Special ADR Rules
Special ADR Rules
Special ADR Rules
This Rule shall take effect on October 30, 2009 following its publication in three
(3) newspapers of general circulation.
RULE 1.5. Certi cation Against Forum Shopping. — A Certi cation Against
Forum Shopping is one made under oath made by the petitioner or movant: (a) that he
has not theretofore commenced any action or led any claim involving the same issues
in any court, tribunal or quasi-judicial agency and, to the best of his knowledge, no such
other action or claim is pending therein; (b) if there is such other pending action or
claim, a complete statement of the present status thereof; and (c) if he should
thereafter learn that the same or similar action or claim has been led or is pending, he
shall report that fact within ve (5) days therefrom to the court wherein his
aforementioned petition or motion has been filed.
A Certi cation Against Forum Shopping shall be appended to all initiatory
pleadings except a Motion to Refer the Dispute to Alternative Dispute Resolution.
RULE 1.6. Prohibited Submissions. — The following pleadings, motions, or
petitions shall not be allowed in the cases governed by the Special ADR Rules and shall
not be accepted for filing by the Clerk of Court:
a. Motion to dismiss;
b. Motion for bill of particulars;
c. Motion for new trial or for reopening of trial;
d. Petition for relief from judgment;
e. Motion for extension, except in cases where an ex-parte temporary
order of protection has been issued;
f. Rejoinder to reply; cSHATC
Should an act be done which effectively interrupts the running of the period, the
allowable period after such interruption shall start to run on the day after notice of the
cessation of the cause thereof.
The day of the act that caused the interruption shall be excluded from the
computation of the period.
RULE 1.8. Service and Filing of Pleadings, Motions and Other Papers in Non-
summary Proceedings. — The initiatory pleadings shall be led directly with the court.
The court will then cause the initiatory pleading to be served upon the respondent by
personal service or courier. Where an action is already pending, pleadings, motions and
other papers shall be led and/or served by the concerned party by personal service or
courier. Where courier services are not available, resort to registered mail is allowed.
(A) Proof of ling. — The ling of a pleading shall be proved by its
existence in the record of the case. If it is not in the record, but is
claimed to have been led personally, the ling shall be proved by the
written or stamped acknowledgment of its ling by the clerk of court
on a copy of the same; if led by courier, by the proof of delivery from
the courier company.
(B) Proof of service. — Proof of personal service shall consist of a
written admission by the party served, or the o cial return of the
server, or the a davit of the party serving, containing a full statement
of the date, place and manner of service. If the service is by courier,
proof thereof shall consist of an affidavit of the proper person, stating
facts showing that the document was deposited with the courier
company in a sealed envelope, plainly addressed to the party at his
o ce, if known, otherwise at his residence, with postage fully pre-
paid, and with instructions to the courier to immediately provide proof
of delivery.
(C) Filing and service by electronic means and proof thereof. — Filing
and service of pleadings by electronic transmission may be allowed
by agreement of the parties approved by the court. If the ling or
service of a pleading or motion was done by electronic transmission,
proof of ling and service shall be made in accordance with the Rules
on Electronic Evidence. DTEScI
RULE 1.9. No Summons. — In cases covered by the Special ADR Rules, a court
acquires authority to act on the petition or motion upon proof of jurisdictional facts, i.e.,
that the respondent was furnished a copy of the petition and the notice of hearing.
(A) Proof of service. — A proof of service of the petition and notice of
hearing upon respondent shall be made in writing by the server and
shall set forth the manner, place and date of service.
(B) Burden of proof. — The burden of showing that a copy of the petition
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and the notice of hearing were served on the respondent rests on the
The technical rules on service of summons do not apply to the proceedings
under the Special ADR Rules. In instances where the respondent, whether a natural or a
juridical person, was not personally served with a copy of the petition and notice of
hearing in the proceedings contemplated in the rst paragraph of Rule 1.3 (B), or the
motion in proceedings contemplated in the second paragraph of Rule 1.3 (B), the
method of service resorted to must be such as to reasonably ensure receipt thereof by
the respondent to satisfy the requirement of due process.
RULE 1.10. Contents of Petition/Motion. — The initiatory pleading in the form
of a veri ed petition or motion, in the appropriate case where court proceedings have
already commenced, shall include the names of the parties, their addresses, the
necessary allegations supporting the petition and the relief(s) sought.
RULE 1.11. Definition. — The following terms shall have the following
meanings: ESITcH
a. "ADR Laws" refers to the whole body of ADR laws in the Philippines.
b. "Appointing Authority" shall mean the person or institution named in
the arbitration agreement as the appointing authority; or the regular
arbitration institution under whose rule the arbitration is agreed to be
conducted. Where the parties have agreed to submit their dispute to
institutional arbitration rules, and unless they have agreed to a
different procedure, they shall be deemed to have agreed to
procedure under such arbitration rules for the selection and
appointment of arbitrators. In ad hoc arbitration, the default
appointment of arbitrators shall be made by the National President of
the Integrated Bar of the Philippines or his duly authorized
c. "Authenticate" means to sign, execute or use a symbol, or encrypt a
record in whole or in part, intended to identify the authenticating party
and to adopt, accept or establish the authenticity of a record or term.
d. "Foreign Arbitral Award" is one made in a country other than the
e. "Legal Brief" is a written legal argument submitted to a court, outlining
the facts derived from the factual statements in the witness's
statements of fact and citing the legal authorities relied upon by a
party in a case submitted in connection with petitions, counter-
petitions (i.e., petitions to vacate or to set aside and/or to
correct/modify in opposition to petitions to con rm or to recognize
and enforce, or petitions to con rm or to recognize and enforce in
opposition to petitions to vacate or set aside and/or correct/modify),
motions, evidentiary issues and other matters that arise during the
course of a case. The legal brief shall state the applicable law and the
relevant jurisprudence and the legal arguments in support of a party's
position in the case.
f. "Veri cation" shall mean a certi cation under oath by a party or a
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person who has authority to act for a party that he has read the
pleading/motion, and that he certi es to the truth of the facts stated
therein on the basis of his own personal knowledge or authentic
documents in his possession. When made by a lawyer, veri cation
shall mean a statement under oath by a lawyer signing a
pleading/motion for delivery to the Court or to the parties that he
personally prepared the pleading/motion, that there is su cient
factual basis for the statements of fact stated therein, that there is
su cient basis in the facts and the law to support the prayer for relief
therein, and that the pleading/motion is led in good faith and is not
interposed for delay. ISCaDH
h. One or more of the arbitrators are alleged not to possess the required
qualification under the arbitration agreement or law.
(B) Where court intervention is allowed under ADR Laws or the Special ADR
Rules, courts shall not refuse to grant relief, as provided herein, for any of the following
a. Prior to the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, the court finds that the
principal action is the subject of an arbitration agreement; or
b. The principal action is already pending before an arbitral tribunal.
The Special ADR Rules recognize the principle of competence-competence,
which means that the arbitral tribunal may initially rule on its own jurisdiction, including
any objections with respect to the existence or validity of the arbitration agreement or
any condition precedent to the filing of a request for arbitration.
The Special ADR Rules recognize the principle of separability of the arbitration
clause, which means that said clause shall be treated as an agreement independent of
the other terms of the contract of which it forms part. A decision that the contract is
null and void shall not entail ipso jure the invalidity of the arbitration clause.
