Apleton Receptacles-and-Plugs-Explosionproof
Apleton Receptacles-and-Plugs-Explosionproof
Apleton Receptacles-and-Plugs-Explosionproof
Page Description
30-35 EBRH, EBR and DBR Receptacles, Plugs
30-32 Circuit Breaker Data: EBR, DBR
33-35 Dimensions: EBR/EBRH and DBR
36 ECC Cord Connector
37-38 MD2SR Series
Interlocked Switched
locking screw is backed down for cover
removal. To operate, insert plug and
• ECC cord connectors: copper-free
• CPS corrosion resistence kit. Order
aluminum housing and fiber glass re- CPS233RXKIT (For CPR23 only).
turn switch to ON position. inforced polyester interior.
• CES/CESD: “Delayed Action” • Insulating blocks: U-Line ®, CES/ • U-Line corrosion resistance kit. order
construction. To operate, insert plug to ULINEREC4XKIT.
first stop, move Slide-Lok® slide to right CPH, ACP- fiber glass reinforced poly-
and push plug fully forward. Compliances:
ester. FSQX, CPS, CPP, FP-phenolic.
• EBRH/DBR/JBR: “Interlocked Discon- Standard Finishes
• UL Standard 1010, 894, 1682, 1686
nect Switch” provides safe connect and
• Malleable iron mounting boxes:
• Appleton malleable iron products
disconnect operation at 30, 60 or 100 conform to ASTM A47-77, Grade
ampere, 600VAC maximum. Two or three triple-coat-(1) zinc electroplate, (2) 32510, which has the following proper-
pole, non-fused motor circuit switch. dichromate and (3) epoxy powder ties: tensile strength, 50,000 psi; yield,
EBRH permits safe operation in Class I, coat. 32,000 psi; and elongation, 10%.
Group B as well as Class I, Groups C • U-Line receptacles and EBR, EBRH • Appleton aluminum products are pro-
and D, Class II, Groups F, G, and Class and DBR receptacles and mounting duced from a high strength copper-free
III (DBR in Class II and III only). boxes: Epoxy powder coat. (4/10 of 1% max.) alloy.
cover seats against
neoprene gasket.
Back Boxes with an option
for aluminum or malleable Screw cover kit provides
iron. NEMA 3R corrosion
resistance protection.
Cover may be used with hinge at top (stan- Factory sealed receptacle/switch interior. Heavy duty cable grip—exceeds UL 150-lb.
dard) or rotated 180° to put hinge at bottom. Switch is an integral part of receptacle pull-out test for classified locations.
Stainless steel cover spring-completely interior, contained in an aluminum sleeve.
enclosed for protection from corrosive Protective xylan coating on inside of sleeve
environments. provides smooth “rotating” action of internal
switch, which is activated by rotating plug
With plug in use, neoprene gasket in throat in receptacle. Entire aluminum sleeve is
of receptacle “seals” around plug keeping out sealed at both ends with neoprene O-rings
dirt, water, dust and other foreign matter. to protect receptacle/switch interior against
moisture. A twist of the plug produces audible “click”
to indicate fast make and break of built-in
For Convenience…ECP InterchangerTM Plug switch contacts. Twisting plug locks it in
fits ordinary location receptacles (NEMA place—cannot be accidentally pulled out.
5-20 or 15 and NEMA 6-20) and explosionproof
U-Line Receptacle as well as Killark® “UGR” Special neoprene watertight plug bushing
Series and Crouse-Hinds® “ENR” Series. accommodates flexible cord ranging from
.538” to .639” in diameter.
Appleton Model D U-Line® U-Line® Killark Crouse-Hinds No. of Hub
Plug Appleton Plug Receptacle Receptacle Receptacle Receptacle Receptacle Conduit Size, No. of
Rating Cat. No. Rating Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No. Openings In. Gangs
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFS110-20232 ENR-31202 UGR3-20232 ENR-31202 1 1 1
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFSC150-20232 ENRC-11202 UGR4-20232 ENRC-11202 2 1/2 1
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFSC175-20232 ENRC-21202 UGR5-20232 ENRC-21202 2 3/4 1
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFSC110-20232 ENRC-31202 UGR6-20232 ENRC-31202 2 1 1
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFS250-20232 ENR-12202 UGR7-20232 ENR-12202 1 1/2 2
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFS275-20232 ENR-22202 UGR8-20232 ENR-22202 1 3/4 2
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFS210-20232 ENR-32202 UGR9-20232 ENR-32202 1 1 2
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFSC250-20232 ENRC-12202 UGR10-20232 ENRC-12202 2 1/2 2
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFSC275-20232 ENRC-22202 UGR11-20232 ENRC-22202 2 3/4 2
250V,20A,2HP ECP-20232 250V,20A,2HP EFSC210-20232 ENRC-32202 UGR12-20232 ENRC-32202 2 1 2
NCP PLUG (30% Glass-Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyester). Ideal where moisture or corrosion is a constant
ECP Plug
problem, such as production facilities on marine platforms, and pipeline transportation facilities.
