Stay Cable Fatigue Design Loading
Stay Cable Fatigue Design Loading
Stay Cable Fatigue Design Loading
Design Loading
provide stiffness to the deck structure
and to permit girders to be relatively Synopsis
free of the large bending moments that
control the design of more conventional A focal point in the design of pre-
long span structures. stressed concrete cable stayed
The material efficiency of steel is bridges is the performance of the stay
greatest in direct tension, and it is with cables. The most critical difference
direct stay tension that the major loads between modern stay cables and the
are carried in a cable stayed bridge. The more traditional post-tensioning ca-
superior stiffness of stays, along with the bles is the influence of fatigue on de-
general absence of massive cable an- sign.
chors, favors stay cable designs over This article will review the history
competing suspension designs for in- and state of the art of stay cable de-
creasingly longer spans. sign and practice and discuss the in-
The leading developers of modern fluence of highway loading spectra on
stay systems are the major post-ten- stay cable fatigue requirements.
sioning specialists that have been serv- An Appendix section provides a
ing the prestressed concrete industry in detailed truck traffic simulation fatigue
recent years. Two major types of cable analysis of selected stay cables of the
systems currently in favor are the paral- Pasco -Kennewick and East Hunting-
lel wire and the strand cable systems, ton Bridges.
with the former shown in Fig. 3.
The distinction between these two
cable types and their prestressing
counterparts is the stay anchorage. Tensioning Institute appointed a special
Manufacturers of these stay types have ad-hoc committee to assimilate the
undertaken extensive research and available information on stay cable de-
testing programs in developing propri- sign,' and draft it into a format compati-
etary anchorage designs, and past proj- ble with current AASHTO specifica-
ect specifications for cable stays have tions. l It is important to keep the
required extensive qualification testing AASHTO guideline in mind throughout
prior to acceptance for construction. this presentation. The PTI committee
In recent years, requirements for stay did not attempt to modify or modernize
designs and the general capabilities of the AASHTO criteria in any way other
various design types have come into than to encompass stay cable design
better focus through the expanding ex- within the framework of the AASHTO
perience afforded by actual construc- specifications.
tion. However, project specification re-
quirements have not focused as quickly
as cable stay development. History
Some project specifications called for Designs to date have been based on
different fatigue loadings for alternate variations of AASHTO Sections 3.0 and
cable systems permitted on the same 10.3 for loads and fatigue, respectively
bridge. The cost of the stays can be sig- (references are to the 1983 edition of
nificant — often as much as 10 percent AASHTO, even through previous edi-
of construction cost. Hence, practices tions were used in design).
affecting stay supply have influenced Maximum live loads for cables are
project cost in the past. Clearly, the determined according to Section 3.6.4,
basis for stay cable requirements needs resulting in increased loading for twin
some focus. cable plane systems (Fig. 4).
In response to this situation, the Post- Influence lines are computed in the
usual manner for stay cable forces, and Stay anchors have been designed to de-
appropriate lane and truck loads from velop fatigue capabilities approaching
Sections 3.11 and 3.12 are applied. those of the strand or wire in the free
In order to conform with the empirical length of the stay cables.
formula for impact factor in AASHTO, Major research on wire and strand
the span length (L in AASHTO) is taken fatigue strengths has been carried out in
as the length of the loaded influence
line, and impact computed in accor-
dance with AASHTO Eq. (3.1). This
static load analysis fits reasonably well
into the AASHTO format for more typi-
cal structures.
The load specifications for fatigue
have been similar to those of Table
10.3.2A for main load carrying mem-
bers. AASHTO truck loading has been
applied at 2 million cycles, full
AASHTO lane loading has been applied
at 'h million (or 700,000) cycles, and
cable stress ranges determined as a def-
inition of fatigue criteria. Variations of
these two criteria have generally been
established as acceptance criteria for
stay cable suppliers to meet in their
project by project acceptance testing.
Stay Behavior
Extensive testing carried out for proj-
ects in the United States, Japan, and Eu-
rope has resulted in a substantial Fig. 2b. Anchorage tower of Chow Chow
amount of data on stay cable systems. Bridge. For overall view, see Fig. 2a.
Cable Cable 2
Cable 2
8.83' i
Fig. 4. Lateral distribution of live load for East Huntington and Pasco-Kennewick Bridges.
