A Risk-Based Robust Optimal Chiller Sequencing Control Strategy For
A Risk-Based Robust Optimal Chiller Sequencing Control Strategy For
A Risk-Based Robust Optimal Chiller Sequencing Control Strategy For
Applied Energy
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/apenergy
Keywords: Proper and reliable control of central chilling systems with multiple chillers is crucial to save energy and enhance
Risk-based control energy efficiency. The conventional total-cooling-load-based chiller sequencing control strategies determine
Measurement uncertainty switching (on/off) thresholds according to building instantaneous cooling load and chiller maximum cooling
Chiller sequencing
capacity. However, due to the existence of measurement uncertainties and ever-changing operating conditions,
Bayesian calibration
Robust optimal control
optimal switching points often deviate significantly from predefined thresholds. To deal with these challenges
and uncertainties, a risk-based robust optimal chiller sequencing control strategy is proposed to improve the
robustness and energy efficiency of chillers in operation. As the core of the control strategy, an online stochastic
decision-making scheme, which is developed to optimize chiller staging based on quantified risks. The risk of
failure to achieve expected operation performance by switching on/off a chiller is evaluated through analyzing
the probabilistic fused cooling load and the probabilistic chiller maximum cooling capacity, based on Bayesian
calibration of cooling load and capacity models. The best switching points can therefore be identified in a sto
chastic approach. The results of case studies show that the proposed strategy can improve the reliability and
robustness of chiller sequence operation. Compared with the conventional strategy, the switching frequency was
decreased by more than 54%, and the energy use of central cooling systems can be reduced by 2.8% without
sacrificing thermal comfort.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (C. Zhuang), [email protected] (S. Wang), [email protected] (K. Shan).
Received 24 June 2020; Received in revised form 15 September 2020; Accepted 4 October 2020
Available online 19 October 2020
0306-2619/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
temperature as well as total chilled water flow. The indirect methods Conventionally, the rated cooling capacity provided by manufacturers is
determine the chiller stages based on indirect indicators of cooling load, used as a switching threshold while the difference between the rated and
such as the chilled return water temperature, bypass water flow, chiller real cooling capacity of chillers can certainly affect chiller operating
vane opening and chiller current/power. The total-cooling-load-based efficiency. To consider the effects of variations in chiller cooling ca
chiller sequencing control strategies (i.e. direct methods) are consid pacity, Liu et al. [12] used iteration loops to estimate the maximum
ered the most promising strategy in principle as the indirect indicators cooling capacity of individual chillers based on the energy balance be
may not be proportional to the cooling load [4]. It is straightforward and tween chillers and cooling towers. In addition, data-driven models were
convenient to measure cooling loads by the product of the water flow adopted by Shan et al. [13] to predict maximum cooling capacity under
rate and differential chilled water temperature. However, site studies varying chiller operating conditions. Due to the propagation and inter
showed that the total-cooling-load-based chiller sequencing control action of different uncertainty sources in operation, the evaluation of the
strategy does not always ensure the proper operation of systems because aggregated uncertainty of a multiple-chiller plant becomes complicated.
