IGMO Round 2 Day 2
IGMO Round 2 Day 2
IGMO Round 2 Day 2
Question Points
1 7
2 7
3 7
4 7
5 7
6 7
Total 42
3. Submit your answers in the form that came with the E-Mail. If your solutions are written, you are asked
to scan your answers using CamScanner or TapScanner. If your solutions are typed using LATEX(not
recommended), then you are asked to send the solutions to each question as a separate PDF (or a
screenshot of each answer) in the corresponding submission section
4. You are not allowed to disclose any questions on any online forums until 13:00 GMT 17th February.
Do not participate or attempt the paper along with someone else, each contestant should be individual.
Problem 1 :
A sphere of radius r can be inscribed in a tetrahedron. The distances between the centroid of the tetrahedron
and its four faces are w, x, y and z. Prove that wxyz ≥ r4 .
Problem 2 :
Given that f (x) = x + 1 and g(x) = 2x, how many different ways are there of combining f (x) and g(x) (this
means doing any number of compositions like f g(x) or g 3 f 2 g(x) etc) such that the resulting composition is
8x + 8m where m ≥ 0 is an integer?
Problem 3 :
Let V be defined as the set of all triplets (x, y, z) ∈ N such that φ(x) = y z+1 . For a triplet x, y, z (denoted
by v) in V, we define h xy i √ zn
fv (n) = 8 b nc + .
8 z+x−y
contains at least one square of a natural number. Please note that [x] here refers to the fractional part of
x, it can also be denoted as {x} but it is denoted as [x] here.
Problem 4 :
People from 80 countries participated in the 1st round of IGMO. In order to ensure that participants from
any of the 80 countries can travel to any one of the remaining 79 countries by at most 2 flights, the countries
have an agreement such that among the 80 countries, each country’s airport connects to at least n other
countries’ airport.
Note: For two airports A and B to be connected, it must be possible to have a flight from A to B and a
flight from B to A. This adds 1 to both the number of connections from the airports. Also note that for
this problem, each country has only 1 airport.
Problem 5 :
(b) An ellipse that is not a circle with integral lengths of semi-major axis and semi-minor axis can be
inscribed in the trapezoid such that the major axis or minor axis of the ellipse is perpendicular to the
bases of the trapezoid.
Prove or disprove that there exists infinitely many non-similar Pepe trapezoids.
Problem 6 :
f (1 + 2x) = f (x), for all x ∈ Q+