C 1249 - 93 R00 - Qzeyndk
C 1249 - 93 R00 - Qzeyndk
C 1249 - 93 R00 - Qzeyndk
1. Scope
1.1 This guide covers design and fabrication considerations
for the edge seal of conventionally sealed insulating glass
units, herein referred to as IG units. The IG units described are
used in structural silicone sealant glazing systems, herein
referred to as SSG systems. SSG systems typically are either
two or four sided, glazed with a structural sealant. Other
conditions such as one, three, five, six sided may be used.
1.2 This guides does not cover the IG units of other than
conventional edge seal design (Fig. 1); however, the informa-
tion contained herein may be of benefit to the designers of such
IG units.
1.3 In an SSG system, IG units are retained to a metal
FIG. 1 Sealed IG Edge Seal: Basic Components
framing system by a structural seal (Fig. 2). The size and shape
of that seal, as well as numerous other SSG system design
considerations, are not addressed in this guide. C 1135 Test Method for Determining Tensile Adhesion
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the Properties of Structural Sealants2
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information C 1184 Specification for Structural Silicone Sealants2
only. E 631 Terminology of Building Constructions2
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the E 773 Test Method for Seal Durability of Sealed Insulating
safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the Glass Units2
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- E 774 Specification for Sealed Insulating Glass Units2
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- 2.2 Other Standards:
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Sigma 73-8-2B Test Methods for Chemical Effects of
Glazing Compounds on Elastomeric Edge Seals3
2. Referenced Documents
3. Terminology
2.1 ASTM Standards:
C 639 Test Method for Rheological (Flow) Properties of 3.1 Definitions:
Elastomeric Sealants2 3.1.1 Refer to Terminology C 717 for definitions of the
C 679 Test Method for Tack-Free Time of Elastomeric following terms used in this guide: adhesive failure, bead,
Sealants2 cohesive failure, compatibility, cure, elongation, gasket, glaz-
C 717 Terminology of Building Seals and Sealants2 ing, joint, lite, modulus, non-sag sealant, seal, sealant, sealant
C 794 Test Method for Adhesion-in-Peel of Elastomeric backing, setting block, shelf-life, silicone sealant, spacer,
Joint Sealants2 structural sealant, substrate, tooling, and working life. Refer to
C 1087 Test Method for Determining Compatibility of Terminology E 631 for the definition of sealed insulating glass
Liquid-Applied Sealants with Accessories Used in Struc- as used in this guide.
tural Glazing Systems2 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 desiccant—a hygroscopic material that adsorbs water
or may adsorb solvent vapors, or both (see Fig. 1).
1 Discussion—The desiccant maintains a low relative
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C24 on Building Seals
and Sealants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C24.10 on Specifi-
humidity in sealed insulating glass.
cations, Guides and Practices.
Current edition approved Sept. 15, 1993. Published November 1993.
2 3
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07. Available from SIGMA, 111 E. Wacker Dr., Ste. 600, Chicago, IL 60601.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
FIG. 2 Typical A-Side SSG System Mullion: Horizontal Section (Vertical Joint)
3.2.2 primary seal—A joint seal of which the sealant resists 4.2 This guide provides information on silicone sealants that
moisture vapor permeation into the desiccated space of sealed are used for the secondary seal of IG units that are glazed into
insulating glass (see Fig. 1). SSG systems. Discussion—It also resists inert gas permeation (for 4.3 Information is also provided on the other major compo-
example, argon) from the IG unit sealed space if the intent is to nents of the IG unit edge seal, compatibility of components,
use an inert gas. durability, and quality assurance (QA).
3.2.3 secondary seal—a joint seal of which the sealant
structurally unites the two glass lites and spacer of sealed 5. Insulating Glass Unit
insulating glass (see Fig. 1). 5.1 Insulating Glass Unit Components—The edge seal of an
3.2.4 spacer—a fabricated shape that creates an appropriate SSG system IG unit consists of the two lites of glass, spacer,
distance between two lites of glass in sealed insulating glass desiccant, primary sealant, and secondary sealant (Fig. 1) (1).4
(see Fig. 1). This type of IG unit is referred to commonly as a dual-seal unit Discussion—As a component of the edge seal sys- in that it has separate primary and secondary seals. A single-
tem, the spacer also resists vapor migration into sealed insu- seal IG unit is inappropriate at this time for SSG systems and
lating glass and provides a container for a desiccant. should not be used. The following sections describe the
3.2.5 structural seal—a joint seal of which the sealant components of a dual-seal IG unit briefly.
structurally adheres an IG unit to a metal framing system (see 5.2 Glass and Architectural Coatings:
Fig. 2). 5.2.1 Glass—All types of glass have been used in the Discussion—The structural seal transfers applied fabrication of IG units, including monolithic, laminated, tem-
loads to the framing system as well as accommodates differ- pered, heat-strengthened, tinted, heat-absorbing, light reduc-
ential movements between the IG unit and the framing system. ing, patterned, and wired. Almost all glass is produced by the
3.3 Symbols:Symbols: float manufacturing process, in which the glass ribbon that
3.3.1 A = area, m2 (in.2). emerges from the furnace is floated on a bath of molten tin,
3.3.2 Cs = sealant contact width, shear, mm (in.). allowing gravity to produce essentially flat parallel surfaces.
3.3.3 Ct = sealant contact width, tension, mm (in.). 5.2.2 Architectural Coatings—These coatings, which are
3.3.4 D = design factor, dimensionless. applied to the surface of the glass prior to IG unit fabrication,
3.3.5 Fs = allowable shear stress, Pa (psi). are generally grouped into one of two categories: low-
3.3.6 Ft = allowable tensile stress, Pa (psi). emissivity or reflective. They are both metallic or metallic
3.3.7 Fy = yield stress, Pa (psi). oxide materials and in some cases are in multi-layers, depos-
3.3.8 H = height, m (ft). ited onto or into a glass surface. The coatings are deposited
3.3.9 L = perimeter length, m (ft). primarily by two methods: magnetic sputtering onto the glass
3.3.10 M = mass per unit area, N/m2 (lb/ft2). surface and pyrolitic deposition into the glass surface. Low-
3.3.11 P = applied load, Pa (lbf/ft2). emissivity coatings are visually transparent and reflect long-
3.3.12 W = width, m (ft). wave infrared radiation, thereby improving the thermal trans-
mittance of the glass. In general, they also decrease but to a
4. Significance and Use lesser extent than reflective coatings, visible light transmission,
4.1 It should be realized that the design of an IG unit edge
seal for use in SSG systems is a collaborative effort of at least
the IG unit fabricator, sealant manufacturer, and design pro- 4
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end of
fessional, among others. this guide.