the differential temperature cannot be measured accurately [5]. The Uncertainty information is critical in supporting the decisions for
accuracy of the direct measurement of cooling loads may be significantly achieving optimal design/control objectives [14]. Decision making
influenced by measurement errors, making no sense for incorporating an based on stochastic programming is one of the effective approaches to
energy-efficient chiller sequencing control [6]. For instance, an error of improve the estimation accuracy and decision quality in presence of
0.4 ◦ C in the measurement of either supply or return chilled water uncertainty [15]. The main advantage of stochastic programming over
temperature can lead to an error rate of up to 10% in total cooling load its deterministic counterpart is that the optimal objective in decision-
measurement, if the differential temperature is 4 ◦ C. A survey of 30 making process can be obtained in an expected value sense [16]. In
central chiller plants conducted in Hong Kong also indicated that the addition, this method can also introduce flexibility in decision making
measurements of water temperature and flow rate were not reliable/ according to decision-maker attitudes (e.g. risk-neutral or risk-averse) in
accurate enough for proper sequence operation [7]. responding to possible changes that are uncertain or as yet unknown
Various chiller sequencing control strategies have been developed to [17]. With respect to addressing uncertainties, risk assessment with
handle these uncertainties in cooling load measurement. Sun et al. [8] advanced stochastic models [18] has been widely used for balancing
utilized fused measurements of building cooling loads to improve the between acceptable levels of risk and the costs of further risk reduction
reliability of chiller sequencing control, by combining the complemen [19]. For instance, a multi-stage stochastic optimization model, which
tary advantages of both direct and indirect cooling load measurement. involves risk management considering the variability of the uncertain
Huang et al. [9] developed a strategy of fusing available redundant parameters, was developed by Cano et al. [20] for optimal planning of
measurements to improve the accuracy of cooling load measurements building energy systems. Chou and Ongkowijoyo [21] proposed a risk-
and reduce measurement uncertainties using a model-free method. Liao based stochastic graphical matrix model to determine renewable en
et al. [10] proposed a practical way to enhance the robustness of chiller ergy system schemes with improved reliability. Mavromatidis et al. [22]
sequencing control by making use of the complementarity of different proposed a two-stage risk-based stochastic program for sizing cost-
load indicators. Apart from the uncertainties in cooling load measure optimal distributed energy systems considering the uncertain heat and
ments, the maximum cooling capacity of individual chillers is also electricity demands, solar radiation and electricity price. For existing
difficult to determine as it varies with operating conditions [11]. studies, stochastic decision-making approaches are generally developed
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
for the applications in the design or plan stage, while there is lack of (1) The chiller sequencing control strategy based on risk assessment
feasible online decision-making approach to ensure robust chiller with a stochastic manner, to the authors’ best knowledge, is
sequencing control considering measurement uncertainties. proposed for the first time to address the measurement un
certainties, improving the reliability and robustness of chillers in
2. Novelty and main contributions operation.
(2) A data fusion approach, as a key element in the online stochastic
To reduce/consider the impacts of measurement uncertainties, pre decision-making scheme, is proposed to merge the two probabi
vious studies mainly focused on improving the accuracy of cooling load listic cooling load measurements, so as to remove the outliers and
measurement and chiller cooling capacity estimations. The operating reduce the impact of the measurement uncertainties on the
number of chillers is determined by comparing the deterministic values determination of chiller staging.
of cooling load and chiller maximum cooling capacity. Although a sto (3) A Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is adopted to
chastic chiller sequencing control strategy is used by Li et al. [23], by quantify the unknown parameters of probabilistic models, which
quantifying the uncertainties associated with cooling load measurement can take account of the “aggerated uncertainties” that exist in the
and chiller cooling capacity with predefined normal/uniform distribu estimation of the cooling load/capacity.
tions, the parameter settings of the distributions would still significantly
affect final decision making. 3. Risk-based robust optimal chiller sequencing control strategy
This study therefore proposes a risk-based robust optimal chiller
sequencing control strategy for achieving the energy-efficient operation 3.1. Basic idea and major innovation
of chillers considering measurement uncertainties. The main innovation
of this strategy is the development of an online stochastic decision- Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram of a typical concerned chilled
making scheme to optimize chiller switching based on the quantified water system, where its water loop is decoupled into primary and sec
risks (i.e. failure in achieving expected operation performance). The ondary distribution loops balanced by a bypass line. In the primary loop,
risks by switching on/off a chiller are quantified and used for decision each chiller is interlocked with a constant-speed chiller water distribu
making, considering changes in operating conditions as well as mea tion pump and a cooling water distribution pump. The chilled supply
surement uncertainties. Probabilistic simplified physical models are water from chillers is mixed up, flowing into terminal air handling units
developed to determine the distributions of cooling loads and maximum (AHUs) in the secondary loop to provide cooling for the spaces. An
cooling capacities for online risk quantification. The proposed control online decision-making scheme is used to determine chiller staging ac
strategy is developed by addressing the following two tasks: (1) offline cording to building instantaneous cooling loads and chiller cooling
uncertain parameter identification in probabilistic models for cooling capacities.
