Ship Structure
Ship Structure
Ship Structure
Three 125,000 DWT double hull tankers are currently under construction for ARCO Marine,
Inc. at Litton Avondale Industries in New Orleans, LA. These Millennium Class tankers are
being built to transport crude oil from Valdez, AK to Cherry Point, WA. The design satisfies
the requirements of OPA 90 and incorporates a unique structural design philosophy intended
to enhance the structural performance of the vessel. This paper will illustrate how the
Owner’s experience with previous vessels in Gulf of Alaska trade is reflected in the structural
design of the new ships. The human elements of safety, inspection and maintenance are
discussed and the influence of these factors on the structural arrangement is highlighted. In
concert with these human factors are structural design improvements that have been
implemented to specifically address fatigue and stress cracking with the intent of reducing
repair requirements. These topics are presented in a discussion that follows the structural
design from concept, through design and analysis and into the construction of the vessels.
Lessons learned throughout the process are presented.
ARCO Marine, Inc., Long Beach, California
MCA Engineers, Inc., Costa Mesa, California
John J. McMullen and Associates, New York, New York
Litton-Avondale Industries, Avondale, Louisiana
FOREWORD vessels was quickly dismissed. Cargo capacity lost in
retrofitting an inner hull to an exiting 120,000 DWT
The goal of this paper is to broadly illustrate the vessel was impractical. It was also understood that the
process by which the structure for the Millennium Class outer hull, while in good structural condition, would
tankers was conceived, designed and constructed. Design remain as part of the hull after 20+ years of Alaskan trade.
and construction of the vessels are addressed from both a Forebody replacement presented a more promising
technical and a non-technical viewpoint. The project has option than retrofit as it provided completely new
been an exercise in philosophy, engineering and project structure in the cargo block. However, while more
management, and it is our hope to provide an insight to desirable from a structural standpoint, the loss in tonnage
the successes and pitfalls on a first-of-class ship from the previous 120,000 DWT vessels would still be
construction project. incurred. Lengthening of the vessels was considered but
forward visibility limitations and an increased length to
depth ratio limited the feasibility of this additional
INTRODUCTION modification.
The forebody option would also have required the
ARCO Marine, Inc. (AMI) is a wholly owned retention of an inefficient steam propulsion plant. As a
subsidiary of the Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO). major retrofit, forebody replacement would necessitate
AMI is the marine operating company responsible for installation of new cargo control and gauging systems as
carrying ARCO’s crude oil produced on Alaska’s North well as new deck machinery. Along the same lines, it
Slope to ARCO’s refineries on the U.S. West Coast. would be desirable to upgrade the navigational systems to
Crude oil is loaded at the terminal in Valdez, Alaska and more modern bridge equipment. In the end, with safety,
transported to refineries in Cherry Point, Washington and efficiency and economic consideration given careful
Los Angeles, California. attention the forebody option was dismissed and the
AMI currently operates a fleet of six tankers (five decision was made to pursue new-build ships.
crude, one product) ranging in size from 50,000 DWT to
265,000 DWT. In 1998 and 1999, the Oil Pollution Act Design Team
of 1990 (OPA ’90) forced the retirement of three AMI AMI embarked in pursuit of a new design by
120,000 DWT vessels. These single hulled ships moved bringing together an experienced and highly qualified
crude oil from Valdez to Cherry Point since the opening structural design team. From the early stages AMI began
of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Service (TAPS) in 1978. to work closely with a number of consultants to ensure
OPA ’90 will also require that AMI retire two 265,000 that the base of experience was extended as widely as
DWT vessels in the year 2000. possible. The main consultants, John J. McMullen
In the early 1990’s AMI began to consider options Associates, Inc. (JJMA), MCA Engineers, Inc. (MCA),
that would replace tonnage lost due to OPA ’90. AMI and Herbert Engineering Corp. served as collaborative
explored all options including retrofitting existing tankers design consultants throughout the initial phases of the
with double hulls, fitting completely new forebodies, and project.
building new vessels. Ultimately the decision was made The intent of this team approach was to draw from
to construct new vessels, the Millennium Class Tankers. unique skills that each consultant brought to the table.
The full effort towards preliminary design of the JJMA served as the primary consultant and provided
Millennium Class tankers commenced in 1996. In July broad-based naval architecture, marine engineering and
1997 a contract was signed with Avondale Industries cost estimating expertise as well as recent international
Shipyard Division, now Litton Avondale Industries. experience with double-hull tanker design programs.
Detailed design commenced immediately and the keel MCA contributed with a strong background in structural
was laid in May 1998. The first ship, the ARCO design analysis and significant historical experience with
ENDEAVOUR, is scheduled to deliver in the fourth vessels in the existing AMI and Alaskan tanker fleet.
quarter of 2000. The contract currently provides for a Herbert Engineering provided expertise in specific issues
total of three Millennium Class tankers. relating to stability, subdivision, and other factors such as
ballast exchange. This team was responsible for the
Decision for Newbuilding general development of the Contract Specification and
Maintaining the size of the AMI fleet necessitated continued to work together throughout the design and
plans for replacement of tonnage phased out by OPA ’90. construction phase.