90 Y KSI = 6.9 in Pa
KSI sa pA^AtL^^ wr^F
sr ^Qr
IE5 1.0E6 2.0E6
Switzerland and at the University of single truck as the prime load in evalu-
Texas.' Historical data on strand and ating fatigue demand on steel structures.
parallel wire stay cable systems were as- Nevertheless, in some way lane load be-
sembled by the PTI committee, and came specified in AASHTO as a fatigue
evaluated along with the bare element load case.
data mentioned above. Fig. 5 illustrates the relative capabil-
In keeping with the philosophy of the ity of stay cable systems at 1/z and 2 mil-
committee to work within the guide- lion load cycles. It is readily apparent
lines of AASHTO, the data were evalu- that, for long span structures, the stress
ated against the provisions for allowable range for backstay components due to
fatigue stress range in Table 10.3.1A. In a full lane load will be significant-
Fig. 5 the cable allowables are com- ly greater than that for a single truck
pared with AASHTO Category B. This load.
category was adopted as a reference for Often, the lane load stress range for a
both strand and wire cable systems. backstay cable will he approximately
three times that for truck loading, while
the capacity increase, as shown in Fig. 5,
Live Loads
is only 50 to 70 percent. Therefore, in
The AASHTO provisions have been most cases, the full lane load at ' mil-
developed through the years of Ameri- lion cycles controlled the fatigue design
can experience in bridge design. The criteria for stay cables.
vast majority of this experience is with Live load influence lines for backstay
short and medium span bridges. The cables reflect the broadest exposure
focus of the present criteria is clearly on along the typical bridge. Figs. 6 and 7
short span, multi-girder structures, and show the influence lines for the East
independent, determinant components Huntington and Pasco-Kennewick back-
in long span systems that can be treated stays. Also shown in Fig. 7 for compari-
as though short in span. son is the influence line for an interior
Most of the literature on the subject of cable. Using the aforementioned criteria
highway bridge fatigue addresses the for lane loading, the extreme behavior of
j j i li
I f
I` l
ID 15 20 25 30 35
over influence line maxima in both di- combine in resisting general traffic
rections. The original design criteria are loading depends mostly on the response
shown to be far more conservative than of the tower.
the PTI recommendations. The traffic In the case of East Huntington, with
simulation proves to be very compatible its A-frame tower and single towerhead,
with the PTI recommendations for both the backstays work in tandem for gen-
the four-lane Pasco-Kennewick Bridge eral traffic loads. For this simplified
and for the two-lane East Huntington case, the degree of conservatism of the
Bridge. single cable plane analysis can be as-
Comparison of the traffic simulation sessed by performing a planar simula-
results in Figs. 9 and 10 shows that both tion of two independent lanes of truck
the interior cable (#9) and the backstay traffic, resisted by two backstays. The
cable (#4) should undergo about the results from such an investigation is su-
same live load stress range. This is a perimposed over the East Huntington
notably different result than that ob- simulation in Fig. 8.
tained when lane loading is considered The results show the sizeable margin
for fatigue. Comparisons of this sort will in fatigue load for this bridge when
be sensitive to the assumptions in the using the PTI recommendations. Since
traffic simulation, but these results do the tower effect will not influence the
point out that fatigue is not only limited interior cables, the latter may see higher
to the backstays. fatigue stress on East Huntington than
The backstays on a cable stayed the backstays.
bridge respond to movement of the Table 1 is taken from the PTI recom-
tower rather than the deck, and thereby mendations, and shows the general de-
pick up load from all portions of the sign criteria for stay cable sections. PTI
bridge. The degree to which opposing requirements are divided into three cat-
backstays in a twin cable plane bridge egories, namely, final design values,
5 10 15 20 25 30
95% KSI
5.5 KSI
5 10 IS 20 25 30
95 o KSI
prototype assembly acceptance test val- Table 2 summarizes the fatigue cri-
ues, and bare material values. Each is teria of PTI and compares the PTI cri-
related to the others through test data on teria to those used for original design.
stay cable and post-tensioning systems. In the design stage for these two
Allowable design
Stay test Component
fatigue stress range
Type No. of fatigue fatigue test
of cycles Redundant Nonredundant stress stress range
stay (b) load path load path range (c)* (d)*
Bars (f)
with (epoxy 2x106+ 7 5 17
filled) 2x108 10 7 15 17.5
couplers 5x105 16 10 23.5
Category D
(a) Any flexural stress range in excess ot3 ksi shall he added to the axial fatigue stress range due to live
load plus impact.
(b) See Table 10.3.2A.
(c) To ensure fatigue quality of stays, it is recommended that the stay specimens be tested at 2xl08
(d) Individual strand, bar, wire; or glued, coupled bar, respectively.
(e) See Section 3.2.2.
(f) See Section 3.2.3.
(g) See Section 3.2.1.
* Upper bound stress level shall be 0.45 f.
bridges, fatigue was not used as a cri- tween typical fatigue stresses and test-
terion to limit the cable stresses. Favor- ing requirements is substantial enough
able geometries were chosen to limit to accommodate significant increases in
backstay stress range as much as possi- direct tension loading.
ble. Both were constructed using paral- Current research , is focusing on traffic
lel wire cables, permitting somewhat weigh-in-motion results that reveal sig-
better fatigue strength relative to static nificantly heavier, large truck traffic. At
strength, so these examples are not uni- the same time, materials research" is re-
versaIly applicable, However, these two vealing that the security of a fatigue en-
bridges do cover a wide range of appli- durance limit may not be available in
cation, and these results are applicable cases where there are infrequent but
to many similar bridges. large stress excursions beyond that
limit. Sample analyses for assumed
truck weight distributions with weights
Discussion up to 150 kips (667 kN) indicate that the
It can be seen that design for fatigue 95 percentile load does not increase sig-
need not govern in either example for nificantly, but the extreme loading does.
strand or wire systems. The margin be- The PTI recommendations call for
Table 2. Stay cable fatigue design and test values.
