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Technical Paper T-129: Stockpiles

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Technical Paper T-129

by George H. Simmons, Jr.
ASTEC encourages its engineers and executives to author articles that will be of value
to members of the hot mix asphalt (HMA) industry. The company also sponsors inde-
pendent research when appropriate and has coordinated joint authorship between
industry competitors. Information is disbursed to any interested party in the form of
technical papers. The purpose of the technical papers is to make information available
within the HMA industry in order to contribute to the continued improvement process
that will benefit the industry.
INTRODUCTION.................................................................................... 3
BACKGROUND ..................................................................................... 4
LOWER FUEL COSTS .......................................................................... 5
LOWER PAVING COSTS ...................................................................... 8
LESS MATERIAL LOSS ........................................................................ 9
LOWER EQUIPMENT AND ELECTRICAL COSTS ............................ 10
SEGREGATION AND CONTAMINATION ........................................... 10
ECONOMIC JUSTIFICATION — A SUMMARY .................................. 11
PARALLEL-FLOW DRUM MIX PLANTS ............................................. 13
CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 14
For years, American contractors and asphalt producers have searched for the
least expensive way to dry aggregate. They looked at many things, such as bigger
dryers, bigger burners, more complex burners, and better air handling systems.
They searched from one manufacturer to another looking for “magic” dryer flights,
hoping to get the edge over their competition. They studied flighting patterns,
burner tuning, air flows, fuel-to-air ratios and anything else that might be helpful.
Yes, all those things were helpful. And the contractors who did the best job with
these tools were the most profitable.
But alas, it seems we always overlook the most obvious things. Most contractors
already have the very equipment that could help them most to decrease drying
costs and increase plant capacity: a grader and paver (See Figure 1.) And they
manufacture the very product that would help most: hot mix asphalt. Yes, with
those products they could easily create well-sloped, paved stockpile areas. Doing
that would launch a whole chain of improvements. These improvements would
increase production and lower drying costs better than anything he could try.
Sure, you’ve heard stories of how people sloped and paved their stockpiles areas
and had less moisture to dry out of their aggregates. But you probably didn’t
believe it. ( See Figure 2.) Or you may have thought it cost too much. Perhaps you
thought the payback would take too long. Well, did you ever think hot mix storage
silos were a fad? Or do you remember when RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement)
was first used? Were you among the first to enjoy the profits from those
Are you now beginning to feel a little embarrassed about not paving under your
stockpiles? Well, it’s not too late. But the longer you wait the more you lose.
Stockpile paving and drainage is something none of us has paid enough attention
to in the past. Yet, it is one of the easiest ways to save money and increase
production capacity. Properly managing your stockpiles produces savings in at
least seven specific ways. They are as follows:
1. Lowers drying costs.
2. Increases production capacity.
3. Lowers paving costs.
4. Decreases material loss.
5. Lowers equipment and electrical
power costs.
6. Reduces penalties from segregation
and gradation problems.
7. Lowers maintenance cost for
It is easy to calculate some of these
savings, such as lower drying costs.
However, it is not easy to put a value
on other savings, such as lower pav-
ing costs. Nevertheless, savings from
lower paving costs could exceed those
from other sources.

In the past, most stockpiles were put
behind the cold feed bins without any
concern for elevation, surface prepa-
ration or provisions for water drain-
age. They were simply piled on ground
that was unprepared and uncondi-
tioned. The piles sank into the ground.
(See Figure 3.)
An unconditioned earth surface is
unstable, causing much of the aggre-
gate to get buried. Buried aggregate is
lost aggregate. It costs money. More-
over, such a pile of aggregate usually
has no way to rid itself of water. If the
material was hauled in wet or was
rained on before use, it simply held the
water. There was no way for the water
to drain away. (See Figure 4.)
Stockpiles on unprepared surfaces
also create other problems. In time,
the pile gets shifted out of its original
spot. Some of the material previously
buried may get mixed with new mate-
rial added to the pile. The loader op-
erator usually spots this potential for
contaminating material. He then tries
to keep a layer of fresh material on top
of the surface to avoid mix gradation
failure. This practice is common. And
it is the main reason that stockpile
grade elevations grow higher and
higher. (See Figure 5.)
When a hard-surfaced stockpile stor-
age area is used, the loader operator
will not experience these problems.
Material buildup and poor drainage
conditions will not occur. Moreover,
the loader operator will undoubtedly
do a better job when operating in ideal
Of course, there have been sloped
and hard-surfaced stockpile areas as
long as there have been asphalt plants.
Unfortunately, only a few of the more
successful hot mix producers are uti-
lizing them today.
So let’s look at how sloping and pav-
ing stockpile areas can actually make
more money for you and make you
more competitive.


