Com Rev Dimaampao Questions
Com Rev Dimaampao Questions
Com Rev Dimaampao Questions
I. Corporation
1) Define Corporation
2) Enumerate the attributes of a corporation
3) Juan is a stockholder of AAA Corporation with controlling interest in the said
corporation. For several years, AAA Corporation has been incurring liabilities to the
charging of its creditors. Alarmed, Juan wants to know if the creditors can go after his
own properties should AAA Corporation be unable to fulfill its obligations to its creditors
a) As his lawyer, what advice will you give him?
b) What is the principle of limited liability?
4) Mr. Okada, controlling stockholder and President of Hashtag Holdings (Hashtag), was
able to convince Tom, Dick, and Harry to lend / invest money with Hashtag. For the
money loaned, Mr. Okada issued postdated checks (representing the principal amount
with interest) to the investors. Mr. Okada claims that said money will be invested in
Hashtag’s sister company Girl Trends Realty (GT Realty). Unfortunately, the coronavirus
pandemic swept across the globe causing a global financial crisis. As a result, Hashtag
defaulted in the payment of its loans/ investments and the posted checks issued to the
investors were dishonored.
Tom, Dick and Harr filed charges against Hashtag and Mr. Okada making them solidarily
liable for the investments that were not recovered. And it was also discovered that as
the pandemic was ravaging the economy, Mr. Okada was able to withdraw a substantial
amount of money invested by Tom, Dick and Harry for the formers personal account
and entered into the books of Hashtag as advances to stockholders. Mr. Okada alleges
for his defense that he cannot be made personally liable on the claim of the investors
under the doctrine of separate juridical personality and limited liability.
a) What are the doctrine of “Separate Juridical Personality” and “Limited Liability”?
b) Is Mr. Okada’s defense against being made liable for Hashtag’’s obligations
5) BPO bank extended loan in favor of LU Corporation. The loan was secured by a real
estate mortgage. The obligation matured and LU Corporation was unable to pay upon
maturity. Hence, BPO bank filed a collection suit against LU Corporation.
A,B,C stockholders of LU Corporation seek to invervene in the suit alleging that the loan
transaction between BPO Bank and LU Corporation was not by the stockholders
representing at least 2/3 of the corporate capital. Is the contention of stockholders
A,B,C tenable?
6) PR Company owns a beach resort with several cottages. Jaime, the President of PR,
occupied one of the cottages for residential purposes. After Jaime’s term expired, PR
wanted to recover possession of the cottage. Jaime refused to surrender the cottage,
contending that as stockholder and former president, he has the right to possess and
enjoy the properties of the corporation. Is Jaime’s contention correct?
7) Marulas Creative Technology Inc. an e-business enterprise engaged in the manufacture
of computer media accessories, rents an office and store space at a commercial building
owned by X. Being a start-up company, Marulas enjoyed some leniency in his rent
payments; but after three years, X put a stop to it and asked Marulas and Y, its president
and General Manager, to pay back rentals amounting to One Hundred Thousand Pesos
(P100,0000) or to vacate the premises at the end of the month. Marulas neither paid its
debt nor vacated the premises. X sued Marulas and Y for the collection of the unpaid
rentals, plus interest and cost of litigation. Will the suit prosper against Marulas Creative
Technology Inc? Against Y?
8) Explain the Doctrine of Separate Juridical Personality
9) Yeti Corporation (YC) through its President negotiated for Yahoo Bank (YB) to issue a
letter of credit to course the importation of electronic parts from China to be sold and
distributed to various electronic manufacturing companies in Manila. YB issued letter of
credit thereafter, the electronic parts arrived in Manila. YB released them to the custody
of YC as an entrustee under trust receipt. When YC unpacked the imported parts in its
warehouse, it found that they were not only of inferior quality but also did not fit the
descriptions contained in the bill of lading. YC refused to pay YB the amount owned
under the trust receipt. Thus, YBM commenced a criminal suit against both YC and its
President for estafa and sought the payment of the amount covered in the trust receipt.
For his defense, the President of YC averred that he cannot be held liable under the
trust receipt, which was entered into the name of YC and pursuant to YC’s corporate
purposes. He cited as his legal ground the Doctrine of Separate Juridical Personality. Is
his contention meritorious?
10) May stockholders of a corporation enjoy the tax exemption enjoyed by the latter?
11) May a corporation be held liable for tort? For crime?
12) May a stockholder be held criminally liable for acts committed by a corporation?
13) May a corporation seek moral damages?
14) Enumerate the classes of corporations and define each
15) A corporation was created by a special law. Later, the law creating it was declared
invalid. May such corporation claim to be a de facto corporation?
