HS: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Linh - 10E1 (Peer checked) - Checked by Topic: Discuss the merits and demerits of reality shows
HS: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Linh - 10E1 (Peer checked) - Checked by Topic: Discuss the merits and demerits of reality shows
HS: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Linh - 10E1 (Peer checked) - Checked by Topic: Discuss the merits and demerits of reality shows
Over the last decades, TV producers have developed a breed of programs called
reality shows. This whole new genre is said to be a source of not only benefits
but also problems.
Supporters of reality shows argue that they indicate two major positive values.
First, shows featuring actual situations address social issues. For instance, they
play an important role in enhancing the women empowerment in society. With
active discussion on the TV forums, reality TV have=>has made people more
aware of what is happening in their surroundings. Second, participating or
organizing a reality show can be the beginning of a success. Specifically, reality
TV offers opportunities to groups of young talents to travel the road from
nowhere to global fame in the blink of an eye. Simultaneously, a famous
program is said to bring in millions as well as reputation for the producers.
On the other hand, others believe that reality programs are not full of merits.
The foremost reason is that the majority of so-called reality challenges put
pressure on participants. Appearing on TV weekly, having your own private life
recorded and becoming a topic on social media are not a pleasure. Therefore,
reality TV stars are vulnerable to drugs, social evils and even suicide. Next, one
problem is that several shows set bad examples for teenagers. Reality shows
involving competitions show the intensive rivalry between contestants and
highlight the conflicts among them=>omit, by means of gossips, fights or
isolation. These cruel acts affect teenagers’ ways of solving social problems
Over the last decades, TV producers have developed a breed of programs called
reality shows. This whole new genre is said to be a source of not only benefits
but also problems.
Supporters of reality shows argue that they indicate two major positive values.
First, shows featuring actual situations address social issues. For instance, they
play an important role in enhancing the women empowerment in society. With
active discussion on the TV forums, reality TV has made people more aware of
what is happening in their surroundings. Second, participating or organizing a
reality show can be the beginning of a success. Specifically, reality TV offers
opportunities to groups of young talents to travel the road from nowhere to
global fame in the blink of an eye. Simultaneously, a famous program is said to
bring in millions as well as reputation for the producers.
On the other hand, others believe that reality programs are not full of merits.
The foremost reason is that the majority of so-called reality challenges put
pressure on participants. Appearing on TV weekly, having your own private life
recorded and becoming a topic on social media are not a pleasure. Therefore,
reality TV stars are vulnerable to drugs, social evils and even suicide. Next, one
problem is that several shows set bad examples for teenagers. Reality shows
involving competitions show the intensive rivalry between contestants, by
means of gossips, fights or isolation. These cruel acts affect teenagers’ ways of
solving social problems negatively.