The Particulate Nature of Matter

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I. How Do I Look?
Book                                      Water                                      Steam

1. Solids are compactly packed. Liquids are slightly loosely packed and
gases are very loosely packed.

2. Books are the example from the physical state of matter Solid.
Water is made up from the physical state of matter Liquid.
Steam belongs to the physical state of matter Gas.

3. Solids have a definite shape and volume. Liquids have a definite volume,
but take the shape of the container. Gases have no definite shape or

Solid Liquid Gas

Arrangement of Particles Packed closely Closer to one another Well-separated

Compressibility incompressible incompressible compressible

Ability to flow does not flow able to flow able to flow

II. How Useful Am I?

Phases of  Observable Property Examples Practical Uses/Application

Matter (Rigidity, Fluidity,  and

Solid This is not a breakable, hollow Strong and capable of supporting a lot of
flowable, or compressible block weight, perfect for homes and other
material buildings.

The shape of the object rice Rice is cooked and eaten by us.
cannot be changed.
Neither flows nor can it be

The material can be bent, clothes Clothing insulates against cold and hot
doesn't flow easily, has a conditions, and it can provide a barrier
good compression rate. against infectious and toxic material from
entering the body. It also protects from
ultraviolet radiation.

Liquid You can pour it into a water The bulk of the world's water is used for
container, and it will take agriculture, industry, and electricity.
shape, it is fluid and Direct uses of water include bathing,
compressible. drinking, and cooking while indirect uses
include converting wood into paper and
producing steel for automobiles.

It is fluid and easy to pour alcohol Besides as a feedstock, methanol is used

into a container, it as a solvent for inks, adhesives, resins
compacts quickly and is and dyes. It has been increasingly used
shape-preserving. as a fuel for internal combustion engines
as well.

This substance will take its gasoline Our transportation has utilized it for fuel,
shape when you pour it electricity used to run our homes,
into a container, it is fluid factories, and machines, fertiliser used to
and easy to compress. increase food production, and plastic
used in everything we use every day.

Gas Is not able to be bent, oxygen The respiration (breathing) process is

flows easily, and has high carried out by animals and plants using
compressibility. oxygen.

It is difficult to bend, tends helium Helium is used in medicine, research, arc

to flow well, and welding, refrigeration, gas for airplanes,
compresses easily. and detecting gas leaks.

Easy to compress, hard to carbon The greenhouse gas carbon dioxide

bend and often returns to dioxide plays a key role in trapping heat in the
its original shape after atmosphere. Otherwise, the planet would
being bent. be inhospitably cold.

These three states of matter each have unique physical properties.

3  Observable properties and practical uses of the three states of matter
things I learned
Arrangement of the particles of the three states of matter

2  Solid, liquid, and gaseous pollutants

things I want to learn
more Harmful effects of solid, liquid, and gaseous pollutants

1  What is the difference between the particle arrangement of the three

physical states of matter?
question I have


Transfer water   The water took the Did water occupy Yes, because water
from a glass to a  shape of the the  space on a has mass and is a
plastic bottle.   container. plastic  bottle?   liquid.
Observe the  
shape of the   Yes because they
water in a plastic  Did water take take the shape of
bottle. the  shape of a whatever container
plastic  bottle?  they are in. 

Get an inflated   A shift occurred in the Did you find it easy No, I have to do it
balloon and try to  shape of the balloon, to compress the   carefully which will
compress it at the  as well as its size. balloon?  take a considerable
center.  amount of time.
After 10 seconds, 
release the   Did the balloon Even after I
balloon and   retain  its shape after compressed the
observe its   compressing it?  balloon, its original
shape. shape remained. 

Pour a handful of  There are many Did the mongo It did. 
mongo seeds into  variations in the sizes seeds  take the
a plastic bottle.  of mongo seeds. shape of the 
Observe the   bottle?  
shape of each   Each of the pieces
piece of mongo  Did each piece of a  remained the same.
seed inside a   mongo seed
plastic bottle. change  in shape?
Let’s Analyze?
1. Solid: very tightly packed, usually arranged in a regular pattern.
Liquids: close together with no regular arrangement. 
Gas: well separated with no regular arrangement. 

2. Liquids can flow, therefore they possess fluidity which is lower than that of gases. Solids
possess rigidity. Gases flow more easily than liquids and thus have the highest fluidity

3. Solids have a definite volume and shape because particles in a solid vibrate around fixed

Guide Questions :



Solid  Garbage, domestic The debris in rivers and oceans can accumulate
sewage, dust particles, along beaches and within gyres, which can harm
and pollen grains. physical habitats, transport chemical pollutants ,
endanger aquatic life and interfere with human and
animal uses.

Liquid  Pesticides, household Can go to the different

products, toxic wastes bodies of water and affect aquatic organisms.
from factories, and oil

Gas  Smog and gaseous Respiratory illnesses such as coughing,

pollutants from irritation of the air 
transportation and passage, asthma or difficulty of breathing, reduced
industrial factories visibility for air
and land transport, and formation of acid rain.
1. .
2. Liquids contain particles that are free to slide by one another in liquids and in gas particles
may need to move very fast or very slowly to avoid colliding. This is why pollutants in air and
water spread easily.

Think and Reflect :

1. Recycle what is still usable. If my reusable property cannot be reused anymore, it can be
discarded smartly.

2. We can save resources by eliminating a lot of things. These involve things that aren't so
easily measurable as plastic bags or cups.
3. Take advantage of the reusable. They may demand a bit more care than throwing them into
the nearest trash bin, but they are no less comfortable to use.

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