Makalah Bahasa Inggris Passive Voice

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Nama : - Maulita Mariyam
- Gita
Kelas : 9 (1)

Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021

Praise be to god almighty for the blessing of his grace, and that we were given
the opportunity to be able to complete a working paper entitled ” Passive Voice
Simple Paste Tense” is properly and correctly, and on time.
On this occasion we would like to thank profusely to all those who have helped
us in completing the writing of this paper and also to friends who have contributed
their ideas and motivation for writing this paper. This English paper provides the
reader about the Passive Voice Simple Paste Tense. The writer realizes that this paper
is far from perfect in the arrangement or in the content of the paper. The writer hopes
that the suggestions from the reader can be a support to make her better in the next
paper project.
Finally, the writer expects that it can be a medium for the reader to deepen the
knowledge about the passive voice simple past tense, its application.
Kelapa ,  26   Maret 2021

                                  The Writer


Preface ………………………..………………………………………….

Table of contens …………………………………………………………


A. Background of Problem …………………………………………….......

B. Formulation Of Problems ………………………………………………
C. Purpose …………………………………………………………………


A. Definition of passive voice …………………………………………….

B. Function of passive voice ………………………………………………
C. Pattern of Passive Voice in simple paste tense ………………………..
D. Example of Passive Voice in simple paste tense ………………………
E. Uses Of The Passive…………………………………………………….


A. Conclusion …………………………………………………………….
B. Suggest ………………………………………………………………..



A. Background of Problem

With master English well, then we will be able to communicate with other
nations in the world. In addition, we will be able to add insight and knowledge we are
for the progress of our nation and state, because we will be able to read literature in
English, listening to radio broadcasts abroad, as well as watching films science
others. Thus, in the end we can master the knowledge-knowledge in all fields.

And passive voice is a one part of english grammar. Voice refers to the
characteristics of a verb that tells whether the subject of the verb is performing the
action of the verb (active voice) or whether the subject of the verb is acted upon
(passive voice). The subject in an active voice will be the object or argent in passive
voice. That is why only sentences with transitive verb whose voice can be
transformed into active or passive. So with this papers we will explaint about passive
voice simple past tense.
B. Formulation Of Problems

1. What is definition of passive voice ?

2. What is function of passive voice?
3. What is simple past Tense of passive voice ?
4. What example of passive voice simple past tense?
C. Purpose

1. For understand definition of passive voise

2. For understand about function of passive voice.
3. For understand about simple past tense of passive voice 
4. For understand about example of passive voice simple past tense.


A. Definition

Passive voice is a form of verb to performance that the subject is a suffering

sentence because work or action1. Passive voice is that form of verb how that
something is done to the person or thin denoted by the subject. In passive voice the
person not rather interesting to performs.2 There are two kinds of verbs, transitive and
intransitive. the verbs that need objects are called transitive 3, while others are
intransitive. It is only transitive verbs are used passive4. In changing a sentence from
the active to the passive, the accusative becomes nominative, and the nominative is
put into the accusative after by.

The “passive voice” is a grammatical construction in which the subject of a sentence

or clause denotes the recipient of the action rather than the performer. Active voice is
a more regular used in life everyday rather than passive voice. Passive voice is used
because the object of active voice is more important rather than the subject. Many
language critics and language-usage manuals discourage use of the passive voice.
Because character it, passive voice rare use in daily conversation and much can we
found In official document or scientific write. But knowledge about passive voice still
important to study TOEFL5.Example:

–        Active  : We fertilize the plants every 3 months

Silvester Goridus Sukur, Complete English Grammar For The Toefl Test (Yogyakarta : Indonesia
Cerdas 2007) H. 230
Panca Prastowo, Tebas Grammar Toefl Setuntas Tuntasnya (Jogjakarta : DIVA Press 2011), h. 49
Imam Baehaqi,A Handbook Of English Grammar (Yogyakarta :Media Ilmu 2009), h. 52.
Marta yuliani, yuniarti dwi arini ,Inti Sari Bahasa Inggris SD-SMP-SMA (klaten : PT IntanPariwara
2011) , h.183
Baehaqi, h. 52.
–        Passive    : The plants is fertilized by us every 3 months

According to the example above, we can see that:

 The object in active voice (the plants) become subject in passive voice.6
 The subject in active voice (we) become object in passive voice. And there is
change from subject pronoun ‘we’ become object pronoun ‘us’.
 Verb1 (fertilize) in active voice become verb3 (fertilized) in passive voice.7
 Added tobe ‘is’ in front of verb3. Tobe that used depend on the subject in
passive voice and tenses that used.
 Added ‘by’ after verb3. but, if the object in passive voice assumed
unimportant or not known, so the object is usually not used and so is ‘by’.8
 Special for progressive sentences (all continuous tenses) necessary add
‘being’ in front of verb3, if  not added “being”, the tenses will change, not
progressive/continuous anymore.

