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Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15 doi:10.1111/are.


Evaluation of two probiotics used during farm

production of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei
(Crustacea: Decapoda)

Ramon Franco1,†, Leonardo Martın2,†, Amilcar Arenal2,†, Dayamı Santiesteban1,

Jorge Sotolongo1, Hector Cabrera3, Jaime Mejıas3, George Rodrıguez2, Angela G Moreno3,
Eulogio Pimentel1 & Nestor M Castillo4
Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Camag€
uey, Cuba
Biochemistry Laboratory, Department of Morphophysiology, Agropecuary Science Faculty, University of Camag€
uey, Cuba
Yaguacam Shrimp Hatchery, Yaguanabo, Cumanayagua, Cienfuegos, Cuba
Biology Faculty, Department of Biochemistry, University of Havana, Havana, Cuba

Correspondence: R Franco, Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, P.O. Box 387, Camaguey 70100, Cuba.
E-mail: ramon.franco@cigb.edu.cu

These authors contributed equally to this work.

respect to EPICIN 3W treatment in the tank water

as well as in animals. At the end of both experi-
This study examined the effects of Bacillus licheni- ments, the growth of shrimp, i.e. weight and
formis strain CIGBC-232, isolated from the gut of length was increased by CIGBC-232 treatment.
shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and having antago- This study showed the probiotic effect of CIGBC-
nistic activity against Vibrio harveyi, on the immu- 232, which appeared to have a better probiotic
nity and larval quality of L. vannamei at various performance than EPICIN 3W treatment.
ontogenetic stages, in two separate experiments:
(1) PL2 to PL17 exposed to the strain CIGBC-232 Keywords: shrimp immunity, probiotic, vibrios,
under laboratory conditions (2) zoea I to PL8 phenoloxidase, larval quality, Bacillus licheni-
exposed to the strain CIGBC-232 and EPICIN 3W formis
probiotics under farming conditions. The first
experiment showed that phenoloxidase, peroxidase
and superoxide dismutase activities were improved
in animals grown with CIGBC-232 compared to During the last 20 years, aquaculture has grown
the untreated control. In tests, the resistance to rapidly. In this sector, crustaceans contribute sig-
osmotic stress was also enhanced. During the sec- nificantly, with annual production exceeding
ond experiment, animals treated with CIGBC-232 10 million metric tons, having a first-sale commer-
exhibited significant (P < 0.05) increases in phe- cial value of $40 B (Stentiford, Neil, Peeler,
noloxidase activity (30–40% higher in zoea I–II, Shields, Small, Flegel, Vlak, Jones, Morado & Moss
mysis II–III and PL 2–7) and in the respiratory 2012). Calculated by production, white leg shrimp
burst (30% higher from PL 2 to 7) as compared to is the most successful internationally introduced
those animals that received EPICIN 3W. There marine crustacean for aquaculture. In 2010,
was no significant difference in the lectins and L. vannamei reached 71.8% of the world produc-
agglutinins (except in PL1, 6 and 7), in peroxidase tion of all species of cultivated marine shrimp,
and superoxide dismutase activities, in the resis- 77.9% of which was produced in Asia, (FAO
tance to osmotic stress, nor in the survival rate 2012). Despite the explosive growth in world pro-
among treatments. CIGBC-232 treatment was able duction of cultivated shrimp, there have also been
to reduce, the level of presumptive Vibrio spp. with great mortalities and economic losses due to

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 1

Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al. Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15

diseases (Balc azar, Rojas-Luna & Cunningham aquaculture, with no deleterious side effects
2007; Flegel, Lightner, Lo & Owens 2008). It is (Gomez & Shen 2008; Rengpipat, Phianphak, Piy-
estimated that around 20% of disease losses in atiratitivorakul & Menasveta 1998). They are able
shrimp aquaculture have been caused by bacterial to secrete enzymes (Liu, Chiu, Ho & Wang 2009;
pathogens (Flegel 2006, 2012). Bacterial disease Moriarty 1998; Ochoa-Solano & Olmos-Soto
outbreaks occur generally as a result of stress and 2006) to improve feed digestion, and water qual-
environmental deterioration associated with an ity. Studies have shown that when B. subtilis and
increase in shrimp farming (Tseng & Chen 2004). B. licheniformis were administrated to larval L. van-
High mortalities during spawning and larval namei and Penaeus monodon, the survival rate was
rearing are a common problem in shrimp hatch- improved (Decamp et al. 2008). Although several
eries. Many reports have cited larval and postlarval reports have demonstrated the efficiency of probi-
stages as the most susceptible to diseases (Jira- otics, most of these studies have been performed in
vanichpaisal, Puanglarp, Petkon, Donnuea, juvenile and adult stages; thus far, little past
S€oderh€all & S€
oderh€ all 2007; Rungrassamee, Klan- research has been directed towards improving the
chui, Chaiyapechara, Maibunkaew, Tangphatsorn- immune system in shrimp larvae (Liu et al. 2010;
ruang, Jiravanichpaisal & Karoonuthaisiri 2013; NavinChandran, Iyapparaj, Moovendhan, Rama-
Smith, Brown & Hauton 2003; Soto-Rodriguez, subburayan, Prakash, Immanuel & Palavesam
Gomez-Gil, Lozano, del Rio-Rodrıguez, Dieguez & 2014). Also, it must be taken into consideration
Romalde 2012). Their susceptibility could be related that the development of suitable probiotics is not a
to their immunocompetency. During these L. van- simple task, and requires full-scale trials, as well
namei stages important effectors of the immune sys- as development of appropriate monitoring tools
tem undergo variations in their levels and activities, and controlled production (Decamp et al. 2008;
especially in postlarval stages where most of them Luis-Villase~nor, Macıas-Rodrıguez, Gomez-Gil,
seem to decrease (Martın, Castillo, Arenal, Ascencio-Valle & Campa-C ordova 2011). In this
Rodrıguez, Franco, Santiesteban, Sotolongo, Forrel- context, a better understanding of probiotic influ-
lat, Espinosa, Carrillo & Cabrera 2012). ence on immunity during ontogeny would help in
Vibriosis, caused by Vibrio harveyi is the most designing efficient strategies for hatcheries to man-
lethal disease in the stages mentioned above (Ala- age disease.
vandi, Manoranjita, Vijayan, Kalaimani & Santi- The aim of this study was to investigate the
ago 2006; Austin & Zhang 2006). In the past, effects of putative probiotic Bacillus licheniformis
antibiotics were used extensively to control this strain CIGBC-232, isolated from the gut of shrimp,
bacterial disease in hatchery systems. However, on growth, postlarval quality, and immunity of
the excessive use (misuse) of antibiotics leads to L. vannamei postlarvae. This study also evaluated,
the emergence of antibiotic resistant bacteria the effectiveness of selected probiotics during onto-
(Akinbowale, Peng & Barton 2006; Austin 2010; geny of white shrimp, L. vannamei, under farming
Kesarcodi-Watson, Kaspar, Lategan & Gibson conditions.
2008). Therefore, alternatives such as probiotics
are now widely used as a means of controlling dis-
Materials and methods
ease (Qi, Zhang, Boon & Bossier 2009). Probiotics
are microorganisms that, when administrated in
Bacterial strains
adequate quantities, are able to improve the host’s
health (Ninawe & Selvin 2009). Probiotics provide Probiotic candidates were isolated from the intes-
benefits through enhancement of growth perfor- tine of healthy L. vannamei. The contents of the
mance (Decamp, Moriarty & Lavens 2008; Liu, intestinal tract were aseptically removed from
Chiu, Shiu, Cheng & Liu 2010; Wang 2007), adult shrimp. The samples were homogenized and
improved digestion and better water quality serially diluted, plated on nutrient agar (NA) con-
(Kesarcodi-Watson et al. 2008). Various lines of taining 2.0% [weight/volume] NaCl. The isolated
evidence point to immunomodulation as a domi- strains were separated based on differences in col-
nant mode of probiotic action (Newaj-Fyzul, Al- ony morphology and screened for inhibitory effects
Harbi & Austin 2014). against Vibrio harveyi, by the two-layer method
The genus Bacillus represents the group of (Dopazo, Lemos, Lodeiros, Bolinches, Barja & Tor-
probiotic species most frequently used in shrimp anzo 1988). The selected strain, was identified

