Pimiento Et Al-2016
Pimiento Et Al-2016
Pimiento Et Al-2016
Paleontological Institute and Museum, ABSTRACT
University of Zurich, CH-8006 Zurich,
Aim Given its catastrophic consequences, the extinction of apex predators has
Switzerland, 2Florida Museum of Natural
History, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
long been of interest to modern ecology. Despite major declines, no present-
32611, USA, 3Smithsonian Tropical Research day species of marine apex predator has yet become extinct. Because of their
Institute, Balboa, Panama, 4Department of vulnerability, understanding the mechanisms leading to their extinction in the
Evolutionary Biology and Environmental past could provide insight into the natural factors that interact with human
Studies, University of Zurich, Zurich CH-8057, threats to drive their loss. We studied the geographical distribution patterns of
Switzerland, 5Departamento de Ciencias de la the extinct macro-predatory shark Carcharocles megalodon in order to elucidate
Vida, Edificio de Ciencias, Campus Externo, its pathway to extinction.
Universidad de Alcala, 28805 Alcala de
Location World-wide from the Miocene to the Pliocene (c. 23–2.6 Ma).
Henares Madrid, Spain, 6Museum f€ ur
Naturkunde, Leibniz Institute for Evolution Methods A meta-analysis of C. megalodon occurrence records was performed
and Biodiversity Science, 10115 Berlin, using the Paleobiology Database as a platform. The data were binned into geo-
Germany, 7Department of Mammalogy, logical time slices, and the circular home range around each data point was
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles mapped in reconstructions made in GPlates. We then quantitatively assessed
County, Los Angeles, CA 90007, USA, the species’ geographical range and global abundance over time, and the rela-
Division of Marine Science and Conservation, tionship between distribution and climate.
Duke University, Beaufort, NC 28516, USA
Results The pathway to extinction of C. megalodon probably started in the
late Miocene with a decrease in its global abundance. This decrease was then
followed by a decline in its geographical range during the Pliocene. Although
the extinction of C. megalodon has been attributed to climate change, we found
no evidence of direct effects of global temperature. Instead, we found that the
collapse in geographical distribution coincided mainly with a drop in the diver-
sity of filter-feeding whales and the appearance of new competitors (large
predatory whales and the great white shark).
Main conclusions This research represents the first study of the distributional
trends of an extinct, cosmopolitan apex predator in deep-time. Our results sug-
gest that biotic factors, and not direct temperature limitations, were probably
the primary drivers of the extinction of the largest marine apex predators that
*Correspondence: Catalina Pimiento, ever lived.
Paleontological Institute and Museum,
University of Zurich, Karl Schmid-Strasse 4, Keywords
CH-8006 Zurich, Switzerland.
E-mail: catalina.pimientohernandez@pim.
apex predator, area coverage, extinction drivers, Miocene, Pliocene, sharks,
uzh.ch species occupancy
Given their importance and vulnerability, understanding carried out, but only for higher taxonomic levels (e.g. the
the extinction of apex predators is of interest to modern generic level in Finnegan et al., 2015). Because C. megalodon
ecology. Despite major shifts in baseline abundances (Harnik is a relatively long-lived species with a widely distributed fos-
et al., 2012; McCauley et al., 2015), so far no species of sil record, it provides the opportunity to study the geograph-
modern marine apex predator has become extinct. However, ical distribution patterns of a predator at the species level in
because apex predators are vulnerable to extinction today, deep-time.
understanding the mechanisms that led to their extinction in We assessed the pathway to extinction of C. megalodon by
the past could provide insight into the natural factors that studying its geographical distribution over geological time.
interact with human threats to drive their loss. Analysis of the results provided with insights into the mech-
Carcharocles megalodon (megalodon) is the largest marine anisms of extinction in light of the hypotheses that have
apex predator to have ever lived. It reached a maximum been proposed (see above), which we categorized into two
length of 18 m and ranged world-wide during the Miocene groups, i.e. biotic and climatic. Accordingly, we assessed
and Pliocene (Gottfried et al., 1996; Purdy, 1996; Pimiento C. megalodon’s geographical distribution trends over time
& Balk, 2015). Recent studies suggest that it became extinct and how they related to biotic and climatic events. The dis-
c. 2.6 Ma, at the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary (Pimiento & tributional patterns of a cosmopolitan apex predator species
Clements, 2014). Bite marks on fossil bones and associated have never been studied before over a geological time-scale.
fauna suggest that this species preyed on marine mammals Hence, this research provides a deep-time perspective on the
(Spizuco et al., 1993; Morgan, 1994; Gottfried et al., 1996; extinction of apex predators. In a broader context, our study
Purdy, 1996; Aguilera & De Aguilera, 2004; Aguilera et al., has the potential to inform conservation efforts to address
2008). Based on its trophic level, cosmopolitan distribution the current global extinction crisis of many species of large
and the impact that modern sharks have on prey populations sharks.
and ecosystem structure (Myers et al., 2007; Estes et al.,
2011), it can be inferred that the extinction of C. megalodon
had a major impact on ancient marine communities
(Pimiento & Clements, 2014).
Data collection
It has been hypothesized that the extinction of C. megalodon
was caused by: (1) a decline in diversity of filter-feeding whales All published records of C. megalodon were collected using
and pinnipeds; (2) competition with large predatory whales the Paleobiology Database (PaleoBioDB, https://paleo
(e.g. odontocetes, killer whales); (3) climate change (mainly biodb.org; parameters: species name = Carcharocles megalodon,
cooling); or (4) a shift in the distribution of large marine last search date June 2013). The PaleoBioDB takes all
mammal prey species towards higher latitudes (Morgan, 1994; synonyms into consideration when searching for a taxon. For
Allmon et al., 1996; Gottfried et al., 1996; Allmon, 2001; a discussion of our taxonomic assignment of the species
Lindberg & Pyenson, 2006). The first two hypotheses imply megalodon to the genus Carcharocles, see Pimiento et al.
that biotic factors such as competition and prey availability (2010), Ehret et al. (2012), Pimiento et al. (2013a,b) and
were major extinction drivers, whereas the second two Pimiento & Balk (2015).
hypotheses imply that C. megalodon was physiologically We searched for additional C. megalodon reports using the
constrained to warmer temperatures. These hypotheses remain ISI Web of Science (http://webofknowledge.com), GeoRef
untested because the extinction pathway of this apex predator (http://geoscienceworld.org), Google Scholar (http://scholar.-
has not been studied. google.com) and Shark-References (http://shark-references.-
Geographical distribution correlates strongly with extinc- com) with the search terms: Megalodon OR Carcharodon
tion susceptibility in a wide variety of modern and fossil taxa AND megalodon OR Carcharocles AND megalodon. Any new
(Jablonski, 1986; Jablonski & Flessa, 1986; McKinney, 1997; data were catalogued as occurrences in PaleoBioDB (Archive
Purvis et al., 2000; Kiessling & Aberhan, 2007; Payne & Fin- #20: http://goo.gl/PpIh0G). In total, the data archive com-
negan, 2007; Brook et al., 2008; Davidson et al., 2009, 2012). prised 284 records consisting of 82 pre-existing records and
Geographical distribution consists of two closely related vari- 124 new records.
ables: geographical range and abundance (Kiessling & Aber- Each of our data points represented a fossil collection (i.e.
han, 2007; Lyons & Smith, 2010). Therefore, studying a set of fossil occurrences that were co-located geographically
species’ geographical range and abundance patterns over geo- and temporally) and were mostly represented by isolated
logical time could further our understanding of extinction teeth. Each collection was treated as an occurrence and was
pathways (e.g. Payne & Finnegan, 2007). linked to one or more supporting references. Although C.
The fossil record of extinct terrestrial predators (e.g. dino- megalodon teeth are typically large and easily recovered
saurs) is particularly scarce (Wang & Dodson, 2006; Barrett from their respective faunas, we also collected records of
et al., 2009; O’Gorman & Hone, 2013), making it difficult to C. megalodon absences (i.e. all other records from the
assess their distributional patterns, and hence pathways of Miocene and Pliocene that reported shark assemblages but
extinction of a single species. Research into the geographical not C. megalodon). We used the absences in our analysis of
distribution of marine predators and extinction risk has been occupancy (see below).
In order to explore further the relationship between geo- Caribbean and western Atlantic (Antigua and Barbuda,
graphical distribution and climate, we carried out two analy- Barbados, Cuba, Grenada, Jamaica and Puerto Rico), and
ses. For the first, we created time bins using the methods Europe (Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Den-
described above, but for every 2 Myr and latitudinal bins mark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Malta, the Nether-
every 15°. We then calculated the occupancy range per time lands, Turkey, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain)
and latitudinal bin, and generated a raster image (using (Fig. 1). Fossil occurrences were also located in Asia (Japan,
‘geom_raster’ from the ggplot2 package). We used occupancy India and Myanmar), Africa (Angola, Libya, Nigeria and
rather than occurrence to take into account the difference in South Africa) and Oceania (Australia, Fiji and New Zealand).
total number of sites (= samples) per bin. For the second Reports with inadequate or insufficient stratigraphical, geo-
analysis, we developed an ecological niche model using a graphical or taxonomic information included occurrences
subsample from the Pliocene. Our subsample consisted of from Austria, Colombia, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Malta,
the 18 occurrences (marked with an asterisk in Table S1) Mexico, UK, USA (California and South Carolina), South
that overlapped with the climatic global circulation model Africa, Spain and Venezuela. Areas with a lack of occurrences
CCSM4 (community climate system model; Peter et al., included Brazil, the Pacific coast of northern Central Amer-
2011) and represented a solid estimate of the distribution of ica, the northern part of the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean
the species because it covered its entire latitudinal range. We and the Southern Ocean (Fig. 1).
built the model for the Pliocene using the climatic envelope Our data-quality screening process and time-binning
‘Bioclim’ (Busby, 1991), then projected the model into the analysis revealed that the oldest reliable records of C. mega-
Last Glacial Maximum, Holocene and Recent to test whether lodon were early Miocene in age (see Appendix S2). For
the climatic changes during the glacial–interglacial periods this time period, fossils of the species were mostly dis-
would have been related to changes in the distribution of the tributed in the Northern Hemisphere, with the majority of
species. For a detailed methodology see Appendix S2. the fossil occurrences being in the Caribbean, western
Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, and a few in the central
Paratethys (Austria), eastern Atlantic (Portugal), Indian
Ocean (India) and USA (California). Southern Hemisphere
Carcharocles megalodon was distributed globally, with occur- records only included a few occurrences in Australia
rences in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. The species (Fig. 2d; see Appendix S2). For the middle Miocene,
had a geographical range from 55.28° N to 43.99° S and records of C. megalodon were present in the major ocean
from 178.32° E to 122.35° W and it was found mostly in the basins of the world, occurring widely in the Neotropics
Americas (Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, (the Caribbean and central Eastern Pacific), the western
Mexico, Panama, Peru, USA, Venezuela and Uruguay), the Atlantic (New Jersey and Maryland) and Europe (eastern
Figure 1 Carcharocles megalodon fossil occurrences. Blue dots represent fossil occurrences of the species, yellow dots represent dubious
occurrences (i.e. occurrences without adequate associated stratigraphic, taxonomic or geographical information).
Early Miocene
Atlantic and Mediterranean–central Paratethys). In the Figure 3 Carcharocles megalodon geographical distribution over
Indo-Pacific Ocean, C. megalodon occurred in Australia and time. Blue = global area coverage (a proxy of geographical
India, and in the western Pacific it occurred in Japan range). The box plot shows the interquartile range of the 1000
(Fig. 2c). For the late Miocene, records of C. megalodon randomizations. The line connects the median value of each
were distributed along the coasts of the Americas (from period. Green = species occupancy (a proxy of global
California to Chile in the Pacific, and from Florida to
Argentina in the Atlantic) and Europe, with some occur-
rences in southern Africa, New Zealand and Japan
(Fig. 2b). For the Pliocene, the fossil record of C. mega- Table 1 Carcharocles megalodon latitudinal metrics over time.
lodon had a scattered distribution along the Americas, with Range Maximum Minimum Mean Mode
occurrences in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Angola
(Fig. 2a). Taken together, the temporal maps revealed that Pliocene 87.60° 44.90° N 42.70° S 14.74° 28.00°
Late Miocene 102.50° 55.50° N 47.00° S 13.3° 9.10°
the Atlantic Ocean (including the Caribbean), California
Middle Miocene 102.60° 53.10° N 49.50° S 29.56° 34.50°
and Australia were persistently inhabited by this species Early Miocene 98.20° 48.70° N 49.50° S 19.95° 38.70°
throughout its duration.
Our analyses of fossil occurrences indicate that C. megalodon
was a cosmopolitan species with a widespread distribution
that covered the major ocean basins in the tropical, subtropi-
cal and temperate regions (Fig. 1; see Table S3). Analyses of
occurrences over time showed that C. megalodon originated
during the early Miocene (Fig. 3), rather than the middle
Miocene as previously assumed (Applegate & Espinosa-Arru- (c)
barrena, 1996; Purdy et al., 2001; Pimiento et al., 2010,
2013a,b; Pimiento & Balk, 2015). Furthermore, it has been
widely accepted that C. chubutensis (or its synonym Car-
charocles subauriculatus) preceded C. megalodon and occurred
in the early Miocene (Applegate & Espinosa-Arrubarrena,
1996; Pimiento et al., 2013b). However, our data evaluation
process (see Appendix S2) and time-binning analysis indi-
cated that C. megalodon also occurred in the early Miocene.
These early Miocene records were carefully examined follow-
ing our evaluation process (see Appendix S2) to corroborate
that they were indeed C. megalodon, and not C. chubutensis
(see Materials and Methods). Among these records, those
stratigraphically constrained to the stage level reported C.
megalodon in the Burdigalian (20.43–15.97 Ma). Given that
both C. megalodon and C. chubutensis are chronospecies
within the megatooth lineage (Ward & Bonavia, 2001;
Pimiento & Balk, 2015), it is possible that C. chubutensis
Temperature trends (ºC)
60 4
Latitudinal bins
15 Figure 5 Potential environmentally suitable areas for
0 Carcharocles megalodon in the Pliocene, projected to the Last
-15 Glacial Maximum (LGM), Holocene and Recent time periods.
-30 0
-45 Black dots indicate the fossil occurrences. Suitability ranges from
-60 0 (not suitable) to 1 (optimum).
22.6 20.6 18.6 16.6 14.6 12.6 10.6 8.6 6.6 4.6 2.6
occurred during the Aquitanian and C. megalodon originated
Time bins
in the Burdigalian. More studies are needed to establish the
Occupancy origination and extinction times of all chronospecies within
global abundance. This discrepancy indicates that the exten- resources (e.g. smaller cetaceans such as small whales and
sive geographical range of C. megalodon in the late Miocene dolphins).
could have been a response to a global population decline. In the Pliocene, the relative abundance of C. megalodon
This result also suggests that geographical range alone can- not only continued to decrease, but its geographical range
not be considered an indicator of extinction vulnerability, also declined (Fig. 3). At the end of the late Miocene and
as a widespread range can be a response to population during part of the Zanclean (early Pliocene), there was a
decline. temporary increase in the diversity of cetaceans (Morgan,
1994). However, during the rest of the Pliocene, mysticete
diversity declined again (Allmon et al., 1996; Allmon, 2001;
Biotic mechanisms
Marx & Uhen, 2010). Lindberg & Pyenson (2006) noted the
The pathway to extinction of C. megalodon started in the late permanent attenuation of mysticete diversity coincident with
Miocene, with a drop in its global abundance (Fig. 3). Dur- the last records of C. megalodon during the Pliocene.
ing this time, a number of biotic events occurred that could Although odontocetes also declined during the first half of
have been related to this trend. A massive diversity crash of the Pliocene, they had a slight recovery at the end of the
cetaceans took place around this time (Marx & Uhen, 2010: Pliocene and throughout the Pleistocene (Marx & Uhen,
fig. 1). Whether or not C. megalodon preyed upon marine 2010). In addition, the appearance and diversification of
mammals remains an open question; however, cetacean fos- other potential competitors for C. megalodon also occurred
sils [e.g. mysticetes (filter-feeding whales) and odontocetes during the Pliocene, including large delphinids, for example,
(toothed whales)] are frequently found together with C. the killer whale (Orcinus) (Lindberg & Pyenson, 2006), and
megalodon teeth, and C. megalodon bite marks have been the modern great white shark, C. carcharias (Ehret et al.,
identified in some cetacean material, leading to the hypothe- 2012).
sis of a predator–prey relationship (Spizuco et al., 1993; Previous studies have found that macro-evolutionary
Morgan, 1994; Allmon et al., 1996; Gottfried et al., 1996; trends in large sharks are linked to the origin and diversifica-
Purdy, 1996; Allmon, 2001; Purdy et al., 2001; Aguilera & tion of marine mammals (Adnet & Martin, 2007). Because
De Aguilera, 2004; Aguilera et al., 2008; Antunes et al., the predator–prey and competitive interactions of C. mega-
2015). This hypothesis is further supported by the significant lodon have not been rigorously studied yet, we cannot know
increase in mysticete body size after the extinction of for certain whether C. megalodon fed directly upon filter-
C. megalodon (Pimiento & Clements, 2014). The coincidental feeding whales, or competed directly with large odontocetes
timing of the decline in global abundance of C. megalodon and the great white shark (e.g. Morgan, 1994). However, the
and the drop in diversity of mysticetes and odontocetes dur- evidence from the marine fossil record suggests that biotic
ing the late Miocene suggests that the evolutionary history of factors in the late Miocene (a drop in potential diversity of
cetaceans played a role in the extinction of C. megalodon. cetaceans and the appearance of new competitors) and Plio-
Another biotic factor that could have been connected with cene (a persistent diversity drop in mysticetes and the
the decline in global abundance of C. megalodon during the appearance and diversification of new apex predators) coin-
late Miocene is the appearance of new potential competitors. cide with the continued and prominent decrease in geo-
During the middle Miocene, raptorial sperm whales appeared graphical distribution of C. megalodon prior to its extinction
and persisted through the late Miocene (Lambert et al., at the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary. Future studies are
2010). It has been proposed that these pan-physeteroids needed to clarify the identity of species interacting with
occupied feeding niches similar to that of extant killer whale, C. megalodon.
Orcinus orca. If so, some of the largest of these raptorial apex
predators probably fed mostly on smaller baleen whales and
Climatic mechanisms
other marine mammals, and therefore competed with C.
megalodon for available food resources (Lambert et al., 2010, It has been suggested that the extinction of C. megalodon
2014). Furthermore, Carcharodon hubbelli, the ancestor of was associated with climate change (Gottfried et al., 1996).
the modern great white shark (C. carcharias), first appeared Various climatic events can be associated with the distribu-
during the late Miocene (Ehret et al., 2012). Evidence of tional trends of this species over time. For instance, the max-
competition between C. megalodon and C. hubbelli has not imum global abundance of C. megalodon during the middle
been reported, but the co-occurrence of both has been Miocene (Fig. 3) overlaps with the exceptionally warm cli-
recorded in the Pisco Formation of Peru (Ehret et al., 2012). mates of MMCO. Moreover, its subsequent drop in global
Moreover, based on tooth morphology (a good proxy of abundance during the late Miocene coincides with the rela-
diet), the great white shark and C. megalodon are considered tively cooler climates that occurred thereafter. During the
to be ecological analogues (Applegate & Espinosa-Arrubar- Pliocene, the continuing decline of C. megalodon corresponds
rena, 1996; Purdy et al., 2001; Pimiento et al., 2010; Ehret with the well-known oscillation of warm and cold tempera-
et al., 2012; Pimiento & Balk, 2015). It therefore can be tures (Fig. 4; Zachos et al., 2001). Thus, it is possible that C.
inferred that, when they co-occurred, these two closely megalodon benefited from warmer climates and was nega-
related sharks were competing for some of the same tively affected during colder (or transitional) periods, as
previously proposed (Gottfried et al., 1996; Purdy, 1996). If clues regarding the pathway to extinction for the largest
this was the case, then during cold periods higher occupancy shark that ever lived. Further studies of predator–prey inter-
values should be expected towards the tropics compared with actions in relevant ancient marine ecosystems are needed to
temperate regions. Even when we found a higher frequency identify the causes of its extinction.
of occurrences in tropical latitudes during the late Miocene
(modal value; Table 1), our analysis of occupancy range per
latitude and time did not show such a gradient (Fig. 4).
Moreover, we found that the distribution of C. megalodon This project was funded by the NSF EAR 0418042, PIRE
did not contract during cold periods, nor did it expand dur- 0966884 (OISE, DRL, EAR). We thank the following muse-
ing warm periods (Fig. 4). ums for allowing us to study their specimens: the British
Distributional shifts in marine mammals, i.e. cetaceans Natural History Museum; Museo Argentino de Ciencias Nat-
(Gaskin, 1982) and pinnipeds (Demere et al., 2003: fig. 3.7), urales ‘Bernardino Rivadavia’; Museo de La Plata; Museo de
to anti-tropical latitudes have been proposed as another Historia Natural de la Universidad de San Marcos, Lima;
potential cause of the extinction of C. megalodon (Gottfried Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Chile; Florida
et al., 1996). This hypothesis implies that this shark was Museum of Natural History; Natural History Museum of
physiologically unable to follow its prey to higher latitudes. Los Angeles County; San Diego Natural History Museum;
Conversely, our results indicate that C. megalodon occurred University of California Museum of Paleontology; Smithso-
in a wide geographical and temperature range, including nian Institution National Museum of Natural History; Field
anti-tropical latitudes (Figs 2 & 5; Table 1; see Table S3). Museum of Natural History; North Carolina Museum of
Most importantly, our ecological niche models show that Natural Sciences; Museum national d’Histoire naturelle;
global temperature changes (such as the extreme cold climate Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Museum f€ur Nat-
of the Last Glacial Maximum) would not have affected the urkunde and Museo de Nacional de Ciencias Naturales de
distribution of C. megalodon. These results are in agreement Madrid. Special thanks go to P. Hietz and O. Rodriguez for
with the physiological capability of large sharks (such as the their assistance accessing the collections at the Museum of
great white shark, an ecological analogue of C. megalodon) to Natural History, Vienna, Austria, and to D. I. Hastie and E.
conserve metabolic heat by maintaining a higher body tem- Fitzgerald for assistance accessing the collections at the
perature than the surrounding water, i.e. mesothermy or Museum Victoria, Australia. Thanks to J. Fischer and K.
regional endothermy (Bernal et al., 2001; Grady et al., 2014), Tsukui-Shockey for their help in translating papers to Eng-
which in turn gives them the capacity to exist in colder lish, to M. Kowalewski for his advice on the analyses, and to
waters (Goldman, 1997; Bonfil et al., 2005) and have a wide- B. Kent, J. Kriwet and an anonymous referee for their con-
spread distribution (Fergusson et al., 2009; Dambach & structive comments, which substantially improved this
R€odder, 2011). Taken together, our results demonstrate that manuscript. Finally, thanks to J. N. Griffin and D. Hone for
the pathway to extinction for C. megalodon was not driven their insight. This is University of Florida Contribution to
directly by temperature limitations. Paleobiology number 695 and Paleobiology Database publi-
cation number 253.
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Author contributions: C.P., B.M. and B.S. conceived the
SUPPORTING INFORMATION ideas; C.P., C.C., S.V. and C.J. designed the analyses; C.P.
collected the data; C.P., C.C. S.V. and J.V.J. analysed the
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the data; C.P. led the writing.
online version of this article:
Appendix S1 Occurrences of Carcharocles megalodon
Editor: Lawrence Heaney
included (Table S1) and excluded (Table S2) in the analyses.