RULE 2.3. Rules Governing Arbitral Proceedings. — The parties are free to
agree on the procedure to be followed in the conduct of arbitral proceedings. Failing
such agreement, the arbitral tribunal may conduct arbitration in the manner it considers
appropriate. DCcSHE
Apart from other submissions, the petitioner must attach to the petition an
authentic copy of the arbitration agreement.
RULE 3.7. Comment/Opposition. — The comment/opposition of the
respondent must be filed within fifteen (15) days from service of the petition.
RULE 3.8. Court Action. — In resolving the petition, the court must exercise
judicial restraint in accordance with the policy set forth in Rule 2.4, deferring to the
competence or jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal to rule on its competence or
RULE 3.9. No forum shopping. — A petition for judicial relief under this Rule
may not be commenced when the existence, validity or enforceability of an arbitration
agreement has been raised as one of the issues in a prior action before the same or
another court.
RULE 3.10. Application for Interim Relief. — If the petitioner also applies for
an interim measure of protection, he must also comply with the requirements of the
Special ADR Rules for the application for an interim measure of protection.
RULE 3.11. Relief Against Court Action. — Where there is a prima facie
determination upholding the arbitration agreement. — A prima facie determination by
the court upholding the existence, validity or enforceability of an arbitration agreement
shall not be subject to a motion for reconsideration, appeal or certiorari.
Such prima facie determination will not, however, prejudice the right of any party
to raise the issue of the existence, validity and enforceability of the arbitration
agreement before the arbitral tribunal or the court in an action to vacate or set aside the
arbitral award. In the latter case, the court's review of the arbitral tribunal's ruling
upholding the existence, validity or enforceability of the arbitration agreement shall no
longer be limited to a mere prima facie determination of such issue or issues as
prescribed in this Rule, but shall be a full review of such issue or issues with due regard,
however, to the standard for review for arbitral awards prescribed in these Special ADR
Rules. DHcEAa
(C) When dismissal of petition is appropriate. — The court shall dismiss the
petition if it fails to comply with Rule 3.16 above; or if upon consideration of the
grounds alleged and the legal briefs submitted by the parties, the petition does not
appear to be prima facie meritorious.
RULE 3.19. Relief Against Court Action. — The aggrieved party may le a
motion for reconsideration of the order of the court. The decision of the court shall,
however, not be subject to appeal. The ruling of the court affirming the arbitral tribunal's
jurisdiction shall not be subject to a petition for certiorari. The ruling of the court that
the arbitral tribunal has no jurisdiction may be the subject of a petition for certiorari.
RULE 3.20. Where no Petition is Allowed. — Where the arbitral tribunal defers
its ruling on preliminary question regarding its jurisdiction until its nal award, the
aggrieved party cannot seek judicial relief to question the deferral and must await the
final arbitral award before seeking appropriate judicial recourse.
A ruling by the arbitral tribunal deferring resolution on the issue of its jurisdiction
until nal award, shall not be subject to a motion for reconsideration, appeal or a
petition for certiorari.
RULE 3.21. Rendition of Arbitral Award Before Court Decision on Petition
from Arbitral Tribunal's Preliminary Ruling on Jurisdiction. — If the arbitral tribunal
renders a nal arbitral award and the Court has not rendered a decision on the petition
from the arbitral tribunal's preliminary ruling a rming its jurisdiction, that petition shall
become ipso facto moot and academic and shall be dismissed by the Regional Trial
Court. The dismissal shall be without prejudice to the right of the aggrieved party to
raise the same issue in a timely petition to vacate or set aside the award.
RULE 3.22. Arbitral Tribunal a Nominal Party. — The arbitral tribunal is only a
nominal party. The court shall not require the arbitral tribunal to submit any pleadings or
written submissions but may consider the same should the latter participate in the
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proceedings, but only as nominal parties thereto. DaIAcC
Referral to ADR
RULE 4.1. Who Makes the Request. — A party to a pending action led in
violation of the arbitration agreement, whether contained in an arbitration clause or in a
submission agreement, may request the court to refer the parties to arbitration in
accordance with such agreement.
RULE 4.2. When to Make Request. — (A) Where the arbitration agreement
exists before the action is led. — The request for referral shall be made not later than
the pre-trial conference. After the pre-trial conference, the court will only act upon the
request for referral if it is made with the agreement of all parties to the case.
(B) Submission agreement. — If there is no existing arbitration agreement at
the time the case is led but the parties subsequently enter into an arbitration
agreement, they may request the court to refer their dispute to arbitration at any time
during the proceedings.
RULE 4.3. Contents of Request. — The request for referral shall be in the form
of a motion, which shall state that the dispute is covered by an arbitration agreement.
Apart from other submissions, the movant shall attach to his motion an authentic
copy of the arbitration agreement.
The request shall contain a notice of hearing addressed to all parties specifying
the date and time when it would be heard. The party making the request shall serve it
upon the respondent to give him the opportunity to le a comment or opposition as
provided in the immediately succeeding Rule before the hearing. EHACcT
The court may, however, issue an order directing the inclusion in arbitration of
those parties who are not bound by the arbitration agreement but who agree to such
inclusion provided those originally bound by it do not object to their inclusion.
RULE 4.8. Arbitration to Proceed. — Despite the pendency of the action
referred to in Rule 4.1, above, arbitral proceedings may nevertheless be commenced or
continued, and an award may be made, while the action is pending before the court.
Interim Measures of Protection
RULE 5.1. Who May Ask for Interim Measures of Protection. — A party to an
arbitration agreement may petition the court for interim measures of protection.
RULE 5.2. When to Petition. — A petition for an interim measure of protection
may be made (a) before arbitration is commenced, (b) after arbitration is commenced,
but before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, or (c) after the constitution of the
arbitral tribunal and at any time during arbitral proceedings but, at this stage, only to the
extent that the arbitral tribunal has no power to act or is unable to act effectively.
RULE 5.3. Venue. — A petition for an interim measure of protection may be
led with the Regional Trial Court, which has jurisdiction over any of the following
a. Where the principal place of business of any of the parties to
arbitration is located;
b. Where any of the parties who are individuals resides;
c. Where any of the acts sought to be enjoined are being performed,
threatened to be performed or not being performed; or EcHIDT
Apart from other submissions, the petitioner must attach to his petition an
authentic copy of the arbitration agreement.
RULE 5.6. Type of Interim Measure of Protection that a Court May Grant. —
The following, among others, are the interim measures of protection that a court may
a. Preliminary injunction directed against a party to arbitration;
b. Preliminary attachment against property or garnishment of funds in
the custody of a bank or a third person;
c. Appointment of a receiver;
d. Detention, preservation, delivery or inspection of property; or,
e. Assistance in the enforcement of an interim measure of protection
granted by the arbitral tribunal, which the latter cannot enforce
RULE 5.7. Dispensing with Prior Notice in Certain Cases. — Prior notice to the
other party may be dispensed with when the petitioner alleges in the petition that there
is an urgent need to either (a) preserve property, (b) prevent the respondent from
disposing of, or concealing, the property, or (c) prevent the relief prayed for from
becoming illusory because of prior notice, and the court nds that the reason/s given
by the petitioner are meritorious. AIHTEa
RULE 5.11. Duty of the Court to Refer Back. — The court shall not deny an
application for assistance in implementing or enforcing an interim measure of
protection ordered by an arbitral tribunal on any or all of the following grounds:
a. The arbitral tribunal granted the interim relief ex parte; or
b. The party opposing the application found new material evidence,
which the arbitral tribunal had not considered in granting in the
application, and which, if considered, may produce a different result;
c. The measure of protection ordered by the arbitral tribunal amends,
revokes, modifies or is inconsistent with an earlier measure of
protection issued by the court.
