Delta Prime

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Written and Designed by: Matt Forbeck
Additional Material By: Brendon Goodyear, Marcelo Figueroa
Line Editor: Patrick Kapera
Layout: Matt Forbeck, jim pinto
Cover: Val Mayerik
Cover Background: Zeke Sparkes
Cover Art: Val Mayerik
Interior Art: Jim Callahan, Carl Frank
Art Director: jim pinto
Maps: Brendon Goodyear
Proofreading: Patrick Kapera

Special Thanks to: Amber Buchheit, Martin Forbeck, Marcelo Figueroa, Leticia
Hayler, Patrick Kapera, Ann Kolinsky, Daniel Landers, Ray Lau, Dave Seay,
Derron Whitaker, Maureen Yates, John Zinser, and John and Mary Zinser

The editor of this book would also like to thank Brendon Goodyear, Kevin P.
Boerwinkle, Marcelo Figueroa, and jim pinto, and the rest of the Defiance!
Team, without whose tireless efforts during the 11th hour, this book would not
have shined quite so brightly.

Playtesting and Advice: Kevin P. Boerwinkle, Marcelo Figueroa, Shane Lacy

Hensley, Patrick Kapera, Hal Mangold, Zeke Sparkes, Matt Tice, and John

Dedicated to: My grandparents,

Ken and Angie Forbeck and Ray and Berenice Fink.

Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Brave New World, Defiants, Defiance,

4045 Guasti Road #212 Bargainers, Patriot, Superior, Truth, the
Ontario, CA 91761 Yankee, Triumph, Inc., Evil Unlimited, delta, alpha, Delta Prime, the AEG logo
[email protected] and all character names and likenesses
(909) 390-5444 (orders only) depicted herein are Trademarks of
Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.
Stop by © 2000 Alderac Entertainment Group,
for Brave New World news! Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Printed in the USA. Brave New World

created by Matt Forbeck.
WHCOME TO DHTA PRIME .............. 4 LIVING IN AMERKA .................... 42 (HAPTER ONE:
Welcome to the Fold ...... 5 Let's Get to Work ........ .43 NEW POWER PACKAGES ........... 13
Let's Get This Life Under Primer Quirks ............... 73
Out of the Way ........... 5 Martial Law .............. 43 Primer Equipment ....... 73
Freedom ....................... .44 Booster ........................... 74
THE HISTORY OF DHTA PRIME ..... 10 The New Law .............. .44 Charger .......................... 76
Greetings ....................... 11 Businesses .................... .47 Copycat ......................... 78
Before the Storm ........... 12 The Law ......................... 48 Hound ........................... 80
The Tragedy The Suspension Interrogator ................... 82
in Dallas .................... 14 of Civil Rights .......... 49 Watcher .......................... 84
The Day the
Alphas Died ............. 15 PRIME HEADQUARTERS ............... )
ro A New Skill ................... 85
Interesting Times .......... 16 Welcome to the Spire ... 51 ARCHETYPES ............................... 86
The Building Itself ....... 51
DELTA PRIME'S MISSION ............... 18 Security .......................... 52 (HAPTER TWO:
Introductions Enforcement .................. 53 GADGETS &GADGETEERS ....... 93
Are in Order ............. 19 Operations .................... 53 Welcome to the
What We're Investigation ................. 54 World of Gadgets ..... 93
All About .................. 19 R&D ............................... 54 Delta Prime
It's the Same Interrogation ................. 54 and Gadgets ............. 93
Old Saw ..................... 19 Management ................. 54 Creating Your Own
Service ........................... 20 Reagan's Office ............. 55 Gadgets ..................... 96
Protection ...................... 20 The Roof ........................ 55 New Gadgets ................ 97
At All Costs ................... 22 The EI Stop .................... 55
The Garage .................... 55 THE GUIDE'SHANDBOOK ........... 101
JOINING DHTA PRIME ................. 24 The Barracks .. ............... 56
Thanks for Joining! ...... 25 The Training Center ..... 56 (HAPTER THREE:
From Delta Our Bosses .................... 57
Academy ................... 26
Prime HQ Maps ........... 58
From Delta Using This Part of
Squadron ................... 27 OTHER PRIME FACILlTlH .............. 60 the Book ................... 103
Delta Prime Direct ....... 28 Project Omega ............ 103
Time for the
Voluntarily Bobby Kennedy's
Grand Tour! .............. 61
Compliance .............. 29 Death ........................ 103
Crescent City ................ 61
Amnesty Program ........ 29 Black Ops .................... 104
Denver ........................... 62
Delta Loan Program .... 30 Amnesty National.. .... l04
Los Angeles ................... 63
Work-Release Going Defiant ............. 105
Miami ............................. 64
Program .................... 30 The Delta
New York ...................... 65
Some Numbers ............. 30 Population .............. 106
Seattle ............................ 66
Buddy, Can You
Washington, DC ........... 66
DELTA PRIME'S ORGANIZATION .... n Spare a Delta? ......... 106
Hello, Recruit ................ 33 IN CLOSING ................................. 68 Interrogation ............... 107
The Agency ................... 34 This Isn't Over .............. 69 Life in These
There Are Rules ............ 34 A Few Parting Words .. 69 United States .......... 107
Ranks ............................. 36 The Revelation You've Delta Hounds ............. 111
Divisions ....................... 38 Been Waiting For ..... 70 America's Most
A Bit of Clarification .... 70 Wanted ..................... 112
So, Why AmI ADVESARIES ............................... 114
Telling You This? ..... 70
What's It All About? ... 71 AUTHOR'S AFTERWORD .............. 124


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Hello, recruit, and welcome to Delta Once you 've had a chance to
Prime. I d on't know why the bigwigs at swallow that little firecracker, you're
HQ chose me to do this, b u t I've been bound to have a few questions about
asked to work with a couple of these me. I'm not one to talk about myself
techno-geeks to d evelop a website for much, but in the interest of reducing
new Delta Prime recruits. any distraction my iden tity might
So here it is. cau se, I'm going to launch a
Don't choke on it. There's a lot of preemptive strike. I'll try to answer a
information here. I've been w ith Delta few of your questions here before they
Prime for a long time, and I've worked get in the way of what's really
w ith the best our agency has to offer. important-your future with Delta
There's a lot to say, and a lot th at you Prime.
need to know. So let's get started.
WHO AM I? Most Delta Prime agents--or
Oh, yeah. The fact is, rookie, I'm a Primers, as most people call us-lead
soldier, not a writer. The powers that be fairly private lives. But when our
have seen fit to saddle this bucking government call us u p into service, we
bronco with an editor by the name of answer like the citizens of every
Sarah Greenburg, and Sarah's made it generation before us, whether they had
crystal clear to me that I should delta powers or n ot.
identify myself before I continue. The younger ones head to Delta
I'm not so sure I agree. Academy. Those of age for the military
What's important here isn't me; it's join Delta Squadron. Some of us jump
the message. I'll confess to being a bit righ t into Delta Prime.
worried that if you know who I am, it's We all serve our country proudly.
going to color your opinions of what I This isn't something you do for glory
have to say. or fame. You do it because lives depend
And that's something we can' t risk. on you, becau se you love your country,
On the other hand, my captain has and because it' s the right thing to do.
told me that I'm to bow to Sarah's That's why I joined Delta Prime.
experience in all matters regarding this If you' re a college football fan, you
document. If there's one thing I know m ight remember the incident that led
about, it's the importance of following to my awakening. I was the starting
orders, of placing your trust in the running back for the University of
people above you. Those with a good Miami b ack in '86. We were called the
view of the big picture, of doing what Hurricanes. Fitting name for a team
your government asks of you. based in a city that was routinely
My name's Eddie Hamilton. Some of battered by h orrible tropical storms.
you may know me by m y codename: I actually came into my powers on
Charge. I've been in the news a lot the field. It was during one of the worst
lately. storms of the century. It wasn't really a
I'm the man who captured Patriot. hurricane, but it shook my life up just
the same. me/page 5
LIGHTNING STRIK£S TWIU well, punching a nice hole open for me .
I saw daylight and ran straight for it.
Actually, it only had to hit me once. The Florida tacklers ate my dust.
That's right. I'm that Eddie Hamilton. I high-stepped it into the endzone all
It was late in the fourth quarter, and by myself, ripping off my helmet and
we were down by five points against holding it high in the air, celebrating
our hated rivals, the University of what would turn out to be the final
Florida. Despite our frequent reliance touchdown of my life.
on a modified version of the West I never heard the thunder. The
Coast's air-attack, the winds were just lightning bolt cracked down out of the
making it too difficult to pass. The sky and smacked into my helmet and
quarterback kept giving me the ball to down through me. Before I could even
run down the field. think liMy career is over," I was
I was having the best game of my knocked flat on my back in the pouring
career. There had been Heisman talk ram.
before the game, and I was sure that My heart stopped. I actually
my performance that day was going to flatlined. I was clinically dead.
seal it for me. The team doctors dashed across the
With time running down, we were field and started work on me right
still 43 yards from the Florida endzone. away. One thing you can say about
Desperate to score before the clock ran well-funded Division lA football
down, the quarterback handed me the programs: they've got plenty of money
ball, and I drove hard through the The docs got my heart beating again
middle. The boys up front did their job within three minutes. I woke up right
about then, and that's when all hell else. The burst of electricity I released
broke loose. fried them where they stood. Everyone
else within 20 yards was knocked flat,
including most of the fans. The rest
ARUOf AWAKfNING watched as the ball of static shock
If you've gotten this far into Delta cleared a sphere around me.
Prime, you know all about awakenings. I don't remember any of this, of
They're rarely pleasant. After all, course. I passed out again right after
discovering that you can blow up parts my body released the burst, and I
of your body or bounce bullets off of didn't wake up until late the next
your skin can be pretty traumatic. morning.
Fortunately, most deltas find out But I've seen the video of it a
what's happened to them in private. hundred times. If you weren't too busy
They have time to think about what playing with your Cabbage Patch Kid
they want to do about their "gift". to notice, you probably saw it, too.
Do they comply with the Delta When I finally woke up, two Primers
Registration Act, or do they betray their were waiting near my hospital bed.
country and their fellow Americans, They popped a tape into a Beta VCR
and run like cowards? they'd brought with them, and showed
I didn't have that choice to make. me the footage of two innocent men
Sure, l'd have joined up with Delta being murdered. Two men who were
Prime either way. I know my duty, and only trying to help me. The doctor that
I believe in this great country of ours. was killed was even one of the two
But I wasn't offered the option. who brought me back. His hands had
I was the first delta to awaken on pumped my chest until I started
live TV-in front of millions. breathing again.
When I woke up, my body was And how did I repay the favor?
coursing with energy. They say I was Once I got over the initial shock and
actually crackling with tiny fingers of remorse, I talked with the Primers. I
bluish-white electricity even as the assumed they had come to arrest me
doctors were jumpstarting my heart. By for the "murders". I put out my arms
the time I regained consciousness, I for the handcuffs that I knew were
was ready to burst. coming, and told them I wouldn't
And, unfortunately, that's exactly resist. "I'm ready to pay the price for
what I did. what I've done," I said.
It was a real mess. Everyone in the But the handcuffs never came.
stadium got the shock of their lives. The Primers just laughed at me
The two docs that were working on me nervously. After a moment, one of them
were blown back twenty yards. Dozens spoke.
of folks who were huddled around my "Son," he explained, "we're not here
stretcher, trying to see what was to arrest you. The tape clearly shows
happening, were singed by the that the explosion was an accident.
electrical storm released through my There's no way you could have helped
body. Even some of the fans in the what happened there."
bleachers felt the wave of force. The Primer smiled at me again.
One of the doctors and a student "We're not here to arrest you. We're
trainer-in-training never felt anything here to recruit you."
gifts as an athlete, either. I just did the
APRIMER'S LIfE best I could with what God gave me.
As a red-shirt senior, I was too old Now that I had delta powers, I was
for Delta Squadron, so I jumped right going to do the same.
into Delta Prime. The government was Of course, there was one other
kind enough to allow me to finish out reason I never considered leaving Delta
my undergrad degree that spring, but Prime for greener pastures. From the
after that, it was off to the old Torpedo start of my career as a delta, the blood
Factory in Alexandria, Virginia, to start of two innocents stained my hands. My
training. superiors at Delta Prime knew that it
My football career was officially was an accident, and convinced the
over. Sure, I suppose I could have Miami authorities that it would benefit
petitioned to join the Deltaballieague. the country more for me to serve under
A guy with skills like mine could have their watchful eyes than those of a
dominated there, and made carloads of warden at New Alcatraz.
cash in both salary and endorsements, That's not the only reason I stuck
but that just wasn't for me. with Delta Prime, though. If I'd just
No, I didn't get into this so I could gone AWOL, the murder charges
cash in on it. Of course, I didn't "get would have just been tacked onto
into" this at all, at least not on my own. criminal noncompliance with the ORA.
I didn't have a choice about becoming a Either way, I'd have been checking into
delta. the nearest federally-sponsored "hotel
But I hadn't really chosen my natural for men" on a permanent basis.
No, I went to Delta Prime willingly,
proudly even. It was a chance for me to
serve my country using a gift few
others had. Though I hadn't had any
control over my amazing new powers,
I was glad that I'd received them-and
I dedicated my life to proving that I
was worthy of them.
If I could help out just a few people
along the way, maybe that might make
up in some small way for the two good,
innocent men who'd died on that dark
and stormy day when I awoke.
Ha ... Gotta watch the purple prose
there. Sarah tells me I've got a flair for
the dramatic. What she really means is
that I'm a ham.

Of course, the reason everybody
knows my name these days is that I led
the team who finally captured Patriot.
What most people don't know is that
.! Web Sailor Pro 4.20 Beta fI ~
• Stop I

there was a reason I was chosen to lead known as one of Delta Prime's top
that team. operatives.
You see, there aren't many Primers He was just that good.
who know Patriot better than me. And I was one of his best students.
I didn't know anything about him He took me under his wing and taught
before I was recruited into Delta Prime; me everything he knew. And in the
he w as working with the CIA back end, he taught me wh at I needed to
then-as one of their top operatives, know to finally bring him down.
and he was under deep cover more June 16, 1999, was a dark day for me.
often than not. Despite what you might think,
But sometimes he took a break, and bringing Patriot in wasn't one of my
trained new recruits at the Delta proudest moments. It was awful to see
Academy. I w as fortunate enough to be myoId mentor run down like a mad
one of his students when I moved into dog in the streets of Crescent City. It
advanced combat training. was worse to have to be the one
Let me tell you, recruit, there's a leading the pack that brought him in.
reason that man w as teaching us how But that's what he w as: a mad d og.
to fight. He was good-maybe one of Not only had he left the fold, he was
the best-especially among those actively working against us, helping
whose skills were boosted by some the Defiance undermine our authority.
kind of delta power. And he could And there's only one way to deal with
pound most people into the dirt a mad dog.
without breaking a sweat. You put it down-for good.
There's also a reason Patriot is
/1 10
But they weren't getting rid of me
GREETINGS that easily. I'd spent too many years
Welcome, young delta. working for Delta Prime, and I wasn't
My name is Dr. Archibald about to go gently into the good night
Beauchamp, and I'm the Director of civilian employment or-worse
Emeritus of Delta Prime's Research and yet-retirement.
Development Division. That's how I ended up with the
What that means is that I was here word "Emeritus" added to my job title.
when the whole thing started-Delta Now what's that mean? "Emeritus"?
Prime, that is-and I've been with the Well-other than the original Latin root
program ever since. As a leader in the "emeriri," which means "to earn by
field of delta research, I was at the top service" -it means that I've got a job
of President Kennedy's list when he for life, basically doing whatever I
formed a think tank to explore the want. After running R&D for so many
possibility of an all-delta government years, it's a real pleasure to get back
agency. And when Delta Prime into the lab again and work on projects
eventually-some say inevitably- that please me.
came into being, I was immediately Of course, my career's not quite as
named director of its Research & rosy as that statement might imply. Just
Development Division. because I'm allowed to do what I like
Of course, that was over 35 years doesn't mean I have funding for it. The
ago, and I've long since retired from private sector can be a harsh place for
my position as director of R&D. I was starving researchers. But since Ronald
no spring chicken when I first joined Reagan-the current Director of Delta
Delta Prime, and I sure didn't get any Prime-cut his teeth under my
younger while working for the direction, I can usually manage to
government. wrangle what I need for my projects.
Have you ever noticed how people
in positions of great responsibility tend
to age rather quickly? Take any
President before the seemingly ageless You'll have to forgive an old man his
Kennedy (How does he do it?). Most ramblings. You're not here to listen to
are old and grey before they even leave me talk about my history and current
office. projects. Of course, if you are, you can
It was like that for me. The stress of stop by my office any time for a chat.
keeping up with such a uniquely- I'm always happy to speak with new
important organization-and the recruits. Perhaps we might be able to
terrible burden they shouldered- learn something from each other. I've
seemed to multiply the years. With the been in "the Agency" (as we on the
Defiant threat looming ever closer to inside like to call it) for a long time, and
critical mass, so did the demands on have a lot of prime info to pass on.
R&D to contain it. I lasted over 30 years But you're here to learn about Delta
in the same position before my failing Prime-how it all began, where it's
health finally forced me to reconsider been, and where it's headed.
my lifestyle, and bow out of the So where to start?
government life for good. I suppose there's no better place than
the beginning. 11
turn them over to secret laboratories
BEFORE THE STORM fille d w ith men in w hite coats who
Although few if any of you likely w ould poke and p rod them with tests
remember, Delta Prime hasn't always and needles.
been the first-rate law enforcement I have to admit, they weren't far
squad it is today. In fact, there was a wrong. As part of Project Delta, I was
time-early in the days of deltas- one of those white-coated men, and I'll
when it didn't even exist at all. confess that we weren't always as
Back when I was working with humane w ith d eltas as we should have
Project Delta during World War II, the been.
idea of a nonmilitary government That's not to say we were animals;
agency filled with deltas would have w e didn' t engage in vivisection or
had Congress laughing for weeks. other potentially lethal experiments.
For one thing, most deltas stayed as We kept our subjects confined to the
far away from the government as they base and restricted their freedoms
could in those days. Sure, some of them while w e studied them, but we never
signed on with the Army and joined stepped across the proverbial line.
Delta Squadron, or were drafted over Our intent was noble, and we tried to
the course of the war, but for the most keep ou r methods just the same.
part, people with delta powers didn't That said, the way many of our
want to have anything to do with the subjects arrived bothered me at first.
federal government. Innocent men and women-sometimes
People were afraid that the feds boys and girls-ripped from their
would rip them from their homes and hom es so that we could test them, 12
study them. But there wasn't any oth er
way. Most people simp ly weren't going
to go along with the program without Then along came Superior. For the
the enforcement of the United States first time, my theories were proven
Army. true, bu t outside of my fellows in
It was a matter of n ational security, Project Delta, few people cared. To
and there was a war going on. We were most, it w as more important that an
fighting tooth and nail against the Axis alpha w as here-and that he had ended
powers, the greatest force of evil this the w ar within hours his arrival.
planet had ever seen. There was no More important to some was that he
way we would give up even the was American.
slightest edge we migh t have had. It wasn't long before other alphas
And that meant deltas. Lots of them. started cropping up around the world.
Strangely, there seemed to be no
correlation between the alphas-who
ENUR THE ALPHAS th ey w ere before they stepped up to the
I was actually the first to theorize next level, or what powers they
that there might be another stage in exhibited. There was no connection.
delta development, a whole new level Honestly. I m et Sparky before he
of power deltas could achieve after a went off to war with the Yankee. I
second near-death experience and the administered his Delta Squadron
resulting flux forced upon the subject's entrance exam. There was nothing out
DNA. of the ordinary about him-for a delta,
At first, I w as laughed at. There was that is-and I certainly wouldn't have
little evidence to back my theory up, picked him out to become one of the
nothing more than anecd otal accounts most p owerful people on the face of the
from deltas who'd sup posedly died planet.
rising back up to finish off their heroic Once that young man transformed
missions. Invariably, these deltas into Superior, though, the world
disappeared after completin g their changed, and not necessarily for the
objectives, as if they' d never been better. The introduction of alpha
among u s at all. powers to the m ix caused an escalation
I went on to theorize that these of political tensions around the globe.
d eltas weren't able to metabolize the Alph as changed the rules for all of
leap in their power levels, and that the us.
strain on their bodies very likely It's one thing to know that your foes
caused them to spon taneou sly can walk through walls or fire energy
combust, reducing them to little more blasts from their hands. It's quite
than ash. another to realize that they can zoom
In fact, I was able to ap ply this into your capitol and kill whoever they
theory to other cases where normal like w ithout much fear of repercussion.
people spontaneously comb usted. Of course, America's "alpha
Perhaps these historical cases had supremacy" didn't last long, which
acquired delta powers that their bodies only led to further escalation-in
could not w ithstand? nu mbers if not power.
Further investigation was required. The Alpha race was on.

ttp://history_oCdelta_prime/page 13
resources. When we brought all the
1"1 1RAGIDY IN DALLAS independent deltas together under a
Truth be told, when Mrs. Kennedy single banner ... that's when things
was killed, the President was already really started to hum.
considering legislation similar to the
Delta Registration Act. The infamous
Republican senator from Wisconsin, Joe
McCarthy, was among those who Delta Prime's first director was none
encouraged him. Although I didn't other than Bobby Kennedy, the
personally agree with McCarthy's President's younger brother. Bobby
politics, I saw the wisdom of the DRA was making quite a name for himself as
right away, and authored a report to Attorney General, but constantly
the President on behalf of Project Alpha butted heads with Mr. Hoover, the
that endorsed it. head of the FBI.
Simply put, deltas are dangerous. As the man in command of the
This was especially true of alphas. You country's deltas, Bobby was
know what they say about power responsible for towing the new
corrupting. Well, imagine absolute government line, and quickly cemented
power. You need look no further than his position as the chief law
the Devastator to learn this lesson in enforcement official across the nation.
the most painful way possible. This didn't sit well with Hoover, but
Only men and women of incredible there was little he could do about it at
loyalty and patriotism can resist the first. There are the rumors that Hoover
temptations such power offer. I'm was behind Bobby's assassination in
talking about people like Superior and '68, but no one's ever been able to
the Yankee before him. And even they prove them. If JFK had ever proved
need an organization to support them, them---even circumstantially-
coordinate them, and keep them in everyone would have seen Hoover
check. dragged before a firing squad faster
How does that phrase go again? than he could say, "But Mr.
"Who watches the watchmen?/1 That President .. .

was the real question in those uncertain Hoover died in '72, and so the
days. point's pretty much moot, but I figured
The answer was Delta Prime. I'd bring it up now and put an end to
it. Consider yourself informed.
To get back to Delta Prime, Bobby
OUT! PRIM! IS BORN Kennedy ran things with a firm but fair
In my mind, the Delta Registration hand from the beginning. He created
Act was just a tool to get Delta Prime the Agency's structure (which survives
up and running. It allowed Project to this day), and set the tone for
Alpha to tap into the nation's most everything they've done since.
invaluable natural resource-its It was Bobby who appointed me as
deltas-and make use of them in the the director of R&D, a decision I'm
most efficient manner possible. proud to say he never once had cause
Having half a dozen vigilante groups to regret. And it was Bobby who
running around without government dedicated Delta Prime to its primary
sanction was simply a waste of cause: the control of deltas.

ttp://history_oCdelta_prime/page 14
I remember July 4, 1976 as I recall no
other day. Project Delta had continued
after the war, becoming Project Alpha,
and I had climbed up the ranks to
become Assistant Director of that


Before I go any further, 1'd like to
refute one of the biggest rumors about
that time: Project Omega. According to
the popular press, Omega w as this
supersecret project dedicated to
pushing alphas into yet another power
bracket, turning them into godlike
beings called omegas.
There is no truth to this. Believe me.
I was there. Omega experiments-if
there ever were any-would have been
based upon my original alpha research,
and 1'm sure I would have been
consulted. This is just something those
troublemakers at Delta Times bring up
from time to time to make people think
they can't trust the government.
It's all hogwash.

