CNC Drilling Guidebook

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A Comp re he n si ve , St a r t -To-Fin is h
Guide To Cre at i ng Pre c is ion Hol e s
Wit h Ha r vey To o l ’s Sol id Rou n d Dr il l s
2 Contents

1 | Introduction to CNC Drills & Drilling .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Key Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2 | Pre-Drilling Operations.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9
Spot Drilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

3 | Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices �������������������������������������12

Selecting the Right Drill.........................................................................................................13
Not All Drills Are Created Equal ...........................................................................................18
Best Drilling Practices.............................................................................................................19
Pecking Cycles: A Needed Step?...........................................................................................20
Pecking Cycles: Best Practices...............................................................................................21
Deep Hole Drilling: Best Practices .......................................................................................22

4 | Post-Drilling Operations.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24
Reaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Key Geometries of a Spiral Flute Reamer.............................................................................26
Flat Bottom Counterboring ...................................................................................................27
Thread Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

5 | Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Hole Misalignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Dealing with Misaligned Holes: 3 Tips .................................................................................34
Accounting for Drill Breaking or Failing.................................................................................35

6 | CNC Drilling FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Copyright © 2020 by Harvey Performance Company, LLC. All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used
in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of Harvey Performance Company, LLC.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

4 Introduction to CNC Drills & Drilling


For hundreds of years, drills have served as a staple in machine
shops worldwide. In today’s ultra-competitive manufacturing
industry, all CNC operations demand pinpoint accuracy. None
more, though, than creating a precision hole with a miniature
drill in a workpiece.
Before a drilling job can begin, considerations must be made to
ensure a successful project: Carbon Steel Drills were
used as early as the year
X What type of drill do I need, and what are its key geome- 1820, and the first general
tries? purpose Twist Drill was
X What tolerances are needed? patented by Stephen
Morse in 1863.
X What additional post hole operations would ensure a
top-shelf final part?
X What is the best drilling strategy to accomplish an accu-
rate final part with a strong finish?
X What tool life can I expect from my drill, and how many
holes will it create?
These are just some of the questions that machinists might be
required to ask themselves before setting the spindle into motion.

Written and designed by Harvey Performance Company Technical

Engineers, this Harvey Tool CNC Drilling Guidebook resource is
intended to enhance your abilities in holemaking applications and
elevate the overall quality of your final part.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

5 Introduction to CNC Drills & Drilling

Types of Holes

Blind Holes Half Holes

A hole that has a bottom. Half of a hole, created by
The bottom can range from engaging 180 degrees of the
a drill point left from a drill, drill. Drills with point angles
to a flat bottom that helps are not recommended for
better control the finish and this operation, as the point
depth of the hole.” will walk.

Counterbored Holes Pilot Holes

This hole follows a Small holes (typically a
cylindrical flat bottomed 1.5x depth) using a shorter
hole shape, enlarging drill (3x length of flute
another hole. The or shorter), made in the
counterbore is used for a surface of a workpiece
screw or fastener with the used to help guide the
same diameter to sit flush creation of deeper holes.
with the top of the part.

Countersunk Holes Press Fit Holes

This hole follows a conical A hole with a slightly
shape down the bottom of smaller diameter than the
the part. The countersink, at dowel, requiring force to
the top of the hole, is used be applied to the dowel pin
for a screw or fastener with to have it effectively enter
the same angle to sit flush the hole.
with the top of the part.
Common included angles
are 82° and 100°.

Cross Holes Slip Fit Holes

A drilled hole that crosses This hole is slightly larger
the path of another hole. than the dowel pin,
creating minimal assembly

Flat Bottom Holes Taper Holes

A hole with a near 0° A hole that follows an
surface at the bottom of inclined path. Or, a hole that
the hole. starts larger then tapers to a
smaller diameter.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

6 Introduction to CNC Drills & Drilling

Threaded Holes Through Holes

The result of a threading A hole that does not have
operation on a drill hole. a bottom.

Types of Drills

Circuit Board Drills Spotting Drills

These small diameter drills are generally Drills used to create small divots in the
made of tungsten carbide, which will stand surface of a workpiece to correctly locate
up well to fiberglass and other abrasive the center of a drill when initiating a
materials commonly found in circuit boards. plunge.

Coolant-Through Drills
This drill has internal channels, allowing Twist Drills
coolant to flow through the tool, to the Twist drills are rotary end cutting tools that
bottom of the hole being drilled. Coolant- can have one or more straight or helical
Through Drills allow for increased chip flutes, and cutting lips.

Right-Hand Cut Drills

Right-Hand Cut Drills spin to the right to
make a chip. A right-hand cut tool will cut in
a counter-clockwise direction when viewed
from the drill point.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

7 Introduction to CNC Drills & Drilling

Drill Geometries

Margin Chisel Edge

Cutting Edge


Drill Point

Point Angle



Axis Cutting Edge

Also known as a centerline, is the “straight The portion of the drill, connected to the
line” that identifies the longitudinal center chisel edge, which cuts the material and
of the drill. forms chips.