load/capacity estimations; (2) an online risk-based decision-making The decision-making schemes of the conventional total-cooling-load-
scheme to determine optimal chiller stages. The uncertain parameters of based and proposed risk-based chiller sequencing control strategies are
the probabilistic models are identified using the Bayesian Markov Chain presented in Fig. 2. For the conventional strategy (Fig. 2A), the thresh
Monte Carlo (MCMC) method. The risks of switching on/off a chiller are olds for switching on the (N + 1)th chiller and switching off the Nth
quantified by analyzing the probabilistic fused cooling load and the chiller, denoted by THN + 1 onand THN off, are normally deterministic,
probabilistic chiller maximum cooling capacity. To verify the proposed based on the requirement that the maximum cooling capacity provided
strategy, case studies are conducted in the tallest building in Hong Kong. by chillers should exceed the actual cooling load with minimum energy
The energy performance and control robustness of the proposed strategy cost. A dead band d is considered to prevent frequent switching in case
are investigated and compared with the conventional total-cooling-load the cooling load varies within a small range near the switching points.
based strategy. The cooling load thresholds for switching on/off a chiller are defined by
The original contributions of this study are briefly summarized as Eq. (1) when the chillers are identical. Here, N is the number of chillers
follows: in operation. Crated is the rated capacity of chillers (kW). The optimal
number of operating chillers can then be determined by Eq. (2). The
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
Fig. 2. The basic idea of the proposed risk-based chiller sequencing control and comparison with the conventional strategy.
N − 1, Q < TH Noff
Nnext,con = (2)
N + 1, Q > TH N+1
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
under different operating conditions, a probabilistic maximum cooling systematic (bias) error term (kW), which can be determined under
capacity model, using the full-load operation data from the chiller side, different numbers of operating primary chilled water pumps. R is the gas
is used to calculate the maximum chiller cooling capacity without an constant. Z is the compressibility factor of the refrigerant. α, δ, v and ε
iteration loop. are unknown parameters to be determined using in-situ measurements.
In this study, two probabilistic simplified physical models, an indi It is worth noting that the unknown parameters (e.g. α, δ and v) of the
rect cooling load model and a maximum cooling capacity model, are simplified physical models used in [8] are deterministic values while the
developed based on the two deterministic models in reference [8]. The parameters used in this study were quantified with certain distributions.
measurement uncertainties are aggregated into the probabilistic models Compared with direct cooling load measurements, the indirect
by identifying the model parameters as elaborated below. measurements of cooling loads qim are generally reliable. As the
condensing temperature and evaporating differential temperature (Ṫev-
3.3.1. Probabilistic simplified physical models for cooling load/chiller Ṫ cd) have a much larger scale (i.e. over 20 ◦ C) than return and supply
cooling capacity estimation water differential temperature (Ṫ rtn-Ṫ sup), the effects of associated
The indirect measurements of cooling load qim and maximum cooling measurement noises on indirect measurements (Eq. (5)) are much
capacity with N operating chillers (qn max) can be computed using two smaller than that on the direct measurements (Eq. (4)).
probabilistic simplified physical models as shown in Eqs. (5)–(6).
( ) 3.3.2. Identification of model parameters using Bayesian Markov Chain
qim = fi Ecom,i , Tcd,i , Tev,i Monte Carlo method
[ ] The Bayesian MCMC method is employed to calibrate uncertain
∑ parameters in the model using the in-situ data, containing two stages:
Ecom,i − δi ( )
= ( ) CPl ⋅Tcd,i − hfg − CPg ⋅Tev,i + εN (5)
i=1 αi ⋅CPg Tev,i − Tcd,i Bayesian inference and MCMC sampling. The Bayesian inference derives
the posterior distributions for the calibrated parameters (i.e. α, δ, ν and
( ) ε) using prior information and observed data, while MCMC sampling is
qNmax = fi Pev,i , Tcd,i , Tev,i used to generate equivalent samples from the posterior distributions.
The equivalent samples represent the numerical approximations of the
[ )]
∑ posterior distributions, and thus they can be used to represent the fea
ν ⋅P
= ( i ev,i ) (hfg + CPg ⋅Tev,i − CPl ⋅Tcd,i + εN (6)
i=1 R⋅Z⋅ 273.15 + Tev,i tures of unknown parameters.
