Assessment 2 Student Guide - Team Presentation

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1020QBT - Academic and Professional Skills Development for Science and

Team Presentation
Learning 2
Weighting 30%,
DUE Date Week 8 (During the Learning Experience session)
Task Overview Students are required to work in groups of 4 - 5 students to create a
presentation (3 minutes per person) that explains to a non-expert audience
a key idea from their discipline area and:
 Identify a problem or unresolved issue in the discipline
 State why the problem is significant for the discipline
 Offer a solution or solutions
 Provide arguments for the proposed solutions.

A minimum of 6 academic sources should be used to support your ideas. You

can use journal articles, conference papers, textbooks, book chapters,
company reports, and reports published by the Government.

You should be creative with your presentation through the use of audio-
visual aids and other techniques that enhance the engagement and interest
of the audience.

Every member of the group should contribute to the presentation (3

minutes each), and all students should contribute to the development of
the script.

Submission Each student is required to submit their script/notes, including citations and
Requirements a reference list (APA for science students & IEEE for IT and Engineering
students), to Turnitin via Moodle. In addition, each student will also be
required to submit an evaluation of their participation in their group through
the development of their presentation along with a brief peer review of the
other group members’ roles. A template is provided for this in the portal.

The team leader should submit the final copy of the PowerPoint presentation
to Turnitin by the due date (day of presentation). A paper copy of the
PowerPoint presentation should be submitted to your lecturer/tutor on the
day of presentation.

ALL transcripts & a copy of the slides MUST BE SUBMITTED TO TURN-IT-IN

BEFORE the presentation in Week 8.

Assessments submitted after this time will be late and will be penalised.

What is a non- When we communicate ideas in science and technology we can communicate to
expert audience? different audiences with different levels of expertise in the areas we are talking
about. It is possible to categorise these audiences into 3 groups. The first group is
what can be called the ‘experts’. These are people who know your discipline area
and you can communicate with using terms that are discipline specific. The second
group can be the ‘general public’. These people have no expertise in science and a
limited expertise in research and academic argument. It is this group that the
mainstream media tries to communicate with. There is a third group of people that
exist between the public and experts, and that is the ‘non-expert’ audience. This
group of people are people who know things about research and academic writing,
but do not know your specific discipline.

To speak effectively to a ‘non-expert’ audience you need to think about the

following ideas:
 This group does not have an in-depth knowledge of your discipline and
therefore terms that you use may not be easily understood – i.e. you must
explain and define terms used.
 Be careful with jargon and words that can mean different things in different

What ideas from In your tutorial, you will be allocated to work in a group of 4/5 students. Where
my discipline possible this group should be made up of students studying the same discipline (i.e.
should I include? science, engineering or IT). However, if this is not the case, then your group should
decide which one of these areas will be your focus.

Your topic should be:

 A problem or an unresolved issue in your discipline
You must:
 State why the problem is significant for the discipline
 Offer a solution or solutions
 Provide arguments for the proposed solutions.

You must not recycle assignment content from either your other courses or
from previous trimesters.
Marking Criteria – Team Presentation

Standard of achievement
Excellent Proficient Competent Poor / Unacceptable
Ability to communicate The presenters are clear and The presenters are usually The presenters are sometimes The presenters are not clear and
clearly orally easy to follow. clear and easy to follow. clear and usually easy to are difficult to follow.
(6) Ideas are clearly linked and Ideas are usually linked and follow. Ideas are not linked or
explained. explained. Attempts are made to link and explained.
explain ideas.
Ability to analyse key Comprehensive and discerning Mostly relevant analysis of Provides mostly description of Provides little to no description
ideas and research analysis of highly relevant highly relevant literature is credible & reliable literature of the literature and/or no
within a specific literature is provided. provided. as relevant to the topic. relevance to the topic.
discipline & Presented an excellent critical Presented a critical analysis of Critically analyses the Provides limited to no critical
Ability to reference analysis of the findings from the key findings from the literature but provides little analysis of the literature and no
sources & create a the literature with a clear literature and created a discussion. discussion.
reference list argument. discussion with some Limited use or no use of in-text
(6) Excellent use of in-text argument. Limited use or incorrectly citations; no reference list
citations throughout, no Very good use of in-text formatted in-text citations; attached, or no use of credible &
errors; correctly formatted citations throughout, minor reference list attached - reliable literature.
reference list - no errors. errors; correctly formatted several errors.
reference list - minor errors.
Knowledge of discipline A sound knowledge of the A good knowledge of the A reasonable knowledge of Limited knowledge of the
ideas discipline area is clearly discipline area is evident. the discipline area is discipline area is evident in the
(6) evident. somewhat evident. presentation.
Ability to properly Presentation of ideas is highly Presentation of ideas is mostly Presentation of ideas is Presentation of ideas is of little
explain content and relevant to the audience. relevant to the audience. somewhat relevant to the relevance to the audience.
engage a specific Presenters are engaging: Presenters are mostly audience. Presenters are not engaging and
audience presenters do not read; engaging: minimal reading; Presenters make some fail to use any engagement
(6) excellent use of voice, good use of voice, gestures, attempt to engage the techniques.
gestures, movement & eye movement & eye contact. audience: presenters are
contact. Good use of audio-visual aids. occasionally reading;
Excellent use of audio-visual Reasonable use of voice,
aids. gestures, movement & eye
Some use of audio-visual aids.
Ability to work There is clear evidence of There is evidence of There is some evidence of There is little/no evidence of
effectively as a group / contributions from all group contributions from all group contributions from most group contributions from multiple
team members towards the members towards the members towards the group members towards the
(6) development of the development of the development of the development of the
presentation. presentation. presentation. presentation.

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