Initial exploration into possibilities for obtaining double- In preparation for contract signing, AMI chose to
hulled vessels yielded three options; retrofit of double hull approach the final stages of preliminary design as a
to an existing ship, replacement of a complete forebody, teaming effort with the consultants and Avondale
or new building. Retrofit of a double hull into existing Industries Shipyard Division, now Litton-Avondale
Fig. 1 Inboard Profile, Outboard Profile, Bow and Stern Views
Shipyard. At the time of these meetings the concept and The design centered on a belief that designing for
preliminary design had been developed to clearly prevention is the safest and most economical approach in
represent Owner requirements. The goal of teaming with addressing the long-term operation of tankers. In short,
the Shipyard was to ensure Owner requirements and the primary theme of process was “an ounce of prevention
Shipyard capabilities were compatible and fully is worth a pound of cure.” The overall intent was not to
incorporated in the detail design. build a ship that just met the Rules of Class. The intent
was to construct a vessel that would meet or exceed the
Rules as required, to a degree that the vessel became
STRUCTURAL DESIGN PHILOSOPHY uniquely suited to meet the Owner’s need for extended
service in a severe environment. Most importantly, it was
A number of key issues relating to the structural felt that future problems could be avoided by turning to
design were identified following the decision to pursue past experience as a learning tool. Past experience with
construction of new ships. Safety, reliability, proven ship structure became a key factor in development of the
design, necessary fatigue life and maintainability were all detail design [1-4].
cited as issues to be addressed in the design process.
Strong consideration was given to the fact that the trade Learning from Experience
routes served by the AMI crude oil tankers are among the Contributing greatly to AMI’s understanding of
most severe operating environments in the world, and fatigue cracking and monitoring of ship structure was the
require a significant amount of time spent in the waters of United States Coast Guard’s Critical Area Inspection
the Gulf of Alaska. Features specific to AMI were also to Program (CAIP) [5]. Existing AMI vessels had been
be incorporated into the design based on 20 years of operating under this program since its inception in 1991.
experience transporting crude oil in Gulf of Alaska As a result, AMI had developed a clear plan for the
waters. “management” of structure on existing vessels.
Fig. 2 Upper Deck Plan, In-Tank Plan and Plan on Tank Top
Significant amounts of data have been collected and AMI “Ground Rules”
continues to support a proactive, rather than reactive, For the Millennium Class tankers, the structural
response to fatigue issues in the structure of its existing design was to be developed based on extensive
ships. engineering. AMI required that the ships be designed for
Historically, AMI’s database of experience with a 30-year fatigue life. This included not only compliance
structural details extends back through 1987. Locations, with ABS’ SafeHull A and B programs, but also finite
lengths and types of fractures were documented. Patterns element analysis, structural fatigue analysis and
of structural fatigue cracking were clearly identified and compliance with ABS’ Dynamic Loading Approach
problems were remedied with the development of (DLA) [10,11]. During concept design preliminary
structural fixes through finite element analysis. structural details were studied extensively in areas
Participation in this program has undeniably led to greater historically known to experience structural fatigue
understanding of designing for fatigue in ship structure. cracking. This preliminary analysis was completed prior
Also helpful in determining potential problem areas to contract signing.
were the various diverse experiences of the design team Based on AMI’s Alaskan operating experiences, a
members. This experience combined with informational number of design criteria were established for the
resources published by the industry led to a better structure. The vessels were to be built primarily with
understanding of the past performance of a variety of mild steel, with little or no reduction in scantlings. Where
structural arrangements. Particularly noteworthy among high strength steel was used margins above regulatory
published data are publications by the Tanker Structural allowable minimums were typically applied. Critical
Cooperative Forum (TSCF) [6,7], Oil Companies structural areas were studied extensively by finite element
International Marine Forum (OCIMF) [8] and Lloyd’s analysis, dynamic load analysis, and spectral fatigue
Register [9]. analysis. This conservative approach led to a number of
decisions that resulted in a rugged yet functional design.
Addressing Fatigue in Structural Design includes six pairs of J-tanks with the No. 6 tanks
One of the most significant conceptual efforts made extending aft beneath the slop tanks. It was found that
in the design was to address fatigue in structural details. this arrangement provided an optimum operational
Clearly, it is acknowledged that design and analysis configuration in terms of intact and damaged stability.
cannot yield a zero crack condition. However, due The Midship Section is shown in Figure 3.
diligence and attention to known problems can yield a Transverse web frame spacing is 3.96 meters and typical
greater understanding of those structural details to avoid longitudinal spacing is 862 millimeters. Web frame
and those details to incorporate. In some cases, details structure is balanced on either side of the centerline
that performed poorly in previous vessels (e.g. mushroom bulkhead with longitudinal stiffening on the starboard
shaped cutouts at erection joints) were redesigned for side of the bulkhead. Main longitudinal girders are the
acceptable performance in new vessels. centerline vertical keel and girders port and starboard
The trade route to be traveled by the Millennium beneath the lower hopper radius. Two horizontal stringers
Class tankers presents a somewhat unique fatigue life support the transverse bulkheads in the cargo block and
profile. Nearly all of the at-sea operation of the vessels are shown in Figure 4. Five longitudinal stringers are
will be in North Pacific waters. Port time spent during included in the ballast tank wing walls and the second and
loading and discharge is minimal and each ship will fourth stringers coincide with the cargo tank horizontal
average a round trip about every 10.5 days. To illustrate stringers.
the exclusivity of trade and frequency of voyages, the Of special note is that a continuous, watertight, full
120,000 DWT vessels recently retired each completed height, centerline bulkhead runs below the Upper Deck
over 600 voyages to Valdez in approximately 20 years of (strength deck) from the collision bulkhead to the
operation. transom. The sole exception to the tightness of this
bulkhead is found at the athwartship access in the cargo
pump room. Otherwise, the centerline bulkhead divides
CONCEPT DESIGN the cargo block into the port and starboard ballast and
cargo tanks and the engine room machinery spaces into
Size of Vessel two completely separate and redundant engine rooms.