If it nds that there is su cient merit in the opposition to the application based
on letter (b) above, the court shall refer the matter back to the arbitral tribunal for
appropriate determination.
RULE 5.12. Security. — The order granting an interim measure of protection
may be conditioned upon the provision of security, performance of an act, or omission
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thereof, specified in the order.
The Court may not change or increase or decrease the security ordered by the
arbitral tribunal.
RULE 5.13. Modi cation, Amendment, Revision or Revocation of Court's
Previously Issued Interim Measure of Protection. — Any court order granting or denying
interim measure/s of protection is issued without prejudice to subsequent grant,
modi cation, amendment, revision or revocation by the arbitral tribunal as may be
warranted. IcEACH
An interim measure of protection issued by the arbitral tribunal shall, upon its
issuance be deemed to have ipso jure modified, amended, revised or revoked an interim
measure of protection previously issued by the court to the extent that it is inconsistent
with the subsequent interim measure of protection issued by the arbitral tribunal.
RULE 5.14. Con ict or Inconsistency Between Interim Measure of Protection
Issued by the Court and by the Arbitral Tribunal. — Any question involving a con ict or
inconsistency between an interim measure of protection issued by the court and by the
arbitral tribunal shall be immediately referred by the court to the arbitral tribunal which
shall have the authority to decide such question.
RULE 5.15. Court to Defer Action on Petition for an Interim Measure of
Protection when Informed of Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal. — The court shall
defer action on any pending petition for an interim measure of protection led by a
party to an arbitration agreement arising from or in connection with a dispute
thereunder upon being informed that an arbitral tribunal has been constituted pursuant
to such agreement. The court may act upon such petition only if it is established by the
petitioner that the arbitral tribunal has no power to act on any such interim measure of
protection or is unable to act thereon effectively.
RULE 5.16. Court Assistance Should Arbitral Tribunal be Unable to Effectively
Enforce Interim Measure of Protection. — The court shall assist in the enforcement of
an interim measure of protection issued by the arbitral tribunal which it is unable to
effectively enforce.
Appointment of Arbitrators
RULE 6.1. When the Court May Act as Appointing Authority. — The court shall
act as Appointing Authority only in the following instances:
a. Where any of the parties in an institutional arbitration failed or refused
to appoint an arbitrator or when the parties have failed to reach an
agreement on the sole arbitrator (in an arbitration before a sole
arbitrator) or when the two designated arbitrators have failed to reach
an agreement on the third or presiding arbitrator (in an arbitration
before a panel of three arbitrators), and the institution under whose
rules arbitration is to be conducted fails or is unable to perform its
duty as appointing authority within a reasonable time from receipt of
the request for appointment; TDcEaH
f. The petitioner is not the cause of the delay in, or failure of, the
appointment of the arbitrator.
Apart from other submissions, the petitioner must attach to the petition (a) an
authentic copy of the arbitration agreement, and (b) proof that the Appointing Authority
has been notified of the filing of the petition for appointment with the court.
RULE 6.5. Comment/Opposition. — The comment/opposition must be led
within fifteen (15) days from service of the petition.
RULE 6.6. Submission of List of Arbitrators. — The court may, at its option,
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also require each party to submit a list of not less than three (3) proposed arbitrators
together with their curriculum vitae.
RULE 6.7. Court Action. — After hearing, if the court nds merit in the petition,
it shall appoint an arbitrator; otherwise, it shall dismiss the petition.
In making the appointment, the court shall have regard to such considerations as
are likely to secure the appointment of an independent and impartial arbitrator.
At any time after the petition is led and before the court makes an appointment,
it shall also dismiss the petition upon being informed that the Appointing Authority has
already made the appointment. SATDEI
RULE 7.5. Contents of the Petition. — The petition shall state the following:
a. The name/s of the arbitrator/s challenged and his/their address;
b. The grounds for the challenge;
c. The facts showing that the ground for the challenge has been
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expressly or impliedly rejected by the challenged arbitrator/s; and
d. The facts showing that the Appointing Authority failed or refused to
act on the challenge.
The court shall dismiss the petition motu proprio unless it is clearly alleged
therein that the Appointing Authority charged with deciding the challenge, after the
resolution of the arbitral tribunal rejecting the challenge is raised or contested before
such Appointing Authority, failed or refused to act on the challenge within thirty (30)
days from receipt of the request or within such longer period as may apply or as may
have been agreed upon by the parties.
RULE 7.7. Court Action. — After hearing, the court shall remove the
challenged arbitrator if it nds merit in the petition; otherwise, it shall dismiss the
The court shall allow the challenged arbitrator who subsequently agrees to
accept the challenge to withdraw as arbitrator.
The court shall accept the challenge and remove the arbitrator in the following
a. The party or parties who named and appointed the challenged
arbitrator agree to the challenge and withdraw the appointment.
b. The other arbitrators in the arbitral tribunal agree to the removal of
the challenged arbitrator; and
c. The challenged arbitrator fails or refuses to submit his comment on
the petition or the brief of legal arguments as directed by the court, or
in such comment or legal brief, he fails to object to his removal
following the challenge. SCIcTD
The court shall decide the challenge on the basis of evidence submitted by the
The court will decide the challenge on the basis of the evidence submitted by the
parties in the following instances:
a. The other arbitrators in the arbitral tribunal agree to the removal of the
challenged arbitrator; and
b. If the challenged arbitrator fails or refuses to submit his comment on
the petition or the brief of legal arguments as directed by the court, or
in such comment or brief of legal arguments, he fails to object to his
removal following the challenge.
RULE 7.8. No Motion for Reconsideration, Appeal or Certiorari. — Any order of
the court resolving the petition shall be immediately executory and shall not be the
subject of a motion for reconsideration, appeal, or certiorari. acCETD
RULE 8.4. Contents of the Petition. — The petition shall state the following:
a. The name of the arbitrator whose mandate is sought to be
b. The ground/s for termination;
c. The fact that one or all of the parties had requested the arbitrator to
withdraw but he failed or refused to do so;
d. The fact that one or all of the parties requested the Appointing
Authority to act on the request for the termination of the mandate of
the arbitrator and failure or inability of the Appointing Authority to act
within thirty (30) days from the request of a party or parties or within
such period as may have been agreed upon by the parties or allowed
under the applicable rule.
The petitioner shall further allege that one or all of the parties had requested the
arbitrator to withdraw but he failed or refused to do so.
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RULE 8.5. Comment/Opposition. — The comment/opposition must be led
within fifteen (15) days from service of the petition. IHEAcC
RULE 8.6. Court Action. — After hearing, if the court nds merit in the petition,
it shall terminate the mandate of the arbitrator who refuses to withdraw from his o ce;
otherwise, it shall dismiss the petition.
RULE 8.7. No Motion for Reconsideration or Appeal. — Any order of the court
resolving the petition shall be immediately executory and shall not be subject of a
motion for reconsideration, appeal or petition for certiorari.
RULE 8.8. Appointment of Substitute Arbitrator. — Where the mandate of an
arbitrator is terminated, or he withdraws from office for any other reason, or because of
his mandate is revoked by agreement of the parties or is terminated for any other
reason, a substitute arbitrator shall be appointed according to the rules that were
applicable to the appointment of the arbitrator being replaced.
