(Petromindo, Dec 2020) MAGAZINE - Coal Asia Vol 121 - Dec 29 2020 To Jan 29 2021 (7,14 MB)
(Petromindo, Dec 2020) MAGAZINE - Coal Asia Vol 121 - Dec 29 2020 To Jan 29 2021 (7,14 MB)
(Petromindo, Dec 2020) MAGAZINE - Coal Asia Vol 121 - Dec 29 2020 To Jan 29 2021 (7,14 MB)
Gunardi Atmojo, CEO of Triputra Energi Megatara
COAL ASIA DECEMBER 29, 2020 - JANUARY 29, 2021 99
100 COAL ASIA DECEMBER 29, 2020 - JANUARY 29, 2021
COAL ASIA DECEMBER 29, 2020 - JANUARY 29, 2021 1
OPINION | Singgih Widagdo
2021 priority, coal
production control
14 OPINION | Bill Sullivan The government (the Energy
New approach to construction and Mineral Resources or
failure liability – Important implications
ESDM authority) has decided
for heavy industry
on Indonesian coal production
22 COAL NEWS for the year 2021 of 550
million tons. Out of the year’s
38 MINERAL NEWS planned production, a large
amount or 351.44 million
52 OPINION | Hendra Sinadia tons would be allocated to
Review 2020 and outlook 2021 companies supervised by the
central government.
96 Shares performance
We welcome opinions articles from experts, executives on coal industry. The article, either in Indonesian
or English, should be sent to [email protected] and has between 1,000 and 1,500 words.
David Hammond
Major Media Ltd
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Beratung Mediaplanung
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November. Similarly, the price of coal and they were expected to reach 118
million tons by the end of 2020, which against the price (coal with certain concerning the depressed market in the last
means we have an 18 percent decrease qualities are even priced below the couple of years and the consequences of
compared to that of 2019. With the mining cost), have led to severe such condition, then in implementing the
signing of the MOU, the exports of consequences of suspension of mining required control, the government should
Indonesian coal to China are expected to operation and closing of the mines. The not just focus on the yearly production.
reach 150 million tons by 2021. mines’ closure is not based on the mining There should be efforts to speed up the
Observing Indonesia’s potential plan, already proposed to and approved revisions on the limits of national coal
export markets outside China and India, by the Energy and Mineral Resources production set forth in the General Plan of
we should turn our attention to some (ESDM) authority. This condition National Energy (RUEN). The National
countries in Southeast Asia, expected to could lead to environmental problems Energy Council (DEN) presided by the
increase their imports of Indonesian coal. damaging the image of the mining president and chaired by the ESDM
Though we have seen the prospects in industry that has been painstakingly Minister who run the daily operation
these countries, their absolute growth of built thus far. Exploration activities and should easily facilitate the revisions over
coal demand is still below the potential investment would not run well under limits of the national production set forth
growth of production for the year 2021 pressures against the price and declining in RUEN of 400 million tons in 2019 (in
and the years going forward, which is volume of potential exports. effect under PERPRES No. 22 of 2017),
projected to reach 600 million tons. Mapping projections of the mining as the number is no longer rational for the
The coal imports of these four industry should not be done to last only coal mining industry already established
Southeast Asian countries namely; several years, as the government has the thus far.
Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, and the policy of continuing the development With RUEN revisions, the ESDM
Philippines combined are projected to of coal as energy. A long-term vision is Ministry no longer needs to establish
grow only 6 million tons in 2021, to required in managing the coal mining the national production planning and the
reach some 89 million tons. Observing industry within that framework. As coal Work Plan and Budget (RKAB) of coal
this condition of growth of the potential is also utilized for electricity fuel by mining companies, effective for only
importer countries, China and India are some of the coal importers, the policies one year. The RKAB should last for,
definitely the most hopefuls in absorbing related to coal mining industry should at least, five years, or even 10 years, if
the largest amount of Indonesian coal. accommodate, not only the calculation necessary, while the monitoring of the
China would potentially import some of energy mix for the domestic use, but mines’ environments should be reviewed
150 million tons throughout 2021, also that of the importer countries. every year. Though such actions are
while India is expected to follow suit by Besides that, environmental issues and considered difficult and complicated
absorbing 105 million tons of Indonesian ratified commitment on environmental by certain parties, but in observance
coal in 2021, an increase from 98 million reservation already agreed by many coal of the possible negative impacts, the
tons of coal imports in 2020. importer countries should be calculated in government should seriously work
details so that the Indonesian government with other stakeholders to establish the
Production control steps would not be trapped in inadequate RKAB in effect for over a year.
The coal prices have been depressed projections of national production Finally, we have to acknowledge
during the last two years. The prices set forth every year. Setting wrong the fact that in implementing control
of coal with 5,000 kcal/kg (gar) and projection would lead to, not only losses over the national coal production, the
4,200 kcal/kg (gar) qualities, mostly of income on the part of the government government should establish the long-
produced in Indonesia, stayed at US$ and damages to the environment, but it term vision on how the domestic coal
41 and US$ 28 levels, respectively, in would also put the companies in a bad potentials are optimized to accommodate
mid-November 2020. The long-term and position as they have to operate under the interests of the government and
hard pressures against the coal prices the production capacities. Operating the investors, for the highest welfare of the
have lowered the non-tax state-income mines not in line with the mining plan people. The measures should also take
(PNBP), and strategically affect the would affect the mining efficiency leading into account details over conditions of
conservation of the listed reserves. to financial losses. the importers countries in response to
For the companies, the pressures Learning from the experience policies on the effective energy mix
Introduction mining and oil & gas companies. As damage to another person obliges
A 2020 construction services such, all companies operating in these the person causing the damage to
regulation has given “new life” to industries should be taking careful note compensate for the damage.
Indonesia’s long existing but largely of Indonesia’s revamped approach to Everyone is responsible not only for
overlooked potential liability for liability for defective construction of the damage caused by his deed but also
defective construction of buildings and buildings and other facilities. for the damage caused by his negligence
other facilities. In this article, the writer will first or carelessness.
It may well be that the Government’s review the relevant provisions of the A person is responsible not only
focus on infrastructure development 2020 construction services regulation for the damage caused by his own deed
and its expectation that numerous new and then look at how it encourages but also for damage caused by persons
infrastructure projects will be “ rolled much greater reliance upon insurance under his responsibility or by property
out” in the next few years has resulted to mitigate against the consequences of under his supervision.”
in concern that Indonesia has not defective construction of buildings and ICC Articles 1365, 1366 and 1367
previously done enough to protect users other facilities. are understood as creating the potential
of buildings and other facilities from the for general “tort liability” although this
consequences of defective construction. Background concept is not nearly as well-developed
This regulation is particularly The colonial era Indonesian Civil in Indonesia (being a civil law country)
interesting because of the overt Code (“ICC”) has long made provision as it is in common law counties such as
encouragement it provides to in respect of (i) general liability for Australia, North America, Singapore or
construction services providers and damages or losses to others occasioned the United Kingdom.
building/facility owners to co-operate by wrongdoing and (ii) more specific In principle, ICC Articles 1365,
in obtaining insurance coverage against liability for damages or losses arising 1366 and 1337 might well be applicable
building/facility failure. The likely out of the construction or use of to construction services providers and
“windfall” opportunity being created for defective buildings. building owners which are negligent
insurance companies is obvious. With respect to general liability for in connection with the construction or
Poor quality construction services damages or losses to others occasioned maintenance/operation of buildings and
and resulting defective building/ by wrongdoing, ICC Articles 1365, 1366 other facilities. Much remains unclear,
facility integrity can have very serious and 1337 provide that: however, about the actual scope of ICC
implications for energy, infrastructure, “Every unlawful action that causes Articles 1365, 1366 and 1337. Because
1. Bill Sullivan, Senior Foreign Counsel with Christian Teo & Partners and Senior Adviser to Stephenson Harwood LLP.
2. Bill Sullivan is the author of “Mining Law & Regulatory Practice in Indonesia – A Primary Reference Source” (Wiley, New York & Singapore 2013), the first internationally
published, comprehensive book on Indonesia’s 2009 Mining Law and its implementing regulations.
3. Copyright in this article belongs to Bill Sullivan and Petromindo.
4. This article may not be reproduced for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of both Bill Sullivan and Petromindo.
of this lack of clarity, ICC Articles 1365, clear basis for the liability of building 1369 and 1609, such as “building”,
1366 and 1337 are usually only relied owners if their negligence leads to the “negligence in maintenance”, “defect in
upon as a matter of last resort and when collapse of a building/facility resulting construction or array”, “contracted and
there is no other more certain basis for in damage or loss to third parties. built at a certain price”, “decay”, “during
liability available. Likewise, it might be thought that 10 years”, “unsuitability of the soil”
More specific potential liability ICC Article 1609 would be sufficient etc., (iii) the absence of clear minimum
for damages or losses arising out of to create a clear basis for the liability standards for building construction and
the construction or use of defective of architects and contractors (i.e., maintenance, (iv) the relatively non-
buildings is provided for in ICC Articles “construction services providers”) if litigious nature of Indonesian society
1369 and 1609. their negligence leads to the collapse of and (v) the cost and uncertainty of
ICC Article 1369 provides that: a building/facility resulting in damage or Indonesian legal proceedings. With
“The owner of a building is loss to third parties. This, however, has regard to this last factor, it would be
responsible for any damage caused not proved to be the case and research simply beyond the knowledge and
by its collapse, entirely or partially, has revealed very few, if any, cases financial capacity of most construction
if this happens due to negligence in in which ICC Articles 1369 and 1609 workers and individual building users,
maintenance or because of a defect in its have been successfully relied upon to who suffer damage or loss in connection
construction or array.” establish the liability of building owners with a building failure, to even think
ICC Article 1609 provides that: and/or construction services providers of, far less seriously proceed with,
“If a building, contracted and built at for damage or loss suffered by third instituting legal proceedings against
a certain price, decays wholly or partly parties in connection with the use of the owner of or construction services
through a defect in the construction buildings/facilities. That seemingly provider in respect of a “failed”
thereof, or even because of the surprising reality is probably due to building/facility.
unsuitability of the soil, the architects a combination of (i) the lack of much In the energy, infrastructure, mining
and contractors shall therefore be meaningful development of the concept and oil & gas industries, there has long
responsible during ten years.” of tort liability as a whole in Indonesia, been speculation as to whether or not such
It might be thought that ICC Article (ii) the uncertain meaning and scope things as (i) power plants, (ii) bridges,
1369 would be sufficient to create a of key terms/words, used in Articles railways and toll roads, (iii) mineral
processing & refining facilities and tailings Services; after final Building handover if the
dams and (iv) pipelines and storage tanks (b) “Building Failure”, being the contract specified minimum useful
qualified as “buildings” for the purpose of collapse or malfunctioning of a life of the relevant Building is at
ICC Articles 1369 and 1609. building after the final handover of least ten years or otherwise for the
Government Regulation (“GR”) the Construction Service result; contract specified minimum useful
No. 22 of 2020 re Implementation of (c) “Construction Services”, being life of the relevant Building if the
Law No. 2 of 2017 re Construction construction consultancy services contract specified minimum useful
Services (“GR 22/2020”) was issued and construction work whether life of the relevant Building is less
in April 2020 and revokes a number of performed separately or in than ten years (Articles 85(1), 86(1)
previous regulations including (i) GR combination (i.e., “Integrated and 86(2) of GR 22/2020).
No. 28 of 2000 re Business and Role Construction Work”);
of Construction Services Community (d) “Expert Assessors”, being 2.2 Liability of Service Users: Service
as most recently amended by GR No. individuals, groups or institutions Users are liable for Building
92 of 2010, (ii) GR No. 29 of 2000 re given the authority to carry Failures:
Construction Services Implementation out assessments and make (a) resulting from Service User non-
as most recently amended by GR No. determinations of the cause of fulfilment of relevant Security,
54 of 2016 and (iii) GR No. 30 of 2000 Building Failure; Safety, Health and Sustainability
re Supervision of Construction Services (e) “Security, Safety Health and Standards; and
Implementation. Sustainability Standards”, being (b) occurring after the end of the
GR 22/2020 does not, however, the required levels or standards contract specified minimum useful
revoke ICC Articles 1369 and 1609. of security, safety, health of life of the relevant Building which,
Instead, GR 22/2020 creates a parallel construction worksites and social in the case of a Building with a
and much more certain route for security for workers as well as contract specified minimum useful
recovery in respect of “failed” buildings/ local environmental management life of not less than 10 years, means
facilities. and environmental management during the eleventh and subsequent
technical guidelines in the years after final Building handover
Analysis and discussion implementation of Construction (Articles 85(1) and 86(3) of GR
1. Overview of GR 22/2020 Services; 22/2020).
The apparent intention of GR (f) “Service Providers”, being
22/2020 is to (i) rectify the inherent contractors and sub-contractors 2.3 Determination of Cause of Building
weaknesses of ICC Articles 1365, performing Construction Services; Failure: The cause of a Building
1366, 1367, 1369 and 1609 when it and Failure and the potential liability
comes to creating a certain basis of (g) “Service Users”, being owners and of a particular Service Provider
potential liability for damage or loss in other parties (called “work givers”) or Service User for that Building
connection with the design, construction, which “use” Construction Services Failure is to be determined
maintenance and operation of buildings/ (Article 1 of GR 22/2020). by an Expert Assessor whose
facilities in Indonesia and (ii) greatly determination is final and binding on
reduce, if not eliminate altogether, the 2. Key Provisions of GR 22/2020 all relevant parties (Article 85(2) and
need for court proceedings in order to 2.1 Liability of Service Providers: (4) of GR 22/2020).
recover for damage or loss suffered in Service Providers are liable for 2.4 Nature of Liability for Building
connection with building/facility failure. Building Failures: Failure: Where Service Providers
The implementation of GR 22/2020 (a) resulting from Service Provider and/or Service Users are liable for
turns on a number of key concepts non-fulfilment of relevant Security, Building Failure, this liability may
including: Safety, Health and Sustainability be in the form of:
(a) “Buildings”, being the physical Standards; and (a) an obligation to “replace” (i.e.,
form of the result of Construction (b) occurring during the first ten years rebuild) or repair the relevant
Building by the relevant Service Provider/Service User non- (a) to be shared between the Service
Provider; and/or compliance with relevant Security, Provider and the Service User; and
(b) an obligation to pay damages by Safety, Health and Sustainability (b) the Service Provider’s share of
the relevant Service Provider or the Standards are (i) compensation the insurance premium is to be a
relevant Service User (Article 85(5) for loss of life, (ii) compensation component of the Construction
of GR 22/2020). for personal injury resulting Service fee it is entitled to from the
in permanent disability, (iii) Service User (Article 90(6)(b) of GR
2.5 Determination of Amount compensation for medical treatment 22/2020).
of Damages: Following the in respect of personal injury and
determination of an Expert Assessor (iv) compensation for destruction, 2.8 Sanctions for Non-Compliance
that a particular Service Provider damage or loss (Article 90(3) of GR with Security, Safety, Health
or Service User is liable for a 22/2020). and Sustainability Standards:
particular Building Failure, the 2.7 Insurance: Service Providers and Service Providers and Service
amount of damages payable by Service Users may obtain insurance Users which do not comply with
the particular Service Provider or coverage, in the form of professional relevant Security, Safety, Health
Service User is to be determined indemnity insurance and building and Sustainability Standards face
by so-called “Authorized Parties” insurance, for liability for Building sanctions in the form of:
including asset appraisers, public Failure, thereby effectively (a) written warnings;
accountants, the Audit Board of transferring to the relevant insurance (b) administrative fines of 5% of
Indonesia, independent auditors, law company responsibility for the the value of the work that is not
enforcement authorities and other financial consequences of liability in compliance with the relevant
“Ministries/Bodies” (Article 85(3) of for Building Failure (Article 90(5) of Security, Safety, Health and
GR 22/2020). GR 22/2020). Sustainability Standards;
2.6 Damages for Building Failure: (c) suspension of Construction Service
Relevant damages for Building The premium for any insurance activities;
Failure resulting from Service coverage against Building Failure is: (d) inclusion on a “blacklist”;
3. Assessment of GR 22/2020
3.1 Elimination of Much Uncertainty:
GR 22/2020 goes a long way in
terms of eliminating much of the
uncertainty that surrounds the
intended scope of ICC Articles 1369
and 1609.