2 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–15

Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15 Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al.

based on the morphological and biochemical 232 at 1.2 9 104 cfu mL1, and another group
characteristics described in the Bergey’s Manual of was treated with a commercial probiotic EPICIN
Systematic Bacteriology Second Edition (Vos, Gar- 3W (Epicore Bionetworks Inc) according to the
rity, Jones, Krieg, Ludwig, Rainey, Schleifer & manufacturer’s instructions. During the experi-
Whitman 2009). Further characterization was ment, feeding was with diatoms [Chaetoceros gra-
achieved using the 16s rRNA gene. The DNA cilis, N-V: 30 000 cells mL1, PZ-I to PZ-II:
sequence was compared against the sequences 60 000 cells mL1, PZ-III to PL-2: 50 000
available in the NCBI GenBank database using the cells mL1], flagellates [Tetraselmis suecica, N-V to
BLAST algorithm (http://blast.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ PZ-II: 2000 cells mL1, PZ-III to PL-7: 3000 cells
Blast.cgi). mL1] and freshly hatched Artemia nauplii
All strains were cultured on a nutrient agar (Aquatic Eco-Systems Inc., Apopka, FL, USA) [PZ-
(NA) and in a nutrient broth (NB) supplemented III: 0.5 nauplii mL1, M-I to M-II: 1 nauplii
with 2.0% [w/v] NaCl on a shaker at 28°C. Pure mL1, M-III to PL-2: 1.5 nauplii mL1, PL-3 to
cultures of all strains were preserved at 70°C PL-4: 3 nauplii mL1, PL-5 to PL-8: 4 nauplii
using NA containing 2.0% [w/v] NaCl and 15% mL1 (four times per day)]. The temperature was
[volume/volume] glycerol until use. maintained at 30  2°C, salinity at
A commercial probiotic formulation, Epicin3W, 30  1 g L1, pH 8.5  0.5, and constant aera-
(Epicore Bionetworks Inc, Mount Holly, NJ, USA) tion was supplied. From the mysis I (M-I) stage
was also tested. forward, 50% of each tank volume was
exchanged to eliminate organic detritus. Animals
Experimental conditions were maintained in these conditions up to PL8
(8 days after metamorphosis to postlarvae). At
Experiment I
this scale, no negative control was used since
The experimental design was completely random- according to the good aquaculture practices, in
ized with two groups having four replicates per the Yag€uacam hatchery, the use of probiotics is
treatment. The postlarvae 2 (PL2, 2 days after mandatory during the rearing period.
metamorphosis) were randomly stocked at 75
Sampling and conservation
PL2 L1 in 4-L plastic tanks containing seawater
at 30  2°C and 30& salinity. In one group, the At the end of experiment I, 50 postlarvae were
Bacillus licheniformis strain (CIGBC-232) was added sampled randomly from each tank for enzymatic
directly to the water at a daily dose of assays. In experiment II, approximately 120 ani-
104 cfu mL1; the other group did not receive any mals per tank were daily pooled at different larval
probiotic. L. vannamei postlarvae were obtained development stages from PZ-I to PL7.
from the Yag€ uacam hatching facility in All samples were randomly collected at
Cumanayag€ ua, Cienfuegos, Cuba. Constant aera- 10:00 h, 2 h after feeding. Samples from experi-
tion was supplied and 25% of the tank water was ments I and II were washed three times with cold
exchanged daily. Throughout the experiment, the sterile H2Odd and immediately frozen at 70°C in
postlarvae were fed on Artemia franciscana nauplii 1.5 mL centrifuge tubes (Eppendorf, USA). Frozen
(Aquatic Eco-Systems Inc., Apopka, FL, USA) at a samples were homogenized with a Polytron
rate of 8–10 nauplii for each shrimp larva three homogenizer (Bioblock Scientific, France) in
times per day. The postlarvae were reared in these 500 lL H2Odd volumes. Later, the homogenates
conditions up to PL17. were centrifuged at 8050 g for 10 min at 4°C,
and the pellet was resuspended in 100 lL sterile
Experiment II
ice-cold H2Odd. Supernatant and pellet were sepa-
Larvae of L. vannamei were reared in Yag€ uacam rately preserved at 20°C for measurements and
hatchery (Cumanayag€ ua, Cienfuegos, Cuba). enzymatic assays.
L. vannamei was stocked at 175 nauplii L1 in
fibreglass tanks with a volume of 20 000 L. A
Soluble protein content
completely randomized experiment was performed
using two groups with eight replicates per group. Soluble protein concentration was measured using
Starting from the zoea I (PZ-I) stage, one group Bradford0 s method (Bradford 1976). Briefly, 10 lL
was treated daily using probiotic strain CIGBC- of supernatant from each sample were placed into

