Forest Resources in China - The 9th National Forest Inventory
Forest Resources in China - The 9th National Forest Inventory
Forest Resources in China - The 9th National Forest Inventory
in China
——The 9th National Forest Inventory
March, 2019
Status of Forest Resources
Content Preface
07 Ⅱ Forest Functions and Services achievements on forest protection and development have
been made through continuous promotion of afforestation
and greening, forest nurturing, tightened control over forest
Status of Forest Resources
Status of Forest Resources
The total biomass of forest vegetation is 18.802 billion
China has a forest area of 220 million ha, a forest cover of tons, and its total carbon stock is 9.186 billion tons.
22.96%, and a forest stock volume of 17.560 billion m³.
According to Global Forest Resources Assessment According to the results of the nine national forest
2015, the forest area in China accounts for 5.51% of the inventories conducted between 1973 and 2018, the
world's total, ranking the fifth. The forest stock volume forest cover in China has increased from 12.00% to
takes up 3.34% of the world's total, ranking the 6 . The 22.96% and the forest stock volume has increased by
plantation area in China remains the first of the world. 8.5 billion m³ in the past 40 years. Particularly since the
The forest area per capita in China is 0.16 ha, less than late 1980s China has maintained "dual growth" in both
1/3 of the world average, while the forest stock volume forest area and stock volume for 30 consecutive years,
per capita is 12.35 m³, only 1/6 of the world average. becoming the country with the largest growth in forest
China is one of the top ranking countries in terms of resources worldwide.
total forest resources, but its per capita forest resources
remain low. Unit: %
25.0 22.96
20.0 18.21
Unit: 100 million ha 16.55
15.0 13.92
10.00 12.70 12.98
8.00 10.0
6.00 50.0
20000 19545.22
Unit: 100 million m³ 15894.09
967.45 15000 13370.35
1000 12186.00 11527.74 12465.28
814.88 10000
406.99 0
400 351.15 329.83
1st NFI 2nd NFI 3rd NFI 4th NFI 5th NFI 6th NFI 7th NFI 8th NFI 9th NFI
175.60 (1973—1976) (1977—1981) (1984—1988) (1989—1993) (1994—1998) (1999—2003) (2004—2008) (2009—2013) (2014—2018)
Forest area of previous NFIs
Brazil Russia USA Congo Canada China
(Democratic Republic)
Forest stock volume of the top six countries in the world
•4• •5•
Status of Forest Resources Status of Forest Resources
Unit: 100 million m³
Forest Functions and Services >>>>>>
160 137.21
140 124.56
120 101.37
86.56 90.28 91.41
The forest can offer a variety of functions for people's
livelihood, such as ecological, social and product
services, and plays a significant role in ecological
1st NFI 2nd NFI 3rd NFI 4th NFI 5th NFI 6th NFI 7th NFI 8th NFI 9th NFI
(1973—1976) (1977—1981) (1984—1988) (1989—1993) (1994—1998) (1999—2003) (2004—2008) (2009—2013) (2014—2018)
civilization and building a beautiful China.
Stock volume of previous NFIs
1 Ecological services
•6• •7•
Forest Functions and Services Forest Function
2 Social services Quantity of Forest Resources >>>>>>
The area of forests in China designated for special
purposes, including tourism, sightseeing, livable
environment, scenic spots, scientific experiments and
nature conservation reaches 22.8040 million ha.
1 Forest vegetation types
•8• •9•
Quantity of Forest Resources Quantity of Forest Resources
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Quantity of Forest Resources Quantity of Forest Resources
2 Composition of forest community Arbor trees are the main body of forest vegetation,
and their role and status are usually reflected by the
In terms of forest area, the total area of arbor forests importance value of arbor species. The greater the
is 179.8885 million ha, taking up 82.43%; the total number of tree species in the forest vegetation, the wider
area of bamboo forests amounts to 6.4116 million ha, the distribution and the larger the individual, the higher
accounting for 2.94%; and the total area of special the importance value of the tree species is. Broken down
bushes reaches 31.9204 million ha, making up 14.63%. by the importance value, the top 20 arbor tree species are
listed in the following table. The total number of trees of
Arbor forests the 20 species is 97.351 billion, accounting for 51.44% of
Main arbor tree species Broken down by dominant tree the national total, while their total stock volume reaches
species, the top 10 tree species (groups) in terms of area of arbor 9.046 billion m³, making up 53.03% of the national total.
