Tribology Prof. DR - Harish Hirani Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Lecture No. # 20 Reynolds Equation
Tribology Prof. DR - Harish Hirani Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Lecture No. # 20 Reynolds Equation
Tribology Prof. DR - Harish Hirani Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi Lecture No. # 20 Reynolds Equation
Lecture No. # 20
Reynolds Equation
Welcome to twentieth lecture of video course on tribiology. Today’s topic is the Reynolds
equation. In my previous lecture, we derived this equation; assuming few concepts or
assumptions based on those assumptions, equation was derived, it is not generalized one, but
restricted to systems, which fulfil the assumptions. Today, we are going to discuss this
equation or some variations of this equation.
So, first this slide shows Reynolds equation, which was derived in previous lecture, left hand
side shows pressure term. We need to derive pressure distribution over the surfaces. Well,
right hand side shows the source terms, there are three source terms, first and last source
term, where the derivation of film thickness h is coming, that is known as the wedge action.
Basic assumption is that two surfaces are inclined at some line, it may be one degree, may be
two degrees, or may be some degree.
Some inclination is required to develop the pressure that is the wedge term. We can simplify
also the wedge term as derivation of h with respect to x. To find or you say to define the
wedge action x direction similarly, we can write wedge action in z direction. In this figure,
we are showing wedge action in x direction. If I assume perpendicular to this that will be the
z direction and variation of film thickness in z direction. Because of this inclination there is a
possibility of pressure generation.
You say that for hydrodynamic action wedge action is essential. We drive the second term
also which is known as a squeeze term. Basically depends on a squeezing action of plates of
relative movement along the film thickness.
If I am assuming the tribal base, they move perpendicular to each other. And this figure
illustrates that yellow plate has a variable viscosity in both the directions. Similarly, red
block, red plate has a relative velocity in between there is a viscous fluid.
If yellow plate is moving in this y direction, is going to generate some pressure and it can be
a pressure term. And third source is again stretching term. But before that we here, the V1
minus V2 is a relative velocity can be expressed also the variation of h with respect to time.
As velocity changes, movement of this plate will increase or decrease the film thickness. And
as velocity is a constant, they say time term comes into the picture. That is why we say, it can
be expressed as partial variation of h with respect to time.
As I mentioned third term is a stretching term, we are assuming plates are not solid plates.
They stretch and vary the velocity along x direction and z direction that is why we are
representing the stretching term as variation of U. Then you show velocity along the x
direction with respect to x direction or variation in W with respect to z that is represented
over here.
∂U ∂W
∂x ∂z
∂ ⎛⎜ h 3 ∂P ⎞⎟ ∂ ⎛⎜ h 3 ∂P ⎞⎟ 1 ∂ (U 2 − U1 )h 1 ∂ (W2 − W1 )h
⎜ ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ = + (V1 − V2 ) +
∂x ⎝ 12η ∂x ⎠ ∂z ⎝ 12η ∂z ⎠ 2 ∂x 2 ∂z
1 ∂ (U 2 − U1 )h (U 2 − U1 ) ∂h h ∂ (U 2 − U1 )
= +
2 ∂x 2 ∂x 2 ∂x
1 ∂ (W2 − W1 )h (W2 − W1 ) ∂h h ∂ (W2 − W1 )
= +
2 ∂z 2 ∂z 2 ∂z
To elaborate this ∂ stretching term, we have one more slide to explain in the cases like
stretching action. I am trying to show with example of one plate, say there is a velocity along
the x direction, but, this velocity is not constant. If I take different sections, say plate as a
section x 1, it has a velocity U1, plate as a x2 velocity U2, plate at the x3 position has a
velocity U3. Similarly, plate at x8 has a velocity U8. What is the meaning of this? This plate is
not rigid whatever the velocity over this surface is not the same velocity of the slightly ahead
of that, it may be increasing or may be decreasing.
As a stretching term, typical example is a rubber material, which is stretched. And we find
slight variation in velocity along the surface and that is also a source of pressure generation.
So, this wedge direction in most of cases is negligible.
If you want to represent in Reynolds equation, which was explained in previous slide. We can
write this term or partly differentiate this term, first differentiation with respect to h,
differentiation of h with respect to x and then in second case differentiation of velocity with
respect to x. So, this term can be represented of this first term can be represented I as a
relative velocity divide by two. And partial variation of h with respect to x plus here h is not
differentiated. So, h by 2 and differentiation not give 2 minus U1 with respect to x.
