CAD Course Student Handout

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Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

School of Technology
Department of Mechanical
Even Semester 2020-2021
Course Student Handout
Name of the course: Computer Aided Design Course Code: 19ME 315T

Program: BTech Semester: VI

Branch: Mechanical Engineering Academic Year: 2020-21

Name of Course Coordinator: Dr. Pavan Kumar G

Subject Teachers (Division wise/Batch wise): Dr. Anirudh

1 Departmental Vision & Mission

2 Program educational objectives (PEOs) of Department
3 Program Outcomes (POs)
4 Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
5 Academic Calendar
6 Class Time Table with office hours
7 Course Outcomes (COs), Course Syllabus, Pre requisites for the course
8 Lesson Plan
9 Program Articulation Matrix and Course Articulation Matrix
10 Evaluation Scheme and Rubrics
11 Tutorials, Assignments, Case Studies, Quiz, Presentations etc.
12 Copy of Sessional Mid and End semester Examination Question Papers
13 Course covered beyond syllabus and self-study topics


Signature of Subject Teachers Signature of Department Signature of Head of the

Coordinator (IQAC) Department

"To be recognized globally for excellent University education, applied research and training
in the field of mechanical engineering through innovation of high social impact and to
prepare youth for tomorrow".


M1. To imparting excellent quality education to build capacity of students and enhancing
their skills in the domain of energy and engineering to make them globally competitive.
M2. Seek to nurture students of extraordinary motivation and ability and prepare them for
life-long learning and leadership in an increasingly knowledge driven world.
M3. To develop state of art research facility and centre of excellence to provide
environment for collaborative research and skill development.
M4. To establish association with industry, academic institutes and research centres for
collaborative research and consultancy work.
M5. To impart excellent education through fundamental knowledge, research and

PEO-1: To develop highly competent graduates with strong foundation in science and
engineering for successful careers in core mechanical and interdisciplinary industries, higher
education and research.
PEO-2: To develop graduates who can become entrepreneur/innovators to design and
develop system/process/product/service to address social and industrial challenges.
PEO-3: To develop graduates with leadership qualities, strong communication skills,
professional and ethical values.
PEO-4: To develop lifelong learners graduates to excel in their professional career as well as
to pursue higher education.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and
design system components or processes that meet the specified need with appropriate
considerations for public health and safety, and the cultural, societal and environmental
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research based knowledge and research
methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis
of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to professional engineering practices.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental context, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical practices and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one′s own work, as a member
and leader in the team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning of broadest context of technological change.
Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. To analyse the problem and create solution by applying engineering knowledge with a
multidisciplinary approach.
2. To be capable of using latest engineering and software tools for the societal and
environmental impact and to prolong it as lifelong learning.
3. To be capable to address complex issues using engineering and managerial skills in a
sustainable and ethical way.
Academic Calendar:

Class Time Table with office hours:

Office Hours: Monday 5.00 to 6.00 PM

Course code: 18ME 315T Course name: COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

L T P C Hrs/ Week Theory Total
Continuous evaluation Mid Semester End Semester
3 1 -- 4 4 100
25 25 50

Prerequisites (if any): Nil

Course Outcomes:

CO1: Build an understanding of the fundamental concepts related to Computer Aided Design that
includes the need of CAD in computer aided processes that are used in various engineering applications.
CO2: Define various standards of CAD including the algorithms for generating simple geometric entities
namely line, circle and ellipse.
CO3: Construct various geometric modelling entities required for 2D and 3D affine transformations.
CO4: Analyze geometric modelling entities namely plane curves like line, circle, parabola, hyperbola along
with the space curves like Hermite, Bezier and B-spline curves and solid modelling.
CO5: Develop the fundamentals required to finite element methods as applied in finite element method.
CO6: Define the programming concepts to design mechanical components using commercial packages.


CAD FUNDAMENTALS: Introduction, Reasons for implementing a CAD system, Computer aided process
application, benefits, CAD software’s, Elements of programming, CAD programming ,Need and scope
of computer aided design.

COMPUTER GRAPHICS: Scan conversion; Bresenham’s Algorithm for line, circle and ellipse. Standards for
graphics programming, features of GKS, other graphics standards, PHIGS, IGES, PDES. Standards in CAD.


GEOMETRIC TRANSFORMATIONS: Geometric transformations- 2D and 3D translation, scaling, rotation,

shear and reflection, homogeneous transformations.