Assistance in Taking Evidence
RULE 9.1. Who May Request Assistance. — Any party to an arbitration,
whether domestic or foreign, may request the court to provide assistance in taking
RULE 9.2. When Assistance May be Sought. — Assistance may be sought at
any time during the course of the arbitral proceedings when the need arises. CAcDTI
RULE 9.3. Venue. — A petition for assistance in taking evidence may, at the
option of the petitioner, be led with Regional Trial Court where (a) arbitration
proceedings are taking place, (b) the witnesses reside or may be found, or (c) where
the evidence may be found.
RULE 9.4. Ground. — The court may grant or execute the request for
assistance in taking evidence within its competence and according to the rules of
RULE 9.5. Type of Assistance. — A party requiring assistance in the taking of
evidence may petition the court to direct any person, including a representative of a
corporation, association, partnership or other entity (other than a party to the ADR
proceedings or its officers) found in the Philippines, for any of the following:
a. To comply with a subpoena ad testi candum and/or subpoena duces
b. To appear as a witness before an o cer for the taking of his
deposition upon oral examination or by written interrogatories;ScaATD
RULE 10.2. When Request Made. — A party may request a protective order at
anytime there is a need to enforce the con dentiality of the information obtained, or to
be obtained, in ADR proceedings.
RULE 10.3. Venue. — A petition for a protective order may be led with the
Regional Trial Court where that order would be implemented.
If there is a pending court proceeding in which the information obtained in an
ADR proceeding is required to be divulged or is being divulged, the party seeking to
enforce the con dentiality of the information may le a motion with the court where the
proceedings are pending to enjoin the con dential information from being divulged or
to suppress confidential information.
RULE 10.4. Grounds. — A protective order may be granted only if it is shown
that the applicant would be materially prejudiced by an unauthorized disclosure of the
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information obtained, or to be obtained, during an ADR proceeding.
RULE 10.5. Contents of the Motion or Petition. — The petition or motion must
state the following: ACIEaH
RULE 10.8. Court Action. — If the court nds the petition or motion
meritorious, it shall issue an order enjoining a person or persons from divulging
confidential information.
In resolving the petition or motion, the courts shall be guided by the following
principles applicable to all ADR proceedings: Con dential information shall not be
subject to discovery and shall be inadmissible in any adversarial proceeding, whether
judicial or quasi judicial. However, evidence or information that is otherwise admissible
or subject to discovery does not become inadmissible or protected from discovery
solely by reason of its use therein.
For mediation proceedings, the court shall be further guided by the following
a. Information obtained through mediation shall be privileged and
b. A party, a mediator, or a nonparty participant may refuse to disclose
and may prevent any other person from disclosing a mediation
c. In such an adversarial proceeding, the following persons involved or
previously involved in a mediation may not be compelled to disclose
con dential information obtained during the mediation: (1) the parties
to the dispute; (2) the mediator or mediators; (3) the counsel for the
parties; (4) the nonparty participants; (5) any persons hired or
engaged in connection with the mediation as secretary, stenographer;
clerk or assistant; and (6) any other person who obtains or possesses
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confidential information by reason of his/her profession. aEHIDT
(F) The ling of a petition to con rm an arbitral award shall not authorize
the ling of a belated petition to vacate or set aside such award in
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opposition thereto.
(G) A petition to correct an arbitral award may be included as part of a
petition to con rm the arbitral award or as a petition to con rm that
RULE 11.3. Venue. — The petition for con rmation, correction/modi cation
or vacation of a domestic arbitral award may be led with Regional Trial Court having
jurisdiction over the place in which one of the parties is doing business, where any of
the parties reside or where arbitration proceedings were conducted.
RULE 11.4. Grounds. — (A) To vacate an arbitral award. — The arbitral award
may be vacated on the following grounds:
a. The arbitral award was procured through corruption, fraud or other
undue means;
b. There was evident partiality or corruption in the arbitral tribunal or any
of its members;
c. The arbitral tribunal was guilty of misconduct or any form of
misbehavior that has materially prejudiced the rights of any party
such as refusing to postpone a hearing upon su cient cause shown
or to hear evidence pertinent and material to the controversy; CIAHDT
RULE 11.6. Contents of Petition. — The petition must state the following:
a. The addresses of the parties and any change thereof;
b. The jurisdictional issues raised by a party during arbitration
c. The grounds relied upon by the parties in seeking the vacation of the
arbitral award whether the petition is a petition for the vacation or
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setting aside of the arbitral award or a petition in opposition to a
petition to confirm the award; and acTDCI
RULE 11.8. Hearing. — If the Court nds from the petition or petition in
opposition thereto that there are issues of fact, it shall require the parties, within a
period of not more than fteen (15) days from receipt of the order, to simultaneously
submit the a davits of all of their witnesses and reply a davits within ten (10) days
from receipt of the a davits to be replied to. There shall be attached to the a davits
or reply a davits documents relied upon in support of the statements of fact in such
affidavits or reply affidavits.
If the petition or the petition in opposition thereto is one for vacation of an
arbitral award, the interested party in arbitration may oppose the petition or the petition
in opposition thereto for the reason that the grounds cited in the petition or the petition
in opposition thereto, assuming them to be true, do not affect the merits of the case
and may be cured or remedied. Moreover, the interested party may request the court to
suspend the proceedings for vacation for a period of time and to direct the arbitral
tribunal to reopen and conduct a new hearing and take such other action as will
eliminate the grounds for vacation of the award. The opposition shall be supported by a
brief of legal arguments to show the existence of a su cient legal basis for the
If the ground of the petition to vacate an arbitral award is that the arbitration
agreement did not exist, is invalid or otherwise unenforceable, and an earlier petition for
judicial relief under Rule 3 had been led, a copy of such petition and of the decision or
nal order of the court shall be attached thereto. But if the ground was raised before
the arbitral tribunal in a motion to dismiss led not later than the submission of its
answer, and the arbitral tribunal ruled in favor of its own jurisdiction as a preliminary
question which was appealed by a party to the Regional Trial Court, a copy of the order,
ruling or preliminary award or decision of the arbitral tribunal, the appeal therefrom to
the Court and the order or decision of the Court shall all be attached to the petition.
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If the ground of the petition is that the petitioner is an infant or a person judicially
declared to be incompetent, there shall be attached to the petition certi ed copies of
documents showing such fact. In addition, the petitioner shall show that even if the
submission or arbitration agreement was entered into by a guardian or guardian ad
litem, the latter was not authorized by a competent court to sign such the submission
or arbitration agreement.
If on the basis of the petition, the opposition, the a davits and reply a davits of
the parties, the court nds that there is a need to conduct an oral hearing, the court
shall set the case for hearing. This case shall have preference over other cases before
the court, except criminal cases. During the hearing, the a davits of witnesses shall
take the place of their direct testimonies and they shall immediately be subject to
cross-examination thereon. The Court shall have full control over the proceedings in
order to ensure that the case is heard without undue delay. ICAcaH
RULE 11.9. Court Action. — Unless a ground to vacate an arbitral award under
Rule 11.5 above is fully established, the court shall confirm the award.
An arbitral award shall enjoy the presumption that it was made and released in
due course of arbitration and is subject to confirmation by the court.
In resolving the petition or petition in opposition thereto in accordance with
these Special ADR Rules, the court shall either con rm or vacate the arbitral award. The
court shall not disturb the arbitral tribunal's determination of facts and/or interpretation
of law.