Bayesian inference: Given a model y = f (θ) and the measured data of
Here, α is the loss factor of the variable part of electromechanical y, where θ is the unknown parameter to be determined and y is the
losses. δ is the constant part of the electromechanical losses (kW). hfg is output, the Bayesian inference deduces the posterior probability P (θ|y)
the latent heat of vaporization at the reference state pressure (kJ/kg). through Eq. (7). Here P (y|θ) is the likelihood of the measured data y
CPg is the gaseous refrigerant specific heat at constant pressure in kJ/ occurring given the input parameter θ. P (θ) is the prior probability that
(K⋅kg). CPl is the liquid refrigerant specific heat at constant pressure in describes the probability of θ occurring computed before the collection
kJ/(K⋅kg). Ecom is the electrical power of chillers (kW), which can be of in-situ data. P (y) is a normalization constant. In this study, the
measured directly. Tcd and Tev are condensing temperature and evapo cooling load qim and maximum cooling capacity of chillers qmax are the
rating temperature derived according to the corresponding condensing output y. qim and qmax are calculated through Eq. (4) using the in-situ
pressure Pcd and evaporating pressure Pev (kPa). ν is the maximum data of vw, Trtn and Tsup. The in-situ data of Ecom, Pev, Tcd and Tev as
volumetric flow rate of the gaseous refrigerant (L/s). ε is an aggregated
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
well as the corresponding qim and qmax values are used for generating the probability density function of Qn max. The probability density function
likelihood based on Eqs. (5)–(6). Notably, the chiller full-load operation of X2 (fX2(X2)) is the convolution of ffu and f n max as described by Eq.
data (i.e. chiller vane opening/current higher than high thresholds) are (11), where X2 = Qfu-Qn-1 max and fn-1 max is the probability density
selected for calculating qmax, while both the chiller part-load and full- function of Qn-1 max.
load operation data are selected for calculating qim. ∫
fX1 (X1 ) = ffu (X1 + y)⋅(y)dy (10)
P(θ|y) = P(y|θ)⋅P(θ)/P(y)∝P(y|θ)⋅P(θ) (7)
Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling: MCMC, specifically the ∫
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm [25], is employed to draw random sam fX2 (X2 ) = n− 1
ffu (X2 + y)⋅fmax (y)dy (11)
ples from the joint multivariate posterior distribution. As a result, a
sequence of samples with size m, {θ (1), θ (2), …, θ (m)} which approxi 4. Building air-conditioning system and arrangement of online
mates the theoretical posterior probability density functions (pdfs) of validation tests
calibration parameters can then be collected. More details for the MCMC
sampling method are elaborated in the literature [26]. 4.1. Description of the air-conditioning system
It is worth noting that, since two probabilistic models were trained
using the same sources of measurements, the risks of switching on/off a The central cooling system concerned in this study is a complex
chiller (Eq. (3)), determined based on the differential of cooling loads primary-secondary chilled water system in the tallest building in Hong
and cooling capacities, can always be reliably quantified in the face of Kong, where the cooling is dominated throughout a year [27]. The
measurement uncertainties. building has a height of 490 m and consists of 108 floors with around
321,000 m2 floor area. Table 1 shows the specifications of the main
3.4. Online stochastic decision-making scheme for chiller sequencing equipment in the central cooling system. Six centrifugal chillers with a
control rated coefficient of performance (COP) of 5.17 are equipped, providing
the designed chilled water supply temperature of 5.5 ◦ C. Each chiller is
The online stochastic decision-making scheme for determining the interlocked with a constant-speed chilled water pump (rated flow rate of
chiller stages involves three steps as follows. 375 L/s) and a constant-speed cooling water pump (rated flow rate of
The first step is to obtain the samples of indirect and direct cooling 410 L/s). The heat rejection system consists of eleven cooling towers
load measurements as well as the maximum cooling capacities of with a total design capacity of 51,709 kW.