The decisive commitment to build new vessels turned The after portion of the centerline bulkhead,
the focus towards clear definition of a design philosophy watertight and insulated to an A-60 standard, is also
under which the vessels would be built [12]. Size of the continuous in the machinery spaces and engine room
vessel was the first issue to be addressed. The primary casing above the Upper Deck and continues upward to the
trade route for the proposed Millennium Class tankers is top of the stack. Three sliding, watertight A-60 doors,
to be between Valdez, Alaska and Cherry Point, normally closed, are found in the machinery spaces and
Washington. Because this trade extends into Puget Sound, are available for athwartship access. The continuity of the
Washington a deadweight limit of 125,000 DWT is centerline bulkhead continues forward of the collision
mandated. This restriction, imposed by U.S. Coast Guard bulkhead to the stem but is not watertight in this area.
regulations excludes tankers of greater than 125,000
DWT from delivering oil to U.S. ports in Puget Sound,
Washington [13]. Table 1 Principal Characteristics
While USCG regulations will ultimately govern the
deadweight of ships entering into Puget Sound the overall Length, Overall 272.69 m
cargo capacity of the Millennium Class tankers was set at Length, Between Perpendiculars 258.16 m
one million barrels. This corresponds to roughly 137,000 Beam, Molded 46.20 m
DWT of Alaskan North Slope crude oil. The choice was Depth, Molded (at Side) 25.30 m
made to proceed with a vessel of this size in an effort to Depth, Molded (at Centerline) 26.30 m
enhance its overall trading versatility during the planned Displacement, Design 159,100 MT
30-year service life. Thus, the vessels have been designed Draft, Design 16.31 m
to a scantling deadweight of 137,000 MT but will operate Draft, Scantling 17.50 m
at a deadweight of 125,000 LT when delivering crude oil Lightship Weight 33,188 MT
into the Puget Sound. Table 1 provides further Principal Displacement, Design 160,778 MT
Characteristic information. Displacement, Scantling 173,310 MT
Cargo Capacity, Design 899,757 bbls
Cargo Block Structural Configuration Cargo Capacity, Scantling 978,032 bbls
The overall vessel and tank configurations are shown Gross Tonnage 85,093 MT
in Figures 1 and 2. The cargo tanks are arranged six tanks Net Tonnage 36,299 MT
long by two tanks across with two slop tanks located just Block Coefficient, Design Draft 0.830
aft of the No. 6 cargo tanks. The ballast tank arrangement Design Speed 16.5 knots
Fig. 3 Typical Midship Section
“Hopper” Design and forepeak areas. The tank top structure carries aft as
A significant research effort was made during the the flats of the Pump Room and the lower Engine Room.
preliminary design to explore possible variations on the The major stringer at 9840 mm above baseline (ABL)
“hopper” design. The “hopper” is the area of sloped transitions into the upper Engine Room and Purifier
plating at the outboard lower corner of the cargo tanks. It Rooms. The major stringer at 17120 mm ABL carries aft
was known that the most critical area of design in this and forms the machinery flat for much of the auxiliary
configuration is found in the lower hopper transition. machinery, the Engine Room workshop and a large spare
Options for the connection at the lower hopper parts storage area. Finally, the ballast tank stringer at
included use of a cruciform weldment, a cruciform 20760 mm ABL slopes upward approximately one meter
casting, continuation of the inner bottom plating past the and forms the flats in the port and starboard Machinery
hopper to the side shell, or a radius hopper plate Control Rooms.
supported by a longitudinal girder. The final decision was
to incorporate a radius plate at the corners of the hopper.
Rationale for this decision included finite element HUMAN FACTORS – SAFETY, INSPECTION, AND
analysis, past structural experience documented in the MAINTENANCE
TSCF and Lloyd’s publications, ability to hold
construction tolerances, and overall stiffening Special attention was given to the arrangement of
arrangements. structure as it pertains to the human element in design.
Specific issues that were addressed in the cargo block
Forebody and Afterbody Structure included emergency removal of personnel, means of
The innerbottom plating and the five-stringers in the standard access and egress from tanks, ability to
ballast tanks transition into the flats in the engine room. adequately ventilate tanks, and access for tank inspection
These levels also extend forward into the bow thruster
and maintenance. In the machinery room consideration Finally, a bolted manhole is located in the forward
was given to equipment removal and maintenance. and aft tight bulkhead of each cargo and ballast tank in
the cargo block. The manhole consists of a 24 inch pipe
with a 150# bolted blind flange that is hinged for
handling. The manholes, which would be opened only
during shipyard repair period, provide two additional
means of access and egress from each tank.
Room Workshop to facilitate the athwartship movement models of the midship section. The separate finite
of large equipment across the ship. element analysis telescoped from global to intermediate
and then to general local models.
Fig. 5 Nine Local Details in Preliminary Analysis (Top row, l to r: Lower Hopper, Upper Hopper,
Stringer at Centerline Bulkhead; Middle Row, l to r: Bottom Longitudinal, Transverse Web
Frame at Tank Top, Double Bottom at Transverse Bulkhead; Bottom Row, l to r: Horizontal
Stringer at Transverse Bulkhead, Inner and Outer Shell at Transverse Bulkhead, Inner and
Outer Shell at Web Frame)
the Shipyard. Further, the owner also wanted to have deformation in the hopper plating was restricted at the
timely and complete control in selecting the sensitive web frame thereby creating high stresses in the welded
structural details to be used repeatedly throughout the connection of the web frame to the hopper plating.
cargo block. This is again a reflection of extensive Also noteworthy in the findings was the need for
experience with existing ships operating in the harsh additional support to improve the effectiveness of the
TAPS trade environment, which has demonstrated that the curved sections of the web frame faceplates. Without
design of the local details ultimately determines the additional bracket and flatbar support the curved section
probability of premature fractures. Concurrent with of the web frame faceplates become ineffective, resulting
concept design, numerous design variations were in unacceptable stresses in the web frame and flange at
analyzed in common structural details to optimize and these locations.
improve their structural behavior.