In a petition to vacate an award or in petition to vacate an award in opposition to
a petition to con rm the award, the petitioner may simultaneously apply with the Court
to refer the case back to the same arbitral tribunal for the purpose of making a new or
revised award or to direct a new hearing, or in the appropriate case, order the new
hearing before a new arbitral tribunal, the members of which shall be chosen in the
manner provided in the arbitration agreement or submission, or the law. In the latter
case, any provision limiting the time in which the arbitral tribunal may make a decision
shall be deemed applicable to the new arbitral tribunal.
In referring the case back to the arbitral tribunal or to a new arbitral tribunal
pursuant to Rule 24 of Republic Act No. 876, the court may not direct it to revise its
award in a particular way, or to revise its ndings of fact or conclusions of law or
otherwise encroach upon the independence of an arbitral tribunal in the making of a
final award.
Recognition and Enforcement or Setting Aside of an International Commercial
Arbitration Award
RULE 12.1. Who May Request Recognition and Enforcement or Setting Aside.
— Any party to an international commercial arbitration in the Philippines may petition
the proper court to recognize and enforce or set aside an arbitral award. TAHCEc
RULE 12.2. When to File Petition. — (A) Petition to recognize and enforce. —
The petition for enforcement and recognition of an arbitral award may be led anytime
from receipt of the award. If, however, a timely petition to set aside an arbitral award is
led, the opposing party must le therein and in opposition thereto the petition for
recognition and enforcement of the same award within the period for ling an
(B) Petition to set aside. — The petition to set aside an arbitral award may
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only be led within three (3) months from the time the petitioner receives a copy
thereof. If a timely request is made with the arbitral tribunal for correction,
interpretation or additional award, the three (3) month period shall be counted from the
time the petitioner receives the resolution by the arbitral tribunal of that request.
A petition to set aside can no longer be led after the lapse of the three (3)
month period. The dismissal of a petition to set aside an arbitral award for being time-
barred shall not automatically result in the approval of the petition led therein and in
opposition thereto for recognition and enforcement of the same award. Failure to le a
petition to set aside shall preclude a party from raising grounds to resist enforcement
of the award.
RULE 12.3. Venue. — A petition to recognize and enforce or set aside an
arbitral award may, at the option of the petitioner, be led with the Regional Trial Court:
(a) where arbitration proceedings were conducted; (b) where any of the assets to be
attached or levied upon is located; (c) where the act to be enjoined will be or is being
performed; (d) where any of the parties to arbitration resides or has its place of
business; or (e) in the National Capital Judicial Region.
RULE 12.4. Grounds to Set Aside or Resist Enforcement. — The court may set
aside or refuse the enforcement of the arbitral award only if:
a. The party making the application furnishes proof that:
(i). A party to the arbitration agreement was under some
incapacity, or the said agreement is not valid under the law to
which the parties have subjected it or, failing any indication
thereof, under Philippine law; or
The petitioner may within fteen (15) days from receipt of the petition to set
aside in opposition to a petition to recognize and enforce, or from receipt of the
petition to recognize and enforce in opposition to a petition to set aside, file a reply.
RULE 12.9. Submission of Documents. — If the court nds that the issue
between the parties is mainly one of law, the parties may be required to submit briefs
of legal arguments, not more than fteen (15) days from receipt of the order,
su ciently discussing the legal issues and the legal basis for the relief prayed for by
each of them.
If the court nds from the petition or petition in opposition thereto that there are
issues of fact relating to the ground(s) relied upon for the court to set aside, it shall
require the parties within a period of not more than fteen (15) days from receipt of the
order simultaneously to submit the a davits of all of their witnesses and reply
a davits within ten (10) days from receipt of the a davits to be replied to. There shall
be attached to the a davits or reply a davits, all documents relied upon in support of
the statements of fact in such affidavits or reply affidavits.
RULE 12.10. Hearing. — If on the basis of the petition, the opposition, the
a davits and reply a davits of the parties, the court nds that there is a need to
conduct an oral hearing, the court shall set the case for hearing. This case shall have
preference over other cases before the court, except criminal cases. During the hearing,
the a davits of witnesses shall take the place of their direct testimonies and they shall
immediately be subject to cross-examination thereon. The court shall have full control
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over the proceedings in order to ensure that the case is heard without undue delay. DEHcTI
The prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of costs, which shall include
reasonable attorney's fees of the prevailing party against the unsuccessful party. The
court shall determine the reasonableness of the claim for attorney's fees.
Recognition and Enforcement of a Foreign Arbitral Award
RULE 13.1. Who May Request Recognition and Enforcement. — Any party to a
foreign arbitration may petition the court to recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral
RULE 13.2. When to Petition. — At any time after receipt of a foreign arbitral
award, any party to arbitration may petition the proper Regional Trial Court to recognize
and enforce such award.
RULE 13.3. Venue. — The petition to recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral
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award shall be led, at the option of the petitioner, with the Regional Trial Court (a)
where the assets to be attached or levied upon is located, (b) where the act to be
enjoined is being performed, (c) in the principal place of business in the Philippines of
any of the parties, (d) if any of the parties is an individual, where any of those individuals
resides, or (e) in the National Capital Judicial Region.
RULE 13.4. Governing Law and Grounds to Refuse Recognition and
Enforcement. — The recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral award shall be
governed by the 1958 New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of
Foreign Arbitral Awards (the "New York Convention") and this Rule. The court may, upon
grounds of comity and reciprocity, recognize and enforce a foreign arbitral award made
in a country that is not a signatory to the New York Convention as if it were a
Convention Award. TSacCH
A Philippine court shall not set aside a foreign arbitral award but may refuse it
recognition and enforcement on any or all of the following grounds:
a. The party making the application to refuse recognition and
enforcement of the award furnishes proof that:
(i). A party to the arbitration agreement was under some
incapacity; or the said agreement is not valid under the law to
which the parties have subjected it or, failing any indication
thereof, under the law of the country where the award was
made; or
(ii). The party making the application was not given proper notice
of the appointment of an arbitrator or of the arbitral
proceedings or was otherwise unable to present his case; or
(iii). The award deals with a dispute not contemplated by or not
falling within the terms of the submission to arbitration, or
contains decisions on matters beyond the scope of the
submission to arbitration; provided that, if the decisions on
matters submitted to arbitration can be separated from those
not so submitted, only that part of the award which contains
decisions on matters not submitted to arbitration may be set
aside; or
(iv). The composition of the arbitral tribunal or the arbitral
procedure was not in accordance with the agreement of the
parties or, failing such agreement, was not in accordance with
the law of the country where arbitration took place; or
(v). The award has not yet become binding on the parties or has
been set aside or suspended by a court of the country in which
that award was made; or SAEHaC
Apart from other submissions, the petition shall have attached to it the following:
a. An authentic copy of the arbitration agreement; and
b. An authentic copy of the arbitral award.
If the foreign arbitral award or agreement to arbitrate or submission is not made
in English, the petitioner shall also attach to the petition a translation of these
documents into English. The translation shall be certi ed by an o cial or sworn
translator or by a diplomatic or consular agent.
RULE 13.6. Notice and Opposition. — Upon nding that the petition led
under this Rule is su cient both in form and in substance, the court shall cause notice
and a copy of the petition to be delivered to the respondent allowing him to le an
opposition thereto within thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice and petition.
RULE 13.7. Opposition. — The opposition shall be veri ed by a person who
has personal knowledge of the facts stated therein.
