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Advanced Process Control Systems Improve Ammonia Plant Safety

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Advanced Process Control Systems

Improve Ammonia Plant Safety

The application of an MVC has improved overall plant safety and achieved smoother plant
operations. Operators from the plant have accepted the advanced process control system with
enthusiasm while improving their knowledge of operating the plant.

Brent Frahm
Farmland Industries Inc., Beatrice, NE 68310

Robert Lin and William A. Poe

GE Continental Controls, Houston, TX 77042

Introduction tubes.
• Control primary reformer exit temperature to

he ammonia plant was built in 1964 with a achieve stable operations and optimum methane leak-
capacity of 600 short tons per day (TPD). In age.
1980, the plant underwent debottlenecking to • Properly control the primary reformer furnace pres-
increase the production rate to 750 TPD. In 1993, the sure to a certain level (vacuum pressure) to assure that
plant revamped and improved the operation to a capac- no flue gases are released to the atmosphere through
ity of 850 TPD. In July 1997, the plant management the furnace or convection section.
contacted GE Continental Controls (GE CCI) to study • Stabilize and optimize the H/N ratio at the ammo-
the possibility of implementing an advanced process nia converter inlet to improve energy efficiency.
control (APC) system. • Tightly control the primary reformer excess oxygen
The main objective of the multivariable control sys- to save fuel gas firing in the primary reformer.
tem implementation was to achieve safer and smoother • Optimize the shift converter temperatures to obtain
operations, while achieving the plant economic opti- maximum CO shift conversions, while avoiding steam
mization. To realize this objective, the following oper- condensation in the shifts units.
ation considerations must be taken into account: • Maximize the methanator exit temperature for bet-
• Monitor primary reformer tube temperature to ter heat recovery while preventing carbon oxide leak-
assure there are no "hot spots" among the reforming age.


• Better control the CO2 absorber overhead CO2 com- in a personal computer (ALR) containing an operating
position in the CO2 removal unit and optimize the system and the MVC control modules (CM). A second
MDEA circulation rate. personal computer includes the man-machine interface
• Monitor the three major compressor speeds, name- with real-time graphics, trending, and data retrieval
ly, refrigeration compressor, air compressor and syn- capabilities. A plant information (PI) system from OSI
thesis gas compressor, to assure safe operations by Software Company was used for the real-time data-
avoiding the compressors over speed limits. base. Pi-Process Book is the graphical interface that
• Control the synloop pressure to achieve smoother provides real-time graphics and trending. The database
operation. resides within the Pi-Archive software. The Windows-
• Optimize the ammonia converter temperature pro- NT computer is considered the server to the application
file to realize optimum ammonia conversion per syn- specific programs. Data travels back and forth through
thesis gas pass. TCP/IP communications.
• Optimize the steam system to obtain maximum SCI interface (Pl-IN-FR-SCI-NT) provides the com-
power outputs while satisfying process requirements. munications between the Windows NT System and the
• Maximize plant throughput while satisfying all plant's SCI computer. The SCI computer provides the
process and equipment constraints. PI database with real-time measurements, and this
• Reduce process alarms through future constraint information is relayed to the MVC control modules
violation prediction and automatically taking appropri- designed for specific process units.
ate action for alarm avoidance. The MVC system structure is shown in Figure 1.
• Maintain closed-loop supervisory control to reduce
operator set point changes. MVC Control Strategy
Based on each process unit's specific needs, a ten
All APC is one control level above the plant basic
module MVC system was set up and implemented for
regulatory control system. The MVC system controlled
this ammonia plant. The system and the control strate-
approximately 45 variables throughout most of the
gies for each of the ten modules are discussed.
process sections of the ammonia plant.
Two modules were set up for the primary reformer,
The MVC System
namely a primary reformer furnace exit temperature
The multivariable control system (MVC) is GE control module and a primary reformer riser tempera-
Continental Control's (GE CCI) patented, online, real- ture balance control module.
time, nonlinear multivariable control, and optimization A secondary reformer module was executed for the
technology. The technology is a marriage of process secondary reformer.
dynamics, thermodynamics, physico-chemical models, A shift/methanator module was applied for the HTS
and operating economics that handles complex converter, short shift converter, LTS converter, and
processes experiencing wide variability and unsteady- methanator.
state operation. It is unique in that it can be run as a For the CO2 removal section, a CO2 removal module
"constraint pushing" multivariable controller or as a was used.
true economic optimization driven multivariable con- Four ammonia converter modules were used for the
troller. The optimization can take place on a per unit three ammonia converters, three of them dealt with the
basis or on multiple units with several controller mod- optimization of the temperature profiles of each of the
ules under the overall optimization strategy. ammonia converters, while the fourth controlled the
Because of its predictive and adaptive capabilities, flow optimization to each of the three converters.
the system is unique in advanced process control for an An integrated module was designed for the manage-
ammonia plant due to the highly interactive nature of ment of interactions and constraint control between
the ammonia plant operation. modules to control the front-end pressure of the plant.
The APC system designed for this plant resides with-


Rösemount System 3 Computer Computer

Regylatory PHO
& Logic Control
Controller Rant i/o

Figure 1. MVC computer system architecture.

Primary reformer furnace exit temperature control Secondary reformer module

The secondary reformer module controls the hydro-
This module controls the primary reformer outlet gen to nitrogen ratio at the inlet of ammonia converters
temperature by adjusting the fuel gas header pressure, by manipulating the process air-flow rate of the sec-
while honoring reforming tube high temperature limit. ondary reformer based on the purge gas flow, and inlet
In this module, the variations of the inlet feed-gas flow, gas flow fluctuations subject to the secondary reformer
feed-gas BTU, mixed fuel gas BTU, and the mixed maximum outlet temperature constraint. In this mod-
feed-gas inlet temperature to the primary reformer ule, the feed-gas flow, feed-gas BTU, steam-to-gas
were active variables for the real time outlet tempera- ratio, and purge gas flow from the synthesis loop are
ture set points. considered as disturbance variables.
There are two air compressors in this plant; one is
Primary reformer riser temperature balance con- steam turbine driven and the other is electric motor
trol module driven. The control strategy for these compressor con-
trols is to maximize the speed of the electric motor
This module balanced the temperature distribution driven compressor, while minimizing the speed of the
among the reformer tubes. In this plant, there are 210 steam turbine driven compressor subject to the mini-
reforming tubes divided into five rows. There are six mum anti-surge requirements.
rows of burners controlled by MIC valves to supply the
required fuel to the primary reformer. The module min- Shift Module
imized the temperature differences between the adja-
cent tube rows by adjusting the controller output of the The shift module was set up to control the CO con-
MIC valves. More weight was given to temperature version in HTS, guard shift converter, and LTS by
differences between the first row and the third row, and adjusting their outlet temperatures through manipulat-
between the first row and the fifth row of the reforming ing their inlet temperatures subject to maximum outlet
tubes to prevent temperature drifting. temperature constraints.