forests are listed in the following table. The total area of forests ◎ Quantity of main arbor tree species 100 million trees, 100 million m³
dominated by the tree species accounts for 46.30% of the total, Importance Number Stock
No. Tree species Main distribution provinces
value of trees volume
while the stock volume takes up 43.83% of the national total.
1 23.23 211.72 10.79 Fujian, Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangxi
◎ Area and stock volume of dominant tree species (group) in 2 Betula platyphylla 16.58 128.26 10.33 Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang
arbor forests 3 Pinus massoniana 14.79 100.33 9.08 Fujian, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei
10,000 ha, 100 million m³, % Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang,
4 Larix gmelinii 10.99 80.83 9.36
Dominant species Stock volume
Area Area ratio Stock volume
(group) ratio 5 Quercus mongolica 10.74 82.94 5.83 Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner Mongolia
Quercus 1656.26 9.21 14.18 8.32 6 6.84 42.68 4.40 Henan, Shandong, Inner Mongolia
1138.66 6.33 8.52 5.00 7 Populus davidiana 5.77 36.59 3.43 Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia
Larix gmelinii 1083.51 6.02 11.23 6.58 8 Pinus yunnanensis 5.59 40.29 4.87 Yunnan, Sichuan, Tibet
Betula 1038.34 5.77 9.23 5.41 9 Schima superba 4.74 32.09 1.90 Guangdong, Jiangxi, Fujian, Zhejiang
Populus 825.49 4.59 6.12 3.59
10 Betula dahurica 4.21 25.01 1.93 Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin
804.30 4.47 6.26 3.67 11 3.89 31.27 2.25 Sichuan, Tibet
massoniana Cupressus funebris
Eucalyptus 546.74 3.04 2.16 1.26 12 Quercus glauca 3.44 22.41 1.14 Fujian, Guizhou, Shaanxi
Picea asperata 439.34 2.44 9.73 5.70
13 Quercus liaotungensis 3.43 26.47 1.83 Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shanxi
425.74 2.37 5.01 2.94 14 Pinus tabuliformis 3.32 25.55 1.60 Shaanxi, Shanxi, Liaoning, Hebei
370.82 2.06 2.32 1.36 15 Acer pictum 3.20 16.32 1.33 Jilin, Heilongjiang, Liaoning
Total 8329.20 46.30 74.76 43.83 16 Liquidambar formosana 3.14 12.97 0.90 Guangxi, Guizhou, Anhui, Fujian
17 Picea asperata 2.91 9.82 6.97 Tibet, Xinjiang, Sichuan
There are more than 2,000 species of arbor trees in 18 Tilia amurensis 2.90 13.10 1.82 Jilin, Heilongjiang
China. The number of arbor trees reaches 189.243 19 Abies fabri 2.84 6.80 9.44 Tibet, Sichuan
20 Eucalyptus urophylla 2.71 28.06 1.26 Guangxi, Guangdong
billion, with a stock volume of 17.058 billion m³.
• 12 • • 13 •
Quantity of Forest Resources Quantity of Forest Resources
Major precious tree species The number of precious attributes, growth process and management and utilization
tree species in China is about 33.054 billion, accounting purpose, arbor forests are categorized into young forests,
for 17.47% of the total number of arbor trees, with a stock middle-aged forests, near-mature forests, mature forests and
volume of 2.596 billion m³, accounting for 15.22% of over-mature forests by age group in China.