Nine local details found in the midship section were Use of Mild vs. High Tensile Steel
selected and analyzed using detailed solid element mesh. The rationale for the decision to tend towards use of
The mesh size was on the order of the plate thickness in mild steel was based on historical problems encountered
the critical regions. The nine details are shown in Figure with the liberal usage of high tensile steel in ships. In the
5 and cover typical problematic construction details. The 1970’s and 1980’s the movement of the shipbuilding
models were analyzed using eight initial design load industry to look towards high strength steel as a means for
conditions. These consisted of four loading conditions: reducing the overall weight, and therefore cost, of the
Full Cargo, Ballast and two “Checkerboard” loading vessel created many problems. Credit was taken in hull
conditions. The Full Cargo and Ballast loading scantlings as high tensile steel allowed higher allowable
conditions were analyzed in still water, head-sea design stresses. In many cases, particularly for ships operating in
hog and head-sea design sag waves, while the two less severe trade routes, this was acceptable. However,
Checkerboard conditions were analyzed in still water vessels frequently subjected to a harsh environment
only. The design wave used had a length equal to the resulting in moderate or high cyclic stresses, developed
ship’s LBP and a wave height of 8.05 meters. fatigue cracks in the structural transition details.
In a distinct effort to avoid chronic fatigue problems
Results of Preliminary Analysis it was decided that mild steel (ABS Grade A) would be
The preliminary analysis revealed the existence of used for all structure except in areas which specifically
high general stresses in the two horizontal stringers when required high tensile steel. If high tensile steel were to be
subjected to the checkerboard loading conditions. The used, a reduction in scantling would be allowed,
stresses were too high to be eliminated by local providing there was a minimum ten percent allowance
reinforcement, and the need for modest changes to the above the ABS requirements, including corrosion
stringer design was identified. The modification required allowance. For the upper deck, where the inherently low
additional and symmetric transition structure aft of the neutral axis of double hull construction results in mild
transverse bulkhead. Forward of the transverse bulkhead steel plate thickness well above 25 mm, the deck is
the stringer transition was softened at the centerline and constructed of ABS Grade DH plate. However, by using
longitudinal bulkheads and extended forward by one Grade DH plate, ABS rules allow for a plate thickness of
additional frame. 19.5 mm, including corrosion allowance, but 22 mm plate
The results also included the identification of two was used. A second example of the use of high tensile
alternative side shell longitudinal to frame connections. steel is in the horizontal bulkhead stringers, which are
The first involved the use of an offset panel stiffener with subjected to high static stress but relatively low cyclic
a sophisticated web frame collar design. The second stress.
involved the use of soft-toed brackets butt-welded to the Figure 6 illustrates the application of these criteria to
bulb-section of the side shell longitudinal on both sides of the design. ABS Rule minimum scantlings are shown in
the frame. The latter of the two details was chosen for parentheses with the as-built plate scantlings shown
use on the vessel based on construction preference. outside the parentheses.
Other recommendations included improvements to
the lower hopper design, including rearrangement of the Fixed Range for Scantlings
hopper longitudinal, a reduction of the hopper radius and For structure in the cargo block, in fuel oil tanks, and
increased web frame thickness in way of the hopper. It in miscellaneous ballast tanks a “rule of thumb” was set
was found that the radius plating in the hopper design, for determination of minimum and maximum scantlings.
when subjected to a sagging condition and without proper Structural steel was limited to a minimum of 12 mm in
support, tended to “shrink” similar to the radial thickness and was to be no greater than 25 mm in
contraction of a pipe subject to stretching. The thickness. In the case of the minimum scantling,
Fig. 6 Transverse Bulkhead Arrangement Showing Scantlings (l), Typical Bulkhead Stiffener (r)
experience showed that steel less than 12 mm proved allowed all participants to benefit from the extensive
sensitive to corrosion. For the maximum scantling, steel experience of the group as a whole.
greater than 25 mm reduced the benefit of the steel’s Prior to contract a fully developed set of lines, a
ductile behavior and thereby reduced the inherent Midship Section and a General Arrangement were turned
redundancy of the structure [21]. Thick plates create a 3- over to Avondale. An overall teaming effort was initiated
D stress field at a potential crack tip, making the steel at this point in time. The Midship Section and a
more brittle. From a maintenance standpoint, the preliminary Scantling Plan were modified slightly and
relatively limited availability of steels thicker than 25 mm tailored to meet specific requirements demanded by
can problematic in repair yards. Avondale’s production scheme. These modifications
These decisions were made based on past experience were small in nature and generally were the result of plate
in vessel operation and with extensive preliminary finite straking and erection butt location. All modifications
element analyses complete. Ultimately, as design were completed with the approval of AMI and the
progressed, it was found that in only a very limited consulting team.
number of cases would material less than 12 mm have
been of benefit or met the fatigue life requirements. SafeHull
Following contract signing, work quickly advanced
Finalization of Preliminary Design on design issues related to Class approval of the structural
The preliminary phase in the design process was arrangements. These activities included the running of
closed with JJMA as the lead technical coordinator. This ABS’ SafeHull Phase A and Phase B. Because much
effort included modifying and updating the concept initial work had been completed on the structural design,
design Midship Section and Scantling Plans. SafeHull served almost exclusively as a verification tool
Modifications were based on the findings of the structural rather than as a design tool. The design was based on
finite element analyses and included additional changes good engineering practices and did not rely on SafeHull
desired by the Owner. The finalization of this phase also as a tool to find minimum allowable scantlings.
included extensive review of the complete concept design In Phase A, the rule-based initial scantlings were
with all consultants present. This combined effort verified and shown to satisfy the SafeHull prescribed load
strength and fatigue requirements. In Phase B, strength
assessment of global and local structure was verified
using SafeHull imposed loads. Here, global structure was
addressed as a coarse mesh, three-tank model. Local
structure was addressed as two-dimensional fine mesh
Limited modification to the structure was necessary
based on the results of SafeHull. Plate scantlings at the
toes of the cargo tank horizontal stringers required some
increase, as did the local longitudinal bulkhead in way of
these toes. Panel breakers were necessary in some
instances to meet small panel buckling criteria. All
necessary modifications were made and the resultant
changes to structure were turned over to MCA for
incorporation into the DLA analysis.