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Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al. Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15

a flat-bottom, 96-well, polyethylene plate (Costarâ, H2O2 (0.15% [V/V]) and o-phenylenediamine
USA). The plate was kept in the dark for 10 min (0.10% [p/V]). The plates were placed 30 min at
and then the absorbance was measured at 620 nm room temperature and then the reaction was
using a multiscan monitor (Titertek MCC/340). stopped with 50 lL sulphuric acid (2 M). The
The protein concentration was calculated using a absorbance was read at 492 nm, using a screen
standard curve of bovine serum albumin (BSA) plate (Titertek Multiskan MCC/340). The results
(Sigma–Aldrich USA); with three replications. All were expressed in U lg1 of protein, where U
the results were expressed as lg of protein per was defined as the formation of 1 lmol of 2.3-
animal. diaminophenazine, by the oxidation of o-phenyle-
nediamine, per min of reaction per lg of pro-
Immunological assays tein.
Phenoloxidase assay Presence of lectins and agglutinin evaluation
PO activity was determined based on chromophore To determine the presence of lectins and agglu-
formation from L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L- tinin, rabbit blood was collected in 15 mL cen-
DOPA) (Sigma–Aldrich, USA) (Hern andez-Lopez, trifuge tubes (Corning, USA) in 50 mM EDTA. The
Gollas-Galvan & Vargas-Albores 1996). A negative blood was centrifuged at 352 g for 10 min and
control for spontaneous oxidation of the L-DOPA the serum was discarded. The erythrocyte pellet
was used. One unit of enzyme activity was defined was washed twice with phosphate saline buffer
as an increase in absorbance (at 490 nm) of (PBS) (NaCl 136 mM; KCl 26 mM; Na2HPO4
0.001 min1 mg protein1, 20 lL of supernatant 8 mM; KH2PO4 15 mM; pH 7.2). Subsequently,
from each sample were used. an erythrocyte suspension was made (0.2% [V/V])
in PBS. Then, 25 lL from each sample of experi-
Superoxide dismutase assay
ment II were mixed with 25 lL of PBS, and imme-
SOD activity was measured using the method pro- diately, 25 lL of the erythrocyte suspension were
posed by Beauchamp and Fridovich (Beauchamp & added to the sample-buffer mixture in a flat-bot-
Fridovich 1971), using nitroblue tetrazolium tom, 96-well plate (Costarâ, USA). The plates were
(NBT) in the presence of riboflavin. 20 lL of kept at rest for 20 min at room temperature. The
supernatant from each sample were used. The presence of lectins/agglutinin was detected by
specific activity was expressed as U mg1 of pro- hemagglutination. The assay was performed in
tein, where U was defined as a 0.001 increase in triplicate.
absorbance at 560 nm min1.
Respiratory burst activity Shrimp postlarval quality

The respiratory burst was evaluated using Song At the end of experiment I, 50 PLs17 from each
and Hsieh0 s method (Song & Hsieh 1994) based replicate were transferred to 2 L of freshwater to
on spectrophotometric detection of formazan from determine the PL resistance to osmotic stress. After
the NBT-O2 redox reaction. 10 lL of resuspended 1 h, postlarvae were transferred back to the tank
pellet from each sample of experiment II were water and live animals were counted after
used. The results were expressed in U lg1 of pro- 30 min. Another 50 postlarvae were taken to
tein, where U was defined as a 0.001 increase in measure their length and weight. Postlarvae were
absorbance at 630 nm min1. washed with distilled water, dried with filter paper
and weighed on an analytical balance (Sartorius A
Peroxidase assay
1205) with a precision of 0.1 mg. To determine
Peroxidase activity was quantified and calibrated the length, postlarvae were measured from the
against a peroxidase activity standard curve rostral base to the telson extremity with a preci-
made with radish peroxidase (Heber Biotec sa, sion of 0.1 mm. At the end of experiment II,
Cuba). Peroxidase assays were performed in flat- 100 PLs 8 samples from each replicate were used
bottom, 96-well, polyethylene plates (Costarâ, to assess the length, weight and resistance to the
USA) by adding 20 lL of supernatant from each osmotic stress test following the same procedure
sample and 50 lL of reaction buffer (Na2HPO4 described. Gill branch number of 50 PL7 per tank
0.05 M; citric acid 0.02 M; pH 5) containing was determined under a microscope (Olympus

4 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–15

Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15 Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al.

BH-2, Japan). The survival per cent was calculated

in each pond, from the final number of animals
compared to the initial number of stocked animals.

Vibrio spp. levels in postlarvae and culture water

In experiment II, samples of water from each tank
and 50 individuals were taken daily. Serial dilu-
tion of water samples were made in sterile PBS
and plates containing thiosulfate-citrate-bile salts-
sucrose (TCBS) media were inoculated with 10 lL
of each sample dilution. For the evaluation of bac-
teria in the animals of experiment II, the samples
were homogenized (Wiggenhauser, D-130, Malay-
sia) in 500 lL of PBS. Serial dilution (1:10) were
made in sterile PBS and plates containing TCBS
media were inoculated with 10 lL of each sample
dilution. Plates were incubated at 28°C for 24 h
and results were expressed as colony-forming units
(CFU) mL1. Figure 1 Inhibition zone of probiotic CIGBC-232
against V. harveyi, with a 13  1 mm zone of inhibi-
tion. Colony at the center corresponds to Vibrio harveyi
Statistical analysis (used as negative control), while colonies near the edge
are CIGBC-232.
Variance in enzymatic activities and numerical
parameters (length, weight and bacterial count
in water and animals) were compared statisti- Table 1 Physiological characteristics of the CIGBC-232
cally using the F test, and means were com- strain
pared by Student0 s t-Test. The correlation
between postlarval soluble protein and age in Test Results Test Results
days was evaluated by a simple linear regression
Catalase + Growth in NaCl:
analysis. The Newman–Keuls multiple range test Voges-proskauer + 2% +
was used to compare the regression slopes. Other Nitrate reduction + 5% +
parameters of quality, such as % survival, were Acid from: 7% +
evaluated by a 2 9 4 v2 contingency table. The Glucose + 7.5% 
Xylose + Growth at:
number of gill branches was evaluated by Kol-
Arabinose + 10°C +
mogorov-Smirnov0 s frequency test. The same test Mannitol + 30°C +
was used to evaluate hemagglutination. All sta- Hydrolysis of Gelatin + 55°C +
tistical analyses were made by statistics software Hydrolysis of starch + 60°C 
STATGRAPHICS PLUS 5.1. Hydrolysis of casein + pH 5.7 +
pH 6.8 +


