Emulated X68000 Development Workstation Setup

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Emulated X68000 Development

Workstation Setup
Objectives, Procedures, and Links

● Boot an X68000 under emulation [DONE]
● Boot a Human68k floopy disk and get to the command prompt [DONE]
● Create a hard diskimage and install Human68k to it [DONE]
● Pick a game, install, and play it (R-type) [DONE]
● Revert the system executables on the HDD to their Japanese equivalents from the
original system disk [DONE]
● “Install” max memory [DONE]
● Emulators
○ Try XM6 Pro-68k [DONE]
○ Try PX68k-libretro on Windows [DONE]
○ Try XM6 TypeG emulating the X68030 [DONE]
■ Acquire CGROM30.DAT
○ Try xeij
○ Try PX68k-libretro on a Raspberry Pi
● “Official Route”
○ Install the SX WINDOW windowing system [DONE]
○ Install the native compiler suite from Sharp [DONE]
○ Run “Hello, world” on Human68k
■ in C [DONE]
■ in assembler
○ Build and run a simple SX-WINDOW application
● “Community Route”
○ Install the Ko-Window windowing system [DONE]
○ Install GCC and libc [DONE, gcc only]
○ Run “Hello, world” with libc
○ Build and run a simple Ko-Window application [DONE]
○ Rasterize a triangle in Ko-Window
● “UNIX Route”
○ Boot OS 9-68K
○ Run “Hello, world” on OS 9-68K
● Make some music
● Connect my MIDI keyboard and play FM
● Edit text in Japanese with a 68000 keyboard [DONE, with a software keyboard]
● Get the real thing

Initial installation of XM6 Pro-68k
Booting from a Human68k floppy
Create a hard disk image
Install R-type
Initial installation of RetroArch with p68k-libretro
HDD setup for RetroArch with p68k-libretro
Booting just from the HDD
Create a native SCSI hard disk image
Create a native SCSI hard disk image with SX WINDOW
Create a native SCSI hard disk image with Ko-Window
Install the XC compiler and tools
Compile something under Ko-Window
Install まりこ版 gcc130 and dependencies
Build a Ko-Window sample

Useful advice from others

Deadly GamingLV
Other links

Getting the real thing ($5000)

Initial installation of XM6 Pro-68k

● Download XM6 Pro-68k zip from their website
[https://mijet.eludevisibility.org/XM6%20Pro-68k/XM6%20Pro-68k.html] [ARCHIVED]
● Uncompress to current folder
● Run “Download XM6 Pro-68k”
● Allow download and install. Then run XM6 Pro-68k. [Installation folder ARCHIVED at
this point]

Booting from a Human68k floppy

● [UNARCHIVE] HUMN302I.LZH, obtaining HUMAN302.XDF
● Mount in XM6 Pro-68k to Floppy Disk 0
● Reset, boot!
Create a hard disk image
● From XM6 Pro-68k, “SCSI ハードディスクイメージを作成*
● Size as 100MB
● In ツール -> オプション
○ ensure that the number of SCSI drives is set to 0 (otherwise SxSI can’t be set
○ ensure that the number of SxSI drives is set to 2 (one will be MO)
● Boot from Master DIsk v2 [UNARCHIVED MasterDisk_V2.lzh]
cd sxsi
Y [initialize HD]
Y [format HD]
2 [create new partition]
A [allocate all free space]
32 [max root directory entries]
Y [transfer system files]
A [...from primary floopy (which should be MasterDisk_V2)]
4 [bootflags]
0 <ENTER> [select newly-created partition]
0 [make bootable]
8 [end]
● Reboot to force mount of c:
copyall a:*.* c:
cd sxsi
ed0100 [address in RAM]
1 [delay to let the driver come ready]
● Eject a:
● Reboot, now the hard drive is a:

● Boot
edit config.sys
● Now you’re in a fun visual editor. Commands (from
○ <ESC> E Exit and save all files (?)
○ <ESC> T Rename file
○ <ESC> X Exit and save this file (?)
○ <ESC> Q Exit, don’t save
○ <ESC> O Revert to version of file on disk
● I added a REM to the beginning of the line with PRNDRV.SYS to speed up boot.
● Then I carefully backed up my HDD image before doing deeper surgery.
● Final CONFIG.SYS layout, resulting in faster boot with no errors