16) Mamuhunan was invited by his friends to invest in A Corporation, a newly organized
firm engaged in money market and financing operation. Because of his heavy
investments, Mamuhunan became the firm’s president and as such, purchased a big
number of computers, typewriters and other equipment from Tatak Corporation. A
Corporation paid the down payment and Tatak Corporation issued the corresponding
receipts. To this charging, Mamuhunan discovered that the Articles of Incorporation had
not been filed by his friends. A Corporation became bankrupt three months later. Upon
being sued by Tatak Corporation in its personal capacity, Mamuhunan raised the
doctrines of de facto corporation and corporation by estoppel among his defenses. Can
these two defenses be validly raised?
17) What is the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate entity?
18) X was hired by A company, a sole proprietorship, as a security guard. After 17 years of
service, he was asked to tender his resignation and was made to fill up an application
form for the same position, this time with B corporation. X was hired by B corporation
but after several months, A Company informed him not to report back to work again.
Claiming that he as illegally dismissed. X theorizes that A Company and B corporation
should be treated as one entity so that his 17 years of service with the former should be
credited in the computation of his benefits. He insisted that A company and B
corporation have the same place of business and the same set of employees; that C, the
sole proprietor of A Company was also an officer of B corporation; and that B
corporation was managed by the children of C
a) What is a sole proprietorship?
b) May the corporate veil of the two entities be pierced even if A Company is a sole
proprietorship, not a corporation?
19) Nelson owned and controlled Sonnel Construction Company. Acting for the company,
Nelson ordered the construction of a building adjacent to Sonnel’s main branch.
Without first installing a protective net atop the sidewalks adjoining the construction
site, the company proceeded with construction work. One day, a heavy piece of lumber
fell from the building. It smashed a taxicab which at that time had gone off the road and
ono the sidewalk in order to avoid the traffic. The taxicab passenger died as a result.
a) Assume that the company had no more account and property in its name. As
counsel for the heirs of the victim, whom will you sue for damages, and what
theory will you adopt?
b) If you were the counsel for Sonnel Construction, how would you defend your
clients? What would be your theory?
20) Pablo a rich merchant in his early forties was a defendant in a lawsuit which could
subject him to taxes and substantial damages. A year before the court rendered
judgment, Pablo sought his lawyer’s advice on how to plan his estate to avoid taxes. His
lawyer suggested that he should form a corporation with himself, his wife and his
children (all students and unemployed) as stockholders and then transfer all his assets
and liabilities to his corporation. Pablo followed the recommendation of his lawyer. One
year later, the court rendered judgment against Pablo and the plaintiff sought to
enforce judgment. The sheriff, however could not locate any property in the name of
Pablo and therefore returned the writ of execution unsatisfied. What remedy, if any, is
available to the plaintiff?
21) Pablo, a neophyte entrepreneur, was a defendant in a lawsuit which could subject him
to a hefty amount of damages and the possible disclosure of his new business. Having
learned that the RCC was now in effect, he asked Atty. Juan about the effect of putting
up OPC on his looming legal troubles. If you were Atty. Juan, what advice would you give
to Pablo?
22) Explain the Alter Ego Theory, otherwise known as the Instrumentality theory used to
determine whether the corporate veil may be pierced
23) Under the Doctrine of Piercing the veil of Corporate Fiction, is a subsidiary corporation
liable for the obligation of its parent corporation?
24) DBP and PNB both banking institutions acquired their assets of MMIC Corporation. DBP
and PNB reorganized MMIC and named it as NMIC. Soon, NMIC contracted with HRCC
for the construction of a road within its premises. NMIC, however failed to pay its
obligation prompting HRCC to sue NMIC, DBP and PNB. HRCC averred that NMIC was
owned by DBP and PNB, the officers of DBP and PNB are also officers of NMIC and DBP
and PNB financed the operations of NMIC. HRCC argued that a parent corporation may
be held liable for the contracts or obligations of its subsidiary corporation where the
latter was mere agency, instrumentality, or adjunct of the parent corporation. Rule on
HRCC’s contention
25) Ronald Sham doing business under the name of SHAMRON Machineries (Shamron) sold
to Turtle Mercantile (Turtle) a diesel farm tractor. In payment, Turtle’s President and
Manager Dick Sheldon issued a check for P50,000.00 in favor of Shamron. A week later,
Turtle sold the tractor to Briccio Industries for P60,000.00. Bricco discovered that the
engine of the tractor was reconditioned so he refused to pay Turtle. As a result, Dick
Sheldon ordered stop payment of the check issued to Shamron. Shamron sued Turtle
and Dick Sheldon. Shamron obtained a favorable judgment holding co-defendants Turtle
and Dick Sheldon jointly and severally liable. Comment on the decision of the trial court.
Discuss fully.
26) Richard owns 90% of the shared of the capital stock of GOM Co. On one occasion, GOM
represented by Richard as President and General Manager executed a contract to sell a
subdivision lot in favor of Tomas. For failure of GOM to develop the subdivision, Tomas
filed an action for recission and damages against GOM and Richard. Will the action
prosper? Explain
27) How does one pierce the veil of corporate fiction?
28) Plaintiffs filed a collection action against X corporation. Upon execution of the court’s
decision, X corporation was found to be without assets. Thereafter, plaintiffs filed an
action against Y Corporation which owned substantially all of the stocks of X
Corporation. The two corporations have the same board of directors who controlled,
financed and managed their operations. May Y corporation be held liable for the debts
of X corporation? Why?
29) Atty. Jose Magtangol a lessee to 2 buildings owned by Carreon owed the latter rental
arrears and his share in the payment of realty taxes. Consequently, Carreon filed a
complaint for unlawful detainer against Magtanggol before the MeTC of Manila. The
MeTC ruled in Carreon’s favor and ordered Magtanggol to vacate the Carreon
Apartments and to pay various sums of money representing unpaid arrears, realty taxes,
penalty and attorney’s fees. Magtanggol failed to appeal and the case became final and
executory. Before the sheriff was able to levy on his real property as a result of his
failure to satisfy the judgment of the MeTC, Magtanggol suddenly remembered the key
concepts in Corporation Law and decided to form a non-stock corporation Cato Institute
Foundation Inc. with Magtanggol as President and registered his real property in the
name of CIFI. Magtanggol believes that the doctrine of piercing the veil of corporate
fiction applies only to stock corporations and not to non-stock, non-profit corporations
such as CIFI since there are no stockholders to be held liable in such a situation but only
members. Moreover, he also believes that piercing the corporate veil cannot be applied
to a natural person since as a human being, there is no corporate veil shrouding his
person. At a loss on what to do next, Carreon consults his lawyer, Atty. Chevy Chase and
ask him whether the real property of Magtanggol which is now in the name of CIFI is
safe from writ of execution. If you were Atty. Chevy Chase, what legel advise will you
give Carreon?
30) Explain the concept of Reverse Piercing of the Corporate Veil?
31) Explain the following concepts:
a) Outsider reverse piercing
b) Insider reverse piercing
c) What type of reverse piercing is applicable in the case of Magtanggol and
32) How do you determine the nationality of a corporation?
33) Does corporate capital mean the total outstanding capital stock, whether voting or non-
34) X filed a suit to nullify the sale of shares of stock of PLDT, a corporation granted with
telecommunication franchise, which was sold by the Government to FP, Inc. a
Bermunda registered, Hongkong based firm. X claimed that the sale increased foreign
ownership in the common shared on PLDT to as much as 64.27%. This contravened Sec
11 Art XII of the 1987 Constitution which mandated that no franchise for the operation
of a public utility shall be granted except to citizens of the Philippines or to corporations
or association organized under the laws of the Philippines, at least 60 percentum of
whose capital is owned by such citizens. The government insisted on the validity of the
sale arguing that Filipinos still owned 99.4% of PLDT’s preferred shares of stock. To this,
X countered that the bylaws and AOI of PLDT deprived preferred shares of voting rights.
Resolve the suit
35) XY Corporation is engaged in the exploration and development of natural resources. The
law requires that 60% of the capital of a corporation engaged in the utilization of natural
resources be owned by Filipino citizens and 40% by foreign equity. If XY has 100
common shares owned by foreigners and 1,000,000 non-voting preferred shares owned
by Filipinos, with both classes of share having par value of one peso per share, is there a
violation of the aforesaid law?
36) The SEC through its chairperson issued on May 20, 2013 SEC-MC No. 8 entitled
Guidelines on Compliance with the Filipino Foreign Ownership Requirements Prescribe
in the Constitution. Given that Gamboa Decision which attained finality on October 18,
2012 held that the term capital refers only to shares of stock entitled to vote in the
election of directors (only to common shares) and not to the total outstanding capital
stock (common and preferred shares), Atty. Roy impugned the validity of SEC MC 8 for
not conforming to the letter and spirit of the Gamboa Decision. Resolve.
37) A Korean national joined a corporation which is engaged in the furniture manufacturing
business. He was elected to the BOD. To complement its furniture manufacturing
business, the corporation also engaged in the logging business. With the additional
logging activity, can the Korean national still be member of the BOD? Explain
38) Bell Philippines Inc is a public utility company, duly incorporated and registered with the
SEC. Its authorized capital stock consists of voting common shares and non-voting
preferred shares with equal par value of 100 per share. Currently, the issued and
outstanding capital stock of Bell Philippines consists only of common shares between
Bayani Cruz, a Filipino with 60% of the issued common shares and Bernard Fleet, a
Canadian with 40%. To secure additional working fund, Bell Philippines issued preferred
shares to Bernard Fleet equivalent to the currently outstanding common shares. A suit
was filed questioning the corporate action on the ground that the foreign equity
holdings in the company would now exceed the 40% foreign equity limit allowed under
the Constitution for public utilities. Rule on the legality of Bernard Fleet’s current
39) Are Narra, Tesoro, and McArthur Filipino corporations?