biochemical characteristics determined by con-

Isolation and identification of strains
ventional methods. Strain CIGBC-232 shared the
Only strain CIGBC-232 was able to inhibit the highest level of 16S rRNA gene sequence simi-
growth of V. harveyi, with a 13  1 mm zone of larity (99.9%) with Bacillus licheniformis strains
inhibition (Fig. 1). Strain CIGBC-232 consisted of DSM 13T and BCRC 11702 (NCBI references
facultative anaerobic, Gram-positive, rod-shaped sequences: NR_118996.1 and NR_116023.1
cells, forming spores that lie centrally in unswol- respectively). The partial 16S rRNA and
len sporangia. Colonies on trypticase soy agar sequences derived in this study have been depos-
(TSA) are opaque, beige, irregular in shape with ited into the GenBank database under the acces-
undulate edges. Table 1 shows the results of the sion number KT924442.

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Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al. Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15

without significant differences between the treated

Soluble protein content
groups. Nevertheless, from PL2 to PL7, the respira-
Administration of the probiotic strain CIGBC-232 tory burst was significantly increased in the ani-
significantly increased soluble protein content (1.4- mals treated with strain CIGBC-232; 78% in PL2
fold) over the untreated group (experiment I). In to 91% in PL7 (Fig. 4).
experiment II, the soluble protein content increased
SOD specific activity
with a linear tendency from the PZ-I to the PL7
stage in both treated groups. There were no signifi- The SOD and peroxidase activities in postlarvae
cant differences between strain CIGBC-232 treated with strain CIGBC-232 were significantly
(0.73 lg animal1 day1, r2 = 0.9618) and EPI- (P < 0.05) higher than in control postlarvae, by
CIN 3W (0.74 lg animal1 day1, r2 = 0.9328) 44% (Experiment I). SOD activity decreased from
treatments (Fig. 2). PZ-I to PL7 in both treated groups of experiment
II. No significant differences in SOD activity among
Influence of probiotic treatment on larval and CIGBC-232 and EPICIN 3W were observed at any
postlarval immunity developmental stage (Fig. 5).

PO specific activity Peroxidase specific activity

In the first experiment, the PO activity of postlar- Significant increase (21%; P < 0.05) in peroxidase
vae treated with the strain CIGBC-232 was signifi- activities was observed in postlarvae treated with
cantly higher (31.8%) compared to the control. In strain CIGBC-232 compared to the control group
experiment II, PO activity decreased during growth (experiment I). In experiment II, a similar peroxi-
up to the PL-7 stage in both treated groups. In PZ- dase activity was obtained from stage PZ-I to PL3.
I, PZ-II, M-II, M-III and PL2-PL7, the treatment At stage PL3 and up, peroxidase activity showed
with strain CIGBC-232 resulted in a 30–40% differences between groups receiving strain CIGBC-
higher PO activity compared to the treatment with 232 and EPICIN 3W. However, no significant
EPICIN 3W. For the PZ-III, M-I and PL1 stages, no differences were found at any stage among
significant difference in PO activity was detected experimental groups (Fig. 6).
among the treatments (Fig. 3).
Presence of lectins and agglutinins
Respiratory burst
The capacity of the samples, in all shrimp stages,
In the second experiment, the respiratory burst and in both groups of experiment II, to agglutinate
showed fluctuations during growth up to PL1, rabbit blood cells, was calculated as % efficacy,

(a) (b)
Experiment I
Soluble protein content (µg animal–1)

Soluble protein content (µg animal–1)

Experiment II
b 10
140 CIGBC-232 a
8 b
a Linear (CIGBC-232)
100 Linear (EPICIN 3W)
80 6

20 2

Control CIGBC-232 0
Experimental groups
Stages during the ontogeny of shrimp L.vannamei

Figure 2 Soluble protein content (lg animal1) in L. vannamei postlarvae cultivated with (■) and without ( ) pro-
biotic CIGBC-232 in experiment I, n = 50 (a). The samples were taken from the stages: protozoeas (PZ-I, -II and -III
stages), mysis (M-I, -II and -III stages) and postlarvae (PL-1 to PL-7), n = 8 (b). Data represents mean  SE. Bar T
indicates the SE. Different letters indicate significant differences among groups (P < 0.05).

6 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–15

Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15 Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al.

(a) Experimet I (b) Experiment II

0.020 a
2.4E–03 0.018
2.1E–03 b CIGBC-232

PO activity (U µg–1)
PO activity (U mg–1) 1.8E–03 0.014 EPICIN 3W
a 0.012 a
1.2E–03 b a
0.008 a
9.2E–04 a a a
0.006 a a a
6.2E–04 a a a
0.004 b a a
3.2E–04 0.002
b b a b b b b b b
2.0E–05 0.000
Experimental groups Stages during the ontogeny of white shrimp L. vannamei

Figure 3 Specific activity of phenoloxidase (U mg1) in L. vannamei postlarvae cultivated with (■) and without ( )
probiotic CIGBC-232 in experiment I, n = 50 (a). PO specific activity (U lg1) of L. vannamei larvae and postlarvae
treated with probiotic CIGBC-232 and EPICIN 3W in experiment II (b). The samples were taken from the stages:
protozoeas (PZ-I, -II and -III stages), mysis (M-I, -II and -III stages) and postlarvae (PL-1 to PL-7), n = 8. Data from
both experiment represents mean  SE. Bar T indicates the SE. Different letters indicate significant differences
among groups (P < 0.05).

