CIP Specific - Vocabulary
CIP Specific - Vocabulary
CIP Specific - Vocabulary
■ The electric power network relies on the gas supply system, which provides
fuel for generators; on the rail network, which transports other fuels such as
coal; and increasingly on ICT systems4, which control and manage electricity
systems and markets. There is less dependence on urban water systems, since
cooling water for power plants is typically drawn from different sources.
Gas supply
■ The gas supply system relies on the ICT infrastructure for controlling the gas
system and managing markets (and tends to do so using inherently insecure
systems) and on the electricity network for powering pumps.
Rail transport
■ The rail network relies on electricity from the general grid, and ICT systems
for communication and control.
■ ICT systems rely on electricity and to a certain degree on the rail
infrastructure, since many communication lines follow train routes and could be
disrupted in a rail accident or attack.
Urban water
■ The urban water system relies on the electricity network for treating and
pumping water; on ICT for operating and controlling systems; and on rail
transport for delivering important supplies (e.g. disinfectants).
The first step in managing the vulnerabilities of infrastructures is to assess the
overall criticality of each infrastructure. Criticality can be measured in terms of
three variables that cover the effects of failures of the infrastructure:
■ scope, the geographical extent of the effect of a failure
■ magnitude, the size of the effect in the afflicted area
■ time effect, the speed with which a failure has an effect.
These variables, for each of the five infrastructures, can be characterized as
Electricity power network
■ Scope: potentially international
■ Magnitude: high
■ Time effect: immediate
Gas supply system
■ Scope: moderate
■ Magnitude: high on local level, much lower on international level
■ Time effect: low (owing to availability of storage facilities)
Rail transport
■ Scope: moderate
■ Magnitude: moderate
■ Time effect: moderate
■ Scope: high
■ Magnitude: high
■ Time effect: moderate (failure need not have immediate effect)
Urban water
■ Scope: low (limited impact on other infrastructures)
■ Magnitude: low (limited impact on other infrastructures)
■ Time effect: moderate
When the criticality of each infrastructure is understood, the adequacy of the
current risk governance arrangements can be measured.
(adapted text from Managing and reducing social vulnerabilities from coupled
critical infrastructures- International Risk Governance Council)