Fig. 7 Global FEA Model
Table 3 - Equivalent Wave Data
Equivalent Wave
Case # Load Case DLP Heading Period (s) Height (m) Length (m)
14 125K Alaskan Crude Moment 180 13.96 8.698 304.281
14 125K Alaskan Crude Vert. Acc. 180 13.96 8.212 304.281
14 125K Alaskan Crude Lateral Acc. 105 8.38 5.507 109.541
14 125K Alaskan Crude Roll 75 15.71 7.718 385.106
27 Heavy Ballast Moment 180 12.57 11.402 246.468
27 Heavy Ballast Vert. Acc. 120 11.42 6.961 203.693
27 Heavy Ballast Lateral Acc. 105 9.67 7.253 145.839
27 Heavy Ballast Roll 90 13.96 7.069 304.281
B Arrival S.F. #2 Moment 180 12.57 7.721 246.468
B Arrival S.F. #2 Vert. Acc. 120 11.42 7.271 203.693
B Arrival S.F. #2 Lateral Acc. 105 8.38 6.279 109.514
B Arrival S.F. #2 Roll 75 15.71 8.215 385.106
F Checkerboard Moment 180 13.96 6.648 304.281
F Checkerboard Vert. Acc. 180 13.96 7.565 304.281
F Checkerboard Lateral Acc. 105 9.67 6.490 145.839
F Checkerboard Roll 105 15.71 8.851 385.106
4. Development of numerous finite element models for only at the nominal deck plating stress the more detailed
the DLA analysis. local models captured the additional stress increase
The models developed included: created at the longitudinal-to-bracket connections at
frames and bulkheads (Figure 9).
• A 3-D stem-to-stern global model for overall
DLA stress assessment (Figure 7).
• The vertical bulkhead stiffeners above the top
stringer were modified, as was the attachment to the
deck longitudinals. The depth of each stiffener
slopes from 693 mm at the upper stringer to 280 mm
at the deck longitudinal. The soft-toed bracket
attaching the stiffener and the deck longitudinal was
made smaller than the original design (Figure 6).
one element at the upper horizontal stringer (Figure 11). Of note is that there was intent to determine if
If such a combination of in port loading condition and structural modifications were necessary based on results
extreme wave load were to occur it could lead to yielding of a hydrodynamic model test program. The emphasis
of one localized region of the stringer. However, the placed on redundancy in the overall design (e.g. the ship
remainder of the structure can absorb any load that may has two rudders, two propellers, two engine rooms etc.)
be shed. Since the normal loading conditions and cyclic demanded that relatively uncommon features were present
loads create only low stresses at this location the design in the hull form. For example, modifications were found
was deemed acceptable without further changes. necessary in the twin skeg arrangement that was chosen
for the afterbody configuration. The area between the
skegs was modified from a flat bottom to a V-shaped
bottom to reduce aft slamming in following seas.
Likewise, forepeak structure was later modified to
accommodate resultant pressures found in the relatively
flared areas of the bow structure.
Fig. 12 Initial (r) and Final Pumproom (l) Opening
Models Analytic Approach
The fatigue procedure used on the Millennium Class
tankers has been developed by MCA in a continually
The 2-D model of the centerline bulkhead at the evolving process that combines theory, finite element
pump room showed above yield stresses at the fine analysis techniques, and dynamic 3-dimensional load
meshed regions around the cutouts. These stress levels generation. The strength of the analytical process has
were deemed acceptable since they were induced by the been its consistent verification through actual field
fine mesh around cutouts rather than by the nominal experience. Identifying, analyzing, and developing
stresses (Figure 12). Also, beam elements that were used effective repairs for structures on a number of AMI’s
in the 2-D model do not properly represent the beneficial existing ships has successfully proved the fatigue
effect of the flange coaming that is used as reinforcement procedure. The analytical process includes the following
around these cutouts. key steps:
No additional changes to the design were
implemented nor required due to the evaluation of the 1. Construction of global, intermediate, general local
element stresses. This is primarily a result of having used and local detail models capable of capturing and
the more conservative unaveraged nodal stresses for the applying hull girder responses into small details such
initial DLA submittal. Note that using the average nodal as rat-holes and bracket toes
stresses, which is the default of many finite element
packages and typically used by ABS for illustration 2. Generation of dynamic 3-dimensional loads for a
purposes, is not a conservative approach. It will in many matrix of wavelengths, angles, and ship operating
instances significantly reduce or hide high stress regions. conditions using the SPLASH 3-dimensional CFD
Importance of Model Test Program
A rigorous model test program was undertaken at 3. Analysis of the finite element models for the matrix
SSPA in Gothenburg, Sweden prior to contract signing. of SPLASH loads to develop structural element RAO
As a result the development of a hull form was effectively curves
complete when negotiations with the shipyard began.
This proved advantageous as it allowed AMI and the 4. Calculation of the fatigue crack initiation life of
Shipyard to immediately concentrate on structural design detail structures using the stress RAO’s, anticipated
and resulting machinery arrangements. Foreseeing this ship voyage/weather data, and published S-N fatigue
benefit, during model tests, the seakeeping models were curves
instrumented to later aid designers in correlating the DLA
motions model to actual measurements. Comparison of Telescoping Finite Element Analysis
the motions and extensive side shell pressure The Millennium Class tanker design was analyzed
measurements has been documented in other publications using a telescoping process that captures global and
[20]. regional structural performance and applies it to the
structural detail of interest. The process allows for
examination of details as small as rat-holes, lap-welded • Two loading conditions - Full Load and Ballast
collars, and bracket toes.