chillers. At each control interval, the indirect cooling loads (Qim = [qim,1,
qim,2, …, qim,k]), the maximum cooling capacities with current operating
4.2. TRNSYS-MATLAB co-simulation testbed and test conditions
chillers (Qnmax = [qnmax,1, qnmax,2, …, qnmax,k]) and the maximum cooling
capacities when switching off a chiller (Qn-1max = [qn-1max,1, qn-1max,2, …,
To test the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, a virtual simulation
qn-1max,k]) are calculated/sampled k times adopting the probabilistic
platform was constructed based on the configuration of the studied
simplified physical models (Eqs. (5)–(6)). j samples of direct cooling
central cooling system using a Transient Simulation Program TRNSYS
load measurements (Qdm = [qdm,1, qdm,2, …, qdm,j]) within the control
18 [28]. To take advantage of its powerful computational capabilities,
interval were also selected, assuming the building cooling load is rela
MATLAB was used to program the supervisory controller (i.e. risk-based
tively stable in a short period.
chiller sequencing control strategy) and was embedded in TRNSYS. The
In the second step, to enhance the robustness of building cooling load
dynamic processes of hydraulics, heat transfer, water flow/pressure
measurements, a data fusion approach is used to capitalize on the ben
balancing, energy conservation and control were simulated for the
efits of direct and indirect cooling load measurements, removing the
entire system. The models used in the test platform were calibrated using
measurement errors and model errors simultaneously. The probability
on-site operational data [29,30]. A simplified global air handling unit
density function of fused cooling loads (ffu) is computed by the product
(AHU) was built to provide cooling for a thermal building. The “multi-
of two distributions (i.e. direct and indirect cooling load measurements)
zone building model” type 56 (i.e. the thermal building) in TRNSYS was
as shown in Eq. (8), where fdm and fim are probability density functions of
employed to simulate the thermal behavior of the selected building. The
Qdm and Qim respectively and η is a normalization constant (expressed by
building model in type 56 is a non-geometrical balance model with one
Eq. (9)). The fused cooling loads (Qfu=[qfu,1, qfu,2, …, qfu,k]) are then
air node per zone, representing the thermal capacity of the zone air
sampled k times given ffu. Notably, if the direct measurements deviate
volume and capacities which are closely connected with the air node
far from the indirect measurements (i.e. fdm⋅fim is a null distribution),
[28]. The envelope construction and thermal properties were set satis
indicating the indirect measurements may suffer significant model er
fying the requirements of the building design description and local en
rors (usually occurring at the very start of chiller switching on/off), the
ergy efficiency standard [31]. The building’s thermal performance and
ffu is set as fdm. The use of fused cooling loads instead of direct/indirect
dynamics under the influences of weather, occupancy, and air-
cooling loads has two benefits. (1) When a direct measurement suffers
conditioning systems were then characterized.
incidentally from large random errors (marked as “outlier”) in a control
The actual cooling load data (without measurement uncertainties)
interval, this outlier can be removed as its probability of occurrence is
near zero in fim. (2) When an indirect measurement suffers from large
model errors, this outlier can be removed as its probability of occurrence Table 1
is near zero in fdm. Specifications of main equipment in the system.
{ Equipment Number Rated Flow rate Power Head
η⋅fdm (x)⋅fim (x)if : fdm (x)⋅fim (x) ∕
= null capacity (kW) (L/s) (kW) (kPa)
ffu (x) = (8)
fdm (x)if : fdm (x)⋅fim (x) = null
Chiller 6 7,230 – 1,346 –
Cooling tower 6 5,234 – 152 –
1 A
η=∫ (9)
fdm (x)⋅fim (x)dx Cooling tower 5 4,061 – 120 –
In the third step, the chiller stages can be determined based on Chilled water 6 – 345.0 126 31.6
quantified risks through Eq. (3), using fX1(X1) and fX2(X2). Here, the pump
probability density function of X1 (fX1(X1)) is the convolution of ffu and f Cooling water 6 – 410.1 202 41.6
n max as expressed by Eq. (10), where X1 = Qfu-Qn max and f n max is the
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
used in the case study were generated using a typical cooling load profile Table 2
of the selected building in 7 days, as presented in Fig. 5. To test the Sensor noises and biases introduced for case studies.