Experiment II

Respiratory burst (U µg–1)

Figure 4 Respiratory burst (U lg1) 1.0E–05
in experiment II. The samples were
8.0E–06 a
taken from the stages: protozoeas a
(PZ-I, -II and -III stages), mysis (M-I, 6.0E–06
a a
a a
-II and -III stages) and postlarvae 4.0E–06 a a
(PL-1 to PL-7). Data represents a a b b
a a
mean  SE, n = 8. Bar T indicates 2.0E–06 a b b b
a b
a a a
the SE. Different letters indicate sig- a
nificant differences among groups PZ-I PZ-II PZ-III M-I M-II M-III PL1 PL2 PL3 PL4 PL5 PL6 PL7

(P < 0.05). Stages during the ontogeny of white shrimp L. vannamei

which is presented in Fig. 6. In both cases, the per survival rate (90%) after a 1-h immersion in fresh
cent of samples able to agglutinate rabbit blood water, as compared to the control group (55%).
cells was similar from stage PZ-I to stage PL5. A For experiment II, the survival per cent after the
significant reduction was observed in stages PL1, osmotic stress test was 93.3% for CIGBC-232 and
PL6 and PL7 in the group treated with EPICIN 90% for EPICIN 3W. No significant differences
3W as compared to the strain CIGBC-232 group were detected among treatments (v2 = 0.182)
(Fig. 7). (Table 2).
The group subjected to the CIGBC-232 treat-
ment was significantly higher than the untreated
Quality evaluation of postlarvae
control (experiment I) in terms of weight (95.7%
At the end of each experiment, the quality of post- increased weight) and length (20.1% increased
larvae was evaluated measuring the resistance to length), respectively (Fig. 8a, b). Also in experi-
osmotic stress and the parameters of length, ment II, the treatment of postlarvae with strain
weight (in experiment I and II), survival and gill CIGBC-232 enhanced the length and the weight
branch number (in experiment II). (104.6% and 113.6% respectively) as compared
In experiment I, postlarvae treated with probi- with postlarvae that received treatment with EPI-
otic CIGBC-232 showed a significantly superior CIN 3W (Fig. 8c, d). Furthermore, at the PL7

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Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al. Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15

(a) Experiment I (b) Experiment II

1.30 b 1.4E–02
1.20 CIGBC-232
SOD activity (Umg–1)


SOD activity (Uµg–1)

0.90 a
6.0E–03 a
0.70 a
4.0E–03 a
0.60 a a
a a
0.50 2.0E–03 a a
a a a
a a a
0.40 a a a a a a
Control CIGBC-232 0.0E+00 a
Experimental groups Stages during the ontogeny of white shrimp L. vannamei

Figure 5 Specific activity of superoxide dismutase activity (U mg1) in L. vannamei postlarvae cultivated with (■)
and without ( ) probiotic CIGBC-232 in experiment I, n = 50 (a). SOD specific activity (U lg1) of L. vannamei lar-
vae and postlarvae treated with probiotic CIGBC-232 and EPICIN 3W in experiment II. The samples were taken
from the stages: protozoeas (PZ-I, -II and -III stages), mysis (M-I, -II and -III stages) and postlarvae (PL-1 to PL-7),
n = 8 (b). Data from both experiments represents mean  SE. Bar T indicates the SE. Different letters indicate signif-
icant differences among groups (P < 0.05).

(a) Experiment I (b) Experiment II

2.1E–04 6.0E–04 a
Peroxidase activity (U µg–1)
Peroxidase activity (Umg–1)

2.0E–04 CIGBC-232
5.0E–04 a
1.9E–04 a
4.0E–04 a
1.7E–04 a
1.6E–04 a a
3.0E–04 a a
1.5E–04 a a a
a a
1.4E–04 2.0E–04 a
a a
1.3E–04 a a a
a a a a
1.2E–04 1.0E–04
Control CIGBC-232 PZ-I PZ-2 PZ-3 M-I M-II M-III PL1 PL2 PL3 PL4 PL5 PL6 PL7
Experimental groups Stages during the ontogeny of white shrimp L. vannamei

Figure 6 Specific peroxidase activity (U mg1) in L. vannamei postlarvae cultivated with (■) and without ( ) probi-
otic CIGBC-232 in experiment I, n = 50 (a). Specific peroxidase activity (U lg1) of L. vannamei larvae and postlar-
vae treated with probiotic CIGBC-232 and EPICIN 3W in experiment II. The samples were taken from the stages:
protozoeas (PZ-I, -II and -III stages), mysis (M-I, -II and -III stages) and postlarvae (PL-1 to PL-7), n = 8 (b). Data
from both experiments represents mean  SE. Bar T indicates the SE. Different letters indicate significant differences
among groups (P < 0.05).

stage in experiment II, postlarvae receiving stage PZ-I up to stage M-I. Later, it began to
probiotic strain CIGBC-232 had a significantly decline up to the PL7 stage, while the bacterial
(P < 0.05) higher number of branchial ramifica- shrimp population showed increment-reduction
tions (4–6) than animals treated with probiotic cycles during the experimental evaluation. More-
EPICIN 3W (2–4). On the other hand, no signifi- over, treatment with strain CIGBC-232 had a
cant differences in survival were detected among higher action in diminishing presumptive Vibrio
the treatments at the end of experiment II (Fig. 8). count in the tank water and inside the animals
than treatment with EPICIN 3W. Except in the
stages PZ-I, PL4 and PL5, significant differences
Bacterial content
(P < 0.05) in presumptive Vibrio count for pond
In experiment II, presumptive Vibrio counts in water treated with strain CIGBC-232 and EPICIN
pond water of both treatments increased from 3W were recorded. While in shrimp, significant

8 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–15

Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15 Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al.