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
and transmitted solar radiant energy. Depending on lighting 5.6.2 Four generic classes of sealants are used presently for
conditions, reflective coatings are generally considerably less a conventional IG unit edge seal system (non-structural seal-
transparent than low-emissivity coatings. These coatings pro- ant). These sealants are polysulfides, polyurethanes, hot-melt
vide a reduction in transmitted solar radiant energy, conductive butyls, and silicones. For SSG systems, only IG units with a
heat energy, and visible light into the building interior. Ceramic dual-seal (polyisobutylene primary seal and silicone secondary
enamel, silicone, and pressure-sensitive vinyl and polyester seal) have the required durability for the application and are the
film are applied to the surface of glass to make spandrel glass. only sealants permitted for SSG systems.
5.3 Spacer—Spacers are fabricated primarily from roll- 5.7 Enclosed Gas—The IG unit sealed space encloses a gas
formed hollow metal shapes and are available in numerous such as air, argon, krypton, or sulfur hexafloride. Air is
profiles, depending on the application. Metals typically used normally used if conventional thermal resistance properties are
are aluminum, both mill finish and anodized, galvanized steel, required. Argon and krypton are used to increase the IG unit
and stainless steel, with aluminum used predominately. The thermal resistance. Sulfur hexafloride is used in applications in
spacer establishes the size of the sealed space, provides which increased resistance to sound transmission is necessary.
surfaces for installation of the primary sealant, is hollow for When using gases other than air, the IG unit edge seal system
desiccant installation, and forms the third surface of the cavity must be capable of retaining a substantial percent of the gas for
the life of the IG unit; otherwise, thermal or sound transmission
created at the edge of the glass lites for installation of the
performance will decrease to an unacceptable level.
secondary sealant.
5.8 Breather and Capillary Tubes:
5.4 Desiccant—These substances are hydrophilic crystal- 5.8.1 Breather Tube—A breather tube is a small tube or hole
line materials that are installed into the hollow of the spacer, that is factory-placed through the spacer of the IG unit to
usually on at least two sides of the IG unit. Commonly used accommodate an increase in sealed air space pressure when an
desiccants are molecular sieves or a blend of silica gel with IG unit is shipped to a higher elevation than where fabricated.
molecular sieves. Their purpose is to adsorb residual water and The breather tube allows the sealed air space pressure to
solvent vapor in the sealed space immediately after fabrication equalize to the atmospheric pressure at the installation site. The
of the IG units. They also maintain a low relative humidity in breather tube is sealed prior to the IG unit installation. Special
the sealed space for the life of the IG unit by absorbing sealed space gases (see 5.7) cannot be used in IG units that
infiltrating moisture vapor. have breather tubes.
5.5 Primary Sealant—This sealant provides a high level of 5.8.2 Capillary Tube—A capillary tube is a very thin bore
moisture vapor migration resistance and controls and mini- tube of specific length and inside diameter that is factory-
mizes gas and solvent migration into the IG unit sealed space. placed through the spacer of the IG unit. A capillary tube
The sealant also acts as a barrier to the permeation of inert fulfills the same function as a breather tube and, in addition, is
gases (for example, argon) when these gases are used in the left open after installation to permit the sealed space of the IG
sealed space of the IG unit. The sealant is designed to fill the unit to continue to pressure equalize with fluctuating ambient
space between the sides of the spacer and the faces of the two air pressure. Special sealed space gases (see 5.7) cannot be
glass lites and to develop adequate adhesion to the surfaces of used in IG units that have capillary tubes.
both materials. The primary sealant must also have sufficient
movement capability to not fail due to limited differential SECONDARY SEALANT DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS
movement that may occur between the spacer and the glass 6. Structural Properties
lites. Polyisobutylene-based materials have been found to be
very suitable for this purpose. The primary sealant contributes 6.1 General:
little to the structural function of transferring lateral loads and 6.1.1 The design of an IG unit edge seal parallels the
holding the IG unit edge assembly together. These functions methodology used for the design of the SSG system structural
are fulfilled by the secondary sealant. joint that adheres an IG unit to a framing system. SSG system
structural sealants must meet the requirements of Specification
5.6 Secondary Sealant: C 1184. Presently, there is no comparable specification for
5.6.1 This sealant transfers negative lateral loads, occurring sealants used for the secondary sealant of IG units; however,
on the exterior lite of glass, to the interior lite of glass, which sealants should meet the requirements of Specification C 1184
then transfers the load to the structural sealant that adheres the (as a minimum) in the absence of another applicable specifi-
IG unit to the metal framing system. It also functions as the cation.
adhesive that unites the two glass lites and spacer together as 6.1.2 The following sections provide the design profes-
a unit and prevents excessive movement from occurring in the sional with information on the design of the IG unit edge seal
primary seal (2). The secondary sealant must maintain ad- secondary sealant regarding the following: allowable tensile
equate adhesion to the glass lites and spacer and also maintain strength; modulus properties; appropriate design factors; and
other performance properties, such as strength and flexibility design of the secondary sealant for the effects of shear stress,
after prolonged environmental exposure. Failure of the second- tensile stress, and combined stresses.
ary seal to do so could result in excessive movement in the 6.2 Sealant Yield Stress—The minimum sealant yield stress
primary seal and fogging of the IG unit or adhesive or cohesive (Fu) (or tensile adhesion value) is determined by Test Method
failure of the secondary seal and catastrophic failure of the IG C 1135 by pulling to failure small laboratory specimens of
unit. sealant having a cross-section similar (but not necessarily
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
identical) to that used in a structural seal. Sealant manufactur- 6.3.6 It is not within the scope of this guide to specify a
ers usually report this value in a table of performance criteria particular tensile stress (Ft) for the IG unit secondary sealant.