I w as in Arlington, Virginia-at my
Project Delta office-when I first heard
about the Devastator's play for
Chicago. My fellow scientists and I
watched the horrible drama unfold on
a color television set someone had set
up in the cafeteria. We were glued to
that tube for what seemed like hours.
Toward the end, it really seemed like
we were going to win. Superior had the
Devastator on the ropes. The alphas-
our alphas-were going to end the
Devastator's reign of terror for good.
And then it all went away.

ttp://history_oCdelta_prime/page 15
Reagan's awakening occurred on the
IHTIRISTlHG TlMIS set of a western movie. During a high-
The loss of nearly every alpha on the speed horse chase, Reagan was thrown
planet tossed Delta Prime into chaos. off his mount and nearly killed.
Suddenly, our personnel dropped to (Coincidentally, the movie was never
something less than half of its previous finished, leaving many to wonder at
number. Of course, the same was true the specifics of Reagan's awakening.)
of our counterparts in every other But instead of slipping off into the great
country of the world, but that was beyond, he fou nd himself gifted with
hollow comfort at the momen t. incredible powers of persuasion.
It might all have fallen apart h ad it If the Yellow Jou rnalist hadn't
not been for the efforts of Ronald figured out what happened and
Reagan, one of the first deltas to approached Reagan, the actor might
awaken after the ORA was passed. The never have realized that he was a delta
Yellow Journalist personally tried to at all. By all accou nts, he w ays already
recruit Reagan-then a B-movie actor a p retty persuasive m an; his delta
best known as the former h ost of Death powers just turned his charm up a
Valley Days. But, great patriot that he notch. So I sup pose w e owe the former
was, Reagan refused to work w ith the leader of the Defiance; if he hadn't tried
resistance, instead signing the DRA and to recruit Reagan for h is scarecrow
joining Delta Prime. rebellion, ou r Director m ight never
have joined Delta Prime at all.

ttp://history_oCdelta_prime/page 16
Reagan started off in Delta Prime as As most folks know, Delta Prime
one of my R&D assistants. It was recently captured, tried, and executed
invaluable to have someone with his the rogue-delta called Patriot. It's about
skills to help me with funding time. Patriot was the largest thorn in
proposals. His skills and ambition were our collective paw, a mad dog who
enough to ensure him a spot in needed to be domesticated-or put
Administration, however, and he soon down.
skyrocketed through the ranks of our I'm particularly bitter about Patriot. I
operations branch. knew him from his earliest days with
By the time Bobby was assassinated, Delta Prime. Back then, you couldn't
Reagan was poised as the obvious find a more loyal soul. Patriot was a
choice to succeed him. But a man man w ho loved h is country, who
named Bill Wallace won the position. would sacrifice just about everything to
Eight years later, Wallace vanished serve it. But then he snapped. If a man
during the Bicentennial Battle, and like that can be turned against us, can
Reagan was there to pick up the pieces. w e trust anyone?
Reagan helped strengthen the US We mu st always be on guard against
against the implicit threat of the Soviet traitorous tendencies. If any of you
Union, which he called the "evil harbor su ch feelings, I urge you to
empire." This gave both the country discuss this openly with your CO. If
and Delta Prime the focu s we all that makes you feel uncomfortable,
needed, a whetstone to sharpen please make an appointment with one
ourselves against. of our therapists. Rest assured that
Sometimes, the edge w e walk has conversations about your feelings-
gotten just a bit too sharp, though. Our whatever they may be-will remain
tactical nuclear exchange with the confidential.
Soviets in '88 is a perfect example. If It's best to be as open as possible
Reagan hadn't constantly prepared us about traitorous feelings, both with
for such a cowardly attack-pushing yourself and you r confidant. We need
Kennedy to fund our nuclear missile to stifle these ideas before they develop
program just as heavily as Delta into something dangerous.
Prime-it could have been far w orse. I suppose that's w hy I have such a
I've heard rumors that Tretyak was strong dislike of Patriot. Before his
responding in kind. Presumably, one of defection, Primers were a lot more
our operatives had tried to kill him, confident about themselves. There
and failed. were few doubts. When he left, we
But that's just impossible. Delta started second-guessing each other.
Prime has never taken aggressive Sure, people have left us before, but
action against the ruling leaders of any never someone so trusted, so highly
sovereign country, and we never will- placed. It was a wound to our
unless we're in a state of war against collective self. One that only his death
them, of course. Then it's open season. could help heal.
Superior himself illustrated how If there's any justice in this world,
effective that tactic can be. And we've there's a special place in Hell for
learned well from his lesson. Patriot, and he's burning there now. 17's_mission/page 18
Hi. It's Eddie Hamilton again. In essence, Delta Prime is the police
You can call me sir" .
II force for the entire country. Before we
The old professor's quite a riot, eh? came along, that role was filled by a
Sometimes his emotions carry him number of different agencies, all under
away, but he's a good old bird, and he's the purview of the Justice Department:
been a lot longer than most of us. the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
I suppose that's why he's been Drug Enforcement Agency, and so on.
II The fact is that all of these
organizations-and just about every
other department of the federal
WHAT W£'R£ ALL ABOUT government-including the CIA, the
Now that you've all signed on the NSA, and the Secret Service-utilize
dotted line and been assigned to Delta deltas in their daily affairs. But no
Prime, you're probably wondering deltas actually belong to any of those
what's next. Well, that's what Sarah organizations.
wants me to tell you about. And since I They're just on loan from us.
never like to argue with a beautiful That's the way it's meant to be.
woman, I'm happy to let her have her That's how President Kennedy
way on this one. envisioned Delta Prime when he
Before we get to that, though, Sara founded it back in 1964. Deltas are a
thinks you should know what Delta special problem in American society,
Prime is all about-what our mission and taking the resources to train and
is, so to speak. handle them has to fall under the
I think that's a fine idea. The fact is jurisdiction of just one agency.
that an organization this large can The Agency, as we call it.
easily lose sight of why it does what it Delta Prime.
does every day. There are things we all As the ultimate controllers of all
need to remember. For instance, what legitimate delta resources in this
are the stakes we're fighting for, and country-including deltas on loan to
what are the consequences if we fail? private corporations such as Triumph,
Well, recruit, if you personally fail, Inc.-Delta Prime makes or breaks just
I'll hang your ass out to dry-at least about any project that happens on U.S.
until I'm sure you've learned your soil.
lesson. Any CO in this organization The proper choice of deltas can have
would do the same. This isn't some that effect on just about any endeavor.
game we're playing at here. Deciding how to allocate our resources
This is deadly serious. is one of the most important jobs in the
But on to larger matters. Delta federal government. That's why
Prime's mission. Why they're needed. Director Reagan reports directly to the
Why they need a snot-nosed punk like President, with no lackeys or
you. These are the things you've been middlemen in-between.
sent here to learn. Well, recruit, listen So we can do our job.
up. So we can serve and protect-you.
I've got those answers down cold.'s_missionpage 19
' " Web Sailor Pro 4.20 Beta ~

So, what the heck does that mean? The m ost important duty of a Delta
You see it written on the sides of squad Primer is to protect his fellow citizens.
cars in just about every town in this The advent of deltas in the world has
great country of ours. been this planet's greatest blessing-
Of course, some of you may not have and its greatest curse. Deltas have the
noticed this. When the average person power to endanger more people's lives
sees a squad car, he checks his speed than just about any reg-unless that
and concentrates on his driving-at reg has access to w eapons of mass
least until he can shake the cops in the d estruction.
quietest way possible. But we also have some of the
Next time you see a squad car, greatest potential to do good.
though, give it a closer look. Most of There's a thin line between good and
the time, you'll find the motto there. evil in this world. Between those who
live by the law and those who break it.
Law-enforcement officers make up that
PUBLI( SfRVlCf line, and Delta Prime stands proudly at
As employees of the United States the top of the law-enforcement food
Government, Delta Prime are public chain.
servants. We are in the employ of our
fellow citizens, and it is our duty to do
our best by them at all times. THf DUT! THRfAT
Of course, you have to have a little As I started to say before, reg cops
perspective. The government has many can h andle reg threats-at least for the
kinds of employees, all specializing in most part. Sometimes we get called in
different areas. Most Primers have to handle situations the reg cops and
combat training, for instance, which federal agents aren't equipped for, or
doesn't really help them in a life of that threaten the whole planet.
social work (although, when they work But most of the time, we stick to
with some of the inner-city kids out p roblems that are strictly beyond the
there, it sure couldn't hurt to be able to purview of your average beat cop or
mutter a few kind words once in a even SWAT team. These problems are
while). mainly caused by people who have
The point here is that we are not the aw akened just like us: deltas gone bad.
bosses in this relationship. We're the The fact is that whoever hands out
servants. We don't abuse the regular d elta powers appears to be an equal-
Janes and Joes out there. We work for opportunity employer; he's not
them. They are the reason we do our choosey about who he works with.
jobs. And keeping them safe is our If you take the American delta
primary responsibility. population and compare it to the
As a Primer, this is something you population of America as a whole,
must never forget. When you're flying you'll find that they match up pretty
around town in a hovercar, it's easy to d arn w ell.
start thinking that you and your Demographically speaking, of
buddies in Delta Prime are the top course.
dogs. Don't be fooled. You're not.'s_missionpage 20
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This means that there are a whole lot DILTA LONERS

of undeserving idiots out there with
delta powers. The Defiance, for I see lone deltas as the greatest threat
instance, is full of them. to the safety of the average American
Then there are the real threats. citizen. Most people go their entire
In the grand scheme of things, the lives without running into a Defiant,
Defiants are only one of our greatest much less an agent of the Red Brigade.
opponents, ranking up there with the But lone deltas, though, are another
Soviets and those Middle-Eastern story. These criminals wantonly kill,
countries. They're not the ones who steal, and maim wherever and
worry me the most. whenever they like. They're heady with
You are-at least you were, before power, and they abuse the people
you signed up with us. around them like they're some kind of
You can say a lot of things about the lower-order animal.
Defiance: it's filled with murderous These are the people who keep me
thieves and cowardly traitors, for one. up nights. That scare the hell out of
But at least they've got their act your average citizen. That terrorize an
together. They don't just randomly kill entire populace for their own
innocent people without cause. indecipherable aims. How can we fight
But there are deltas who do. them when we can't understand them?
They're the real threat. They're unquantifiable.
And they mus t be stopped. Threats of the worst kind.
The Defiance, on the other hand, is a
AT ALL COSTS different kind of sacrifice. Those who
So that's our mission. join this so-called "resistance" have
The real question is how to carry it decided that their own individual
out. I'll get into the specifics of that needs outweigh those of the group.
later, when I talk about the tactics we When you make that choice, you expel
use to tackle different issues. What I'll yourself from the company of your
explain now is the general mindset fellow citizens, and become a pariah
we have, and how it changes the way among those who should be your
we do our job. compatriots.
Delta Prime performs it's duty at Like the old saying goes-if you're
all costs. This means that we are not with us, then you're against us.
willing to make whatever sacrifices There is no middle-ground here.
are necessary to serve our citizens, Choosing the Defiance is a choice
and keep them safe. If rescuing a against America.
group of hostages involves a high And for this crime against the state,
degree of risk, so be it. We're willing we will take great pains to hunt you
to do anything it takes to ensure that down and bring you in. If you won't
our citizens come out alive--even if it join us, then you can rot in New
means we don't. Alcatraz, where we can at least keep an
eye on you.
Of course, you recruits have already
WI ALL MAKI SACRIFICIS done the right thing, and joined up;
In these troubled times, we all have otherwise you wouldn't be here. For
to make sacrifices for the common that alone, you have my undying
good. respect, and I'd like to personally
As new deltas, it's your welcome you to your new family.
responsibility to register with the
government. You are no longer a reg.
You do not have their rights, or their
preferences. When I said we all make sacrifices, I
Your abilities must be put to the meant everyone. Sure, as a Primer,
best use possible-in service to your you've given up your old life to
those who cannot serve themselves. dedicate yourself to our cause.
You are a delta-our country's But think about the regs.
greatest resource-and it's your duty You were once one of them. We all
to make the most of your incredible were. The fact is that regs have
gift, and make this country the best it sacrificed a lot, too.
can be. There was a day not so long ago
It's true that once you register with when we had open elections. Public
the government, your life is no longer gatherings were once safe from
your own. But then again, it hasn't maniacs who could literally explode
been your life since the day you themselves, taking us with them. There
awakened. was a time when people couldn't
Delta Prime can train you to use simply change their faces at will, or
your powers, and place you where walk through walls, or spit fire, or
you'll do the most good. whatever.'s_missionpage 22
But that's all changed, and short of
the every delta vanishing, there's no
way to go back to the way things used
to be. So regular folks have had to
sacrifice some of what we used to
consider basic civil rights.
As law-enforcement officers working
under a state of martial law, Primers
have fairly all-encompassing powers.
We can question or search people any
time we feel it is necessary. We can
randomly break down doors and
ransack houses, looking for clues in
crimes of our own design. We can toss
people in jail with flimsy excuses, and
keep them there pretty much forever.
Desperate times call for desperate
measures, recruit, and they don't get
any more desperate than this.
A lot of reg agents and cops abuse
this power. They're only human, after
all. But it's up to us to be better than
We watch the watchers.


If there's one thing I've learned on
this job, it's that great power comes
with great responsibility. I know that
sounds hokey, but it's true. As deltas,
we have incredible power. As Primers,
it's up to us to lead by example, to
show people that the government
really does care about them. They have
to know that this bitter pill called
martial law is better medicine than the
alternative. And they have to know
what that alternative is: total anarchy;
the breakdown of civilization as we
know it.
Recruit, you've already taken the
first steps down that long road. It's up
to Delta Prime to make sure you stay
on the straight and narrow. You can
help us with that.
Make us proud.'s_mission/page 23


a....-~~~ ~~ Most Wanted . 1 Archives I

Events News
At the end of your training, a human
Hi, there, folks! My good buddy
resource manager will give you your
Charge-that's Captain Hamilton to.
first assignment. By that time, we
you raw recruits-asked m e to step ill
sh ould already know you pretty well-
an d say a few w ord s here abou t Delta
w ell enough to place you somewhere
Prime recruitment.
th at suits your pow ers, your skills, and
First, let me tell you a bit abou t
your temperament. .
m yself, so you know w ho you're
For well over 50% of our recruIts,
gettin g the good dirt from . The name's
th is first placement is within Delta
Danielle Simonson, form erly of
Prime proper. Others may find
Milwau kee, Wisconsin, and I've been a
th emselves on loan to other
p art of Delta Prime for the p ast 10
governmen t agencies where their
years-pretty much ever since.I
abilities are d esperately needed, but for
finished up m y tour of du ty w Ith Delta
the m ost part we prefer those
assignments to go to Primers who have
I got my powers in a car accid ent
been w ith the Agency for a while. We
w hen I was a young girl. It was a lucky
find it's best for you to form a genuine
thing I ended up bein g able to p hase
attachmen t to your fellow Primers
th rough things, or I might never have
before w e send you out into the world
gotten out of that flaming w reck. After
by you rself.
all, powers of persuasion won't d o you
As h igh as 10% of any given class
a lick of good w hen you're trying to
may find itself without a particular
escape a burning car, and a crushed
p lacemen t. When that haI?pens, t~ere
door's not going to move for you, no
are two options. We can eIther activate
matter how convincingly you might
your secondary career path (for
ask it to.
Primers, th is is working with the
I was orphaned in that acciden t, and
red shirts in Enforcement), or we can
I've basically grown u p with the
simply loan or hire you out to priv~te
federal governmen t as my gu ard ian.
corporation s in need of someone WIth
You could ask for more lenient folks, let
your uniqu e abilities.
me tell you, but I can't th ink of a better
There's no shame in not having a
w ay to prepare a person for m y place
ch oice assignment straight out of the
in the world today.
gate; some of our best recruits are
For that, I'm eternally grateful. I'm
farmed back out into the private sector
perfectly willing to admit that Delta from the very beginning. After all,
Prime's demanding lifestyle isn't for
outside agents are what most regs deal
everyone. But the law requ ires that with on a d aily basis, and it's in Delta
everyone with delta powers sign up Prime's best interests to ensure that our
and go through training here in
public face is fresh and exciting. .
d owntown Crescent City, so if you've
Only our m ost tried and true Pnmers
awakened, there isn't really a choice in receive th e high-profile assignments,
the matter.
thou gh . Bu t we're talking national
Still, if it turns out that the Primer treasu res, here-folks with corporate
uniform's not for you-and you' re sponsorships and a few arch-villains
patient-there migh t still be hope. buried at the foot of their bed. 25
Although it's not the most common
way of entering Delta Prime, some of
our best recruits come directly from the
ranks of Delta Academy. This mode of
entry is a bit unorthodox, since a delta
minor's traditional career path is to
stick with Delta Academy until after
graduation from high school.
(Thereafter, most graduates are drafted
directly into Delta Squadron, where
they spend at least one tour of duty
before they are eligible to join Delta
But there are Academy graduates
who-for one reason or another-just
aren't decent military material. Maybe
they're disabled in some way. Or
they've got another medical condition.
Maybe they simply pass out at the sight
of blood. And then there's the ones that
fail the psych exams ...
Regardless, graduates not bound for
Delta Squadron come directly to us. We
receive our youngest recruits this
way-kids who are often only 18 years
On the other hand, young recruits
are often our best. Those who've been
in Delta Academy for any period of
time are usually trained to use their
powers before they arrive with us.
Academy seniors are even better.
They're put through a rigorous course
of education designed to prepare them
for entry into either Delta Squadron or
Delta Prime during their last year;
when we get these kids, they come to
us ready to rock.
If you're a proud graduate of Delta
Academy, go ahead and pat yourself on
the back. Just don't get too cocky. Your
Academy instructors don't tell you
everything. They save some of your
surprises for us .

. joining_delta_prime/page 26
integrate with regs on a daily basis.
fROM DELTA SQUADRON This is even more true of recruits
We receive a fair number of our who worked their way up through
recruits directly from Delta Squadron. both Delta Academy and Delta
Some of them spend some time at the Squadron, like myself. While attending
Academy before moving on to Delta Delta Academy, you don't interact very
Squadron, but eventually they all end much with the outside world, and that
up here. doesn't change a whole lot when
The physical number varies from you're with Delta Squadron.
year to year and class to class, but on Now, don't be mistaken. Delta
average, over half our new recruits are recruits aren't just locked away from
from Delta Squadron. There are a lot of regs for the duration. But they don't
theories about the reasons for this, and really deal with the outside world,
some of them are contradictory. either. Just about the only people they
The one I put the most stock in is normally come into contact with are
that younger people tend to take more other members of their organization.
risks, increasing their chance of violent Delta Squadron recruits, for instance,
death beyond those in their mid- rarely interact with those outside the
twenties, or older. Since awakenings military. Since many people are afraid
happen during near-death experiences, of deltas--even when they're wearing
it would be logical for more to occur the nation's uniform-this segregation
among teenagers than just about any is probably wise.
other demographic group, right? Unfortunately, that all changes when
I thought so, but there's still a lot of you join Delta Prime. As the top police
people out there that disagree. Guess it force in the country, Primers end up
really is true, what they say about some working with all kinds of people-
of the people, some of the time ... more than 99% of which are regs. Even
some highly-ranked soldiers are non-
ALL THAT YOU CAN BE Most Armorgeddon pilots, for
We love seeing new recruits from instance, are merely highly-trained reg
Delta Squadron. These are men and pilots, drawn from the Air Force and
women who have already spent at least various military transport departments.
four years of their lives in the service of A few deltas still don those suits, of
their country. They know exactly course, but they're the exception, not
what's expected of them as a member the rule; after all, if you could fly and
of Delta Prime, and they've got the hurl balls of magma across town, why
training and experience to deliver it. would you bother with another layer
What more could you ask for in a between you and the enemy?
recruit? There are a lot of differences between
Well, you could ask for them to be a what you've heard about the military
bit more understanding when dealing and the reality in Delta Prime. We do
with civilians, for one. The downside of things differently in this man's army.
acquiring Delta Squadron recruits is But I'm sure you'll do just fine; with the
that they tend to be rigid thinkers. kind of backbone you've already
They've been trained to follow orders, shown, the transition from raw recruit
and they're not often prepared to to honed Primer should be simple. ning_delta_pri me/page 27

If you're at least 21-or, in some
Then there are those who jump cases, a lot older-Delta Squadron
directly into Delta Prime. All that's
doesn't want you, and neither does
required is that you're at least 18 years
~elta A~ademy. (And you'd look pretty
old; otherwise, you're off to Delta
SIlly trymg to fit behind one of those
Academy. There are no exceptions.
kids' desks, anyway.)
Adult recruits come straight to us.
If YOU'RE AYOUNG ADULT We receive many recruits this way, and
If you're between 18 and 20 when they're always the biggest pain.
you awaken, you're supposed to be There's a reason Delta Squadron
handed a one-way ticket to Delta doesn't want you after you've reached
Squadron. There are exceptions to this, a certain age, sweetheart. Once you're
of course, just like there are for the in your 20s, you've developed too
regular military. much personality. You've got a mind of
We don't accept the conscientious
your own, so to speak, and as far as the
objector" debate here, though. (If military is concerned, it's a mind that's
you're that much of a coward, you're more trouble to mold than it's worth.
better head off to Costa Rica; trust me, That's why Delta Squadron likes to
the people there are a lot nicer than a recruit as young as they can. At 18,
military tribunal.) There's a ton of case most people are still floundering about,
history stacked against objectors; it's an trying to figure out who they really are
argument you just can't win here and what they really want to do with
anymore. their lives. They're impressionable and
If you've got a legitimate medical easily sculpted into soldiers. They
excuse, of course, the military won't follow orders without question, and
press you into service. trust that their superiors know what
It's a draft, not slavery. they're doing.
Just because you manage to avoid As we age, we all get a bit more
your mandatory tour of duty in the cynical. We don't trust someone else's
military doesn't mean you're off the judgment as easily. This might make us
hook, though. As I mentioned earlier, if better people, but it makes us lousy
you leave Delta Squadron, we get first soldiers.
crack at you. That's true even if you Now, most able-bodied men still
never make it to Delta Squadron in the have to serve their country for four
year~-delta powers or no-and they
first place.
Truth be known, we'd rather have acqUIre the necessary discipline to
kids that young in Delta Squadron, accept later training during those years.
rather than running around like hot- The draft doesn't just apply to deltas,
shot rookies around here. These days, it after all; there's a sizable part of the
seems like young adults just don't have population-almost all women, for
the discipline Delta Prime demands instance, outside of volunteers-who
anymore-and if there's one thing never go through boot camp. With this
Delta Squadron drill sergeants are diversity from the very start of training,
trained to instill in new recruits, it's there needs to be a common ground.
discipline. That's discipline. 28
That said, some of our best agents
are those who never serve in the US AMNfSTY PROGRAM
military. While the military is great for In fact, we even acquire recruits from
discipline, it tends to produce folks the Defiance once in a while. The
who attack problems in a uniform government realizes that there are
manner. Sometimes-especially in our som etimes extenuating circumstances
field of work-a different point of view at w ork when someone decides to
can be really valuable. betray h is country.
There is a bit of a rivalry between You 'd be surprised how many deltas
those of us who have served in the join the Defiance simply to prevent
military and "civilians," as they're their friends and families from being
called. But at the end of the d ay, every murdered by Defiant leaders. It's one
agent has to earn the respect of those of their common "recruitment" tactics.
around her, no matter what her past The worst part is that once they've
might be. convinced you to work against your
Present performance far ou tweighs government the first time, they've got
your resume. you for life.
Keep that in mind, and you' ll go far. At least, that's what they'd like you
to think. We receive a good number of
new recruits every year directly from
VOLUNTARILY (OMPLlANCf the ranks of the Defiance-good men
So those are the three places Primers and women who were led astray for a
might be recruited from. There are also short period of time, but have seen the
three ways you might become a p art of error of their ways and come back into
our team. the fold, so to speak.
The first is voluntarily compliance Once a Defiant is captured-
with the Delta Registration Act. This is assuming his crimes aren't heinous
how most of our recruits arrive. enough to automatically condemn him
No matter what those traitors in the to New Alcatraz or the Fortress-he's
Defiance might want you to believe, usually given a chance to redeem
most Americans support their himself. If he can prove that he was
government. If they become a delta, coerced into joining the Defiance, he
they know that the best thing for has a good shot at recovering his good
everyone is to share their new gift with name by trading in his" civies" for our
their fellow citizens by registering with good old p atriot-blue uniform.
the US government. Of course, new Primers brought in
Sure, there are a few high-p rofile from the Defiance are obligated to
cases of people leaving Delta Prime for demonstrate their trustworthiness by
the Defiance, or committing some other helping to bring in their former
crime against his fellow American- cohorts. After that, they can take their
Patriot's the most obvious example- rightful place among the other law-
but they're few and far between. abiding, upstanding members of Delta
Americans love their country, and no Prime.
traitorous claims to the contrary, Some of our most loyal recruits are
violent protests, or deceptive found this way. Ex-Defiants are usually
propaganda can change that. a lot more aggressive and inventive.
Sometimes, Delta Prime is just full. Then there are those recalcitrant
That's not to say that we can't use all offenders who refuse to renounce their
the help we can get. It's just that we ties with the Defiance, and keep the
only have a limited number of identities of their allies to themselves.
resources available to train eligible Even these desperate souls sometimes
deltas. have their uses. They can never truly
Also, there are certain deltas whose become part of Delta Prime, but they
powers don't lend themselves easily to can lend their knowledge and talents to
working with Delta Prime. Often, such our cause every once in a while.
people can are quite useful in the Under certain special circumstances,
private sector. such prisoners are offered a chance to
All delta minors must still attend walk free for a short period of time-to
Delta Academy, no matter what their work for the state. These engagements
powers or skills. And young deltas of are always for a specifically limited
the proper age are obliged to serve in amount of time, and only for a single,
the military, just like every other able- closely-defined project.
bodied man in the nation. It's when The dream of any delta hard-timer is
they reach the age at which they're to rack up so many of these missions
eligible for Delta Prime that there's a that Delta Prime begins to consider
choice. them indispensable. This only happens
You've probably heard the rumor rarely, but when it does, the delta
that we loan deltas out to companies might actually be offered amnesty in
like,Triumph, Inc., and that those deltas exchange for his efforts.
are the ones we couldn't integrate into Such fortunate deltas are then
in Delta Prime. transferred to Delta Prime. Most of
There is some amount of truth to them are subsequently loaned out to an
that. outside organization, as they often find
If you're not entirely loyal to your it difficult to work in close proximity
country, if you're someone we don't with more staunch Primers who are
think we can trust in the field, or if already set in their ways.
you're never going to be eligible for a
security clearance, we might very well
farm you out to another organization- SOME NUMBERS
one that will find you more useful. We currently estimate that less than
Nearly 90% of the deltas who apply 10% of all deltas fail to register with the
for Delta Prime end up as full-time US government during their lives. That
employees of the organization. The number has fallen from an all-time
other 10% are leased out to worthy high of 30% in the late' 60s.
corporations from time to time. But Of course, it's impossible to know
make no mistake about it: all registered for sure how many people might be
deltas are on call to Delta Prime. If the slipping through the census, but we've
director decides they're needed, then been tabulating these numbers for a
they're on the next transport to while, and we've gotten pretty darn
wherever we need them to go. good at it by now.

tp://joining_delta_prime/page 30
Overall, it seems that there's about
one delta out there for every 50,000
people. There are about 250,000,000
people in the United States, give or
take a ten or twenty million. This
means there are around 5,000 deltas in
America today.
Of course, that figure doesn't take
into account the number of illegal
immigrants we have in this country.
Nor does it account for the small
number of defections we see every
But it's a start.


These figures also mean that the
average person's chance of becoming a
delta is somewhere around two
thousandths of a percentage point. In
other words, people, you're darn lucky
to be reading these words. There are
people out there who would give up
everything they own to develop
powers like yours. Remember that
when you start feeling unsure about
We see deltas awaken at all ages,
within all ethnicities, religions, and
walks of life. Whoever's handing out
delta tickets doesn't seem to be too
picky about it.
The only real requirement is that you
nearly die. For that reason, as I
mentioned before, we seem to recruit
more young people than old, but that's
likely due to the fact that most kids
figure they can't die, and wander into
fatal situations a lot more often than
those with well-developed stock
Regardless, folks, you should count
yourselves lucky. You didn't die. You
got another chance at life.
And what a life it's going to be!

p://joining_delta_prime/page 31

Most Wanted

!J---~----I IEven ts I News

ttp:lldelta_prime's_organization/page 32
Face it. Everyone wants to be a delta.
HfLLO, RfCRUIT No one wants to have to deal with
Eddie Hamilton here again. Glad to what you have to go through to
see you made it this far. If you become a delta, but once you're here,
managed not to fall asleep during it's a damn good view.
Doctor B's speech or Captain Simonson And if you're a delta in America, you
telling you about how you and your belong in Delta Prime. There's no better
fellow recruits got here, you're a better way to serve your country, and if you'd
rookie than I was. like to talk with some people who can
Now that you've managed to wade argue the point, I can set you up with a
through all of that, I'm going to get visitor's pass to New Alcatraz, right
down to brass tacks, so to speak. You out there in Chicago Bay.
know, stuff you're actually going to You should all take the tour through
need to know now that you're a Primer. New Alcatraz at least once in your
Pay attention here, sunshine. If you careers. Trust me. It's an enlightening
forget who outranks who around here, experience.
you're liable to find yourself scrubbing
the floor of the locker room with your WHO WI ARI
favorite toothbrush.
Never forget one thing: you're the Most people aren't prepared to deal
rookie around here. You're at the with delta powers. Sure, they enjoy
bottom of the barrel, the lowest of the being able to soar around buildings or
low. The only people beneath you figure out if someone is telling them
aren't part of Delta Prime. the truth, but neither of those things
You know, they're the people you've really does them a lick of good against
sworn to serve and protect. an assault rifle or even the wimpiest
That's where Delta Prime comes in.
WHO YOU ARI We take raw individuals and build
As I just said, you're part of Delta them into our team-a group that
Prime now, and that means you're works together to promote and
going to be held to a higher standard of safeguard the interests of the United
excellence than just about anyone else. States of America. Together, we are far
Heard of the Green Berets? The Navy greater than the sum of our parts.
Seals? Top Gun? They all look up to us, How's that old patriotic saw go
folks. again?
Think about it. Think about who we United we stand. Divided we fall.
are and what we can do. Someone else struck that chord not
We have powers that most people too long ago ...
only dream about. We can bounce "We must indeed all hang together,
bullets off our chests. We can fly faster or, most assuredly, we shall all hang
than any bird. We can blast things out separately."
of the sky-or off the face of the That was Benjamin Franklin talking
earth- with energy fired from our to John Hancock as he signed the
bodies. We can charm the pants off of Declaration of Independence.
anyone we meet. Truer words were never spoken.
We're it, baby.'s_organization/page 33
Most of our 20,000 employees work
Of course, Delta Prime is more than out of seven different regional offices:
just a team. It's a wide and diverse New York, DC, Miami, Crescent City,
organization ... and it's huge. Denver, Seattle, and LA. I'll talk about
There are currently over 20,000 each of those areas a bit later, and I'll
people working for Delta Prime. Those
describe our largest office-the one
of you who have been paying attention here in Crescent City-in a bit more
should realize that mean the regs detail.
actually outnumber the deltas around We also have literally dozens of
here. We've got approximately 2,000 branch offices-at least one in each
active deltas in our employ-
state capitol and every major
sometimes more, sometimes less.
metropolitan center in the country.
That means that the regs outnumber
Most of the time, few deltas work in
the deltas by about 10 to 1. Still, you
these offices-no more than one or two
wouldn't believe the number of people
in each. We like to keep our deltas in
who think that working for Delta Prime
the regional offices most of the tim~,
means you have to be a delta. farming them out to the branch offIces
That's a misconception that most of
only when it becomes necessary.
us don't really go out of our way to We only have so many deltas to go
correct around here. After all, most
around, and we try not to spread them
people avoid hassling deltas, which is a
too thin. As I said before, it's a matter
suggestion to the less savory elements
of teamwork.
of our society that they'd be better off
When a team of Primers is needed in
leaving Delta Primers alone.
a certain area, they're shipped out as
For instance, when our agents take
soon as they're available. They make
the company cars out for a spin, they're
contact with the regs in the local office
pretty high-profile, with bright and for the details of their assignment,
shiny Delta Prime license plates on the
define whatever additional support
front and back. Those cars are never
they might need, and then take care of
scratched or dented, and parking
tickets are never left on the
windshield-even if they're double-
parked in a loading zone.
My lovely editor Sarah is pointing.
out that I'm straying off the track agam. To handle a group of people this size
I hate it when she's right. requires a massive bureaucracy,
As I was saying, Delta Prime is a complete with all the rules and
massive organization. This isn't just regulations you'd expect. Let me make
seven of the world's mightiest heroes one thing clear: you might be above the
shacked up in a cave on the outskirts of law as it applies to most people (you're
town. It's a massive government the top law-enforcement officers in the
bureaucracy that focuses on the needs country, after all, and that comes with
of its 2,000 central employees-deltas some privileges), but when it comes to
like you and me-and how to support Delta Prime regulations, they are to be
them in everything they do. followed by the book. The book was
written with you in mind.

The golden rule is this: Your superior
is always right.
Like the military, Delta Prime
operates within a strict hierarchy of
ranked officers. We don't have any
enlisted ranks around here. We're all
officers on one level or another.
The point is that if someone who
outranks you gives you an order, you'd
better follow it. The only exception is a
conflicting order from an even higher-
ranked officer.
You must implicitly trust your
superiors. Information in the agency is
often handed out on a need-to-know
basis, so ranking officers usually know
a lot more about what's going on than
the people on the front line. They have
a much better idea of the bigger
picture, so listen to them.
Your CO might not even know the
whole picture, but he trusts that the
people above him do, and so he follows
his orders, and expects you to do to the
same. It's your job to execute his
instructions so that he can fulfill the
objectives given to him.

There are dozens of other regulations
covering everything from pressing
your dress uniform to recovering out-
of-pocket expenses, but I'm not going
to worry about those right now, and
neither should you. As long as you take Primers wear this distinctive uniform
care of rule number one, you'll get with the standard Delta (il) symbol on
along fine. the right shoulder. Like any military
That's not to say your CO won't uniform, Primers keep their uniforms
verbally abuse you if you don't know sharp, clean, and distinctive, with few
what you're doing. You're a recruit, individual modifications. Many
after all, and learning comes with the Primers sew a personal symbol onto
territory. It'll keep you out of New their right shoulder or pants, adding
Alcatraz, though. individuality and distinction to their
Everything else is secondary. uniforms.'s_organization/page 35
Bobby Kennedy was apparently
Let's cover the ranks. They work like pretty big on color coding. Just check
this, from the lowest to the highest. out the Ranks and Colors Table for
proof. Instead of different insignia for
RANKS AND (OLORS each rank-or adding stripes as you are
p.romoted up the ladder-he set up a
Title Symbol Color smgle symbol for Delta Prime-that
Recruit Red notorious delta symbol we each wear
Agent Orange on our right shoulder, and color coded
Sergeant Yellow it by the w earer's rank.
Lieutenant Green For those of you who failed physics
Captain Blue back in high school, the colors go
Assistant Director Indigo straight up the spectrum of visible
Director Violet light, from the lowest frequency (red)
to the highest (violet). To remember
Since you're recruits-the lowest of how the order of the colors, just use
the low-I'll go through the ranks one that old chestnut-Sarah calls it a
by one and show you how they each fit mnemonic. Rely on your old friend,
into the big picture. It's pretty simple, Roy G. Biv. His name is composed of
once you get the hang of it. the first letter of each color, in order.
All the uniform shirts are color- LIEUTENANT
coded too, but those are set up by Lieutenants command a number of
division, which I'll get to in a bit. I'm sergeants. Each regional office houses
still talking about ranks, and I d on't several lieutenants. These officers
want to get ahead of myself again. approach assignments with the big
picture more firmly rooted in their
RECRUIT minds. Th ey still have to deal with
This is what you are. Anyone can sergeants and agents-and even
order you around, and they u su ally d o. recruits--on a d aily basis, but focus on
There isn't much hazing going on these utilizing them in groups, and not as
days, but some of the agents still get a individ uals.
kick out of it once in a while. I'd You can look at lieutenants in one of
recommend figuring out who they are two ways. They're either the highest
straightaway, and then staying clear of ranking Primers who get their hands
them for the rest of your time here. dirty, or they're the lowest ranking
Recruits remain in their position for m anagem ent in the agency. Either w ay,
up to one year, or until they they're caugh t in the middle.
su ccessfully complete their first
assignment, whichever comes first. It UPTAIN
used to be that a recruit had to Each division has a single captain at
complete his first assignment before each regional office, so they're few and
moving on, but there w as this guy far between. There are a few captains in
named Clarence who was stuck as a the field, bu t they're rare. Only folks
recruit for years, so ... who have proven themselves worthy of
the rank and invaluable in the field are
AGENT p romoted to field captain. All the rest
Outsiders confuse this one all the are shackled to a desk at HQ.
time. They call anyone working for
Delta Prime an agent. In a sense, that's ASSISTANT DIRECTOR
correct, but it's not very specific. Each regional office has a single
The vast majority of people in Delta assistant director who's in charge of
Prime are agents, and agents are the running its d ay-to-day operations. This
who most outsiders run into on a job is of the utmost importance, and the
regular basis. But ranked agents are seven directors are some of the most
bonafide field operatives-Primers respected Primers in the world.
who work a from HQ most of the time. And not all of them are deltas.

Most teams of agents are lead by a This is the m an in charge of the
sergeant, who's essentially a ranking whole enchilada. These days, the buck
field officer. stops at the desk of director Ronald
Sergeants are commonly tough Reagan. The d irector of Delta Prime
people. They're responsible for getting reports directly to the President of the
things done, and are given a team of United States (though he doesn't
agents to make it happen. always h ave to seek his approval).
The redshirts are Delta Prime's front
To make things easier for everyone, line. These are the men and women
Delta Prime is broken up into several
who enforce the laws of our nation
divisions, each of which has its own
particular mandate under Delta
particularly the Delta Registration
Enforcement agents are trained in
Prime's general mission statement.
hand-to-hand and armed combat. They
are sharp-eyed individuals, well-versed
DIVISIONS AND (OLORS in the laws of the land. They also
perform most of the grunt work, such
Division Name Shirl Color as ~uarding federal buildings like the
Enforcement Red White House and Prime Headquarters.
Interrogation Orange Most recruits (though certainly not
R&D Yellow all) start out in this department.
Operations Green Enforcement is definitely the most
Investigation Blue straightforward assignment; it's also
Management Indigo the default division for anyone who
can't be assigned anywhere else.
Again, I'll go through each of these, Enforcement are the agents most
one at a time, so you know which citizens picture in their heads when
departments you'd like to apply for. they think of Primers.

. delta_prime's_organization/page 38
INURROGATION There are quite a few subdivisions in
R&D. The researchers concentrate on
The orange shirts of the what intrigues them, or go where they
Interrogation Division are among the are needed. Groups slave away over
most feared in the agency, not to disease control, electronics, rocketry,
mention the rest of the country. They and cybernetics, among other projects.
are trained in various "interviewing" Each team employs at least two
techniques, and force people to reveal people: a genius and a gadgeteer. The
even their most closely-guarded genius spends most of his time poking
secrets. Few individuals are strong around with pure science, while the
enough to hold up against their gadgeteer applies the genius's ideas to
methods. the real world.
Interrogators come in a variety of Each headquarters has its own R&D
flavors. Some work exclusively through department, each focusing on a
intimidation, while others use their different subject: for instance,
special powers to determine whether or Armorgeddon Maintenance and
not someone is telling them the truth. Development, or AMD for short is
Despite what you might read in the housed in Crescent City. They build
papers or see on your favorite weekly new and better Armorgeddon suits,
TV drama (like Delta Blues), no deltas and keep the ones we already have in
can simply steal information from a top working order.
person's mind. Some alphas could do The AMD groups work closely with
that, but they're long gone. special detachments from Enforcement,
We have to rely on delta and the reg pilots who pilot the
interrogators, who only have the power Armorgeddon units into action.
to tell if someone is lying. Of course,
just because you know someone's lying
doesn't mean you can get the truth out OPfRATlONS
of them. Like I said before, Delta Prime is a
massive machine for justice, with deltas
R&D as the vital cogs in an unforgiving, iron
The folks in R&D (Research and Excuse me while I wax poetic. Must
Design) don't usually wear the be those books Sarah's always trying to
traditional Primer uniform. Instead, get me to read. I guess something must
they waltz around in yellow labcoats, be rubbing off.
their ranks stitched onto the shoulders Back to my metaphor. If Delta Prime
of their right sleeves in colored thread. is a machine, then Operations is the
R&D deltas spend their days grease on its wheels, the oil in its
developing technology to make our engine.
lives easier. They produce faster Without Operations, the whole,
vehicles, more powerful computers, damn thing grinds to a messy halt. The
and a host of electronic devices small green shirts make sure all of us Primers
enough to fit inside your cell-phone. are where we need to be, and that
On occasion, when we need them to, we've got a means of getting there.
they also produce weapons-special They buy the fuel to put in our planes,
stuff, like focused lasers, and so on. and the food for our mess halls.

/delta_prime's_organization/page 3
.! Web Sailor Pro 4.20 Beta m~

Recruits, they even do our laundry.

You think those uniforms get cleaned
and folded and stuck in our lockers all
by themselves?
Operations is like our mother. It
makes sure we're warm, fed, and ready
to work. And given the vast number of
people Operations has to worry about,
I'd say they do a damn fine job.
The flipside of this, of course, is that
Operations agents are the people who
hassle you when you lose or destroy
something, or generally screw up.
Legal is a subdivision of Operations,
and you really don't want to have to
deal with those green-tied sharks if you
have a choice. They're like a tax audit
after three marriages, a failed business,
and a bankruptcy.

If Enforcement agents are the beat
cops of Delta Prime, than Investigation
are the detectives. When you need to
stop a crime in progress, you call in
Enforcement. When it's already over
and you need someone to figure out
how it happened, that's when
Investigation steps in.

Investigation's also in charge of
intelligence gathering. For the most
part, Delta Prime is concerned with
domestic affairs, but we loan a number
of our agents out to other federal
organizations like the CIA and the FBI.
A lot of top Investigators report their
findings to Delta Prime. We also have
free access to information gathered by
other government agencies. That's how
Delta Prime keeps such good tabs on
the rest of the world. It's also how we
prepare for and prevent external
threats most Americans never notice.'s_organization/page 40
~ Web Sailor Pro 4.20 Beta ~~
e Stop I

If Delta Prime w atches over America,
who watches over the Primers? The
Watchdogs-Delta Prime's Internal
Affairs Department. These are some of
the most feared people in America.
They even give Primers nightmares. If
you're lucky, you'll never run into
them. Otherwise, I h ope you've got
nothing to hide.
Only the best Primers are considered
as potential Watchdogs. Their integrity
and loyalty must literally be

Management is the d ivision that
gives Delta Prime vision. They're like a
global think-tank, formed of the
sharpest minds America has to offer.
They figure out where we need to go,
and point in that direction. From there,
it's up to Operations to make it happen,
and the rest of us to fill in the gaps.
Management is also where must of
our public relations is decided. They
choose our image, and promote it.
It's a solid arrangement, and it's
been working well for over 35 years, so
w e must be doing something right.


If you've been paying attention, you
may have noticed that there are only
six shirt colors. The missing color, is
violet-the highest frequency of them
Violet is reserved for the director
only; no one else gets to u se it. Reagan
doesn't really care for violet, and it's
rare to see him wearing it on anything
other than a Delta Prime lapel pin. I
hear he's been trying to have the decor
of his office changed as w ell, w ith no
luck so far.'s_organization/page 41
It was strange. But those were the
LET'S GET TO WORK '60s for you.
There. Now that you know who we These days, it's easy to pick out the
are, let's talk about what we do. good guys from the bad. If you're with
It's impossible for me to actually the US government, you're wearing a
describe everything that Delta Prime white hat. Otherwise, you're wearing a
does for this country on a daily basis, black one. It's that simple.
not to mention all of its long-term As the saying goes, "If you're not
objectives. It would be foolish for me to part of the solution, you're part of the
try. If I did, we'd have a book thicker problem." That's particularly true with
than the report from the Warren the US delta situation these days. There
Commission on Jackie Kennedy's are no neutral areas to retreat to on
death. American soil.
But there are some general If you're a delta, there's no dodging
misconceptions I can clear up. Pay the issue. You've either registered with
attention, recruit; you might learn the government and you're doing your
something. best to make America a safe place for
honest, hardworking people to live in,
or you've thumbed your nose at the
LIFE UNDER MARTIAL LAW law and gone renegade.
There is no middle ground. Not
As you all know, President Kennedy socially. Not politically. Since martial
h as been ruling this country und er
law was instituted, everything is a
martial law since 1964. Now, that's a
war-including your rights as a delta.
pretty charged statement, and a lot of
Especially your rights as a delta.
people don't understand exactly what
it means. Or what they believe it means
doesn't really jibe with the reality of the BA(K TO MARTIAL LAW
matter. I'm here to clear some of that Can you imagine living under strict
up for you. martial law for over 35 years? I'm not
even that old. I don't personally know
MARTIAL LAW what it's like to "live free," as the
Defiants put it. It seems to me they just
When people hear the phrase want to "live free to terrorize other
"martial law," they envision armed people" or "live free of using their
guards on every street corner, tanks powers responsibly." That kind of
rolling down city streets, and freedom, I can live without, thank you
undesirables rounded up into cages for very much.
the duration of the crisis. Over the years, many restrictions of
That's pretty much what happened martial law have relaxed. That's not to
in 1964. People were scared out of their say they're gone-just that things are
wits. Untrained deltas ran amok better than they used to be. We don't
throughout the nation, and there was regularly see troops moving through
no avenue for patriotic deltas to serve major US cities any more, like we used
their country outside Delta Squadron. to. We don't have to present travel
Deltas were calling themselves papers when crossing state lines
"heroes" and "villains." anymore, either. 43
!! Web Sailor Pro 4.20 Beta fa ~

It was pretty clear that business as

fREEDOM usual just wasn't working out. Even
An old friend of mine used to say before that, people were dying; but
that "Freedom's just another word for when the First Family was decimated
having nothing left to lose." Of course, in full view of the American public, it
that" friend" left Delta Prime soon after was time to call a time-out.
and became far and away the worst That's basically what Kennedy did-
traitor Delta Prime had ever seen. and he didn't do it right away. He
But you already know about Patriot. showed as much care and caution as he
Regardless of its source, there's could. At first, he just demanded the
something to be said for that quote. To Delta Registration Act so that we could
be truly free, you can't have anything keep track of the most dangerous
left worth having. citizens of our country. It took the rise
Now, I don't think that describes the of the Devastator, and the destruction
United States I know and love. We've of four city blocks in Manhattan, to
worked hard, and accomplished a lot. really throw the world into chaos.
Face it, we've got a tremendous Of course, no one could have
amount to lose. guessed back then that martial law
And when you want to protect would last for over 35 years. But then
something, you've got to make again, they couldn't have guessed what
sacrifices-compromises-to keep it martial law w ould look like back then
safe. No one's ever been entirely free in either. '
this country. We've always had laws As I've said, martial law has changed
restricting our behavior. a lot sin ce then.
You're not allowed to hurt others.
You're not allowed to take their
property. THE NEW LAW
You're not allowed to threaten their America's government hasn't been a
lives. representative democracy for decades.
Are these restrictions upon our It's more of what I call a benevolent
freedom? Sure, in a literal sense of the dictatorship. The key word in that
word. But we don't live in a literal phrase is "benevolent."
world. Kennedy's like the kind but firm
We have to be practical. grand father watching over our country.
Believe me, things are a lot better now
than they were when he started out. Of
STRIKING ABALANCE course, most folks aren't old enough to
The trick, of course, is finding the know any better. I'm only 34 myself,
middle ground between people's and the only President I've ever known
freedom and people feeling safe. That's is JFK. I think most of you are in the
what Kennedy's decision to declare sam e boat.
martial law was all about. Once Jackie Kennedy ended a situation that was
was killed, no one felt safe. terrorizing the average American-reg
No one. or delta-and he set up Delta Prime, an
Think about it. If we can't protect the organization that allowed deltas to
First Lady, who can we protect? realize their true potential.
Kennedy himself nearly died as well. 44
What does he say again? Ask not

what your country can do for you. Ask

what you can do for your country." The practical implications of
That's what it's all about, recruits. declaring martial law-at least as
I think Kennedy was talking about we've come to know them in this
the Peace Corps when he said that, but country-come down to this: the
he might just as well have had Delta President rules by decree.
Prime in mind. A country d oesn't exists In effect, JFK runs the country the
to help you; it's here so we can help way he sees fit, and the rest of us
each other, so we can protect each other follow his orders. He's kept Congress
from threats both foreign and domestic. and the Supreme Court going in an
And if we have to sacrifice a few "civil advisory capacity, in preparation for
rights" for that cause, then I, for one, the day that our traditional form of
don't think the price is too high. government resumes. But at the end of
After all, what kind of a price would the day, it's up to King Jack to make the
you place upon a single human life? important-and often tough-calls.
What price would you place on being That's not to say JFK's some kind of
able to sleep soundly at night, knowing tyrannical despot (like the Defiance
your kids are safe? What about your and some other troublemakers are fond
family across the nation? Your loved of saying).
ones across the globe? In fact, he governs wisely, and has
What price is too high? everyone's best interests at heart.
(HI(KS AND BALAN(IS Things are a lot better than they used
to be. Delta-related violence-and
At first, our government was based violence in general-is way down.
upon the idea of checks and balances. Sure, there are a few really big disasters
None of the three branches of our every year (and there seem to be more
government was powerful enough to of them each year since a few decades
overrule the other two. At least, that ago), but ultimately, less people are
was the theory. In reality, petty politics dying across the board.
and bickering kept the government Modern polls show that people are
busy, so they never got anything done. actually happier with their current
Simply put, our early government government than they have been since
was inefficient. Congress and the courts just after World War II. The average
simply couldn't react quickly enough person has little to complain about.
to the growing problems we hadn't Most families fall squarely into the
foreseen, and they just handed power middle class; they own a home of their
over to the President. So far, though, own; they have a fairly new car-and
he's made good use of it. sometimes two; and they can have
Look around you. Our economy is kids, knowing they'll be safe-because
still the best in the world. Most of us the federal government is looking out
have jobs. Life is good. Sure, you still for them.
have to worry about being caught in All in all, it's a pretty good time to be
delta crossfire, but guess what? an American.

ttp:lllivingjn_America/page 46
There are a couple tools we use to
keep order in this country. The most Businesses are pretty much
important of these are registration permitted to function as they like,
papers. Citizens have to carry these within the personal restrictions I've
documents on them at all times, even described above. No one is above the
children who travel without their law, but as President Coolidge once
parents. said, "The business of America is
The internet was actually created to
help law enforcement keep track of President Kennedy hasn't seen any
reason to defy those words of wisdom
people. Now, whenever there's a crime
of any kind, we can use the worldwide during his time in office. You see, if the
web to track down suspects quickly. businesses were restricted too much by
The FBI keeps files on everyone in the the government, then people might
find themselves out of work, and that
country-citizens and visitors alike.
would cause no end of trouble. Idle
These include not only a permanent
hands and the Devil's work, and all.
record of the individual's history, but
also a current set of fingerprints and In some other countries under
martial law-like Russia (I don't care
up-to-date dental and DNA records.
what they call their particular form of
Each person's file also contains their
government over there; it's far more
~istory and known associates. Every
restrictive than ours)-they've actually
hme someone moves or travels more
nationalized large parts of the
than 50 miles from home, he is required
economy. That's a fancy way of saying
to notify the police department in both
that the government has taken over the
the town he is leaving and the one he is
businesses-lock, stock, and smoking
traveling to. During national
barrel-and is running things itself.
emergencies, permission to travel can
Can you think of a better way to
be revoked, and persons found far from
bankrupt a country than to have a
his home without permission are
bunch of bureaucrats running the
subject to immediate arrest and
major businesses?
But JFK's sharp. He lets the business
specialists do their jobs and leaves their
(URHWS profit motives in place, knowing that
We also have a nationwide curfew in their efforts are the economic nuts and
place. No one under the age of 16 is bolts around here.
permitted outside without an adult America is still capitalist-if not
escort from the hours of 9 PM to 5 AM. entirely democratic-and that's the
Even adults are restricted to indoor foundation of our success. Kennedy
locations from the hours of 2 AM to 5 doesn't meddle much with business
AM unless they have been granted and the money-makers pretty much'
special dispensation-which is usually leave the government alone in turn.
reserved for occupational purposes. Without capitalism driving our
Those defying the curfew are subject businesses to innovate, we'd be as
to immediate arrest and incarceration, behind the curve as most of the Third
and can expect many questions. World nations out there.

:lllivingjn_America/page 47
II eb Sailor Pro 4.20 Beta r.a~


As anyone growing up in this society
As the people in the fron t ranks of knows, it's best to simply follow the
the Executive Branch, local police rules and keep your nose clean. Those
departments have a lot of power. They who run afoul of the law can expect to
only answer to their superiors, and. spend some time in jail-perhaps a lot
don't have to worry about kowtowmg
of time, if the government wants.
to a mayor or city council. Most cities
App ointed trial judges still render
and states still have some form of
verdicts and sentences as they always
government in place to h andle the , have, bu t they don't worry as much
details that the federal government s
abou t the technicalities that used to
too busy to bother with.
hamper them before. We even have the
Ultimately, though, true au thority
occasional jury trial these days,
still rests with the White H ou se.
although usually only by special
d ispensation. Patriot's murder
APPOINTED OffiCiALS conviction is the most recent "trial of
If Kennedy wanted to, he could try the century" that springs to mind.
to micro-manage every commu nity in Think about it. Why would you want
America, but it's a big country. It's just to have a trial if everyone already
not practical, even with the internet knows what happened? Most of the
bringing everything closer together. time, the evidence is all-condemning,
Instead, the President w isely or the newspapers taint the jury pool
appoints people to fill formerly. elected long before they'll be any good. Why
positions-like the state e~ecubve waste the state's time?
governorships-and they m turn
appoint the people below them. It all YOUR ROlf
works out pretty well.
You're p art of Delta Prime now. That
Back in '64, when m artial law first
means you've been appointed part of
began, JFK left most state and ~ocal the thin line betw een order and chaos
executives in place, only weedmg ou t
in this country, and it's up to you to
the few people who refused to work
take your responsibilities seriously.
with the team. Today, he only replaces
You're not just an agent of the law; you
people when they die or retire, or are
are the law.
commit some horrible crime, so
It's up to you to catch the bad guy
turnover is pretty low. Most people in
(and to make sure he's guilty of what
office today have been there for 40
you' re bringing him in for). You don't
years or more.
have the luxury of hesitating in the
There's a little turnover these d ays,
field, or you're going to get killed. But
what with the mortality rate
you also don't have the luxury of being
skyrocketing, but for the most part the
same men who were running the
Lives depend on you.
country back in '64 are still doing the
Justice is swift in Kennedy's
job now. Only now they're following
America. Help us keep people on the
Kennedy's plans for the country to the
righ t side of it, an d we'll all live in a
brighter place tomorrow.
Thank God.

ttp:lllivingjn_America/page 48
matter how she determines what really
THE SUSPENSION happened, as long as we know it's the
Of CIVIL RIGHTS Think about it. Wives can now be
forced to testify against their husbands.
One of the biggest complaints people
seem to have about our current Do you know how many wife-beaters
government is what they callI/the the cops have put behind bars because
of that? No more hiding behind the veil
complete and utter suspension of our
of marriage.
sacred civil rights." That's a quote from
A crime is a crime is a crime. If one is
the front page of the Chicago Tribune's
committed, we can find out about it,
final edition back in 1965.
we can find out who did it, and we can
Frankly put, this is a load of crap.
What about the Second Amendment? make them pay.
People are allowed to carry around just It's that simple.
about any kind of weapon they like People feel safe at night today. They
without fear of reprisal. Just because know that we're looking out for them,
fighting to keep them and their families
some rag I wouldn't wrap fish in is
denied the right to stir up safe from harm.
When I say "we," I mean every law-
antigovernment sentiments doesn't
enforcement officer in this country,
mean we've lost our voice.
from the lowest rookie beat cop all the
People still have the same basic
way up to Director Reagan and the
rights they've always had: life, liberty,
President himself. We're part of a
and the pursuit of happiness. If not for
unified network of people who have
martial law, many people wouldn't be
alive to complain. They wouldn't have dedicated our lives to make those of
the liberty to walk their own streets our fellow citizens better, safer, and
happier, and ensure that we all wake
without fear of being killed in some
up in a less dangerous America
unexpected delta battle, or travel
without worrying that their plan would
Personally, I can't think of a better
be shot out of the sky.
job. I bless the day I got my delta
Honestly, it's better this way. So
criminals can't get off on a technicality powers, and I relish the responsibilities
because some cop didn't get a warrant that came with them.
ahead of time. Warrants were a waste If we have the power to help people,
we have the responsibility to do so.
?f ti~e. and effort, anyway. What judge
In hIS nght mind wouldn't grant an
That's true of any American, from the
officer one? Just cut them out of the youngest child to the most powerful
picture, and everyone's a lot happier.
And that whole Fifth Amendment Superior was the poster child for this
idea. He was a man who could literally
thing. No one has the right to lie to the
have ruled the world, and what did he
court, not even by omission. That's
do with those amazing powers of his?
called perjury. You either open your
He fought for Americans everywhere-
mouth, or you go to jail.
to make our lives better-and they
In high-profile cases, we might even
were better, because of him. I'm proud
call in an Interrogator to get to the
to be a part of that legacy, and you
bottom of the matter. Does it really
should be too.

ttp://livingjn_America/page 49
If you're like over 90% of the raw Prime HQ (which is what I'm going
recruits we see these days, you're going to call it throughout this chapter) was
to end up spending a lot of time in built under the guidance of Director
Crescent City. Central command for Reagan himself. Construction began in
Delta Prime might be in Alexandria, 1977-as soon as possible after the
but Prime HQ in downtown Crescent debris left behind after the Centennial
City is where the magic really happens. Battle was cleaned up. Chicago Bay's
If the DC HQ is Delta Prime's head, new shoreline was already established,
than the office building in Crescent and things were just getting back to
City is our heart. normal. Prime HQ was one of the first
The main building is amazing, an steps in the city's reconstruction.
impressive feat of architecture, if I do At the building's ground-breaking
say so myself. If it wasn't standing in ceremony, Reagan said, "It is my
the shadow of the Triumph Building- fervent hope that this structure will
the tallest building in the world, mind begin a whole new life for the people of
you-it would dominate the Crescent Crescent City-that it will be a symbol
City skyline. And even so, there's still of hope, of the human spirit's triumph
no way anyone can ignore it. over adversity-for decades to come;
The Crescent City Headquarters-or and that it will watch over the streets of
C2HQ, as it's usually called-stabs out this new metropolis for as long as the
of the bedrock in downtown Crescent people of this nascent city need its
City like the steepest pyramid in the gentle eyes."
world. Although it's hard to see when Reagan has a special love for Prime
you're standing on the ground and HQ and for Crescent City in general.
looking straight up the structure's That's probably why he spends so
mirrored surface, its sides actually lean much time in his top-floor office here,
in, standing at about a 65° angle rather than in his official seat of power
instead of the traditional 90°. The in Alexandria. He really cares about
building's base is about 1,000 feet on a this city-and this building in
side, and it stands over 1,200 feet tall. particular.
There are 100 floors-not counting the As Delta Prime's director, Reagan
basement levels. oversaw every element of the
C2HQ's one heck of an office building's construction-from the
building. Nothing like the Pentagon, of ground-breaking ceremony all the way
course, but impressive enough in its to the grand opening ceremony on
own right. December 20, 1978. Reagan's been
You're going to be hanging your hat Delta Prime's director for over 30 years,
here for a while. It's the central training and I'm told that he was never more
center for all Primer rookies, where proud than when he cut that large, red
most of our nonlethal simulations, ribbon tied around the building.
martial and academic classes, and I have to admit, I sympathize. I
training exercises are held. remember when I first arrived. If you
Follow me, recruit. I'll give you the think the view's great from the ground,
grand tour. you should see if from the air.

rime_headquarters/page 51
SICURITY Believe me, no one's ever going to be
If there's one thing you can bet on allowed to set up shop there again.
about Prime HQ, it's that it has the After a mad bomber actually detonated
kind of security that makes Fort Knox himself in the lobby the day following
look like an empty dog house. There Patriot's death, we became even more
are only three more secure buildings in paranoid than ever.
the country: the Fortress, New We lost 16 of our own people in that
Alcatraz, and the White House. blast, including 12 deltas. There's a
Everyone in the entire place has to memorial to them in the lobby today. It
wear photo ID badges with magnetic stands right where that murderer went
strips on the back. These are used to off, and right next to where Papa
control who has access to the different Smith's cart used to stand.
parts of the building, which can be It's some small consolation that we
complicated, since each floor-and managed to capture the bomber, and
many sections of each floor-can be that the agents on the scene made sure
locked down independently. The most he'd never hurt anyone ever again.
secure areas of the building actually That's what happens when you resist
require thumbprints or retinal scans or arrest, but what do you expect from
both to obtain access, and in many one of the Delta Warriors?
cases are patrolled round-the-clock by
armed guards, many of whom are fROM ABOn
deltas. Guests must undergo a high-
level background check before they're Besides the cameras and alarm
even allowed to sign in. systems that run throughout the place,
It might seem tough, but hey, this is we've also got gun emplacements
our home. situated strategically around the
outside of the building, every 10 stories
or so. As big of a target as Prime HQ
fROM THE GROUND LEvu makes, we've had to fend off several
The streets around Prime HQ are aerial threats over the years. So far,
constantly under close surveillance, we've been able to knock each of them
being one of the few places regularly out of sky with little or no damage to
patrolled by uniformed Enforcement the building.
agents. These guards are all armed and If you get a chance to draw duty on
armored to the teeth, loaded and ready one of the guns, you'll find them
for anything that might present itself. difficult to aim; as big as those guns
Concrete barriers block off the street are, it's just like shooting skeet.
corners surrounding the building in Just be careful with your misses.
every direction. These areas have been Everyone of those antiaircraft rockets
converted from streets into pedestrian you fire has to land somewhere
boulevards. There used to be an eventually. Triumph, Inc. has actually
amazing hot dog vendor named Papa taken to reinforcing the closest side of
Smith down there, who sold the most their building with steel plates and
delicious red hots. But he was killed in bulletproof glass. Too many accidental
the Defiance Riots after Patriot's shots bouncing through their
execution. boardrooms, I guess.

ttp://prime_headquarters/page 52
FROM BHOW injuries-or sometimes even causing
real ones-just to get into Prime HQ.
We have our own Enforcement We couldn't let people breach security
patrol to keep the sewers around the that easily, so nowadays we send them
building clear. The El that used to run down to Crescent City Mercy Hospital
into subfloor 1 was shut down for a instead. Lots of our healers work down
while, and there are now security there, as well as in other hospitals
checks at all nearby stops, armed with around the city, so people still receive
heavy weapons, tear gas, and a variety their help on occasion.
of personal munitions. Everyone has to
be cleared before moving on.
ENfORCEMENT The offices of the Operations
Division occupy floors 21 through 50.
Floors 1 through 20 are the offices of This is where the real business of
the Enforcement Division. They handle running Delta Prime takes place. Most
security for the building, and they're people who work in this part of the
also on call for situations requiring building live off-site-often in
delta aid across the Midwest. Crescent government-owned high-rises. That's
City is their focus, though; for some not true for the employees of most
reason, it seems to be a magnet for other divisions, however, the majority
delta-sized problems, and so most of whom live within a few floors of
enforcers spend their time within city their office.
limits. Operations includes many consumer
Some people think the city's cursed. facilities, which makes it hard to
Others think it has to do with the fact believe that anyone needs to leave.
that the city's basically centered around Believe me, there are some employees
the largest mass grave in the history of whom I know haven't actually left the
humanity. That's a lot of bad karma for premises in over a year. Why would
one spot, I guess. they? Everything they need can be
Me, I think it's because this is the found within easy walking distance of
headquarters for the Defiance as well. their cubicle.
You put them in the same city with us, There's a commissary floor with
and, well, sparks are going to fly. several excellent restaurants, a day care
Most of this division is filled with center, a set of theaters, a video game
offices, but there's a complete fitness parlor, a movie and game rental store, a
center here also, which is open to post office, a grocery store, a giftstore,
anyone who works in the building. an electronics store-pretty much an
There's also a small hospital, complete entire mall that's available only to
with an emergency room on the first Delta Primers. As an added benefit, the
floor. Like the gym, this facility is only prices are great, and they don't charge
open to federal employees with the us sales tax.
clearance to enter the building. Most of you won't have any reason
The hospital used to be open the to visit here on a daily basis, though
public; we have the best healers in t~e you may receive daily reports or orders
nation, after alL But we ended up wlth from Operations.
terrorists and other criminals faking

://prime_headquarters/page 53
Floors 51 through 60 are home to The Interrogators work on floors 81
the Investigation Division. This is through 85, although they live in various
where our boys and girls in blue work places elsewhere in the building. (People
and live, although many of them do actually sleep in this part of the
spend a lot of time out in the field as building, though; this is where the
well. (After all, it's hard to learn too holding cells are, and they're rarely-if
much about a situation while sitting ever-entirely empty.)
behind a desk.) Most people spend little, if any, time
These floors are also the home of in this part of the building if they don't
the building's mainframe computer have to. It's a sad place, filled with sad
system, which houses Delta Prime's people. Unless you're the kind of person
information database. All of our files who enjoys listening to others wail in
are stored here, with details about misery, it's not where you want to be.
every US citizen. Of course, the
database is constantly mirrored to
other secure sites around the country, MAHAGIMINT
safeguarding this invaluable data. Prime HQ's managers hold court on
floors 86 through 99, nearly at the peak
R&D of the building. They tell us that this isn't
so they can look down on the rest of us,
The R&D Division has set up shop but it doesn't feel that way most of the
on floors 61 through 80, although time.
from time to time it encroaches on Believe me, recruit, the last thing you
other empty spaces throughout the want is to be called up into the top of the
building. The most notable part of building-the Capper, as it's
this division are 10 floors that have affectionately referred to. The only thing
been set aside as Prime HQ's aviation most rookies, agents, or sergeants end up
hangar. here for is disciplinary action too severe
Believe it or not, Delta Prime for their direct superiors to handle.
actually has its own flight of fighter And that's just plain bad news.
jets on hand here, not to mention a Once you've moved up through the
load of other craft. The jets are ranks a bit, you'll be asked upstairs for a
launched via catapult, and caught good reason. You see, the people in
when they land with a brake wire, Management recognize that they don't
much like on an aircraft carrier. exactly have their ear to the ground
The hangar is where Armorgeddon when it comes to what's happening on
units are housed and maintained, as the front line. Occasionally, they rely on
well. Unless one of you is a crack higher-ranking Primers to supply them
pilot, you won't have much chance of with that information, calling them in for
operating one of those babies, but an afternoon debriefing".

you're going to be working alongside That'll be when you know you've hit
them on a regular basis, so get used to the big time, recruit. Watch for it.
them. The pilots may be regs, but
they're always true professionals. 54
The top floor of Prime HQ is set The first subfloor is home to a stop
aside for the Gipper himself. On those on the Crescent City Light Rail
occasions when the director is called System-the CCLRS, as it reads on the
back to DC-or somewhere else-for side of the trains. This station was
an extended period of time, Operations closed down for about a year after a
clears the whole place out, and turn it passenger leapt out of one of the cars
into an observation deck. and started shooting. He killed two
I tell you, looking out over the city guards and injured six more before
from a height of over 1,200 feet can be someone finally brought him down.
quite a kick, and it might give you an That was one funeral at which no
idea how the director views those he's tears were shed.
sworn to protect and serve. I've been in These days, we have security checks
that office myself, watching as he looks at each of the closest stops. If you don't
out over the city, on those who depend have a reason to continue on to the
on him-on all of us. station beneath Prime HQ, then you're
The impact of the moment was put on another train and returned to
nearly overwhelming. The director New Union Station.
lives with a real sense of his
responsibility-every day. It's more
than most of us could put up with, but THE GARAGE
I'm proud to have the chance to try, Subfloors 2 through 10 are the
even in my own little way. garage. Subfloors 2 through 5 are for
Anyhow, the next time the guest parking, while the remainder are
opportunity presents itself, hop on that assigned spaces for the people living
long elevator to the top and take in the and working in the building.
view. Most of these spaces go unused,
Maybe you'll learn something about however, as most employees in Prime
yourself in the process. HQ don't even own a car. The city was
built with public transportation in
mind, and it is relatively easy to use the
THE ROOF El to get around. And then there are the
The roof of Prime HQ is mostly hundreds of bright, day-glo orange
occupied by a helipad and hangar for taxis swarming all over the place.
Reagan's private chopper. At its peak, Beyond that, many people never
the building is only 100 feet on a side, really leave Prime HQ in the first place.
which is not very large for a helipad, They have everything they need right
especially when you consider the here, remember?
winds at that height. This is one of the Although it's only a garage, this area
many reasons why only the finest is packed to the teeth with security
handpicked pilots are offered positions measures, just like every other inch of
ferrying the director about. the building. Every car that enters the
Each corner of the roof also has a building is screened for explosives and
gun emplacement. Now that's an other threats, and every passenger is
assignment with a view. questioned before they may enter.

ttp://prime_headquarters/page 55
It may not have the view of other Buried below the barracks is the
living quarters, but for many agents, training center. Subfloors 16 through 30
subfloors 11 through 15 are home. I house this dreaded location. The
lived down in lithe Dungeon" for a training most Primers go through here
many years myself, and I had a great makes Marine boot camp look like a
time. It's kind of like a college dorm; picnic in New Grant Park on a sunny
there's that great sense of camaraderie day, let me tell you.
among all the people who live there, The training center is filled with
giving it a real familial feel. obstacle courses designed for different
It doesn't hurt that there's a bank of Primers-from flyers to goliaths and
foosball tables in the lobby on every everything between. Primers of all ages
floor. Maybe it's a Midwest thing, but are required to pass a physical every
the guards just love playing at those year, one part of which includes
machines. There's even a good-sized navigating an obstacle course designed
ongoing league, and betting when the for your particular kind of delta.
sergeants aren't looking. For that reason, you often find even
The only real drawback of living in the most experienced deltas down here,
the Dungeon is the lack of natural light. working with the rookies to keep
Still, the ceilings are high enough to themselves in shape. It's a great
accommodate most goliaths rather arrangement; the veterans keep their
easily-all the floors in the building edge, and punks like you receive their
have ceilings 10 feet high-which gives licks from the best people Delta Prime
the place a much open atmosphere has to offer.
than you might expect. Basic training lasts 12 hellacious
The real benefit is that the Barracks weeks, and after that you can expect
are just about the safest place in the ongoing training in the use of your
entire city. Unlike the rest of Prime HQ, particular powers. (This comes from
the Dungeon has the benefit of several someone who's been working with his
feet of solid stone surrounding it. Even own for years, and is still being drilled
rocket launchers have trouble getting by the training center on a regular
through its walls, and there's really no basis.)
chance of a rogue flyer crashing The training center is the first point
through your picture window. in your career as a Primer where you're
As with most of the building, the really going to have to focus. No one
barracks' exterior walls are lined with washes out of Delta Prime because they
electrical wires. These are designed to collapse of exhaustion during training.
stop phasers in their tracks. I No, we just make them get right back
understand some of our phasers have up and try again. The better you are,
actually found unphased deltas dead in the fewer times you'll have to go
the dirt outside our walls. From what through training.
1'm told, the bodies were left to rot So do yourself a favor: make sure
where they lay. I, for one, can't think of you pass that final exam. Otherwise,
a better scarecrow to frighten off you can kiss graduation good-bye and
unwanted visitors with. say hello to boot camp all over again.
OUR BOSSES These are all good men with pristine
records as Primers. They each deserve
The division captains can change your respect, and if you have two brain
from day to day, but I figured I still cells to rub together, you'll be sure to
owed the names of those you're give it to them. Remember, they're the
probably going to be working und er. ones w ho'll get you the really choice
Here's the short list. assignments-or make sure you never
Keep them in mind when you need leave your room.
answers or resources. They're the ones You'll soon learn all about this place
who'll be signing the requisition form s. firsthand. Personally, I love it here. I
can't imagine a better place to live, or a
better group of people to work with.
THf DIVISION CAPTAINS Sure, we bicker from time to time, but
it's like w e're close siblings. If an
Division Name
outsider has a problem with one of us,
Enforcement Hawk McMahon
they have a problem with all of us.
Interrogation Jason N ichols You can 't buy that kind of loyalty.
R&D Nate Perkins
You can only earn it.
Operations Paul Duke
And now that you're actually hereto
Investigation Lee Banson
begin your training, you're well on
Management Dave Wilson
your way.
Good luck. 57


Generators Delta Inhibitor


. . _ dquarters/page 58

f==:::::O X -========9

,j]]]j]]] ~ [&&K[[[(~
,j]]]]]]] ~ [[[[[[[(~
~n m
. . DDD

. . DDD

Prison Cell

~ Elevator Ventilation Ducts

~ Interrogation

BJ] Security Office

[(8j Helicopter Pad

< Large Cannon

~ Small Auto Gun

~ Radio Tower

~~ 'III
~ ~~
Medical Labs
~ Cubicle

•• 0000
D Private Office

Neurological Labs
Super Computer
Electronics Labs
*~ ~I Train Car 59


Updates IMost Wanted II Archives I

'____.. . . ------' IEvents I News 60
Despite being a reg, Trud geon is one
TlMI fOR1"1 GRAND TOUR! of the sharpest of our ADs. He h as to
Now that you know a little bit about be. With no powers to rely on, he's
where you're going to be spending at limited to nothing more than his own
least the next three months of your life, human abilities. An excellent m anager,
let me give you a preview of some of he runs the Crescent City H Q like a
the other places you might end up well-oiled machine.
visiting. I'm not going to list all of the As the Crescent City AD, Trudgeon
local branches scattered across the is also in charge of coordinating Delta
country; there are simply too many of Prime's nationwide recruiting efforts.
them to deal with here, and tour guides In other words, he makes sure w e
tend to be dull enough as it is. know who has delta powers, and then
So I'm just going to hit you with the convinces them to do the right thing
highlights of the other six regional and join Delta Prime.
Delta Prime offices. As Primers, you Trudgeon is one heck of a persuasive
may end u p visiting or even transferred guy, so much so you'd almost suspect
to any of these facilities at just about he was lying about having no delta
any time, so it's best if you're at least a powers. But the fact is that he's just that
little bit prep ared before you jump on a good at getting people to listen to what
plane. he has to say. In another life, he'd have
made one heck of a p olitician.
Thank God we don't have any of
(RISCINI (ITY those anymore.
Oh sure, I know we'll end u p with
Let's start out with our home base politicians again someday-once things
once again. There's one major detail I have calmed down enough for us to
left out of the Spire tour. Can you tell run elections again. Politicians are a
me what it is, recruit? necessary evil, but one I'm only willing
I never mentioned who the assistant to put up with once w e get to that
d irector in charge of the Crescent City point.
office is. That said, I'm sure Trudgeon would
It's none other than Mike Trudgeon. be one of the great ones. I hear they
were a rare breed, but words apply just
AD TRUDGfON as well to the AD.
Some Primers don't p articularly like
Trud geon is one of the few assistant
d irectors not to have a single delta having to work under a reg. If you're
power. He's worked his way to the top part of that crowd, I've got one bit of
advice for you:
of this organization through sheer
Get over it.
discipline and skill. Trudgeon didn't
get there through some twist of fate; in Delta Prime doesn' t believe there is
an "us" and a "them" . Over 90% of
fact, I'd go so far as to say that nothing
agency positions are staffed by regs.
that's happened to him has been a
m atter of chance. No. Trudgeon made it And out in the real world, n ormal
people outnumber deltas by even
here through simple, bullheaded
determination . Don't lock horns with higher percentages. Just remember,
you're not a delta, you're a Primer.
the man. You'll lose.
To protect and serve, right? 61
The man in charge of Denver HQ is
Our main office out west is centered Phil Nensel. That's right-the man who
in Denver. It towers over the area invented the first Armorgeddon suit,
known a LoDo-or Lower the gadgeteer extraordinaire. .
Downtown-a series of connected This guy is the engineer's engmeer;
pyramid-shaped buildings designed
there's nothing he can't build. If you
after the distant Rockies. Though the have an idea, he can come up with a
buildings are the towering feats of design-within practical limits, of
natural majesty the Rockies are, they course.
still dominate Denver's western Unfortunately, Nensel doesn't get to
horizon. spend much time tinkering in a lab
Primers in Denver are responsible these days. He's in charge of all of the
for a large part of the West-all the way Delta Prime R&D labs nationwide. This
from the Mississippi River to Montana
is one heck of a responsibility, and it's a
and down to Texas. This jurisdiction lot easier said than done. Getting these
has affected the way these Primers braniacs to agree on lunch is hard
think about themselves; many who are enough ...
stationed out here take on code names In any case, Nensel's efforts are the
and insignia that are straight of a Clint main reason that the internet is the
Eastwood western. amazing tool it is today. He needed a
For instance, there's a trio of quick and efficient way of transferring
investigators who call themselves the data between the different offices-
Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Take my both the HQs and the branches-and
word for it; if you see them together, the internet fit the bill. The fact that it
you won't have any trouble figuring
was could connect more than just Delta
out which is which. Prime's labs was just icing on the cake.
Project Delta is housed in the Denver Nensel was also behind the design of
HQ. It's our attempt to scientifically Delta Prime's huge database of files on
analyze just what transforms ordinary just about every citizen in America.
people into deltas. A core part of the
This is one of the most powerful tools
research conducted there is the Human we have as law enforcers, and the
Genome Project, which is coordinated database's original template is housed
out of this office.
within the Denver HQ's unhackable
The most valid theory we currently mainframe.
have is that all deltas have a certain The most vital endeavor under
gene enters a state of flux when they
Nensel's purview, however, is Project
are highly stressed. This is akin to the
Delta. If his team of Primer geniuses
person "evolving"-from one power
can actually crack the mystery
level to another-on the spot. surrounding the creation of deltas, it
Of course, the specific gene that
could usher in a new era of unheralded
triggers this change without a near-
prosperity, not only for this great
death experience has yet to be
nation of ours, but for the world. Of
established. That doesn't stop the
course, we've been at this one for
research teams from trying, though.
decades now, and so far, we've made
This is one of our hottest assignments.
very little progress. Here's to hoping.

h++,n·JJ.... +h,·... 1"1 rJ· m e_facilities/page 62

into the earth, and the building is made
LOS ANGILIS of flexible materials that shake, but do
Our West Coast office used to be in not shatter, during major tremors. After
San Francisco, but after the city was hit all, when you're dealing with deltas,
by a neutron bomb back in '88, we you can't take too many chances.
temporarily upgraded our LA branch
to a regional office. As you've probably
guessed, that temporary upgrade soon
became permanent, and our west coast The LA HQ has a reputation for
HQ has been in LA ever since. housing all the glory hounds Delta
The LA HQ is one of the tallest Prime has to offer. There is some truth
buildings in downtown, rubbing to that. It's in the entertainment center
shoulders with lots of other large office of the world, after all, and the LA office
buildings, most of which house the is in charge of public relations for all of
giant corporations that provide most of Delta Prime. It only makes sense that
the country's entertainment and the Primers with some interest in the
economy today. spotlight are drawn to the bright lights
Unlike many of its neighboring of Los Angeles, like moths to a flame.
buildings, though, the LA HQ was built Of course, there are no LA Primers
to be earthquake-proof from the very more notorious than their AD, Charlton
start. The whole structure stands on Heston.
monstrously large pillars driven deep You might remember Heston from
the movies he made early on in his
career: Omega Man, Planet of the Apes.
He even played Moses in The Ten
Heston always had a bit of a political
ben t to him, and after he awakened
during an accidental shooting in his
own home, he was immediately
drafted into Management. From there,
his natural flare for public speaking
shot him straight up the ladder; he
went from a recruit to AD in under five
These days, Heston is the human
face most of America connects with
Delata Prime. He's our official
spokesman, and if you ask me, he does
one heck of a good job. It's men like
him that make life easier for recruits
like you. Without Heston, most of you
would enjoy being a delta a lot less.

Miami also houses a regional office
that was transplanted from ground
zero of a total disaster area. In this
case, the HQ was housed in Atlanta,
and vanished in a mushroom cloud-
along with the rest of the city back in
That's one of the reasons most
Primers hate the Russians so much. We
had friends in both of the cities they
destroyed-brothers in arms, and lots
of them. What the Soviets have done is
difficult to forgive, but I'm not too
worried about that. You don't need to
forgive someone after you grind them
into the dirt.
The Miami Prime offices are the
smallest of the seven. They're actually
in South Beach, contained in several art
deco buildings sprawled along a swath
of prime beachfront property.
It's no wonder that Miami is the 64
favorite assignment of Primers looking York.
for a little R&R; as the home of the As the largest city in the United
Morale Subdivision of Operations, you States, New York also has the highest
can bet that your coworkers down concentration of deltas in the country-
there will show you a good time. registered and otherwise. Most of them
are concentrated on the island of
Manhattan, which only make sense, I
ADYANH suppose. After all, once you awaken,
The Miami AD is none other than what are you going to do with
"Dapper" Dennis Yanez. The Y-Man yourself? H ang out in Queens? Give
has been known to rub shoulders with me a b reak.
Miami's rich and famous all night long, The New York HQ occupies all of the
and still make it to work in time to haul southernmost World Trade Center,
in a few Defiants before a three-martini some of the most valuable real estate in
lunch. The man's ability to party is the w orld. (The other tower was
legendary, causing some to wonder if located on one of the city blocks the
his delta power is to go for d ays Devastator leveled back in 1965. It's
without any sleep. only fitting th at our regional offices
I used to hang out with Dennis quite look down over the memorial that now
a lot back when he was Captain Yanez. stands where the other of the Twin
I understand he's cleaned his act up Towers once stood-and where so
quite a bit since becoming top dog in many innocent people died.)
Miami, but that still leaves him plenty The NYHQ has also taken over Ellis
of room to fool around. Island-as its base for Enforcement
If you happen to get down that way agents. This puts the New York
anytime soon, say hi to the AD for m e. enforcers within a quick boat or
And tell him 1'm going to collect on chopper ride of well over 8 million
that bet someday soon. (The man still people, and more than a few Defiants.
bets on the Dolphins religiously;
stubborn to a fault, I say.)
The Manhattan AD Brian Kristofek, a
NEW YORK diplomat of unequalled skill. Kristofek
Old Blue Eyes sang it best. "If I can started out in the State Department's
make it there, I'll make it anywhere." diplomatic corps, and was nearly killed
There aren't much truer words to be by an IRA bomb while he was stationed
spoken, recruit. in Belfast in the mid-'80s.
New York is a city with a pulse. It's a Kristofek awakened to find himself
living beast that can swallow you phased halfway through the back wall
whole one night, and casu ally pick you of the bar in which he'd been drinking.
out from between it's teeth the next. In While his ability has helped him to
many ways, it's the capitol of the survive countless assassination
world, and there are few other cities attempts, it doesn't affect his silver
with as legitimate a claim to that tongue at all. That skill isn't augmented
coveted title. by any d elta gene.
In case you couldn't tell, I love New It' s all his own.
Personally, I think Kristofek is our 65
country's best chance for global AD Tepe
peace. Don't look so surprised, recruit. The Seattle offices are presided over
As a Primer, I'm a soldier in a very real AD Patrick Tepe, who started out as a
sense, but I'll be more than happy to dental student, but was beaten up and
hang up my uniform when it's time. I left for dead outside of a bar called The
truly hope to see the day we don't need Avalanche in Milwaukee, WI. He
to train deltas as soldiers-the day we awoke to find he had the power to heal
can train them as peacekeepers and people with a touch of his hand.
diplomats instead. Tepe skyrocketed up through the
You can't force people to stop hating medical ranks of Delta Prime, and even
each other, but that hasn't stopped served a short tour as the interim
Kristofek from trying. It's his job to Surgeon General before being called
concentrate on international issues, and back to active duty in Delta Prime.
I'm glad to know he's on the case while The Seattle facility is a teaching
the rest of us have our hands full with hospital, and under AD Tepe's strong
the good old US of A. guidance, it steadily churns out some
of the most talented physicians in the
SEATTU Take it from me. Once you've
The Emerald City is home to the survived a raging delta battle, it's nice
newest of our seven regional HQs. This to know you've got someone you can
one was founded in response to a rely on to put all the pieces back
resurgence in delta activity in the Far together again.
East, and corresponded with Emperor
Hirohito's return to active rule back in
(Relations with Japan are better than Predictably, Delta Prime's main
ever these days. We have a common foe offices are located in our nation's
in communist China, after all, and no capitol. As with most of our country's
reason to be at odds with each other major law-enforcement and intelligence
anymore. Yes, sir, the economic and agencies, though, its building isn't
production leaders of the free world are actually inside the Beltway.
finally working together, and you can Instead, it squats on the opposite
bet that'll mean great things ahead.) shore of the Potomac, just across the
The sprawling Seattle HQ offices are river from the seat of America's
housed in a massive, four-building government, in the not-so-sleepy town
complex in the suburb of Renton, of Alexandria, Virginia.
Washington. This place may not be as In fact, Delta Prime's original HQ is
impressive as the Spire or the Lone actually located in an old munitions
Tower, but it does have one of the best factory where we used to make
medical facilities in the entire nation. torpedoes and other devices of
This is where healers of all kinds-both destruction. The factory may be gone,
regs and deltas-come to receive but there's still one hell of a lot of
advanced training from some of the firepower in that place, making the
finest teachers in their fields. Washington offices of Delta Prime one
of America's most heavily armed sites.

://othecprime_facilities/page 66
The Torpedo Factory is right in
delta power-flight. Cooney took his
downtown Alexandria, hugging the
assailant by surprise, and subdued the
Potomac's shore in a part of the city
would-be killer before anyone else
known as Old Town (for its colonial- could be hurt.
style architecture). The Factory might
The Washington media had a field
not be as staggeringly impressive as the day splashing Cooney's mug beneath
homes of the other, newer HQs, but it is the front-page headline, and within
the nerve center for the entire agency, days, he was a celebrity.
where all decisions of domestic import Ripe for a job with us.
are decided, and where plans and As the DC AD, Cooney's in charge
tactics supporting our local Primers are of coordinating efforts between the
put together. different offices. This effectively places
him second only to Director Reagan in
AD (OONfY importance within the agency. Without
his firm hand guiding national
AD Pat Cooney became a delta soon
Operations, Delta Prime would grind
after he was tossed off the top of the
to a lumbering halt.
Washington Monument. The
It seems like everyone in DC knows
perpetrator was a Defiant who'd had
Cooney, or at least owes him a favor.
enough of dealing with the senator
There isn't a better choice to speak out
Cooney was working for at the time.
for the interests of Primers everywhere.
The fall would have killed Cooney
for sure, if not for the activation of his

://other_primejacilities/page 67

Most Wanted . Archives

,--~______ IEvents I News

Congratulations, recruit. You Now that you've got enough details
managed to stay awake through to the to keep your head spinning through 12
end of the presentation. Hopefully you weeks of basic training, I'd like to let
didn't daydream too much, and maybe you in on something. I've glossed over
you actually learned a thing or two it until now, but I think you're ready to
along the way. know what it means to be a Primer.
If not, what can I say? I tried. When you're on the outside looking
We've told you how Delta Prime got in, being a Primer seems like the best
started, what Delta Prime's all abou t, thing in the world. As a kid, I
how you're indoctrinated into Delta remember w orshipping guys like
Prime, what Delta Prime looks like- Superior. I had the t-shirts, carried the
from the inside out-and w hat it's like lunchboxes, collected the trading cards,
to be part of Delta Prime. I've even and read the comic books.
offered you a quick list of some places It was unreal.
you might live, and the p eople you I mean, these heroes of mine-these
might eventually work for. Primers-they seemed like strange
If you're not ready for basic training visitors from another planet. Agents
by now, I don't know how you ever like Superior, the Gray Ghost-even
will be-though I'm sure someone will Patriot-they couldn't be human,
be happy to explain it to me in right? They were something more.
excruciating detail during my next They w ere something better.
post-project debriefing. Then I became one myself.
As I'm sure you've guessed, this
kind of interaction isn't my style. If it
were up to me, your training would
involve the stack of notes and tape- Being a delta is pretty much just like
recorded commentary I've built up being a reg, except that you're really
over the past four months, flash-fried good at one or two things that most
into ash and sprinkled over Chicago humans aren't even capable of. That
Bay. We'd have wished them good was the feeling I got a lot back when I
riddance, and moved on to some good was a star college quarterback. Nobody
old fashioned field work. could throw a ball like me. Well, maybe
Action, and lots of it-that's more a few people, but they were all earning
my speed, frankly. more per game than my father made in
Writing isn't my favorite pastime, his entire career.
but I can see why AD Trudgeon wanted So I think I was a little better
me to prepare this little introduction for prepared than most for the shock most
you, and I think all the brain-sweat w as deltas experience coming out of basic
worth it in the end. training. You experience a lot of heady
I wish I had been offered this kind of emotions just after finding out you're a
resource when I joined u p . With a little walking god. You become arrogant,
primer (pardon the pun), I inight have complacent, even cruel.
taken a few less licks early on-and I But we all eventually realize
might be a better field agent today. something, and it's more than enough
to knock any of us on our backsides.
YOU'V£ B££N WAITING fOR By that, I don't mean that you're
happy when your belly's happy. Your
Here it is: Being a delta doesn't make happiness isn't based on the moods of
you any better than anyone else. your internal organs. It's founded on
Sure, I can see you nodding your how you feel about yourself.
head. You're thinking, "Of course that's That's right-your self-image.
true, Sherlock. Tell me something I
External things like sex, power, and
don't know." money are only salves for a wounded
Quit fooling yourself. Everybody- soul. To really heal, you have to
and I mean everybody-believes deep
concentrate on the injury itself.
in the pit of their heart that if they had
When you're well, you don't need
delta powers, their lives would be
those salves at all.
much easier.
It's not limited to delta powers, of
course; it's part of the human
condition. Few of us are ever satisfied
with our own position in life.
Let's look at it a little differently. T£LLlNG YOU THIS?
What do you think would solve your Because you'd be surprised how
problems? Money? A great job? A many new recruits plunge into the
spouse? Kids? worst depths of depression as soon as
That's what most people think. They they complete basic training. There
believe that if they could just get their they are, on top of the world-part of
lives in order-if they could just find the most exclusive and powerful club
that edge they need to get ahead of the on the planet-and they still have to
game-they'd be able to turn their get through each day just like everyone
entire life around. else: one moment at a time.
You know what? They're wrong. Deltas face a particularly challenging
Now don't just ignore me and laugh dilemma: how to fit into a world of
it off. You've stuck with me through all people who can never understand what
of this, and it's too late in the game to they have become. I mean, how much
give up now. chance is there that the average man or
I'm going to say this, and I don't woman on the street knows what it's
want you thinking I've gone all New like to fly, or lift a garbage truck over
Age, touchy-feely on you. It's a hard- their heads and hurl it across town?
won lesson that I've learned over the Pretty much none.
course of my life, and especially during But we still have to live beside, and
my time with Delta Prime. we're still the same on the inside. We
True happiness doesn't come from still have the same weaknesses, desires,
money, or other people, or even powers goals, hopes, dreams ...
that allow you to thumb your nose at We have the option to force all those
the laws of physics on a regular basis. things everyone thinks they want,
No. True happiness comes from making our dreams come true, but we
within. do knowing that we aren't helping
those whom we could.

://in_closing/page 70
That's what I'm trying to tell you.
Being a Primer isn't about fame or sex,
fortune or glory. In fact, it's not about
you at all.
It's about everyone else out there
who needs your help. It's about being
part of a larger community, and
realizing what that means. It's about
standing up for yourself and everyone
around you.
It's about responsibility. It doesn't
matter if you're a reg, a delta, or even
an alpha. No matter who we are, we
have the power to affect other people's
lives, and it's up to each of us to make
sure that we do that in the right way.
In a positive way.
Actually, it's easier for Primers than
most. You've got a CO who tells you
what to do. He explains exactly how
you can help your fellow Americans,
and he does it in explicit detail.
Everyone else out there has to figure
those details out on their own. They
have to take action, and find a way to
make a difference, on their own. They
don't have a national organization of
delta-powered friends to back them up.
No, the regular person (and we were
all normal at one time or another) is on
their own.
So you tell me: who's the bigger
hero? Us, or them?
You've been handed a chance to
make a real difference here, and it's
come to you on a silver platter. You're a
Primer, and that means you've got the
training, the knowhow, and the
support to make the everything
Go out there and make me proud.
And make yourself proud, too.

Each Primer must also take the

PRIMER QUIRKS negative quirk duty (at -5) to represent
To generate a Primer hero, the player her obligation to Delta Prime. This
must first buy the patron quirk at +5 directly offsets the patron quirk.
(Patrons don't get better than this.)
Every member of Delta Prime also
has some degree of authority. By that, PRIMER EQUIPMENT
we mean authority, the quirk by the Primers are given everything they
same name. The real question is: how need by the government. Additional
much authority do they wield? Well, equipment that's requested for a good
that depends on the hero's rank. See reason is usually granted right away.
the table below for how this works. Primers don't have to buy their
Primer heroes do not get these equipment; they simply start out with
quirks for free. They must buy them, $500 in cash, plus any money from
just like anyone else. being rich (purchased separately).
No one gets rich working for Delta
Prime; if a hero buys the rich quirk, her
RANKS AND AUTHORITY POINTS money must come from an inheritance,
trust fund, or other independent
Rank Points of Authority source, and not her job.
Recruit +0 A Primer can take the poor quirk as a
Agent +1 by-product of their job, though. This
Sergeant +2 represents that the hero spends his
Lieutenant +3 Delta Prime salary on useless things,
Captain +4 and is almost always broke. He can still
Assistant Director +5 rely on Delta Prime for necessities, so
Director it's not like he's living on the streets.
BOOSTER Power Boost: The booster has no
With all the deltas out there, some powers of her own. She only serves to
have actually formed their own fan boost the powers of others.
clubs, "cheerleader squads" -boosters, Whenever the booster is within 10"
if you will. Charge, for instance, is of another delta, she can double one
riding high on a huge wave of number of any single power that delta
popularity right now. He's the man possesses. For instance, she could boost
who finally brought Patriot in, and t- a goliath's Strength bonus from +5 to
shirts, lunchboxes, and action figures + 10. Or she could double the range of a
featuring his face have suddenly blaster's attack, making her Range
cropped up all over the place. Increment 20 instead of 10.
The money is handled by Delta Note that an affected number is
Prime's Licensing Department, a doubled before the dice are rolled. For
subdivision of Operations. The instance, doubling a Charger's damage
companies that produce Charge-related value would result in a damage value
materials-or products with any Delta of 20d6+20, not (10d6+ 1O)x2.
Prime-related imagery-pay a Using Power Boost requires an Easy
substantial royalty to Delta Prime (5) Spirit check.
Licensing, Inc. DPLI is the holding There aren't too many boosters out
company that owns the "intellectual there, and only top Delta Prime teams
property" and all related images of are assigned one (and then only for
those working for Delta Prime-much very important projects). On the other
in the same way pro sports leagues hand, rookie boosters have to start
handle the rights and likenesses of their somewhere, and are occasionally found
players. working with younger teams.
But there are some people who--by It's not always going to be clear
virtue of their powers-can actually exactly how a booster's power affects
"boost" another hero's ability. We're those of another delta. When a Power
not talking about some ephemeral Boost's effect is not immediately clear,
boost to the hero's ego here; no, this is the Guide must make a judgement call,
something tangible. which is final.
To the untrained eye, a booster One odd pairing is that of a Booster
appears to be a reg, someone with no and Snuffer working in tandem upon a
delta powers at all. While it's true that single delta. In such a case, they cancel
boosters don't have any powers that one another out, leaving the hero
directly affect themselves (or their unaffected.
environment), they have a their Boosters do have some limitations.
significant advantage once another Only one Power Boost can be applied
delta shows up. to any hero at anyone time. If two or
Boosters can increase a delta's more boosters are using their powers
power, giving them power on a scale on a single delta, that delta only
much closer to our idealized vision of benefits from one (though if one of the
alphas. In fact, most "alpha sightings" boosters is incapacitated or otherwise
reported over the last 20 years have removed from active play, the other
actually been boosted deltas. would be there to pick up the slack.)
To initiate Power Boost, the booster TRICKS
must touch the target delta, bare skin to Extend Range: For each extra
bare skin-or whatever passes for skin. success the booster gets on the Spirit
After that, the booster must remain roll to activate her power, she can
within 10" of the boosted delta for the extend the maximum range she can
dura;tion of the Power Boost. Moving maintain between herself and the target
out of range immediately cancels the by another 5" .
power's effect. Extend Time: For each extra success
The booster doesn't have to keep her the booster gets on the Spirit roll to
target in sight, but she must remain activate her power, she can opt for the
conscious and unstunned for the power boost to last one additional round
to work. If the boost lapses, the booster beyond when Power Boost should have
must touch the target again, and make lapsed. This does not permit the
another roll to reactivate the power. booster to realign her power to another
Power Boost lasts for as long as the person; it's still impossible for her to
two deltas are within range of each affect more than one person at a time.
other and conscious, or until the This means that the booster can be
booster chooses to cancel the effect. out of range with the target for the
Being boosted takes a lot out of the designated period of time and then
target. Once a boost expires, the target return without the boost failing. Or the
must immediately make a stun check. booster might be stunned or knocked
The Target Number is 5, +5 for every ou t and recover within the designated
full minute the power was boosted. time without the target losing the
One final note: a booster may not boost. If the booster doesn't return in
boost another booster, under any time, the boost's duration is simply
circumstances. extended by the designated time.
fou ght crime for many years as a
(HARGER formally deputized member of the
Some deltas have an electrifying Cook County Sheriff's office, retiring in
personality. They can actually draw the 1960 after his left arm was maimed in a
electricity from the air around them, battle w ith the Gorilla, a goliath with
focus it within themselves, and release delusions of grandeur and world
it toward hapless targets as bolts of d omination.
crackling lightning.
These days, the most famous ch arger POWERS
is Eddie Hamilton-also known as A rmor: 5/-
Charge. If you've read this far, you're Lightning Bolt: The hero can fire a
probably already quite familiar w ith ligh tnin g bolt from each hand (see the
Eddie, but he's hardly the first charger, Ch arger Attack Table, on the opposite
or the most loved. There have been page, for details). This blast ignores
many other notable chargers over the armor th at's not part of the target's skin
decades. or power or specifically insulated
Here's one of the more notable ones. against electrical discharge. Most
armor is made at least partially of
THf ZAPPfR metal, w hich, of course, conducts
electricity nicely.
Back in the 1940s, there was a Invulnerability: The hero is immune
masked hero known as the Zapper, to electrical attacks or damage,
who fought in World War II as part of regardless of their source or nature.
Delta Squadron. The Zapper w as an
Army lieutenant who received his
powers while raising the American flag TRICKS
over a recaptured hotel in Vichy Fry: The hero can use his power to
France. Moments after the flag w as set target a device's electrical power
in place, lightning crashed down into supply and fry it beyond repair. To do
his body. He nearly died that day, but this, the hero must declare the target
somehow survived to become one of device, release a lightning bolt, and roll
the most respected heroes of Delta to see if he hits (according to the
Squadron ever recruited. standard rules for ranged attacks, if
The Zapper's military experience they apply).
made him a natural leader, and he soon If the d evice is attached to another
found himself rocketing through the person or is under another person's
Squadron's ranks. Most of his peers control, that person has the option of
were enlisted men, after all; it was rare dodging according to the standard
to find a committed military man rules. This goes for things like cars,
among them, and when you d id, suits of powered armor, hand-held
everyone expected great th ings from devices, and so on. An attack that
him. misses a d od ging d evice misses
The Zapper never disappointed. entirely; there's n o chance of the bolt
When the war abruptly ended, the hitting the person the device is
Zapper stuck with Delta Squadron, attached to.
only returning home to Chicago after O f cou rse, just as with any ranged
his tour of duty ended in 1946. He attack that m isses its target, the player
should check to see if an y innocent Superbolt: Instead of firing a
bystanders were hit (according to the lightning bolt, the hero may spend an
rules on page 149 of the Brave New action to build up his charge. The hero
World rulebook). then add s +5 to the damage of a blast
If the charger hits her target with an for each action she spends powering
extra success, the attack does its up a single blast, up to a maximum of
normal damage and totally fries the +20.
device's power supply. If the hero The superbolt is fired with both
likes, the attack may apply no damage, hands, so the hero cannot attempt a
instead simply destroying the power second attack with her offhand while
supply. charging u p the superbolt or attacking
Repairing a frie d power su pply isn't with it.
something that can be done on the fly. For the su perbolt to work, the hero
This attack usually melts the supply must also receive an extra success on
into a useless hunk of metal and her attack roll. Otherwise, it's just a
plastic, so that the entire u nit must be normal blast. If the hero is stunned
replaced to return the device to wh ile he's building her charge, the
operating condition. bonu s is lost.


Rate of Range
Weapon Type Ammo Shots Quickness Fire Increment Damage Cost
Lightning Bolt Energy Unlimited 1 1 10 10d6+10

COPYCAT Copy: The hero has the ability to
"Anything you can do, I can do mimic any single power or skill that
better." That's what most copycats like she has personally witnessed being
to say, although it's not always true. used in the past round.
What they can do, though, is mimic To do this, the hero must observe the
whatever they like with uncanny power or skill be used, then make an
accuracy. This power allows the hero to Easy (5) Spirit roll. If successful, she can
copy any skill or power she has now use the power or skill as if it were
witnessed within the last few seconds. her own.
Most copycats are placed in good- This power has some limitations, of
sized teams to maximize their course.
effectiveness in the field. Without other First, the copycat has to actually see
deltas present, copycats can still the power or skill in action-in real life,
duplicate other people's skills, but that not on video. Further, it's not enough to
aren't nearly as impressive as copying look at someone; the copycat must see
another delta's powers. the target power or skill being used.
Mostly, Primer copycats duplicate Bullets would have to bounce off of a
things like a tough's armor power (a tough's chest, for instance, for a
good power to rely upon if you're not copycat to take advantage of her armor
sure what your day may bring you). power. Similarly, a computer skill could
Of course, there isn't always a tough not be copied without the copycat
around when a hero needs one; the physically watching a person using a
copycat must sometimes be satisfied computer.
with duplicating whatever power or Second, copycats may only copy one
skill she can find. skill or power at any time. They cannot
Copycats must see a target delta's copy an entire power package; quirks
power in action to be able to copy it. are not picked up with the power,
This means, for instance, that a tough unless they activate the Copy Quirk
would have to break a knife on his trick (shown on the opposite page).
chest in front of the copycat in order for If a copycat likes, she can copy
him to take advantage of the Copy another power or skill at any time. Any
power, and gain the armor benefit. power or skill she already has is lost
Of course, Primer copycats of higher immediately, whether she makes her
rank than the target delta may simply Spirit roll or not.
order them to display their powers. But Third, the copycat may only retain a
the opposite is hardly true; higher- copied power or skill for one day; after
ranking Primers aren't usually happy 24 hours, the mimicked power or skill
displaying their powers for someone of fades away.
lower rank, regardless of need. When copying another person's skill,
Copycats are best used in fights a copycat gains that person's value
against other deltas, for much the same with the skill. If the copycat copies a
reason as boosters. Once they see a skill that she already has, the new skill
delta foe in action, they can copy at value is not added to her own; it
least one of their powers, which is often simply replaces hers for the power's
the edge needed to win a battle. duration.
A copycat may duplicate a skill TRICKS
value that's lower than her own. (After Copy Quirk: If the copycat gets an
all, there's no way to tell what another extra success with her Spirit roll to
person's skill value is just by looking at activate her power, she may copy a
them.) Copycats accept a certain degree quirk she sees in action-in addition to
of risk when using this power. If they the targeted power or skill. This is
sees someone make a really lucky shot more difficult than copying a skill or
and copies an inferior shooting skill, power, and some quirks may not be
they have to live with the it-until they copied.
deactivate the power, anyway. It's simple enough, for instance, to
Guides should not reveal a target's copy the double-jointed quirk, but
skill value until after a copycat succeeds there's no real way to duplicate the rich
with her power. quirk with this power. The rule of
At that point, the copycat is free to thumb is that if the quirk personally
drop the copied skill value, but doing affects the hero's body or state of mind,
so takes an action. then it may be copied. If it affects the
The copycat may drop any copied hero's state of being, it cannot.
power or skill value at any time, but As always, the Guide's word is final.
not while stunned or knocked Quick Learn: If the copycat rolls
unconscious. Nor does being stunned three extra successes when trying to
or knocked unconscious arbitrarily copy a skill which she doesn't have
remove the power or skill value. herself, she gains a value of 1 with that
Copied powers and skills may only skill for free. Obviously, this may only
occur by choice, or the expiration of the be used once per skill. The copycat may
Copy power's duration (24 hours). only learn one new skill in this way
each week.
forever. That is, right up until she
HOUND happens to cross paths with a hound.
Picture this. You're a delta, and From that point on, she may literally be
you've decided that there's no way a marked woman, liable to be exposed
you're going to register with the for who-and what-she is at any
government and give up your life. moment.
You've worked too hard and too long Of course, as you should know by
to give everything up just because you now, people sometimes lie. Primer
happened to survive a close call with hounds don't always turn in everyone
death. they detect-especially not if it appears
And, hey, who's going to stop you? that their prey may be useful in the
You don't need to rebel like the future.
Defiants, and you don't feel responsible Perhaps the hound is looking to
for helping the downtrodden and escape servitude under Delta Prime
disenfranchised just because fate gifted once and for all, and needs help.
you with delta powers. As long as you Defiants that she knows about but has
don't use your powers-or at least, yet to expose can be blackmailed into
don't let anyone see you use them-you providing much-needed assistance.
should be fine ... right? Or maybe the hound is simply
You've never been more wrong in interested in building her own power
your life. base within Delta Prime. To do that, she
needs deltas who answer only to her-
not to her superiors-so she slowly and
ADUIANT'S WORST fRllND carefully rounds up her own private
The deltas known as hounds can army.
immediately tell-just by looking at Or maybe the hound simply wants
you-whether you're a delta or not. something the Defiant has, and
Unfortunately, a few hounds work for exposing the Defiant wouldn't do her
Delta Prime. any good.
And they're looking for you. There are lots of reasons a hound
Most hounds find that their powers might keep a person's delta status
aren't very useful unless they're secret, but you can rest assured of one
working for a large organization that's thing: if a hound figures out that you're
searching for deltas. But that doesn't secretly a delta, she'll use that
prevent other hounds from finding information eventually. And if you're
such errant renegades as well, and as desperate as most Defiants, you'll
bringing them in. give her whatever she wants.
For this reason, it seems like most Or you'll do your best to make sure
hounds work for Delta Prime, though she can't ever tell anyone what she
there are a few who are members of the knows.
Defiance (and even the Delta Warriors).
Among Defiants, hounds are some of POWERS
the most feared Primers.
Find Delta: The hero has the power ·
If a Defiant maintains a secret
to determine if anyone within 10" of
identity and is clever, she can keep her him is a delta. To do this, she must
real name and home secret from the
make an Easy (5) Spirit roll. For each
government for years-maybe even
success she gets, she can detect one
delta within range.
Like a compass needle, the hound Reach Farther: If the hound gets an
detects the direction in which the extra success with her Spirit roll, she
nearest delta is, so long as that delta is can extend the range of her power by
within her range. For each additional another 10".
success she receives, the hound detects Tag Delta: If the hound gets an extra
the direction of another delta, starting success with her Spirit roll, she can
with the next-closest, and so on. mark any delta she's detected with a
This means that if there's someone "psychic tag". For the next 24 hours, if
between the hound and the delta, the the target delta comes within 10" of the
hound might very well mistake the hound, the hound immediately detects
intervening person as the target delta. them, whether they're actively using
The only way the hound can be sure their power or not.
that a person is a delta is to use her Track Delta: If the hound rolls an
power on them from two or more extra success with her Spirit roll, she
directions. (The hound must may actually determine both the
triangulate the delta's position to direction and the range of anyone
determine where she's at.) delta that she's detected. In other
The Find Delta power works with words, she knows the exact location of
alphas as well, should the hero ever the person she's looking for. This
encounter one. "lock" on the target continues for as
long as the target delta remains in the
hound's range.


So how do you lie to a person who
There are deltas out there that you can sense when you're deceiving them?
can't lie to. All right, you can try as People do it all the time without
much as you like-they won't actually knowing it. It's called being evasive.
wire your jaw shut for your efforts- This is the biggest problem an
but you can't ever fool them. interrogators faces. You ask somebody
These people are usually called a question, and instead of answering it,
interrogators, and they have the ability they give you an entirely true
to tell when people lying. statement that has nothing to do with
Delta Prime keeps several your original question. In this way,
interrogators on hand at all times. Each targets can misdirect interrogators from
regional office has an separate division information they wish to protect.
for Interrogation, which is always Of course, experienced interrogators
staffed by at least one interrogator. are familiar with this tactic, and do
There are also many unpowered their best to pin targets down. They
questioners who work in Interrogation, make sure to ask the right kind of
but their actual role is to support the questions. But there's only so much
Interrogators. Without such a delta by they can do against someone who's
their side, they would have only their determined to avoid a straight answer.
own instincts to go on, and-as has That's when some interrogators turn
been proven so many times in the to cruder methods. Although it's not
past-they would be vulnerable to . officially condoned by Director Reagan,
their own emotions, which cloud then Interrogation sometimes uses torture to
ability to judge a person's guilt by mere force their subjects to talk. Some
sight. This renders their methods-at interrogators are able to parlay this
best-unreliable. reputation alone to get people to talk,
so it's not too often they have to drag
THf WHOLf TRUTH out the sodium pentothal and pliers.
Delta Prime doesn't have the market
cornered with this kind of delta. The POWERS
most famous interrogator of all is the Deted Lie: The hero can tell if a
nominal head of the Defiance herself: person she's conversing with is
Truth. She uses her powers to ferret out speaking the truth. To do this, she
Primers who are trying to infiltrate the makes a contested Spirit roll against the
Defiance, and to keep her people in person she's talking to. The
line. interrogator may add +10 to her Spirit
Of course, if you've read Defiants, for this roll only.
you know that Truth isn't always If the hero wins the contested roll,
truthful herself. then she can tell if the hero is telling the
As with hounds, interrogators have a truth or not. If she fails, she isn't sure
great deal of power if they use their whether the hero is lying or not, aware
delta powers in the right way. only of her own uncertainty. With a
They just have to know which truths disastrous roll, she firmly believes that
to tell to others. the target is telling her the truth,

regardless of the actual veracity of the TRICKS

target's words. Truthtell: If the interrogator receives
To use this power, the interrogator three extra successes with a contested
must be within the presence of her Spirit roll, she not only tells that the
target. It's not enough to watch the person is lying, she may come up with
person on a monitor, even if it's a live a decent guess as to what the truth is.
broadcast. She must hear and see the The interrogator must use this trick
person, with no external assistance of immediately after the target has
any kind. answered a direct question about the
The interrogator must make a issue at hand. The manner in which the
separate roll for each lie she's target answer tells the hero whether the
attempting to verify. Long question she just asked is connected to
interrogations can really tire a hero out; the truth, even if the target simply
after every minute of uninterrupted lie gives an evasive answer.
detection attempts, the hero must make The danger here is that the hero may
a stun check. For every minute after the simply uncover a half-truth, which can
first that the checks continue, +1 is be just as dangerous as a direct lie. It's
added to the stun check's Target up to the Guide to handle each of these
Number. situations as they appear in the game.
If the hero becomes stunned, she Tell Lie: If the hero is asked a
must take a break from detecting lies question by another interrogator, she
for at least one hour. Otherwise, the still gets to add +10 to her Spirit roll for
Target Number of her stun checks rises the contested roll. If she gets an extra
by +2 for each additional minute she success with her roll, she may convince
continues to use her power. the other interrogator that what she's
saying is the full and entire truth.
Primers are going to believe? The
WATCHER watcher-one of their own-or some
People often wonder how Primers Defiant on the run from the law?
manage to figure out what they're up Watchers are supreme surveillance
to all the time-even illegal activities specialists. They don't need any
that go on behind closed doors, or equipment, and can see just about
events that occur when they are anything.
wearing masks, as so many criminals And their eyes only rarely bear a
(and Defiants) prefer. telltale glow to betray them.
There is one kind of delta against
which such measures have little effect. POWIRS
These people can literally see through Delta Vision: The hero may see
walls and count the freckles on your through anything as if it were as
nose from 100 yards away. transparent to her as a pane of glass.
And they can see in the dark better The hero can control her Delta Vision
than any cat. so that she only sees through things
These people are known as watchers, that she wants to. This is a good thing;
and they can see just about anything. otherwise the power would be pretty
Like other" subtle" Primers, watchers useless, as the hero would simply see
are more powerful than they may through everything, including the things
appear at first. It's up to them what she was trying to notice in the first
they report to their superiors, and what place.
they keep to themselves for later use. The hero can also see perfectly well
Of course, they might simply in the dark, so long as there is even the
manufacture misdeeds perpetrated by slightest light available (including light
someone they're supposed to be streaming in from under a door, or the
watching. Who do you think the other
soft glow of a wristwatch). looking around. Using this trick causes
Starlight or the lights of a nearby city the hero's eyes to glow with a soft, blue
reflected off the clouds are both light, and the air between the watcher
accepted sources of illumination for the and his target to waver with heat from
purposes of this power. So long as the the radiation.
hero's not looking inside a building, Telescopic V ision: An extra success
there's usually enough light near any with the hero's power activation roll
populated area for this power to work. allows her to magnify distant scenes by
There is one restriction to this power. up to 20 times. This means that-at
As stated above, at least minimal light maximum magnification-the hero
is required within the area the hero is may see something 100" away as if it
trying to see. For instance, a delta using were only 5" away.
the delta vision power may look within
the visor of an Armorgeddbn suit
would be able to discern the pilot's face ANEW SKILL
(from the light streaming through the Here's a new skill that any hero may
visor), but seeing behind a mask is not pick up, although watchers will likely
possible (as there is no room between find it the most useful.
the mask and the target's face for light
to flow).
To activate this power, the hero must LIPREADING (SMARTS)
make an Easy (5) Spirit roll. This is the ability to determine what
someone is saying by watching the way
their lips move. This skill allows the
TRICKS hero to read lips in any language that
Infrared V ision: With an extra she speaks.
success, the hero may see heat patterns To read lips, the hero must be able to
generated by living beings. These are see the target. This requires an Easy (5)
visible no matter how much ambient lipreading roll.
light is in the area. If the hero succeeds with this roll,
In fact, the hero can see in otherwise she may tell what her targets are
complete darkness using the infrared saying. If the roll fails, the hero can't
light now visible to her. read the subjects' lips, but she is aware
The hero's eyes glow a soft red of her failure, and may try again the
when she uses this trick. next round, if she wishes.
Microwave V ision: With an extra On a disastrous roll, the hero thinks
success on the roll to activate her the subjects are speaking about
power, the watcher may generate something entirely different from their
microwaves with her eyes. These may actual topic. The specifics of this are left
not penetrate anything but paper, glass, up to the Guide, who is encouraged to
or plastic, but they automatically strike have fun with the situation.
anyone the watcher looks at, doing ld6 A watcher may read someone's lips
damage each action they are focused on from behind by looking through her
the target. head, but this increases the skill's
Anyone who takes one or more Target Number by +5 (and requires
wounds in this manner instantly knows successful use of Delta Vision).
where the damage came from just by

Smarts: 2d6 Hey, not everyone can be on the front
Area knowledge: Crescent City 2, line, you know. It's just not in our blood. I
criminology 2, etiquette 1, language: mean, if I was one of those blasters, I'd be
English 2, navigation 1, tactics 2 in there mixing it up with the Defiants
Speed: 4d6 every day. As it is, I'm content to stay on
Dodging 3, driving: personal vehicle 2, the sidelines and simply offer what support
escaping 1, shooting 3, stealth 3 I can.
Spirit: 4d6 At least I feel like I'm contributing
Bravery 2, leadership 2, perception 3, something. After all, with all the brave
persuasion: bluff 2, persuasion: charm Primers doing everything they can to
2, scrutinize 1, search 1, tracking 1 preserve order in this great country of ours,
Strength: 2d6 it's the least I can do.
Climbing 2, fighting: bare-handed My powers may not be as flashy as
2, swimming 2, throwing 1 others', but they're mine. When I'm
Size: 5 working with the right team, you'd better
Pace: 9 just step back and watch the sparks fly.
Delta Points: 3
Quirks: Alert +3, authority + 1: Quote: I'm every Primer's best friend .
Delta Prime Enforcement
agent, delta to, duty -5: Delta
Prime, honest -3, patron +5:
Delta Prime, public identity
to, registered to, sense of
direction + 1, squeamish -2
Power Boost: Whenever
the booster is within
10" of another delta,
she can double one
number of one of that
delta's powers by making
an Easy (5) Spirit check.
Tricks: Extend range, extend
time, first move
Gear: A Colt 2000 with three full
clips of AP 10 ammo, a
taser, a Delta Prime
uniform, a Kevlar vest, a
pair of binoculars, a
digital phone, nightvision
goggles, and $500.

Smarts: 2d6 Let me tell you something-something
Area knowledge: Crescent City 2, shocking. I really get a charge out of my
criminology 2, language: English 2, powers.
security 2, tactics 2 I'm not just talking about the thrill of
Speed: 4d6 being able to blast Defiants into
Dodging 2, driving: personal vehicle 1, submission. No, it's more about the feeling
piloting: helicopter 2, shooting I get from letting pure electricity flow
5, stealth 2 through my veins. That's something
Spirit: 3d6 that can really make your hair stand
Bravery 2, /.__.r.?"~'."'~::~. up on end.
leadership 3, Electricity isn't just something
perception 2, that comes out of a plug, you
persuasion: know. It
bluff 2, flows
scrutinize 1, through us
search 1 all. It's
Strength: 3d6 what keeps
Climbing 2, your heart
fighting: beating. You
bare-handed 3, just can't feel it.
running 2, But I can. And
swimming 2,
throwing 1
Size: 5
Pace: 9
Delta Points: 3
Quirks: Authority +4: Delta Prime
Enforcement captain, brave +1,
delta to, duty -5: Delta Prime,
impulsive -3, patron: Delta
Prime +5, public identity to,
registered to, self-righteous-2
Anuor: 5/-
Lightning Bolt: The hero (HARGER ATTACK
can fire a lightning bolt
from each hand. This
blast ignores armor that's not part of Weapon Type: Lightning Bolt
the target's skin or power or Ammo: Energy
specifically insulated against electrical Shots: Unlimited
discharge. Quickness: 1
Invulnerability: The hero is immune to R ate of Fire: 1
electrical attacks or damage. Range Increment: 10
Tricks: Bull's eye, fry, superbolt Damage: 10d6 + 10
Gear: A Delta Prime uniform, a Kevlar vest, Cost: -
a digital phone, and $500.

Smarts: 2d6 I just can't imagine being your regular
Area knowledge: Crescent City 2, delta. The thought of being stuck with only
bureaucratics 2, language: English 2, one set of powers for the rest of your life,
medicine 1, security 1, tactics 2 it's just sad, almost as bad as
Speed: 3d6 being a reg, I'd
Dodging 2, driving: personal say-but not
vehicle 2, shooting 3, stealth quite.
2 Of course, I'm
Spirit: 5d6 nothing without my
Bravery 1, mimic 2, perception fellow Primers around
3, persuasion: bluff 2, me, but thanks to Delta
persuasion: charm 3, persuasion: Prime, I'm never alone.
seduction 3, scrutinize 1, There's always someone
search 1, streetwise 1 f/ around whom 1 can latch
Strength: 2d6 4 onto, and whose powers
Climbing 2, fighting: bare- / - I can mimic.
handed 2, running 1, I try to
swimming 1, throwing 1 associate
Size: 5 with
Pace: 8 more
Delta Points: 3 interesting
Quirks: Authority + 1: Delta Primers. 1
Prime Enforcement keep track of all
agent, beautiful +1, the powers I've
curious -3, delta copied, and I'm always on the
±O, duty -5: lookout for more. If you hear of
Delta someone unusual, please, do let me know.
lucky +3, Quote: I know what you are, but what am
lusty -1, 1?
Prime +5,
public identity ±O, registered ±O,
skeptical -1
Copy: The hero has the ability to mimic
any single power or skill that's she
has personally witnessed being used
in the past round. This requires an
Easy (5) Spirit roll.
Tricks: Copy quirk, first move, quick learn
Gear: A Colt 2000 with three full clips of AP
10 ammo, a taser, a Delta Prime uniform,
a Kevlar vest, a digital phone, and $500.

Smarts: 2d6 I didn' t ask for this life. I never wanted
Area knowledge: Crescent City 3, to be a delta, m u ch less one whose only
language: English 2, navigation 4, power is to track down other deltas so they
tactics 1 can be hauled in .
Speed: 3d6 Despite that, I know what my duty is,
Dodging 2, driving: personal vehicle 2, and I'm prepared to do it. It doesn't matter
shooting 2, stealth 3 if you 're a 12-year-old kid who just
Spirit: 5d6 awakened or a captain in the Delta
Perception 3, scrutinize 2, search 3, Warriors. If you're hidin g among the regs, I
shadowing 3, streetwise 1, tracking 3 w ill find you. There's no way you can
Strength: 2d6 escape me.
Climbing 2, fighting: bare-handed 2, If you're a fresh d elta, I'm doing you a
running 2, swimming 1 favor. There's no better way to learn how to
Size: 5 use your p owers than with Delta Prime.
Pace: 8 And if you ' re a Defiant, than I'm doing
Delta Points: 3 the rest of us a favor by bringing you in.
Quirks: Authority +2: Delta Prime
Investigation sergeant, delta ±O, d uty -5: Quote: That's him! He's the one!
Delta Prime, honest - 3, patron: Delta
Prime +5, public identity ±O, registered
±O, sense of direction + 1, self-righteous
- 2, sharp ears +1, sharp eyes +1
Find Delta:
The hero
has the
power to
if anyone
10" of
him is a
delta. To
do this, he
needs to Gear: AColt
make an Easy 2000 with
(5) Spirit roll. For t PL 2-1:: \ three full
each success he ~~ \ '. clips of AP
gets, he can = . _. . ._.. .
{'J 10 ammo,
detect up to ~~~ ;;-;;~:=, Barrett M90
one delta with two full clips of AP
within his 10 ammo, a taser, a Delta
range. Prime uniform, a Kevlar vest, a
Tricks: Reach farther, tag delta, track delta digital phone, and $500.

Smarts: 3d6 Don't lie to me. Don't even try it. It's a
Area knowledge: Crescent City 2, waste of your time-and mine.
bureaucratics 1, criminology 3, Don't be afraid. This isn't the
forgery 2, language: English 2, Spanish Inquisition. We don't have
medicine 2, security 1 any hot irons, stretching racks, or
Speed: 2d6 iron maidens.
Dodging 2, driving: I don't need them.
personal vehicle 1, All I need is for you to talk
shadowing 1, to me. And you will talk to
sleight of hand 1, me, won't you?
stealth 1 Of course, you will.
Spirit: 5d6 You've run out of options.
Perception 4, \ I'm your only choice.
persuasion: But please don't lie to
interrogation 5, me. Don't treat me like I'm
scrutinize 3, search 3 stupid. You're an open book
Strength: 2d6 to me, and all I have to do is
Climbing 2, fighting: bare- turn you to the right page to
handed 3, running 1, get the answers I seek.
swimming 1
Size: 5 Quote: Is that your final answer?
Pace: 7
Delta Points: 3
Quirks: Arrogant-3, authority
+2: Delta Prime Interrogation
sergeant, delta ±O, duty -5:
Delta Prime, mean -2, patron:
Delta Prime +5, public identity
±O, registered ±O
Detect Lie: The hero can tell if
the person she's speaking with
is telling the truth. To do this,
she simply makes a contested
Spirit roll against the person
she's talking to. The
interrogator gets to
add +10 to her Spirit
for this roll only.
Tricks: Bull's eye, truth tell, tell lie
Gear: A Colt 2000 with three full clips of AP
10 ammo, a taser, a Delta Prime uniform,
a Kevlar vest, a medical bag filled with
syringes and vials of sodium pentothal,
a digital phone, and $500.

Smarts: 2d6 How's that old Motown
Area knowledge: Crescent City 2, tune go again? "Nowhere
language: English 2, to run to, baby. Nowhere to
navigation 2, security 2, tactics hide." I love humming that
2 old tune while I'm tracking
Speed: 3d6 people down. Stick me with a
Dodging 2, driving: personal hound, and we're almost
vehicle 1, scrutinize 2, / ; " " --£'0,... ...... unstoppable.
shadowing 1, shooting You think I can't
2, stealth 1 see you behind that
Spirit: 5d6 crate? You think
Bravery 2, leadership 2, you're safe on the
perception 3, other side of that
persuasion: wall? You think I
intimidation 2, don't know exactly
scrutinize 2, search where you are?
2, streetwise 2 Think again,
Strength: 2d6 chump.
Climbing 1, fighting: There's that
bare-handed 2, other old saying
running 2, that always pops
swimming 1, into my head at a
throwing 1 time like this.
Size: 5 "You can run, but
Pace: 8 you can't hide."
Delta Points: 4
Quirks: Alert +3, authority + 1: Delta Quote: I can see right
Prime Investigation agent, delta ±O, through you.
duty -5: Delta Prime, honest -3,
patron: Delta Prime +5, public
identity ±O, registered ±O, sharp
eyes +1, vengeful-2
Delta V is ion: With an Easy (5)
Spirit roll, the hero can see
through anything as if it were
transparent glass, and can see in
all but complete darkness as if it
were day.
Tricks: Infrared vision, microwave
vision, telescopic vision
Gear: A Colt 2000 with three full clips
of AP 10 ammo, a taser, a Delta Prime
uniform, a Kevlar vest, a digital phone,
and $500.


There's a reason this chapter is in
WORLD Of GADGETS this book and not somewhere else like,
Gadgets-as defined in Brave New say, in Defiants. In a large, tightly
World-are fantas tic, one-off pseudo- organized outfit like Delta Prime,
technological devices that break the there's a lot of labor divisions. The idea
laws of physics as we currently here is that people are placed into
understand them. Creating these positions where they can concentrate
gadgets, as you m ight imagine, isn't on the fields in which they truly excel,
something just anyone can handle. You leaving others to do the same.
can't exactly run down to Radio Shack This is a m uch more efficient model
and pick up a kit for a suit of power than h aving everyone trying to handle
armor, for instance. It just doesn't work every problem that comes their way by
that way. themselves-at least in theory. As in
The gadgeteers are one of the more any large bureaucracy, there are going
flexible hero packages described in to be some inefficiencies in the system
Brave New World so far, and we've just which are going to frustrate those who
scratched the surface w ith them in the have to deal w ith them on a regular
main rulebook. Here, we're going to basis.
explore them in a little bit m ore depth. Overall, though, matters are much
We have a new system that describes more stream lined than they would be
more fully how gadgeteer players otherwise. One prime example of this is
create new gad gets, and we're the Armorgeddon program, one of the
presenting several new gadgets that are top-rated operations in Delta Prime or
fully pre-approved for use in your any other part of the Department of
game. So let's get to it! Justice. And for good reason.
gadgeteers free to spend their extra
TH£ ARMORG£DDON PROGRAM time engaged in more efficient
When Delta Prime started working research, which quickly launched the
with gadgeteers, Director Robert Primer R&D labs to the top of their
Kennedy quickly realized that the field.
people building gadgets weren't The other step Director Kennedy
always the best people to use them in took was to have the fruits of the R&D
the field. Nowhere was this more department's labor handed out to
evident than when it came to suits of people in other parts of the
powered armor. organization. The most famous groups
Under Bobby Kennedy's guidance, to benefit from this arrangement are
the Delta Prime R&D departments-in the Armorgeddon enforcer units.
which most gadgeteers work-came up
with official schematics for different
kinds of gadgets, so that the gadgeteers SUITS AND MAKfRS
working on them weren't simply Each Armorgeddon squad consists of
repeating each other's initial research up to five Armorgeddon suits assigned
every time they wanted to build to highly qualified, top-trained pilots.
something. It just didn't make sense for With few exceptions, these men and
each of them to reinvent the wheel each women are not deltas. The cold, hard
and every time they started on fact is that if a reg in an Armorgeddon
something new. suit is harmed or killed, they can be
This policy drastically cut down the replaced a lot more easily than a
amount of time it took Primer gadgeteer.
gadgeteers to complete work on There just aren't that many
gadgets which schematics had already gadgeteers to go around, and their
been completed for. This left the


This is a heavy artillery This is an agile, lightweight
"tank" class Armorgeddon suit version of the Armorgeddon
intended for use in hostile suit, which sacrifices armor and
enemy territory and worst case w eaponry for speed and reflex
urban assault scenarios. Pilots of time. Pilots of Lightning Class
Titan suits are size 8, have an suits are considered to have a
Armor Value of 15/5, add +8 to Size of 5, an Armor Value of 10/
their Strength rolls, and fly at a 2, add +5 to their Speed rolls, and
Pace of 20. Further, they have fly at a Pace of 55. Their only
two forearm-mounted machine suit-mounted weapon is a single
guns - improved Browning blaster cannon, with a quickness
MGs with 75 shots and 6d6+5 of I, ROF of 2, range of 8, and
damage (AP 10). damage value of Sd6+S (API0).
safety is jealously guarded by Delta Each squad in the corps consists of
Prime. Most Primer gadgeteers live and up to five Armorgeddon suits, plus a
work in one of the seven regional gadgeteer and a pilot for each suit.
offices. If they leave the building, Traditionally, the number of suits in
they're often accompanied by a Primer each unit is maintained at five, but this
escort from Enforcement. isn't always possible, due to attrition,
There are two reasons for the escort. injury, damage, or other factors out of
First, gadgeteer Primers are top targets everyone's control.
for assassinations and kidnappings by Of course, you may see any number
various factions of the Defiance and of Armorgeddon units working
other rogue elements seeking to together on the street. Squad members
damage Delta Prime's resources. often split off from each other to attack
Second, Delta Prime has to be sure that their assignments in a more time-
the gadgeteers aren't engaging in efficient manner, and-when
traitorous activities: selling off necessary-may be teamed with those
schematics for various devices for of other squads to face tasks beyond
example, or planning to go AWOL. their individual capabilities. Teaming
Defections aren't really all that much squads doesn't happen too often (there
of a problem, though. Primer are few things short of a concerted
gadgeteers are treated like prima delta attack that can stand up to a full
donnas, living in sumptuous comfort- squad of Armorgeddon units), but
especially for an employee of Delta when the need arises, Armorgeddon
Prime. Director Reagan views keeping squads support each other like
gadgeteers happy as a key part of members of an extended family.
maintaining Delta Prime as the top-
notch law-enforcement machine it's
become. Without their total ARMORGEDDON TACTICS
commitment, Delta Prime runs the risk As members of one of the most
of losing access to some of its most vital widely respected and feared law-
machinery, a potentially crippling enforcement units in the world-much
occurrence that cannot be allowed to less the country-Armorgeddon pilots
happen. are sometimes a bit overconfident in
their ability to handle threats. They
tend to want to solve every problem by
THE ARMORGEDDON CORPS flying in and blasting it to smithereens.
To help reduce the differences Of course, this isn't always the best
between the two divisions from which solution, and sometimes cooler heads
Armorgeddon pilots and makers prevail, especially if the squad's
come-Enforcement and R&D, sergeant has been given decent
respectively-Director Kennedy intelligence beforehand. But unless that
formed the Armorgeddon Corps. This happens-or until the squad gets its
cross-division unit draws personnel collective nose bloodied-
from both divisions, but receives its Armorgeddon pilots tend to be gung-
own funding directly from the top, ho, ready to toss themselves into battle
preventing any potential squabbles at the slightest provocation. This is one
over which budget the money for the reason why irreplaceable deltas aren't
corps should come from. usually allowed to pilot the suits.


Once a hero has a design for a new
The gadget-creation guidelines in
gadget, she still has to build it. If s~e
Brave New World work fine, but they're
can manage to obtain a proven desIgn
a little short on details like the length of from someone else, the design phase of
time it takes a gadgeteer to design and the p rocess can be circumvented,
build a gadget, and what her chance of
saving her precious time, but
failure is when working with a
regardless, she's not yet done.
particular design. Keeping in mind ~he At the beginning of the first week
restrictions in the main rulebook, this
after a hero begins building a gadget,
section expands on some of these. she should make a Phenomenal (30)
tinkering roll. If this is failed, the hero
OfSIGN TlMf may try again after another week of .
The length of time it takes to d esign work. This time, the Target Number IS
a new gadget can vary greatly, but it's reduced by -5. This number continues
rarely more than six m on ths of game to be reduced, week after week-to a
time. At the end of the first m onth after minimum Target Number of 5-until
the hero begins work on designing a the gadgeteer succeeds ~in which case
device, he should make a Phenomenal the gadget has been built) or gives up.
(30) tinkering roll.
A success means the hero has a solid SUC(fSS AND fAILURf
design. If this is failed, the ~ero may .try Gadgeteers test their designs during
again after another month m the desIg~ several stages of the development
process. This time the Target Num~er is
process, but bugs sometimes creep in
reduced by -5, making it an IncredIble
that don't become apparent until the
(25) tinkering roll.
device is in the field .
The hero may keep trying, month
For this reason, Guides should make
after month, with the Target Number
the tinkering rolls for the design and
falling by another -5 each month,
construction processes. If either roll
down to a minimum of an Easy (5)
comes u p a disaster, the design or
tinkering roll. If the hero ever gives up
construction su cceeds, but there is
his design work on a device for a
something seriously wrong with it-
month or more, he loses any benefit of
something that the hero isn't initially
previous research, and has to start the
aware of.
design over from scratch.
This potentially fatal flaw doesn't
A hero may work on more than one
become ap parent until the device is
gadget at once, tinkering with. one being used in the field and the user
device for a while before movmg on to
makes a disastrous roll while using it.
the next, rotating through the items
When this h appens, the device fails
and keeping himself fresh. The . .
spectacularly and is entirely destroyed.
gadgeteer may simultaneou sly desIgn
If the hero can recover and examine the
as many gadgets at once as the value of
device, she immediately realizes where
his tinkering skill. A gad geteer with a
she went wrong, forcing her to trash
tinkering of 5, for instance, could design
the original design and start over.
up to five gadgets at once.