No matter how efficient your plant
equipment is or how well it is working,
you can reduce drying costs by start-
ing with drier aggregate. Thus, you
need to reduce its moisture content
before introducing it into the dryer or
drum mixer.
Figure 6 represents stockpiles on
paved areas at a HMA plant in the
central part of North Carolina. Mois-
ture measurements were made on
samples taken from five of its freshly
stocked stockpiles. Samples were
taken at ground level at the front and
back of each stockpile. Figure 7 shows
measurement results.
Samples were also taken four feet up
at stockpile fronts and backs. (Figure
6.) The stockpiles were about sev-
enty-five feet in diameter and the pave-
ment dropped about four feet in eleva-
tion from front to back. Their drainage
can only be described as astounding.
They verify the tremendous drainage
potential of sloping and paving.
How steep should the slope be? Ob-
viously, the steeper the slope the bet-
ter the drainage. But you must con-
sider existing yard elevations when
determining how steep you can rea-
sonably make the slopes.
Note that the larger materials (No.
67s and No. 5s) are normally fairly dry
and drain quickly. No. 5s were not
measured for this study because they
had very low moisture content.
Consider these factors regarding
Larger materials are more sus-
ceptible to segregation than fine
The finer a material is, the more sur-
face area it has.
Finer materials hold more moisture
than coarse materials because they
have more surface area.
Fine materials do not drain as well as
coarse materials.
Fine materials deserve more watch-
ful care than coarse materials.
Seventy-five to 80 percent of all mixes
produced each year are surface mixes
that include fine materials.
Figure 8 shows the average moisture content of the similar stockpiles on
unsloped, unpaved surfaces. Paving under these stockpiles would not increase
drainage unless the surfaces were sloped.
Figure 9 compares the average mois-
ture level of stockpiles on sloped and
paved surfaces with those on unsloped
and unpaved surfaces.
Figure 10 compares the moisture of
aggregates that make up a state ap-
proved surface mix. Aggregate mois-
tures of the stockpiles described in
Figure 9 were used to calculate the
moisture in the mix. The results show
that materials from sloped and paved
stockpiles are 2.26 percent drier.
Figure 11 shows production rates
and fuel usage. They are based on
industry standard conditions, i.e. sea
level altitude, standard barometric
pressure, 70°F ambient temperature,
and 300°F mix temperature. The mois-
ture shown is the amount that must be
removed from the aggregate.
Figure 12 shows the increased pro-
duction and decreased fuel usage from
having stockpiles on a sloped and
paved surface. The rate increase for
the Double Barrel is 83 tph or 664 tons
per day. The rate increase for the
counterflow dryer is 80 tph or 640 tons
per day. Just lowering the moisture
2.26 percent gives a very significant
42 percent increase in plant produc-
tion and six tenths of a gallon per ton
of mix in fuel savings. Is this really
possible? Yes! No other technique
can make a plant this much more
A quick review of Figure 13 shows
how the production level increases as
the moisture content goes down.
Figure 14 shows an ideal stockpile
grade, sloped away from the loader
side and hard surfaced with asphalt
pavement to achieve the best pos-
sible drainage conditions.
Obviously, different parts of the coun-
try have different weather conditions,
materials, and average moisture con-
tents. Even so, any plant with stock-
piles on unsloped, unpaved surfaces,
where moisture averages 5 percent or
higher, can expect to reduce the mois-
ture 25 to 30 percent by sloping and
paving. Remember, finer materials
have the higher moisture contents.
So, the finer the mix gradation, the
more moisture can be eliminated. Fig-
ure 15 shows the production chart of
a counterflow dryer. Figure 16 shows
the production chart of a Double Bar-
rel drum mixer. Notice the effect of
moisture content on fuel usage and
production volume for units of various
sizes. Observe the difference in re-
sults caused by a 2 percent difference
in moisture.


