, assess and draw conclusion can be said that someone has critical
thinking ability. Ennis (2011) suggests that critical thinking is a concept that includes
cognitive and meta-cognitive skills, practices and abilities, dispositions and character,
logical, reflective, and can make its own decision.
Critical thinking ability does not only build cognitive aspects but also builds other
aspects of the learning process. Mathematical critical thinking ability can build students'
thinking, so students can draw conclusion to determine the right solution in solving
problems, especially in mathematics learning. Learning mathematics will be more
effective by presenting real problem.
Real problems in learning mathematics will train students to be able to solve a
problem. This can stimulate students to think critically to find alternative solutions and
appropriate strategies for the given problems, so students can train themselves to solve a
problem properly. Handayani (2015) states that problem solving that appears in
mathematics and other contexts should be adjusted to various appropriate strategies in
solving problems. This statement shows that a problem should be solved using the
appropriate strategy. The way to get the appropriate strategy in solving a problem is to
analyze the problem, to think deeply about the important things of the problem, and to
find the appropriate concept. Based on this explanation, critical thinking ability can be
built through the present of authentic problems.
According to Dewanti (2009), the Problem-Centered Learning (PCL) approach is a
learning that always presents mathematical ideas in problem-centered situations.
Furthermore, Dewanti (2009) said that this approach is a starting point for learning that
gives students the opportunity to identify emerging problems, formulate questions
regarding problems, and try to provide alternative solutions. This shows that a problem-
centered learning approach can provide opportunities for students to acquire, discover,
recognize, and solve problems that originate from students' knowledge or experiences.
This is in line with Jakubowski's opinion that PCL as a learning approach that
focuses on the ability of students to construct their own understanding of mathematical
concepts (Arsisari, 2018). Student can construct their own knowledge by provision of
authentic problems provided in the learning process through the problem centered
learning. This shows that problem-centered learning is a learning approach that focuses
on authentic problem presentation. Authentic problems are real problems related to
mathematics. The presence of authentic problems in mathematics learning can build
students' minds and their own knowledge. The problem-solving process will show how
much students' mathematical critical thinking ability.
Based on the problems that have been described, focus of problem in this study are
whether there is an effect of the problem-centered learning approach to students'
mathematical critical thinking ability in junior high School. Therefore, the hypothesis is
the problem-centered learning approach is very effective in building students'
mathematical critical thinking skills.

Research Methods
This study used a quasi-experimental method with a static type of comparison
group because the research in both classes (experimental and control) were not given a

Lidya Putri Apriliana, et al. /Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education, 2019, 4(2), 124-133

pretest and the subjects were not randomly selected. The population of this study is all
students in one of junior high school in Jakarta who are registered as students in the even
semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. Sampling is done by Probability Sampling with
Cluster Random Sampling technique. Then two classes are chosen as the experimental
and control classes, each class consisting of 35 students.
The data in this study is collected using instrument of test for students' critical
thinking ability mathematically on the topic of Pythagorean Theorem after a six-meeting
teaching process. The instrument has been tested for its validity, reliability, degree of
difficulty and differentiation. The expert from content validity is mathematics education
lecturer. Figure 1 is a sample questions used to measure students' critical thinking ability
in the experimental and control classes.

Table 1. Guidelines for scoring students' mathematical critical thinking ability

1 2 3 4
(Determine the (Formulate an action (Provide arguments (Evaluate the evidence
concepts used in (strategy, tactics, or and reasons for or decisions that have
problem solving) approach) in solving answering and been taken in solving
problems) solving problems) the problem)
0 No Answer No Answer No Answer No Answer
1 Not giving the Not giving the Not giving the Not provide a correct
correct answer formula and the correct argument, evaluation, indicated
and concept, correct method, indicated not not understand the
indicated not indicated not understanding the problem
understanding the understanding the problem
problem problem
2 Can find concepts Can formulate a way Can give an Can provide evaluation
but are wrong in but is wrong in argument but is but is wrong in
connecting the connecting the wrong in connecting connecting the
expected facts and information provided the information information provided
concepts provided
3 Able to give the Able to form the Able to give the Able to provide the
correct concept expected method but expected argument expected evaluation but
but there are still a there are still a few but there are still a there are still a few
few mistakes in mistakes in the few mistakes in mistakes in answering
the calculation calculation answering
4 Able to provide a Able to form a Able to provide a Able to evaluate
complete concept complete method with complete argument according to the
with the correct the correct calculation with the correct expected complete with
calculation in in solving the problem calculation in solving strengthening
solving the given the problem given considerations in
problem given solving the problem

