Paper 2 Wavelet Analysis Based Scheme 1998
Paper 2 Wavelet Analysis Based Scheme 1998
Paper 2 Wavelet Analysis Based Scheme 1998
This paper presents a new method for detecting and classifying fault transients in underground cable systems based on the use
of discrete wavelet transform. A 400 kV underground cable system is simulated by ATP/EMTP (electro-magnetic transients
program) under various system and fault conditions. Daubechies eight wavelet transform is employed to analyze fault transients
for the development of a novel fault detection and classification scheme. Simulation results show that this scheme is effective and
robust. © 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
0378-7796/00/$ - see front matter © 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 7 7 9 6 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 3 3 - 4
24 W. Zhao et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 53 (2000) 23–30
provide a new concept on cable faults detection and simply choose a0 = 2 and b0 = 1, a dyadic-orthonor-
classification, based on some initial results reported in mal wavelet transform is obtained. With this choice,
ref. [8]. Section 2 contains a brief introduction to there exists an elegant algorithm, the multiresolution
wavelet and the discrete wavelet transform adopted in signal decomposition (MSD) technique [11], which
the paper. The results presented in this paper relate can decompose a signal into levels with different time
to a typical 400 kV underground cable system, the and frequency resolution. At each level j, approxima-
faulted responses of which are attained using ATP. In tion and detail signals Aj, Dj can be built. The words
Section 3, fault transients are analyzed by using ‘approximation’ and ‘detail’ are justified by the fact
wavelet transform. Then a novel fault detection and that Aj is an approximation of Aj − 1 taking into ac-
classification scheme based on discrete wavelet trans- count the ‘low frequency’ of Aj − 1, whereas the detail
form analysis, together with some test results, is pre- Dj corresponds to the ‘high frequency’ correction. The
sented in Section 4. original signal can be considered as the approxima-
tion at level 0.
The coefficients C ( j,k) generated by the DWT are
2. Theory of wavelet analysis something like the ‘resemblance indexes’ between the
signal and the wavelet. If the index is large, the re-
Wavelets are functions that satisfy certain require- semblance is strong, otherwise it is slight. The signal
ments. The very name wa6elet comes from the re- then can be represented by its DWT coefficients as
quirement that they should integrate to zero, ‘waving
’ above and below the x-axis. The diminutive conno- s(n)= % % C( j, k)gj, k (n) (3)
jN kZ
tation of wa6elet suggests the function has to be well
localized. Other requirements are technical and When fix j and sum on k, a detail Dj is defined as
needed mostly to insure quick and easy calculation of
the direct and inverse wavelet transform. Compared Dj (n)= % C( j, k)gj,k (n) (4)
with traditional Fourier method, there are some im- kZ
portant differences between them. First Fourier basis
functions are localized in frequency but not in time Then sum on j,the signal is the sum of all the details
while wavelets are localized in both frequency (via
dilation) and time (via translation). Moreover, s(n)= % Dj (n) (5)
wavelets can provide multiple resolution in time
and frequency. Second, many classes of functions Take a reference level called J, there are two sorts
can be represented by wavelets in more compact of details. Those associated with indices j5 J corre-
way. For example, functions with discontinuities spond to the scales 2 j 5 2J, which are the fine details.
and functions with sharp spikes usually take substan- The others, which correspond to j \J, are the coarser
tially fewer wavelet basis functions than sine-cosine details. If these latter details are grouped into
basis functions to achieve a comparable approxima-
tion. Aj = % Dj (6)
There are many types of wavelets [9,10], such as j\J
Harr, Daubechies 4, Daubechies 8, Coiflet 3, Symmlet which defines an approximation of the signals. Con-
8 and so on. One can choose between them depend- nect the details and an approximation, the equality
ing on a particular application. As with the discrete
Fourier transform, the wavelet transform has a digi-
tally implementable counterpart, the discrete wavelet s= AJ + % Dj (7)
transform (DWT). If the ‘discrete’ analysis is pursuing
on the discrete time, the DWT is defined as which signifies that s is the sum of its approximation
AJ and of its fine details. The coefficients produced
C( j, k)= % s(n)gj, k (n) (j N, k Z) (1) by DWT, therefore, can be divided into two cate-
nZ gories: one is detail coefficient, the other is approxi-
mation coefficient. To obtain them, MSD provides an
where, s(n) is the signal to be analyzed and gj,k (n) is efficient algorithm known as a two channel sub-band
discrete wavelet function, which is defined by coder using quadrature mirror filters [12]. Then the
gj, k (n)= a − j/2
g(a − j detail part is still represented by wavelets, which can
0 0 n −kb0) (2)
be regarded as series of band-pass filters, whereas the
Select a0 and b0 carefully, the family of scaled and approximation is represented by the dilation and
shifted mother wavelets constitute an orthonormal ba- translation of a scaling function, which can be re-
sis of l 2(Z) (set of signals of finite energy). When garded as a low-pass filter.