RULE 13.8. Submissions. — If the court nds that the issue between the
parties is mainly one of law, the parties may be required to submit briefs of legal
arguments, not more than thirty (30) days from receipt of the order, su ciently
discussing the legal issues and the legal bases for the relief prayed for by each other.
If, from a review of the petition or opposition, there are issues of fact relating to
the ground/s relied upon for the court to refuse enforcement, the court shall, motu
proprio or upon request of any party, require the parties to simultaneously submit the
a davits of all of their witnesses within a period of not less than fteen (15) days nor
more than thirty (30) days from receipt of the order. The court may, upon the request of
any party, allow the submission of reply a davits within a period of not less than
fteen (15) days nor more than thirty (30) days from receipt of the order granting said
request. There shall be attached to the a davits or reply a davits all documents relied
upon in support of the statements of fact in such affidavits or reply affidavits.
RULE 13.9. Hearing. — The court shall set the case for hearing if on the basis
of the foregoing submissions there is a need to do so. The court shall give due priority
to hearings on petitions under this Rule. During the hearing, the a davits of witnesses
shall take the place of their direct testimonies and they shall immediately be subject to
cross-examination. The court shall have full control over the proceedings in order to
ensure that the case is heard without undue delay. EDATSI
Provisions Specific to Mediation
General Provisions
RULE 14.1. Application of the Rules on Arbitration. — Whenever applicable
and appropriate, the pertinent rules on arbitration shall be applied in proceedings
before the court relative to a dispute subject to mediation. aAcHCT
Deposit and Enforcement of Mediated Settlement Agreements
RULE 15.1. Who Makes a Deposit. — Any party to a mediation that is not
court-annexed may deposit with the court the written settlement agreement, which
resulted from that mediation.
RULE 15.2. When Deposit is Made. — At any time after an agreement is
reached, the written settlement agreement may be deposited.
RULE 15.3. Venue. — The written settlement agreement may be jointly
deposited by the parties or deposited by one party with prior notice to the other
party/ies with the Clerk of Court of the Regional Trial Court (a) where the principal place
of business in the Philippines of any of the parties is located; (b) if any of the parties is
an individual, where any of those individuals resides; or (c) in the National Capital
Judicial Region.
RULE 15.4. Registry Book. — The Clerk of Court of each Regional Trial Court
shall keep a Registry Book that shall chronologically list or enroll all the mediated
settlement agreements/settlement awards that are deposited with the court as well as
the names and address of the parties thereto and the date of enrollment and shall issue
a Certificate of Deposit to the party that made the deposit. SADECI
(ii). The ultimate facts that would show that the adverse party has
defaulted to perform its obligation under said agreement; and
c. Have attached to it the following:
(i). An authentic copy of the mediated settlement agreement; and
(ii). Certi cate of Deposit showing that the mediated settlement
agreement was deposited with the Clerk of Court.
RULE 15.7. Opposition. — The adverse party may le an opposition, within
fteen (15) days from receipt of notice or service of the petition, by submitting written
proof of compliance with the mediated settlement agreement or such other a rmative
or negative defenses it may have. STDEcA
RULE 15.8. Court Action. — After a summary hearing, if the court nds that
the agreement is a valid mediated settlement agreement, that there is no merit in any of
the a rmative or negative defenses raised, and the respondent has breached that
agreement, in whole or in part, the court shall order the enforcement thereof; otherwise,
it shall dismiss the petition.
Provisions Specific to Construction Arbitration
General Provisions
RULE 16.1. Application of the Rules on Arbitration. — Whenever applicable
and appropriate, the rules on arbitration shall be applied in proceedings before the
court relative to a dispute subject to construction arbitration. DIEcHa
Referral to CIAC
RULE 17.1. Dismissal of Action. — A Regional Trial Court before which a
construction dispute is led shall, upon becoming aware that the parties have entered
into an arbitration agreement, motu proprio or upon motion made not later than the pre-
trial, dismiss the case and refer the parties to arbitration to be conducted by the
Construction Industry Arbitration Commission (CIAC), unless all parties to arbitration,
assisted by their respective counsel, submit to the court a written agreement making
the court, rather than the CIAC, the body that would exclusively resolve the dispute.
RULE 17.2. Form and Contents of Motion. — The request for dismissal of the
civil action and referral to arbitration shall be through a veri ed motion that shall (a)
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contain a statement showing that the dispute is a construction dispute; and (b) be
accompanied by proof of the existence of the arbitration agreement.
If the arbitration agreement or other document evidencing the existence of that
agreement is already part of the record, those documents need not be submitted to the
court provided that the movant has cited in the motion particular references to the
records where those documents may be found.
The motion shall also contain a notice of hearing addressed to all parties and
shall specify the date and time when the motion will be heard, which must not be later
than fteen (15) days after the ling of the motion. The movant shall ensure receipt by
all parties of the motion at least three days before the date of the hearing. ScCDET
RULE 17.3. Opposition. — Upon receipt of the motion to refer the dispute to
arbitration by CIAC, the other party may le an opposition to the motion on or before
the day such motion is to be heard. The opposition shall clearly set forth the reasons
why the court should not dismiss the case.
RULE 17.4. Hearing. — The court shall hear the motion only once and for the
purpose of clarifying relevant factual and legal issues.
RULE 17.5. Court Action. — If the other parties fail to le their opposition on
or before the day of the hearing, the court shall motu proprio resolve the motion only on
the basis of the facts alleged in the motion.
After hearing, the court shall dismiss the civil action and refer the parties to
arbitration if it nds, based on the pleadings and supporting documents submitted by
the parties, that there is a valid and enforceable arbitration agreement involving a
construction dispute. Otherwise, the court shall proceed to hear the case.
All doubts shall be resolved in favor of the existence of a construction dispute
and the arbitration agreement.
RULE 17.6. Referral Immediately Executory. — An order dismissing the case
and referring the dispute to arbitration by CIAC shall be immediately executory. ACcaET
RULE 17.7. Multiple Actions and Parties. — The court shall not decline to
dismiss the civil action and make a referral to arbitration by CIAC for any of the
following reasons:
a. Not all of the disputes subject of the civil action may be referred to
b. Not all of the parties to the civil action are bound by the arbitration
agreement and referral to arbitration would result in multiplicity of
c. The issues raised in the civil action could be speedily and e ciently
resolved in its entirety by the Court rather than in arbitration;
d. Referral to arbitration does not appear to be the most prudent action;
e. Dismissal of the civil action would prejudice the rights of the parties
to the civil action who are not bound by the arbitration agreement. DAcaIE
The court may, however, issue an order directing the inclusion in arbitration of
those parties who are bound by the arbitration agreement directly or by reference
thereto pursuant to Section 34 of Republic Act No. 9285.
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Furthermore, the court shall issue an order directing the case to proceed with
respect to the parties not bound by the arbitration agreement.
RULE 17.8. Referral. — If the parties manifest that they have agreed to submit
all or part of their dispute pending with the court to arbitration by CIAC, the court shall
refer them to CIAC for arbitration.