for a particular sealant. An example of a sealant manufacturer’s This should be an informed decision made by the design
reported value for Fu would be 896 kPa (130 psi) for a two-part professional, in conjunction with the structural sealant manu-
high-modulus sealant. facturer and IG unit fabricator, considering, among other
6.3 Sealant Tensile Stress: factors: building code requirements, degree of risk, and the
6.3.1 The allowable sealant tensile stress (Ft) for SSG particular SSG system and IG unit requirements.
system structural seals is determined by dividing the ultimate 6.4 Design Factor:
stress (Fu) by an appropriate design factor (D) ((Eq 1)). 6.4.1 For SSG system structural seals, a factor ranging from
Ft 5 Fu/D (1) 4 to 12 was originally selected for the structural sealant during
the beginnings of SSG technology. This range recognized the
6.3.2 For example, using a manufacturer’s published ulti-
many variables and unknowns, such as determining applied
mate stress (Fy) for a sealant of 559 kPa (80 psi), with a design
loads and load distribution accurately, the relatively poor tear
factor (D) of 4.0, and substituting these values into (Eq 1),
strength if three-sided adhesion occurred, and the difficulty of
results in the following:
determining the actual sealant stress. This approach is consis-
Ft 5 559/4.0 5 138 kPa (2) tent with traditional engineering practice, in which uncertainty
or and unknowns are mitigated to a certain extent by using a
Ft 5 80/4.0 5 20 psi (3)
design factor, sometimes referred to as a safety factor. The
design factor can be determined by using (Eq 1) and solving for
6.3.3 Current industry practice for the structural seal of an D. It should be noted, however, that higher-strength sealants do
SSG system, which was determined empirically, is to limit the not improve the probability of attaining and maintaining
value of Ft to 138 kPa (20 psi). The SSG system structural seal long-term sealant adhesion. Adhesion concerns are decreased
contact width (Fig. 2) is usually established using the applied by lower design stress (ft). Since adhesion is one of the primary
lateral load, acting in tension, in conjunction with the 138 kPa concerns in every aspect of structural glazing, a higher design
(20 psi) tensile stress. Additional contributory stresses from, factor is best achieved by using smaller design stresses (Ft).
for example, thermal movement, dead load (see 6.6), sealant 6.4.2 For example, for a sealant in which Fu = 896 kPa (130
cross-section dimension, non-linear glass deflection under
psi), with a value of Ft = 138 kPa (20 psi), the value of D will
load, internal sealant stress due to cure shrinkage, prestress in
be 6.5. If a different sealant, in which Fu is 345 kPa (50 psi),
sealant due to differential building component movement, and
is used with a value of 2.5 for D, Ft will be 138 kPa (20 psi).
variation in sealant physical properties can also influence this
Presently, a lower-limit design factor (D) of 2.5 is being used
value. If these additional factors are a significant concern, an
for SSG system structural sealants. This lower limit is based on
allowable tensile stress (Ft) of below 138 kPa (20 psi) may be
the following: the successful performance of SSG system
appropriate for the SSG system structural seal sealant.
structural sealants since approximately 1972, advances that
6.3.4 Regarding the secondary sealant for IG units, some IG have occurred in adhesion technology, and the implementation
unit fabricators recommend using values for Ft such as 207 kPa of QA programs. Higher design factors are not to be construed
(30 psi) in lieu of the more conservative 138 kPa (20 psi) value
as rationale to change the design stress (ft) to values above 138
used for the SSG system structural seal. The rationale for using
kPa (20 psi).
higher values for Ft is the already high quality of the fabrica-
tor’s QA program for fabricating the IG unit edge seal. Better 6.4.3 It is not within the scope of this guide to specify a
QA results in more consistent adhesion of the secondary particular design factor for the IG unit secondary sealant. This
sealant, and higher values for Ft can therefore be maintained should be an informed decision made by the design profes-
reliably. In addition, the cladding design load is usually chosen sional, in conjunction with the structural sealant manufacturer
as the maximum to occur in a 50 or sometimes 100-year return and IG unit fabricator, considering, among other factors:
period. Because of this, the actual tensile stress on the building code requirements, degree of risk, and the particular
secondary sealant is typically a lower value and in some areas SSG system and IG unit requirements.
a relatively small percentage of the Fu value. If a value of Ft in 6.5 Sealant Modulus and Joint Stiffness:
excess of 138 kPa (20 psi) is proposed, it must be evaluated 6.5.1 The design of the structural seal in SSG systems
carefully. This careful evaluation is especially significant since should consider the relationships of joint shape, joint stiffness,
Ft does not give significance to the additional stress factors and sealant modulus so that the outward movement of the
discussed in 6.3.3. peripheral edge of the IG unit, by an applied lateral load, is no
6.3.5 Presently, for the IG unit secondary sealant, the stress more than 1.6 mm (1⁄16 in.) for a glass lite nominal thickness of
in the secondary sealant is usually limited to 138 kPa (20 psi). 6 mm (1⁄4 in.). Test Method C 1135 can be used to determine
The applied lateral load, which is shared between the two lites that the elongation of the structural sealant at 138 kPa (20 psi)
of glass of the IG unit, in conjunction with the 138 kPa (20 psi) is less than 1.6 mm (1⁄16 in.). The 1.6-mm (1⁄16-in.) movement
limit, is used to calculate the secondary sealant contact width or sealant elongation is related to the position and support
required to resist the applied lateral load (see 6.7). This equal provided to the outer lite of the IG unit by setting blocks that
load sharing is applied only when the two lites are of equal are recessed from its outer face, usually by one-half the
thickness. nominal glass thickness. If outward movement is excessive and
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
the IG unit outer lite drops off the setting blocks, it could cause of glass. Unacceptable differential movement of the two lites
a failure of the IG unit edge seal. could cause a seal failure in the primary sealant, resulting in
6.5.2 From the above discussion, it should also be apparent fogging of the enclosed space. The minimum sealant contact
that the outward, and in some cases downward (see 6.6), width required due to dead load shear stress, assuming no
movement of the outer glass lite of an IG unit relative to the contribution from the primary seal, can be determined using
inner lite, under the influence of the applied lateral load, must (Eq 4).
