Restaurant Duty Roster

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F&B Service Duty Roster

(Should be completed every Friday for the following week. Please mail to Brand GM for approval on every Week)
Department : TIMINGS:
Branch : Lunch - 10.30 to 3.30 Dinner - 6.30 to close
Duration :

Sl.No Position Name Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
17-Sep 18-Sep 19-Sep 20-Sep 21-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep

1 Manager L/D L/D Off L/D L/D L/D L/D

2 Captain L/D L/D L/D Off L/D L/D L/D
3 Captain L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D
4 Captain L/D Off L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D
5 Captain Off L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D
6 Waiters L/D Off L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D
7 Waiters L/D L/D Off L/D L/D L/D L/D
8 Waiters L/D L/D L/D Off L/D L/D L/D
9 Cashier L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D L/D

Comment :

Break Shift : "L/D"
Day off : "OFF"
Extra day off : "E"
Vacation : "V"
Leave : "L"

Prepared by: Approved by Head :

Unit Manager (Full Name) Brand GM (Full Name)
Kitchen Duty Roster
(Should be completed every Friday for the following week. Please mail to Brand GM for approval on every Week)
Department : 1st Break Shift from : 8 to 3 to: 6 pm to 9 pm
to :
Branch : 2nd Break Shift from : 10 to 3.30 to: 6 pm to close
Duration :

Sl.No Position Name Monday Tuesday WednesdaThursday Friday Saturday Sunday

17-Sep 18-Sep 19-Sep 20-Sep 21-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep
1 Head Cook A A A A A A A
2 Dosa Master B B B Off B B B
3 Dosa Master A Off A A A A A
4 Live Counter Off B B B B B B
5 Helpers A Off A A A A A
6 Helpers B B B Off B B B
7 Helpers Off B B B B B B
8 Chinese Master B B B B B B B
9 Juice / Pantry B B Off B B B B
10 Kitchen Supervisor B B Off B B B B

11 Stores & Purchase 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5

12 HK/Dish Wash 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5 Off 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5

13 HK/Dish Wash Off 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5 8 to 5
14 HK/Dish Wash 3 to 11 3 to 11 Off 3 to 11 3 to 11 3 to 11 3 to 11
15 HK/Dish Wash 3 to 11 Off 3 to 11 3 to 11 3 to 11 3 to 11 3 to 11

Note: Comments:
1st Break Shift : "A"
2nd Break Shift : "B"
Day off : "OFF"
Extra day off : "E"
Vacation : "V"
Leave : "L"
Prepared by: Approved by Head :
Unit Manager (Full Name) Brand GM (Full Name)

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