CA | Khalsa
loan carried an interest rate of LIBOR +
2.75 percent and will mature in December
2023. The company said the revolving
loan is utilized to support its working million-20.1 million tons, and sales target dedicated for China, Japan, Indonesia,
capital, bank guarantee and foreign of 22 million tons this year. Philippine, Thailand and other Southeast
exchange transaction. “We have not yet completed the Asia markets. “This December, we are
data, but we estimate the production and negotiating for extension of some contracts
ITMG expects lower sales realizations will be slightly lower with quite large quantity, and we expect
production, sales this year than targets due to high rainfall in the there will be agreement in early next
IDX-listed coal producer PT Indo fourth quarter,” Yulius Gozali, Director year,” Yulius said.
Tambangraya Megah Tbk (ITMG) expects of Investor Relations at ITMG, said to ITMG produces coal from a number
coal production and sales this year to be petromindo.com. Yulius added that the of coal concessions in Kalimantan, namely
lower than initial target due to high rainfall company is preparing budget plan for PT Indomindo Mandiri, PT Trubaindo
in the fourth quarter. next year. Coal Mining, PT Bharinto Ekatama and
ITMG has set production target of 19 ITMG’s coal sales this year are PT Jorong Barutama Greston.
DX-listed coal miner PT Golden tons, down compared to 1.36 million tons in electricity firm PT PLN.
Eagle Energy Tbk saw coal the corresponding period of last year. Golden Eagle’s coal are mostly
production in the nine-month Golden Eagle through subsidiary exported to India and China. During
period ending September of this Triaryani operates three producing coal the nine-month period of this year, the
year tumbled by 36 percent year-on-year concessions with combined acreage of company managed to increase export to
due to the weakening demand amid the 2,143-ha in South Sumatra, and through other markets in Southeast Asia including
pandemic. another subsidiary PT Internasional Prima Thailand, the Philippines, and Cambodia.
Given the weaker production Coal operates a 3,238-ha concession in “We continued export to China when
performance, the company is expected to East Kalimantan which has also been in demand started to recover,” Roza said.
be only able to realize about 85 percent production since 2010. Roza said that the company plans to
of this year’s coal production target of Meanwhile, the company’s coal sales produce about 2 million tons of coal next
1.5 million tons, Golden Eagle President volume in the nine-month period of this year. “We’ll not make things that (will
Director Roza Permana Putra said as year tumbled by 38 percent to 869,000 cause) drastic changes next year. We’ll
quoted by news portal kontan.co.id. tons from 1.20 million tons in the same keep focusing on increasing production
The company, however, plans higher period of last year. and maintain business sustainability,” Roza
production target next year of 2 million tons The company, however, managed to said. He added that the company was also
amid signs of recovery in the coal market. increase sales in the domestic market. looking for opportunity to enter the coal
Roza said that coal production in the “We participate in supply coal for PLN,” downstream sector to take advantage of
January-September 2020 reached 870,000 Roza said, referring to state-owned incentives prepared by the government.
CA | Khalsa
he decision by China’s National are not). Our coal exporters will however shut down coal production near term
Development and Reform survive this near-term political fight, due to a spate of deadly accidents, just
Commission to formally and probably far better than our wine or lobster as winter heating demand has kicked
indefinitely block Australian export industries, by comparison. in. Meanwhile the Chinese industrial
coal imports is a key threat to Australia’s Our coal exporters will survive this economy is powering along. So the
political and economic wellbeing. near-term political fight Chinese domestic thermal coal price has
Australia can never expect to win a trade There are no coal ships destined for jumped 35% to 740/t yuan in the last
war with its biggest export partner, and it China being loaded in Australia now. For three months. Seaborne thermal coal
is sheer political and economic suicide to most industries, that would be devastating. prices have rallied from a low of US$46/t
try to do so. But is it devastating for the For coal, not so much. In fact, a look at the to over US$70/t in the same timeframe.
Australian coal export industry? Not at all. share prices of Whitehaven Coal and New Even as total volume of Australian coal
Increased climate ambition by world Hope Corporation would suggest quite the exports have dropped in the December
leaders is likely to be terminal for our coal opposite. Since the September 2020 trough, quarter, the value has surged, and more
exports if we look out a couple of decades and acknowledging the sharp price falls on importantly, the profitability much more
Far more strategically threatening Tuesday, Whitehaven shares have rallied so (notwithstanding the 10% rally in the
in the long term for Australia and our 70% and New Hope are up almost 20%. Aus$/US$, lifted by the unprecedented
coal industry is the pledge by China’s Why? Coal is coal, at least to rally in iron ore prices). Hence the
president Xi Jinping to reach net zero a finance analyst like me, if not an Whitehaven Coal and New Hope increase
emissions by 2060, which was rapidly engineer. Australia sells the vast majority in share price.
followed by net zero emissions by 2050 of its coal to Japan, South Korea and The 25% collapse in the Dalrymple
pledges from Japan’s prime minister Taiwan. And if China buys more Russian, Bay Coal Terminal share price is a
Yoshihide Suga and South Korea’s South African and Indonesian coal to clearer perspective of longterm structural
president Moon Jae-in. This series of replace Australian coal, then we can, by headwinds
sudden and powerful pledges of increased and large, simply swap customers, maybe The coal export sector outlook seems
climate ambition by world leaders is with a month’s disruption. Total demand profitable again – in the near term. But the
likely to be terminal for our coal exports doesn’t change, nor does supply – at 25% collapse in the Dalrymple Bay Coal
if we look out a couple of decades. least not in the near term. Sure, there are Terminal share price since its initial public
Australia is caught in the geopolitical some boiler and blending constraints, but offering last week is a clearer perspective
quandary of having China as our key notwithstanding coal luddite claims that of the longterm structural headwinds
trade partner and the United States as our Australia’s coal is slightly less carbon Australia’s coal industry is facing. Far
key military ally. When US president polluting than someone else’s seaborne better for our Hunter Valley, La Trobe
Donald Trump started a trade war with coal, the minute difference is irrelevant Valley and Bowen Basin communities that
China, it was never going to turn out well – all coal is almost 100% more carbon we as a nation acknowledge the science
for Australia. And incoming president intensive than wind, solar, hydro, nuclear of climate change, prepare a national
Joe Biden is unlikely to change tack or energy efficiency. Or green ammonia, roadmap, ideally with a destination and
too materially where China and trade as Japan’s JERA is now thinking. time of arrival clearly acknowledged.
and technology are concerned (whereas The coal industry is actually The investment, employment and
on climate, Biden’s arrival changes benefiting from a near-term relief export opportunities for Australia are
everything). But we in Australia are like rally. In September Australian coal enormous, and exciting. To steal a very
a mouse caught in the middle of two exporters were losing money with good line from Ross Garnaut and Mike
sparring elephants. every tonne of coal they exported. In Cannon-Brookes – better we focus on
In business, the best rule is that the December, the picture is very different. building Australia as a renewable energy
customer is always right (even if they China’s key Shanxi province has just superpower.
DX-listed coal shipping and logistics of the company’s transport volume. services for the clients. Around half of
firm PT Transcoal Pacific Tbk said it The company has provided services for the company’s annual volume is from
has signed extension of transshipment Arutmin since 2007 and for KPC since transshipment services and the other half
services contract with one of the 2014 under long-term contracts. from coal transport, Dirc said, and most
largest coal mining firms located in East Transcoal CEO Dirc Richard Talumewo of the coal transportation is shipments to
Kalimantan Province. Transcoal said in a told Petromindo.com early December that power plants.
statement that the contract period is for 13 the company was aiming to increase coal The company’s current fleet includes
months ending December 2021, and worth transport volume to 53-54 million tons in 100 sets of tugs and barges, 5 mother
Rp 138.8 billion. 2021 as domestic coal demand is expected to vessels, 3 floating cranes. Dirc said that
The company said it has no affiliation pick up. He said that coal transport volume the company plans to expand its fleet to
with the coal mining customer, but did not this year was estimated to reach only 42-43 anticipate increasing demand. “Currently
disclose the identity of the customer. million tons, or down by around 15 percent we own only 40 percent of the vessels
Transcoal’s biggest clients are South compared to last year, due to Covid-19 that we operate. Over the next five years,
Kalimantan-based coal miner PT Arutmin pandemic that had lowered coal demand we want to increase the number of own
Indonesia and East Kalimantan-based from domestic power plants. vessels to around 70 percent, which will
coal miner PT Kaltim Prima coal (KPC), The company provides barging, mean to invest around US$150 million
which accounted for more than 90 percent transshipment, and vessel transport over the next five years,” he said.
CA | Khalsa
DX-listed integrated energy the operating permit),” Azis said at a One of the conditions for the renewal
company PT Indika Energy Tbk said public expose meeting. of coal miners’ PKP2B operating permit
it will submit a request to the Kideco’s existing PKP2B is set to into special mining business license (or
Ministry of Energy and Mineral expire on 13 March 2023. The company IUPK) is investment in the downstream
Resources for a renewal of the operating operates a 47,500-ha coal concession in industry including coal gasification.
permit of its coal subsidiary PT Kideco Paser Regency, East Kalimantan. Azis said that the company has
Jaya Agung next year. Kideco is the largest revenue conducted pre-feasibility study for a
Indika Vice President Director and contributor to Indika’s consolidated proposed underground coal gasification
CEO, Azis Armand said that after the revenues. As per end of September project in East Kalimantan. The pre-FS
request is made, the company will have to 2020, Kideco accounted for 55 percent of is expected to be completed in the second
hold talks on a number of related issues Indika’s total revenue. semester of 2021. The company has
with the ministry, thus there must be Kideco, which is the country’s third also signed MOU on coal gasification
sufficient time for the discussion prior largest coal miner, is expected to produce with state-owned oil and gas firm PT
to the expiry of Kideco’s current coal 33 million tons of coal this year, according Pertamina.
contract of work (or PKP2B). to Indika Director Retina Rosabai. As Azis welcomes a number of planned
“We have made a plan (to submit per end of September, realized output was incentives to be provided by the
the request for renewal of the PKP2B), 23.9 million tons. “For 2021, our initial government for coal miners engaged in
hopefully before the end of 2021 we have (production) target is 30 million tons,” coal downstream sector including giving
filed the application for an extension (of Retina said. life of mine operating license.
CA | Boim
CA | Boim
MEMR proposes progressive He added that the progressive royalty ministry in a virtual webinar hosted by the
coal royalty scheme was proposed taking into account Indonesia Coal Mining Association.
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral the average HBA in the past 10 years Wafid added that coal export to the
Resources (MEMR) has proposed a and projected HBA over the next 20 China market is estimated to range from
progressive royalty scheme, linked to years period. Meanwhile, regarding coal 185 million tons to 202.3 million tons
coal price development specifically the allocated for the domestic market, both in 2021. “The coal quality requirement
government coal reference price (or HBA), ministries have agreed on a flat 14 percent ranges ranging from 3,000-6,000 kcal/kg
for exported coal. royalty, he added. (NAR) for power plants, cement plants
Ministry’s Director General of Coal and The Ministry of Energy and Mineral and steelmakers,” he said.
Mineral Ridwan Djamaluddin said that the Resources projected the country’s coal Wafid also sees growing coal demand
proposed progressive coal royalty scheme export volume next year to be in the range in markets in South and Southeast
was made in relation to the proposed new of 406.3 million-427 million tons, higher Asia such as Bangladesh, Pakistan and
government regulation on non-tax state than this year’s export target of 395 million Vietnam. The country’s coal production
revenue (or PNB) currently being drafted at tons. Meanwhile, coal production next in the 11-month ending November of this
the Ministry of Finance (MOF). year may be limited at around 550 million year totaled 504.62 million tons, or about
“The MEMR has proposed progressive tons, or the same as this year’s target. 91.75 percent of the government’s full-
royalty linked to coal price … We’re year target of 550 million tons, according
still discussing it (with MOF),” he told Government sees higher coal to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
lawmakers during a hearing session with export next year Resources data seen on Monday
the House Representatives Commission The government expects higher coal Realized export in the 11-month
VII on energy and mining as quoted by export potential next year on strong period reached 278.84 million tons, or
news portal bisnis.com. demand in key market of China and also in 70.59 percent of the full-year target of
Director of Coal Business new markets in the region. The Ministry of 395 million tons. Meanwhile, realized
Management at the ministry, Sujatmiko Energy and Mineral Resources projected domestic market obligation (DMO) as per
said that the Ministry of Finance’s Fiscal the country’s coal export volume next year end October reached 108.45 million tons,
Policy Agency (or BFF) has proposed for to be in the range of 406.3 million-427 or 69.97 percent of the full-year DMO
a flat 24 percent royalty. million tons, higher than this year’s export target of 155 million tons.