also be limited. Detrimental movement or change in the Cs 5 ~M*A!/~Fs*L! (4)
secondary seal shape (3) could cause a seal failure in the
primary sealant, resulting in fogging of the enclosed space. The 6.6.3 For example (Fig. 4), for an IG unit with W = 1.219
modulus of the secondary sealant, as well as the shape and size m (4 ft), H = 1.829 m (6 ft), M = 311.22 N/m2 (6.5 lb/ft2), L
of the secondary seal, should be evaluated. = 6.096 m (20 ft), and Fs = 6895 Pa (1 psi), the contact width
6.6 Sealant Contact Width for Shear Stress: for the secondary sealant would be determined as follows.
6.6.1 Good glazing practices require that glass, including IG Only the weight of the exterior lite of glass will cause a
units, be supported by two setting blocks located at approxi- shearing stress in the secondary sealant, so one-half of the
mately the 1⁄4 points of the glass width. Although not generally weight of the IG unit is used in the calculation. Substituting
recommended, installations are occasionally designed in which into (Eq 4) results in the following:
the glass or IG unit is not supported by setting blocks (Fig. 3). Cs 5 ~155.61*2.2296!/~6895*6.096! 5 8.25 mm (5)
Contact the sealant and IG manufacturer for specific recom- or
mendations. The dead load of the IG unit is supported by the
Cs 5 ~3.25*24!/~1*20*12! 5 0.325 in. (6)
SSG system structural seal with such installations. This will
result in a constant dead load shear (Fig. 3) stress (Fs) on the 6.7 Sealant Contact Width for Tensile Stress:
sealant and the potential of a downward movement of the IG 6.7.1 The minimum secondary sealant contact width (Ct)
unit under the influence of gravity (4). Because of special required to resist the applied lateral tensile load can be
considerations, in some unusual situations some sealant and IG determined using (Eq 7), which is based on trapezoidal load
manufacturers have approved specific installations with no distribution theory. Other load distribution theories may be
setting blocks. If this is ever done, the sealant and glass applicable, depending on, among other factors, IG unit shape
manufacturer and design professional must review the design and size (5). Any influence from the primary seal is not
and details, and the dead load shear stress (Fs) on the SSG considered.
system structural sealant is limited to no more than 6895 Pa (1 Ct 5 ~P*W/2!/Ft (7)
psi) and often considerably less (for example, 3400 Pa or 0.5 6.7.2 For example (Fig. 4), for an IG unit with W = 1.219
psi). m (4 ft), H = 1.829 m (6 ft), P = 1436 Pa (30 lbf/ft2), and
6.6.2 With such installations, the secondary seal of the IG Ft = 138 kPa (20 psi), the contact width for the secondary
unit must also be designed to resist shearing stress and sealant would be determined as follows. With a sealed IG unit,
potential movement induced by the dead load of the outer lite there is load sharing between the two lites of glass. If both lites
are of the same thickness, the lateral load (P) is shared almost
equally; and, if of unequal thickness, the load shared by each
lite will vary, depending on the difference in thicknesses (6).
FIG. 3 Dead Load Movement of IG Unit: Vertical Section FIG. 4 Elevation of a Four-Sided Structural Sealant Glazed IG
(Horizontal Joint) Unit
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
For the following example, both lites are the same thickness, sealant adhesion to the many available architectural coatings,
and the secondary seal therefore experiences approximately since variations may occur even for a given type of coating and
one-half the applied load. Substituting into (Eq 7), using the application process due to process conditions. The adhesion of
least dimension, which is the width (W) of the IG unit, results the sealant to an architectural coating on glass must be verified
in the following: on samples of actual manufactured specimens for each job by
Ct 5 ~718*0.6096!/138 5 3.2 mm (8) the sealant manufacturer. The adhesion of some architectural
coatings to glass may degrade with time, and coating deletion
(removal) may be required.
Ct 5 ~15*2!/~20*12! 5 0.125 in. (9) 7.2.3 Coating Deletion—This is usually performed by abra-
If the lites are of unequal thickness, equal load sharing sion, with an abrasive wheel, or by burning the coating off with
cannot be employed, and appropriately higher values are to be a high-temperature flame. Any coating deletion technique will
used. result in a glass surface that is chemically and physically
6.7.3 If it has been determined that an unsupported IG unit different from a normal glass surface. Adequate adhesion of the
is allowable in a given situation and both the deal load and sealant to this glass surface should be verified. A representative
wind load calculations are performed, the largest of the sample should be submitted to the sealant manufacturer.
calculated contact widths must be used. Statements regarding the durability and adhesion of the archi-
6.8 Combined Stresses: tectural coating to a glass surface can be made only by the glass
6.8.1 Depending on, among other factors, loading condi- manufacturer or coating applicator.
tions (that is, tensile and shear loads), IG unit shape and size, 7.3 Spacer—Adhesion of the secondary sealant to the
secondary sealant, and secondary seal shape and size, the spacer is required to prevent “walking” or displacement of the
effects of combined stresses on the secondary sealant may spacer into the vision area of the IG unit and potential edge seal
require consideration (7). failure and fogging. Different secondary seal sealants will
6.8.2 It should also be realized that the final secondary develop various levels of adhesion to the vast array of available
sealant contact width may have to be greater than as deter- spacer materials. For example, some sealants may develop
mined by calculation. Other factors, such as spacer geometry excellent long-term adhesion to an anodized spacer, whereas
(8), fabrication procedures, and fabrication tolerances, may others may not. Long-term adhesion can be verified by many
have to be considered to determine a minimum acceptable different standard test methods. The sealant manufacturer can
secondary sealant contact width. suggest and perform various tests, such as those found in Test
Methods C 794, E 773, and C 1135, to predict the long-term
7. Adhesion adhesion of the secondary seal to the spacer under various
7.1 General: physical and environmental conditions.
7.1.1 Adhesion of the secondary seal to the IG unit edge seal 7.4 Cleaning—As with all sealants, adequate substrate
components is one of the most critical functions of the sealant. cleaning can be critical to developing long-term adhesion of
The secondary sealant adheres the glass, with or without a the secondary sealant to the various IG unit edge seal compo-
glass coating, and spacer into a rigid yet flexible system, and, nents. Cleaning techniques and solutions must not be harmful
in addition, transfers applied lateral loads from the outer lite to to the substrates, should remove surface contaminants com-
the inner lite of the IG unit. Poor sealant adhesion to any of the pletely, and should not leave a surface residue that is harmful
IG unit edge seal components can have adverse effects on IG to sealant adhesion. The glass (including the coating), spacer,
unit performance. and sealant manufacturer can provide information on accept-
7.1.2 Time, temperature, water and water vapor, ultra-violet able procedures and materials for adequate cleaning and
radiation, and foreign chemicals can affect the adhesion and preparation of the various adhesion surfaces.