Obviously, the more hot mix we send
to the paving site, the more money we
can make. But sometimes we can’t
produce mix as fast as the paving
crews can use it, especially if we ex-
perience a decrease in production of
mix for some reason. Do you some-
times experience a decrease in pro-
duction capability and don't know ex-
actly why?
Perhaps your plant experiences a
decrease in production capability for a
period after a heavy rain. The de-
crease may last for days, or even
weeks. The decrease may have been
either small or large. Most likely, the
decrease was caused by the extra
water remaining in your stockpiles. If
you could get it out quickly, you could
resume higher tonnage rates. Paved
and sloped stockpile areas can solve
the problem. And it costs nothing to
operate! Now that is cheap drying.
Consider this example. Suppose your
paving plan calls for 300 tons per hour
on a job—any job. But suppose it
rained Saturday night. Then on Mon-
day your plant could only produce 200
tons per hour. Ever happen to you?
Well, think of the money you just lost
because of the lower production rate.
And remember, most of this loss could
have been avoided by simply having
paved and sloped stockpile areas. Fig-
ure 17 shows how the rain just cost
you 50 cents a ton of your paving


Most contractors assume they will
lose material throughout the year.
Many expect to lose anywhere from 3
to 5 percent of their material, not count-
ing the loss due to moisture. Where
does the material go? Actually, most
of it stays on the yard. The stockpile
either sinks or pumps its aggregate
into the ground, (Figure 3) or its base
grows in elevation (Figure 5).
Paving the stockpile area totally eliminates losses from both of those causes.
Because the front-end loader can scoop up material cleanly from a paved surface,
there will be no buildup of aggregate. And, if a pile needs to be moved, it can be
completely relocated without leaving any material on the ground. Furthermore,
this avoids contaminating any material that may be placed on the cleared spot in
the future.
Paving the stockpile area may not eliminate all stockpile losses, but it will make
those losses very predictable.


Paving your stockpile area saves on equipment costs in several ways. Everyone
knows that a front end loader runs easier on a hard surface. On a paved surface,
the loader takes less horsepower and uses less fuel to drive the bucket into the
pile because the bucket encounters less friction. Consequently, the loader does
not have to work as hard. It requires less maintenance and its tire wear is reduced
considerably. Maintenance supervisors believe that the savings may reach 10
percent. With average operational costs around 25 cents per ton, those savings
can add up.
The asphalt plant works less, too. Reducing moisture reduces the amount of air
that the draft system must move. It uses less horsepower and less electrical
power. Reduced air flow causes less dust carryout, which reduces wear on
equipment and filter bags. Resulting savings can be significant.