I. Insurance:
1) Explain the concept of insurance
2) Enumerate and explain the nature and characteristics of a contract of insurance
3) Who is legally entitled to receive the insurance proceeds? Explain
4) Eternal insist that the policy became effective the moment Joseph purchased the lot on
installment basis. Resolve
5) Enumerate the elements of insurance
6) Is philamcare engaged in the insurance business?
7) When is a contract of insurance perfected?
8) The civil code adopts the theory of cognition, while the code of commerce generally
recognizes the theory of manifestation in the perfection of contracts. How do these two
theories differ?
9) Was the contract of insurance perfected? May the estate of Joaquin recover the
premium paid?
10) Enumerate the kinds or types of insurance contract
11) What risk may be insured against
12) Enumerate the parties to a contract of insurance
13) May a member of the MILF be insured with a company license to do business under the
insurance code?
14) Is the policy valid and binding?
15) How much is the prevailing paid up capital requirement for life or non-life insurance
companies engaged in the business in the Philippines?
X. Insurable interest
16) Explain the concept of insurable interest
17) What is insurable interest in life?
18) Is it necessary for the beneficiary to have insurable interest in the life of the insured?
19) Will the policy be rendered void if the designated beneficiary is disqualified by la to
receive proceeds?
20) Is c entitled to the proceeds?
21) To whom should the proceeds of the insurance policy be awarded?
22) Should the proceeds of the policy be automatically given to the legitimate wife and
23) Will the claim of Vicenta and the legitimate children prosper?
24) Can he make all or any of them the beneficiary or beneficiaries in the insurance policy?
25) If A dies, can B successfully claim against the policy?
26) X filed his insurance claim insisting he has insurable interest over Y. Should the insurer
pay? Reason
27) What will be your advice?
28) Is the insurer bound to pay John the insurance proceeds? May the heirs of Peter claim
the proceeds?
29) May the insured change the beneficiary he has designated in the policy?
30) Explain the effects of irrevocable designation of a beneficiary
31) Decide and give reasons for your answer
32) Is Q’s contention correct?
33) Can Jacob still add Yod and Jojo as his beneficiaries?
34) Can SOS Insurance Corp avoid liability by setting up as a defense the participation of
35) What does insurable interest in property consist of?
36) What is the test to determine insurable interest in property?
37) Decide the case
38) Does BD have an insurable interest over the bank deposit?
39) Does jose have insurable interest over the mansion?
40) When must insurable interest exist?
41) What are the rights of Alpha on the life and fire insurance policies?
42) What is the jurisprudential test in determining the insurable interest in the property?
43) Does ABC have insurable interest in the house? May ABC recover under the policies?
44) Who may recover on the policy?
45) Is garapal insurance legally justified in refusing payments to Benjie? Is nat entitled to
collect on the policy?
46) Distinguish insurable interest in life from insurable interest in property
47) Is the contract of insurance valid?
48) They asserted that the insurance policy proceeds should form part of the estate of the
insured. Resolve
49) With abc insurance company having refused to pay, Alfred filed a complaint against rodil
and sued insurance company. Decide
XIII. Premium
58) Define fir
59) Is payment of premium an essential element for the validity of the insurance contract?
State the rule and its exception
60) Is smpc entitled to recover for the loss of SIC?
61) Will a post-dated check produce the effect of valid payment if it remains unencashed at
the time of loss?
62) May alfredo recover on the insurance policy?
63) Is the insurer liable under the insurance coverage? Why or why not?
64) Could the insurer be made liable under the insurance coverage?
65) Can Francis recover from the Peninsula Insurance company?
66) Can x claim the insurance proceeds? Reason
67) When is the insured entitled to a return of the premium?
68) Is the ruling of the trial court in accord with the prevailing jurisprudence?
XIV. Policy
69) Enumerate the kinds of property insurance policy
70) May the policy be in electronic form?
71) How are contracts of insurance construed?
72) Explain the concept of cover note
73) Did ALAC’s issuance of cover note result in the perfection of an insurance contract
between Quirino and Alac?
74) Does a binding receipt constitute temporary contract of insurance?
75) Explain what is a rider and its binding effect on the insured
76) Enumerate the grounds for the cancellation of non-life policy
77) Enumerate the requisites for a valid cancellation of the policy