robustness of the proposed control strategy, measurement uncertainties Measurement Unit Bias Noise
(including biases and noises) were set for different types of sensors in
Supply water temperature ◦
C Case 1: ¡0.4; Case 2: 0.4 N (0, 0.1)
two cases, as summarized in Table 2. Case 1 represents the conditions Return water temperature ◦
C Case 1: 0.2; Case 2: ¡0.2 N (0, 0.1)
where the measured cooling loads are higher than actual cooling loads Supply water flowrate L/s Both cases: 20 N (0, 8)
while Case 2 represents the conditions where the measured cooling Chiller condensing temperature ◦
C Both cases: − 0.3 N (0, 0.1)
loads are lower than actual cooling loads. Chiller evaporating temperature ◦
C Both cases: 0.2 N (0, 0.1)
(kg⋅K); hfg: 197.9 kJ/kg; CPg: 0.89 kJ/(kg⋅K) and CPl: 1.27 kJ/(kg⋅K). 1 α1 – U [0.31,0.41] 0.36 0.36 [0.34,0.38]
A total of 21 uncertain parameters in six indirect cooling load models 2 δ1 kW U [621,841] 731 734 [713,750]
3 L/s U [1990,2692] 2341 2361 [2322,2402]
and six chiller maximum cooling capacity models need to be identified. ν1
4 α2 – U [0.26,0.36] 0.31 0.31 [0.29,0.32]
Here, αi, δi and vi were set (i = 1,2,3,4,5,6) as uniform distributions while 5 δ2 kW U [610,825] 718 716 [699,745]
εn (n = 1,2,3) were set as normal distributions. Notably, the maximum 6 ν2 L/s U [2053,2777] 2415 2362 [2323,2401]
value of n is 3 because the maximum operating number of chillers was 3 7 α3 – U [0.44,0.60] 0.52 0.52 [0.49,0.53]
in the operating period. Due to a lack of prior knowledge of those un 8 δ3 kW U [485,657] 571 568 [553,582]
9 ν3 L/s U [1958,2650] 2304 2288 [2171,2407]
certain parameters, the deterministic values calculated by the nonlinear 10 α4 – U [0.33,0.44] 0.38 0.38 [0.36,0.40]
least-square method [32] based on Eqs.5–6 with in-situ measurements, 11 δ4 kW U [559,757] 658 656 [640,671]
were assigned as the mean values of the prior distributions. The lower/ 12 ν4 L/s U [1557,2106] 1832 1823 [1791,1863]
upper limits of αi, δi and vi were assumed to be a deviation of 15% from 13 α5 – U [0.30,0.40] 0.35 0.36 [0.34,0.38]
14 kW U [579,783] 681 683 [668,698]
their corresponding mean values. The standard deviation of εn was set as δ5
15 ν5 L/s U [1927,2608] 2268 2302 [2253,2249]
a 5% random error [33]. 16 α6 – U [0.43,0.59] 0.51 0.51 [0.49,0.53]
The detailed information for prior distributions of uncertain pa 17 δ6 kW U [453,613] 533 534 [520,546]
rameters can be found in Table 4. A total of 50,000 MCMC simulations 18 ν6 L/s U [453,613] 2315 2326 [2190,2421]
were performed while the first 10,000 samples were discarded as a burn- 19 ε1 kW N [536,27] 536 542 [528,557]
20 ε2 kW N [977,49] 977 978 [960,995]
in period. Fig. 6 shows the calibrated distributions of 21 uncertain pa
21 ε3 kW N [1576,78] 1555 1576 [1550,1601]
rameters. Generally, the posterior distribution becomes irregular if the
prior distribution follows a uniform distribution, while the posterior Note: U represents a uniform distribution and N represents a normal
distribution nearly follows a normal distribution if the prior distribution
follows a normal distribution. Table 4 also lists the characteristic values
of the calibrated distributions to be used for comparing with their prior
distributions. The mean values of parameters did not change much after
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
calibration, but the occurrence probability of the values shifted and data. Here Mi and Ei are the measured and model estimated mean
dramatically (e.g. especially for the parameters following uniform dis values at ith sampling instant respectively. The measured average values
tributions). Overall, the calibration process changed the prior informa of the cooling load/capacity are denoted by M.