Figure 1. Sample of the problems given to the students

Lidya Putri Apriliana, et al. /Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education, 2019, 4(2), 124-133

Translate of Figure 1:
An architect designed a city park with a rhombus shape. The lights will be installed
surrounding park. The distance of each lamp post which through the park is 2 meters.
the diagonal length of the park is 16 meters and 12 meters respectively. How to
determine the lamppost needed?

Scoring of the answers to the tests requires guidelines to measure mathematical critical
thinking ability as shown in Table 1. Calculation of research data using Excel. These
results indicate that the data is not normally distributed. Because the data is not normally
distributed, the data analysis technique being used is the Mann-Whitney test.

Results and Discussion

Based on the score of the results of students’ mathematical critical thinking ability
in the experimental and control classes, the concentration and data size values can be
seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Descriptive Statistics Score of Students’ Mathematical Critical Thinking

Ability of Experimental and Control Classes
Statistic Experiment Class Control Class
Sum 35 35
Mean 10,40 7,11
Variance 27,54 13,69
SD 5,25 3,70

Table 3. Normality Test of Students’ Score in Experimental and Control Classes

Class 𝑿 𝒔 𝑳𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 𝑳𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 Conclusion
Experiment 10,4 5,248 0,1133
Control 7,114 3,7001 0,177

Table 2 and 3 show that there is a significant difference between experimental and
control classes. The normality test presented in Table 3 reveals that the control class is
not normally distributed. Thus, data analysis used to test the differences between the two
groups was the Mann-Whitney test. The results of the data analysis concluded that there
are differences between group using PCL and those using conventional learning.
The calculation under Mann Whitney test gives 𝑈1 = 364,5 and 𝑈2 = 860 , so
𝑈𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 = 364,5. In addition, the number of students in the experimental and control
classes were 35 (> 20), hence the calculations were done using the normal curve
approach with 𝑍𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 = −2,913 . This indicates that there is an effect on students’
mathematical critical thinking ability after being given treatment.
The learning process using the PCL approach does not only present authentic (non-
routine) problems, but there are several stages which characterize the learning process
with this approach. In PCL process, students do the worksheet individually. This activity
provides opportunities for students to develop their own knowledge. In addition to that,
students' critical thinking ability will also be formed when students can construct their
own knowledge. In this activity students are responsible for their respective tasks, so that
students can build self-regulated learning. Students who find difficulties in individual
work can consult the teacher to solve problems. This activity makes students active in the
learning process.
While in group activities with peers, students will learn how to share or exchange
their ideas about solving problems that have been done individually. In this process,
students can build their critical abilities together in solving problems. To support this

Lidya Putri Apriliana, et al. /Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education, 2019, 4(2), 124-133