Cat. No. ECP Plug
Cat. No. NCP Plug
(Model D)
Wire/ Cable Dia.,
Amps Diagram 125V 250V 125V 250V
Pole Inches
15 2W,3P .538 to .639 ECP-1523 ––– NCP-1523 –––
NCP Plug
20 2W,3P .538 to .639 ECP-2023 ––– NCP-2023 –––
20 2W,3P .538 to .639 ––– ECP-20232 ––– NCP-20232
◊ Shaded area indicates items suitable for Class I, Group B in addition to Class I, Groups C and D; Class II, Groups F*, G; and Class III.
† Aluminum receptacle cover and malleable iron EFD box. For aluminum box and receptacle cover, add suffix–A.
‡ Seals (not furnished—see Cat. Sec. I) must be placed within 2 inches from each conduit opening.
* Do not use where electrically conductive dusts are present (most coal dusts are not electrically conductive).
• NEMA Type 3RX when the screw cover is installed and the cover is fully engaged.
Single Gang-Factory Sealed
Class I, Groups B,C, and D 125V 250V
Class II, Groups F*,G Class III
Dead-End Feed-Thru Dead-End 2W,3P 1/2 EFSB150-2023M EFSB150-20232M
3/4 EFSB175-2023M EFSB175-20232M
Feed-Thru 2W,3P 1/2 EFSCB150-2023M EFSCB150-20232M
3/4 EFSCB175-2023M EFSCB175-20232M
3/4 EFS275-2023M EFS275-20232M
1 EFS210-2023M EFS210-20232M
Feed-Thru 2W,3P 1/2 EFSC250-2023M EFSC250-20232M
3/4 EFSC275-2023M EFSC275-20232M
Dead-End Feed-Thru 1 EFSC210-2023M EFSC210-20232M
◊ Shaded area indicates items suitable for Class I, Group B in addition to Class I, Groups C and D; Class II, Groups F*, G; and Class III.
‡ Seals (not furnished—see Cat. Sec. I) must be placed within 2 inches from each conduit opening.
* To reduce the risk of ignition of hazardous atmospheres, do not use where electrically conductive dusts are present (most coal dusts are
not electrically conductive).
• Provides required ground fault
protection for portable electrically-oper-
ated devices. Meets all UL and CSA
requirements for ground fault protec-
tion in hazardous locations.
• Well suited for use in highly corro-
sive atmospheres and wet locations.
EFSR-GFI cover mounted on single-gang box. The GFI
• Can be used in conjunction with cover has separate factory-sealed sealing chamber
U-Line factory-sealed Model B recep- and is suitable for Class I, Group B as well as Class I,
tacle on 20A, 125VAC branch circuits. Groups C and D; Class II, Groups E,F,G and Class III.
• Factory sealed construction; no ex-
ternal seals are required. Arcing, if
any, is confined within the device’s in-
terior sealed chamber.
• Rated 20A, 125VAC, 5 MA trip
• Smooth-operating test and reset but-
• Can be installed in standard EFD
Series mounting boxes shown on L-10. EFSR-GFI cover installed on two-gang
Choice of malleable iron or aluminum, EFD box together with U-Line 20A,
dead-end or feed-thru styles, with 1/2”, 125VAC factory-sealed receptacle.
Receptacle listed for Class I, Groups C
3/4” or 1” hubs. and D, Class II, Groups F and G, and
Class III.
Standard Materials
• Cover and sealing chamber: cast
copper-free aluminum (less than
4/10ths of 1%).
• Cover bolts, test and reset buttons
and shafts: stainless steel.
Standard Finish
• Cover and sealing chamber: baked Catalog Number
grey epoxy clad finish. Description Hub Malleable Iron Aluminum
Compliances GFI Cover and Box-Single Gang-Factory Sealed
• UL Standard 943 and 1203
1/2” EFS150-GFI EFS150A-GFI
• NEMA 3, 3R, 7BCD, and 9EFG Dead-End 3/4” EFS175-GFI EFS175A-GFI
• CSA Standard C22.2
Feed-Thru 3/4” EFSC175-GFI EFSC175A-GFI
◊ Shaded area indicated items suitable for Aluminum Ground Fault Interrupter Cover/Device
Class I, Group B and Class II, Group E in ad- Cover may be used with other boxes and U-Line®
dition to Class I, Groups C and D and Class II, receptacles in this section. EFSR-GFI
Groups F,G.
• Provides required portable ground fault
protection for electrically-operated
devices. Meets all UL and CSA
requirements for ground fault protection
in hazardous locations.