But the MEMR proposed the target of 395 million tons. Wafid said on 20 October that
progressive royalty scheme taking into “The export potential remains widely the country’s coal output next year is
account the business sustainability of the open in 2021. The export potential in projected to increase to 604 million tons
coal miners, while at the same ensuring 2021 is expected to be between 406.3 under an optimistic scenario, while under
higher revenue for the government from million to 427 million tons in 2021,” said a moderate scenario output is projected
the coal sector as mandated under the new Muhammad Wafid, Director of Mineral at 591 million tons, and 527 million tons
Mining Law No 3/2020. and Coal Development Program at the under a low production scenario.
MBSS bags coal barging Bumi plans flat coal subsidiaries namely PT Kaltim Prima Coal
contract from affiliated output in 2021 (KPC) and PT Arutmin Indonesia (AI). As
company IDX-listed coal producer PT Bumi of September 2020, KPC produced 44.4
IDX-listed coal shipping firm PT Resources Tbk plans coal production of 82 million tons of coal and AI produced 16.2
Mitrabahtera Segara Sejati Tbk (MBSS) million to 85 million tons in 2021, or the million tons.
reported on Monday it has secured a term same as this year’s target. Most of Bumi’s coal output in the
barging contract from affiliated company As of September 2020, the realized nine-month period of this year were
East Kalimantan coal miner PT. Kideco coal production was 60.7 million tons or dedicated for domestic market (30
Jaya Agung. 3 percent lower than 62.8 million tons in percent), China (21 percent) and India
Under the contract that was signed on nine-month period of 2019. (20 percent).
December 10, 2020, Kideco will utilize “We will follow the (2021) RKAB Ido added that Bumi has contracted
MBSS’ tug and barge to transport coal to approved by the government, which is the 90 percent of the coal sales target for
Jawa-7 coal-fired power plant in Banten same level as in 2020, at the minimum,” 2021 under long term agreement, while
until November 2021. Ido Hutabarat, Director of Bumi, said in a 10 percent is allocated for spot market.
According to the company the value virtual public expose, referring to the work “We allocate 10 percent for spot market
of the contract is approximately US$10 and budget plan. because we want to tap into the price ups
million subject to fuel to be consumed. Bumi produces coal form its and downs in the market,” he said.
The Jawa 7 is a 2x1000 MW power
plant owned by PT Shenhua Guohua
Pembangkitan Jawa Bali. The company
is 70 percent owned by China Shenhua
Energy Company Limited and 30 percent
by PLN’s subsidiary PT PJB Indonesia.
PTBA, partners sign Products and Chemicals CEO Seifi “The government plans 550 million
agreement on coal-to-DME Ghasemi, witnessed by the minister. tons (coal) production, the same level as
project The principal agreement was initially this year,” Sujatmiko, Director of Coal
State-controlled coal miner PT Bukit expected to be signed in November of this Development at the Ministry of Energy
Asam Tbk (PTBA), state-owned oil and year. Under an initial agreement signed and Mineral Resources, said in a virtual
gas firm PT Pertamina, and US-based Air in 2018, the three companies agreed webinar. He said that the flat output
Products and Chemicals Inc finally signed to cooperate in the development of an target has taken into account coal miners
the final agreement on cooperation in the estimated US$2.1 billion DME plant production capacity and efforts to limit
development of coal gasification project located at PTBA’s mine site in Tanjung the country’s coal output, in a bid to help
in South Sumatra. Minister of Energy Enim, South Sumatra Province. revive the price of the commodity.
and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif Under the plan, PTBA will provide the He said that all coal miners in the
said in a statement that this agreement required coal feedstock, land for the DME country must adjust their 2021 production
is a milestone in the development coal plant, and supporting infrastructure, while plans to the government’s output target.
downstream sector in the country. Air Products will act as the investor and Meanwhile, Kontan, citing data from
He said that the coal gasification provide the technology, and Pertamina as the government, said that about 351.44
project aims to process low grade coal the off-taker of the DME output. million tons, or 64 percent of the 2021
into dimethyl ether (DME), which can be Arviyan said recently that once production volume target, are allocated for
used as a substitute of LPG, which in turn the final agreement has been signed, coal miners holding licenses issued by the
would help reduce the country’s import construction is expected to start in the central government, and the rest allocated
of the fuel. Indonesia currently imports middle of 2021, and the project is targeted for miners holding licenses issued by local
about 70 percent of its LPG consumption. to start operations in the second quarter governments.
“This is one of the milestones of the of 2024. “In 2025, we have an option to Of the 351.44 million tons volume,
national coal downstream development, acquire up to 40 percent interest (in the coal miners holding the PKP2B coal
specifically in developing DME. Going project). And after 20 years, the (DME) contracts of work will be allocated with
forward, the technology is expected to be plant will be owned by the joint venture of 294.66 million production quota; state
efficient and produce DME products that PTBA and Pertamina,” he told lawmakers. miners holding the IUP OP license
are competitive with LPG,” Arifin said. assigned a quota of 24.20 million tons;
The statement said that the agreement Govt sets flat coal output target foreign investment scheme (PMA)
was signed by PTBA President Director The government has set coal miners 32.48 million tons quota; and the
Arviyan Arifin, Pertamina President production target of 550 million tons for remaining 0.1 million tons quota for other
Director Nicke Widyawati, and Air next year, or the same as this year’s target. IUP OP license miners.
PLN to start power supply the 23.3% expected contraction in 2020’s surpassed the Philippines as the largest
next year for Banten steel nickel output. global producer in 2017 following the
maker Growth in the near term will be driven introduction of stringent environmental
State-owned electricity firm PT by a recovery in output in the Philippines regulations in the latter.
PLN said it will start next year supplying and Indonesia, says Fitch, a unit of Fitch But Fitch believes the tables will
electricity to PT Gunung Mulia Steel’s Group. In the Philippines, lockdowns and turn in 2020 onwards as the Philippines
plant in Banten. supply chain constraints over the first half is set to regain its spot as the largest
PLN will make the electricity supply of 2020 had reduced output by 27.7%. global producer due to a restriction on
via the 150 kV Ciruas power substation. Fitch expects this low base effect to nickel ore exports in Indonesia leading
“Electricity will begin to be distributed thus support growth. In Indonesia, the to a halt to mining operations. The
next year, gradually until 2023, totaling maintaining of nickel ore export ban other best-performing major producer
120 MVA,” said PLN Regional Business had significantly hampered domestic will be Australia, which maintains a
Director for Java, Madura and Bali, opportunities for miners to sell their stable regulatory environment and solid
Haryanto WS recently. product, leading to a decline in production. project pipeline. Finally, Russian nickel
He added that the power sale and Fitch expects mineral production to pick production will grow at the slowest rate
purchase agreement between PLN and up in Indonesia as the country ramps up of the top five major producing countries
Gunung Mulia had been signed in April its nickel smelting and refining capacity. in the coming years as few new projects
of 2019. Fitch notes upside risk to its nickel mining come online.
Haryanto said that PLN has also growth forecasts depending on how Australian nickel production growth
signed similar power supply deals with quickly Indonesia will be able to ramp up will also remain positive over the coming
large industries in Banten such as the its downstream capacity. years, due to a healthy project pipeline.
Tanjung Lesung special economic In the longer term, Fitch forecasts Its nickel sector will increasingly gain
zone of 100 MVA and PT Multimas global nickel mine production to grow investor attention as the rising battery
Nabati Asahan of 30 MVA, with power by an annual average rate of 3.7% y-o-y trend prompts miners to develop projects
distribution expected to start next year. over 2021-2029, a significant slowdown in stable operating environments. A
from the 5.9% y-o-y average achieved more positive price outlook for nickel,
Fitch forecasts strong nickel over 2010-2019, which was boosted by underpinned by solid demand growth, will
production in 2021 higher nickel prices at the time and strong support this view.
In its latest industry report, Fitch Indonesian output before another export In the long run, Fitch forecasts,
Solutions forecasts nickel mine production ban in 2014. rising nickel prices will support project
to grow by 8.3% y-o-y in 2021, above the By 2029, Fitch expects global annual development as the economics of nickel
average growth of 5.9% y-o-y experienced nickel production to reach 2.7mnt, mine projects becomes increasingly
over 2010-2019 but not fully replacing up from 2.0mnt in 2020. Indonesia attractive.
mid the increasing gold plant. “The capital expenditure for third reserves and resources by 2022.
price trend, IDX-listed gold processing plant is lower as the supporting Citra Palu Minerals in Central
producer PT Bumi Resources infrastructures are available,” he said. Sulawesi operates Poboya gold mine,
Minerals Tbk (BRMS) is BRMS plans to complete the while Gorontalo Minerals operates
gearing up to develop its gold projects in construction of second gold processing gold and copper mine in Bone Bolango
Sulawesi, operated by two subsidiaries, plant in fourth quarter 2021, and the third Regency, Gorontalo Province. Currently,
PT Cita Palu Minerals and PT Gorontalo processing plant is expected to complete in Citra Palu owns 3.9 million tons of gold
Minerals. the fourth quarter 2023. ore reserves and 7.9 million tons of gold
BRMS allocated US$118 million to In addition, BRMS will focus on the ore resources.
build two gold processing plants at Poboya development of Motomboto gold project BRMS allocates a total US$28.25
gold mine, Central Sulawesi Province. rather than Sungai Mak copper project in million tons of capital expenditure for
Each gold ore processing facility has 4,000 PT Gorontalo Minerals concession in Bone drilling activities ($23 million for Citra
tons per day capacity. Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. Palu, and 5.25 million for Gorontalo
Currently, BRMS operates 500 tons Gorontalo Minerals is KK holder Minerals) which will utilize the right
per day gold ore processing plant and it with 24,995 hectares of concession which issues fund.
plans to ramp up capacity up to 8,500 tons has mineral ores consist of copper, gold “It is estimated additional 20 million
per day by 2024. and silver. The company plans to focus tons of gold ore reserves and resources
“For the second processing plant, the on Motomboto gold project due to stable from four prospects in Poboya. From
planned capital expenditure is US$65-70 increase of gold price and more straight Motomboto, Gorontalo is expected
million and the third facility is US$48 forward processing than copper mine. additional 5 million tons gold ore reserves
million,” Herwin W Hidayat, Director of “Gold mine is more straight forward and resources,” Herwin W Hidayat,
BRMS said in a virtual public expose on compared to copper mine in term of Director of BRMS, said in a virtual public
Thursday recently. processing. The stable increase of gold expose on Thursday recently.
Herwin added that the higher capital price offers better return of investment,” Herwin emphasized that these
expenditure for second processing plant Suseso Kramadibrata, President Director discoveries of gold ore reserves and
is due to the construction of the plant and of BRMS, said in a virtual public expose resources are subject to successful drilling
other supporting infrastructures such as on Thursday recently. and a third-party consultant estimate,
waste management facility and power Suseno added that the physical either JORC or KCMI.
EGA signs agreements with internationally, in a major milestone in the the issuer’s capacity to meet its long-
INALUM development of a knowledge economy in term financial commitments on the debt
Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA), the UAE. Aluminum Bahrain’s Potline 6, security, relative to other Indonesian
the largest industrial company in built with EGA’s DX+ Ultra technology, issuers, is strong. However, the issuer’s
the United Arab Emirates (UAE) began production in 2019. capacity is somewhat more susceptible
outside oil and gas, has signed a Last month EGA signed an to adverse effects of changes in
series of agreements with aluminum agreement with NEO Aluminio Colombia circumstances and economic conditions
maker PT Indonesia Asahan which could lead to the export of EGA than higher-rated issuers.
Aluminium (INALUM) to provide technology for the development of the PT J Resources Nusantara was
technological know-how to upgrade the South American country’s first aluminum established in 2003 under the name PT
Indonesian company’s aluminum smelter production facility. Bara Kutai Energi. Its operations cover
in North Sumatra. the exploration, mining, and processing
The signing was part of Indonesia Pefindo: J Resources of gold. It has a geographically diverse
UAE Week, organized by the two Nusantara’s maturing MTN portfolio of assets across Indonesia
countries’ Embassies to further deepen rated “idA” and Malaysia, specifically in Penjom,
economic ties between the UAE and PEFINDO has affirmed its “idA” rating Malaysia; Seruyung, North Kalimantan;
Indonesia. for PT J Resources Nusantara (JRES)’s and Bakan, Lanut, Pani, Doup,
EGA said in a statement it will provide MTN IV Year 2018 of IDR300 billion Bolangitang, and Bulagidun in North
expertise to upgrade the performance maturing on February 15, 2021. JRES Sulawesi. As of September 30, 2020, it
of the INALUM smelter by retrofitting plans to repay its maturing MTN using had three producing mines, two mines
improvements to its existing technology, the proceed from Shelf Registered Bond in the development stage, and two in the
which was first installed in 1982. I Phase VII Year 2020 of IDR384 billion exploration stage. The Company’s shares
The project, which is expected to which will be issued by its parent company, were 99.9% owned by PT J Resources
take some 18 months to complete, aims PT J Resources Asia Pasifik Tbk. Asia Pasifik Tbk., the largest Indonesian
to increase production at the North Debt security rated idA indicates that listed gold producing company.
Sumatran smelter by 20,000 tons of
aluminum per year. EGA has extensive
experience in upgrading aluminum
smelting technology. The company has
completed a series of similar upgrades
across its sites in Jebel Ali and Al
Taweelah over the past decade.
EGA and INALUM also signed
an extension to a Memorandum of
Understanding on broader cooperation,
which envisages potential cooperation
on the construction of a new aluminum
smelter in Indonesia using EGA’s
proprietary technology.
EGA has developed its own
aluminum smelting technology for more
than 25 years, and has used UAE-
developed technology in all its smelter
expansions since then.
In 2016, EGA became the first
UAE industrial company to license
CA | Boim
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will be acquired for a total staged
consideration of US$163.4 million,
which will comprise of $10 million paid
Trinitan signs MOU with leach (STAL) technology, which is in cash on the execution of a binding
Japanese firm claimed by the company as a solution SPA, $40 million paid in cash upon the
IDX-listed PT Trinitan Metals and for the processing of low-grade nickel successful IPO on the IDX and a 22.5%
Minerals Tbk, which is engaged in metal laterite in Indonesia, with efficient shareholding in IDX listed WIN.
and mineral processing, said on Monday investment, but able to produce 99.96 Asiamet will continue to manage
it has signed an MOU with Japan’s percent nickel (LME grade), as well as the KSK CoW project for a period of
Meiwa Corporation to conduct feasibility nickel sulfate (NiSO4) and cobalt sulfate up to 12 months (extendable by mutual
(FS) study for its proposed nickel smelter (CoSO4) battery grade. agreement) following the IPO of PT WIN
project in Central Sulawesi. through a management services contract.