PLANE & SPACE CURVES: Types of mathematical representation of curves, parametric representation of
line, circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola. Wire frame models, wire frame entities, parametric
representation of synthetic curves: Hermit cubic splines, Bezier curves, B-splines, constructive solid


FINITE ELEMENT METHOD: Introduction, FEM procedure, Discretization of the Domain, Interpolation
Models, Higher Order and Isoparametric Elements, Derivation of Element Matrices and Vectors,
Assembly of Element Matrices and Vectors and Derivation of System Equations, Numerical Solution of
Finite Element Equations, Basic Equations and Solution Procedure, Analysis of Trusses, Beams.

Computer Programming: Use of computer programming in design of machine elements, development of

computer program using Matlab for machine components like shaft, spring, gears, bearing etc., plotting
graphs using programming language, generalized programming, optimization in design.
Self-study: The self- study contents will be declared at the commencement of semester.
Approximate Total : 60 Hrs

Text book(s):
1. Mathematical elements for computer graphics by David F Rogers and J. Adams, 2nd Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi
2. Computer Aided Engineering & Design by Jim Browne, New Age International Publications,
3. CAD/CAM: Computer Aided design and Manufacturing by Mikell Groover and Zimmer, Pearson
4. CAD/CAM Theory & Practice by Ibrahim Zeid, 2 nd Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi
5. Computer Graphics & design by P. Radhakrishnan, C.P. Kothanadaraman, New Age publication
6. Finite Element Analysis by Chendraupatla, EEE Publication.
7. The Finite Element Method in Engineering by S. S. Rao, 5 th Edition, Butterworth–Heinemann
8. Computer Graphics by Donald Hearn, 2nd Edition, Pearson

Reference book(s):
1. Finite Element Procedures by K. J. Bathe 2 nd Edition, Prentice Hall Publications
2. An Introduction to Finite Element Methods, MC Graw Hill Publishers, 3 rd Edition
3. Curves and Surfaces for Computer Graphics, David Salomon, Springer
Lesson Plan:
Uni Topics to be covered Lt.N Teachi Refere
t o ng nces
No Aids &/ Text
1 Cad Introduction, Elements of programming, CAD 2 PPT
Fundamental programming, design of machine elements,
s, Graphics Line Algorithm
Bresenham’s Line Algorithm, mid point cirlce 2 PPT
Ref. 8
Problems on algorithms, standards of graphics 3 PPT

Problems on algorithms, standards of 4 PPT

graphics, development of computer program,
2 Geometric Introduction to transformation, 2 PPT
Transformati Transformations of Points and lines Examples,
ons, 2D and Rotation
3D Reflection, Scaling, Combined Transformation 2 PPT
Homogeneous rotations, Rotation about an 1 PPT
arbitrary point
Reflection about an arbitrary line, 3D scaling, 1 PPT Ref. 1
3D Shearing
3D Rotation, 3D Reflection 2 PPT

3D Translation, Multiple Transformations 2 PPT

Rotation, Reflection, Orthographic Projections, 2 PPT
Axonometric projections
3 Plane and Parametric vs non parametric curves, 2 PPT Ref. 8
Space Curves differences
Parametric representation of a circle, ellipse, 4 PPT Ref. 8
Introduction to curves, Hermite, cubic splines 4 PPT Ref. 4

Bezier Curves, B-Spline curves Introduction 4 PPT Ref. 4

B-Spline curves and Vectorial representations 4 PPT Ref. 4

4 Finite Introduction, Select a proper interpolation or 3 PPT Ref. 7

Element displacement model.
Analysis Element stiffness matrices and load vectors. 2 PPT Ref. 7
Assemble element equations to obtain the 2 PPT Ref. 7
overall equilibrium equations.
Solve for the unknown nodal displacements, 3 PPT Ref. 7
Direct and Variational Approach
Problems on Variational Approach 3 PPT Ref. 7

Problems on 1D, 2D 5 PPT Notes

Course Articulation Matrix

  PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PS01 PSO2 PSO3
CO 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
CO 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2
CO 4 2 3 2 2 3 3 2 2
CO 5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2
CO 6 2 2 3 2 3 2

Program Articulation Matrix

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PS01 PSO2 PSO3
3 2 3 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 2

Correlation levels 1, 2 or 3 as defined below:

