Build An Active Antenna
Build An Active Antenna
Build An Active Antenna
0. 1 0. 1
1 M
Q2, Q3 0. 1
fij • 12V +
GSD "'f' 1 0 JJF Capacitance is in pf except Cl, which is in pf
Resistance is in oh•s. K = 1000 and M = million
mH = •illihenries
Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the active antenna amplifier. Capacitors without polarity marked are disc
ceramic, 50 volts or greater. Resistors are 1/4 watt carbon composition or carbon film. RFC 1 and RFC
2 are miniature iron-core RF chokes (see text}. JI and J2 are jacks of the builder's choice. Tl has 12 turns
of no. 26 enam. wire (primary winding} on an Amidon Assoc. or FairRite FT-50-43 ferrite toroid core (850
mu}. The secondary winding has six turns of no. 26 enam. wire wound uniformly over the primary winding.
Overall amplifier gain is approx. 30 dB.
Tom~ c:aUmtlon & contour mape
------ --- -
Q2 further amplifies the incoming signal
(10 dB) and Q3 performs the same function,
adding another I 0 dB of gain. The gain of Q2 and
Q3 may be as great as 15 dB per stage, depending VERSION 2.0~ -
upon the beta of the particular transistor plugged
into the circuit. Q2 and Q3 operate as linear
broadband amplifiers that use shunt and degen-
1-704-837-7081 Scan\tar ~R~~
erative feedback. These two stages can be replaced M-F 5:00 PM thru 8:00 AM Computer Assisted Radio Monitoring
by a single CA3028A or MC1350P IC, should
you wish to do your own thing. On Line 24 Hours New In Version 2.0:
The output of Q3 is approximately 200
ohms. A 4: I broadband step-down transformer on weekends ' Computer controlled program, scan, search
and spectrum analysis with data logghg
' Terminal window tor TNC/RTTY/modem
(TI) converts the 200-ohm output to 50 ohms. • Search, store and scan at the same time
This makes it suitable for use with most short- • Edit databases while scan & terminal window
wave and amateur receivers. operate h background
Although the circuit calls for a 12-V power If you live near a powerful commercial STANDARD FEATURES:
supply, it will work well at 9V, should you wish broadcast station, a CBer with illegal power or • Create and edit scanning databases
to use a battery. Total current drain is on the an amateur radio station, you may find that the ' Print reports and log Information
• Professional quality user Interface
order of 13 mA at 12 V, and it drops to 8 mA active antenna will overload and cause spurious • Easy to use and Install
when the supply voltage is lowered to 9. signals across the tuning range of your receiver. SUPPORTS:
This circuit works well from 1.6 to 35 MHz. This is a price that must be paid when a broad- • Remote control/progrommhg on NRD-525.
Operation at lower frequencies may be had by band circuit is used. Tuned circuit<> create needed NRD-535, AR-3000, MR-8100, R-7COO
• Oler 25 other rodb models
changing RCFI and RFC2 to I 0-mH units. selectivity for eliminating interference from • Standard serial ports COM1-coM4. or multl-
nearby stations with strong signals. Active an- port cards (4/8 ports) at any address
• Hook up as many radios as you have ports
Using the Active Antenna tennas do not contain tuned circuits.
Build the circuit in a metal box so that it is • IBM PC or lOO'll. compotlbla. hord disk. 640I<
Connect a short antenna at n. Vertical po- shielded. You should route the circuit ground to • EGA/VGA/MONO/HERC groPhica cord
• Serlol port(s) for radio Interface
larization will result if the wire or whip is the metal box and ground the box to a cold water • Level converter (If reci'd by rcdlo)
vertical. Moving the antenna to a horizontal pipe or an earth ground. This is not an essential To order, call: VISA-MC-COD
position will favor horizontally polarized sig- action on your part, but it will help to improve 1 -408-296-4224
nals. Be sure to experiment with the orientation the active antenna's overall performance. For more info or demo copy, call our
of the antenna when monitoring different bands. You may substitute 2N4416 FETs for the
BBS at: (2400/1200/300/N/8/1)
In an ideal situation the active antenna and MPFl 02 shown at QI of Figure 1. Similarly, you
its electronics would be located out of doors (on mayuse2N4400,2N4401 or2N5179 transistors 1 -408-258-6462
a balcony, deck or whatever). This will keep it at Q2 and Q3. The 1-mH RF chokes are available
away from electrical house wiring and steel from Oak Hills Electronics in Big Rapids, MI
frameworks if you live in an apartment. These 49307 or from Mouser Electronics in TX. The
Itching to Write?
man-made objects not only absorb signals but core for TI is available from Amidon Assoc., Any hobbyist with some enthu-
they may radiate noise. You may use RG-58 Inc., 2216 E. Gladwick St., Dominguez Hills, siasm and experience, has
coaxial cable between the active antenna (TI) CA 90220. Catalogs are available from all three something to share. Write the
and your receiver. Any convenient length is companies.
Editor, P.O. Box 98, Brasstown,
NC 28902.