Trinitan said in a statement that WIN in talks with potential Aeturnum’s independent valuers
the FS is already in progress, and is underwriters for planned estimate WIN to have an equity value of
targeted to be completed in March 2021. IDX IPO circa $500 million on a 100% basis on
Trinitan Director Widodo Sucipto said Indonesia-based firm PT. Wasesa IPO, asiamet said.
that following the completion of the FS, Indo Nusa (WIN) is currently in “Following completion of the
the company will carryout the detailed talks with several “highly regarded” transaction Asiamet will have circa
engineering design (DED) with the Indonesian financial institutions to $50 million cash and no debt on its
Japanese firm. underwrite the IPO on the Indonesian balance sheet and retain a sizeable
Trinitan on October 28 held a Stock Exchange (IDX), which is planned 22.5% interest in the KSK CoW through
groundbreaking ceremony for its by the end of first quarter of 2021, UK- its shareholding in WIN along with an
nickel smelter project located at the listed copper-gold junior mining firm 80% interest in the significantly larger
Special Economic Zone in Palu, Central Asiamet Resources Limited reported. Beutong copper gold porphyry project
Sulawesi. Widodo said at the time that As part of IPO strategy, WIN has in located in Aceh. The Company plans
construction of the nickel smelter project October 2020 signed a conditional share to continue working with PT WIN on
is expected to be completed in a year, in purchase agreement (CSPA) to acquire the development of the BKM copper
the hope that it would start operation later Asiamet’s subsidiary Indokal Limited , project, to progress various options for
next year. the 100% owner of the Kalimantan Surya further exploration and development
The company is teaming up with Kencana Contract of Work (KSK CoW), of the Beutong project and assess
PT Bangun Palu Sulawesi Tengah in including the BKM Copper Project, additional growth opportunities that can
the smelter project that will use its located in Central Kalimantan. As part of create long term value for shareholders,”
hydrometallurgy step temperature acid the Transaction, WIN has entered into an Asiamet said.
CA | Khalsa
Trinitan seeks BPPT’s nickel or nickel sulfate (NiSO4), and ounces per year, according to IDX-listed
approval for STAL cobalt sulfate (Co504). integrated energy firm PT Indika Energy
technology The company said that it wanted to Tbk. “Based on the feasibility study,
IDX-listed PT Trinitan Metals and gain approval from BPPT for the STAL the initial production volume is about
Minerals Tbk, which is engaged in metal technology, which the claims to be the 100,000 –130,000 ounces,” said Azis
and mineral processing, and its subsidiary solution in processing the country’s huge Armand, Vice President Director & CEO
PT Hydrotech Metal Indnesia (HMI) low grade nickel reserves. of Indika Energy.
had on 16 December signed an MOU Trinitan is developing a nickel Indika Energy currently owns 45.8
and cooperation agreement with the smelter using the STAL technology at the percent shares in the Awak Mas gold
Agency for Technology Assessment and Special Economic Zone in Palu, Central project, operated by PT Masmindo Dwi
Application (BPPT) for technology audit Sulawesi, which the company said is Area, while the remainder is held by
of STAL pilot plant owned by HMI. expected to start operation later next year. ASX-listed Nusantara Resources. Indika
Trinitan said in a statement Friday Trinitan is teaming up with PT has an option to increase the ownership in
that the hydrometallurgy step temperature Bangun Palu Sulawesi Tengah in the Awak Mas to 53.9 percent. Read also:
acid leach (STAL) technology has been smelter project. The Awak Mas gold project is held
proven to have succeeded in converting under a 7th generation Contract of Work
nickel ores from low grade nickel laterite Awak Mas to produce up (CoW) signed with the Government
into pregnant leach solution (PLS) within to130,000 oz of gold per year of Indonesia (GoI) in 1998. The CoW
four hours, which will be processed into The Awak Mas gold project in South covers an area of 14,390 hectares, and
downstream products such as mixed Sulawesi Province is expected to start has gold reserves and resources estimated
hydroxide precipitate (MHP)/mixed production in 2022 or 2023 at initial at 1.5 million ounces and 2.3 million
sulphide precipitate (MSP), or pure production rate of 100,000-130,000 ounces respectively.
G Energy Solution, the battery during their visit to Seoul to sign the but the companies refused to comment on
spinoff from LG Chem, signed a Comprehensive Economic Partnership the matter.
memorandum of understanding Agreement between the two countries. “LG Energy Solution has been
(MOU) with the Indonesian LG Energy Solution confirmed exploring investment opportunities in
government investment authority Friday the signing of the MOU, but refused Indonesia for a while, with a plan to
for investments into the Southeast Asian to disclose any details, saying it was engage in multiple processes of battery
country. “a non-binding MOU regarding local making through joint ventures in the
According to the industry ministry investment” and specifics had yet to be country,” a source said. “The MOU is
and LG Energy Solution, the electric confirmed. showing that the company and the country
vehicle (EV) battery maker held a According to officials familiar with have reached common ground from a
closed-door signing ceremony for the the matter, however, the MOU is about broad perspective, but are still narrowing
MOU at the Lotte Hotel in Seoul. The launching a package of battery-related their differences over the details.”
ceremony was attended by LG Energy businesses in Indonesia, ranging from Indonesia has been frequently
Solution President Kim Jong-hyun, mining raw materials to manufacturing mentioned as an investment destination
Indonesian Investment Coordinating battery cells. LG Energy Solution will for battery and electric vehicle firms due
Board Chairman Bahlil Lahadalia and lead a consortium comprised of both to the country’s abundant resources for
Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Korean and Indonesian companies to battery materials. The country, which has
Sung Yun-mo, news portal koreatimes. do this. The alleged total value of the the largest nickel reserves in the world,
co.kr reported. projects will likely reach the trillion-won banned all nickel exports in January to
The news portal quoted sources level, the report said. have more processed in the country.
as saying the MOU was signed after Companies including LG Nickel is one of the most important
Indonesian ministers’ expressed strong International and POSCO were materials in manufacturing batteries.
hopes of signing a deal with the company mentioned as stakeholders in the projects, Due to the country’s importance,
not only LG Chem but also a number
of global giants have tapped into the
country. Overseas news outlets reported
that Tesla will send a delegation to
Indonesia next month to discuss a
potential investment in the country, and
CATL, the biggest rival of LG Energy
Solution, plans to invest $5 billion in a
lithium battery plant there.
Though not included in Friday’s
MOU, sources said a joint venture
between LG Energy Solution and
Hyundai Motor is under way, with an
outcome expected next month.
Currently, Hyundai Motor is building
a vehicle plant capable of manufacturing
up to 250,000 vehicles ― including EVs
― annually in Indonesia, with a plan to
launch commercial operations at the end
of next year. For a stable battery supply to
the plant, the two sides reportedly agreed
on setting up a joint venture and are now
fine tuning details of the project.
SX-listed gold mining km gold-soil geochemical anomaly that been received for a further three holes,
firm Sihayo Gold has been largely untested by drilling to showing gold mineralisation in all three
Limited updates drilling date. Previous drilling done by Sihayo at holes, it added.
activities at the Hutabargot Hutabargot Julu during 2010-2013 was The Company has engaged Intrepid
Julu exploration prospect located focussed mainly on the southern edge of Geophysics N/L to do a 3D inversion
approximately 6 km southeast of the this anomaly. analysis of high resolution airborne
Sihayo Starter Project in the northern The aim of the current reconnaissance magnetics data previously acquired over
block of the PT Sorikmas Mining Contract program is to test the potential for a large Hutabargot Julu and the entire CoW
of Work, North Sumatra. gold resource similar to the Martabe area in 2012. This will greatly assist
Drilling at Hutabargot Julu gold-silver deposit, located about 80 km with interpreting the potential depth
commenced in early October using two northwest of the CoW. Martabe and the and extent of the mineralised system at
man-portable drilling rigs owned and CoW, which includes the Hutabargot Hutabargot Julu and, combined with new
operated by PT Indodrill Indonesia. A Julu gold-silver target, all lie within the geological, structural and geochemical
third man-portable drilling rig recently same highly prospective mineral belt of data generated from the current drilling
arrived at site and will help accelerate the North Sumatra. program, may assist in highlighting the
progress of the drilling program. A total Gold assay results from the first hole major controlling structures for targeting
of 9 holes (1,818 m) has been completed in the reconnaissance drilling program, higher grade mineralisation in the current
of the 22- hole (5,500 m) diamond HUTDD057, were reported last month and follow- up drilling programs.
drilling program to date. and showed very encouraging intercepts, Additional assay results from other
The planned drill holes are located the company said. holes completed in the program to-date
across the northern part of a 3.5 km x 3.0 Further gold assay results have now are expected to be received in the coming
weeks. Drilling continues with three rigs
and this initial program is expected to be
completed in early Q1 2021.
A more targeted follow up program
to test for and define identified zones
of mineralisation is envisaged once full
results from the reconnaissance program
have been analysed and interpreted.
Sihayo’s Executive Chairman, Colin
Moorhead commented: “The results from
the reconnaissance drilling program at
Hutabargot Julu continue to confirm our
exploration model for the prospect. We
firmly believe there is potential for bulk-
tonnage disseminated gold plus discrete
higher grade structurally controlled gold
vein targets within this large prospect area.
We look forward to receiving further
assay results over the coming months
CA | Khalsa
anada-listed junior gold and Mineral Resources (MEMR). This is immediately start construction once the
mining firm Baru Gold a statutory position required by all mine production licence upgrade is received.”
Corporation announced operations whether in the exploration Baru is planning to move ahead
the appointment of Fatchil or production stage. The duties of the toward commencement of production and
Amal as Mine Manager (KepalaTeknik KTT are to ensure compliance with cash flow from gold production on the
Tambang/KTT) for its Sangihe gold all legislation related to safety, health, Sangihe project in the first half of 2021.
project in North Sulawesi. environmental impact, and conservation The construction of heap leach will
For more than 28 years Amal has of mineral resources. The KTT is also start with gold pour within six months
had senior technical and management responsible for regular reporting of from breaking ground with stage one
roles in coal, gold and copper mining, activities and operations to the MEMR. production of 12 months at 1,000oz gold
and mine infrastructure construction Amal has previously been KTT on a per month when the production plant is
operations throughout Indonesia. He number of other mining projects. fully operational, it said earlier.
was involved in projects including Indo Baru Gold CEO, Terry Filbert, The Sangihe gold-copper project
Muro Kencana, Batutua Tembaga Raya, commented, “We welcome Amal to is located on the island of Sangihe off
Nusa Halmahera Mineral, and Nuansa our team and congratulate him on being the northern coast of Sulawesi and has
Cipta Coal Investment. His role as KTT approved as our KTT for the Sangihe an existing National Instrument 43-101
at the Wetar copper leaching project project. His experience in both mining inferred mineral resource of 114,700
whose island location and remoteness is and infrastructure construction in remote indicated and 105,000 inferred ounces of
very similar to the Sangihe Project, the locations will ensure our project is gold. The Company’s 70-percent interest
company said. delivered as efficiently and safely as in the Sangihe-mineral-tenement contract
Amal’s appointment as KTT has also possible. This is another step the Company of work is held through PT. Tambang
been approved by the Ministry of Energy has taken to position itself to be able to Mas Sangihe.
lobal chemical firm statement released on Tuesday said. “Securing access to raw materials,
BASF and French global The HPAL plant will process locally especially nickel, is a critical component
mining and metallurgical secured mining ore from the Weda Bay to support the strong growth in the global
group Eramet have signed deposit to produce a nickel and cobalt electric vehicle value chain. The share
an agreement to jointly assess the intermediate. Since the acquisition of of high nickel CAM is rising to meet
development of a state-of-the-art nickel Weda Bay in 2006, Eramet carried out the demand for higher energy density
and cobalt hydrometallurgical refining extensive geological work and confirmed batteries and reduce overall battery
complex. the potential of this world-class deposit costs, and Weda Bay’s resources rank
Such a development would include whose mining operations started at the among the most competitive globally
a High-Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) end of 2019. for addressing this demand. The planned
plant and a Base Metal Refinery (BMR). The BMR will supply nickel and development will provide BASF access
The HPAL would be located in Weda cobalt to produce precursor cathode to an additional secure source of 42,000
Bay, North Maluku, while the location active materials (PCAM) and then metric tons of nickel and 5,000 metric
of the BMR will be determined during cathode active materials (CAM) for tons of cobalt annually from mines
the feasibility study, the companies’ joint lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles. operating according to internationally
recognized sustainability standards,” the
release said.
The project targets a start-up of
the HPAL and BMR facilities in the
mid-2020s and will commence in the
first phase feasibility study with limited
“With Eramet, we have a responsible
and experienced partner to supply raw
materials for our battery materials
production,” said Dr. Peter Schuhmacher,
President, Catalysts division at BASF.
“As a global supplier, BASF offers
a full solution from metals to innovative
CAM products in support of our battery
materials customers around the world.”
Christel Bories, Chairman and CEO
of Eramet commented: “With high
potential deposits and strong metallurgy
know-how, Eramet is well positioned
to supply critical metals for energy
transition. A key pillar of our strategy
is to grow in this area. Partnering with
BASF is a unique opportunity in line
with our ambition to provide a solid
CA | Khalsa
he government will ease the such as a lower royalty (obligation) for the further processed into raw material for
royalty obligation of integrated ores, compared to the royalty set in PP 81,” production of electric vehicle battery.
nickel miners developing Yunus said in a webinar. Yunus also mentioned that HPAL
smelters utilizing the high Under Government Regulation (PP) smelter developers with integrated
pressure acid leach (HPAL) technology No 81/2019, nickel ore is subject to 10 operation will be granted life of mine
that absorbs nickel ores with grade lower percent royalty. However, Yunus did not mining permit. HPAL smelter developers
than 1.8 percent. disclose the lower royalty tariff. will also be provided with other fiscal
Yunus Saefulhak, Director of Mineral The government said there are incentives from the Ministry of Finance,
Development at Directorate General of currently five HPAL smelter projects such as tax holiday and lower import
Mineral and Coal, said that the lower under construction. IDX-listed duties for capital goods.
royalty tariff is part of government integrated nickel mining firm PT Vale In addition, Yunus stated that the
planned incentives to help accelerate the Indonesia Tbk said previously it plans government is discussing about the
development of HPAL smelters in the to start construction next year of an economical and technical viability of
country and absorb lower grade nickel ores. HPAL smelter in Pomalaa, Southeast existing nickel smelters in absorbing low
“Incentives will be provided for (nickel Sulawesi Province, which will produce grade nickel ores. “It may be a regulation
mining) companies that develop HPAL mixed sulphide precipitate (MSP), that obliges existing smelters to absorb
smelters and absorb low grade nickel ore, an intermediate product that can be 1.5-1.7 percent nickel ores,” he said.