APOINT Of CLARIfiCATION saved time in the first half of the

Since we're in the gadgeteer section
of this book, we might as well be clear
about this. Items created by a gadgeteer HAND BLASTIR
are products of her powers, not the This is a gun that works by focusing
powers themselves. pressurized plasma packets through its
This means that items like power- barrel at a speed high enough to punch
dampening fields don't automatically through steel (much less helpless flesh).
shut down blasters or Armorgeddon These packets offer one heck of a
suits. Also, the armor of an punch, and are able to penetrate most
Armorgeddon suit can be pierced by a armor like butter-unless it's part of
hand blaster or by a blaster' s attack, the target's skin or has something to do
since the armor isn't part of the pilot's with the target's power.
power (if the pilot has any power at Blasters can also be switched from
all). lethal to nonlethal damage with the
flick of a switch. When doing nonlethal
damage, roll for damage normally, but
HIW GADGITS don't apply any wounds. The only
Here are a few new gadgets for your thing the victim has to worry about is
gadgeteers to work with. Plans for each checking for stun. Apply the wound
of these are available to any gadgeteer modifiers from the attack to the Target
working for Delta Prime. Of course, she Number for the purposes of this stun
still has to build them, but at least she's check, but ignore them later, since there
are no actual wounds. who are working on one at any given
For instance, if the target takes two time. One gadgeteer may create and
nonlethal wounds-and was unhurt maintain a fusion reactor that's
beforehand-the Target Number for powerful enough to supply Crescent
the stun check would be 7. City's Prime HQ with limitless energy,
See page 100 for details on this but to supply the entire city would
weapon. require a team of gadgeteers, all
working together.
Fortunately, the addition of another
BLASTfR (ANNON gadgeteer's care increases the capacity
This is pretty much just a gigantic of the reactor's output exponentially. In
version of the hand blaster. As with the this way, a team of 20 gadgeteers can
hand blaster, attacks from this weapon run a fusion reactor that can power the
penetrate armor like it's not even there, entirety of Crescent City. This is, in fact,
unless its part of the target's skin or how the Crescent City Power and Light
delta power. (CCP&L) Company provides cheap
Blaster cannons can also be switched electricity to the entire region. Of
to a nonlethal setting with the flick of a course, they have backup fission
switch. They are usually mounted on a reactors in case the gadgeteers in
tripod or vehicle, as they're simply too charge of the fusion reactor are hurt or
big for most people to carry. A hero called away to more important duties
with a Strength of 8 or more could use by Delta Prime.
one as a two-handed weapon, though. A fusion reactor built and operated
For a full profile of this weapon, turn by a single gadgeteer is only about the
to page 100. size of a breadbox (it would actually fit
into a brown-paper grocery bag). Those
(OLD fUSION RfACTOR capable of powering a city are about
the size of a room, which is still tiny
This is the big one-the Holy Grail of compared to a traditional fission
Gadgeteers-the one, true gadget, next reactor. This fact alone bears great
to which all other gadgets pale in promise for high-energy-demand
comparison. A cold fusion reactor projects like space exploration-if only
creates incredible energy by fusing there were enough gadgeteers to go
nuclear matter together (in much the around.
opposite of the way a traditional fission
reactor works).
Better yet, fusion reactors are clean, HOVfRBIKf
meaning they don't leave behind A hoverbike is a single- (or at best
radioactive waste, which is a big plus two-) person vehicle that can fly
for anyone who has to live within 50 through the air like an incredibly
miles of one. Also, they pretty much maneuverable helicopter. It looks a lot
run on simple, readily available like a motorcycle, except there are no
compounds, like distilled water. wheels, and the entire thing runs atop a
Cold fusion reactors are a bit number of jetfans that give the gadget
different from your traditional gadget its loft, ability to stop on a dime, and
in that their size and effectiveness is hovering capability.
limited by the number of gadgeteers A hero riding a hoverbike works just
like a flying hero or a hero in a suit of position instead.
flying powered armor. The only real In fact, Delta Prime has a small fleet
difference is that the hero can mount a of hovercars outfitted in just this way,
machine-gun or rocket launcher on the with a blaster cannon atop the vehicle.
front of his vehicle if he likes. This can There are even a few special hovercars
only fire at whatever the vehicle is in which each mount is filled with just
pointing at, of course, but if the hero such a cannon.
can get his bike pointed in the right For a full profile of the hovercar, see
direction, he can do a whole lot of page 100.
For a full profile of the hoverbike,
see page 100. NUGUN
When you're in the business of
capturing Defiants, you don't always
HOVERCAR want to use maximum force to take
The hovercar is basically a larger down your target. In fact, you often
version of the hoverbike, just outfitted don't want to hurt your target at all. (A
to carry a larger number of passengers. dead Defiant doesn't really do anyone
Most hovercars can fit six normal-sized any good, while a live Defiant that's
passengers with ease-eight if they been captured has some potential,
don't mind getting real cozy with each regardless of who they are.)
other. A netgun looks more like a grenade
Some gadgeteers build their launcher or a teargas canister launcher
hovercar bodies from scratch, but most than anything else. It fires a large shell
practical-minded ones simply fit the that expands immediately upon
necessary parts onto an already leaving the weapon's barrel, forming a
existing ground vehicle. Hummers net large enough to wrap up even a
seem to be the most popular goliath.
automobiles to start with, especially Attacking with a netgun is handled
among Delta Primers, who have easy just like normal, but to be effective, the
access to the military grade Humvees shooter must have the entanglement
and parts. trick and dedicate an extra success to
Up to three weapons may be activate the trick. Otherwise, even if the
mounted on a hovercar (one on each attack hits the target, the net doesn't
side of the vehicle and one up top). manage to wrap itself around the
Each of these is restrained with bolts intended victim, and it does no damage
built into the mount, which limit the at all.
weapon's field of fire (so the gunner The ropes of this wiry web are made
can't accidentally shoot her own up of nearly unbreakable steel wires
vehicle). woven through virgin nylon lines.
Most times, gadgeteers simply outfit Once someone has become entangled
their rigs with machine-guns or rocket within a netgun's web, they must
launchers, but sometimes they like to succeed with an Amazing (20) Strength
get a bit more imaginative. If they can roll to break free.
find another gadgeteer willing to pitch Most people don't have a hope of
in, they often jump at the chance to breaking free once they've been hit by
mount a blaster cannon in the top this weapon, though, so they try

wriggling out instead. This requires a TRUTHBfAM

Difficult (15) escaping roll-enough to This device is similar to a lie detector
make even the bravest Bargainer think in that it can tell the user whether or
twice before tangling with a Primer
not the person it's pointed at is telling
armed with one of these guns.
the truth. It's a lot easier to use than a
While entangled by one of these nets,
regular lie detector, though, since all
a target is held firm and unable to do you have to do is shine the gadget's
much more than to flop around like a flashlight-like beam at the target.
fish out of water. Even phasers have If the target is telling the truth when
trouble with net guns, since the advent he is hit with this weapon, its light
of electrified rounds. Such ammunition shines a bright blue. If the target is
does not cause any damage to the lying, the color turns dark red.
phaser until she tries to phase through Unless the target is blind, it's
them; then the damage is 3d6+3 impossible for her to not know she's in
(phasers who are stunned quit phasing
the light of a truthbeam. Alerting the
and have to deal with the bits of the net
target makes the truthbeam less useful
still trapped inside them).
than an honest-to-goodness
For a full profile of the netgun, see
interrogator, but these gadgets still see
widespread use in police stations
across the country.

Vehicle Durability Pace Tum MPG ° Capacity Size Armor Top Speed
Hoverbike 10/2 60 3 40 10 gallons 8 66 mph
Hovercar 20/4 50 6 20 20 gallons 11 10/- 60 mph
°These vehicles use the kind of high-efficiency fuel you find in race cars,
which is not available at your average gas station. Delta Prime has a plentiful supply.

Rate of Range
Weapon Type Acti· on Ammo Shots Quickness Fire Increment Damage
Blaster Auto Plasma 30 1 3 5 5d6+10*
Blaster cannon Auto Plasma 60 2 3 10 5d6+20*t
Netgun Bolt Net 6 2 1 4 Entangle
*These weapons ignore all armor that's not pa~t of the ~arget's skin or power.
tThis weapon is normally mounted on a vehIcle or tnpod but can be used
as a two-handed weapon by a hero with a Strength of 8 or more.

power. There's also the Facade, of

USING THIS PART OF THI BOOK course, but he wasn't about to reveal
Wait, you're a Guide, right? Okay. his status as an alpha and risk losing
It's pretty simple. We go through the his already quite large base of power.
stuff we told the players and let you in There is a movement within Delta
on any secrets you need to know about. Prime to revive Project Omega in order
After that, there are descriptions and to propel deltas straight to omegahood,
profiles of a few NPCs and adversaries but it hasn't been very successful.
that your heroes may come in contact Project delta is having a hard enough
with. time trying to produce an alpha; every
time they seem to be getting close, their
subjects mysteriously disappear.
Dr. Beauchamp is lying. This project
is very real. In fact, Beauchamp was a
part of Project Omega himself, despite Once, as the Attorney General,
his protests. Bobby Kennedy did everything he
Project Omega was at its height back could to stand up for the people on the
in 1976 when the Vanishing took place. street. Unfortunately, he made a lot of
The scientists there were sure they were people angry by following his
nearing a breakthrough that would conscience-dangerous people like the
allow them to transform America's longtime head of the FBI, J. Edgar
most loyal alphas into godlike omegas. Hoover.
Then almost all the alphas Ironically, though, Hoover was one
disappeared. The only ones left behind of the few people who suspected
were in prison-people who could something was wrong with Bobby's
hardly be trusted with omega-class brother, JFK, and that the President
intended some ill fate upon his That's just the way they like it. Free
younger brother. He even tried to warn to work outside the Delta Prime's
Bobby about it, but it was just too late competitive environment, the Black
for Hoover to do any good. Primers are the state's ultimate tools.
You see, Bobbie Kennedy had long Not even JFK himself is absolutely sure
suspected that something was wrong they exist, as Reagan likes to keep the
with JFK At first, he just chalked it up President on his toes. He also likes
to the trauma Jack had suffered on that having the world's top espionage
fateful day in Dallas, but even that still experts in his back pocket.
didn't explain everything.
Once Bobby was placed in charge of
Delta Prime, he shelved the AMNESTY NATIONAL
investigation of his brother for a while; Captain Simonson is correct when
there was just too much to do. In 1967, she states that a number of Defiants
though, he picked up the case again. join up with Delta Prime when given a
In 1968, Bobby finally figured out the choice. Of course, the choice isn't "Join
truth-that the man who claimed to be Delta Prime or continue to put up with
his brother was in reality the alpha the Defiance blackmailing you into
known as Facade. Bobby planned to participating with them."
take his findings to the only people he No, it's more like, "Join Delta Prime
knew might listen to him: the American or rot in jail for the rest of your life."
public .. . But when a captured Defiant goes
He never got the chance. through his post-capture interrogation,
Hoover took Bobby's death as a the Primers often pitch the first option,
message meant for him, directly from taking the "soft cell" approach. They
the President. It showed him no one promise not to blame the captured
was safe from JFK's wrath if they Defiant for the decisions of the rest of
threatened his power. And if that their villainous rebellion, offering them
included Bobby-the President's own asylum in exchange for names,
brother-it certainly encompassed the descriptions, and addresses of the
head of the FBI as well. people who are "threatening their
families and friends".
BLACK OPS Further, many Delta Prime
interrogators offer membership in their
Delta Prime Director Ronald Reagan "fine patriotic institution" in exchange
personally oversees a secret for information which helps incarcerate
counterintelligence unit of Delta Prime, (or otherwise eliminate) Defiant
who wear all-black Primer uniforms threats.
and they answer only to the director Most Primer interrogators finish off
himself. with a reminder that the Defiance
The very existence of the Black movement doesn't typically accept
Primers is a legend within the those who have turned on them-and
intelligence community. None of their that the alternative is a life sentence at
operatives have ever been identified on New Alcatraz or the Fortress.
film, and there is precious little If that doesn't bring the captive into
evidence of them anywhere else. line, nothing will.

(ONVlRTlNG YOUR GAME The penalty for being caught

betraying Delta Prime is death. Period.
Guides may use this method to work Most traitors are killed resisting arrest.
captured Defiants into a Delta Prime Of course, this means that Primers
campaign. In fact, a Defiance campaign who kill another almost always report
could be converted into a Delta Prime that the victim was a traitor. If the killer
campaign in this way as well. is a trusted officer, such a claim usually
goes unquestioned. Lower-ranking
MOLES AND THEIR REMOVAL Primers must endure inquests, which
only serve to give a traitorous Primers
Defiants who end up in Delta Prime
enough time to evade justice.
aren't always the most loyal of agents.
If they were, they'd probably have
signed up with the government the
first time around. The Defiance knows
this and uses it to turn converted Despite what Captain Simonson tells
Primers into moles whenever they can. the players, many newly-awakened
Of course, Delta Prime isn't run by deltas either stick their heads in the
idiots; they know there are m oles in the sand or try to join the Defiance. The
organization, and they work hard to current estimate is that up to 50% of
root them out. new American deltas neglect to register
This is one of the reasons th at with their government. This number is
Primers have no privacy, and why the currently spiking, due to Patriot's
upper levels of the organization can "death". More than any other event in
abuse their privileges as much as they recent memory, the loss of Patriot has
like. Still, Primers who were once propelled the Defiance movement to
Defiants are watched the closest. new heights of popularity.
Of course, hard numbers are difficult vampires-which are actually a special
to procure, as many Americans with form of delta created by a single,
delta powers also fail to report to their horrible event-and Aquarians-
local Census Bureau. And then there created by a similarly disastrous
are all the deltas out there who don't event-the numbers grow even larger.
even know they have powers yet. The fact is that no one can really tell
Think about it. Even if you have for sure how many deltas there are out
armor-tough skin, you might not there. The statisticians can only tell you
realize it until it's tested (like when one thing: ever since the first delta was
you're chopping a salad or shaving). recorded back in 1917, there have been
And then there are the deltas who more and more deltas every year-with
don't know the true extent of their a sharp, temporary dip in 1976, of
powers. Most people just aren't willing course. In fact, there are more deltas
to step in front of a bullet to test the now than ever, and the numbers keep
durability of their skin. It's just not a growing.
smart thing to do.
Of course, deltas who sign the DRA
are put through an exhaustive battery BUDDY, (AN YOU
of tests to determine the precise nature
of their abilities, and the limitations of SPARE ADELTA?
those abilities. Few Defiants are so
lucky, though many who work with the The Delta loan program is a load of
organization for a while run into hogwash. All registered deltas are on
trouble enough to test their limits- some level property of the state, and
whether they like it or not. the federal government isn't ever going
to let them go. Some deltas might go
for years between missions, but when
THE DELTA POPULATION Reagan asks them to jump, they jump
as high as they possibly can.
The Census Bureau-in conjunction Prime loans out deltas to other
with Delta Prime-has come up with corporations--even other countries-
some fairly decent numbers about the for use as spies. Despite what Reagan
number of delta- both in America and might think about this policy's
worldwide-but these are a tightly efficiency, most other organizations are
held secret.( Most in Delta Prime don't well aware of what the Primers are up
even know the true statistics.) to, and take steps to protect themselves.
The numbers that Captain Simonson Some cannier groups even use their
quotes are generally held to be correct borrowed deltas to pass along false
by most people-those not actually in a information to the feds. This quickly
position to know any better. Of course, evolves into an intricate game of cat
the Defiance has its own set of and mouse, and it's often difficult to
numbers, which it likes to quote tell the predator from the prey.
whenever it can. Of course, this policy of loaning out
A lot more than 10% of the deltas out Primers has backfired with some
there are refusing to register with the regularity. Once away from the direct
US government-as many as 50%. supervision of their superiors in Delta
When you start tossing in creatures like Prime, some spies" find themselves
feeling more loyal to their current
employer than their government.
Reagan is completely aware that this
happens, and uses it to his advantage.
When he needs to bring a "business
partner" to its knees, all he has to do is
expose a turncoat Primer as proof of
the business's intent to undermine the
authority of the federal government.
Such a threat-even when only
implied-is usually enough to convince
most corporate heads to give in to
Reagan's demands. The only real
exceptions are Rex Shepherd and Ben
Archer of Triumph, Inc.

Orange-shirted Primers are the
modern equivalent of the Inquisition.
Once they get their claws into
someone, you can pretty much kiss
them good-bye.
Interrogation's public face is serene.
Some of them are even pleasant people. Not to mention his (ahem)
They have the interrogator power electrifying personality.
package, and use it to poke and prod at Most people believe that-if you
people until the truth finally comes out. manage to stay on the right side of the
Most Interrogators, though, aren't law-life isn't all that bad under
shy about applying a little judicious Kennedy's rule. You get up, go to work,
force when they feel it's necessary. The pay your taxes, and keep your nose
cold hard fact is that many people clean, and most of the time no one
vanish into the Interrogation Division messes with you. So the average citizen
of Delta Prime, never to see the light of is fairly content most of the time.
day again. But there are still a lot of folks who
don't fit nicely into this system, or who
have the gall to say King Jack's clothes
LlfllN THISI UNITID STATIS are looking more than a little
If you listen to Eddie Hamilton, you threadbare of late.
might think that everyth ing's There are a lot more of these people
champagne and roses in Kennedy's than you might think. Remember that
America, and from his point of view, these days, you don't actually have to
that's probably true. After all, he's a be convicted of a crime to go to jail.
captain in Delta Prime, which makes You just have to be suspected of one.
him one of the most powerful An awful lot of people take offense
individual citizens in the country. at that, and try to change it.


Most police take a "better safe than While the interrogator is working the
sorry" stance toward criminal behavior. suspect over-often by methods that
If someone is suspected of a crime, would make a seasoned torturer
they're hauled in and thrown into a wince-he often takes the opportunity
holding cell, where they rot until the to cover any additional ground he feels
cops manage to determine whether or w as missed. Does the suspect cheat on
not they're actually guilty. his taxes? Has he committed another
Establishing guilt can take some crime above the one he's suspected of?
time, and it's usually done in one of There aren't too m any interrogators
two ways. First, officers investigate the out there, so they're usually only called
crime and collect evidence to convince in on the toughest cases. They have a
themselves that the suspect is guilty. reputation for being able to get the
They can usually do this within about truth out of anyone, and they work
three days, but some suspects have hard to m aintain it.
been held for months on little more Th is isn't as simple as just walking
than the arresting officer's suspicion. into a room, looking the suspect in the
Secondly, the cops bring in an eye, and asking him if he committed a
interrogator, who is trained to obtain crime. Even if that answer is no, the
the truth from someone as quickly as suspect might have information that
possible. If the suspect is innocent, she could help the police track down the
might actually be relieved to hear an real culprit, an d obtaining that kind of
interrogator is on the way, but it's not information can take time.
always the blessing it seems. Some interrogators use physical
torture to encourage their subjects to
talk freely, but this is actually rare.
Most interrogators look down on su ch Many people arrested in America
tactics, considering them the last, crude today fail to make it before a judge.
resort of an unimaginative mind. There Officers often take the law entirely into
are so many other, more elegant ways their own hands, meting out the
to cause someone stress .. . p unishment of their choice.
After all, if you can always tell if Killers who victimize children and
someone's telling the truth, you can police almost never survive their arrest.
find out a lot about them, things that Once officers have them where they
they don't necessarily want other wan t them, many save the system the
people to know. Many innocents w ho trouble of dealing with them. Anyone
have been subjected to a top who asks what happened to the
interrogator claim that they w ould criminal receives the simple answer,
rather have committed the actual crime "He was resisting arrest."
in the first place, just to avoid the In Kennedy'S America, there isn't
invasion of their privacy. really a decent way to respond to this-
Interrogations are often held in a except nod and tacitly agree with the
locked room with only the interrogator officer 's actions. Most people in a
and subject present. Often the subject is position to d o anything about such
shackled to a table, which is bolted to abuses of power take the officer's word
the floor. All interrogators are trained over just about anyone outside of the
in self-defense should it be necessary to law-enforcement community.
take a violent subject d own. Internal Affairs Departments-such
The real problem with this situation as Delta Prime's Watchdogs-often
is that the interrogator can lie about the turn a blind eye to such transgressions.
results. After all, she's the only one They're really only there to investigate
who knows what her p owers are telling higher forms of corruption-other
her about the subject. If he honestly officers using or abusing their powers
says he didn't do it, it's still her word to hurt innocent people, especially
against his; who do you think the those in power.
police are going to believe? It' s p retty rare that anyone's arrested
On the other hand, an interrogator and considered innocent by anyone,
also has the ability to let the guilty go even for a moment. Officers basically
free. They often do this for people they act with impunity, without fear of any
believe can be useful to them in the reprisal from their own-or the public.
future. After all, they can always hu nt Further, many convicts are found
the subject down later, and arrange for hanging in their cells, apparent
him to be killed while "resisting suicides. Many of these are so badly
arrest." beaten that they couldn't possibly have
As the Guide, you should only use had the strength to haul themselves up
an interrogator when you really want in the first place-not to mention all the
to mess with the heroes' head s, and broken fingers-but people have
only when they're suspected of d oing learned not to ask too many questions,
something seriously wrong. The more lest they suddenly find themselves
rare and mysterious interrogators are, accused of being involved with the
the better. "su icid e conspiracy" themselves.
cash. If this or some other incentive
RHRIBUTION can't be supplied, the suspect can
The only problem is when the law expect to be presented with the
arrests or harms someone who's well- maximum sentence for his crime.
connected. If powerful "friends" of the The one crime every Defiant is guilty
suspect set their minds to freeing him, of-noncompliance with the ORA-has
this can turn messy. Cities can erupt only one punishment: life
into warzones, pitting murderous imprisonment in a maximum security
police officers against bloodthirsty facility designed for deltas. In other
gangbangers. And in the end, nobody words, it's a one-way ticket to the
wins but the morticians. Fortress or New Alcatraz.
The most significant side-effect of all Sometimes a judge may be presented
this is that people often go to great with a suspect without a verdict. In that
lengths to resist arrest or-better yet- case, he has two choices. He can hold a
elude the law altogether. After all, if trial and hear the evidence himself, or
you know you're likely facing torture he can call in 12 good citizens for a full-
or death if you go along quietly, you're length jury trial.
more likely to run for your life. And if
they catch you, fight like a cornered rat.
SERVING JUSTICE Most trials have a semblance of
fairness, but in the end it's really up to
If a suspect actually manages to the judge, no matter what the jury says;
survive arrest, it's usually because his he can accept or reject the jurors'
crime wasn't heinous enough to trigger verdict as he likes.
the arresting officer's wrath. The The only reason to have a trial these
suspect is thrown into a holding cell days is to convince a community that
until his guilt or innocence is "proven" the suspect is guilty. Most of the time,
by the police. This usually happens this effort is made to quell any outrage
within three days, but the police can in the local community.
actually prolong the wait as long as Patriot's trial (see Ravaged Planet) is a
they like. p erfect example of this. Before his trial,
Rumors of suspects waiting months Patriot had become something of an
for their fate to be determined are true. cult hero, especially among his fellow
In fact, some unlucky souls have rotted Defiants. The government hoped that a
in local jail cells for years. And there's televised trial would thoroughly
really nothing they can do about it. discredit Patriot. It was a chance for the
Most times, though, the police come prosecutors to paint Patriot as a cold-
up with enough evidence to declare the blooded killer who manipulated public
victim guilty. They send the suspect up opinion to his advantage.
to the nearest courthouse, along with Ultimately, it failed. Most people
his file, and the judge hands down a ended up sympathizing with Patriot.
sentence. Sentences are based on the The government believed that
severity of the crime, the vacancy rate televising the trial live would prove to
of local jails, and the judge's mood. people that it was entirely authentic.
The mood of some judges can be Which it did-but it backfired.
affected by large sums of untraceable
Patriot is now privately considered a monument to the power of the
hero by many people-Defiant or not- government over the media. No other
and Connor Darrow is quickly mainstream media outlet has dared to
becoming a spokesman for people who tread upon similar ground since.
are staring to question the government.
Of course, most people are more than
happy to let Darrow test the waters; DILlA HOUNDS
more than one public spokesman has The hounds are widely rumored to
come down the pike, and most of them exist, but Delta Prime management
have met bad ends. keeps this relatively open secret to
itself. For that reason, Hamilton's not
(fNSORSHIP AND YOU willing to discuss the hounds openly in
his written statements to Primer
The government maintains fairly
recruits. Privately, of course, is a
strict control over what the public sees
different matter.
and hears. That's not to say that the
government is trying to ban topics from
television or the papers. In fact, they RHfASf THf HOUNDS
encourage blood and circuses, to There aren't too many hounds in
distract people from greater issues. Delta Prime-only a handful at each
The government doesn't try to regional office-and they are kept on a
control every word published in every short leash (so to speak). Their range is
paper. Instead, the Quality Control extremely limited, which means that
Board (QCB) pre-approves the work of sending them into a football stadium to
reporters and entertainers, if they look for unregistered deltas is usually
desire. Only with this approval may just an exercise in frustration. Still, this
media personalities move forward is just the kind of thing Delta Prime
without fear of reprisal. likes to pull off every now and then,
Otherwise, the media are free to do just to keep those Defiants (or
as they like. If they ever do something unaffiliated deltas) on their collective
outside of the censor's guidelines- toes.
such as disparaging the President or Hounds tend to work alone, tracking
the government-they face stiff down individual targets and then
penalties. calling in backup to make an arrest.
That's what happened to the Chicago Because of this, some hounds use their
Tribune. The paper printed a front-page position to blackmail unregistered
editorial demanding an immediate deltas into working for them instead.
return to a representative democracy Most people are willing to go along
and the resignation of JFK. Instead, with this-at least until they figure out
they were shut down without notice, a way to get the drop on a hound
and the entire office was declared a instead. So if a Defiant spots a stranger
crime scene. The next morning when following her through a crowed room,
the reporters came in to work, they she'd better run, or she might find a
found the doors padlocked. hound nipping at her heels.
The place stood that way until it
disappeared with the rest of Chicago in
1976. Until then, it served as a chilling


With the recent demise of the Delta known as Patriot, and the subsequent reallocation of
internal resources no longer tasked with apprehending him, several notorious individuals
have reemerged from case files long set aside. With a renewed purpose, the patriotic forces of
Delta Prime have dedicated themselves to shortening their very own "most wanted" list.

