3.4 SFDC Audit PDF
3.4 SFDC Audit PDF
3.4 SFDC Audit PDF
Auditing features do not secure your organization by themselves, but these features provide information about
usage of the system, which can be critical in diagnosing potential or real security issues. It is important that
someone in your organization perform regular audits to detect potential abuse. The other security features
provided by Salesforce are preventative. To verify that your system is actually secure, you should perform audits
to monitor for unexpected changes or usage trends.
To monitor logins:
“Manage Users”
On this page, Administrators can monitor the successful and failed login attempts for their organization and
enabled portals. The columns on this page provide information about each login attempt. The login history page
displays the most recent 20,000 entries in the login history database. If you need to see more records, you can
download the information to a CSV or GZIP file.
The setup audit trail history helps you track the recent setup changes that you and other administrators have
made to your organization. This can be especially useful in organizations with multiple administrators.
To view the setup audit trail history, click Your Name | Setup | Security Controls | View Setup Audit Trail. To
download your organization’s full setup history for the past 180 days, click the Download link.
The setup audit trail history shows you the 20 most recent setup changes made to your organization. It lists the
date of the change, who made it, and what the change was. Additionally, if a delegate (such as an administrator
or customer support representative) makes a setup change on behalf of an end-user, the Delegate User column
shows the delegate's username. For example, if a user grants login access to an administrator and the
administrator makes a setup change, the administrator's username is listed.
The setup audit trail history tracks the following types of changes:
Administration Company information, default settings such as language or locale, and company
message changes
Multiple currency setup changes
User, portal user, role, permission set, and profile changes
Email address changes for any user
Deleting email attachments sent as links
Creating, editing, or deleting email footers
Record type changes, including creating or renaming record types and assigning
record types to profiles
Changes to divisions, including creating and editing divisions, transferring divisions,
and changing users’ default division
Adding or deleting certificates
Domain name changes
Enabling or disabling Salesforce as an identity provider
Customization Changes to user interface settings, such as collapsible sections, Quick Create, hover
details, or the related list hover links
Page layout and search layout changes
Changes made using inline editing
Custom field and field-level security changes, including changes to formulas, picklist
values, and custom field attributes like the format of auto-number fields or masking of
encrypted fields
Changes to lead settings, lead assignment rules, and lead queues
Changes to activity settings
Changes to support settings, business hours, case assignment and escalation rules,
Setup Changes Tracked
Security and Public groups, sharing rule changes, and organization-wide sharing, including the
Grant Access Using Hierarchies option
Password policy changes
Session settings changes, such as changing the session timeout setting
Changes to delegated administration groups and the items delegated administrators
can manage. Setup changes made by delegated administrators are tracked as well.
How many records a user emptied from their Recycle Bin and from the organization's
Recycle Bin
Changes to SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) configuration settings
Changes to Salesforce certificates
Enabling or disabling identity providers
Changes to service providers
Data Mass delete use, including when a mass delete exceeds the user's Recycle Bin limit of
5000 deleted records. The oldest, excess records will be permanently removed from
the Recycle Bin within two hours of the mass delete transaction time.
Data export requests
Use of the campaign member import wizard
Mass transfer use
Setup Changes Tracked
Using the Changes to account team and opportunity team selling settings
Activation of Google Apps services
Changes to mobile configuration settings, including data sets, mobile views, and
excluded fields
A user with the “Manage Partners” permission logging into the partner portal as a
partner user
A user with the “Edit Self-Service Users”permission logging into the Salesforce
Customer Portal as a Customer Portal user
Enabling or disabling a partner portal account
Disabling a Salesforce Customer Portal account
Enabling or disabling a Salesforce Customer Portal and creating multiple Customer
Creating and changing entitlement processes and entitlement templates
Enabling or disabling self-registration for a Salesforce Customer Portal
Enabling or disabling Customer Portal or partner portal users