“We appreciate the commitment
of PT Timah Tbk in maximizing (the
RI’s lithium battery plant to 60 percent of the nickel supplied by use of) the former mine site to increase
start production in 2024 Antam into EV battery in Indonesia. “60 energy supply and the welfare of the local
A lithium battery plant in Indonesia to percent of the nickel they obtained must people,” said Director General of Mineral
be developed by China’s Contemporary be processed into battery in Indonesia. and Coal, Ridwan Djamaluddin at the
Amperex Technology Ltd (CATL) This is our demand. So, we don’t want inauguration ceremony as quoted in a
in partnership with Indonesia’s state- them to get nickel from us but processed statement issued by the directorate. No
controlled miner PT Aneka Tambang it overseas,” he said. further details were provided about the
Tbk (Antam) is targeted to start Antam and CATL signed on 9 new floating solar power plant.
production in 2024. November a principal agreement for Ridwan also inaugurated a fishing
This was revealed by Septian H. joint development of a lithium battery villa at the 17-ha ex-mine site which has
Seto, a Deputy at the Office of the plant in Indonesia as the country is been turned into an agro-tourism area.
Coordinating Minister for Maritime seeking to become a global hub of the The local government welcomes
Affairs and Investment, at a webinar EV supply chain. Timah’s efforts to develop the ex-mine
recently Elsewhere, Septian said that his office site into a tourism destination as it would
He added that the Indonesian side had also met with Chinese car makers help improve the economic life of the
has required CATL to process at least to develop an EV manufacturing plant local people.
ining industry is additional operational costs while Law No. 3 of 2020 on the Amendment
highly vulnerable struglling to cope with the weakening of the Law No. 4 of 2009 on Mineral and
to the external risks demand impacted as result of the trade Coal Mining provides long-term certainty
particularly volatility war. The pandemic hits the industry not only for holder of Coal Contract
of the commodity prices and policy on the demand side which triggers of Work (CcoW) but also for Contract
risks. In the early 2020, virus SARS commodity prices downturn. of Work (CoW) and Mining Business
Cov-2 (Covid-19) almost shutted down Big miners both mineral and coal Permit holders (IUP). In addition, the
the world economy after the World producers perform relatively well in issuance of the Law No. 11 of 2020
Health Organization (WHO) declared terms of keeping the production plan on Job Creation (Omnibus Law) also
the outbreak as the Global Pandemic. intact amidst the pandemic. Despite the exemplifies the commitment of the Joko
Most of the world economy have weakening demand which force most Widodo – Ma’ruf Amin’s administration
entered into the recession which worse miners especially coal producers in to boost the investment climate.
than the 2008 financial crisis. That is the survival mode, the tax and non-tax Perhaps one of the best achievements
why TIME magazine labels the 2020 contribution of the mineral and coal in 2020 by the mining industry is the
is the worst year ever in the cover of sector is crucial to the nation. Miners selection of four coal companies as the
its weekly publication. Some of the have been doing their utmost to maintain recipient of the gold rating (the highest
mineral commodities, except gold, have the workforce in order to support rating) in the Proper LH (Environmental
seen their prices hits its lowest level in the national and regional economic Rating conducted by the Ministry of
years. Despite all the negativity, there recovery. Coal producers have been Environmental and Forestry). Of the
are some positive news in regards to working around the clock to ensure the 36 recipients of the gold ratings, 30
regulatory aspect as the government and domestic supply not disturbed. are from energy and mining industries
the parliament enacted the New Mining The pandemic does not only including geothermal, power generation,
Law and the Job Creation Law amidst impacting the demand but affecting coal, and oil and gas. Only 6 companies
the pandemic. This gives optimism for miners’s investment plan. According from industries outside of energy and
the industry to face the 2021 where mosf to the data compiled by the Ministry mining industry. This exemplifies the
of the world economy is in the recovery of Energy and Mineral Resources, commitment of energy and mining
mood. However there are still huge investment realization as of October companies in implementing their highest
challenges and uncertainties in the new 2020 fell to more than 60% compared environmental management standard
year ahead. to the 2019 figure. Miners are forced even in the perhaps the most difficult
to scale back their investment plan year that the industry has experienced.
Review 2020 which hampered by the logistical supply Unfortunately this encouraging news
Pandemic is perhaps the most problems. PT Freeport Indonesia and PT have received only small media coverage.
single important factor that impacted Amman Mineral Nusa Tenggara have
the mining industry severely in 2020. notified the government that their copper Outlook 2021
During the pandemic, most of mining smelter projects were affected so that it In the demand side, the recovery of
activities are in relatively normal is difficult for each project to meet the the world economy provides positive
condition despite companies enforcing dealine as initially planned. outlook for miners in anticipating the
strict physical distancing measures Inspite all the negativity, there were year ahead. China economy is having
to prevent the outbreak. In doing so, some positive news particularly on the the fastest growth among the G-20
companies are burdened with more regulatory aspect. The enactment of the countries. The world second biggest
economy is performing well with its In the policy side, the mining industry requires the coal miners to invest in
purchase manager index records the has been awaiting for the finalization of coal development or coal utilization
highest level in years. On the other implementing regulations of the Law project as part of the evaluation of their
hand, the US and European countries No. 3 of 2020. The government is to contract extention proposals. Under the
are still struggling to cope with the issue 3 government regulation (PP) on Law No. 3 of 2020, coal development
spread of the corona virus including the the business activity of mineral and coal consisting of coal gasification and coal
possibility of the new strain as emerged industry, reclamation and post-mining liquefaction among others. Meanwhile,
in the United Kingdom. The uncertainty and mining area. Although the Law coal utilization is related to the building
over the Brexit deal with the European mandates the implementing regulations of mine-mouth power plant. Details
Union is still looming. Meanwhile the should be completed at the latest 1 year on the coal downstreaming obligation
upcoming new leader of the United after the enactment of the Law, which is should be regulated in the incoming GR
States although is highly welcomed June 2021 but the government confirms on the Law No. 3 of 2020.
but it projected not too give significant the regulations should be ready within 6 For nickel producers, the potential
breakthrough in 2021. months. So far the industry has limited demand electric vehicles provides
Coal demand is expected to grow access to study the draft regulations as positive development on the investment
again in 2021 thanks to the recovery of the government has invited industry on the nickel processing facilities.
the Chinese economy. Indonesian coal and professional associations for once The proactive measures taken by the
miners expect to cultivate to the recently meeting only, and yet it without a Government to impose raw material
signed memorandum of understanding complete draft. export ban and regulate the nickel
(MoU) signed by APBI-ICMA and its For coal miners, especially price should be appreciated. However
counterpart China Coal Transportation CcoW holders, the concern over the the government should also consider
& Distribution Association (CCTDA) possibility of the royalty tariff hikes is to provide non-fiscal incentives and
witnessed by representatives from the still lingering as the government not utmost support to make development
two countries. In the MoU which valid yet finalizing the draft of government of copper smelter economically viable.
for three years, the two parties agreed to regulation on the tax treatment for coal Keeping mineral producers to sustain
enhance their cooperation to boost coal companies. Technically the regulation their investment to support the recovery
export from Indonesia which is targeted should have been issued at the latest of national and regional economy is
to reach 200 million tonne. on December the 1st 2020 as the legal very important.
As the World’s biggest coal basis for the tax obligation of the holder In terms of external economic
importer, China’s role remains of Special Mining Business Permit factor, miners expect to enter into
significant in affecting the commodity (IUPK) Production Operation (ex-CcoW recovery mode in the 2021. Given
price. The country represents more than holder) . There was a proposal from the the recovery of the world economy in
quarter of the total global seaborne Ministry of Finance to impose the new particular with the arrival of vaccines,
thermal coal market. The recent coal royalty tariff of 24% to be applicable to such optimism is highly understandble.
import restriction imposed by China the IUPK OP holder, which is extremely However uncertainty factor remains
on Australian coal raises concern over higher compared to the existing 13.5% including geopolitical tension. In the
uncertainty in global coal demand. Such tariff. Our existing tax scheme is seen national level, investment friendly
issue could provide an opportunity for as not attractive and not competitive policy and regulation would be the
some of Indonesian coal exporters to compared to many other mining most decisive factors that could shape
feed the growing demand in China ahead producing countries. the future of the national mineral and
of the Chinese new year. The increase of The 1st generation of the CcoW coal industry. So long 2020, the year
the coal price is partly due to the rising holders also are facing though business that perhaps no one won’t miss. And let
of demand from China as its domestic challenges in investing in the coal us welcome 2021 with huge optimism
coal prices continue to rise. downstreaming project. The government for our better future.
1 https://bumn.go.id/media/news/damri-lakukan-retrofit-bus-listrik-untuk-transportasi-umum#:~:text=Terdapat%20beberapa%20alasan%20strategis%20yang,
2 https://www.esdm.go.id/id/media-center/arsip-berita/hilirisasi-nikel-ciptakan-nilai-tambah-dan-daya-tahan-ekonomi.
3 Ibid.
4 Presidential Regulation No. 22 of 2017 on General Plans of National Energy (Rencana Umum Energi Nasional/RUEN) (PR 22/2017).
5 Different term under RUEN and PR 55/2019.
6 Attachment 2 of PR 22/2017.
7 https://jakartaglobe.id/business/elon-musk-to-look-into-potential-tesla-spacex-investments-in-indonesia.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid.
10 The four SOEs, namely Mining Industry Indonesia, PT. Aneka Tambang Tbk, PT. Pertamina and PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN).
See: https://ekonomi.bisnis.com/read/20201209/44/1328773/ini-bocoran-pembagian-saham-4-bumn-di-indonesia-battery-holding.
11 http://www.businesskorea.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=56587.
12 https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20201005083624-4-191830/wah-ternyata-ri-punya-62-stasiun-charging-kendaraan-listrik.
13 Ibid.
14 https://www.cnnindonesia.com/teknologi/20200210140607-384-473259/pemerintah-ajak-apm-soal-konversi-motor-bensin-ke-listrik.
15 https://bumn.go.id/media/news/damri-lakukan-retrofit-bus-listrik-untuk-transportasi-umum.
16 https://voi.id/en/teknologi/18733/5000-grab-electric-vehicle-fleets-ready-to-operate-in-indonesia
According to Ministry of Industry MEMR 13/2020 as a response to that that at this moment only PLN can carry
Regulation No. 28 of 2020 (MoI urgency. Under MEMR13/2020, the the business, or at least, a cooperation
28/2020), BEV industries must carry electricity charging infrastructure for with PLN will be needed.
out domestic manufacturing and BEV comprises two, i.e., (a) recharging
to prioritize domestic production. facility and (b) battery replacement Private involvement in charging
Importation is only allowed when facility. The recharging facility is the business through some business
domestic production is not capable electrical energy charging facility for schemes
of producing BEV and BEV's BEV, while the battery replacement MEMR 13/2020 also provides
components. Industries need to obtain facility is the place for replacing the other business options for private
an approval letter from Ministry battery of BEV. entities to participate by not being an
of Industry (MoI) to import. There The recharging activity can be IUPTL holder. The business scheme
are also local content requirements carried out in (a) a private electrical used in running the charging business
for two and/or three-wheeled BEVs installation and (b) SPKLU, while the for BEV can be in the form where (a)
and four our more wheeled BEVs, battery replacing activity can be carried SPKLU Business Entity is the holder
which progressively increase over out in an SPBKLU. of integrated IUPTL (in this case, PLN)
the course of at least 11 years (2019- and where (b) SPKLU Business Entity
2030 and onwards).17 BEVs also have IUPTL as the license to sell electricity is the holder of IUPTL for sales (in
to meet technical requirements and for public this case, PLN). We set out below the
roadworthiness.18 Charging facilities in the form table showing each of the schemes.
Further, the GoI provides an of SPKLU are provided by SPKLU The blue highlighted column indicates
opportunity for fuel-powered business entities (SPKLU Business the opportunity for private entities to
motorcycles to convert to battery- Entity) for owners of BEVs. SPKLU participate.
powered motorcycles. Conversion can Business Entity must be either (a) a
only be done in a conversion certified holder of integrated Electric Power Battery replacement business
workshop and said motorcycles must Supply Business License/Izin Usaha Unlike charging facilities, the battery
also meet technical requirements and Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik terintegrasi replacement facility is provided by the
roadworthiness after converting.19 Since (integrated IUPTL) or (b) a holder of SPBKLU business entity (SPBKLU
battery waste from BEV has adverse Electric Power Supply Business License Business Entity) for BEV owners
effects on the environment, institutions, for sales/Izin Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga through battery leasing. SPBKLU
BEV industries, and/or BEV component Listrik penjualan (IUPTL for sales), that Business Entity does not require IUPTL
industries must have BEV battery waste owns a Business Area (Wilayah Usaha) but must possess a business license in
management permits if they want to to carry out electricity sales in SPKLU. accordance with the provisions of laws
recycle and/or manage BEV batteries.20 A private electrical installation used for and regulations The business scheme
electricity charging does not require an used in carrying out a battery lease for
Infrastructures for charging the BEVs IUPTL. BEV can be as follows.