W. Zhao et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 53 (2000) 23–30 25
Fig. 4. Wavelet analysis of phase-a current for an A–G fault: After analyzing numerous fault transients simulated
D =0.125 pu, R= 5 V. by ATP using wavelet transform, several fault related
W. Zhao et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 53 (2000) 23–30 27
Ep(n)= D4p(k+n− 1)
p (a, b, c)
7. Let e=max (ea, eb, ec). Calculate the ratio of each
phase: rp = ep/e, where p={a, b, c}.
8. Calculate the sum of three phase level 9 details:
D9 = D9a + D9b + D9c, let
md9= max(D9(i )).
9. If
ra − rb− rb − rc \t2, ra −rc −rb −rc \ t2
and md9\t3, it’s an A – G fault.
10. If
rb −rc− ra − rc \t2, rb −ra −ra −rc \t2
rc − ra− rb − ra\ t2, rc − rb− rb − ra\ t2
A–G 0.125 5 1.00 0.000 0.000 3.5×104 1.00 0.007 0.007 3.8×104 1.00 0.002 0.002 3.8×104
0.125 500 1.00 0.001 0.002 5.2×102 1.00 0.003 0.001 5.4×102 1.00 0.013 0.007 5.2×102
0.875 5 1.00 0.000 0.000 3.4×104 1.00 0.002 0.002 3.6×104 1.00 0.000 0.001 3.7×104
0.875 500 1.00 0.001 0.001 5.1×102 1.00 0.000 0.001 5.4×102 1.00 0.012 0.007 5.2×102
A–B 0.125 5 .998 1.00 0.002 2.235 .998 1.00 0.005 2.211 0.997 1.00 0.001 2.202
0.125 500 1.00 1.00 0.001 1.186 .999 1.00 0.001 1.189 1.00 0.997 0.001 1.184
0.875 5 1.00 0.999 0.000 2.232 1.00 0.997 0.001 2.333 0.998 1.00 0.001 2.397
0.875 500 1.00 0.999 0.000 1.173 1.00 0.999 0.000 1.172 1.00 0.998 0.001 1.172
A–B–G 0.125 5 1.00 0.602 0.001 2.7×104 .677 1.00 0.005 2.7×104 0.238 1.00 0.012 2.8×104
0.125 500 1.00 0.983 0.002 3.7×102 .973 1.00 0.006 3.7×102 1.00 0.949 0.002 3.8×102
0.875 5 1.00 0.600 0.000 2.6×104 .687 1.00 0.001 2.6×104 0.202 1.00 0.000 2.7×104
0.875 500 1.00 0.982 0.000 3.7×102 .980 1.00 0.001 2.6×104 1.00 0.941 0.001 3.8×102
Three-phase 0.125 5 1.00 0.528 0.470 20.65 .771 1.00 0.236 21.11 0.156 0.848 1.00 20.99
0.125 500 1.00 0.528 0.471 2.641 .768 1.00 0.234 2.647 0.156 0.848 1.00 2.592
0.875 5 1.00 0.530 0.469 16.27 .768 1.00 0.237 16.16 0.150 0.850 1.00 15.48
0.875 500 1.00 0.530 0.469 2.640 .766 1.00 0.235 1.705 0.151 0.851 1.00 2.737
30 W. Zhao et al. / Electric Power Systems Research 53 (2000) 23–30
19. If r = rc, it is an AB – G fault. md9 is less than t3, it is a three-phase fault, otherwise it
20. End. is a two-phase to ground fault. The healthy phase in
t1, t2 t3 and t4 are thresholds which are selected accord- two-phase to ground fault can be found easily because
ing to the detail values in normal and fault operations the ratio of it is the smallest one among the three.
in different cable systems. In this paper, t1 = 1, t2
= 0.9, t3 =100 and t4 =0.99.
When the proposed technique is used as part of a 5. Conclusions
protective relay, an appropriate data window length
must be adopted. Two important aspects must be con- This paper proposes a novel fault detection and
sidered: the window contains enough information to classification scheme based on discrete wavelet analysis
obtain the required wavelet levels and it is short enough for power cables. The property of multiresolution in
to produce the expected speed. Initial studies suggest time and frequency provided by wavelets allows an
that the proposed technique, based on the two wavelet accurate time location of fault transients while simulta-
levels, should be able to have acceptable performance in neously retaining information about the fundamental
terms of speed and accuracy. However, detailed studies frequency and its high-order harmonics, which is pow-
are required to fully assess the speed and security erful to extract characteristics of different types of fault
requirements of a protective relay. This is out of the in underground cable systems. Numerical test results of
scope of the paper. the scheme are very encouraging. It must be pointed
Since the fault resistance, fault location and fault out that it is necessary to fully evaluate the proposed
inception angle have important effects on analysis re- technique as part of protection relays or fault locators
sults, they have been considered in this scheme. Some under a wide range of system and fault conditions.
ratios associated with different fault conditions are These are currently under investigation.
presented in Table 1 which clearly show that this
scheme can be used to identify different types of fault
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