performance of the secondary seal. The following sections 7.5 Environmental and Service Conditions—The installed
address adhesion issues related to glass, glass coatings, and IG unit and its edge seal are exposed to varying service
spacers, among other factors, that commonly occur with IG conditions. Adhesion of the IG unit secondary sealant may
units. degrade with time, given adverse or unacceptable service
7.2 Glass and Architectural Coatings: conditions. Water, as both a vapor and liquid, combined with
7.2.1 Glass—Adhesion of a silicone secondary sealant to a elevated temperatures and ultraviolet radiation from sunlight,
properly prepared, uncoated glass surface has proven to be has proven to have the most potential detrimental effect on
tenacious. To develop adequate adhesion, the glass surface sealant adhesion. Water (infiltrated or condensed) that can
must be properly cleaned (see 7.4) immediately prior to sealant accumulate within an SSG system glazing channel has proven
application. to contribute to premature IG unit edge seal failure and is
7.2.2 Architectural Coatings—A wide variety of glass coat- therefore undesirable. Glazing channels should be drained to
ings are currently available for architectural glass. Adhesion of the exterior to preclude the accumulation of water. The effect of
the sealant to these coatings depends on the type of architec- various service conditions is also dependent on the type of
tural coating and its particular type of top coat, such as titanium glass (architecturally coated, tinted, or clear) and glazing
dioxide or silicon dioxide, among other types, and the coating orientation (vertical or sloped). Test methods such as Test
application technique, such as a pyrolitic or magnetic sputter- Method C 1135 can be used to evaluate the tensile adhesion
ing process. No generalized statement can be made regarding values (and thus adhesion) of secondary sealants when exposed
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
to various combinations of service or accelerated aging condi- seal is an acetoxy curing type, no concerns about compatibility
tions. If internal condensation is seen in an IG unit, the unit exist when an acetoxy cure structural glazing sealant is used.
should be replaced in a timely fashion because secondary 8.3 Setting Blocks, Spacers, and Accessories—The compat-
sealant degradation or adhesion loss may have occurred. ibility of the IG unit secondary seal with setting blocks,
8. Compatibility spacers, or other rubber or plastic accessories can be evaluated
with Test Method C 1087. When an edge of the IG unit is
8.1 General—The incompatibility of materials in contact captured mechanically, all materials that contact the secondary
with or close proximity to the secondary sealant of the IG unit sealant on this edge must be tested and approved for non-
will usually result in a lessening of the adhesive strength or a structural or incidental contact applications. When an edge of
complete loss of adhesion of the secondary sealant. Time, the IG unit is attached structurally to a framing member by
elevated temperature, and other environmental factors such as means of a structural seal, all materials that contact the
ultra-violet radiation can influence compatibility. Incompatibil-
secondary seal on this edge must be tested and approved for
ity is not desirable since sealant adhesive failure can result in
contact in structural or full contact applications. Experience
fogging of the IG unit or detachment of the exterior lite of glass
has shown that materials such as neoprene (chloroprene) and
from the building. Test Method C 1087 can be used to
some EPDM polymer rubbers can be chemically incompatible
determine whether a secondary sealant and another material are
with IG unit secondary sealants. Ultra-violet radiation heat
compatible. Metal components, sealants, or any combination of
tends to accelerate any incompatibility. If the setting block or
materials used in the construction of the IG unit, as well as
accessory and the IG unit secondary seal are protected from
components of the SSG system that can influence the edge seal,
direct ultra-violet radiation heat by a cover or such, heat will
must have their compatibility with the secondary sealant
still be there, and indirect ultra-violet radiation can still reach
verified by appropriate testing. This compatibility testing may
the components through internal reflection in the IG unit glass
vary in degree, depending on system configuration, that is, two
lites. It is critical that the setting blocks and accessories be of
or four sided structurally glazed. The degree of compatibility
a material that is compatible with the IG unit silicone second-
testing, depending on system configuration, has not been
ary seal.
agreed to by the SSG industry and varies from manufacturer to
manufacturer. 8.4 Other Materials—Other materials that are used in SSG
8.2 Structural Sealants: systems may have to be evaluated for compatibility. These
8.2.1 There is presently no consensus standard test method materials can include the SSG system exterior weather sealant,
for determining the compatibility of other system sealants, sealant backing, glazing gaskets in two-sided SSG systems,
including the SSG system structural sealant, with the second- and metal framing and mullion joinery sealants. These mate-
ary seal of an IG unit; however, sealant suppliers and IG unit rials may also be evaluated using Test Method C 1087 and
manufacturers have developed their own standard test methods various sealant manufacturers’ standard test methods.
to determine compatibility, such as Sigma No. 73-8-2B.
8.2.2 The first SSG system structural glazing silicone seal- 9. Durability
ants were one-part acetoxy curing formulations. These acetoxy 9.1 General:
curing sealants were generally found not acceptable when IG
9.1.1 The durability and performance of an IG unit is largely
units were introduced to structural sealant glazing. The IG unit
dependent on the quality of the edge seal and especially on the
secondary seal was typically a two-part silicone sealant. The
secondary seal durability and performance. The Sealed Insu-
acetic acid released during cure of the acetoxy structural
lating Glass Manufacturers Association (SIGMA) and Insulat-
glazing or weather seal sealant, in combination with water,
ing Glass Certification Council (IGCC) currently recommend
could cause softening of the IG unit secondary seal, eventually
Test Method E 773 and Specification E 774 as instruments to
resulting in adhesive failure and premature IG unit edge seal
use to quantify performance and determine the suitability of IG
failure. Neutral curing one- and two-part structural silicone
unit edge seal systems.