The growth of the BEV demand Basically, the whole Indonesian area For the first time, the provision
cannot be left alone. It, indeed, must be is the Business Area of PLN, unless of electricity charging infrastructure
supported with a good infrastructure. otherwise decided by the GoI. MEMR for BEVs is carried out through the
One of the most important 13/2020 expressly states that only those assignment of PT PLN. In carrying out
infrastructures is the electricity charging that have Business Area can carry out the assignment, PT PLN as SPKLU
infrastructure for BEVs. The GoI issued SPKLU business activities. It implies Business Entity and SPBKLU Business
the BEV acceleration program.26 A charging facilities require a relatively implementing regulations of Omnibus
team for Acceleration of State-Owned' large space for parking space.29 Not Law have not been promulgated, how
Enterprises' EV Battery Development only do facilities need sufficient land, many changes the licensing procedures
aiming to optimize the integration of but they also need to be placed in would require are still up in the air.
state-owned enterprises' resources and strategic locations in a large number to Although some challenges still
increase coordination between state- beat the growing number of BEV that remain regarding the implementation
owned enterprises with members such as needs charging. This might be hard for of the regulations, especially licensing,
PLN, Pertamina, and ANTAM was also populated cities such as Jakarta, which that the GoI needs to address to
formed.27 is one of the main targets for BEV ensure a smooth acceleration of BEV
development.30 development properly, the Indonesian
Closing • feasibility of business entities to market, regulations, and various
The GoI is on the right track to participate in developing SPKLU. stakeholders have shown a positive
welcome BEVs demand in Indonesia. MEMR 13/2020 stipulates that only response toward BEV development in
Some legal challenges may arise, which business entities who hold integrated Indonesia. This hopefully will provide a
require rigorous scrutiny from the GoI IUPTL or IUPTL for sales and own a good stimulus for future development of
to ensure smooth BEV development, Business Area can carry out electricity the industry in Indonesia.
among other things: sales in an SPKLU.31 In practice, it is
• seamless coordination within the tough for a business entity to obtain
government is crucial. The BEV a Business Area32 due to the strict This article is intended for providing
acceleration program involves and specific reasons to obtain such general information on the latest
legal and/or regulatory issues. We
a variety of ministries and local Business Area.33 As of 2019, PLN
have no intention to and do not: (i)
government who has distinct yet still owns 90% of Business Areas in provide any legal services to, and
intertwined roles. Clear and constant Indonesia.34 Both PR 55/2019 and (ii) establish any client-attorney
communication among these MEMR 13/2020 indicate that this is relationship with, anyone through
ministries is necessary to avoid possible by allowing both business this article. We do not guarantee
the completeness of all opinions
contradicting policies and overlapping entities and state-owned enterprises to
stated in the article and we shall
responsibilities. develop BEV infrastructures, although not be liable in any way to you for
• land availability to install charging the implementation of this is still using any materials contained in
and battery exchange facilities. unknown.35 Therefore, clarity for the the article. If you wish to follow
Charging facilities are the key to intended messages of PR 55/2019 and up on any legal matter that is being
discussed in this article, kindly
promote BEV. Delayed charging MEMR 13/2020 is needed.
contact lawyers that are qualified to
facility construction due to limited practice in Indonesia. No one may
land available was a central issue in To note as well, there is also a recent use or reproduce, by any means, any
electric car implementation in China.28 issuance of Omnibus Law. Omnibus media and materials contained in
Governments, especially the local Law streamlines all the main licensing this article without prior approval
from UMBRA - Strategic Legal
government, need to provide sufficient into one Business License depending
Solutions. By reading this article
space in commercial and residential on the business activity's risk level or disclaimer, and/or entering
areas for charging facilities. Battery and rating scale. Hence procedures to into UMBRA’s website, you
exchange facilities may require obtain a license for BEV industries acknowledge and entirely agree with
smaller space as it is only needed and infrastructures have to follow the the content of this disclaimer.
to swap and charge the battery, but Omnibus Law. However, because
global economic recovery in
2021 is expected to drive a
short-lived rebound in coal
demand following the major
drop this year triggered by the Covid-19
crisis, according to a new report from the
International Energy Agency.
However, there is little sign that
the world’s coal consumption is set
to decline substantially in the coming
years, with rising demand in some Asian
economies offsetting declines elsewhere.
As coal is by far the single largest
source of global energy-related carbon
emissions, the trends outlined in the
report pose a major challenge to efforts to
put those emissions on a path compatible
with reaching climate and sustainable second half of the year.” terms is not set for a rapid decline in the
energy goals. Based on the assumption of a immediate future.
The past two years have seen historic recovery in the world economy, the “Renewables are on track to surpass
falls in global coal demand, led by IEA report forecasts a 2.6% rise in coal as the largest source of electricity
unprecedented drops in the United States global coal demand in 2021, driven by in the world by 2025. And by that
and Europe, says Coal 2020, the latest higher electricity demand and industrial time, natural gas will likely have taken
edition of the IEA’s annual market report output. China, India and Southeast over coal as the second largest source
on the sector. A 1.8% decline in coal Asian economies account for most of of primary energy after oil,” said Mr
demand in 2019 resulted mainly from the growth, although the United States Sadamori. “But with coal demand still
weak growth in electricity demand and and Europe may also both see their expected to remain steady or to grow in
low natural gas prices. Latest estimates first increases in coal consumption in key Asian economies, there is no sign
from the IEA suggest coal demand will nearly a decade. However, global coal that coal is going to fade away quickly.”
have plunged by a further 5% in 2020 on demand in 2021 is still forecast to remain The future of coal will largely be
the economic fallout from Covid-19. below 2019 levels and could be even decided in Asia. Today, China and
“The Covid-19 crisis has completely lower if the report’s assumptions for the India account for 65% of global coal
reshaped global coal markets. Before economic recovery, electricity demand or demand. With Japan, Korea, Taiwan and
the pandemic, we expected a small natural gas prices are not met. Southeast Asia included, that share rises
rebound in coal demand in 2020, but we The rebound in coal demand in 2021 to 75%. China, which currently accounts
have since witnessed the largest drop is set to be short-lived, with coal use for half of the world’s coal consumption,
in coal consumption since the Second forecast to flatten out by 2025 at around will be especially influential. By 2025,
World War,” said Keisuke Sadamori, 7.4 billion tonnes. This would make the European Union and United States
the IEA’s Director of Energy Markets 2013, when global coal demand reached will account for less than 10% of global
and Security. “The decline would have 8 billion tonnes, coal’s all-time peak. But coal demand, down from 37% in 2000.
been even steeper without the strong while coal’s share in both the electricity This will make the impacts of any further
economic rebound in China – the mix and the overall energy mix are in changes in demand in these markets very
world’s largest coal consumer – in the steady decline, coal use in absolute limited.
ounded in 2018, Triputra produced that come as the main time frame. During this transition
Energi Megatara (TEM) aims highlight of the business is both method and ways of blending is
to lead the supply of energy promising and aligned with the found to support the vision. TEM,
and services segment global focus of having a cleaner and align with the requirement chooses
across Indonesia. Focusing on efficient source of energy. the more accurate of blending
Kalimantan and the East part of The government of Indonesia’s process is choosing the in-line
the Nation, the company is looking ambition has changed the course blending as the method of creating.
for opportunities to spread the of energy business by requiring the This type of blending occurs at a
wing wider. blending of biodiesel in diesel fuel fuel rack, where dedicated blending
As the subsidiaries of Triputra since issuing its first set of blending equipment delivers a metered
Group, TEM is backed up with a targets in 2008 for the 2008–2025- amount of fuel, creating the clean,
supportive internal ecosystem that
help to sustain the business. Only in
a span of two years TEM has proven
its ability to compete in the energy
industry. Triputra Energi Megatara is
committed to developing long-term
and mutually beneficial relationship
with customers and business
partners across the nation, following
with the company’s vision of growing
energy business in Indonesia.
The quality of the biodiesel
less condiment biodiesel that is safe the HSE performance checkpoint of and partner is collaborating and
for the environment and delivers the complying with the law, intervene in synergize to provide multi-mode
maximum performance. unsafe or non-compliant situation, and multi range of services and
TEM is now competing with and respect the neighbourhood, solution, starting from vessels to
compelling product quality and bringing not only a high-quality trucks utilizations.
value-added service (VAS), enabled product but also with highest By finishing the 2020 in the right
by good key account management. ethical. To ensure the product rhythm and focus, the team is now
Subsequent with the HSE Golden is delivered in highest standard, looking at 2021 with eagerness and
Rule, TEM is committed in adopting TEM along with affiliates business confidence.
here has been a growing Absolute Zero by 2040, including its the long elusive breakthrough at scale. We
tsunami of climate steel – leveraging the growing power of note the growing strength of the European
commitment announcements the now global Responsible Steel standard Union’s emission trading scheme provides
combined with fossil fuel development and certification body. a critical pre-requisite to CCUS, namely a
exclusion policies by globally significant We exit 2020 with a growing list of price on carbon (EU emission allowances
financial institutions during December the world’s largest steel manufacturers are currently trading above €30/t).
2020, building on the pledges two having now committed to net zero Last week Nippon Steel set a goal to
months earlier by the leaders of China, emission by 2050 targets. Nippon Steel reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
Japan and South Korea committing to net and POSCO add global significance Last week Nippon Steel President Eiji
zero emissions targets. to the earlier leadership shown by Hashimoto set a goal to reach net-zero
On top of that, three leading ArcelorMittal (world #1), Germany’s emissions by 2050 as a core pillar of its
corporate announcements show ThyssenKrupp, Austria’s Voestalpine strategy, aligning with Prime Minister
the building momentum towards a and Sweden’s SSAB/LKAB/Vattenfall Yoshihide Suga’s pledge to achieve
decarbonisation-driven technology consortium pursing HYBRIT. carbon neutrality across the country.
disruption. Nippon Steel and POSCO There’s a growing list of the world’s Japan’s largest steel manufacturer said
– respectively the largest steel largest steel manufacturers committing to it will work with its rival JFE Steel to
manufacturers in Japan and South Korea net zero by 2050 replace coking coal with hydrogen as
– both committed to net zero emissions All of these steel manufacturers a reducing agent. It will start using an
by 2050 targets over the last ten days. reference two technological paths to the electric arc furnace (EAF) in a steel mill
And Australia’s Lendlease has released one goal of zero emissions, that being: in Hyogo Prefecture in 2022/23 as a first
a roadmap detailing how it will deliver 1. 1. the avoidance of CO2 through the step to wider use. Nippon Steel also said it
on its commitment to “Absolute Zero use of green hydrogen, and will also look into CCUS technologies to
Carbon by 2040”. 2. 2. the storage or use of CO2 produced ensure it meets its environmental target.
Lendlease is committing to zero in steelmaking (carbon capture, usage This past week also saw POSCO
emissions including indirect scope 3 & storage, or CCUS). pledge to achieve carbon neutrality by
emissions. 2050. POSCO is South Korea’s largest
To IEEFA, Lendlease’s announcement Both are being piloted, and neither steel manufacturing firm leveraging
could be a signal of profound global have been implemented at scale and innovative technologies such as CCUS
significance. Firstly, like a growing commercially proven as yet. 2020 has and hydrogen-based steelmaking. Like
number of global corporate majors, seen a global tsunami of announcements an ever lengthening list of financial
Lendlease is committing to zero for the development of green hydrogen institutions across banking (Shinhan
emissions, including indirect (scope 3) pilot projects. One of the largest and Financial, KB Financial, Woori Bank,
emissions sourced from activities across boldest recent announcements came Korea Development Bank), insurance
its value chain. Secondly, Lendlease from Fortescue Metals Group, one of the (Samsung Life Insurance, Samsung
has acknowledged that ‘net zero world’s largest iron ore mining firms, Fire & Marine Insurance) and asset
emissions by 2050’ is not sufficient to which announced a 235 gigawatt of management, POSCO’s ambition to
hold global temperature rises to 1.5°C, renewables plus green hydrogen ambition support the Korean government’s policy
suggesting action needs to be much faster, in November 2020. of achieving “2050 carbon neutrality”
particularly in the developed world. IEEFA has long documented our demonstrates its determination to play
Thirdly, Lendlease will not hide behind scepticism that CCUS will prove viable, a leading role in implementing Korea’s
the carbon offsets ‘figleaf’. Lendlease particularly as a saving angel for ageing “Green New Deal”.
mandates that all of its supply chain coal-fired power plants, but the H2H POSCO signed up to the TCFD
contracts will include a requirement for Saltend trials in the North Sea could prove (Task Force on Climate-related Financial
CA | Boim
Moody's upgrades Geo Energy to Caa1; outlook stable
oody's Investors Service (MT) as of 30 October 2020 [1]. This par value, crystalizing a significant loss
has upgraded the follows the company's announcement in of value for creditors relative to the
corporate family rating August that it had secured mine license original obligation. The remaining notes
(CFR) of Geo Energy extensions at the two mines to 2027 and outstanding total only $59 million.
Resources Limited to Caa1 from Caa3. 2028, respectively, from their previous "Despite significantly lower leverage
In addition, Moody's has upgraded 2022 expiry dates. and lower interest costs, Geo Energy's
to Caa1 from Caa3 the senior unsecured These two factors mean the credit profile remains constrained by
guaranteed notes issued by Geo Coal company has satisfied the minimum its small scale and limited financial
International Pte. Ltd., a wholly-owned reserve conditions needed to prevent flexibility, including a low cash buffer
subsidiary of Geo Energy. the triggering of a put option on its which hinders its ability to make
The outlook on these ratings remains outstanding US dollar notes in the next acquisitions in order to grow and
stable. "The ratings upgrade reflects the four months. These minimum reserve replenish its declining coal reserves,"
elimination of near-term refinancing conditions included (1) extension of adds Hasnain, who is also Moody's Lead
risk for Geo Energy, as the company existing mining licenses at SDJ and TBR Analyst for Geo Energy.
announced that it has met the conditions to beyond 4 October 2025 and (2) having Moody's estimates Geo Energy
required to prevent triggering a put more than 80 MT of coal reserves, with will generate sufficient internal cash to
option on its US dollar notes in April the reserves measured no earlier than six repay the outstanding notes at maturity
2021," says Maisam Hasnain, a Moody's months before 4 April 2021. while maintaining a minimum cash
Assistant Vice President and Analyst. As a result, the US dollar notes will balance, similar to its $25 million
mature as originally scheduled in October balance as of 30 September 2020.