The same Global, Intermediate and General Local • The real and imaginary cyclic stress components (two
finite element models used in the DLA analysis were also instances in time are used to determine the complete
used in the fatigue analysis. In addition to the modified cyclic variation, assuming sinusoidal loads and
versions of six of the nine local models used in the initial responses)
design, three new local models were analyzed. These
included bottom longitudinal to frame connections in Spectral Fatigue Analysis
hopper, deck longitudinals at frames and deck Fatigue can be divided into two stages: an initiation
longitudinals at bulkheads. phase (calculated here using Miner’s Rule) and a growth
These models are the final step in the telescoping phase (calculated using fracture mechanics), until the
finite element analysis process. They are constructed crack reaches a critical length and propagates in a brittle
with general-local plate mesh along the boundaries, which mode. Crack propagation analysis was not completed for
is then transitioned to a mesh of greater density in the area this effort, as the objective was to minimize or eliminate
of interest, using 8-noded brick (solid) elements with edge crack initiation [21]. The crack initiation phase is
lengths as small as the plate thickness. Weld contours calculated in the following steps:
have been simulated using either 6-noded bricks or 8-
noded bricks meshed along the weld contour to account 1. The finite element models are analyzed for every
for their geometric effect. SPLASH run, starting with the global model and
telescoping down to the detail local models. The
SPLASH-Generated Loads hydrodynamic pressure fields are mapped onto the
The fatigue analysis used for this project is a fully finite element models using a bi-linear interpolation
three-dimensional dynamic spectral analysis. The load program. The 6-DOF calculated accelerations are
cases are generated using the three dimensional free- applied to the light ship weight, and are used to
surface computational fluid dynamics code SPLASH. derive the fluctuating internal tank pressures. Once
Unsteady flows are treated in the frequency domain, parent model analysis is complete, the boundary
as a linear small-disturbance, harmonically oscillating reaction forces are transferred to the telescoped
perturbation to the steady basis flow. First-order unsteady model, and pressures and accelerations applied to the
flow predictions yield unsteady ship forces and motions. applicable contained elements.
Flow solutions are fully 3-D, with six degree-of-freedom
ship motions, and arbitrary incident wave-heading angle. 2. The real and imaginary stress results are vector-added
The unsteady flow is computed using a steady flow panel (square root of the sum of the squares) to calculate
model with the hull and free-surface panels fixed, while the cyclic stress component for a given load
movement is simulated via transfer of unsteady boundary condition, wavelength, and heading. By analyzing
conditions to the steady time-averaged panel location. the finite element models for all loading cases and
Forces and moments are computed by integration of panel normalizing to wave height, stress RAO’s are
pressures over the vehicle surface, plus panel-based developed for all free surfaces of every solid element
waterline integral contributions. The latter account for in the detailed models.
the oscillating area at the waterline due to ship and free-
surface motions. 3. The weather spectra, taken from a hindcast study
The SPLASH calculations were performed by South based on historical hindcast weather data (Navy
Bay Simulations, resulting in motions and pressure GSOWM) along zones in the TAPS trade route are
profiles for a matrix of waves. The hull was analyzed combined with the stress RAO’s to produce response
with nonlinear roll damping derived from Ship Motion spectra. This directional weather data combined with
Program (SMP) runs, at an average speed of 15 knots an assumed trip profile of travel between Valdez,
[24]. The analytical matrix (384 spectral fatigue load Alaska and Cherry Point, Washington three times per
cases) included the following: month determined the weather spectra.
• Eight wavelengths, from 1/4 to 2 times the ship’s 4. The response spectra are compared with published S-
length N curves to calculate Cumulative Damage Ratios
(CDR’s), an integrated ratio of the actual fatigue
• Seven wave-angles from ahead to astern in 300 cycles at a given stress divided by the allowable
increments. Since “windward” and “leeward” effects number (defined by the S-N curves).
are not symmetric, off-centerline models required 12
wave angles (full 3600) 5. The CDR’s are integrated across the ship voyage
profiles to obtain a fatigue crack initiation prediction.
SN-Curves connection with the deck longitudinal while still having
A number of SN curves have been experimentally the needed stiffness at the upper horizontal stringer.
determined by the United Kingdom Department of
Energy, and are used as an industry standard [25]. Curves
such as F and F2 apply to calculations based on nominal
stress fields. Since the models are built and analyzed to
the “hot-spot” detailed level, the appropriate curves are
the ‘C” and “D” curves. The “C” curve is appropriate for
parent plate. The “D” curve is more conservative and is
used for elements adjacent to welds. It is possible to
improve the fatigue performance at the weld toes, by
reducing or putting in compression the intrusions or other
imperfections, which is an inherent feature of weld toes in
Edison Welding Institute’s experience based on
various test data, indicates that the fatigue life at the weld
toes can be extended to approximately a “C” curve if burr
grinding or hammer peening is used to form a smooth
curved area which removes the toe and all undercut [26].
Hence, the fatigue life for these details can be assumed to
increase by a factor of ~2.5, making “C” curve fatigue life Fig. 13 Lower Hopper, Tanktop Plating Removed
prediction more appropriate than “D” curve prediction.
Fatigue Results
Modifications were necessary in most of the
structural details in order to achieve the desired 30-year
fatigue life. Most modifications were minor and included
adjustments such as softening of bracket terminations,
changing shape and location of erection joint cutouts,
changing plate thickness and the use of full collars at a
few locations.
More extensive improvements were needed in order
to reach the desired fatigue initiation life in the lower
hopper and at the deck longitudinal to vertical bulkhead
stiffener connection. Even with the improvements
implemented from the preliminary design analysis, further
improvement were needed to extend the fatigue life in the
radius tank top plating at web frames, and in the adjacent
web frame cutouts.
In the hopper connection, the desired fatigue life was
reached by using a full collar in way of the adjacent Fig. 14 Lower Hopper, Zoom of Radius, Plating
longitudinals. A partial longitudinal stiffener was added Removed
between the last tank top longitudinal and the girder
below the radius hopper. Finally, to ensure that the
desired fatigue life was achieved, peening was used on the
welds between the curved portion of the tank top plating
and web frame (Figure 13 and 14).