sealants have substantially replaced the acetoxy curing sealants
and are the type used predominantly today for SSG system 9.1.2 The SSG industry has required the use of dual-seal IG
structural sealant joints. units containing a silicone secondary sealant to obtain the
8.2.3 Acetoxy curing silicones may be used in some SSG desired performance and to develop the necessary durability
system designs that utilize IG unit two-part silicone secondary and longevity. It is believed that this edge seal configuration
seals, provided that the sealant manufacturer’s predetermined will provide the best IG unit performance of any edge seal
procedures are followed. In general, there should be no configuration available.
accidental or other physical contact between the acetoxy 9.1.3 A general rule-of-thumb in curtain wall system design
sealant and secondary seal of the IG unit. Also, there should be is that the curtain wall life expectancy should be the life of the
sufficient space and ventilation or time lapse between applica- building or approximately 50 years. IG unit fabricators typi-
tion of the acetoxy structural or weather seals to allow the cally provide a 10-year warranty for dual-seal units. IG units
acetic acid byproducts of curing to dissipate from the second- manufactured with the proper components and workmanship,
ary seal. However, in the absence of more positive safeguards, as described in this guide and as recommended by the
it would be prudent to avoid their use in order to eliminate any particular edge seal component suppliers, should, in theory,
possibility of premature IG unit edge seal failure due to the perform acceptably for a period in excess of the typical
potential incompatibility of sealants. Also, if the IG secondary manufacturer’s warranty if glazed properly on the building.
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
9.1.4 The following sections describe briefly the various 9.2.5 Applied Stresses:
environmental conditions that are known to affect IG unit An SSG system IG unit can be exposed to a variety
durability. of applied stresses during its lifetime. Applied stresses include
9.2 Environmental Conditions: wind load, differential thermal movement, building frame
9.2.1 General—Several environmental conditions, either movement or settlement, seismic load, snow load, and dead
separately or in various combinations, in conjunction with load, among other factors. The IG unit secondary seal must
exposure time, can influence IG unit edge seal performance retain sufficient elastomeric properties during its lifetime in
after installation. These conditions include temperature, water, order to accommodate properly any applied stresses placed on
ultra-violet radiation, and applied stresses. the IG unit.
9.2.2 Temperature: Applied stresses on IG units containing lesser- Typical IG unit secondary sealants are flexible at quality sealants than those available for the secondary seal can
moderate temperatures, with sufficient movement capability to contribute to premature edge seal failure from either failure of
withstand applied stresses and other conditions. IG units are the sealant due to cracking, modulus increase, or brittleness;
exposed to environmentally induced temperature extremes and sealant selection is therefore important. This can further result
change after installation. The surface temperature of an IG unit in decreased flexibility and increased sealant stress and failure
edge seal can range from as high as 71°C (160°F) to as low of the secondary seal in adhesion due to high bondline stress.
as − 40°C (−40°F) in some situations. In addition to environ- Currently, only silicone sealants have been used for
mental influences, the range of temperature will also be related the secondary seal of IG units used in SSG systems. Compared
to IG unit glass type (clear, tinted, or coated) and glazing to conventional IG units, which use organic sealants such as
method (exposed IG unit edge or pocket glazed). polysulfides, polyurethanes, or hot-melt butyls, silicone seal- The edge seal must retain sufficient flexibility and ants have the required greater durability when exposed to
maintain adequate adhesion to the glass and spacer during temperature change and extremes, water exposure, ultra-violet
temperature change and at temperature extremes. If the sec- radiation, applied stresses, and various combinations of these
ondary seal changes detrimentally in modulus with temperature factors.
extremes, failure of the sealant from cracking or adhesive 9.3 Insulating Glass Unit Reglazing:
failure can occur. This, of course, can potentially result in 9.3.1 Perfection is difficult to attain, and usually some IG
catastrophic IG unit failure. units will inevitably fail prematurely for one of many reasons,
9.2.3 Water: such as improper edge seal component selection, poor edge
seal fabrication, glass breakage during transportation and IG units are exposed frequently to high humidity or,
installation, material incompatibility with the edge seal com-
in some instances, water exposure (in which the IG unit edge
ponents, continuous water immersion of the IG unit edge seal,
seal is immersed) for short time periods. This can occur due to,
and deficient curtainwall system design, among other factors.
among other factors: wet or humid environmental conditions,
Reglazing is required when IG unit failure occurs.
slow draining or overloaded glazing channel drainage systems,
9.3.2 Reglazing is costly with respect to material, labor, and
or as a result of deficient curtain wall or window design
equipment requirements. Furthermore, the reglazing of struc-
wherein drainage systems are deficient or become non-
turally glazed IG units can be difficult to perform in the field.
functional with exposure. If the IG unit edge seal is exposed for
The potential for reglazing should be minimized and the ease
extended periods of time to water or water immersion, edge
of reglazing maximized.
seal failure and possible catastrophic failure of the IG unit can
9.3.3 To preclude IG unit failures related to fabrication as
much as possible, highest quality materials and workmanship The design of the SSG system should permit water
should be used in IG unit edge seal fabrication. Quality
to drain freely and rapidly and not remain in the glazing
materials, sealants, and installation procedures are required that
system. However, the potential for water exposure exists even
also incorporate ongoing QA procedures as a condition for
in the best of designs; therefore, the IG unit secondary seal
their use. The IG unit fabricator should also coordinate with the
should not be able to be affected by high humidity or
curtainwall designer to simplify reglazing procedures.
intermittent water immersion.
9.2.4 Ultra-Violet Radiation: QUALITY ASSURANCE CONSIDERATIONS During the life of the IG unit, a secondary seal will
be exposed to a certain amount of ultra-violet radiation from 10. General
sunlight. Reflectively coated and laminated glasses used in IG 10.1 The quality of an IG unit and the unit’s performance
units will not protect the IG unit secondary seal completely. after long-term exposure to environmental conditions will For some sealants, ultra-violet radiation can function depend greatly on the quality of the IG unit edge seal
as a catalyst to cause either an increase in sealant modulus components and workmanship. This section provides informa-
(stiffness) or a degradation of sealant adhesion to a glass tion on IG unit QA procedures, as well as generally describing
surface. These effects can cause the secondary sealant to IG unit fabricator-performed testing of secondary sealants. It
become brittle, with reduced movement capability. should be realized that QA procedures are also required for the Since the secondary seal of an IG unit is the other components of the edge seal system (primary seal and
structural component for the exterior glass lite, the secondary spacer). Their QA procedures need not be different from those
seal must be relatively unaffected by ultra-violet radiation. used for conventional dual-seal IG units.