So, one term is converted into two terms and what is a stretching term is the second term, first
term will be wedge action. So, this term has a two components, one is a wedge term and
second one is a stretching term. Similarly, in z direction this term can be expressed in two
terms. In first case differentiation is only with respect to differentiation of h with respect to x
and in second term differentiation of velocity with respect to x. I think there is some mistake,
this will be said differentiation, with respect to z. So, this will be your to z terms, variation of
velocity with respect to z and variation of h with respect to z.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:28)
Reynolds’ Equation
Now, coming back to the Reynolds equation, we want to find out the various variations, we
derive this equation with a number of assumptions. We say that initial term is a negligible,
negligible of pressure gradient along the y direction that means, there is no variation along
the y direction. Whatever we choose pressure will remain same, at any y location, then
Newtonian fluid we took as the example of Newtonian fluid, we use relation than constant
viscosity value, no slip neglecting angle of inclination for coordinate system and
incompressible flow.
When we are saying that there is a constant value of the viscosity, while in this equation is
still this viscosity term is in a differential form. As these terms are the constant, it can be
taken out easily without differentiation, and this equation can be rearranged. So, this is what
we are saying that if we take out this 12η rearranged into
the right hand side, this equation will be slightly modified. We say now instead of half this
term as the 6η, 12η divide by two, it will turn out to be 6η. Similarly, in this case there is no
multiplication, but, here after taking this in the right hand side is turning out to be 12η into dh
by dt.
Here is again only half multiply with 12η, it will turn out to be 6η and term along the z
direction, which represent the wedge action as well as the stretching action. Now, to simplify
this equation, we assume velocities along the x direction in other word, there is no relative
velocity in z direction. So, this term can be neglected in this situation.
Because, there is no velocity allowed there or there is no relative velocity along the z
direction. In that situation, this equation is simplified, one term has been eliminated that gives
the simplified expression. The pressure term on the left hand side and this term express the
wedge action plus stretching action and this is squeeze action. Now, we have a three source
terms over here, one is a squeeze action term, one is wedge action in x direction and
stretching action in x direction.
∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ∂ (U 2 − U1 )h ∂h
⎜h ⎟ + ⎜h ⎟ = 6η + 12η
∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ∂x ∂t
∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ⎛ ∂h ∂h ⎞
⎜h ⎟ + ⎜h ⎟ = 6η ⎜ (U 2 − U1 ) + 2 ⎟
∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ⎝ ∂x ∂t ⎠
∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ⎛ ∂h ∂h ⎞
⎜h ⎟ + ⎜h ⎟ = 6η ⎜U +2 ⎟
∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ⎝ ∂x ∂t ⎠
We can further simplify this equation, by assuming both the surfaces are rigid surfaces. There
is no stretching action, we are not talking about the rubber material, we are talking about
more like metals or ceramics which cannot be stretched. So, easily I know stress stretching
action is negligible for our calculation.
So, with this assumption the both rigid surfaces, this term can be variation of relative velocity
with respect to x can be neglected. And as we expressed in previous slide, previous to
previous slide that this term can be expressed in two terms, one is stretch term and another
wedge term.
Stretch term is negligible, because of the rigid surface. So, then only we will be getting the
wedge term, that is given by definition and this is one of the common Reynold equation
number fourth is simplification can be made. So, we are talking about the relative velocity.
Again assume one of the surface is inclined or particularly, we say only inclined surface is is
sliding at some velocity relative to stationary surface. Which is a straight surface does not
move and U1 can be neglected, U1 is 0. With that kind of thing, we say that only inclined
surface slides, equation will be modified U1 will be 0 and in that situation it will be only U2.
As there is only one velocity there is no point to say it is a U1, U2, U3, we can say directly it is
a U (velocity of sliding surface). With that equation will be modified in this form, there is a
pressure term in x direction, pressure term in z direction constant viscosity and this is a
relative velocity of inclined surface in x direction. This is the wedge term in x direction and
this is the squeeze term and this is one of the most commonly used Reynolds’ equation.
In literature, in number of books Reynolds equation starts with this kind of form. Where the
number of assumptions are there. In understand this equation, we have made a number of
assumptions. We assume that is negligible in a short term, this may not be necessary in
particularly high velocity terms. In a short term will not be negligible, then we assume the
film thickness direction of pressure gradient is negligible. That happens only when there is a
very small film thickness infinitely small thickness.