1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High)
Course code: 19ME 315T Course name: Computer Aided Design
Course Outcomes (CO's): On completion of the course, students will be able to
CO1 - Build fundamental concepts related to CAD
CO2 - Apply algorithms to build CAD entities
CO3 - Model 2D and 3D transformations of CAD objects
CO4 - Examine 3D views during various transformations
CO5 - Construct geometric curves and surfaces
CO6 - Develop the fundamentals of finite element method

Co Assessment Tools (Direct Assessment):

Various assessment tools used to evaluate CO’s (Rubrics) and the frequency with which the
assessment processes are carried out are listed below.
Assessment Assessment Mapping Contribution
Description Marks
Method Tool with CO to CO’s
Quiz-I 15 CO1, CO2
Quiz Quiz-II 15 CO3 30% of the
Quiz-III 15 CO4, CO5 total
Quiz-IV 15 CO6
Assignment-1 15 CO2
Assignment-2 15 CO3 30% of the
Assessment) Assignment
Assignment-3 15 CO4, CO5 total
Assignment-4 15 CO6
End-Sem All topics will be 40% of the
100 CO1-CO6
Examination covered total

Tutorials, Assignments, Case Studies, Quiz, Presentations etc.

1. Using Bresenham’s algorithm, evaluate the intermediate points with (5, 6) as start point
and (20, 24) and end point.
2. Evaluate the decision parameters for plotting a circle with x=radius and y=0 as the start
points using Mid-Point circle algorithm.
3. Derive an equivalent points on Bezier curve for the given cubic spline curve equation by
establishing the relationship among the polynomial coefficients.
Roll No. ___________
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
Mid Semester Examination
B. Tech. Mechanical Engg.
Semester - VI
Date: 02/03/2020
Course Name : Computer Aided Design Time: 2 hours
Course Code : 18ME 315T Max. Marks: 50
Do not write anything other than your roll number on question paper. Assume suitable data wherever essential
and mention it clearly. Writing appropriate units, nomenclature, and drawing neat sketches/schematics wherever
required is an integral part of the answer. Point-to-point answers are only expected and shall be awarded
accordingly. Attempt the questions in sequential order only.

Q With a neat sketches explain the process flow (flowchart/diagram) of the 1 CO

1 conventional design for manufacturing a product. Highlight how the CAD 0 1
has assisted the conventional design by listing 5 key advantages of
implementation of computers in design systems.
Q a. Define object orientated programming (OOP)? Highlight the advantages 8 CO
2 of using OOP in the context of CAD. What is a relational database and how 6
does it work?
b. Demonstrate the relational database for boundary representation of a
hexagonal prism. {Hint: Mention the parent child relation among the
various entities namely Edges, Vertices and Faces in a tabular form} 6
Q Evaluate the in-between points (2nd quadrant of the circle) forming a 1 CO
3 quadrant of a circle of radius 9 units whose center is at (16, 17) using Mid- 0 2
point Circle algorithm. Support your answer with pseudo
code/algorithm/steps demonstrating the evaluated points.
Q A triangle ABC defined by the coordinates (8 1), (7, 3) and (6, 2) is 8 CO
4 subjected to the following successive transformations (one after another in 3
Firstly, reflection about y=-x, followed by translation along negative Y
direction by 1 and finally clockwise rotation of 600 about the origin.
Evaluate (a) Net transformation matrix and (b) Transformed triangle.
Q A regular hexagonal prism is standing on its base (A-B-C-D-E-F) in a 7 CO
5 plane described by z =1. The height and edge length of the prism are 3
unity with its edge AB parallel to x-axis. The prism is intended to be
rotated by an angle δ about an arbitrary axis passing through A and M
where M is the midpoint of the edge formed by joining vertex H and I.
If x and y co-ordinates of vertex A is 1 and 1, evaluate
(a) Angle of rotation required about x and y to perform this operation,
(b) Write the rotation matrices, (c) Write the sequence of
transformation matrixes to obtain the net transformation matrix (to
rotate the prism through an arbitrary axis).
(Note: No need to perform matrix multiplications)

Roll No. ___________

Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University

Take Home Assignment

B. Tech. (Mechanical Engg.)
Semester – VI
Course Name: Computer Aided Design
Course Code: 18ME315T Max. Marks:50

1. Submit hand written assignment on foolscap A4 size pages.
2. Write your name, roll no., subject name and code at top of the assignment.
3. Assume suitable data wherever essential and mention it clearly.
4. Writing appropriate units, nomenclature, and drawing neat sketches/schematics wherever required is an
integral part of the answer.
5. Submit assignment online through TCSiON (Regular Students) and LMS (Backlog/Improvement etc)