Install R-type
● Obtain R-Type (1989)(Irem).dim [UNARCHIVED]
● Load into floppy drive 0
mkdir GAMES
cd games
mkdir RTYPE
cd rtype
copyall b:*.* .
● Eject the floppy
● Launch R-Type
type config.sys [to see how it’s launched on boot]
● Enjoy the game

Initial installation of RetroArch with p68k-libretro

● Download RetroArch [ARCHIVED]
● Unzip RetroArch.7z
● Make a directory system/keropi
● Populate keropi wih
○ MasterDisk_V2.xdf [UNARCHIVED MasterDisk_V2.lzh]
● From PowerShell
● Inside RetroArch:
○ choose Online Updater
○ choose Core Downloader
○ choose “Sharp - X68000 (P68K)
○ After it downloads, exit RetroArch
● From PowerShell
.\retroarch -L cores\px68k_libretro.dll
● This should boot to an interactive Human68k prompt.
● Then disable all hotkeys in RetroArch unless “escape” is pressed by editing retropie.cfg
notepad retroarch.cfg
○ Change input_enable_hotkey = "nul" to input_enable_hotkey =

HDD setup for RetroArch with p68k-libretro

● Using XM6 Pro-68k, create a SASI hard drive image
○ Size: 40M
○ Path: path\to\system\keropi\system.hdf
○ Don’t attach
○ Logical format
● From PowerShell
./retroarch -L cores\px68k_libretro.dll
● Do not pass any arguments. px68k supports hard drive + floppy disk, but the
command-line can only take a hard drive image or 1-2 floppy mages... not a
combination! (Filed an issue)
● Select human302.xdf [UNARCHIVED human302i.lzh] for FDD0
● Select system.hdf for HDD0
● Boot
sys c:
copyall a:*.* c:
[ARCHIVED system.hdf as system.7z]
Booting just from the HDD
● Option 1: As above, select system.hdf for HDD0
● Option 2; from PowerShell:
.\retroarch -L cores\px68k_libretro.dll

Create a native SCSI hard disk image

● From XM6 Type-G, “SCSI ハードディスクイメージを作成*
● Size as 256MB
● In ツール -> オプション
○ ensure that the number of SCSI drives is set to 1
○ Double-click on the first driver and select SYSTEM30.HDS
● Boot from human302.xdf
● Select SCSI device from the menu
● Select the 256MB SCSI HD from the menu
● The partition table is broken. Choose the option format suggests and type Y to fix
● Then it will suggest initializing the disk. Do that and type Y to initialize
● Then pick 容量を確保 (secure space) and type in
○ size: 255M
○ volume name: SYSTEM or whatever
○ Transfer system: YES
○ 実行
● format will suggest rebooting to detect the drive. Reboot.
copyall a:*.* c:
● Eject the floppy disk
● Reboot off your new SCSI drive.

Create a native SCSI hard disk image with SX WINDOW

● Follow the steps in Create a native SCSI hard disk image
● Acquire the SX WINDOW install set (sxwin31*i.lzh from RetroPC)
● Insert the SX WINDOW system disk in FDD0
● Drag C: from the drive tray (ドライブトレイ, in the right-click menu of the system icon) onto
the desktop next to the floppy disk icons
● Drag A: (the SX WINDOW system disk) onto C: and click 実行 in the dialog to copy
● Insert every additional disk in the SX WINDOW distribution into B:
○ drag it onto C: as above
○ eject it afterward

Create a native SCSI hard disk image with Ko-Window

● Follow the steps in Create a native SCSI hard disk image
● Acquire kowin14b.lzh (Ko-Window(基本セット)2.24+14) from Vector
● Acquire editdisk/DiskExplorer from junnno
● Use ツール -> イメージを作成 -> フロッピーディスクイメージを作成 (create floppy disk
image) in XM6 to create KOWIN.XDF in 2HD format. Make sure 論理フォーマット (logical
format) is checked, and don’t mount the disk!
● Use editdisk to open KOWIN.XDF
● Drag the (decompressed) contents of kowin14b.lzh onto the disk image and quit editdisk
● Boot your SCSI hard disk in Human68k, and attach KOWIN.XDF

copyall b:*.* a:
● Now launch kowin

Install the XC compiler and tools

● Obtain the XC disk set (C COMPILER PRO-68K ver2.1.zip) from archive.org
○ There is a publicly-released one from Sharp that is slightly broken: the Installer
does not work and several files are missing.
● Mount as follows
○ C COMPILER PRO-68K ver2.1_システムディスク 1.D88 in FDD0
○ C COMPILER PRO-68K ver2.1_システムディスク 2.D88 in FDD1
● Boot
● Yes to install the C compiler

● Choose ハードディスク (hard disk), drive C:, and accept the basic paths and their choice
of music library. Then it installs. Allow it to install C.BAT.
● After rebooting at the end, power off and remove the floppies.