And we assure Newtonian fluid and interesting thing most of the liquids are non-Newtonian
liquids, that they are not Newtonian liquids. Then we assume the constant value of the
viscosity which we know very well Viscosity will not remain constant. It is a function I say it
is a strong function of temperature then there is no slip on the liquid and solid surface.
What do you do with the solid surface? Is the relative velocity in the same sliding, speed is
imparted to liquid without any loss. Which most of the cases, most of the liquid cases is true,
but, is not true for the gases, where the molecular distance is much and there is earnest
possibility of the slip. Then we assume the neglecting angle of inclination for the coordinate
system in the angle of inclination is the very small then that is true, but, if the angle of
inclination is more then it may not be true.
We assume the incompressible flow, even in liquid cases many liquids can be compressed to
1 percent or 2 percent. So, assuming incompressible flow, provides may be 95 to 90 percent
98 perccent good results,
r but not hundreed percent results.
r If you
y require really 100 percent
accuratee results andd we shouldd account th
he compresssibility of thhe liquid itseelf.
(Refer S
Slide Time: 16:50)
Presssure Disttribution
Dimenssion in x-dirr is much laarger than diimension in
n z-dir
∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ⎛ ∂h ∂h ⎞
⎜h ⎟ + ⎜h ⎟ = 6η ⎜U +2 ⎟
∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ⎝ ∂x ∂t ⎠
x z h
x= , z= , h=
∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ C 3 ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞
( )
⎜⎜ h C
∂(x X ) ⎝
⎟⎟ = 2 ⎜h
∂ (x X ) ⎠ X ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠
Dimension in
D n z-dir
is much largeer than
diimension in
n x-dir
In one case we are assuming the x direction, dimension is much larger compared to
dimension in z direction. In second figure, we are assuming x direction dimension is much
smaller compared to dimension in z direction. So, we can write the dimension in x direction
is much larger than dimension in z direction and the distribution comes something like this.
Now, what we are gaining from this. You are saying that pressure maximum, pressure
remains same. As x value is more p by x will be lesser, while in this case z is a low p remains
same p by z will be low higher than p by x let I asked to neglect one of this term I can if I say
that value of x is much larger. So, p by x will be smaller in that case this term can be
While in other case, while we have short length in x direction and p by x will be there. So, in
that cases second term can be neglected. We can assume that based on dimensions, we can
get good results.
To understand this better let us less non-dimensionalize. What is the reason for non
dimensionalization say what is the maximum value of x? Maximum dimension in x direction
assume that is a capital x. That means, this x will vary from 0 to maximum x or x bar value
will be varying from 0 to 1. Second term same thing maximum value of z or you say
dimension in z direction, maximum value is same, this is a variable, it will vary from 0 to
capital z in that situation z bar will be 0 2 1.
So, what is the advantage of non dimensionalization, in respect to half expression, we are
trying to use the first term, where the x will x bar will vary from 0 to 1. Similarly, z bar will
vary from 0 to one. So, we can do order analysis what will be multiplication terms comes that
will decide, which term is going to be dominating. To get the meaningful results, we will also
non dimensionalize film thickness say film thickness is a h divide. We say non dimension of
film thickness of h bar is film thickness at any location divide by clearance between two
surfaces is a mean clearance.
If maximum and minimum value are given, we can average out we can get the results to some
meaningful. Now if we go ahead with, this kind of non dimensionalization, while in this case
like a instead of, write x I write x bar into capital x. Similarly, instead of h, I write h bar into
c. Similarly, z instead of z we can write z bar into z and substitute over here. So, this is the
same thing instead of x, we are writing x bar into capital x instead of writing h. We are
writing h bar into c, here x instead of x, you are writing x bar into capital x that is for the first
term. And when we rearrange, what we get term x bar h bar x bar over here and
multiplication factor comes as a c q by capital x square.
C 3 ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ C 3 ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ⎛ C ∂h ∂h ⎞
2 ⎜h ⎟+ 2 ⎜h ⎟ = 6η ⎜⎜U + 2C ⎟⎟
X ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ Z ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ⎝ X ∂x ∂t ⎠
C3 ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ C 3 X 2 ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂P ⎞ ⎛ C ∂h C ∂h ⎞
⎜h ⎟+ ⎜h ⎟=⎜ +2 ⎟
6ηUX ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ 6ηUX 2 Z 2 ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ⎜⎝ X ∂x
U ∂t ⎟⎠
C 3P ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂p ⎞ X 2 ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂p ⎞ ⎛ C ∂h ∂h ⎞ tU
p= , ⎜h ⎟+ 2 ⎜h ⎟ = ⎜⎜ +2 ⎟⎟ , t =
6ηUX 2 ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ Z ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ⎝ X ∂x ∂t ⎠ C
X ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂p ⎞ ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂ p ⎞ ⎛ C ∂h ∂h ⎞
if = 10 , ⎜h ⎟ + 100 ⎜ h ⎟ = ⎜⎜ +2 ⎟⎟
Z ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂ z ⎠ ⎝ X ∂ x ∂t ⎠
X ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂p ⎞ ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂p ⎞ ⎛ C ∂h ∂h ⎞
if = 0 .1 , ⎜h ⎟ + 0 .01 ⎜h ⎟ = ⎜⎜ +2 ⎟⎟
Z ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ⎝ X ∂x ∂t ⎠
This is what I was talking about this multiplication factor is going to give us order analysis. If
we do similar kind for the z direction, what we get, c3 by z capital z square. So, in this case
we are getting similar kind of term only, the non dimensional form except the p in p is still in
dimensional form, multiplication factor comes as the c cube by capital x square. While in
second term is the c cube c cube is common in both the term while instead of x capital x
square in second term is coming capital z square.
Coming to this side, which we have normalized x as well as h we are getting multiplication
factor as a capital c divide by capital x. Now here 6η is term and there is interest to non
dimensionalise all these terms. We already non dimensionalized x, non dimensionalized h,
non dimensionalized this x, but, pressure is still in a dimensional form. So, there is a need to
non dimensionalize this pressure.
So, one way to non dimensionalize, it is taking U as a common of this is a 6η into U, while
here it will be without U and here it will be dividing 2c divide by U, that is coming over here
2c divide by U. That means, U has been taken common from this bracket, the whole 6η into
U has been shifted to the left hand side. That is right here the c3 remains same capital x
square and 6η U is added this is pressure unit.
This is m m q. This is mm square of in the meter cube meter square. So, meter remains over
here, while velocity is expressed in a meter per second. So, meter meter will be cancelled and
eta is generally pressure unit into second. Second is over here and divide by second, that will
be cancel out. So, overall this expression will be per one divide by pascal, one divide by
pressure unit. And which means if we multiply this full c3 into p divide by 6η U capital x
square, it will turn out to be non dimensional pressure term. So, that is how rearranged. In
such a manner, this equation can be rewritten in this form say x bar is a non dimensional
term, h bar is non dimensional term, p bar is non dimensional term, x bar is non dimensional
Now, in this situation whatever the dimension we choose, equation will remain same,
solution procedure will remain same, only the magnitude will change. That will bring a lot of
stability in numerical analysis, which we can express later. However, what is the better thing
coming over here is in this case, we are non dimensionalizing with a capital x square term.
And here we have a capital z square term in that to bring that capital x square term; we have
divided as well as multiplied.
So, this is going to make a non dimensional pressure term, while this term remains, here is a
capital x square, divide by capital z square. This is pressure unit non dimensional pressure
unit, where x will vary from 0 to 1 here pressure term again, where z will vary from 0 to 1.
And maximum value of the pressure will remain same, in z direction and x direction the same
pressure maximum value.
So, they can be treated as same unit may be say overall pressure term, comes from as a one
unit, one same this will come also unit one. But, this is square term x by z is square is going
to make difference. Again say this is going to give me the quatitative analysis, whether
second term is going to dominate or first term is going to dominate.
If one term is dominating much larger extent compared to other, I can neglect one term. That
will simplify solution to greater extent ever in this term, we not non dimensionalize the time.
Which was important also because to get all non dimensional term is also important to non-
dimensionalize time. That is why we did U into t divide by c at the meter per second into
second divide by meter that is turning out to be in non dimensional, that is non dimensional
time term. So, we have to non dimensionalize this complete equation.
As I mentioned this equation is going to give us order analysis a quantitative results also. So,
we are going to see that now assumption is a, if dimension in x direction is 10 times
compared to dimension in z direction or we say x by z is 10. I substitute over here, what we
are getting here is 100, if this is a 1 unit, this second term is only 1 unit, it has been multiplied
with the 100. That means, this term is very rich compared to first term or even if you neglect
this term I am going to get an accuracy problem up to 1 percent. I am going to get 99 percent
accurate result that is advisable.
We need to see, how much time really require to solve this equation and I am getting even
neglecting this term. I am getting 99 percent positive results and there is no point or there is
no meaning to account this relation, unless I am requiring accuracy to much larger extent.
While the second and this source terms are remaining the same, there is a non dimensional
terms. Similarly, if I assume the reverse up this, we in this case, we say that this term will be
negligible. That is very clear after non-dimensionalize before a non dimensionalization.
It was not very clear after non dimensionalization, is very clear that this time is negligible if
capital x by capital z is 10 or dimension in x direction is 10 times compared to dimensions in
z direction, reverse is also possible. You say that x is the much smaller compared to z. In that
situation if we substitute over here I am getting 0.1. That means, when this dimension is
much smaller, x dimension is much smaller, we are getting low value of z.
That was expressed in previous slide with a figurative form. When x dimension is much
larger, then only this term is meaningful, first term is not carrying much weight. Here the
100th weight compared to one weight or we are going to get 99 percent accurate result, even
if we neglect the first term.
While in second term, this is negligible, this is getting one way while this second term is
getting only 1 percent of that. Even I think in this case if I neglect this term, I am going to get
accurate results upto 99 percent. So, we can say this term is negligible.
This kind of analysis is going to help us, to solve the, this equation. Solving partial
differential equation requires some effort, require some numerical method to be implied. And
numerical method whenever we imply, we need to think how to direct that solution.
Numerical solutions are not easy to solve without understanding it. If we keep giving
instruction to the computer to solve the equation, without understanding that, we will not be
able to get more meaningful results. That is why I am emphasizing to understand system first,
understand the dimension first and then you think which numerical analysis should be
applied. If it does not matter much your time, does not matter much you can go ahead. But, if
time matters to us then we should the think solution based on dimensions.
∂ ⎛ 3 ∂p ⎞ X 2 ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂p ⎞ ⎛ C ∂h ∂h ⎞
⎜h ⎟+ 2 ⎜h ⎟ = ⎜⎜ +2 ⎟⎟
∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ Z ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ ⎝ X ∂x ∂t ⎠
∂f 1 ∂2 f
f (x + Δx ) = f (x ) + Δx + (Δx )2 2 + ...
∂x 2 ∂x
∂f 1 ∂2 f
f (x − Δx ) = f (x ) − Δx + (Δx )2 2 + ...
∂x 2 ∂x
f (x + Δx ) − f (x − Δx ) = 2Δx
∂f f (x + Δx ) − f (x − Δx )
∂x 2Δx
pi , j
∂pi , j pi +1, j − pi −1, j
∂x 2 Δx
⎛ ∂p ⎞ ⎛ ∂p ⎞
⎜ ⎟ −⎜ ⎟
∂ ⎛ ∂pi , j ⎞ ⎝ ∂x ⎠i +0.5, j ⎝ ∂x ⎠i −0.5, j
⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ =
∂ ⎛ ∂∂xpi⎝, j ⎞∂x ⎠pi +1, j − 2 pi , j +Δpx i −1, j
⎜ ⎟=
∂x ⎜⎝ ∂x ⎟⎠ (Δx )2
Now, there is one modified version also you say that we are assuming that, there is a steady
state Reynolds equation. Plates are not going to change the position with respect to time. That
remains inclination, remains same film thickness, and remains same with respect to time. So,
in that case this second term say you can source term will be negligible and that will be called
a steady state Reynolds equation. So, this term is negligible.
Now, this is what we are talking, load is applied, velocity of the yellow plate along the x
direction that is u velocity. And this plate is a stationary and relate to film thickness between
this two plates at any x position is remaining fixed, is not going to be changed with time.
Anyway this is a proved assumption we know very well because of the condition some
change will occur, but that may not be much problem. We can do some sort of a statistical
analysis. We can assume the pressure will vary.
So, for starting purpose is always advisable to start with the steady state analysis, unless turn
the pressure generation. And see how the results are, we are able to get what kind of
modification in design should implement, so that we can get much more desirable results.
Now, this is shown in the two plates and if we want to think about solving this. We can use
some numerical method, one of the numerical method is the final difference method. What
we do in a final difference? We divide full surface in number of nodes. You say big zone
cannot be taken easily, if we divide the zone in number of sub zones, then tackling each sub
zone will be easier compared to tackling one big zone.
That is why we divide the surface in sub number of nodes that is why in z direction and x
direction. These lines are parallel lines and perpendicular lines, they are going to give us
some nodes. And what we are saying that we are interested to find the pressure at some
nodes, assume this is i, j junction and we are taking the help of neighbouring nodes to find
out the solutions.
And it is iterative procedure. I am going to explain how it is iterative procedure and how this
these neighbouring nodes are going to help us? When we talk to divide this whole surface in
a sub number of zones, we say that these are the nodes intersection points of the nodes.
Where the pressure will be calculated and at any, when I cannot this equation I need to give
some nodes. I say I can vary from 1, 2 number of nodes total number of nodes in x direction
and j can vary from one number of node to number of node in z direction.
That is p bar i, j and there is a pressure term, pressure gradient term that can be represent in
final difference form something like this. If we are saying that, we are averaging term. We
are making the average of this to find out the pi,j gradient at the pi,j, we are taking the help of
1 advance node in x direction and 1 node which is lesser than by 1 unit compared to pi,j.
That is why the pi+1,j and pi-1,j. If I know never nodes value, I can get the results and if we go
for the second gradient, in that case we required to calculate p at the mid node, then there is
somewhere here in between some pressure gradient at the mid node. Because, we know this
can be after a midterm will not be there, mid node will not be there, when we implement this
formula over here will be the only the nodes.
So, that is the some sort of accuracy requirement, we arrange it. We can explain this with a
Taylor’s series. We know, the Taylors series if x is defined and there is some delta increment,
that Taylors series can be expressed in terms of f x plus delta x. And first gradient of x, first
gradient of x with plus to x second term. Similarly, when we take slight difference in negative
sign, say x minus delta x delta that also can be represented as fx minus delta x. And this
gradient (differentiation of f with respect to x) can be given and this will be the second
ordered term. As if our assumption this delta x is very small then higher terms can be
Now, if I subtract second equation from the first equation. What I get f of x plus delta x
minus f of x minus delta x is equal to 2 into del x and pressure gradient. And rearranging this,
we can find the gradient of f in x direction as f x plus f of x plus delta x minus f of x minus
delta x divide by 2 delta x. And there is the same thing which we have expressed over here i
plus 1 pressure.
And whatever I am assuming the at any point x is the i, whatever the next delta come,
whatever the next difference comes that is the i plus 1. That means, the distance between,
these 2 points is equal to delta x so, p i plus 1 j and p i minus 1 j. That means, if I am
calculating the p i j here, I am taking this term minus this term divide by distance between
these 2 terms as a final difference term. We are calculating an accuracy is reasonable, if we
assume the delta x is a smaller, it is not going to affect this solution accuracy.
So, based on that, we can really divide this equation in number of algebraic equations. And
we know very well solution of the algebraic equation is much much faster compared to
partial differential equations. Now we can go sequentially, we can go simultaneously. There
are number of methods available for time being I am just thinking about the sequentially to
explain in this analogy of neglecting 1 term compared to other term using sequential steps.
And this equation after substituting value, what we have achieved from this over here we can
rearrange and we can get this expressions that is it p i plus 1 j minus 2 p i j plus p i minus 1 j
divide by del x square. So, we know how to rewrite this partial differential equation in terms
of final difference, in terms of the nodal pressures. As nodal pressure can be expressed in
nodal pressure and we finally, want the nodal pressure to be evaluated. So, we require some
sort of method which we are going to explain in the next slide, how the equations going to
help us?
(Refer Slide Time: 38:17)
Now, this say that we have three terms, in Reynolds equation that is steady state. Reynolds
equation with a number of assumption, the first term can be the present here h is the only 1
gradient. We will take the half node calculating the h and the half node is not a problem h is a
geometry and which is well defined to us.
While, pressure is the second gradient that is why it is coming p i plus 1 j plus again film
thickness at the half node, i minus half node and pressure will be p i minus 1. Well third term
is the submission of this in previous slide, we wrote it 2 while in this case there is a
submission. So, if they have both h as same, it will turn out to be 2 and divided by h is
Because here this is a h velos h is turning term is coming, that is why we have written whole
term like this. Same thing for the z h is coming we can whole term something like this h i
here j instead of i plus 0.5 we are writing i c, but, here we are writing j plus point five while
here it was only j. That means, variation in j direction and z direction was considered. While
in this case variation in the I direction is not considered variation only
in z direction is being considered, this is what we express using the final difference method.
Similarly, for third 1 we can simply write, final difference h i plus 1 h i minus 1 the pressure
gradient sorry film thickness gradient is only in x direction. So, we can write the complete the
Reynolds equation in terms of nodal pressures and geometric terms. We can rearrange in
much more meaningful reasonable way that is like this. So, we want nodal pressure at any
node i j that will be a function of nodal pressure at i j plus 1. Similarly, it will be a function of
i j minus 1 function of i plus 1 j and function of the i minus 1 j.
You can see this is the centre point, we have 1 negative x direction, 1 positive x direction, 1
negative z direction and 1 positive z direction. That means, we are calculating the flow
pressure around the nodal pressure, where we want calculation and based on that we are
evaluating the results. It is more like an averaging a scheme, I know pressure term nearby and
try to figure out what will be pressure at the nodal point of that.
In addition, there will be a constant term if all these pressures are 0. Initially this term is
going to decide what will be. This is a what we have expressed over here, if I, i need a p i j is
somewhere here taking result of p i minus 1. I am taking results of p i plus 1, I am taking the
result of p i j minus 1 and I am taking the result of p i j plus 1 to evaluate what will be p i j
and these are the half node points. Whether we need to find out what will be the film
As I say the film thickness calculation is not a problem because, it is a geometry dependent
and in a geometry is given a continuous function. We just need to substitute the value of x to
find out what will be the h at that location? See it is not difficult, it can be figure out and once
we find, we do not have to do any iterations to vary that results.
But, pressure we need to find out that is requiring it to the procedure. Just to give example,
we can take a p 1 1. We will say assume the node point is somewhere here is going to be a
function of 1 2 function of 1 0 function of 2 1 and 0 1 this is a generally boundary values. x in
the initial point and the z in the initial point where the 0 0 term is expressed generally, these
are the boundary values. If and 99.9 percent we know the results of the boundaries generally
at the edges or the starting points, we will be knowing what will be the pressure value. So, we
can say in this situation, we will be knowing what will be the 1 0 and what will be the 0 1 in
most of the cases and what we need to find out the next one.
As this term is the 1 1 and we are trying to find out 1 2 and we are getting the value from 1 2
and 2 1 which are not known to us. We are expecting results from unexpected things. So, that
is why we require iterations, we need sequence of iterations. So, that we can finally, come to
1 conversion point initially, we can assume pressures are 0, and only this term is going to
give me the results.
An interesting point is that, I have written i j b i j c i j d i j e i j. This is say that depend on the
geometry, depend on the spacing one, how much spacing we require between two node based
on that. Once it has been decided, this value remains fixed it will these values are not going to
change with the iterations, with iteration only the pressure terms are going to change.
Now, this is what I explained and I mentioned about the iteration. It is scheme also we say
that we want pressure at node i j or may be in this case we took example of 1 1. So, we need
at a any iteration k plus 1 assuming the k iteration is already over. We evaluate pressure 1 1 at
the k plus 1 iteration it will be function of 1 2, here the iteration is k. That means, 1 previous
iteration whether the pressure known to us that is going to help us to find out pressure at a
node i j. And here again 1 0 comes which we already have overcome that is a previous node
compared to this node, which will be known to us.
That is why here we are writing k plus 1 iteration. So, whatever pressure is already known,
we can directly utilize. While coming to this term here again 2 1 will not be known before
hand and for k 1 iteration. So, we take a example, we take a value which was available from
the previous iteration and coming to next term d 1 1 and p 0 1 here again that 0 is already
over we already passed this to next node we are advancing. So, this value of this pressure will
be known to us. So, it will be k plus 1 that is recent iteration.
That means, 2 terms are coming from previous iterations and 2 terms are coming at the
present iteration. That is going to decide us, decide our pressure term while this term will
remain constant or we say all the a b c d e will remain constant, cannot vary with iteration.
So, iterations are only required for this purpose.
And for simplicity, when we start solution, we assume pressure at all the nodes is equal to 0
and we can assume that as a k equal to 0 the 0 iteration. We are iterated anything just
beginning. So, the 0 iteration pressures are known that is equal to value equal to 0 that is
known to us. Now, we can start putting all the 0 0 0 0 at this e 1 will give us, what will be the
value of pressure at 1 1 node for the first iteration? So, that will give a sequence that will give
good result to us.
(Refer Slide Time: 46:18)
⎛ n m ⎞ ⎛ n m ⎞
⎜ ∑∑ pi , j ⎟
⎜ ∑∑ pi , j ⎟
⎝ i =1 j =1 ⎠iteration k ⎝ i =1 j =1 ⎠iteration k -1
⎛ n m ⎞
⎜ ∑∑ pi , j ⎟
⎝ i =1 j =1 ⎠iteration k
Now, the question comes how many calculations are really required, how many iterations are
really required to find out; what will be the pressure? Say this is a repetitive process, we need
to repeat till we get desirable accuracy. It may be 1 percent of the pressure, 0.1 percent of
pressure, 0.0 1 percent of pressure, depends on. What is the order of analysis are we doing
final design or we are doing the initial design, by initial design you may not require. So,
many iterations we require some initial geometry.