The methanator outlet temperature is also controlled Maximum throughput is achieved by maximizing the
by this module by manipulating the methanator inlet feed flow, while honoring the following known con-
temperature. straints:
• Maximum feed flow controller output;
CO2 removal module • Maximum primary reformer draft pressure;
• Maximum process steam flow to the primary refor-
In this module, the absorber overhead CO2 compo- mer controller output;
sition in CÛ2 removal unit is controlled by manipulat- • Maximum air compressor speed;
• Maximum refrigeration compressor speed; and
ing MDEA circulation flow rate subject to the mini-
• Maximum air flow to secondary reformer control-
mum MDEA pump suction pressure constraint. The
ler output.
fluctuations of feed-gas flow, feed-gas BTU and the
If one of the constraints becomes active, the feed
steam-to-gas ratio are taken into account.
flow will be lowered only enough to satisfy that con-
straint. Thus, the feed flow is always kept at its highest
Ammonia converter module allowable point.
In this module, the synloop pressure is controlled by
There are three ammonia converters in the plant.
adjusting the purge gas flow, while honoring the maxi-
Each converter has its own module to control its tem-
mum synthesis gas compressor speed and maximum
perature profile. The individual ammonia converter
inert gas composition constraints.
module is designed to control the bed outlet tempera-
The primary reformer excess O2 is controlled by
tures by adjusting the corresponding bed inlet temper-
atures through manipulating the quench flows to the adjusting the forced draft fan controller output subject
converter. The feed-gas flow, feed-gas BTU, synthesis to the minimum combustion air pressure constraint.
loop H/N ratio, inert composition, and total synthesis
gas flow were used as disturbance variables so as to Operator Training
reject their effects.
Two operator training sessions have been conducted
with the objective of improving each operator's under-
Ammonia flow optimization module standing of the operation and the basic functionality of
the advanced process control system. On-site training
Because of the differences in catalyst age, quench
was also carried out to help the operators gain hands-
flow control scheme, and operation conditions among
on experiences with this system. Through the training,
the three ammonia converters, the ammonia conversion
the operators have a better knowledge in both process
out of each ammonia converter is different between the
and process control.
converters. This module is set up to minimize the
ammonia conversion differences between the ammonia
converters by adjusting the main synthesis flow to each
Operation Results
of the three converters subject to the maximum flow
controller output constraints.
Integrate module
The total synthesis gas flow to converters was con-
Since the implementation of the MVC system, the
sidered as disturbance variables.
synthesis loop pressure variation from the set point has
been reduced from ±25 psi to ±10 psi.
Integrator module A higher desired set point has been set by the MVC
system for the inlet gas flow to the primary reformer.
The main purpose of this module is to control the
The system drives the inlet gas flow toward its desired
front-end pressure of the plant and obtain maximum
set point as soon as the opportunity exists. By doing
throughput, while honoring process or equipment con-
this, more feed gas has been put to the primary


reformer, which results in greater ammonia production ule, the reforming tubes have been operated under
(about 10 tons more ammonia has been produced each more moderate conditions and the expected lifetime
day in this module alone). will be extended. Operating results are shown in Table
1 and Figures 2 and 3.
Primary reformer furnace temperature control From Table 1, it is apparent that, although the aver-
module age primary reformer riser tube temperature has
remained the same, the average maximum temperature
By controlling the mixed fuel gas pressure to the pri- has dropped about 7°F and the average minimum tem-
mary reformer and considering the fluctuation of perature increased 15°F.
mixed fuel gas heating value and the mixed feed inlet Figures 2 and 3 show that the maximum temperature
temperature to the primary reformer, the temperature at between the riser tubes has been significantly reduced,
the primary reformer outlet is controlled with reduced and the minimum temperature between the rise tubes
variation from ±10°F to ±2°F. has increased drastically because of the MVC system
operation. The temperature differences have been
Primary reformer riser temperature balance con- reduced from ±25°F to current ±5°F. It is estimated that
trol module the reforming tubes lifetime can be lengthened about
10,000 h. Lower temperatures allow lower steam-to-
Primary reformer riser temperature is the reflection carbon ratio thus reducing the energy consumption,
of the reforming tube temperature. Large temperature while preventing carbon deposition in the reforming
differences in the risers are the result of the arch burn- tubes that is a big concern in the primary reformer
er's firing, wind direction, and so on. Using this mod- operations.

Table 1. Comparison Results of Riser Temperature

Reforming Tube Temperature Pre-MVC Operation MVC in Operation

North South Average North South Average

Side Side Temp. Side Side Temp.
Riser Riser Riser Riser

Row No. 1 1482.9 1472.7 1478.9 1476.1 1462.9 1469.5

Row No. 2 1472.1 1471.7 1471.9 1469.5 1469.5 1469.5

Row No. 3 1459.3 1473.3 1469.5 1467.1 1471.9 1469.5

Row No. 4 1447.8 1472.8 1460.3 1465.1 1473.8 1469.5

Row No. 5 1470.6 1472.9 1471.7 1468.0 1470.9 1469.4

Minimum Temp. 1447.8 1472.7 1460.3 1465.1 1462.9 1469.4

Average Temp. 1466.5 1472.6 1469.6 1469.2 1469.8 1469.5

Maximum Temp. 1482.9 1473.3 1478.9 1476.1 1473.8 1469.5


Figure 2. Primary reformer operation results: (1) riser temperature distribution.