Provisions Specific to Other Forms of ADR
General Provisions
RULE 18.1. Applicability of Rules to Other Forms of ADR. — This rule governs
the procedure for matters brought before the court involving the following forms of
Motion for Reconsideration, Appeal and Certiorari
Motion for Reconsideration, Appeal and Certiorari
A. Motion for Reconsideration
RULE 19.1. Motion for Reconsideration, when Allowed. — A party may ask the
Regional Trial to reconsider its ruling on the following:
a. That the arbitration agreement is inexistent, invalid or unenforceable
pursuant to Rule 3.10 (B);
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b. Upholding or reversing the arbitral tribunal's jurisdiction pursuant to
Rule 3.19;
c. Denying a request to refer the parties to arbitration; DCcSHE
Upon the ling of the petition and unless otherwise prescribed by the Court of
Appeals, the petitioner shall pay to the clerk of court of the Court of Appeals docketing
fees and other lawful fees of P3,500.00 and deposit the sum of P500.00 for costs.
Exemption from payment of docket and other lawful fees and the deposit for
costs may be granted by the Court of Appeals upon a veri ed motion setting forth valid
grounds therefor. If the Court of Appeals denies the motion, the petitioner shall pay the
docketing and other lawful fees and deposit for costs within fteen days from the
notice of the denial.
RULE 19.16. Contents of the Petition. — The petition for review shall (a) state
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the full names of the parties to the case, without impleading the court or agencies
either as petitioners or respondent, (b) contain a concise statement of the facts and
issues involved and the grounds relied upon for the review, (c) be accompanied by a
clearly legible duplicate original or a certi ed true copy of the decision or resolution of
the Regional Trial Court appealed from, together with certi ed true copies of such
material portions of the record referred to therein and other supporting papers, and (d)
contain a sworn certi cation against forum shopping as provided in the Rules of Court.
The petition shall state the speci c material dates showing that it was led within the
period fixed herein.
RULE 19.17. Effect of Failure to Comply with Requirements. — The court shall
dismiss the petition if it fails to comply with the foregoing requirements regarding the
payment of the docket and other lawful fees, the deposit for costs, proof of service of
the petition, the contents and the documents, which should accompany the petition. aHTcDA
RULE 19.18. Action on the Petition. — The Court of Appeals may require the
respondent to le a comment on the petition, not a motion to dismiss, within ten (10)
days from notice, or dismiss the petition if it nds, upon consideration of the grounds
alleged and the legal briefs submitted by the parties, that the petition does not appear
to be prima facie meritorious.
RULE 19.19. Contents of Comment. — The comment shall be led within ten
(10) days from notice in seven (7) legible copies and accompanied by clearly legible
certi ed true copies of such material portions of the record referred to therein together
with other supporting papers. The comment shall (a) point out insu ciencies or
inaccuracies in petitioner's statement of facts and issues, and (b) state the reasons
why the petition should be denied or dismissed. A copy thereof shall be served on the
petitioner, and proof of such service shall be filed with the Court of Appeals.
RULE 19.20. Due Course. — If upon the ling of a comment or such other
pleading or documents as may be required or allowed by the Court of Appeals or upon
the expiration of the period for the ling thereof, and on the basis of the petition or the
records, the Court of Appeals nds prima facie that the Regional Trial Court has
committed an error that would warrant reversal or modi cation of the judgment, nal
order, or resolution sought to be reviewed, it may give due course to the petition;
otherwise, it shall dismiss the same.
RULE 19.21. Transmittal of Records. — Within fteen (15) days from notice
that the petition has been given due course, the Court of Appeals may require the court
or agency concerned to transmit the original or a legible certi ed true copy of the entire
record of the proceeding under review. The record to be transmitted may be abridged
by agreement of all parties to the proceeding. The Court of Appeals may require or
permit subsequent correction of or addition to the record. ATcaEH
RULE 19.22. Effect of Appeal. — The appeal shall not stay the award,
judgment, nal order or resolution sought to be reviewed unless the Court of Appeals
directs otherwise upon such terms as it may deem just.
RULE 19.23. Submission for Decision. — If the petition is given due course,
the Court of Appeals may set the case for oral argument or require the parties to
submit memoranda within a period of fteen (15) days from notice. The case shall be
deemed submitted for decision upon the ling of the last pleading or memorandum
required by the Court of Appeals.
The Court of Appeals shall render judgment within sixty (60) days from the time
the case is submitted for decision.
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RULE 19.24. Subject of Appeal Restricted in Certain Instance. — If the
decision of the Regional Trial Court refusing to recognize and/or enforce, vacating
and/or setting aside an arbitral award is premised on a nding of fact, the Court of
Appeals may inquire only into such fact to determine the existence or non-existence of
the speci c ground under the arbitration laws of the Philippines relied upon by the
Regional Trial Court to refuse to recognize and/or enforce, vacate and/or set aside an
award. Any such inquiry into a question of fact shall not be resorted to for the purpose
of substituting the court's judgment for that of the arbitral tribunal as regards the
latter's ruling on the merits of the controversy.
RULE 19.25. Party Appealing Decision of Court Con rming Arbitral Award
Required to Post Bond. — The Court of Appeals shall within fteen (15) days from
receipt of the petition require the party appealing from the decision or a nal order of
the Regional Trial Court, either con rming or enforcing an arbitral award, or denying a
petition to set aside or vacate the arbitral award to post a bond executed in favor of the
prevailing party equal to the amount of the award.
Failure of the petitioner to post such bond shall be a ground for the Court of
Appeals to dismiss the petition. aITECD
Upon the ling of the petition and unless otherwise prescribed by the Court of
Appeals, the petitioner shall pay to the clerk of court of the Court of Appeals docketing
fees and other lawful fees of P3,500.00 and deposit the sum of P500.00 for costs.
Exemption from payment of docket and other lawful fees and the deposit for costs
may be granted by the Court of Appeals upon a veri ed motion setting forth valid
grounds therefor. If the Court of Appeals denies the motion, the petitioner shall pay the
docketing and other lawful fees and deposit for costs within fteen days from the
notice of the denial.
RULE 19.28. When to File Petition. — The petition must be led with the Court
of Appeals within fteen (15) days from notice of the judgment, order or resolution
sought to be annulled or set aside. No extension of time to le the petition shall be
RULE 19.29. Arbitral Tribunal a Nominal Party in the Petition. — The arbitral
tribunal shall only be a nominal party in the petition for certiorari. As nominal party, the
arbitral tribunal shall not be required to submit any pleadings or written submissions to
the court. The arbitral tribunal or an arbitrator may, however, submit such pleadings or
written submissions if the same serves the interest of justice.
In petitions relating to the recognition and enforcement of a foreign arbitral
award, the arbitral tribunal shall not be included even as a nominal party. However, the
tribunal may be notified of the proceedings and furnished with court processes.
RULE 19.30. Court to Dismiss Petition. — The court shall dismiss the petition
if it fails to comply with Rules 19.27 and 19.28 above, or upon consideration of the
ground alleged and the legal briefs submitted by the parties, the petition does not
appear to be prima facie meritorious.
RULE 19.31. Order to Comment. — If the petition is su cient in form and
substance to justify such process, the Court of Appeals shall immediately issue an
order requiring the respondent or respondents to comment on the petition within a non-
extendible period of fteen (15) days from receipt of a copy thereof. Such order shall
be served on the respondents in such manner as the court may direct, together with a
copy of the petition and any annexes thereto. DcITaC
On motion duly led and served, with full payment of the docket and other lawful
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fees and the deposit for costs before the expiration of the reglementary period, the
Supreme Court may for justi able reasons grant an extension of thirty (30) days only
within which to file the petition.
