Multiple Regression Further Issues
Multiple Regression Further Issues
Multiple Regression Further Issues
Multiple Regression
Analysis: Further Issues
bwght/16 = β̂0 /16 + (β̂1 /16) cigs + (β̂2 /16) faminc (2)
viii. Why SSR and SER differ? First focus on SSR. Let ûi the i
obs. of Eq.1. Then, residuals of same obs. Eq.2 is ûi /16.
Thus, the squared residual in Eq.2 is (ûi /16)2 = û2i /256. That
is why SSREq.2 = SSREq.1 /256.
p p
ix. Since SER = σ̂ = SSR/(n − k − 1) = SSR/1, 385. Thus,
SEREq.2 = SEREq.1 /16.
x. Now, we change the unit of independent variable cigs, to
packs, where 20 × cigs = 1 pack. Thus, Eq.1 with this
transformation is:
\ = β̂0 + (20β̂1 ) (cigs/20) + β̂2 faminc
= β̂0 + (20β̂1 ) packs + β̂2 faminc
yi − ȳ = β̂1 (xi1 − x̄1 ) + β̂2 (xi2 − x̄2 ) + β̂3 (xi3 − x̄3 ) (6)
v. Let σ̂y is sample s.d. for y, and σ̂1 for sample s.d. for x1 and
so on. Then with little algebra, we have
yi − ȳ σ̂1 xi1 − x̄1 σ̂2 xi2 − x̄2
= β̂1 + β̂2
σ̂y σ̂y σ̂1 σ̂y σ̂2
σ̂3 xi3 − x̄3 ûi
+ β̂3 +
σ̂y σ̂3 σ̂y
b̂j = β̂j for j = 1, 2, 3 (9)
log(y) = β0 + β1 x (10)
ii. Both its slope and elasticity change at each point and are
the same as sign as β1 .
iii. Taking antilogarithm on Eq.10, we have
= exp(β0 + β1 x) × β1
∆x (12)
= yβ1
(∆y/y) × 100
(∆x/x) × 100
∆y x
= ×
∆x y
(∆y/y) × 100
εsemi =
∆y 1
= × × 100
∆x y
εsemi = yβ1 × × 100
y (16)
= 100β1
%∆y = (100β1 )∆x (17)
vii. Noticed that for all calculation above, we are referring to
Eq.11, where y is the dependent variable. But our original
model is Eq.10, where the dependent variable is log(y).
y = β0 + β1 x + β2 x2 + u (21)
Using the wage data in WAGE1, we obtain:
[ age = 3.73 + .298 exper − .0061 exper2
(.35) (.041) (.0009)
n = 526, R = .093
v. When β̂1 > 0 and β̂2 < 0, the quadratic has parabolic
shape, as what our example have.
vi. The turning point is:
x∗ = (24)
= β2 + β3 sqrft (26)
iii. If β3 > 0 in Eq.26, an additional bedroom (∆ bdrms = 1),
yields a higher increase in housing price (∆ price), for
larger houses (sqrft). There is interaction effect between
square footage (sqrft) and number of bedrooms (bdrms).
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Model with Interaction Terms
iv. What will be the value of sqrft in Eq.26? Might be its mean
value, or lower and upper quartiles in the sample (any
interesting value of sqrft). Of course whether β3 is
significant can be easily test using t test on Eq.25. If
significant, we have an interaction effect.
v. Most of the time it is better to re-parameterize the model in
Eq.25. Why? Remember, β2 is the of bdrms on price for a
home with zero square feet! (house is non existence but
you have bedroom?)
= β2 + 2β4 priGPA + β6 atndrte (28)
= β1 + β6 priGPA (29)
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Computing Average Partial Effects
For Eq.29 is
APEstndfnl = β̂1 + β̂6 priGPA (31)
ρ2 = 1 − (33)
SSR/(n − k − 1)
R̄2 = 1 −
SST/(n − 1)
n − 1 SSR
n − k − 1 SST
iv. In your textbook, R̄2 = .6211 for Eq.35 and R̄2 = .6226 for
Eq.36. Based on this result, there is slight preference of the
model in Eq.36 to model in Eq.35. However, the different is
practically small.
v. However, using R̄2 to compare nonnested sets of
independent variable of different functional forms is
vi. For example, model relating R&D intensity to firm sales: