Understanding Seismic Wave Propagation
Understanding Seismic Wave Propagation
Understanding Seismic Wave Propagation
Understanding Seismic
Wave Propagation
The oil industry uses seismic reflection measurements to gain knowledge about the geo-
logical structures in the subsurface in other to locate oil and or gas reservoirs. This method
works by sending an acoustic or pressure wave into the earth, which get reflected back
when it meets a geological boundary where there is contrast in rock properties. An example
of geological boundary is a boundary between sand and shale layers. This wave is then
reflected back to the surface after a few seconds and it is then recorded by a receiver.
The time that it takes for the wave to return to the surface tells us how far the geological
boundary is located (Figure 2.1).
Seismic survey is based on the theory of elasticity and therefore tries to deduce elastic prop-
erties of rocks, such as acoustic impedance, Poisson’s ratio and Vp/Vs ratio, by measuring
their response to elastic disturbances called seismic (elastic) waves.
Seismic Data Analysis Techniques in Hydrocarbon Exploration 17 # 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Source Receiver
Geological boundary
0.2 s
Sand 0.2 s n1 r1
n2 r 2
Two main types of waves are considered in seismic exploration: body wave and surface
wave. Surface waves move along the surface of the earth and they are of lower frequency than
body waves.
Body Waves
Body waves propagate through the earth’s inner layers, and they are further classified as
P waves and S waves. These waves are of higher frequency than surface waves.
P Waves
P waves are formed when energy is applied exactly at right angles to a medium. Particle
motion under the influence of the wave is then in the direction of propagation of the wave. As
a result of the particle motion, the rock particles are alternatively compressed and rarefracted
or pulled apart as the waves propagate. P waves are also known as compressional waves,
because of the pushing and pulling they do. They are the fastest kind of seismic waves.
Rarefraction Compression
Particle motion
P wave
S wave
Particle motion
FIGURE 2.3 Trilobit 4C ocean bottom nodes deployed on the seabed using ROV (remotely operated
vehicle) system. Source: WorldOil Online Magazine, vol. 232(9), September 2011.
P-wave velocity is always faster than S-wave velocity. The ratio of P-wave velocity to
S-wave velocity is greater than or equal to the square root of 2
Vp pffiffiffi
• The particle motion under the influence of the wave is in the direction of the energy applied
and is then perpendicular to the propagation of the wave.
• S waves can only propagate in solid.
• There is no compression and expansion as a result of the particle motion, and thus no
pressure disturbance.
• One can detect S waves through the measurement of the particle motion.
Figure 2.4 illustrates some important wave parameters that are applicable in
seismic exploration.
Wavelength Peak
Time zero
Law of Reflection
The law of reflection states that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. It also
states that the incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal at the point of incident all lie in
the same plane (Figure 2.5).
Shot point
n1 r1
n2 r2 Reflection point
For a horizontal reflector, the reflection point is half way from source point to receiver. As a
rule of thumb in the industry, the maximum offset (the offset is the distance between the
source and the receiver) is equal to the depth of the reflector. For straight rays the angle of
incidence is about 28 . But rays in the real earth are not straight. The angle of incidence
for real earth is approximately 35 (Figure 2.6).
Incidence angle Reflected angle
For a dipping reflector, the reflection point does not lie at the midpoint between the source
and the receiver but up-dip of the source receiver pair (Figure 2.7).
Source Receiver
Reflected ray
Incident ray
Dipping reflector
Note that the incident ray generates not only the reflected ray but also the refracted ray at
an angle given by Snell’s law.
Law of Refraction
The law of refraction is known as Snell’s law. It states that the ratio of the sine of the angle of
incident to the sine of the angle of refraction is a constant for a given pair of strata
n1 r1
n2 r2
Refracted angle
Refracted ray
As the angle of incidence increases in Figure 2.8, a point is finally reached where the
refracted ray does not emerge at the second layer but lie along the interface. This particular
angle of incidence at which the angle of refraction is 90 and the refracted ray lies along the
interface is known as the critical angle. At and beyond the critical angle, there is no transmit-
ted ray and therefore a very high reflected ray will be recorded (Figure 2.9).
n 1 r1
n2 r2 Refracted ray
q 2 = 90°
sin yi Vp1
sin 90 Vp2
But, sin 90 ¼ 1.
At critical angle,
sin ycritical ¼
A critical refracted wave travels along the interface between layers and is refracted back
into the upper layer at the critical angle. The waves refracted back into the upper layer are
called head waves or first-break refractions because at certain distances from a source, they
are the first arriving energy. Recorded first-break refraction is shown in Figure 2.10.
Note that these first-break refractions can give us important information about the shallow
velocities on land seismic data.
Note also that seismic data are acquired in such a way that reflections from horizons of
interest are in the pre-critical region, even at the farthest offset in the data.
In reality, part of the seismic energy arriving at an interface is transmitted and refracted,
and another part of the energy is reflected at that same interface. Given that there are many
reflectors in the subsurface, there will be many paths from source to receiver, each of them
with a different travel time. The proportion of energy reflected depends on the material
properties of the two bounding layers and on the angle of incidence.
