Column Base Plate Design Calculation
Column Base Plate Design Calculation
Column Base Plate Design Calculation
Plate thickness
Plate thickness required; tp_req = max(tpc, tpt) = ;18.9 mm;
Plate thickness provided; tp = 20 mm
PASS - Plate thickness provided is adequate (0.947)
Flange weld
Tension capacity of flange; Ptf = B T pyc = ;1258.1; kN
Force in tension flange; Ftf = M/(D - T) - Fc (BT)/A = ;164.9; kN
Flange weld design force; Ff = min(Ptf, max(Ftf, 0 kN)) = 164.9 kN
Weld force per mm; fwf = Ff/(2B - t) = ;0.277; kN/mm
Transverse capacity of 10 mm fillet weld; pwf = 1.925 kN/mm; (Cl.
PASS - Flange weld capacity is adequate (0.144)
Longitudinal capacity of web weld
Weld force per mm; fwwl = Fv/(2(D - 2T)) = ;0.019; kN/mm
Longitudinal capacity of 8 mm fillet weld; pwwl = 1.232 kN/mm; (Cl.
PASS - Longitudinal capacity of web weld is adequate (0.015)
Holding down bolts
Force per bolt; Fbolt = (2Tf)/ Nbolt = 23.1 kN
Tensile area per bolt; At_b = 353.0 mm2
Tensile strength; pt_b = 560 N/mm2
Tension capacity (cl. 6.6); Pt_b = 0.8 pt_b At_b = ;158.1; kN;
PASS - Bolt capacity is adequate (0.146)
Anchor plates
Force per anchor plate; Fap = Fbolt = 23.1 kN
Bolt hole diameter in anchor plate; dh = 27 mm
Anchor plate bearing area; Aap = bap2 - dh2/4 = 13827 mm2
Bearing capacity; Pap = 0.6 fcu Aap = 207.4 kN
PASS - Anchor plate bearing capacity is adequate (0.111)
Bearing pressure on anchor plate; fap = Fap / Aap = 1.7 N/mm2
Width of bolt head (across flats); dbh = 36.0 mm
Maximum cantilever length; lap = bap/2 (2) - dbh/2 = 66.9 mm
Bending moment in plate; map = fap lap2/2 = 3.7 Nm/mm
Bending capacity; mcap = pyap tap2/4 = 26.5 Nm/mm
PASS - Anchor plate bending capacity is adequate (0.141)
Holding down bolt anchorage
Note - the following calculation to check the holding down bolt anchorage into the foundation assumes that the
edges of the foundation are sufficiently far from the anchor plates to not affect the punching shear perimeter.
Tension force to be resisted; Ft = Tf = 92.3 kN
Nominal cover to top reinforcement; cnom = 30 mm
Effective depth of HD bolts; LHD = E - cnom = 420 mm
Shear strength of concrete; vc = 0.34 N/mm2
Effective shear perimeter; PHD = 2 [(bap + 21.5LHD) + (sbolt (Nbolt/2 - 1) + bap +
PHD = 6270 mm
Pull-out capacity of tension bolts; Pt = vc PHD LHD = 895.4 kN
PASS - Holding down bolt anchorage is adequate (0.103)
Shear transfer to concrete
Assumed coefficient of friction; = 0.30
Available shear resistance; Pv = Cf = ;43; kN
PASS - Frictional shear capacity is adequate (0.231)