• Well suited for use in highly corrosive
atmospheres and wet locations.
• Arcing, if any, is confined within the
devices interior.
• Rated 20A, 125VAC, 5 MA trip
• Provides open neutral protection to
maximize safety for plant personnel.
• High intensity LED pilot light rated at
100,000 hours. Incandescent optional,
consult factory.
• Smooth-operating test and reset
• Heavy duty 3' SO power cord with
U-Line 20A NEMA 5-20P plug.
• Lightweight (7-1/2 lbs.) design.
• Convenient carry/hanging handle.
• Plug mates with competitors
comparable receptacles. The receptacle Amperage Pilot Light Class I, Division 1 and 2
also accepts their respective plugs.
Standard Materials
Green LED U2023PGFID1G3
• Covers and backbox: cast
copper-free aluminum (less than
4/10ths of 1%). Red LED U2023PGFID1R3
• Cover bolts, test and reset buttons
and shafts: stainless steel.
• Hanging cable: nylon covered Dimensions 5.92" 6.25"
galvanized steel.
Standard Finish
• Baked grey epoxy clad finish.
• UL Standard 943 and 1203
• NEMA 3, 3R, 7CD, and 9FG
• CSA Standard C22.2 12.90"
38" Cord
Single Gang
Dead-End 1/2 EFD150-NL-Q EFD150A-NL-Q
3/4 EFD175-NL-Q EFD175A-NL-Q
1 EFD110-NL-Q EFD110A-NL-Q
Two Gang
Dead-End 1/2 EFD250-NL-Q EFD250A-NL-Q
3/4 EFD275-NL-Q EFD275A-NL-Q
1 EFD210-NL-Q EFD210A-NL-Q
Feed-Thru 1/2 EFDC250-NL-Q EFDC250A-NL-Q
3/4 EFDC275-NL-Q EFDC275A-NL-Q
1.52” 1.75”
(3.9cm) (4.4cm)
◊ Shaded area indicates items suitable for Class I, Group B in addition to Class I, Groups C and D when installed with suitable cover.
Effective September, 2005 800-621-1506
Copyright 2005 www.appletonelec.com
Contender® U-Line® Factory Sealed Receptacles
20 Amp, Explosionproof, Dust-Ignitionproof
• Locations where receptacles are used
with stationary or portable electrically
operated devices such as lighting systems,
conveyors, heaters, motor generator sets,
air conditioners, compressors, and pumps.
• Locations where damp or corrosive
conditions are encountered.
• Covers are UL listed when used with
Contender ® series backboxes.
• Covers are UL Classified to mount on
Crouse-Hinds® EDS backboxes.
• Appleton “ENR” Series receptacles
are UL Classified for use with Crouse-
Hinds® ENP Series plugs.
• Appleton’s InterchangerTM plug mates
with Killark® “UGR” Series and Crouse-
Hinds “ENR” Series receptacles.
• ECP plug fits any standard U-Ground
non-explosionproof receptacle (NEMA
5-15R, 5-20R, or 6-20R) as well as U-
Line explosionproof receptacles.
• Positive mechanical cable clamps
prevent strain on cables– they meet
or exceed UL strain relief pull-out
• Insulators provide greatest dielec-
tric and mechanical strength, lowest
moisture absorption, and lowest “arc
• U-Line receptacle: “Dead-Front”
construction. To operate, insert plug
and rotate. Rotation of plug activates
switch to ON position during plug
insertion and to OFF position during
plug withdrawal.
Standard Materials
• Cover: copper-free aluminum.
• Backbox: malleable iron (option-
al copper-free aluminum backbox
• Insulating Blocks: fiberglass reinforced
thermoset polyester.
Standard Finishes Options
• Appleton malleable iron products
• Malleable iron mounting boxes: triple- • U-Line all -aluminum receptacle cover conform to ASTM A47-77, Grade
coat– (1) zinc electroplate, (2) dichro- and box. Suffix –SA. 32510, which has the following proper-
mate and (3) epoxy powder coat. • U-Line corrosion resistance kit. Order ties: tensile strength, 50,000 psi; yield,
• Covers and aluminum backboxes: ULINE3RXKIT. 32,000 psi; and elongation, 10%.
epoxy powder coat. Compliances • Appleton aluminum products are pro-
• UL Standard 1010 and 894 duced from a high strength copper-free
(4/10 of 1% max.) alloy.
Catalog Numbers
Type Hub Size 125V 250V
ENR5201 ENR6202
These watertight plugs also fit NEMA 5-15R, 5-20R or 6-20R receptacles in non-classified areas.
U-Line® Interchanger™ ECP PLUG (Aluminum) Standard plug suitable for use in such areas as
refineries, petrochemical plants, and other areas subject to corrosion.
NCP PLUG (Filled Polyester) Ideal where moisture or corrosion is a constant problem, such as
† Aluminum receptacle cover and malleable iron Contender Series box. For aluminum box and receptacle cover, add suffix –SA.
* Do not use where electrically conductive dusts are present (most coal dusts are not electrically conductive).
NEMA Type 3RX when the screw cover kit is installed and the cover is fully engaged.
June, 2008
2005 800-621-1506
2005 2008 www.appletonelec.com
Dimensions: Contender® U-Line®
Factory Sealed Receptacles and Plugs
.34” Dia.
5.95” 5.88”
(15.1cm) (14.9cm) 5.88”
6.81” 5.09” (14.9cm)
(17.3cm) (15.0cm)
3.50” 7.19”
(8.9cm) (18.3cm)
1.52” 1.75”
(3.9cm) (4.4cm)
(8.9cm) 2.78”
3.20” 3.06”
(8.1cm) (7.8cm)
• Provides required ground fault
protection for portable electrically-oper-
ated devices. Meets all UL and CSA
requirements for ground fault protection
in hazardous locations.
• Well suited for use in highly corrosive
atmospheres and wet locations.
• Can be used in conjunction with
U-Line factory-sealed Contender recep-
tacle on 20A, 125VAC branch circuits.
• Covers are UL listed when used with
Contender series backboxes.
4.34” 5.09”
11.0 cm 12.9 cm
6.4 cm
10.8 cm
N1 Series (Non-Factory Sealed)*
• Listed for use in Class I, Group C
and D, Division 1 and 2 atmospheres
such as diethyl ether, methyl ethyl
keytone, acetone, toluene, No. 3 fuel
oil, ammonium hydroxide (20%),
benzene, regular unleaded gas, ethyl
acetate, hexane and methanol. Not
suitable for ethylene dichloride and
partially halogenated hydrocarbons.
Sealing fittings must be field installed
adjacent to enclosure on a conduit
• Explosionproof. With sealing fittings
installed at each conduit entrance, the
N1 Series enclosures withstood a hy-
drostatic test of four times the maxi-
mum internal explosion pressure that
could be developed from a gas explo-
N2 Series (Factory Sealed)
• Listed for use in Class I, Group C Features-N1 Series Features-N2 Series
and D, Division 2 atmospheres such
as diethyl ether, methyl ethyl key- • First UL listed non-metallic control • Molded of high-tensile 30% glass-re-
tone, acetone, toluene, No. 3 fuel oil, stations available for Class I, Div. 1. inforced thermoplastic polyester. En-
ammonium hydroxide (20%), benzene, • Unique labyrinth-path construction closure walls are 5/16” thick.
regular unleaded gas, ethyl acetate,
hexane and methanol. Factory sealed
assures flame-tight joint between body • Silicone gasket, specially designed
and cover. for the labyrinth-path point between
— no external seals required. • Silicone gasket, specially designed cover and body, prevents entrance of
• Dust-tight. After 32-hour UL test, for the labyrinth-path joint, prevents moisture and dust.
no magnesium dust entered the
entrance of moisture without interfering • Typical mechanical proper ties
with the venting of cooled hazardous of 17,000 psi tensile strength, 3%
gases and vapors. elongation at break, 27,000 psi
Features–N1 and N2 Series
• Non-metallic construction with metal • High strength thermoplastic poly- flexural strength, and 1,100,000 psi
flexural modulus (UL tests: 18,918 psi
imbedded grounding grid. No need etherimide, together with thick wall
(5/16”) and sound structural design tensile strength and 30,675 psi flexural
to install special wires and parts for strength).
grounding. Feed-thru or dead end (rounded corners) provides superior
grounded 1/2” or 3/4” conduit openings resistance to impact and crushing. • Electrical properties of sample speci-
for threaded conduit. • Typical mechanical properties of mens: dielectric strength of 490 at
24,500 psi tensile strengths, 3% elon- 1/8” and a comparative track index of
• Special grounding wire finished with
gation at break, 33,000 psi flexural 185V/.058”.
each box provides safe grounding
when cover is removed. strength, and 1,200,000 psi flexural
• Excellent resistance to ultraviolet
• Electrical proper ties: dielectric
† Sealing fittings not furnished. Order from
Cat. Sec.I.
light and water.
strength (in air) of 769 V/mil at 1/16”.
• Excellent conduit connection
• Excellent resistance to fungi, mold.
strength. UL pull-out and bending re-
sistance tests resulted in no effect on • Excellent Heat Deflection Tempera-
connections. ture. At 264 psi, in accordance with
ASTM D648 testing procedure, sample
• Superior flammability resistance.
specimens rated at 410°F the tempera-
After five UL gas burner tests, where
flame was applied directly to the box, ture required to deflect material .01”).
enclosure retained its integrity. • UL Temperature Index (continuous
use): 338°F electrical properties, 338°F
mechanical properties with impact.
1/2 or 3/4 2W,3P 125 N1D75-2023 N2D75-2023
1/2 or 3/4 2W,3P 125 N1DC75-2023 N2DC75-2023
Interchanger™ ECP PLUG (Aluminum). Standard plug suitable for use in such areas as refineries,
petrochemical plants, and other areas subject to corrosion by ignitible gases and moisture.
NCP PLUG (Filled Polyester). Ideal where moisture or corrosion is a constant problem, such as
production facilities on marine platforms, and pipeline transportation facilities.
Cat. No. ECP Plug (Model D) Cat. No. NCP Plug
Wire/ Cable Dia.,
Amps Diagram Pole Inches 125V 250V 125V 250V
†Sealing fittings must be field installed adjacent to enclosure on all conduit runs. *Do not use in atmospheres containing electrically conductive
dusts (most coal dusts are not electrically conductive).
**Furnished with a 3/4” to 1/2” reducer.
NEMA Type 4X rated when screw cover fully engaged or when plug is inserted.
1.52” 1.75”
(3.9cm) (4.4cm)
U.S. Pat. 4,391,480 U.S. Pat. 3,346,709 Thread Size Catalog Number
Patented Canada 1985 Patented Canada 1968 and Type Wire/Pole 125V 250V
These watertight plugs also fit NEMA 5-15R, 5-20R or 6-20R receptacles in nonclassified areas.
Wire/ Cable Dia., Cat. No. ECP Plug (Model D) Cat. No. NCP Plug
Amps Diagram Pole Inches 125V 250V 125V 250V
Class I, Div. 1 NEMA 7BCD with 1-1/2” (1-1/2—11-1/2 NPT) or 2” (2—11 1/2 NPSM)
thread opening. Minimum 7 full threads of engagement required for
Group B; minimum 5 threads for Groups C and D.
Class I, Div. 2 NEMA 3,3R,3S,12 or any suitable enclosed and gasketed enclosure that
prevents the escape of sparks or burning materials.
Class II, Div. 1 NEMA 9F*G with 1-1/2” (1-1/2—11-1/2 NPT) or 2” (2—11-1/2 NPSM)
thread opening. Minimum 3 full threads of engagement required.
Class II, Div. 2 NEMA 3, 3S,12 or any suitable enclosed and gasketed enclosure that
minimizes entrance of dust and prevents escape of sparks or burning
For Class I, Div. 1 applications, the ECHT is ideal where unit is threaded into 1-1/2” NPT
threads, such as in panelboards. The ECH is ideal for Class I, Div. 1 applications
in NPSM (straight) thread 2” openings. Class I, Div. 1 applications require a minimum of
five full threads of engagement (seven for Group B).
• For Class I, Div. 2 applications, the ECHT and ECH are suitable for use with approved
enclosures having threaded or non-threaded openings for these receptacles. Where
threaded enclosures are used, they must have 1-1/2” NPT or NPSM threads to fit the
ECHT and 2” NPSM (straight) threads to fit the ECH. No thread engagement is required
unless non-factory sealed devices are also installed in the enclosure.
• Furnished with steel locknut and neoprene sealing gasket assembly.
• Gasketed construction protects receptacle against moisture and dirt with plug in or out.
• Interior switch cylinder has neoprene O-ring at each end to seal out dust and moisture.
• Copper-free aluminum housing (4/10 of 1% max.). Epoxy clad-two-coat baked finish.
Do not use where electrically conductive dusts are present (most coal dusts are not electrically conductive). ECHT has 1-1/2” tapered
threads (1-1/2-11-1/2 NPT); ECH has 2” straight threads (2—11-1/2 NPSM). ‡Suitable for these types with a suitable NEMA enclosure.
• Meets NEMA 4X when plug is installed or screw cover is fully engaged and mounted in a suitable enclosure. NEMA 3X when spring cover
is used and mounted in a suitable enclosure.
Effective September, 2005 800-621-1506
Copyright 2005 www.appletonelec.com
Class I, Div. 1 and 2, Groups B,C,D
Class II, Div, 1 and 2, Groups F*,G 20 Amp U-Line® ECCL Factory Sealed
Class III
Cable Connectors
Dead-Front Safety Construction—Grounding thru Extra Pole and Shell.
CSA Certified Choice of Aluminum or Thermoplastic Polyester Plug.
These watertight plugs also fit NEMA 5-15R, 5-20R or 6-20R receptacles in nonclassified areas.
Wire/ Cable Dia., Cat. No. ECP Plug (Model D) Cat. No. NCP Plug
Amps Diagram Pole Inches 125V 250V 125V 250V
Applications Features
• For making up adapter sets for • When plug is withdrawn, ECCL • Cable clamp provides positive grip
c o n n e c t i n g p o r t a b l e d ev i c e s gasketed spring cover snaps shut to on cable. Furnished with 2 bushings
having ECP U-Line Plugs to existing protect against moisture and combus- to accommodate various cable sizes.
receptacles in non-hazardous areas.
Completed adapter set consists of
tible dust. With plug in use, gasket in
receptacle throat “seals” around plug
• Copper-free aluminum housing
(4/10ths of 1% max. copper content).
ECCL (or ECC), short flexible cord for protection against environment.
• Epoxy powder coat.
and plug to fit existing receptacle. • Interior switch cylinder has neo-
prene O-ring at each end to seal out
combustible dust and moisture.
NEMA Type 4X when screw cover kit is used and screw cover is fully engaged.
Do not use where electrically conductive dusts are present (most coal dusts are not electrically conductive).
June, 2008
2005 800-621-1506
2005 2008 www.appletonelec.com
Class I, Div. 1 and 2
Groups B,C,D 20 Amp CPS Factory Sealed Receptacles:
NEMA 3RX•, 7BCD Explosionproof
Dead-Front Safety Construction—Grounding thru Extra Pole and Shell.
CPS Receptacles
120-240V A.C., 20A at 1 H.P.; 20A at 24V D.C.
3/4 CPC2-2375
1 CPC2-23100
• NEMA 3X with Screw Cover Kit installed and cover full engaged.
Effective September, 2005 800-621-1506
Copyright 2005 www.appletonelec.com
Dimensions: CPS Factory Sealed
Receptacles and CPP Plugs
Catalog Numbers
Type Hub Size 20A 125-250VAC• 1HP, 20A @ 18VDC
1.52” 1.75”
(3.9cm) (4.4cm)
Effective September,
Effective 2007 2005
September, 800-621-1506
Copyright 2007 2005
Copyright www.appletonelec.com
Class I, Div. 1 and 2
Groups C,D* 30 and 60 Amp CES and CESD Factory Sealed
Receptacles: Explosionproof
Weatherproof Spring Cover—Grounding thru Extra Pole and Shell.
Delayed-Action Safety Construction with Slide-Lok® Design.
Pressure Wire Terminals.
CES Receptacles-30 Amp and 60 Amp, 125-250VAC (See H.P. ratings below.)
Furnished with one vertical and two horizontal feed-thru hubs.
30 Amps 2W,3P 3/4 CES-3023 CES30B † CESR-3023 CERI-3023
30 Amps 3W,4P 3/4 CES-3034 CES30B † CESR-3034 CERI-3034
60 Amps 2W,3P 1-1/4 CES-6023 CES60B † CESR-6023 CERI-6023
60 Amps 3W,4P 1-1/4 CES-6034 CES60B † CESR-6034 CERI-6034
CESD Receptacles-30 Amp and 60 Amp, 125-250VAC (See H.P. ratings below.)
Furnished with vertical feed-thru hubs.
30 Amps 2W,3P 3/4 CESD-3023 CESD30B ‡ CESR-3023 CERI-3023
30 Amps 3W,4P 3/4 CESD-3034 CESD30B ‡ CESR-3034 CERI-3034
60 Amps 2W,3P 1-1/4 CESD-6023 * CESD60B ‡ CESR-6023* CERI-6023
60 Amps 3W,4P 1-1/4 CESD-6034 * CESD60B ‡ CESR-6034* CERI-6034
CPH Plugs and Plug Interiors for use with Receptacles Above
Cable Dia. Complete Replacement
Type Wire/Pole
(Inches) Plug Interior
30 Amps 2W,3P .500-1.375 CPH-3023BC CEPI-3023B
30 Amps 3W,4P .500-1.375 CPH-3034BC CEPI-3034B
2008 2005 800-621-1506
2008 2005 www.appletonelec.com
Dimensions: CES/CESD
Receptacles and CPH Plugs
CES Receptacles
Hub Max.
Size Amps.
Dimensions in Inches
3/4 30 8.31 4.94 2.38 3.38 2.63 4.69 .31 1.50 .78 1/4D 5.07
1-1/4 60 11.88 6.88 2.88 5.25 4.38 7.31 .44 2.56 1.38 13/32D 7.10
Dimensions in Centimeters
3/4 30 21.0 12.5 6.0 8.6 6.7 11.9 .8 3.8 2.0 — 12.9
1-1/4 60 30.2 17.5 7.3 13.3 11.1 18.8 1.1 6.5 3.5 — 18.0
CESD Receptacles
Hub Max.
Size Amps.
Dimensions in Inches
3/4 30 8.69 6.75 1.88 3.38 4.38 5.13 3.75 1.38 .69 11/32D 5.07
1-1/4 60 12.75 9.31 3.19 5.25 6.25 7.25 6.31 2.56 1.38 13/32D 7.10
Dimensions in Centimeters
3/4 30 22.1 17.2 4.8 8.6 11.1 13.0 9.5 3.5 1.8 — 12.9
1-1/4 60 32.4 23.7 8.1 13.3 15.9 18.4 16.0 6.5 3.5 — 18.0
CPH Plugs
Wire/Pole A B C D E
Dimensions in Inches
30 2W,3P;3W,4P 6.13 2.38 1.86 3.31 4.44
60 2W,3P 8.44 3.06 2.23 3.31 5.69
60 3W,4P 8.44 3.06 2.55 3.31 5.69
Dimensions in Centimeters
30 2W,3P;3W,4P 15.6 6.0 4.7 8.4 11.3
• Locations where receptacles are
used with stationar y or por table
electrically operated devices such as
lighting systems, conveyers, heaters,
motor generator sets, air condition-
ers, compressors and pumps.
• Patented “Sure-Lock” mechanism.
Plug must be inserted into receptacle
before the switch is in the on position.
• JBR is UL Listed with ACP Power-
tite® plugs and CPH plugs.
• Receptacle supplied with flip cover
and screw cover.
• Positive polarization; only plugs of
the same style, number of poles and
amperage rating may be used with
these receptacles.
• Cover bolts are stainless steel and
• Terminal block provided in mounting
box for ease of wiring. Factory wired
between the receptacle and terminal
• JBR receptacles are Style 2. Grounding
is provided by an extra pole and the
• Receptacles may be locked in the
OFF position.
• Mounting box provided 1-1/2” vertical
feed-thru conduit openings. Reducer
bushings provided for 1-1/4” conduit
opening. All conduit openings have
NPT threads.
• O-ring gasket provided between the
mounting box and receptacle cover.
• Internal switch provides safe and
quick disconnect means. No need for
separate disconnect switch.
• UL Classified for use in specific
combinations with Crouse-Hinds Arktite® Options interior is rotated 22-1/2° (relative to the
• For field installed drain and breather polarization rib) clockwise of standard
Standard Materials set, order one DRNB4X drain and one and plug is polarized to correspond.
• Receptacle housing and mounting BRTB4X breather. Both are NEMA 4X
rated for Group B. Compliances
box are copper-free aluminum.
• • UL Standard 1010.
• Cover bolts, mounting feet and hing- Special Polarization: Add suffix–P4
to catalog number of receptacle or • NEMA Type 3, 3R, 4, 4X, 7BCD, 9FG
es are stainless steel. & 12.
connector. Prevents plug insertion in a
Standard Finishes receptacle or connector wired for a dif-
• Receptacle and mounting box are ferent voltage.
epoxy powder coated grey. Suffix—P4: Looking at face of recepta-
cle, the receptacle interior or connector
Electrical Rating
30 and 60 Amp,
600 Volts AC,
50-400 Hertz
3–Phase 30 7.5 15 20
3W,4P 60 10 25 30 30 Amp Plug Clamping Ring 30CRING
30 Amp Screw Cover 30SCAP
(for receptacle)
* Do not use where electrically conductive dusts are present (most coal dusts are not electrically conductive).
† Flip cover suitable for NEMA 3, 3R only. Select screw cover for 4, 4X. Both covers are included with product. NEMA 4 rating maintained with
Appleton NEMA 4 plug installed.
• Supplied with (2) 1-1/2” to 1-1/4” reducing bushings.
Top View
Bottom View
May, 2008
2005 800-621-1506
2005 2008 www.appletonelec.com
Class II, Div. 1 and 2
Groups F*,G DBR Receptacles with Disconnect Switch or
Class III with Circuit Breaker: 30, 60, and 100 Amp;
NEMA 3,3R,4 ,4X ,5,9F*G
Weatherproof Spring Cover. 600V A.C. Max.
Grounding thru Extra Pole and Shell.
U.S. Patent No. 3,735,078 Circuit Cat. No. Cat. No. Cat. No.
Breaker with 480V A.C. with 600V A.C. with 600V A.C.
Receptacle Amp Pole EHD Breaker FDB Breaker FD Breaker
90 3 DBR6034EH70 DBR6034FB70 DBR6034HFB70
100 3 DBR6034EH90 DBR6034FB90 DBR6034HFB90
DBR6034EH100 DBR6034FB100 DBR6034HFB100
•Circuit Breakers are Westinghouse (Cutler-Hammer). Add GE after EH, FB, or HFB for GE Circuit Breakers.
† Flip cover suitable for NEMA 3, 3R only. Select screw cover for 4, 4X. Both covers are included with product. NEMA 4 rating maintained
with Appleton NEMA 4 plug installed.