RULE 19.39. Docket and Other Lawful Fees; Proof of Service of Petition. —
Unless he has theretofore done so or unless the Supreme Court orders otherwise, the
petitioner shall pay docket and other lawful fees to the clerk of court of the Supreme
Court of P3,500.00 and deposit the amount of P500.00 for costs at the time of the
ling of the petition. Proof of service of a copy thereof on the lower court concerned
and on the adverse party shall be submitted together with the petition.
RULE 19.40. Contents of Petition. — The petition shall be led in eighteen
(18) copies, with the original copy intended for the court being indicated as such by the
petitioner, and shall (a) state the full name of the appealing party as the petitioner and
the adverse party as respondent, without impleading the lower courts or judges thereof
either as petitioners or respondents; (b) indicate the material dates showing when
notice of the judgment or nal order or resolution subject thereof was received, when a
motion for new trial or reconsideration, if any, was led and when notice of the denial
thereof was received; (c) set forth concisely a statement of the matters involved, and
the reasons or arguments relied on for the allowance of the petition; (d) be
accompanied by a clearly legible duplicate original, or a certi ed true copy of the
judgment or nal order or resolution certi ed by the clerk of court of the court a quo
and the requisite number of plain copies thereof, and such material portions of the
record as would support the petition; and (e) contain a sworn certi cation against
forum shopping.
RULE 19.41. Dismissal or Denial of Petition. — The failure of the petitioner to
comply with any of the foregoing requirements regarding the payment of the docket
and other lawful fees, deposit for costs, proof of service of the petition, and the
contents of and the documents which should accompany the petition shall be su cient
ground for the dismissal thereof.
The Supreme Court may on its own initiative deny the petition on the ground that
the appeal is without merit, or is prosecuted manifestly for delay, or that the questions
raised therein are too insubstantial to require consideration.ASaTHc
RULE 19.42. Due Course; Elevation of Records. — If the petition is given due
course, the Supreme Court may require the elevation of the complete record of the case
or specified parts thereof within fifteen (15) days from notice.
Final Provisions
Filing and Deposit Fees
RULE 20.1. Filing Fee in Petitions or Counter-Petitions to Con rm or Enforce,
Vacate or Set Aside Arbitral Award or for the Enforcement of a Mediated Settlement
Agreement. — The ling fee for ling a petition to con rm or enforce, vacate or set
aside an arbitral award in a domestic arbitration or in an international commercial
arbitration, or enforce a mediated settlement agreement shall be as follows:
PhP10,000.00 — if the award does not exceed PhP1,000,000.00
PhP20,000.00 — if the award does not exceed PhP20,000,000.00
PhP30,000.00 — if the award does not exceed PhP50,000,000.00
Transitory Provisions
RULE 24.1. Transitory Provision. — Considering its procedural character, the
Special ADR Rules shall be applicable to all pending arbitration, mediation or other ADR
forms covered by the ADR Act, unless the parties agree otherwise. The Special ADR
Rules, however, may not prejudice or impair vested rights in accordance with law.
Online Dispute Resolution
RULE 25.1. Applicability of the Special ADR Rules to Online Dispute
Resolution. — Whenever applicable and appropriate, the Special ADR Rules shall govern
the procedure for matters brought before the court involving Online Dispute Resolution.
RULE 25.2. Scope of Online Dispute Resolution. — Online Dispute Resolution
shall refer to all electronic forms of ADR including the use of the internet and other web
or computed based technologies for facilitating ADR.
RULE 26.1. Effectivity. — The Special ADR Rules shall take effect fteen (15)
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days after its complete publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation.
Guidelines for the Resolution of Issues Related to Arbitration of Loans Secured by
RULE A.1. Applicability of an Arbitration Agreement in a Contract of Loan
Applies to the Accessory Contract Securing the Loan. — An arbitration agreement in a
contract of loan extends to and covers the accessory contract securing the loan such
as a pledge or a mortgage executed by the borrower in favor of the lender under that
contract of loan.
RULE A.2. Foreclosure of Pledge or Extra-Judicial Foreclosure of Mortgage
Not Precluded by Arbitration. — The commencement of the arbitral proceeding under
the contract of loan containing an arbitration agreement shall not preclude the lender
from availing himself of the right to obtain satisfaction of the loan under the accessory
contract by foreclosure of the thing pledged or by extra-judicial foreclosure of the
collateral under the real estate mortgage in accordance with Act No. 3135. ASDCaI
The lender may likewise institute foreclosure proceedings against the collateral
securing the loan prior to the commencement of the arbitral proceeding.
By agreeing to refer any dispute under the contract of loan to arbitration, the
lender who is secured by an accessory contract of real estate mortgage shall be
deemed to have waived his right to obtain satisfaction of the loan by judicial
RULE A.3. Remedy of the Borrower Against an Action Taken by the Lender
Against the Collateral Before the Constitution of the Arbitral Tribunal. — The borrower
providing security for the payment of his loan who is aggrieved by the action taken by
the lender against the collateral securing the loan may, if such action against the
collateral is taken before the arbitral tribunal is constituted, apply with the appropriate
court for interim relief against any such action of the lender. Such interim relief may be
obtained only in a special proceeding for that purpose, against the action taken by the
lender against the collateral, pending the constitution of the arbitral tribunal. Any
determination made by the court in that special proceeding pertaining to the merits of
the controversy, including the right of the lender to proceed against the collateral, shall
be only provisional in nature.
After the arbitral tribunal is constituted, the court shall stay its proceedings and
defer to the jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal over the entire controversy including any
question regarding the right of the lender to proceed against the collateral.
RULE A.4. Remedy of Borrower Against Action Taken by the Lender Against
the Collateral After the Arbitral Tribunal has Been Constituted. — After the arbitral
tribunal is constituted, the borrower providing security for the payment of his loan who
is aggrieved by the action taken by the lender against the collateral securing the loan
may apply to the arbitral tribunal for relief, including a claim for damages, against such
action of the lender. An application to the court may also be made by the borrower
against any action taken by the lender against the collateral securing the loan but only if
the arbitral tribunal cannot act effectively to prevent an irreparable injury to the rights of
such borrower during the pendency of the arbitral proceeding. ScaATD
Unless otherwise expressly agreed upon by the third-party securing the loan, his
agreement to be bound by the arbitration agreement in the contract of loan shall
pertain to disputes arising from or in connection with the relationship between the
lender and the borrower as well as the relationship between the lender and such third-
party including the right of the lender to proceed against the collateral securing the
loan, but shall exclude disputes pertaining to the relationship exclusively between the
borrower and the provider of security such as that involving a claim by the provider of
security for indemnification against the borrower.
In this multi-party arbitration among the lender, the borrower and the third party
securing the loan, the parties may agree to submit to arbitration before a sole arbitrator
or a panel of three arbitrators to be appointed either by an Appointing Authority
designated by the parties in the arbitration agreement or by a default Appointing
Authority under the law.
In default of an agreement on the manner of appointing arbitrators or of
constituting the arbitral tribunal in such multi-party arbitration, the dispute shall be
resolved by a panel of three arbitrators to be designated by the Appointing Authority
under the law. But even in default of an agreement on the manner of appointing an
arbitrator or constituting an arbitral tribunal in a multi-party arbitration, if the borrower
and the third party securing the loan agree to designate a common arbitrator,
arbitration shall be decided by a panel of three arbitrators: one to be designated by the
lender; the other to be designated jointly by the borrower and the provider of security
who have agreed to designate the same arbitrator; and a third arbitrator who shall
serve as the chairperson of the arbitral panel to be designated by the two party-
designated arbitrators. EaCDAT