So, that we can come up with the some results and then go with the compatibility with the
other components. So, what we say pressure conversions term is based on the pressure, what
is the meaning of this? We say that all the nodal pressures we are summing up. What is the
value of all the nodal pressures?
For cavitation key, which is the present iteration suppose you are and this is the previous
iteration and divide with the submission on absolute value. We are talking only the absolute
value, may be sometime negative value also comes, have to be go ahead with sort of
cavitation with negative pressure is generated or you say pressure glow the atmospheric
pressure is generated.
So, overall this percentage should be lesser than some epsilon value, it can be 0.01 it can be
0.001, 0.000 1 depends on the requirement. Now I am coming to the point, which we started,
how non dimensionization is helping us to find which term is going to dominate?
And if I know which term is going to dominate, how we are going to save the calculation,
how we are able to save the efforts, to illustrate that? We are giving this say, assuming I
divide it plates in x direction in 25 nodes. Similarly, in z direction we divide it in 25 nodes
and we require 30 iterations to come up with the right solution. It is just an assumption, just
to example to convince what is the meaning of neglecting one term and how much benefit we
are going to get. So, how many steps are required 25 into 25 into 30, the assumptions are
these all the steps are required to find out the pressure variation in tribal surface. That is
going to this figure turn out to be 18,750.
Why do we require any node I do not have to divide that plate? Assume the pressure will be
known to me. And pressure in twenty 25 same number of nodes we are keeping in z direction
as we are not counting the pressure term in n direction. We can find pressure in, sorry, terms
will or iterations will be almost half of the term iterations, which we require for the both the
We say when the pressure term is unknown in z direction as well as x direction, we are
requiring 30 iterations. When pressure is not calculated in x direction at all is calculated only
in z direction and keeping the same number of nodes. There is a possibility we require only
50 percent of iterations compared to this and instead of 30 we required only 15 iterations. So,
if I multiply 25 into 15 that is going to give me 375. You can come here 18750 was a 375
calculations. And we know the h steps and these are the steps and each steps there will be
number of calculations, may be more than 1000 calculation of each step.
So, how many steps we are going to save from this? Is almost a 50 times or you say 187509
divide by 375 is going to give me 50 figure. I miss better understanding this system, we are
able to save 50 times efforts or we assume that each effort is requiring 1000 calculation. That
means, we are going to save 50000 calculations. Which may be a reasonable figure
particularly, when we are starting the solution scheme or we learning the tribology subject. In
those situations is going to really help us to a greater extent that is useful thing for us.
So, this is what we express, how we get the benefit of the non dimensionalization and when
we non-dimensionalize this result, how we are going to get overall calculation benefits?
X ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂p ⎞ ∂ ⎛ 3 ∂p ⎞ C ∂h
if = 0.1, ⎜h ⎟ + 0.01 ⎜ h ⎟=
Z ∂x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ ∂z ⎝ ∂z ⎠ X ∂x
I will cover in next lecture, but, for the time being I can show what we expressed in previous
slide 1 example related to that. I am assuming there is a first load or load perpendicular to the
axis is coming over it. There is 1 plate with stationery plate, 1 sliding plate which has a
velocity u and this velocity in the present example is given 20 meters per second, which is
very, very high velocity.
And we are saying the film thickness of the two junctions are given. At the entrance, the film
thickness is 40 micron and at the exit film thickness is 20 micron. This is the reasonable
figure assuming that when the dimensions are 10mm and 100mm, this film thickness is
reasonable 40 to 20.
And what is viscosity of the oil which we use? We are using something like a 10 millipascal.
Second, now interesting point is that we are defined the dimension say the yellow plate
dimension in x direction is 10mm, while in z direction is a 100 mm. That means, x by z is
going to turn out to be points 1 because, x is only 10 unit and z is 100 units. So, 10 by 100
will be turn out to be point one that means, if we multiply, with a x square by z square, next is
the second term will be neglected.
Second term is negligible, particularly in this situation. So, that will simplify our solution say
x by z is point one. So, this term will be neglected and this term is going to be only useful for
us. Based on that we can solve this, we can use a final difference to solve it. I will cover this
in my next lecture. Thanks for your attention.