process, researchers also give guidance and direction in discussion activities in each
group to avoid misunderstanding in solving problems.
Furthermore, in class discussion, students from other groups are encouraged to
give the response to the solutions presented. This certainly will give students the widest
opportunity to share their opinions to reach a mutual agreement that leads to the right
solution with the guidance from the teacher. This class discussion activity trains students
to express their opinions or ideas in public sphere. The benefit of this stage is that it can
foster active character of the students.
Other benefit from this class discussion activity is that it trains the confidence of
students to speak in front of the class, because most students are not confident to
present the results of the discussion in front of the class. This happened at the first
meeting of the study, no one dared to go forward to present the results of the discussion.
The researcher finally decides to give additional value to students who present in front of
the class. This method succeeded in making students have enough confidence to come
forward to present the results of the discussion. Students are getting more confident in
talking or expressing arguments or opinions in front of the class, so that students'
mathematical critical thinking abilities are built.
The learning process using the PCL approach received a good response from the
experimental class students. Students are very enthusiastic about learning, and students
answer questions from researchers well. However, there are also students who do not
pay attention to class lessons. The researcher also rebuked the students and asked them
questions about the things that had been explained. Some students could answer and
some could not.
The success of PCL to improve the learning process was also shown by several
research results. Gardner & Belland (2017) showed that learning using PCL gives
significant results than traditional methods in students' problem solving abilities. Siregar,
Novitasi, & Agustina (2019) in their research on high school students showed that
learning with PCL was able to improve mathematics literacy skills and student learning
activeness. Furthermore, Rinaldi & Afriansyah (2019) also showed that the mathematical
problem-solving ability of students who got the model centered learning problem was
better than those by problem-based learning
Hmelo-Silver in Potvin, Riopel, Masson, & Fournier (2010) stated that meta
analyses of the effects of problem centered approaches to student learning usually report
that such pedagogical approaches are generally beneficial for students. Potvin et al.
(2010) suggests that while this type of research does not always clarify what qualifies as
“problem centered”, it seems to have a positive effect on explanation construction skills,
knowledge about the nature of science, motivation and responsibility, and metacognitive
and reflective skills. This shows that the problem centered learning approach will have a
positive impact not only on cognitive aspects but also on students' skills, affective, and
The success of the learning process can be achieved by making improvements from
mistakes that have occurred. These errors can be known through the results of reflection
activities. Reflection is given to students by giving questions such as what difficulties are
faced in learning mathematics today, how to learn mathematics today, and others. The
reflection is on the last sheet of the student worksheet given at each meeting. Based on
the results of reflections given by students, they felt a difficulty in answering questions in
the student worksheet. Students' difficulties in working on student worksheet only occur
at the beginning of the meeting. This can happen because students were not used to the
given non-routine questions. The results of reflection on the third, fourth and so on
meetings show students have begun to adapt to the given questions. Students also feel
that mathematics learning which is applied is more useful than before.

Lidya Putri Apriliana, et al. /Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education, 2019, 4(2), 124-133

The last meeting of this research activity was to conducta final test using instrument
of mathematical critical thinking ability consisted of 6 questions. The following is an
explanation of the analysis of answers to students' instruments of mathematical critical
thinking abilities of students from both classes.
The treatment given to the experimental class has a significant influence on the
students' critical thinking ability. This can be seen from the results of the post-tests that
have been given to both classes i.e. the experimental class and the control class. The
analysis of students’ answers is discussed in the following explanation.

Figure 2. Students’ answer in the experiment class

Translate of Figure 2:
The plane is triangle, because there are only 3 corners. The distance between Nisas’
house until Rafi’s house is 0.15 (1stcorner), the distance between Nisas’ house to school is
200 m (2ndcorner), the distance between Rafi’s house to school is 0.25 (3rdcorner). So,
0,15 × 1000 = 150 𝑚
0,25 × 1000 = 250 𝑚
250 2 = 1502 + 2002
62500 = 22500 + 40000
62500 = 62500
Based on the results, it is proven that the plane is a right triangle

Figure 2 shows the answers to the experimental class students in question number 1
according to the indicators of students' mathematical critical thinking ability. The student
answers by giving his opinion, then continues by giving reasons supported by an
argument. The argument given is the step to calculate the Pythagorean Theorem to prove
that the opinion given is correct. The Problem Solving given by these students is very
appropriate with the indicators of mathematical critical thinking. Indicator of
mathematical critical thinking ability in question number 1 is to provide arguments and
reasons for answering and solving questions. This also proves that these students have
reached the indicator.