A significant stress riser was found in the deck
longitudinals where they intersected the vertical bulkhead
stiffener. The initial design used a large vertical stiffener
in combination with a large bracket at this connection; the
final design, which gave us the desired fatigue life, used a
tapered vertical bulkhead stiffener in combination with a
small soft-toed bracket (Figure 15). The tapered vertical
stiffener reduced the longitudinal stiffness transition at the Fig. 15 Initial and Final Bulkhead Stiffener to Deck
Longitudinal Connection
VIBRATIONS drawings for compliance with the specification and
regulatory body rule. Comments were provided to AMI
The shipyard performed preliminary vibratory natural in the form of detailed comments on the design. AMI in
frequency studies on a subcontract basis with Det Norske turn reviewed the comments, made appropriate changes as
Veritas (DNV). The studies were based upon a two- necessary based on Owner preference or experience and
dimensional variable beam model for the hull-girder and a submitted the final review comments to the Shipyard. In
two-dimensional beam model with springs for the order to ensure all issues were addressed, weekly
deckhouse. Simple beam and plating theories were used meetings were held between AMI and the Shipyard to
for the local structural elements. review design issues. The end result of this process
The studies were performed to determine if there yielded minimal on-site staff for AMI but included the
were any resonant frequencies with the 4th and 8th order of overall expertise of a design firm with extensive design
the propeller and/or 7th order of the main engine. The review experience.
studies revealed that, in the after body, several local
members and panels were deficient due to the reduced Construction Milestones
frequencies in the submerged mode (fluid one side or both Keel laying for the ARCO ENDEAVOUR occurred on
sides). The corresponding inertia of these members and May 5, 1998 and the ship was launched on December 17,
panels was increased to ensure that fatigue failures would 1999. Keel laying for Hull 2498, the ARCO
not result from their vibratory response. RESOLUTION, took place on July 12, 1999. Keel laying
The preliminary studies also determined that there for the ARCO DISCOVERY, Hull 2499, is scheduled for
was a resonant condition of the deckhouse bridge wings November 2000.
with the propeller 4th order excitation frequency. Because
the studies determined that there was a resonant condition Analysis in Support of Production
with the bridge wings, additional studies were warranted During the detailed design phase and into the
to determine the forced response of the bridge wings with construction period, several miscellaneous structural
the interaction of the hull. issues were also addressed through the use of finite
The final vibratory (natural and forced) responses element analysis during the design and building phase of
were determined by a three-dimensional model of the the project:
entire vessel including the main engines, with the model
consisting of 6,570 elements with 20,190 degrees of • Rudder and Associated Castings - A rudder analysis
freedom. The calculated pressure impulse forces induced was performed to verify the adequacy of the rudder
from the propeller as well as the imposed main engine design when subjected to hydrodynamic loading due
forces were applied to the model, for the full load and to both ocean waves and ship’s steering. Past
ballast conditions. experience with cracking at sharp radii at the lower
The forced response study determined that the gudgeon led to an expressed emphasis on the rudder
resulting vibratory response for the bridge wing was not design by AMI. Prudent design work by the
in compliance with ISO standard velocity limit of 4.0 Shipyard resulted in an acceptable design and utilized
mm/sec for a frequency of 8.47 Hz, related to the a continuous casting between the upper and lower
susceptibility of human exposure. Hence, the vertical- gudgeon.
truss support configuration for the wings was amended as
well as the support structure between the bridge windows. • Cargo Riser and Drop Pipes - An extensive analysis
In the sloshing analysis, the first mode natural of the cargo riser and drop pipes in the cargo tanks
sloshing resonance period (with the vessel’s pitching was performed. The piping system was analyzed for
period) was determined to be at only 18% of the cargo internal thrust loads, cargo sloshing and loads
tank filling height. This would result in the corresponding induced by thermal expansion. In the desire to keep
induced pressures being less than the normal required the exposed Upper Deck clear of oil carrying pipes to
design pressures. the greatest extent possible all cargo pipes were run
through the cargo tanks. At the manifold the cargo
fill and discharge lines run vertically from the
OVERVIEW OF SHIPYARD ACTIVITIES innerbottom tank top to the Upper Deck and pass
through the horizontal stringers. Initially, the riser
Plan Review Process and drop pipes were to be welded at their
The design review process resulted in a particularly penetrations through the stringers. With the ambient
interesting relationship between the Shipyard, AMI, and steel temperature as low as 40 degrees F (4 degrees
JJMA. AMI contracted with JJMA to support design C) and the cargo loaded at as much as 105 degrees F
review. Drawings were issued from the Shipyard to both (41 degrees C) there proved to be a significant
AMI and JJMA. JJMA performed initial review of the thermal expansion in the pipes. The solution was to
Fig. 16 Cargo Riser and Drop Pipe Model
leave the cargo pipes loose through the stringers and panel stiffeners could be freed-up to avoid any
anchor them to restrict horizontal motion, allowing adverse effects of the weld-out process.
vertical expansion. This eliminated “locking” the
stringers together as well as pushing up the Upper • Erection Joint Cutout Tolerance - The early finite
Deck (Figure 16). element analyses proved to be a useful tool later in
the construction process. This became apparent in
• Plug Unit Stresses - An analysis was also performed the fabrication of “mushroom”-shaped cutouts that
to identify the amount of locked in stresses created by spanned erection joints. Because of minor variations
fitting of the last of the construction block in each in the amount of neat material on some units or the
transverse band across the ship. These Upper Deck occasional shift in placement of longitudinals the
units were plugs placed between the centerline dimensions of the mushroom cutouts varied.