Ratings rationale 2022, affording the company time to However, this limited buffer could
On 2 December, Geo Energy increase cash generation prior to the erode in the event of persistently
announced that its updated coal reserve maturity. Over the past 12 months Geo low coal prices or cuts in production
report showed its combined reserves Energy has cumulatively repurchased volumes over the next 12-18 months.
at its two operating mines, PT Sungai around $241 million of the notes' original Moody's expects the company may
Danau Jaya (SDJ) and PT Tanah Bumbu $300 million principal amount, at a seek to raise money via prepayment
Resources (TBR) were 86 million tons considerable discount to the original facilities under its existing coal offtake
CA | Khalsa
Indonesia’s Omnibus Law puts focus
on direct use of geothermal resources
The Indonesian Government enacted Law No. 11 of 2020 regarding Jobs
Creation (the “Omnibus Law”) on November 2, 2020. The stated aim of
the Omnibus Law is to bolster investment and create jobs by streamlining
regulations and simplifying the licensing process to improve the ease of
doing business in Indonesia.
he Omnibus Law amends Centralizing the direct use of stipulate norms, standards, procedures
various provisions in laws geothermal resources and criteria for the direct use geothermal
across numerous sectors, The authorities of the central resources. Local governments must
including amending 29 government and local governments then follow these norms, standards,
provisions and removing six provisions in (provincial, regency and municipal) to procedures and criteria when exercising
Law No. 21 of 2014 regarding Geothermal oversee and regulate business activities their authorities, including when issuing a
(the “Geothermal Law”). related to the direct use of geothermal Business License for the Direct Utilization
Many of the changes to the resources remain the same as under the of geothermal resources, known as a
Geothermal Law concern the direct use of Geothermal Law. Perizinan Berusaha Terkait Pemanfaatan
geothermal resources. We look at some of However, the Omnibus Law now gives Langsung or “PBPL”. This direct use
the key changes. the central government the authority to license was known as an Izin Pemanfaatan
ddressing the Covid-19 Sulphur
pandemic that hit businesses
around the globe, industries TEM Govt.
Details Benefits Product Standart
have been searching
measures to operate optimally amidst • Naturally occuring Diesel fuel with high sulphur content : <500ppm 2500ppm
the unprecedented time. In mining compounds in crude oil • Can cause wear in diesel engines as a
result of the corrosive nature
operations, where fuel corresponds the • Sulphur in diesel is
large share of operational costs, miners remmoved by the de • Contributes to negative environmental
culhurication plant in the and health concern with sulphur emissions
ultimately require reliable services with refinery
competitive pricing fuels. • Acts as a temporary catalyst poison,
• Use of flower sulphur fuel is reducing system efficieny
PT Triputra Energi Megatara in line with Indonesian
(TEM), an emerging energy solution goverment’s commitment to Diesel fuel with low Sulphur content
reduce emissions directly reduces sulfate particulate
provider, offers energy supply solutions emissions
with quality, reliable and competitive
prices for customers in the industry,
including mining. Cetane Number
“Emerge from a strong, high quality
TEM Govt.
product background from ExxonMobil Details Benefits
Product Standart
biodiesel, we are also equipped with
• Cetane number provides a measure of High cetane fuels provide 50 - 56 48
excellent service procedures,” Gunardi
the ignition characteristics of diesel in
Hadi Atmodjo, CEO Triputra Energi compression ignition engines • Good cold starting and
reduce smoke
Megatara, said recently.
• As Cetane number reduces, diesel
TEM personnel are intact with engine performance progressively • Lower combustion noise
the excellence culture of 5R (rapi/ deteriorates • Reduced exhaust emissions
tidy, resik/maintained, rajin/diligent,
rawat/caring, ringkas/efficient). TEM
believes that the team is ready to be the availability of fuel. Losses during In addition, TEM really understands
held accountable in their movement, and storage and distribution often happened about quality of biodiesel blend fuels, like
always try to deliver the best. and not rarely it exceeded the allowable B-30, which is determined by three things
“We offer flexibility that may not be tolerance limits. namely quality of diesel oil, blending
owned by others on-par/comparable scale The above matter can lead to method, and storage specs and handling.
fuel business,” Gunardi said. high operating costs, therefore, one TEM’s Mobil Diesel Fuel has two
Not only with the product quality, of the alternative designed concepts key qualities that define our excellence:
TEM is also equipped with Vendor is managing fuel by using a Vendor sulfur content and cetane number.
Held Stock (VHS) system, where TEM Held Stock system, where there is There are several blending
makes sure the goods are not only well manpower and facility management techniques, such as splash blending,
delivered but also well maintained. personnel invested to maintain the safe in-tank blending, and in-line blending.
The current system cannot guarantee delivery and stock. ExxonMobil’s biodiesel-30 product that
TEM sold uses in-line blending technique which causes minimum absorption and executes it with discipline in prioritizing
to ensure the quality of our blended excessive supply in all refinery. This quality and ensure agile logistic capacity
diesel fuel. This results in a clear and year, biodiesel has also experienced a to keeps up with customer demand and
bright diesel fuel appearance. significant decline across the year 2020. local flexibility. Having more than 20 years
TEM owns permanent fuel “Our strategy in 2020 basically is to long of contract with ExxonMobil, TEM is
storage infrastructures in Samarinda, survive – first and foremost was making driving the company to delivers even more.
Banjarmasin, and Balikpapan with sure everyone safety including our partner In 2021, Indonesia’s government has
up to 115.000 KL capacity. “Our and customer. We revamp the business the ambition of having biodiesel for B40
facilities and operational excellence process to adapt with new normal and still / B50, along with this goal, preparation of
can guarantee supply continuity and making sure the operational excellence in IVO (industrial vegetable oil) Standards as
security,” Gunardi said. place,” Gunardi said. an alternative for Green Fuel raw materials
TEM also focuses to develop their TEM is rolling out the is being prepared. This lengthy measure
logistic capabilities by having more #Ber1MelawanCOVID - a part of is conducted so that Green Fuel Cost of
than 500 delivery points across east Triputra Peduli for Indonesia – where Production can compete with other fuels.
and south Kalimantan, this vision is TEM distributes around 200,000 kl Maximization for capacity
solidified by empowering the 3PL with across our business networks. expansion and completion is also
local ‘players’ with more than 150 These front-liners at TEM’s networks necessary as a part of improving supply
vehicles utilized. are so-called “the unseen heroes”, and
Multi-mode delivery to build TEM applauds them for their continued
flexible options for customers commitment in powering our nation even
that enhance customer needs by in the current challenging condition.
customizing delivery (vessels, trucks, “We believe that this too shall pass,
etc.) (last-mile delivery)) and most and we will be #strongertogether. Until
important during the pandemic. then, let’s continue to support each other,
care for one another,” Gunardi said.
Surviving mode
During the pandemic there is the 2021 outlook
phenomenon of decreasing demand TEM delivers circa 400,000 KL of
and also the fall in world oil prices B30 in the year of 2020 and the company
72 COAL ASIA DECEMBER 29, 2020 - JANUARY 29, 2021
After unprecedented market disruption due to
Covid-19 pandemic during the year, industry
players expect better condition in 2021 supported
by improving coal prices in recent weeks. However,
many industry players believe that coal market may
not recover to the 2019 level anytime soon.
By Tri Subhki R.
nternational Energy Agency both the electricity mix and the overall at Ministry of Energy and Mineral
(IEA) stated that global economic energy mix are in steady decline, coal Resources (MEMR), said recently.
recovery in 2021 is expected to use in absolute terms is not set for a
drive a short-lived rebound in rapid decline in the immediate future. Traditional markets
coal demand following the major drop IEA stated that the future of coal Government estimated Indonesian
this year triggered by the Covid-19 will largely be decided in Asia. Today, coal export this year may be at least
crisis. However, there is little sign that China and India account for 65 percent 392.4 million tons with the assumption
the world’s coal consumption is set of global coal demand. With Japan, of 32.7 million tons export per month.
to decline substantially in the coming Korea, Taiwan and Southeast Asia It means that coal export in 2020 is
years, although the rising demand in included, that share rises to 75 percent. estimated 14 percent lower than coal
some Asian economies will offset the China, which currently accounts for half export realization in 2019 at 454.5
decline elsewhere. of the world’s coal consumption, will be million tons due to impact of Covid-19
Based on the assumption of a especially influential. pandemic.
recovery in the world economy, the IEA By 2025, the European Union and “The export potentials remain widely
report forecasts a 2.6 percent rise in United States will account for less than open in 2021. The export potential in
global coal demand in 2021, driven by 10 percent of global coal demand, down 2021 is expected to be between 406.3
higher electricity demand and industrial from 37 percent in 2000. This will make million to 427 million tons in 2021,”
output. China, India and Southeast the impacts of any further changes in Muhammad Wafid, Director of Mineral
Asian economies account for most of demand in these markets very limited. and Coal Program Development in
the growth, although the United States Available Covid-19 vaccines offer Directorate General of Mineral and
and Europe may also both see their first better expectation of global economic Coal, said recently.
increases in coal consumption in nearly growth next year, which will in turn More than 50 percent of Indonesia’s
a decade. improve the energy demand. Coal prices total coal production are dedicated for
However, global coal demand in showed positive trend in recent weeks China and India markets with the export
2021 is still forecast to remain below supported by increasing demand in volume in 2019 reaching 144 million
2019 levels and could be even lower some countries. Coal Price Benchmark tons (32 percent) and 117 million
if the report’s assumptions for the (HBA) for December is US$59.65 per tons (26 percent) to China and India
economic recovery, electricity demand ton or 7.07 percent higher than HBA in respectively.
or natural gas prices are not met. November at $55.71 per ton. Wafid added that the potential coal
The rebound in coal demand in 2021 Although the coal prices showed export to China is estimated to range
is set to be short-lived, with coal use improving trend, the government of between 185 million tons and 202.3
forecast to flatten out by 2025 at around Indonesia has set flat coal production million tons in 2021. “The coal quality
7.4 billion tonnes. This would make target at 550 million tons in 2021. “The requirements are range from 3,000 to
2013 as coal’s all-time peak, as global government plans 550 million tons 6,000 kcal/kg (NAR) for power plants,
coal demand reached 8 billion tonnes production, same level as this year,” cement plants and steelmakers,” he said.
in the year. But while coal’s share in Sujatmiko, Director of Coal Development To secure coal export volume in
2 India 178.2 147.3 163.0 3400GAR - 6300GAR Power plants, Cernent, Smelter, Steel Maker, Stock & Sale Trader
3 Japan 123.8 121.0 128.0 4700NAR - 6200NAR Power Plants, Paper Mill, Steel Maker, Chernical Industry
4 Suth Korea 102.0 85.4 86.9 3800NAR - 5500NAR Power Plants, Chemical Industry, General Industry
5 Taiwan 55.4 52.6 55.1 4800GAR - 6200GAR Power Plants, Chemical Industry, Stock & Sale Trader
8 Vietnam 31.0 33.1 38.6 4200GAR- 5500GAR Power Plants, Steam Business, Stock & Sale Trader
10 Thailand 22.9 22.5 23.3 3800GAR - 6200GAR Power plants, Cernent, Chemical, Stock & sale Trader
11 Pakistan I5.5 16.7 22.8 5300GAR - 5500GAR Power Plants, Bricks Industry
12 Hong Kong 10.0 5.7 5.5 4700GAR - 6300GAR Power Plants, Cernent
Source: MEMR
the coming years, the government and from north-eastern India to power end of lockdown periods. “Coal import
Indonesia Coal Mining Association utilities across the country,” Kannan demand from Vietnam reached the
(ICMA) in November signed coal said recently. highest level this year,” he said.
contract agreement with China Coal Kannan added that India’s reliance In 2019, coal-fired power plants
Transportation and Distribution on seaborne thermal coal imports is generated almost 40 percent of total
Association (CCTDA) worth US$1.46 not expected to fade away in the near power output in Vietnam and about a
billion for three years. term, as they require the lower sulfur quarter of the coal was imported. By
“This agreement is expected to and lower ash coal from Indonesia country origin, Australia is the largest
provide benefits for coal industry for fuel and blending. “Coastal power coal supplier for Vietnam, and followed
players in the certainty of coal exports plant’s boilers are designed to consume by Indonesia.
to Indonesia and to China so that it will imported coal,” he said. There are 31 operating coal-fired
be a positive sentiment in supporting Non-traditional markets power plants in Vietnam and 9 new
Indonesia’s national economic Since traditional export markets, additional coal-fired power plants are
recovery,” Pandu Sjahrir, Chairman of namely China and India, are expected under construction. In addition, there
ICMA, said. to increasingly rely on domestic coal are 29 new coal-fired power plants are
Meanwhile, India keeps pushing supplies, Indonesia coal producers are under permitting processes.
domestic coal production up to seeking new non-traditional markets, S&P Global Platts stated that
700 million tons per year to supply particularly countries in South and Southeast Asia is seeing rapid growth of
domestic coal-fired power plants. Southeast Asia. thermal coal demand, and imports are
However, Deepak Kannan, Managing “Southeast Asia and South Asia expected to reach around 130 million
Editor, Asia Thermal Coal S&P Global are the regions that will see the highest tons this year.
Platts, said that India will remain facing growth of demand for coal import in As the cheapest form of fossil fuel
logistic issues in transporting coal to 2021,” Nyoman Oka, Chairman of which is easily and widely available in
coastal regions. Marketing Committee at ICMA, said the market, developing nations which
“India’s existing domestic recently. Nyoman added that the coal require energy fuel at the lowest cost
infrastructure and transport facilities import demand from India and Philippine will rely on thermal coal for power
also prove challenging to bring coal show encouraging trend following the generation.
Coal-fired power plant 108.92 95.6 96.66 129 135 137 4000 - 6300
Metallurgy 16.52 23.98 35.37 16.63 16.66 16.73 >3400
Fertilizer Fertilizer (3379-5305)
Cement Cement (4200-4500)
29.45 28.06 35.38 32.5 32.5 33.65
Textile Textile (4200-4500)
Pulp & paper Pulp & paper (4200-4500)
Briquette, Ceramics, petrochemical,
Alchemy Chlore N/A 1.16 1.78 N/A N/A N/A
Total (million ton) 155.00 148.80 171.19 184.08 184.08 187.38
coal requirement (million mt)
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2010 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029
By Ian Wollff
The author is an expatriate principal geologist of about 30 years’
experience in the Indonesian exploration and mining industry.
