16 Flow of Energy
16 Flow of Energy
16 Flow of Energy
On A-Level syllabuses, there are two frequently-examined key principles: However, organisms do not usually feed on just one type of organism, so
food webs - interconnected food chains - are more realistic.
1. The overriding importance of green plants in making energy available
in the first place. Only about 1-10% of the total energy contained in plants is obtained by
primary consumers. This is because:
2. That only a small amount of the total energy received from the sun is
captured by plants and that the amount of energy available at each 1. Plants use most of the ATP they produce maintaining their own
trophic level decreases. metabolism.
Only a small fraction of the total energy which reaches the earth is captured 2. Some parts of the plant may be indigestible and the primary consumer
by green plants. This is because most of the energy is reflected or absorbed therefore egests, in the form of faeces, non-utilisable energy.
by the atmosphere. Much of the energy which does penetrate the
atmosphere does not hit plants. Some of the energy which is intercepted 3. Any consumer does not eat all of any particular plant - roots for
by plants passes straight through leaves without hitting chloroplasts or is example may be left in the ground and these represent lost energy
reflected from plants or is of a wavelength which does not excite pigment (Fig 2).
molecules (see Factsheet 2: Photosynthesis). As a result of these losses,
less than 1% of the total available energy is captured in photosynthesis. Fig 2. Energy transfer
Flow of Energy through Ecosystems Bio Factsheet
they secrete enzymes onto the food material and then attempt to reabsorb
some of the products of digestion. Inevitably, some of the products of Limitations of ecological models
digestion - sugars and amino acids in solution, etc. - penetrate into the soil Food chains, food webs, pyramids of number, biomass and energy
and may undergo further chemical transformation. Such nutrients may can be thought of as ecological models. Their limitations, summarised
then become available for absorption by plant roots. Over a much longer below, frequently appear on examination questions.
time period however, the remains of dead plants and animals may
accumulate, become compacted and eventually be transformed into fossil Food chains - Organisms do not usually feed on just one type of
fuels; coal, oil and natural gas represent the fossilised remains of dead organism.
organisms and act as a long-term store of solar energy. During the 20th
century, humans have spectacularly increased their extraction and Food web - A series of interconnected food chains. More realistic but
combustion of such resources. Development of countries is inextricably don’t quantify the relative contribution of food sources. This is often
linked to their increasing energy consumption. tested in food web questions:
woodmouse chaffinch shrew
spiders Despite appearances, the biomass of zooplankton are not being
supported in any sustainable way by a smaller biomass of
phytoplankton - the pyramid does not show the productivity of the
beetles caterpillars slugs earthworm phytoplankton (i.e. the number of new phytoplankton the
phytoplankton are producing).
oak bark live oak leaves dead oak leaves Pyramids of productivity (or energy) - The most difficult to construct
but always pyramidal! These show the amount of energy at, or the
(a) Identify: productivity of, each trophic level.
(i) a detritivorous primary consumer (1 mark)
(ii) a tertiary consumer (1 mark)
(b) Suggest how this community might be altered if the population of 1. (a) (i) earthworm;
woodmice died out. (3 marks) (ii) chaffinch / owl / hawk;
(b) owl / hawk population may decline;
chaffinch / shrew population may decline because of increased
so less predation of primary consumers;
Curriculum Press, Unit 305B, The Big Peg, 120 Vyse Street, Birmingham. B18 6NF
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