Back Taper Drill Point

When the body of a drill decreases slightly The cutting end of the tool.
in diameter from its point to its back.

Body Drill Diameter

The section of the drill from its shank or The diameter over the margins of the tool,
neck to the outer corner of the cutting lips. measured at the point.

Chisel Edge Facets

The edge at the end of the web which The flat or eccentric grinds on the point
connects the cutting lips. The Chisel Edge of the drill responsible for creating the
is the first point of contact between the cutting action at the tool’s tip, as well as the
drill and workpiece material. clearance to avoid rubbing.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

8 Introduction to CNC Drills & Drilling

Flutes Point Angle

Deep grooves in the tool which allow for The angle of a drill’s point, over the lips of
chip evacuation. the drill.

Lips Web
The cutting edges extending from the The center part of the body which joins the
chisel edge to the outer portion of the lands of the drill.
drill’s profile.

The cylindrical portion of the land on
the OD of the tool left after grinding.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

10 Spot Drilling


Benefits of Using a Spotting Drill

The first step to precise drilling is, in many cases, spot drill-
ing. Material properties, surface irregularities, and drill point
geometry can all be factors that lead to inaccurate final holes.
A spotting drill, if used properly, will minimize the chance of a
drill walking, and will help to ensure a more accurate final part.

Walking refers to a drill straying, inadvertently, from a desired location.

This can be due to many reasons: runout, an uneven or unsmooth
material surface, utilizing the wrong type of drill geometry, etc.

Functions of a Spotting Drill D ID YOU K NOW

A spotting drill’s purpose is to create a small divot in a part to A spotting drill is also
correctly locate the center of a drill when initiating a plunge. oftentimes used to chamfer
This small divot works as a guide for a drill, and gets the cre- the top of drilled holes. By
ation of a hole off to an accurate start. leaving a chamfer, screw
heads sit flush with the part
once inserted.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

11 Spot Drilling

How to Properly Select a Spotting Drill

Ideally, the center of a carbide drill, the chisel edge, should al-
ways be the first point to contact your part. Therefore, a spot-
ting drill should have a slightly larger point angle than that of
your drill. In the event that a larger point angle cannot be used, T ECH T IP
a spotting drill with a point angle that is the same as that of
your drill will suffice. When drilling into an
extremely irregular
If a spotting drill with a smaller point angle than your drill is surface, such as the side
used, you may cause the outer edges of your drill to wear out of a cylinder or an inclined
prematurely. plane, a spot drill may not
be sufficient to keep holes
The below image illustrates the desired effect of a spotting in the correct position. For
drill: On the left, a drill is entering a previously drilled spot with these applications, first use
a slightly larger angle than its point. On the right, a drill is ap- a flat bottom counterbore
proaching a spot with an angle that is far too small for its point. to level off the area you
intend to machine, then
continue with a spotting

Learn more about flat

bottom counterbores on
page 18.

Proper Spot Angle Acceptable Spot Angle Improper Spot Angle

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

13 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices


Selecting the Right Drill

The thought process behind selecting the right drill for your
job depends largely, of course, on the material you’re working
in. Additionally, the key geometries of a drill, its diameter and
length, always play a key role. Harvey Tool prides itself on hav-
ing an extremely broad offering of drills for several different
material types, featuring some of the hardest-to-find, most
obscure geometries. All tools are fully stocked and ready to
ship the day of purchase, allowing machine shops to minimize
downtime and boost their bottom line.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

14 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Miniature Drills

When seeking flexibility and versatility, this is a favorite of

machinists, as it’s stocked in sizes as miniature as .002” drill di-
ameter and is engineered for use in several different materials
where specificity is not required. Harvey Tool’s miniature drills
are manufactured with a 130° point angle, and are stocked in
sizes up to .1250” in diameter.

Material Specific Drilling Options

Harvey Tool’s material specific offering of drills include geom-
etries and coatings optimized for success in that material. This
offering of drills includes Aluminum Alloys, Hardened Steels,
Prehardened Steels, and Composites.

Hardened Steels

Machining Hardened Steels requires strength and durability.

Harvey Tool’s Miniature High Performance Drills – Hardened
Steels feature a specialized flute shape for improved chip
evacuation and maximum rigidity. Each tool in this offering is
coated with AlTiN Nano coating, adding hardness and heat re-
sistance to the tool, which is paramount when machining mate-
rials 48Rc to 68Rc. The 140° point angle on Harvey Tool’s High
Performance Drills for Hardened Steels improves tip strength.
Further, its double margin allows the tool to drill through
high-hardness steels.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

15 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Prehardened Steels

This Harvey Tool offering, which features the most diameters Learn more about creating
and flute lengths of any Harvey Tool Material Specific Drill, fea- flat bottom holes on page 27.
tures a 140° point angle and AlTiN coating. This coating creates
an aluminum oxide layer during machining, helping to reduce
thermal conductivity of the tool. Further, it helps to transfer
heat to the chip being evacuated, rather than in the workpiece.
This helps to keep heat manageable for the workpiece, itself.
Offered in Drill Diameters from .0078” to .250”, and in flute
lengths of 3x, 5x, 8x, 10x, and 12x diameter.