Paved stockpile areas allow use of all the material in a stockpile. Moreover, the
loader operator doesn’t have to be concerned about:
• How far down to lower the bucket when scooping.
• Digging too low and contaminating the mix with unknown material.
• Inadvertently picking up finer particles of material that may have accumulated on
the bottom of the pile before because its bottom is undefined.
Such unknown and finer materials can cause segregation that could result in
payment penalties equal or exceeding the cost of paving the stockpile areas.
(Figure 18.)
Almost all plant costs go down as a result of lowering the moisture content of the
aggregates being processed. Here’s why:
1. Hard surfaces under stockpiles eliminate most material losses.
2. The loader doesn’t work as hard. Thus, it uses less fuel and incurs less wear,
which lowers its operational and maintenance costs.
3. Penalties for contamination and segregation are less likely because unwanted
mixing of materials in the stockpiles is eliminated.
4. Drier materials feed through the plant easier and cleaner. They require less
cleanup and cause fewer plant shutdowns caused by plugging of chutes, buildup
under belts, etc.
5. Drier materials produce less steam (gas) in the drying process. Moreover,
using less fuel produces less combustion byproducts. There is less air flow
through the air handling system. This requires less electrical power and causes
less wear in the ductwork, in the baghouse and to the filtering bags.
6. Major fuel savings result. (Less moisture requires less fuel for drying.)
7. Increased production rates lower your per ton of mix fixed costs (labor,
electrical, equipment depreciation, insurance, rents, etc.). Also, with the in-
creased production potential, you may be able to do more jobs per day or furnish
more mix for outside sales.
8. Paving costs decrease. With added production capacity for hot mix, you are
better able to keep up with paving crews. Often, they can put down more mix than
a plant can make. So, if you can make more mix and send it to the job, your paving
cost per ton will go down significantly. Remember, the paving crew cost per hour
is fixed. So when tonnage volume goes up, cost per ton goes down.
These are only the main savings and advantages. In the following return-on-
investment study (Figure 19) only the fuel savings, material losses and equipment
(loader) savings are used. Again, there are other savings and advantages that
should be considered. But it is difficult to affix a dollar value to them. In some cases,
added production capacity alone could quickly offset the expense of paving
stockpile areas.
Significant advantages of reduced aggregate and reclaimed asphalt pavement
(RAP) moisture are available for users of parallel-flow drum mix plants. Remem-
ber that each pound of water generates 33 cubic feet of steam when exposed to
temperatures inside a dryer or drum mixer of any kind. In addition to the obvious
depletion of available combustion air, the extra steam extracts light ends (oil) from
the liquid asphalt as it is injected and distributed inside the drum mixer. Light ends
escape the drum in the form of a vapor.
Steam is a critical catalyst in the refining process of crude oil and actually allows
refineries to split the lighter oils from the heavier residue (asphalt) at a lower
temperature. The same basic conditions occur inside the parallel-flow drum mixer.
The asphalt is spread (or mixed) over an area of approximately 53,000 square feet
(in a typical surface mix) and exposed to 300 to 400°F temperatures in the
presence of steam. These are the same basic conditions that occur in the original
refining process.
If you are using an AC which has been cut back or blended with a lighter oil to
achieve a specific viscosity grading (which is the case for almost all asphalt grades
used today) you may experience a cracking away of the light oil in the mixing
process. It may reveal itself in the form of smoke (i.e. the gaseous particles
released to the exhaust gas which recondense in the atmosphere in the form of
oil droplets after being discharged from the stack).
Worse yet, it may show up as oil inside your baghouse or on the filtering bags. In
this case the light ends have condensed and reformed as the original oil used to
achieve desired viscosity of the asphalt at the refinery. This of course, may be
disastrous. In many cases it has caused baghouse fires, which in all cases are
expensive and dangerous and provide for even more unwanted risks and liability.
At the very least it blinds the baghouse bags and restricts the air flow through your
baghouse, thus restricting plant production significantly.
It seems obvious then that reasonable actions should be taken to limit the amount
of moisture that is fed into the drum mixer. This applies to both virgin aggregate
and RAP. Steam in a parallel-flow drum mixer creates a much more adverse
situation compared to steam in other mixer designs because liquid asphalt is
injected into a high steam area. Paving of stockpile areas will positively impact
every plant's profits, however, for owners of parallel-flow plants, paved stockpile
areas will not only provide additional economic benefit but also enhance safety
and environmental conformance.
Costs and conditions vary around the
country, so all variables used in this
discussion may not apply to you. In
this case, substitute tons, costs, mois-
ture percentages, etc. that apply to
your individual conditions when run-
ning through the calculations.
If you find that making money in the
90s is more difficult than in the past
decade, you might want to look closely
at these recommendations. Sloping
and paving your stockpile area is
bound to increase your productivity
and profits. (Figure 20.) Now, break
out those graders and paving ma-
chines and make some money. Pave
under those stockpiles and save!
O BOX 72787 • 4101 JEROME AVE. • CHATTANOOGA, TN 37407 U.S.A. • 423-867-4210 • FAX 423-867-4636 • www.astecinc.co

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