15 minute snapshot
10 Days

Figure 3. Primary reformer operation results: (2) riser temperature difference between adjacent rows.


Secondary reformer module CO2 removal module

The H/N ratio at the ammonia converter inlet has The CO2 concentration at the absorber overhead has
been well controlled at the desired set point by manip- been controlled quite well. The variation of the CO2
ulating the air flow to the secondary reformer. To save
concentration was reduced from 100 ppm to 10 ppm.
energy, the electric motor driven air compressor speed
was maximized, while the steam turbine driven air
Ammonia converter module
compressor speed was minimized.
The operating results are shown in Figure 4. From
The inlet temperature of each catalyst bed in the
this figure, it is apparent that before the MVC was in
ammonia converter was better controlled by manipu-
operation, the operators had difficulty controlling the
lating the quench flow, and the temperature profile
hydrogen to nitrogen. The deviation of the H/N ratio at
inside the ammonia converter was much closer to the
the ammonia converter inlet from its set point was
optimum profile. The variations of the converter out
reduced greatly from ±0.4 to ±0.05.
temperature were reduced from ±1°F to ±2°F. The opti-
mum temperature profile enables more ammonia con-
Shift/methanator module
version per pass of the synthesis gas to the ammonia
By using the optimization and predictive capabilities
of the system, the CO concentration at the low temper-
Conclusion and Discussion
ature shift outlet (LTS) was reduced. The reduction of
CO composition at the LTS outlet results in less metha- Because of the frequent revamps to the ammonia
nation reaction in the methanator, less hydrogen con- plant, most equipment is operated near its limit.
sumption during methanation and, finally, less purge Different constraints arise in different seasons. With all
flow to maintain the same inert gas composition in the of the key process constraints considered in the control
synthesis loop. modules in the MVC system, all the constraints were


15 minute snapshot
10 Days
Figure 4. H/N ratio at ammonia converter inlet.


handled adequately. Less alarms were generated and and improved the safety of ammonia operations.
less operator interventions are required during upset Several problems were incurred during the project.
periods. The regulatory controllers were properly tuned First, was a lack of time to accomplish satisfactory ana-
and operated more smoothly and stably. lyzer performance for CO2 measurement. This delayed
The operators are better trained to be able to under- the implementation of the CO2 module by three
stand the overall process and how the new control solu- months. Another problem was the need for repairs of
tions maintain smoother plant operation. Areas of con- the ammonia converter quench valves. They were stuck
cern such as the primary reformer tube temperatures due to infrequent stroking and, as a result, the commis-
are managed to avoid "hot spots" on the reformer sioning of these ammonia converter modules was
tubes, thus reducing the chances of tube rupture. delayed about six months. Finally, an upgrade of the
Primary reformer exit temperature control stabilized OSI database software was required to solve the day-
the primary reformer operation and further prevented light time change, so that MVC would operate with
overheating of the reformer tubes. The reformer tube valid data. Otherwise, it appeared that there was a loss
lifetime is projected to increase, while the average tem- of one hour's data that forced the system off-line until
perature is held higher. The methane conversion is also the new-time stamped operation data was available.
significantly improved. Predictive control of the H/N A benefit analysis was performed to confirm the col-
ratio to the ammonia converter stabilizes and optimizes lected data. At this time, it appears that the potential for
overall ammonia plant operations. operating the plant with the MVC system will provide
The MVC system has stabilized the plant operation even greater energy savings and ammonia production


Khalid S. Subhani, Engro Chemical Pakistan Ltd.: Brent Frahm, Farmland Industries Inc.: (1) About
(1) How much variation do you have in feed/fuel gas 2% variation in both. The goal of MVC is not only to
composition on a routine basis and how much plant minimize effect of variations, it is also to push con-
rate is varied on a daily basis. I believe that "APC" straints. Often, a plant running very stable may be
will not yield a significant benefit on energy consump- away from its maximum capacity. Running closer to
tion/production increase for a plant which does not the limiting constraint could result in greater variations
have any variation in gas composition and runs flat out and the operations could respond by running slightly
with no rate change (2) What was the total cost of away from the maximum. (2) The cost is confidential
implementing APC? information. It is typical for MVC projects to have less
than a one year payback.


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