Experiment II

aa aa aa aa aa
Figure 7 Per cent of samples able

Haemagglutination (%)
to agglutinate rabbit blood cells in
L. vannamei larvae and postlarvae 80 a aa
treated with probiotic CIGBC-232 b
( ) and EPICIN 3W ( ) in experi- 60
aa aa
ment II. The samples were taken
from the stages: protozoeas (PZ-I, 40
-II and -III stages), mysis (M-I, -II aa a a
and -III stages) and postlarvae (PL- 20
b b
1 to PL-7). Data represents
mean  SE, n = 8. Different letters 0
indicate significant differences PZ-I PZ-II PZ-III M-I M-II M-III PL1 PL2 PL3 PL4 PL5 PL6 PL7

among groups (P < 0.05). Stages during the ontogeny of white shrimp L. vannamei

Table 2 Survival of L. vannamei postlarvae treated with Although antagonism is considered an impor-
CIGBC-232, untreated control group (experiment I) and tant feature of aquaculture probiotics and is thus
EPICIN 3W (experiment II) after being abrupt changed to commonly used to select probiotics, further in vivo
fresh water for 1 h confirmation is needed (Balc azar, Blas, Ruiz-Zar-
zuela, Cunningham, Vendrell & M uzquiz 2006).
Live Survival
Herein, the probiotic B. licheniformis strain CIGBC-
Treatments N animals (%)
232 was applied to L. vannamei larval and early
Experiment I CIGBC-232 60 57 95.0a postlarval stages under laboratory and farm-pro-
Control 60 33 55.0b duction conditions.
Experiment II CIGBC-232 60 56 93.3a
It is well known that a sustained increment in
EPICIN 3W 60 54 90.0a
soluble protein content is a good nutritional and
Different letters indicate significant differences among groups health indicator in white shrimp Litopenaeus seti-
(P < 0.05). N: number of animals in each group. ferus (Brito, Chimal, Gaxiola & Rosas 2000) and
Litopenaeus schmitti (Martin, Arenal, Fajardo,
differences (P < 0.05) were detected from PZ-I up Pimentel, Hidalgo, Pacheco, Garcia & Santiesteban
to PL2 but not in later stages (Fig. 9). 2006). In this study, a higher protein content was
observed in postlarvae treated with CIGBC-232
(experiment I). During the ontogeny of L. van-
namei, soluble protein content showed similar con-
Probiotics are able to improve the chemical and stant increases in the two probiotic treatments
microbiological water quality, and the survival, (experiment II). This result gives evidence of a
growth, immune response and general health of high rate of growth and a good state of nutrition
shrimp (Moriarty 1998). Bacillus spp. are among and health (Martin et al. 2006).
the most widely used probiotics in aquaculture The PO enzymatic cascade has a key role in the
(Nakayama, Lu & Nomura 2009; Ninawe & Selvin innate immune response in invertebrates, produc-
2009), because they secrete a wide range of ing melanin, which activates phagocytosis and
exoenzymes and antimicrobial compounds (Mori- cell-to-cell adhesion, etc. Its multiplicity of direct
arty 1998). or indirect effects have made it one of the principal
In this study, a candidate probiotic was isolated factors within the crustacean immune system to
from the intestine of healthy L. vannamei shrimp, be targeted for up-regulation by probiotic and
which showed growth inhibitory activity against other externally administered stimulants
shrimp pathogens such as V. harveyi. The isolated (Amparyup, Charoensapsri & Tassanakajon 2013;
strain CIGBC-232 was identified as B. licheniformis. Iwanaga & Lee 2005; Smith et al. 2003).
Various species of genus Bacillus have shown Groups treated with B. licheniformis strain
antagonist activity against shrimp pathogens CIGBC-232 had significantly greater PO activity as
(NavinChandran et al. 2014). compared with untreated control and EPICIN 3W

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–15 9

Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al. Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15

(a) (b)
Experiment I Experiment I
b 7.0 b
9.50 6.5
Length (mm)

9.00 5.5

weight (mg)
8.50 4.5
a 4.0
8.00 a
7.50 3.0
7.00 2.0
Control CIGBC-232 Control CIGBC-232
Experimental groups Experimental groups
(c) (d)
Experiment II Experiment II
6.6 1.00
6.5 0.95
0.90 b
Length (mm)

Weight (mg)

0.80 a
6.1 0.70
6.0 0.65
Figure 8 Quality evaluation of
5.9 0.60
EPICIN 3W CIGBC-232 EPICIN 3W CIGBC-232 postlarvae. Results of from both
Experimental groups Experimental groups experiments I and II are shown.
(e) (f) Means of Length (a) and weight
Experiment Il Experiment Il
54 160
(b) of L. vannamei treated with
a a CIGBC-232 (■) and untreated con-
52 140
120 b trol group ( ), N = 50. Length (c),
Survival (%)


a weight (d) and survival of L. van-

80 namei postlarvae at stage PL7 trea-
46 ted with CIGBC-232 ( ) and
40 EPICIN 3W ( ), n = 8. (e). Gill
42 20 branch numbers in L. vannamei
40 0 postlarvae (PL7), n = 400 (f). Data
EPICIN 3W CIGBC-232 2 3 4 5 6 in a, b, c and d represents
Experimental groups Gill branch number mean  SE, bar T indicates the SE.

(experiments I and II), which provides evidence for present there is not much knowledge regarding
immune modulation at larval stages by the admin- the metamorphosis mechanism in penaeid shrimp
istered probiotic. Bacillus subtilis E20 has previ- larvae.
ously been observed to modulate PO activity in In crustaceans, after contact between haemocyte
juveniles of L. vannamei (Tseng, Ho, Huang, and pathogen is established, the NADPH oxidase
Cheng, Shiu, Chiu & Liu 2009). In addition, signif- system is activated to generate ROS (reactive oxy-
icant differences in PO activity were observed dur- gen species), which have a potent cytotoxic effect
ing metamorphosis of PZ-III to M-I and (Roch 1999) and is an important microbicidal
metamorphosis of M-III to PL1. In peneid shrimp, activity (Campa-C ordova, Hern andez-Saavedra,
larval metamorphosis is a critical phase in which Aguirre-Guzm an & Ascencio 2005; Ji, Yao &
larvae are affected by diseases such as protozoea Wang 2011). During the metamorphosis of PL-2
syndrome and bacterial infections. In fact, a signif- to PL-7 the group treated with B. licheniformis
icant reduction in PO activity during the proto- strain CIGBC-232 showed higher respiratory burst
zoea-mysis and mysis-postlarvae metamorphoses activity. We consider that the increment in the
was recently observed in an ontogenetic study of respiratory burst could be due to a better meta-
immune response (Martın et al. 2012). Currently, bolic rate in postlarvae treated with probiotic
the molting cycle of crustaceans is fairly well B. licheniformis strain CIGBC-232, which can be
described (Chang & Mykles 2011). Nevertheless, at translated into the better growth shown by this

10 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–15

Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15 Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al.