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
10.2 Good general record keeping procedures are required inspecting the IG units after fabrication. Obviously, a non-sag
for any QA program. Permanent records should be kept of sealant is desired. Any sealant sag or flow will not only result
secondary sealant delivery dates, lot number(s), and testing in excess labor and time to retool and clean the sagged sealant,
results, among other items. but they can also indicate an out-of-shelf-life sealant, which
could result in a poorly cured secondary seal and deficient IG
11. Secondary Sealant unit performance. Results or comments on sealant rheology
11.1 General—IG unit performance in SSG systems will can also be recorded in the QC document for the corresponding
depend greatly on the choice of secondary sealant and its sealant lot number.
long-term performance. The IG unit fabricator should work 11.7 Adhesion Test:
closely with the secondary sealant supplier to develop and 11.7.1 A peel adhesion test, such as Test Method C 794
ensure that necessary fabricator and industry certification (suitably modified for actual glass cleaning procedures), should
testing is performed. It is essential that the sealant manufac- be performed on a regular basis to verify that the secondary
turer’s recommendations for application equipment and appli- sealant has attained acceptable adhesion to a specific glass or
cation procedures for the sealant be followed. The IG unit coated glass surface. If the sealant fails primarily in adhesion,
secondary sealant should have fabricator-performed QA testing it may not be acceptable. The sealant supplier should be
conducted for each new lot number of sealant material(s) and contacted to help in determining the cause if this occurs.
also conducted periodically during production. Adhesion results should be recorded in the QC document for
11.2 Lot Number—The IG unit fabricator should check the the corresponding sealant lot number.
sealant lot number(s) to ensure that the sealant is within its 11.7.2 Test Method C 794 cannot be used to determine
stated shelf-life. Sealant lot numbers used during IG unit whether the secondary sealant attains acceptable adhesion to
production, as well as test results for each sealant lot number, the spacer. See Appendix X3 for a suggested test procedure. If
should be recorded in quality control (QC) document. the sealant fails primarily in adhesion, it may not be acceptable.
11.3 Mixing Test, Multi-Component Sealant—A multi- The sealant supplier should be contacted to help in determining
component sealant requires an initial start-up procedure, at the cause if this occurs. Adhesion results should be recorded in
least daily, every time a production line is started. When the QC document for the corresponding sealant lot number.
beginning work, the various sealant component lines (usually
base and curing agent) should be opened. Material should be 12. Insulating Glass Unit Edge Seal
purged through the lines until the sealant emerging from the 12.1 General—It should be realized that IG units must be
dispensing gun ceases to be white or off-white or streaky, or assembled properly and that each component of the edge seal
both, in color and becomes uniform in color. A uniform color system must be used properly such that the intended perfor-
indicates adequate mixing of the sealant components. A mixing mance and durability is attained. Individual edge seal compo-
test, commonly referred to as a“ butterfly test” (see Appendix nents must be compatible with each other and within the IG
X1), is recommended to confirm adequate mixing of the unit fabricator’s design and performance specifications for the
sealant components. The results of the tests, conducted for each individual component. Edge seal component suppliers and IG
lot number, should be retained and recorded in a QC document. unit fabricators should have resolved these factors before
11.4 Tack-Free Time Test, One-Part Sealant—A tack-free production. Regarding individual edge seal components, the
time test should be performed on one-part sealants at the following information is provided.
beginning of each working day. The purpose of the test is to 12.2 Secondary Sealant:
verify sealant working life, or tack-free time. Any unacceptable 12.2.1 The secondary sealant must be applied continuously,
variation in tack-free time (too short or too long) from the forming a uniformly dimensioned bead, filling the cavity with
sealant manufacturer’s recommendation for the sealant may sealant completely. A multi-component sealant must be mixed
indicate that the sealant is out of shelf-life. Test Method C 679 fully and used at the desired component mix ratio (see 11.3 and
can be used to verify a sealant’s tack-free time. The results of 11.5).
the tack-free time test should be recorded in the QC document, 12.2.2 Bubbles, skips, and bond voids are discontinuities in
along with the corresponding sealant lot number. the seal and should be avoided, as they may lead to areas of
11.5 Snap-Time Test, Multi-Component Sealant—A snap- stress concentration under applied loads, resulting in premature
time test should be performed on multi-component sealants IG unit failure. The IG unit fabricator will establish the
once full mixing, as described by 11.3, has occurred. See maximum size and number of discontinuities that are accept-
Appendix X2 for a description of the test method. This test able for an IG unit.
verifies the sealant working life and deep section cure times, as 12.3 Primary Sealant—The primary seal sealant must be
well as the mix ratio of the components. Any unacceptable applied in a continuous, uninterrupted, properly sized bead
variation in the snap-time (too long or too short), from the with no skips or voids. Skips and voids could result in lessened
sealant manufacturer’s recommendation for the sealant, may IG unit durability by providing a vapor migration path into the
indicate that the sealant component mix ratio is incorrect or sealed space of the IG unit.
that one or more components may be out of shelf-life. The 12.4 Spacer—The spacer must be prepared properly and
snap-time test results should be recorded in the QC document cleaned and free of dirt, grease, and other materials detrimental
for the corresponding sealant lot number. to secondary sealant adhesion. The spacer must be aligned
11.6 Rheological (Flow) Property Test—A flow or sag test properly on the glass surfaces, creating the required pocket
can be performed using either Test Method C 639 or by simply size, to receive the secondary sealant.