According to the six above, the pattern of passive voice is:

Subject + Tobe + Verb 3 (Past Participle) + by + Object

Walidi,Tenses(Klaten: Pt Intan Sejati 2007) Hal43
Silvester Goridus Sukur, Complete English Grammar For The Toefl Test (Yogyakarta :
Indonesia Cerdas 2007) Hal230
B. Function

The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that
experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action. In
other words, the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the sentence.
C.  Pattern of Passive Voice in simple paste tense

 Simple Past Tense, use tobe: ‘was’ or ‘were’.

No Subject Tobe Verb III

1 I
2 You
3 We
4 They called
5 He
6 She Were
7 It

Passive Voice in simple paste tense Formula :

Subject + was/were + Verb 3 (Past Participle) 9

D. Example Passive Voice in simple paste tense     

Active              : He met them yesterday.

Passive      : They were met by him yesterday.
Active : Juna studied English.
Passive  : English was spoken by many people.
Passive : This plant was watered by her this morning
Active : peter washed the car yesterday
Passive : the car was washed by peter yesterday
Active : my mother washed the plates last night
Passive : the plates were washed by mother last night
Active : he sent the letter yesterday
Passive : the letter was sent yesterday.
Active : we learned the reports yesterday
Passive : the reports were learned yesterday
Active : a thief broke the window last night
Passive : the window was broken by a thief last nigt
Active : Charles typed the report yesterday
Passive : the report were typed by Charles yesterday


a) When the doer of the action is obvious to the listener or reader.

 She was taken to hospital.

b) When the agent is not known.

 The famous pop singer was kidnapped yesterday.

c) When we mean “people in general”.

 More information can be found on our website.

d) When the action is more important than the doer.

 The new pub is being opened tomorrow.

e) When we want to avoid responsibility for disagreeable

announcements or statements.

 The party is called off

instead of:

 I called off the party.

 This work has been plagiarised

Instead of:

You have plagiarised this work.



A. Conclusion

Passive voice is a form of verb to performance that the subject is a suffering

sentence because work or action. Passive voice is that form of verb how that
something is done to the person or thin denoted by the subject. There are two kinds of
verbs, transitive and intransitive. the verbs that need objects are called transitive,
while others are intransitive. It is only transitive verbs are used passive. In changing a
sentence from the active to the passive, the accusative becomes nominative, and the
nominative is put into the accusative after by. Simple Past Tense, use tobe: ‘was’ or
‘were’. So , Formula Passive Voice in simple paste tense :

Subject + was/were + Verb 3 (Past Participle) + by + object

Ex : Active : Peter washed the car yesterday

Passive : The car was washed by peter yesterday
B. Suggest
As a student active and modern it is appropriate that we are able to speak
English correctly, with this paper is expected to be more friends know and understand
about passive and can apply it in everyday life
We are as the writer want to apology for the shortage of this paper. We know
that this paper is still far from perfect. So that we need the suggest from the rider for
the perfection of this paper. Thank you very much for the reader.

voice.html . Accessed september, 03 2019

voice.html. Accessed september, 03 2019

Baehaqi, Imam. A Handbook Of English Grammar. Yogyakarta :Media Ilmu ,


Erviana, erna, Dkk. 2013 . The Importance Of English Language For Now And
The Future. Paper . accessed from
September , 03 2019

Prastowo, Panca. Tebas Grammar Toefl Setuntas Tuntasnya . Jogjakarta :

DIVA Press 2011.

Saputra, Adrian. (2015). https://

kalimat-passive-voice-dalam-16-tenses-bahasa-inggris-dan-artinya. Accessed
september, 3 2019

Sukur, Silvester Goridus, Complete English Grammar For The Toefl Test
Yogyakarta : Indonesia Cerdas, 2007.

Walidi. Tenses. Klaten : PT Intan Sejati, 2007.

yuliani ,Marta, yuniarti dwi arini. Inti Sari Bahasa Inggris SD-SMP-SMA .
Klaten : PT IntanPariwara, 2011.

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