*Do not use where electrically conductive dusts are present (most coal dusts are not electrically conductive).
Effective September, 2005 800-621-1506
Copyright 2005 www.appletonelec.com
EBR/DBR Receptacles:
Circuit Breaker and Disconnect Switch Data
30, 60, 100 and 150 Amp, 600V A.C. Maximum.
and is trip-free.
Enclosure has additional 3/4” threaded
openings top and bottom for installa-
tion of optional drain and breather; EBR/DBR Horsepower Rating Table
reducers furnished. (Disconnect Switch)
EBR/DBR Circuit Breaker Data (Cutler-Hammer) Max. Horsepower Rating
Max. 120 240 480 600 250
Interrupting Ratings Amp. VAC VAC VAC VAC VDC
May, 2008
2005 800-621-1506
2005 2008 www.appletonelec.com
Plugs for EBR, EBRH and DBR
Receptacles, and Plug Dimensions
Dimensions in Inches
CPH Plugs
Amps. Wire/Pole A B C D E
Dimensions in Inches
Dimensions in Centimeters
May, September,
2008 2005 800-621-1506
2008 2005 www.appletonelec.com
EBR/EBRH Dimensions
May, 2008
2005 800-621-1506
2005 2008 www.appletonelec.com
DBR Dimensions
Catalog Number
Nipple Size Cord Dia. UL Listed CSA Certified
★ 12” leads of #12 stranded wire are furnished for connection to wiring or equipment within the explosion-proof housing.
Grounding Plug
Clips over TGP Grounding Stud. Cord not furnished-No.8 single TGR
conductor Type “S” recommended.
Static Discharge
Grounding Reel
(Cat. Sec. Z)
TGP Studs and TGR Plug used Grounding Reel installed on Grounding Reel installed on
at gasoline bulk station. Studs building. Here TGR Plug re- truck. Alligator Clip attaches to
permanently installed on truck places alligator clip furnished TGP Stud, which is permanent-
and building. as standard with reel. ly installed on airplane.
Dimensions of ECC Cord Connector Dimensions of TGP Grounding Stud and TGR Plug
• Locations where receptacles are
used with stationary or portable elec-
trically operated devices such as light-
ing systems, conveyors, heaters, motor
generator sets, air conditioners, com-
pressors, and pumps.
• Factory Sealed; No external seals
• Available in fused and unfused
• UL Listed for use with Appleton ACP
• UL Classified for use with Crouse-
Hinds APJ plugs.
• Positive polarization; only plugs of the
same style, number of poles, and am-
perage rating may be used with these
• Patented “Sure-Lock” mechanism.
Plug must be inserted into the recep-
tacle before the switch can be turned
on. Plug cannot be withdrawn unless
the switch is in the off position.
• Cover bolts are stainless steel and
• Standard epoxy powder coating
inside and outside delivers exceptional
corrosion resistance.
• Insulated, dual-color polymer
operating handle clearly indicates the
switch being energized. Ergonomi-
cally designed handle is made of high-
impact polymer material for exceptional
ruggedness, durability and corrosion
resistance. • Accommodates #8 – #4/0 AWG cop- Options
• Utilizes Style 2 grounding. (See per wire. • One normally opened, one normally
page D4) • Unit is equipped with defeatable closed auxiliary switch, add suffix
• Removable hinged cover allows for door interlock which allows emergency -AUX.
ease of installation and maintenance. access when switch is energized. • Special polarization add suffix -P4.
• Shor t circuit withstand rated to • Cover can be padlocked closed. Compliances
200,000 RMS Symmetrical Amperes
(Class J Fusing).
• Operating handle can be locked in
• UL Listed, UL File E10784
the OFF position with provision to lock
• Short circuit withstand rated to 10,000 in the ON position. • UL Standard 498, 1682, 50, 98
RMS symmetrical amperes (unfused).
Standard Materials * Do not use where electrically conductive
• Conduit entry is drilled and tapped to
• Enclosure– copper-free aluminum dusts are present (most coal dusts are not
1-1/2”. Reducer bushings 1-1/2”–1-1/4” with epoxy powder coating inside and electrically conductive).
and 1-1/2”–1” provided at no additional outside. † Flip cover suitable for NEMA 3, 3R only.
cost. Select screw cover for 4, 4X. Both covers
• Stainless Steel key-hole mounting • Operating handle–High impact are included with product. NEMA 4 rating
polymer. maintained with Appleton NEMA 4 plug in-
feet for easy installation.
• Hardware–Stainless Steel. stalled.
Catalog No. A B
* Do not use where electrically conductive dusts are present (most coal dusts are not electrically conductive).
† Flip cover suitable for NEMA 3, 3R only. Select screw cover for NEMA 4, 4X. Both covers are included with product.
◆ Fused units contain fuse holders; fuses not included.