Design stress Test stress
Item No. of cycles range* (ksi) range (ksi)
PTI recommendations
Wire 0.5 x 10" 32.5 I
22.0 x 10" + 21 28
Strand 0.5 x 10 6 27.5 I
2.0x106 + 16 23
1. "Recommendations for Stay Cable De- Bridge Components," Report No.
sign and Testing," Post-Tensioning In- OHIO-DOT-08-74, January 1974.
stitute, Phoenix, Arizona, January, 1986. 7. Snyder, Likins, and Moses, "Loading
2. Standard Specifications for Highway Spectrum Experienced by Bridge
Bridges, AASHTO, Washington, D.C., Structures in the United States," FHWA
1983. Report RD-85/012, February 1985.
3. "Loads and Forces on Bridges," Reprint 8. "Steel Bridge Members Under Variable
No. 80-173, ASCE, 1980. Amplitude Long Life Fatigue Loading,"
4. Moses, F., and Ghosn, M., "Instrumen- NCHRP Report 267, December 1983.
tation for Weighing Trucks-in-Motion for 9. Moses, F., and Ghosn, M., "Bridge Loads
Highway Bridge Loads," Report and Safety," presented to regional
FHWA/OH-83-001. AASHTO meeting, San Francisco,
5. Moses, F., and Garson, R., "Probability California, March 1985.
Theory for Highway Bridge Fatigue," 10. Benjamin, J. R., and Cornell, C. A., Prob-
Report #SMSMD No. 50, July 1973. ability, Statistics, and Decision for Civil
6. Goble, Moses, and Pavia, "Field Mea- Engineers, McGraw Hill Book Company,
surements and Laboratory Testing of New York, N.Y., 1970, LC# 79-97116.
a 0.20
n 0.15
2 0.05
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
l0 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90 100
W (kipsl
model with actual traffic statistics for an each cable. The number of truck trains
interstate study in Ohio. Using this for- was increased until the statistics of re-
mulation for the arrival time of trucks, sponse (mean and standard deviation)
and converting this time at 45 miles per stabilized. One truck lane was assigned
hour (72 km/hr) to a headway distance, to each cable plane. Thus, it is assumed
one can assign headway probabilities in that the truck train loads occur simulta-
an analytical formulation, and use these neously in each direction — a conserva-
arrival times in conjunction with the tive assumption, but one in keeping
truck weight representation discussed with the AASHTO loading. Note that
above. local effects, such as anchor zone flexure
A Monte Carlo type simulation was and impact, are omitted in these illus-
set up using the above probability dis- trations.
tributions for truck weight and arrival The process is outlined next.
times. In a Monte Carlo simulation, the
probabalistic nature of truck traffic is
Poisson Arrival Process
modeled using the random number
generating capabilities of a computer. The probability density function, f(t),
The effect is to create repeated com- is taken asf(t) = A *exp (–X*t), where X
puter simulated experiments, and corre- equals the average number of trucks per
sponding histograms of the results. Here minute. Then the probability of arrival
both the truck weight and the truck being within time t is F(t) = 1 – exp
spacing is modeled with probability (–*t).
density functions as described, with With a random number generator, the
each set of values chosen at random by above probability is assigned usingRx =
the computer. 1 – exp (– x*t) [ f(Rx) = 1, 0 < Rx < 1].
Using a random number generator, Arrival time is then solved for, and
successive trains of trucks were "run" headway distance is computed assum-
over the influence lines for several ca- ing a speed of 45 miles per hour (72
bles to determine the stress range in km/hr) for trucks. Truck trains are as-
sembled by repeating the above process tics are accumulated across all of the
until the length of the truck train ex- truck train trials. The mean and standard
ceeds the length of the bridge. Truck deviation for stress range stabilized at
weights are also determined using the approximately 200 cycles for East Hun-
random number generator for the prob- tington's backstay, and about 400 cycles
ability of non-exceedence of a given for Pasco-Kennewick's backstay. The re-
truck weight as depicted in the dis- sults are reported for 1000 cycles for
tribution curve (Fig. Al). both bridges.
Larnda (x) is taken as 1.5 trucks per
minute for East Huntington and 5.0
Analysis trucks per minute for Pasco-Kennewick.
The response of chosen cables to the Both of these values are conservative
truck trains is determined by assigning considering the present use of these fa-
one truck lane to each cable plane. cilities, especially for Pasco-Kennewick.
Truck loads are treated as point loads as Since East Huntington is a two-lane
truck trains are moved over the planar structure, truck headways were limited
influence line for the cable. Maximum to following distances. For Pasco-Ken-
and minimum stresses are recorded for newick, short headways represent side
each truck train, and stress range statis- by side truck travel.