Figure 3. Students answer in control class

Lidya Putri Apriliana, et al. /Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education, 2019, 4(2), 124-133

1. The triangle is the right triangle because the distance fulfills the requirement of
Pythagorean triple
2. Determine the comparison of right-angled equilateral triangle

Figure 3 shows the answers of the control class students in question number 1. The
student is correct in giving opinions and reasons for the problems given, but students
have not provided an argument that can support the opinions given. This shows that
students do not think deeply to solve a problem. Based on the analysis of the questions
in number 1, the two answers are true. Both answers get a score of 4 (maximum score).
The researcher gave the maximum score based on consideration to the answers to the
control class students. The reason the researchers gave maximum scores to control class
students was that the students had given strong reasons by stating that the distance from
the three position points on problem number 1 included three digits from triple
Pythagoras. The student error is not displaying the results of calculations which indicate
that the three numbers are really triple Pythagoras.

Level of Percentage



Figure 4. Percentage of Indicators of Mathematical Critical Thinking Ability

Based on the results of the graph in Figure 4, it appears that the experimental class
reaches higher percentage than the control class in each instrument question
mathematical critical thinking ability given to students. The results of students' critical
thinking ability scores from both classes will be analyzed to measure the average score on
each indicator. The average score on each indicator shows that the experimental class has
a higher average than the control class. It is also proven that student responses are
indeed very good towards problem centered learning approaches. Students also show
significant changes at each meeting. The following are the average scores on each item
indicator about the students' mathematical critical thinking ability between the
experimental class and the control class.

Table 3. Recapitulation of Students' Mathematical Critical Thinking Abilities

Class Maximum Score Average Score Average Value
Experiment 10,4 43,33
Control 7,114 29,64

Based on the result in the Table 3, the average score of experimental class is higher
than control class which is shown by some students in control class still have a low level
in mathematical critical thinking ability. Consequently, students who have low

Lidya Putri Apriliana, et al. /Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education, 2019, 4(2), 124-133

mathematical critical thinking ability will affect the learning process. Therefore,
mathematical critical thinking ability must be improved continuously.
This result is confirmed by Yuliati (2013) who states that critical thinking ability can
be taught by involving practical session. Students are able to build mathematical critical
thinking ability by training their rational thinking processes and figuring out the real-
world problems. Moreover, developing students’ critical thinking ability can be done by
applying an interactive learning process. As a result, teachers have to produce an
interactive learning process by applying an appropriate learning approach.
A study conducted by Azizah, Aeni, & Maulana (2017) shows that the students who
have participated in learning activities with problem-centered learning approaches feels
happy to learn mathematics because they frequently involve in learning activities and are
able to solve problems using learning-centered approach stages. The results of the study
also prove that students’ experience significantly improves after involved in the problem-
centered learning approach. This indicates that the problem-centered learning approach
affects students’ mathematical critical thinking ability.

The strategy for improving students' critical thinking ability is by changing the
learning process through interactive learning. In interactive learning process, it is
necessary to present non-routine problems in order to improve students’ mathematical
thinking ability. The learning process can be realized by choosing the appropriate
learning model or approach. The problem-centered learning (PCL) approach is the
learning approach which is problem-centered. The PCL approach is one of the
appropriate learning approaches to build students' mathematical critical thinking because
presents non-routine problems that are solved through several stages, so students build
their own knowledge by evaluating the evidence or decisions that have been taken in
solving the problem. The PCL approach has three stages that direct students to be
interactive in the learning process and through discussion students can provide
arguments and reasons in answering and solving problems, so it can be concluded that
there is an influence of the PCL approach to students' critical thinking ability.

An earlier version of this paper entitled “The Effect of a Problem Centered
Learning Approach on Student’s Mathematical Critical Thinking in Junior High School”
was presented at the Konferensi Nasional Penelitian Matematika dan Pembelajarannya
(KNPMP) IV 2019 held by Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas
Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Indonesia, 27th March 2019.

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