The authors’ web site is www.ianwollff.com
Gender data The “Report on Mining Sector World Bank survey of the Indonesian
UNDP tools and platforms reinforce Diagnostic” for the World Bank mining industry, based on the 2019
evidence-based programming for (Nov 2018) found that gender national labour survey, found that
improving parity, participation and segregation of data is not required for women comprise less than 10% of the
representation of women and men. Sex- the legally required documents of 1) sector’s total workforce. The Director
disaggregated data and gender statistics Environmental Impact Assessment, General of Mineral and Coal 2019
are critical for evidence-informed and ensuing reports & permits, 2) work report does not appear to contain
decisions and results-based programs Social Impact Assessments (SIA) and any breakdown of male and female
that promote gender equality and 3) Social Management and Monitoring employees at the directorate, nor in the
women’s empowerment. There is a lack Plans (SMMP). A WIME Coaltrans mining sector.
of reliable factual data on the impact of presentation (2019) reported that in A survey was undertaken by
women in the mining industry – much of 2016 the mining sector comprised 6.7% this author to get an appreciation of
the data is based on “opinions”. female and 93.7% male employees. A the numbers of women engaged by
responsible mining companies in and Political Rights (ICCPR) in 2006. companies annual reports include
Indonesia. This survey was based on The National Gender Mainstreaming some statistics on gender breakdown.
a review of the 2017 - 2018 annual Policy (Presidential Decree No 9 of There is little mention of gender in
reports of companies listed on the 2000 on Gender Mainstreaming in the Indonesian Corporate Governance
mining board of the Indonesia Stock National Development Planning and Manual (1st edition 2014) published
Exchange (IDX) and was published in Programming) guides the National in association with the Indonesian
Coal Asia Vol 102 [May-June 2019]. Long-term Development Plan (RPJPN) Financial Services Authority [OJK]
This review found that the overall 2020 - 2024 which confirms the and International Finance Corporation
ratio of commissioners is 188 males to Indonesian government’s commitment [IFC]. We only find a reference to
7 female commissioners (3.7%), and to gender equality, with specific laws gender on page 533, under Best Practice,
in no company are there more female in place and aligning the National in reference to SOE’s stakeholders
commissioners to male commissioners. Development Agenda with 17 concerns that there should be no
The overall ratio of directors is 187 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) employee discrimination based on race,
males to 18 female directors (9.6%), #5 being Gender Equality religion, class or gender.
and in one company there are more An ongoing World Bank and
female directors than male directors. Canadian government study on gender Gender within IDX 2019 miners’
Some 19 of the 47 companies provided mainstreaming in the Indonesian annual reports
details of gender of employees, wherein mining industry shows that only a few IDX mining companies 2019 annual
the total men were 50,844 and women companies still implement gender blind reports are typically 200 to 500 pages
3,568 making the female percentage of policies. Gender-sensitive facilities and long, and follow variable formats.
6.5% of the work force. personal protective equipment are now Some 30 IDX mining companies 2019
A similar review by this author available in many formal companies. annual reports were reviewed using the
of the 2019 annual reports on the The global “He-for-She” campaign “search” function. The term “Gender
Singapore [SGX], Philippines [PSE] is one of the UN Women’s programs to Policy” did not appear in any of the 30
mining stock exchanges was published implement the Sustainable Development companies. The term “Gender Equality”,
in the Asian Miner magazine around Goals (SDGs) development agenda, with or just “Gender” appeared in 22
April- May 2020. The SGX review of the fifth indicator about gender equality. companies, leaving 8 companies without
20 mining companies found there were President Ir. H. Joko Widodo stated that mentioning “Gender”, thought the terms
112 directors with a ratio of 90% male women represent half of the actors and male / female were not searched for.
and 10% female, plus 59 executives beneficiaries of development. Related The term Gender Equality was
being 86% male and 14% female. The to this, issues of gender mainstreaming quite popular, and typically referred
PSE review of 7 mining companies had are a main focus in government. A to the objective of employing more
65 directors, of which 77% were male, press release (2016) from the Ministry women, particularly at the corporate
and 23% female, plus 47 executives of of Empowerment, Women and Child and executive level. The following
which 66% were male and 34% female. Protection states that “He-For-She is a example of Gender Equality is almost
form of government commitment that standard text for most companies; “The
Evolving regulations on gender positions men to be more concerned company provides equal opportunities
The Government of Indonesia about gender equality. In a 2017 UNDP to all employees to develop their
ratified the UN Covenant on Civil and booklet mentioned that the Government careers and competencies without
Political Rights and committed to the of Indonesia commenced redrafting the discrimination of gender, age, ethnicity,
Beijing Platform of Action, both of Law on Gender Equality. [Apparently religion of race”. A few companies
which provide guidance on removing this redrafting is ongoing]. tack on a short statement recognizing
barriers preventing women from fully The IDX requires “Sustainability human rights, equal pay and such.
participating in public life. Indonesia Reporting” [ 51/POJK.03/2017] for A few companies mention the basic
also signed the International Covenant financial matters, but gender is not lines about gender equality, but ore
on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights specifically mentioned as part of open in stating the company does not
and the International Covenant on Civil sustainable reporting. Many IDX mining have certain policies governing gender
equality and employment opportunities”. This includes a strong commitment to Freeport-McMoRan global stated a
On an another occasion the companies increasing women participation at all somewhat nebulous statement “In 2019,
tack-on the recognition of some gender levels and at all fields in the workplace. we launched a global initiative to further
differences;” However, the majority of The Gender Diversity policy was strengthen our focus on diversity and
the Company’s employees are male, established to address the change in the inclusion in the workplace. Our initial
bearing in mind that the type of business working environment and the culture of focus areas include executive training
the Company engages in is in the mining the workforce to ensure the workplace and various human resource processes,
sector and are located in remote areas.”. is free of discrimination and enhanced including identifying more diverse
Gender Diversity is often assimilated by respect and dignity, and recognition applicant pools and measuring trends.”.
under Gender Equality. However, of the benefits gender diversity brings. this was backed up with a few words on
it seems that some reports limit the Training will allow both genders to have employing women and outlining some
recognition of gender diversity to the equal opportunities for advancement. of their work tasks.
board and commissioners. For example: The aim is to establish a pervasive VALE “Since 2011, the mining
“Diversity in the composition of the culture across the organisation where company has a Gender Equality
board of Commissioners and Directors diversity is embraced as the norm. program, which aims to increase
has diversity in terms of education, Some international mining women’s staff in the company and
gender, work experience and age”. companies operating in Indonesia’ in mining”. The initiative mentions
Fortunately, there are just a few recent annual reports contained various actions. The gender program is
Indonesian companies that seem to take somewhat limited outlook on gender. a result of the signing of statement of
reporting on Gender issues in a more None of them outlined a clear corporate support to the Principles of Women’s
comprehensive manner. For example: gender policy, but shifted to the new Empowerment, prepared by UN Women
PT. Agincourt Resources is proud of popular management term of gender and the United Nations Global Compact.
their commitment to Gender Diversity. equality and diversity. These principles offer guidance on how
to empower women in the workplace into aspects of their operations, but do not like to associate their success
and in local communities. others have not. One common theme with feminism or women’s rights for
of the paper refers back to Laplonge fear of alienating their mostly male
Men to adjust to gender equality 2014, and others, wherein the critical colleagues. Women geoscientists may
“The role of gender in the extractives issue is that mining is traditionally a have a preference for having more
industries” by Catherine Macdonald man dominated industry, wherein it women and greater opportunities for
(March 2017) published under wider. is critical for men to adjust to women women in their industry, though most
unu.edu. This paper reviews literature entering the workforce. Laplonge says of them are opposed to any form of
to better understand how gender is that ‘“gender” is not about what men preferential policies for women, in case
understood in the extractives sector, and women are, but needs to be seen it undermines the positions that they
and its changes over time. The paper is as what men and women do. This then themselves had achieved.
not based on primary research, but on enables a discussion of behaviour rather There is talk about the belief that
interview, references to scholarly papers than nature, which can lead to options women will ‘civilize’ the workplace, but
and such. This section draws heavily for cultural change. that there is no proof either that this works
from this reference. The highly male-dominated in practice nor that women want this
In consideration that women’s workplaces, is often designed to responsibility. We need to start realising
participation and gender equity is a favour those who behave in ‘hyper- that women are not the problem in the
precondition for achieving the best masculine’ ways. For that reason, mining industry; and ‘woman’ is not the
development outcomes, some extractives research has shown that women in solution. If we really want to see changes
industries companies have committed to mining ‘often consciously make an in a gender culture of a workplace where
integrating gender equality, inclusion, effort to not act like girls when on most of the employees are men, we need
and women’s economic empowerment site’ and women managers in mining to do some work with these men and with
Illegal Coal,
Illegally Legal
Coal Price | Price Forecast 2021
Coal Production | Arutmin IUPK
Indonesia Coal Export | Covid-19 and the Coal Diplomacy
Domestic Coal Demand | Manufacture and Business indexes
Infrastructure | No Jhonlin Export
Mine Accident ILLEGAL COAL,
PT Index Komoditas Indonesia (IKI) noted that in
October 2020 there was an accident at a mine in Talang
Lalan Village, Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra
Province, where a landslide buried a traditional mine
and killed 11 workers who were developing a hauling
road for the mine. The local police said based on its
investigation, the mining activity was illegal as it has
no mining license, and the police have determined
three suspects in the incident, all of whom are the
surviving mine workers. The head of Talang Lalan
village said illegal mining activities in the village have
occurred since the past seven years with majority
of the workers come from other provinces mostly
Lampung province, and they work in land belonging
to local people. The village head also said that the
miners are using very simple equipment and with one
worker able to produce 40.0 Kg of coal per day, valued
at around IDR 60,000 – 80,000 by the collectors. He
also claimed that he has tried several times to close
the illegal mining activities but without success as the
local people also need income.
ILLEGAL COAL, Governor of South Sumatra, Herman Deru in his
ILLEGALLY LEGAL response about the accident said that the accident
happened inside the concession of state-owned coal
miner PTBA, which is under the supervision of the
central government’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources (ESDM). He said he will discuss the illegal
mining issue with the central government, as the
governor opposed illegal coal mining activities in the
province, claiming that such activities do not contribute
to the local government’s coffer. He added that since
last year the South Sumatra government has set up
a task force to crack down the illegal coal mining
activities, but so far has yet to be successful as the
illegal mining activities are done secretly. Meanwhile,
the local ESDM office in South Sumatra said in 2019 it
estimated that there were 33 locations in Muara Enim
regency where suspected illegal mining activities
were being carried out, and the number has increased
to 55 locations in 2020, and the local ESDM office
also said that since 2019 the province has formed a
taskforce to eradicate these activities but has yet to
be successful. It added that in April 2020 Minister of
ESDM has sent a letter to the National Police chief to
close illegal mining activities in the province but until
today there have been no actions from the police.
Source: ESDM
ILLEGAL COAL, Moeldoko, former commander of the Indonesian Army
ILLEGALLY LEGAL and now serves as the Head of Presidential Staff, agrees
with the Ombudsman statement, suggesting for the
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to be involved
again in the supervision of illegal mining activities.
Moeldoko also made a very interesting statement as IKI
quoted below,
with the legal ones. Another way of transporting the ILLEGAL COAL,
illegal coal to buyers is by using containers for disguise, ILLEGALLY LEGAL
which leads Jatam to conclude that port management,
surveyor companies and also the buyers are involved
in the illegal mining operations.
IKI Comments
ILLEGAL COAL, concession areas that are larger than the total land
ILLEGALLY LEGAL area of the province itself. This statement can be
used as confirmation of Ombudsman’s and Jatam’s
statements that the illegal mining activities involved
various parties including businessman, societies, and
the government itself.
Source: IKI
Illegaly “Legal”
ILLEGAL COAL, IKI’s statement about the process of coal legalization
ILLEGALLY LEGAL is also confirmed by the fact that there were no news
reports ever mentioning about illegal coal seized at the
ports, or news reports mentioning about coal shipment
seized by the customs because of its legalities. IKI’s
conclusion above also answers the question why the
South Sumatra provincial government has failed to reduce
illegal mining activities in the province although they have
made coordination with the port authority in neighboring
Lampung province as IKI quoted above.
IKI has learned that every time ESDM and the National
Police plan to launch investigation into illegal mining
activities in an area in Kalimantan, all coal players in the
area would always get the information several days before
the d-date, and they would do needful action to cover their
works like stopping the mine activities and blockading
road access to the mine with stones, woods, and other
materials in order to create impression that there were no
mining activities occurring beyond the blockaded roads.
The same blockade was also made at a road on illegal
longwall of one of the CCOW holders in Indonesia as shown
on the picture 2 above. However, since the government
needs to expose its success in dealing with illegal mining
activities to the media then “a small chicken” must be
sacrificed by the coal players in the areas. IKI think this
system has been copied by the coal players in Sumatra
also, and IKI also noticed the same action was made by
the local police in South Sumatra in apprehending the
mine workers as quoted and bolded above. IKI found
an interesting statement from the government including
Moeldoko which mentioned that these illegal miners are
not paying any financial obligation to the government
such royalties, which then leaves a question how then ILLEGAL COAL,
these illegal coal can be changed to legal if the miners ILLEGALLY LEGAL
are not paying royalties to the government? And how
come that these illegal coals have never been seized
by the customs in Indonesian and also customs in the
destination countries if they don’t have complete and
legal documents about its “legalities”? IKI believes all
the question marks in this paragraph can be used to
answer IKI’s question about Moeldoko’s statement as
underlined and bolded above.
IKI Conclusion
IDX-Listed coal miners shares performance
1,800 500 16,000
1,600 450
1,400 400 15,500
1,200 350
300 15,000
Price (Rp)
200 14,500
600 150
400 100 14,000
200 50
0 0 13,500
26 26 30 2 4 8 11 15 17 21 23 26 26 30 2 4 8 11 15 17 21 23 26 26 30 2 4 8 11 15 17 21 23
Date (Nov - Dec 20) ADARO ENERGY Tbk (ADRO) Date (Nov - Dec 20) ATLAS RESOURCES Tbk (ARII) Date (Nov - Dec 20) BAYAN RESOURCES Tbk (BYAN)
1 90 3,000
1 2,500
1 60 2,000
Price (Rp)
1 1,500
0 30 1,000
0 500
0 0 0
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Date (Nov - Dec 20) BORNEO LUMBUNG ENERGI & METAL Tbk (BORN) Date (Nov - Dec 20) BUMI RESOURCES Tbk (BUMI) Date (Nov - Dec 20) GOLDEN ENERGY MINES Tbk (GEMS)
3,500 2,500 18,000
3,000 16,000
2,000 14,000
2,000 1,500
Price (Rp)
1,500 8,000
500 4,000
500 2,000
0 0 0
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Date (Nov - Dec 20) HARUM ENERGY Tbk (HRUM) Date (Nov - Dec 20) INDIKA ENERGY Tbk (INDY) Date (Nov - Dec 20) INDO TAMBANGRAYA MEGAH Tbk (ITMG)
1 3,500 1,400
1 3,000 1,200
2,500 1,000
2,000 800
Price (Rp)
1,500 600
1,000 400
0 500 200
0 0 0
26 26 30 2 4 8 11 15 17 21 23 26 26 30 2 4 8 11 15 17 21 23 26 26 30 2 4 8 11 15 17 21 23