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
12.5 Spacer Corner Construction: accelerated weathering machine that exposes the IG units to a
12.5.1 Corner Key—Low moisture and gas permeation prescribed cycle of temperature change between − 30 and 57°C
properties must be exhibited by the corner key. A corner key (−20 and 135°F), water spray, and ultra-violet radiation. Again,
must be clean and dry and fit tightly into the hollow of the the IG units are observed for frost point and chemical dew
spacer. Injecting or plugging the corner key with a butyl sealant point. Finally, the IG units are tested for fogging after being
is recommended in order to reduce the potential of gaps or exposed to ultra-violet radiation and elevated temperature
imperfections occurring at the corners, which can become a conditions for a prescribed time period.
vapor migration path into the sealed space of the IG unit. 13.3 Specification E 774—Specification E 774 classifies
12.5.2 Welded, Soldered, or Bent Spacer—This corner con- sealed IG units into three categories, C, B, or A, depending on
struction would exhibit the lowest potential for the formation the durability achieved in accelerated testing according to Test
of a vapor migration path into the sealed space of the IG unit Method E 773. The intent of Specification E 774 is to provide
due to the excellent vapor resisting characteristics of an a quantification and basis for judgement of the suitability of
all-metal corner. This type of corner construction is recom- sealed IG units for SSG systems. Sealed IG units for SSG
mended for an IG unit glazed in an SSG system to increase the systems should be rated CBA for maximum potential edge seal
potential durability of the IG unit edge seal to preclude durability.
expensive future replacement. 13.4 SIGMA—Proper IG unit fabrication is important to the
12.6 Desiccant—The desiccant must be stored and handled ultimate performance and durability of the unit. Adequate
properly and then used in the proper amount when installed production monitoring and certification is necessary. SIGMA
into the spacer. The desiccant must be dry at the time of requires that their fabricating members be certified. SIGMA
installation into the spacer. Desiccant suppliers furnish test kits has approved the IGCC, Associated Laboratories Incorporated
that can be used to ensure that the desiccant has not been (ALI), and National Certified Testing Laboratories (NCTL)
preloaded with moisture vapor before it is installed in the certification programs. All three certification programs use Test
spacer. Method E 773 and Specification E 774 as a basis for certifica-
tion. The certification programs also require two unannounced
13. Industry Standards inspections each year of the fabricators’ facilities and proce-
13.1 General—The IG industry has developed standards to dures. IG units for SSG systems should be fabricated and
determine the performance of an IG unit. The IGCC currently certified as described by the appropriate SIGMA-approved
uses ASTM test methods and specifications for determining the programs.
performance and suitability of IG units. The following de- 13.5 Other Standards—Industry societies in other countries,
scribes these test methods briefly. such as the Insulating Glass Manufacturers of Canada (IG-
13.2 Test Method E 773—The purpose of Test Method MAC), use the test methods and specifications of their respec-
E 773 is to provide a means of evaluating the relative durability tive countries to quantify the performance of IG units.
of the edge seal system for an IG unit. The test method involves
placing IG units in a high-humidity chamber at 60°C (140°F) 14. Keywords
and 95 % relative humidity; at the end of the prescribed time 14.1 adhesive failure; cohesive failure; edge seal; insulating
period, the units are removed, frost point determined, and glass; secondary seal; structural sealant; structural sealant
chemical dewpoint observed. The IG units are then placed in an glazing
(Nonmandatory Information)
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
roughly equivalent to a semi-circle in shape. Unfold the test been purged from the dispensing apparatus. If streaks or color
specimen (paper) and inspect the formed sealant smear visu- inconsistencies continue to be present, equipment maintenance
ally. may be required (that is, cleaning of the static mixer, dispens-
ing hoses, dispensing gun, or ratio system ball check valves).
X1.4 Results Consult the equipment manufacturer for maintenance require-
X1.4.1 If the sealant smear is a uniform dark color, the ments.
sealant is mixed properly and ready for production use. If the
sealant is inconsistent in color or has streaks of different colors, X1.5 Report
the sealant is not mixed adequately and should not be used for X1.5.1 Retain and mark the test specimens, in opened
the production of IG units. configuration, with the date, sealant lot numbers, and other
X1.4.2 If the sealant was mixed inadequately, as described pertinent information, and file the information in a QC docu-
in X1.4.1, repeat X1.3.1 and X1.4.1 after additional sealant has ment for future reference.
X3.1 Scope onto the spacer surface. After the sealant manufacturer’s
X3.1.1 This test method determines whether there is ad- specified sealant cure time, pull on the sealant bead using one’s
equate adhesion of a sealant to the surface of a spacer. hands, attempting to remove it from the surface of the spacer.
C 1249 – 93 (2000)
(1) Spetz, J. L., “Design, Fabrication and Performance Considerations for (5) Haugsby, M. H., Schoenherr, W. J., Carbary, L. D., and Schmidt, C.
Insulating Glass Edge Seals,” Science and Technology of Building M., “Methods for Calculating Structural Silicone Sealant Joint Dimen-
Seals, Sealants, Glazing and Waterproofing, ASTM STP 1168, C. J. sions,” Science and Technology of Glazing Systems, ASTM STP 1054,
Parise, ed., ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1992. C. J. Parise, ed., ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1989, pp. 46–57.
(2) Schoenherr, W. J., Haugsby, M. H., and Gladstone, M. E., “Silicone (6) Vallabhan, C. V. G., and Chou, G. D., “Sealant Stresses in Structural
Sealants in Insulating Glass,” Science and Technology of Glazing Glazing: A Mathematical Model,” Building Sealants: Materials, Prop-
Systems, ASTM STP 1054, C. J. Parise, ed., ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, erties, and Performance, ASTM STP 1069, T. F. O’Connor, ed., ASTM,
1989, pp. 115–120. Philadelphia, PA, 1990, pp. 22–41.
(3) Bailey, J. R., Minor, J. E., and Tock, R. W., “Changes in Seal Shapes
of Structurally Glazed Insulating Glass Units,” Building Sealants: (7) Sandberg, L. B., and Ahlborn, T. M., “Combined Stress Behavior of
Materials, Properties, and Performance, ASTM STP 1069, T. F. Structural Glazing Joints,” Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol 115,
O’Connor, ed., ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1990, pp. 42–52. No. 5, May 1989, pp. 1212–1224.
(4) Sandberg, L. B., and Rintala, A. E., “Resistance of Structural Silicones (8) Sandberg, L. B., and Carbary, T. M., “Spacer Geometry Effects on
to Creep Rupture and Fatigue,” Building Sealants: Materials, Proper- Strength of Insulating Glass Joints for Structural Glazing Applica-
ties, and Performance, ASTM STP 1069, T. F. O’Connor, ed., ASTM, tions,” Science and Technology of Glazing Systems, ASTM STP 1054,
Philadelphia, PA, 1990, pp. 7–21. C. J. Parise, ed., ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1989, pp. 66–72.
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