the total arbor forest stock volume in China. Ranked by ● The area of young forests is 58.7754 million ha, with a
importance value, the top 20 precious tree species are listed
stock volume of 2.139 billion m³;
in the following table. The total number of trees of the ● The area of middle-aged forests is 56.2592 million ha, with
species is 27.667 billion, accounting for 14.62% of the total
a stock volume of 4.822 billion m³;
number of arbor trees in China, and the total stock volume is ● The area of near-mature forests is 28.6133 million ha, with
2.102 billion m³, making up 12.32% of the total arbor forest
a stock volume of 3.514 billion m³;
stock volume in China. ● The area of mature forests is 24.6766 million ha, with a
Age group structure According to distinct biological stock volume of 4.011 billion m³;
◎ Quantity of main precious tree species
● The area of over-mature forests is 11.5640 million ha, with
100 million, 100 million m³
Importance Number Stock
a stock volume of 2.572 billion m³.
No. Tree species Main distribution provinces
value of trees volume
Heilongjiang, Jilin, Inner
1 Quercus mongolica 10.74 82.94 5.83 Unit: %
Mongolia Area
35 32.67 31.27
2 Cyclobalanopsis glauca 3.44 22.41 1.14 Fujian, Guizhou, Shaanxi
28.26 Stock volume
3 3.43 26.47 1.83 Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shanxi 30
Quercus liaotungensis
25 23.52
4 Tilia amurensis 2.90 13.10 1.82 Jilin, Heilongjiang 20.60
5 Quercus acutissima 2.68 19.05 0.87 Sichuan, Yunnan, Henan 15.91 15.08
15 12.54 13.72
6 Castanopsis fargesil 2.42 13.66 1.20 Fujian, Jiangxi, Guizhou
10 6.43
Guizhou, Jiangxi, Anhui, Hunan,
7 Quercus fabri 2.18 14.45 0.54
Zhejiang 5
8 Quercus variabilis 1.92 14.28 0.81 Hubei, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Sichuan 0
Young forest Middle-aged Near-mature Mature forest Over-mature
9 Juglans mandshurica 1.67 6.02 1.19 Jilin, Heilongjiang, Liaoning forest forest forest
10 Quercus aliena 1.60 10.11 0.86 Gansu, Shaanxi Proportion of arbor forest area and stock volume by age group
• 14 • • 15 •
Quantity of Forest Resources Quantity of Forest Resources
◎ Area and culms of moso bamboo forest 10,000 ha, 100 million culms
• 16 • • 17 •
Quantity of Forest Resources Quantity of Forest Resources
3 Natural forests
The Chinese government has implemented strict natural 13.670 billion m³, and a stock volume per ha of 111.36
forest protection policies and made great efforts to m³. The natural forest is mainly distributed in five
conduct the mountain-closure for natural regeneration of provinces, including Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang,
forests. In 2016, China completely stopped commercial Yunnan, Tibet and Sichuan. The area of natural forest in
logging of natural forests. The area of natural forest in the five provinces accounts for 58.99% of the national
China is 138.6777 million ha, with a stock volume of total.
◎ Distribution of natural forest in P.R.China
• 18 • • 19 •
Quantity of Forest Resources Quantity of Forest Resources
• 20 • • 21 •
Quantity of Forest Resources Quantity of Forest Resources
4 Plantations
The Chinese government has attached great importance 79.5428 million ha, with a stock volume of 3.388 billion
to nurturing plantation resources, and carried out m³, and 59.30 m³ per ha. Provinces including Guangxi,
large scale afforestation and regreening. China has Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, Sichuan and
greatly developed and steadily expanded the plantation Hunan have a large cover of plantations, accounting for
resources. The plantation area ranks China the first in 43.50% of the national total.
the world. The total area of plantations in China reaches
◎ Distribution of Plantation in P.R.China
• 22 • • 23 •
Quantity of Forest Resources Quantity of Forest Resources
Broken down by dominant tree species (groups), the top Plantations are classified by age group as follows:
ten tree species in terms of plantation area are Listed in ● The area of young forest is 23.2591 million ha, with a
the following table. The total area of these species (groups)
stock volume of 585 million m³;
accounts for 63.65% of the national total, and their stock ● The area of middle-aged forest is 16.9680 million ha,
volume makes up 68.47% of the national total.