(a) Experiment II
a a a a a a
a a

Content bacterial water

1.0E+06 a b
a b b b a
b a

Log (CFU mL–1)

1.0E+05 a b b a
a a
1.0E+04 a


Stages during the ontogeny of white shrimp L. vannamei
Figure 9 Bacterial count (Vibrio 1.0E+05
spp. and Pseudomonas spp.) in water

Bacterial shrimp content

of ponds (a), and L. vannamei lar- a a a
a a a

Log (CFU animal–1)

vae and postlarvae (b) in experi- a a b a
a a
ment II. ( ) ponds treated with b a a b
a a a
CIGBC-232 (B. licheniformis) ( ) 1.0E+03 a b b b
ponds treated with EPICIN 3W. PZ b a
(protozoea), M (mysis), PL (Postlar- b
vae). Data represents mean  SE,
n = 8. Bar T indicates the SE. Dif-
ferent letters indicate significant 1.0E+01
differences among groups (P < PZ-I PZ-II PZ-III M-I M-II M-III PL1 PL2 PL3 PL4 PL5 PL6 PL7

0.05). Stages during the ontogeny of white shrimp L. vannamei

group. A direct effect of respiratory burst activity should be observed in postlarvae (PL2 to PL7)
on survival was observed when shrimp were chal- treated with B. licheniformis strain CIGBC-232 as
lenged artificially with V. alginolyticus (Tseng et al. consequence of the significant level of O2 pro-
2009). duced by these animals. On the other hand, both
It has been shown that SOD actively neutralizes probiotic treatments showed a similar capacity in
O2, thereby efficiently avoiding the accumulation modulation of peroxidase activity. We assumed
of such ROS during the immune response and that peroxidase performance was due to a lack of
metabolism (Campa-C ordova et al. 2005). The accumulation of H2O2 by the action of SOD. Today
effect of Bacillus species on SOD activity has been it is a well-established fact that a considerable
well demonstrated in various studies. Bacillus spp. H2O2 quantity is derived from O2 by SOD action
was able to increase SOD activity in postlarvae of (Holmblad & S€ oderh€all 1999). However, B. subtilis
L. vannamei, Palaemonetes argentinus (Neves, Santos (E23) was not able to stimulate peroxidase activity
& Bainy 2000) and juveniles of Palaemonetes pugio in juveniles of L. vannamei (Gullian, Thompson &
(Downs, Fauth & Woodley 2001). Rodriguez 2004).
In this study, improvement of SOD and peroxi- Lectins and agglutinins are proteins involved in
dase activities was observed in postlarvae treated the recognition of non-selfmatter in the humoral
with B. licheniformis strain CIGBC-232 compared response of the immune system in crustaceans
to the untreated control group (experiment I). (Iwanaga & Lee 2005; Vazquez, Alpuche, Maldon-
These results suggest that B. licheniformis strain ado, Agundis, Pereyra-Morales & Zenteno 2009).
CIGBC-232 may enhance postlarvae antioxidant Modulation of lectins may result in protecting lar-
status. In experiment II, no significant difference vae and postlarvae from natural infections. In this
in modulation of SOD activity by probiotic treat- study, both probiotic treatments had similar abili-
ment using B. licheniformis strain CIGBC-232 or ties to modulate lectin titre in the majority of
EPICIN 3W was observed at any developmental stages evaluated, with the exception that an incre-
stages of the shrimp. This fact is very interesting, ment was observed for probiotic B. licheniformis
because a substantially elevated SOD activity strain CIGBC-232 treatment in stages PL1, PL6

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–15 11

Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al. Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15

and PL7. The reduction in lectins achieved by was demonstrated to be beneficial to growth
both probiotic treatments from the M-III stage, is performance of white shrimp, L. vannamei, by
in accordance with our previous observation in improving its food digestion and nutrient absorp-
characterizing lectins/agglutinins titres in ontoge- tion (Liu et al. 2009). Moreover, a-amylase activ-
netic development of L. vannamei. Such behaviour ity and protease activity were increased in
was attributed to the hardness of physical barriers Fenneropenaeus indicus through addition of a com-
such as the exoskeleton of postlarvae which is able mercial probiotic containing various Bacillus spe-
to prevent the passing of potentially pathogenic cies that included B. licheniformis (Ziaei-Nejad,
microorganisms (Martın et al. 2012). Rezaei, Takami, Lovett, Mirvaghefi & Shakouri
Various parameters are used by breeders to eval- 2006). More recently, application of a probiotic
uate postlarval quality. Generally, these include containing multiple species of Bacillus, in sea
survival, weight, size, count of the number of gill bream larviculture, improved growth and activa-
branches and evaluation of stress resistance tion in the transcription of the IGF-1 gene (Avella,
(Racotta, Palacios & Ibarra 2003). Gioacchini, Decamp, Makridis, Bracciatelli & Car-
When the osmotic stress resistance test is made, nevali 2010).
at least 80% of postlarvae should be able to sur- In experiment II, similar survival was obtained
vive in freshwater for 30 min to consider that ani- for both probiotic treatments. Probiotic bacterial
mals have good health and quality (Dhert, Lavens strains belonging to the genus Bacillus have been
& Sorgeloos 1992). Also, some authors have shown to improve survival in P. monodon (Rengpi-
shown that survival during an osmotic stress test pat et al. 1998). Recently, juveniles of L. vannamei
depends on the content of polyunsaturated fatty treated with Bacillus subtilis E20 showed higher
acids present in postlarvae, whose intake is survival than the control and this increment was
through the feed (Rees, Cure, Piyatiratitivorakul, dose-dependent (Liu et al. 2009). We used a single
Menasveta & Sorgeloos 1994). Liu et al. (2010) dose in both probiotic treatments. For the EPICIN
found that L. vannamei postlarvae treated with we used the dose recommended by the manufac-
bacillus E-20 showed greater salinity stress toler- turer. The use of different doses than those applied
ance. In this study, a higher survival after an in the B. licheniformis strain CIGBC-232 treatment
osmotic stress test was observed in postlarvae trea- could vary survival results.
ted with probiotic B. licheniformis strain CIGBC- Except for stages PL4, PL5, PL7, a greater
232 in experiment I. In experiment II a similar reduction in the count of presumptive Vibrio in the
survival response to osmotic stress was observed culture water, as well as inside the animals was
among the groups. This results suggest that the found in shrimp treated with probiotic B. licheni-
nutritional state of postlarvae treated with CIGBC- formis strain CIGBC-232 as compared with ani-
232 was improved in experiment I and that nutri- mals treated with EPICIN 3W (Fig. 9). In contrast,
tional requirements of postlarvae were satisfied in the number of presumptive Vibrios inside the ani-
both groups during experiment II. The growth mals was significantly reduced by probiotic
observed in animals treated with some probiotic B. licheniformis strain CIGBC-232 from stage PZ-I
has been attributed to mechanisms such as: estab- up to PL2. From this stage forward in develop-
lishment of the probiotic in the host gastrointesti- ment, both probiotic treatments had a similar
nal tract, which can improve the nutrient effect on the presumptive Vibrio count. This evi-
absorption (Gatesoupe 2008), production of diges- dence suggests that antibacterial action of
tive enzymes (proteases and amylases) and synthe- B. licheniformis strain CIGBC-232 is better than
sis of vitamins and cofactors (Ninawe & Selvin that observed for EPICIN 3W under these experi-
2009). In this study, The probiotic B. licheniformis mental conditions. Probiotics have several mecha-
strain CIGBC-232 significantly increased the size nisms to induce antagonism with other bacteria in
and weight of the shrimp postlarvae as compared water or within the animal’s gastrointestinal tract,
either with the untreated control (experiment I) or these mechanisms refer to: production of antimi-
the EPICIN 3W group (experiment II). Further- crobial agents such as bacteriocins and sidero-
more, animals treated with B. licheniformis strain phores (Jenssen, Hamill & Hancock 2006;
CIGBC-232 showed a greater number of gill Kesarcodi-Watson et al. 2008; Ninawe & Selvin
branches than postlarvae treated with EPICIN 3W. 2009) and competition for nutrients or for adhe-
A high-protease-producing probiotic, B. subtilis, sion sites in the gastrointestinal tract (Moriarty