In each layer in Figure 2.11, we have the density, r, and velocity, n. The product of velocity
and density is a material property of the layers and is known as acoustic impedance. The
acoustic impedance is an important property of a rock layer. This is because it determines
Incidence amplitude
Reflected amplitude
n1 r1
Reflection from
n2 r2 bottom of layer 1
Reflected amplitude is the difference between the two impedances of each layer divided by
their sum. The ratio of the reflected amplitude to the incidence amplitude is called the reflec-
tion coefficient and is given by the difference in acoustic impedance divided by their sum
Z2 Z1
reflection coefficient ¼
Z2 þ Z1
V2 r2 V1 r1
RC ¼
V2 r2 þ V1 r1
The sum in the denominator of the reflection coefficient equation does not have very much
effect. It is the difference in the numerator that really dominates the reflection coefficient.
For example, if we use the reflection coefficient equation and calculated that the reflection
coefficient is 0.2, then this implies that a wave with amplitude of 20% of the original ampli-
tude of the wave reaching a reflecting interface is returned towards the surface. As the energy
is proportional to the square of the amplitude, 4% of the energy is reflected, and that the
remaining energy passes through the interface (Figure 2.12).
RC = 0.2
Reflected amplitude
Incidence amplitude
Refracted amplitude
Note that reflection coefficient equation is an approximation. It only holds true for rays at
right angles to the interface.
Note also that ray path models can be used to determine the actual amplitude of the reflec-
tions returned from any layer.
Incidence amplitude
n1 r1 Reflected amplitude
n2 r2
Transmitted amplitude
Transmission coefficient (Figure 2.13) describes the amplitude of the transmitted wave
and is given by the expression
transmitted amplitude ¼
Z2 þ Z1
If the reflection coefficient is R, then a little mathematics gives the transmission coefficient
as 1 þ R, so that for a wave going from a softer rock (sand) to harder rock (shale), the trans-
mitted amplitude is greater than the incident amplitude. This is because the transmitted
amplitude is measured in a different material from the incidence and reflected amplitudes.
Layer 1 n1 r1
Layer 2
Layer 1 n1 r1
n2 r2
Shale (harder rock)
Layer 2
FIGURE 2.14 (a) The arrow shows a down-going wave. Transmission coefficient is 1 þ R. (b) The arrow shows a
up-going wave. Transmission coefficient is 1 R.
From well log data (velocity and density log), we can construct a lithologic variation such
as changes from sand to shale (Figure 2.15).
n1 r1
Shale n2 r2
Product of the velocity and density log gives the acoustic impedance (AI) log or profile as
shown in Figure 2.16.
Density log (g/cc) Velocity log (m/s) Impedance log (AI unit)
FIGURE 2.16 Density and velocity logs (derived from sonic log). The product of density and velocity logs gives
the acoustic impedance log.
Recall that, seismic reflection occurs when there is contrast in acoustic impedance across a
layer boundary. From the acoustic impedance log, the geoscientist can calculate the reflection
coefficient for each reflecting interface in the subsurface.
These reflection coefficients formed the reflectivity series which is either displayed as time
or depth.
The earth reflectivity is a set of impulse response with amplitudes proportional to the
reflection coefficient of each reflecting horizon and time of occurrence equal to the two-
way reflection time (Figure 2.17).
Note that the convolution of any time series (earth reflectivity) with a unit impulse (spike
produced from seismic energy) is simply the input time series (seismic trace).
Cross-correlation is a process for measuring the similarity of one time series (seismic trace)
to another time series (seismic trace). An example of cross-correlation is shown in Figure 2.19.
Seismic traces (time series)
Autocorrelation is simply the cross-correlation of one time series with itself.
0 25 50 75 100
a Frequency (Hz)
Phase (°)
25 50 75 100
FIGURE 2.20 (a) Amplitude spectra. (b) Phase spectra.
Convolution of our seismic trace in the time domain is equivalent to multiplication of the
trace amplitude spectrum with the filter amplitude spectrum and the addition of the trace
phase spectrum with the filter phase spectrum in the frequency domain (Figure 2.21).
X +
= =
Output trace
Amplitude spectrum Phase spectrum
The Fourier transform process allows the geoscientists to transform the seismic trace from
the time domain, which is a plot of amplitude versus time, to frequency domain, which is the
amplitude and phase spectra.
The geoscientists use inverse Fourier transform to transform the seismic trace from fre-
quency domain to time domain.
The seismic record consists of about 240 traces recorded every 25 m on the surface and
thousands of traces are in the total data volume. To transform this quantity of data into
the frequency domain, an algorithm has been developed that speeds up the process to allow
transformation from time domain to frequency domain and vice versa.
The algorithm to transform from time domain to the frequency domain is called the fast
Fourier transform (FFT).
The algorithm to transform from frequency domain to the time domain is the inverse fast
Fourier transform (IFFT).