bulkhead and the longitudinal bulkhead structure. In Because of prior knowledge that these mushroom cut
matching of this plug unit with existing structure at details were sensitive to fatigue a design study was
the upper web frame erection joint it was found that undertaken. The desire was not to analyze each
the sequencing of weld-out on panel stiffeners was detail but to provide a range of dimensional
critical to maintaining the in-plane alignment of the tolerances for the mushroom cutouts. Knowledge of
web frame. The analysis demonstrated how certain the relative effects of variations in the mushroom
cutouts gave both Shipyard production personnel and would be changed if the project were repeated. The
AMI’s steel inspectors a hard and fast guide for greatest application of the lessons learned on the project
cutouts in question during the fabrication process can be used in the processes undertaken to meet design
(Figure 17). requirements. Important caveats were illustrated in the
finding of unexpected analytical results and in the unique
production challenges that this ship presents.
angle consistent with what has typically been used on loading of product lanes. In short, it was necessary to cut
DLA analysis of similar ships. more parts cut on plate burning machines.
Fig. 18 Diagram Showing Selected Benefits of Team Approach to Millennium Class Tanker Project
CONCLUSION 4. Witmer, D. J. and Cheung, M. C., “The Use of Finite
Element Modeling Techniques in the Investigation of
The effort to achieve a high structural standard for Structural Failures in Ships”, SNAME West Coast
the Millenium Class tankers clearly departs from Tanker Operations Symposium, Joint California
traditional thought processes. Design has been extended Section Meeting, 1991.
beyond Class Society requirements to incorporate lessons
learned as successful marine operators. Throughout 5. Henn, A.E. (RADM), Commandant (G-MVI-1),
design the goal was to improve the safety and structural United States Coast Guard, U.S. Department of
reliability of the vessels and address the needs of future Transportation, Navigation and Vessel Inspection
operators of the ships. While the physical result of these Circular No. 15-91, “Critical Area Inspection Plans
effort are visible now, in the end, time will be the ultimate (CAIP’s)”, October 1991
judge of success.
6. Tanker Structure Co-operative Forum, “Guidance
Manual for Tanker Structures”, Witherby & Co. Ltd.,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS London, England, 1997
The authors would like to thank a number of 7. Tanker Structure Co-operative Forum, “Guidelines
individuals that made this paper possible. John Sullivan for the Inspection and Maintenance of Double Hull
and Robert Levine from ARCO Marine, Inc. have Tanker Structures”, Witherby & Co. Ltd., London,
provided visionary guidance and unending support from England, 1995
the start of the project. William Young and Robert
Kitney, the AMI steel inspectors, must be thanked for 8. International Chamber of Shipping Oil Companies
their tremendous efforts to ensure that the extensive International Marine Forum, “Guidance Manual for
design analysis was ultimately supported by good the Inspection and Condition Assessment of Tanker
workmanship. George Knight, Al Bozzuffi and Ivan Structures”, Witherby & Co. Ltd., London, England,
Zgajlic at JJMA have continuously shared new ideas and 1986
offered recommendations on incorporating innovative
design features. Dr. Maxwell Cheung at MCA Engineers 9. Lloyds Register, ShipRight, “Fatigue Design
contributed his expertise in addressing complex structural Assessment Procedure, Structural Detail Design
issues and challenging the traditional methods of Guide”, January 1996
structural design. Others that contributed significantly
throughout the project include Tom Longo at Litton- 10. American Bureau of Shipping, “Rules For Building
Avondale Shipyard, Keith Michel at Herbert Engineering, and Classing Steel Vessels”, New York, 1997
Bruce Hutchison at The Glosten Associates, and Lars
Gustafsson and Peter Tragardh at the SSPA model test 11. American Bureau of Shipping, “SafeHull System for
facility. Tankers, Guide on Improvement for Structural
Connections and Sample Structural Details – Service
Experience and Modifications – For Tankers”, New
REFERENCES York, July 1995
1. Cheung, M. C., “Cost Effective Analysis for Tanker 12. Sullivan, Levine, “The Millennium Class Tanker
Structural Repairs”, NRC Symposium and Design”, Presented at the 1999 Motor Ship
Workshop on the Prevention of Fracture in Ship Conference, Athens, Greece
Structure, 1995
13. United States Code of Federal Regulations,
2. Sucharski, D. and Cheung, M. C., “Application of “Navigation and Navigable Waters”, 33 CFR
Spectral Fatigue Analysis to the ARCO 190 Mdwt 165.1303(b)), Office of the Federal Register, 1997
Tankers”, Ship Structures Symposium, SNAME and
Ship Structure Committee, 1993. 14. International Maritime Organization, IMO Maritime
Safety Committee Circular.686, “Guidelines on the
3. Sucharski, D., “Crude Oil Tanker Hull Structure Means of Access to Structures for Inspection and
Fracturing An Operator’s Perspective”, NRC Maintenance of Oil Tankers and Bulk Carriers”,
Symposium and Workshop on the Prevention of London, England, adopted June 1995
Fracture in Ship Structure, 1995.
15. International Maritime Organization, SOLAS
Consolidated Edition, London, 1997
16. ASTM Designation: F1166-95a, “Standard Practice
for Human Engineering Design for Marine Systems,
Equipment and Facilities”, American Society for
Testing and Materials, April 1996
Fig. A1 View Looking Aft Along Transverse Web Fig. A3 View Looking Aft Along Hopper To Transverse
Frames in Cargo Tank Bulkhead
Fig. A2 Detail of Transverse Web Frame Toe Fig. A4 Typical “Mushroom” Cutout at Erection Joint in
Attachment to Tank Top Ballast Tanks
Fig. A5 View of Hopper After Erection, Looking Aft
Fig. A6 Detailed View of Hopper Connection, Looking from Below with Forward Unit Removed
Fig. A7 Photo from Bow Looking Aft
Fig. A8 Photo from Stern Looking Forward (Note Twin Skeg Arrangement Aft)