12 © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–15

Aquaculture Research, 2016, 1–15 Two probiotics enhancing production of L. vannamei R Franco et al.

1998). It is already well known that bacteria English improvement for the manuscript. We also
belonging to the genus Bacillus have the ability to thank all the technicians and workers at the
produce bacteriocins (Barbosa, Serra, La Ragione, Yag€uacam shrimp hatchery, Cumanayag€ ua, Cien-
Woodward & Henriques 2005; Cherif, Ouzari, Daf- fuegos, Cuba, for their collaboration and excellent
fonchio, Cherif, Ben Slama, Hassen, Jaoua & Boud- technical assistance.
abous 2001; Duc, Hong, Barbosa, Henriques &
Cutting 2004). Also, bacitracin production by
B. licheniformis is well documented (Guo, Yu, Xie
& Zhang 2012; Haddar, Aziz & Al-Gelawi 2007). Akinbowale O.L., Peng H. & Barton M.D. (2006) Antimi-
Although a lower presumptive Vibrio count was crobial resistance in bacteria isolated from aquaculture
observed in animals treated with B. licheniformis sources in Australia. Journal of Applied Microbiology
100, 1103–1113.
strain CIGBC-232, this result did not influence the
Alavandi S., Manoranjita V., Vijayan K., Kalaimani N. &
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Santiago T. (2006) Phenotypic and molecular typing
are opportunists that only cause mortality when
of Vibrio harveyi isolates and their pathogenicity to
the host organisms are physiologically stressed, tiger shrimp larvae. Letters in Applied Microbiology 43,
which is often attributed to adverse growing con- 566–570.
ditions (Alderman & Hastings 1998). For that rea- Alderman D. & Hastings T. (1998) Antibiotic use in
son, it must be considered that similar survival aquaculture: Development of antibiotic resistance–po-
among treatments during the culture up to to PL7 tential for consumer health risks*. International Journal
may be due to lack of physiological stress by the of Food Science & Technology 33, 139–155.
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Multispecies probiotics are more effective and
Shellfish Immunology 34, 990–1001.
consistent than their mono-species counterparts
Austin B. (2010) Vibrios as causal agents of zoonoses.
since mixed cultures may exhibit synergistic proper-
Veterinary Microbiology 140, 310–317.
ties (Nayak 2010). However, B. licheniformis strain Austin B. & Zhang X.H. (2006) Vibrio harveyi: A signifi-
CIGBC-232, which is a monospecies probiotic, per- cant pathogen of marine vertebrates and invertebrates.
formed notably better as a probiotic than EPICIN Letters in Applied Microbiology 43, 119–124.
3W, which is a multispecies probiotic, with regard Avella M.A., Gioacchini G., Decamp O., Makridis P.,
to immune modulation and postlarval quality. Bracciatelli C. & Carnevali O. (2010) Application of
In summary, we isolated a strain CIGBC-232, multi-species of Bacillus in sea bream larviculture.
from the gut of healthy shrimp. The strain CIGBC- Aquaculture 305, 12–19.
232 was identified as Bacillus licheniformis by bio- Balcazar J.L., Blas I.d., Ruiz-Zarzuela I., Cunningham D.,
Vendrell D. & M uzquiz J.L. (2006) The role of probiotics
chemical testing and was further confirmed by
in aquaculture. Veterinary Microbiology, 114, 173–186.
16S rDNA gene sequence. As a water additive it
Balcazar J.L., Rojas-Luna T. & Cunningham D.P. (2007)
improved the weight, length, total protein content,
Effect of the addition of four potential probiotic strains
osmotic stress resistance and immunity of L. van- on the survival of pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus
namei postlarvae. Under farming conditions, the vannamei) following immersion challenge with Vibrio
monospecies probiotic, B. licheniformis strain parahaemolyticus. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 96,
CIGBC-232, modulated the immunological oxida- 147–150.
tive response better than the multispecies probiotic Barbosa T.M., Serra C.R., La Ragione R.M., Woodward
EPICIN 3W in larval and postlarval stages, in con- M.J. & Henriques A.O. (2005) Screening for bacillus
trast to that observed for the antioxidant response, isolates in the broiler gastrointestinal tract. Applied and
where both probiotics performed similarly. In addi- Environmental Microbiology 71, 968–978.
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with probiotic CIGBC-232 were demonstrated.
Bradford M.M. (1976) A rapid and sensitive method for
the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein uti-
Acknowledgments lizing the principle of protein-dye binding. Analytical
Biochemistry 72, 248–254.
We thank Dr. John van der Meer (Pan-American Brito R., Chimal M.a.E., Gaxiola G. & Rosas C. (2000)
Marine Biotechnology Association) for advice on Growth, metabolic rate, and digestive enzyme activity

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 1–15 13

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