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS (5 x 4 Marks = 20 Marks)

Description se
Questio Mar
n No. ks
Que-1 Derive a parabola which is symmetrical to y aixs such a way that this 04 CO6
formula has to be incorporated in an algorithm. [Steps: Write the
parametric equation about y-axis and then derive the generic formula
by arriving at the incremental steps].
Que-2 Given the five control points P0= (0,0), P1= (1,1), P2=(2,3), P3=(4,4) and 04 CO4
P4=(3,2) construct all the possible quadratic B-Spline segments by
estimating their joints/knots.
Que-3 For the given five control points in the above question, construct all the 04 CO4
possible cubic B-Splines segments by estimating their joints/knots.
Que-4 Describe using flow chart various steps involved in finite element 04 CO6
method. Give two practical examples where one- dimensional, two-
dimensional, and three-dimensional finite elements are used in
mechanical engineering problems.
Que-5 Explain methods through which the convergence or mesh independence 04 CO6
of finite element results can be achieved.

ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS (3 x 10 Marks = 30 Marks)
Que-1 For n=4, derive and estimate the Bernstein weights of a Bezier curve. 10 CO4
Estimate the maximum value of t for each of the Bernstein polynomials
curves and plot them with varying value of t.
Que-2 The deflection in a structural beam is governed by following differential 10 CO5
𝑑 !𝑦
𝐸𝐼 ! = 𝑀"
Here 𝑀" represent constant bending moment. Use boundary conditions:
y(0)=0 and y(L)=0. Evaluate and compare (plot) the exact and finite
element solution of problem using weighted residual method based on
Page 1 of 2

Galerkin approach. Use second degree polynomial trial function that satisfy
boundary conditions.
Que-3 Apply Finite element direct approach to solve heat transfer problem in a 10 CO5
furnace wall. The furnace wall consists of three different materials, as
depicted in figure given below. The first layer is composed of 5 cm of
insulating cement with a clay binder that has a thermal conductivity of
0.08 W/m. 0C. The second layer is made from 15 cm of 6-ply asbestos
board with a thermal conductivity of 0.074 W/m.0C. The exterior consists
of 10-cm common brick with a thermal conductivity of 0.72 W/m. 0C. The
inside wall temperature of the oven is 200°C (constant), and the outside air
is 30°C with a convection coefficient of 40 W/m2.°C. Use one dimensional
heat conduction and convection equation establish global stiffness matrix.
Assuming linear temperature distribution within each element, compute
temperature at all interfaces (Node: 2, 3 and 4). Assume cross section area
to be unity.
[Hint: Element 3 have stiffness coefficient contributed by both convection
and conduction.]
Roll No. ___
Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University
End Semester Examination
B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering)
Semester - VI
Date: 20-05-2019
Course Name : Computer Aided Design Time: 3 hours
Course Code : 18ME 315T Max. Marks: 100
Do not write anything other than your roll number on the question paper. Assume suitable data wherever essential and mention
Writing appropriate units, nomenclature, and drawing neat sketches/schematics wherever required is an integral part of the answer
point answers are only expected and shall be awarded accordingly. Attempt the questions in sequential order only. All p
question should be answered together.

Q1. With a neat sketch explain the process flow (flowchart/diagram) of the conventional de
manufacturing a product. Highlight how the advent of CAD has assisted the conventional desi
any 5 advantages of implementation of computers in design systems.

Q2. With substantial proof, derive the mathematical expression for the generation of Ellips
Midpoint Ellipse Algorithm. Support your answer with algorithm and write the pseudo code.

Q3. A 2x2 matrix transforms any arbitrary straight line into another straight line and there is on
correspondence between points on the line before and after transformation. Prove this in
transformation of mid-point of a line connecting the end points of the line as A(x1, y1) and
a b
Assume the transformation matrix defined asT =
c d
. [ ]

Q4. Arrive at the net transformation matrix for rotation about an arbitrary axis in space, assuming
line in space passes through a point (x 0, y0, z0) with direction cosines (C x, Cy, Cz). Estimate the an
α be the angle about x-axis, β about y-axis) through which the respective transformations hav

The position vectors for the vertices of a cube with one of its corners removed is as shown in th
below. Rotate the cube by -45 degrees about the local axis passing through the point F and the dia
opposite corner.
Course covered beyond syllabus and self-study topics:
Self-Study Topics:
1. Ellipse generating algorithm
2. Properties of B-Spline Curve on comparison with Bezier Curve.

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