4th Quarter - Science 10 - Performance Task

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Camella Homes 4 Poblacion, Muntinlupa City

School Year 2020-2021
To create a video presentation about DNA.
You are a Biology Teacher
Junior High School Students

The study of human genes is the main focus of genetics. Your genes are sections of DNA that code for particular proteins.
DNA is found in the nucleus of every cell and has something to do with who we are or what we look like. As a Biology Teacher,
you are tasked to create a video presentation about DNA with the use of the 3-D model you created. The presentation will help
your students to further understand why some traits are passed from parents to offspring as well as the structure and components
of DNA.

A 3-5 minute video presentation.


CRITERIA Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Fair Score

Content/Presentation All information is All information is Contains some Contains mostly

correct, and correct. correct incorrect
includes Content is pulled information. information.
information not from at least two Content comes (8-6 pts.)
covered in class. sources which are from one source.
Content is pulled cited. (11-9 pts.)
from 3 or more (14-12 pts)
sources which are
(15 pts.)

DNA Model All components All components are Some components Components are not
are neatly labelled or are not labelled or labelled or are
labelled or represented on a are labelled labelled wrong. 
represented on a key.  incorrectly. Labels Do not resemble
key. Labels are Materials resemble are DNA structure at
neat and do not DNA structure. messy/illegible.  all. Similar
make model (14-12 pts) Do not clearly materials and colors
appear cluttered. resemble DNA used for all parts. 
All materials structure. Similar (8-6 pts.)
used resemble the materials and
DNA structure. colors used for
Variety of some parts making
materials used. it hard to
(15 pts.) distinguish. 
(11-9 pts)

Clarity Exceptional Clear wording Some parts are Information is not

wording that where most info clear, others are clearly
explain concepts is explained well. not explained worded/explained.
clearly. Viewers would well. Viewers cannot
Viewers would understand with Viewers would understand subject,
understand with in-class find it hard to even with in-class
little to no previous knowledge. understand knowledge.
knowledge. (4 pts.) concepts, even (2 pts.)
(5 pts.) with in-class
(3 pts.)
Audio/Video Quality The video quality Audio is at Audio is too Audio is too loud or
is excellent. appropriate loud and too quiet or audio
It is evident that volume to distracting. fluctuates up and down
video and/or audio understand; it is or too much.
editing has been not distracting. Audio is too And video is shaky,
done to enhance And quiet to blurry or otherwise
overall quality of Video is steady, understand and hard to see clearly.
project. in focus and easy video is shaky, (3 pts.)
(5 pts.) to see. blurry or
(4 pts.) otherwise hard
to see clearly.
(3 pts.)

Creativity/Originality Excellent Unique idea that Some evidence No evidence of

incorporation of is eye-catching of original original thinking in any
multiple ideas. and utilizes thinking in part of video.
Original & broad specific talents of script (2 pts.)
use of media that group members. OR
show clear filming
evidence of Evidence of OR
original thinking original thinking other part of
from all group in at least two video.
members. parts: script, (3 pts.)
(5 pts.) filming, or other
part of video.
(4 pts.)

Punctuality The student The student The student The student submitted
submitted the submitted the submitted the the project three (3)
project on time. project one (1) project two (2) days late.
day late. days late. (2 pts)
(5 pts) (4 pts) (3 pts)

TOTAL: /50

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