Compile something under Ko-Window

● Boot
CD ..
● Once in KOWIN, compile a .c file using CC.

Install まりこ版 gcc130 and dependencies

● First, install .xc. I don’t know where to find headers otherwise.
● Acquire gcc142.lzh (Retro-PC)
● Acquire has309.lzh (Vector)
● Acquire gnub1502.tgz (Vector)
● Acquire hlk301b.tgz (Vector)
● Unpack gcc into a directory
● Put has.x into a directory
● Put hlk301.x into a directory
● Rename the libgnu.a to gnulib.l and put it in a:¥xc¥lib
● Copy ¥xc¥include¥doscall.mac to ¥xc¥include¥doscall.equ
● Change each line in ¥xc¥include¥doscall.equ to remove leading _
● Add the following lines to your startup script
path a:\;a:\sys;a:\bin;a:\etc;a:\xc;a:\xc\cc;a:\xc\bin;a;\win;a:\soft\gcc142
set include=A:\XC\INCLUDE
set lib=A:\XC\LIB
set GCC_AS=a:\soft\has309\has.x
set GCC_LINK=a:\soft\hlk301\hlk301.x
set GCC_LIB=.l
set HAS=-u -w
set SILK=-x -l
● Now you can build a simple program using GCC

Build a Ko-Window sample

● Acquire kowin14d.lzh (Vector)
● Copy all include files to ¥xc¥include
● Copy all library files to ¥xc¥lib
● Now you can make in kowin14d¥smp¥wlib

Enter Japanese text

● Inserted the dictionary disk in B:
● Used ED.X to edit a file
● Used the software keyboard to enable ローマ字, 全角
● Control-XF1
● The FEP complains about the dictionary disk being read-only.
● After that, enter romaji (henkan via space bar, select with arrows and enter)
● Works in CONSOLE.WIN also!
Useful advice from others

Deadly GamingLV
● I’ve [[ARCHIVED Starter Package.rar] from
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXNh3sG65Xo which includes a “shooters.hdf”
which boots. The image itself has a few too many gaming-oriented conveniences formy
taste. Note: the editdisk from that package is old and doesn’t understand .hds files.

● Lots of nice links over here
● [p40] ドライブ C: の HDD イメージが認識されない
● 現象 lr-px68k で HDD イメージをセットしても、Human68k で認識されない(C:ドライブになら
● チェック項目
○ SWITCH.Xの設定内容を確認する

○ BOOT は STD にする(FD 挿入時は FD から、それ以外は HDD から起動)

○ HD_MAX は 1 以上にする
○ その他「設定範囲」の初期設定値に戻す
○ .hdf ファイルが正しくない(Human68k でフォーマットされた物ではない)
● 本書サポートページの「各種X68000エミュレータ用ブランクFD/HDDイメージ(.xdf/.hdf)」など
● [ARCHIVED blankhdf.zip]

Other links
● X68000をエミュレータで体験しよう!
● 南アフリカからOSを調達するぞ!
● XM6
● X68000 X68k 雑メモ
● DiskExplorer
● UNIXを指向せよ!
● X680x0 (Human68k & SX WINDOW) 対応 Gnu C Compiler modified by Charlie
[ARCHIVED along with many files]
● https://www.x68uec.org/files/other/press/1995/gccx68.html
● https://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA004474/kowin/manual/kowin_p2.txt
● http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA004474/kowin/koaplist.html
○ https://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA004474/kowin/old/comment.txt

Getting the real thing ($5000)

● Ideal base device: X68030 HD (CZ-510C) ($3000 for a really nice one)
○ models here
● Floppy disk management / emulation (as necessary) via FDX68 (¥8000 or so)
○ Real floppies can be acquired here and imaged with FDX68.
● Power supply replacement with ATX or external AC adapter
● Monitor
○ Original [desirable] (list) probably $500
○ Micomsoft XPC-4 for conversion to modern LCD resolutions $500 or so
● X68000 keyboard / mouse
○ Keyboard - original a must [CLPC-X68KKTOUSB for emulation] $200
○ Mouse
○ Option: mouse via USB MC68U マウスコンバータ/68U

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