Acute Respiratory Distress in A 3-Year-Old at Daycare: (Enlarge Image)
Acute Respiratory Distress in A 3-Year-Old at Daycare: (Enlarge Image)
Acute Respiratory Distress in A 3-Year-Old at Daycare: (Enlarge Image)
Old at Daycare
A 3-year-old white male developed stridor and respiratory distress while
eating lunch at his daycare facility. Upon admission to the emergency
room, direct laryngoscopy revealed a food bolus at the level of the posterior
pharynx that was easily removed with a rigid suction catheter. The patient's
stridor initially improved, but symptoms returned and transport to a tertiary
care facility was initiated. On arrival, the child was in severe respiratory
distress with signs of respiratory failure. According to his mother, the child
was developmentally normal and had been in good health recently.
The child had a tracheoesophageal fistula repaired when he was 2 days old
and underwent esophageal dilation and Nissen fundoplication secondary to
severe gastroesophageal reflux disease at the age of 9 months. Because
of a history of failure to thrive, a gastrostomy tube was also placed at this
time to allow continuous night feedings.
The child had a history of 2 previous hospitalizations, which included: (1)
treatment for pneumonia at 10 months of age, and (2) an admission
following "choking on food" 8 months ago. The child has a ventriculoseptal
defect that is nonsymptomatic.
Vital signs were as follows: rectal temperature 98.6° F, pulse 149,
respiratory rate 28/min, blood pressure 125/58 mm Hg, peripheral oxygen
saturation on high-flow oxygen by face mask 100%, weight 12 kg.
The patient was in severe respiratory distress prior to intubation.
Substernal and subcostal retractions and inspiratory stridor were present.
On auscultation, there was poor air movement bilaterally. Heart rate was
regular with III/VI systolic murmur; otherwise, patient exhibited
cardiovascular stability. A clean, dry, intact gastrostomy button was placed
at the left abdomen. The remainder of the physical exam was within normal
Peripheral blood examination showed a total white cell count of
15,700/mm3 with 74% polymorphonuclear leukocytes, 2% band forms, 19%
lymphocytes, 4% monocytes, hemoglobin 11.0 g/dL, and a platelet count of
266,000/mm3. A chemistry panel showed no electrolyte abnormalities.
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A chest x-ray revealed a mild right middle lobe infiltrate. No other acute
process was noted.
The patient's respiratory status continued to deteriorate. He was sedated,
paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated. A bronchoscopy was performed.
An esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) was performed.
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Review of Diagnosis