tion and made the distributions of parameters more informative. ∑n
To show the predictive ability of the probabilistic simplified physical (Mi − Ei )2
CV(RMSE) = i=1 (11)
models with calibrated parameters (posterior information), the proba M
bilistic indirect cooling load and maximum cooling capacity, calculated By calculating the index of agreement between model estimated
by the calibrated models (i.e. 2,000 samples at each sampling instant), mean and measured cooling load/capacity, it is found that CV(RMSE)
are compared with in-situ data as shown in Figs. 7 and 8. The figures on for probabilistic cooling/capacity models were 7.5% and 2.9%, respec
the right present the probability distributions of the indirect cooling load tively. It can be seen that most of the measured load/capacities fell in the
and maximum cooling capacity in a selected sampling instant. The co 95% prediction intervals. This confirms that the calibrated probabilistic
efficient of variation of the root mean square error CV(RMSE) [34] was simplified models are satisfactory, and can be used to reliably estimate
used to evaluate the similarity between the model estimated values and the cooling load/capacity.
actual values, as shown in Eq. (11). The range of CV(RMSE) lies between
0 and 100%, with lower values signifying a good fit between the model
Fig. 7. Indirect measurements of cooling loads using a probabilistic indirect cooling load model vs direct measurements (3–10/Aug/2019).
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
Fig. 8. Estimated maximum cooling capacity using maximum cooling capacity model of chiller 1 vs real measurements (July-Dec/2019).
6. Online operation performance and validation of proposed • Risk thresholds (βon and βoff) were set as 0.3 and 0 respectively for the
sequence strategy proposed strategy.
The control performance and energy efficiency of the central cooling Four performance indicators, including the total energy consumption
system using the conventional strategy and proposed risk-based chiller ECtot, total switching number SNtot, chiller mean stages Nmean and total
sequencing control strategy were evaluated in a virtual simulation integrated time (ζ0.5) where the thermal building’s average temperature
platform. The normal operational data were generated for re-calibrating deviated 0.5 ◦ C from its setpoint (23 ◦ C), were used to evaluate the
model parameters by simulating the central cooling systems over a wide performance of the chiller sequencing control strategies. The total en
range of operating conditions considering measurement uncertainties. ergy consumption ECtot includes the energy use of chillers (ECchi),
The chiller sequencing control algorithm was used in the case study constant-speed pumps (ECpum) and cooling towers (ECct).
with the following settings:
6.1. Results of Case 1: measured cooling loads > actual cooling loads
• Both the simulation time step and the sampling interval of mea
surements were set 1 s, while the control interval to determine the Fig. 9 shows the comparison of direct, indirect and fused measure
chiller switching on/off was 5 min. ments of cooling loads in Case 1. There are few outliers in the direct and
• The samples (j) of direct cooling load measurements were set as 60 (i. indirect measurements, also marked in the figure. Two outliers in the
e. 1-min data before the control execution). The samples (k) of in direct measurements (i.e. around 83.5 h and 112 h) mainly resulted from
direct and fused cooling loads were set as 2,000. large random errors while the outliers in the indirect measurements
• The dead band d was set as 0.05 (Eq. (1)) for the conventional mainly resulted from model errors (e.g. around 2.3 h and 32.8 h),
strategy. appearing during very early periods of chiller staging. The use of fused
measurements can take advantage of direct and indirect measurements.
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
Fig. 10. Control performance of the proposed and conventional strategies in Case 1: (A) chiller operating number (B) indoor temperature of the thermal building.
The outliers or the strikes were efficiently removed, which can avoid As in Case 1, the number of the operating chillers varied frequently
unnecessary chiller switching. when adopting the conventional strategy, while the switching frequency
The variation in the number of operating chillers adopting the con was significantly reduced when adopting the proposed strategy. How
ventional and proposed strategies are compared and presented in ever, in contrast to Case 1, the operating number of chillers adopting the
Fig. 10A. It can be seen that the number of chillers in operation varied conventional strategy was no higher than that of adopting the proposed
frequently when adopting the conventional strategy. However, the strategy in the test period, due to underestimation of cooling loads.