Aluminum Alloys

This line of High Performance Drills for Aluminum Alloys fea-

tures TiB2 coating, which has an extremely low affinity to Alu-
minum, and will therefore fend off built-up edge. The 3 flute
design featured on this offering of drills allows for maximum
chip flow, enhanced hole accuracy, and superb part finish. Fur-
ther, all three flutes come to center to form a point, rather than
a traditional chisel edge on 2 flute drills. This helps the drill
to penetrate Aluminum Alloy materials and significantly reduce

PCD Diamond – Double Angle

This offering features a PCD diamond brazed onto the entire

end of a solid carbide body, allowing for increased tool life over
carbide and for positive cutting geometry. The double angle
point geometry allows for superior performance in preventing
push-out and delamination in layered composites. Harvey Tool
offers this drill in diameters specific to aerospace fasteners.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

16 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Miniature High Performance Drills – Deep Hole

– Coolant Through

Where drill depth is significant, and where chip evacuation is

a concern, this line of drills may be your best bet. The coolant
delivery from the drill tip will help to flush chips from within a
hole, even at depths up to 20 times that of the drill’s diameter.
Harvey Tool’s offering of Miniature High Performance Drills –
Deep Hole – Coolant Through feature a 140° point angle.

Machining composite materials, such as glass filled or carbon
fiber filled materials will require additional considerations to
avoid delamination, push out, and fraying. The drill tip design,
such as a brad point or double angle drill point will help the
drill accurately dig into the material with minimal negative out-

Delamination No Delamination

x Metal Cutting
Standard Drill
Composite Cutting
Double Angle Drill

Double Angle Composite Drills

This type of tool is optimized for drilling in layered composites.

Its double angle geometry reduces the axial forces generated
during drilling, preventing push-out and delamination. Harvey
Tool fully stocks this drill with Amorphous Diamond Coating,
excellent for increased abrasion resistance.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

17 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Brad Point Composite Drills

For a complete guide to
effectively machining
composites, read our
Brad Point Drills feature center and OD spur point geometry “In the Loupe” blog post
for accurate scoring action, and helps to prevent fraying, uncut “Overcoming Composite
fibers, and tear out. At Harvey Tool, this type of drill is Amor- Holemaking Challenges.”
phous Diamond coated to aid in abrasion resistance.

Auxilary Drilling Tools

Combined Drill and Countersinks

Harvey Tool’s Combined Drill and Countersinks drill and cham-

fer a hole in one operation, eliminating the need for tool chang-
es. Fully stocked in 5 angles, ranging from 60° to 120°, this
Harvey Tool offering features 2 flute geometry, a double-ended
design, and a 118° included tip angle.

Combination Drill/Thread Mills

Designed for combined drilling, threading, thread relief cutting,

and chamfering, this one cutter performs four different opera-
tions, saving machinists time, effort, and room on their tooling
carousel. This unique tool is optimized for cutting non-ferrous
materials such as aluminum, unfulfilled plastics, copper, brass,
and bronze alloys.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

18 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Miniature High Performance Drills – Flat Bottom

When drilling on inclined and rounded surfaces, or when aiming to

leave a flat bottom on your hole, opt for Harvey Tool Miniature High
Performance Drills – Flat Bottom. It’s also regularly used by machin-
ists to drill intersecting holes, half holes, shoulders, or thin plates.

Not All Drills Are Created Equal

When looking for the right drill for your job, it’s important to un- D ID YOU KNOW
derstand what that drill was designed for. Was it engineered for
general purpose drilling operations, or specifically for one mate- The chisel edge angle and
rial? its accuracy, along with the
tool’s cutting lips, control
With Material Specific Drills, the point geometry, which is so es- the hole positioning, size,
sential to the operation of a drill, is optimized for the material and straightness.
being machined. From the chisel edge to the web diameter, point
angle, margin, flute shape, lips, and helix angle, Material Specific
Drills are engineered to optimize performance, which will prolong
the life of your tool and enhance the quality and accuracy of your
final part.

The point is the working end of the tool. The chisel edge creates
the major thrust force, and is key to the initial formation of a chip.
From there, the chip must be held, and therefore must be man-
ageable for the tool.

Web diameter and flute shape help to accommodate the chip

while it’s on its journey to evacuation.

“Web thickness is really going to dictate how much flute room we have. But also
the flute shape. There’s different things you can do with a flute on a drill to make
sure that the shape of that flute, and the heel, can accommodate the chip that
you want to manage. This is why, when you’re trying to get optimal performance
with a drill, you should be looking for material specific drills.”

– Don Grandt, Harvey Performance Company National Application Engineer

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

19 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Helix Angles Are Key

Drills typically come in three different types of helix angles,
each designed to aid in evacuating the chip: Slow or Low Helix,
Common or Medium Helix, and Fast or High Helix.

Slow/Low Helix

Good for Cast Iron or Brass materials, where the chip will break
up during its creation and evacuation isn’t as difficult.

Common/Medium Helix

This is today’s standard for most carbide tools, as different tool

geometries play a role in moving the chip up a flute valley.

Fast/High Helix

This is great for Aluminum and other softer materials, where

the goal is to create the chip, pull it up through the flutes, and
evacuate it as quickly as possible.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

20 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Best Drilling Practices

Pecking Cycles: A Needed Step? T ECH T IP
Harvey Tool’s Technical Team is oftentimes asked about peck- Think of a “Pecking Cycle”
ing cycles (often known as a G83 Cycle), and if they are needed like taking multiple passes
for a drilling application. while drilling a hole. Rather
than drill to the hole’s
complete depth in one pass,
a pecking cycle refers to
how many different passes
must be made to drill all the
way to the bottom of a hole.

For 5x diameter to 12x
diameter holes, you should
Thank you to @allrout_inc for this great video. pull that drill all the way out
of a hole during a pecking
cycle. Two reasons for this:
A pecking cycle is used for many purposes: to aid in the evacu-
ation of chips from a deep hole, to ensure accuracy by minimiz- 1. When not using a
ing pressures on the tool in deep depths, and to promote higher Coolant-Through Drill,
quality finish. However, time is money in today’s competitive removing the tool all
manufacturing landscape, and learning how to eliminate or the way from the hole
minimize the amount of pecking can decrease cycle time and will help to get coolant
increase productivity. to the bottom of the
High Performance Coolant Through Drills, for example, can be
used to drill holes up to 20x the drill diameter (and even be- 2. If there are remnants of
yond in some scenarios), without a peck cycle. When coolant chips left on the tip of
pressure is at least 500 psi (1,000 psi is preferred), the process the drill, the centrifugal
of evacuating chips from deep within a hole is made easier, forces of lifting a drill
freeing the drill to work effectively deeper within a part. out of a hole will help
to remove that leftover
chip from the tool.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

21 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Pecking Cycles: Best Practices

Below are some general recommended guidelines for pecking cycles,
based on the type of drill being used and the workpiece material.

High Performance Drills – Hardened Steels

Material Initial Peck Depth Subsequent Pecks
Ferrous 38-45 Rc 1-2 x Diameter .5-1 x Diameter
Hardened Steels > 45 Rc .5 x Diameter .5 x Diameter

High Performance Drills – Prehardened Steels

Material Initial Peck Depth Subsequent Pecks
Steels 29-37 Rc 2-3 x Diameter 1-2 x Diameter
Hardened Steels 38-45 Rc 1-2 x Diameter .5-1 x Diameter

High Performance Drills – Aluminum & Aluminum Alloys

Material Initial Peck Depth Subsequent Pecks
Non-Ferrous 3-5 x Diameter 2-3 x Diameter

Miniature High Performance Drills – PCD Diamond – Double Angle

Material Initial Peck Depth Subsequent Pecks
Plastics 3-5 x Diameter 2-3 x Diameter
Metal Matrix Composites 3-5 x Diameter, beginning when part
2-3 x Diameter
with Aluminum thickness is more than 1 x Diameter
3-5 x Diameter, beginning when part
Titanium .5 -1 x Diameter
thickness is more than .5 x Diameter

Miniature High Performance Drills - Composites

Material Initial Peck Depth Subsequent Pecks
Composites 3-5 x Diameter 2-3 x Diameter

High Performance Drills – Flat Botom

Material Initial Peck Depth Subsequent Pecks
3-5x Diameter (Must fully submerge the drill
point into the material. Do not use a pecking
Non-Ferrous cycle for half-hole drilling or any situation 2-3 x Diameter
where the drill is not fully enclosed in the
material during the drilling operation.)
Steels 29-37 Rc 2-3 x Diameter 1-2 x Diameter
Hardened Steels 38-45 Rc 1-2 x Diameter .5-1 x Diameter

Miniature Drills
Material Initial Peck Depth Subsequent Pecks
Non-Ferrous 3-5 x Diameter 2-3 x Diameter
Steels 29-37 Rc 2-3 x Diameter 1-2 x Diameter
Steels 38-45 Rc 1-2 x Diameter .5-1 x Diameter

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

22 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Deep Hole Drilling: Best Practices

Use a Pilot Hole T ECH T IP

When making a hole that is greater than 12x the drill diameter, When it comes to running
it is wise to first make a pilot hole. parameters of drills, there
are many factors to take
into consideration, including
the tool’s geometry, the
What is a Pilot Hole? material being machined,
and many others. Because
A pilot hole is a starter hole designed to help guide the accurate
of this, Harvey Tool offers
formation of a deeper hole. Harvey Tool recommends making
specific Speeds & Feeds
a pilot hole that’s 1.5x the drill diameter, using a drill that’s, at
charts for every one of its
most, 3x the drill diameter. This means that regardless of what
drills. These files, which
the final hole depth is, the pilot hole should be 1.5x the drill
are downloadable here, are
designed to provide you
with the most accurate
parameters for your specific
Pilot Hole Steps to Follow: application.

1. Drill your pilot hole.

2. Drop your drill into the hole at low RPM
(250-500 RPM).
3. Turn the coolant on when in the pilot hole and
increase RPM to the recommended parameters.
4. After reaching the desired hole depth, reduce
speed before retracting the drill.
5. Repeat the process for every hole.

“The good thing about running 250-500 RPM for a

deep hole drill, is if you’re over 12x D, you can literally
look at the drill and see if you’re running out. That’s
how much that thing will wobble if it wasn’t made
correctly or if your collet’s not good.”
– Don Grandt, Harvey Performance Company National Application Engineer

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

23 Drilling: Background, Tool Selection & Best Practices

Coolant Considerations
In the vast majority of drilling applications, but especially in T ECH T IP
deep hole drilling applications, utilizing a coolant strategy is
important. Not only will coolant help with heat management at The only instance in which
the drill point, which helps to prolong tool life, but it will also coolant would not be
aid in the chip evacuation process by flushing chips from a hole recommended for drilling
and increasing lubricity. applications is in plastics or
composites. This is because
One of the most efficient coolant strategies used for deep hole plastics and composites can
drilling is using a coolant through tool. Harvey Tool’s offering be porous and may absorb
of Miniature High Performance Drills – Deep Hole – Coolant the coolant, which can
Through feature coolant channels that are ground within the cause the part to swell. This
full length of the tool. This allows for coolant to flow through can lead to shrinking when
the tool itself and be evacuated at the drill tip during the drill- the part dries, taking it out
ing process. of tolerance.

When drilling with
miniature drills, consider
a Minimum Quantity
Lubricant (MQL) coolant
approach. Rather than a
coolant that’s applied via
high pressure, which can
cause damage to miniature
tooling, MQL delivers
L1: Overall Length, L2: Flute Length, L3: Plunge Length, coolant via mist and drips.
D1: Drill Diameter, D2: Shank Diameter, A1: Point Angle
MQL is a more
environmentally-savvy and
efficient approach, too!

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

P O S T- D R I L L I N G
25 Post-Drilling Operations



Why Use a Miniature Reamer?

Did you know that the common practice for holemaking applications
is to always use a reamer? When done correctly, reaming can be a
fast and highly accurate operation that results in precision holes.
This is because the tolerances of a reamer are incredibly tight. Har-
vey Tool uncoated Miniature Reamers have a tolerance of +.0000”/-
.0002”, while its AlTiN coated style has tolerances of +.0002”/-.0000”.

Key Geometries of a Straight Flute Reamer

In the below image, D1 references the reamer diameter, the specific size
intended for your hole; and D2 points to the shank diameter. At Harvey
Tool, reamer shanks are oversized to help maintain tool strength, stiff-
ness, and accuracy. Shanks also have an h6 tolerance, which is crucial
for high precision tool holders, such as heat shrink collets. Other critical
dimensions of a reamer include its overall length (L1), margin length
(L2), overall reach (L3), chamfer length (L4), and chamfer angle (D1).
Chamfer angle is also an important dimension. Harvey Tool Miniature
Reamers include a 45° chamfer angle.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

26 Post-Drilling Operations

Key Geometries of a Spiral Flute Reamer

Harvey Tool’s Spiral Flute Reamer combines the precision accu-
racy of a straight flute reamer with chip evacuation ability, re-
sulting in a superb part finish. This tool’s right hand spiral flutes
evacuate chips upward, making it a terrific choice for blind hole

Functions of a Reamer

Provide Precision D ID YOU KNOW

Reamers provide precision. To use a reamer properly, you must When machining Inconel,
first have a pre-drilled hole that’s between 90% and 94% of the Titanium, and other high-
final hole diameter. For example, if you need a finished hole cost materials, reaming
of .220”, your predrilled hole should be somewhere between your hole is important to
.1980” and .2068”. This allows the tool to take just enough ma- ensure that the desired
terial off to leave a great finish. finish specification is met.
With reamers, a machinist
can better predict tool life,
resulting in a higher quality
Deliver Superb Finish final product and minimized
scrap ratios.
When a high surface finish is required of a hole, reamers should
always be used to reach the desired tolerance. The tool’s mar- Note: As of Fall 2020,
gin helps to keep the reamer centered while cutting, leading to Harvey Tool offers fully
a better finish. stocked reamers, both
uncoated and with AlTiN
Minimize Production Runs

For machine shops, consistency is key. It should always be a top

priority. This is especially true in production runs, where the
last thing a machinist would ever want to see is an oversized
hole on a part that they have already performed many opera-
tions on. Reamers have the benefit of offering consistent hole
size, preventing an out-of-tolerance finish.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

27 Post-Drilling Operations

Flat Bottom Counterboring

Why Use a Flat Bottom Counterbore?

Thin Plate Cross Hole Irregular/Rounded Angled Half Hole

Drilling Drilling Surface Drilling Drilling Drilling

Bore & Finish Drilled Holes

Drill geometry is designed first and foremost for factors like

stability, rigidity, and chip evacuation. Some holes will need
secondary finishing operations. Flat bottom counterbores are a
great tool for leaving a terrific finish.

Straighten Misaligned Holes LEARN MOR E

Even experienced machinists may drill a less-than-perfectly- For more on
straight hole or two in new and unfamiliar jobs. Misaligned troubleshooting misaligned
holes are all-too-common during drilling operations. holes, see page 33.

Remove Drill Points

When a standard drill creates a hole (other than a through

hole) it leaves a “drill point” at the bottom due to its pointed
geometry. This is fine for some holes, but holes in need of a
flat bottom will need a secondary operation from a flat bottom
counterbore to remove the drill point

Remove End Mill Dish

The dish angle present on most standard end mills allows prop-
er end cutting characteristics and reduces full diameter contact.
However, these end mills will naturally leave a small dish at the
bottom of a hole created by a plunging operation. As with drill
points, flat bottom counterbores are perfect to even out the
bottom of a hole.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

28 Post-Drilling Operations

Thread Milling

What is a Thread?
The primary function of a thread is to form a coupling between
two different mechanisms. Think of the cap on your water bottle.
The cap couples with the top of the bottle in order to create a
watertight seal. This coupling can transmit motion and help to
obtain mechanical advantages.

Common Thread Types & Applications

ISO Metric, American UN

This thread type is used for general purposes, including for screws.
Features a 60° thread form.

British Standard, Whitworth

This thread form creates threads with 55° flanks.


Meaning National Pipe Tapered, this thread, like the Whitworth

Thread Form, is internal and external.

Buttress Threads

Designed for applications that involve particularly high stresses

along the thread axis in one direction. The thread angle on these
threads is 45° with a perpendicular flat on the front or load re-
sisting face.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

29 Post-Drilling Operations

Harvey Tool Thread Mills

Single Form Thread Mill

The Single Form Thread Mill is the most versatile threading

solution Harvey Tool offers. These tools are ground to a sharp
point and are capable of milling 60° thread styles, such as UN,
metric, and NPT threads.

Single Form Thread Mills for Hardened Steels

Similar to the standard single form thread mills, Harvey Tool’s

Thread Mills for Hardened Steels offer machinists a quality op-
tion when dealing with hardened steels from 46-68 Rc. The fol-
lowing unique geometries helps this tool machine tough alloys:

1. Ground Flat – Instead of a sharp point these tools have

a ground flat to help ensure long tool life.
2. Eccentric Relief – Gives the cutting edges of the tool
extra strength for the relatively low RPMs required for
harder materials.
3. AlTiN Nano Coating – Allows for superior heat resis-

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

30 Post-Drilling Operations

Tri-Form Thread Mills

Tri-Form Thread Mills are designed for difficult-to-machine

materials. The tri-form design reduces tool pressure and
deflection, which results in more accurate threading. Its left- LEARN MOR E
hand cut, left-hand spiral design allows it to climb mill from
the top of the thread to the bottom. Visit the “In the Loupe” blog
for more information on
Thread Milling.

Multi-Form Thread Mills

Our multi-form thread mills are offered in styles such as UN,

NPT, and Metric. Multi-Form Thread Mills are optimized to
produce a full thread in single helical interpolation. Addition-
ally, they allow a machinist to quickly turn around produc-
tion-style jobs.

Multi-Form Thread Mills for Hardened Steels

Harvey Tool’s offering of Thread Milling Cutters for Hardened

Steels is designed for threading hardened steels 46-68Rc,
and optimized to cut internal and external, left hand and
right hand, 60° UN threads. This tool’s variable helix design
reduces chatter and harmonics, which produces more accurate
threads. Its AlTiN Nano coating offers superior hardness and
heat resistance, making it an excellent choice for hardened

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

31 Post-Drilling Operations

Coolant-Through Multi-Form Thread Mills

Coolant-Through Multi Form Thread Mills are the perfect tool

for when a job calls for thread milling in a blind hole. The cool-
ant through ability of the tool produces superior chip evacua-
tion. These tools also improve coolant flow to the workpiece
– delivering it directly from the tip of the tool – for decreased
friction and high cutting speeds.

Long Flute Thread Mills

These tools are great when a job calls for a deep thread, due to
their long flute. Long Flute Thread Mills also have a large cutter
diameter and core, which provides the tool with improved tool
strength and stability.

N.P.T. Multi-Form Thread Mills

While it may seem obvious, N.P.T. Multi-Form Thread Mills

are perfect for milling NPT threads. NPT threads are great
for when a part requires a full seal, different from traditional
threads that hold pieces together without the water-tight seal.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

33 Troubleshooting


One of the most common issues machinists face during a drill-

ing operation is hole misalignment. Hole alignment is an es-
sential step in any assembly or while mating cylindrical parts.
When holes are properly aligned, the mating parts fit easily in
each other. When one of the pieces to the puzzle is inaccurate,
however, machinists run into issues.

There are two types of common misalignment woes: Angular

Misalignment and Offset Misalignment.

Angular Misalignment
Angular misalignment is the difference in slope of the center-
lines of the holes. When the centerlines are not parallel, a shaft
will not be able to fit through the hole properly.

Offset Misalignment
Offset misalignment is the distance between the centerlines
of the hole. This is the position of the hole from its true po-
sition or mating part. Many CAD software programs will help
to identify if holes are misaligned, but proper technique is still
paramount to creating perfect holes.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

34 Troubleshooting

3 Tips for Avoiding Misaligned Holes

Tip 1: Utilize a Spotting Drill

Using a spotting drill is a common way to eliminate the chance
of the drill walking when it makes contact with the material. A
spotting drill is designed to mark a precise location for a drill to T ECH T IP
follow, minimizing the drill’s ability to walk from a specific area.
A runout inspection of the
Although using a spotting drill would require an additional tool drill should be performed
change during a job, the time spent in a tool change is far less to help make sure the
than the time required to redo a project due to a misaligned drill itself is balanced and
hole. A misaligned hole can result in scrapping the entire part, symmetrical. Any runout
costing time and money. or uneven point angle will
cause the drill to stray from
its intended course.
Tip 2: Be Mindful of Web Thickness
A machinist should also consider the web thickness of the drill
when experiencing hole misalignment. A drill’s web is the first
part of the drill to make contact with the workpiece material.

Essentially, the web thickness is the same as the core diameter

of an end mill. A larger core will provide a more rigid drill and
a larger web. A larger web, however, can increase the risk of
walking, and may contribute to hole misalignment. To overcome
this machining dilemma, machinists will oftentimes choose to
use a drill that has a thinned web.

Web Thinning
Web Thin Web
Also known as a split point drill, web thinning is a drill with a
thinned web at the point, which helps to decrease thrust force
and increase point accuracy. There are many different thinning
methods, but the result allows a drill to have a thinner web at
the point while having the benefit of a standard web through-
out the rest of the drill body. A thinner web will:

X Be less susceptible to walking

X Need less cutting resistance
X Create less cutting force

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

35 Troubleshooting

Tip 3: Select a Material Specific Drill

Choosing a material specific drill is one if the easiest ways to
avoid hole misalignment. A material specific drill design has
geometries that will mitigate the specific challenges that each
unique material presents. Further, material specific drills fea-
ture tool coatings that are proven to succeed in the specific
material a machinist is working in.

Avoiding Drill Breaking or Failing

Nothing can derail a project faster than a broken or fail-
ing tool. There are several all-too-common mistakes be-
ing made by machinists, which can cause premature tool
failure. These include, among others, excessive runout; an
ineffective coolant strategy; improper engagement strat-
egy; inaccurate speeds and feeds parameters; and uneven
material surfaces, which can cause added stress to the drill.

Excessive Runout
Managing runout is key to a successful operation. Machinists
must check their tool-to-holder connection and ensure a rigid
machine setup.

Coolant Strategy
Chip evacuation can be tough, especially in deep holes. For this,
an effective coolant strategy is key to aid the drill by providing
lubricity, allowing for more efficient chip evacuation. Without
the help of coolant, chips can become clogged in flute valleys
and cause the cutting tool to work harder than it needs to.

Uneven Material Surfaces LEARN MOR E

When first making contact with a part, the tool should have a Visit the “In the Loupe” blog
secure landing spot. An uneven surface can cause the drill to for more information on
walk, or stray from a desired location, causing part of the tool Reducing Tool Runout
to work harder than other parts and wear unevenly. If your ma-
terial is uneven, using a Flat Bottom Counterbore to flatten the
area before the drill makes contact can be an effective strategy.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

37 CNC Drilling FAQ


Do I have to peck when my DOC is shorter than

the recommended peck depth?
The point of pecking is to help clear chips from the hole and
the drill. You may not need to peck, but if you find that you are
running into issues with chip clearing at shorter depths of cut,
then pecking can help. Remember to always follow Harvey Tool
speeds and feeds guidelines to ensure success in your opera-

What are some general recommendations for peck

depth in deep holes (deeper than 5x diameter)?
When machining in deep holes, Coolant-Through Drills are a
great option, as the coolant works to remove chips from the
bottom of the hole while cooling the tip of the drill. When Cool-
ant-Through Drills are used, peck cycles may not be necessary.
When coolant-through drills are not an option, refer to Harvey
Tool’s speeds and feeds charts. There, you’ll find insight that
will help you effectively drill depths deeper than 5x diameter.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

38 CNC Drilling FAQ

Do I need to spot for a Flat Bottom Drill or Flat

Bottom Counterbore?
Flat bottom tools help to smooth an uneven, angled, or rough
material surface. Because of this, a spot isn’t needed, as the
drill itself will alleviate any issues that the Spotting Drill would
be used for. When using these tools on a flat surface, the
chance of walking increases, as these tools do not have a point.
In these instances, Harvey Tool recommends reducing the RPM
for initial part contact, and creating a starting hole.

What angle should my spot drill be?

The angle of the Spotting Drill should be greater than the point
angle of the drill. That way, the drill’s chisel edge is the first
point of contact between the spotted hole and the drill.

Do I have to use a spot drill before my drilling

Spotting Drills are great to use when the material being drilled
is uneven, rough, or scaled; or when the drill being used isn’t
specifically optimized for the workpiece material. The only
downfall to using a Spotting Drill prior to every Drilling opera-
tion is added time.

Should I use a pecking cycle?

Pecking cycles aren’t necessary up to 3x the drill diameter in
ferrous materials, and 2x the drill diameter in hardened mate-

Should I use a coolant-through drill in Aluminum?

In deep hole applications, coolant-through drills help to evac-
uate chips and improve tool life. Aluminum is a softer material,
but chip evacuation is key to part finish. That said, since chip

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

39 CNC Drilling FAQ

evacuation is always a concern in any drilling application, cool-

ant-through drills will always help.

Should I peck with a coolant-through drill?

Pecking cycles may not be necessary when using a Cool-
ant-Through Drill, given that the point geometries are optimal
for the material being machined.

When should I use a Flat Bottom Counterbore

rather than a Flat Bottom Drill?
Flat Bottom Counterbores are most typically used for cleaning
up holes or surfaces, whereas Flat Bottom Drills are to be used
when drilling on an uneven surface or at an angle to the part.
This is because a flat bottom counterbore has 4 flutes, whereas
flat bottom drills have 2 flutes. Since drill holes require more
flute space to evacuate chips, two flutes help prevent the tool
from chip packing. If you are cleaning up the bottom of a hole,
however, less material is machined and the increased flute
count helps with part finish.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

40 About The Brands


Harvey Performance Company combines the leading Harvey Tool, Helical Solutions,
and Micro 100 brands to provide world class tooling, unmatched service, and inno-
vative solutions that increase productivity for our customers.

Think Harvey Tool First Let Helical Impress You Make More with Micro 100
More than 24,000 miniature Material-optimized high Exceptional quality turning
and specialty end mills. performance carbide tools designed for durability
Ship today, in your end mills. Run faster, push and performance in a range of
machine tomorrow. harder, machine smarter. difficult-to-machine materials.

CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

41 About The Brands

Harvey Tool
Harvey Tool has been providing specialty carbide end mills and
cutting tools to the metalworking industry since 1985. They are
recognized as a leader because of their unsurpassed technical
expertise and engineering know-how.

Harvey Tool’s focus is on identifying and providing unique end

mill and cutting tool products for specialty machining needs.
Their unique product offerings allow customers to purchase
specialty tools “off the shelf” with expedited shipping, eliminat-
ing long and costly lead times. At Harvey Tool, “Your Specials
are Our Standards.™” #ThinkHarveyToolFirst

CALL: 800-645-5609

EMAIL: [email protected]


Helical Solutions
Since its inception in 2001, Helical Solutions has maintained
its reputation for providing the manufacturing industry with
carbide cutting tools of exceptional quality, innovation, and
performance. Helical’s products are built to last and excel at
aggressive running parameters, meaning its customers experi-
ence greatly reduced cycle times, heightened productivity, and
superior part finish.

Helical prides itself on the quality of its products, which are

each meticulously inspected and put through a multi-step
assurance process prior to leaving its manufacturing facil-
ity. With Helical, Run Faster, Push Harder, Machine Smarter.

CALL: 866-543-5422

EMAIL: [email protected]


CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

42 About The Brands

Micro 100
Micro 100 has been utilizing the industry’s latest CNC grind-
ing technology since the 1960’s, supplying machinists with the
highest quality carbide milling and turning tools available on
the market.

Micro 100 tooling provides machinists with the ability to ac-

complish higher quality, more accurate parts at an accelerated
rate. Further, Micro 100 is the creator of the breakthrough quick
change tooling system, the Micro-Quik™, which has proven to
boost shop efficiency by allowing for tooling changes in under
30 seconds. #MakeMoreWithMicro100

CALL: 800-421-8065

EMAIL: [email protected]


CNC Drilling Guidebook | © 2020 Harvey Performance Company, LLC

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