Bratasz 2012
Bratasz 2012
Bratasz 2012
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Original article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: A broad category of cultural heritage objects are multilayer structures composed of organic, humidity-
Received 20 April 2011 sensitive materials – wood, animal glue, paper, leather, bone or paints. They respond to variations in
Accepted 23 January 2012 relative humidity (RH) in their environment by cyclically gaining and losing moisture, and consequently
Available online 3 March 2012
swelling and shrinking. Differences in the moisture response of the materials induce internal stresses
in the individual layers of the structures, which cause objects to deform and crack. Polychrome wood
Keywords: is examined in detail. The cumulative physical damage of the design layer on wood due to repeated RH
Climate change
variations is quantified in terms of their magnitude and number of times they occur. The climatological
Relative humidity
Painted wood
risk index for accumulated, ‘fatigue’ damage is established, using a procedure to reduce irregular real-
Damage world climate histories into simple RH cycles of known damage impact. Using output from the Hadley
Risk index Model (HadCM3) and simple transfer functions predicting indoor temperature and RH from outdoor
climate, changes in the indoor climate through to 2100 were forecast for unheated buildings. European
maps highlighting the areas in which painted wood may be significantly affected by climate change are
© 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
1296-2074/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
366 Ł. Bratasz et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 13 (2012) 365–370
its grain. Restraint may result from rigid construction restricting A2(a) emission scenario which represents a very heterogeneous
wood’s movement like framing of a painting or an ill-designed rigid world characterised by a strengthening regional cultural identities,
structure (cradle) added to confer greater planarity and dimen- with an emphasis on family values and local traditions, with high
sional stability to a painting. Wood can also experience internal population growth [12]. The scenario gives pronounced changes
restraint as the moisture diffusion is not instantaneous and the in future climate. Detailed justification for using this model to
outer parts of the wood respond dimensionally more quickly than assess the overall risk posed to monumental heritage by climate
the interior to variations in ambient RH. Analysis of the described change, and information on the methodology of mapping predicted
stress sources in restrained wood substrates is a separate issue, damage for Europe is contained in Ref. [3], an outcome of a larger
which is outside the scope of this paper. European project, NOAH’s ARK. 30-day averages of temperature
and RH were used to estimate the indoor climate for three 30-year
3. Materials and methods periods: 1961–1990 (baseline), 2010–2039 (near future) and
2070–2099 (far future).
To produce specimens imitating historic panel paintings, lime
wood substrates 10 mm thick were sized with rabbit-skin glue and 4. Results and discussion
coated with gesso composed of the same glue and ground chalk
(the pigment) at pigment-volume concentration (PVC) of 92% com- 4.1. Structural response of painted wood to variations in ambient
monly used in the restoration of panel paintings: the thickness of relative humidity
the dried gesso layer was approximately 0.5 mm.
Cycles of elongation in the gesso were produced by mechanically 4.1.1. Critical elongations causing damage of the design layer
stretching and compressing the specimens, at selected ampli- The DSPI technique can provide quantitative information about
tudes, which imitated dimensional changes induced by repetitive the number of cracks in the design layer on wood and their length
fluctuations of RH. The frequency of the elongation cycles was [5,6]. Consequently, an assessment of the cumulative damage to
approximately 0.3 Hz, and the specimens were subjected up to the layer as a function of the number of gesso elongation cycles was
36,500 cycles, equivalent to approximately 100 years of diurnal possible. Plots of the cumulative crack length versus the number
climatic fluctuations producing the same elongation. An exten- of stretching cycles were determined for a range of elongations
someter continuously monitored the elongation in the specimens. between 0.0015 and 0.005. For elongation of 0.0015, no fracture
The experiments were conducted under a constant RH of 50% in gesso appeared after the maximum number of 36,500 cycles
maintained in the laboratory. The specimens were taken out after applied, whereas elongation of 0.0025 produced first cracking after
a predetermined number of elongation cycles and the fracture 5000 cycles only (Fig. 1). The results obtained allow plotting an
development in the gesso was recorded using digital speckle pat- S-N curve where S is the elongation (strain) leading to fracture and
tern interferometry (DSPI), which is capable of monitoring physical N is the number of cycles to cause the first incidence of fracture
damage at the micro-level before it is discernible visually. Further at that elongation (Fig. 2). The general curve shape is sigmoid,
details of the experimental approach used can be found in refer- starting from the elongation for fracture in a single cycle or a few
ences [5,6]. cycles, and dropping to a plateau where cyclic elongation can be
The critical elongation values were translated into the critical tolerated for up to 36,500 cycles, equivalent to 100 years of diurnal
magnitudes of RH variations necessary to cause these elongations elongation cycles. The elongation of 0.002 was assumed to be
by using the swelling/shrinkage responses of wood [7] and gesso close to that value. Thus, the elongation tolerable at the maximum
[8] determined experimentally. number of cycles was approximately 1/3 of the single cycle fracture
Climate predictions for the future have been extracted from the elongation.
output of two widely used models from the Hadley Centre, UK: It should be noted at this point, that the levels of elongation
HadCM3 and HadRM3. HadCM3 is a coupled ocean-atmosphere at which the first incidence of fracturing on undamaged gesso
global circulation model with a grid resolution of 2.5 × 3.75◦ i.e. appears, were accepted as the critical ones. This accepted criterion
278 × 295 km2 at 45◦ N latitude [9–11]. HadRM3 is a regional of damage is very conservative, as design layers on wooden historic
climate model, which encompasses Europe at a higher resolution
(a grid of equal-area cells, 50 × 50 km2 ) but spans only the years
2070 to 2099. The model outputs used in this work relied on the
Fig. 4. Indoor temperature and relative humidity (RH) in a room in the Teutonic
Knights Castle in Malbork, Poland during period January 2006 to July 2007. Measured Fig. 6. Indoor relative humidity (RH) predicted for the period of 2070–2099 from
and predicted 30-day central moving averages calculated of the data points recorded the HadCM3 climate model. Plot of 30-day averages (upper part) is compared with
every five minutes in the two adjacent 15-day periods. the set of simple cycles (bottom part) obtained by the rainflow analysis.
Ł. Bratasz et al. / Journal of Cultural Heritage 13 (2012) 365–370 369
Fig. 8. Climatological risk index to painted wood mapped over Europe for
2070–2099 derived from HadRM3 output under the A2 scenario.
Fig. 7. Histogram showing the number of times single cycles of various sizes occur.
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averages for three periods indicated.
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