Trash Items Found: Garbage Bin 1 Garbage Bin 2 Garbage Bin 3

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Republic of the Philippines


2 Chanyungco St., Sta. Elena, Marikina City 1800
Tel. Nos. (02) 369-6790, (02) 360-7216

Name: ________________________________________ Score: _______________

Course/Yr. & Sec.: ____________________________ Date: ________________
Instructor/Professor: _________________________ Group no.: ___________
Activity No. ____
Objective: At the end of this activity, you should be able to:
1. chart waste production in your household;
2. generate and propose ideas on how this waste can be decreased.

1. Wear hand gloves and face mask before starting your waste audit.
2. Bring three containers or any garbage bins to be audited to the auditing
3. Sort, count and tally the trash from the garbage bin. Use the given table
4. Total your counts of each item/trash.
5. Take pictures of the audited trash.
6. Clean up all the trash and wash your hands.

Garbage Garbage Garbage

Trash Items Found Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3
Plastic food container
(like: cups, juice boxes and pouches)
Plastic wrappers
(like: chips, snacks, sporks, wrappers
Plastic Straws
(Insert picture here) Food
Dirty Paper
(like towels and tissues, paper cups)
Trash Subtotal
Total Trash Items

Garbage Garbage Garbage

Recyclables Items Found Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3
Glass bottles/jars
Plastic bottles/containers
Metal/Aluminum cans
Paper packaging
(like: clean lunch tray)
(Insert picture here) Paper used on one side
Paper used on both sides
Construction papers
Recyclable Subtotal
Total Recyclable

Total Trash Items Total Recyclable Items GRAND TOTAL

Guide Questions:
1. From the items found, what percentage can be recycled? ______
(Total of recyclable items ÷ grand total) x 100

2. What percentage can be composted (food)? ______

(Total of food item ÷ grand total)

3. What percentage is actually trash? ______

(Total trash ÷ grand total

4. Which items were trashed the most? ______

5. Did you found “single use plastics”? ______

If so, how many items did you find? ______

6. Create at least three list of alternatives for the “highly trashed” items.
For example, cloth bags instead of plastic shopping bags, or reusable water

7. Of the paper found in trash cans, estimate percentage used on both sides of
the paper. ______

8. Interview a classmate to find out if they use both sides of the paper when
copying or taking notes. If not, why not?

9. Is there a recyclable program in your community? _______

Is it strictly implemented? _______
If not, find out why

10. How can you encourage other people in your community to practice

Scoring Rubrics

Scoring Rubric for the Activity

Criteria 4 3 2 1
Activity is in an Activity is in an Activity is in a Activity is
orderly packet and orderly packet and packet with several disorderly, with
Neatness is incredibly neat, is neat with a few smudges or tears many smudges or
with no smudges smudges or tears tears
or tears

All of the assigned Most of the Some of the Student did not
Completion task is complete assigned task is assigned task is turn in activity
complete complete

Activity was Homework was 1 Homework was 2 Homework was 3

Timeliness received on the due day late days late or more days late

All of the answers Most of the Some of the Little to none of the
Accuracy are correct answers are correct answers are correct answers are correct

All work is Most work is Some work is Student did not

Work Shown meticulously meticulously meticulously show any work
shown shown shown

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