with a stock volume of 1115 million m³;
◎ Area and stock volume of dominant species (groups) for
● The area of near-mature forest is 8.0861 million ha, with
arbor plantations a stock volume of 723 million m³;
10,000 ha, 100 million m³, % ● The area of mature forest is 6.5881 million ha, with a
Plantations Type Area Ratio Stock volume Ratio stock volume of 720 million m³;
Cunninghamia lanceolata 990.20 17.33 7.56 22.30 ● The area of over-mature forest is 2.2254 million ha, with
Populus 757.07 13.25 5.46 16.12 a stock volume of 245 million m³.
Eucalyptus 546.74 9.57 2.16 6.37
Larix gmelinii 316.29 5.54 2.38 7.01 Area
45 40.72
40 Stock volume
Pinus massoniana 251.92 4.41 1.88 5.54 32.90
35 29.70
Robinia pseudoacacia 177.84 3.11 0.52 1.52
25 21.33 21.26
20 17.28
Pinus tabuleaformis 167.76 2.94 0.81 2.40 14.15
15 11.53
10 7.23
Cupressus funebris 161.13 2.82 0.84 2.49 3.90
Hevea brasiliensis 138.28 2.42 1.05 3.11 Young forest Middle-aged Near-mature Mature forest Over- mature
forest forest forest
Pinus elliottii 128.65 2.25 0.54 1.61 Area and stock volume of arbor plantation by age group
• 24 • • 25 •
Quantity of Forest Resources Quantity of Forest Resources
Quality of Forest Resources National Forest Inventory >>>>>>
The forest stock volume is 94.83 m³ per ha, the average Since the 1970s, China has established the continuous
annual increment of forests is 4.73 m³ per ha, the national forest inventory (NFI) system at an interval of
average number of trees per ha is 1052. The average five years. The internationally recognized continuous
crown closure is 0.58, the average DBH is 13.4 cm, and forest inventory methods have been introduced and used
the average tree height is 10.5 m, and the proportion of in the system. With the province (autonomous region/
mixed forest area is 41.92%. municipality) as a survey unit, 415,000 permanent
sample plots are re-surveyed once every five years to
Based on comprehensive evaluation:
investigate, measure and record relevant indicators
● High-quality forests take up 20.68%; showing the quantity, quality and structure of forest
● Medium-quality forests take up 68.04%; resources, forest ecological conditions, forest functions
● Low-quality forests take up 11.28%. and benefits. The data on forest resources status and
In the light of forest growth status and severity of dynamic changes are consequently collected to evaluate
damaged forests, the overall health of arbor forests is the ecological status of forest resources and forest
evaluated, with the results shown as follows: functions and benefits at the national and provincial
● The area of healthy arbor forests accounts for 84.38%;
● The area of sub-healthy arbor forests accounts for By the year of 2018, a total of nine NFIs had been
12.12%; accomplished.
● The area of moderately healthy arbor forests accounts
for 2.52%;
● The area of unhealthy arbor forests accounts for 0.98%.
• 26 • • 27 •
National Forest Inventory
Special Survey System Sample Plot Survey System Basic Survey System
Biomass model
Forest resources
Quantity: Quality:
in key areas Model of standing wood volume
Forest coverage, area, Per-unit-area stock Survey
stock volume, …… volume, …… Modeling
Carbon fixation coefficients
Typical forest
Data Collection
Data Processing
DB for sample plot survey DB for basic survey DB for special survey DB for RS information DB for result
Data Processing
Economic functions and benefits Ecological functions and benefits Social functions and benefits
Biomass Air purification Forest protection Biodiversity Recreation
Information Release
Govern. macro Government agencies Forest production Scientific research Social International
decision making at different levels units &teaching agencies organizations organizations
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Editor: Xu Jide, Xie Shouxin, Han Aihui, Rao Riguang
Postcode: 100714