Volute Dewatering Press
Volute Dewatering Press
Volute Dewatering Press
Moving Fixed
Spacers Rings Rings
Sludge In
Thickening Dewatering
Zone Zone
Results Achieved with the Volute Dewatering Press
• No need for thickeners, sludge storage, or separate
Polymer Use
dosing facilities Feed Solids Cake Solids Solids (lb/dry ton of
Sludge Type Recovery
(%) (%) (%) solids)
• No need for regular operator attendance Municipal & Biological
• Produces high-quality filtrate, does not need to return to the Waste Sludge 0.2-1.5 17-25 98 10-22
head works (i.e. high solids recovery) Digested/Thickened 1.5-6 16-28 97 10-16
Primary 1-4 25-40 95 6-12
• Extremely low power consumption–up to 95% less than
many other dewatering processes
• Low noise and odor generation Ferric Sludge 5-10 35-45 95 5-10
Model KD-202 Volute Dewatering Press, above, (capacity up to 150 pounds An example of the solids generated by the Volute Dewatering Press.
per hour dry solids) is available for pilot studies. Interested parties who
would like to see the unit in operation or who have a site available for pilot
studies should contact PWTech.
The PWTech Volute Dewatering Press has been installed The PWTech Volute Dewatering Press can be set up to achieve
to handle a wide range of sludges. It is especially useful both wasting and dewatering of sludge in a single operation. By
when sludges have a high oil and fat content that would either connecting the Volute Dewatering Press directly into the
blind filter materials. biological process or into the RAS piping the unit can automati-
Other sludges the Volute Dewatering Press has been shown cally switch on and waste and dewater the sludge in one opera-
to work well on include: tion. Key benefits of this include:
• DAF float from slaughter houses and other agricultural • Reduction in operator time with the wasting operation
processes • No need for sludge storage tanks and additional pumping
• Food processing and wash-down wastes facilities and odor control–can be used to free up existing
sludge storage facilities for other uses
• Oil sludge from machining operations
• Increased process stability (wasting can occur over long
• Wastes from textile processing periods of time or several times a day)
NOTE: All capacities, dimensions, and weights are approximate. Dimensions and power requirement do
not include polymer make-up and dosing systems.