switching frequency was significantly reduced when adopting the pro Fig. 12B shows the indoor temperature under the two different strate
posed strategy. In addition, the operating number of chillers adopting gies. The reduction of chiller operating numbers in some periods resul
the conventional strategy was no lower than those adopting the pro ted in temperature rise (from 133 h to 138 h) due to insufficient cooling
posed strategy in the test period, due to overestimation of the cooling supply under the conventional strategy, while the indoor temperature
loads. Fig. 10B shows the indoor temperature of the two strategies. was well controlled under the proposed strategy. As also listed in
When adopting the proposed strategy, the reduction of chiller operating Table 6, compared with the conventional strategy, the total switch
numbers in some periods would not affect the indoor temperature number SNtot under the proposed strategy decreased dramatically by
control (i.e. sufficient cooling can be provided). As listed in Table 5, 82% (194 vs. 35). With the conventional strategy, total energy con
compared with the conventional strategy, the total switch number SNtot sumption can be reduced by 1.1% by sacrificing indoor thermal comfort
adopting the proposed strategy was decreased by 54% (63 vs. 29). The (i.e. indoor temperature cannot be controlled at the desired setpoint).
chiller mean stages in the test period adopting the proposed strategy (i.e. ζ0.5 of the conventional chiller sequencing control was 5.6 h, which was
2.55) were also less than that of the conventional strategy (i.e. 2.84), reduced to 0.18 h by the proposed strategy, decreasing by 96.8%.
indicating the potential energy saving. Compared with the conventional Fig. 13 presents the quantified risks in the decision-making process
strategy, the total energy consumed by the proposed strategy was when adopting the proposed strategy. Compared with Case 1, even the
reduced by 2.8%, without sacrificing indoor thermal comfort (i.e. ζ0.5 settings of senor bias were different, risk-based decision making can
was the same in two strategies) (see Fig. 11). operate the chillers while maintaining both energy-efficiency and robust
Fig. 10 presents the quantified risks in the decision-making process controls, as the optimal switching points can always be identified under
when adopting the proposed strategy. When the quantified risk oper measurement uncertainties and different operating conditions.
ating under N (i.e. current operating number) chillers (Rf, N) is higher
than βon (0.3), an additional chiller would be switched on. When there is 7. Conclusions
no risk of switching off a chiller (i.e., Rf, N-1 = 0), one chiller would be
staged off. The decision making is conducted based on risk assessment, A risk-based chiller sequencing control strategy was proposed to
offering a promising means for engineers to exploit the potential bene improve the robustness and energy efficiency of chillers in operation. As
fits/flexibility of chiller sequencing control. the core of the control strategy, an online stochastic decision-making
scheme was developed to optimize chiller staging. The risks of switch
ing on/ off a chiller were evaluated based on the probabilistic fused
6.2. Results of Case 2: measured cooling loads < actual cooling loads cooling load and the probabilistic chiller maximum cooling capacity.
The cooling load and cooling capacity estimation models were cali
Fig. 12A presents the variation in the number of the operating brated using the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo method, consid
chillers adopting the conventional and proposed strategies in Case 2, ering the measurement uncertainties. Based on the results of the tests
where the measured cooling loads were lower than actual cooling loads.
Table 5
Control performance of proposed and conventional strategies in Case 1.
Strategy SNtot Nmean ECchi (kWh) ECpum (kWh) ECct (kWh) ECtot (kWh) ζ0.5 (h)
5 5 4 5
Conventional 63 2.84 5.00 × 10 1.4 × 10 7.88 × 10 7.20 × 10 0.18
Proposed 29 2.55 4.99 × 105 1.26 × 105 7.54 × 104 7.00 × 105 0.18
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
Fig. 12. Control performance of the proposed and conventional strategies in Case 2: (A) chiller operating number (B) indoor temperature of the thermal building.
Table 6
Control performance of proposed and conventional strategies in Case 2.
Strategy SNtot Nmean ECchi (kWh) ECpum (kWh) ECct (kWh) ECtot (kWh) ζ0.5 (h)
Conventional 194 2.23 5.07 × 105 1.10 × 105 7.30 × 104 6.90 × 105 5.60
Proposed 35 2.53 4.98 × 105 1.25 × 105 7.53 × 104 6.98 × 105 0.18
C. Zhuang et al. Applied Energy 280 (2020) 115983
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