Syphon's first job was as head of the The terror of the Federal Depository
Delta Prime accounting division, a post Insuran ce Commission, Bullet steals
which he held for many years, until he exclusively from government institutions,
was fired for an undisclosed reason. Since and mainly those within the northwestern
then, he has waged a one man war against United States (Idaho, Montana, and North
Delta Prime, hoping to slowly bring their Dakota).
operations to a halt. Even though Bullet wears no mask, his
He has hacked into the Prime HQ identity has yet to be confirmed, as his
support systems using "back-door" codes body can be accelerated to such speeds
he retrieved before leaving their offices, that his face is blurred throughout his
and stolen large sums of money for h is quick ambush es at banks and credit
personal schemes. unions across the country. Even video
cameras h ave yet to capture a reliable
Identity: Classified image of him.
Bounty: $1,000,000 (alive)
Smarts: 7d6 Identity: Unknown
Area knowledge: Crescent City 2, Bounty: $500,000 (alive)
language: English 2, bureaucratics Smarts: 5d6
3, computer 4 , disguise 4, Area knowled ge: home town 2,
accounting 3, finance 5 demolition 4, language: English 2,
Speed:3d6 security 7, tinkering 5
Dodging 3, shooting 3, stealth 3 Speed:6d6
Spirit: 5d6 Dodge 3, escaping 3, lockpicking:
Bravery 2, mimic 5, persuasion: bluff electrical 6, lockpicking:
5, scrutinize 3, search 3 mechanical 6, stealth 2
Strength: 2d6 Spirit: 4d6
Climbing 1, fighting : bare-handed 2, Bravery 2, perception 2, persuasion:
running 2, throwing 2 bluff 2, scrutinize 3, search 3,
Size: 5 streetwise 3
Pace: 8 Strength: 3d6
Quirks: Alert +3, brave + 1, delta ±o, Climbing 2, fighting : bare-handed 3,
enemy: Delta Prime -5, voice +1, running 6
wise +3, secret identity ±o, Size: 5
unregistered ±O, veteran ±o, bad Pace: 111
habit -2 (Whistling Dixie), wanted- Quirks: Arrogant -3, delta ±o, enemy:
5 Delta Prime -5, famous +2, greedy-
Powers: Shapeshifter: the hero can 2, lucky +3, secret identity ±o,
make himself look like just about unregistered ±o, veteran ±o, wanted
anyone else. Add +5 to his mimic -5
and disguise skills. Pow ers: Fast runner (+100 pace),
Tricks: Make an impression, new lightning reflexes (+5 to speed for
friend, on a roll initiative / dodging)
Gear: Colt 2000 (silenced & flash Tricks: After images, burst of speed,
suppressed), laptop, cell phone, first move, knock down
Gear: Money sack

For the past 20 years, Delta Prime has This infamous assassin first came to the
tried to apprehend the ingenious designer attention of Delta Prime in the late 1980s,
of the shoulder-mounted mini-cannon when a string of government murders
known as the "Wunderbus", yet he were linked to a probable unregistered
continues to slip through their fingers . All delta (no point of entry was found at any
that is currently known about this of the crime scenes).
criminal mastermind is that he is a delta At first thought to be a serial killer,
gadgeteer who shares his name with that state witnesses eventually identified the
of the weapon he created. culprit as "the mythical Hispanic bogey
The device self-destructs if the user man", El Cucui.
fails to properly disarm it. Recently, an Two Primers were killed while
undamaged model of the weapon was investigating El Cucui in 1992, bringing
recovered when a Defiant surrendered in the organization's full wrath to bore
the field . But so far, the best R&D minds against him.
have yet to gain any clues to the El Cucui is suspected to be a male delta
whereabouts of Arquebus. operating in the southwestern u.s. (East
The hunt continues. Texas, Arizona, and Southern California).
He is not believed to have any Defiance
Identity: Unknown contacts.
Bounty: $500,000 (dead)
Smarts: 6d6 Identity: Unknown
Area knowledge: home town 2, Bounty: $1,000,000 (dead)
artillery 3, demolition 4, language: Smarts: 6d6
English 2, science: chemistry 4, Area knowledge: Tucson, AZ 2,
science: physics 5, tinkering 5, language: English 2, language:
weaponsmith 5 Spanish 3, navigation 6, security 3,
Speed:3d6 survival: city 3, tactics 3
Archery 3, shooting 3, speed-load 3, Speed:5d6
stealth 3 Dodging 3, escaping 2, martial arts:
Spirit: 5d6 bare-handed 3, martial arts: blade
Bravery 2, perception: bluff 2, 4, quick draw 3, shooting 4, speed
scrounging 4, scrutinize 3, search 3 load 3, stealth 3
Strength: 3d6 Spirit: 4d6
Climbing 1, fighting: bare-handed 3 Bravery 2, perception 3, persuasion:
Size: 5 bluff 2, shadowing 3, scrutinize 3,
Pace: 8 search 3, streetwise 4, tracking 3
Quirks: Contact +5, delta ±o, enemy: Strength: 3d6
Delta Prime -5, gear +5, old -3, Climbing 1
secret identity ±o, stubborn -2, Size: 5
unregistered ±o, veteran ±o, wanted Pace: 10
-5 Quirks: Alert +3, bloodthirsty -2, delta
Powers: Gadgeteering ±o, enemy: Delta Prime -5,
Tricks: Brilliant idea, fine tuning, make obligation: employer -3, savage -3,
an impression secret identity ±o, unregistered ±o,
Gear: Wunderbus (auto action), .50 veteran ±o, vow: complete job -5,
ammo, 60 shots, Quickness 1, ROF 4, wanted -5
Range 10, Damage 5d6+ 15 (APlO), Powers: Teleportation (see Ravaged
Cost $10,000 Planet)
Tricks: Bull's eye, know the streets,
teleport foe, teleport friend
Gear: Colt 2000 (silenced & flash
suppressed), hunting knife

The Red Brigade is the Soviet bitter rivalry between the leaders of
equivalent of Delta Prime. They're the these organizations. Worse yet, there
KGB to the Primers' CIA, so to speak. are so many other rivalries within both
In fact, both organizations work closely the Red Brigade and the Soviet
with their government's intelligence government that it's amazing Soviet
communities, so that analogy is more deltas ever get anything done at all.
truth than strained comparison. The terrible factionalism means two
The Soviets don't make much of a things. First, that it's rare that one hand
distinction between the military and knows what the other is doing. Second,
"civilian" portions of their delta forces. each hand pretty much acts with total
The Red Brigade is as much a part of impunity and complete disregard for
the Red Army as of the KGB. In fact, what anyone else might have in mind.
it's actually an independent
government bureau that lends out its
forces to other departments of the CRIMSON PRIDf
government who are in need of them. The best-known and most feared
The Soviet government, however, is members of the Red Brigade are the
notoriously corrupt, and Red men and women of Crimson Pride, the
Brigadiers often end up helping out power-armored pilots of the Soviet
those with the most influence, rather Union. If anything, these people are
than going where they're most needed. more feared than even the dreaded
Sometimes they end up working on a Armorgeddon units of Delta Prime.
pet project of some high-ranking For one, the Soviets have a tendency
member of the Politburo, and other to build the biggest suits of armor they
times they find themselves working can, ignoring trivial concerns like the
hand in hand with rogue deltas in the health and welfare of the suit's
employ of the Russian mafia. occupants. Because of this, though, the
suits also tend to be a lot less reliable.
Many people still remember the
HAMMfRS &SICKLfS incident in Red Square when a
The Red Brigade is formally divided squadron of Crimson Pride units was
into two sections: the Hammers and the sent to quell protests back in 1990.
Sickles. The Hammers are ostensibly in When one of the suits exploded,
charge of defending the country maiming and killing over a dozen
against external threats, while the people, all hell broke loose.
Sickles deal with internal matters. It's rare to see any Crimson Pride
In reality, the two sides cross over units outside of the Warsaw Pact
into each other's territories often countries, much less uniformed Red
enough to make the distinction Brigadiers. Still, there are certainly
between the two all but useless. some undercover agents infiltrating US
Sometimes it seems like the only thing businesses and government agencies,
keeping the two divisions apart is the perhaps even Delta Prime itself.

CRIMSON PRIDE PILOT Quirks: Authority +3: Red Brigadier,

Smarts: 2d6 contact +3: suit's gadgeteer, duty +5: Red
Area knowledge: Moscow 2, language: Brigade, iron jaw +3, reg ±O
English 1, language: Russian 2, Gear: Crimson Pride suit: Armor 15/3, add
navigation 2, tactics 3 +5 to Strength rolls, shoulder cannon (see
Speed: 3d6 below), fly at a Pace of 30.
Dodging 3, flying 4, quick draw 3,
shooting 5, speed-load 3, stealth 1

Spirit: 2d6
Bravery 3, leadership 2,
perception 4,
interrogation 3,

Strength: 5d6
Climbing 3, fighting: bare-
handed 5, fighting: blade 5,
fighting: club 5, swimming 4,
throwing 3
Size: 5 (6 in suit)
Pace: 8
Delta Points: None


Rate of Range
Weapon Type Action Ammo Shots Quickness Fire Increment Damage Cost
Shoulder Cannon Auto .50 50 1 3 5 5d6+10 (AP5) -

The word "militia" has a THI DHIANCf
proud history in the United
States. After all, the men There are those people in Delta
who freed America from Prime who consider the Defiance to
British control back in 1776 be a militia of a sort, and in a sense,
often called their forces by they're right. After all, this is an
that term. organization of armed individuals
These days, though, the who have stated that they
term is usually applied will someday overthrow
to groups of well-armed the current US
people who have government.
become so In practice, the
disenchanted with Defiance is more a loose
the current state of club of frightened
the government people than a militia.
that they are They are fighting every
prepared to fight day to ensure that
against it. Some everyone can live their
groups get together life they way they wish,
to avoid paying taxes. and not in the pale shadow
Others seek to force of freedom the President
others to hear their Kennedy offers them.
demand for social They're doing their best to
change, or are defend what they believe
prepared to enact it is right. This, of course,
themselves. Still includes avoiding the
others seek to Delta Registration Act,
eliminate or excise a and the draft into
segment of the Delta Prime, which
population altogether. is treasonous
True left-wing enough.
militia groups have There are other
less broad goals in groups as well,
mind, which can range like the Delta
from the simple and CAV ! Warriors (see
straightforward desire ~A\\ 2X ~ Defiants for
to be left alone, to ~f'\ :, more
full-blown information
megalomania, on them)
fueling plans to who fit
take over the United the bill
States government, or the world. a lot
These Defiants have taken it upon Of course, most of them wouldn't
themselves to actively work toward the know a delta if they saw one, but that
destruction of the US government doesn't stop them from proselytizing
using any means necessary. about it. When they do suspect
Delta Prime does not take this view, someone of being a delta, there's
however. They believe that the usually a beating on the way for that
Defiance movement qualifies as a person, whether she's a delta or not.
militia of the most dangerous sort, and Most militia units are situated in
have dedicated more of their resources remote areas, far from larger cities.
to bringing them to justice (or just They live on private lands upon which
outright eradicating them) than to any they've built bunkers, firing ranges,
other project in the their long glorious and obstacle courses.
history. Every day, they train for the coming
National guard and military training civil war they're sure will split this
now include anti-delta tactics, country open like an overripe
specifically geared for dealing with watermelon at any moment.
unexpected acts of "superhuman
sedition and treason" (which the
Defiance excel at). As Kennedy's PROFILf
martial law edict calls for a garrison of Smarts: 2d6
such guardsmen and soldiers within Area knowledge: city around militia's
compound 4, artillery 1, demolition 1,
every major metropolitan area in the
language: English 2, navigation 1,
continental United States-as well
survival: forest 3, tactics 1
many "trouble spots" between-the Speed: 3d6
Defiant "militia" comes into frequent Dodging 2, driving: personal vehicle 2,
contact (read: confrontation) with them. shooting 2, steal th 2
Spirit: 3d6
Perception 2, persuasion: bluff 2,
THf RUT leadership 1, persuasion: intimidation
Most of the militias out there don't 3, persuasion: taunt 2, scrutinize 1,
have anything to do with deltas. In fact, search 2
they're just as nervous about the Strength: 3d6
Defiance as most people are. True, there Climbing 1, fighting: bare-handed 2,
are occasional exceptions where the fighting: club 2, swimming 1,
rare delta is either being used by a throwing 1
militia to further its own ends or is Size: 5
Pace: 8
actually running the organization
Delta Points: None
herself, but these are the exceptions Quirks: Arrogant -3, contact +2: militia
that prove the rule. buddies, duty -2: militia, gullible -2,
Many militia members are rabidly loyal-3, patron +2: militia, reg ±O,
anti-delta bigots. They blame the stubborn-2
government's current problems Gear: A Colt 2000 with 15 armor-piercing
squarely on the collective shoulders of (AP 5) bullets, a Kevlar vest, a
all deltas. "If we could just get rid of Winchester Defender with 14 shells, a
these strange people," they say, "we pair of binoculars, a pair of night vision
could bring things back to the way they goggles, a ham radio, a walkie-talkie,
used to be." and $100.

Not everyone in the preaching a message of peaceful
United States believes resistance against those who would
that the country's deny the American people their
problems can be Constitutionally
solved through guaranteed
brute force. rights.

believe that they can
invoke change simply
by making their voices
heard. They believe
that-if they can scream
their message loud enough-
everyone will be forced to stand
up and take notice of their cause.
This is despite the fact that
Kennedy's rule hasn't changed .
much over the past 35-plus
years (if anything, it's grown
more strict). But some folks
just can't (or won't) give l·~-
up, no matter what. ~


The Rainbow
Coalition was founded
and presided over by
Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.,
before his
as a delta
back in 1978. Today,
the Coalition runs a
popular civil rights movement,
Despite the apparent futility of such It doesn't always work out that way,
an effort, many people have flocked to though. Often, hot-headed local law
their multicolored banner over the enforcement worries about the
years. Following Martin Luther King protesters-or the inevitable group of
Jr.'s message of global peace and counter-protestors screaming at them.
unity-regardless of race, creed, or When this happens, Coalition marches
color-the Coalition has garnered a often end in tear-gas-clouded brawls in
more diverse following than any other which both the innocent and the guilty
group in modern u.s. History. are injured.
The Coalition demands equal rights Sometimes, these encounters turn
for all people, regardless of their into full-scale riots that end up
religion, gender, sexual orientation, damaging several city blocks. The
skin color, or even delta status. police always use such incidents as an
Unfortunately, the courts are the most excuse to crack down on further
effective battlefield for this kind of protests in the following weeks. The
fight, and they have been effectively arrival of a Delta Prime team during
shut down by the President's one of these encounters is almost
declaration of martial law. always a sign that things have gone
Still, this is a message that speaks to horribly wrong-and of big local
many people, and membership in the change on the horizon.
Coalition grows year after year. Even if
the methods don't seem particularly
successful, the people-especially those PROflLI
not willing to take up arms against Smarts: 4d6
their neighbors-still want their voices Academia: American culture 2, area
knowledge: Crescent City 3,
to be heard.
bureaucratics 2, language: English 3,
These days, the Rainbow Coalition is
medicine 1, security 1, survival: city 1,
led by the Reverend Jesse Jackson, a tactics 1
powerful and well-respected speaker. Speed: 2d6
There are rumors that Jackson is Dodging 1, driving: personal vehicle 2,
planning a march on the capitol soon to escaping 1, stealth 3
demand that President Kennedy
abolish martial law by the end of the Spirit: 4d6
year 2000. If this rumor is true, it would Perception 2, persuasion: bluff 2,
mark the first such massive march persuasion: charm 2, persuasion:
since Dr. King was exposed as a delta taunt 2, scrutinize 3, search 2
over 20 years ago. Strength: 2d6
Climbing 1, fighting: bare-handed 1,
running 3, swimming 1, throwing 1
Pace: 7
The United States government's
Delta Points: None
official reaction to the Rainbow Quirks: Code of honor -3, contact +2: other
Coalition is often to "let the fools talk protesters, loyal-3, pacifist -3, reg ±O,
themselves blue in the face". After all, skeptical-I, stubborn-2
the Coalition is believed to have little Gear: A Kevlar vest, a gas mask, a cell
or no real power, and that words-no phone, a placard with a slogan
matter how strong-won't change that. emblazoned across it, and $50.

In a world in which individuals
often feel powerless to control
their own lives and destinies, it's There's a theory that
inevitable that someone is going suggests that a society
to snap. Most times when this subconsciously recognizes
happens, the poor sap ends up when things are progressing
checking into a state hospital the way they should-like
for a long rest- an immense self-
sometimes of his own monitoring system linked
accord, often not. to our instincts.
At least that's how By the same token,
it used to work. however, the theory
These days, when suggests that people
someone has a know when things
nervous breakdown, around them have gone
they don't always go horribly wrong-and just
down alone. No, as we are biologically
sometimes they do "programmed" to respond
their level-best to well when our
take down as many environment is positive, so
other people along are we prepared to seek
the way as possible. negative solutions when
At first it seemed things are bleak.
like this phenomena Many cultures share
was restricted to similar theories, which are
postal workers and ~) often visible in their

! i
veterans of some of mythology. The Native
the horrible, little
brushfire wars the
US had fought 1 // /
/ /'
;f Americans of the
Northwest, for instance,
embrace the legend of the
around the globe wendigo. Men of their tribes
1 / /1 ,
over the last few who would fail to provide
decades. /' ! 1/ {'~ r food for their
Unfortunately, LA Zk I families during
others eventually :( ./ 'I tlAN . winter would
took up that bloody ~ often go insane,
gauntlet as well: day killing their wives
traders who lost a and children, and
life's fortune in a then eating their flesh.
matter of minutes, Fortunately, this doesn't
and college students happen in many other
under too much stress. societies across the globe, but
it does affirm our theory.
Some people believe that this theory Of course, eliminating one day killer
is alive and well in Kennedy's modern is just dousing a single brush fire; there
America. People know that something are still many other fires waiting to
terrible has happened outside their ignite elsewhere in the forest, and a lot
bedroom windows-that the Am erican of unwitting people with matches.
dream has taken a sharp detour A more enlightened society than that
somewhere along the way. Whether found in Brave New World might realize
they realize it or not, many citizens of w hat's happening and try to combat
this fine country step out into the light the trend by vilifying the sick souls
of day every morning ready to retaliate w ho commit these heinous crimes,
against a world that has diverged doing what it could to show how
wildly from their subconscious wrong these aberrations are. Of course,
expectations. it might be too late to stuff this
The worst part of this evolutionary horrifying genie back in the bottle, but
pattern is that the people of Kennedy's these good people would probably still
America are coming to expect it. try.
Assaulted by an endless stream of In Kennedy's America, little is going
random violence both on television and to change, and things will probably get
outside their own homes, the American worse down the road. It's not really in
public is growing apathetic about it. the interest of the powers that be to put
After all, there aren't too many other an end to this string of horrors, after
societies in which snipers sit in bell all. Anything that keeps the people
towers and pick off anyone who w alks scared helps to keep them in power in
by, only to wind up the headline story the long run.
on the five o'clock news.
Such horrific events have worked
their way into the public's collective PROFILf
subconscious, and now it seems almost Smarts: 2d6
routine when they hear about another Area knowledge: Crescent City 2,
lunatic shooting at innocent people language: English 2
Speed: 2d6
before turning his gun on himself.
Dodging 2, driving: personal vehicle 2,
shooting 2
WHAT'S TO Bf DONf Spirit: 2d6
Perception 2, scrutinize 1, search 1
It's often up to Delta Prime to Strength: 2d6
respond to the awful tragedies that Climbing 1, fighting: bare-handed 2,
result when the system breaks down, swimming 1, throwing 1
when common citizens become social Size: 5
predators and threaten the lives of Pace: 7
innocent bystanders. This is especially Delta Points: None
true for cases in which the lunatic is a Quirks: Bloodthirsty - 2, crazy -5, death
delta himself, as sometimes happens wish -5, impulsive -3, reg ±O, temper -2
when potential recruits d o not respond Gear: A Colt 2000 with three full clips of
to the trauma of their awakening well. regular ammo and two clips of AP 10
ammo, a Winchester Defender with 21
Delta day killers are rare, but the
rounds of ammo, a large knife, three
damage they perpetrate is enormous. grenades, a Kevlar vest, pocket change,
One goliath could level a city block. and a suicide note.

The serial killer is another example victims, he might be able to satisfy his
of a personality archtype that's worked habit for death for quite some time
its way so far into the nation's before someone is finally able to track
collective mind that it seems "normal". him down.
This is potentially a far more serious
and deadly problem than the day killer,
however, as their crimes are rarely INTER THI PROfiLIR
public, or The best weapon law
exclusive. enforcement has against serial
True, the killers is the psychological
results of a profile. Profilers try to get
serial killing inside the head of the
can be killer, to figure out what
disgustingly twisted logic he applies
spectacular- to his crimes.
especially if If the profiler is
the successful, then
victims' she can try to
remains apply what
are left she's
for theorized
others about the
to killer to
but the
in private,
far from the
prying eyes
of the law.
once a serial
killer gets away
with one murder,
he is typically free
to kill again. If
he's careful about
selecting and disposing of his
imminent threat of another person
discern approximately where the killer losing their life to such a menace is
might strike next. In this way, police cause enough for the law to pull out all
(often assisted by Delta Prime, the stops and call in the big guns.
especially if there is suspicion of delta Many local law enforcement rely
involvement) may better hunt the upon deltas (especially hounds,
hunter, second-guess his coming interrogators, watchers, and the like)
moves, and piece together the reasons when hunting human predators.
for his need to kilL Serial homicides can be some of the
Of course, the killer is free to switch most difficult cases for law
tactics at any time, but the nature of enforcement, both mentally and
most psychopaths prevents them from emotionally. It's hard to watch people
doing just that. Well-trained profilers die despite your best efforts to prevent
understand that most multiple- it, and may be especially frustrating for
murderers (and especially serial killers) heroes who are used to solving every
are pathologically inclined to follow a problem they encounter by punching it.
set pattern when procuring their On the other hand, the payoff can be
victims and realizing their "vision". pretty rewarding. Knowing that you've
It is this vision that is often the most been part of removing such a threat
significant tool a pro filer has to use from society is enough to make any
against his prey. By getting inside the hero proud.
head of a serial killer, profilers are able
to understand the source of their
imbalance, and use it against them.
Smarts: 2d6
Area knowledge: Crescent City 2,
THE MIND Of KILLER language: English 2, security 2, tactics
Most serial killers have a modus
operandi. If the heroes can determine Dodging 2, driving: personal vehicle 2,
what the MO of an opponent is, then escaping 2, shooting 3, sleight of hand
they have that much more chance of 2, stealth 5
capturing them. Spirit: 2d6
Although it's more a trope of fiction Perception 4, persuasion: bluff 5,
than fact, it is easier and more colorful scrutinize 3, search 3, shadowing 5,
if Guides design a serial killer's MO streetwise 3
around some kind of easily Strength: 2d6
recognizable pattern, like government Climbing 2, fighting: bare-handed 2,
holidays or the seven deadly sins. If the fighting: blade 5, running I,
heroes are keen, they should catch on swimming I, throwing 1
Size: 5
to the killer's game long before the
Pace: 7
adventure reaches its conclusion, and Delta Points: None
put an end to her reign of terror before Quirks: Arrogant -3, bloodthirsty -2, crazy
any more innocents have to lose their -5, dark secret -5, reg ±O, temper-2
lives. Gear: A Colt Agent with 12 rounds of
Primers are often called upon by the regular ammo and six rounds of AP 10
FBI or local law enforcement to assist ammo, a large knife, a Kevlar vest, a pair
when a serial killer is suspected. The of nightvision goggles, and $200.

Ah, the end of another book is here By now, of course, you've probably
and I've still got a little bit of space to' noticed that Brave New World landed
have a few private words with the squarely on its feet and found itself a
readers. It's just you and me with no new home with my good friends at
(or relatively few) narrative conceits Alderac Entertainment Croup-or
separating us. AEC, as they like to be called. Just
check the snazzy logo on the back of
the book for an idea of who I'm talking
As I mentioned in the last column on For those of you who've been living
the last page of text in Defiants, both under a rock for the past five years,
Brave New World and myself have left AEC-under the guidance of my good
our home at Pinnacle Entertainment friend John Zinser-is responsible for
Croup. Leaving Pinnacle-a company I some of the top-selling adventure
was with from the moment of its games over the past few years.
incorporation-was hard, mostly from Highlights include Legend of the Five
an emotional stand point. After all, I'd Rings (both the roleplaying game and
been there when the show started, and the collectible card game), Clan War
I really wanted to see it though to the (the Legend of the Five Rings miniatures
end. game), Doomtown (the Deadlands: The
Moving on was the right thing to do, Weird West collectible card game), and
though, for many good reasons, most 7th Sea (again, both the roleplaying
of which I'm going to keep to myself. game and collectible card game).
In the end, it was the right thing for So they've been around the block
both my friends at Pinnacle and myself, more than once. They've won more
and those were good enough reasons Origins Awards than I care to count,
for me. and in short, they rock.
fact, up until the end of 1999, AEC was many this time around.
running Pinnacle's business operations Thanks to the players who found
and had been doing so for about two these errors and pointed them out.
years. Roleplaying games are fairly complex,
What this means for you is that and mistakes are often made (in this
you're going to continue to see the case, by me). The key is to find them
same level of care and quality put into and correct them. With that spirit in
all of the new Brave New World books as mind, here's what you need to know.
you ever did. In a lot of cases, it's the
same team of people who were
working together when the game was
at Pinnacle. In Brave New World, on page 36, it
One of the best things about working states that Rex Shepherd founded
with AEC is that they really like the Triumph, Inc., back in 1960. But in
game. If they didn't, you can be sure Ravaged Planet, on page 55, it says that
they wouldn't have pounced on it as Ben Archer is in charge of Triumph.
soon as the opportunity came up. In The fact is that this isn't a mistake,
fact, they were running at least one although it's not as clear as it could be.
regular campaign around their office Shepherd is the company's founder
before the game even saw print, and CEO. Archer is the company's
something they continue to do to this current president. I'll explore this
day. relationship in depth once we get to the
The amount of support I've already Triumph, Inc. book in late 2000.
gotten from my friends at AEC has
been phenomenal, and it's going to HOW OOfS THIS WORK AGAIN?
contribute to making Brave New World
the best game that it can be. After all, The gadgeteer archetype on page 69
when you've got a team like this of Brave New World doesn't have the
behind you, how can you help but essential tinkering skill that all
succeed? gadgeteers need. This one's a flat-out
I've already sat down with the error, an oversight on my part.
people at AEC and hammered out a To help the poor gadgeteer out here,
release schedule for the year 2000. It's remove his science: physics and security
full of all sorts of great new Brave New skills entirely, and give him tinkering 5
World books, including a couple of instead. This way, he can actually
surprises that are sure to knock you create and maintain gadgets like he's
right out of your favorite footwear. supposed to be able to.
So thanks to AEC and thanks to you. After all, a gadgeteer without a
It's going to be a great ride. gadget isn't a whole lot of good to
Gadgeteer Weapons 100 p
Gadgets, Creating Your
Agent 37 Own 96 Power Boost 74
Assistant Director 37 Primer Equipment 73
Primer Quirks 73
B H Protesters 118
Hammers 114
Blaster cannon 98, 100 Hand Blaster 97, 100
Booster 74, 86 Heston, Charlton 63
Hound 80, 89 Quick Learn 79
( Hoverbike 98, 100
Captain 37 Hovercar 99, 100 R
Charger 76, 87 R&D 39
Cold Fusion Reactor 98 Ranks and Authority
Colors and Insignia 36 Infrared Vision 85 Points 73
Cooney, Patrick 67 Intelligence 40 Ranks and Colors 36
Copy 78 Interrogation 39 Reach Farther 81
Copy Quirk 79 Interrogator 82, 90 Recruit 37
Copycat 78, 88 Investigation 40 Red Brigade 114
Crescent City 61 Registration Papers 47
Crimson Pride 114
Curfews 47 K s
Kristofek, Brian 65
Seattle 66
D Sergeant 37
Day Killer 120 L Serial Killer 122
Delta Vision 84 Lieutenant 37 Sickles 114
Denver 62 Lightning Bolt 77 Superbolt 77
Detect Lie 82 Lipreading 85
Los Angeles 63
Director 37
Division Captains 57
Tag Delta 81
Divisions and Colors 38 M Telescopic Vision 85
Management 41 Tell Lie 83
Miami 64 Tepe, Pat 66
Enforcement 38 Microwave Vision 85 Track Delta 81
Extend Range 75 Militia 116 Trudgeon, Michael 61
Extend Time 75 Truthbeam 100
Truthtell 83
f N ensel, Phil 62
Find Delta 80 Netgun 99, 100 w
Fry 77 New York 65 Washington, DC 66
Watchdogs, The 40
G o Watcher 84, 91
Gadget Creation 96 Operations 39
Gadgeteer Vehicles 100
Yanez, Dennis 65


There are those who can see beyond Bargainers draws back that veil and
the veil that covers our eyes, who can lets the rest of us in on the secrets of
pierce the darkness that blinds us all, this most mysterious class of deltas, the
and who can get right down to the men and women who gain their
good stuff. These are people who can powers through their ability to make
talk to creatures from beyond, beings bargains with those from beyond. This
that we've got lots of words for, but book is crammed with details on these
one that's most appropriate: demons. magicians, including full rules for how
And they cut deals with them. to make and use magical totems in
Brave New World.
128 pages SKU#800S $20.00
If you're a delta-a person with
superhuman powers-you're
required by United States law to
register them with the government.
And once you do, you become their
employee for life.
Sure, some folks aren't happy
working for Uncle Sam-those
terrorists calling themselves the
Defiance, for instance-but they
't understand that it's the
greater good.
As a Primer, you're one of the
few and the proud, a stalwart ~o
who has decided to put aside his
personal life and dedicate himsel
to making this country-and by
extension, the world-a safe place The Delta Prime sourcebook for
to live in. Brave New World comes packed with
When Uncle Sam calls upon you details about the Primers, their
to perform your patriotic duty, he organization, and their goals, as
knows you can do your part. well guidelines for playing heroes
You're a member of Delta Prime, who work for them. Included are
America's top delta team, and you six brand-new power packages
. know that you might have to do to tailor-made for Primer heroes, plus
anything for your country-
. new details on Primer gadgeteers
and their dreaded Armorgeddon
you do it without question, power armor.
because you know that it's right. You respect the law. You
It's for the greater good, after all. registered.
Nothing else matters. Now it's time to get to work!


781889 546711
ISBN 1-889546-71-2

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